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Presenting the Recruitment Process Clearly in PowerPoint

Presenting the Recruitment Process Clearly in PowerPoint


  • November 25, 2021
  • Human Resources , PowerPoint templates for download

A key part of HR management is the process of recruitment, selection, and onboarding of new employees. If you are about to give a presentation on any of those topics, see several ideas on how to illustrate complex recruitment process concepts and large amounts of data in a concise and eye-catching way.

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Below you will find several ideas for visual slides covering different recruitment process concepts:

  • hiring spiral
  • stages of a recruitment and selection process
  • candidate selection process
  • hiring process comparison

You can download all presented slide examples as an editable Recruitment, Selection, Hiring HR Processes PowerPoint deck . See details by clicking slide pictures.

Why use diagrams to illustrate the HR Recruitment Process?

Well-designed recruitment, selection, and onboarding processes are crucial to building an effective team. Using modern creative graphics to show the necessary steps to fill the job vacancy successfully will help you tell a story and make sure the audience gets all your ideas.

The recruitment process takes care of identifying the vacancy needs, finding, selecting, and finally hiring the best candidate for the job. Finding the best candidates is only part of building an effective team. The process of onboarding new employees can be one of the most critical factors in ensuring that recently hired talent will be productive, contented workers.

If you are speaking in front of your team and explaining the process to them, it is a good idea to start a presentation by clarifying the definition of the process.

Definition What is Onboarding Process in HRM

Below we put the diagram examples you can use to depict the HR recruitment, selection, and onboarding processes.

Visualize the recruitment and selection process in a flowchart

To illustrate such multi-component processes as recruitment and selection, you can use a spiral diagram. You can include common steps such as:

  • Job Description
  • Job Posting or Referral
  • Candidate Application
  • Selection Steps
  • Intention Letter

Recruitment and Selection Process Flowchart

We also used color coding to make the three stages more distinguishable and symbols to make the slide more eye-pleasing.

Alternatively, you can use such a ribbon diagram to show the phases of the recruitment process:

Recruitment and Selection Stages

Show the candidate selection process

Illustrate the candidate selection process with a 2-step diagram, including candidate application and second selection. Outline more details by adding points for each stage: CV, motivational letter, video CV, pre-screening questions, interview, presentation of candidate, tests & questionnaires, case studies, assessment center, or input of direct manager.

Candidate Selection 2 Step Process

Present the hiring process – comparison with onboarding

You can start off by defining what the onboarding process is in case you want to complete the hiring process with and without it. Below you can see an example of a definition slide illustrated with a symbol:

Definition – What Onboarding Process in HRM is

Here’s how you can distinguish the 2 versions of the hiring process: with and without the pre-onboarding phase. Usually, the process includes the following milestones:

  • Signed contract – the beginning of pre-boarding
  • Getting info about the workplace, company policy, and products
  • First welcome day
  • Onboarding – getting to know the workplace and products
  • The employee is ready for work

Hiring with Pre-Onboarding and Without

In the slide example above we used different colors for each stage, so it will be easier for the audience to see which stages are different and the same for both process versions.

Check our movie with step-by-step guides on creating the Recruiting Selection Hiring Onboarding Process in PowerPoint:

If you’d like to present other areas of HR management, such as human resources-related KPIs and performance metrics, check this article about how to illustrate various HR metrics using dashboards .

Another examples you can use to depict the recruitment, selection, and onboarding processes can be found in the resources section below.

Resource: Recruitment, Selection, Hiring HR Processes Graphics Collection

The infographics and diagrams above are a part of our recruitment process diagrams collection. It contains templates to illustrate the hiring spiral, recruitment process flowcharts, recruitment and selection stages, candidate selection steps, and more. Check the full deck here:

If you need more general diagrams and charts, consider the  ultimate collection of modern infographic templates .


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Recruitment Process Steps

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An efficient and effective hiring process is a step-by-step process for hiring a new employee, whereby an organization identifies its talent needs, recruits from its talent pool, and eventually hires the most qualified candidates. A detailed hiring process is a necessary element for organizational success. Devising and implementing a consistent hiring plan will help optimize your ability to identify the strongest candidate while also create a clear understanding of your hiring process in the event you need to improve it.

Recruitment Process Steps will be useful for all HR employees. For example, the first slide consists of four blocks, in each of which you can describe one of the stages of hiring employees. On the right side, you can indicate the percentage of completion of stages or the number of employees who have passed to the next stage. The main stages of selection can be weed out unqualified applicants, rating and ranking candidates, interviews, and simulated work exercise.

The second slide presents the hiring process as a timeline. The slide can be used to describe the solution of sequential tasks in bringing a new product to the market, business planning, financial analysis, building a logistics supply chain. The third slide allows you to divide the main task into its components and show its percentage of completion. The slide will be useful for development teams who can provide a due date for each stage of the project.

You can also show development teams and their progress towards completing a task. Recruitment Process Steps are widely used in business and can be easily combined with our other templates.

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the hiring process

The Hiring Process

Jul 11, 2014

320 likes | 642 Views

The Hiring Process . Attracting the Best People. Key Topics Covered in This Chapter. • Defining job requirements • Recruiting promising candidates • Interviewing • Evaluating candidates • Making the decision and offer. Hiring.

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  • united state
  • second pass look
  • good job managing department
  • promote organization


Presentation Transcript

The Hiring Process Attracting the Best People

Key Topics Covered in This Chapter • Defining job requirements • Recruiting promising candidates • Interviewing • Evaluating candidates • Making the decision and offer

Hiring • hiring is a business process—a set of activities that turn inputs into outputs. • This process compiles information about • job requirements, • the applications of various candidates, • and the deliberations of decision makers, • and produces an outcome: new people on the payroll. • This is a five-step hiring process.

Defining Job Requirements • the primary responsibilities and tasks involved in the job; • the background characteristics needed to perform the job • (education and experience); • the personal characteristics required (E.g., does the individual need to have strong interpersonal skills? Be highly intelligent?); • your organization’s culture (E.g., team-orientation, degree of conformity, reward systems); and • • your managerial style (E.g., authoritative, coercive, • democratic) and its implications for an effective working • relationship.

Primary responsibilities and tasks involved in the job • Make sure you can answer the question: “What does the employee have to do in this job?”

Education and Experience • Can you be flexible in this area, or can relevant experience be substituted for a certain educational background? • Which would be most desirable: • Industry experience? • Functional experience? • Large- versus small-company experience?

Personal Characteristics • Analytical and creative abilities. • Decision-making style. • Interpersonal skills. • Motivation.

Develop a Job Description • A job description is a profile of the job, its essential functions, reporting relationships, hours, and required credentials. • This description will make it possible for you to explain the job both to potential candidates and to any recruiters you may be using to help identify candidates.

Develop a Job Description • job title, business unit, and the name of the organization • job responsibilities and tasks • hiring manager and reporting manager • summary of the job tasks, responsibilities, and objectives • compensation, hours, and location • background characteristics required • personal characteristics required

Recruiting Promising Candidates • Personal referrals from current employees • favored method of expanding the candidate pool, • many companies encourage this through the payment of “rewards” to employees whose referrals are actually hired. • this practice is much less costly than others and often produces more satisfactory new hires • Typical channels include • recruiting agencies, • newspaper ads, • referrals from colleagues, • trade publications, • professional associations, • networking, • campus recruiting, • and the Internet.

