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How to use Solver in Excel with examples

Svetlana Cheusheva

The tutorial explains how to add and where to find Solver in different Excel versions, from 2016 to 2003. Step-by-step examples show how to use Excel Solver to find optimal solutions for linear programming and other kinds of problems.

Everyone knows that Microsoft Excel contains a lot of useful functions and powerful tools that can save you hours of calculations. But did you know that it also has a tool that can help you find optimal solutions for decision problems?

In this tutorial, we are going to cover all essential aspects of the Excel Solver add-in and provide a step-by-step guide on how to use it most effectively.

What is Excel Solver?

Excel Solver belongs to a special set of commands often referred to as What-if Analysis Tools. It is primarily purposed for simulation and optimization of various business and engineering models.

The Excel Solver add-in is especially useful for solving linear programming problems, aka linear optimization problems, and therefore is sometimes called a linear programming solver . Apart from that, it can handle smooth nonlinear and non-smooth problems. Please see Excel Solver algorithms for more details.

How to add Solver to Excel

The Solver add-in is included with all versions of Microsoft Excel beginning with 2003, but it is not enabled by default.

To add Solver to your Excel, perform the following steps:

  • In Excel 2010 - Excel 365, click File > Options . In Excel 2007, click the Microsoft Office button, and then click Excel Options .

Open the Excel Options dialog to get to the Excel Add-ins list.

To get Solver on Excel 2003 , go to the Tools menu, and click Add-Ins . In the Add-Ins available list, check the Solver Add-in box, and click OK .

Where is Solver in Excel?

The Solver button in Excel

Where is Solver in Excel 2003?

Solver in Excel 2003

Now that you know where to find Solver in Excel, open a new worksheet and let's get started!

How to use Solver in Excel

Before running the Excel Solver add-in, formulate the model you want to solve in a worksheet. In this example, let's find a solution for the following simple optimization problem.

Problem . Supposing, you are the owner of a beauty salon and you are planning on providing a new service to your clients. For this, you need to buy a new equipment that costs $40,000, which should be paid by instalments within 12 months.

Goal : Calculate the minimal cost per service that will let you pay for the new equipment within the specified timeframe.

A simple optimization model to solve

And now, let's see how Excel Solver can find a solution for this problem.

1. Run Excel Solver

2. define the problem.

The Solver Parameters window will open where you have to set up the 3 primary components:

  • Objective cell

Variable cells


Exactly what does Excel Solver do with the above parameters? It finds the optimal value (maximum, minimum or specified) for the formula in the Objective cell by changing the values in the Variable cells, and subject to limitations in the Constraints cells.

The Objective cell ( Target cell in earlier Excel versions) is the cell containing a formula that represents the objective, or goal, of the problem. The objective can be to maximize, minimize, or achieve some target value.

Setting the objective

Variable cells ( Changing cells or Adjustable cells in earlier versions) are cells that contain variable data that can be changed to achieve the objective. Excel Solver allows specifying up to 200 variable cells.

In this example, we have a couple of cells whose values can be changed:

  • Projected clients per month (B4) that should be less than or equal to 50; and
  • Cost per service (B5) that we want Excel Solver to calculate.

Specifying Variable cells

The Excel Solver Constrains are restrictions or limits of the possible solutions to the problem. To put it differently, constraints are the conditions that must be met.

To add a constraint(s), do the following:

  • Click the Add button right to the " Subject to the Constraints " box.

Adding a constraint

  • In the Constraint window, enter a constraint.
  • Click the Add button to add the constraint to the list.

Click the Add button to add the constraint to the list.

  • Continue entering other constraints.
  • After you have entered the final constraint, click OK to return to the main Solver Parameters window.

Excel Solver allows specifying the following relationships between the referenced cell and the constraint.

  • Less than or equal to , equal to , and greater than or equal to . You set these relationships by selecting a cell in the Cell Reference box, choosing one of the following signs: <= , =, or >= , and then typing a number, cell reference / cell name, or formula in the Constraint box (please see the above screenshot).
  • Integer . If the referenced cell must be an integer, select int , and the word integer will appear in the Constraint box.
  • Different values . If each cell in the referenced range must contain a different value, select dif , and the word AllDifferent will appear in the Constraint box.
  • Binary . If you want to limit a referenced cell either to 0 or 1, select bin , and the word binary will appear in the Constraint box.

To edit or delete an existing constraint do the following:

  • In the Solver Parameters dialog box, click the constraint.
  • To modify the selected constraint, click Change and make the changes you want.
  • To delete the constraint, click the Delete button.

In this example, the constraints are:

  • B3=40000 - cost of the new equipment is $40,000.
  • B4<=50 - the number of projected patients per month in under 50.

Excel Solver Constraints

3. Solve the problem

After you've configured all the parameters, click the Solve button at the bottom of the Solver Parameters window (see the screenshot above) and let the Excel Solver add-in find the optimal solution for your problem.

Depending on the model complexity, computer memory and processor speed, it may take a few seconds, a few minutes, or even a few hours.

The Solver Results dialog window

The Solver Result window will close and the solution will appear on the worksheet right away.

The solution for the problem is found.

  • If the Excel Solver has been processing a certain problem for too long, you can interrupt the process by pressing the Esc key. Excel will recalculate the worksheet with the last values found for the Variable cells.
  • To get more details about the solved problem, click a report type in the Reports box, and then click OK . The report will be created on a new worksheet:

Excel Solver Reports

Excel Solver examples

Below you will find two more examples of using the Excel Solver addin. First, we will find a solution for a well-known puzzle, and then solve a real-life linear programming problem.

Excel Solver example 1 (magic square)

I believe everyone is familiar with "magic square" puzzles where you have to put a set of numbers in a square so that all rows, columns and diagonals add up to a certain number.

