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Strategic management ph.d., earn a ph.d. in business and a major concentration in strategic management to prepare for a career at top academic institutions.

The Ph.D. in Business and a Major Concentration in Strategic Management provides course work in the base theories in strategic management. The field of strategic management studies big picture issues facing managers of firms, such as deciding what markets and industries to enter, how to enter and exit various markets, how to position the firm in the market in order to gain competitive advantage, and the timing, sequencing, and orchestration of competitive initiatives. Topics in strategic management include: Competitive strategy, resource allocation and corporate strategy, strategic decision processes, international and emerging market strategies, knowledge and innovation management, strategic entrepreneurship, corporate governance, and environment and non-market strategies.

The main goal of the strategic management doctoral program is to train students to do high-quality research in any of these areas and to prepare them for careers as mainstream professors of strategic management at top academic research institutions. To achieve this goal, Ph.D. students are required to take courses in strategic management, research methods and statistics, as well as possible disciplinary elective courses in economics, psychology and political science, and to write research papers examining important and relevant issues in strategic management. The program also has a teaching requirement to the extent that teaching opportunities are available.

Interested in Rice Business?

Program information.

Rice Business offers an outstanding program for doctoral students interested in strategic management.

In addition to the requirements described in Chapters 1 and 6 of this guide, doctoral students who have chosen strategic management as their area must satisfy the following requirements for a Ph.D. degree.

Course, Research Work and Dissertation Advisor

  • The student’s course work must be approved by the area faculty advisor.
  • During the student’s first two years, he or she must take a minimum of 12 hours of approved graduate level courses per semester.
  • Course work includes a combination of required and elective courses. The required courses are listed in the attached course sample sequence.
  • The student is expected to attend all research seminars organized in the strategic management area during the student’s tenure in the Ph.D. program. Moreover, during the second and third years, the student must formally register for the strategic management research seminars and attend presentations of SE faculty as well as those of faculty members from other business schools who visit the SE area to present their research.
  • Students are expected to be fully engaged in research during the Ph.D. program, especially during all the summers, including the summer after the first year of their residency in the Ph.D. program.
  • Students must have a Jones School SE faculty member who has agreed to serve as their dissertation advisor by the end of the spring semester of their third year in the program.
  • From the second year onwards, students are required to give at least one research presentation every year in front of faculty and other doctoral students. Such presentations should demonstrate that the student is making adequate progress in his/her research. The presentation requirement may be fulfilled in the fall of the second and third years by presenting the required research paper and other research projects. It is the student’s responsibility to schedule this yearly presentation, together with his/her advisor and/or the strategic management area advisor.
  • Having teaching experience is important for doctoral students to perform well in the academic job market. As such, we require students in the SE area to have a teaching experience. In the third year of the program, all students receive an opportunity to be a teaching assistant for SE faculty in strategic courses at the Jones School. Moreover, to the extent that teaching opportunities are available, we require students to teach at least one semester course as the primary instructor before entering the job market.

Exam Requirements

Students must successfully pass a comprehensive exam administered by the SE faculty at the end of the second year. The exam is administered and graded by SE faculty, under the supervision of the strategic management area advisor or special committee set up for this purpose. The exam includes two parts:

  • Part I focuses on the coursework taken in strategic management and measures the student’s knowledge of the area as a whole including base theories, main strategy research topics, and research methods.
  • Part II requires writing a paper as a take-home exam (generally within 48 hours) on a topic jointly discussed between two SE faculty and the student; it focuses on the student’s ability to write a research paper establishing a contribution to the designated literature and also includes research methods and study design.

A successful performance in the exam demonstrates the student’s solid training in strategic management and provide the foundation from which he or she begins the research that forms the basis of the dissertation.

Research Paper Requirements

Students are required to write one major paper in their first two years, either sole-authored or coauthored with a faculty member(s) in the SE area.  This paper is proposed in the spring semester of the second year and completed at the beginning of the fall semester of the third year. The bulk of the work on the paper is intended to be done in the summer. The paper is intended as (1) a developmental vehicle for the student and (2) that will result in publications in top quality journals (although credit is not dependent on publication).

The student is expected to take the lead on the project (in the manner of a lead author) and should individually decide (perhaps in collaboration with an SE area faculty member) on what topic the student will work. The paper must be approved by two tenure-track SE faculty members (one is typically the student’s adviser). The student is expected to present the paper in a faculty workshop at the beginning of the fall semester of the third year. Failure to complete the Research Paper Requirements, as outlined above, will mean that the student is not making satisfactory academic progress in the Ph.D. Program. See Appendix B for research paper approval and evaluation forms.

The course curriculum is designed around a challenging course of study in both the theory of strategic management and in innovative empirical design.  The sample course sequence is typical although the students might choose different courses across disciplines to structure a specific degree plan. Besides the required 1st and 2nd year Strategic management basic and advanced courses, students are required to take a microeconomics course as well as statistic and methodology courses. Doctoral students may continue taking courses beyond their second year.     Sample Course Sequence in Strategic Leadership (Psychology Oriented)

Year 1 (Fall)

BUSI 540        Strategy Management Theory (3.0)

BUSI 549        Strategy Pro-seminar (3.0)

POLI 504        Methodology and Data Analysis (or equivalent-e.g., ECON 510)

PSYC 507       Research Methods (or equivalent)

Year 1 (Spring)

BUSI 541      Strategic Management Research (3.0)

BUSI 5XX      Advanced Topics in Strategic Management (1.5 hours see courses below)

POLI 505      Topics in Political Methodology (or equivalent-e.g., ECON 511)


Year 2 (Fall)           

BUSI 5XX      Advanced Topics in Strategic Management (1.5 hours)

PSYC 601     Multivariate Statistics (or equivalent)

ECON 501     Microeconomic Theory I (or equivalent)

 Year 2 (Spring)

 BUSI 5XX      Advanced Topics in Strategic Management (1.5 hours-see courses below)

 BUSI 5XX      Advanced Topics in Strategic Management (1.5 hours see courses below)

Examples of elective courses are:

BUSI 503        Econometric Models in Marketing

BUSI 504        Game Theory

BUSI 530        Introduction to Accounting Research

BUSI 531        Empirical Methods in Accounting

BUSI 522        Corporate Finance

BUSI 523        Empirical Methods in Finance

ECON 504      Advanced Economic Statistics

ECON 510      Econometrics I

ECON 510      Econometrics II

ECON 514      Industrial Organization and Control

ECON 523      Dynamic Optimization

STAT 522       Advanced Bayesian Statistics

STAT 541       Multivariate Analysis

STAT 606       SAS Statistical Programming

STAT 621       Time Series Analysis

STAT 622       Bayesian Data Analysis

PSYC 502       Advanced Psychological Statistics I

PSYC 503       Advanced Psychological Statistics II

PSYC 507       Research Methods

PSYC 601       Multivariate Statistics

PSYC 637       Meta-Analysis in Psychological Research

PSYC 550       Foundations of Social Psychology

PSYC 636       Organizational Psychology

PSYC 639       Groups and Teams: Advanced Topics in I/O

POLI 503        Topics in Methods and Data Analysis

POLI 504        Advanced Topics in Methodology and Data Analysis

POLI 505        Topics in Political Methodology (Panel Data or Time Series)

POLI 511        Measurement and Research Design

POLI 527        Institutional Analysis and Design

POLI 576        International Political Economy

POLI 575        Game Theory

BUSI 540:  Strategic Management Theory This seminar covers foundational as well as contemporary theories in strategic management. The course draws upon foundational theoretical perspectives from economics, sociology and organization theory to supplement more traditional strategy approaches towards understanding firm performance and related issues. Potential topics on contemporary theories may include: behavioral theory of the firm, transaction cost economics, agency theory, behavioral agency theory, structural contingency theory, theories of cooperative strategy, organizational networks, the resource-based view of the firm and upper echelon theories or theories regarding top management teams, theories of opportunity recognition and new venture creation, resource dependence theory, and theories of organizational evolution.

BUSI 541: Strategy Management Research This seminar examines the effectiveness of corporate and competitive strategy in creating and maintaining competitive advantage. Topics may include firm resources and sustained competitive advantage, dynamic capabilities and knowledge-based theories of competence, strategy as real options, and cooperative strategy including strategic alliances and joint ventures. Topics may also include corporate diversification strategy, international diversification and entry into emerging markets, corporate governance, management of diversified business groups, strategic entrepreneurship, and management of innovation.

Advanced Topics in Strategy (1.5 credit course modules)

Required Advanced Strategy Electives (They take two per semester after the first semester in the program)

BUSI 515 Micro foundations of organization & management (1.5)

BUSI 542 Organization change (1.5)

BUSI 543 Executive leadership & corporate governance (1.5)

BUSI 544 Contemporary management thought (1.5)

BUSI 547 Innovation & knowledge management (1.5)

BUSI 551 Strategy research in corporate development (1.5)

BUSI 550 Corporate social responsibility (1.5)

BUSI 552 Design of business research (1.5)

Other topic are likely to be developed in the future.

Certification of Candidacy indicates that a student has reached the advanced stage of the Ph.D. Program, permitting him/her to devote full time to writing a dissertation. At least eight months must elapse between admission to candidacy and conferral of the degree. The requirements for candidacy are:

  • Successful completion of the course work requirements.
  • Successful completion of the research paper requirements.
  • Successful completion of the comprehensive examination requirements.

Strategic Management Area Advisor

Laszlo Tihanyi

Laszlo Tihanyi

Current students.

phd in business strategy

Alumni Placement

Alumni Name Year Placement upon Graduation Current Institution (if moved)
Shi, Wei (Frank) 2016 Indiana University Indianapolis, 2016-2018 University of Miami from 2018; Now tenured associate professor
Yi, Xiwei  2016 Peking University, Chiina  
Jin, Jing (Jane) 2016 Renmin University of China  
Zyung, Daniel 2017 Southern Methodist University  
Gambeta, Eni 2018 University of Cincinnati  
Mealey, Christian R. 2018 Duke University, postdoc, 2018-2020 Senior Strategic Planning Specialist, Oak Ridge
National Lab (ORNL) from 2020, Chapel Hill, NC
Colby Green 2018 Brigham Young University (visiting) Southern Utah University
Callahan, Conor 2019 University of Illinois Chicago  
Li, Toby 2019 Texas A&M University  
Chen, Zhuo (Emma) 2020 American University  China Europe International Business School (CEIBS), Shanghai from 2022.

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Melinda Peña

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From the Strategy Ph.D. Liaison

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"As the Strategy area Ph.D. liaison, I welcome you to the study of strategic management at UCLA Anderson. Our program has a strong analytical orientation. Students take courses in strategic management, economics and other fields. The Strategy area at the UCLA Anderson School of Management administers the program. If you are motivated to create new knowledge and innovative research to help advance the field of business strategy, we encourage you to get in touch and apply."

Olav Sorensen Ph.D. Strategy Ph.D. Liaison

Explore the Program

Sample publications.

The Role of Chance Encounters in Silicon Valley Innovation David Atkin, Keith Chen , and Anton Popov UCLA Anderson Review

As Silicon Valley legend has it, back in the day semiconductor hotshots gathered at Walker’s Wagon Wheel to drink and gossip and, by the third beer, a new technology breakthrough had often been devised. Repeated millions of times over, at any place but the office, chance encounters have kept Silicon Valley cranking out patents — and technology startups — faster and more profitably than any other region of the world.  

Read Publication

phd in business strategy

Doctors, Subjected to Peer Comparison, Felt Increased Burnout Jana Gallus et al. UCLA Anderson Review

If there’s a work cohort we all have a vested interest in keeping happy and healthy, it is primary care doctors. By one estimate published in 2021, the U.S. is expected to be short by between 17,800 and 48,000 primary care physicians by 2034, and nearly one-third of current primary care docs reported being burned out.  

Household Energy Efficiency: Not All Upgrades Are Created Equal Yating Chuang, Magali Delmas , and Stephanie Pincetl UCLA Anderson Review

Energy efficiency seems to offer one of those rare “everybody wins” solutions. It can save money on electricity bills, fight climate change, make it unnecessary for utilities to build new power plants and create jobs, and, by some estimates, save $2 in benefits for each dollar invested.  

The Growth of Hierarchy in Organizations: Managing Knowledge Scope Megan Lawrence and Christopher Poliquin UCLA Anderson Review

Growing organizations often struggle to coordinate their employees. We distinguish coordination problems generated by increased size from problems generated by expanding the variety of knowledge used. Both spur organizations to hire additional managers. But organizations whose employees have more shared work experience have a greater ability to coordinate and thus can delay the expansion of hierarchy.  

The New Argonauts: The International Migration of Venture-Backed Companies Yuan Shi, Olav Sorenson, and David Waguespack UCLA Anderson Review

Although many high-profile startups have relocated their headquarters from one country to another, systematic information on this phenomenon has been scarce. How frequently do these moves happen? Why do startups move? Over 20 years, we have built a database that can begin to answer these questions. International moves appear rare. When startups do move, they tend to move to places with more venture capital, particularly when their existing investors have connections in those places. Movers, moreover, raise more money than non-movers, mostly from investors in their destination countries. Capital availability, rather than access to talent or proximity to customers, appears to be the strongest predictor of startup migration.  

Nursing Home Industry Profits Obscured by Related-Party Transactions Ashvin Gandhi and Andrew Olenski UCLA Anderson Review

The vast majority of nursing homes are covertly extracting profits for investors while reporting relatively weak financials to industry regulators, Some two-thirds of the industry’s profits appear to be hidden from regulators and lawmakers. The practice, dubbed “tunneling,” involves making inflated payments for goods and services to another firm with common ownership. While not illegal, masking profits as expenses in this way could ultimately restrict quality care and raise costs for patients, insurers and taxpayers, while funneling more money to investors.  

Alumni Success

phd in business strategy

David Bardolet (’08)

Dissertation: New Perspectives on Capital Allocation

David Bardolet's research interests include behavioral strategy, resource allocation and corporate strategy. His work has been published in Strategic Management Journal and Industrial and Corporate Change, as well as in edited collections from Oxford University Press and Kluwer. Mentored at UCLA Anderson by Professor Craig Fox, he is a collaborator at the Fox Uncertainty Lab.

phd in business strategy

Vanessa Burbano (’15)

Dissertation: Three Essays on Corporate Social Responsibility

Now an Assistant Professor of Management in strategy at Columbia Business School, UCLA Anderson alumna Vanessa Burbano focuses her research topics on the intersection of corporate strategy and social/environmental issues, and on employee motivation. Her research has been awarded by the Strategic Management Society and the Strategy Research Foundation. Having joined Columbia in 2015, Burbano earned her Ph.D. from Anderson in 2011 and has also worked as an Associate at Goldman Sachs and as a Strategy Consultant at Monitor Group.

phd in business strategy

Bennett Chiles (’17)

Dissertation: Shrouded Information and Strategic Transparency: Three Essays on Price Obfuscation

UCLA Anderson graduate Bennett Chiles has previously worked in strategy consulting, data analytics, and the non-profit sector. Now, she's an Assistant Professor of Management in strategy at Columbia Business School, having joined in 2017. Chiles' research looks at issues at the intersection of competitive strategy and behavioral economics, focusing on information disclosure and deceptive business practices. She received her Ph.D. from UCLA Anderson School of Management in 2017.