Screening Résumés • Consider current employees. • Look outside your organization to bring in new outlooks, skills, and experiences. • Know what kind of person you’re looking to locate a good fit. • Remember that a person’s past job performance is the surest guide to future performance. • Remember that the right education + the right experience + a compatible personality = a good fit. • Beware of the “just like me” trap. • focus on the objective requirements of the job & the candidate’s qualifications.

The Résumés • In the first pass, eliminate the résumés of candidates who: • do not meet the basic requirements of the job. • In the second pass look for résumés that include: • signs of achievement and results—for example, a profit orientation, stability, or progressive career momentum; • a career goal in line with the job being offered (be on your guard here, as applicants are often coached to tailor their purported career goals to match those of jobs to which they’re applying); • attractive overall construction and appearance.

Alert: Red flagsIndicate areas of weakness • lengthy description of education (possibly not much job • experience); • employment gaps (what was the applicant doing during these • gaps?); • a pattern of short-term employment, especially after the applicant has been in the work force for more than a few years; • no logical job progression; • too much personal information (possibly not much job experience); • Descriptions of jobs and positions only, with no descriptions of • results or accomplishments

Interviewing • To provide both the interviewer and the job candidate with an opportunity to obtain the information they need to make the best possible decision. • Telephone-screening interview. • Initial in-person interview. • Second interview.

Structured versus Unstructured Interviews • It’s probably a good idea to steer a middle path between these two approaches—i.e., be flexible in your line of inquiry, but be sure that all interviewees respond to a core set of questions.

Interview • Opening • Body • Close

Openning • Be on time. Be friendly. Introduce yourself and tell the candidate something about yourself. • Examples • “I’m going to ask you about your experience.” • “I’m interested in finding out about you as an individual.” • “We’re interested in finding out whether there is a good fit between your interests and abilities and our organizational needs.” • “I will give you information about our organization.” • “I’ll be glad to take your questions at the end of the interview.”

Responses to Typical Résumé Statements (Examples) • I successfully managed development of a new line of consumer kitchenware. • How was success measured: by revenues, time-to-market, other measures? Specifically, what was your role in the development effort? • I initiated the redesign of key department processes. • What processes? What do you mean by “initiated”? Why did you decide to do this? Why was this initiative important?

Close • Thank the candidate for coming in. • Explain how and when the person will hear about follow-up interviews or decisions, depending upon your company’s policy and your interest in him or her. • Ask if the candidate has questions, especially those that might affect his or her decision to participate in the next step of the process. If you have reached the interview’s time limit, invite the person to call you later with further questions. • Ask whether there is anything that has not been covered or is unclear. • Promote your organization. Remember to target the features of your organization that are most likely to appeal to the candidate. • Shake hands and make eye contact. Walk the person to the door or to the next destination.

Prohibited questions in the United State: • How old are you? • Are you married? • What is your citizenship? • What is your sexual orientation? • How much do you weigh? • Are you disabled? • When did you graduate from high school? • Do you have children? • What country are you from? • Where were you born? • Have you ever been arrested? • Would your religion prevent you from working on weekends?

Common Evaluation Mistakes • being overly impressed with maturity or experience, or overly unimpressed by youth and immaturity; • mistaking a quiet, reserved, or calm demeanor for lack of motivation; • mistaking the person’s ability to play “the interview game,” or his or her ability to talk easily, for intelligence or competence; • allowing personal biases to influence your assessment (you might be tempted to judge someone harshly because she reminds you of someone you dislike);

Common Evaluation Mistakes • looking for a friend or for a reflection of yourself in the candidate; • assuming that graduates of certain institutions or employees of certain organizations are automatically better qualified; • giving too much weight to familiarity with the jargon of your business; • focusing only on one or two key strengths and overlooking the absence of others; and • failing to value motivation to get ahead.

References Checks • Use the telephone to check references. Don’t check references via letter; you probably won’t get much information. • Take a little time to build rapport with the reference; that will make him or her more comfortable with sharing information with you. • Briefly describe the job that the candidate is applying for and ask if this is something for which the person would be well suited. • Ask about the candidate’s style, character, strengths, and weaknesses.

References Checks • Avoid asking vague questions, such as: “Did Jack do a good job managing his department?” • Instead, ask more specific questions, such as: “What was Jack best at?”;“What did his subordinates like best about him?”;“What did they like least?”;“Are there any jobs that would be inappropriate for Jack?”;“What kind of organizational environment would suit Jack best?” • Let one reference lead to another. If a reference gives you some information, ask, “Do you know anyone who could tell me about Jack’s experience in this area?” • The more people you talk to, the clearer a picture you will get.

Making the Decision and Offer • Résumés, interviews, and reference checks all inform the decision making process. • At some point, you must ask yourself, “Do we have enough information to make a good decision?” If the answer is “yes,” • then it’s time to move ahead with making the hiring decision.

The Job Offer & Offer Letter The Offer Letter • starting date • job title • expected responsibilities • compensation • benefits summary • time limit for responding to the offer

Summing Up • Defining job requirements. • Recruiting. • Interviewing. • Evaluating the candidates. • Making a decision and offer.

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Recruiting Process PowerPoint Template

Customize our 100% editable Recruiting Process PowerPoint Template for presenting the recruiting process stages. Recruitment is a critical procedure that begins with a need and ends with creating a solid connection with the newly introduced person in the organization. The HR teams specialize in this concern and work on a pre-set agenda and protocols. This presentation features a flow chart template indicating the stages of a recruiting process that the hiring departments most commonly follow. Users can employ the template for training presentations and discuss their plans with investors or executives. Similarly, this layout helps recruit consultants to display their working process. Presenters can edit the slides using all PowerPoint versions. 

This Recruiting Process PowerPoint Template comprises five presentation slides. The first one shows five infographic flash cards, each representing a distinct phase of the recruitment process: recruitment planning, strategy deployment, searching, screening, and evaluation & control. Small circles display corresponding graphical icons on the top of each shape. Also, white text boxes are added to the colored flashcard to mention relevant description points. Thin curved lines are added between the individual sections to depict connectivity. So, professionals can showcase the recruitment plans and strategy with these slides. 

The following slide carries seven flashcards to discuss the process in more detail. For instance, it displays the planning phase split into two parts: identify the hiring needs and prepare the job description. This onboarding slide can help clarify each step before the clients. The rest of the three slides have a push animation effect, i.e., the five stages are divided into three slides in a vertical flowchart layout, and push animation reveals them gradually. Presenters can create a lasting impact on their audience through this animated slide. It also enables adding more data than on the previous slides. Download and try it now! 

Alternatively, check our complete collection of human resources PowerPoint templates and onboarding slides .

PPT Recruitment Process Presentation Diagram

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Hiring Process Infographics

It seems that you like this template, free google slides theme, powerpoint template, and canva presentation template.

Describe in your presentation how the hiring process works, from start to end, and customize our infographics if you need help. Your data will visually stand out with these colorful designs. In each slide, there are several steps, which you can complete with your own explanations. The main graphic style used is flat, but there's also hand-drawn and fill.

