Make a Product Launch Presentation (+ Examples & Templates)

Master how to make a product launch presentation with our guide. Explore examples usable as templates to outshine competitors and captivate your audience.


9 minute read

Product launch presentation examples

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Short answer

What makes an effective product launch presentation?

An effective product launch presentation captivates with a clear value proposition, engages with compelling storytelling, and persuades with data-driven results.

It's visually appealing, audience-focused, and concludes with a strong call-to-action, setting the stage for market success.

Most new products fail - does yours have what it takes to succeed?

Think about this: every year, over 30,000 new products try to make their mark, yet 95% of them don't catch on.

Most new products fail to launch because they fail to grab attention with a compelling product launch presentation.

In a sea of competition, only the most compelling, clear, and persuasive presentations manage to break through the noise.

So, how do you make sure your product doesn't become just another statistic?

In this blog post, I’ll walk you through real, actionable strategies and examples to make your product launch presentation a hit.

Let’s get started!

What is the purpose of a product launch presentation?

Capture attention: Immediately engage your audience with a striking introduction that makes them want to learn more.

Highlight value: Directly address how your product solves a specific problem or fulfills a need, making it indispensable to your audience.

Drive action: Motivate your audience to take the next step, be it purchasing, subscribing, or sharing, by presenting a clear and compelling call to action.

How to structure a product launch presentation?

Introduction: Begin with an impactful opening that immediately captures interest. Use a compelling question, a relatable problem, or a striking statistic to draw your audience in and set the tone for what’s to come.

Problem statement: Articulate the specific problem or need your product addresses. This is where you connect with your audience by highlighting a universal challenge they face.

Solution presentation: Unveil your product as the solution to the problem identified. Detail its features and benefits, emphasizing how it offers a practical and innovative solution.

Market analysis: Provide an overview of the current market landscape. This includes trends, consumer behavior, and market needs, establishing the context in which your product enters the market.

Competitive analysis: Dive into how your product stands out from the competition. Discuss your product’s unique selling points (USPs) and how these differences position it as a superior choice.

Customer testimonials or case studies: Share success stories or endorsements from early users or beta testers. Real-world examples add credibility and illustrate the tangible impact of your product.

Pricing and packages: Provide clear, straightforward information about pricing and any packages or deals. Make it easy for your audience to understand what they're getting.

Marketing strategy: Before you call your audience to action, outline your marketing strategy. This shows how you plan to support the product post-launch, reassuring your audience of its longevity and value.

Call to Action (CTA): Conclude with a compelling CTA. Direct your audience towards a specific action, whether it’s making a purchase, signing up for a demo, or following your brand for more updates.

Interactive product launch presentation templates

Starting from scratch on a product launch presentation can feel like a huge task, especially when so much depends on this one moment.

Interactive product launch presentation templates offer a structured starting point. They come packed with features that are optimized to engage and guide your audience through the story of your product.

Grab one and create your best deck yet.

What does a product launch presentation look like?

A product launch presentation is a dynamic and interactive deck that captivates your audience, making them feel like active participants rather than passive listeners. It does more than just share information; it creates an experience.

Here’s what a modern product launch presentation looks like:

What makes a successful product launch presentation?

Engaging storytelling: It starts with a story that resonates. This narrative weaves through the entire presentation, making the problem, solution, and benefits of your product felt on a personal level.

Visual impact: High-quality images, embedded videos, and data visualization components bring your product and its benefits to life. These elements work together to create a visual story that complements your spoken words.

Interactivity : Interactive elements like narrated design, surveys, and clickable demos involve the audience, transforming your presentation into a two-way conversation.

Strong Call to Action: The presentation ends with a clear and compelling call to action. Whether it's signing up for a trial, making a purchase, or simply learning more, the CTA is direct and easy for the audience to follow.

How to make a product launch presentation?

In a world where the majority of new products struggle to make an impact, your presentation is the golden ticket to standing out. Let's explore how to craft a product launch presentation that not only showcases your product but also makes it irresistible.

1) Know your audience

Understanding your audience is the cornerstone of a successful presentation. Dive deep into their world—what challenges do your ideal customers face? What solutions have they tried and found wanting?

Personalizing your presentation to address these specific concerns makes your audience feel seen and valued, significantly boosting the relevance and impact of your message.

2) Define your presentation goals

Clarity in your presentation's purpose is crucial. Are you aiming to ignite interest, drive pre-orders, or secure investment?

This goal will dictate your presentation's structure, content, and call to action. It acts as a guiding light, ensuring every element of your presentation is aligned with achieving this objective.

