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Profile image of France Chavangwane

The document provides a clear structure on how to write the essays. This document has been created from information available from the internet and it is not meant for any business purposes (FREE SUPPLY) but to help South African Life sciences Learners by gathering all the important information together. Not for market purposes only meant at assisting the Learners with a simple clear alternative in the essay writing, With a compilation of essays from Grade 12-10. You have to read the essays with understanding and never try to memorize them, as that is never part of learning. We aimed at creating independent and innovative thinkers of the south African as non-profit organization. Sources 1. I’solezwe lesiXhosa, 17 September, 2015 page 11 2. Life Sciences Academics (Facebook page), DR Marian Ross 3. 4. South African Department Basic Education Exam question papers and memorandums available from 5. Mr. Chaple's Science Class Blog 6. Eastern Cape Department of Education

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Life Sciences have always been a fundamental area of science. The exponential increase in the quantity of scientific information and the rate, at which new discoveries are made, require very elaborate, interdisciplinary and up-to-date information and their understanding. This fourth edition of Life sciences, Fundamentals and practice includes extensive revisions of the previous edition. We have attempted to provide an extraordinarily large amount of information from the enormous and ever-growing field in an easily retrievable form. It is written in clear and concise language to enhance self-motivation and strategic learning skill of the students and empowering them with a mechanism to measure and analyze their abilities and the confidence of winning. We have given equal importance to text and illustrations. The fourth edition has a number of new figures to enhance understanding. At the same time, we avoid excess details, which can obscure the main point of the figure. We have retained the design elements that have evolved through the previous editions to make the book easier to read. Sincere efforts have been made to support textual clarifications and explanations with the help of flow charts, figures and tables to make learning easy and convincing. The chapters have been supplemented with self-tests and questions so as to check one’s own level of understanding. We hope you will find this book interesting, relevant and challenging.

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List of Life Sciences essays for Grade 10, 11 and 12 (South Africa)

Life Sciences essays for Grade 1 0, 11 and 12 (South Africa):

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List of Life Sciences essays for Grade 10, 11 and 12


Essay Question: Write a short essay explaining the homeostatic functioning of the nephron if a person is suffering from dehydration

Life Sciences essays for Grade 10, 11 and 12

When the water content of the body drops below normal, the following happens

  • the osmotic potential of the blood increases √  
  • which stimulates the osmoreceptors in the hypothalamus √
  • which produces ADH
  • to transmit impulses to the pituitary gland (hypophysis) √
  • to release more ADH √ in to the blood
  • ADH is transported by bloodstream to the kidney √ where this hormone increases the permeability √ of the walls of the distal convoluted tubule and collecting duct √
  • more water √ is re-absorbed from the filtrate √
  • and small amount of concentrated urine √ is excreted
  • the adrenal gland √ secrete aldosterone √ which cause sodium ions √ to be actively √ pumped out of the filtrate √ in the ascending limb of loop of Henle √ in to the tissue fluid of the kidney medulla √
  • this creates a low water potential √ and water moves by passive osmosis √  from the collecting tubule √  in to the tissue fluid of the medulla √ from where it is absorbed in to the blood capillaries √


Essay Question: Write a mini essay on ecotourism in South Africa using the following guideline

  • Brief explanation of what ecotourism entails,
  • Long term sustainability and Possible threat to Ecotourism  
  • Ecotourism is mainly inclined to promote environmental awareness and instil asense of appreciation of natural formations and beauty.
  • It makes people respect the existence of other living organisms (fauna and flora) that shares the resources of the planet earth
  • Its main clients are people who are interested in preserving the environment.
  • A potential ecotourist prefers to spend his/her holidays in a natural environment to experience and be part of the environment
  • They like to visit and spend time in quiet natural settings such as unspoiled beaches, river mouths, waterfalls, wet lands with lush green forests, gorges,mountains etc.
  • Always prefer to use eco-friendly mode of transport to cause less pollution and damage to fauna and flora
  • Encourages people to consume naturally grown, fresh produce from the area
  • Greater emphasis is placed on the well-being of local people and constantly look for ways and means to contribute towards the local economy
  • Eco-friendly accommodation is provided for visitors to minimise the possible human impact on the surrounding area
  • Renewable energy is utilised wherever possible

Long term sustainability

Educate the local population about the importance of conserving the natural resources.

