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The Most Important Research Skills (With Examples)

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Research skills are the ability to find out accurate information on a topic. They include being able to determine the data you need, find and interpret those findings, and then explain that to others. Being able to do effective research is a beneficial skill in any profession, as data and research inform how businesses operate. Whether you’re unsure of your research skills or are looking for ways to further improve them, then this article will cover important research skills and how to become even better at research. Key Takeaways Having strong research skills can help you understand your competitors, develop new processes, and build your professional skills in addition to aiding you in finding new customers and saving your company money. Some of the most valuable research skills you can have include goal setting, data collection, and analyzing information from multiple sources. You can and should put your research skills on your resume and highlight them in your job interviews. In This Article    Skip to section What are research skills? Why are research skills important? 12 of the most important research skills How to improve your research skills Highlighting your research skills in a job interview How to include research skills on your resume Resume examples showcasing research skills Research skills FAQs References Sign Up For More Advice and Jobs Show More What are research skills?

Research skills are the necessary tools to be able to find, compile, and interpret information in order to answer a question. Of course, there are several aspects to this. Researchers typically have to decide how to go about researching a problem — which for most people is internet research.

In addition, you need to be able to interpret the reliability of a source, put the information you find together in an organized and logical way, and be able to present your findings to others. That means that they’re comprised of both hard skills — knowing your subject and what’s true and what isn’t — and soft skills. You need to be able to interpret sources and communicate clearly.

Why are research skills important?

Research skills are useful in any industry, and have applications in innovation, product development, competitor research, and many other areas. In addition, the skills used in researching aren’t only useful for research. Being able to interpret information is a necessary skill, as is being able to clearly explain your reasoning.

Research skills are used to:

Do competitor research. Knowing what your biggest competitors are up to is an essential part of any business. Researching what works for your competitors, what they’re doing better than you, and where you can improve your standing with the lowest resource expenditure are all essential if a company wants to remain functional.

Develop new processes and products. You don’t have to be involved in research and development to make improvements in how your team gets things done. Researching new processes that make your job (and those of your team) more efficient will be valued by any sensible employer.

Foster self-improvement. Folks who have a knack and passion for research are never content with doing things the same way they’ve always been done. Organizations need independent thinkers who will seek out their own answers and improve their skills as a matter of course. These employees will also pick up new technologies more easily.

Manage customer relationships. Being able to conduct research on your customer base is positively vital in virtually every industry. It’s hard to move products or sell services if you don’t know what people are interested in. Researching your customer base’s interests, needs, and pain points is a valuable responsibility.

Save money. Whether your company is launching a new product or just looking for ways to scale back its current spending, research is crucial for finding wasted resources and redirecting them to more deserving ends. Anyone who proactively researches ways that the company can save money will be highly appreciated by their employer.

Solve problems. Problem solving is a major part of a lot of careers, and research skills are instrumental in making sure your solution is effective. Finding out the cause of the problem and determining an effective solution both require accurate information, and research is the best way to obtain that — be it via the internet or by observation.

Determine reliable information. Being able to tell whether or not the information you receive seems accurate is a very valuable skill. While research skills won’t always guarantee that you’ll be able to tell the reliability of the information at first glance, it’ll prevent you from being too trusting. And it’ll give the tools to double-check .

12 of the most important research skills

Experienced researchers know that worthwhile investigation involves a variety of skills. Consider which research skills come naturally to you, and which you could work on more.

Data collection . When thinking about the research process, data collection is often the first thing that comes to mind. It is the nuts and bolts of research. How data is collected can be flexible.

For some purposes, simply gathering facts and information on the internet can fulfill your need. Others may require more direct and crowd-sourced research. Having experience in various methods of data collection can make your resume more impressive to recruiters.

Data collection methods include: Observation Interviews Questionnaires Experimentation Conducting focus groups

Analysis of information from different sources. Putting all your eggs in one source basket usually results in error and disappointment. One of the skills that good researchers always incorporate into their process is an abundance of sources. It’s also best practice to consider the reliability of these sources.

Are you reading about U.S. history on a conspiracy theorist’s blog post? Taking facts for a presentation from an anonymous Twitter account?

If you can’t determine the validity of the sources you’re using, it can compromise all of your research. That doesn’t mean just disregard anything on the internet but double-check your findings. In fact, quadruple-check. You can make your research even stronger by turning to references outside of the internet.

Examples of reliable information sources include: Published books Encyclopedias Magazines Databases Scholarly journals Newspapers Library catalogs

Finding information on the internet. While it can be beneficial to consulate alternative sources, strong internet research skills drive modern-day research.

One of the great things about the internet is how much information it contains, however, this comes with digging through a lot of garbage to get to the facts you need. The ability to efficiently use the vast database of knowledge that is on the internet without getting lost in the junk is very valuable to employers.

Internet research skills include: Source checking Searching relevant questions Exploring deeper than the first options Avoiding distraction Giving credit Organizing findings

Interviewing. Some research endeavors may require a more hands-on approach than just consulting internet sources. Being prepared with strong interviewing skills can be very helpful in the research process.

Interviews can be a useful research tactic to gain first-hand information and being able to manage a successful interview can greatly improve your research skills.

Interviewing skills involves: A plan of action Specific, pointed questions Respectfulness Considering the interview setting Actively Listening Taking notes Gratitude for participation

Report writing. Possessing skills in report writing can assist you in job and scholarly research. The overall purpose of a report in any context is to convey particular information to its audience.

Effective report writing is largely dependent on communication. Your boss, professor , or general reader should walk away completely understanding your findings and conclusions.

Report writing skills involve: Proper format Including a summary Focusing on your initial goal Creating an outline Proofreading Directness

Critical thinking. Critical thinking skills can aid you greatly throughout the research process, and as an employee in general. Critical thinking refers to your data analysis skills. When you’re in the throes of research, you need to be able to analyze your results and make logical decisions about your findings.

Critical thinking skills involve: Observation Analysis Assessing issues Problem-solving Creativity Communication

Planning and scheduling. Research is a work project like any other, and that means it requires a little forethought before starting. Creating a detailed outline map for the points you want to touch on in your research produces more organized results.

It also makes it much easier to manage your time. Planning and scheduling skills are important to employers because they indicate a prepared employee.

Planning and scheduling skills include: Setting objectives Identifying tasks Prioritizing Delegating if needed Vision Communication Clarity Time-management

Note-taking. Research involves sifting through and taking in lots of information. Taking exhaustive notes ensures that you will not neglect any findings later and allows you to communicate these results to your co-workers. Being able to take good notes helps summarize research.

Examples of note-taking skills include: Focus Organization Using short-hand Keeping your objective in mind Neatness Highlighting important points Reviewing notes afterward

Communication skills. Effective research requires being able to understand and process the information you receive, either written or spoken. That means that you need strong reading comprehension and writing skills — two major aspects of communication — as well as excellent listening skills.

Most research also involves showcasing your findings. This can be via a presentation. , report, chart, or Q&A. Whatever the case, you need to be able to communicate your findings in a way that educates your audience.

Communication skills include: Reading comprehension Writing Listening skills Presenting to an audience Creating graphs or charts Explaining in layman’s terms

Time management. We’re, unfortunately, only given 24 measly hours in a day. The ability to effectively manage this time is extremely powerful in a professional context. Hiring managers seek candidates who can accomplish goals in a given timeframe.

Strong time management skills mean that you can organize a plan for how to break down larger tasks in a project and complete them by a deadline. Developing your time management skills can greatly improve the productivity of your research.

Time management skills include: Scheduling Creating task outlines Strategic thinking Stress-management Delegation Communication Utilizing resources Setting realistic expectations Meeting deadlines

Using your network. While this doesn’t seem immediately relevant to research skills, remember that there are a lot of experts out there. Knowing what people’s areas of expertise and asking for help can be tremendously beneficial — especially if it’s a subject you’re unfamiliar with.

Your coworkers are going to have different areas of expertise than you do, and your network of people will as well. You may even know someone who knows someone who’s knowledgeable in the area you’re researching. Most people are happy to share their expertise, as it’s usually also an area of interest to them.

Networking involves: Remembering people’s areas of expertise Being willing to ask for help Communication Returning favors Making use of advice Asking for specific assistance

Attention to detail. Research is inherently precise. That means that you need to be attentive to the details, both in terms of the information you’re gathering, but also in where you got it from. Making errors in statistics can have a major impact on the interpretation of the data, not to mention that it’ll reflect poorly on you.

There are proper procedures for citing sources that you should follow. That means that your sources will be properly credited, preventing accusations of plagiarism. In addition, it means that others can make use of your research by returning to the original sources.

Attention to detail includes: Double checking statistics Taking notes Keeping track of your sources Staying organized Making sure graphs are accurate and representative Properly citing sources

How to improve your research skills

As with many professional skills, research skills serve us in our day to day life. Any time you search for information on the internet, you’re doing research. That means that you’re practicing it outside of work as well. If you want to continue improving your research skills, both for professional and personal use, here are some tips to try.

Differentiate between source quality. A researcher is only as good as their worst source. Start paying attention to the quality of the sources you use, and be suspicious of everything your read until you check out the attributions and works cited.

Be critical and ask yourself about the author’s bias, where the author’s research aligns with the larger body of verified research in the field, and what publication sponsored or published the research.

Use multiple resources. When you can verify information from a multitude of sources, it becomes more and more credible. To bolster your faith in one source, see if you can find another source that agrees with it.

Don’t fall victim to confirmation bias. Confirmation bias is when a researcher expects a certain outcome and then goes to find data that supports this hypothesis. It can even go so far as disregarding anything that challenges the researcher’s initial hunch. Be prepared for surprising answers and keep an open mind.

Be open to the idea that you might not find a definitive answer. It’s best to be honest and say that you found no definitive answer instead of just confirming what you think your boss or coworkers expect or want to hear. Experts and good researchers are willing to say that they don’t know.

Stay organized. Being able to cite sources accurately and present all your findings is just as important as conducting the research itself. Start practicing good organizational skills , both on your devices and for any physical products you’re using.

Get specific as you go. There’s nothing wrong with starting your research in a general way. After all, it’s important to become familiar with the terminology and basic gist of the researcher’s findings before you dig down into all the minutia.

Highlighting your research skills in a job interview

A job interview is itself a test of your research skills. You can expect questions on what you know about the company, the role, and your field or industry more generally. In order to give expert answers on all these topics, research is crucial.

Start by researching the company . Look into how they communicate with the public through social media, what their mission statement is, and how they describe their culture.

Pay close attention to the tone of their website. Is it hyper professional or more casual and fun-loving? All of these elements will help decide how best to sell yourself at the interview.

Next, research the role. Go beyond the job description and reach out to current employees working at your desired company and in your potential department. If you can find out what specific problems your future team is or will be facing, you’re sure to impress hiring managers and recruiters with your ability to research all the facts.

Finally, take time to research the job responsibilities you’re not as comfortable with. If you’re applying for a job that represents increased difficulty or entirely new tasks, it helps to come into the interview with at least a basic knowledge of what you’ll need to learn.

How to include research skills on your resume

Research projects require dedication. Being committed is a valuable skill for hiring managers. Whether you’ve had research experience throughout education or a former job, including it properly can boost the success of your resume .

Consider how extensive your research background is. If you’ve worked on multiple, in-depth research projects, it might be best to include it as its own section. If you have less research experience, include it in the skills section .

Focus on your specific role in the research, as opposed to just the research itself. Try to quantify accomplishments to the best of your abilities. If you were put in charge of competitor research, for example, list that as one of the tasks you had in your career.

If it was a particular project, such as tracking the sale of women’s clothing at a tee-shirt company, you can say that you “directed analysis into women’s clothing sales statistics for a market research project.”

Ascertain how directly research skills relate to the job you’re applying for. How strongly you highlight your research skills should depend on the nature of the job the resume is for. If research looks to be a strong component of it, then showcase all of your experience.

If research looks to be tangential, then be sure to mention it — it’s a valuable skill — but don’t put it front and center.

Resume examples showcasing research skills

Example #1: Academic Research

Simon Marks 767 Brighton Blvd. | Brooklyn, NY, 27368 | (683)-262-8883 | [email protected] Diligent and hardworking recent graduate seeking a position to develop professional experience and utilize research skills. B.A. in Biological Sciences from New York University. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Lixus Publishing , Brooklyn, NY Office Assistant- September 2018-present Scheduling and updating meetings Managing emails and phone calls Reading entries Worked on a science fiction campaign by researching target demographic Organizing calendars Promoted to office assistant after one year internship Mitch’s Burgers and Fries , Brooklyn, NY Restaurant Manager , June 2014-June 2018 Managed a team of five employees Responsible for coordinating the weekly schedule Hired and trained two employees Kept track of inventory Dealt with vendors Provided customer service Promoted to restaurant manager after two years as a waiter Awarded a $2.00/hr wage increase SKILLS Writing Scientific Research Data analysis Critical thinking Planning Communication RESEARCH Worked on an ecosystem biology project with responsibilities for algae collection and research (2019) Lead a group of freshmen in a research project looking into cell biology (2018) EDUCATION New York University Bachelors in Biological Sciences, September 2016-May 2020

Example #2: Professional Research

Angela Nichols 1111 Keller Dr. | San Francisco, CA | (663)-124-8827 |[email protected] Experienced and enthusiastic marketer with 7 years of professional experience. Seeking a position to apply my marketing and research knowledge. Skills in working on a team and flexibility. EXPERIENCE Apples amp; Oranges Marketing, San Francisco, CA Associate Marketer – April 2017-May 2020 Discuss marketing goals with clients Provide customer service Lead campaigns associated with women’s health Coordinating with a marketing team Quickly solving issues in service and managing conflict Awarded with two raises totaling $10,000 over three years Prestigious Marketing Company, San Francisco, CA Marketer – May 2014-April 2017 Working directly with clients Conducting market research into television streaming preferences Developing marketing campaigns related to television streaming services Report writing Analyzing campaign success statistics Promoted to Marketer from Junior Marketer after the first year Timberlake Public Relations, San Francisco, CA Public Relations Intern – September 2013–May 2014 Working cohesively with a large group of co-workers and supervisors Note-taking during meetings Running errands Managing email accounts Assisting in brainstorming Meeting work deadlines EDUCATION Golden Gate University, San Francisco, CA Bachelor of Arts in Marketing with a minor in Communications – September 2009 – May 2013 SKILLS Marketing Market research Record-keeping Teamwork Presentation. Flexibility

Research skills FAQs

What research skills are important?

Goal-setting and data collection are important research skills. Additional important research skills include:

Using different sources to analyze information.

Finding information on the internet.

Interviewing sources.

Writing reports.

Critical thinking.

Planning and scheduling.


Managing time.

How do you develop good research skills?

You develop good research skills by learning how to find information from multiple high-quality sources, by being wary of confirmation bias, and by starting broad and getting more specific as you go.

When you learn how to tell a reliable source from an unreliable one and get in the habit of finding multiple sources that back up a claim, you’ll have better quality research.

In addition, when you learn how to keep an open mind about what you’ll find, you’ll avoid falling into the trap of confirmation bias, and by staying organized and narrowing your focus as you go (rather than before you start), you’ll be able to gather quality information more efficiently.

What is the importance of research?

The importance of research is that it informs most decisions and strategies in a business. Whether it’s deciding which products to offer or creating a marketing strategy, research should be used in every part of a company.

Because of this, employers want employees who have strong research skills. They know that you’ll be able to put them to work bettering yourself and the organization as a whole.

Should you put research skills on your resume?

Yes, you should include research skills on your resume as they are an important professional skill. Where you include your research skills on your resume will depend on whether you have a lot of experience in research from a previous job or as part of getting your degree, or if you’ve just cultivated them on your own.

If your research skills are based on experience, you could put them down under the tasks you were expected to perform at the job in question. If not, then you should likely list it in your skills section.

University of the People – The Best Research Skills for Success

Association of Internet Research Specialists — What are Research Skills and Why Are They Important?

MasterClass — How to Improve Your Research Skills: 6 Research Tips

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Sky Ariella is a professional freelance writer, originally from New York. She has been featured on websites and online magazines covering topics in career, travel, and lifestyle. She received her BA in psychology from Hunter College.

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What are research skills?

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Broadly, it includes a range of talents required to:

Find useful information

Perform critical analysis

Form hypotheses

Solve problems

It also includes processes such as time management, communication, and reporting skills to achieve those ends.

Research requires a blend of conceptual and detail-oriented modes of thinking. It tests one's ability to transition between subjective motivations and objective assessments to ensure only correct data fits into a meaningfully useful framework.

As countless fields increasingly rely on data management and analysis, polishing your research skills is an important, near-universal way to improve your potential of getting hired and advancing in your career.

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What are basic research skills?

Almost any research involves some proportion of the following fundamental skills:



Investigation and analysis

Creative thinking

What are primary research skills?

The following are some of the most universally important research skills that will help you in a wide range of positions:

Time management — From planning and organization to task prioritization and deadline management, time-management skills are highly in-demand workplace skills.

Problem-solving — Identifying issues, their causes, and key solutions are another essential suite of research skills.

Critical thinking — The ability to make connections between data points with clear reasoning is essential to navigate data and extract what's useful towards the original objective.

Communication — In any collaborative environment, team-building and active listening will help researchers convey findings more effectively through data summarizations and report writing.

What are the most important skills in research?

Detail-oriented procedures are essential to research, which allow researchers and their audience to probe deeper into a subject and make connections they otherwise may have missed with generic overviews.

Maintaining priorities is also essential so that details fit within an overarching strategy. Lastly, decision-making is crucial because that's the only way research is translated into meaningful action.

  • Why are research skills important?

Good research skills are crucial to learning more about a subject, then using that knowledge to improve an organization's capabilities. Synthesizing that research and conveying it clearly is also important, as employees seek to share useful insights and inspire effective actions.

Effective research skills are essential for those seeking to:

Analyze their target market

Investigate industry trends

Identify customer needs

Detect obstacles

Find solutions to those obstacles

Develop new products or services

Develop new, adaptive ways to meet demands

Discover more efficient ways of acquiring or using resources

Why do we need research skills?

Businesses and individuals alike need research skills to clarify their role in the marketplace, which of course, requires clarity on the market in which they function in. High-quality research helps people stay better prepared for challenges by identifying key factors involved in their day-to-day operations, along with those that might play a significant role in future goals.

  • Benefits of having research skills

Research skills increase the effectiveness of any role that's dependent on information. Both individually and organization-wide, good research simplifies what can otherwise be unwieldy amounts of data. It can help maintain order by organizing information and improving efficiency, both of which set the stage for improved revenue growth.

Those with highly effective research skills can help reveal both:

Opportunities for improvement

Brand-new or previously unseen opportunities

Research skills can then help identify how to best take advantage of available opportunities. With today's increasingly data-driven economy, it will also increase your potential of getting hired and help position organizations as thought leaders in their marketplace.

  • Research skills examples

Being necessarily broad, research skills encompass many sub-categories of skillsets required to extrapolate meaning and direction from dense informational resources. Identifying, interpreting, and applying research are several such subcategories—but to be specific, workplaces of almost any type have some need of:

Searching for information

Attention to detail

Taking notes


Communicating results

Time management

  • How to improve your research skills

Whether your research goals are to learn more about a subject or enhance workflows, you can improve research skills with this failsafe, four-step strategy:

Make an outline, and set your intention(s)

Know your sources

Learn to use advanced search techniques

Practice, practice, practice (and don't be afraid to adjust your approach)

These steps could manifest themselves in many ways, but what's most important is that it results in measurable progress toward the original goals that compelled you to research a subject.

  • Using research skills at work

Different research skills will be emphasized over others, depending on the nature of your trade. To use research most effectively, concentrate on improving research skills most relevant to your position—or, if working solo, the skills most likely have the strongest impact on your goals.

You might divide the necessary research skills into categories for short, medium, and long-term goals or according to each activity your position requires. That way, when a challenge arises in your workflow, it's clearer which specific research skill requires dedicated attention.

How can I learn research skills?

Learning research skills can be done with a simple three-point framework:

Clarify the objective — Before delving into potentially overwhelming amounts of data, take a moment to define the purpose of your research. If at any point you lose sight of the original objective, take another moment to ask how you could adjust your approach to better fit the original objective.

Scrutinize sources — Cross-reference data with other sources, paying close attention to each author's credentials and motivations.

Organize research — Establish and continually refine a data-organization system that works for you. This could be an index of resources or compiling data under different categories designed for easy access.

Which careers require research skills?

Especially in today's world, most careers require some, if not extensive, research. Developers, marketers, and others dealing in primarily digital properties especially require extensive research skills—but it's just as important in building and manufacturing industries, where research is crucial to construct products correctly and safely.

Engineering, legal, medical, and literally any other specialized field will require excellent research skills. Truly, almost any career path will involve some level of research skills; and even those requiring only minimal research skills will at least require research to find and compare open positions in the first place.

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10 Research Skills and How To Develop Them

research skills

  • Updated December 25, 2023
  • Published August 8, 2023

Are you looking to learn more about Research skills? In this article, we discuss Research skills in more detail and give you tips about how you can develop and improve them.

What are Research skills?

Research skills refer to the ability to effectively and efficiently gather, analyze, and synthesize information to answer questions, solve problems, or contribute to a body of knowledge. These skills are essential for various fields and disciplines, ranging from academic and scientific research to business, journalism, and beyond. Effective research skills involve several key components:

Information Retrieval

Source evaluation.

  • Critical Thinking

Data Analysis

Problem formulation, organization and note-taking, synthesis and writing, ethical considerations, time management.

  • Adaptability

Top 10 Research Skills

Below we discuss the top 10 Research skills. Each skill is discussed in more detail, and we will also give you tips on improving them.

Information Retrieval is all about mastering the art of finding relevant and credible sources of information to support your research goals. This skill involves using various online and offline tools to locate the data, articles, studies, and materials that are most pertinent to your research topic. It’s like being a detective for knowledge – you’re trying to uncover valuable insights that will contribute to your research project.

To excel in Information Retrieval, you must become adept at effectively using search engines, databases, libraries, and other resources. It’s not just about typing keywords into a search bar; it’s about understanding how to refine your searches, use advanced search operators, and explore different databases and sources.

You’ll need to evaluate the quality and reliability of sources to ensure that the information you gather is trustworthy and accurate. This skill also requires critical thinking, as you’ll need to assess the relevance of sources to your research objectives.

How to Improve Information Retrieval

Improving your Information Retrieval skills involves a combination of practice, strategy, and awareness. Start by familiarizing yourself with different research databases and libraries relevant to your field. Experiment with various search terms and use advanced search operators to narrow down results. Take the time to evaluate the credibility of sources – look for peer-reviewed articles, authoritative authors, and reliable institutions. Keep track of your searches and results to refine your strategies over time.

Stay updated with the latest developments in search technology and research databases to optimize your information retrieval process. Remember, the more you practice and fine-tune your approach, the better you’ll become at uncovering valuable gems of information for your research endeavors.