Features of these infographics

  • 100% editable and easy to modify
  • 30 different infographics to boost your presentations
  • Include icons and Flaticon’s extension for further customization
  • Designed to be used in Google Slides, Canva, and Microsoft PowerPoint and Keynote
  • 16:9 widescreen format suitable for all types of screens
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Recruitment Process Template for PowerPoint Presentation

Recruitment Process PowerPoint Template

Infographic Hiring Process Template

Use the infographics recruitment process template to create simple yet powerful PowerPoint presentations. The 6 step presentation slide is a generic infographics perfect for information dissemination. The recruiting process template is best for exemplifying the step-by-step process, and displays how the company HR bring brilliant people who can help the company develop. Recruitment is a filtering process, interview board must know the talent and potential skills of the candidates by analyzing them and finally decided whether fit or not. A well-structured and accurately crafted recruitment process aids the hiring team filter the right candidates faster while staying focused on engaging the eligible candidates for maximum conversions. The stages of recruitment process may vary from company to company depending on the organizational structure of the company. It may also depend on size of company, nature of operation, existing recruitment workflow and selection process. However, the recruitment process PowerPoint template and its general features aid the presenter to create exact presentation about hiring process.

The six stage diagram looks like a tree diagram template enables a simple presentation on the board. The users can project their heading on the center circle and detailed its elements on the left and right side of the PowerPoint objects. Each element can be illustrated on the surface of the PowerPoint shapes, and additionally, the users can utilize adjacent infographic icons to add more meanings of the topic. The clipart’s are well-matched with the hiring process PowerPoint template presentation; it shows the core with the self-explanatory PowerPoint icons. All the iconic metaphors are new in PowerPoint presentations, so that will sidestep any monotony.

The recruitment process PowerPoint template is a HR diagram presentation slide created for professional PowerPoint presentation. The editable slide allows any kind of alterations without causing damages to the PowerPoint shapes and objects. Slide bazaar has the number of PowerPoint templates that are much suited for Human Resource presentation and business slideshows .

You can access more Recruitment PowerPoint Templates here Grab the free ppt now!

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Hiring Process - Slide 1

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Download our distinct Hiring Process presentation template, exclusively designed for PowerPoint and Google Slides platforms, right away! Using it, you can describe the series of steps a company takes to identify, recruit, and hire suitable candidates for a job opening.

Recruiters, hiring managers, and human resource professionals can make use of this mesmerizing PPT to depict the stages of the recruitment life cycle preparing, sourcing, onboarding, etc. You can also demonstrate the timeline and process of recruitment. Using this template, you can showcase complex information in a clear and concise manner while explaining how to make the hiring process more transparent and streamlined.

Sizing Charts

Size XS S S M M L
EU 32 34 36 38 40 42
UK 4 6 8 10 12 14
US 0 2 4 6 8 10
Bust 79.5cm / 31" 82cm / 32" 84.5cm / 33" 89.5cm / 35" 94.5cm / 37" 99.5cm / 39"
Waist 61.5cm / 24" 64cm / 25" 66.5cm / 26" 71.5cm / 28" 76.5cm / 30" 81.5cm / 32"
Hip 86.5cm / 34" 89cm / 35" 91.5cm / 36" 96.5cm / 38" 101.5cm / 40" 106.5cm / 42"
UK/US 34 36 38 40 42 44
Neck 37cm / 14.5" 38cm /15" 39.5cm / 15.5" 41cm / 16" 42cm / 16.5" 43cm / 17"
Chest 86.5cm / 34" 91.5cm / 36" 96.5cm / 38" 101.5cm / 40" 106.5cm / 42" 111.5cm / 44"
Waist 71.5cm / 28" 76.5cm / 30" 81.5cm / 32" 86.5cm / 34" 91.5cm / 36" 96.5cm / 38"
Seat 90cm / 35.4" 95cm / 37.4" 100cm / 39.4" 105cm / 41.3" 110cm / 43.3" 115cm / 45.3" - The best place to view and share online presentations

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Managing The Hiring Process - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

the hiring process presentation

Managing The Hiring Process

Managing the hiring process. define exact balance of skills and experience. experience: how many years: doing it, managing it, ... managing the hiring process ... – powerpoint ppt presentation.

  • Where to Begin ?
  • Begin by asking. Why do we need to fill this position ?
  • Look beyond, because someone left and we need this job filled.
  • Begin by taking substantive time to create or update
  • the Job Description
  • the Personal Hiring Profile
  • Begin by deciding on your hiring resources
  • ads, associates and advisors, search
  • How to Begin
  • Involve other associates
  • Communicate your requirements fully
  • Gain consensus with the job description
  • Create a realistic timetable
  • I need this position filled by _____ ?
  • In order to fill this position, we need to _____ ?
  • Always plan on 120 days
  • Creating the Job Description
  • Generic applications of skills, function, organization
  • Specific custom applications to your business
  • Defined responsibilities
  • specific primary objectives
  • reporting criteria reports to, participates with
  • Experience criteria
  • skills, years, type of industry and company
  • general attributes
  • specific issues geography, degrees,
  • Creating the Personal Hiring Profile
  • Developed by you in association with close advisors
  • Developed to clearly define and prioritize
  • exact balance of skills and experience
  • personality attributes
  • management attributes
  • personal requirements
  • Define exact balance of skills and experience
  • how many years doing it, managing it, learning it
  • how many years large companies/emerging businesses
  • how many years reporting to what functions
  • how many years budgeting-full PL/budget input
  • how many people managed
  • how many functions simultaneously managed
  • Detail all of the core skills and prioritize
  • Define clearly the two best core skills that you need
  • Define clearly the skills that would be good to have
  • Define the necessary personality attributes
  • Define clearly the cultural fit that you need
  • Define clearly the communication style that you want
  • to you, to direct reports, to the organization
  • use simple language that will be exacting
  • Define clearly the attributes that will put you off
  • Personality attribute examples
  • ethical, family-oriented, stern, bottom-line direct, sincere, totally honest, formal
  • Define the necessary management attributes
  • Define clearly the management style you need
  • Can be a style that you do not have
  • Can be a style that exactly compliments yours
  • Define clearly the communication you need
  • Define clearly the organization methods you need
  • Management attribute examples
  • Highly organized objective-directed proactive self-starter takes initiative consensus builder decision maker risk taker entrepreneur procedure-driven
  • Defining personal requirementsThe next page contains a listing of considerations regarding a potential hires personal experiences and conditions. It is not meant to be exclusionary or discriminatory. What it is meant to do is to provoke you to be critically honest with yourself in asking you to define in writing those personal requirements which you would consider to be most advantageous for the specific position which you are filling.Remember- Successful hires typically result from you detailing all of the skills and attributes that you need in your business and will fit with your own management style.
  • Be clear regarding personal requirements
  • Never be exclusionary-guidelines only
  • Family, home-life, children
  • Age, time of life
  • Compensation drive salary to wealth
  • Management capacity
  • Desire / ability to travel
  • Intellectual and emotional capacity
  • Degree of risk taking and curiosity
  • Finding Candidates
  • Be consistent
  • In the methods of ads, advisors or search
  • Plan to use the same sources
  • Ads Local papers and The Boston Globe
  • Ads Use the top 5 online search firms
  • Associates Send them a job description profile
  • Executive search 30 minimum plus expenses
  • Contingent search Depends on the firm
  • Interviewing
  • Keep all of the good resumes until search is over.
  • Sort the resumes carefully
  • Grade resumes to fit your Personal Hiring Profile
  • years experiences, core skills, industry, degrees
  • Ask others to assist in reviewing
  • The Interviews
  • Plan to take time, but make your time efficient
  • Schedule interviews in blocks
  • Schedule interviews with others
  • Keep detailed notes
  • Let the candidate know what you think
  • Let the candidate know what the next steps are
  • Thank everyone for their time
  • Create A Balance
  • Asking questions
  • Selling your company
  • Selling you
  • Involve others
  • peers, employees, advisors, spouses
  • Try not to just follow the resume
  • Ask about core skills- What do you do best ?
  • Best success worst failure best/worst job
  • Family and school involvement
  • 5 years from now ?
  • Understand completely the compensation requirements
  • Do ask for references
  • Be punctual-over-formalize the time if possible
  • Set up other interviews and confirm
  • Plan on 90 minutes
  • Do not hesitate to cut it short
  • Plan on 2-6 interviews
  • Reference checking is the 2nd most critical activity
  • 4-6 references
  • boss, direct reports, peers
  • minimum two jobs
  • Involve yourself personally where practical
  • Double check that resume
  • Take detailed notes
  • All offers must be in writing
  • total definition of position and reporting
  • total definition of compensation and review process
  • 90 day review, one year review
  • general definition of primary objectives
  • 30 to 90 period to detail objectives
  • time related
  • You are now actively selling you and your company.
  • Be realistic in compensation offers.
  • De definitive with yourself in terms of time to close.
  • Formally retract offers which cannot be closed.
  • Use others to help you close.
  • Setting Objectives for the New Hire
  • Be definitive during the interview
  • Dont expect the candidate to set objectives Day 1
  • Do expect the new hire to set objectives Day 30-90
  • Do expect the new hire to update objectives Day 180
  • Be realistic
  • Be focused to PERFORMANCE , but equally to STRETCH
  • Reviewing the New Hire
  • Day 30 Formal / Informal How is it going ? define any issues focus on fit and unknowns
  • Day 90 Operating objectives have been defined Another How is it going ? Determine probationary period if necessary State clearly your positives and concerns
  • Day 180 Same as 90 day period
  • Day 365 Annual performance review
  • You can always be less formal later
  • Document everything
  • Be consistent follow through, commitments, dates
  • Be consistent all employees, policies, procedures
  • Use the review process to discuss performance
  • Acknowledge good performance
  • Acknowledge when it is not working out
  • When things are going well
  • Use atta boys / girls
  • Use the constructive improvements tool
  • When it is not working out
  • Recognize it sooner than later
  • Discuss your issues with peers or your boss
  • Discuss your concerns with the new hire
  • Be constructive
  • Define specifics
  • Use the probationary tool
  • Things to Read
  • Finding, Hiring Keeping the Best EmployeesRobert Haff
  • Hiring the Best Avoiding the RestMichael Mercer
  • AMA Handbook for Employee Recruitment RetentionMary Cook
  • Hiring WinnerRichard Pinsker is a leading presentation sharing website. It has millions of presentations already uploaded and available with 1,000s more being uploaded by its users every day. Whatever your area of interest, here you’ll be able to find and view presentations you’ll love and possibly download. And, best of all, it is completely free and easy to use.