For instance, do you know a solution for the 3x3 square containing numbers from 1 to 9 where each row, column and diagonal adds up to 15?

It's probably no big deal to solve this puzzle by trial and error, but I bet the Solver will find the solution faster. Our part of the job is to properly define the problem.

The magic square puzzle to solve

With all the formulas in place, run Solver and set up the following parameters:

  • Set Objective . In this example, we don't need to set any objective, so leave this box empty.
  • Variable Cells . We want to populate numbers in cells B2 to D4, so select the range B2:D4.
  • $B$2:$D$4 = AllDifferent - all of the Variable cells should contain different values.
  • $B$2:$D$4 = integer - all of the Variable cells should be integers.
  • $B$5:$D$5 = 15 - the sum of values in each column should equal 15.
  • $E$2:$E$4 = 15 - the sum of values in each row should equal 15.
  • $B$7:$B$8 = 15 - the sum of both diagonals should equal 15.

Set up the Excel Solver parameters.

Excel Solver example 2 (linear programming problem)

This is an example of a simple transportation optimization problem with a linear objective. More complex optimization models of this kind are used by many companies to save thousands of dollars each year.

Problem : You want to minimize the cost of shipping goods from 2 different warehouses to 4 different customers. Each warehouse has a limited supply and each customer has a certain demand.

Goal : Minimize the total shipping cost, not exceeding the quantity available at each warehouse, and meeting the demand of each customer.

Source data

Transportation optimization model

Formulating the model

To define our linear programming problem for the Excel Solver, let's answer the 3 main questions:

  • What decisions are to be made? We want to calculate the optimal quantity of goods to deliver to each customer from each warehouse. These are Variable cells (B7:E8).
  • What are the constraints? The supplies available at each warehouse (I7:I8) cannot be exceeded, and the quantity ordered by each customer (B10:E10) should be delivered. These are Constrained cells .
  • What is the goal? The minimal total cost of shipping. And this is our Objective cell (C12).

Formulating the model using Excel formulas

To make our transportation optimization model easier to understand, create the following named ranges:

Range name Cells Solver parameter
Products_shipped B7:E8 Variable cells
Available I7:I8 Constraint
Total_shipped G7:G8 Constraint
Ordered B10:E10 Constraint
Total_received B9:E9 Constraint
Shipping_cost C12 Objective

The last thing left for you to do is configure the Excel Solver parameters:

  • Objective: Shipping_cost set to Min
  • Variable cells: Products_shipped
  • Constraints: Total_received = Ordered and Total_shipped <= Available

Configure the Excel Solver parameters.

How to save and load Excel Solver scenarios

When solving a certain model, you may want to save your Variable cell values as a scenario that you can view or re-use later.

For example, when calculating the minimal service cost in the very first example discussed in this tutorial, you may want to try different numbers of projected clients per month and see how that affects the service cost. At that, you may want to save the most probable scenario you've already calculated and restore it at any moment.

Saving an Excel Solver scenario boils down to selecting a range of cells to save the data in. Loading a Solver model is just a matter of providing Excel with the range of cells where your model is saved. The detailed steps follow below.

Saving the model

To save the Excel Solver scenario, perform the following steps:

  • Open the worksheet with the calculated model and run the Excel Solver.

Saving the Excel Solver scenario

  • Excel will save your current model, which may look something similar to this:

The current Excel Solver scenario is saved.

Loading the saved model

When you decide to restore the saved scenario, do the following:

  • In the Solver Parameters window, click the Load/Save button.

Select the range of cells containing the saved model and click Load.

  • This will open the main Excel Solver window with the parameters of the previously saved model. All you need to do is to click the Solve button to re-calculate it.

Excel Solver algorithms

When defining a problem for the Excel Solver, you can choose one of the following methods in the Select a Solving Method dropdown box:

  • GRG Nonlinear. Generalized Reduced Gradient Nonlinear algorithm is used for problems that are smooth nonlinear, i.e. in which at least one of the constraints is a smooth nonlinear function of the decision variables. More details can be found here .
  • LP Simplex . The Simplex LP Solving method is based the Simplex algorithm created by an American mathematical scientist George Dantzig. It is used for solving so called Linear Programming problems - mathematical models whose requirements are characterized by linear relationships, i.e. consist of a single objective represented by a linear equation that must be maximized or minimized. For more information, please check out this page .
  • Evolutionary . It is used for non-smooth problems, which are the most difficult type of optimization problems to solve because some of the functions are non-smooth or even discontinuous, and therefore it's difficult to determine the direction in which a function is increasing or decreasing. For more information, please see this page .

This is how you can use Solver in Excel to find the best solutions for your decision problems. At the end of this post, you can download the sample workbook with all the examples discussed in this tutorial and reverse-engineer them for better understanding. I thank you for reading and hope to see you on our blog next week.

Practice workbook for download

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Table of contents

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Define and solve a problem by using Solver

Solver is a Microsoft Excel add-in program you can use for what-if analysis. Use Solver to find an optimal (maximum or minimum) value for a formula in one cell — called the objective cell — subject to constraints, or limits, on the values of other formula cells on a worksheet. Solver works with a group of cells, called decision variables or simply variable cells that are used in computing the formulas in the objective and constraint cells. Solver adjusts the values in the decision variable cells to satisfy the limits on constraint cells and produce the result you want for the objective cell.

Put simply, you can use Solver to determine the maximum or minimum value of one cell by changing other cells. For example, you can change the amount of your projected advertising budget and see the effect on your projected profit amount.

Example of a Solver evaluation

In the following example, the level of advertising in each quarter affects the number of units sold, indirectly determining the amount of sales revenue, the associated expenses, and the profit. Solver can change the quarterly budgets for advertising (decision variable cells B5:C5), up to a total budget constraint of $20,000 (cell F5), until the total profit (objective cell F7) reaches the maximum possible amount. The values in the variable cells are used to calculate the profit for each quarter, so they are related to the formula objective cell F7, =SUM (Q1 Profit:Q2 Profit).