Source Evaluation is about becoming a discerning judge of the information you encounter during your research journey. It involves assessing the credibility, reliability, and relevance of the sources you come across, ensuring that you’re building your work on a foundation of trustworthy and accurate information. Think of yourself as a gatekeeper, using only the most reliable and relevant sources to support your research.

You need to develop a critical eye to enhance your Source Evaluation skills. Begin by examining the authorship – who wrote the source, and what are their credentials? Peer-reviewed articles from established researchers are more reliable than anonymous blog posts. Consider the publication source – is it a reputable journal or website in your field?

Next, look for citations and references within the source – a well-researched work will often cite other credible sources. Additionally, evaluate the publication date – while older sources can provide historical context, ensure you’re using recent information for up-to-date insights.

How to Improve Source Evaluation

Improving your Source Evaluation skills requires a combination of awareness and practice. As you encounter new sources, ask questions about their credibility and relevance. Do evidence and references support the information? Does the author have any potential biases? Take advantage of critical thinking to analyze the source’s overall quality.

To further refine your skills, seek guidance from mentors, professors, or librarians who can provide valuable insights into evaluating sources. The more you engage with this skill, the better you’ll become at building a solid foundation for your research with credible and reliable materials.

Critical Thinking is the intellectual toolset that empowers you to analyze information objectively, discern patterns, and draw well-informed conclusions based on evidence. It’s like being a detective for ideas – you sift through data, identify biases, and unravel complexities to make informed judgments that drive your research forward with clarity and precision.

To hone your Critical Thinking skills, you need to cultivate a curious and analytical mindset. Start by questioning assumptions and biases in both your own thinking and the information you encounter.

When evaluating sources, consider multiple viewpoints and sources of evidence before forming conclusions. Develop the ability to identify logical fallacies or weak arguments that may distort the validity of your findings. Embrace open-mindedness and be willing to adapt your ideas when faced with compelling evidence that challenges your initial perspective.

How to Improve Critical Thinking

Improving your Critical Thinking skills requires practice and deliberate effort. Engage in discussions and debates within your field and beyond to expose yourself to diverse perspectives and sharpen your ability to analyze complex issues. Regularly challenge yourself to critically evaluate information, whether it’s a news article, a research paper, or a colleague’s argument.

Seek feedback from mentors or peers to refine your critical thinking process and identify areas for improvement. Remember, Critical Thinking is an ongoing journey that can be developed over time – the more you engage with it, the more adept you’ll become at navigating the intricate landscape of ideas in your research endeavors.

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Data Analysis is the art of processing, interpreting, and extracting meaningful insights from the raw information you’ve collected during your research journey. Think of it as deciphering a puzzle – you’re transforming numbers, observations, or qualitative data into a coherent narrative that answers your research questions and adds value to your work.

To excel in Data Analysis, you need to develop both quantitative and qualitative skills. For quantitative data, embrace statistical tools and techniques that help you identify trends, correlations, and patterns in your data sets. Practice using software like Excel, SPSS, or specialized tools for your field to perform statistical tests and visualize results effectively. For qualitative data, immerse yourself in the details, coding and categorizing themes to distill rich insights from textual or visual sources.

How to Improve Data Analysis

Improving your Data Analysis skills involves a combination of practice, learning, and refining your techniques. Start by immersing yourself in the basics of statistics and data analysis methodologies relevant to your research field. Engage in tutorials and online courses to familiarize yourself with various tools and software. As you analyze data, maintain clear documentation of your process and decisions, which will be crucial when presenting your findings.

Collaborate with peers or mentors who are experienced in data analysis to gain insights and feedback on your techniques. Remember, Data Analysis is about transforming data into knowledge – the more you engage with this skill, the better you’ll become at uncovering valuable insights that contribute to the depth and impact of your research.

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Problem Formulation is like setting the compass for your research journey – it involves defining clear and focused research questions or hypotheses that guide your entire investigation. Consider it the foundation of your work, as it shapes your approach, methods, and the ultimate impact of your research.

To master Problem Formulation, you need to become skilled in asking the right questions. Begin by thoroughly understanding the topic you’re exploring. What gaps or uncertainties do you notice in the existing knowledge? What specific aspect of the topic piques your interest? Craft research questions that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).

If you’re developing hypotheses, ensure they are testable and grounded in existing theories or observations. Your skills in Problem Formulation also extend to identifying the scope and boundaries of your research – understanding what you’re including and excluding from your study.

How to Improve Problem Formulation

Improving your Problem Formulation skills requires practice and iterative refinement. Start by conducting a comprehensive literature review to understand the existing research landscape in your area. This will help you identify potential gaps and formulate questions that build upon existing knowledge.

Discuss with peers, mentors, or experts in your field to gain different perspectives and insights into potential research problems. As you develop your skills, be open to revising and refining your research questions based on new information or insights. Remember, Problem Formulation is the compass that guides your research journey – the more you invest in crafting clear and well-defined questions, the more impactful and focused your research will be.

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Imagine these skills as your research toolkit for maintaining order amidst the vast sea of information you encounter. Organization involves structuring and managing your research materials, while Note-Taking ensures you capture valuable insights and details for future reference. Together, they help you stay on track and prevent valuable information from slipping through the cracks.

To excel in Organization and Note-Taking, you need to develop strategies that work best for you. Start by creating a systematic folder structure on your computer to store digital documents, articles, and data sets. For physical materials, consider using labeled folders or binders. As you gather information, employ tools like reference management software to keep track of your sources and generate citations efficiently.

Simultaneously, practice effective Note-Taking during your readings and research. Jot down key points, ideas, and relevant quotes in a structured format, whether you’re using a physical notebook or a digital note-taking app.

How to Improve Organization and Note-Taking

Improving your Organization and Note-Taking skills requires a mix of discipline and adaptability. Establish consistent routines for organizing research materials, updating folders, and managing citations. Regularly review and reorganize your notes to keep them relevant and accessible. Experiment with different note-taking techniques, such as outlining, summarizing, or mind mapping, to find the approach that aligns with your learning style.

Remember, Organization and Note-Taking are your allies in navigating the sea of information – the more you refine these skills, the smoother your research journey will become and the more confident you’ll be in tackling complex topics.

Synthesis and Writing are your means of weaving together the threads of information and insights you’ve collected into a coherent and impactful narrative. Think of it as crafting a masterpiece from the puzzle pieces of your research – you’re presenting your findings, analysis, and conclusions in a way that informs and engages your audience.

To excel in Synthesis and Writing, you must become a data and idea storyteller. Begin by outlining your research paper or report. Organize your findings logically, building a structured framework that guides your reader through your research journey. Ensure each section flows smoothly, connecting the dots between concepts and evidence. While writing, focus on clarity and conciseness – avoid jargon and convoluted language that may confuse your readers. Use effective transitions to guide them from one point to the next.

How to Improve Synthesis and Writing

Improving your Synthesis and Writing skills requires both practice and revision. Start by breaking down the writing process into manageable steps – drafting, revising, and editing. Give yourself time between drafting and revising to approach your work with fresh eyes. Critically evaluate your writing for clarity, coherence, and accuracy during revision.

Consider seeking feedback from peers, mentors, or writing centers to gain insights into improving your writing style. Study well-written papers in your field to observe how experienced researchers present their ideas effectively. Remember, Synthesis and Writing are your tools for communicating your research’s impact – the more you refine these skills, the more effectively you’ll share your discoveries and contribute to the body of knowledge in your field.

Ethical Considerations encompass the principles and guidelines that ensure your research is conducted with integrity, respect for participants’ rights, and a commitment to transparency. Think of it as the moral compass that guides your research journey, ensuring that your work upholds ethical standards and contributes positively to society.

To excel in Ethical Considerations, you need to become a guardian of ethical integrity in your research. Begin by understanding the ethical guidelines and regulations specific to your field and your research type. This involves respecting participants’ autonomy by obtaining informed consent, protecting their privacy and confidentiality, and ensuring they’re treated with dignity. Additionally, uphold intellectual honesty by properly attributing sources, avoiding plagiarism, and disclosing any potential conflicts of interest.

How to Improve Ethical Considerations

Improving your Ethical Considerations skills involves a combination of awareness and vigilance. Regularly educate yourself on the ethical codes and regulations relevant to your field and research methods. When designing your research, carefully plan how you will address ethical concerns and potential risks.

As you conduct your research, stay attuned to any ethical dilemmas that may arise and be prepared to address them appropriately. Remember, Ethical Considerations are at the heart of responsible research – the more you cultivate these skills, the more your work will contribute positively to both your field and society as a whole.

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Time Management involves the art of effectively allocating your time to different research tasks, ensuring that you meet deadlines, stay on track, and maintain a balanced workflow. Think of it as your compass for navigating the often-intricate landscape of research – it helps you stay organized, productive, and in control of your research journey.

To excel in Time Management, you need to become a master of planning and prioritization. Start by breaking down your research project into manageable tasks and setting realistic goals for each stage. Create a schedule that allocates research, data collection, analysis, writing, and revision time. Be mindful of your energy levels – tackle complex tasks during your most productive hours. Embrace tools like to-do lists, calendars, and time-tracking apps to keep yourself accountable and stay aware of your progress.

How to Improve Time Management

Improving your Time Management skills requires consistent practice and self-awareness. Continuously assess your progress against your planned schedule, adjusting as needed to accommodate unexpected challenges or new insights. Develop the skill of saying no to distractions and non-essential tasks that can derail your focus.

Break larger tasks into smaller, more manageable chunks to prevent feeling overwhelmed. Regularly reflect on your time allocation and efficiency – what strategies are working well, and where can you improve? Remember, Time Management is a skill that can significantly impact your research journey – the more you refine it, the more you’ll find yourself navigating your work with greater ease and achieving your research goals with greater success.

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Adaptability is the ability to flex and evolve in response to changing circumstances, unexpected findings, and new information that arise during your research journey. Think of it as your compass for navigating the dynamic and ever-changing landscape of research – it empowers you to embrace uncertainty and adjust your course to ensure the best outcomes for your work.

To excel in Adaptability, you need to cultivate a mindset that embraces change and seeks opportunities within challenges. Start by acknowledging that research is often full of surprises and plans might need to shift. Develop a sense of resilience by staying open to revising your research questions, altering methodologies, or exploring unanticipated angles.

Being adaptable also means being resourceful – finding alternative approaches when things don’t go as planned. Embrace feedback from peers, mentors, or unexpected results, and be ready to integrate this feedback to improve the quality of your research.

How to Improve Adaptability

Improving your Adaptability skills involves practicing flexibility and embracing a growth mindset. Regularly reassess your research plan and objectives in light of new information or developments. Embrace failures and setbacks as opportunities for learning and growth rather than roadblocks. Seek out interdisciplinary perspectives and engage with new ideas that challenge your assumptions.

As you navigate through unexpected turns, continuously reflect on what you’ve learned and how you’ve adapted, so you can refine your approach in the future. Remember, Adaptability is the key to thriving in the dynamic landscape of research – the more you foster this skill, the better equipped you’ll be to tackle unforeseen challenges and emerge stronger from your research journey.

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Research Skills Conclusion

In the pursuit of knowledge and discovery, honing research skills is the linchpin that sets the stage for success. Throughout this exploration of various research skills and how to nurture them, one thing becomes evident: deliberate practice and continuous improvement are the bedrock of growth. Developing research skills is not merely a checkbox to mark; it’s a journey that empowers you to excel in your field, make meaningful contributions, and amplify the impact of your work.

Improving these skills isn’t just an option – it’s a necessity in today’s job market. The ability to gather information effectively, critically evaluate sources, analyze data, formulate problems, synthesize findings, and more, transforms the research process from a mere task into a dynamic and transformative experience. These skills serve as the pillars that uphold the credibility and validity of your work, ensuring that your contributions stand the test of scrutiny and time.

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15 Steps to Good Research

  • Define and articulate a research question (formulate a research hypothesis). How to Write a Thesis Statement (Indiana University)
  • Identify possible sources of information in many types and formats. Georgetown University Library's Research & Course Guides
  • Judge the scope of the project.
  • Reevaluate the research question based on the nature and extent of information available and the parameters of the research project.
  • Select the most appropriate investigative methods (surveys, interviews, experiments) and research tools (periodical indexes, databases, websites).
  • Plan the research project. Writing Anxiety (UNC-Chapel Hill) Strategies for Academic Writing (SUNY Empire State College)
  • Retrieve information using a variety of methods (draw on a repertoire of skills).
  • Refine the search strategy as necessary.
  • Write and organize useful notes and keep track of sources. Taking Notes from Research Reading (University of Toronto) Use a citation manager: Zotero or Refworks
  • Evaluate sources using appropriate criteria. Evaluating Internet Sources
  • Synthesize, analyze and integrate information sources and prior knowledge. Georgetown University Writing Center
  • Revise hypothesis as necessary.
  • Use information effectively for a specific purpose.
  • Understand such issues as plagiarism, ownership of information (implications of copyright to some extent), and costs of information. Georgetown University Honor Council Copyright Basics (Purdue University) How to Recognize Plagiarism: Tutorials and Tests from Indiana University
  • Cite properly and give credit for sources of ideas. MLA Bibliographic Form (7th edition, 2009) MLA Bibliographic Form (8th edition, 2016) Turabian Bibliographic Form: Footnote/Endnote Turabian Bibliographic Form: Parenthetical Reference Use a citation manager: Zotero or Refworks

Adapted from the Association of Colleges and Research Libraries "Objectives for Information Literacy Instruction" , which are more complete and include outcomes. See also the broader "Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education."

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Research Skills: What they are and Benefits

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Research skills play a vital role in the success of any research project, enabling individuals to navigate the vast sea of information, analyze data critically, and draw meaningful conclusions. Whether conducting academic research, professional investigations, or personal inquiries, strong research skills are essential for obtaining accurate and reliable results.

LEARN ABOUT:   Research Process Steps

By understanding and developing these skills, individuals can embark on their research endeavors with confidence, integrity, and the capability to make meaningful contributions in their chosen fields. This article will explore the importance of research skills and discuss critical competencies necessary for conducting a research project effectively.

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What are Research Skills?

Important research skills for research project, benefits of research skills.

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Research skills are the capability a person carries to create new concepts and understand the use of data collection. These skills include techniques, documentation, and interpretation of the collected data. Research is conducted to evaluate hypotheses and share the findings most appropriately. Research skills improve as we gain experience.

To conduct efficient research, specific research skills are essential. These skills are necessary for companies to develop new products and services or enhance existing products. To develop good research skills is important for both the individual as well as the company.

When undertaking a research project, one must possess specific important skills to ensure the project’s success and accuracy. Here are some essential research skills that are crucial for conducting a project effectively:

Time Management Skills:

Time management is an essential research skill; it helps you break down your project into parts and enables you to manage it easier. One can create a dead-line oriented plan for the research project and assign time for each task. Time management skills include setting goals for the project, planning and organizing functions as per their priority, and efficiently delegating these tasks.

Communication Skills:

These skills help you understand and receive important information and also allow you to share your findings with others in an effective manner. Active listening and speaking are critical skills for solid communication. A researcher must have good communication skills.


The ability to handle complex situations and business challenges and come up with solutions for them is termed problem-solving. To problem-solve, you should be able to fully understand the extent of the problem and then break it down into smaller parts. Once segregated into smaller chunks, you can start thinking about each element and analyze it to find a solution.

Information gathering and attention to detail:

Relevant information is the key to good research design . Searching for credible resources and collecting information from there will help you strengthen your research proposal and drive you to solutions faster. Once you have access to information, paying close attention to all the details and drawing conclusions based on the findings is essential.

Research Design and Methodology :

Understanding research design and methodology is essential for planning and conducting a project. Depending on the research question and objectives, researchers must select appropriate research methods, such as surveys, experiments, interviews, or case studies. Proficiency in designing research protocols, data collection instruments, and sampling strategies is crucial for obtaining reliable and valid results.

Data Collection and Analysis :

Researchers should be skilled in collecting and analyzing data accurately. It involves designing data collection instruments, collecting data through various methods, such as surveys or observations, and organizing and analyzing the collected data using appropriate statistical or qualitative analysis techniques. Proficiency in using software tools like SPSS, Excel, or qualitative analysis software can be beneficial.

By developing and strengthening these research skills, researchers can enhance the quality and impact of their research process, contributing to good research skills in their respective fields.

Research skills are invaluable assets that can benefit individuals in various aspects of their lives. Here are some key benefits of developing and honing research skills:

Boosts Curiosity :

Curiosity is a strong desire to know things and a powerful learning driver. Curious researchers will naturally ask questions that demand answers and will stop in the search for answers. Interested people are better listeners and are open to listening to other people’s ideas and perspectives, not just their own.

Cultivates Self-awareness :

As well as being aware of other people’s subjective opinions, one must develop the importance of research skills and be mindful of the benefits of awareness research; we are exposed to many things while researching. Once we start doing research, the benefit from it reflects on the beliefs and attitudes and encourages them to open their minds to other perspectives and ways of looking at things.

Effective Communication:

Research skills contribute to practical communication skills by enhancing one’s ability to articulate ideas, opinions, and findings clearly and coherently. Through research, individuals learn to organize their thoughts, present evidence-based arguments, and effectively convey complex information to different audiences. These skills are crucial in academic research settings, professional environments, and personal interactions.

Personal and Professional Growth :

Developing research skills fosters personal and professional growth by instilling a sense of curiosity, intellectual independence, and a lifelong learning mindset. Research encourages individuals to seek knowledge, challenge assumptions, and embrace intellectual growth. These skills also enhance adaptability as individuals become adept at navigating and assimilating new information, staying updated with the latest developments, and adjusting their perspectives and strategies accordingly.

Academic Success:

Research skills are essential for academic research success. They enable students to conduct thorough literature reviews, gather evidence to support their arguments, and critically evaluate existing research. By honing their research skills, students can produce well-structured, evidence-based essays, projects, and dissertations demonstrating high academic research rigor and analytical thinking.

Professional Advancement:

Research skills are highly valued in the professional world. They are crucial for conducting market research, analyzing trends, identifying opportunities, and making data-driven decisions. Employers appreciate individuals who can effectively gather and analyze information, solve complex problems, and provide evidence-based recommendations. Research skills also enable professionals to stay updated with advancements in their field, positioning themselves as knowledgeable and competent experts.

Developing and nurturing research skills can significantly benefit individuals in numerous aspects of their lives, enabling them to thrive in an increasingly information-driven world.

Improving Your Research Skills

There are many things you can do to improve your research skills and utilize them in your research or day job. Here are some examples:

  • Develop Information Literacy: Strengthening your information literacy skills is crucial for conducting thorough research. It involves identifying reliable sources, evaluating the credibility of information, and navigating different research databases.
  • Enhance Critical Thinking: Critical thinking is an essential skill for effective research. It involves analyzing information, questioning assumptions, and evaluating arguments. Practice critical analysis by analyzing thoughtfully, identifying biases, and considering alternative perspectives.
  • Master Research Methodologies: Familiarize yourself with different research methodologies relevant to your field. Whether it’s qualitative, quantitative, or mixed methods research, realizing the strengths and limitations of each approach is crucial.
  • Practice Effective Time Management: Research requires dedicated time and effort. Develop good time management skills to ensure that you allocate sufficient time for each stage of the research process, including planning, data collection, analysis, and writing.
  • Embrace Collaboration: Collaborating with peers and colleagues can provide a fresh perspective and enrich your research experience. Engage in discussions, share ideas, and seek feedback from others. Collaborative projects allow for exchanging knowledge and skills.
  • Continuously Update Your Knowledge: Stay informed about your field’s latest developments and advancements. Regularly read scholarly articles, attend conferences, and follow reputable sources of information to stay up to date with current research trends.

There is plenty of information available on the internet about every topic; hence, learning skills to know which information is relevant and credible is very important. Today most search engines have the feature of advanced search, and you can customize the search as per your preference. Once you learn this skill, it will help you find information. 

Experts possess a wealth of knowledge, experience, and insights that can significantly enhance your understanding and abilities in conducting research. Experts have often encountered numerous challenges and hurdles throughout their research journey and have developed effective problem-solving techniques. Engaging with experts is a highly effective approach to improving research skills.

Moreover, experts can provide valuable feedback and constructive criticism on your research work. They can offer fresh perspectives, identify areas for improvement, and help you refine your research questions, methodology, and analysis.

At QuestionPro, we can help you with the necessary tools to carry out your projects, and we have created the following free resources to help you in your professional growth:

  • Survey Templates

Research skills are invaluable assets that empower individuals to navigate the ever-expanding realm of information, make informed decisions, and contribute to advancing knowledge. With advanced research tools and technologies like QuestionPro Survey Software, researchers have potent resources to conduct comprehensive surveys, gather data, and analyze results efficiently.

Where data-driven decision-making is crucial, research skills supported by advanced tools like QuestionPro are essential for researchers to stay ahead and make impactful contributions to their fields. By embracing these research skills and leveraging the capabilities of powerful survey software, researchers can unlock new possibilities, gain deeper insights, and pave the way for meaningful discoveries.

Authors : Gargi Ghamandi & Sandeep Kokane



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What Are Research Skills, and How You Can Improve Them

  • Posted on March 9, 2022

Original research is an arduous task, no matter how you slice it. Conducting extensive research and collecting relevant information for an original idea is complicated. It involves much more than just reading several recently published papers.

Good research will help you develop a data collection that provides accurate and relevant information to your topic. So, is research a skill that you can develop and improve? What are research skills?

Research skills are the abilities and techniques needed to conduct research. This includes finding and assessing information and properly citing all research. Research skills are fundamental to academic success, and the more you practice, the better you will become.

Research Skills vs. Research Methods

Some people use the terms research skills and research methods interchangeably. Although they relate closely, they are different.

Research skills are a part of the process, but they also take a lot of time to master. Research methods are what you use during the research stages.

For example, one research method may be a literature review. Research skills would involve learning how to conduct the best possible literature review.

You can practice research skills and improve your speed, accuracy, and reliability. Critical thinking, project management, effective note-taking, and time management are great examples of research skills.

How To Improve Your Research Skills

Conducting high-quality research requires mastering several skills. Some of the best skills for good academic research come with practice and experience. You can improve your research skills by using outlines, sources and practicing.

Use Outlines to Your Advantage

An outline is a great way to keep yourself organized and on topic. By paying close attention to the outline you craft, you set yourself up to conduct good research that lends itself to a well-written paper. After all, an outline makes it easier to write your first draft, and a structured approach will improve your writing.

Before you even begin your research, outline what you need to do to complete your paper on time. Start with an introduction, add your first point and then supporting evidence, a second point with its supporting evidence, and then a third, fourth, or fifth, depending on how in-depth your paper will be. The last step will be your conclusion or a summary of your content.

Often outlining will give you ideas for research methods that you may not have considered before. Data collection can be challenging, but devising an outline can make the process much easier.