  • The involvement of the local community should be prioritised.•
  • Active participation generates income for local communities. e.g. selling composts, organic food products.
  •  Job creation alleviates poverty. e.g. tour guides, security personnel, and creating opportunities to sell and exhibit art work.
  • Ownership of the concept leads to proper caring and protection of the fauna and flora. e.g. prevention of poaching, illegal smuggling of exotic animals and plants, discourages over exploitation of natural resources.
  • Part of the income generated can be utilised for conservation and rehabilitation projects.
  • Cementing strong partnership with the private and public sector could provide more management and financial support

Possible threats to ecotourism

  • Poaching / illegal hunting
  • Crime and violence against tourists
  • Illegal trade of exotic plants and animals
  • Illegal occupation of land and the establishment of squatter camps
  • Natural disasters. e.g. wild fires, droughts, floods, etc.
  • Deforestation• Extension of farming lands
  • Illegal dumping of waste
  • Illegal developments e.g. hotels and golf estates, airports, stadia. etc.
  • Building of dams in an ecologically sensitive area
  • Miningo Exploitation of tourists

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Essay on Science in Everyday Life

500 words essay on science in everyday life.

Science is a big blessing to humanity. Furthermore, science, in spite of some of its negativities, makes lives better for people by removing ignorance, suffering and hardship. Let us take a look at the impact of science in our lives with this essay on science in everyday life.

essay on science in everyday life

                                                                                                                   Essay On Science In Everyday Life

Benefits of Science

Science very efficiently plays the role of being a faithful servant of man. In every walk of life, science is there to serve us. We require the benefits of science whether in our home, in office, in a factory, or outside.

Gone are the days when only wealthy people could afford luxuries. Science has made many luxurious items of the past cheaper in price and has brought them within the reach of everybody.

Computer technology is one huge benefit of science. Nowadays, it would be unimaginable to consider living without computing technology.

A huge number of professions now rely totally on the computer and the internet. Besides, the computer and the internet have become our biggest source of entertainment in our everyday life.

Automobiles, an important scientific invention, has made our lives easy by significantly reducing everyday commuting time. The air conditioner is another scientific invention that has made our lives bearable and comfortable in the face of extreme weather conditions. Also, in the field of medical science, high-quality medicines are available that quickly remove any ailment that can happen in everyday life like headache, sprain, cough, allergy, stomach ache, fatigue etc.

Dark Side of Science

In spite of its tremendous benefits, there is a negative side to science. Science, unfortunately, has also done some disservice to humanity due to some of its inventions.

One of the biggest harms that science has brought to humanity is in the field of armament. Although some hail the invention of gunpowder as a great achievement, humanity must rue the day when this invention happened.

Steadily and relentlessly, the use and perfection of gunpowder have taken place in many new and more destructive weapons. As such, humanity now suffers due to weapons like shells, bombs, artillery, and guns. Such weapons threaten the everyday life of all individuals.

Another disservice of science has been the emission of pollution. A huge amount of radioactive pollution is emitted in various parts of the world where nuclear energy production happens. Such pollution is very dangerous as it can cause cancer, radioactive sickness, and cardiovascular disease.

Of course, who can ignore the massive amount of air pollution caused by automobiles, another scientific invention. Furthermore, automobiles are an everyday part of our lives that emit unimaginable levels of carbon monoxide in the air every year. Consequently, this causes various lung diseases and also contributes to global warming and acid rain.