1. Variable cells

2. Constrained cell

3. Objective cell

After Solver runs, the new values are as follows.

Define and solve a problem

Excel  Ribbon Image

Note:  If the Solver command or the Analysis group is not available, you need to activate the Solver add-in. See: How to activate the Solver add-in.

Image of the Excel 2010+ Solver dialog

In the Set Objective box, enter a cell reference or name for the objective cell. The objective cell must contain a formula.

Do one of the following:

If you want the value of the objective cell to be as large as possible, click Max .

If you want the value of the objective cell to be as small as possible, click Min .

If you want the objective cell to be a certain value, click Value of , and then type the value in the box.

In the By Changing Variable Cells box, enter a name or reference for each decision variable cell range. Separate the non-adjacent references with commas. The variable cells must be related directly or indirectly to the objective cell. You can specify up to 200 variable cells.

In the Subject to the Constraints box, enter any constraints that you want to apply by doing the following:

In the Solver Parameters dialog box, click Add .

In the Cell Reference box, enter the cell reference or name of the cell range for which you want to constrain the value.

Click the relationship ( <= , = , >= , int , bin , or dif ) that you want between the referenced cell and the constraint.If you click int , integer appears in the Constraint box. If you click bin , binary appears in the Constraint box. If you click dif , alldifferent appears in the Constraint box.

If you choose <=, =, or >= for the relationship in the Constraint box, type a number, a cell reference or name, or a formula.

To accept the constraint and add another, click Add .

To accept the constraint and return to the Solver Parameter s dialog box, click OK . Note     You can apply the int , bin , and dif relationships only in constraints on decision variable cells.

You can change or delete an existing constraint by doing the following:

In the Solver Parameters dialog box, click the constraint that you want to change or delete.

Click Change and then make your changes, or click Delete .

Click Solve and do one of the following:

To keep the solution values on the worksheet, in the Solver Results dialog box, click Keep Solver Solution .

To restore the original values before you clicked Solve , click Restore Original Values .

You can interrupt the solution process by pressing Esc. Excel recalculates the worksheet with the last values that are found for the decision variable cells.

To create a report that is based on your solution after Solver finds a solution, you can click a report type in the Reports box and then click OK . The report is created on a new worksheet in your workbook. If Solver doesn't find a solution, only certain reports or no reports are available.

To save your decision variable cell values as a scenario that you can display later, click Save Scenario in the Solver Results dialog box, and then type a name for the scenario in the Scenario Name box.

Step through Solver trial solutions

After you define a problem, click Options in the Solver Parameters dialog box.

In the Options dialog box, select the Show Iteration Results check box to see the values of each trial solution, and then click OK .

In the Solver Parameters dialog box, click Solve .

In the Show Trial Solution dialog box, do one of the following:

To stop the solution process and display the Solver Results dialog box, click Stop .

To continue the solution process and display the next trial solution, click Continue .

Change how Solver finds solutions

In the Solver Parameters dialog box, click Options .

Choose or enter values for any of the options on the All Methods , GRG Nonlinear , and Evolutionary tabs in the dialog box.

Save or load a problem model

In the Solver Parameters dialog box, click Load/Save .

Enter a cell range for the model area, and click either Save or Load .

When you save a model, enter the reference for the first cell of a vertical range of empty cells in which you want to place the problem model. When you load a model, enter the reference for the entire range of cells that contains the problem model.

Tip:  You can save the last selections in the Solver Parameters dialog box with a worksheet by saving the workbook. Each worksheet in a workbook may have its own Solver selections, and all of them are saved. You can also define more than one problem for a worksheet by clicking Load/Save to save problems individually.

Solving methods used by Solver

You can choose any of the following three algorithms or solving methods in the Solver Parameters dialog box:

Generalized Reduced Gradient (GRG) Nonlinear     Use for problems that are smooth nonlinear.

LP Simplex     Use for problems that are linear.

Evolutionary     Use for problems that are non-smooth.

Important:  You should enable the Solver add-in first. For more information, see Load the Solver add-in .

In the following example, the level of advertising in each quarter affects the number of units sold, indirectly determining the amount of sales revenue, the associated expenses, and the profit. Solver can change the quarterly budgets for advertising (decision variable cells B5:C5), up to a total budget constraint of $20,000 (cell D5), until the total profit (objective cell D7) reaches the maximum possible amount. The values in the variable cells are used to calculate the profit for each quarter, so they are related to the formula objective cell D7, =SUM(Q1 Profit:Q2 Profit).

excel problem solving workbook

Click Data > Solver .


In Set Objective , enter a cell reference or name for the objective cell.

Note:  The objective cell must contain a formula.

Make the value of the objective cell as large as possible

Click .

Make the value of the objective cell as small as possible

Click .

Set the objective cell to a certain value

Click , and then type the value in the box.

In the By Changing Variable Cells box, enter a name or reference for each decision variable cell range. Separate the nonadjacent references with commas.

The variable cells must be related directly or indirectly to the objective cell. You can specify up to 200 variable cells.

In the Subject to the Constraints box, add any constraints that you want to apply.

To add a constraint, follow these steps:

On the <= relationship pop-up menu, select the relationship that you want between the referenced cell and the constraint.If you choose <= , = , or >= , in the Constraint box, type a number, a cell reference or name, or a formula.

Note:  You can only apply the int, bin, and dif relationships in constraints on decision variable cells.

Accept the constraint and add another

Click .

Accept the constraint and return to the dialog box

Click .

Click Solve , and then do one of the following:

Keep the solution values on the sheet

Click in the dialog box.

Restore the original data

Click .

To interrupt the solution process, press ESC . Excel recalculates the sheet with the last values that are found for the adjustable cells.