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Sara Parker Lue (’13)

Dissertation: Conflict of Interest and Incentives in Health Care

After graduating from UCLA Anderson with a Ph.D. in 2013, Sara Parker Lue joined Rutgers Business School as an Assistant Professor of Management and Global Business. She focuses on teaching business policy and strategy, along with health care strategy, while her research focus is on strategic human resources, organizational economics of health care, boundary of the firm, impact of reputation on agency issues, and regulatory policy. Lue also earned her M.A. in Economics from UCLA in 2010.

phd in business strategy

James Owen Ostler (’13)

Dissertation: Strategic Risk Taking Under Competition

James Ostler earned his Ph.D. from UCLA Anderson in 2013, and has since become an Assistant Professor of Strategy at the University of Michigan Ross School of business. His research focuses on decision making under uncertainty, exploring how business decisions are made based on expectations of an uncertain future. Ostler has also worked at start-ups, and as a consultant for a Fortune 500 company.

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Belen Villalonga (’01)

First academic placement: Harvard Business School Dissertation: 'Chop Shop' Valuation Models and the Diversification Discount

Belen Villalonga has written numerous articles on how family ownership and control influence the management and governance of firms as well as their performance. Her award-winning research has been published in leading academic journals and cited over 750 times in academic publications, and has been featured in CNBC, NPR,  Bloomberg Businessweek, The Economist, Expansion, Financial Times, Forbes, International Herald Tribune  and many other international business publications. Since 2006, Villalonga has served as an independent director on the board of Acciona, a family-controlled Fortune Global 500 company in the infrastructure and renewable energy businesses.

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PhD in Strategy

Strategy and entrepreneurship.

As a strategy doctoral student, you have direct access to and work closely with UNC Kenan-Flagler’s renowned faculty. Strategic management is the bedrock of our research and provides a platform for additional focus areas: entrepreneurship and innovation, sustainable enterprise and information technologies.

The Strategy PhD Program prepares you to produce high-quality research as a faculty member at a top business school.

Our rigorous program draws from such disciplines as economics, psychology and sociology to inform research in the area of strategy and entrepreneurship. Although some students have completed graduate work before enrolling in the PhD program, it is not necessary.

Typical course schedule by year

During the first two years of the PhD program, your courses develop the tools you need to produce high-quality research. Sample classes include:

  • Economic Foundations of Strategy
  • Behavioral Foundations of Strategy
  • Organizational Theory Macro-Organizational Behavior
  • Seminar in Strategy: Topics might include international business, qualitative approaches to research, social networks, innovation and entrepreneurship, and simulation models.
  • You will write an original research paper under the supervision of a faculty member for presentation and critique.
  • Research Methods I
  • Research Methods II
  • Statistics I
  • Econometrics

You also take classes in other disciplinary areas such as economics, sociology and psychology. We maintain close ties with the Duke University faculty and you may take approved doctoral level courses at its Fuqua School of Business.

  • A comprehensive written examination covers all of the organizational behavior and leadership courses taken in the first two years of the PhD program.
  • An oral presentation of your current research
  • Full-time research
  • With consent of your advisor, you may attend/participate or present at external national or international conferences after your second year.
  • Dissertation and Oral Defense is expected prior to the end of your fifth year.
  • Preparing for the job market
  • You may take any elective course offered by UNC Kenan-Flagler or other UNC or Duke departments with guidance from your advisor.
  • Students are invited to participate in all related research seminars and guest speakers offered at UNC Kenan-Flagler.

View our current Strategy and Entrepreneurship PhD students .

Related Research

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PhD in Management


Strategy - PhD in Management

Areas of specialisation.

  • Accounting and Control
  • Decision Sciences
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Organisational Behaviour
  • Technology and Operations Management

INSEAD Doctoral Courses

  • Core Courses
  • Advanced Courses
  • Admissions and Financing
  • View PhD Student Profiles

PhD Strategy Class

2025 Intake

September 2024

Strategy – PhD Specialisation

Faculty members of the Strategy area are concerned with the foundations of sustainable superior firm performance. Research in the strategic management area stems primarily from two intellectual traditions. One stream of thought is rooted in economics and uses insights about firms and industries gleaned from neoclassical, evolutionary, and institutional economics as a basis for understanding business strategy. In contrast, the other tradition in strategic management combines strategy and organisational theory. It focuses on the study of the leadership and the management of organisational processes that generate superior enterprise strategies.

The Strategy area boasts a strong faculty representation in both intellectual traditions. Thus, it provides a diverse research environment, exposing students to a stimulating breadth of theory and evidence on strategic management. Among the current research streams of the faculty are:

  • A resource-based view of the firm
  • Industry and competitive analysis
  • Interactions between product and financial markets
  • Mergers, acquisitions, alliances and corporate strategy
  • Strategy and organisation of multi-national companies
  • Corporate governance and strategic leadership
  • Technology strategy and innovation
  • Real options theory and strategy
  • Organisation design and structure
  • Micro-foundations for strategic management
  • Post-acquisition integration processes
  • Corporate transformation processes
  • Resource deployment in horizontal acquisitions
  • Knowledge management and organisational learning

Visit the Strategy Academic Area Page


PhD Research Series - Strategy

The dissertation is the culmination of your doctoral studies, representing independent and original research work of a publishable standard. In this PhD Research Series, students talk about their research or dissertation in a nutshell as a way of showcasing their ability to articulate their research to the viewing public. 

Go the PhD Candidate's Research Series  

Strategy Foundations Interview Series

INSEAD doctoral students bring the academic community closer to esteemed scholars who have contributed a significant foundational body of work at the intersection of strategy, knowledge and innovation through an  interview series . The interview series usually occurs in conjunction with the Annual Strategy Management Society (or SMS) Conferences. In addition, it is part of their requirement in Professor Gabriel Szulanski and Guoli Chen's class "Foundations in Strategy and Organisation".

Go to the Strategy Foundations Series

What are we looking for in a PhD Candidate?

The Strategy group at INSEAD has a strong reputation as one of the best in the discipline. With over 25 permanent faculty members, the group is remarkably diverse and has correspondingly eclectic interests and influences. Potential research interests of applicants could include (but are not limited to) competitive strategy, mergers and acquisitions, alliances, international management, innovation and knowledge management, strategy formulation and execution, organisational design, strategic leadership and corporate governance. In addition, the area is open to research in strategy content and strategy process, using a wide range of theoretical lenses such as economics, sociology, and psychology.

Strategy PhD students come from various backgrounds, like economics, engineering, information systems, technology, business and management. Some of our students come directly from undergraduate, while some have several years of industry experience. Moreover, having some research and methodology skills are helpful.

Since the PhD Programme is inherently interdisciplinary, working across areas is encouraged - Strategy PhD students collaborate across areas like Organisational Behaviour, Entrepreneurship, and Technology and Operations Management, among others.

Download the Call for Applications 2025 intake .

Here are some of our Strategy PhD students' backgrounds:

  • Bachelor of Technology and MBA
  • BSc Technology and Management, and MA Strategy and International Management
  • BSc and MSc in Industrial Engineering and Management
  • BSc Physics and MBA
  • BA Business Administration and MA Business Administration
  • BS Management Information Systems, and MS Management Science and Engineering
  • BA and MA Economics

View the current Strategy PhD students' profiles

Where are our Strategy PhD Graduates now?

Strategy PhD graduates have achieved remarkable placements in leading academic institutions and programmes worldwide. Notable posts include prestigious schools like The Wharton School, Boston College, HEC (Paris), IESE, Purdue, The University of California at Irvine, and the National University of Singapore, among many others.

To learn more about the incredible achievements of our Global PhD Alumni Community, please visit our  website .

What are the next steps?

We encourage prospects to plan for their application for the PhD in Management. Application for the following year's intake starts in the early Fall of the current year, with a preferred deadline of mid-December.

Go to the Admissions and Financing page

Moreover, we encourage prospects to attend our  upcoming recruitment events  or register below to receive the URLs of the Special Area Webinars we have conducted over the years.

Registration Link

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Impact Business Practices and Innovations

Students working together in a classroom as part of the PhD in Entrepreneurship program with Olin School of Business

Get Your PhD in Strategy and Entrepreneurship

Learn how strategy is effective at the firm and individual level.

At Olin, we believe that great strategy PhD candidates have a fundamental drive to impact business practice. Our students, like our faculty, have diverse undergraduate training, including economics, chemistry, engineering and mathematics. We strongly promote interdisciplinary and collaborative research among doctoral students and faculty, be it across business disciplines or other schools at Washington University.

As a student in our program, you study strategy at both the firm and individual levels. That includes examining how organizations create and capture value, which arises from differing strategies, organizational designs and environmental conditions. While firm performance is observed at the market level, the microfoundations of this performance lie in the behavior and organization of individuals and resources within the firm. The organization of these factors influences performance in innovation, firm structure and human productivity.

At WashU Olin, we believe that great strategy PhD candidates have a fundamental drive to impact business practice.

PhD Strategy & Entrepreneurship

At WashU Olin, we believe that great strategy PhD candidates have a fundamental drive to impact business practice.

Strategy and Entrepreneurship Faculty and Research

Strategy and Entrepreneurship faculty members are dedicated to delivering a program that prepares you for a productive and meaningful academic career. You work closely with faculty from the very beginning of the program, collaborating to help you to gain practical experience in the design and execution of research projects and in the communication of research findings. Recent research projects have examined the impacts of CEOs with differing backgrounds on firm innovation; the effects of corporate wellness programs on firm productivity; how firms respond to innovation "shocks"; how firms operate in violent environments; and how firms profit from repeated exchange relationships.

Published Works

The Strategy area’s research has been published in a wide range of leading journals, including:

  • Academy of Management Journal
  • Academy of Management Review
  • Administrative Science Quarterly
  • American Economic Review
  • Management Science
  • Organization Science
  • Psychological Science
  • Review of Economic Studies
  • Review of Financial Studies
  • Strategic Management Journal

Read about collaborative research by Strategy and Entrepreneurship faculty and PhD students.

The Koch Center for Family Enterprise

The Koch Center for Family Enterprise brings leading edge research to family enterprise, connecting leaders to the resources they need to succeed.

Strategy and Entrepreneurship Curriculum

Prior to the first year—mandatory attendance at math camp (offered through the Economics department)

Recommended Course Sequence

First semester.

  • MEC 610 Microeconomics I (3 credits)
  • L11 5161 Applied Econometrics (3 credits)
  • Olin PhD Strategy courses

Second Semester

  • MEC 611 Microeconomics II (3 credits)
  • L11 Quantitative Methods II (3 credits)

The order of classes may change due to availability, and classes may be substituted with approval. A communications course that focuses on oral communication is also recommended during the first two years. When the student takes the course is determined by the student and his/her advisor.

  • Attend Strategy seminars.
  • Begin research collaborations.
  • In the summer after the first year, students must meet with the faculty coordinator to discuss progress and complete a progress report to be submitted to the PhD Office by August 1 after the first year.
  • Field statement papers are due at the end of the semester of the second year.
  • In August after the first year, students must attend an RA/TA orientation offered by The Center for Teaching and Learning.

Third Semester

  • Electives (directed readings, independent studies)

Fourth Semester

  • Olin PhD Strategy courses  
  • Continue research collaborations.
  • Second year summer papers are due by the end of the fall semester of the third year.
  • In the summer, students must meet with the faculty coordinator to discuss progress and complete a progress report to be submitted to the PhD office by August 1.
  • B53 660 Seminar in Presentation Skills (fall semester, required)
  • Improvisation course  
  • Paper presentations (brown bag seminars and conferences).
  • Dissertation research
  • Paper presentations (brown bag seminars and conferences)
  • Dissertation Proposal—Students must be able to assemble a Research Advisory Committee for the proposal of their dissertation and must submit a Title, Scope and Procedure Form as the committee’s approval of the proposed dissertation by September 30 after the fourth year.
  • Paper presentations (job market paper presentations with faculty and at conferences)
  • Intent to Graduate (complete form online)
  • Job market and placement
  • Oral defense of dissertation
  • Submission of Examination Approval Form which signifies committee’s approval
  • Upload of final, approved Dissertation to Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
  • Submission of Documented Teaching Requirements to PhD office

Download Strategy and Entrepreneurship PhD course descriptions

Full-Time Strategy & Entrepreneurship Faculty Members

Lamar Pierce

Lamar Pierce

Full Professor

Minyuan Zhao

Minyuan Zhao

Associate Professor

Doctoral Programs

Campus Box 1133-124-05 One Brookings Drive St. Louis, MO 63130-4899

Office Hours: Monday–Friday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Quick Links

  • Research Centers
  • PhD & DBA Admissions
  • PhD Bulletin
  • Research collaborations PDF
  • Greater St. Louis

Purdue Mitch Daniels School of Business logo

Strategic Management

Our doctoral program in Strategic Management trains students to produce high-quality research and teaching in the field of strategic management and prepares them to pursue careers as tenure-track faculty at top academic research institutions.

Our research, course development, and teaching draws on multiple disciplines, including economics, sociology, and political science. Our goal is to generate findings and develop concepts that help managers or entrepreneurs improve strategic decisions and to convey these findings to students and practitioners.

The Strategic Management faculty at Purdue is recognized as one of the top groups in the world in terms of both productivity and influence, and our PhD students consistently compete for and win Dissertation Awards in the Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship Divisions of the Academy of Management.

Download the Fact Sheet

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Most Trusted #4

Morning Consult, 2022

Best Value School #7

The Wall Street Journal / Times Higher Education, 2022

Most Innovative School in the U.S. Top 10

US News and World Report, 2023

Want to Learn More? 

If you would like to receive more information about doctoral study in Strategic Management, please contact us and an Admissions Specialist will be in touch to connect you with a department representative!

[email protected]

Program Details

Faculty and Students

  • Strategy and Innovation

Hero Med mosaic tiles

  • Concentrations
  • Information Technology Management
  • Operations Management
  • Organizational Behavior

A doctoral degree from Georgia Tech’s Scheller College of Business prepares you to pursue a faculty career at a research-oriented academic institution. Faculty enjoy high salaries, autonomy, an intellectually stimulating job, and the opportunity to teach and work with bright students.

Strategy and Innovation Concentration Overview

Marco Ceccagnoli, Professor of Strategy and Innovation, gives an overview of the Strategy and Innovation concentration within the Scheller Ph.D. program.

Strategy and Innovation Concentration Overview

Why Strategy and Innovation?

The field of strategy is concerned with explaining and predicting firm-level differences in performance. The intersection between strategy and innovation is particularly fertile because of the growing role of innovation-based products and processes, and the critical role technological capabilities play as a source of competitive advantage. The intersection between strategy and innovation is also particularly relevant for technology-based new ventures. The areas of strategy, innovation, and entrepreneurship offer excellent job prospects for Ph.D. graduates.

Why Georgia Tech?

We are one of the leading academic groups with a research focus specifically on the intersection of strategy and innovation. Students can customize their curriculum by selecting from courses offered at Georgia Tech and top-tier partner institutions and they have access to outstanding research infrastructure such as a Census Research Data Center. Given the small size of the program, we place a strong emphasis on mentorship, allowing students to learn from a diverse faculty.