3) Start with a bang

Your first words are your first impression. Start with something that sticks—a startling statistic, a compelling story, a question that piques curiosity, or a bold statement that challenges conventional wisdom.

For example:

"In a world where every second counts, we've found a way to give you hours back."

piques curiosity and positions your product as a revolutionary solution from the outset.

4) Highlight the problem

David Ogilvy's insight, “More often new products fail because they are not new enough,” underscores the importance of highlighting a genuine problem.

Make your audience feel the pinch of the issue your product resolves, making your solution not just wanted, but needed.

Illuminate the problem your product solves in a way that your audience can feel the pain. This creates a context for your product's introduction and underscores its necessity. Remember, the more relatable the problem, the more desirable the solution.

It's about striking a balance—your product shouldn't be so ahead of its time that it's alien, nor should it be so familiar that it fails to excite.

Here's a great example of a problem slide:

Product launch presentation problem slide example

5) Unveil the solution

When introducing your product, clarity and simplicity are key. Explain how it addresses the problem you've outlined, focusing on features that translate directly into benefits.

This is where your product moves from being a concept to a tangible solution in the minds of your audience.

6) Highlight the benefits

Features tell, but benefits sell. Articulate how your product enriches or simplifies life for your customer. Whether it's saving time, reducing costs, or enhancing well-being, benefits that resonate on an emotional level are incredibly compelling.

Here's a great example of solution and benefits slides:

Product launch presentation solution and benefits slide

7) Conduct solid research

Akio Morita once famously said:

“We don’t believe in market research for a new product unknown to the public. So we never do any.”

While this may have worked for Sony, today's market demands solid research. Understanding your market, competition, and consumer behavior is non-negotiable for crafting a presentation that hits home.

Here's a great market research slide:

Product launch presentation market research slide

8) Incorporate interactive elements

Enhancing your presentation with interactive elements can transform a standard pitch into an engaging, memorable experience.

For instance, embedding interactive charts allows your audience to explore data points relevant to your product's success in real-time.

Interactive timelines can illustrate your product's development journey or future roadmap in a visually dynamic way, inviting the audience to engage with your content at their own pace.

Additionally, incorporating clickable sections within your presentation can lead viewers to more detailed information, videos, or testimonials, enriching their understanding and appreciation of your product without overwhelming them with information all at once.

These interactive elements keep your audience engaged and provide a deeper, more personalized exploration of what your product has to offer.

Here's a great example of an interactive slide:

Product launch presentation interactiv slide

9) Demonstrate your product in action

A live demo or a well-crafted video demonstration can be incredibly persuasive. It offers proof of concept and allows your audience to see your product in action. This tangible experience can be the push your audience needs to move from interest to action.

10) Personalize your presentation

Personalization can significantly increase the impact of your presentation.

Tailoring content to reflect your audience's specific industry, interests, or challenges shows that you understand and care about their unique needs, making your product more relevant and appealing.

Here's how you can easily personalize your presentation using Storydoc:

How to personalize your decks with Storydoc

11) Provide social proof

Incorporating social proof lends credibility to your product. It's the difference between taking your word for it and seeing evidence of your product's impact. This builds trust and can significantly influence decision-making.

For new products, traditional forms of social proof like user testimonials may not be readily available. However, you can leverage beta tester feedback, expert endorsements, or pilot study results as powerful forms of social proof.

By using influencer search tools you can engage with industry influencers to review your product or secure a seal of approval from a reputable authority within your field. This can also serve as compelling evidence of your product's value and effectiveness.

Even highlighting the number of pre-orders or waitlist signups can act as social proof, showcasing demand and anticipation for your product.

Example of a social proof slide:

Product launch presentation social proof slide

12) Present your marketing strategy

When it comes to your product launch presentation, unveiling your marketing strategy is like showing the roadmap of how you plan to introduce your product to the world.

It's not just about the product itself but how you're going to make sure it reaches the right people, in the right way, at the right time.

This part of your presentation should clearly outline the channels you'll use, whether it's social media, email marketing, influencer partnerships, or traditional advertising.

Explain how each channel fits into your overall strategy and the role it plays in engaging your target audience. This is your chance to show that you've not only created a great product but that you also have a solid plan to ensure it's a success.

Here's a great example of a marketing strategy slide:

Product launch presentation marketing strategy slide

13) Create a compelling call to action

Your conclusion should be a clear, compelling invitation to take the next step—whether that's to learn more, sign up, or make a purchase. Make this action as simple and straightforward as possible, removing any barriers to engagement.