To create a report that is based on your solution after Solver finds a solution, you can click a report type in the Reports box and then click OK . The report is created on a new sheet in your workbook. If Solver doesn't find a solution, the option to create a report is unavailable.

To save your adjusting cell values as a scenario that you can display later, click Save Scenario in the Solver Results dialog box, and then type a name for the scenario in the Scenario Name box.

After you define a problem, in the Solver Parameters dialog box, click Options .

Select the Show Iteration Results check box to see the values of each trial solution, and then click OK .

Stop the solution process and display the dialog box

Click .

Continue the solution process and display the next trial solution

Click .

Click Options , and then in the Options or Solver Options dialog box, choose one or more of the following options:

Set solution time and iterations

On the tab, under , in the box, type the number of seconds that you want to allow for the solution time. Then, in the box, type the maximum number of iterations that you want to allow.

If the solution process reaches the maximum time or number of iterations before Solver finds a solution, Solver displays the dialog box.

Set the degree of precision

On the tab, in the box, type the degree of precision that you want. The smaller the number, the higher the precision.

Set the degree of convergence

On the or tab, in the box, type the amount of relative change that you want to allow in the last five iterations before Solver stops with a solution. The smaller the number, the less relative change is allowed.

In the Solver Parameters dialog box, click Solve or Close .

Click Load/Save , enter a cell range for the model area, and then click either Save or Load .

Tip:  You can save the last selections in the Solver Parameters dialog box with a sheet by saving the workbook. Each sheet in a workbook may have its own Solver selections, and all of them are saved. You can also define more than one problem for a sheet by clicking Load/Save to save problems individually.

On the Select a Solving Method pop-up menu, select one of the following:

GRG (Generalized Reduced Gradient) Nonlinear

The default choice, for models using most Excel functions other than IF, CHOOSE, LOOKUP and other “step” functions.

Simplex LP

Use this method for linear programming problems. Your model should use SUM, SUMPRODUCT, + - and * in formulas that depend on the variable cells.


This method, based on genetic algorithms, is best when your model uses IF, CHOOSE, or LOOKUP with arguments that depend on the variable cells.

Note:  Portions of the Solver program code are copyright 1990-2010 by Frontline Systems, Inc. Portions are copyright 1989 by Optimal Methods, Inc.

Because add-in programs aren’t supported in Excel for the web, you won’t be able to use the Solver add-in to run what-if analysis on your data to help you find optimal solutions.

If you have the Excel desktop application, you can use the Open in Excel button to open your workbook to use the Solver add-in .

More help on using Solver

For more detailed help on Solver contact:

Frontline Systems, Inc. P.O. Box 4288 Incline Village, NV 89450-4288 (775) 831-0300 Web site: http://www.solver.com E-mail: [email protected] Solver Help at www.solver.com .

Portions of the Solver program code are copyright 1990-2009 by Frontline Systems, Inc. Portions are copyright 1989 by Optimal Methods, Inc.

Need more help?

You can always ask an expert in the Excel Tech Community  or get support in  Communities .

Using Solver for capital budgeting

Using Solver to determine the optimal product mix

Introduction to what-if analysis

Overview of formulas in Excel

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Excel Solver Exercises: 8 Advanced Problems

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This tutorial contains eight exercises related to the Excel solver.

These problems are quite difficult to solve, requiring an advanced level of Excel knowledge, including knowledge of: the SUM , SUMPRODUCT , HLOOKUP , COUNTIF , IF , and OR functions and Enable solver , solver properties , solver example , choosing the best project , portfolio optimization with solver , solver for linear programming , usage of solver to minimize cost , assign work using an evolutionary solver , and schedule optimization .

Excel 2010 or later is required to solve all the exercises.

Download Practice Workbook

Solver Exercises.xlsx

Problem Overview

In the downloadable file “Solver Excercises.xlsx” above, the “Problem” sheet shows the exercises, and the “Solution” sheet shows the problems worked out. Additionally, the solver settings for each exercise are provided in the “Reference” sheet. Load the values from this sheet into the solver for each problem. To illustrate, the following image shows the first problem to be solved.

Problem Overview of Excel Solver Exercises

Exercise 1 – Minimize Shipping Cost

  • The first table shows the shipping costs from one port to another. The second table shows the product requirement for each port. After that, there is a table that contains the information about the warehouse inventory. Your task is to use the solver to find the values that will minimize the shipping costs from the warehouses to the outlets.
  • Set Objective: G27
  • By Changing Variable Cells: D15:F20
  • Subject to the Constraints: C15:C20=G15:G20, D25:F25>=0
  • Select a Solving Method: Simplex LP

The following animated image shows the solution to the first problem.

Exercise 2 – Minimize Production Cost

  • Set Objective: I38
  • By Changing Variable Cells: C32:E34
  • Subject to the Constraints: C35:E35>=C37:E37, C41:E41>=C43:E43,F32:F34<=H32:H34

Exercise 3 – Maximize Profit of Products

  • The combined production capacity is 300 units per day.
  • The company needs 50 units of Product A to fill an existing order.
  • The company needs 40 units of Product B to fill an expected order.
  • The market for Product C is relatively limited, so the company is not interested in producing more than 40 units of this product per day. Additionally, the Product D to Q should be greater than or equal to 15.
  • Set Objective: E65
  • By Changing Variable Cells: C48:C64
  • Subject to the Constraints: C48>=50, C49>=40, C50<=40, C51:C64>=15,C65=400

Exercise 4 – Marketing Budget Allocation

  • Set Objective: J83
  • By Changing Variable Cells: H71:H82
  • Subject to the Constraints: H71:H82>=60000, H83=E83
  • Select a Solving Method: GRG Nonlinear

