How to Make an Ecommerce Business Plan for Your Startup

business plan for ecommerce startup pdf

Darren DeMatas

August 21, 2024


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So you’ve decided that you want to quit your day job and start your very own ecommerce empire. That’s great!

But before you become the next Jeff Bezos  (and definitely before you quit your job!), it’s worth spending some time thinking about a business plan. In this article, we’ll dive into the key elements of an ecommerce business plan, which is very different than writing traditional business plans.

Ecommerce Business Plan 2020

Why You Should Create a Business Plan

We know that starting an ecommerce business is exciting, and it can be tempting to jump right in without constructing a business plan. READ: PLEASE DON’T DO THIS.

If you haven’t put your ideas, questions and concerns on paper, then you haven’t given your business model enough thought .

Taking the time to write a business plan might seem like a lot of work, but it can save you a lot of time and money in the long run by better preparing you for potential challenges and opportunities that you’ll face as a first-time entrepreneur. Think of it as a roadmap for your new business venture.

It’s exciting to start your own ecommerce business. However, you want to be well prepared and not jump into anything without having a solid, foolproof ecommerce business plan in place.

After all, you wouldn’t jump out of a plane without a parachute, so why start a business without a safety device in place? That safety device is your business plan.

Quote 5 Jeff Bezos Retail Is Details

The business plan is the brainstorming process that ensures your concept and goals are realistic.

This is more than just mental notes. True business plans take your ideas , questions, and concerns and put those in writing.

As you start creating your business plan, you’ll soon understand that it’s more than a single piece of paper with handwritten details on it. It’s a clearly constructed format of how your business will be created, how it will operate, and what you hope the future holds in terms of a successful ecommerce business.

When you write your business plan, be sure to have a target audience in mind. Are you going to look for investors or put a Kickstarter campaign into motion and use this as your descriptive platform? If so, make sure that your business plan contains everything the audience would want to know about your business (and more!). Many traditional funding solutions require a business plan in order to give you capital. However, there are alternative solutions, such as  Payability  that specialize in ecommerce and don’t require credit checks, a business plan, or any complicated paperwork. They can also get you approved in as little as 24 hours.

When your business plan is completed, you should have achieved the following goals:

  • Knowledge:  A greater sense of knowledge of the business aspects.
  • Resources:  The resources you’re going to need to make your business successful, such as partners, money, employees, etc.
  • Road Map: Have clear set goals to take you from the very beginning of your business and onward.
  • Viability: In other words, is your business possible? Will you have enough profit margins to keep the doors open long-term?

Now that you know why you should create a business plan, it’s time to move on to how you can create your business plan and get started putting your ecommerce business into motion.

How to Start an Ecommerce Business Plan

At the very beginning of the planning stages, it’s a good idea to develop a framework for your business model. This business model will continue to evolve as you create each section of your ecommerce business plan, so don’t strive for a perfect completed plan on the first try. You will be making tweaks to the plan of certain steps along the way.

There are many ways to sell products online and different business models  to pursue. Research and learn from successful ecommerce business examples in the market. The exact business model you follow will be one that makes the most sense with your resources, skills, and interests.

In order to create the best online business plan with your product in mind, you need to figure out the following things:

What are you selling?

The first step to creating an online business is to learn the absolute basics of what you can sell.

  • Physical products: Clothing , shoes, home goods
  • Digital products: Software as a Service products, ecourses, ebooks
  • Services: Consulting services, home cleaning

Who are you selling to?

  • Business-to-Business (B2B): You are selling to organizations, corporations, and non-profits rather than individual customers
  • Business to Consumer (B2C): This means you are selling to individual consumers rather than businesses
  • Marketplace: You are acting as a middleman by bringing businesses and (B2B or B2C) customers to one website.

How are you sourcing your product?

  • Manufacture in-house: You make your product or service in-house
  • Third-party manufacturer: You outsource the manufacturing of your product or service to a third-party manufacturer
  • Dropship: You partner with a dropship manufacturer. Basically, this means that they make your product, package it and ship it directly to your customer while your company handles the entire customer relationship.
  • Wholesale : You buy goods or services from other companies in bulk and re-sell those products on your online store

Additional References

  • Entrepreneurship: Business & Marketing Plans
  • Small Business and Entrepreneurship
  • Entrepreneurship Resources
  • Business Plan Resources

Executive Summary

Ecommerce Business Plan Template Executive Summary

The executive summary will be written according to your goals, and it’s recommended that this is done at the very end of your business plan completion. This will ensure that you include all of the important factors about your business and present your ideas in a concise and complete way.

Some of the features you’ll include in the executive summary include information showing that you’ve done your research, you have concrete sales forecasts, and the main details about your brand.

Business Model

When you’re figuring out your business model, you have to consider four different areas:

  • Monetization strategy
  • Product/industry
  • Target market
  • Sales channel

Monetization Strategy

The monetization strategy delves into the methods you are going to use to sell your products.

This strategy will look at different product monetization methods, including white label, private label , affiliate marketing, wholesale, dropshipping, and even selling ads.


The product industry section is where you summarize your main niche.

For example, “Vegan Skincare Products.”

Target Market

In the target market section, you will write a sentence or so on who your target market, or ideal customer, is in the community.

If you’re selling vegan skincare products, your target customers might be women who embrace the vegan lifestyle and use natural skincare products in their daily beauty regimen.

Sales Channel

The sales channel refers to where you’re going to sell your products.

For example, you might be selling your products on your own website, and this should be entered in this section.

Business Overview

Ecommerce Business Plan Template Company Overview

This next section covers your company overview.

This section of your business plan will cover various features of your company, including the following:

  • Company type
  • Domain name
  • Value proposition
  • Brand traits

The brand name section lists your business name or brand name.

This is an extremely important aspect of your business plan as it’s what will set the tone for everything that follows.

Pick a brand name that’s simple yet unique and is something that can be used in a wordplay manner, if desired, but not pun-worthy.

Company Type

The company is how your business operates. For example, you might label your business as an LLC , S-corporation, sole proprietor, or some other type of business organization.

The best way to determine how you should categorize your company is to speak to your accountant. There are various tax and legal aspects to forming your business in a certain way.

Speak with the professionals in the company and corporation formation field to determine how to label your company and which company type best benefits your business in a variety of ways.

Domain Name

This section is where you list your domain name.

Choose a domain name that is memorable and embraces the overall traits and features of your business.

And, when choosing a domain name, be sure to think of SEO aspects when doing so. You’ll find out just how much all of these things tie together and ensure a frequently-visited website is the end result.

Keep in mind that with ecommerce, the domain name is just as important as the brand name. Maybe even more so!

Value Proposition

A value proposition is a short, crisp statement that will gauge how clear your idea is. Write this section as if you had one minute to explain your business to a potential investor or customer and then practice it over and over again.

The value proposition can be used on your ecommerce store as your company description.

Here’s a good example: Say you’re looking to start a hiking company called Atlas Hiking Co. which sells premium performance hiking shirts. A possible company description could be the following:

Atlas Hiking Co. is a lifestyle hiking company that produces high-performance hiking shirts for outdoor lovers. Our proprietary SPF40 fabric is one of the lightest fabrics on the market, providing mountain lovers with maximum comfort, both from a breathability and sun-protection standpoint. Our product is made in the U.S.A. and a portion of our profits are donated to preserve national parks around the country.

Pay special attention to all the sensory words !

The mission statement in your business plan is the “why” of it all.

For example, why you started the business, why you are selling the products you are selling, etc., can all be added to this section of your business plan.

You can make this portion as simple or detailed as you like. Just make sure to properly and clearly explain your business mission.

The vision part of the business plan is your “how” in the grand scheme of things. It is the dream you have for your company and the path you’re going to take to realize that dream.

When you write the vision portion of the business plan, think long-term. What are you hoping to achieve, not just in the near future but for the long haul of the life of your business?

Look into the future and plan out where you see your business in 5, 10, even 20 years from now.

This will help you construct the rest of your business plan if you know where you want your business to head, now and in the future.

Brand Traits

The brand traits section is a short section in your company overview.

Basically, in the brand traits section you’re going to want to list three to five words that describe your brand.

Think of your brand personality and describe it using a few separate powerful words.

The personnel section lists all individuals, including yourself, who will be involved in the daily operations of your business. You can create a separate section for a full operations plan or add that later.

Some business owners choose to handle all duties on their own or with a partner, while others will hire individuals to fill the following roles:

  • CEO (usually the business owner)
  • Management team
  • Customer service/logistics
  • PR/Social media specialist
  • SEO manager
  • Advertising manager

Competitive Market Analysis

Competitive Market Analysis

Here’s a fact you can bank on: there has never been a successful e-commerce entrepreneur that didn’t understand his/her target market cold.

That’s why this section is one of the most important in the entire business plan. It will force you to understand the industry in which you operate, the overall industry analysis and outlook, the existing competition, and your target customer demographic.

Market Segment

The market segment portion of the business plan will help you to put your ideas down on paper, make them more focused, and get your team together.

This area will include your niche selection, target market, and competitive analysis.

Niche Selection

The niche section  provides an overview of your niche, why you selected it, whether there’s a micro niche included, and the type of niche you’ve chosen.

The purpose of this section is to crystalize the ideas that you have and make sure they are understandable and viable.

The target market section covers an overview of your target market plus describes your market segments.

Ask yourself who your  target customer  is (population size, age, geography, education, ethnicity, income level) and consider whether consumers are comfortable with buying your product category online.

When listing the target market information, make sure to mention your target audience size as this is important for ensuring that your audience will be adequately covered.

Facebook Audience Size

Competitive Analysis

With the competitive analysis portion of your market analysis, you want to list your market leader and direct and indirect competitors.

After you mention who these entities are, you need to list the characteristics of each one, such as domain name, business model, monthly traffic, and pricing range.

However, before you even get started in writing this section, you need to spend several hours researching your target market.

Here are some of the most efficient ways to research a particular market:

Industry reports

Google is your best friend. Look for any recent industry reports on your market of choice. This will give you a good sense of how much growth the industry is experiencing, why this growth is happening, and what are the largest customer segments. In our example of Atlas Hiking Co., we should research the outdoor apparel market.

Outdoor apparel kids hiking hiking gear Google search Trends worldwide 2004-present

Let’s say that through our research of the outdoor apparel industry, we discovered that there was a huge boom in youth hiking apparel. Perhaps parents were increasingly concerned about their kids’ exposure to UV rays while hiking, so they began to spend more money on their kids. We could use this valuable information to guide our business strategy.

There’s only so much you can read online. Go to a nearby store that sells similar products to yours and interview the store representative. The store rep has interacted with hundreds of interested customers, which can lead to thousands of valuable insights! It’s amazing how these insights can translate into a meaningful business opportunity.

Here’s an example:

If I were going into Billy’s Outdoor Store to research the outdoor apparel market, I would probably ask Billy the following:

  • What are your best-selling products?
  • What are your worst-selling products?
  • Find products similar to yours and ask the representative his/her favorite features on products similar to yours.
  • How much are customers generally willing to spend on these types of products?
  • Do customers make repeat orders of any of these products?
  • Do you get a lot of customers that are looking to buy last-minute hiking gear before they go on a hike?


Create an Excel spreadsheet of all of your competitors. In your spreadsheet, you should have the following columns:

  • Competitor Name
  • Price point
  • Product Description
  • Key Features (e.g., fabric, waterproof, slim fit, etc.)

What is the competition missing? Is there a gap in the offering? Where you can add some additional value?

After conducting the competitor analysis, Atlas Hiking Co. might find that the competition’s hiking shirts offer very few features at a low price point, but no one offers a luxury hiking shirt with additional features at a higher price point.

This is just an example of the types of insights one can gain from market research which can drastically alter your business model.

Keyword Research

By using Google’s keyword planner  and trends pages, you can get a good sense of how in demand your product is and whether it’s trending upward or downward. Google is great for a general idea, just don’t bank on it.

Some other keyword tools you can use for keyword research include Ahrefs, JungleScout, and Viral Launch. Check out this list  for more ideas.

Trade shows

Are there nearby trade shows that you can go to? Again, creating connections with other people in your industry is a surefire shortcut to countless hours of reading on the internet. Trade shows are also a great opportunity to talk to competitors, meet manufacturers, and better understand where things are heading in your industry.

Once you finish researching the relevant industry, you should summarize your findings by answering the following questions:

General Industry

  • How big is the overall industry?
  • How big is the specific sub-industry in which you intend to operate?
  • Where has most of the historic growth in the market come from?
  • Why is this the right time to enter this market?
  • What are the sub-segments that are poised for future growth (e.g., youth apparel)?
  • How crowded is the product category with competition?
  • How is your competition distributing its product (online, retail, wholesale, etc.)?
  • What’s missing from the competition’s product offering?

Products and Offers

Ecommerce Business Plan Template Products and Offers

So we know we want to sell hiking shirts, but how do you research specific products?

But for some of us, we’re not quite sure what we should sell. To succeed in online retail, you need a product that is trending upwards in a growing niche.

Different types of products

Some of the different types of products include the following:

  • Convenience products: Frequent purchase products, little effort on buying
  • Shopping products: Less frequently purchased in between purchases, little more effort and planning, shop around
  • Specialty products: Strong brand preference and loyalty, will buy no matter what the price

The various types of niches include the following:

  • Hobby niches
  • Lifestyle niches
  • Problem niches
  • Weird/embarrassing niches

Existing products

Come up with detailed specifications for each product or service you intend to sell. If it’s a hiking shirt we’re selling, we would want to have:

  • Detailed sketches of the shirt
  • Fabric weight, materials, type
  • Key features (e.g., pre-shrunk, water-proof, SPF 40)

Future product pipeline

What are other products that you have in the pipeline? Perhaps once you’ve successfully sold hiking shirts, you’re able to leverage your manufacturing relationships to provide hiking socks and shorts. Include that information in this section.

The products and services section will cover the various selling categories of items.

These product offerings will include the following:

  • Core product

Each product group will have its own purpose in your sales catalog. For example, tripwire is the product that brings customers to your ecommerce store or online marketplaces  while the core product is your main seller.

Knowing what products you’ll include within each section allows you to have a firm grasp on what your main product will be and how the other types of products will work alongside your main product.

This section will also cover the search volume and Amazon pricing range.

You’ll need to calculate your true costs. You have to make sure you don’t overestimate your margins.

To tabulate your total true costs, you need to write down the costs in the following areas:

  • Target price
  • Supplier cost of the product
  • Total cost per unit
  • Net profit per unit
  • Profit margin per unit

Once you complete the pricing portion, you’ll have everything on one sheet and readily accessible whenever you need it.