Here's a great example of a CTA slide:

Product launch presentation CTA slide

Winning product launch presentation examples

When it comes to product launches, standing out is everything. A successful presentation goes beyond facts and figures; it captivates, convinces, and converts.

Let's dive into some product launch presentation examples that do just that, leveraging interactivity to outshine the competition.

Product launch proposal

This deck showcases how interactivity can elevate a product launch presentation from good to great, engaging the audience in a way that traditional slides simply can't match.

What makes this product launch presentation great:

Engaging and interactive: The presentation uses an interactive format, inviting the audience to actively participate in the journey of discovering the product.

Clear value proposition: It effectively communicates the unique selling points of the headphones, such as advanced noise cancellation and intuitive controls, making it clear why they set a new standard in audio excellence.

Compelling narrative: The presentation tells a story of innovation and passion, from the problem statement to the solution, and wraps up with a vision for the future, making it memorable and impactful.

Light mode product newsletter

This feature launch within the light mode product newsletter is a game-changer for businesses looking to deepen engagement and track the effectiveness of their communications.

Personalization using dynamic variables: It introduces the ability to personalize using dynamic variables. This means businesses can now tailor their messages to each recipient, making communications more relevant and engaging.

Access to analytics panel: With the panel, businesses gain real-time insights into how readers are interacting with their newsletters. It tracks opens, clicks, and engagement time on each slide, providing valuable data to optimize future decks.

Clickable links: You can incorporate clickable links throughout the presentation. These links offer the audience the opportunity to explore additional information, access detailed resources, or even sign up for product demos.

SaaS product demonstration presentation

This product demonstration presentation effectively communicates the value of the company’s solution, making a strong case for why businesses should consider their platform to revolutionize their operations.

Clean design: The presentation leverages a clean design with ample white space, making it easy for viewers to focus on key information without feeling overwhelmed.

The option to embed videos: The option to embed a product demo video directly into the deck allows potential customers to see the product in action within the context of the presentation.

Clear pricing package overview: The presentation includes a clear overview of pricing packages, making it easy for potential customers to understand their options and make informed decisions.

Physical product demo presentation

This product launch presentation aims to bridge the gap between traditional business processes and modern efficiency, highlighting a physical product's role in streamlining workflows and enhancing productivity.

Option to extract branding from a website: One of the standout features is the ability to extract branding elements directly from a website, ensuring that the presentation is consistent with the company's branding.

Access to analytics panel: The presentation includes access to an analytics panel that provides insights into how viewers are interacting with the deck.

Option to edit details post-send: This presentation allows for the editing of details even after it has been sent. This ensures that the information remains up-to-date, reflecting any changes in the product, pricing, or other critical details.

Software demo presentation

Through a detailed walkthrough of the software's capabilities, this presentation aims to illustrate the seamless integration of tasks, the automation of workflows, and the facilitation of real-time collaboration, all designed to optimize performance and eliminate inefficiency.

Option to embed links to case studies: This feature allows viewers to explore in-depth examples of how your software has been successfully implemented in various businesses, providing tangible evidence of its effectiveness and versatility.

CRM integrations: The presentation leverages CRM integrations, enabling it to pull live data directly into the deck.

Responsive design: The presentation is designed with responsiveness in mind, ensuring that it looks and functions flawlessly across a variety of devices and screen sizes.

ERP software demo presentation

This product launch presentation is designed to showcase how the offered solution can revolutionize business operations by integrating various processes into a single, efficient system.

It aims to demonstrate the software's ability to streamline workflows, enhance collaboration, and significantly improve operational efficiency across the board.

Quirky design: The presentation employs a quirky and engaging design that mirrors the dynamic and multifaceted nature of the ERP industry.

Use of grayed-out content to direct attention: Strategic use of grayed-out content effectively directs viewers' attention to the most critical information, ensuring that key features and benefits of the ERP software are highlighted.

Logo placeholders: The presentation includes customizable logo placeholders, empowered by a logo finder feature, allowing for seamless integration of your or partner branding directly into the presentation.

Modern product launch

This product launch presentation introduces a groundbreaking solution designed to revolutionize how companies operate. It promises to streamline operations and boost efficiency through innovative features tailored for the digital era.

Interactive approach: Using an interactive platform, the presentation engages the audience directly, making the exploration of the product an immersive experience.

Clear solution to a common problem: It effectively communicates how the product addresses the pressing needs of businesses looking to enhance collaboration and automate processes in a rapidly evolving corporate landscape.