Because an outline allows you to think about all the topics you need to cover in your paper, you’ll be better prepared when you begin researching.

Dig Into Your Sources

It’s daunting to determine relevant information, especially if it’s a topic that you’re not knowledgeable about. It’s important to know when your sources are reliable for academic research . It’s also imperative to use different sources when finding relevant information, or you may display a bias. This also helps you avoid plagiarism by relying on multiple points of reference.

For example, you should know that an article published in a peer-reviewed journal will be more reliable than an article found on Wikipedia. Wikipedia, though often sourced, is open to be edited by anyone. The sources supplied themselves are not always credible, as the organization largely relies on unpaid editors to donate time to review articles.

A peer-reviewed journal will be fact-checked multiple times, demonstrate a history of credibility, and use reputable sources to support any arguments or claims.

Your sources should also answer the question that you are trying to ask. You should perform a light critical analysis of your source materials to determine their value. This requires investigative thinking and research itself. You need to discover:

  • Who wrote the source?
  • What was their agenda?
  • Who sponsored the publication, if anyone?
  • What was the agenda of the publisher?
  • Does the publisher have a notable bias?
  • Does the author have a notable bias?
  • What year was the material published, and has it become outdated?

Try Advanced Search Techniques

Google and other search engines aren’t the only way to find information for your research paper. Library resources offer a wealth of services and tools, such as full-text journals and databases. Your local university library is another excellent place to start.

Often, librarians will be able to assist you with your research and can help you utilize advanced research methods you may not have thought of. They can direct you to the correct database and demonstrate how to best use it to find information about your subject. They may know of specific journals or other literature that could be a good starting point to get your footing.

During your research process, seek a different point of view and new ways to find reliable sources for your paper. When you rely on a single viewpoint or only one credible source, you not only develop a bias by showing just one side of your topic, but you run the risk of plagiarism. Where will your source’s argument end and yours begin? It may appear that you’re simply copying someone else’s hard work.

Practice Makes Perfect

Research isn’t a skill that people learn overnight. But you’d be surprised how fast these skills develop every time you conduct research. Once you get used to collecting data from reliable sources, you can become a master at it by learning from your own research paper mistakes.

One of the most overlooked aspects of research is a person’s time management skills. Those who wait until the last minute to start research run the risk of not finding adequate sources and producing a sub-par product. By giving yourself extra time, especially as you develop your research skills, you allow yourself to thoroughly investigate your sources, find appropriate support for your arguments, and develop a conclusion based on research, rather than trying to scramble to find research to support a specific conclusion.

6 Steps for Conducting Research

Conducting research isn’t easy, and many people find it frustrating. It can be like solving a puzzle to uncover the best information about the topic you’re researching. Here are 5 steps to help with your research strategy.

  • Clearly define your research question. Precisely formulate your question so you know exactly which information sources are relevant to your research. This will save you lots of time.
  • Draft a solid outline. Put your research question at the top of the document, then write out each of your supporting points or arguments. Include a few thoughts that go with each of those points.
  • Determine the research methods you’ll use. Depending on the type of research paper you’re writing, you may need primary or secondary research. Your research will likely be either qualitative, quantitative, descriptive, or experimental.
  • Find data from reliable sources. Make sure your resources are reliable by looking for things like the date of publication, author credentials, and publisher.
  • Focus on your note-taking. Take detailed notes in whatever format you’re most comfortable with, whether that’s on your computer, tablet, or by hand in your notebook or on index cards.
  • Draft your research paper. Combine your notes with a solid outline, and put it all together. Don’t forget to cite all of your sources . Give your paper a final review, then you’re done!

Final Thoughts

Conducting research can be a frustrating assignment. Here is the good news: the above steps and tools will make research report writing more effective.

By clearly defining your research question, determining the type of research methods you’ll use, and finding data from reliable sources, you’ll be on your way to conducting successful research.

Your last steps should be using a plagiarism detector and a citation generator, to double-check your work. Quetext is an online plagiarism checker with a built citation generator, so you can easily cite everything that you read.

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Research skills: Examples + how to improve them

No matter what career path you choose to take, research skills are one of the key graduate career skills that will help you impress employers in applications and support you throughout your entire working life. 

Research skills are essential in problem-solving; learning how to improve research skills is therefore a great way to prepare for the workplace and improve your overall skill set in your early career. In this article, you’ll find out what research skills are, how to improve your research skills and much more. 

  • What are research skills?
  • Examples of research skills
  • Jobs that require research skills
  • How to improve research skills

How to use research skills at your workplace

How to include research skills in a cv, how to include research skills in a cover letter.

  • How to demonstrate your research skills at a job interview

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What are research skills? 

Research skills refer to an individual’s ability to source information about a certain topic, and effectively extract and evaluate the information in order to answer questions or solve problems. 

Research skills are soft skills that are highly sought after by employers as they show a candidate’s ability to understand and analyse a variety of materials and sources. Whether you’re studying or already in the workplace, research skills are important transferable skills to have in any role or sector that you choose.

These skills can be constantly improved, and this is a great way to develop in your early career and prepare for the workplace. For example, your manager might ask you to conduct research or analysis for various projects, where these skills will be essential for your success. 

Learn how to develop your entire transferable skillset with this free online learning course. You'll also get a certificate once you complete the course that you can display on your CV and LinkedIn profile.

Examples of research skills 

During your time at school and university, you will have used a variety of research skills to complete projects and assignments. If you’re not sure what research skills look like in practice, here are some examples: 

Data collection 

Data collection is the process of systematically gathering information in order to solve problems, answer questions and better understand a particular topic. The information or data that you are collecting can be quantitative or qualitative; it can be collected through using surveys, interviews, reviewing existing materials and more to solve a particular problem.

At university, you would need to read broadly on a certain topic or conduct a literature review for a certain project. This is all data collection, and you can develop and use these experiences in your future role too. 

Critical thinking

Critical thinking is the ability to interpret and analyse information in order to form a particular judgement or evaluation. Someone who is a great critical thinker will be able to apply their knowledge (informed by evidence from, for example, data collection) to think rationally and come to a conclusion. Critical thinking is key in the workplace as it means you can analyse and evaluate strategically, to come to a judgement that will inform a particular action or idea.

Detail orientation 

Another key example of a research skill is detail orientation, or the ability to focus on small details. Someone who is detail-oriented will be able to notice small mistakes and will be able to deliver high-quality and accurate work. When solving problems, this is essential, as the ability to extract and evaluate information with accuracy is important for the validity of your research and will help drive high-quality results. 

Time management 

Time management is the ability to organise your time when planning different activities and projects. Effective time management means you’re able to balance your workload and ensure all tasks are completed within an allotted time. This is important for your research skills, as it means you are able to effectively delegate your time between data collection, analysis and evaluation.

Jobs that require research skills 

  • External auditors have great attention to detail to investigate organisations. In an external auditor role, you will need to research policies and regulations, analyse data provided by the organisation and draw conclusions for a report.
  • A strategist in the financial sector looks at an organisation’s finances to come up with plans for the future. You need great analytical and evaluative skills in order to understand the best options for your clients and turn a rational judgement into action. 
  • A role in the Civil Service involves researching, developing and maintaining policy in the UK. Being able to inform your decisions with evidence, and manage your time effectively, is key. 
  • In the role of a data scientist , you will need to conduct research to understand why a client or company needs a data scientist, and be able to analyse effectively to see big patterns in large amounts of data. 
  • Clinical scientists must carefully analyse and process large amounts of data, requiring strong research skills and detail orientation.

Not quite sure about the type of career you should pursue? Take our Career Path Test and get matched with the career paths and sectors that meet your interests. 

How to improve research skills 

  • Practise your time management and organisation skills: Whether you’re at university or in your early career, it’s important to start learning how to balance your time effectively to complete a number of tasks. For your next project, try setting out clear activities that need to be completed, how long you need to spend on each, and a timeline for when each task will be started and completed. 
  • Learn how to write reports: In any research process or project, you will need to summarise and evaluate your findings in a written report in a clear and concise way. Make sure to include the objective of your research, a summary of your findings, and the judgements you have made from the evidence you found. 
  • Read more widely: One of the core aspects of research and analysis is the ability to extract information from a variety of materials. Reading more widely will improve your data collection skills and will give you experience with forming judgements from a range of sources and on a number of topics.
  • Plan . Before you start a project at work, make sure you’ve taken time to plan what tasks you need to do, and how long each will take, to understand the timelines of the project. This allows you to set aside dedicated time for the research phase, for example, before analysing data or putting ideas into action.
  • Read about the topic . Whatever sector you’re in, and whatever project you’re working on, reading about your subject area is key to understanding your field ahead of any decisions being made. This will help you solve problems and answer any questions you need to be answered at the offset.
  • Compare your results . Following any research or data collection, it’s a good idea to compare your findings with colleagues to ensure consistency across the team. This will lead to greater accuracy for the project as a whole.
  • Present . Practising your presentation and communication skills is an essential part of developing your research skills. At the end of any research you’ve conducted, get into the habit of presenting your findings in a written report, and try presenting this to your line manager and wider team.

Once you’ve developed your research skills, it’s important that you know how to convey these effectively in applications – starting with your CV.

Read: How to write a CV | Advice & templates

Your CV is usually the first thing an employer sees of you, so you need to impress them from the offset. Highlighting your research skills, and how you’ve used them in your experience so far, is a great way to do this and will show your organisation, attention to detail and critical thinking.

Research skills should be included under the ‘skills and achievements section of your CV. This is where you include your technical and personal skills that relate to the role you’re applying for.

When talking about your research skills, remember to highlight how you’ve developed these in a concise way. For example, you might have developed research skills by writing a number of literature reviews at university. This might be phrased as “developed effective research skills through data collection and analysis when writing literature reviews for university projects.”

Another way to convey your research skills on your application and impress employers is through the cover letter. If an employer asks for one, it’s important to know how to structure a cover letter so that you can convey your skillset and interest in the role clearly and succinctly.

Your cover letter needs to be no more than one page and should highlight your competency for the role you’re applying for. Approach your application from the basis of ‘what I can do for you’ rather than ‘what you can do for me’. As research skills are transferable, this is a great chance to highlight how you can benefit the organisation and team you’re applying for, as it shows your ability to collect data, think critically, organise your time, analyse and more. Remember to apply these soft and transferable skills to what the job description says will be expected of you.

How to demonstrate your research skills at a job interview 

Interviews are another opportunity to impress employers with your skill set - including how you have developed strong research skills which you can use in the role you’re applying to. 

Ahead of your interview, you should be using your research skills to look into the company you’ve applied for. Get familiar with what they do, their company values and what they’re looking for in a candidate for your chosen role. 

You can also get prepared by practising to answer potential research skills questions like “give me an example of a time when you solved a problem using your research skills.” To answer this, make sure you’re identifying the specific research skills you have used, and explain a real example of when you have solved problems using them. Think about the impact using those research skills had in order to highlight how you have developed these skills effectively in practice. 

Research skills are essential for success in many different roles and fields. By learning how to improve your research skills, you are setting yourself up to impress employers at application and become an asset to a team when you enter the workplace. 

Research skills are soft skills that employers value, are essential for developing your problem-solving skills and are one of the key graduate career skills that recruiters look for. By adding ‘research skills’ to your CV, and highlighting your research capabilities at interviews, you are increasing your employability and chances for success.

Browse thousands of available graduate jobs, schemes and more and demonstrate to employers that you're able to use your research skills to succeed at interview and in your early career. 

Home › Study Tips › 11 Tips to Improve Your Research Skills for Academic Success

11 Tips to Improve Your Research Skills for Academic Success

  • Published May 24, 2024

Table board with post notes for user research

Strong research skills are a must-have skill for academic success. Why are research skills important?

They’re essential for academic success. You need them for all term papers, research reports, and assignments. These skills also help to deepen your understanding of all the topics in your curriculum. 

By design, research questions are not answerable by simple Google searches. They require planning, hypothesis evaluation, data or information analysis, critical thinking, information synthesis, logical and well-thought-out presentation, and more.

With these skills, you can produce credible, logical, accurate, and plagiarism-free research efficiently and promptly. 

Moreover, being a skilled researcher is not only necessary for academic success. It is a lifelong competency that would remain helpful in your future career and personal life. 

Some tips you can adopt to improve your research skills include understanding the research process, using library resources, effectively searching the internet, adopting proper citation and referencing, developing your analytical skills, managing time efficiently, utilising academic support services, enhancing your note-taking capabilities, using primary sources only, and avoiding confirmation bias. 

Below, we examine these strategies to help you improve your research skills. 

1. Always Create a Research Strategy Document

Think of strategy as a roadmap highlighting how you want to attack the research problem. We believe creating a strategy before diving knee-deep into research provides clarity and saves you time.

Some of the constituents of the strategy document include:

  • Research goals
  • Research deadline
  • Rewriting the research problem the way you understand it, in your own words and simple terms. Then, translate the research problem into a research question. “HR managers are struggling to attract and keep top talent with top talent spending an average of 6 months in each role” is an example of a research problem, while “What strategies and techniques can HR managers adopt to better attract and retain top talents?” is an example of a research question.  
  • Outline the major outcomes the research must fulfil. For example, “The research must provide a nexus between company actions and top talent loyalty, in addition to providing actionable tips for HR managers.”  
  • Identify the type of research you’re doing. There are three categories of research: basic vs applied, exploratory vs explanatory, and inductive vs deductive research. 
  • Findings from preliminary research. We recommend quick preliminary research to see the resources, including scholarly knowledge, readily available in the public domain. This step can help identify a new angle to pursue your research from or drop if you reckon other researchers and authors have adequately dealt with the question, preventing you from wasting time and resources on research that adds no additional value to the body of existing knowledge. 

2. Understand the Research Process

The research process consists of six major stages, including topic selection, literature evaluation, refining the research topic, relevant information gathering (could also include sampling and recruitment, depending on the topic or research focus), data analysis, and knitting everything together. 

Topic Selection

Sometimes, your tutor may provide the research topic. However, you’ll likely need to work with your supervisor to choose a topic for your thesis and undergrad projects. 

For your choice of research topic, it’s imperative to think of your current interests and future ambitions. 

Beyond top grades, your undergrad research may serve as evidence of your interest in a particular area and be helpful for future academic and career progression. 

Every research topic or question starts from a broad problem statement, which you can then fine-tune after exploring the existing body of knowledge in that field. 

Overall, a great topic has the following characteristics:

  • Focused on a single issue. However, you may subdivide the issue into several interconnected but related problem statements.
  • Researchable with credible sources. For example, requiring proprietary data that is not readily available may seriously hamper your success. 
  • Feasible and specific. Additionally, ensure that you have adequate time and resources to complete the study before the due date. 
  • Avoids value judgement questions like “Is vitamin D better than magnesium in treating bone issues?”
  • Not close-ended such that the answer is a simple yes or no. The lack of clear answers provides room for robust investigation and is where your arguments shine. 
  • The answer to your question should not be readily available. It must require rigorous work and iterative problem-solving to complete. 
  • The topic must be original and address a relevant industry or niche problem. Originality doesn’t mean other researchers haven’t attempted something similar but that you’re presenting a new angle. 

Literature Review

The goals of conducting the literature review include:

  • To ensure other researchers haven’t answered the research question before and that the study will contribute significant value to the existing body of knowledge.
  • To identify gaps in existing works and determine how your project will fill that gap. In essence, the research must considerably add to existing knowledge or improve on earlier methodologies. Without meeting these standards, most research journals will not accept your work. 
  • The third goal is to help you evaluate the research methods, research design, data sources, and key concepts other researchers adopted for their work. 

A literature review is a lot of work and requires scouring through numerous academic journals, books, and online publications. 

You can leverage AI tools like Elicit AI, Research Rabbit, Semantic Scholar, and Connected Papers to find papers, summarise studies, conduct citation-based mapping, find similar research papers, and more. 

Refine Research Topic

Armed with more information, context, potential data sources, availability of reliable and credible data, and the scope of work required from your literature review, you often need to refine your topic. 

For example, your research question may be too narrow if you find very few credible papers and books on the subject. Your research topic could also be suffering from being too broad. 

You can finetune a broad project topic by asking the why, what, who, where, and when questions. 

Which group of people are you targeting for the research? What geographic location would the study be limited to? Why do you think the research is relevant? What period would you limit the research to?

For example, “What will be the impact of climate change in the United Kingdom?” is quite broad. What kind of impact are we talking about? Economic? Migration? Health? 

A more specific variant of the question would be: “How will climate change affect net migration between the UK coastline and major cities in the next 20 years?” 

Data Gathering

Collecting data is the heart of the research process. This step allows you to gather variables essential for reaching conclusions. Depending on your research question, these variables can either be qualitative (non-numerical) or quantitative (numerical). 

You may gather data through one or more of the following methods:

Surveys are a series of questions used to extract specific data from a sample of the target population. When running surveys, you should take note of the following:

  • Sample size: Ensure the number of participants adequately represents the population. 
  • Bias: Ensure the questions do not tilt respondents in a particular direction or the sampling is not based on subjective measures. For example, assuming the age of shoppers who walk into a store can lead to bias. 
  • Ambiguity and clarity: Avoid ambiguous questions that are prone to personal interpretation. “Do you drink plenty of alcohol during the week?” is subjective because the answer depends on who you ask. 
  • Resource management: The larger the sample size, the more expensive and time-consuming the survey process is. 


Experiments will be your go-to research method if you’re in any natural and physical sciences programme. It’s easier to establish a cause-and-effect relationship with experiments than with surveys. 

A typical example of an experiment involves splitting test subjects into a control and an experimental group. The researchers then give the latter group a medicine, drug, or treatment or subject them to changes. 

The researchers then evaluate the two groups for a specific variable. If the variable varies significantly, then suffice it to say that the changes made to the experimental group are responsible for the significant differences in the observed variable. 

Observational Studies

Observational studies are more popular in social sciences for obvious reasons. They involve going to the field to observe the attitudes and behaviours of a specific group in the natural habitat. 

Observational studies may either be participant observation or nonparticipant observation. The former involves the researcher staying in the same habit as the group they’re observing, while the latter is the reverse. 

Participant observation may influence how the target population acts. So, it’s imperative to conduct the study such that your presence is not disruptive to the data collection process. 

Existing Data

In every sector or industry, there’s existing data that can help with your research. Need economic activity data on the UK? The Office for National Statistics (ONS) is perhaps the most credible primary source on the subject matter. 

What about data on the UK environment? The Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs data services platform (DSP) is your best bet. 

Beyond facts and figures, court records, medical records (without personally identifiable information), and police interview tapes can also be excellent sources of information. 

Data Analysis

You have gathered all the data you need to answer your research question. Now, this is where you begin to look for clues, determine relationships between variables, establish trends, find patterns, and more. 

For numerical variables, you’ll need complex statistical techniques to extract insights from the data. Tools like Statistical Analysis System (SAS), R, Python, MS Excel, and the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) can help with quantitative data analysis. 

Some tools can help with most qualitative methodological techniques. Examples of these tools include nVivo and ATLAS.ti. It’s imperative to note that while these tools are helpful, you’ll need to put on your sound critical thinking cap to ensure your analysis is accurate. 

Result Discussion

The data analysis above will provide evidence to prove or disprove your hypothesis or question. The discussion section helps you convey these results in a deeper conversation. 

What results do you have? What are the implications of such results? How relevant are the results from both a statistical point of view and practical applications? 

These and many more questions are the answers this section should provide. Furthermore, share the limitations of your research and potential avenues for further exploration. 

If there’s any additional tip we would leave you with here is to stay with the facts and provide your findings in context with previous studies. Doing this strengthens your argument and makes your research more credible and citable. 

3. Use Library Resources

the good research skills

Librarians curate only authoritative and credible sources. These sources include books, journals, and databases. 

Another benefit of using library resources is that they are organised, making it easy for you to find the resources you need. 

As a college student, you should never pay out of pocket for any resource. Your school library probably already provides access to that resource. If not, you can make a request, and it’ll most likely be granted. 

So, what kind of resources are available?

  • A searchable library catalogue tool, basically a search engine for academic sources
  • Access to third-party databases
  • Extensive collection of e-books
  • Access to conference papers, newspaper articles, and other credible publications
  • Subject Librarian to help you with resources not in the library catalogue
  • Reference management tools and resources on how to use them

Tips to Search Databases

  • Use the truncation symbol (*) and the wildcard symbol (?) to broaden your search to ensure you do not miss out on relevant results due to spelling or plural versions. For example, “agricultur*” will provide search results that include the following words: agriculture, agricultural, and agriculturalist. “Lab?r” will search for resources with both “labor” and “labour” in them. 
  • Use boolean operators. We discuss this extensively below. The same principles apply here. 
  • Use inverted commas to search for a specific phrase together. We also explain this below. 
  • Leverage proximity search: This tells the database to return results that have words within certain distances from each other. For example, typing “labour same union” on Web of Science returns publications with “labour” and “union” in the same sentence. Typing “labour union ~4” on JSTOR retrieves records where “labour” and “union” are only separated by four words. 
  • Combine the methods above to create more sophisticated search queries.

4. Effective Internet Research

The internet is a treasure trove of information and resources. That said, you must be cautious of every page on the internet, especially in the age of AI content. 

Every source for a research project must be up-to-date, factual, unbiased, and from a credible source. True story: we’ve seen students quote data from satirical publications. 

Moreover, most pages on the internet don’t go through a review process and may be rife with misinformation. 

Just because a page appears on number one of your search results doesn’t make it a great resource. The article author or publisher may just be great at search engine optimization. 

Assessing a Website’s Credibility and Accuracy

Many people create websites to make money. While some provide some measure of value, others simply do not care. 

Moreover, some of these websites may present information from the owner or author’s bias. For the most part, it’s best to stick with non-academic resources provided by government agencies and reputable organisations. 

You can evaluate a website’s credibility by examining:

  • The About Us page: Who or which group owns the website? What are their goals?
  • The author bio: Who’s the author, and what’s their qualification and experience to authoritatively speak on the subject? You may do further Google and social media (LinkedIn in particular) investigations to assess the author’s qualifications. 
  • Domain ownership: Use whois.net to track who owns a website. This information may or may not be available. 
  • Articles dates and recency: Avoid undated websites and articles using dated facts to draw recent conclusions.  

Internet Search Techniques

Here are a few techniques to help you find relevant pages that answer your search queries. 

Use Inverted Commas

Search engines will treat each word in your search query as individual keywords without inverted commas. 

So, you may get web pages that only contain the term “anatomy” or only “heart” if you type heart anatomy without quotation marks.

However, encasing your keyword in quotation marks, like this: “heart anatomy” only returns results with the exact phrase, thus providing fewer web pages to examine. 

Boolean Operators

Boolean operators include AND, OR, and NOT. They can be a powerful way to hone in on the sources you need. 