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Using Social Media When Hiring? Here's What You Need To Know Social media can be a powerful tool in the recruitment process, offering insights that go beyond the typical information in a CV. However, it's important to use this tool responsibly, ensuring you respect candidates' privacy and avoid bias.

By Cathy Farley Aug 29, 2024

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

You're reading Entrepreneur Middle East, an international franchise of Entrepreneur Media.

Social media has become an integral part of our personal and professional lives. No one is going to argue against that. For hiring managers and recruiters specifically, it's an invaluable tool that offers insights into a candidate's personality–but it raises several important ethical questions. It's also important to consider that not all applicants have social media accounts, even in 2024, and even if they do have a social media presence, it can often be difficult to confirm the accuracy of the information presented. So, there are certainly pitfalls.

However, I believe a strong social media hiring strategy and a plan to mitigate ethical concerns can bring excellent results. A CareerBuilder survey showed that almost three-quarters of employers had looked at applicants' social media profiles as part of their screening process, and over half had rejected applicants because of what they found on those sites. This is clearly a pressing issue, and one that needs to be addressed carefully.

In this article, I'll discuss best practices when using social media during hiring, which areas need particular care, and how to build a robust social media hiring strategy.


Let's start by asking why you would want to use social media in the first place. What additional information can you gather that you might otherwise not be able to access? It breaks down into four key areas:

  • Understanding cultural fit Social media profiles can offer a glimpse into a candidate's interests, hobbies, and values, thereby helping you assess whether they would be a good cultural fit for your organization. For instance, their posts and interactions might reveal their enthusiasm for teamwork, community involvement, or industry-related topics.
  • Getting a sense of professionalism Platforms such as LinkedIn provide a window into a candidate's professional life, showcasing their experience, endorsements, and recommendations. Additionally, how people present themselves on more casual platforms such as X or Instagram can give clues about their professionalism outside a formal work environment.
  • Going beyond the CV Candidates often share their accomplishments, projects and expertise on social media, particularly on platforms like LinkedIn or GitHub for tech professionals. These posts can offer concrete evidence of skills, complementing the information provided in CVs.
  • Finding passive candidates Passive candidates are those who are not actively looking for a new job, and are more or less content with their current job. However, they might check the latest job posts on social media out of curiosity. Once contact has been made, social also makes for easier interaction with interested candidates in the future.

Related: Time And Talent: Two Elements You Might Be Throwing Away On Social Media


Rather than jumping straight into the deep end, it's important to take a moment to figure out what strategy you're going to apply when using social media in hiring. Here's how:

  • Develop a clear policy Establish guidelines on how social media will be used in the recruitment process. This policy should include what platforms will be checked, what type of information is relevant, and how the findings will be used in the hiring decision.
  • Obtain consent It's good practice to inform candidates that their social media profiles may be reviewed as part of the hiring process. This transparency can help build trust and avoid any misunderstandings.
  • Stay focused on professional relevance When reviewing a candidate's social media, concentrate on information that is directly relevant to their ability to perform the job. Avoid making judgments based on personal lifestyle choices that have no bearing on their professional role.
  • Use social media as a complement, not a replacement Social media should be just one of many tools used in the hiring process. It can provide supplementary information, but it should not replace traditional methods like interviews, reference checks, and skills assessments.

Related: No Time Like The Present (To Become An Entrepreneur In The Middle East)


Back in 2020, a major piece of research was undertaken, looking at how social media is used in hiring. Published in the Journal of Applied Psychology , the study noted that some of the information job seekers had posted (education, work experience, and extra­curricular activities) covered areas that organizations would legitimately assess.

However, a significant share of profiles contained details that companies may be prohibited from considering, including gender, race and ethnicity (these three were evident in 100% of the profiles surveyed). In addition, other factors were also present in the profiles, including disabilities (7%), pregnancy status (3%), sexual orientation (59%), political views (21%) and religious beliefs (41%). Finally, just over 50% of profiles contained profanity, 11% indicated gambling, 26% showed or referenced alcohol consumption, and 7% referenced drug use.

The research focused on how recruiters rated these candidates having looked at the content of their social media profiles . While the recruiters were trying to assess solely legitimate criteria, it was impossible not to be swayed by factors that were supposedly off-limits. It's a fairly typical human response, and it certainly shows that even when guidelines are in place, it can be difficult to ignore certain elements of a potential candidate's social media profile . To that end, candidates who were married or engaged generally ranked higher than those who were single; perhaps surprisingly, older individuals rated more highly than younger; women higher than men; and those who indicated religious beliefs ranked lower than those who did not.