Exercise 5 – Schedule Optimization

  • The condition, Total Number of Employee >= Number Needed, is given in row 96 and 98.
  • Set Objective: C100
  • By Changing Variable Cells: B88:B94
  • Subject to the Constraints: B88:B94=integer, D96:J96>=D98:J98

Exercise 6 – Project Selection

  • Find the maximum value of NPV.
  • The year 1 value should be <=50,000,000 and year 2 value should be <=20,000,000.
  • Selecting a project means 1 and discarding means 0.
  • Set Objective: C104
  • By Changing Variable Cells: B107:B115
  • Subject to the Constraints: B107:B115=binary, C117:D117<=C118:D118

Exercise 7 – Investment Portfolio Optimization Based on Total Yield

  • The amount that the credit union will invest in new-car loans must be at least three times the amount that the credit union will invest in used-car loans. The reason is that used car loans are riskier investments.
  • Car loans should make up at least 15% of the portfolio.
  • Unsecured loans should make up no more than 25% of the portfolio.
  • At least 10% of the portfolio should be in bank CDs.
  • The total amount invested is $5,000,000.
  • All investments should be positive or zero.
  • Set Objective: C132
  • By Changing Variable Cells: D125:D129
  • Subject to the Constraints: D125>=D126*3, D130=C122, F128<=0.25, F129>=0.1, F132>=0.15

Exercise 8 – Assign Department

  • Set Objective: P146
  • By Changing Variable Cells: C140:C179
  • Subject to the Constraints: C140:C179<=4, C140:C179=integer, C140:C179>=1, Q141:Q144=0
  • Select a Solving Method: Evolutionary

The following image displays the solution to the first exercise.

Excel Solver Exercises

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Rafiul Haq worked as an Excel and VBA Content Developer in Exceldemy for over two years and published almost 200 articles for the website. He is passionate about exploring new aspects of Excel and VBA. He received his Bachelor of Science in Mechanical and Production Engineering (MPE) from the Islamic University of Technology. Rafiul furthered his education by obtaining an MBA in Finance from the Institute of Business Administration (IBA) at the University of Dhaka. Apart from creating... Read Full Bio

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Excel Essential Skills: Problem Solving Workbook Year 9

The Excel Problem Solving Workbook Year 9 has been specifically written for the Year 9 Australian Curriculum Mathematics Course.

The book aims to give Year 9 Mathematics students a step-by-step process for both the Problem Solving and Reasoning proficiency strands of the new curriculum.

  • Introduction
  • Number and Algebra
  • Measurement and Geometry
  • Statistics and Probability
  • Revision Tests
  • Worked Solutions
More Information
Year Level Year 9
Date of Publication 2015
ISBN 9781741255706
Subject Maths

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  • SUM function – Sum multiple values in Excel
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  • COUNTA – Count numeric and textual values
  • AVERAGE – Calculate average of a range
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  • Flash Fill – Excel’s hidden gem for auto-completing data based on a pattern
  • Remove Duplicates – Remove duplicate values in a single column or multiple columns!



  • IF function – check if a condition is met
  • NESTED IF – Multiple if conditions
  • Conditional Formatting – Format Excel Cells based on criteria
  • COUNTIF – Count cells in range which meet a certain criteria
  • SUMIF – Sum range based on criteria
  • AVERAGEIF – Calculate the average of a range based on criteria
  • SUMIFS – Sum cells using multiple criteria
  • COUNTIFS – Count cells using multiple criteria
  • MAXIFS – Find maximum value in a range based on criteria
  • MINIFS – Find minimum value in a range based on criteria
  • AND/OR – Check if multiple criteria are met (Works great when combined with an IF function!)
  • ISBLANK – Check if a cell is blank or not
  • VLOOKUP – lookup value and return corresponding value from a table
  • HLOOKUP – lookup value and return corresponding value from a table
  • Hot!!! XLOOKUP – Excel’s next generation lookup function which combines the best features from VLOOKUP, INDEX MATCH, HLOOKUP and IFERROR/IFNA

Pivot tables

  • Pivot Table – Quickly Analyze and Summarize your data using Excel’s most powerful tool!

Text Formulas

  • LEFT, MID, RIGHT – Basic Text Functions
  • HOT! – TEXTBEFORE & TEXTAFTER – Extract text before or after a delimiter using Excel’s brand new powerful functions!
  • HOT! – TEXTSPLIT – Split your text into multiple cells using this super powerful new function!
  • TEXTJOIN – Easily combine multiple cells using delimiter
  • CONCAT – Combine range of cells without delimiter
  • CONCATENATE – Combine two cells or more into one cell
  • LEN – Find the length of a cell
  • FIND – Find the position of a text within another text (Case-sensitive)
  • SEARCH – Find the position of a text within another text (Case-insensitive)
  • SUBSTITUTE – Replace text with another text in a cell/expression
  • TRIM – Remove extra spaces from the text
  • LOWER, UPPER, PROPER – Convert text to lowercase, uppercase and proper case
  • VALUE – Convert data stored as text into values
  • TEXT – Convert and format numbers into text
  • Text to Columns – Quickly split a column into multiple columns using a delimiter. Bonus – Quickly change date formats or convert text to numbers!
  • FORMULATEXT – display a formula in another cell as text

Date functions

  • DAY, MONTH, YEAR – Extract day, month and year from a date in Excel
  • DATE – Create a date from individual values
  • WEEKDAY – Return the number of the day of the week
  • EOMONTH – Return the date of the last day of the month based on a specific date

Index & Match lookup

  • INDEX – Retrieve cell in nth position in a range
  • MATCH – Find position of value in a range
  • INDEX MATCH – Just like VLOOKUP, only better.

Other advanced tools

  • SUMPRODUCT – Sum the products of Excel ranges
  • Excel Wildcards – Advanced searching and matching in Excel
  • Advanced Filter – Filter by multiple criteria in the same column, or even in different columns!