Our Ph.D. program emphasizes the early involvement of students in research projects with internationally recognized faculty. Our research is interdisciplinary, often applying economic thinking and integrating insights from other areas such as sociology, psychology, and management.

Faculty members publish in high-impact management journals such as Management Science, Organization Science, Research Policy, and Strategic Management Journal as well as in top journals in related fields such as Science, Nature, RAND Journal of Economics, and the Review of Economics and Statistics . Our faculty hold positions as journal editors and members of editorial boards, leadership positions in professional associations, and research appointments at highly selected bodies such as the National Bureau of Economic Research. Faculty members regularly share their knowledge with managers and entrepreneurs and have been invited to join as policy advisers to the Council of Economic Advisors and Committees of the National Academies. 

We host, co-sponsor, and participate in leading research conferences such as the Roundtable for Engineering Entrepreneurship Research (REER) and the Consortium for Competitiveness and Cooperation (CCC). Our weekly research seminar attracts presenters from institutions such as Harvard, MIT, Stanford, and the Max Planck Institute. Ph.D. students actively participate in these events, providing them with opportunities to learn from internationally leading scholars and to grow into the professional community.

What Does the Program Cost?

We fully fund all admitted students for at least five years, including a tuition waiver and a stipend to cover living expenses. Successful program completion will require a significant investment of time and effort, which is most likely to pay off for students with a clear interest in a research-oriented faculty career.

Application Process

The application deadline is jan. 6 for admission the following fall semester (starting mid-august)., strategy and innovation news.

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Two graduate students talking indoors.

PHD in Strategy & International Business Program

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  • PhD in Business – Strategy and International Business

Who's It For?

The PhD in Strategy and International Business focuses on scholarly research on topics pertaining to strategic management and international business, as well as their interfaces. Offered through the Department of Management, topics examined include corporate strategy, corporate governance, management of multinational enterprises, international entry strategies, strategic alliances, and strategy in emerging economies, among others. 

The program emphasizes student involvement in research early in their doctoral studies. Students have the opportunity to be involved in ongoing research projects under the mentorship of experienced faculty, Close interaction with faculty members enables students to quickly learn to identify and develop research ideas and create their own research agenda. Students also develop teaching competence under faculty mentorship by teaching undergraduate classes.

Program Type Doctoral

Location On Campus

Time Commitment Full Time

Start Date August

Students interact on campus.

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Graduate faculty member teaching a class.

The Intersection of Strategic Management and International Business

Carina Cuculiza video thumbnail

Preparing Next-Generation Scholars

Three students work together in a classroom on a laptop

A typical student in Strategy/International Business would take the following core courses in Year 1: Statistics I and II, Research Methods, Strategic Management Research, and Social Psychology.

All students in the PhD in Business also complete a core curriculum. Follow the link below for details.

Professor Wei Shi

Terri A. Scandura

mezias headshot

John M. Mezias

luo headshot

Meet your Program Coordinator


Start Your Miami Journey

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Ph.D. in Strategic Management

Program information.

Please note: We are not accepting applications in strategic management for the fall 2025 term.

The doctoral program in strategic management prepares students for success in research universities as faculty members specializing in strategic management. Research in strategic management concerns how firms and organizations gain competitive advantage over rival firms or organizations. The field emphasizes a blend of knowledge about economics, sociology and psychology to understand firm strategy and strategic decision-making.

Important sub-fields within the discipline include research on developing firm resources, competitive interactions, relational governance, strategic decision-making, innovation, entrepreneurship and organizational learning. The field is increasingly focusing on research issues within the context of globalization and international business.  

  • Application requirements

Doctoral students work closely with faculty to gain research expertise in the various functions and activities carried out as part of SM with a focus on developing firm resources, competitive interactions, relational governance, strategic decision-making, innovation, entrepreneurship, and organizational learning.

Part of our mission is to develop effective teachers. To that end, all doctoral students are required to teach at least two sections as independent instructors. The school and university prepare and reward doctoral students for excellence in teaching through various programs and awards.

Program details

View degree requirements and a detailed list of courses in the KU Academic Catalog .


Area of concentration.

Most students typically will select the specific area to which they are admitted (strategic management) as their concentration. However, an aspirant, with the assistance of his or her faculty advisor and the area faculty, may propose an interdisciplinary area of concentration that is a combination of the traditional business disciplines.

An aspirant may also propose an interdisciplinary area of concentration that includes emphases such as international business, law and economics. 

Research methodology

For successful qualifier assessment, the student’s program of study should include adequate preparation in research methodology.

  • Comprehensive exams
  • Dissertation proposal
  • Dissertation defense

Some students can complete the program in four years.

Program faculty

Vincent Barker

  • Edmund P. Learned Professor
  • Management and Entrepreneurship academic area

Todd Hall

  • Assistant Professor

Jun Ho Lee

  • William & Judy Docking Professor of Strategy

Strategic management doctoral students

Jayhawk logo against a KU blue background

  • Ph.D. Student

Youn Seo Jo

  • Marketing and Business Law academic area

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  • Why Stanford MSx

Research Fellows Program

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Research Hub

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  • Behavioral Lab

Research Labs

  • Cities, Housing & Society Lab
  • Golub Capital Social Impact Lab

Research Initiatives

  • Corporate Governance Research Initiative
  • Corporations and Society Initiative
  • Policy and Innovation Initiative
  • Rapid Decarbonization Initiative
  • Stanford Latino Entrepreneurship Initiative
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Admission Events & Information Sessions

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  • Alumni Events
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  • Requirements
  • Requirements: Behavioral
  • Requirements: Quantitative
  • Requirements: Macro
  • Requirements: Micro
  • Annual Evaluations
  • Field Examination
  • Research Activities
  • Research Papers
  • Dissertation
  • Oral Examination
  • Current Students
  • Entering Class Profile
  • Education & CV
  • GMAT & GRE
  • International Applicants
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Brian Lowery, Professor of Organizational Behavior, talking with students. Credit: Elena Zukhova

Our faculty members are uncompromisingly committed to student success

Sarah Soule, Professor of Sociology, teaches a classroom of students. | Elena Zhukova

Students pursue an intensely focused, highly energized academic experience in their chosen discipline

Sarah Soule, Professor of Sociology, gives a lecture in class. Credit: Elena Zhukova

Recognized experts in their fields, our faculty continually publish groundbreaking research

PhD students having coffee together

Our collaborative culture enables students to support one another, and most students live on campus

Students walking around outside on campus. Credit: Elena Zukhova

Learn more about our application materials and what we look for in a candidate

Erica Plambeck, Professor of Operations, Information, and Technology, hugging a student during a commencement ceremony. Credit: Saul Bromberger

Our graduates pursue tenure-track academic placements at top institutions around the world

Stanford GSB PhD Program

Discover a focus and intensity greater than you may have thought possible. As a PhD student at Stanford Graduate School of Business, you will be inspired and challenged to explore novel ideas and complex questions.

Fall 2025 applications  are now open. The application deadline is December 1, 2024 at 5:00 PM PST.

PhD students on the x in McCoy Courtyard

Become an Outstanding Scholar

Our PhD Program is designed to develop outstanding scholars for careers in research and teaching at leading academic institutions throughout the world. You will embark on a challenging and meaningful experience, focusing your academic study in one of seven distinct fields within the PhD degree program.

Is a PhD Right for You?

Strong PhD candidates are full of ideas and curiosity, with a passion and aptitude for research. If you’re prepared to embark on a rigorous career in research and develop your full potential, we invite you to explore the possibilities of a PhD in business. Admitted students receive full fellowships for their doctoral studies.

Faculty Publications

Dollar safety and the global financial cycle, interest rate risk in banking, monetary tightening and u.s. bank fragility in 2023: mark-to-market losses and uninsured depositor runs, phd student voices.

phd in business strategy

Benjamin Tremblay-Auger

phd in business strategy

Pauline Liang

phd in business strategy

Mohamed Hussein

phd in business strategy

Lina Lukyantseva

School news, stanford economist guido imbens wins nobel in economic sciences, susan athey named president of american economic association, teaching through a pandemic: students recognize two faculty members for their efforts, diversifying the pool of phd students will require systemic change.

Gain valuable research experience and training in a two-year, pre-doctoral opportunity at Stanford University.

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Andy Wicks Teaching

The Darden Ph.D. Program

Ph.d. - strategy, ethics & entrepreneurship, strategy, ethics & entrepreneurship.

Darden's Strategy, Ethics & Entrepreneurship (SEE) Ph.D. Program connects these three fields of study. We bring a unique Darden perspective to creating and sustaining value - not only for the firm, but for stakeholders associated with the firm and for the society within which the firm operates.

Students in the SEE Ph.D. Program will be mentored by some of the leading business faculty in the world. Darden's SEE faculty through in-depth research and practical experience, integrate powerful theoretical concepts with rigorous, state-of-the-art methods. We push students, scholars and managers to rethink taken-for granted mental models and uncover promising new possibilities.

  • The design of new sources of value creation including new products, new ventures, new markets and even new opportunities
  • Sustaining, growing and sharing value over the lifecycle of firms
  • Learning to weave together values, value creation and strategic innovation within a distinctive way of thinking about business and the role it plays within society

While emphasis is placed on the intersection of these topics, students will choose one of three tracks:

Strategy equips students with the framework, concepts and tools required to think strategically about the total enterprise and lead the creation of new futures. We focus on how to create value for customers, analyze industry structure and identify sources of uniqueness and competitive advantage. To this, Darden adds a unique focus on innovation, governance, organic growth, and sustainability.

Ethics enables students to reason about the role of ethics in business in a complex, dynamic and global environment. Business and ethics, when rightly understood, are things that tend to go together rather than forces that are fundamentally at odds: business can be viewed as how we live out our values in connection with others - and as dynamics that can foster better and richer forms of cooperation. Darden stands out as a place known for work on stakeholder theory, American pragmatism and the role of ethics in business.


Entrepreneurship is not just about starting companies, but about developing the entrepreneurial mindset: doing more with less as well as doing more with what you have. Key concepts here include idea generation, prototype development, obtaining funding, team building, business planning and risk management. To these, Darden adds entrepreneurial expertise and effectual logic and market-based solution for social issues.

Ming-Jer Chen

Ming-Jer Chen

Leslie e. grayson professor of business administration; areas of expertise: competitive dynamics, ambicultural strategy, and global strategy and competition.

Yo-Jud Cheng

Yo-Jud Cheng

Assistant professor of business administration; areas of expertise: corporate governance, strategic leadership, ceo succession, top management teams.

Gregory B. Fairchild

Gregory B. Fairchild

Isidore horween research associate professor of business administration; areas of expertise: entrepreneurship, business strategy, business ethics, leadership.

R. Edward Freeman

R. Edward Freeman

Elis and signe olsson professor of business administration; areas of expertise: business ethics, stakeholder theory, stakeholder capitalism, pragmatism.

Jared D. Harris

Jared D. Harris

Associate professor of business administration; areas of expertise: business ethics, corporate governance, interfirm trust.

Young Hou

Assistant Professor of Business Administration; Areas of Expertise: Competitive Strategy, Nonmarket Strategy, Corporate Strategy, Core Strategy

Lauren Kaufmann

Lauren Kaufmann

Assistant professor of business administration; areas of expertise: business ethics, business & society, social entrepreneurship, impact investing, feminist theory.

Dennie Kim

Assistant Professor of Business Administration; Organizational Networks, Collaborative Strategy, Healthcare Delivery, Decentralized Organizations (e.g. blockchain-based)

Michael Lenox

Michael Lenox

Tayloe murphy professor of business administration; areas of expertise: business strategy, corporate innovation, sustainability, environmental entrepreneurship, digital transformation.

Jeanne M. Liedtka 

Jeanne M. Liedtka 

United technologies corporation professor of business administration; areas of expertise: leading growth, design thinking, corporate innovation.

Bidhan "Bobby" L. Parmar 

Bidhan "Bobby" L. Parmar 

Assistant professor of business administration; areas of expertise: decision making and ambiguity, business ethics and leadership, collaboration, stakeholder management.

Saras D. Sarasvathy

Saras D. Sarasvathy

Paul m. hammaker professor of business administration; areas of expertise: entrepreneurship, cognitive science, behavioral economics.

Scott A. Snell

Scott A. Snell

Frank m. sands sr. professor of business administration; areas of expertise: strategic management, strategy execution, talent management.

Andrew C. Wicks

Andrew C. Wicks

Ruffin professor of business administration; areas of expertise: business ethics, stakeholder theory and value creation, stakeholder responsibility, managerial mindset and responsible leadership.

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Launch Innovative Research and a Distinguished Career

Business phd program, you are here, original research, teaching & publication.

The PhD Program at the University of Colorado’s Leeds School of Business prepares students for research and teaching careers at leading universities. Our program focuses on developing the necessary skills for the design and execution of original, innovative research, and for the dissemination of knowledge through teaching and writing. Throughout the program, PhD students attain a deep understanding of the most influential research in all academic business disciplines, as well as the tools needed to contribute state-of-the-art research to advance specific business disciples in the key program areas that include Accounting, Finance, Information Systems, Marketing, Organizational Behavior, Strategy and Entrepreneurship, and Operations.

As a PhD student at the Leeds School of Business, you will be inspired and challenged to investigate complex questions and innovative ideas, as well as work closely with prominent faculty and leading scholars in generating groundbreaking research in your field of study. Leeds PhD students have access to six research centers and initiatives , including the Deming Center for Entrepreneurship and the Center for Ethics and Social Responsibility .

The Leeds School of Business offers a dynamic professional atmosphere comprised of quality diverse faculty and doctoral students, all framed by a thriving business community and a beautiful environment.

phd in accounting program illustrated icon

The accounting doctoral program provides students with a deep understanding of the most influential, modern accounting research, and with the tools needed to contribute state-of-the-art research that advances the discipline.

phd in finance program’s  illustrated icon

Finance faculty and PhD students study empirical and theoretical issues in corporate finance, structure of securities markets, valuation and asset pricing, derivatives, corporate governance, and information economics.

phd in organizational behavior program’s illustrated icon

Information Systems

The Information Systems (IS) doctoral program provides students an opportunity to work closely with world-renowned scholars to build skills that will prepare them for research careers as professors in information systems at business schools.  The program places a heavy emphasis on training students through active engagement in the research process with information systems faculty.

phd in marketing program’s illustrated icon

The marketing doctoral program prepares students to contribute to knowledge on the drivers of consumer behavior, the mechanisms of consumer decision-making, and the indicators of firms' strategic success. The program places a strong emphasis on developing experimental, quantitative, and analytical research skills in preparation for productive careers at top research universities.

phd in strategy program illustrated icon

The Operations Management PhD program prepares you to pursue an academic career as a researcher and educator. Faculty research interests range from quantitative modeling to empirical studies using tools from operations research, mathematical programming, artificial intelligence, econometrics and economics.

Organizational Behavior icon

Organizational Behavior

The Organizational Behavior (OB) doctoral program provides students an opportunity to work closely with world-renowned scholars to build skills that will prepare them for research careers as professors in leadership, management, and organizational behavior at business schools. The program places a heavy emphasis on training students through active engagement in the research process with leadership, management, and organizational behavior faculty.