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Conclusion of the Essay on Science in Everyday Life

There is no doubt that science has brought about one of the greatest benefits to mankind, in spite of some of its negativities. Furthermore, science certainly has made the most impact in adding comfort to our everyday lives. As such, we must always show utmost respect to scientists for their efforts.

FAQs for Essay on Science in Everyday Life

Question 1: What is the most important or main purpose of science?

Answer 1: The most important or main purpose of science is to explain the facts. Furthermore, there is no restriction in science to explain facts at random. Moreover, science systematizes the facts and builds up theories that give an explanation of such facts.

Question 2: Explain what is a scientific fact?

Answer 2: A scientific fact refers to a repeatable careful observation or measurement that takes place by experimentation or other means. Furthermore, a scientific fact is also called empirical evidence. Most noteworthy, scientific facts are key for the building of scientific theories.

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Critical Writing Program: Climate Science and Action: Earth in Crisis - Fall 2024: Researching the White Paper

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Research the White Paper

Researching the white paper:.

The process of researching and composing a white paper shares some similarities with the kind of research and writing one does for a high school or college research paper. What’s important for writers of white papers to grasp, however, is how much this genre differs from a research paper.  First, the author of a white paper already recognizes that there is a problem to be solved, a decision to be made, and the job of the author is to provide readers with substantive information to help them make some kind of decision--which may include a decision to do more research because major gaps remain. 

Thus, a white paper author would not “brainstorm” a topic. Instead, the white paper author would get busy figuring out how the problem is defined by those who are experiencing it as a problem. Typically that research begins in popular culture--social media, surveys, interviews, newspapers. Once the author has a handle on how the problem is being defined and experienced, its history and its impact, what people in the trenches believe might be the best or worst ways of addressing it, the author then will turn to academic scholarship as well as “grey” literature (more about that later).  Unlike a school research paper, the author does not set out to argue for or against a particular position, and then devote the majority of effort to finding sources to support the selected position.  Instead, the author sets out in good faith to do as much fact-finding as possible, and thus research is likely to present multiple, conflicting, and overlapping perspectives. When people research out of a genuine desire to understand and solve a problem, they listen to every source that may offer helpful information. They will thus have to do much more analysis, synthesis, and sorting of that information, which will often not fall neatly into a “pro” or “con” camp:  Solution A may, for example, solve one part of the problem but exacerbate another part of the problem. Solution C may sound like what everyone wants, but what if it’s built on a set of data that have been criticized by another reliable source?  And so it goes. 

For example, if you are trying to write a white paper on the opioid crisis, you may focus on the value of  providing free, sterilized needles--which do indeed reduce disease, and also provide an opportunity for the health care provider distributing them to offer addiction treatment to the user. However, the free needles are sometimes discarded on the ground, posing a danger to others; or they may be shared; or they may encourage more drug usage. All of those things can be true at once; a reader will want to know about all of these considerations in order to make an informed decision. That is the challenging job of the white paper author.     
 The research you do for your white paper will require that you identify a specific problem, seek popular culture sources to help define the problem, its history, its significance and impact for people affected by it.  You will then delve into academic and grey literature to learn about the way scholars and others with professional expertise answer these same questions. In this way, you will create creating a layered, complex portrait that provides readers with a substantive exploration useful for deliberating and decision-making. You will also likely need to find or create images, including tables, figures, illustrations or photographs, and you will document all of your sources. 

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Russian publishers in exile release books the Kremlin would ban

Michele Kelemen 2010

Michele Kelemen

The StraightForward Foundation helps Russian authors publish abroad. Here are the French and Russian edition covers of a book about the Russian mercenary Wagner Group, by Ilia Barabanov and Denis Korotkov.

The StraightForward Foundation helps Russian authors publish abroad. Here are the French and Russian edition covers of a book about the Russian mercenary Wagner Group, by Ilia Barabanov and Denis Korotkov. Edition Flammarion; hide caption

In Vladimir Putin’s Russia, writing about certain subjects — the war in Ukraine, the Russian Orthodox Church or LGBTQ+ life — can mean prison time. But for a new generation of Russian writers living in exile, efforts to resist censorship are alive and well.