Marketing Plan and Operations

Ecommerce Business Plan Template Marketing

So, now you’ve concluded that you have a great business idea, and it’s in a growing market. That’s fantastic – but how are you going to drive traffic to your ecommerce website and get customers to buy it ? And how much can you afford to spend on your product?

Marketing  is everything. It’s important that your marketing efforts match your business model.

If you have a website and no marketing, your site won’t have any visitors. With no visitors, you will make no sales. Then how do you grow and sell your ecommerce business (if that’s your long-term goal)? Even with the best possible products, nobody will buy them if they aren’t directed to them in some way.

In order to come up with a marketing strategy, you need to first know your customer inside out. You should be able to answer such questions as:

  • How old is your customer?
  • Where does your customer live?
  • What is the population of your customer base?
  • What is their education level?
  • What is their income level?
  • What are your customer’s pain points?

With so many channels to reach your customer, which one is best for you?

Once we know pretty much everything there is to know about our target customer, we can shift focus to our marketing strategy. You want to choose marketing strategies that equal positive conversion rates. What channels should you use to grab the attention of your customer demographic? Some of the key marketing channels include:

Paid Marketing

  • Pay-per-click – this online marketing typically involves using Google Shopping campaigns  and managing a product data feed.
  • Affiliate sales networks – Allowing other blogs and websites to sell your product for a cut of the revenue. List the different affiliate sale networks that you plan to promote through.
  • Facebook ads ⎯ Ads posted on Facebook to draw in buyers through social media means.
  • Influencer marketing ⎯ Hiring industry influencers to get the word out about your product through their social media platforms and contacts.

Organic Marketing

  • Social media (Facebook, Instagram , Pinterest, etc.): What is your strategy for social media, and where will you dedicate your attention?
  • Search Engine Optimization : Create and promote awesome content so people find your product organically through search.
  • Content marketing: Figure out how you’ll use content marketing in your business. Consider various article topics that will persuade your target audience to buy your products.
  • Blogger networks: could be organic or paid through affiliate sale programs.
  • Key bloggers: Develop a list of the key bloggers in your product category. For Atlas Hiking Co., this might be an influencer that blogs about the best hiking trails in America.

Finding the optimal mix of these advertising tools depends 100% on your customer segment as well as your product type. For example, a SaaS product targeting millennials will require an entirely different marketing strategy than an e-commerce physical product targeting baby boomers. Perhaps that should be a post on its own for another day!

How much should you spend to acquire a customer?

In order to understand this, we need first to discuss a concept known as customer lifetime value or LTV. In essence, this is a formula that helps you better understand how much an average customer will spend over time.

Here’s  a good read on how to calculate LTV.

It’s important to remember that for new businesses, you don’t have a lot of data on customer purchase habits so it’s a good idea to be more conservative with your assumptions in calculating LTV.

Let’s say, for Atlas Hiking Co., I determine that the average LTV per customer is $300. This means that over time, the average customer will spend $300. Let’s say, on average, if I receive $300 in revenue, $100 of that will translate to gross profit before I factor in my marketing costs (basically, I’m just subtracting the cost of making the shirts).

Knowing that my gross profit is $100 per shirt is a critical piece of information because it tells me that I can spend up to $100 in marketing to acquire a customer and still be profitable!

Some of the marketing options include social media marketing and content marketing.

Think about your business model and then line up your marketing budget. Your marketing budget may include the following items:

  • Sales/branded content
  • SEO/blog content
  • Facebook/Instagram ads
  • Influencer marketing
  • Marketing tools
  • Niche advertising

Choosing The Right Technology

With so much technology and SaaS products out there, it’s important to understand the various moving parts and diagram how they all integrate with one another.

Some of the different elements include:

  • Shopping Cart Platforms  – e.g., Shopify , BigCommerce , WooCommerce , or any open-source platform
  • Hosting – Nexcess , Kinsta , WPX
  • Payment Processo r – e.g., Stripe, Paypal
  • Fulfillment Center – e.g., Amazon, ShipBob
  • Apps – e.g., Zipify, BuildWooFunnels, Gelato
  • Accounting & Taxes  – e.g., Quicken, Xero
  • Marketing Automation – e.g., Klaviyo , Mailchimp
  • Marketing Tools – e.g.  Buzzstream, Ahrefs
  • Customer Loyalty Programs  – e.g., Antavo, Smile

Come up with a detailed list of the different products and services you need to run your business as well as the monthly and per-transaction cost of each of them. This will be important in understanding the impact of these services on your margins.

Matching your business model to your technology is essential, too. Certain website platforms are better suited for specific sales models.

Email marketing is another type of technology that should be carefully considered and matched up correctly with your business model.

Keep in mind that it takes, on average, 6-7 interactions with a brand before someone makes a purchase, so you need to keep using technology to get them back to your website.

As you explore the technology options and find out ways to draw potential customers in and keep them happy while they’re there, here are some key points to keep in mind:

  • What you say about yourself and your products with your website content
  • How you respond to questions on live chat and email support
  • How to make use of chatbots
  • How you connect on social media
  • The information you send through email marketing
  • What bloggers and influencers say about your brand
  • How existing customers review your company
  • How you advertise
  • How you establish loyalty beyond sales

After you figure out your technology methods, you have to come up with a technology budget.

The business plan must also include the operations side of things. Determine who will be your manufacturer, secondary manufacturer, and shipping and fulfillment  provider.

When looking at supply chain costs and options, ShipBob  is an ecommerce fulfillment provider you can consider.

Financial Plan

Ecommerce Business Plan Template - Financial Plan

When figuring out your financial plan, evaluating and pinpointing your startup costs  is essential.

The focus of the financial plan is how long it will take for you to make your money back. You also need to figure out if you need a business loan .

Traffic and conversion rates will help you determine how long it will be until you start making money back.

You’ll also want to use an income statement to detail financial information.

This section is used for financial projections, such as forecasting sales, expenses, and net income of the business. Ideally, you’ll want to create a monthly Excel balance sheet showing the following:

  • Projected revenue:  First, come up with your projected number of units sold and then come up with your projected revenue (Projected Revenue = # of Units Sold * Average Sales Price).
  • Fixed expenses:   these are expenses that are fixed no matter how much you sell. Typically, these relate to monthly SaaS subscriptions, employee salaries, or rent.
  • Variable expenses  – these expenses change in direct proportion to how much you sell. Common examples include the cost of goods sold and credit card payment processing fees.

This helps business owners better understand what they need to achieve to hit their profit goals. In reality, projections are usually always off the mark, but it’s good to give yourself some measurable goals to strive for.

This section should aim to answer the following questions about your product offering:

  • How much product do you need to sell per year to meet your income goals for the business?
  • What are the margins on your product? If you sell one hiking shirt for $50, how much do you make after paying your supplier, employees, and marketing costs?
  • What is the lifetime value of a customer?
  • How much can you spend to acquire customers? If you conservatively project that the average customer will spend $300 over time on your shirts, then you can afford to spend an amount less than $300 to acquire that customer using the paid marketing channels described previously.
  • Do you have any big capital expenditures early on that would require you to need to bring in investors?
  • Can you improve gross margins by making bigger orders from your suppliers?

There are various acquisition channels that will help your traffic to convert including:

Your revenue plan will contain a 12-month revenue forecast plan to help you map out each month of earnings.

There are different business earning models you can go through to determine how much you can make with your business.

You want to calculate how much traffic costs. This all depends on the methods you use to gain traffic to your site.

As you determine what your profit might be with your ecommerce business  or ecommerce businesses, there are certain math formulas to use:

  • The profit equation
  • Break-even analysis
  • Units needed to achieve the profit target

You should also consider how you will use fintech companies in your ecommerce business.

What are the key elements of an ecommerce business plan?

The main components of an eCommerce business plan include the executive summary, company description, market analysis, organization and management structure, product line or service, marketing and sales strategy, financial projections, and funding request, if applicable.

How do I create a budget for my ecommerce business?

Start by estimating your initial startup costs and ongoing expenses. Consider costs like website development, inventory, marketing, shipping, taxes, and any necessary licenses or permits. It’s also important to factor in a contingency plan for unexpected costs.

How do I find the right product to sell?

Research is fundamental. Look at market trends, customer needs, and competitor products. Use tools like Google Trends or social media platforms to understand what customers are currently interested in. Always consider your passion and knowledge about the product too, as this can drive your business forward.

How can I differentiate my product from competitors?

Differentiation can come from unique product features, superior customer service, better pricing, or a compelling brand story. Understand what your competitors offer and how you can do it differently or better.

Wrapping Up Your Business Plan

Careful planning is crucial to get your e-commerce business from the planning phase to the launch phase and to ensure its successful future.

Going through the exercise of writing a business plan will cement your own understanding of your business and your market. It will also position you to take advantage of lucrative opportunities while mitigating harmful threats to your business down the line.

Your turn! Have you written a business plan for your online store? Do you have anything to add? Tell us about it in the comments below!

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How to Write an Ecommerce Business Plan [Examples & Template]

Kayla Carmicheal

Published: April 03, 2024

If you have a promising idea for an online e-commerce business , it’s important to create an e-commerce business plan to ensure your vision has enough stock to be profitable.

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Having a business plan for your online store will help you define your target market, establish your monthly and quarterly sales goals, and increase the likelihood of long-term e-commerce success.

In this post, we’ll go over an online store business plan and how you can create one for your e-commerce startup. Let’s get started.

→ Download Now: Free Business Plan Template

What is an e-commerce business plan?

An e-commerce business plan is a document that outlines your business and its goals, analyzes your industry and competitors, and identifies the resources needed to execute your plan. It also lists the e-commerce retailers you’ll use to distribute your products and the marketing strategies you’ll use to drive sales.

Whether a company operates as a startup or has years of operations and growth under its belt, an e-commerce business plan is essential for evaluating a business and determining areas of improvement.

An e-commerce business plan is essential, with increasing numbers of shoppers conducting business online. It's estimated this number has reached over 2 billion . An e-commerce business plan keeps you organized and is useful when seeking investors who need to understand your company.

So, let’s dive into some examples of e-commerce business plans and what goes into writing one using our free template .

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Free Business Plan Template

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E-commerce Business Plan Template

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Download Your Free Template Here

HubSpot's template provides clear steps to structuring one for your ecommerce business. Throughout this section, I’ll use the example of a photography company specializing in online photo editing.

How to Write an Ecommerce Business Plan

  • Give an executive summary.
  • List and describe your business.
  • Detail your products and services.
  • Conduct a market analysis.
  • Strategize your marketing plan.
  • Create a sales plan.
  • Outline legal notes and financial considerations.

1. Give an executive summary.

An executive summary is a one-to-two-page overview of your business. The purpose of an executive summary is to let stakeholders know what the business plan will contain. HubSpot‘s free template offers some tips on how to write one, as I’ve done below:

business plan for ecommerce startup pdf

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Ecommerce business startup guide: checklist & business plan | ecommerce ceo, e-commerce & retail.

Are you one of the ambitious eCommerce startups and want to have your own business someday? Or even like to be your own boss and start whatever business you are passionate about?

The first thing you have to do in order to start your startup company is to make a business plan , so it is important to know about business plan writing and the rest follows.

This guide will be your blueprint; you should take a look at it before launching your startup eCommerce company.

Before Launching Your eCommerce Business

There are a variety of business models out there; however, they might not be “the one” for everyone. At first, you want to save time and energy besides finding the perfect business model that suits you best.

You do not need to rush into a specific business model because someone said this was best for them, as mentioned earlier, what fits others might not fit you.

However, this guide covers the top 5 popular eCommerce business models, research them and take a  good look just to make up your mind, and they are:

  • Research Private Label Business Ideas
  • Research Amazon Affiliate Marketing
  • Research Dropshipping
  • Research Print On Demand
  • Research Selling Digital Products

Related Guide: The Guide to Dropshipping 101: Ecommerce Without Inventory

Create Your Ecommerce Business Plan

So, you have got your business model after you’ve researched the, what’s next?

Here are the main points to know that you should bear in mind while building your eCommerce startup;

  • Research Product Ideas and Target Markets: Once you have this you can implement various business models.
  • Competitive Market Research: To do this you have to have an idea about your product and market niche when you do, you need to know who your competitors are.

For this one, KW Finder can help you find accurate results for the most difficult keywords in the market.

  • Initial Brand Development: You can use your competitive market research to create a brand that establishes points of parity and points of differentiation.
  • Set up a Business and Complete Plan: It is time to make your brand official after you got it established.
  • Email Marketing Automation : You need to consider this phase – adding email automation to your marketing; this is the phase where most people selling products fail.

Download the full guide and get a full eCommerce Business Plan for your eCommerce startup

The Table of Content of “Ecommerce Business Startup Guide: Checklist & Business Plan”:

  • Before you start
  • Research product ideas and target markets
  • Competitive market research
  • Initial brand development
  • Set up a business and complete plan
  • Plan your website content and launch
  • Email marketing automation (As needed)
  • Ecommerce business plan
  • Marketing and operation plan
  • Financial plan
  • Additional notes

Number of Pages:

Affiliate marketing, dropshipping, ecommerce business, ecommerce market.

business plan for ecommerce startup pdf

Ecommerce CEO

  • What should I sell online?
  • What business models are legit?
  • Should I sell on Amazon or my own website?
  • Should I use Shopify or WooCommerce?
  • How will I get traffic and sales?
  • How will I manage fulfillment – Amazon or ShipBob?
  • How do I avoid bad business investments?

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Ecommerce Business Plan Template

Written by Dave Lavinsky

Growthink Ecommerce Business Plan Template

Over the past 20+ years, we have helped over 10,000 entrepreneurs and business owners create business plans to start and grow their ecommerce businesses. On this page, we will first give you some background information with regards to the importance of business planning. We will then go through an ecommerce business plan template step-by-step so you can create your plan today.

Download our Ultimate Ecommerce Business Plan Template here >

What is an eCommerce Business Plan?

An ecommerce business plan is a detailed and comprehensive document that outlines the strategies, objectives, and operational blueprint of an online business. It serves as a roadmap guiding the company’s operations and growth within the dynamic and competitive digital marketplace. The plan typically covers various aspects, including market analysis, target audience identification, product or service offerings, marketing and sales strategies, competitive analysis, financial projections, and risk assessments.

Why You Need a Business Plan for an eCommerce Business

If you’re looking to start an ecommerce business or grow your existing ecommerce business you need a business plan. A business plan will help you raise funding, if needed, and plan out the growth of your ecommerce business in order to improve your chances of success. Your ecommerce business plan is a living document that should be updated annually as your company grows and changes.