Boolean Operators 


Search result includes web pages containing keywords joined by AND

“Traffic data” AND “London” 

Search result includes pages with one or all the keywords linked by OR

“Manager” OR “Coordinator” 

NOT or – 

Excludes web pages with a particular term from the search result. Helpful when a term skews your search results

-animal or “NOT animal”

Used to include a term that must be included in the results. Helpful for narrowing a broad search query

2024 United Kingdom Elections report +fraud +voting pattern

Brackets ()

Powerful for combining boolean operators. Helpful when a keyword also has a popular synonyms or alternative

Project (manager OR coordinator)


Provide search results from the website you provide only. Helpful when searching a website like the ONS for data

site: https://www.ons.gov.uk/

Search Engine Tools

the good research skills

Search engines have additional tools to help you refine your search. Google, for example, has tools to limit the results to those published within a specified date range. 

You may also limit results to a particular file type, such as images, books, videos, and news. 

Use Different Search Engines

Each search engine has its own unique algorithms (set of rules to arrange web pages in search results). Trying a new search engine may just be the trick you need. 

Examples of other search engines to try include:

  • www.duckduckgo.com
  • www.bing.com
  • www.ask.com

Use Google’s Advanced Search Tool

the good research skills

Google’s advanced search tool allows you to enter multiple parameters to refine your search. Behind the hood, the tool simplifies the use of boolean operators. Instead of typing boolean operators, you simply enter terms in textboxes. 

You can specify other parameters like the last time the authors updated the website, region to target, and language. 

5. Citation and referencing

Any idea, words, data, images, infographic, or information you take from any source requires a reference. Without citations, you’re practically stealing someone else’s ideas and thoughts. 

Many schools have strict rules against plagiarism, including formal warnings, suspension, admission withdrawal, and other penalties. 

Aside from helping you avoid plagiarism, citations also make your work more authoritative and persuasive. 

There are multiple referencing styles, including AMS (American Meteorological Society), APA (American Psychological Association), Chicago, Harvard, MHRA (Modern Humanities Research Association), OSCOLA (Oxford Standard for the Citation of Legal Authorities), and others. 

Your student handbook will usually provide which of the above styles your programme uses. 

Tips For Managing Citations and References

  • Make a list of your references and cite them as you write.
  • Add notes to each reference, highlighting the sections, paragraphs, and pages you’re most interested in.
  • Be consistent with the reference style you use. 
  • Familiarise yourself with the project’s reference style.
  • Use referencing tools. Examples include EndNote, Zotero or Mendeley. Practice with the program to ensure you know the type of information required and where to input it.

6. Develop Analytical Skills

Per the Rockwell Career Centre, “ analytical skills are problem-solving skills that help you parse data and information to develop creative, rational solutions.”

Analytical skills are essential to every step of the research process, especially in objectively analysing the problem and the result of your experiments. 

Analytical skills require critical reasoning, understanding different concepts (including complex and abstract ones), explaining or articulating your thoughts, applying what you read to tackle problems, and much more. 

Strategies for analysing and synthesising information

1. gain foundational knowledge.

Nothing strengthens your ability to critically analyse the data you’ve gathered than having a solid grasp of the basic concepts in the area you’re investigating. 

For example, you can’t discuss recidivism without understanding the court and prison process.  

2. Create an information matrix

An information matrix is a table that helps organise your sources by major themes. Identifying key ideas from sources is an integral part of information synthesis. 

Here’s an example with five sources:


Quality time

Words of affirmation

Acts of service

Physical touch

For each source, enter what they say about each major theme you identified. Leave the corresponding cell blank if a source is mute on a theme. 

Create a new row if any of the sources present a compelling key theme that aligns with your research. 

3. Summarise and Paraphrase the Original Source

Summarise and paraphrase important ideas and quotations you lift from sources. This primarily means presenting your original thoughts and interpretation of the content in the source. 

To paraphrase, you must understand the original source. So, this is good practice for information synthesis. If you’re struggling to paraphrase or summarise an idea, maybe you do not understand it yet. 

Doing this keeps quotes to a minimum, which can help you achieve better grades. Additionally, it promotes the use of your own voice more and to avoid plagiarism. 

4. Improve your comprehension skills

Some of the ways you can improve your comprehension skills include:

  • Broadening your vocabulary often by reading widely and critically
  • Recollecting the main points and critical details about the text from memory
  • Reading in a distraction-free environment
  • Slow down and embrace active reading. The Open University defines active reading as “ reading something with a determination to understand and evaluate it for its relevance to your needs.” This process involves highlighting key texts, raising questions, explaining the text to others, self-testing with flashcards or help from a colleague, and more. 
  • Summarising and identifying key ideas

5. Identify the Context of Each Source

While two papers may speak about the same topic, they may approach the subject from totally opposite angles. This makes it hard to do an apples-to-apples comparison. Identifying the context helps you avoid this pitfall. 

7. Time Management in Research

Strategies and tips for effecting time management in research include:

1. Setting Realistic and Attainable Goals

Earlier, we mentioned how it’s imperative to choose a research topic that you can complete within the deadline provided by your tutor. Doing otherwise will only lead to poor time management. While you may complete the research, other areas may suffer. 

2. Fix Regular Schedule

Creating a schedule helps you devote ample time to the research daily. Consistent attention is better than last-minute rushes. A regular schedule helps avoid procrastination, interruptions, and lack of discipline.  

How many hours you commit daily will depend on your other commitments and the research deadline. It’s important to design your schedule such that you’ve completed your research report far ahead of the deadline. 

3. Incorporate Task Lists for Each Block of Time

Approach each block of time you schedule with a task list. Doing so helps you focus and prioritise important tasks. 

4. Avoid Multitasking

Focus on one task at a time and finish the same before doing something else. Multitasking is often unproductive and can be a source of stress when you fail to achieve anything noteworthy. 

5. Leverage Technology

Tools for project management, to-do lists, and calendar apps can help you implement the time management strategies shared above and help you stay organised.  

6. Ask For Help

Ask for help from your tutor, coursemates, and librarian whenever you’re stuck. Also, use the numerous free resources available to you. 

7. Take Breaks and Reward Yourself 

Bake breaks into your schedule to alleviate stress and ensure you operate optimally. Additionally, reward yourself for completing the tasks on your to-do lists. 

8. Utilise Academic Support Services

Most universities offer programs to help students achieve academic success, including those geared towards how to conduct research and improve research skills.  

If you’re unaware of the academic support services on offer, it’s important to ask. There’s no shame in asking for help. You’d be amazed at how much help these centres offer. 

One of the best ways to identify the areas you need to work on is to ask your tutor for feedback and help. 

Typical academic support services include:

  • Writing guidance
  • Peer tutoring
  • After-school programmes
  • Counselling
  • Academic monitoring
  • Experiential learning

9. Enhance Note-Taking Techniques

Note-taking is essential during research projects as it’s a vital tool for information synthesis. Note-taking helps you organise the points in the sources you’re reading. It also helps avoid being overwhelmed by the volume of resources you must review. 

Here are some tips to make note-taking fruitful:

1. Think Of Your Research Goals

Your research goals will determine what you prioritise during note-taking. There’s no point in extensive note-taking if the content doesn’t help you strengthen your arguments or answer your research question. 

2. Use Headings, Subheadings, and Numbered List to Organise Key Ideas

This is similar to the information matrix we discussed above. However, this is more like a fleshed-out version. Use indenting and numbering to create idea hierarchies that distinguish major points from minor ones.  

3. Adopt One of the Many Note-Taking Methods

Examples of note-taking methods include the mapping method, the Cornell Method, the sentence method, and the outlining method. Diving into each of these techniques is beyond the scope of this article.  

4. Use Colours and Symbols

Create a colour code for identifying themes and crucial sections. You may also underline important keywords or circle data points that buttress certain themes. These colours and symbols help simplify and visualise ideas. 

5. Create Linkages Between Ideas

Highlight ideas or variables that have clear relationships. The relationship can be causal or correlational. State what this relationship means for your research question. 

6. Leave Space For Future Comments And Questions

Leave room to add more information, such as comments, questions, and reactions. As you read more, you’re likely to come across new information that may challenge or buttress the ideas you found earlier. 

10. Engage with Primary Sources

You may find the answer to a search engine query in a news article or even a random article. It’s advisable and more prudent to search for the primary source. 

So the Guardian can publish details about digital imaging delays in the United Kingdom, but NHS England is the primary source of that information. You must cite the latter and not the former. 

The same applies to academic sources. A paper may make a statement and cite another author or study. You must track the other study to cite it as a separate source in your bibliography. 

One of the importance of using primary sources is the secondary source may have taken the information out of context or reported the same to fit a particular narrative. 

Reading the primary source yourself ensures you have all the contexts and the data as the primary authors presented it. 

11. Avoid Confirmation Bias 

Simply searching for papers and studies that align with your position is a limiting research strategy. 

We recommend seeking studies and sources that challenge your assertion. This is a far more enriching prospect that adds depth to your research. 

Research projects don’t necessarily have to be right or wrong but a means to provide informed arguments based on facts, logical reasoning, and strong analytical skills. 

Research studies enhance ongoing conversations, adding a new point of view to the existing body of knowledge. 

Master Research Skills for Successful Research Reports

Academic success at all levels require research skills that can translate any topic into detailed, coherent, logical, and credible reports, whether it’s quantitative or qualitative research. 

We believe the tips outlined in this article can transform your research skills, but it requires putting them into practice. 

Not only would your research skills take a leap, but other attending skills like comprehension, analytical, and how to tie information together would also improve. 

Additionally, you’ll master project management, time management, and reference management tools useful in other areas of your life. 

Do you want to dig deeper into these strategies through specialised 1-on-1 tutorials or group sessions? Immerse Education’s Online Research Programme is tailor-made for specific subject study and led by tutors from world-renowned Oxbridge and Ivy League universities.Moreover, our accredited Online Research Programme is an excellent choice for students aged 14-18 who want to improve their research skills while earning valuable UCAS points for university applications. Explore our accredited Online Research Programme today.

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Ten simple rules for good research practice

Simon schwab.

1 Center for Reproducible Science, University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland

2 Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Prevention Institute, University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland

Perrine Janiaud

3 Department of Clinical Research, University Hospital Basel, University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland

Michael Dayan

4 Human Neuroscience Platform, Fondation Campus Biotech Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland

Valentin Amrhein

5 Department of Environmental Sciences, Zoology, University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland

Radoslaw Panczak

6 Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland

Patricia M. Palagi

7 SIB Training Group, SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics, Lausanne, Switzerland

Lars G. Hemkens

8 Meta-Research Innovation Center at Stanford (METRICS), Stanford University, Stanford, California, United States of America

9 Meta-Research Innovation Center Berlin (METRIC-B), Berlin Institute of Health, Berlin, Germany

Meike Ramon

10 Applied Face Cognition Lab, University of Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland

Nicolas Rothen

11 Faculty of Psychology, UniDistance Suisse, Brig, Switzerland

Stephen Senn

12 Statistical Consultant, Edinburgh, United Kingdom

Leonhard Held

This is a PLOS Computational Biology Methods paper.


The lack of research reproducibility has caused growing concern across various scientific fields [ 1 – 5 ]. Today, there is widespread agreement, within and outside academia, that scientific research is suffering from a reproducibility crisis [ 6 , 7 ]. Researchers reach different conclusions—even when the same data have been processed—simply due to varied analytical procedures [ 8 , 9 ]. As we continue to recognize this problematic situation, some major causes of irreproducible research have been identified. This, in turn, provides the foundation for improvement by identifying and advocating for good research practices (GRPs). Indeed, powerful solutions are available, for example, preregistration of study protocols and statistical analysis plans, sharing of data and analysis code, and adherence to reporting guidelines. Although these and other best practices may facilitate reproducible research and increase trust in science, it remains the responsibility of researchers themselves to actively integrate them into their everyday research practices.

Contrary to ubiquitous specialized training, cross-disciplinary courses focusing on best practices to enhance the quality of research are lacking at universities and are urgently needed. The intersections between disciplines offer a space for peer evaluation, mutual learning, and sharing of best practices. In medical research, interdisciplinary work is inevitable. For example, conducting clinical trials requires experts with diverse backgrounds, including clinical medicine, pharmacology, biostatistics, evidence synthesis, nursing, and implementation science. Bringing researchers with diverse backgrounds and levels of experience together to exchange knowledge and learn about problems and solutions adds value and improves the quality of research.

The present selection of rules was based on our experiences with teaching GRP courses at the University of Zurich, our course participants’ feedback, and the views of a cross-disciplinary group of experts from within the Swiss Reproducibility Network ( www.swissrn.org ). The list is neither exhaustive, nor does it aim to address and systematically summarize the wide spectrum of issues including research ethics and legal aspects (e.g., related to misconduct, conflicts of interests, and scientific integrity). Instead, we focused on practical advice at the different stages of everyday research: from planning and execution to reporting of research. For a more comprehensive overview on GRPs, we point to the United Kingdom’s Medical Research Council’s guidelines [ 10 ] and the Swedish Research Council’s report [ 11 ]. While the discussion of the rules may predominantly focus on clinical research, much applies, in principle, to basic biomedical research and research in other domains as well.

The 10 proposed rules can serve multiple purposes: an introduction for researchers to relevant concepts to improve research quality, a primer for early-career researchers who participate in our GRP courses, or a starting point for lecturers who plan a GRP course at their own institutions. The 10 rules are grouped according to planning (5 rules), execution (3 rules), and reporting of research (2 rules); see Fig 1 . These principles can (and should) be implemented as a habit in everyday research, just like toothbrushing.

An external file that holds a picture, illustration, etc.
Object name is pcbi.1010139.g001.jpg

GRP, good research practices.

Research planning

Rule 1: specify your research question.

Coming up with a research question is not always simple and may take time. A successful study requires a narrow and clear research question. In evidence-based research, prior studies are assessed in a systematic and transparent way to identify a research gap for a new study that answers a question that matters [ 12 ]. Papers that provide a comprehensive overview of the current state of research in the field are particularly helpful—for example, systematic reviews. Perspective papers may also be useful, for example, there is a paper with the title “SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19: The most important research questions.” However, a systematic assessment of research gaps deserves more attention than opinion-based publications.

In the next step, a vague research question should be further developed and refined. In clinical research and evidence-based medicine, there is an approach called population, intervention, comparator, outcome, and time frame (PICOT) with a set of criteria that can help framing a research question [ 13 ]. From a well-developed research question, subsequent steps will follow, which may include the exact definition of the population, the outcome, the data to be collected, and the sample size that is required. It may be useful to find out if other researchers find the idea interesting as well and whether it might promise a valuable contribution to the field. However, actively involving the public or the patients can be a more effective way to determine what research questions matter.

The level of details in a research question also depends on whether the planned research is confirmatory or exploratory. In contrast to confirmatory research, exploratory research does not require a well-defined hypothesis from the start. Some examples of exploratory experiments are those based on omics and multi-omics experiments (genomics, bulk RNA-Seq, single-cell, etc.) in systems biology and connectomics and whole-brain analyses in brain imaging. Both exploration and confirmation are needed in science, and it is helpful to understand their strengths and limitations [ 14 , 15 ].

Rule 2: Write and register a study protocol

In clinical research, registration of clinical trials has become a standard since the late 1990 and is now a legal requirement in many countries. Such studies require a study protocol to be registered, for example, with ClinicalTrials.gov, the European Clinical Trials Register, or the World Health Organization’s International Clinical Trials Registry Platform. Similar effort has been implemented for registration of systematic reviews (PROSPERO). Study registration has also been proposed for observational studies [ 16 ] and more recently in preclinical animal research [ 17 ] and is now being advocated across disciplines under the term “preregistration” [ 18 , 19 ].

Study protocols typically document at minimum the research question and hypothesis, a description of the population, the targeted sample size, the inclusion/exclusion criteria, the study design, the data collection, the data processing and transformation, and the planned statistical analyses. The registration of study protocols reduces publication bias and hindsight bias and can safeguard honest research and minimize waste of research [ 20 – 22 ]. Registration ensures that studies can be scrutinized by comparing the reported research with what was actually planned and written in the protocol, and any discrepancies may indicate serious problems (e.g., outcome switching).

Note that registration does not mean that researchers have no flexibility to adapt the plan as needed. Indeed, new or more appropriate procedures may become available or known only after registration of a study. Therefore, a more detailed statistical analysis plan can be amended to the protocol before the data are observed or unblinded [ 23 , 24 ]. Likewise, registration does not exclude the possibility to conduct exploratory data analyses; however, they must be clearly reported as such.

To go even further, registered reports are a novel article type that incentivize high-quality research—irrespective of the ultimate study outcome [ 25 , 26 ]. With registered reports, peer-reviewers decide before anyone knows the results of the study, and they have a more active role in being able to influence the design and analysis of the study. Journals from various disciplines increasingly support registered reports [ 27 ].

Naturally, preregistration and registered reports also have their limitations and may not be appropriate in a purely hypothesis-generating (explorative) framework. Reports of exploratory studies should indeed not be molded into a confirmatory framework; appropriate rigorous reporting alternatives have been suggested and start to become implemented [ 28 , 29 ].

Rule 3: Justify your sample size

Early-career researchers in our GRP courses often identify sample size as an issue in their research. For example, they say that they work with a low number of samples due to slow growth of cells, or they have a limited number of patient tumor samples due to a rare disease. But if your sample size is too low, your study has a high risk of providing a false negative result (type II error). In other words, you are unlikely to find an effect even if there truly was an effect.

Unfortunately, there is more bad news with small studies. When an effect from a small study was selected for drawing conclusions because it was statistically significant, low power increases the probability that an effect size is overestimated [ 30 , 31 ]. The reason is that with low power, studies that due to sampling variation find larger (overestimated) effects are much more likely to be statistically significant than those that happen to find smaller (more realistic) effects [ 30 , 32 , 33 ]. Thus, in such situations, effect sizes are often overestimated. For the phenomenon that small studies often report more extreme results (in meta-analyses), the term “small-study effect” was introduced [ 34 ]. In any case, an underpowered study is a problematic study, no matter the outcome.

In conclusion, small sample sizes can undermine research, but when is a study too small? For one study, a total of 50 patients may be fine, but for another, 1,000 patients may be required. How large a study needs to be designed requires an appropriate sample size calculation. Appropriate sample size calculation ensures that enough data are collected to ensure sufficient statistical power (the probability to reject the null hypothesis when it is in fact false).

Low-powered studies can be avoided by performing a sample size calculation to find out the required sample size of the study. This requires specifying a primary outcome variable and the magnitude of effect you are interested in (among some other factors); in clinical research, this is often the minimal clinically relevant difference. The statistical power is often set at 80% or larger. A comprehensive list of packages for sample size calculation are available [ 35 ], among them the R package “pwr” [ 36 ]. There are also many online calculators available, for example, the University of Zurich’s “SampleSizeR” [ 37 ].

A worthwhile alternative for planning the sample size that puts less emphasis on null hypothesis testing is based on the desired precision of the study; for example, one can calculate the sample size that is necessary to obtain a desired width of a confidence interval for the targeted effect [ 38 – 40 ]. A general framework to sample size justification beyond a calculation-only approach has been proposed [ 41 ]. It is also worth mentioning that some study types have other requirements or need specific methods. In diagnostic testing, one would need to determine the anticipated minimal sensitivity or specificity; in prognostic research, the number of parameters that can be used to fit a prediction model given a fixed sample size should be specified. Designs can also be so complex that a simulation (Monte Carlo method) may be required.

Sample size calculations should be done under different assumptions, and the largest estimated sample size is often the safer bet than a best-case scenario. The calculated sample size should further be adjusted to allow for possible missing data. Due to the complexity of accurately calculating sample size, researchers should strongly consider consulting a statistician early in the study design process.

Rule 4: Write a data management plan

In 2020, 2 Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) papers in leading medical journals were retracted after major concerns about the data were raised [ 42 ]. Today, raw data are more often recognized as a key outcome of research along with the paper. Therefore, it is important to develop a strategy for the life cycle of data, including suitable infrastructure for long-term storage.

The data life cycle is described in a data management plan: a document that describes what data will be collected and how the data will be organized, stored, handled, and protected during and after the end of the research project. Several funders require a data management plan in grant submissions, and publishers like PLOS encourage authors to do so as well. The Wellcome Trust provides guidance in the development of a data management plan, including real examples from neuroimaging, genomics, and social sciences [ 43 ]. However, projects do not always allocate funding and resources to the actual implementation of the data management plan.

The Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable (FAIR) data principles promote maximal use of data and enable machines to access and reuse data with minimal human intervention [ 44 ]. FAIR principles require the data to be retained, preserved, and shared preferably with an immutable unique identifier and a clear usage license. Appropriate metadata will help other researchers (or machines) to discover, process, and understand the data. However, requesting researchers to fully comply with the FAIR data principles in every detail is an ambitious goal.

Multidisciplinary data repositories that support FAIR are, for example, Dryad (datadryad.org https://datadryad.org/ ), EUDAT ( www.eudat.eu ), OSF (osf.io https://osf.io/ ), and Zenodo (zenodo.org https://zenodo.org/ ). A number of institutional and field-specific repositories may also be suitable. However, sometimes, authors may not be able to make their data publicly available for legal or ethical reasons. In such cases, a data user agreement can indicate the conditions required to access the data. Journals highlight what are acceptable and what are unacceptable data access restrictions and often require a data availability statement.

Organizing the study artifacts in a structured way greatly facilitates the reuse of data and code within and outside the lab, enhancing collaborations and maximizing the research investment. Support and courses for data management plans are sometimes available at universities. Another 10 simple rules paper for creating a good data management plan is dedicated to this topic [ 45 ].

Rule 5: Reduce bias

Bias is a distorted view in favor of or against a particular idea. In statistics, bias is a systematic deviation of a statistical estimate from the (true) quantity it estimates. Bias can invalidate our conclusions, and the more bias there is, the less valid they are. For example, in clinical studies, bias may mislead us into reaching a causal conclusion that the difference in the outcomes was due to the intervention or the exposure. This is a big concern, and, therefore, the risk of bias is assessed in clinical trials [ 46 ] as well as in observational studies [ 47 , 48 ].

There are many different forms of bias that can occur in a study, and they may overlap (e.g., allocation bias and confounding bias) [ 49 ]. Bias can occur at different stages, for example, immortal time bias in the design of the study, information bias in the execution of the study, and publication bias in the reporting of research. Understanding bias allows us researchers to remain vigilant of potential sources of bias when peer-reviewing and designing own studies. We summarized some common types of bias and some preventive steps in Table 1 , but many other forms of bias exist; for a comprehensive overview, see the Oxford University’s Catalogue of Bias [ 50 ].