Lightbulb logo

Strategy and Entrepreneurship

The Strategy and Entrepreneurship PhD program provides students an opportunity to work with renowned scholars in state-of-the-art research on firm strategy, innovation, and entrepreneurship.

PhD Graduates' Publications

Management Information Systems Quarterly ( WITS 2016 Best Prototype Award ) Unlocking Knowledge Inheritance of Behavioral Research: A Design Framework and an Instantiation (Conditional acceptance) Jingjing Li—University of Virginia (PhD 2013) Kai Larsen –University of Colorado Boulder Ahmed Abbasi –University of Virginia

Strategic Management Journal Gatekeeping Strategy and Knowledge Transfer among Platform Participants: Evidence from App Developers Yuchen Zhang –Tulane University (PhD 2016) Jingjing Li—University of Virginia (PhD 2013) Tony Tong –University of Colorado Boulder

Information Systems Research Don’t Mention It? Analyzing User-generated Content Signals for Early Adverse Event Warnings (2019) Ahmed Abbasi –University of Virginia Jingjing Li—University of Virginia (PhD 2013) Donald Adjeroh –West Virginia University Marie Abate—West Virginia University Wanhong Zheng –West Virginia University

Academy of Management The collective construction of green building: Industry transition toward environmentally beneficial practices (2019)   Jessica Jones - University of Colorado (anticipated PhD 2020) Jeffrey York - University of Colorado Siddharth Vedula - Babson College (PhD 2015) Michael Conger - Miami University (PhD 2014) Michael Lenox - University of Virginia

Journal of Accounting Research     Bridging the gap: Evidence from externally hired CEOs (2018)     Yonca Ertimur - University of Colorado at Boulder Caleb Rawson - University of Colorado at Boulder (PhD 2018) Jonathan L Rogers - University of Colorado at Boulder Sarah L.C. Zechman - University of Colorado at Boulder

Journal of Consumer Research     The impact of crowding on calorie consumption (2018)     Stefan J Hock - George Mason University Rajesh Bagchi - Virginia Tech (PhD 2008)

Journal of International Business Studies     Stability vs. flexibility: The effect of regulatory institutions on opportunity type (2018)     Susan L Young - Kennesaw State University Christopher Welter - Xavier University of Cincinnati Michael Conger - Miami University of Ohio (PhD 2014)

Organization Science     Value creation through employer loans: Evidence of informal lending to employees at small, labor-intensive firms (2018) Richard A Hunt - Virginia Tech (PhD 2013) Mathew L Hayward - Monash University

Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization Competitive pressure on the rate and scope of innovation (2018)  Kenneth A. Younge -College of Management of Technology, Switzerland ( PhD 2012) Tony Tong – University of Colorado Boulder

Journal of Economics & Management Strategy Constructing a Chinese patent database of listed firms in China: Descriptions, lessons, and insights (2018) Zi-Lin He -Tilburg University, The Netherlands Tony Tong – University of Colorado Boulder Yuchen Zhang – Tulane University ( PhD 2016) Wenlong He - University of International Business & Economics, Beijing

Nature Scientific Data  A database linking Chinese patents to China’s Census firms (2018) Zi-Lin He -Tilburg University, The Netherlands Tony Tong – University of Colorado Boulder Yuchen Zhang – Tulane University ( PhD 2016) Wenlong He - University of International Business & Economics, Beijing

Research Policy  What determines the duration of patent examination in China? (2018) Tony Tong – University of Colorado Boulder Zhang, Kun – University of Colorado Boulder  Zi-Lin He -Tilburg University, The Netherlands Yuchen Zhang – Tulane University ( PhD 2016)  

Journal of Economics & Management Strategy  The value of employee retention: Evidence from a natural experiment (2016)  Kenneth A. Younge -École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland ( PhD 2012) Matt Marx – Massachusetts Institute of Technology  

Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory Financial Reporting Quality and Auditor Locality Contagion Jamie Diaz - The College of William & Mary Gregory W. Martin - The University of North Carolina at Charlotte (PhD 2009) Wayne B. Thomas - The University of Oklahoma

View all PhD Graduates Publications

PhD Student News and Awards

Kai Larsen INFORMS ISS Design Science Award

Jan. 6, 2020

Read more about Associate Professor Kai Larsen and PhD Graduate Jingjing Li Receive the Distinguished INFORMS ISS Design Science Award


May 2, 2019

Read more about Leeds' Vic Marsh (OBIS), Phoenix Van Wagoner (OBIS) and Nick Light (MKTG) Recognized for Graduate Teaching Excellence

Leeds School of Business PhD Student News

April 9, 2019

Read more about Phoenix Van Wagoner recognized for teaching award

March 21, 2019

Read more about Jessica Jones selected for CU Boulder Summer Graduate School Fellowship

PHD Awards

March 12, 2019

Read more about Leeds' spring 2019 PhD Program teaching award recipient announced

  • Harvard Business School →
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  • Doctoral 100 Years
  • History of Excellence

New Ideas for a Changing World

Phd programs  , accounting & management, business economics (includes finance), health policy (management), organizational behavior, technology & operations management.

“ Doctoral students are vital members of our intellectual community. They challenge existing ideas, develop new theories and techniques, and serve broadly as catalysts for innovation. ”

phd in business strategy

Why HBS?  

A history of excellence  , building a community of scholars  , class profile  , placement  , financial support  , introduce yourself.


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  • PhD in Business Management
  • Strategy and Innovation

Strategy and Innovation Doctor of Philosophy in Business Management

To survive and thrive in today’s business climate, confident leaders with bold strategies are essential. Capella’s online PhD in Business Management, Strategy and Innovation gives you the skills and knowledge to be a key player in the changing world of business, from small startups to global corporations. The program deepens your ability to analyze evidence-based strategies for business performance, and sets you up to teach, consult, or lead in diverse professional settings.

Virtual Residencies

Network with faculty and peers, and gain access to valuable resources to use during your program and beyond, through three doctoral virtual residencies.

Research mentor

Maintain progress through your dissertation; we’ll pair you with an academic mentor who can help you keep your momentum.

Stay on track with your academic goals and dissertation; we’ll help you organize your work into manageable segments.

Apply today with no application fee.

At a glance

  • 11 Core courses
  • 12 max transfer credits
  • 4 Specialization courses
  • 1 Elective course
  • 3 Virtual Residencies

Comprehensive exam


  • ACBSP-accredited

Reduce your tuition by $20,000

Enroll in a qualified program and apply for a $20K Capella Progress Reward, a scholarship to help fund your doctoral degree. Eligibility rules and exclusions apply. Connect with us for details.

Courses and skills

Explore strategy and innovation courses.

  • This program requires a total of 90 quarter credits
  • You’ll need to complete 14 core courses, three elective courses, three virtual residencies, one comprehensive exam and one dissertation

View all courses


Learners in this course study the ways organizations proactively anticipate and plan for future growth opportunities. Learners examine the scanning tools and technologies organizations use to develop meaningful information about the future environment; models for understanding and analyzing global trends; and new lenses for scanning, synthesizing, and analyzing strategic and competitive data.

4 quarter credits

In this course, learners examine the methods and collaborative processes organizations use to identify opportunities for innovation, including scenario planning and future visualization techniques. Learners also explore ways to identify risk, develop contingency plans in light of disruptive change, and communicate and disseminate those risks and plans.

4 quarter credits

This course presents the disruptive innovation strategies organizations use to lead the competition. Learners examine ways to reinvent industry competition and move beyond the concept of competitive strategy to developing breakthrough strategies and value innovation.

4 quarter credits

In this course, learners examine the ways organizations build innovation strategies to enhance organizational sustainability and adaptation. Learners analyze the organizational elements that support a culture of innovation and change and the development of idea-generation systems, flexible processes, governance structures, and evaluation metrics.

4 quarter credits

What you'll learn

Our PhD in Business Management, Strategy and Innovation degree equips you with a deep theoretical and practical knowledge of how organizations innovate successfully in today’s complex business environments.

On successful completion of this program, you should be able to:

  • Apply strategy and innovation theories to define best practices, generate new knowledge, and drive organizational change
  • Assess, identify, and access critical information sources for innovation strategy
  • Integrate data to support evidence-based strategy, with emphasis on emerging trends and technological influences in diverse global environments
  • Apply critical thinking to strategy and innovation using appropriate research techniques
  • Demonstrate ethical, effective, and sustainable approaches to business innovation challenges

Review the Capella career exploration guide  to learn more about this program and professional paths to explore.

Tuition and learning format

How much does the phd in business management cost.

The total cost of your degree will depend on academic performance, transfer credits, scholarships and other factors. See GuidedPath cost information below.

A structured learning format with an active peer community and faculty guidance. We’ll set the schedule, you meet the deadlines.

  • Based on the quarter system; 1-2 courses per 10-week quarter
  • 1 semester credit = 1.5 quarter credits
  • Weekly assignments and courseroom discussions
  • Pay for what you take, price varies by courseload or term

$985 per credit,  $5,000  quarterly tuition max, 75  coursework credits, 12 max transfer credits

Learn more about GuidedPath »

Tuition breakdown

Program phases.

$985 Per quarter credit

75 coursework credits

Per quarter credit

$2955 Per quarter

Per quarter

Resource kit fee

$175 Per quarter

Coursework phase only; includes eBooks, textbooks, interactive media, software, course packs, articles, test kits, and other instructional materials

Application fee

$0 no application fee

no application fee

Tuition and program length are unique to you

Your total tuition and program length depend on a variety of factors:

  • The program specialization you choose
  • Scholarships and finances
  • Prior coursework
  • Transfer credits
  • Employer and/or military benefits
  • Number of quarters spent working on dissertation
  • Complexity of your dissertation
  • Academic performance
  • School/work/life balance
  • Unexpected life events

About cost scenarios

The cost scenarios below are examples based on general program pricing and 2024–25 Capella tuition rates and assume the average number of transfer credits a student brings into the program. Pacing and pricing information is current as of Jan. 1, 2024. These rates are the same nationwide and may change depending on factors affecting program length and price. You are responsible for paying your own travel costs related to residencies, including plane, hotel, and food expenses.

To discuss whether the specialization you’re interested in has additional factors that may affect program cost and length, contact a Capella enrollment counselor.

Cost scenarios

Cost Scenarios Table

Complete each milestone at the pace of the fastest 25% of students

Coursework: $985/credit

13 quarters


Comprehensive Exam

1 quarter


Dissertation: $2,955/quarter

6 quarters




Est. Scholarship Savings*


Est. Subtotal with Scholarship Savings*


Resource kit fee: $175

13 quarters


Application fee: $0

no application fee



Cost Scenarios Table

Complete each milestone at the pace of the median 50% of students

Coursework: $985/credit

13 quarters


Comprehensive Exam

1 quarter


Dissertation: $2,955/quarter

8 quarters




Est. Scholarship Savings*


Est. Subtotal with Scholarship Savings*


Resource kit fee: $175

13 quarters


Application fee: $0

no application fee



Cost Scenarios Table

Complete each milestone at the pace of the slowest 75% of students

Coursework: $985/credit

13 quarters


Comprehensive Exam

1 quarter


Dissertation: $2,955/quarter

12 quarters




Est. Scholarship Savings*


Est. Subtotal with Scholarship Savings*


Resource kit fee: $175

13 quarters


Application fee: $0

no application fee



*Eligibility rules apply. Connect with us for details.

Get the details

Connect with an enrollment counselor to further discuss the cost of the program and explore your eligibility for scholarships and discounts.

Scholarships and savings

Are there scholarships available for doctoral degrees.

Your education is an investment in your future that's within reach. There are  more ways to save  than you might think.

$5,000 quarterly tuition maximum

Maximize your courseload – take 6 or more credits per quarter and pay just $5,000.* *Cost of each residency is included in the $5,000 quarterly tuition maximum; books, resource kit, travel, lodging, meals, and other expenses are not included.

$20K toward your doctorate Apply for a $20K Capella Progress Reward , a scholarship to help fund your doctoral degree. Eligibility rules and exclusions apply. Connect with us for details.

10% military discount 

Capella offers a tuition discount to active-duty service members, guard and reserve members, veterans, their spouses** and dependents. **Starting in July, spouses of veterans can now benefit from a 10% discount on eligible certificates, master’s and doctoral programs and a 15% discount on eligible bachelor’s programs.

Accredited and recognized

Capella is accredited by the higher learning commission..

Accreditation and recognitions provide assurance that we meet standards for quality of faculty, curriculum, learner services, and fiscal stability. See all our  accreditations  and  recognitions .

How to apply

Phd in business management admission requirements.

Applicants must provide the following information for  admission  to Capella programs and specializations:

  • A master’s degree from an institution accredited by an agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education, or from an internationally recognized institution
  •  Your official master’s transcripts, with a minimum grade point average of 3.0 or higher on a 4.0 scale
  • A valid, government-issued form of photo identification

GRE and GMAT are not required for admission.

International Student Requirements

If you completed your most recent academic coursework, degree, or credential at an institution outside the United States, regardless of your citizenship or where you currently live, you are considered an international applicant.

In addition to the above admission requirements, you will need to submit these materials:

  • Minimum score on acceptable test for proof of English proficiency
  • Transcript evaluation

Learn more about  international student admissions .

Faculty and support

What support does capella offer online students.

Our programs are designed to meet the unique needs of doctoral students. We’ve structured the experience in manageable pieces that build on one another to help you earn your doctorate. You’ll have support from faculty, staff, and online resources along the way.

Doctoral faculty

Work with faculty members who have years of experience and specialize in their areas of expertise throughout each phase of your program, including literature review and implementation planning.

Enrollment counselors

These experts will set you up for success. They’ll help you find the right degree program and answer all your questions about Capella.

Academic coaches

Through quarterly appointments and as-needed counseling sessions, these specialists introduce you to Capella and help you tailor your program to your personal goals and experiences.

Articles and resources

Expand your perspective on academic and career topics with articles and resources from Capella University.

Classroom instruction

10 qualities to look for in a career mentor

Finding a career mentor can really help as you develop your professional skills and move up the ladder.


What’s the ROI for a PhD?

Is a PhD worth the investment of time, money, and energy?

Doctoral Journey

What’s it like to be a doctoral student?

What does it take to earn a doctoral degree? Learn more about the experience and explore each step of the journey.

Career exploration

What can you do with a phd in strategy & innovation degree.

Your education can help you reach your goals, professionally and personally. Here are some of the jobs and employment settings to consider with a PhD in Strategy & Innovation.

Related job titles to explore*

  • Director of strategy and operations
  • Director, business research
  • Chief executive officer (CEO)
  • Chief operating officer (COO)
  • Business consultant
  • Adjunct or part-time business faculty
  • Full-time business faculty
  • Dean or associate dean of a business program
  • Vice president
  • General manager

Employment settings to explore

  • Manufacturing
  • Banking/finance
  • Government—local, state, federal
  • Land-based or online college or university
  • Community college
  • Corporation
  • Consulting firm
  • Nonprofit organization
  • Insurance firm
  • Health care organization

*These are examples intended to serve as a general guide. Some positions may prefer or even require previous experience, licensure, certifications, and/or other designations along with a degree. Because many factors determine what position an individual may attain, Capella cannot guarantee that a graduate will secure any specific job title, a promotion, salary increase, or other career outcome. We encourage you to research requirements for your job target and career goals.