So, it's critical to understand how difficult it is to separate what you do and don't see, and disregard information that is not supposed to be part of the assessment.

Related: 13 Essential Business And Social Media Rules For Millennial CEOs

What are the ethical implications of using social media in hiring?

We've touched on ethics, so let's look at this area in more detail.

  • Bias and discrimination As the study showed, one of the most significant risks of using social media in hiring is the potential for unconscious bias. A candidate's profile might reveal personal information such as age, gender, race, religion, or political views, which could inadvertently influence your decision-making process. It's crucial to remain objective and focus on the candidate's qualifications and fit for the role, rather than personal characteristics.
  • Privacy concerns While much of what is posted on social media is public, there is still an expectation of privacy. Delving too deeply into someone's personal life, especially if it's unrelated to their professional abilities, can be seen as invasive. It's essential to respect boundaries and avoid using information that's irrelevant to the job.
  • Inaccuracy of information Social media can present a curated version of someone's life. People often highlight their successes and downplay their failures, creating a potentially misleading image. Not everything on social media is reliable, and relying too heavily on these platforms could lead to incorrect assumptions about a candidate.

Once we have acknowledged the ethical pitfalls, it's time to start putting together an ethical strategy to apply throughout the process. This might include these approaches:

  • Develop and implement a strict policy regarding social media recruiting practices.
  • Request and obtain written acknowledgements before reviewing a candidate's social media accounts.
  • Don't use any information deemed discriminatory in your decision-making process, such as a candidate's disability.
  • Document each site you visit and everything you will use in the decision-making process, omitting personal information and including only professionally related data such as education, work history and other credentials.

Social media can be a powerful tool in the recruitment process, offering insights that go beyond the typical information in a CV. However, it's important to use this tool responsibly, ensuring you respect candidates' privacy and avoid bias. By following best practices and maintaining a clear focus on professional relevance, you can make more informed hiring decisions while upholding the integrity of your recruitment process.

Related: The How-To: Making The Right Hiring Decisions For Your UAE Startup

Founder and CEO of Talent Higher

Cathy Farley is the founder and CEO of Talent Higher , a leading UAE recruitment agency. Previously, Farley was the Group Head of Talent Acquisition at Dubai-based Creative Zone, and Talent Acquisition Business Partner at Slater and Gordon Lawyers in the UK. Farley grew up in Britain, gaining a degree in International Business and Spanish at Liverpool John Moores University. A recruitment specialist with global experience, Farley brings a strategic approach to both employers and candidates, ensuring efficiency, precision, and a dynamic approach to connecting the right talent with the right career opportunities.

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Start your Success with BPS

Inviting graduates in Arts & Commerce YoP 2025 to apply for TCS BPS Hiring

You have these already downloaded

We have sent you a copy of the report to your email again.

Important Dates

  • Registration End Date: 11 th September 2024, Wednesday
  • Test Date: 11 th October 2024, Friday

About TCS BPS Hiring for 2025 year of passing graduates

TCS BPS is opening its gates for Arts and Commerce graduates from 2025 graduating batch to apply for exciting entry level career opportunities.

You can be part of TCS’ fastest growing units - in various enriching roles that will amplify your career growth.

Register for the upcoming TCS BPS Hiring before 11 th September 2024 (Wednesday).

Application Process for TCS BPS Hiring – YOP 2025

Candidates who are interested to apply for TCS BPS Hiring, it is mandatory for you to register on the below links:

Step 1. Logon to the TCS NextStepPortal here

Step 2. Details in Application Form

  • Name as per Aadhaar card.
  • Date of birth as per Aadhaar card.
  • Please ensure to check the details are updated correctly without any error before submission.
  • Incorrect details submitted may lead to disqualification of your candidature.

Step 3.  Registration - Apply for TCS BPS hiring process.

Scenario A. If you are a registered user, kindly login and proceed to complete the application form. Upon submission, kindly click on ‘Apply for Drive' .

Scenario B. If you are a new user, kindly click on Register Now, choose category as ‘BPS’ and proceed to fill your details. Submit your application form and click on ‘Apply for Drive’ .

Important: Please ensure that the details in the TCS Application Form are complete and accurate.  

Step 4.  Select your mode of test (In-Centre) and choose your preferred test centre & then click on Apply. Please Note, test centre once chosen cannot be changed.

Step 5.  To confirm your status, check ‘Track Your Application’ . The status should reflect as ‘Applied for Drive’.

Important Note:

Please note that this is an In-Centre test .

Kindly be informed that the allotment of seats in the respective centres will be on ‘First-Come-First-Serve’ basis and hence it is important to register and apply at the earliest to select your preferred Test centre. The selection of preferred city will be restricted once the seats are full (you will not be able to select your preferred city if the seats are already full)

  • You must have all your original documents as applicable (10th Marksheet, 12th Marksheet, Graduation Marksheets of the semesters till date).
  • Communication related to the test will be shared with you by ‘TCS iON – Our Test Provider.’
  • TCS does not send job offers/any hiring related communication from unofficial email ids like Gmail, Rediff mail, Yahoo mail, Hotmail etc. 
  • TCS does not ask candidates to deposit any money for job offers.
  • TCS is not associated with any external agency/company to conduct any interviews or make offers of employment on its behalf.

For any assistance, please reach out to our TCS TAG Helpline Team.

Email ID: [email protected]  | Toll-Free Helpline No: 18002093111

Test Pattern

The test is of 50mins duration and comprises of the below sections:

  • Numerical Ability
  • Reasoning Ability
  • Quantitative Aptitude

Eligibility Criteria

  • Full-time Graduates from B. Com, BA, BAF, BBI, BBA, BBM, BMS, BSc (Except Maths, Physics, Statistics, Computer Science, Information Technology) – 2025 Year of Passing may apply.
  • Backlogs & Extended Education: One active backlog at the time of appearing for the TCS selection process is permitted. However, it is mandatory that the course is cleared and completed within the time duration stipulated by the University without any backlogs for a candidate to be eligible to join TCS, if selected. Extended Education will not be considered as eligible.
  • Gap/Break in education: It is mandatory for students to declare gaps in education, if any, in TCS Application Form. The overall academic gap should not exceed 24 months until highest qualification. Relevant document proof, as applicable, will be checked for gaps in education.
  • Course Types: Only full-time courses will be considered (part-time/correspondence courses will not be considered). Candidates who have completed their Secondary and/or Senior Secondary course from NIOS (National Institute of Open Schooling) are also eligible to apply if the other courses are full-time.
  • Work Experience:  Please note, the role is only for ‘Trainee Intern Requirement’ . However, prior work experience, if any, is required to be mandatorily declared by the candidates in the TCS Application form.
  • Candidates should be comfortable working in 24 x 7 work environment in rotational night shifts depending on the project requirements.
  • Age: Minimum age - 18 years and Maximum age - 28 years.

Note: Kindly note that we have a stringent eligibility criteria and a robust selection process. Your eligibility as per the defined criteria will be checked at various stages of the selection process. At any point of time if you are found ineligible, or data shared by you is found discrepant, your candidature will be disqualified.

Q. Which year of passing (YOP) is being considered for TCS BPS Hiring?

A. Only full-time graduates from B.Com, BA, BAF, BBI, BBA, BBM, BMS, BSc – (Except Maths, Physics, Statistics, Computer Science, Information Technology) – with 2025 Year of Passing can apply.