Source of Funding for Ecommerce Businesses

With regards to funding, the main sources of funding for an ecommerce business are bank loans and angel investors. With regards to bank loans, banks will want to review your business plan and gain confidence that you will be able to repay your loan and interest. To acquire this confidence, the loan officer will not only want to confirm that your financials are reasonable. But they will want to see a professional plan. Such a plan will give them the confidence that you can successfully and professionally operate a business.

The second most common form of funding for an ecommerce business is angel investors. Angel investors are wealthy individuals who will write you a check. They will either take equity in return for their funding, or, like a bank, they will give you a loan.

Venture capitalists will fund an ecommerce business but not in its infancy. You will need to first achieve sales traction. Once you do that venture capitalists might invest $2 million to $100 million into your business over time.

Finish Your Business Plan Today!

Below are the 10 sections a sample ecommerce business plan should include:

Executive Summary

Your executive summary provides an introduction to your business plan, but it is normally the last section you write because it provides a summary of each key section of your plan.

The goal of your Executive Summary is to quickly engage the reader. Explain to them the type of ecommerce business you are operating and the status; for example, are you a startup or do you have an ecommerce business that you would like to grow further.

Next, provide an overview of each of the subsequent sections of your plan. For example, give a brief overview of the ecommerce business industry. Discuss the type of ecommerce business you are operating. Detail your direct competitors. Give an overview of your target customers. Provide a snapshot of your marketing plan. Identify the key members of your team. And offer an overview of your financial plan.

Company Analysis

In your company analysis, you will detail the type of ecommerce business you are operating.

For example, you might operate one of the following types of ecommerce businesses.

Ecommerce businesses based on businesses model:

  • Drop Shipping: you sell the product on your website and the product’s supplier fulfills it
  • Wholesaling And Warehousing: you sell the product on your website and the fulfill it yourself (through your own warehouse and systems)
  • Private Labeling And Manufacturing: you sell the product on your website and you manufacture it yourself or have someone manufacture it for you
  • White Labeling: you sell the product on your website and have someone manufacture it for you (but unlike private label, your product is not unique; the manufacturer is also creating the product under other brand names)
  • Subscription: you sell the product or service on your website on a subscription basis (customer pays you every week/month/year)

Ecommerce businesses based on customer model:

  • Business-to-Business (B2B): your business is selling to other businesses
  • Business-to-Consumer (B2C): your business is selling to consumers
  • Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C): your business provides a platform for consumers to sell to other consumers (e.g., ebay)
  • Consumer-to-Business (C2B): your business provides a platform for consumers to sell to businesses
  • Business-to-Government/Administration (B2A): your business is selling to governments or administrative agencies
  • Consumer-to-Government/Administration (C2A): your business provides a platform for consumers to sell or communicate with governments or administrative agencies

In addition to explaining the type of ecommerce business you operate, the Company Analysis section of your business plan needs to provide background on the business.

Include answers to question such as:

  • When and why did you start the business?
  • What milestones have you achieved to date? Milestones could include sales goals you’ve reached, customer milestones, etc.
  • Your legal structure. Are you incorporated as an S-Corp? An LLC? A sole proprietorship? Explain your legal structure here.

Industry Analysis

In your industry analysis, you need to provide an overview of the ecommerce business.

While this may seem unnecessary, it serves multiple purposes.

First, researching the ecommerce business industry educates you. It helps you understand the market in which you are operating.

Secondly, market research can improve your strategy particularly if your research identifies market trends. For example, if there was a trend towards subscription businesses, it would be helpful to ensure your plan calls for offering subscription options.

The third reason for market research is to prove to readers that you are an expert in your industry. By conducting the research and presenting it in your plan, you achieve just that.

The following questions should be answered in the industry analysis section of your ecommerce business plan:

  • How big is the ecommerce business (in dollars)?
  • Is the market declining or increasing?
  • Who are the key competitors in the market?
  • Who are the key suppliers in the market?
  • What trends are affecting the industry?
  • What is the industry’s growth forecast over the next 5 – 10 years?
  • What is the relevant market size? That is, how big is the potential market for your ecommerce business. You can figure out your relevant market size by multiplying the amount of target customers by the amount they might spend on a product or service like yours each year.

Customer Analysis

The customer analysis section of your ecommerce business plan must detail the customers you serve and/or expect to serve.

The following are examples of customer segments: college students, sports enthusiasts, soccer moms, techies, teens, baby boomers, manufacturing plants, state government agencies, etc.

As you can imagine, the customer segment(s) you choose will have a great impact on the type of ecommerce business you operate. Clearly baby boomers would want a different offering and branding than teens or government agencies.

Try to break out your target customers in terms of their demographic and psychographic profiles. With regards to demographics, include a discussion of the ages, genders, locations and income levels of the customers you seek to serve.

Psychographic profiles explain the wants and needs of your target customers. The more you can understand and define these needs, the better you will do in attracting and retaining your customers.

Finish Your Ecommerce Business Plan in 1 Day!

Don’t you wish there was a faster, easier way to finish your business plan?

With Growthink’s Ultimate Ecommerce Business Plan Template you can finish your plan in just 8 hours or less!

Competitive Analysis

Your competitive analysis should identify the indirect and direct competitors your business faces and then focus on the latter.

Direct competitors are other ecommerce businesses.

Indirect competitors are other options that customers have to purchase from you that aren’t direct competitors. This includes offline stores or other ecommerce companies that offer similar products or services. You need to mention such competition to show you understand that not everyone who needs the products or services you provide will frequent a business like yours.

With regards to direct competition, you want to detail the other ecommerce businesses with which you compete. For each such competitor, provide an overview of their businesses and document their strengths and weaknesses. Unless you once worked at your competitors’ businesses, it will be impossible to know everything about them. But you should be able to find out key things about them such as:

  • What types of customers do they serve?
  • What products do they offer?
  • What is their pricing (premium, low, etc.)?
  • What are they good at?
  • What are their weaknesses?

With regards to the last two questions, think about your answers from the customers’ perspective. And check product review websites to learn what your competitors’ customers like most and least about them.

The final part of your competitive analysis section is to document your areas of competitive advantage. For example:

  • Will you provide superior ecommerce services?
  • Will you provide ecommerce business products/services that your competitors don’t offer?
  • Will you make it easier or faster for customers to acquire your products/services?
  • Will you provide better customer service?
  • Will you offer better pricing?

Think about ways you will outperform your competition and document them in this section of your plan.

Marketing Plan

Traditionally, a marketing plan includes the four P’s: Product, Price, Place, and Promotion. For an ecommerce business plan, your marketing plan should include the following:

Product/Service : in the product section you should reiterate the type of ecommerce business that you documented in your Company Analysis. Then, detail the specific products and/or services you will be offering.

Price : Document the prices you will offer and how they compare to your competitors. Essentially in the product and price sub-sections of your marketing plan, you are presenting the menu of items you offer/will offer and their prices.

Place : Place refers to the location of your ecommerce business. In general, the place for an online business is well, online. But if there is a physical component to your business, document that here.

Promotions : the final part of your ecommerce business marketing plan is the promotions section. Here you will document how you will drive customers to your location(s). The following are some promotional methods you might consider:

  • Search engine optimization
  • Search engine marketing
  • Traditional public relations
  • Reaching out to local bloggers and websites
  • Advertising in physical newspapers, magazines, radio and television
  • Partnerships with other websites and/or organizations

Operations Plan

While the earlier sections of your business plan explained your goals, your operations plan describes how you will meet them. Your operations plan should have two distinct sections as follows.

Everyday short-term processes include all of the tasks involved in running your ecommerce business such as warehousing, invoicing, serving customers, procuring supplies, etc.

Long-term goals are the milestones you hope to achieve. These could include the dates when you expect to serve your 10,000th customer, or when you hope to reach $X in sales. It could also be when you expect to hire your Xth employee or launch a new product or service.

Management Team

To demonstrate your ecommerce business’s ability to succeed as a business, a strong management team is essential. Highlight your key players’ backgrounds, emphasizing those skills and experiences that prove their ability to grow a company.

Ideally you and/or your team members have direct experience in the ecommerce business. If so, highlight this experience and expertise. But also highlight any experience that you think will help your business succeed.

If your team is lacking, consider assembling an advisory board. An advisory board would include 2 to 8 individuals who would act like mentors to your business. They would help answer questions and provide strategic guidance. If needed, look for advisory board members with experience in ecommerce businesses and/or successfully running retail businesses.

Financial Plan

Your financial plan should include your 5-year financial statement broken out both monthly or quarterly for the first year and then annually. Your financial statements include your income statement, balance sheet and cash flow statements.

Income Statement : an income statement is more commonly called a Profit and Loss statement or P&L. It shows your revenues and then subtracts your costs to show whether you turned a profit or not.

In developing your income statement, you need to devise assumptions. For example, will you serve 100 customers per day or 200? And will sales grow by 2% or 10% per year? As you can imagine, your choice of assumptions will greatly impact the financial forecasts for your business. As much as possible, conduct research to try to root your assumptions in reality.

Balance Sheets : While balance sheets include much information, to simplify them to the key items you need to know about, balance sheets show your assets and liabilities. For instance, if you spend $100,000 on building out your ecommerce business, that will not give you immediate profits. Rather it is an asset that will hopefully help you generate profits for years to come. Likewise, if a bank writes you a check for $100.000, you don’t need to pay it back immediately. Rather, that is a liability you will pay back over time.

Cash Flow Statement : Your cash flow statement will help determine how much money you need to start or grow your business, and make sure you never run out of money. What most entrepreneurs and business owners don’t realize is that you can turn a profit but run out of money and go bankrupt. For example, let’s say a company approached you with a massive $100,000 contract, that would cost you $50,000 to fulfill. Well, in most cases, you would have to pay that $50,000 now to fulfill the contract. But let’s say the company didn’t pay you for 180 days. During that 180 day period, you could run out of money.

In developing your Income Statement and Balance Sheets be sure to include several of the key costs needed in starting or growing an ecommerce business:

  • Website and technology buildout
  • Payroll or salaries paid to staff
  • Business insurance
  • Taxes and permits
  • Legal expenses

Attach your full financial projections in the appendix of your plan along with any supporting documents that make your plan more compelling. For example, you might include agreements you’ve negotiated with developers, manufacturers and/or employees.

Ecommerce Business Plan Summary

Putting together a business plan for your ecommerce business is a worthwhile endeavor. If you follow the online store business plan template above, by the time you are done, you will truly be an expert. You will really understand the ecommerce business, your competition and your customers. You will have developed a marketing plan and will really understand what it takes to launch and grow a successful ecommerce business.

Download Our Ecommerce Business Plan PDF

You can download our ecommerce business plan PDF here . This is a business plan template you can use in PDF format to help you get started on your own business plan.

Don’t you wish there was a faster, easier way to finish your Ecommerce business plan?

OR, Let Us Develop Your Plan For You

Since 1999, Growthink has developed business plans for thousands of companies who have gone on to achieve tremendous success.   Click here to see how Growthink’s business plan advisors can give you a winning business plan.

Other Helpful Business Plan Articles & Templates

Use This Simple Business Plan Template

  • Business plans

Ecommerce Business Plan Template

Used 5,221 times

This Ecommerce Business Plan Template is tailored particularly to e-commerce companies, and all you require to do is add the elements related to your business.

e-Sign with PandaDoc

Image 1

Prepared by:

​ [Sender.FirstName] [Sender.LastName] ​

​ [Sender.Title] [Sender.Company] ​

​ [Sender.Phone] [Sender.Email] ​

Business Overview

​ [Sender.Company] is headquartered at [Sender.StreetAddress] , [Sender.City] , [Sender.State] [Sender.PostalCode] and operates in the (industry) . [Sender.Company] was founded in (month, year) by (Founder.Name).

​ [Sender.Company] seeks to offer (a general description of specific products or services to be offered) in response to what management has identified as a clear market need.

Products and Services

​ [Sender.Company] will sell (specific products or services to be sold). The products sold by [Sender.Company] will stand apart from the competition due to (explain the unique selling proposition of the product to be sold). [Sender.Company] will also provide (describe any supplementary products or services offered).

Website Design

​ [Sender.Company] will develop a website whose key elements will include the following:

About section explaining the company's mission

Database of products

Shopping cart system

Help and FAQ pages

The website will be built by an established development firm and designed by an accomplished web designer, with the process supervised by [Sender.Company] 's designated supervisor.

Management Team

​ [Sender.Company] is led by (Manager.Name) who has been in the e-commerce industry for (number) years.

Previously, (Manager.Name) worked as (job title) at (previous company) and acquired in-depth knowledge of the e-commerce industry as well as the (industry name) industry and the needs of the mass consumer.

Industry Analysis

​ [Sender.Company] has conducted a thorough analysis of the industry and discovered the following statistics that bode well for the business:

(Provide point-by-point statistics that illustrate the opportunity for your business e.g., growth projections for the e-commerce industry and your specific niche, consumer survey results, cost projections, etc.)

Customer Analysis

​ [Sender.Company] ’s target market is comprised primarily of (describe your ideal customer) .

The demographics of these customers are as follows:

The average income of $XX, XXX

XX% work in (industry)

XX% (married/single)

The median age of XX years

Strong desire for (a specific type of product/service you sell)

Competitor Analysis

There are numerous competitors in the industry in which [Sender.Company] will operate. The most noteworthy competitors consist of:

(List 2-3 competitors and include a brief description of their history, the scope of their businesses, and some noteworthy facts and stats.)

Competitive Advantage

​ [Sender.Company] is positioned for success because:

There are a limited number of competitors.

There's no one selling the exact product/service that [Sender.Company] offers.

The management team is seasoned and has a strong track record of success.

The product/service is on trend, and the industry is growing.

Marketing Strategy

​ [Sender.Company] plans to leverage several strategical prongs to achieve success in its marketing strategy.

Brand Strategy

​ [Sender.Company] will consistently focus its marketing efforts on the brand's unique value proposition, consisting of:

(Describe what makes your product or service stand apart from your competitors)

Promotional Strategy

(List some of the channels or methods your company will use to promote itself, e.g., SEO, email marketing, paid advertising, social media outreach, affiliates, etc.)

Pricing Strategy

​ [Sender.Company] 's pricing, is based on comprehensive market research, and it has been determined that our pricing is fair and attractive compared to competitor offerings.

(State the specific pricing or the general price range of products to be offered.)

Operational Plan

​ [Sender.Company] has determined that the following roles are essential for the success of the company:

(List some of the departments and roles that will need to be in place to operate the business.)

​ [Sender.Company] believes it is reasonable to expect completion of the following milestones at the following times:

(State when you expect the milestone to be completed.)