Allocation biasSystematic difference in the assignment of participants to the treatment and control group in a clinical trial. For example, the investigator knows or can predict which intervention the next eligible patient is supposed to receive due to poorly concealed randomization.- Randomization with allocation concealment
Attrition biasAttrition occurs when participants leave during a study that aims to explore the effect of continuous exposure (dropouts or withdrawal). For example, more dropouts of patients randomized to an aggressive cancer treatment.- Good investigator–patient communication
- Accessibility of clinics
- Incentives to continue
Confounding biasAn artificial association between an exposure and an outcome because another variable is related to both the exposure and outcome. For example, lung cancer risk in coffee drinkers is evaluated, ignoring smoking status (smoking is associated with both coffee drinking and cancer). A challenge is that many confounders are unknown and/or not measured.- Randomization (can address unmeasured confounders)
When randomization is not possible:
- Restriction to one level of the confounder
- Matching on the levels of the confounder
- Stratification and analysis within strata
- Propensity score matching
Immortal time biasSurvival beyond a certain time point is necessary in order to be exposed (participants are “immortal” in that time period). For example, discharged patients are analyzed but were included in the treatment group only if they filled a prescription for a drug 90 days after discharge from hospital.- Group assignment at time zero
- Time-dependent analysis may be used
Information biasBias that arises from systematic differences in the collection, recall, recording, or handling of information. For example, blood pressure in the treatment arm is measured in the morning and for the control arm in the evening.- Standardized data collection
- Data collection independent from exposure or outcome (e.g., by blinding of intervention status/exposure)
- Use of objective measurements
Publication biasOccurs when only studies with a positive or negative result are published. Affects meta-analyses from systematic reviews and harms evidence-based medicine- Writing a study protocol and preregistration
- Publishing study protocol or registered report
- Following reporting guidelines

For a comprehensive collection, see catalogofbias.org .

Here are some noteworthy examples of study bias from the literature: An example of information bias was observed when in 1998 an alleged association between the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine and autism was reported. Recall bias (a subtype of information bias) emerged when parents of autistic children recalled the onset of autism after an MMR vaccination more often than parents of similar children who were diagnosed prior to the media coverage of that controversial and meanwhile retracted study [ 51 ]. A study from 2001 showed better survival for academy award-winning actors, but this was due to immortal time bias that favors the treatment or exposure group [ 52 , 53 ]. A study systematically investigated self-reports about musculoskeletal symptoms and found the presence of information bias. The reason was that participants with little computer-time overestimated, and participants with a lot of computer-time spent underestimated their computer usage [ 54 ].

Information bias can be mitigated by using objective rather than subjective measurements. Standardized operating procedures (SOP) and electronic lab notebooks additionally help to follow well-designed protocols for data collection and handling [ 55 ]. Despite the failure to mitigate bias in studies, complete descriptions of data and methods can at least allow the assessment of risk of bias.

Research execution

Rule 6: avoid questionable research practices.

Questionable research practices (QRPs) can lead to exaggerated findings and false conclusions and thus lead to irreproducible research. Often, QRPs are used with no bad intentions. This becomes evident when methods sections explicitly describe such procedures, for example, to increase the number of samples until statistical significance is reached that supports the hypothesis. Therefore, it is important that researchers know about QRPs in order to recognize and avoid them.

Several questionable QRPs have been named [ 56 , 57 ]. Among them are low statistical power, pseudoreplication, repeated inspection of data, p -hacking [ 58 ], selective reporting, and hypothesizing after the results are known (HARKing).

The first 2 QRPs, low statistical power and pseudoreplication, can be prevented by proper planning and designing of studies, including sample size calculation and appropriate statistical methodology to avoid treating data as independent when in fact they are not. Statistical power is not equal to reproducibility, but statistical power is a precondition of reproducibility as the lack thereof can result in false negative as well as false positive findings (see Rule 3 ).

In fact, a lot of QRP can be avoided with a study protocol and statistical analysis plan. Preregistration, as described in Rule 2, is considered best practice for this purpose. However, many of these issues can additionally be rooted in institutional incentives and rewards. Both funding and promotion are often tied to the quantity rather than the quality of the research output. At universities, still only few or no rewards are given for writing and registering protocols, sharing data, publishing negative findings, and conducting replication studies. Thus, a wider “culture change” is needed.

Rule 7: Be cautious with interpretations of statistical significance

It would help if more researchers were familiar with correct interpretations and possible misinterpretations of statistical tests, p -values, confidence intervals, and statistical power [ 59 , 60 ]. A statistically significant p -value does not necessarily mean that there is a clinically or biologically relevant effect. Specifically, the traditional dichotomization into statistically significant ( p < 0.05) versus statistically nonsignificant ( p ≥ 0.05) results is seldom appropriate, can lead to cherry-picking of results and may eventually corrupt science [ 61 ]. We instead recommend reporting exact p -values and interpreting them in a graded way in terms of the compatibility of the null hypothesis with the data [ 62 , 63 ]. Moreover, a p -value around 0.05 (e.g., 0.047 or 0.055) provides only little information, as is best illustrated by the associated replication power: The probability that a hypothetical replication study of the same design will lead to a statistically significant result is only 50% [ 64 ] and is even lower in the presence of publication bias and regression to the mean (the phenomenon that effect estimates in replication studies are often smaller than the estimates in the original study) [ 65 ]. Claims of novel discoveries should therefore be based on a smaller p -value threshold (e.g., p < 0.005) [ 66 ], but this really depends on the discipline (genome-wide screenings or studies in particle physics often apply much lower thresholds).

Generally, there is often too much emphasis on p -values. A statistical index such as the p -value is just the final product of an analysis, the tip of the iceberg [ 67 ]. Statistical analyses often include many complex stages, from data processing, cleaning, transformation, addressing missing data, modeling, to statistical inference. Errors and pitfalls can creep in at any stage, and even a tiny error can have a big impact on the result [ 68 ]. Also, when many hypothesis tests are conducted (multiple testing), false positive rates may need to be controlled to protect against wrong conclusions, although adjustments for multiple testing are debated [ 69 – 71 ].

Thus, a p -value alone is not a measure of how credible a scientific finding is [ 72 ]. Instead, the quality of the research must be considered, including the study design, the quality of the measurement, and the validity of the assumptions that underlie the data analysis [ 60 , 73 ]. Frameworks exist that help to systematically and transparently assess the certainty in evidence; the most established and widely used one is Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development and Evaluations (GRADE; www.gradeworkinggroup.org ) [ 74 ].

Training in basic statistics, statistical programming, and reproducible analyses and better involvement of data professionals in academia is necessary. University departments sometimes have statisticians that can support researchers. Importantly, statisticians need to be involved early in the process and on an equal footing and not just at the end of a project to perform the final data analysis.

Rule 8: Make your research open

In reality, science often lacks transparency. Open science makes the process of producing evidence and claims transparent and accessible to others [ 75 ]. Several universities and research funders have already implemented open science roadmaps to advocate free and public science as well as open access to scientific knowledge, with the aim of further developing the credibility of research. Open research allows more eyes to see it and critique it, a principle similar to the “Linus’s law” in software development, which says that if there are enough people to test a software, most bugs will be discovered.

As science often progresses incrementally, writing and sharing a study protocol and making data and methods readily available is crucial to facilitate knowledge building. The Open Science Framework (osf.io) is a free and open-source project management tool that supports researchers throughout the entire project life cycle. OSF enables preregistration of study protocols and sharing of documents, data, analysis code, supplementary materials, and preprints.

To facilitate reproducibility, a research paper can link to data and analysis code deposited on OSF. Computational notebooks are now readily available that unite data processing, data transformations, statistical analyses, figures and tables in a single document (e.g., R Markdown, Jupyter); see also the 10 simple rules for reproducible computational research [ 76 ]. Making both data and code open thus minimizes waste of funding resources and accelerates science.

Open science can also advance researchers’ careers, especially for early-career researchers. The increased visibility, retrievability, and citations of datasets can all help with career building [ 77 ]. Therefore, institutions should provide necessary training, and hiring committees and journals should align their core values with open science, to attract researchers who aim for transparent and credible research [ 78 ].

Research reporting

Rule 9: report all findings.

Publication bias occurs when the outcome of a study influences the decision whether to publish it. Researchers, reviewers, and publishers often find nonsignificant study results not interesting or worth publishing. As a consequence, outcomes and analyses are only selectively reported in the literature [ 79 ], also known as the file drawer effect [ 80 ].

The extent of publication bias in the literature is illustrated by the overwhelming frequency of statistically significant findings [ 81 ]. A study extracted p -values from MEDLINE and PubMed Central and showed that 96% of the records reported at least 1 statistically significant p -value [ 82 ], which seems implausible in the real world. Another study plotted the distribution of more than 1 million z -values from Medline, revealing a huge gap from −2 to 2 [ 83 ]. Positive studies (i.e., statistically significant, perceived as striking or showing a beneficial effect) were 4 times more likely to get published than negative studies [ 84 ].

Often a statistically nonsignificant result is interpreted as a “null” finding. But a nonsignificant finding does not necessarily mean a null effect; absence of evidence is not evidence of absence [ 85 ]. An individual study may be underpowered, resulting in a nonsignificant finding, but the cumulative evidence from multiple studies may indeed provide sufficient evidence in a meta-analysis. Another argument is that a confidence interval that contains the null value often also contains non-null values that may be of high practical importance. Only if all the values inside the interval are deemed unimportant from a practical perspective, then it may be fair to describe a result as a null finding [ 61 ]. We should thus never report “no difference” or “no association” just because a p -value is larger than 0.05 or, equivalently, because a confidence interval includes the “null” [ 61 ].

On the other hand, studies sometimes report statistically nonsignificant results with “spin” to claim that the experimental treatment is beneficial, often by focusing their conclusions on statistically significant differences on secondary outcomes despite a statistically nonsignificant difference for the primary outcome [ 86 , 87 ].

Findings that are not being published have a tremendous impact on the research ecosystem, distorting our knowledge of the scientific landscape by perpetuating misconceptions, and jeopardizing judgment of researchers and the public trust in science. In clinical research, publication bias can mislead care decisions and harm patients, for example, when treatments appear useful despite only minimal or even absent benefits reported in studies that were not published and thus are unknown to physicians [ 88 ]. Moreover, publication bias also directly affects the formulation and proliferation of scientific theories, which are taught to students and early-career researchers, thereby perpetuating biased research from the core. It has been shown in modeling studies that unless a sufficient proportion of negative studies are published, a false claim can become an accepted fact [ 89 ] and the false positive rates influence trustworthiness in a given field [ 90 ].

In sum, negative findings are undervalued. They need to be more consistently reported at the study level or be systematically investigated at the systematic review level. Researchers have their share of responsibilities, but there is clearly a lack of incentives from promotion and tenure committees, journals, and funders.

Rule 10: Follow reporting guidelines

Study reports need to faithfully describe the aim of the study and what was done, including potential deviations from the original protocol, as well as what was found. Yet, there is ample evidence of discrepancies between protocols and research reports, and of insufficient quality of reporting [ 79 , 91 – 95 ]. Reporting deficiencies threaten our ability to clearly communicate findings, replicate studies, make informed decisions, and build on existing evidence, wasting time and resources invested in the research [ 96 ].

Reporting guidelines aim to provide the minimum information needed on key design features and analysis decisions, ensuring that findings can be adequately used and studies replicated. In 2008, the Enhancing the QUAlity and Transparency Of Health Research (EQUATOR) network was initiated to provide reporting guidelines for a variety of study designs along with guidelines for education and training on how to enhance quality and transparency of health research. Currently, there are 468 reporting guidelines listed in the network; see the most prominent guidelines in Table 2 . Furthermore, following the ICMJE recommendations, medical journals are increasingly endorsing reporting guidelines [ 97 ], in some cases making it mandatory to submit the appropriate reporting checklist along with the manuscript.

Guideline nameStudy type
ARRIVEAnimal experiments
CONSORTRandomized trials
STROBEObservational studies
PRISMASystematic reviews
SPIRITStudy protocols
STARD/TRIPOIDDiagnostic/prognostic studies

The EQUATOR Network is a library with more than 400 reporting guidelines in health research ( www.equator-network.org ).

The use of reporting guidelines and journal endorsement has led to a positive impact on the quality and transparency of research reporting, but improvement is still needed to maximize the value of research [ 98 , 99 ].


Originally, this paper targeted early-career researchers; however, throughout the development of the rules, it became clear that the present recommendations can serve all researchers irrespective of their seniority. We focused on practical guidelines for planning, conducting, and reporting of research. Others have aligned GRP with similar topics [ 100 , 101 ]. Even though we provide 10 simple rules, the word “simple” should not be taken lightly. Putting the rules into practice usually requires effort and time, especially at the beginning of a research project. However, time can also be redeemed, for example, when certain choices can be justified to reviewers by providing a study protocol or when data can be quickly reanalyzed by using computational notebooks and dynamic reports.

Researchers have field-specific research skills, but sometimes are not aware of best practices in other fields that can be useful. Universities should offer cross-disciplinary GRP courses across faculties to train the next generation of scientists. Such courses are an important building block to improve the reproducibility of science.


This article was written along the Good Research Practice (GRP) courses at the University of Zurich provided by the Center of Reproducible Science ( www.crs.uzh.ch ). All materials from the course are available at https://osf.io/t9rqm/ . We appreciated the discussion, development, and refinement of this article within the working group “training” of the SwissRN ( www.swissrn.org ). We are grateful to Philip Bourne for a lot of valuable comments on the earlier versions of the manuscript.

Funding Statement

S.S. received funding from SfwF (Stiftung für wissenschaftliche Forschung an der Universität Zürich; grant no. STWF-19-007). The funder had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.

Field Engineer

What are Research Skills? How to Improve Your Skills in Research

Learn strategies and techniques to improve your research skills. Avoid common mistakes and implement proven methods for efficient research. This article offers practical tips to enhance your ability to find and evaluate high-quality information.

What are Research Skills? How to Improve Your Skills in Research

Are you struggling to find relevant and reliable information for your research? Do you want to avoid getting lost in a sea of sources and needing help knowing where to start? Improving your research skills is essential for academic success and professional growth.

In today's information age, effectively conducting research has become more important than ever. Whether you are a student, a professional, or simply someone who wants to stay informed, knowing how to find and evaluate information is crucial.

Fortunately, some strategies and techniques can help you improve your research skills and become a more efficient and effective researcher. By avoiding common mistakes and implementing proven methods, you can enhance your ability to find high-quality information and make the most of your research endeavors. This article will explore some practical tips and tricks to help you improve your research skills and achieve better results.

fieldengineer.com | What are Research Skills? How to Improve Your Skills in Research

What is Research?

Research is a critical part of learning, problem-solving, and decision-making. It is an essential process used in every field for both the individual and collective’s mutual benefit and success. Research involves systematically gathering data from primary or secondary sources, analyzing it, interpreting it, and communicating its findings to researchers and other interested parties.

Research can be divided into two main categories: quantitative research, which uses numerical data to describe phenomena, and qualitative research, which seeks to understand people's beliefs, opinions, values, or behaviors. Quantitative research often involves applying model-based approaches that can predict outcomes based on observations. It is one of the most powerful methods of discovering information about the world, as it allows for testing hypotheses in a systematic manner. Qualitative research is more exploratory in nature by focusing on understanding the motivations behind what people do or think rather than developing models or producing statistics in order to conclude behavior and relationships between variables. This type of research usually relies more on observation and engagement with people instead of using statistical models.

What are Research Skills?

Research skills are the abilities and talents required to focus on an objective, gather the relevant data linked to it, analyze it using appropriate methods, and accurately communicate the results. Taking part in research indicates that you have acquired knowledge of your subject matter, have digested that knowledge, and processed, evaluated, and analyzed it until you can resolve a problem or answer a query. It is highly beneficial for employers to hire people with strong research skills since they can provide valuable insights and add value to the company’s performance. Therefore, researching effectively has become crucial to securing a job in most industries.

Why Do Research Skills Matter?

Research skills are essential if one intends to succeed in today's competitive world. With technology ever-evolving and a need to stay ahead of the competition, employees who possess research skills can prove invaluable to their employers. These skills include researching, analyzing, and interpreting data and making informed decisions based on that information.

Employers value workers who can quickly develop a thorough understanding of any changes or trends in their field of work through accurate research. Knowing how to assess customer needs, recognize competition, write reports, improve productivity, and advise on investments can also benefit any business. With the help of research skills, companies can uncover ways to adapt their services or products that better serve their customers’ needs while helping them save money at the same time. This makes overall operations more efficient as well as helps a company remain ahead of its competitors.

the good research skills

Essential Research Skills :

Here is a list of essential research skills:

Data Collection

Data collection is an important part of comprehending a certain topic and ensuring reliable information is collected while striving to answer complex questions. Every situation differs, but data collection typically includes surveys, interviews, observations, and existing document reviews. The data collected can be quantitative or qualitative, depending on the nature of the problem at hand. As students advance through university and other educational institutions, they will need to read extensively into a particular field and may even need to undertake comprehensive literature reviews to answer fundamental questions.

The skills acquired through data collection during university are invaluable for future roles and jobs. Gaining experience in understanding complex topics, reading widely on a given subject matter, collecting relevant data, and analyzing findings - all these activities are integral when dealing with any type of project within the corporate sector. Therefore, embarking on various research projects enhances a person's education level and brings about significant professional experience.


Setting goals is an important skill for any successful research project. It allows you to stay focused and motivated throughout the process. Goals are also essential in helping with direction: they provide a path to organize our thoughts, narrow our focus, and prioritize the tasks we need to undertake to achieve our desired result. The concept of goal-setting is inherent in most research processes, as everything needs to have something to strive for — whether that’s gaining knowledge about a particular topic or testing a theory.

When it comes to creating and setting goals during the research process, you must have clear and specific objectives in mind from the outset. Writing down your thoughts helps define these objectives, which can inform the data collection process; moreover, thinking about short-term and long-term goals can help you create manageable steps toward achieving them. Learning how to break up larger projects into smaller “mini-goals effectively” can make all the difference when tackling complex investigations — allowing researchers to monitor their progress more easily and culminate results further down the line.

Critical Thinking

Critical thinking is an integral part of the modern workplace. To succeed, one must be able to look at a situation objectively and make decisions based on evidence. The information examined needs to come from various sources, such as data collection, personal observation, or analysis. The goal should then be to take all this information and form a logical judgment that informs an action plan or idea.

Someone who displays strong critical thinking skills will not just accept proposed ideas at face value but instead can understand how these ideas can be applied and challenged. Accepting something without consideration means making the wrong decision due to a lack of thought. Critical thinkers understand how brainstorming works, assessing all elements before forming any decision. From negotiating with colleagues or customers in adversarial scenarios to analyzing complex documents such as legal contracts in order to review business agreements - critical dedicated apply their knowledge effectively and are able to back up their evaluation with evidence collected from multiple sources.

Observation Skills

Observation skills are necessary for conducting any form of research, whether it be in the workplace or as part of an investigative process. It is important to be able to pick up on the details that might otherwise pass unnoticed, such as inconsistencies in data or irregularities in how something is presented, and to pay careful attention to regulations and procedures that govern the company or environment. This can help researchers to ensure their processes are accurate and reliable.

As well as analyzing what we see around us directly, many research methodologies often involve calculated statistical analyses and calculations. For this reason, it’s important to develop strong observation skills so that the legitimacy of information can be confirmed and checked before conclusions are formed. Improving this skill requires dedication and practice, which could include keeping a journal reflecting on experiences, posing yourself questions about what you have observed, and seeking out opportunities in unfamiliar settings to test your observations.

Detail Orientation

Detail orientation is an important research skill for any scientific endeavor. It allows one to assess a situation or problem in minute detail and make appropriate judgments based on the information gathered. A detail-oriented thinker can easily spot errors, inconsistencies, and vital pieces of evidence, which can help lead to accurate conclusions from the research. Additionally, this skill allows someone to evaluate the quality and accuracy of data recorded during an experiment or project more efficiently to ensure validity.

Spotting small mistakes that may otherwise have been overlooked is a crucial part of conducting detailed research that must be perfected. Individuals aiming for superior outcomes should strive to develop their skill at detecting details by practicing critical analysis techniques, such as breaking down large bodies of information into smaller tasks to identify finer points quickly. Moreover, encouragement should also be made for elaborate comparison and analysis between different pieces of information when solving a complex problem, as it can help provide better insights into problems accurately.

Investigative Skills

Investigative skills are an essential component when it comes to gathering and analyzing data. In a professional setting, it is important to determine the accuracy and validity of different sources of information before making any decisions or articulating ideas. Generally, effective investigation requires collecting different sets of reliable data, such as surveys and interviews with stakeholders, employees, customers, etc. For example, if a company internally assesses possible challenges within its business operations environment, it would need to conduct more profound research involving talking to relevant stakeholders who could provide critical perspectives about the situation.

Data-gathering techniques such as comparison shopping and regulatory reviews have become more commonplace in the industry as people strive for greater transparency and more accurate results. Knowing how to identify reliable sources of information can give individuals a competitive advantage and allow them to make sound decisions based on accurate data. Investing time in learning different investigative skills can help recruiters spot applicants dedicated to acquiring knowledge in this field. Developing these investigative skills is also valuable for those looking for executive positions or starting their own business. By familiarizing themselves with their application process, people can become adept at collecting high-quality data they may use in their research endeavors.

Time Management

Time management is a key skill for any researcher. It's essential to be able to allocate time between different activities so you can effectively plan and structure your research projects. Without good time management, you may find yourself hastily completing tasks or feeling stressed out as you rush to complete an analysis. Ultimately, managing your time allows you to stay productive and ensure that each project is completed with the highest results.

Good time management requires various skills such as planning ahead, prioritizing tasks, breaking down large projects into smaller steps, and even delegating some activities when possible. It also means setting realistic goals for yourself in terms of the amount of research that can be achieved in certain timestamps and learning how to adjust these goals when needed. Becoming mindful of how you spend the same hours each day will propel your productivity and see positive results from your efforts. Time management becomes especially relevant regarding data collection and analysis – it is crucial to understand precisely what kind of resources are needed for each task before diving into the research itself. Knowing how much time should be dedicated to each step is essential for meeting deadlines while still retaining accuracy in the final outcomes of one’s study.

Tips on How to Improve Your Research Skills

Below are some tips that can help in improving your skills in research:

Initiate your project with a structured outline

When embarking on any research project, creating an outline and scope document must first ensure that you remain on the right track. An outline sets expectations for your project by forming a detailed strategy for researching the topic and gathering the necessary data to conclude. It will help you stay organized and break down large projects into more manageable parts. This can help prevent procrastination as each part of the project has its own timeline, making it easier to prioritize tasks accordingly.

Using an outline and scope document also allows for better structure when conducting research or interviews, as it guides which sources are most relevant, what questions need to be answered, and how information should be collected or presented. This ensures that all information received through research or interviews stays within the confines of the chosen topic of investigation. Additionally, it ensures that no important details are overlooked while minimizing the chance that extraneous information gets included in your results. Taking this time upfront prevents potential problems during analysis or reporting of findings later.