Q. When is the TCS BPS Hiring test scheduled?

A. The TCS BPS Hiring test is scheduled on 11 th October 2024 (Friday).

Q. Do I need to create my profile under 'BPS' or 'IT' for TCS BPS Hiring (IT)?

A. You are requested to create your profile under 'BPS'

Q. When is the last date to register for TCS BPS Hiring?

A. The last date to apply for the TCS BPS Hiring is 11 th  September 2024 (Wednesday) , however we urge you to complete the application process at the earliest to avoid any last-minute rush.

Q. I am getting an error while updating my XII (12th) standard details in the application form. What should I do?

A. Please note that you need to only enter your XII (12th) duration, i.e., a minimum of 8 months up to maximum of 16 months in your XII (12th) standard course duration details.

Q. My name is different in Academic Certificates and on Aadhaar card, which document should I refer to update the personal details in the application form?

A. Your Name, Fathers’ name, Date of Birth & Aadhaar number in the TCS Application Form should be basis the details in Aadhaar Card.

Q. Am I supposed to mention CGPA or Percentage?  

A. The application form has the provision indicating both, CGPA or percentage. Kindly mention what is reflecting in your marksheets/degree certificate.

Please convert CGPA into marks as per the guidelines prescribed by your university/applicable in your state and complete the application form and click on ‘Apply for Drive’.

Example: To understand the calculation of percentage in a better way, let us take an example, a candidate has secured a 7.2 CGPA | Overall Percentage of Marks = 10 x CGPA | Overall Percentage of Marks = 7.2*10 | Ans. 72%

Q. My account is locked. How can I unlock it?

Please note that after 3 unsuccessful OTP attempts, your account will be locked for 4 hours. You will get 2 more OTP attempts after 4 hours, however if still wrong OTP inputs are given, your account will be locked in for the day. You will get the next login attempt with OTP post the date change (i.e., next day). Hence, we request you to be careful with your login ID and OTP.  

Request you to use a Desktop/Laptop. Please clear the cache, history and cookies and use the latest version of Internet Explorer/Google Chrome.

Q. When will my candidature be considered for the TCS BPS Hiring Drive?

Your candidature for TCS BPS Hiring will be considered only after completing all the below mentioned steps:

  • Successful Registration in under BPS section and create your DT number (Reference ID – DT2021XXXXXXX)
  • Re log in with your DT number & OTP on Next Step Portal, fill & submit your application form. It is mandatory for your application status to reflect as “Application Received”.
  • Post submission of your application form a detailed eligible mailer will be sent to your registered Email ID.

Q. I have forgotten my DT Reference ID, where do I get it?

A. You would have got a mail upon successful registration in The Reference ID would be mentioned in the same.

For further queries, you can write to [email protected]

Q. Can I make changes to my profile as I have made some mistakes in my profile?

A. Limited changes can be done once the profile is in Application Received status. Hence, we request you to complete the application form carefully.

Q. Can I change my photo in the application form?

A. Yes, you can change your photograph before you 'Submit the Application Form'. Request you to carefully follow the instructions while uploading the photograph. Once you submit your application form, you will not be able to make any changes.

Q. I have incorrectly created my profile under IT. What should I do?

A. If you have wrongly created your profile under IT, you will need to create your profile once again under BPS using your alternate email id. You can write to helpdesk ([email protected]) to delete your ID registered under IT.

Q. I already have my DT number. I need to update my marks/CGPA in my application form. How can I do so?

A. You can update the details by clicking 'Edit Application Form' in TCS NextStep Portal and editing the required details before applying for the drive. However please note your profile should be created under ‘BPS’.

Q. I have created 2 profiles. What should I do now?

A. Only 1 profile can be created per candidate. If the existence of a duplicate profile is found, it could lead to disqualification of a candidate. If you have created a duplicate profile for any reason, you will need to write to [email protected]   along with the details of the duplicate profile to be deleted.

Q. I am unable to download my Application Form from the TCS NextStep Portal. What should I do?

A. Please upload your photo and CV once again as per the format prescribed and then preview your Application Form. This would also allow you to download your Application Form

Q. Will Interviews also be conducted on the day as the TCS BPS NQT Test?

A. No, interviews will not be conducted on the day of the TCS BPS NQT Test. If you clear the TCS BPS NQT Test, details of the Interview schedule will be sent to you on your registered e-mail ID

Q. How will I know about my test schedule/test related information?

A. Information related to test will be communicated by TCS iON – Our Test Provider

Q. How will I get the results of the test?

A. As part of the hiring process, only shortlisted students will receive further communication on their registered e-mail IDs

Q. What do I need to carry with me for the Test?

A. Once your hall ticket is generated, it will be sent via an e-mail on your registered e-mail ID. The hall ticket will outline all documents that need to be carried for the TCS BPS Hiring Test

Q. What time and place do I need to report for the In-Centre Test?

A. Please refer to the hall ticket for the reporting time and place for the TCS BPS Hiring test

Q. Do I have to incur any cost to appear for the TCS BPS Hiring Test?

A. TCS does not charge any fees at any stage of recruitment process. TCS is not affiliated with any agent agency/company to advertise about TCS Hiring, conduct any employment interviews or make offers of employment on its behalf

Q. Whom do I contact for any assistance?

A. E-mail ID – [email protected] Help Line No – 18002093111 Toll-free

Q. Is this a full-time or part-time opportunity?

A. The career opportunities presented are full-time.

Q. What will be my work timings (Shift Timings)?

A. TCS is a global organization catering to businesses from across the world and our customers function in a 24x7 environment. Candidates should be comfortable working in rotational shifts. Your shift timings will depend on the process you get allocated to. You will be informed of the same during your interview process.

Q. What will be my work location?

A. Your joining location will be discussed with you during the interview process, and your location preference will be taken into consideration. However, the final location assigned would be at the sole discretion of TCS depending on business needs

Q. Can I choose my domain or function I would like to work in?

A. Your selection and allocation will depend on your qualification, skills and the present business requirements. 

Important points:

  • Kindly note that we have a stringent eligibility criteria and a robust selection process at every level of our recruitment process our focus is to ensure quality hiring 
  • TCS will not send job offers/any hiring related communication from unofficial internet email services like Gmail, Rediffmail, Yahoo Mail, Hotmail etc. 
  • TCS will not ask you to deposit any money for giving job offers to Experienced Professionals or Fresh Graduate Trainees 
  • TCS will not appoint any agent/agency/company to advertise about TCS Smart BPS Hiring or conduct any employment interviews or make offers of employment/benefits on its behalf.
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Crime and Public Safety | New Aurora police chief vows to build trust…

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Crime and Public Safety

Crime and public safety | new aurora police chief vows to build trust amid criticism of opaque hiring process: “i’m here for the long haul”, former lapd cmdr. todd chamberlain will be sixth police chief in five years if approved by city council.

Todd Chamberlain speaks with local officers after a press conference where he was introduced as the new Aurora Police Department chief on Thursday, Aug. 22, 2024, at the Aurora Municipal Center. Chamberlain worked at the LAPD from 1984 to 2018, when he retired as a commander. This is Aurora’s sixth chief in five years. (Photo by Daniel Brenner/Special to The Denver Post)

“Give me a chance,” Todd Chamberlain said. “Let’s partner, let’s collaborate. Let’s work together. I’m here for the long haul.”