(Briefly describe what the milestone is e.g., the website goes live, marketing campaigns launch, products ship, etc.)

Financial Projections

​ [Sender.Company] is seeking total funding of $(amount) to launch its business. The capital will be used for (state what funding will be used e.g., building the website, hiring personnel, working capital, marketing, etc.)

Specifically, these funds will be used as follows:

Hiring a content production team: approximately $(amount of money)

Marketing: approximately $(amount of money) design/build and startup business expenses: approximately $120,000

​ [Sender.Company] 's financial projections for the next (number) years are as follows:




Net income:

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Useful resources

  • Featured Templates
  • Sales Proposals
  • NDA Agreements
  • Operating Agreements
  • Service Agreements
  • Sales Documents
  • Marketing Proposals
  • Rental and Lease Agreements
  • Quote Templates
  • Business Proposals
  • Agreement Templates
  • Purchase Agreements
  • Contract Templates

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Ecommerce Business Plan

Written by Dave Lavinsky

Ecommerce Business Plan Template

Whether you are planning to start a new ecommerce business or grow your existing ecommerce business, you’ve come to the right place to write an ecommerce business plan.

We have helped over 10,000 entrepreneurs and business owners create ecommerce business plans and many have used them to start or grow their own ecommerce businesses.

Sample Ecommerce Business Plan

Below is a sample of each of the key elements of an ecommerce business plan template to help you write your own business plan:

Executive Summary

Business overview. is a startup ecommerce store that sells fitness clothes and accessories for the young, trendy, and stylish individual who enjoys working out and staying fit. The clothes are unique and designed to fit the latest trends of the most popular online YouTube or TikTok celebrities, yet functional and comfortable for working out at the gym or just hanging out. All products are made in the United States, are made with the highest quality fabric, and come with a money-back customer guarantee if the fit or style doesn’t satisfy the customer. is sold exclusively online; no retailers will be carrying any products. is owned by Devon Ming. Devon will utilize a dropshipping company to receive all orders placed on, fulfill the order, and ship directly to the consumers. Devon will also employ a team of three creative designers to develop the website and social media presence by utilizing targeted social media ads and will recruit social media influencers as brand ambassadors. Devon will also employ a team of two customer service representatives to ensure complete customer satisfaction.

Product Offering

The following are the services to be offered by

  • Fitness clothing
  • Fitness accessories such as socks, headbands, and wrist wraps
  • Foam rollers

Customer Focus will target all fitness enthusiasts and trendsetters in the United States and internationally. The target market will be social media savvy and spend a large portion of their day browsing through their social media sites. The ideal customer will be young, either in high school or college, a working professional, or a gym rat who frequents the trendiest fitness gyms and establishments.

Management Team

Devon Ming is a graduate of Harvard University’s Business School and after graduation, has spent the last three years developing the brand image, vision, and researching products for Devon wanted to utilize his Master’s degree in Business Strategy & Marketing, and has devoted all of his time and energy into launching his ecommerce store.

As CEO of, Devon will oversee the strategy and development of the company. He will be in constant communication with the dropshipper, creative team, and customer service representatives. He will also focus on strategic growth and the long term vision of the company.

Success Factors is primed for success by offering the following competitive advantages:

  • Most cost-effective trendy fitness apparel option compared to competition.
  • Trendiest and most innovative fitness fashion designs available anywhere.
  • 100% customer satisfaction money back guarantee with every product sold.
  • A portion of all proceeds will go towards socially-conscious causes and non-profit charities.

Financial Highlights is seeking $200,000 in debt financing to launch The funding will be dedicated for the down payment with the dropshipping company, three months of payroll expenses for the creative team and customer service representatives, and any business licensing necessary. There will also be funding dedicated to the social media campaign and website development. The breakout of the funding is below:

  • Dropshipper Good Faith Down Payment: $50,000
  • Payroll Expenses for Creative Team and Customer Service Reps (3 mos): $60,000
  • Social Media Campaign & Website Development: $80,000
  • Contingency and any necessary licensing: $10,000

The following graph below outlines the pro forma financial projections for

pro forma financial projections for ecommerce business

Company Overview

Who is is a startup ecommerce store that sells fitness clothes and accessories for the young, trendy, and stylish individual who enjoys working out and staying fit. The clothes are unique and designed to fit the latest trends of the most popular online YouTube or TikTok celebrities, yet functional and comfortable for working out at the gym or just hanging out. All products are made in the United States and come with a money-back customer guarantee if the fit or style doesn’t satisfy the customer. is sold exclusively online; no retailers will be carrying any products. is owned by CEO Devon Ming and will be sold exclusively through a dropshipper that has agreed to fulfill all product orders placed by and ship within the continental United States in 2-3 business days and within one week to anywhere outside of the continental United States. Devon has placed his pricing model to be competitive with other popular online fitness clothing retailers, but more affordable as the base of his customers will be young and not have as much disposable income as other individuals outside of the target market. History

Devon Ming has spent the last three years developing the brand image, vision, and researching products for After graduating from college with a Master’s degree in Business Strategy & Marketing, Devon has devoted all of his time and energy into launching his ecommerce store.

Since incorporation, has achieved the following milestones:

  • Registered the domain name
  • Developed the brand image, logo, and mission statement for
  • Signed a dropshipping agreement with the company who will manufacture, fulfill order, and ship all items sold on
  • Began a social media campaign to develop hype for the upcoming brand. Products will offer the following ecommerce products:

Industry Analysis

As a result of a significant shift from traditional retail to online retail, the E-Commerce industry is expected to grow to over $835 billion in the next five years.  Data shows that consumers prefer the convenience of finding, comparing and purchasing products online easily and quickly.

The industry’s main drivers include faster internet speeds,  an increase in mobile internet connections, accelerating per capita disposable income growth and the continued surge in internet traffic volume.

Strong economic conditions will also aid retailers that purchase inventory from overseas, while revenue growth and wage growth are expected to continue their strong trajectory over the next five years as technology continues to boost worker productivity.

The greatest opportunity for growth will come from product categories that were traditionally dominated by brick-and-mortar shopping, including groceries, major appliance products and clothing.

Customer Analysis

Demographic profile of target market.

TotalPercentMale PercentFemale Percent
Total population327,167,439(X)(X)(X)
Under 5 years19,646,3156.00%6.20%5.80%
5 to 9 years19,805,9006.10%6.30%5.80%
10 to 14 years21,392,9226.50%6.80%6.30%
15 to 19 years21,445,4936.60%6.80%6.30%
20 to 24 years21,717,9626.60%6.90%6.40%
25 to 29 years23,320,7027.10%7.40%6.90%
30 to 34 years22,023,9726.70%6.90%6.60%
35 to 39 years21,571,3026.60%6.70%6.50%
40 to 44 years19,927,1516.10%6.10%6.00%
45 to 49 years20,733,4406.30%6.40%6.30%
50 to 54 years20,871,8046.40%6.40%6.40%
55 to 59 years21,624,5416.60%6.50%6.70%
60 to 64 years20,662,8216.30%6.10%6.50%
65 to 69 years17,107,2885.20%5.00%5.50%
70 to 74 years13,464,0254.10%3.90%4.40%
75 to 79 years9,378,5122.90%2.60%3.10%
80 to 84 years6,169,4411.90%1.60%2.20%
85 years and over6,303,8481.90%1.40%2.50%

Customer Segments will primarily target the following customer profiles:

  • High school students
  • College students
  • Young working professionals
  • Fitness enthusiasts
  • Trendsetters who focus on the fitness industry

Competitive Analysis will face competition from other ecommerce businesses with a similar company profile. A summary of the competitor companies is below.

Direct and Indirect Competitors

Nike is a popular consumer products company that designs, develops, and markets their product line of footwear, apparel, equipment, and accessory products worldwide. It designs athletic, casual, and leisure footwear for men, women, and children. Nike’s footwear products include running, training, basketball, football, soccer, sport-inspired urban shoes, and children’s shoes. Nike, named for the greek goddess of Victory, also markets sports-inspired products for children and various competitive and recreational activities. Nike also sells sportswear under the Converse brand. The company, which generates some 60% of sales outside the US, sells through more than 1,090-owned retail stores worldwide and an e-commerce site, and to thousands of retail accounts, independent distributors, licensees and sales representatives. Customers in North America account for about 40% of total revenue.

Nike is headquartered in Beaverton, Oregon and was initially founded as Blue Ribbon Sports in 1962. The company rebranded as Nike in 1972 and the company went public in 1980.

Under Armour

Under Armour makes performance clothes for doing battle on the sports field and in the gym. The company offered collegiate, National Football League (“NFL”) and National Basketball Association (“NBA”) apparel and accessories, baby and youth apparel, team uniforms, socks, water bottles, eyewear and other specific hard goods equipment that feature performance advantages and functionality similar to our other product offerings. The company also makes technology that helps customers track their fitness. It sells online, by catalog, and through retail and outlet stores worldwide. Under Armour operates worldwide but generates most of its revenue in North America.

Under Armour’s marketing and promotion strategy begins with providing and selling their products to high-performing athletes and teams at the high school, collegiate and professional levels. They execute this strategy through outfitting agreements, professional, club, and collegiate sponsorship, individual athlete and influencer agreements and by providing and selling their products directly to team equipment managers and to individual athletes.

Under Armour was founded in Washington, DC, in 1996 and moved to Baltimore, Maryland, two years later. It promoted apparel specifically for athletes, fabric designed to keep them cool when it is hot and keep them warm when it is cold. It continued focusing on the sports world, inking supplier or licensing deals with the NHL, MLB, and USA Baseball in the early 2000s. Under Armour went public in 2005. The following year the company moved into footwear with a line of football cleats; it eventually became the official footwear supplier to the NFL.

Lululemon athletica inc. is a designer, distributor and retailer of lifestyle inspired athletic apparel and accessories. The Company’s segments include Company-operated stores and direct to consumer. Its apparel assortment includes items such as pants, shorts, tops, and jackets designed for a healthy lifestyle including athletic activities such as yoga, running, training, and other sweaty pursuits. It also offers fitness-related accessories. Its direct to consumer segment includes electronic commerce website, other country and region-specific websites, and mobile applications, including mobile applications on in-store devices. Its Company-operated stores include approximately 491 stores. Its Company-operated stores are branded lululemon and Ivivva. The Ivivva branded stores specializes in athletic wear for female youth. It also offers weekly live classes, on-demand workouts and one-on-one personal training through its subsidiary.

Competitive Advantage will be able to offer the following competitive advantages over their competition:

Marketing Plan

Brand & value proposition. will offer the unique value proposition to its clientele:

  • All materials are made in the United States and made with the highest quality material.

Promotions Strategy

The promotions strategy for is as follows:

Social Media will blow up social media sites with targeted ads and will be seen on all major social media sites (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, TikTok, SnapChat, etc.). A large portion of the funding will go towards purchasing targeted ads and having a creative team to develop the social media advertising.

Website & SEO Marketing

Devon’s creative team will also develop a professionally designed and visually appealing website to gear customers to when they click on the social media ad. The website will have a gallery of all the available products, shipping information, return information, FAQ’s, etc. The SEO will also be managed to ensure that anyone searching “trendy fitness apparel” or “trendy clothes for young adults”, will see listed at the top of the Bing or Google search engine.

Brand Ambassadors will recruit a team of social media influencers who have over 100k followers on at least one social media site. By having the brand ambassadors post of and wear the clothing, will gain a massive amount of followers because one of their favorite internet celebrities is wearing the brand. The brand ambassadors will include a code in their post and will be paid a portion of revenue for whomever purchases from using that code.

Pricing Strategy

The pricing of will be moderate and on par with competitors so customers feel they receive value when purchasing its products.

Operations Plan

The following will be the operations plan of

Operation Functions:

  • Devon Ming will be Owner and CEO of He will be in charge of strategy, growth, product design, and dropshipper communication.
  • Two Customer Service Representatives to answer customer calls, emails, returns, and any other customer issues.
  • Team of three Creative Designers to develop the website, social media posts, photography, SEO, and targeted ad campaigns on social media sites.
  • will have an agreement in place with a dropshipper who will fulfill all product orders and ship them directly to the consumer. will not have its own warehouse, all product inventory and shipping will go through the dropshipper.

Milestones: will have the following milestones completed in the next six months.

6/1/202X – Finalize agreement with dropshipping company for them to receive orders directly from website, fulfill them, and ship straight to consumers.

6/10/202X – Hire team of Creative Designers to begin design work on the website and social media platforms.

7/15/202X – Begin social media campaign for

8/1/202X – Recruit team of brand ambassadors.

8/15/202X – Hire team of Customer Service Representatives.

9/1/202X – website officially launches and goes live. Customers are now able to place orders on

Devon Ming will be the Owner and CEO of

Devon Ming, Owner

Devon Ming is a native of San Jose, California and attended college in Cambridge, Massachusetts at Harvard University. After subsequently being accepted into Harvard’s prestigious business school and graduating, Devon spent the next three years developing the brand image, vision, and researching products for Devon wanted to utilize his Master’s degree in Business Strategy & Marketing, and has devoted all of his time and energy into launching his ecommerce store.

As CEO of, Devon will oversee the strategy and development of the company. He will be in constant communication with the dropshipper, creative team, and customer service representatives. He values the customer service representatives as much as the rest of the team because he wants to get involved on customer feedback and any issues they are having. He can then implement those issues and feedback to the creative team and adjust product design if necessary. He will also ensure complete customer satisfaction and make sure the dropshipper is aware of any customer issues with product packaging and delivery.

As becomes more and more popular, Devon will be prepared for growth and hire a CFO when necessary and when the company is able to afford to do so. When the company is primed for growth and its dominance in the market is made, Devon and future CFO will strategize on a plan to take the company public.

Financial Plan

Key revenue & costs.

The revenue drivers for will be the revenue obtained from all products sold on

The cost drivers will be the cost to maintain the dropshipper per the contract. The dropshipper will receive fees on all products it fulfills and ships. Other cost drivers will be the salaries for the creative team and customer service representatives. Lastly, other cost drivers will be the costs for purchasing targeted ads on various social media sites and maintaining the website.

Funding Requirements and Use of Funds

Key assumptions.

The following outlines the key assumptions required in order to achieve the revenue and cost numbers in the financials and in order to pay off the startup business loan.

  • Number of Initial Visitors to per Month: 1,000
  • Revenue per Month: $50,000

Financial Projections

Income statement.