Acquire expertise in advanced data collection methods

When it comes to collecting data for research purposes, a range of advanced data collection techniques can be used to maximize your efficiency and accuracy. One such technique is customizing your online search results with advanced search settings. By adding quotation marks and wildcard characters to the terms you are searching for, you are more likely to find the information you need from reliable sources. This can be especially useful if, for instance, you are looking for exact quotes or phrases. Different search engines require different advanced techniques and tactics, so learning these can help you get more specific results from your research endeavors.

Aside from using online searches, another standard methodology when conducting research is accessing primary information through libraries or other public sources. A specific classification system will likely be in place that can help researchers locate the materials needed quickly and easily. Knowing and understanding this system allows one to access information much more efficiently while also giving them ample opportunity to increase their knowledge of various topics by browsing related content in the same category groups. Thus, by learning about advanced data collection techniques for both online and offline sources, researchers can make substantial progress in their studies more efficiently.

Validate and examine the reliability of your data sources

Collecting reliable information for research can be a challenge, especially when relying on online sources. It is essential to remember that not all sources are created equal, and some sites may contain false or inaccurate data. It is, therefore important to verify and analyze the data before using it as part of your research.

One way to start verifying and analyzing your sources is to cross-reference material from one source with another. This may help you determine if particular facts or claims are accurate and, therefore, more valid than others. Additionally, trace where the data is coming from by looking at the author or organization behind it so that you can assess their expertise in a particular field and authority on the topic at hand. Once these steps have been completed, you can confidently use this trusted information for your project.

Structure your research materials

Organizing your research materials is an integral part of any research process. When you’re conducting a project or study and trying to find the most relevant information, you can become overwhelmed with all the data available. It’s important to separate valid from invalid materials and to categorize research materials by subject for easy access later on. Bookmarking websites on a computer or using a digital asset management tool are two effective methods for organizing research information.

When researching, it’s critical to remember that some sources have limited value and may be outside the scope of your topic. Recognizing reliable material versus trustworthy resources can be complex in this sea of information. However, sorting data into appropriate categories can help narrow down what is necessary for producing valid conclusions. This method of classifying information helps ensure that vital documents aren't overlooked during the organization process as they are placed in folders shortcutted for quick access within one centralized source whenever needed. Separating valuable sources also makes it easier to reference later on when writing reports or giving presentations - material won't get lost among irrelevant data, and conclusions will be backed by sound evidence.

Enhance your research and communication capabilities

Developing research and communication skills is essential for succeeding academically and professionally in the modern world. The key to improving these skills lies in rigorous practice, which can begin with small projects such as resolving common issues or completing a research task that can be made into a personal project. One way to do this is to volunteer for research projects at work and gain experience under the guidance of experienced researchers. This will improve your research skills and help you develop communication skills when working with others on the project. Another option is to turn a personal project into a research task. For example, if you plan on taking a holiday soon, you could create an objective method to select the best destination by conducting online research on destinations and making informed decisions based on thorough analysis. Practicing in this way enables you to complete any research task confidently and communicate efficiently with ease.

How to Articulate Research Skills on Your Resume

Research projects require commitment and perseverance, making it an important skill to include on a resume. Even if you have had limited research experience throughout your education or previous job, including this in your resume assesses these qualities to potential employers. It's important to consider the extent of your research experience when deciding how to add this part of your background to your resume. If you have been involved with multiple in-depth research projects, it might be best to highlight this by including it as its own section. On the other hand, if the amount of research you have completed is more limited, then try including it in the skills section instead.

When adding research experience and accomplishments into either section of your resume, be sure to emphasize any specific roles or contributions you made during the process instead of just describing the project itself. Furthermore, remember to quantify any successes where possible - this showcases both communication and technical proficiency strengths, which can help make your resume stand out even more. By properly articulating research skills within a resume, employers will likely be more interested in what job seekers have accomplished in their careers.

the good research skills

How to Apply Research Skills Effectively in Your Workplace

Research skills are an invaluable set of abilities to bring to your workplace. To make sure you use them properly, a good place to start is by taking time to plan the project you have been assigned. Whether it’s writing a report or analyzing data, mapping out what tasks you need to do and how long they should take helps to understand the project timeline better. This also makes setting aside dedicated time for research easier too.

To ensure that the decisions made are sound and informed, reading up on the subject area related to the project remains one of the premier ways of doing this. This will help to ensure that any problems arising can be solved quickly and effectively, as well as provide answers before any decisions are actually put into practice. By arming yourself with knowledge gathered through reading about a particular topic, it can give you more confidence when formulating plans or strategies in which direction to take your work in.

Final Thoughts

Research skills are increasingly important in the modern world, and gaining proficiency in this area can significantly benefit a person's career. Research skills are essential for success in many different roles and fields, including those within business and industry, education, science, and medicine. Developing a deep understanding of research allows us to identify problems better and critically evaluate potential solutions. It also bolsters our problem-solving abilities as we work to find creative solutions that meet our efforts' objectives.

By improving your research capabilities, you can impress employers during an application process or when joining a team at work. Research skills are considered soft skills by potential employers since they signal that you have attention to detail while simultaneously demonstrating your ability to learn new things quickly. Employers regard these skills highly, making them one of the key graduate career skills recruiters seek. Furthermore, being able to add ‘research skills’ to your CV will be looked upon favorably by employers and help drive up your employability significantly. Demonstrating that you possess these sought-after traits makes it easier for recruiters to give you the opportunity you've been looking for, so it's worth investing the time into developing these life-long learning tools today.

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The Best Research Skills For Success

the good research skills

Updated: June 19, 2024

Published: January 5, 2020


Every student is required to conduct research in their academic careers at one point or another. A good research paper not only requires a great deal of time, but it also requires complex skills. Research skills include the ability to organize, evaluate, locate, and extract relevant information.

Let’s learn how to develop great research skills for academic success.

What is Research?

We’ve all surely heard the term “research” endlessly. But do you really know what it means?

Research is a type of study that focuses on a specific problem and aims to solve it using scientific methods. Research is a highly systematic process that involves both describing, explaining, and predicting something.

A college student exploring research topics for his science class.

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What are research skills.

Research skills are what helps us answer our most burning questions, and they are what assist us in our solving process from A to Z, including searching, finding, collecting, breaking down, and evaluating the relevant information to the phenomenon at hand.

Research is the basis of everything we know — and without it, we’re not sure where we would be today! For starters, without the internet and without cars, that’s for sure.

Why are Research Skills Important?

Research skills come in handy in pretty much everything we do, and especially so when it comes to the workforce. Employers will want to hire you and compensate you better if you demonstrate a knowledge of research skills that can benefit their company.

From knowing how to write reports, how to notice competition, develop new products, identify customer needs, constantly learn new technologies, and improve the company’s productivity, there’s no doubt that research skills are of utter importance. Research also can save a company a great deal of money by first assessing whether making an investment is really worthwhile for them.

How to Get Research Skills

Now that you’re fully convinced about the importance of research skills, you’re surely going to want to know how to get them. And you’ll be delighted to hear that it’s really not so complicated! There are plenty of simple methods out there to gain research skills such as the internet as the most obvious tool.

Gaining new research skills however is not limited to just the internet. There are tons of books, such as Lab Girl by Hope Jahren, journals, articles, studies, interviews and much, much more out there that can teach you how to best conduct your research.

Utilizing Research Skills

Now that you’ve got all the tools you need to get started, let’s utilize these research skills to the fullest. These skills can be used in more ways than you know. Your research skills can be shown off either in interviews that you’re conducting or even in front of the company you’re hoping to get hired at .

It’s also useful to add your list of research skills to your resume, especially if it’s a research-based job that requires skills such as collecting data or writing research-based reports. Many jobs require critical thinking as well as planning ahead.

Career Paths that Require Research Skills

If you’re wondering which jobs actually require these research skills, they are actually needed in a variety of industries. Some examples of the types of work that require a great deal of research skills include any position related to marketing, science , history, report writing, and even the food industry.

A high school student at her local library looking for reliable sources through books.

Photo by  Abby Chung  from  Pexels

How students can improve research skills.

Perhaps you know what you have to do, but sometimes, knowing how to do it can be more of a challenge. So how can you as a student improve your research skills ?

1. Define your research according to the assignment

By defining your research and understanding how it relates to the specific field of study, it can give more context to the situation.

2. Break down the assignment

The most difficult part of the research process is actually just getting started. By breaking down your research into realistic and achievable parts, it can help you achieve your goals and stay systematic.

3. Evaluate your sources

While there are endless sources out there, it’s important to always evaluate your sources and make sure that they are reliable, based on a variety of factors such as their accuracy and if they are biased, especially if used for research purposes.

4. Avoid plagiarism

Plagiarism is a major issue when it comes to research, and is often misunderstood by students. IAs a student, it’s important that you understand what plagiarism really means, and if you are unclear, be sure to ask your teachers.

5. Consult and collaborate with a librarian

A librarian is always a good person to have around, especially when it comes to research. Most students don’t seek help from their school librarian, however, this person tends to be someone with a vast amount of knowledge when it comes to research skills and where to look for reliable sources.

6. Use library databases

There are tons of online library resources that don’t require approaching anyone. These databases are generally loaded with useful information that has something for every student’s specific needs.

7. Practice effective reading

It’s highly beneficial to practice effective reading, and there are no shortage of ways to do it. One effective way to improve your research skills it to ask yourself questions using a variety of perspectives, putting yourself in the mind of someone else and trying to see things from their point of view.

There are many critical reading strategies that can be useful, such as making summaries from annotations, and highlighting important passages.

Thesis definition

A thesis is a specific theory or statement that is to be either proved or maintained. Generally, the intentions of a thesis are stated, and then throughout, the conclusions are proven to the reader through research. A thesis is crucial for research because it is the basis of what we are trying to prove, and what guides us through our writing.

What Skills Do You Need To Be A Researcher?

One of the most important skills needed for research is independence, meaning that you are capable of managing your own work and time without someone looking over you.

Critical thinking, problem solving, taking initiative, and overall knowing how to work professionally in front of your peers are all crucial for effectively conducting research .

1. Fact check your sources

Knowing how to evaluate information in your sources and determine whether or not it’s accurate, valid or appropriate for the specific purpose is a first on the list of research skills.

2. Ask the right questions

Having the ability to ask the right questions will get you better search results and more specific answers to narrow down your research and make it more concise.

3. Dig deeper: Analyzing

Don’t just go for the first source you find that seems reliable. Always dig further to broaden your knowledge and make sure your research is as thorough as possible.

4. Give credit

Respect the rights of others and avoid plagiarizing by always properly citing your research sources.

5. Utilize tools

There are endless tools out there, such as useful websites, books, online videos, and even on-campus professionals such as librarians that can help. Use all the many social media networks out there to both gain and share more information for your research.

6. Summarizing

Summarizing plays a huge role in research, and once the data is collected, relevant information needs to be arranged accordingly. Otherwise it can be incredibly overwhelming.

7. Categorizing

Not only does information need to be summarized, but also arranged into categories that can help us organize our thoughts and break down our materials and sources of information.

This person is using a magnifying glass to look at objects in order to collect data for her research.

Photo by  Noelle Otto  from  Pexels

What are different types of research, 1. qualitative.

This type of research is exploratory research and its aim is to obtain a better understanding of reasons for things. Qualitative research helps form an idea without any specific fixed pattern. Some examples include face-to-face interviews or group discussions.

2. Quantitative

Quantitative research is based on numbers and statistics. This type of research uses data to prove facts, and is generally taken from a large group of people.

3. Analytical

Analytical research has to always be done from a neutral point of view, and the researcher is intended to break down all perspectives. This type of research involves collecting information from a wide variety of sources.

4. Persuasive

Persuasive research describes an issue from two different perspectives, going through both the pros and cons of both, and then aims to prove their preference towards one side by exploring a variety of logical facts.

5. Cause & Effect

In this type of research, the cause and effects are first presented, and then a conclusion is made. Cause and effect research is for those who are new in the field of research and is mostly conducted by high school or college students.

6. Experimental Research

Experimental research involves very specific steps that must be followed, starting by conducting an experiment. It is then followed by sharing an experience and providing data about it. This research is concluded with data in a highly detailed manner.

7. Survey Research

Survey research includes conducting a survey by asking participants specific questions, and then analyzing those findings. From that, researchers can then draw a conclusion.

8. Problem-Solution Research

Both students and scholars alike carry out this type of research, and it involves solving problems by analyzing the situation and finding the perfect solution to it.

What it Takes to Become a Researcher

  • Critical thinking

Research is most valuable when something new is put on the table. Critical thinking is needed to bring something unique to our knowledge and conduct research successfully.

  • Analytical thinking

Analytical thinking is one of the most important research skills and requires a great deal of practice. Such a skill can assist researchers in taking apart and understanding a large amount of important information in a short amount of time.

  • Explanation skills

When it comes to research skills, it’s not just about finding information, but also about how you explain it. It’s more than just writing it out, but rather, knowing how to clearly and concisely explain your new ideas.

  • Patience is key

Just like with anything in life, patience will always take you far. It might be difficult to come by, but by not rushing things and investing the time needed to conduct research properly, your work is bound for success.

  • Time management

Time is the most important asset that we have, and it can never be returned back to us. By learning time management skills , we can utilize our time in the best way possible and make sure to always be productive in our research.

What You Need to Sharpen Your Research Skills

Research is one of the most important tasks that students are given in college, and in many cases, it’s almost half of the academic grade that one is given.

As we’ve seen, there are plenty of things that you’ll need to sharpen your research skills — which mainly include knowing how to choose reliable and relevant sources, and knowing how to take them and make it your own. It’s important to always ask the right questions and dig deeper to make sure that you understood the full picture.

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Enago Academy

Becoming a High-achieving Researcher: 10 key qualities you need to succeed

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Are you someone who is passionate about scientific research? To boldly go where no one has gone before, uncovering new knowledge and making groundbreaking discoveries? For centuries, the field of scientific research has been at the forefront of innovation, driving forward our understanding of the world around us and paving the way for many pioneering discoveries that have transformed our lives. But what does it take to become a successful researcher, is it just intelligence and technical skills, or is there something more?

When you think of high-achieving researchers, you might picture a genius locked away in a lab, hunched over a microscope, or pouring over data. But the truth is, being an excellent researcher takes more than just intelligence and technical skills. While technical expertise and academic credentials are certainly important, there are also a number of key qualities that are essential for success in this field. Cultivating these traits is a lifelong process that requires intentional effort and dedication. In this article, we’ll delve into the top 10 essential qualities that set high-achieving researchers apart from their peers.

From critical thinking to creativity, perseverance to passion, these qualities are what allow researchers to excel in their field and make a lasting impact on the world. So if you’re curious about what it takes to succeed as a researcher, read on and discover the secrets to unlocking your full potential in the world of scientific discovery.

What Are the Qualities of a Good Researcher?

So, if you’re ready to rise to the top of your field in research, it’s time to unleash your inner genius and unlock these top 10 essential qualities that can make all the difference. Join us on this journey to discover what it takes to become a high-achieving researcher.

the good research skills

1. Passion :

“Science is not only a discipline of reason, but also of romance and passion .” – Stephen Hawking

Researchers ought to be passionate about their work. They are driven by a desire to make a difference in their field and to contribute to the greater good. When they are genuinely interested in the subject matter, they are more likely to put in the time and effort needed to make significant progress.

2. Curiosity:

“Millions saw the apple fall, but Newton was the one who asked why.” – Bernard Baruch

High-achieving researchers have an insatiable curiosity that drives them to ask questions, seek answers, explore new ideas, and push the boundaries of what is known. It’s what inspires them to dive deeper into a topic, and to keep digging until they uncover something truly groundbreaking. It allows them to consider multiple possibilities and to think creatively about potential solutions. This can be particularly important in fields where there is a need for innovation or where there are complex problems that require novel approaches. Curiosity can fuel a researcher’s passion for their work.

3. Perseverance:

“Talent is quite common; it is not intelligence that is scarce, but perseverance.” – Doris Lessing

Researchers should also possess perseverance — the grit and determination to keep going, even in the face of setbacks and obstacles. The results of an experiment may not be what was expected, or even worse, the experiment may run smoothly until it is 95% complete before failing. Research can be a long and challenging process, but high achievers don’t give up. Whether it be a manuscript rejection or a stressful PhD workload , they keep pushing forward, driven by their passion and their desire to make a difference.

4. Critical thinking:

“Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.” – Marie Curie

Another key quality of a good researcher is critical thinking . Researchers need to be skilled at analyzing data, identifying patterns, and drawing conclusions based on evidence. They should have a sharp eye for detail and be able to spot inconsistencies and errors in their work. A successful researcher must have the ability to approach problems from a variety of angles. They must be able to analyze complex data and draw meaningful conclusions from their findings.

5. Collaboration:

“The hardest problems of pure and applied science can only be solved by the open collaboration of the worldwide scientific community.” – Kenneth G Wilson

Research isn’t a solitary pursuit. It is often a team effort, and researchers must know how to work effectively with others. They must be able to communicate their ideas clearly and shouldn’t be afraid to seek out input and feedback from their colleagues. It enables the pooling of diverse perspectives, skills, and resources to tackle research questions, fosters professional networks, helps overcome challenges, and promotes the sharing of knowledge and ideas. As research is becoming increasingly interdisciplinary, having efficient collaborative skills is a significant aspect that can aid in achieving success in research.

6. Effective communication:

“You don’t really understand something unless you can explain it to your grandmother.” – Albert Einstein

A successful researcher must be able to communicate their findings effectively to a wide range of audiences. Whether they are presenting to fellow scientists or the general public, they must be able to explain complex concepts in a clear and concise manner. Whether it is writing an effective lay summary , presenting at a conference, or writing a persuasive grant proposal to obtain research funding, communication skills are an essential asset for every researcher. Researchers who are able to effectively communicate their findings are better equipped to disseminate their research and have a greater impact on their field.

7. Organizational skills:

“ A goal properly set is halfway reached.” – Zig Ziglar

Having a strategy for organizing research notes, data, and literature reviews makes it easier to analyze and synthesize the data later on. Of course, being a high-achieving researcher also requires strong time management skills . Additionally, when working as a team, it is important to keep track of who is responsible for which tasks, what the deadlines are, and what the progress is on each task. It is also important to set aside time for family and friends as well as for oneself. Maintaining a work-life balance is crucial for researchers because it affects their mental and physical health, reducing their productivity. Good organizational skills help a researcher stay on top of their work, manage their time effectively, and collaborate successfully with others.

8. Prudence:

“Prudence is a presumption of the future, contracted from the experience of time past.” – Thomas Hobbes

Prudence is an important characteristic in a good researcher because it involves exercising good judgment and caution in effectively managing resources whether it be time, funding, or materials. It is necessary to strike the right balance between ambition and prudence, and it usually takes time and experience. Researchers often have limited resources and must make strategic decisions on how to allocate them in order to achieve their research goals. Practicing prudence also means taking deliberate steps to plan and evaluate risks, so that research can be carried out with maximum efficiency and effectiveness.

9. Self-reliance:

“Without your involvement you can’t succeed. With your involvement you can’t fail.” – A.P.J. Abdul Kalam

Self-reliance enables researchers to be independent and self-sufficient in their work. It allows them to take ownership of their research and not rely on others for their success. Self-reliance helps researchers be more efficient and effective in their work, as they are able to make their own decisions and solve problems on their own. However, it does not mean that researchers should work in isolation. Collaboration and communication with peers and colleagues are still important aspects of research. Self-reliance simply means that researchers are able and willing to work independently when necessary and have the confidence and ability to make important decisions on their own.

10. Ethical conduct:

“Ethics and Science need to shake hands.” – Richard Cabot

Finally, research requires the highest standards of ethics and integrity . Ethical conduct is an important quality in a good researcher because it ensures that research is conducted with integrity, honesty, and respect for the subjects and participants involved. They must adhere to strict ethical guidelines and ensure that their work is conducted with integrity and transparency. In addition, ethical conduct also involves being honest about the limitations of the research and acknowledging any potential conflicts of interest or biases that may impact the results.

There you go! Are you ready to take your skills to the next level and become a high-achieving researcher? In conclusion, being a great researcher requires a unique blend of skills, qualities, and experiences. While some of these traits may come naturally to some individuals, others can be developed through practice, training, and experience. By cultivating these traits and continually striving to improve, you can become a top-notch researcher and improve your effectiveness, productivity, and impact in your field of study. So get out there, ask questions, challenge assumptions, and make your mark on the world of research! Share your insights with the scholarly community using  #AskEnago on Twitter .

  • Gisbert JP, Chaparro M. Tips and guidelines for being a successful researcher. Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2020;43:540–550. doi: 1016/j.gastre.2020.03.007

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Very informative and helpful, thanks.

Explanation provided for each of the skills is top notch.

👍 . I agree . Useful .

I really find this article very helpful. Striving to have those mentioned qualities and become a good researcher soon.

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the good research skills

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What are Research Skills and why are they important?

Internet research skills

Most jobs actually require some level of problem-solving. You may come across an impediment and come up with a question that you must answer in order to proceed. To answer this question, you will almost certainly need to conduct some research. People with research skills can identify a problem, gather informational resources that can help address the problem, assess the quality and relevance of these resources, and come up with an effective solution to the problem.

By the way, to diversify your research paper process you can find unique research paper topics .

What is Research?

Internet Research is the practice of conducting research using Internet information, particularly free information on Internet-based educational resources (such as Internet discussion forums).

Simply put, research is the process of discovering new knowledge. This knowledge can be either the development of new concepts or the advancement of existing knowledge and theories, leading to a new understanding that was not previously known.

In fact, almost every profession or job necessitates some level of research and research skills. As long as you encounter a question, which is a natural occurrence in almost everything, you should encounter an opportunity to conduct research. When there is a need for research, strong research skills come in handy.

What are Research Skills?

Research skills enable you to focus on a specific goal, gather relevant information, and communicate your findings to others. We are taught from a young age to develop research skills, and for good reason.

Teachers in academia required answers to a series of topic-related questions in an essay. Similarly, your boss may eventually request that you investigate a work-related topic or figure out how to solve a problem.

Why are Research Skills Important?

Research skills are important in the workplace for a variety of reasons, including the ability for individuals and businesses to:

  • Develop new processes and outcomes. You don't have to be involved in research and development to improve the way your team works. Any sensible employer will value your efforts in researching new processes that will make your job (and those of your team) more efficient.
  • Personal Growth. People who have a knack and a passion for research are never satisfied with doing things the same way they've always done them. Organizations require independent thinkers who will seek their own answers and continually improve their skills. These employees will also learn new technologies more quickly.
  • Customer relationship management. In almost every industry, being able to conduct research on your customer base is critical. It's difficult to move products or sell services if you don't know what people want. It is a valuable responsibility to research your customer base's interests, needs, and pain points.
  • Cost Effective. Whether your organization is launching a new product or simply trying to cut costs, research is critical for identifying wasted resources and redirecting them to more worthy causes. Anyone who goes out of their way to find ways for the company to save money will be praised by their boss.
  • Competitor Analysis. Knowing what your top competitors are up to is crucial for any company. If a company wants to stay functioning, it must research what works for its competitors, what they do better than you, and where it may improve its standing with the least amount of resources.