Power Query

  • Combine data from multiple Excel workbooks using Power Query
  • Column from Examples tool – Learn the secret to mastering Power Query without any prior knowledge!
  • Unpivot columns easily using Power Query

Secret Excel Functions

This section covers Excel functions that are not available in most of Excel’s versions. These functions will unlock a new set of capabilities such as fining only unique values, sorting, and filtering – the tutorials below will help you with mastering Excel’s new functions!

  • UNIQUE – Extract unique values from a range
  • SORT Function – Sort range dynamically
  • SORTBY – Sort range dynamically by using another range
  • FILTER Function – Filter range by specific criteria
  • RANDARRAY – Create an array of random numbers 
  • SEQUENCE – Create a range of sequential values
  • LET – Assign values and calculations to names to improve your formula’s ease of use, readability, and performance!
  • HOT! – LAMBDA – The mother of all functions that will help you create amazing and powerful custom functions for your own need! 
  • VSTACK – Vertically stack arrays/ranges in Excel
  • HSTACK – Horizontally stack arrays/ranges in Excel
  • CHOOSEROWS – Return specific rows from a range or array
  • CHOOSECOLS – Return specific columns from a range or array
  • TOROW – Convert a range/array into a single row
  • TOCOL – Convert a range/array into a single column

Financial Functions

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  • PMT – Calculate the periodic payment amount of a loan, mortgage, or another financial instrument
  • PPMT & IPMT – Find the Principal and Interest portion of a certain payment
  • PV – Find the Present Value of a loan, mortgage, or any other financial instrument 

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Excel Essential Skills: Problem Solving Workbook - Year 8

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Part of the series Excel Essential Skills .

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Refine your problem-solving skills and get the results you want! Specifically written for the Year 8 Australian Curriculum Mathematics course, this book aims to provide students with the skills they require to excel in both the problem solving and reasoning proficiency strands of the Year 8 Maths curriculum.

Key features

  • a focus on 50 different Key Skills
  • problem solving hints and examples with worked solutions
  • a step-by-step method for each question, with explanations and tips
  • 16 revision tests at both average and challenging difficulty levels
  • a detailed answer section with quick answers and worked solutions

CHAPTERS: Introduction Number Algebra Measurement Statistics and Probability Revision tests Worked solutions

Pascal Press
Student Books,
Year 8,

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Excel Solver – Example and Step-by-Step Explanation

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Tired of struggling with complex problems in Excel? Excel Solver can help.

This powerful tool makes finding the best solutions easy. Unlike Goal Seek or the What-If tool, Solver goes beyond simple scenarios, tackling more complex optimization problems.

In this blog post, you’ll learn how to use Excel Solver with a simple example. Discover how it saves you time and improves your results. Boost your productivity and make better decisions with Excel Solver.

Keep reading to see how this feature can transform your workflow!

excel problem solving workbook

Watch video tutorial

In this tutorial:

  • What is Excel Solver?
  • How to Add Solver to Excel
  • How to Use Solver in Excel - Example
  • Types of Solving Methods in Excel Solver
  • Using Solver for Complex What-If Problems with Constraints
  • Tips for Using Solver
  • Download the Workbook

Grab our practice workbook 👉 HERE and follow along:

Imagine you want to maximize your profit by adjusting prices and costs while keeping prices and costs within specific limits. Or, you need to allocate your remaining budget across multiple projects with certain spending constraints. Excel Solver can help you achieve these goals efficiently.

Excel Solver is a powerful tool in Microsoft Excel that helps you find the best solutions by adjusting multiple inputs. Use Solver in Excel to maximize or minimize outcomes like profit, cost, or efficiency.

Key Features of Excel Solver

  • Optimization : Solver helps you find the best values for your inputs to get the desired results. Increase profits, reduce costs, or meet specific targets easily.
  • Multiple Variables : Adjust several inputs at once, making Solver perfect for complex problems.
  • Constraints : Set limits for your inputs, such as keeping prices within a range or ensuring numbers are whole.
  • GRG Nonlinear: Best for nonlinear problems, finding a local best solution.
  • Simplex LP: Ideal for linear problems.
  • Evolutionary: Great for complex problems, finding a global best solution.

Often our students ask: Where is Solver in Excel?

Did you know the Microsoft Solver add-in is included with all versions of Excel since 2003, but it’s not enabled by default? Here’s how you can quickly activate it:

  • Open Excel: Start by opening your Excel application.
  • Go to File : Click on the “File” tab in the top left corner.
  • Select Options : Choose “Options” from the drop-down menu.
  • Choose Add-ins : In the Excel Options window, click on “Add-ins”.
  • Manage Add-ins : At the bottom of this window, find the “Manage” box. Select “Excel Add-ins” and click “Go”.

excel problem solving workbook

  • 6. Enable Solver : Check the box next to “Solver Add-in”.
  • 7. Confirm: Click “OK” to activate Solver.

excel problem solving workbook

Now, you can find Solver under the “Data” tab in the “Analyze” section.

How to Use Solver in Excel – Example

Goal Seek is great, but it only changes one input variable. For more complex problems with multiple variables, Solver is the tool you need.

Here’s a simple example:

You want to achieve a target income of 2,000 by adjusting the units sold and the price per unit.

excel problem solving workbook

  • Units Sold:  Input variable.
  • Price per Unit : Input variable.
  • Revenue : Calculated as Units Sold * Price per Unit
  • Cost per unit : A fixed number.
  • Total Costs : Calculated as Units Sold * Cost per Unit.
  • Income : Calculated as Revenue – Total Costs.


  • Units sold must be a whole number.
  • Price per unit should be between 3 and 4.

Using Solver in Excel

When you open the Solver Parameters window, you need to set up three primary components: the objective cell, variable cells, and constraints. Here’s how to do it:

Set the Objective

Objective cell: This is the cell that contains the formula you want to optimize. For example, if you want to maximize profit or minimize costs, select the cell with that calculation.