FY 1FY 2FY 3FY 4FY 5
Total Revenues$360,000$793,728$875,006$964,606$1,063,382
Expenses & Costs
Cost of goods sold$64,800$142,871$157,501$173,629$191,409
Initial expenditure$10,000$0$0$0$0
Total Expenses & Costs$291,815$416,151$454,000$483,240$514,754
EBITDA$68,185 $377,577 $421,005 $481,366 $548,628
Depreciation$27,160$27,160 $27,160 $27,160 $27,160
EBIT$41,025 $350,417 $393,845$454,206$521,468
Interest$23,462$20,529 $17,596 $14,664 $11,731
PRETAX INCOME$17,563 $329,888 $376,249 $439,543 $509,737
Net Operating Loss$0$0$0$0$0
Use of Net Operating Loss$0$0$0$0$0
Taxable Income$17,563$329,888$376,249$439,543$509,737
Income Tax Expense$6,147$115,461$131,687$153,840$178,408
NET INCOME$11,416 $214,427 $244,562 $285,703 $331,329

Balance Sheet

FY 1FY 2FY 3FY 4FY 5
Accounts receivable$0$0$0$0$0
Total Current Assets$184,257$381,832$609,654$878,742$1,193,594
Fixed assets$180,950$180,950$180,950$180,950$180,950
Depreciation$27,160$54,320$81,480$108,640 $135,800
Net fixed assets$153,790 $126,630 $99,470 $72,310 $45,150
TOTAL ASSETS$338,047$508,462$709,124$951,052$1,238,744
Debt$315,831$270,713$225,594$180,475 $135,356
Accounts payable$10,800$11,906$13,125$14,469 $15,951
Total Liability$326,631 $282,618 $238,719 $194,944 $151,307
Share Capital$0$0$0$0$0
Retained earnings$11,416 $225,843 $470,405 $756,108$1,087,437
Total Equity$11,416$225,843$470,405$756,108$1,087,437
TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY$338,047$508,462$709,124$951,052$1,238,744

Cash Flow Statement

FY 1FY 2FY 3FY 4FY 5
Net Income (Loss)$11,416 $214,427 $244,562 $285,703$331,329
Change in working capital($19,200)($1,966)($2,167)($2,389)($2,634)
Depreciation$27,160 $27,160 $27,160 $27,160 $27,160
Net Cash Flow from Operations$19,376 $239,621 $269,554 $310,473 $355,855
Net Cash Flow from Investments($180,950)$0$0$0$0
Cash from equity$0$0$0$0$0
Cash from debt$315,831 ($45,119)($45,119)($45,119)($45,119)
Net Cash Flow from Financing$315,831 ($45,119)($45,119)($45,119)($45,119)
Net Cash Flow$154,257$194,502 $224,436 $265,355$310,736
Cash at Beginning of Period$0$154,257$348,760$573,195$838,550
Cash at End of Period$154,257$348,760$573,195$838,550$1,149,286

Free Business Plan Template PDF for an E-commerce Business

You can download our free e-commerce business plan template PDF here . This is a business plan template you can use in PDF format. You can easily complete your ecommerce business plan using our Ecommerce Business Plan Template here .

Ecommerce Business Plan FAQs

What is an ecommerce business plan.

An e-commerce business plan is a plan to start and/or grow your online business. Among other things, it outlines your business idea , identifies your target customers, presents your marketing strategies and details your financial projections.

What are the Essential Steps to Launch a Successful Ecommerce Business?

Launching an e-commerce business is an exciting venture with the potential for substantial rewards. To maximize your chances of success, follow this strategic roadmap.

1. Conduct In-Depth Market Research: Thoroughly analyze your target market, identify consumer pain points, and discover product gaps. This research will be the cornerstone of your business strategy, informing product selection, pricing, and marketing efforts.

2. Craft a Compelling Business Plan: Develop a solid business plan outlining your business goals, target audience, unique value proposition, business model, sales strategies, and financial projections. This document will serve as your roadmap and a valuable tool for attracting potential investors or securing loans.

3. Choose a Profitable Product Niche: Select a product niche that aligns with your passion and possesses strong market demand. Consider factors such as competition, profit margins, and scalability when making your decision.

4. Build a Strong Brand Identity: Create a memorable brand name, logo, and visual identity that resonates with your target audience. Develop a compelling brand story to foster customer loyalty and emotional connections.

5. Develop a User-Centric E-commerce Store: Design an online store that is visually appealing, easy to navigate, and optimized for conversions. Prioritize fast loading times, clear product descriptions, high-quality images, and secure checkout processes.

6. Source Reliable Suppliers: Establish relationships with reputable suppliers who can provide high-quality products at competitive prices. Consider factors such as order fulfillment times, shipping options, and return policies.

7. Optimize Pricing Strategy: Conduct thorough market research to determine competitive pricing for your products. Implement effective pricing strategies, such as discounts, promotions, and tiered pricing, to maximize revenue and profitability.

8. Masterful Marketing and Promotion: Develop a comprehensive marketing strategy that leverages various sales channels, including social media, search engine optimization (SEO), email marketing, and paid advertising. Create compelling content that engages your target audience and drives traffic to your store.

9. Fulfill Orders Efficiently: Implement a streamlined order fulfillment process to ensure timely and accurate delivery of products. Consider using order management software and partnering with reliable shipping carriers.

10. Prioritize Customer Satisfaction: Build a strong customer support system to address inquiries and resolve issues promptly. Encourage customer feedback and implement improvements based on customer insights.

By following these steps and continuously adapting to market trends, you can build a thriving e-commerce business that generates sustainable profits.

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How to Write an Ecommerce Business Plan

Ecommerce business plan for online store

If you’ve got an exciting concept for an e-commerce venture, it’s crucial to develop a business plan tailored to your online store. This plan will play a pivotal role in ensuring that your vision has the necessary resources to thrive and generate profits. By crafting a comprehensive business plan for your online retail operation, you can effectively pinpoint your target audience, set clear monthly and quarterly sales targets, and significantly enhance the prospects of achieving long-term success in the e-commerce industry.

As a business plan writer and consultant , I’ve authored over 15,000 business plans for various enterprises, many of which have gone on to achieve substantial growth and success. In this article, I offer insights based on my experience and expertise in creating an e-commerce business plan.

What is an ecommerce business plan?

An ecommerce business plan is a comprehensive document that outlines the goals, strategies, and financial projections of an online business. It serves as a roadmap for the business, guiding entrepreneurs in making informed decisions and attracting investors.

How to Write an E-commerce Business Plan Step By Step

  • Provide an executive summary.
  • Business overview.
  • Explain your offerings.
  • Analyze the market.
  • Develop your marketing strategy.
  • Establish a sales plan.

l. Provide an executive summary

An executive summary serves as a succinct, one-to-two-page overview of your business, meticulously crafted to inform stakeholders about the essential elements of your comprehensive business plan. It’s a window into your business’s aspirations, strategies, and financial projections, providing a clear roadmap for decision-making and attracting potential investors.

An ecommerce business plan executive summary can look something like this:

Here’s a complete guide on how to write an effective executive summary with examples.

ll. Business overview

Business overview section beckons for meticulous attention to detail, as it showcases the very essence of your business – your product or service. It’s the stage upon which your offering takes center stage, captivating the audience with its unique value proposition and compelling features. Begin by painting a vivid overview of what you’re bringing to the market, piquing the interest of potential customers and investors alike.

A business overview of Pet Planet online store may look something like this:

Here are 14 profitable eCommerce business ideas you can start today!

lll. Explain your offerings

Having established the foundation of your business and its purpose, it’s time to embark on a deeper exploration of your plan. The spotlight now falls upon the products and services that will form the cornerstone of your venture. Begin by meticulously listing each offering, accompanied by a clear explanation of its purpose. Address the fundamental question of ‘why’ – why have you chosen to offer these specific products and services ? What unique value do they bring to the market?

Once the products and services have been comprehensively described, it’s time to illuminate the pricing model that will govern your offerings. Assign a clear cost to each service, considering factors such as production costs, market demand, and competitive pricing. Determining pricing, especially for a startup, can be a complex endeavor. Fortunately, sales pricing calculators can serve as valuable allies in identifying the optimal pricing strategy .

A explain your offerings of smart home products may look something like this:

  • Business Plan Template

For your E-store business, download this ecommerce business plan template now.

lV. Analyze the market

A comprehensive market analysis serves as a compass, guiding your business through the intricate terrain of the marketplace. It begins with a deep understanding of your target audience, delving into their demographics, preferences, and purchasing behaviors. This knowledge empowers you to tailor your products, services, and marketing strategies to resonate with their needs and aspirations.

Here is how analyze the market in our ecommerce business plan.

How to Write Products and Services Section of Business Plan

Your perfect Ecommerce business plan is just a click away.

You have a great business idea. We can help you turn it into a perfect business plan..

V. Develop your marketing strategy

An ecommerce business’s marketing plan is its secret weapon, guiding it towards brand awareness, target audience reach , and enhanced sales and revenue. This plan revolves around positioning strategy, acquisition channels, and tools and technology. Positioning strategy determines how you will differentiate yourself in the market, while acquisition channels identify how your target audience discovers your business.

Finally, tools and technology harness the power of innovation to enhance your reach, automate tasks, and gain valuable insights into customer behavior. By crafting and implementing a comprehensive marketing plan , you can effectively build brand awareness, attract your target audience, and drive growth and profitability for your ecommerce venture.

How to Write the Marketing Plan in Ecommerce Business Plan?

Vl. Establish a sales plan

Importance of an ecommerce business plan.

The significance of an ecommerce business plan cannot be overstated. It plays a pivotal role in:

  • Defining Your Business Goals: Clearly articulating your business objectives provides a sense of direction and ensures that your actions are aligned with your overall vision.
  • Identifying Your Target Market: Understanding your target audience's needs, preferences, and behaviors is crucial for tailoring your products, services, and marketing strategies effectively.
  • Developing Effective Marketing Strategies: A well-defined marketing plan outlines the strategies you will employ to reach your target audience, generate leads, and drive sales.
  • Securing Funding: Investors and lenders often require a comprehensive business plan to assess the viability of your venture and the potential return on their investment.

Tips for Writing an Effective Ecommerce Business Plan

  • Conduct Thorough Research: Gather comprehensive data and insights into your target market, competitors, and industry trends.
  • Set Realistic Goals: Establish achievable and measurable goals that align with your business's resources and capabilities.
  • Update Regularly: Review and update your business plan periodically to reflect changes in your market, strategies, or goals.
  • Quantify Your Financial Projections: Back up your financial projections with sound assumptions and calculations.
  • Seek Feedback: Share your business plan with trusted advisors and mentors for constructive feedback and suggestions.

Revenue projections can be determined by conducting market research, analyzing industry trends, evaluating your target market size, and considering your pricing strategy. Additionally, factors such as marketing efforts, customer acquisition rates, and competition should be taken into account.

Managing operating expenses effectively involves careful budgeting, identifying cost-saving opportunities, negotiating with suppliers, optimizing operational processes, and regularly reviewing expenses. It’s important to strike a balance between controlling costs without compromising the quality of your products or services.

Funding options for an eCommerce business may include self-funding, loans from financial institutions, angel investors, venture capital, crowdfunding platforms, or partnerships. Consider your business’s financial needs, growth plans, and potential risks when exploring funding options.

The break-even point is the point at which your total revenue matches your total expenses, resulting in neither profit nor loss. It can be calculated by dividing your fixed costs by the contribution margin (selling price per unit minus variable costs per unit). This calculation helps you determine the minimum sales volume required to cover costs.

Tracking CAC and CLV is crucial for understanding the effectiveness of your marketing and sales efforts. CAC helps determine the cost of acquiring a new customer, while CLV estimates the value a customer brings to your business over their lifetime. By analyzing these metrics, you can optimize your marketing strategies and ensure that the cost of acquiring customers aligns with their long-term value.

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business plan for ecommerce startup pdf

Business Plan Template: The Ultimate Guide for Ecommerce Businesses

A business plan is a blueprint for your business. It sets out where you want to go and how you want to get there.

While you might want to jump right into your ecommerce business and start selling, starting with a business plan is the foundation of a thriving business. Harvard Business Review found businesses that take the time to draft a business plan increase their odds at succeeding by 16 percent. And one study by McKinsey & Company found that 79 percent of executives believe a formal planning process contributes significantly to overall business strategies. 

Business plans force you to think critically and strategically and can even help you acquire outside funding for your next big investment. 

So, how do you put one together? We’ll go over the different types of business plans, what to include in each section, and a simple business plan template for you to follow. 

Types of Business Plans

Business plans are used for different purposes. Sometimes, it’s to get the internal team on the same page, and other times, it’s to attract potential investors. Depending on who’s reading your business plan and what you’re hoping to achieve, you might adapt it to take a different layout. Here are the main types of business plans and what they’re used for: 

  • General: This is the business plan format you typically see and is often meant for external parties. It’s comprehensive and covers all areas of the business. 
  • Summary: This is a truncated version of the general business plan, sometimes as short as one page. These are better for taking around with you to networking opportunities. 
  • Startup: New businesses will use startup business plans, which outline the steps for launch. This is great for internal teams and attracting investors or lenders. 
  • Strategic: Similar to the “summary” business plan, a strategic one is high level – it’s ideal for board members and other shareholders.
  • Feasibility: These outline who , if anyone, will purchase the service or product a company wants to sell, and if the venture can turn a profit. This is more commonly used to validate your idea.
  • Operations/internal: These business plans are for your management team, board of directors and your high-level professional advisors. They focus on inner workings. 
  • Growth: Have growth goals? This business plan provides an in-depth description of how a company plans to scale. This is good for internal teams and potential investors. 
  • Complete: This comprehensive business plan goes into detail about finances – these companies are typically trying to secure funding. 

What Is the Format of a Business Plan?

business plan for ecommerce startup pdf

Table of contents

Executive summary, company description, products and services, industry overview, market analysis, marketing plan, operations and management, financial plan.

This is where you’re introducing your grand idea. What’s the name of the business? Who’s behind it? When was this document prepared? These are all questions the title page should answer. 

As far as design goes, keep it simple. Add a company logo (if you have one), but otherwise, keep styling and graphics to a minimum. This is a professional document, not a school project. 

We have a lot to cover, and it’s not always necessary to read through every single section. A table of contents makes it easier to find the sections most relevant to the reader or to refer back to sections they want to reread. 

The design here should also be simple (you’ll see this is a recurring theme), with a focus on functionality.

Here’s where we start getting into the meat of the business plan. The executive summary is your one-pager, sort of like an elevator pitch. It’s important to hook readers in at this point. If the executive summary doesn’t get them excited, what’s going to motivate them to finish reviewing your plan?

So much to say, so little space to say it. The executive summary needs to be refined and focus on what will get potential investors and lenders jazzed about your idea. What’s so exciting about it? How can you instill faith in your business idea?