Types of Research Skills

Experienced researchers understand that conducting a worthwhile investigation necessitates a wide range of abilities. Consider which research abilities you have naturally and which you could improve.

Goal Setting

You must first know what you're looking for before you can conduct any form of productive research. Setting goals is a skill just like any other. It will be lot easier to construct a path there if you can imagine the conclusion you're aiming to attain by investing effort into research. Goal-setting skills include:

  • Specificity
  • Time-Management
  • Planning ahead
  • Organization
  • Accountable

Data Collection

The collection of data is often the first thing to remember when thinking about the research process. It is a systematic process to collect and measure information on variables of interest that allows one to respond to research questions, to test hypothesis and to assess results.

Simply collecting facts and information on the internet can meet your needs for some purposes. More direct and popular research may be needed by others. You will be more impressive with your experience in different methods of data collection. Methods of data collection are:

  • Questionnaires and surveys
  • Observations
  • Documents and records
  • Focus groups
  • Oral histories

Evaluate and Analyze Information and Sources

In research, it is important to find reliable information suitable for your task. Some tasks may require the use of certain types of sources, such as primary or secondary sources or certain types of journals, like scientific journals. You may need to restrict the numbers sources you use for other assignments.

In all cases, the information contained in your assignments should always be assessed. Knowing how to assess information helps you with research tasks and with your life's bigger decisions. Knowing where to go for information that is relevant, credible, and accurate can assist you in making informed decisions about graduate school, a new car purchase, financial aid opportunities, daycare options, and other topics.

  • Published books
  • Encyclopedias
  • Scholarly journals
  • Library catalogs

Using the internet to gather information

Search engines are used to find the majority of information on the Internet. A search engine is an online service that employs web robots to query millions of web pages and compile an index of the results. Internet users can then utilize these services to search the web for information. While it is beneficial to consult different sources, today's research is driven by good online research skills.

One of the greatest things about the internet is how much information it holds; unfortunately, getting to the data you need requires sifting through a lot of rubbish. Employers value the ability to efficiently utilise the large reservoir of knowledge available on the internet without getting lost in the clutter. The following are some examples of internet research skills:

  • Source checking
  • Searching relevant questions
  • Exploring deeper than the first options
  • Avoiding distraction
  • Giving credit
  • Organizing findings

Due to the sheer size of the World Wide Web, and with the rapid growth of indexed web pages, finding relevant and reliable information demands specialized training and Internet research skills . We provide a centralized virtual platform for knowledge professionals that use the Internet as a primary source of information. This AofIRS is more than just a virtual collaboration and networking platform for researchers and knowledge professionals. The website is filled with free, up-to-date content and reference material that is ideal for research.


Some research projects may demand a more hands-on approach than relying just on online resources. In the research process, being prepared with great interviewing skills can be really beneficial. Interviews can be a good way to get first-hand knowledge for your research, and knowing how to conduct an effective interview can help you improve your research skills. Interviewing abilities include:

  • A plan of action
  • Specific, pointed questions
  • Respectfulness
  • Considering the interview setting
  • Actively Listening
  • Taking notes

Report Writing

Report writing skills can help you in both your employment and your academic studies. In any case, the overall goal of a report is to transmit specific facts to its audience.

Communication is crucial for effective report writing. Your supervisor, professor, or general reader should comprehend your findings and conclusions clearly. Skills in report writing include:

  • Formatting is important.
  • Including a synopsis
  • Keeping your focus on your main goal
  • Developing a plan
  • Proofreading\sDirectness

Critical Thinking

Critical thinking skills can help you a lot in the research process and in general as an employee. Your data analysis skills are referred to as critical thinking. When you're conducting research, you'll need to be able to interpret your findings and make rational judgments based on them. The following are examples of critical thinking skills:

  • Observation
  • Assessing issues
  • Problem-solving
  • Communication

Planning and Scheduling 

The development of baseline productivity and success standards is one of the most significant components of planning and scheduling. You won't know if you're meeting goals until you have a particular strategy in place with a specific desired outcome defined by a completion date.

It also makes time management considerably easy. Employers value planning and scheduling abilities because they suggest a well-prepared employee. Skills in planning and scheduling include:

  • Setting objectives
  • Identifying tasks
  • Prioritizing
  • Delegating if needed
  • Time-management


Research involves sifting through and taking in lots of information. Taking thorough notes ensures that you do not overlook any findings and allows you to communicate these findings to your coworkers. Being able to take good notes aids in the summarization of research. Here are some examples of note-taking abilities:

  • Using short-hand
  • Keeping your goal in mind
  • Emphasizing important points
  • Reviewing notes afterward

Time Management

Unfortunately, we only have 24 measly hours in a day. In a professional setting, the ability to effectively manage this time is extremely valuable. Hiring managers look for candidates who can complete tasks within a specific time frame.

Strong time management skills imply that you can organize a strategy for breaking down larger tasks in a project and completing them by a deadline. Improving your time management skills can significantly boost the productivity of your research. Time management abilities include the following:

  • Creating task outlines
  • Thinking strategically
  • Stress-management
  • Utilizing resources
  • Setting reasonable expectations
  • Meeting deadlines

Other Helpful Research Skills

The definition of research skills is broad, and there are many traits that could help you in the research process. Consider some of the additional research skills below.

  • Attention to detail
  • Reading and writing skills
  • Considering keywords
  • Competitor comparison
  • Multitasking
  • Summarization
  • Presentation

How to Improve Your Research Skills

The great thing about research skills is that many of us use them on a daily basis. When you use a search engine to find information on a topic, you are conducting research. However, there are more proactive ways to begin improving your research skills today:

  • Make a distinction between source quality. A researcher's worst source determines how good they are. Start paying attention to the quality of the sources you're using, and be wary of anything you read until you've double-checked the attributions and works cited. Examine the author's bias, the author's research's alignment with the greater body of confirmed research in the subject, and the journal that sponsored or published the research.
  • Verify information from several sources. It gets increasingly trustworthy when you can verify information from a variety of sources. If you want to strengthen your belief in one source, check if you can locate another that agrees with it. When you run into contradictions and conflicts in your study, you know you need to keep going until you reach a more definitive conclusion.
  • Don't be influenced by confirmation bias. Confirmation bias occurs when a researcher expects a specific result and then searches for data to support that hypothesis, ignoring any sources that contradict or invalidate the researcher's initial idea. Be ready for unexpected responses and keep an open mind. Also, keep in mind that you might not be able to discover a definitive answer. It's preferable to provide the important points of your research to someone (such as your employer) and explain that it didn't lead to a concrete plan of action than to alter your data and give the answer you or your boss want to hear.
  • Stay organized. You'll encounter a lot of material during the data gathering process, from webpages to PDFs to videos. To avoid losing something or not being able to properly mention something, it's critical that you maintain all of this information organized in some way. There are numerous methods for keeping your research project structured, but here are a few of the most common: Bookmarks in your browser, index cards, and an annotated bibliography that you update as you go are all useful tools.
  • Develop your research skills. Professional certification will help you improve your research skills. CIRS™ (Certified Internet Research Specialist), is by far the only professional credential that meets this challenge. Professional researchers owe it to themselves to seek structured certification programs and stay in touch with new materials and tools that are available to transform research problems from very difficult or impossible to quick and simple tasks. We have developed a CIRS Certification (Certified Internet Research Specialist) to educate and train Online Researchers that now form a significantly large group of people involved in digital information research work.
  • Get specific as you go. There's nothing wrong with commencing your investigation in a broad sense. After all, it's critical to become acquainted with the vocabulary and substance of the researcher's results before delving into the details. Orienting yourself to a new topic is an important step that will prevent you from being discouraged and working backwards.
  • Learn how to spot a reliable source. Because not all sources are trustworthy, it's critical to be able to distinguish between the good and the bad. To find a trustworthy source, utilize your critical thinking and analytical skills to ask yourself the following questions: Is this source consistent with other sources I've discovered? Is the author a subject matter expert? Is there a conflict of interest in the author's point of view on this subject?

If you're ready to conduct research to enhance your search efforts, the following resources will be useful:

  • Educational Search Engines for Students
  • Top 100  Academic Search Engines
  • 3 ways to help students do efficient online research

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World's leading professional association of Internet Research Specialists - We deliver Knowledge, Education, Training, and Certification in the field of Professional Online Research. The AOFIRS is considered a major contributor in improving Web Search Skills and recognizes Online Research work as a full-time occupation for those that use the Internet as their primary source of information.

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The Top 5 Qualities of Every Good Researcher

  • 3 minute read

Table of Contents

What makes a good researcher? Is it some undefinable, innate genius, or is it something that we can practice and build upon? If it was just the former, then there would be far fewer innovations in the history of humankind than there have been. A careful look at researchers through the ages reveals that they all have certain attributes in common that have helped contribute to their success.

The characteristics of a good researcher:

1. curiosity.

They ask questions. An endless thirst for knowledge is what sets the best of the best apart from the others. Good researchers constantly strive to learn more, not just about their own field, but about other fields as well. The world around us is fascinating, be it the physics behind the way light refracts, or the anthropological constructions of our society. A good researcher keeps exploring the world and keeps searching for answers.

2. Analytical ability and foresight

They look for connections. Information is useless without interpretation. What drives research forward is finding meaning in our observations and data. Good researchers evaluate data from every angle and search for patterns. They explore cause and effect and untangle the tricky web that interconnects everyday phenomena. And then take it one step further to ask, ‘What is the bigger picture? How will the research develop in the future?’

3. Determination

They try, try, and try again. Research can be a frustrating experience. Experiments may not pan out how we expect them to. Even worse, sometimes experiments may run smoothly until they are 95% complete before failing. What sets an average researcher apart from a truly good one? The truly good researcher perseveres. They accept this disappointment, learn from the failure, reevaluate their experiment, and keep moving forward.

4. Collaboration

Teamwork makes the dream work. Contrary to the common perception of the solitary genius in their lab, research is an extremely collaborative process. There is simply too much to do for just one person to do it all. Moreover, research is becoming increasingly multidisciplinary. It is impossible for just one person to have expertise in all these fields. In general, research is conducted in teams , with each researcher having their individual roles and responsibilities. Being able to coordinate, communicate, and get along with team members is a major factor that can contribute to one’s success as a researcher.

5. Communication

They get their message across. Communication skills are an essential asset for every researcher. Not only do they have to communicate with their team members, but they also have to communicate with co-authors, journals, publishers, and funders. Whether it is writing a crisp and effective abstract, presenting at a conference, or writing a persuasive grant proposal to secure research funding, communication appears everywhere in a researcher’s life. The message in the old adage, ‘If a tree falls in the forest, but no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?’ applies to research too. A discovery could be groundbreaking, but what is the use if the researcher can’t communicate this discovery to the rest of the world?

These are just a few of the skills required by researchers to make it to the top of their field. Other attributes like creativity and time management are also worth mentioning. Nevertheless, having one or more of these top five characteristics will make the research process smoother for you and increase the chances of positive results. Set yourself up for success by building up these skills, focusing on excellence, and asking for help when you need it. Elsevier Author Services is here to aid you at every step of the research journey. From translation services by experts in the field, to preparing your manuscript for publication, to helping you submit the best possible grant proposal, you can trust us to guide you in your journey to doing great research.

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the good research skills

Top 10 Qualities and Characteristics of a Good Researcher

the good research skills

Year after year, people with different personalities and backgrounds step into the field of research eager to develop the key qualities of a good researcher , only to find themselves faced with anxiety and self-doubt. Becoming a good researcher is a challenging task that requires a combination of skills and attributes as well as time, dedication, and a lot of hard work.   

So what are the qualities of a good researcher and how does one build these must-have characteristics? This article answers this by sharing the top 10 qualities of a good researcher that you must work to develop, strengthen, and apply on your journey to research success.   

Table of Contents

Top 10 qualities of a good researcher  

  • Curiosity:  A curious mind and an ability to look at things from different perspectives is what makes a good researcher better. Good researchers are observant about the world around them and open to new ideas and possibilities; they are always asking questions and looking for answers. This ability to see the bigger picture while being curious about the smaller details is what makes a good researcher explore new ideas, test hypotheses, and make new discoveries.
  • Critical thinking:  Successful researchers can think critically about the information they gather while reading about new developments in their own and related fields. This is an essential characteristic of a good researcher . Instead of simply accepting existing knowledge as fact, you need to have the ability to analyze and evaluate the validity and reliability of sources, consider alternative explanations for results you observe, and find connections between seemingly unrelated concepts.

the good research skills

  • Creativity:  The qualities of a good researcher do not just include curiosity and critical thinking, but also thinking creatively when it comes to problem solving. Nurturing the ability to think outside the box and come up with novel and often unconventional solutions to challenges you face is how to become a better researcher. This allows you to come up with more ground-breaking research studies and results addressing issues that others might easily miss.
  • Objectivity:  Nurturing preconceived notions is detrimental to research. Avoid temptations to make unconclusive statements or introduce personal biases into research, which will impact your research and standing in the long run. Remember, building essential qualities of a good researcher means consciously keeping aside personal preferences and biases and applying sound judgement to your work even when under pressure.
  • Collaborative spirit:  An important characteristic of a good researcher is being able to work well with others. With a shift toward more collaborative research, successful researchers often connect with and work with peers to come up with innovative approaches to research problems. While sharing ideas and partnering with other researchers can lead to breakthroughs and boost your researcher reputation, it also opens the door for your work to reach and potentially benefit a wider audience.
  • Communication skills:  An added strength of a good researcher is being able to communicate your findings clearly and effectively, which is a key contributor to your success. This is applicable when writing your manuscripts, presenting at conferences, as well as when seeking funding for your work. Good researchers can explain their research to both specialists and non-specialists to ensure their work is understood and appreciated by a wider audience.
  • Attention to detail:  One of the key qualities of a good researcher is being meticulous in your work. Researchers need to pay attention to every detail, from the design of an experiment to the analysis of data, and further in writing and submitting their manuscript for publication. This crucial characteristic can help you ensure your research is accurate, testable, and reliable, and also gives your manuscripts a better chance of acceptance.
  • Time management:  To understand what are the characteristics of a good researcher , first ask yourself if you manage your time well. Most successful researchers organize, prioritize, and optimize their time efficiently, allowing them to not only keep up with their responsibilities but also make time for personal tasks. If you’re being pulled in different directions or overwhelmed with trying to manage your research, stay updated on your research reading, or meeting your writing deadlines, consider honing this skill as a prerequisite to becoming a good researcher.
  • Persistence & flexibility:  Research can be a long, difficult process with several hurdles and changes along the way. One of the key requirements to becoming a good researcher is being able to adapt to new technologies and changing circumstances and persevere despite setbacks and challenges that inevitably arise. Developing the qualities of a good researcher means anticipating problems, adjusting plans to tackle challenges head-on, and being patient while moving forward toward achieving your goals.
  • Focus on self-care:  Anxiety, stress, and mental health issues are common among academics. Successful researchers are better equipped to manage this by adopting a healthy balanced lifestyle. Understanding what works for you can also improve your efficiency and productivity. Being aware of your strengths and weaknesses and using this to your advantage is key to becoming a good researcher.

In conclusion, perfecting the characteristics of a good researcher is not quick or easy, but by working consistently toward developing or strengthening these essential qualities, you will be well on your way to finding success as a well-established researcher.  

R Discovery is a literature search and research reading platform that accelerates your research discovery journey by keeping you updated on the latest, most relevant scholarly content. With 250M+ research articles sourced from trusted aggregators like CrossRef, Unpaywall, PubMed, PubMed Central, Open Alex and top publishing houses like Springer Nature, JAMA, IOP, Taylor & Francis, NEJM, BMJ, Karger, SAGE, Emerald Publishing and more, R Discovery puts a world of research at your fingertips.  

Try R Discovery Prime FREE for 1 week or upgrade at just US$72 a year to access premium features that let you listen to research on the go, read in your language, collaborate with peers, auto sync with reference managers, and much more. Choose a simpler, smarter way to find and read research – Download the app and start your free 7-day trial today !  

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Teaching Students How to Research

Discover how the SLICE method can help students find, critically evaluate, and cite sources.

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Teaching research skills to students is one of the most important jobs of an educator, as it allows young people to take a much more proactive role in their own learning. Good researchers know how to learn , a skill they can use in school and beyond.

It is essential that students become adept at finding and evaluating sources, vetting arguments, and learning how to navigate both print and digital media. The SLICE method of teaching research, which I devised, is a simple, memorable way for teachers and students who want to better understand the research process. SLICE stands for Sources, Library, Integrity, Citation, and Evaluation.

What’s the difference between a dictionary, encyclopedia, journal, newspaper, and magazine? Students often don’t know these differentiations, and analyzing the types of sources is an important first step for the novice researcher.

I suggest bringing in physical examples of the sources. Show students hard copies of dictionaries and encyclopedias (which they may not have ever seen). Discuss how many of these resources have migrated to the internet, such as Encyclopaedia Britannica , The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy , and Oxford Research Encyclopedias . 

Next, discuss with the students the different parts of any source (i.e., title, author, publication information, pagination, or abstract in the case of a journal article). This is the anatomy of sources, about which I have written before . Students should know the parts of both books and articles in order to maximize their research efficiency.

Understanding the components of sources allows them to access information quickly via the index or table of contents. While many students rely on citation-generators, it is helpful for them to understand how to write a works-cited page or bibliography without the aid of a website. Knowing the parts of their sources can help them with this.

Another key element of any discussion about sources is delving into the variety of digital sources now available. First, I like to teach them how to use Wikipedia wisely , as it is an online source that many young people turn to first. Demonstrate to students how much of the research has already been done for them on Wikipedia (i.e., through the references, sources, and external links). Then, we look at open-access databases online, such as medical websites ( PubMed , Trip medical database ), journals ( Nature Portfolio , JSTOR ), reputable polling sources ( Pew Research , Gallup , 538 , The Quinnipiac University Poll ), Google Scholar, and others. Talk to your librarian about open-access websites.


Being a good researcher means knowing how to navigate a library, be it a public library, academic library, or school library. There’s simply no way around that— especially with the staggering breadth of information in our society. Libraries are more important than ever, and it is critical that students become confident and proficient library users. 

First, teach students the role of libraries in organizing, disseminating, and, in many cases, preserving valuable digital and physical information. Some students may have never even visited a library!

Next, present a lesson on the different library classification systems, such as the Library of Congress system or the Dewey Decimal System. Couple this with a visit to your own school library or a field trip to a public or academic library . Take a tour of a library, getting students to explore its physical space and offerings. Additionally, invite a librarian to speak to your class, and make sure they review the digital resources and electronic databases offered through their library. A librarian would be glad to help students register for library cards, too.

I review with students the integrity of the source. Teach students, for instance, the definition of “peer review,” the peer review process, and how a peer-reviewed source often represents the gold standard of sources. A few examples of high-quality, peer-reviewed journals are Science , The New England Journal of Medicine , American Historical Review , and American Sociological Review .

Then, I usually transition to the integrity of using those sources. Here is where I introduce students to the philosophy and purpose of proper citation. We cite sources to be honest and transparent with our readers, as well as provide “bread crumbs” to readers and other scholars who wish to further examine our topic. 

What’s more, I have discovered that students often don’t realize that they need to cite more than just a direct quote.

Next up, I delve into different types of citation methods, making clear that certain citation guides are used for certain fields of study: MLA ( Modern Language Association ) for the humanities, APA ( American Psychological Association ) usually for medical or scientific fields, and The Chicago Manual of Style for business, history, and the arts).      

Citation, I explain, is also a road map for students to discover further research. If they read something helpful or compelling in a book or journal article, they can find its source by delving into the citations. I implore students to raid footnotes, endnotes, and bibliographies to find more sources.

Lastly, I try to have students assess sources critically. The CRAAP method— Currency, Relevancy, Authority, Accuracy, and Purpose—is one of various techniques educators can use.

Ask the students, “How does the source fit into your research project?” Thinking about this early on can help students plan ahead. Annotated bibliographies can be one way that students answer this important, but often overlooked, question. 

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Simpson Library

Research skills for first-year seminars (fsems).

  • Finding a Research Topic
  • Google and Wikipedia
  • ⭐ Popular / Scholarly
  • ⭐ Primary / Secondary / Reference Sources
  • ⭐ Information Cycle
  • Primo - the library search
  • Search Tips
  • Peer Review
  • Following Citations
  • ⭐ Evaluating Sources (required section)
  • Citing Sources This link opens in a new window
  • Writing an Annotated Bibliography
  • AI for Library Research This link opens in a new window

the good research skills

An  annotated bibliography includes a summary and/or evaluation of each of your sources. It may include any or all of these 3 sections, depending on your assignment requirements:

  • Summary:   Summarize the source. What are the main arguments? What is the point of this book or article? What topics are covered? If someone asked what this article/book is about, what would you say?  
  • Assessment:  After summarizing a source, it may be helpful to evaluate it. Is it a useful source? How does it compare with other sources in your bibliography? Is the information reliable? Is this source biased or objective? What is the goal of this source?  

Credit Courtesy of  Purdue OWL

Sample Annotated Bibliography (in APA):

Trevor, C.O., Lansford, B. and Black, J.W. (2004). Employee turnover and job performance: monitoring the influences of salary growth and promotion. Journal of Armchair Psychology, 113 (1), 56-64.

In this article Trevor et al. review the influences of pay and job opportunities in respect to job performance, turnover rates and employee motivation. The authors use data gained through organizational surveys of blue-chip companies in Vancouver, Canada to try to identify the main causes of employee turnover and whether it is linked to salary growth. Their research focuses on assessing a range of pay structures such as pay for performance and organizational reward schemes. The main limitation of the article is that the survey sample was restricted to mid-level management, thus the authors indicate that further, more extensive, research needs to be undertaken to develop a more in-depth understanding of employee turnover and job performance. The article is useful to my research topic, as Trevor et al. suggest that there are numerous reasons for employee turnover and variances in employee motivation and performance. It will not form the basis of my research; however, it will be useful supplementary information for my research on pay structures.

Credit courtesy of UNSW Sydney

  • << Previous: Citing Sources
  • Next: AI for Library Research >>
  • Last Updated: Sep 18, 2024 3:33 PM
  • URL: https://library.umw.edu/fsem

Reinhardt University catalog

Master of Business Administration (MBA)

The Reinhardt MBA program develops in each graduate the skills necessary to analyze and interpret complex business situations, to seek and employ innovative methods for solving business problems, and to lead diverse groups of individuals effectively and ethically .  Furthermore, the Reinhardt MBA teaches students to recognize strategic and   operational advantages and to use analytical and critical thinking skills necessary for effective   strategic and tactical decision-making. Reinhardt MBA students learn to utilize interpersonal skills to foster team consensus ,  leadership, business ethics,   and individual as well as social responsibility.