Taking inspiration from Soviet dissidents, publishers are finding innovative ways to bypass Russia’s draconian restrictions.

In the Soviet times, passing around banned books was dangerous because police could easily trace them. Now, with digital files, they can be shared without a trace, if done smartly, explains 35-year-old Felix Sandalov, who now lives in exile in Berlin.

Sandalov leads the StraightForward Foundation , which acts like a pro bono literary agency. It connects Russian authors, writing about sensitive topics, to publishers abroad, who publish their work in different languages. The foundation only requires that the authors agree to post the Russian versions of their manuscripts online for free for readers back home.

The goal is simple but ambitious: to document the harsh realities of modern Russia, from the war in Ukraine to political persecution, and make these works accessible to the Russian people.

"There’s an urge to document it," Sandalov said in an interview, reflecting on the "catastrophes and war crimes" that have unfolded under Putin’s government.

Photo of Felix Sandalov

Photo of Felix Sandalov Masha Kushnir hide caption

Sandalov’s strategy recalls practices known as samizdat from the Soviet era, when dissidents circulated typewritten copies of banned manuscripts like The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov or Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s The Gulag Archipelago .

In today’s digital age, the risks are different.

Their first major release, a book about Russia’s mercenary Wagner Group, has reached more than 30,000 readers in just a few weeks, thanks to the digital distribution of free PDFs online. In a nation where independent journalism has been stifled and government propaganda reigns, these books offer a rare, uncensored view of current events.

In acceptance speech, Russian Nobel Peace Prize co-laureate condemns Ukraine war

In acceptance speech, Russian Nobel Peace Prize co-laureate condemns Ukraine war

Another recent release explores the story of Memorial, the Nobel Peace Prize-winning human rights organization. Memorial, once a key voice in documenting Soviet-era crimes, was forcibly shut down by the Russian government at the end of 2021. Author Sergey Bondarenko worked for Memorial, but “is nevertheless able to look at it through a kind of critical lens, said Aleksandr Gorbachev, the editor-in-chief of the StraightForward Foundation. He said Bondarenko is trying to understand what went wrong and why Memorial and other rights groups were not able to prevent “the authoritarianism that rules the country.”

Photo of Alexey Dokuchaev

Photo of Alexey Dokuchaev Alexey Dokuchaev hide caption

Other books in the works include a family history of a woman from Chechnya, including her perspective of Putin’s crackdown on region, an examination of the Russian Orthodox Church and its ties to the Kremlin, and a book jointly written by Ukrainian and Russian journalists about the kidnapping of Ukrainian children by Russia.

Popular authors in Russia, who have spoken out against Russia’s war in Ukraine, have seen their books taken off the shelves. In Russia, it is forbidden to even describe the “special military operation” in Ukraine as a war or to discredit the armed forces.

The StraightFoward Foundation’s Alexey Dokuchaev had to sell off his two publishing houses, Individuum and Popcorn Books, after a backlash over a widely popular young adult novel, Summer in a Pioneer Tie . It ran afoul of Russia's ban on LGBT "propaganda" and Dokuchaev was blacklisted as a "foreign agent" — a label the Kremlin often uses for people who violate its increasingly draconian censorship laws.

Now living in Belgrade, Dokuchaev said he fears he would be jailed if he returns to Russia. A life in exile was not what the 43-year-old had imagined for himself. Dokuchaev once formed a youth political party called the First Free Generation, “because we were the first generation, who were actually Soviet-free,” he said. Little did he know how things would turn out.

In exile, he's trying to help writers expose the truth about Russia, as Soviet dissidents did decades ago.