In our example, the objective cell is $B$11, which calculates the income.

  • Go to the Data tab, find the Analyze section, and click Solver. Set the objective cell ($B$11) to a value of 2,000.

excel problem solving workbook

Select Variable Cells

These are the cells that Solver will change to achieve the objective. Highlight the cells you want to adjust.

  • For our example, these are the units sold and the price per unit, so we select $B$3:$B$4 and $B$8.

Add Constraints

Constraints are the limits you set for your variable cells. Click “Add” in the Solver Parameters window to specify these limits. For our example, set the units sold to be a whole number (integer) and the price per unit to be between 3 and 4.

  • Click “Add” to set limits. Specify that units sold must be an integer and the price per unit should be between 3 and 4.

excel problem solving workbook

  • Choose Solving Method: Select the appropriate solving method (e.g., GRG Nonlinear).

Click on Solve. The Solver Results window will pop up, saying that it has found a solution. You will notice that the values of the input cells have changed but the formulas in your calculated cells have been retained. You are given the option to accept the new values by clicking on OK, or reject them by clicking on Cancel.

Excel Solver offers three methods to find the best solution for your problem. Here’s a quick overview:

GRG Nonlinear

  • Best For: Nonlinear problems.
  • How It Works: Finds a local optimal solution.
  • Default Method: This is the most commonly used method and is set as the default.
  • Best For: Linear problems.
  • How It Works: Efficiently solves problems with linear relationships.


  • Best For: Complex and non-smooth nonlinear problems.
  • How It Works: Searches for a global optimal solution, which can take longer to run compared to GRG Nonlinear.

Solver can be a powerful tool when you need to allocate a budget among multiple projects, especially with specific constraints. Here’s an example to illustrate how to use Solver for this purpose:

You need to distribute a budget across several projects, with the following constraints:

  • Extra costs should not exceed 1,000.
  • Fixed costs must remain at 2,000.
  • Total project cost for each project should not exceed 9,600.

excel problem solving workbook

Setting Up Solver

Set objective :.

  • Go to the “Data” tab, find the “Analyze” section, and click on “Solver”. Set the objective cell ($B$14) to a value of 65,000.

Select Variable Cells:

Highlight the cells that Solver can change:

  • Extra costs: $D$5:$D$13
  • Production costs: $B$5:$B$13 (we choose Production Cost instead of Total Costs because the latter is a calculated field).

Add Constraints:

Click “Add” in the Solver Parameters window to set the following constraints:

  • Extra costs ($D$5:$D$13) must be less than or equal to 1,000 ($E$18).
  • Total project cost ($E$5:$E$13) must be less than or equal to 9,600 ($E$20).

excel problem solving workbook

Solve: Choose the appropriate solving method (e.g., GRG Nonlinear) and click “Solve”. Solver will find the best solution, adjusting the input cells within the defined constraints.

excel problem solving workbook

  • Start Simple: Begin with straightforward scenarios and gradually add complexity.
  • Experiment: Try different settings and constraints to see how they affect the outcome.

Enhance your learning experience by downloading our workbook. Practice the techniques discussed in real-time and master the Excel Solver tool with hands-on examples. Download the workbook here and start applying what you’ve learned directly in Excel.

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Leila Gharani

I'm a 6x Microsoft MVP with over 15 years of experience implementing and professionals on Management Information Systems of different sizes and nature.

My background is Masters in Economics, Economist, Consultant, Oracle HFM Accounting Systems Expert, SAP BW Project Manager. My passion is teaching, experimenting and sharing. I am also addicted to learning and enjoy taking online courses on a variety of topics.

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  1. Excel Essential Skills: Problem Solving Workbook Year 10

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  2. Excel Essential Skills: Problem Solving Workbook Year 9

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  3. 9781741254358

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  4. Excel Essential Skills: Problem Solving Workbook Year 10

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  5. Excel Essential Skills: Problem Solving Workbook Year 7

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  6. Excel Essential Skills: Problem Solving Workbook Year 9

    excel problem solving workbook


  1. Excel Essential Skills

    Refine your problem-solving skills and get the results you want! Specifically written for the Year 7 Australian Curriculum Mathematics course, this book aims to provide students with the skills they require to excel in both the problem solving and reasoning proficiency strands of the Year 7 Maths curriculum.

  2. Problem Solving with Excel

    This course explores Excel as a tool for solving business problems. In this course you will learn the basic functions of excel through guided demonstration. Each week you will build on your excel skills and be provided an opportunity to practice what you've learned. Finally, you will have a chance to put your knowledge to work in a final ...

  3. Excel Solver tutorial with step-by-step examples

    To add Solver to your Excel, perform the following steps: In Excel 2010 - Excel 365, click File > Options. In Excel 2007, click the Microsoft Office button, and then click Excel Options. In the Excel Options dialog, click Add-Ins on the left sidebar, make sure Excel Add-ins is selected in the Manage box at the bottom of the window, and click Go ...

  4. Excel Essential Skills

    Excel Essential Skills - Problem Solving Workbook Year 7 [Allyn Jones] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Excel Essential Skills - Problem Solving Workbook Year 7

  5. Define and solve a problem by using Solver

    Set the degree of precision. On the All Methods tab, in the Constraint Precision box, type the degree of precision that you want. The smaller the number, the higher the precision. Set the degree of convergence. On the GRG Nonlinear or Evolutionary tab, in the Convergence box, type the amount of relative change that you want to allow in the last five iterations before Solver stops with a solution.

  6. Excel Essential Skills

    The Excel Problem Solving Workbook Year 8 has been specifically written for the YEAR 8 AUSTRALIAN CURRICULUM MATHEMATICS COURSE. This book aims to give Year 8 Mathematics students a step-by-step process for both the Problem Solving and Reasoning proficiency strands of the new curriculum.