Aside from that, it’s important to tease the research you’ve done around making sure this is a viable opportunity. Provide high-level details about: 

  • Your company mission and vision
  • What your business sells
  • Who your target market is
  • What differentiates you
  • The people behind the brand
  • Projections and goals for future growth

Tip: Write your executive summary last. Because it’s basically a truncated version of your entire business plan, it’ll be easier to organize your thoughts once you’ve deep-dived into each of the areas below. 

Now, it’s time to get into the nitty gritty about your brand – we’re talking really nitty gritty. Details like business name and address, founding date, legal structure, licenses, ownership details, number of employees, and more. 

And then the higher-level fun stuff, like company values (an in-depth exploration of your vision and mission), short- and long-term goals, and positioning in the overall market. This is where you show you’ve done your research on competitors .

Here, you define the item that’s going to turn you a profit – in our case, the physical products you plan to dropship. Create a list of each product you plan to offer (and categories, if you have a ton), your pricing strategy and anticipated profit margin, and why customers will want to buy from you. 

It’s a good idea to include a bit of information about how products will be manufactured and delivered. Will you be selling direct-to-consumer or through wholesale customers? How will you package and assemble orders? How do the orders get into customers’ hands? And how will you handle returns? These are just a few of the questions you’ll need to answer. 

Remember to detail some of the valuable relationships you have in the industry to reinforce your likelihood of success. 

This is where we look at the industry as a whole: Who’s operating in the vertical? What do these niche customers want? What are the economic trends for the industry?

Check out sources like Nielsen and Pew Research Center for information about consumer behavior. 

business plan for ecommerce startup pdf

  • D&B Hoovers
  • U.S. Census Bureau
  • Census Bureau’s Economic Indicators  
  • Bureau of Labor & Statistics
  • U.S. Embassy websites (Hint: Check the sections about people who want to sell abroad for regional insights.) 

You can also look for niche publications to find targeted analyses and reports.

A lot of the research you’ve put together for the above sections will inform your overall market analysis. The market analysis is a summary of the aforementioned, plus more information about your target customer. 

When identifying your market, you need to consider if the size of your potential customer base is big enough to generate a profit. Use social media tools like Facebook Audience Insights to estimate the size of your potential customer base. You can also conduct keyword research to get an idea of how many people are searching for your products – and what their projected search volume is for the future. 

Not that you know who you’re selling to, it’s time to establish how you’re going to communicate with them. In this section, you need to account for your sales and marketing approach – how you plan to get the word out about your brand and products. 

Today’s brands have to use a multichannel approach, reaching potential customers through email , social media, SEO, content, print, and advertising . 

Take what you’ve learned about your audience’s pain points and your competitor’s strengths to inform how you’ll communicate your differentiator. Pay special attention to your website and online channels for dropshipping businesses, as these will be the main touchpoints. It’s also a good idea to outline your post-sales customer remarketing and support plan. 

Operations and management details the inner workings of your business. A few areas to cover include: 

  • Legal structure of your business
  • Backgrounds of the prominent figures in your business – remember to highlight relevant experiences and accomplishments for ecommerce and/or dropshipping
  • Which facilities, equipment, and warehouse space you’ll need
  • Supply chain and order and fulfillment processes

Then, you’ll also want to detail the day-to-day operations. How are orders fulfilled? What tech stack are you using to automate specific tasks? Which reports do you run and how often? What third-party vendors will you be working with? If you’re a new business, include any launch schedules as well. 

business plan for ecommerce startup pdf

If you’re presenting your business plan as part of a loan application or other funding request, this is where you make the ask. You’ve already laid why and how your business will be successful, so potential lenders and investors will feel more at ease with the risk. More than a quarter of businesses claim they can’t get the capital they need – you don’t want a poorly written business plan to be the reason you don’t. 

Beyond stating and asking for the amount you need, you’ll also need to prove how this extra capital is going to fuel additional growth with your company. Outline where you’ll spend the money, what you’ll be purchasing with it, and how this will generate a return on investment for your biz. 

Rounding out your business plan is the appendix. This is where any supporting documentation goes. We tack it on at the end because they can turn a relatively short business plan into an unwieldy, hundreds-of-pages-long document (nobody has time for that). 

The appendix is like a reference section. This way, readers who need to validate something from the earlier sections of your business plan can easily navigate to the corresponding documentation.

Simple Business Plan Template

  • Business Plan: Company name
  • Business address
  • Phone number
  • Website URL

If your business plan is prepared for a specific entity, include a line that says “Presented to:” followed by the individual and/or company name. 

  • Executive summary ………………………..………. page #
  • Company description ………………………………. page #
  • Products and services …………………………..…. page #
  • Industry overview ……………………………..……. page #
  • Market analysis ……………………………….….…. page #
  • Marketing plan ………………………………………. page #
  • Operations and management …..…………………. page #
  • Financial plan ………………………………….……. page #
  • Appendix ……………………………………….……. page #

Tip: Keep your executive summary to one or two pages. Remember, this is a highlight reel for what’s to come. 

  • Having writer’s block? Start out with something like: “‘Company name’ is an ecommerce company in the ____ industry and sells _____ to _____.” 
  • Brief overview of products and services
  • Short industry overview
  • Truncated market analysis
  • High-level marketing plan
  • Organization description
  • Management team
  • Quick financial projections
  • Summary of funding request
  • Business name
  • Location (both where you operate and where you serve customers)
  • Founding date
  • Legal structure
  • Ownership details
  • Business ID numbers
  • Tax ID numbers
  • Number of employees
  • Company purpose, mission, and vision
  • Current status and stage of business
  • Notable achievements or milestones
  • Description of product(s)
  • Product categories (if you plan to sell many SKUs) 
  • Product development stage
  • Screenshots, diagrams, renderings, or photos of the product
  • Product manufacturer and supplier partners
  • Current pricing
  • Past test results
  • Anticipated future products and services you plan to introduce
  • Order fulfillment
  • Total market value
  • Total expenditure, globally and regionally
  • Industry projections
  • Competitors
  • Your differentiator
  • Positioning within the industry
  • Demographics of target market
  • Estimated size of total market
  • Predicted number of sales
  • Why your target market needs your product
  • How and what external factors can affect sales
  • Competitor sales
  • Barriers to entry
  • Competitive analysis
  • References to market research
  • SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities & Threats)
  • Target audience and personas
  • Brand and product positioning
  • Messaging and taglines
  • Marketing channels
  • Marketing budget
  • Marketing materials and collateral
  • Facilities and space needed
  • Technology and equipment needed
  • Production workflows
  • Supply chain management
  • Logistics and distribution plans
  • Order and fulfillment processes
  • Warehouse and inventory management
  • Quality control checks
  • Legal and accounting needs
  • Founders, executive team, department heads, owners, shareholders, board of directors, consultants, and special advisors
  • Ownership structure
  • List of employees and salary and benefit costs
  • Current balance sheet
  • Two years of financial records
  • Financial projections for the next five years
  • Break-even analysis
  • Cash-flow projections
  • Income and expenses
  • Startup cost
  • Income statements
  • Funding request
  • Articles of incorporation and status
  • Resumes for included individuals
  • Copies of insurances
  • Trademarks and patent registrations
  • Supporting research data and references
  • Business owner credit history
  • In-depth market research and competitive analysis
  • Site, building, warehouse, and office plans
  • Mortgage documents
  • Equipment leases
  • Marketing brochures and collateral
  • Links to your business website

A business plan is necessary not only for third-party individuals, but also for entrepreneurs who need to get their thoughts down on paper. Business plans hold you more accountable and break long-term goals into short-term action plans. 

  • Determine the audience of your business plan and cater the format and type to them. If you’re applying for a loan, for example, pay extra attention to the financial plan. 
  • Even though the executive summary comes first, you should write it last. You need the information gathered in the other sections to be able to put it together. 
  • If it’s getting too long, add supporting documents and comprehensive reports at the end in your appendix. This will show you’ve done the work and provide additional context without overwhelming the reader. 
  • Your business plan is a living document. Just because you have it written down doesn’t mean it can’t change. And in today’s rapidly changing world of ecommerce, pivoting is becoming the norm. You can also revisit and revise the business plan as needed. 

Want to Learn More?

  • How to Write a Business Plan for Your Dropshipping Business
  • It All Starts with a Plan: How to Create Your Business Plan
  • Business Plan Definition and Information
  • How to Register a Business in the USA

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How to Write an eCommerce Business Plan for Your Startup

Jane Vyshnova

Jane Vyshnova

How to Write an eCommerce Business Plan for Your Startup

The Basics and Purpose of Business Plan for Online Store

1. start with a summary, 2. describe your company, 3. add illustrations of products, 4. analyze the marketing opportunities (target audience), 5. operations in your business, 6. assessment of your finances, 7. proposal for funding.

A business requires proper planning before implementation and any further development. eCommerce business planning makes things easy for startup owners who would also perform the strategy in real life. Sure, an organization plan might sound easy, at first, but there are certain rules to follow once you get going.

Have a project in mind?

Lets talk about it

eCommerce has risen rapidly in 2022. It almost feels like homework or an assignment to write an agenda of your enterprise. Of course, the plan is different for an offline establishment than the online startups.

The Basics and Purpose of Business Plan for Online Store

There is a plan for a venture that consists of all the characteristics in a particular format. Mostly, bank provides a loan based on this write-up to set up the industry. In the U.S., it is recommended to provide a proposal of about 40-50 pages in order to be effective at convincing the authorities.

Such plans are quite formal, detailed and accurate. They may also contain financial analysis with forecasting. A merchandising strategy gives you a direction to follow and helps you analyze whether the idea is profitable or not.

Building a strategy and strictly implementing it is crucial. Listed below are some other points that will explain its importance:

  • Funding - the scheme will ease your way to get a credit from a bank or funding from stakeholders. You should be affirmative that you build your financial report very well to convince the stakeholders of the required funding.
  • Figure out the destiny - it will provide you the right direction to follow if you want to grow your already established online company. An entrepreneur never stops, they always want to expand, and a plan helps in the expansion. It will assist in figuring out the issues, making any necessary changes.
  • Find new ways - when all the doors seem locked, the strategy will open up a few to provide you some challenges. If you feel like there are no challenges, the scheme will come in handy. It is not necessary to create the plan beforehand. You can make this proposal in five or ten years (and as many times as you want).
  • Discover problems - sometimes, when your company is suffering hefty financial losses and you make common changes (that you can see visually) in the commodities or marketing ideas, you still may not see any different outcomes. It is time to make a comprehensive business plan.
  • Before starting - got an idea and have enough motivation? Great! But first, make a plan. It will decide the immediate objectives, resources, and set a proper sequence of actions.

Business Plans for Online Stores

Business Plans for Online Stores

An online store business plan consists of various parts, including a checklist of your business. All these parts can be further subdivided based on the size of the shop and the stuff offered. You must remember that, while describing them, you need to be specific, thorough, and honest. Now, let us go through the components one by one:

An executive summary will elucidate your business in short and will consist of a quick analysis. It also involves the main points of the other parts of the later-described plan. Some of the things that must be included are:

  • The main purpose of the business;
  • The people who are involved and the date when it started or intend to start;
  • The points that differentiate your company, and
  • How your commercial business has flourished.

This part will include detailed information of your business. Details that may be a part of this point can be the manufactured items or services that the company is dealing with, the target audience, and the benefits that the company will have (in the form of a brief financial report). In this synopsis, you must include:

  • The person who owns the company and if there is a group (all names should be stated);
  • A short description of the background which might encompass schooling, university, and the work experience;
  • The operations that take place in the company, including the costs for the same;
  • The resources required for the starting or expanding the business; and,
  • The representation of your business type (B2B or B2C).

Business Plans for Online Stores image

You already provided a brief synopsis of your company, so you must have mentioned the amenities which you are going to provide. Now, this segment will provide a detailed view of the service within the company. The major points you must incorporate are:

  • The place to source your products - you will also provide an explanation of, for example, the business stereotype. For example, whether the things will be produced in your factory or bought from a wholesale market.
  • A detailed analysis of the costs that you will require to produce or buy the stuff - you may provide costs of the required resources.
  • The lifecycle of the products - you might want to mention how long the products will last or if they can be recycled.

This is an important component that should be written carefully. You must perform deep research regarding your targeted clientele. The supply method should also be included in the scrutiny. This part requires you to give finer details concerning the clients who will buy from you.

The main wings to be covered are:

  • A segmented analysis of the audience along with their demographic, age range, economic status, and personality.
  • An assessment of the industry - an analysis of the current situation which you can perform based on the survey of your rival companies forms the main portion.
  • You must also study the companies that are in your competition - their performance, strategy, and their current financial status will be important to consider.

You need a plan for your operations to work properly. There are different directions in which your work will be distributed and you have to make sure everything goes smoothly. The agenda will organize all your operations based on priority and departments:

  • You must mention the hours that people in different departments will work per week.
  • Staff members are also important. If you did not begin yet, you can mention the intended number of staff in each department.

A financial report of your past sales or a report of your investments should be included. This is important for stakeholders, as they must be convinced that this deal will bring them profit. The following should be considered:

  • The cost for raw materials and operational machines;
  • The current funds that are present;
  • Previous profits and future prognosis;
  • The costs that you will spend while attracting a customer;
  • The funds for advertising and different promos; and,
  • The rate at which you intend to make changes or scale-up in business.

If this report is meant for you to receive funding from stakeholders, you should provide a brief paragraph stating how important it is for your enterprise to receive the finances, as well as a reason why they should give you the funds (on what basis):

  • Mention the reasons to believe and trust in you;
  • Describe the profits that the executive board investors can expect;
  • Outline the steps to be taken in case of crisis (risk assessment);
  • Go over the things you have achieved in the past or intend to achieve in a particular time-frame.

Examples of an eCommerce Business Plan Template

It is not enough to know the points that must be considered. Visual memory has been said to be the best. We will show you some examples that will assist you to understand the exact structure.

Preparing the plan by just writing it out makes it look boring, so you may add some color to it by adding figures. It makes understanding the financial stuff easier. Also, such a presentation is visually attractive and more preferred. In your financial analysis section, you can add several figures using a special online chart tool that will explain what is going on with your company.

Examples of an eCommerce Business Plan Template

Here is an exemplar of a business plan for an online shopping website - you may go through the whole business plan template by clicking here . It is this plan, for Instant, that also provides solutions related to software.

Your financial report should look something like this. You should divide your budgets into several parts like past financial status and projections, and present it in such a tabular form. Of course, some figures within those tables will also prove to be helpful.