The 61-year-old Los Angeles Police Department veteran made the appeal after he was selected to be the city’s sixth police chief in five years through a hiring process that happened entirely behind closed doors and with no public input — a departure from past chief selections and an approach both he and City Manager Jason Batchelor defended during a news conference Thursday at the Aurora Municipal Center.

“I think the question has to be, well, has the selection process worked in the past?” Chamberlain said. “And I’m gonna be very candid with you, I don’t think it has. You’ve had five chiefs in five years… but I know I’m here to commit. I’m here to say that I am part of the city of Aurora.”

The closed-door approach was criticized by Aurora community members, including state Sens. Rhonda Fields and Janet Buckner, both Aurora Democrats, who said in a joint statement Thursday that the city’s private hiring process “signals an unwillingness to learn from past mistakes.”

“Excluding community members and leaders from this important decision once again has missed a crucial opportunity to heal past traumas and build towards stronger collaboration between the community and law enforcement,” the statement said.

Batchelor called the city’s last attempt to hire a permanent police chief “a failed public process” and said he opted to select the city’s next chief in private in order to “provide the highest probability to find the best-qualified candidates,” noting that a non-public process allowed candidates to apply without jeopardizing their standing with their current police departments.

Chamberlain repeatedly said Thursday he wanted to interact with the community but did not give any specifics on how he would do that or whether he would hold any public meetings before Aurora’s City Council votes to confirm his hiring Monday. If he is confirmed by the council, Chamberlain will be sworn in Sept. 9, ending more than two years of interim leadership at the police department.

In wide-ranging comments during Thursday’s news conference, Chamberlain focused on the breadth of his prior experience in law enforcement, his commitment to stay in Aurora for the long term and the need to rebuild trust both between officers and leadership within the police department and between officers and community members.

“Aurora is now my home,” he said.

Chamberlain spent 34 years at the Los Angeles Police Department before retiring as a commander in 2018. He briefly worked as the police chief for the Los Angeles Unified School District but resigned after less than a year on the job over budget cuts, and was previously a finalist for chief jobs in Cincinnati ;  Little Rock , Arkansas; and  Chattanooga , Tennessee.

While at the Los Angeles Police Department, he was named in a 2011 lawsuit — though not as a defendant — brought by a Black police officer who said he experienced racist pranks and harassment in his unit, including the presentation of a cake topped with fried chicken and watermelons to mark his 20th year of service at the police department.

The officer claimed Chamberlain knew about the harassment but failed to take action. A jury awarded the officer $1.2 million in 2013, court records show.

Chamberlain denied the officer’s characterization of events Thursday, saying he took over leadership of a unit that had a years-long pattern of inappropriate racist misconduct and within “two weeks” identified the problem and alerted a workplace evaluation team, then the department’s internal affairs investigators. Chamberlain also reassigned a sergeant who was responsible for much of the problem, he said.

“It was Black on Black officers, it was Hispanic on Black, it was Asian on Black, and then there were a couple of white officers that were involved in this as well,” he said. “Basically, it was a practice that this unit had been allowed to cultivate. I was there for two weeks. I saw this, I identified it.”

He said the experience of flagging and addressing that misconduct helped to prepare him to take similar action in Aurora, if needed.

“You have to have someone in charge who is willing to step forward and take those on,” he said. “And I’ll tell you, it’s not a pleasant experience. You’ve all probably been involved in workplace issues, or seen it, and know how it can basically eat away the core of not only that unit, but the whole organization. And I’m not going to accept that. If I find that here, I’m going to do the same thing.”

Todd Chamberlain speaks during a press conference where he was introduced as the new Aurora Police Department chief on Thursday, Aug. 22, 2024, at the Aurora Municipal Center. Chamberlain worked at the LAPD from 1984 to 2018, when he retired as a commander. This is Aurora's seventh chief in five years. (Photo by Daniel Brenner/Special to The Denver Post)

Aurora’s police department is undergoing court-ordered reform and oversight after Colorado Attorney General Phil Weiser found a pattern of racist bias and excessive force among the city’s police officers that repeatedly violated state and federal law.

Weiser on Thursday called for the creation of an independent monitor position to continue outside oversight of the police department after the court oversight expires in 2027.

“It is clear to me that Aurora must have an independent police monitor in place when the consent decree expires,” Weiser said. “A permanent structure for independent review of the police department would help ensure that reform, accountability, and transparency continue, and that the city is responsive to community concerns.”

Batchelor said the city will include funding to re-establish an independent monitor in the 2026 budget. Chamberlain also said that he supports continued independent oversight.

“I believe in it, I think it’s an important aspect,” Chamberlain said. “It’s something that we should not ever shy away from. I think if you have an organization or department that is running properly, running ethically, doing all the right steps, that should be applauded. That should be seen. That should be very transparent.”

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Employee Hiring Process Powerpoint Presentation Slides

Explore our Employee Hiring Process PowerPoint Presentation Slides to create a visually engaging presentation. The recruitment & hiring PowerPoint presentation deck includes various relevant slides such as executive summary, key management, departments and teams, services, current vacancies, recruitment process, job description, recruitment funnel, tracker and budget, etc. The recruiting strategies for human resource PowerPoint templates are designed after in-depth research. Each slide of the recruitment process presentation deck is fully editable, change the color, font style as per your needs. You can present the various stages involved in the employee selection process using ready to use recruitment plan PPT visuals. Showcase the different sources of hiring such as school placements, internal searches, employment agencies, advertisements, employee referrals. Furthermore, recruitment procedure PPT visuals are apt to represent various topics like an application tracking system, employment strategy plan, recruiting solutions, HR consulting and recruitment plan, etc. Download this topic-specific employee selection procedure presentation deck to attract and retain talent. The east has generated a lot of wisdom. There is some of it in our Employee Hiring Process Powerpoint Presentation Slides too.


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Presenting this set of slides with name - Employee Hiring Process Powerpoint Presentation Slides. This PPT deck displays twenty-eight slides with in-depth research. Our topic oriented Employee Hiring Process Powerpoint Presentation Slides presentation deck is a helpful tool to plan, prepare, document and analyse the topic with a clear approach. It showcases all kinds of editable templates infographics for an inclusive and comprehensive Employee Hiring Process Powerpoint Presentation Slides presentation. Download PowerPoint templates in both widescreen and standard screen. The presentation is fully supported by Google Slides. It can be easily converted into JPG or PDF format.