Program Coordinator

Tony   Daniel,   Ph.D.,   SHRM-SCP  Professor of Business 770-720-5638 [email protected]


Reinhardt University is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) to award associate, baccalaureate, and masters. Questions about the accreditation of Reinhardt University may be directed in writing to the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges at 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, GA 30033-4097, by calling(404) 679-4500, or by using information available on SACSCOC’s website ( www.sacscoc.org).

Reinhardt University's overall educational program emphasizes the study of liberal arts, sciences and professional studies within the University's historic commitment to the United Methodist faith and tradition. The University affirms that learning is best facilitated through a partnership between faculty members and students where the integration of faith and   learning   is   essential.   The   University   is   committed to students who desire a small, caring community dedicated to personalized attention.

The MBA program shares the same commitments of the University's overall mission, but with a focus on the graduate student community. The MBA program challenges students academically and “puts them in the chair” of the decision maker in actual business situations. This is done by personal interaction and case   study   assignments with   other   students   and   with   a unique faculty that is academically qualified and seasoned with of business experience.

MBA   Student   Learning Outcomes

MBA students demonstrate the following qualities, abilities, and skills upon completion of the program:

M1 Critical Thinking, Analytical and Problem- Solving Skills -  analyze business situations using information and logic to make recommendations for problem solving and decision making.

M2 Interpersonal, Teamwork, Leadership, and Communications Skills -  use team building and collaborative behaviors in the accomplishment of group tasks and will communicate effectively the problem alternatives considered, a recommended solution, and an implementation strategy in oral, written and electronic form.

M3 Ethical Issues and Responsibilities -  recognize and analyze ethical dilemmas and propose resolutions for practical business solutions.

M4 Business Skills and Knowledge -  apply best practices, established theories, and managerial skills to business situations and problems.

M5 Awareness of Global and Multicultural Issues -  demonstrate awareness of, and analyze, global and multicultural issues as they relate to  business.

M6 Knowledge of Research Methodologies  - derive business decision-making applications based upon sound research practices and procedures.

Admission  Requirements

All admission documents should be sent to the following address:

Office of Admissions  Reinhardt University  7300 Reinhardt Circle Waleska, GA 30183 PHONE: 770-720-5526 e-mail:   [email protected]

General admission to Reinhardt University graduate studies:

  • The Graduate Admission Application form—complete and submit the Online Application for Admission
  • Submit official transcripts from all institutions attended; proof of a baccalaureate degree from a regionally accredited institution should be on one transcript. If a transcript includes any graduate classes, the applicant should have left the graduate program in good standing.

Official transcripts must be mailed from the granting institution, or delivered in   a   sealed envelope from   the institution, or sent via a professional electronic transcript sending service.

Additional admission requirements for the Reinhardt MBA:

  • A professional résumé.
  • A 300-word essay on how an online MBA fits with the applicant’s career goals
  • Three letters of reference addressing the applicant’s ability to carry out graduate course work, with one letter addressing the applicant’s two (2) years of full-time, post- baccalaureate career experience.

And, either

A Bachelor’s Degree in Business from a regionally accredited university with a minimum 2.75 GPA (alternate discretion criteria: a greater than 3.0 GPA in the last 60 credits)

  • An online interview with the MBA Program Coordinator or his/her designee may be required.

Note:  If the applicant’s undergraduate degree is not in Business, then, the candidate must have a Bachelor's Degree from a regionally accredited university with at least a 2.75 GPA.

Admission for Current Reinhardt  University Undergraduate Students

Applicants   who   complete   an   a   bachelor’s   degree   at Reinhardt University with a 3.0 GPA or higher-

  • Submit the graduate school application
  • Students in this category can automatically be accepted without references, interviews, and/or essays by the admissions department

Applicants   who   complete   a   bachelor’s   degree   at   Reinhardt University with less than a 3.0 GPA-

  • Submit graduate application
  • Students in this category can be accepted without references, interviews, and/or essays but must be approved by the program coordinator
  • Other documents may be required at the discretion of the program coordinator

Transfer  Credit

No transfer courses are accepted for credit.

Credit   hour   policy  (Online)

Over seven (7) weeks, students will spend a variable number of minutes per week in online lectures, class discussions, and in preparation of class projects and research papers. Instructional time includes a 3-hour final exam. Out-of-class work includes homework and preparation for exams and quizzes and is a variable number of minutes per week (6750 minutes for the semester).

Graduate Students are expected to participate each week in required assignments as scheduled by the instructor. This may require collaboration among classmates and outside research .

Academic Performance

MBA students are expected to earn grades of “A” or “B” in their course work. Only one (1) course grade of   “C”   may   be   included   in   the   computation   for   degree completion.   A   second   course grade   of   “C”   will   result in   Academic   Probation. The   course   must   be retaken to count toward degree completion.   A third course   grade   of   “C”   or   a   first   course   grade   of “F” will result in Academic Dismissal.

A student may appeal a dismissal by submitting a letter to the vice President for Academic Affairs describing the condition and identifying the reasons for seeking a positive decision of the appeal.

See also Grade Appeals  and Enrollment Related Appeals  under Appeals and Petitions .

Graduation Requirements:

  • A cumulative GPA of at least 3.0, and
  • No more than (1) one “C” in the program, counted toward degree completion, regardless of the GPA.
  • A maximum of 5 years for completion

See Academic Performance and Degree Completion Requirements .

Degrees and Certificates

Master of Business Administration (MBA), Master of Business Administration (MBA)

Postdoctoral Researcher positions (m/f/d) | Active Matter and Statistical Physics

Job Code: MPIDS-W081

The Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization (MPI-DS) at Göttingen, Germany, is an international, interdisciplinary and collaborative environment offering an exceptional research setting. It hosts a range of theoretical and experimental fundamental scientific research and a diverse group of researchers. Altogether, it employs about 300 people.

In the Department of Living Matter Physics (LMP) we seek to fill a number of  Postdoctoral Researcher positions (m/f/d).

The LMP department engages in a wide range of theoretical research aimed at understanding the dynamics of living systems from a physical perspective. The department currently hosts Ramin Golestanian (director), Philip Bittihn (group leader), Benoît Mahault (group leader), Suropriya Saha (group leader), and a number of postdoctoral researchers, students, and visitors.

The research

The postdoctoral researchers will engage in theoretical and computational research in Nonequilibrium Statistical Physics and Active Matter. For more information, visit our website .

Your profile

We are looking for excellent, enthusiastic and self-motivated researchers with relevant background and good communication skills to join our research team.

The ideal candidate should have:

  • A PhD / DPhil degree (or comparable) with a background in theoretical physics, applied mathematics or related disciplines from a recognized university;
  • Prior experience with nonequilibrium statistical physics and a strong interest in active matter physics;
  • Ability and desire to work in an international team on inter-disciplinary research topics;
  • Good command of English, which is the working language of the department. German is an asset but not required.

We are offering excellent working conditions in a highly interdisciplinary and stimulating research environment. Salary is in accordance with the German state public service salary scale (E13 TVöD-Bund) and the corresponding social benefits. Working hours are full time. We offer opportunities regarding work life balance as well as health promotion services. The postdoctoral appointment is for two years. The starting date is flexible.

The Max-Planck Society is committed to achieving the highest level of excellence and diversity. We encourage applications from women, especially in areas where they are underrepresented, which includes theoretical physics. Moreover, we are committed to providing suitable working environment for everyone including individuals with disabilities.

Your application

To apply, please follow this link with the reference no MPIDS-W081 and submit your CV, publication list, a statement of research interest, and contacts of two referees. In addition to the description of your proposed research, it should also briefly describe your past and current research interests and why you are interested in joining our department. Processing of applications will start after the deadline of 10th January 2025, and will stop when the positions are filled.  

For questions, please contact:

Prof. Dr. Ramin Golestanian Tel. +49 551 5176-100 [email protected]

Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization Prof. Dr. Ramin Golestanian Am Faßberg 17 37077 Göttingen Germany

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Understanding a Turnitin Originality Report

How it works and what to expect

If you use the Turnitin Assignment tool you will encounter an Originality Report.

For a more in depth look at the Originality Report please see this video resource.

Originality Report


0:07 hello and welcome to this video looking

0:10 at the Turnitin originality report

0:12 Turnitin is a specialized search engine

0:15 and data matching tool that is used by

0:17 many schools and universities to detect

0:19 plagiarism or copying by matching blocks

0:21 of text to previously published

0:23 materials plagiarism is a serious

0:26 offense and is treated by the University

0:28 of Portsmouth as such however it is part

0:30 of this staffs responsibility to educate

0:32 students in good practices Turnitin can

0:36 help with this and indeed its primary

0:37 use in the university is to help you

0:39 develop good practice incorrectly using

0:42 citations quotations and references in

0:45 order to take full advantage of Turnitin

0:47 you need to understand what the

0:49 originality report is telling you and

0:51 what the similarity index indicates once

Understanding the Originality Report

0:54 you have logged into Moodle go to the

0:55 unit where you submitted the assignment

0:56 and go to the Dropbox where you handed

0:58 the work in once inside it will be

1:01 broken down into the parts you need to

1:03 submit and you'll be able to click on

1:05 the similarity score once you've clicked

1:08 the percentage it will load up the

1:10 Turnitin document viewer you will see in

1:12 the right-hand menu a blue section and a

1:14 red section the number in the red

1:17 section is your originality score in

1:19 this case it is 34% this is the amount

Understanding the Match Overview

1:22 of your work that overlaps with other

1:24 work that has been submitted to Turnitin

1:26 or created and can be found online it is

1:29 broken down into coloured chunks and

1:30 this shows you where the work overlaps

1:32 with other content you can also see this

1:35 in the match overview on the right-hand

1:37 side of the feedback studio interface so

1:40 the top match is at 6% and there are a

1:43 few at one or two percent if I scroll

1:45 through the document you can see there

1:47 are different sections highlighted in

1:49 multiple colors show me where they are

1:51 some work may be quoted and given a

1:54 citation if you click the filter button

1:56 you can choose to exclude quoted

1:58 materials as well as the bibliography or

2:01 references section by clicking on

2:03 exclude the bibliography it will exclude

2:05 anything under the referencing title in

2:07 the document this has now dropped the

2:11 percentage down to 32% you can also see

2:16 there are smaller matches of around one

2:17 and two percent some may be getting two

2:20 three and four percent

2:21 and these can also occur because of

2:23 common terms and phrases that used

2:25 within the subject you are writing about

2:27 by excluding maybe three or four percent

2:29 matches it will help to reduce your

2:31 similarity score and to do that click on

2:33 the filter section choose the percentage

2:35 you wish to exclude by typing in that

2:37 figure and when you've done this

2:38 remember to click apply changes at the

2:40 bottom and then it should exclude those

2:43 one and two percent and possibly three

2:45 and four percent matches an academic

2:47 will also be able to change his

2:49 percentage to fit their criteria of

2:50 plagiarism

2:51 you can still see there are matches and

2:53 this could be because of common terms

2:54 that are being picked up if you click on

2:57 the arrow you can see the whole section

2:59 of work and where it is being taken from

3:01 you can see there is an issue here that

3:03 the work is matching other work may be

3:05 slightly more than it should be if you

3:07 click on the full source view you will

3:09 see the full source text window open on

3:11 the right-hand side showing you where

3:13 all the areas that you're getting the

3:14 matches are from again you can see where

3:18 the match is coming from and if it looks

3:19 like this paragraph has been copied and

3:21 pasted in from an external source it is

3:23 not good academic practice you may want

3:26 to revisit this and change it into your

3:27 own words bearing in mind you should not

3:30 use quotation marks or citations around

3:32 large chunks of text as all you are then

3:34 doing is presenting other people's work

3:36 as your own which again is not good

3:38 academic practice you would need to take

3:41 the paragraph out using only a few

3:42 quotations and citations and rewriting

3:44 it in your own words looking at the all

3:47 sources tab you are able to see where a

3:49 match has been broken down how much is

3:51 copied from multiple sources this will

3:54 help you work out where it has been

3:56 taken from and how often it has been

3:57 used looking at the other large

4:00 percentage overlaps they look like they

4:02 have been directly copied from the

4:03 internet and possibly other sources

4:05 again clicking on the arrow you are able

4:08 to see where all of these materials have

4:09 come from it is a very long paragraph

4:12 that has been copied and pasted exactly

4:14 which you would then need to remove

4:16 rewrite and use appropriate quotations

4:18 and citations and of course and in the

4:21 correct references at the end of your

4:23 work by removing the two larger text

4:25 sections that have been copied the

4:27 percentage would be a much lower and

4:29 much more acceptable score a point of

4:32 note however is that it would not be

4:33 acceptable to put a

4:35 large chunk of text in quotation marks

4:36 and just give it a reference this is

4:39 taking the work of others and not

4:40 putting in much of your own work this

4:43 could result in you beginning a much

4:44 lower mark by the member of staff who is

4:46 grading your work another point to note

4:49 is there's no set figure in the

4:51 university regulations that constitutes

4:53 plagiarism the regulations simply state

4:56 a substantial amount and the

4:58 interpretation of this would be given by

5:00 the member of staff setting and then

5:02 marking the work if you have any doubt

5:05 you would need to check that with the

5:06 member of staff you also do not need to

5:09 get a score of 0% to avoid being accused

5:12 of plagiarism you will have small

5:14 fragments and phrases that will always

5:16 overlap for instance when using common

5:18 terminology if you ever unsure please do

5:21 again check with the member of staff who

5:23 is setting the work thank you very much

5:25 for watching this particular video

Turnitin uses a text matching algorithm to report a Similarity Index out of 100, which represents the percentage of text that it has matched to other sources. The score itself is not particularly meaningful as whilst plagiarism is more likely to have occurred in a paper that has a high Similarity Score this does not always follow.

Popular topics will generally have higher matches as there will be more material in Turnitin’s database to search against. When reviewing your Originality Report an academic will look at where the matching occurs, how long each match is, and whether and how you have cited your sources. For example, if entire sentences or paragraphs match other sources without citation this is an indication that plagiarism might have occurred and is worthy of further investigation. When reviewing a lab report it might be reasonable to expect the introduction, hypothesis and method to be similar to other papers, but we would hope for less matching in the final conclusion.

If you have not deliberately plagiarised then you have nothing to worry about. However, if you do have a high match it is probably worth speaking to your lecturer and revisiting guidance on how to reference correctly.

The Library provides extensive referencing support via their Referencing Pages . The Academic Skills (ASK) Unit will also be able to offer support in this area.


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  3. Top 6 Ways to Improve your Research Skills

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  4. What are the Best Tips to Improve your Research Skills

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  5. 3 Essential Research Skills for Students

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  6. Research Skills PowerPoint Template

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  2. Top 5 Skills Every Researcher Must Have

  3. Improving Research Skills with Effective Keywords

  4. How Visible Body Supports Executive Function Skills

  5. 4. Research Skills

  6. #1 Need for better research skills


  1. Research Skills: What They Are and How They Benefit You

    Research skills are a set of abilities that allow individuals to find and gather reliable information and then evaluate the information to find answers to questions. Good research skills are important in academic settings, as finding and critically evaluating relevant information can help you gain a deeper understanding of a subject.

  2. The Most Important Research Skills (With Examples)

    Research skills are the ability to find out accurate information on a topic. They include being able to determine the data you need, find and interpret those findings, and then explain that to others. Being able to do effective research is a beneficial skill in any profession, as data and research inform how businesses operate.

  3. What Are Research Skills? Types, Benefits, & Examples

    Good research skills are crucial to learning more about a subject, then using that knowledge to improve an organization's capabilities. Synthesizing that research and conveying it clearly is also important, as employees seek to share useful insights and inspire effective actions. Effective research skills are essential for those seeking to:

  4. Research Skills: What They Are and Why They're Important

    Learn what research skills are, examples of in-demand research skills, how you can improve and use research skills at work, and how to highlight your research skills during the job search process. ... Good time management skills include planning, setting goals, organizing tasks, delegating assignments, and prioritizing work duties. Examples of ...

  5. What Are Research Skills? Definition, Examples and Tips

    Research skills are the ability to find an answer to a question or a solution to a problem. They include your ability to gather information about a topic, review that information and analyze and interpret the details in a way to support a solution. Having research skills is necessary to advance your career as they directly relate to your ...

  6. 10 Research Skills and How To Develop Them

    These skills are essential for various fields and disciplines, ranging from academic and scientific research to business, journalism, and beyond. Effective research skills involve several key components: Information Retrieval. Source Evaluation. Critical Thinking. Data Analysis. Problem Formulation.

  7. 15 Steps to Good Research

    Select the most appropriate investigative methods (surveys, interviews, experiments) and research tools (periodical indexes, databases, websites). Plan the research project. Retrieve information using a variety of methods (draw on a repertoire of skills). Refine the search strategy as necessary.

  8. Research Skills: What they are and Benefits

    To develop good research skills is important for both the individual as well as the company. Important Research Skills for Research Project. When undertaking a research project, one must possess specific important skills to ensure the project's success and accuracy. Here are some essential research skills that are crucial for conducting a ...

  9. What Are Research Skills, and How You Can Improve Them

    Research methods are what you use during the research stages. For example, one research method may be a literature review. Research skills would involve learning how to conduct the best possible literature review. You can practice research skills and improve your speed, accuracy, and reliability. Critical thinking, project management, effective ...

  10. Research Skills: Examples + How to Improve

    Research skills refer to an individual's ability to source information about a certain topic, and effectively extract and evaluate the information in order to answer questions or solve problems. ... Following any research or data collection, it's a good idea to compare your findings with colleagues to ensure consistency across the team ...

  11. How to Improve Your Research Skills: 6 Research Tips

    How to Improve Your Research Skills: 6 Research Tips. Written by MasterClass. Last updated: Aug 18, 2021 • 3 min read. Whether you're writing a blog post or a short story, you'll likely reach a point in your first draft where you don't have enough information to go forward—and that's where research comes in.

  12. Research Skills: Definition, Examples and Importance

    Research skills refer to the ability to find, organise, analyse and present relevant information about a specific subject. Being able to research requires having several soft and hard skills, including the ability to conduct investigations, make observations, draw inferences, perform analysis and derive solutions to a particular issue.

  13. 11 Tips to Improve Your Research Skills for Academic Success

    Below, we examine these strategies to help you improve your research skills. 1. Always Create a Research Strategy Document. Think of strategy as a roadmap highlighting how you want to attack the research problem. We believe creating a strategy before diving knee-deep into research provides clarity and saves you time.

  14. Ten simple rules for good research practice

    The 10 simple rules for GRP grouped into planning, execution, and reporting of research. GRP, good research practices. Research planning. Rule 1: Specify your research question ... Researchers have field-specific research skills, but sometimes are not aware of best practices in other fields that can be useful. Universities should offer cross ...

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    With research skills, it's easy to shape the path you would follow to accomplish a particular goal. Related: Primary research vs secondary research: a comparison Examples of research skills There are different research skills you can apply to different industries. Here are some top research skills that can help you advance your career: Data ...

  16. What are Research Skills? How to Improve Your Skills in Research

    Time Management. Tips on How to Improve Your Research Skills. Initiate your project with a structured outline. Acquire expertise in advanced data collection methods. Validate and examine the reliability of your data sources. Structure your research materials. Enhance your research and communication capabilities.

  17. The Best Research Skills For Success

    A librarian is always a good person to have around, especially when it comes to research. Most students don't seek help from their school librarian, however, this person tends to be someone with a vast amount of knowledge when it comes to research skills and where to look for reliable sources. 6. Use library databases.

  18. Becoming a High-achieving Researcher: 10 key qualities you need to

    Whether it be a manuscript rejection or a stressful PhD workload, they keep pushing forward, driven by their passion and their desire to make a difference. 4. Critical thinking: "Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.". - Marie Curie. Another key quality of a good researcher is critical thinking.

  19. Research Skills: Definition, Benefits and How To Develop

    Here are six researching skills that can help you assist your company or advance your career: 1. Ability to search and assess information. All research involves the search for credible information that you can analyse and use to arrive at an answer or solution. In the workplace, the information you search for may help you complete projects and ...

  20. What are Research Skills and why are they important?

    Research skills enable you to focus on a specific goal, gather relevant information, and communicate your findings to others. We are taught from a young age to develop research skills, and for good reason. Teachers in academia required answers to a series of topic-related questions in an essay. Similarly, your boss may eventually request that ...

  21. The Top 5 Qualities of Every Good Researcher

    2. Analytical ability and foresight. They look for connections. Information is useless without interpretation. What drives research forward is finding meaning in our observations and data. Good researchers evaluate data from every angle and search for patterns. They explore cause and effect and untangle the tricky web that interconnects ...

  22. Top 10 Qualities and Characteristics of a Good Researcher

    Becoming a good researcher requires time, dedication, key skills and attributes, and a lot of hard work! (Image by cookie_studio on Freepik) Year after year, people with different personalities and backgrounds step into the field of research eager to develop the key qualities of a good researcher, only to find themselves faced with anxiety and self-doubt.

  23. Teaching Students Research Skills in Middle and High School

    Teaching research skills to students is one of the most important jobs of an educator, as it allows young people to take a much more proactive role in their own learning. ... Good researchers know how to learn, a skill they can use in school and beyond. It is essential that students become adept at finding and evaluating sources, vetting ...

  24. 40 Examples of Research Skills

    Research skills are talents related to investigating, analyzing, formulating and communicating knowledge. These are foundational skills that can be applied to business, scientific and academic pursuits. Research often involves collecting and organizing information from sources and evaluating the credibility of each source. Research can also ...

  25. Research Skills for First-Year Seminars (FSEMs)

    Their research focuses on assessing a range of pay structures such as pay for performance and organizational reward schemes. The main limitation of the article is that the survey sample was restricted to mid-level management, thus the authors indicate that further, more extensive, research needs to be undertaken to develop a more in-depth ...

  26. Master of Business Administration (MBA)

    The Reinhardt MBA program develops in each graduate the skills necessary to analyze and interpret complex business situations, to seek and employ innovative methods for solving business problems, and to lead diverse groups of individuals effectively and ethically. Furthermore, the Reinhardt MBA teaches students to recognize strategic and operational advantages and to use analytical and ...

  27. Postdoctoral Researcher positions (m/f/d)

    The postdoctoral researchers will engage in theoretical and computational research in Nonequilibrium Statistical Physics and Active Matter. For more information, visit our website. Your profile. We are looking for excellent, enthusiastic and self-motivated researchers with relevant background and good communication skills to join our research team.

  28. Turnitin

    0:32 students in good practices Turnitin can. 0:36 help with this and indeed its primary. 0:37 use in the university is to help you. 0:39 develop good practice incorrectly using. 0:42 citations quotations and references in. 0:45 order to take full advantage of Turnitin. 0:47 you need to understand what the. 0:49 originality report is telling ...