Examples of an eCommerce Business Plan Template 2

Here is a perfect business plan for eCommerce startup that was intended for an investor to finance the organization. It is quite detailed and well presented, and it is also a startup plan. They mentioned their requirements in point with the costs, which makes it clear how important the funding is to the company and how much profits can be earned. A full version of the template is available here .

Examples of an eCommerce Business Plan Template 3

Here is a PDF version of a perfect business agenda by It is well explained and quite detailed with more points and some other details. You can just click the link and review their plan.

Read more in our blog The Best E-commerce Books for Online Entrepreneurs in 2023 .

Once you perceive the importance of an agenda and how to develop one, the important points might change according to size and the merchandise you are selling. A business plan for an online shop will show you the right direction and performance. Some of the extra pieces of a business plan can include competition, strategic partners, website and technology, and an overview of the management team.

If you encounter any questions regarding your plan, you can contact Dinarys to get assistance with these types of solutions. If you are stuck when starting from scratch on the plan, rest assured that the team will show you the right direction. Just contact us to write your scheme and get going!

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Ecommerce Business Plan Sample

Published Oct.12, 2016

Updated Sep.14, 2024

By: Cynthia Turner

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Ecommerce Business Plan

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Ecommerce Business Plan for starting your own online store

Are you looking for startup ideas that can easily be initiated and run from home? Well, you must then consider ecommerce business as after the prevalence of coronavirus pandemic internet sales have really shot up.

E-commerce business is based on selling things through the Internet. The line of products may vary from electronic possessions such as e-books or audio/videos to actual physical entities including clothes, furniture, toys, vehicles, etc.

To guide you about each and every aspect of this business, we are providing here a sample business plan for ecommerce of a recent startup ‘TradeE’.

Executive Summary

2.1 the business.

TradeE will be a licensed B2C ecommerce startup that will be run through its ecommerce website. The online enterprise will be owned by Diana Blunt.

The business will sell downloadable products throughout the world, however, delivery services for physical items will be provided in just three cities, San Jose, San Francisco, and Oakland.

2.2 Management of Online Retail Store

Management is an important aspect of business as it ensures that everybody clearly knows what they have to do and there is a check on every employee to ensure a perfect workflow.

Starting an online business usually seems easy since you don’t have to personally interact with customers and employees. However, this too can end up in a mess if you are failed at managing it.

Online management is a challenge because your ecommerce site and online transactions are always prone to hackers, frauds, and copycats. To make sure that your and your customer’s data is protected and everything goes like you intended, you must write a detailed business plan.

If you are looking for how to write a business plan for online store you can take help from here.

Diana will govern the business herself. To manage the online store , the company will be hiring social media manager, digital marketing director, virtual assistants, IT specialists, and delivery personnel.

2.3 Customers of Online Retail Store

The groups that are expected to be our major customers will mostly comprise of young, adults, and senior citizens. We believe that college students, working moms and dads, and senior members of households will surely find many things to buy from us.

2.4 Business Target

Our target is to become a renowned online store in our service areas. We believe in generating profits by serving our customers with our best.

Ecommerce Business Plan - 3 Years Profit Forecast

Company Summary

3.1 company owner.

Diana Blunt is the owner of TradeE. She has recently completed her MBA from the Lucas College and Graduate School of Business.

During the years of her graduation, she was constantly involved in learning emerging disciplines and skills such as graphic editing and ecommerce management.

Besides being tech-savvy she is also a great communicator, leader, and tourist.

3.2 Why the online store is being started

Diana had always wished to start a business that can be expanded or contained whenever she wants. Viewing her digital skills and interests she decided to go for an online shop.

Another factor that helped her in this decision was her extreme love for traveling. She wanted to start a business that she can govern without being actually present there.

From this sample business plan ecommerce you can see how the online business TradeE was planned and executed.

3.3 How the online store will be started

Before starting the business, the company owner will do research on which product line should be chosen to get the most recognition. The company will also collaborate with other online businesses to buy their products and sell them on the company’s platform.

Since the business will mainly sell toys, clothes, bags, and accessories, a storage room will be taken on rent to keep the things.

Following the making of business plan ecommerce template, the company will hire the required personnel. TradeE will seek the services of a web developer and IT specialist to create a website that fulfills the criteria of secure transactions, foolproof client database, and copy-protected access. It will be ensured that the web design is user-friendly and descriptive.

The business owner aims at hiring the digital marketing team and director two weeks before the launch so that ecommerce business marketing plan could be executed.

Ecommerce Business Plan - Startup Cost

Research and Development$30,000
Expensed Equipment$51,000
Start-up Assets$340,000
Cash Required$350,000
Start-up Inventory$68,000
Other Current Assets$215,000
Long-term Assets$295,000
Start-up Expenses to Fund$610,000
Start-up Assets to Fund$2,001,700
Non-cash Assets from Start-up$2,409,700
Cash Requirements from Start-up$198,200
Additional Cash Raised$40,000
Cash Balance on Starting Date$31,000
Liabilities and Capital 
Current Borrowing$0
Long-term Liabilities$0
Accounts Payable (Outstanding Bills)$46,000
Other Current Liabilities (interest-free)$0
Planned Investment$2,500,100
Investor 1$0
Investor 2$0
Additional Investment Requirement$0
Loss at Start-up (Start-up Expenses)$97,800

Products and Offers

Deciding your line of products is the most important part of your startup as it depends on your surroundings, budget, and target customers as well. Rather than being just fashion ecommerce or specifically jewelry ecommerce TradeE has decided to introduce itself as a multiple product line company.

The large range of products offerings by TradeE includes:

Clothes: We will provide all departments of garments for men, women, and children ranging from casual dresses, suits, daily wears to sports & swimming outfits. All the dresses, shirts, T-shirts and suits offered by us will be branded and designer-made.

Bags & Accessories : We will offer branded bags and clutches and a range of accessories including wristwatches, jewelry items, hats, sunglasses, keyrings, mobile covers, socks, gloves, umbrellas, hair accessories, and stationery.

Household Items : We will offer small household items such as home linens, baking dishes, baby items, and kitchen essentials.

Gifts: We will also provide packed as well as un-packed gifts to be given to people of all age groups.

Downloadable Products: We will also be selling e-books, audio and video files, games, movies, stock images, etc.

Marketing Analysis of Online Retail Store

If you are planning e commerce business you must not ignore the fact that market analysis is equally important like all other aspects of a business. Before setting out for a new ecommerce venture, you must analyze where and how you can find the most people to turn into your customers.

Especially if your online business is based on physical products you must figure out which areas for delivery services will be suitable and which cities can help you in getting a maximum number of customers.

Analyzing and discovering your target people is also essential in the case when you are making decisions about social media campaigns. Your approach to promote your startup can only be effective if you know the age groups and the mindset of your target customers.

5.1 Market Trends

Ecommerce businesses are flourishing day by day because people found it convenient to have their favorite thing in their hands by a mere click. Another reason for increased sales is that many people avoid visiting shops personally after the pandemic has hit the earth.

The figures reported by IBISWorld supports the fact that one can’t be at a loss if they devise a comprehensive and workable ecommerce project plan before starting. According to the market research company, 234,699 online businesses are successfully running in the United States. A 10.2% growth rate in the ecommerce businesses has been observed in the past five years and a 6.9% growth rate has been predicted for this year that is 2020.

5.2 Marketing Segmentation

TradeE has categorized its target customers into three groups so that their corresponding choices, preferences, and needs could be thoroughly studied. It is advisable to also classify your intended clientele when you are writing a business plan for ecommerce startup.

Ecommerce Business Plan - Marketing Segmentation

The detailed marketing segmentation of our target audience is as follows:

5.2.1 Young & Adults: Our major target group will comprise of young people. They are expected to avail most of our downloadable products such as e-books, music, games. Moreover, we also believe them to be the biggest buyers of our clothes, bags, and accessories.

In addition, moms, the homemakers are also included in this category. Thus, we are confident that the major customer of our home items such as house linens and eating utensils will also be catered for in this category.

5.2.2 Senior Citizens: Our second target group comprises of senior citizens. They are expected to avail all of our services. The elderly persons will also purchase household items as they usually are devoted to homemaking.

Moreover, we expect this respectable category of our customers to be the biggest purchaser of our gifts, as grandpas and grandmas are the ones who want to make kids and grandkids feel special on various events.

5.2.3 Teens & Kids: Our third target group is comprised of children and teens. They are expected to purchase accessories such as wristwatches, mobile covers, stationery, and jewelry items. We also think that they could be the major consumers of our audio and video files and games.

Potential CustomersGrowth
Young & Adults44%35,00040,00047,00058,00064,00010.00%
Senior Citizens34%25,00032,00043,00051,00056,00010.00%
Teens & Kids22%13,00015,00022,00029,00034,00011.00%

5.3 Business Target

Business targets as specified by TradeE to be achieved over a certain period of time are given here:

  • To maintain an average rating above 4.65 throughout the year
  • To increase our marketing qualified lead by 30% every four months
  • To improve our lead conversion rate by 10% every month
  • To reduce the time we take for delivering items by 15% by the first six months
  • To earn a net profit margin of $10k per month by the end of the first six months
  • To achieve customer repeat rate of 40% by the end of the first year

5.4 Product Pricing

Our prices are in similar ranges as those of our competitors. However, we will keep on providing several discounts to our repeat customers.

Marketing Strategy

If you are going to start any ecommerce company such as an online boutique you must focus on your marketing plan because that’s what makes an ecommerce site successful.

Without a detailed and perfect marketing strategy, it would be very difficult for you to reach out to people who are most likely to purchase your products.

Considering its importance, TradeE will start executing its sales strategy plan two weeks before the launch.

6.1 Competitive Analysis

Our biggest competitive advantage is that we are providing a very vast product line so to increase the niches of our target groups. All our products will be authentic, and replaceable within 2 days. Moreover, we’ll be offering several discounts in the startup phase to attract more and more customers.

And finally, another thing that will be in our favor is that we will be able to deliver items fast as we are offering delivery services in the three cities that are really close to each other.

6.2 Sales Strategy

  • We’ll run a campaign through social media & ensure a strong web and social media presence
  • We’ll advertise our startup through local newspapers
  • We’ll send gifts to our first 200 customers
  • We’ll offer a 15% discount on every shopping above $60 for the first three months

6.3 Sales Monthly

Ecommerce Business Plan - Sales Monthly

6.4 Sales Yearly

Ecommerce Business Plan - Sales Yearly

6.5 Sales Forecast

Ecommerce Business Plan - Unit Sales

Unit Sales
Bags, Accessories & Gifts46,00048,76051,686
Household Items35,00037,10039,326
Downloadable Products26,00027,56029,214
Unit PricesYear 1Year 2Year 3
Bags, Accessories & Gifts$44.00$51.04$59.21
Household Items$36.00$41.76$48.44
Downloadable Products$28.00$32.48$37.68
Direct Unit CostsYear 1Year 2Year 3
Bags, Accessories & Gifts$45.00$46.00$48.00
Household Items$30.00$31.00$33.00
Downloadable Products$23.00$26.00$27.00
Direct Cost of Sales   

Personnel plan

Your planning for electronic commerce couldn’t be justified as ideal unless you include in it the ways you will adopt to hire the most competent persons.

Since most of the employees of TradeE will be freelance workers, the company will conduct rigorous online interviews to find the most suitable employee.

7.1 Company Staff

The company’s owner will perform the duties of CEO and HR Manager. The list of company’s required staff, as well as their jobs descriptions, is given below:

  • 1 Co-Manager to manage company’s store and delivery operations
  • 1 Digital Marketing Officer to manage company’s graphic team
  • 1 Social Media Manager to run company’s web pages and social media pages
  • 2 IT specialists/Web Developers to maintain and update company’s website
  • 1 Graphic Designer to create graphic for company’s site
  • 1 Content Writer to write products description and general content for website
  • 10 Drivers to ensure quick delivery
  • 1 Customer Care Representative to manage client’s requests

7.2 Average Salary of Employees

Digital Marketing Officer$18,000$19,800$21,780
Social Media Manager$18,000$19,800$21,780
IT Specialist/Web Developers$52,000$57,200$62,920
Graphic Designer$16,000$17,600$19,360
Content Writer$14,000$15,400$16,940
Customer Care Representative$14,000$15,400$16,940

Financial Plan

One of the biggest advantages of online businesses is that even if you starting an ecommerce business from scratch you won’t need a huge amount to invest. Your major spending will be the salaries of your employees and rent of your storeroom.

So in order to analyze expected profits or future investments and identify the resources that are available or could be needed in the coming days, you must prepare a financial plan.

Your financial plan should also include the details of at what financial status you would prefer to contain or expand your product line or service area.