Take the first step toward earning your degree and achieving your goals. {page-tel}

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A student wearing glasses looks toward the camera with the back of two peoples heads in the foreground.

PhD in Management Program

A phd in management: where business research and education intersect.

Become an industry thought leader while preparing tomorrow’s business leaders.

Our fully funded PhD in Management is designed for ambitious students and professionals interested in a career in university teaching and research.

This residential program, based at the Samuel Curtis Johnson Graduate School of Management in Ithaca, NY, combines Ivy League rigor and real-world relevance to prepare you for successful careers in academia.

A woman wearing a blue button-up shirt smiles and look to her left out of frame

Why Get a PhD in Management?

With a strong focus on management science and applied research, this doctoral degree is ideal for someone looking to teach at the university level and contribute to the greater body of industry knowledge. Pursuing a PhD in Management is also an ideal next step for executives and senior managers who want to make a transition to academia or enhance their research skills for a successful consulting career.

Fully Funded, Highly Flexible: What Makes Cornell’s Management PhD Different?

As you explore PhD programs’ degree requirements, faculty engagement, and campus experience, Cornell stands alone.

In Cornell’s highly flexible program, you’ll choose a specific area of study and build your own dissertation committee. Our program faculty are genuinely interested and invested in your intellectual development. In this small and highly selective program, you will get to know the faculty and your peers well.

The SC Johnson Graduate School of Management is home to leading research centers and a high-impact academic journal; these open you up to unique learning and mentorship opportunities.

Cornell’s Nusiness Simulation Lab logo.

Business Simulation Lab

The Debra Paget and Jeffrey Berg Business Simulation Lab facilitates in-person and online behavioral research related to decision-making and problem-solving.

Discover More About BSL

Our Three-Pronged Approach to a PhD in Management

The Johnson School’s doctoral degree in management combines the best of theory and practice, building on a three-pronged foundation:

phd in business strategy

Hands-on Experience

Develop your research and analytical skills. You’ll work with classmates to examine existing literature and theories for class deliverables, which will often include your own original research.

phd in business strategy

Customizable Curriculum

Design your own academic pathway. You’ll choose one of six primary areas of study and create your own dissertation committee.

phd in business strategy

University-Wide Coursework

Draw on the expertise from across Cornell. You’ll get to select graduate-level courses from schools and colleges devoted to law , hospitality , engineering , labor relations , and other fields.

At a Glance: Cornell’s Fully Funded PhD in Management

The fully residential, fully funded PhD in Management program includes a tuition waiver and a stipend for living expenses. Here’s a quick overview of what to expect:

phd in business strategy

Degree Awarded

PhD in Management

phd in business strategy

Program Location

Ithaca, NY, with options in New York City

phd in business strategy

Program Format

Foundational coursework, original research, and six potential areas of study

Headshot of Elina Hur

Hear from Our Community

“PhD is a marathon, not a sprint, and collaborating with great people is paramount. At Cornell, I’ve found a place where amazing people come together, supporting my research and personal growth. Choosing Cornell means joining a community that knows how important it is to work with exceptional people to excel in the program.” – Elina Hur PhD ’23

Customize Your Path: Our Areas of Study

When you apply to the Johnson School’s PhD in Management, you will select a primary area of study. Choosing a concentration allows you to gain specialized skills and knowledge while growing a portfolio of original research.


Examine the role of accounting information in firms and financial markets. PhD-level research at Cornell explores topics such as how firms report information to investors, how accounting information is used to manage firms, and the nature of auditing.


Strategy & Business Economics

Use modern tools and methodologies to gain a better understanding of the world. PhD students in this area explore many aspects of economics including industrial, behavioral, labor, and organizational.


Dive deep into the financial structure and issues of organizations. Your research might look at how conflicts of interest affect corporate policy, how investor psychology affects asset pricing, or how to detect price bubbles.


Learn how theories from operations research, economics, psychology, and sociology intersect to inform corporate and consumer decisions. Your PhD studies will explore both quantitative and behavioral perspectives of marketing.


Management & Organizations

Prepare for a research-focused career in academia or industry. This versatile concentration develops skilled, innovative, analytical researchers through a broad curriculum and close faculty collaboration.


Operations, Technology, & Information Management

Develop the technical skills and behavioral analysis knowledge you need to address high-impact managerial decisions. This focus area also offers an option to complete coursework at Cornell Tech in New York City.

A professor of works with a PhD candidate seated at a table looking at a laptop together.

Idea Generation to Publication: A Career in Teaching and Research

The majority of our PhD in Management students pursue careers in academia. After graduation, many land tenure-track teaching positions at top-tier business schools and continue to advance knowledge through original research. Johnson School PhD students often field multiple offers and see starting salaries range from $150,000 to $250,000.

Finding Your Place at Cornell: Meet Our Current PhDs

Students from around the United States and across the globe arrive at the Johnson School to earn their PhD in Management—and their diverse research interests, educational backgrounds, and professional experiences make for a vibrant, enriching learning environment.


Research and Placements: Making an Impact in the Management Field

After earning the PhD in Management, our alumni go on to teach and inspire future leaders at top-tier institutions. Not only do they teach and conduct research alongside some of the most brilliant minds in business, but they also advance the field through publishing in leading journals and presenting their work at industry conferences.

Recent PhD in Management Placements

  • Piyush Anand, PhD ’21, assistant professor of marketing, Jones Graduate School of Business, Rice University
  • Guarav Kankanhalli, PhD ’20, assistant professor, Joseph M. Katz Graduate School of Business, University of Pittsburgh
  • Eunjee Kim, PhD ’21, assistant professor, Mays Business School, Texas A&M University
  • Sarah Lim, PhD ’21, assistant professor, Gies College of Business, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
  • Xuege Lu, PhD ’22, assistant professor, Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota
  • Subrina Shen, PhD ’21, assistant professor, McCombs School of Business, University of Texas at Austin

Recent Research Publications

  • “ Do Real Estate Values Boost Corporate Borrowing? Evidence from Contract-Level Data ” in the Journal of Financial Economics (2022) — Gaurav Kankanhalli, PhD ’20, with Murillo Campello, Robert A. Connolly, and Eva Steiner
  • “ Converging Tides Lift All Boats: Consensus in Evaluation Criteria Boosts Investments in Firms in Nascent Technology Sectors ” in Organization Science (2021) — Xirong (Subrina) Shen, PhD ’21, with Huisi (Jessica) Li, PhD ’20, and Pamela S. Tolbert 
  • “ Initial and Longer-Term Change in Unit-Level Turnover Following Leader Succession: Contingent Effects of Outgoing and Incoming Leader Characteristics ” in Organization Science (2020)— Huisi (Jessica) Li, PhD ’20, with John Hausknecht and Lisa Dragoni

“ Does Regulatory Jurisdiction Affect the Quality of Investment-Adviser Regulation? ” in American Economic Review (2019) — Alan Kwan, PhD ’17, with Ben Charoenwong and Tarik Umar

Karan Girotra, professor of Management at Johnson, teaches a class.

Our Faculty: Accomplished Researchers, Dedicated Teachers

When you join the PhD in Management program at the Johnson School, you’ll be part of a learning community comprising more than 100 accomplished academics and thought leaders. 

Not only will you take courses with renowned professors from across the Cornell SC Johnson College of Business, but you also will have the opportunity to build your own faculty committee—a group that will become instrumental as you select your dissertation topic and embark on your original research.

Faculty Spotlight: Learn from Leading Thought Leaders

Throughout the PhD program—from foundational coursework to your dissertation—you’ll work closely with dedicated teacher-scholars like these:

Headshot of Kristin Arennekamp

Kristina Rennekamp

Dr. Rennekamp’s research focuses on financial accounting from a behavioral perspective. She’s widely published, with work appearing in leading academic journals such as The Accounting Review , Contemporary Accounting Research , and The Journal of Financial Reporting .

Headshot of Karan Girotra.

Karan Girotra

Dr. Girotra studies the digital transformation of companies, whether it’s looking at emerging tools and practices or exploring new business models. He’s frequently interviewed in an array of mainstream business media outlets, including Bloomberg BusinessWeek , Fortune , and Forbes .

Headshot of Kaitlin Woolley.

Kaitlin Woolley

Dr. Woolley studies the psychological processes behind consumer motivation. She’s an award-winning educator and researcher with work published in academic journals and national media outlets including the Journal of Consumer Research , Journal of Marketing Research , and The Wall Street Journal .


What You’ll Learn: Curriculum Overview

As you pursue your PhD in business management, you’ll begin with a set of foundation courses and progress into advanced coursework in your area of interest. Through it all, your faculty committee will help make sure you’re on the right track.


Foundational Management Coursework

Early in your doctoral program, you will complete foundational coursework in management and other fields. Many of these will focus on the research process and prepare you for your dissertation.


Advanced Coursework in Your Concentration Area

As you progress in the PhD in Management program, you’ll take electives and advanced courses that align with your research area of interest; these classes can be in the Johnson School and across Cornell.


Your Dissertation: Creating Original Research

During the final part of the program, you begin work on your dissertation—the culmination of your original research. You choose the topic of research in conjunction with your committee.


Beyond Business: Cross-Disciplinary Collaboration and Dialogue

Tap into the experience and expertise of faculty members from across Cornell University.

Management is a broad science. Business leaders serve in a variety of roles in industries of all kinds: healthcare, consumer goods, agriculture, biotechnology, media, and consulting to name just a few. At Cornell, you can enrich your education and expand your research opportunities by taking courses and finding mentors beyond the college of business.

A drone flies through the air gathering data in a grape vineyard at Cornell AgriTech..

Explore fields like computer science, psychology, sociology, communication, engineering, and data science—and then connect the dots back to your management research.

A presenter stands in front of a room next to a projector screen as people look on from a circle of tables.

Interact with peers and professors from other disciplines by participating in student organizations and special interest groups or by attending public lectures, workshops, and networking events.


Admissions Overview: How to Apply to the Management PhD Program

The ideal candidate for the Johnson School’s doctorate degree in management will have a strong record of academic excellence, a solid understanding of the research process, and an entrepreneurial approach to problem-solving. An MBA or master’s degree is not a requirement for admission. 

Our admissions page offers more details about program prerequisites, selection criteria, requirements, deadline information, and a checklist of materials you need to submit with your application.

Connect With Cornell Admissions

The Johnson School admissions team is available to answer your questions about the program and the application process. Stop in or reach out by phone or email today.

253-D Sage Hall Johnson Graduate School of Management Cornell University Ithaca, NY 14853-6201

Phone: 607-255-5340 Email: Graduate Research Programs Office

Aerial image of Cornell’s Ithaca, NY campus, inside an Ithaca campus building, and the Roosevelt Island skyline .

The Cornell Campus: Where You Will Learn, Grow, and Thrive

Learn, grow, and thrive on one of the most beautiful college campuses in the United States. As a PhD student, you’ll spend a lot of time in Sage Hall, a Gothic-style building dating back to 1875. You’ll find more high-tech learning spaces just off campus at the Breazzano Family Center for Business Education. You’ll also have access to the innovative campus of Cornell Tech in New York City—particularly relevant to students focused on technology and information management. 

Attending Cornell also means you’ll call Ithaca, NY, home for about five years. Our eclectic downtown is full of eateries, shops, activities, and all of the amenities you’d need for everyday life. When you’re not in class or studying, you can explore all that the Finger Lakes region has to offer.

PhD in Management FAQ: What You Need to Know

Before you apply to a research-focused graduate program, you’re likely to want to do some deep research of your own. For instance, how does a fully funded PhD in Management work? What’s the typical completion time?

We have a robust Frequently Asked Questions section to help you learn more about our program, the admissions process, and dissertation requirements. For our international applicants, you’ll also find specific details about earning your PhD in Management.

May I speak to someone about my interest in the program and visit?

You are welcome to reach out to any professor with whom you see a good research fit. Our website also has a wealth of information about the program.

Is an interview part of the process?

We offer interviews only to a few applicants after their first screening.

May I talk to a professor or advisor?

You are welcome to contact any professor with whom you see a research match. Faculty are more likely to respond to specific research queries.

I have questions; may I write to this program email address?

Yes. Our response time will vary. We are not able to answer detailed questions that are better assessed by faculty during the application process.

May I schedule a campus tour?

Admissions does not offer campus tours for PhD program applicants. However, you may arrange an appointment with a faculty member.

Fraud alert – beware of third-party post-doc scams.

Cornell University recently has been made aware of fraudulent activity targeting overseas students and researchers, including at least one third party website falsely stating that it is offering a postdoctoral or visiting scholar program in association with Cornell. These scams, which may seek to obtain money and/or personal details from interested applicants, are fraudulent. 

Cornell wishes to warn the public about these fraudulent activities being perpetrated purportedly in the name of Cornell, and/or its officials. Please be advised that: 

  • Cornell does not, nor has it, worked in collaboration with third-party companies or organizations to offer postdoctoral or research certificate programs.
  • Third parties do not collect tuition or fees on behalf of Cornell.
  • Cornell does not work with or endorse such organizations including, but not limited to, Shanghai Lufei Education Technology Co., Ltd. (Chinese name: 上海璐斐教育科技有限公司) and Shenzhen Guoyan Era Education Technology Co., Ltd. (Chinese name: 深圳市国研时代教育科技有限公司).

Cornell’s postdoctoral positions are listed on the Academic Career Opportunities website and postdoctoral fellowship programs are available for viewing. If you suspect a third party of falsely advertising a Cornell program, please notify [email protected]. Victims of such scams may also report them to their local law enforcement authorities for appropriate action.

Start the Application Process Today

Ready to apply to our highly selective, fully funded PhD in Management? We look forward to learning more about you and your research goals. Start the application process today at the Cornell Graduate Admissions website. [You’ll first need to register for an account or log in to an existing one.]

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PhD Program

Pursue Excellence, Drive Change, Lead Globally

The Rotman building at night

5 year full-time program

On campus in-person Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Attend Rotman seminars

Applications for Fall 2025 are now open. Apply here .  Application deadline is January 10, 2025. We are offering application fee waivers for the first 60 qualified Black and/or Indigenous students as well as students from Iran and Ukraine. Please note that applicants must meet admission requirements, complete their admission application, submit all required documentation including transcripts, CV, Letter of Intent and English Language Proficiency Test scores, if applicable, as well as apply for the application fee waiver .

Join a close-knit community of scholars at one of the world’s top-ranked centres of management research – at the University of Toronto, in the heart of Canada’s vibrant, culturally diverse financial capital. As part of Rotman’s PhD program, you’ll explore new ideas, develop insights that inspire solutions and help to spark broader conversations among corporate and public leaders.

The PhD in Management is a challenging 5 year program which features course-work, cutting edge research training, and close working relationships with some of the best management academics in the world.  The success of our program is evidenced in the impressive careers of our graduates.

PhD students work closely with faculty in our research-led culture which emphasizes rigor, creativity and innovation. The PhD curriculum is carefully designed to support students as publishing scholars as early as possible in their doctoral studies and we have a terrific track record of placements in leading business schools. Our program is divided into 7 distinct streams of research: Accounting , Economic Analysis and Policy , Finance , Marketing ,  Operations Management and Statistics , Organizational Behaviour and Human Resource Management , and Strategic Management .