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    LIFE Sciences RRP TEST 1 04 August 2024; PDF Scanner 01-08-24 6 - I want to do a recap about what i have learnt; ... GRADE 12 Life sciences grade12 essay questions 2018 LIFE SCIENCES GRADE 12 COMPILATION OF POSDIBLE ESSAYS COMPILED BY :TLHAKO JOSIAS YEAR : 2018 FACEBOOK PAGE :LIFESCIENCE/GRADE12/ WHATSAPP NO : 062-634-USE THIS DOCUMENT AS YOUR

  15. Essay on Science in Everyday Life in English

    500 Words Essay On Science in Everyday Life. Science is a big blessing to humanity. Furthermore, science, in spite of some of its negativities, makes lives better for people by removing ignorance, suffering and hardship. Let us take a look at the impact of science in our lives with this essay on science in everyday life.

  16. PDF Via Afrika Life Sciences

    Life Sciences. Grade 10 Study Guide. M.Bowie, A. Johannes, R. Mhlongo, E. Pretorius Grade 10 . Teacher's Guide Via Afrika Life Sciences. Via Afrika understands, values and supports your role as a teacher. You have the most important job in education, and we realise that your responsibilities involve far more than just teaching.

  17. PDF Guide to Using and Citing Sources When Writing in the Life Sciences

    A Student's Guide to Writing in the Life Sciences. This document provides helpful tips for how to write in the life sciences including how to find and incorporate references. Online pdf (linked here); printed copies in the Life Sciences office. Harvard Guide to Using Sources. This document provides a thorough overview of how to cite all ...

  18. Summary Grade 12 IEB Life Sciences/Biology

    Institution. 12. A comprehensive guide to writing an IEB Life Sciences Essay. Includes the ideal planning format, general structural notes, tips and the official IEB memorandum. Applicable to all IEB Grade 12s. Makes reference to 3 videos, all linked in the notes. Credit to Hanette Bouwer. Preview 1 out of 4 pages.

  19. Grade 12 Life Sciences Exploring Essays

    sperm cell essay (paper 1) 14 sperm cell essay (paper1) 15 hormone essay (paper 1) 16 process of pregnancy and developmentof 17 zygote (paper 1) genetic variation (paper 2) 18 mutations and genetic disorders leading 19. compiled by sbumkansi and solly makhongla |life science grade 12. stem cells essay (paper2) 20 hearing, human eye ,balance and 21

  20. 1: Introduction to Life Science

    The LibreTexts libraries are Powered by NICE CXone Expert and are supported by the Department of Education Open Textbook Pilot Project, the UC Davis Office of the Provost, the UC Davis Library, the California State University Affordable Learning Solutions Program, and Merlot. We also acknowledge previous National Science Foundation support under grant numbers 1246120, 1525057, and 1413739.

  21. LIFE SCIENCES Grade 12 Past Exam Papers

    Welcome to the GRADE 12 LIFE SCIENCES Past Exam Paper Page. Here, you'll find a comprehensive range of grade 12 past year exam papers and memos, ranging from 2024 to as far back as 2009. Our collection will help you prepare for your upcoming exams by familiarizing yourself with the exam format and identifying areas for improvement.

  22. Critical Writing Program: Climate Science and Action: Earth in Crisis

    Librarians staff live chat from 9-5 Monday through Friday. You can also text to chat: 215-543-7674; You can submit a question 24 hours a day and we aim to respond within 24 hours ; You can click the "Schedule Appointment" button above in librarian's profile box (to the left), to schedule a consultation with her in person or by video conference.

  23. A Day in the Life of Ariana Remmel

    Ariana Remmel is a freelance reporter, essayist, and audio producer based in Arkansas. Ari started their career as a chemist before making the switch to journalism through the UC Santa Cruz Science Communication Program in 2020. Their work has appeared in Audubon, Catapult, Nature, Science, and other publications. When Ari isn't writing, they're birding.

  24. Russia's exiles publish books Kremlin would ban : NPR

    In Vladimir Putin's Russia, writing about the war in Ukraine, the church or LGBTQ+ life could land you in jail. A new organization helps authors publish books in Russian they couldn't back home.