The financial plan for TradeE is given as follows:

8.1 Important Assumptions

Plan Month123
Current Interest Rate8.01%8.32%8.70%
Long-term Interest Rate8.20%8.60%9.15%
Tax Rate24.20%26.04%27.50%

8.2 Brake-even Analysis

Ecommerce Business Plan - Brake-even Analysis

Monthly Units Break-even5340
Monthly Revenue Break-even$136,000
Average Per-Unit Revenue$245.00
Average Per-Unit Variable Cost$0.64
Estimated Monthly Fixed Cost$169,000

8.3 Projected Profit and Loss

Sales and Marketing and Other Expenses$130,000$138,000$146,000
Leased Equipment$0$0$0
Payroll Taxes$40,000$42,000$45,000
Profit Before Interest and Taxes$145,400$1,211,379$2,528,269
Interest Expense$0$0$0
Taxes Incurred$29,080$242,276$505,654
Net Profit$116,320$969,103$2,022,615
Net Profit/Sales1.52%10.30%17.48%

8.3.1 Profit Monthly

Ecommerce Business Plan - Profit Monthly

8.3.2 Profit Yearly

Ecommerce Business Plan - Profit Yearly

8.3.3 Gross Margin Monthly

Ecommerce Business Plan - Gross Margin Monthly

8.3.4 Gross Margin Yearly

Ecommerce Business Plan - Gross Margin Yearly

8.4 Projected Cash Flow

Cash Received
Cash from Operations   
Cash Sales$51,000$55,080$61,200
Cash from Receivables$11,000$11,880$12,830
Additional Cash Received   
Sales Tax, VAT, HST/GST Received$0$0$0
New Current Borrowing$0$0$0
New Other Liabilities (interest-free)$0$0$0
New Long-term Liabilities$0$0$0
Sales of Other Current Assets$0$0$0
Sales of Long-term Assets$0$0$0
New Investment Received$0$0$0
ExpendituresYear 1Year 2Year 3
Expenditures from Operations   
Cash Spending$35,000$38,000$42,000
Bill Payments$18,000$21,000$23,000
Additional Cash Spent   
Sales Tax, VAT, HST/GST Paid Out$0$0$0
Principal Repayment of Current Borrowing$0$0$0
Other Liabilities Principal Repayment$0$0$0
Long-term Liabilities Principal Repayment$0$0$0
Purchase Other Current Assets$0$0$0
Purchase Long-term Assets$0$0$0
Net Cash Flow$13,000$15,000$20,000
Cash Balance$25,000$29,000$34,000

8.5 Projected Balance Sheet

Current Assets   
Accounts Receivable$21,000$23,520$26,436
Other Current Assets$1,000$1,000$1,000
Long-term Assets   
Long-term Assets$10,000$10,000$10,000
Accumulated Depreciation$17,000$19,040$21,420
Liabilities and CapitalYear 4Year 5Year 6
Current Liabilities   
Accounts Payable$16,000$17,920$20,142
Current Borrowing$0$0$0
Other Current Liabilities$0$0$0
Long-term Liabilities$0$0$0
Paid-in Capital$28,000$29,000$30,000
Retained Earnings$62,000$67,580$74,338
Net Worth$260,000$283,400$311,740

8.6 Business Ratios

Sales Growth7.01%7.77%8.61%3.00%
Percent of Total Assets    
Accounts Receivable9.11%10.09%11.18%9.80%
Other Current Assets2.52%2.79%3.09%2.40%
Total Current Assets151.00%152.00%154.00%158.00%
Long-term Assets11.30%12.01%12.65%12.00%
Current Liabilities4.46%4.50%4.54%4.34%
Long-term Liabilities0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00%
Total Liabilities7.12%7.18%7.24%7.38%
Percent of Sales    
Gross Margin96.30%98.90%101.67%99.00%
Selling, General & Administrative Expenses93.07%95.58%98.26%97.80%
Advertising Expenses1.77%1.82%1.87%1.40%
Profit Before Interest and Taxes42.90%44.06%45.29%33.90%
Main Ratios    
Total Debt to Total Assets0.31%0.22%0.13%0.40%
Pre-tax Return on Net Worth75.03%78.78%82.72%75.00%
Pre-tax Return on Assets90.80%95.34%100.11%111.30%
Additional RatiosYear 1Year 2Year 3 
Net Profit Margin33.40%34.44%35.50%N.A.
Return on Equity57.03%58.80%60.62%N.A.
Activity Ratios    
Accounts Receivable Turnover7.57.87.9N.A.
Collection Days100100100N.A.
Inventory Turnover33.435.0736.8N.A.
Accounts Payable Turnover16.0816.516.98N.A.
Payment Days272727N.A.
Total Asset Turnover2.52.72.76N.A.
Debt Ratios    
Debt to Net Worth-0.03-0.04-0.05N.A.
Current Liab. to Liab.111N.A.
Liquidity Ratios    
Net Working Capital$218,000$230,208$243,100N.A.
Interest Coverage000N.A.
Additional Ratios    
Assets to Sales0.820.850.93N.A.
Current Debt/Total Assets1%1%0%N.A.
Acid Test27.830.131.1N.A.
Sales/Net Worth2.22.12.3N.A.
Dividend Payout000N.A.

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Free Amazon FBA Business Plan PDF [2024 Template + Sample Plan]

Amazon FBA business owner packages an order to be shipped.

Anthony St. Clair

12 min. read

Updated August 1, 2024

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Free Download:  Sample Amazon FBA Business Plan Template

When figuring out how to turn eCommerce into your side hustle or primary business, Amazon FBA can be your ticket to starting a small business on Amazon . With over 4.1 billion products sold by independent sellers on Amazon in 2022 alone, Amazon’s marketplace for online sellers is growing, competitive, and full of opportunity .

In order to take full advantage of everything Amazon’s ecosystem has to offer your business, you should create an Amazon FBA business plan . Your Amazon business plan can help you think through your vision, understand the competition, identify opportunities, and foresee challenges. The better your plan, the better your chance at success as an Amazon FBA merchant.

What is Amazon FBA? 

When your business sells products to a customer online, those orders go through a fulfillment process, such as:

  • Secure payment processing
  • Selection and packing of the correct item or items in the order
  • Package labeling
  • Shipment and delivery of orders to customers
  • Customer service throughout all steps of the process

A business can manage this on its own. On a small business or solopreneur scale though, that can mean figuring out logistical steps that take up a lot of time. For example, where will you store the products you sell? Warehouse space can be costly—and there’s only so much room in your apartment or garage.

Plus, once you have the products ready to go, they need to be securely packaged, including padding to protect during bumps and drops during shipping. You’ll have to figure out how the order gets on its way to the customer. Do you schedule regular pickups from UPS or FedEx? Are you making lots of trips to the post office, waiting in line, or setting up the customer’s shipping address and shipping options to generate labels?

Or, Amazon can do it all for you. The “FBA” in Amazon FBA is short for “Fulfillment by Amazon.” Instead of you taking care of the fulfillment steps above, you can pay a fee to Amazon , typically a flat monthly fee plus a per-order fee. Instead of managing orders, you can focus on sales strategy, suppliers, marketing, and the nitty-gritty of building, expanding, and profiting from your Amazon FBA eCommerce store .

As you develop your business plan, you can review Amazon’s FBA program , see how it fits your business goals, and evaluate the program’s costs and opportunities in your planning.

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  • How do you write an Amazon FBA business plan?

For starters, focus overall on your business. Amazon FBA is a way to solve a problem and fulfill a need in your business, but it isn’t the entirety of your business. As you start working on your Amazon FBA business plan , think through what sort of business you are building. Amazon FBA can have a role, but so might other sales and distribution channels. Here are five things to keep in mind as you write your Amazon FBA business plan.

1. Determine what kind of Amazon seller you’ll be

Your business will be selling products online. So, what products will you be selling—and what sort of seller will you be? Depending on the types of products you want to sell, you’ll make different decisions about choices such as product sourcing and your overall business model. Here are three models to consider : Reseller, Private Label, or Proprietary.

A reseller sources products from other companies and then sells them to customers on Amazon. Being a reseller can be the easiest and cheapest way to get started in Amazon FBA. Startup costs can be as low as $500, depending on the products you are purchasing for reselling.

However, the downside is that other companies can just as easily follow the same model (and sometimes Amazon itself sources or creates products that may be the same as yours). It may also be challenging to figure out how to stand out in the market. If focusing on a reseller model in your Amazon business plan, examine competitors, similar products currently on the market, and what sort of marketing and promotional strategies can help you build sales and a customer base.

Private Label

If your focus is on building a recognized product brand and growing customer loyalty, while primarily sourcing pre-made products you can resell, a private label Amazon business model could be a good fit for your business. Manufacturers worldwide specialize in creating unbranded products that other companies can brand and sell. Also known as a “white label” product, building your business around private label sourcing can help you develop a distinctive product brand that customers look for.

Consider focusing your business plan around the characteristics you want your brand to embody. That can help you identify white label products that are a good fit. A private label Amazon FBA business model may also require more capital, for investing in labeling, packaging, brand development, and marketing.


For the Amazon seller who wants to go all-in on business, marketing, product development, and commerce on Amazon and beyond, developing and selling your own proprietary products can have both the most work and investment, but also the best chance to stand out and profit in the market.

Developing your own product will require the most up-front investment and capital. Your business plan can discuss the risks and challenges your business might face during product development and getting products to market, and how you are prepared to meet those challenges.

Creating your own product also opens up opportunities to patent that product. Plus, it can be easier to sell your product in other stores or channels beyond Amazon.

Different business models have different impacts on your value proposition as an Amazon seller

As you make your business plan, examine each type of seller and its impact on your value proposition. How can you use a seller type to offer value to the customer and win sales? What problem will you be solving in the market, and how will one model help you more than another

2. Conduct market research and solidify your brand position

Between Amazon and its third-party sellers, combined Amazon carries over 353 million products . In 2018 alone, Amazon sales accounted for 49.1% of all US online retail spending, and over 20 million people visited the site each month.

While being an Amazon FBA seller can be an easy way to get your eCommerce business underway, it is also extremely competitive. As you develop your business plan, examine:

  • Understand the needs and wants your product can fulfill.
  • Who will want to buy your product, and for what reasons?
  • Who might your competitors be, what sort of marketing tactics do they use, and where are there opportunities for your brand to perform better?
  • How will you brand your business on Amazon and beyond? Figuring out your business’s branding can help build the customer base that will buy from you on Amazon and other platforms where you sell your products.

Key to your business plan and your chances for success are figuring out a certain sweet spot of what products you can sell that will make you the right amount of profit. When evaluating products to offer, also take a look at how much that product is searched on Amazon , how much competition there is for it or similar products, how easy it is to source your products from suppliers, and the right price point.

3. Sales and marketing strategy

Inside Amazon FBA, you can estimate the fees Amazon will charge you, but there will be other costs to account for in your business plan too. From social media to paid advertising, there are many ways to get the word out about your products. Your business can pay for keyword-based advertising on Google and Amazon. You can also work on posting to social media, as well as advertising or paying for influencer content creation on platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and Pinterest.

As you develop and implement an ads strategy, keep an eye on your average cost of sale (ACOS): Aim to keep it low enough to preserve profits, usually with an ACOS of 10% or less.

Also consider your overall sales strategy not just for Amazon, but beyond. What other retailers would be a good fit for your product? Will you have your own in-house eCommerce store on your business’s website? Having multiple sales channels can make your business more durable and help your operation weather ups, downs, competition, or other problems.

Another part of your sales strategy is sourcing. Many Amazon FBA sellers source products from other countries, such as China. Understanding your suppliers and the cost to acquire your products can help you make out your business’s costs, revenues, and financial forecasts.

4. Startup costs and financial projections

Depending on factors such as your business model, startup capital, and what products you plan to sell, you can then use your business plan to understand the financial path your business can take. As you develop the financials portion of your plan, try to find good estimates for costs such as:

  • Supply and sourcing

Combined with an understanding of your profit margins and product costs, you can map out realistic financial projections as you start the business and begin operating it day in and day out. Running the numbers in your business plan can help you determine if your Amazon FBA business could be financially profitable. It can also help you evaluate if you need to take a fresh look at your idea to see what you need to change to make the business more viable.

5. Milestones and partners

You’ll need to consider sales and fulfillment milestones that help ensure that you are appropriately anticipating demand and not overspending or overestimating need. Outlining who you’ll be partnering with (vendors/3rd party fulfillment and quality assurance providers) will also be necessary here.

Succeeding in your Amazon FBA business also depends on knowing what goals you want to meet, and who you will be working with. Some of those milestones might be quantitative, such as an amount of gross revenue achieved or an overall number of sales.

Other milestones can speak to factors that can help you optimize your Amazon business. For example, if your business increases sales to a specified level, you might be able to reduce your unit costs by ordering more products at a time. Those volume discounts can add up quickly to significant additional net revenue on your bottom line.

Your overall business decisions throughout the year also depend on understanding market conditions, supply chain pressures, upcoming trends, and more. The key is to figure out how to best estimate demand, stock levels, pricing, and other costs, while overspending on inventory or advertising, and also not overestimating the market’s need or desire for your products.

Along with Amazon, your business will also rely on other stakeholders or third parties. If you are running the business with partners, or if you have employees or work with independent contractors, you’ll need to take into account their costs, compensation, and expectations. Noting your partners, such as suppliers, quality assurance providers, retail partners (in addition to Amazon FBA), and other service providers such as attorneys and accountants in your business plan helps keep those relationships top of mind.

  • Amazon FBA development tips for startup growth

As you work on your business plan and get your startup off the ground, there will be other questions to answer, challenges to meet, and opportunities to evaluate. Here are a few Amazon FBA tips that can help you get more out of your business and your Amazon business plan.

Build an audience outside of Amazon

Amazon is a powerful retail channel, but they are not the only game. Plus, having only one sales channel makes your entire operation dependent on only one company, which can put your profits or business at risk. Amazon can be a vital part of your eCommerce strategy. You can better weather business ups and downs, and potentially draw on more revenue streams, by having sales and marketing channels outside of Amazon. Develop active social media presences, partner with other retailers, and also look at selling directly through your own website. When you diversify your sales channels, you can spread risks and potentially grow sales more than with Amazon alone.

Optimize your Amazon product listings

Just like online content can be optimized for search engines such as Google, your Amazon product listings can be optimized to better fit customer expectations and Amazon’s own algorithms:

  • Display multiple photos, including product images from various angles as well as in-use photos
  • Make a simple introduction video, less than one minute, that talks about the product and shows the customer how it works and some of its key features
  • Examine Amazon for search terms, or keywords, that customers will be using to find products like yours. Incorporate those terms throughout your product headings and text.
  • Speaking of text, good product copy gets across not only what the product does and what it is, but how it fills the customer’s need or want.
  • Add product FAQ to draw in more keywords and discuss other aspects of the product that customers want to know more about.

Get customer reviews

In your packaging and online correspondence, ask customers to leave an honest review about your products. You can learn a lot about how your product is or is not meeting their expectations. Plus, customer reviews can be gold mines for other product features or benefits to include in your Amazon description.

Leverage Amazon features

From Amazon Ads to enhanced A+ content , Amazon has a diverse range of features that sellers like you can put to work for your business. As part of your business planning, estimate a budget for advertising on Amazon, and also for creating visual and text content that can be incorporated into your product page’s A+ content. These are just a few of the many features that can help your Amazon FBA business sell more . Also check out Amazon’s global selling , multi-channel fulfillment , FBA customer service .

  • Download your free Amazon FBA business plan pdf

Get started by downloading our free Amazon FBA business plan PDF can give you the template you need to start setting up your Amazon FBA business—and start building sales and customers around the world. This Amazon business plan is just one of hundreds of free business plan templates that have been time-tested by our team and by thousands of entrepreneurs all over the world.

Amazon is a competitive marketplace used by hundreds of thousands of sellers around the world. However, barriers to entry are low, and there is an opportunity for new sellers to find their niche in this market as well. Your Amazon FBA business plan can help you think through the challenges and opportunities that you’ll face in today’s eCommerce environment. You’ll also be able to identify potential business challenges—as well as milestones and opportunities that can help you both monitor your business’s progress and see where you can grow.

Whatever you want to sell on Amazon, get going: Get your free Amazon FBA business plan today .

Content Author: Anthony St. Clair

Anthony St. Clair is a business copywriter, author of the Rucksack Universe travel fantasy series, and a craft beer writer specializing in Oregon. Learn more at

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Table of Contents

  • What is Amazon FBA? 

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