We are Rotman

A man runs up a pink staircase, the words 'we are rotman' appear

The Rotman School is ranked 16th in the world by the Financial Times for its faculty and research. PhD students at Rotman enjoy an academic culture of collaboration and research excellence. Our doctoral program is delivered in seven streams that reflect the organization of the school as a whole: 

  • Economic Analysis and Policy
  • Organizational Behaviour and Human Resource Management
  • Operations Management and Statistics  
  • Strategic Management

PhD students at Rotman study in small classes and form close working relationships with faculty. Take a moment to get to know our program requirements. If you are a strong candidate with an appetite for academic excellence, we encourage you to contact us to learn more about the Rotman PhD.

The Rotman PhD is for ambitious scholars who plan to teach and research at some of the world's top business schools. If you are looking to study with leading faculty, publish in noted academic journals, and build a global network of like-minded scholars, the Rotman PhD program is for you. Our goal is to prepare our PhD students for exceptional careers in the field of management, and all aspects of the doctoral program are developed with your professional goals in mind. Find out how the Rotman School at the University of Toronto has been the launching pad for many stellar academic careers.

Rotman PhDs on the Market

Research at Rotman

Careers: After the Rotman PhD

Rotman PhD Courses

2024-2025 phd course schedule.

Please view the Course Schedule above for the list of current courses.  

Student Life

Are you a promising scholar driven to achieve success in your studies? At Rotman we believe that your success is fueled by support that extends well beyond scholarship. Your ability to achieve both during the program and after graduation depends on strong networks with faculty and your peers. We aim to give you the tools you need to complete your program while achieving a balanced life outside of the classroom.  Whether you're looking for a new living arrangement, wanting to attend a research event, or wondering how previous students experienced their doctorate, the Rotman Phd progam has the support you need to succeed. Find out what it's like to study at one of the world's top business schools, and live in Toronto, Canada's cultural and financial capital. Finding a Place to Stay Research Seminars at Rotman University of Toronto

Daphne Baldassari, Rotman PhD'23: Dare to Risk

Board games and pizza night, rotman phd: leading the world in research, rotman phd: from support to strength.

phd in business strategy

International Business and Strategy PhD Opportunities

This PhD programme will focus on critical developments in international business and organisations’ strategic response to these.

At a glance

  • 50 years experience of teaching and research in International Business
  • Attend the Henley International Business Masterclasses
  • Learn from leading research centres
  • Option to gain a Double PhD with Politecnico di Milano (POLIMI)
  • Join an internationally-renowned faculty

This PhD programme will offer you the opportunity undertake original and business relevant research in International Business and Strategy . In this programme you will develop your critical thinking, intellectual capacity and creativity. Our postgraduate research students are drawn from all over the world. You will benefit from a dynamic research environment and supervision from internationally renowned faculty, dedicated support and outstanding facilities.

For over 50 years we have stood at the forefront of teaching and research in International Business. We continue to help define the research agenda in the field as well as in International Business History and International Human Resource Management. High quality teaching spans a broad range of programmes and focuses on critical developments in international business and organisations’ strategic response to these developments.

As a part of the PhD in International Business and Strategy, we offer Henley International Business Masterclasses . We provide these intensive courses on current debates and conceptual issues in International Business to give you broader learning opportunities. Each masterclass offers the opportunity to engage in key International Business topics taught by notable intellectual figures in the field.

Double PhD opportunities

Alongside the PhD in International Business and Strategy, we offer the opportunity of a Double PhD with Politecnico di Milano (Italy) or Copenhagen Business School (Denmark).

Politecnico di Milano (POLIMI) has a strong commitment to the excellence, distinctiveness and relevance of its teaching and research activities. The Doctoral Program at POLIMI is highly international and PhD graduates are held in high esteem. Not only in academia, but also in public institutions and companies where their research qualifications are increasingly demanded. More information on POLIMI can be found here .

The Double PhD programme between Henley Business School and POLIMI allows you to spend a period of normally twelve months at Politecnico di Milano, when Henley is the home university. You will benefit from joint supervision by one member of faculty from each institution throughout your PhD.

Copenhagen Business School (CBS) was established in 1917. Today, with 20,000 students and 1,500 employees, CBS is one of the largest business schools in Europe. CBS is committed to communicating knowledge and new ideas to tomorrow’s business leaders and society in general. Its main contribution in this field is research and research-based education, and investment in research and high academic standards is therefore crucial to CBS’ contribution to society.

The CBS PhD school aims to create an active national and international high quality research environment as a framework for the development of all PhD students as researchers at CBS. This framework should help CBS PhD students to create new knowledge in their respective field of research and to succeed after graduation either in a professional academic research career or in a professional career outside of academia, for example in private firms or public institutions, where advanced research skills are in high demand. The CBS PhD school is linked with all active academic research environments at CBS.

The Double PhD programme between Henley Business School and CBS allows you to spend a period of six to twelve months at CBS, when Henley is the home university. During this period you will complete course work offered by CBS of minimum 15 ECTS points, including any mandatory courses required by the department at CBS, and you will present your research at one seminar. You will benefit from joint supervision by one member of faculty from each institution throughout your PhD.

If you’re interested in applying for either of the Double PhD programmes, you should clearly mention it in your PhD application.

Leading research centres.

Henley Business School’s research in International Business and Strategy is driven through centres that are at the forefront of research. This includes the John H. Dunning Centre for International Business and the Centre for International Business History .

We welcome applicants seeking to conduct postgraduate research in the following fields:

  • Business History
  • International Business
  • International Human Resource Management

Please see our Research areas for more information.

Course structure Open

The module descriptions set out on this page are correct for modules being taught in the current academic year. Optional module listings are indicative and may be subject to change.

During your first year of studies, you will be required to:

  • Attend and obtain at least 60 credits from PhD/Masters level courses in Research Methods and other relevant courses plus a no-credit bearing course (see below);
  • Attend some short courses (2-3 hours each) required for the Reading Researcher Development Programme at the Graduate School (overseeing PhD studies within the University of Reading);
  • Attend the Preparing to Teach training programme (which is necessary to be able to complete any teaching-related activities within Henley Business School);
  • Participate in weekly research seminars organised by your Department and others relevant to your area of interest;
  • Hold regular meetings with your supervisor(s).

Required Taught Component

We have a slightly different path of taught components for students primarily using quantitative vs. qualitative research methods.

Quantitative Path

Compulsory modules Credits
20 [10 ECTS credits]
20 [10 ECTS credits]
0 [0 ECTS credits]
20 [10 ECTS credits]

Qualitative Path

Confirmation of registration.

In the middle of the second year, 15-18 months from the start of your PhD (see differences between departments), you will submit a substantive Research Proposal of 10,000 words that will be defended in front of Faculty members and/or assessed by independent examiners. This process will coincide with your confirmation of registration and, if successful, it will grant you the status of a PhD candidate.

The research proposal will be a significant development of the initial proposal you submitted for your application. It will include material you may have produced during the first year courses in research methods (e.g. literature review, methodologies, data description, etc.). If you plan to do a PhD thesis combining three papers, you are expected to include a draft of the first paper in your research proposal. Alternatively, if you intend to use a book-like structure for your thesis, the document should include the draft of at least one of the three/four key chapters.

Year 2 and 3

During your 2nd and 3rd year you will:

  • Continue to work on your PhD dissertation drafting the other two papers / key chapters;
  • Hold regular meetings with your supervisor(s);
  • Attend some short courses (2-3 hours each) required for the Reading Researcher Development Programme at the Graduate School;
  • Contribute to Business School and Departmental teaching/research activities and events;
  • Present posters/papers at national/international conferences;

Your thesis should be completed before your viva examination at the end of your third or fourth year (4 years is the maximum registration period according to the University rules).

Modules or course content marked as optional are indicative and may be subject to change. Please note, constraints in timetable scheduling may mean you are unable to take some optional modules at the same time as others.

How to apply Open

The application process normally consists of three main steps :

1. Formal application

Before applying formally, you may want to contact a potential supervisor who is working in your area. They could be interested in your topic. Please avoid contacting multiple faculty members simultaneously. We do talk to each other and this is not seen as a professional practice. You can contact a faculty member before your formal application, if you wish to.

2. Shortlisting based on the documents you uploaded in your application

3. Formal interview to assess your suitability to pursue a PhD at Henley Business School

The deadline to be considered for a scholarship varies between departments.

The key requirements for a successful application are:

  • Top grades in your Masters degree (minimum requirement is Merit or equivalent, but we prefer Distinction)
  • Top grade in your Masters Dissertation (or equivalent research-based piece of work) because this may show your research attitude and skills
  • A well-developed research proposal. Guidance on writing the research proposal can be found here

A reasonable intended timeline reflecting issues you may encounter in the study as presented above. For example, if you have to collect primary data. The time spent on data collection will be much longer than if you intend to use secondary data sources.

Fees & funding Open

For fees, please visit the Graduate School website .

Overseas applicants should refer to the non-laboratory based fees listed in the tables (International Band 1 for non UK/Home students).

Further PhD funding

  • UK/EU nationals : The University of Reading takes part in the South East DTC (Doctoral Training Centre). If you’re interested in applying, please follow the link for further details.
  • Nationals from India and developing countries : The Felix Scholarship competition is open to candidates applying for either taught Masters or Postgraduate Research Degrees who are either Indian nationals, or from developing countries, and who fulfil the required criteria. For more information and how to apply please follow the link.
  • Regional PhD Bursaries : They are available for PhD applicants normally living within 25 miles of the University. The scheme is not open to students who have already started their study at the University of Reading. For further information, please go to Graduate School website.
  • Former UoR Graduate : If you have already studied at the University of Reading you will get up to £1,000 off fees through the alumni fee discount .
  • Other : For information on further opportunities, please see the find funding section on the University website.
  • Fully-funded PhD studentship on changes in household expenditure and behaviour over the twentieth century.

Current scholarships

International business & strategy scholarship, entry requirements open, the application process normally consists of three main steps:.

Before applying formally you may want to contact a potential supervisor who is working in your area and could be interested in your topic. We advise against contacting multiple faculty members simultaneously as it is not seen as a professional practice.

The deadline to be considered for a scholarship varies between departments. The scholarship application deadline for International Business and Strategy is Wednesday 15 March 2023.

  • Top grades in your Masters degree (minimum requirement is a Merit or equivalent, but we prefer a Distinction)
  • Top grade in your Masters dissertation (or equivalent research-based piece of work) as this may show your research attitude and skills
  • A well-developed research proposal. Guidance on writing the research proposal can be found here .

English requirements: Applicants whose first language is not English are expected to have obtained an overall score of 7.0 in IELTS (with no element below 6.0). Alternatively, applicants could undertake a TOEFL Internet-based test with an overall score of 100 and no less than a score of 20 in Listening, Writing and Reading, and 21 in Speaking, or pass a TEEP test at the University of Reading and obtain a score of 7.0 (with no element below 6.0).

For all other equivalent score requirements in our accepted English Language tests, please visit the admissions website .

Careers, accreditation & progression Open

How henley careers can help you.

We have an award-winning careers team here to support you through your time at Henley and 4 years after graduating.

Henley Careers and Professional Development run numerous events throughout the autumn and spring terms to help you gain industry experience. These events are aimed to enhance your professional development and network with employers. We also offer one-to-one career coaching appointments where you can talk to a Careers Consultant about your professional development. This may include planning your ideal career journey or building confidence in a particular area. It could also involve practicing for interviews or having your CV checked.

For more information please see our Careers page .

Continuing your career

A PhD in the area of International Business and Strategy from Henley can open doors to a highly successful career. This includes academia, in large multinationals, leading consulting firms and governmental and non-governmental organisations worldwide.

What our students have gone on to do

  • Steve Altman , Senior Research Scholar, New York University
  • Tom Buckley , Lecturer in International Business Strategy, University of Sheffield
  • Eko Budi Harjo, Faculty Member, Telekom Corporate University, Indonesia
  • Pattana Buonchoo , Assistant Professor, Thammasat University
  • Maggie Cooper, Lecturer in Management Accounting, Henley Business School
  • Chipoong Kim, Senior Researcher at Samsung Economic Research Institute
  • Sylvia Kim, Assistant Professor of Accounting, Fresno Pacific University
  • Jongmin Lee, Lecturer in International Business and Strategy, Henley Business School
  • Sirinuch Loykulnanta, Lecturer Prince of Songkla University, Thailand
  • Quyen Nguyen, Associate Professor of International Business and Strategy, Henley Business School
  • Karina Pavlisa , Teaching Fellow, Henley Business School
  • Ziyi Wei, Lecturer in Chinese Studies, University of Sheffield

Research Areas Open

Research proposal.

A key element of the application is a research proposal. Guidance on writing the research proposal can be found here. It is important that the applicant spends some time exploring the research that we are involved in to see if it fits alongside their own. Below are the main research areas of our staff.

Research Interest and faculty: International Business and Strategy

International Business:

  • Theories of MNE; Economic analysis of supply chains: Professor Mark Casson
  • Firms’ internationalisation choices, innovation, and economic performances; MNEs location decisions; MNEs and the cities: Professor Davide Castellani
  • Strategic leadership of the multinational enterprise. Micro-level antecedents of international business strategy. Executive careers, turnover and pay: Dr Peder Greve
  • Foreign direct investment, local labour markets and educational choices; Global Value Chains and human capital development; Emerging market MNEs’ internationalisation strategies: Jose Eduardo Ibarra Olivo
  • International management; staffing strategy; knowledge management; Regional diversification; Headquarters and subsidiary relationships; Emerging market MNEs: Dr Jongmin Lee
  • The role of MNEs in development, innovation and industrial policy; R&D alliances; Outsourcing: Professor Rajneesh Narula
  • Multinational subsidiary strategy and performance: Dr Quyen Nguyen
  • Internalization theory and its applications to a wide variety of international business phenomena, such as the internationalization of family firms, the creation of subsidiary specific advantage, the impact of regional integration on entry mode choices, the growth of emerging economy multinational enterprises, the rise of international new ventures: Professor Alain Verbeke
  • Value co-creation with suppliers; Business unit strategy using a capabilities-based perspective: Professor Marc Day

Research Interest and faculty: International Human Resource Management

  • International and comparative human resource management; new technology and work; international mobility: Professor Chris Brewster
  • International HRM strategy of MNE’s; transferring HRM practice across countries in MNEs; knowledge creation and sharing in MNEs: International experiences and subsidiary staffing: Dr Chul Chung
  • Alternative work arrangements; Flexible working practices; International human resource management and links with attitudes, behaviour and performance: Dr Rita Fontinha
  • Strategic HRM and the processes that hinder/facilitate employee-organisation relationship; Individual interpretations and reactions to HRM practices, strategic management of human capital, well-being, counterproductive work behaviours, workplace justice, trust and leadership: Dr Charmi Patel
  • International Human Resource Management, Expatriation, Migration, Social Status, Diversity & Inclusion: Washika Haak-Saheem

Research Interest and faculty: Business History

  • Innovation strategies in Britain, the United States and Europe; Knowledge creation within and outside the firm; The development and evolution of industrial clusters and districts; The impact of social and business networks on innovation and performance; The British Industrial Revolution: Dr Joe Lane
  • Business history; Internationalisation of the media and creative industries: Professor Peter Miskell
  • History of the banking system; Regulation of 19th century British joint-stock banks and the creation of an identity around these new entrants to the market; Creation of identity for 20th century UK retail banks; Governance and shareholder rights of 19th century corporations: Dr Lucy Newton
  • Professor Peter Scott has developed two specific PhD studentship projects that draw on the resources and research areas of the Centre for Economics Institutions and Business History : - British economic elites in early and mid-twentieth century Britain - Strategies for surviving in a hostile climate: major retailers and the decline of the British high street, 1970 – present Students potentially interested in these projects can contact him for further information at: [email protected] .
  • British and American retail managerial revolution; Spatial competition in product markets and between firms in automobile markets; Academic performance and pay; Varieties of capitalism: Professor James Walker

Teaching staff Open

Professor chris brewster.