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Content of this Powerpoint Presentation

Slide 1 : This slide introduces Employee Hiring Process. State Your Company Name and begin. Slide 2 : This slide shows Outline with these important storyline- Executive Summary, Key Management, Our Services, Current Vacancies, Recruitment Tracker, Recruitment Sources, Departments & Teams, Recruitment Process, Job Description, Recruitment Funnel, Recruitment Budget. Slide 3 : This slide presents Executive Summary showing these amin headings- Background, Capabilities, Accreditation, Financial Highlights, Promoters and Shareholding, Company’s Mission, Company’s Vision. Slide 4 : This slide shows Key Management. You can add your comapany management names with designations. Slide 5 : This slide presents Departments And Teams. You can add the information of your company. Slide 6 : This slide shows Our Services with these categories- Consulting, Strategy, Technology, Digital, Operations. Slide 7 : This slide showcases Current Vacancies and also includes these parameters- Department, Min. Experience Required, Roles & Responsibilities, Job Position. Slide 8 : This slide shows Recruitment Process with these mentioned parameters- Understand the client’s requirements, Sourcing candidates, Shortlist candidates, First interview round, Send for final interview, Job offer. Slide 9 : This slide presents Recruitment Sources with these six stages- Internal Searches, Voluntary Applicants, Employment Agencies, School Placements, Employee Referrals, Advertisements. Slide 10 : This slide presents Job Description which further guide you to add more information about- Desired Profile, Qualification, Skills Required. Slide 11 : This slide shows Recruitment Funnel with these important factors to note- Potential Candidate Identified, Candidates Contacted, Candidates Responses, Submissions, Invited to Interview, Offer, 2nd Interview. Slide 12 : This slide shows Recruitment Tracker. You can add the data for the requirement or hiring processes. Slide 13 : This slide guide you to add the Recruitment Budget and also add the data as per your requirement. Slide 14 : This slide displays icons for Employee Hiring Process. Slide 15 : This slide is titled as Additional Slides for moving forward. Slide 16 : This is Our Mission slide with related imagery and text. Slide 17 : This is About us slide to show company specifications etc. Slide 18 : This is Our Team slide with names and designation. Slide 19 : This is a Venn slide with text boxes. Slide 20 : This is a Quotes slide to convey message, beliefs etc. Slide 21 : This is a Financial slide. Show your finance related stuff here. Slide 22 : This is an Idea or bulb slide to state a new idea or highlight information, specifications etc. Slide 23 : This is a Comparison slide to state comparison between commodities, entities etc. Slide 24 : This is Our Target slide. State your targets here. Slide 25 : This slide shows Mind Map for representing entities. Slide 26 : This slide displays Combo Chart with three products comparison. Slide 27 : This slide represents Column Chart with three products comparison. Slide 28 : This is a Thank you slide with address, contact numbers and email address.

Employee Hiring Process Powerpoint Presentation Slides with all 28 slides:

Use our Employee Hiring Process Powerpoint Presentation Slides to effectively help you save your valuable time. They are readymade to fit into any presentation structure.

Employee Hiring Process Powerpoint Presentation Slides

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the hiring process presentation

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10. Rope Park Height

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11. Boat Trip On The Sfortsando Yacht

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12. Akvatoria

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13. Crazy Party Bus

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14. Bike-Taxi

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15. City Pub Crawl Nizhny Novgorod

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the hiring process presentation

Want to work at Goldman Sachs? These are the traits the bank looks for, according to CEO David Solomon.

  • Goldman Sachs hired less than 1% of over 300,000 entry-level job applicants last year.
  • CEO David Solomon emphasized tenacity, grit, and determination as key traits for success.
  • Goldman Sachs values a diverse skill set beyond intelligence, including unique experiences.

Insider Today

Getting a job at Goldman Sachs is even harder than Havard, according to its CEO.

In an episode of "The David Rubenstein Show," CEO David Solomon revealed that of over 300,000 applications last year for entry-level jobs out of undergraduate university, the bank hired around 2,500 people — less than 1%.

For comparison, Harvard's acceptance rate is 3.6% .

While the daunting stats could be discouraging to would-be hires, Solomon broke down some common themes of winning applicants.

While he listed off more classic desirable traits — people who are hardworking, smart, and "believe in excellence" — Solomon emphasized tenacity.

"People want to win, people that have proven that they've got grit and determination ," he said. "An ability to both succeed but also, when they fail, to pick themselves up and dust themselves off and keep going."

While the investment giant often recruits from top schools , Solomon said that intelligence is not the only attribute that will land you a spot at the prestigious Wall Street bank. In a letter to their 2024 summer internship cohort, Solomon advised them to "embrace your unique skills and experiences."

"Of course, intellect is a part of it," Solomon said to Rubenstein. "But there are other softer things that ultimately make people really successful over the long run."

Solomon said that the company looks for a "package of skills" for its wide range of jobs. In addition to the highly coveted investment banking positions, he noted that Goldman Sachs's 46,000 employees cover other roles, like traders, and has over 10,000 engineers.

"We have a very diverse group of people that come through, and people go in different directions," he said. "Some people excel, and some people move on to do other things."

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And how do you excel after getting accepted? Some of Goldman's recent summer intern class recently talked to BI about that, sharing that creating and maintaining a strong network within the company has been a major key to success.

"If you want to become the next best trader to come across the street, you have to learn from the best," said Robbie Stankard, a student-athlete from Colombia University who spent two summers interning for Goldman's sales and trading division.

The investment bank received a record-breaking 315,126 applications for its 2024 internship program, admitting only 2,700 spots — slightly less than 0.9%.

Stankard told BI that Goldman's global cohead of banking and markets, Dan Dees , gave some advice to his cohort that they took to heart: "He said, 'The people to your left and your right are going to be the strongest network you're going to have as you continue through your career.'"

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the hiring process presentation

School closures and hiring issues in San Francisco - an update.

UESF Rally

Last night the San Francisco Unified School District school board met to present a status report on their process for proposed school closures. The United Educators of San Francisco - the teachers union - was also out in force holding a rally to protest a bureaucratic hold up on positions that schools are relying on.

Outside the school district central office, about 50 teachers and families were marching and chanting. They were protesting the fact that many essential school site staff that were approved by the district last year are now not able to be hired. Cassondra Curiel, President of United Educators, had this to say:

  “And our big question is -  how do we serve our students while the district gets their behind the scenes bureaucracy in order, right? They should be able to do both.”

Frank Lara read a statement from Blanca Katalan, a parent at Wallenberg:

“Our schools are a reflection of our community's values. If we want to invest in our children's future, we must advocate for the resources our schools need. Let’s work together to ensure our schools are fully staffed, properly funded, and that our teachers are motivated and supported.”

After their closed session, the board voted in Commissioner Lisa Weissman-Ward as the new Vice President. Public comment was lengthy as parents and staff lined up to speak out against school closures.

Many noted that the money saved would be fairly minimal, others shared that elsewhere in the country school closures created problems. Several criticized the district’s outreach and community engagement.

The meeting was a workshop with no action items to be voted on but President Alexander said the hiring blockages and delays were unacceptable and that there would be an action review at the next board meeting to address the issues to “get to the bottom of why we have these delays”.

The presentation on the Resource Alignment Initiative reiterated that the values of “Equity, Excellence and Effectiveness (of resources)” are central to their process and that Stanford was in the process of doing an “equity audit.”

The Superintendent - Dr Matt Wayne - explained that it’s not just about school closures - it's about spreading out resources in a way that better serves students. He also mentioned a reorganization of the central office to streamline and build across teams as well as some updates to the enrollment process and what the options for families affected by school closures will be.

The Commissioners all weighed in with their questions and concerns about the next stages of the plan and about how families and school sites will be notified. The long planned for enrollment revamp will be put on hold until the next cycle as zones will need to be reflective of the new school map.

The next big milestone will be September 18th when the district will announce what it is calling it’s new portfolio of schools. Which basically means the list of schools slated for mergers, co-locations and closures.

the hiring process presentation


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  30. School closures and hiring issues in San Francisco

    The San Francisco Unified School District school board met to present a status report on their process for ... said the hiring blockages and delays were unacceptable and that there would be an action review at the next board meeting to address the issues to "get to the bottom of why we have these delays". The presentation on the ...