  7. How to Use the Solver Feature in Excel (with Practical Examples)

    Once you activate the add-ins in your Excel workbook, they will be visible on the ribbon. ... Select Simplex LP in the Select a Solving Method box. Click Solve. ... the solver will automatically show the scheduling problem's result on the Excel spreadsheet. Read More: How to Assign Work Using Evolutionary Solver in Excel.

  8. Excel essential skills : problem solving workbook, Year 8

    Allyn Jones Pascal Press Excel essential skills, Updated edition, Glebe, NSW, 2014. Anna's Archive needs your help! Many try to take us down, but we fight back. ... Excel essential skills : problem solving workbook, ...

  9. Excel Solver Exercises: 8 Advanced Problems

    Select a Solving Method: Simplex LP; Exercise 6 - Project Selection. Use an Excel solver to determine which projects should be undertaken in Excel. Find the maximum value of NPV. The year 1 value should be <=50,000,000 and year 2 value should be <=20,000,000. Selecting a project means 1 and discarding means 0. Solution: Solver Parameters are ...

  10. Excel Essential Skills: Problem Solving Workbook Year 7

    Refine your problem-solving skills and get the results you want! Specifically written for the Year 7 Australian Curriculum Mathematics course, this book aims to provide students with the skills they require to excel in both the problem solving and reasoni ng proficiency strands of the Year 7 Maths curriculum.

  11. Excel Practice Worksheets

    Download our 100% free Excel Practice Workbook. The workbook contains 50+ automatically graded exercises. Each exercise is preceeded by corresponding lessons and examples. Download. Excel Boot Camp. Excel Boot Camp: Learn Excel inside Excel. The ultimate Excel tutorial - learn efficiently with the "boot camp" approach.

  12. Excel Essential Skills: Problem Solving Workbook Year 9

    The Excel Problem Solving Workbook Year 9 has been specifically written for the Year 9 Australian Curriculum Mathematics Course. The book aims to give Year 9 Mathematics students a step-by-step process for both the Problem Solving and Reasoning proficiency strands of the new curriculum.

  13. Excel Essential Skills: Problem Solving Workbook Year 9

    Refine your problem-solving skills and get the results you want! The Excel Problem Solving Workbook Year 9 has been specifically written for the Year 9 Australian Curriculum Mathematics Course. The book aims to give Year 9 Mathematics students a step-by-step process for both the Problem Solving and Reasoning proficiency strands of the new […]

  14. Excel Essential Skills, Problem Solving Workbook Year 7 by ...

    BUY NOW. Excel SmartStudy Year 7 Science Excel SmartStudy. Paperback. RRP $24.95. $24.50. BUY NOW. Excel Essential Skills Problem Solving Workbook Year 9. Paperback. In Stock.

  15. Excel Practice Online

    Other advanced tools. SUMPRODUCT - Sum the products of Excel ranges; Excel Wildcards - Advanced searching and matching in Excel; Advanced Filter - Filter by multiple criteria in the same column, or even in different columns!; Power Query. Combine data from multiple Excel workbooks using Power Query; Column from Examples tool - Learn the secret to mastering Power Query without any prior ...

  16. Excel Essential Skills: Problem Solving Workbook Year 8

    Refine your problem-solving skills and get the results you want! Specifically written for the Year 8 Australian Curriculum Mathematics course, this book aims to provide students with the skills they require to excel in both the problem solving and reasoning proficiency strands of the Year 8 Maths curriculum. Chapters: Introduction Number Algebra Measurement Statistics […]

  17. Excel Essential Skills: Problem Solving Workbook

    Part of the series Excel Essential Skills.. View all products in this series. Refine your problem-solving skills and get the results you want! Specifically written for the Year 8 Australian Curriculum Mathematics course, this book aims to provide students with the skills they require to excel in both the problem solving and reasoning proficiency strands of the Year 8 Maths curriculum.

  18. Excel Essential Skills Problem Solving Workbook Year 10

    Research confirms the belief that students who do more homework are more likely to succeed at school. PRODUCT DETAILS. RATINGS & REVIEW. SHIPPING AND RETURNS. Title: Excel Essential Skills Problem Solving Workbook Year 10. Author: Allyn Jones. Publisher: Pascal Press. ISBN: 9781741255713. Languages: English.

  19. Excel Essential Skills: Problem Solving Workbook Year 8

    Excel Essential Skills: Problem Solving Workbook Year 8 from Dymocks online bookstore. PaperBack by Allyn Jones. Author Spotlight - 20% off selected Grantlee Kieza titles. Find A Store Cart. My Cart {{ product.title }} ... Get the Results You Want withthis range of Excel workbooks, study guides and text books that have helped students excel in ...

  20. Excel Essential Skills

    Specifically written for the Year 8 Australian Curriculum Mathematics course, this book aims to provide students with the skills they require to excel in both the problem solving and reasoning proficiency strands of the Year 8 Maths curriculum. Key features: Big promotion for you when buying Excel Essential Skills - Problem Solving Workbook ...

  21. Excel Essential Skills Year 8

    Problem solving and the calculator . 7: Percentages . 25: Basic algebra . 36: Ratios rates and the number plane . 51: Equations and formulae . 64: 25 . 68: Circles and cylinders . 77: 36 . 92: ... Mathematics Revision & Exam Workbook 2 - Extension Volume 2 of Excel Essential Skills Year 8: Mathematics Revision & Exam Workbook, A. S. Kalra Excel ...

  22. Excel Solver

    Go to File: Click on the "File" tab in the top left corner. Select Options: Choose "Options" from the drop-down menu. Choose Add-ins: In the Excel Options window, click on "Add-ins". Manage Add-ins: At the bottom of this window, find the "Manage" box. Select "Excel Add-ins" and click "Go". 6. Enable Solver: Check the box ...