Professor Chris Brewster

Professor Mark Casson

Professor Mark Casson

Dr Chul Chung

Dr Chul Chung

Professor Davide Castellani

Professor Davide Castellani

Dr Peder Greve

Dr Peder Greve

Dr Rita Fontinha

Dr Rita Fontinha

Dr Washika Haak-Saheem

Dr Washika Haak-Saheem

Dr J. Eduardo Ibarra-Olivo

Dr J. Eduardo Ibarra-Olivo

Dr Joe Lane

Dr Joe Lane

Professor Peter Miskell

Professor Peter Miskell

Professor Rajneesh Narula

Professor Rajneesh Narula

Professor Lucy Newton

Professor Lucy Newton

Dr Quyen Nguyen

Dr Quyen Nguyen

Dr Charmi Patel

Dr Charmi Patel

Professor Peter Scott

Professor Peter Scott

Professor Alain Verbeke

Professor Alain Verbeke

Prof James T Walker

Prof James T Walker

International Business Masterclasses Open

The Henley International Business Masterclasses are an initiative developed in the International Business and Strategy unit at Henley Business School. We provide these intensive courses on current debates and conceptual issues in International Business to give broader learning opportunities to PhD students and post-doctoral researchers. Each masterclass offers the opportunity to engage in key International Business topics taught by notable intellectual figures in the field.

The masterclasses are delivered in two sets each academic year, in the Autumn and Spring session.

Masterclasses Modules:

Autumn Term:

  • MMD005 - Theory of the MNE: Foundations of Global Corporate Success by Prof. Alain Verbeke
  • MMD003 - Economics of International Business by Prof. Mark Casson

Spring Term:

  • MMD007 - International Business, Innovation and Economic Geography by Prof. Davide Castellani
  • MMD006 - International Business, Development and Policy by Prof. Rajneesh Narula
  • MMD004 - International Human Resources Management by Prof. Chris Brewster

For more information about upcoming masterclasses and application process is available here .

To find details about our previous Masterclasses click here

“The International Business Masterclasses provide an incredible platform to Ph.D. students from all over the world to understand the finest nuances of key theories of International Business and how the contemporary issues are making it imperative to revisit these theories thereby providing an opportunity to push the boundaries of IB as a field of study. Attending both the modules, Strategy and International Business taught by Prof. Alain Verbeke, and the Economics of International Business by Prof. Mark Casson and Prof. Gabriel Benito has immensely added to my knowledge of the subject and helped me develop a more holistic perspective on my ongoing Ph.D. research work. The classes are very well-structured and designed in a manner to allow free flow of discussion among the participants and with the professors. All the professors were very committed to understand and resolve the queries raised by the participants. The module on strategy and international business included students’ presentations of their current research and provided an excellent opportunity to take critical feedback from professors as well as the peers. Besides the academic content, masterclasses are a wonderful forum of meeting and developing network with fellow researches across the globe. I am extremely grateful to the organizers at the Henley Business School, University of Reading for giving us this opportunity and especially to Jana Oslejova for her exceptional assistance, support, and hospitality. She has been excellent in her job and pivotal in the running of the Masterclasses. Finally, my heartfelt thanks to the organizers for selecting me for the Alan Rugman Scholarship and Mrs. Helen Rugman to fund the same. It was an absolute honor to meet the very gentle lady, Mrs. Helen Rugman, and receive the award and attendance certificate directly from her. The masterclasses are the powerhouse of invaluable learning and meeting people with similar intellectual pursuits, because of which I strongly recommend them to every aspiring International Business Scholar and/or researcher.”

If you have any questions, please contact Jana Oslejova

“My experience at Henley provided a solid foundation for my achievements. The university offered professional courses and training, nurturing my research thinking and professional skills. The guidance from professors and exposure to cutting-edge knowledge enhanced my academic development.”

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Darden Logo

Academics , Admissions , Darden Community , PhD

12 September 2024

Darden’s Ph.D. Program Now Accepting Applications

Seats Open in Areas of Strategy, Ethics and Entrepreneurship and Data Analytics and Decision Sciences

J oin a community of distinguished scholars at the forefront of business innovation with Darden’s Ph.D. program, located on the esteemed Darden Grounds in Charlottesville, Virginia. This program offers unparalleled access to the best faculty in graduate business education and an unparalleled education experience, equipping you to become a leading researcher poised for tenure-track positions at top universities worldwide. Also, benefit from Darden’s strategic location in Washington, D.C., at UVA Darden DC Metro, enhancing your academic and professional network.

Our Ph.D. program is intentionally selective, welcoming only a small cohort of high-achieving students with strong quantitative skills. This “smaller by design” approach ensures personalized mentorship and collaboration with faculty on groundbreaking research in business and management, fostering lifelong academic relationships and significant contributions to the field.

Strategy, Ethics and Entrepreneurship

Our approach to research in this area of business is anything but usual. Darden has a storied history in all of the subject areas, and was the first MBA program to incorporate Ethics into its core, required curriculum. The School has gained a well-deserved reputation as the global leader in developing  stakeholder theory ,  and was  ranked  No. 1 in the world for corporate social responsibility by the  Financial Times .

Join our program to be part of this uniquely Darden opportunities that focuses a perspective on creating and sustaining value – not only for the firm, but for stakeholders associated with the firm and for the society within which the firm operates.

Data Analytics and Decision Sciences

The exciting world into research on Data Analytics and Decision Sciences is focused on mathematical methodology with business applications. Several of these include dynamic programming, game theory, machine learning, wisdom of crowds, forecasting, behavioral models of human decision making and more. In this program, Darden students will be required to take a few core courses but also have the freedom to choose from the many Ph.D. courses that the UVA campus offers, and are encouraged to follow their interests and expand their knowledge.

Powered by Centers of Excellence

In addition to close collaboration with faculty, the Darden Ph.D. community is  supported  by Darden’s Office of Research Services and five Centers of Excellence, including the  Batten Institute ,  The Institute for Business in Society , the  Olsson Center for Applied Ethics , the  Collaboratory for Applied Data Science  and the  Richard A. Mayo Center for Asset Management . The Ph.D. program will also benefit from leveraging the newly founded  Sands Institute for Lifelong Learning .

Learn more  about the program.

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Leading Global Business Strategy

Winning strategies for emerging and developed markets.

image of digital world map overlay on urban skyline

Global markets, including emerging and developed, present unique opportunities for growth, innovation, and competitive advantage. Navigating these opportunities, however, requires a sophisticated understanding of business environments increasingly shaped by geopolitical tensions, trending deglobalization, frequent supply chain disruptions, and rapid digitalization. Today’s leaders, whether their organization is expanding from developed to emerging markets and/or from emerging markets to developed, need a multifaceted toolkit to effectively navigate these complexities to capitalize on unrealized opportunities.

This immersive program provides a deep dive at the intersection of emerging and developed markets. You will gain cutting-edge insights and tactics to assess and mitigate risks, identify and harness key opportunities, and develop actionable strategies for value creation that are adaptable to both global trends and local nuances. This intentional balance empowers you and your organization to maximize the potential of your enterprise across diverse business landscapes.

Register Now

The Duke ROI

Strategically navigate global markets.

ROI: Develop a deep understanding of the interplay between local and global market forces. This program equips you with the analytical tools necessary to navigate and adapt to geopolitical considerations and economic variances, ensuring successful strategy development and implementation.

Enhance Risk Identification and Mitigation

ROI: Apply an adaptive framework for recognizing and managing geopolitical and economic risks in any market—enhancing your organization’s strategic resilience and agility.

Optimize Market Entry and Expansion

ROI: Deploy growth strategies for identifying, evaluating, and capitalizing on untapped opportunities, whether entering emerging markets from developed economies or penetrating developed markets from emerging bases. 

Key Takeaways

  • Global Expansion with Local Adaptation : Develop strategic frameworks for entering both global and emerging markets, adjusting business models to meet local regulatory, infrastructural, and cultural challenges, ensuring relevance across diverse regions.
  • Efficient Resource Allocation Across Markets : Learn how to optimize resource allocation by centralizing core functions globally while providing the flexibility needed to adapt to the unique conditions of emerging markets, maximizing efficiency and local effectiveness.
  • Navigating Complex Supply Chains in Global and Emerging Markets : Master strategies to manage global supply chains that can adapt to the varying logistical challenges of established and emerging markets, ensuring resilience and operational continuity.
  • Ensuring Compliance Across Global and Emerging Markets : Understand how to develop strategies that navigate the complex regulatory landscapes in both global and emerging markets, maintaining compliance while supporting growth.
  • Driving Innovation from Global and Emerging Markets : Learn how to leverage market-specific insights to drive innovation, using the distinct conditions and needs of both global and emerging markets to create solutions that can scale internationally.
  • Building Competitive Advantage in Global and Emerging Markets : Gain actionable strategies to create competitive advantages by leveraging local expertise, adapting operations, and maintaining global consistency, ensuring long-term success in both established and emerging markets.

Who Should Attend?

This program is designed for emerging and advanced executives, managers, and leaders responsible for business strategy and execution. Ideal participants include:

  • Senior Executives and Business Leaders responsible for growth strategy and execution.
  • Professionals in multinational corporations leading efforts to expand into emerging markets and/or developed economies.
  • Entrepreneurs and investors pursuing opportunities at the intersection of emerging and developed economies.
  • Executives in sectors with significant emerging market potential or those seeking access to developed markets. 

More About Duke's Global Business Strategy Program

Join us for an immersive three-day experience in global business strategy held on-site. Our program is meticulously designed to provide you with a blend of interactive lectures, discussion, and case studies tailored to the complexities of international markets. 

Each session is led by expert faculty, who bring a wealth of insights and experience in global market analysis, risk management, and strategic adaptation. Prepare to transform your approach to international business strategy with guidance from leading experts in the field.

To fully participate in the program, participants are required to bring a laptop to each session.

Meeting room used for strategic communication training

All program sessions will be held at the Thomas Executive Conference Center, a premiere destination conveniently located on the Duke Campus and adjacent to the Fuqua School of Business.

Lodging, dinner on arrival the evening prior to the program as well as Day 1 and Day 2, and daily breakfast and lunch on Days 1, 2, and 3 are included in the registration fee. Snacks are also provided throughout the program day . 

Already in the area...

Reduced pricing available if lodging accommodation is not needed.

Contact Details

Duke Executive Education 100 Fuqua Drive Durham, NC 27708-0120 USA

Office Hours Monday - Friday 8:30 am - 5:00 pm

Program Location and Accommodations

executive conference room

The curriculum is designed to facilitate the development and execution of global business strategy with a special focus on emerging markets. You will engage with advanced strategic frameworks that enable you to understand and navigate the complex dynamics of international markets. Through detailed analysis and interactive sessions, you will gain the tools needed to assess and leverage global opportunities and return to your organization equipped to influence and drive strategic decisions effectively.

Understanding Global Market Dynamics : Gain a comprehensive overview of the global business landscape, focusing on the critical drivers of change in developed and emerging markets.

Strategic Frameworks for Global Expansion : In-depth exploration of key strategic frameworks that guide successful market entry and expansion, illustrated with case studies from around the world.

Leadership in a Volatile and Uncertain World : Develop leadership strategies that enhance resilience and agility, preparing you to lead effectively in challenging global environments.

Innovating on a Global Scale : Learn how to leverage digital technologies and innovative strategies to drive business growth and maintain a competitive edge in fast-evolving markets.

Executing Global Strategy : Master the best practices for implementing and managing strategic initiatives across borders, with a focus on aligning multinational teams and stakeholders.

Cultivating a Global Mindset : Foster an organizational culture that embraces global thinking and adaptability, crucial for sustaining long-term growth in diverse environments.

In order to lead global business strategy, upon completing this program you will be positioned to:

  • Assess the risks associated with entering and operating in emerging markets and form mitigation strategies.
  • Evaluate and select optimal market entry and expansion strategies for international markets, considering local regulations, cultural nuances, and competitive landscapes.
  • Harness local innovation in driving business growth and sustainability.
  • Draw on global leadership skills emphasizing adaptability, cultural intelligence, and strategic decision making.

Program Schedule

9:00 – 10:30 a.m.

Effective Business Strategies for Success in Emerging Markets

10:30 – 10:50 a.m.

10:50 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

Creating Synergies Through Strategic Partnerships

12:30 – 1:30 p.m.

1:30 – 3:00 p.m.

Case - Scaling a Healthcare Startup: Strategies for Growth and Success

3:00 – 3:20 p.m.

3:20 – 5:00 p.m.

Case - Private Equity Investments in Healthcare: Opportunities and Challenges

Value Creation and Value Capture Within Supply Chains

Global Expansion: Strategies for Entering and Thriving in International Markets

Conducting Business in High-Risk Environments: Strategies and Best Practices

3:20 - 5:00 p.m.

Understanding Corporate Structure in Emerging Markets: Foundations and Frameworks

Non-Market Strategy and Stakeholder Analysis

10:30 – 10:50 p.m.

10:50 – 12:30 p.m.

Understanding and Combating Corruption: Strategies for Ethical Governance  + Program Close

Sharon Belenzon

Dr. Sharon Belenzon

Belenzon is the Fundación Damm Distinguished Professor of Business Administration in the Strategy area at the Fuqua School of Business at Duke University and a Research Associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER). His research focuses on the role of businesses in advancing scientific knowledge and technological innovation. Specifically, he explores why American corporations participate in scientific research and why their involvement has been declining over the past four decades. This decline reflects deeper shifts in the global innovation ecosystem, where the traditional role of corporate labs is diminishing, and universities and startups are becoming key drivers of research. These changes have significant implications not only for corporate strategy and economic policy but also for international competitiveness. Globally, as U.S. firms reduce in-house research, they may become more dependent on acquisitions of innovative startups or partnerships with universities, which could alter the dynamics of international competition. Emerging markets with different innovation structures may either exploit this gap by developing more agile research ecosystems or face challenges in catching up with established global leaders. For U.S. firms, these shifts may necessitate a stronger focus on collaboration across borders and the need to source innovations from diverse ecosystems, including emerging markets. For economic policy, the increasing specialization in university and startup-led research presents challenges in commercializing innovations effectively, particularly on a global scale. Nations that can manage this tradeoff between specialization and commercialization will likely gain a competitive advantage. However, the inability to bring cutting-edge research to market efficiently could slow economic growth and weaken the competitive positioning of firms in the global marketplace, especially in sectors where speed and agility are critical. 

In separate work, Belenzon investigates the relationship between organizational structure and corporate strategy in both developed and emerging markets. His research highlights how firms in different regions adapt their organizational models to optimize economic outcomes, with varying implications for their global competitive standing. The strategies that work in the U.S. or Europe may not be directly transferable to firms in emerging economies, where innovation systems, regulatory environments, and corporate governance structures differ significantly. His research has been published in top academic journals, such as  Management Science ,  Strategic Management Journal ,  American Economic Review ,  Review of Economics and Statistics ,  Economic Journal ,  Research Policy , and  Journal of Law and Economics . He received his PhD from the London School of Economics and Political Science and completed post-doctoral work at the University of Oxford, Nuffield College. He was the 2007 recipient of the Kauffman Foundation post-doctoral fellowship at the NBER. He also holds MA and BA degrees in Economics from Tel Aviv University, Israel. Belenzon has served as an Associate Editor for  Management Science  since January 2016 and for  Strategic Management Journal  since July 2016.

Ashish Arora

Dr. Ashish Arora

Ashish Arora is the Senior Associate Dean for Strategy and Rex D. Adams Professor of Business Administration at the Fuqua School of Business at Duke University.

His research focuses on the economics of technology and technical change. Arora's research has included the study of technology intensive industries such as software, biotechnology and chemicals, the economics of information security, and the role of patents and licensing in promoting technology startups. He has studied the rise of the software industry and the pharmaceutical industry in emerging economies. His current research focuses on the management of intellectual property and licensing in corporations, and innovation based entrepreneurship.

Arora has taught a variety of courses, including Economics of Information Security and Risk Management. He currently teaches Entrepreneurial Strategy for Innovation Based Ventures, and Emerging Markets Strategy.

He serves as departmental editor, Management Science, served as an editor of Research Policy between 2008 - 2014, and is on the editorial board of Strategic Management Journal, Research Policy, Industrial and Corporate Change, Information Economics and Policy, Journal of Evolutionary Economics. In the past, he has served on advisory panels to the Secretary of Commerce, the National Academy of Sciences, and The Association for Computing Machinery.

He has consulted to the Chemical Manufacturing Association, National Science Foundation, Chemical Heritage Foundation, Intellectual Ventures, UK Intellectual Property Office, the Brattle Group, Intel Capital and Tata Consultancy Services, and to startups including SCA Technologies, Upswing (advisory board), Wunderbar Kids (advisory board).

Arora received his Ph.D. in Economics from Stanford University in 1992, and was on the faculty at the Heinz School, Carnegie Mellon University, where he held the H. John Heinz Professorship, till 2009. He has served as a visiting professor at Scuola Santa Anna, Pisa, Bocconi University, Milan, and Indian School of Business, Hyderabad.

How to Register

For more information about how to register, please see our detailed instructions.

Registration Instructions

Frequently Asked Questions

For additional information about our Executive Education programming, please visit our FAQ page.

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The site is still under construction. More information will be added in the coming weeks. If you have any questions send us an email at [email protected] .

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Join Team Amex and let’s lead the way together.

Business Unit/Role Specific Info

The American Express business has two core types of customers. The Card Members that use our cards to make purchases, and the businesses that accept them. In Global Merchant & Network Services, we primarily focus on the businesses that accept our cards. We bring together the businesses that manage and evolve the company’s relationships with the millions of merchants around the world that accept American Express, as well as the team that runs the company’s payment network and manages bank partnerships globally. This is an exciting time for GMNS. We are expanding global acceptance of our cards, driving greater usage of our network, leveraging our modern capabilities to capture broader revenue streams, and driving innovation both in-house and with partners. To put the scale of our global reach in numbers:

More than 80 million global locations accept American Express payment products

We operate in 198 countries and territories

We have 135+ million cards in force, that perform 12 billion transactions per year and supply more than $1.5 trillion in network volume

We have 190+ partners who either issue cards on our network, and/or sign new businesses to accept Amex on our behalf

This internship experience will offer you the opportunity to join an innovative and passionate team focused on making American Express an indispensable payments partner to our merchants, delivering differentiated products and services and driving revenue growth for both merchants and American Express

How will you make an impact in this role?

  • Develop a comprehensive understanding of the merchant & network business and its needs.
  • Conduct research on the external/competitive landscape as well as data analysis to develop insights and solutions for GMNS’ most critical strategic priorities
  • Engage business and external partners to drive new opportunities and grow the business.
  • Develop relationships with a variety of internal and external stakeholders.
  • Contribute to the design and execution of critical initiatives and develop/implement tests for effectiveness.
  • Help build executive presentations on strategic topics to be shared with senior management and/or partners.
  • Build a strong network and a deeper understanding of American Express’ Merchant and Network business through project work and events with senior leaders

This position will be based in New York, NY

Minimum Qualifications

  • Currently enrolled in a full-time MBA degree program
  • Students must have a graduation date between December 2025 and June 2026

Preferred Qualifications

  • Strong analytical skills
  • Strong customer focus
  • Project management skills
  • Strong communication and presentation skills
  • Strategic mentality
  • Ability to work independently and collectively
  • Ability to problem solve and use data to drive insights
  • Demonstrated strategic thought leadership to get results
  • A track record of results and desire for continuous learning/improvement
  • Ability to multi-task and effectively handle time to deliver timely outputs

Our team will review completed applications on a rolling basis. We appreciate your patience while we consider your application and will be in contact with you.

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In order for your application to be considered, please complete the below steps:  

  • Click on the link below and select “Apply”
  • Create a new username and password
  • Complete and submit your application


Compliance Language

Salary Range: $38.45 to $87.00 hourly + sign-on bonus

The above represents the expected salary range for this job requisition. Ultimately, in determining your pay, we’ll consider your location, experience, and other job-related factors.

Employment eligibility to work with American Express in the United States is required as the company will not pursue visa sponsorship for these positions.

We back our colleagues and their loved ones with benefits and programs that support their holistic well-being. That means we prioritize their physical, financial, and mental health through each stage of life. Benefits include:

  • Competitive base salaries
  • Flexible work arrangements and schedules with hybrid and virtual options with Amex Flex
  • Free access to global on-site wellness centers staffed with nurses and doctors (depending on location)
  • Free and confidential counselling support through our Healthy Minds program
  • Career development and training opportunities

For a full list of Team Amex benefits, visit our Colleague Benefits Site .

American Express is an equal opportunity employer and makes employment decisions without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, veteran status, disability status, age, or any other status protected by law.

We back our colleagues with the support they need to thrive, professionally and personally. That’s why we have Amex Flex, our enterprise working model that provides greater flexibility to colleagues while ensuring we preserve the important aspects of our unique in-person culture. Depending on role and business needs, colleagues will either work onsite, in a hybrid model (combination of in-office and virtual days) or fully virtually.

US Job Seekers/Employees – Click here to view the “Know Your Rights” poster and the Pay Transparency Policy Statement.

If the links do not work, please copy and paste the following URLs in a new browser window: to access the three posters.


  1. PhD in Business

    phd in business strategy

  2. PhD in Strategy

    phd in business strategy

  3. PhD in Business

    phd in business strategy

  4. What Can I Do With PhD In Business Management

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  5. PhD After MBA

    phd in business strategy

  6. PhD in Strategy & Entrepreneurship

    phd in business strategy


  1. Get your PhD while doing a Job!

  2. The mathematics of a business

  3. Why a PhD from UCP Business School? Key Advantages for Future Growth

  4. 6 Steps to Building a Business that Works Without You

  5. Full Funding for PhD in Business (Accounting, Management, Finance, HR, Strategic Management)

  6. The True Definition of Success for Muslim Entrepreneurs


  1. Strategy

    Learn about the PhD program in Strategy at HBS, which combines quantitative and qualitative methods to study competitive advantage. Explore the curriculum, research, faculty, and student profiles of this multi-disciplinary program.

  2. PhD Programs

    The PhD in Business Administration grounds students in the disciplinary theories and research methods that form the foundation of an academic career. Jointly administered by HBS and GSAS, the program has four areas of study: Accounting and Management, Marketing, Strategy, and Technology and Operations Management. All areas of study involve ...

  3. Strategic Management Ph.D.

    Strategic Management Ph.D. 713-348-5849 [email protected]. Earn A Ph.D. In Business and a Major Concentration in Strategic Management To Prepare For A Career At Top Academic Institutions. The Ph.D. in Business and a Major Concentration in Strategic Management provides course work in the base theories in strategic management.

  4. Strategy

    The Strategy area at the UCLA Anderson School of Management administers the program. If you are motivated to create new knowledge and innovative research to help advance the field of business strategy, we encourage you to get in touch and apply." Olav Sorensen Ph.D. Strategy Ph.D. Liaison. The Role of Chance Encounters in Silicon Valley Innovation.

  5. PhD in Strategy

    Learn how to conduct high-quality research in strategic management, entrepreneurship and innovation, sustainable enterprise and information technologies. The Strategy PhD Program offers a rigorous curriculum, access to renowned faculty and opportunities for specialization and collaboration.

  6. PhD programme

    Learn how to conduct cutting-edge research on how organisations create and sustain competitive performance and economic value. Explore the curriculum, faculty, student profiles and application process of this PhD programme.

  7. Program Requirements

    A minimum of 13 semester courses at doctoral level are required. Each semester students will consult with the Strategy faculty coordinators to receive approval of their course selections. Students must take four research methods courses, including one course in research design. Introduction to Applied Econometrics (Econ 2120); (Econ 2110.

  8. PhD in Strategy

    In addition, the area is open to research in strategy content and strategy process, using a wide range of theoretical lenses such as economics, sociology, and psychology. Strategy PhD students come from various backgrounds, like economics, engineering, information systems, technology, business and management.

  9. Get Your PhD in Strategy and Entrepreneurship

    At Olin, we believe that great strategy PhD candidates have a fundamental drive to impact business practice. Our students, like our faculty, have diverse undergraduate training, including economics, chemistry, engineering and mathematics. We strongly promote interdisciplinary and collaborative research among doctoral students and faculty, be it ...

  10. Strategic Management Home

    The Strategic Management faculty at Purdue is recognized as one of the top groups in the world in terms of both productivity and influence, and our PhD students consistently compete for and win Dissertation Awards in the Strategic Management and Entrepreneurship Divisions of the Academy of Management. Download the Fact Sheet.

  11. Ph.D. in Business with a Management and Strategy Area of Focus

    Understanding Students' Adaptation to Graduate School: An Integration of Social Support Theory and Social Learning Theory (D. Christopher Kayes, Chair; Erik K. Winslow, N. Sharon Hill, George T. Solomon, Shyam Giridharadas) Deputy Head of the Executive Business Centre and Associate Professor, University of Greenwich; Google Scholar Profile

  12. Strategy and Innovation

    The field of strategy is concerned with explaining and predicting firm-level differences in performance. The intersection between strategy and innovation is particularly fertile because of the growing role of innovation-based products and processes, and the critical role technological capabilities play as a source of competitive advantage.

  13. PHD in Strategy & International Business Program

    The PhD in Strategy and International Business focuses on scholarly research on topics pertaining to strategic management and international business, as well as their interfaces. Offered through the Department of Management, topics examined include corporate strategy, corporate governance, management of multinational enterprises, international ...

  14. Ph.D. in Strategic Management

    Research in strategic management concerns how firms and organizations gain competitive advantage over rival firms or organizations. The field emphasizes a blend of knowledge about economics, sociology and psychology to understand firm strategy and strategic decision-making. Important sub-fields within the discipline include research on ...

  15. Stanford GSB PhD Program

    Stanford GSB PhD Program. Discover a focus and intensity greater than you may have thought possible. As a PhD student at Stanford Graduate School of Business, you will be inspired and challenged to explore novel ideas and complex questions. Fall 2025 applications are now open. The application deadline is December 1, 2024 at 5:00 PM PST. Apply Now.

  16. Strategy, Ethics & Entrepreneurship

    Strategy, Ethics & Entrepreneurship. Darden's Strategy, Ethics & Entrepreneurship (SEE) Ph.D. Program connects these three fields of study. We bring a unique Darden perspective to creating and sustaining value - not only for the firm, but for stakeholders associated with the firm and for the society within which the firm operates.

  17. Business PhD Program

    As a PhD student at the Leeds School of Business, you will be inspired and challenged to investigate complex questions and innovative ideas, as well as work closely with prominent faculty and leading scholars in generating groundbreaking research in your field of study. ... The Strategy and Entrepreneurship PhD program provides students an ...

  18. Overview

    Business scholars at Harvard Business School investigate a wide range of topics and pursue questions relating to management, markets, finance, and organizations. Our doctoral students benefit from resources that are unmatched by any other school, including access to first-class research facilities, a generous fellowship and living stipend, and ...

  19. PhD in Strategy and Innovation

    To survive and thrive in today's business climate, confident leaders with bold strategies are essential. Capella's online PhD in Business Management, Strategy and Innovation gives you the skills and knowledge to be a key player in the changing world of business, from small startups to global corporations. The program deepens your ability to ...

  20. PhD in Business with Specializations in Organizational Behavior or Strategy

    Research. The PhD in Business with specializations in organizational behavior or strategy, housed in the Department of Management, prepares students to conduct significant research on behavioral or strategic issues facing contemporary organizations starting on day one.Through a series of courses in statistics and research methods, the program provides a strong methodological foundation in ...

  21. Fully Funded PhD in Management Program

    The majority of our PhD in Management students pursue careers in academia. After graduation, many land tenure-track teaching positions at top-tier business schools and continue to advance knowledge through original research. Johnson School PhD students often field multiple offers and see starting salaries range from $150,000 to $250,000.

  22. PhD Program

    Strategic Management; PhD students at Rotman study in small classes and form close working relationships with faculty. Take a moment to get to know our program requirements. ... The Rotman PhD is for ambitious scholars who plan to teach and research at some of the world's top business schools. If you are looking to study with leading faculty ...

  23. International Business and Strategy PhD Opportunities

    The Henley International Business Masterclasses are an initiative developed in the International Business and Strategy unit at Henley Business School. We provide these intensive courses on current debates and conceptual issues in International Business to give broader learning opportunities to PhD students and post-doctoral researchers.

  24. Darden's Ph.D. Program Now Accepting Applications

    Seats Open in Areas of Strategy, Ethics and Entrepreneurship and Data Analytics and Decision Sciences. J oin a community of distinguished scholars at the forefront of business innovation with Darden's Ph.D. program, located on the esteemed Darden Grounds in Charlottesville, Virginia. This program offers unparalleled access to the best faculty in graduate business education and an ...

  25. Leading Global Business Strategy

    In order to lead global business strategy, upon completing this program you will be positioned to: ... He received his PhD from the London School of Economics and Political Science and completed post-doctoral work at the University of Oxford, Nuffield College. He was the 2007 recipient of the Kauffman Foundation post-doctoral fellowship at the ...

  26. Campus Graduate

    Develop a comprehensive understanding of the merchant & network business and its needs. Conduct research on the external/competitive landscape as well as data analysis to develop insights and solutions for GMNS' most critical strategic priorities; Engage business and external partners to drive new opportunities and grow the business.