Visionary and inspirational message: The presentation focuses on the product's features but also shares a compelling vision for the future, emphasizing the transformative impact on businesses and the industry as a whole.

Light mode product launch

This approach to the product launch educates the audience about the product's capabilities and gets them excited about the potential for transformation in their own operations.

User-centric design: The presentation emphasizes the product's user-friendly interface, showcasing how it simplifies complex processes for everyday users, making technology accessible to all levels of technical expertise.

Direct address of business needs: The presentation zeroes in on the specific challenges faced by companies today, demonstrating how the product directly solves these issues with innovative technology.

Scalability and integration: It highlights the product's ability to scale with business growth and seamlessly integrate with existing systems, ensuring a smooth transition and long-term utility.

Dark mode product launch

This striking dark mode-themed presentation unveils a product designed to captivate and cater to modern businesses. This launch introduces a groundbreaking product with a keen eye on user experience and market demands.

Comprehensive market analysis: It dives deep into market trends, consumer behaviors, and competitive landscapes. AI product research provides a detailed view of where the product fits within the current market and how it's poised to meet emerging needs.

Segmented marketing strategies: The content is organized into tabs, each detailing strategies tailored to different segments of their target audience. This ensures that potential customers receive personalized and relevant information.

Multiple smart CTAs: The presentation features various smart Call-to-Action (CTA) buttons, guiding viewers through a journey from initial interest to taking actionable steps.

Versatile product launch presentation

In a market flooded with standard pitches, this deck sets a new standard. By leveraging the latest in presentation technology, it crafts a narrative that's not only about a product but about inviting the audience into a new ecosystem of efficiency and innovation.

Use of grayed-out content: It uses grayed-out content to subtly direct viewers' attention to key areas. This visual technique ensures that the focus is on the most important information, enhancing the audience's retention.

Embeddable videos: It comes with the option to embed videos that can be played directly within the deck. This allows you to showcase your product in action, providing an immersive experience that text and static images cannot achieve.

Data visualization components: The deck incorporates advanced data visualization components, enabling the presentation of complex data in an intuitive and easily digestible format.

Modern product demo presentation

By incorporating interactive features, this modern product demo presentation effectively captures the audience's attention and guides them through a compelling narrative, from identifying with the problem to seeing the offered product as the ideal solution.

Clear value proposition: The presentation effectively communicates the company’s value proposition, outlining how their SaaS product can transform business operations.

Problem-solution framework: The presentation is structured around a clear problem-solution framework, making it easy for the audience to understand the context and need for the offered product.

Option to embed multiple smart CTAs: The presentation enhances interactivity by incorporating the option to embed multiple smart CTAs (Calls to Action). This makes readers more likely to take the desired next step after viewing the deck.

launching new product presentation

Hi, I'm Dominika, Content Specialist at Storydoc. As a creative professional with experience in fashion, I'm here to show you how to amplify your brand message through the power of storytelling and eye-catching visuals.

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  • Mastering Event Presentation

Product Launch Presentation Strategies

Synthesizing Strategies for Effective Product Launch Presentations

Aayush Jain

Aayush Jain

Comprehensive planning for product launch success.

Comprehensive Planning for Product Launch Success

The Blueprint for a Triumph: Navigating the Maze of Product Launch Planning

In the intricate dance of launching a new product, comprehensive planning stands as the foundational step that determines the rhythm of success. The art of orchestrating a product launch event presentation begins with a meticulously crafted plan that aligns every aspect of the product launch timeline, from the initial product idea to the final market release. This plan serves not just as a roadmap but as a dynamic script for the entire launch process. It encompasses a holistic view of objectives, strategies, timelines, and resources, ensuring that every team member is on the same page and marching towards the same goal. Effective planning is about foresight, anticipation of challenges, and the flexibility to adapt, making it a critical determinant of a product launch's success.

Unpacking the Essentials: The Core Elements of Launch Planning

Diving deeper into the anatomy of comprehensive planning, several key elements emerge as the backbone of a successful product launch presentation. These include market research, understanding the target audience, setting clear and measurable objectives, and developing a full marketing plan and strategy that resonates. Historical data, competitor analysis, and market trends play pivotal roles in shaping the strategies employed. The launch plan also outlines the product's key message, focusing on its unique value proposition and how it addresses the pain points of potential customers. Additionally, it involves planning for various stakeholders' engagement, including the marketing team, product manager, and key partners, ensuring alignment and commitment to the product's vision.

Bringing Theory to Practice: Real-World Success Stories

The theory of comprehensive planning is brought to life through real-world examples that illustrate its impact on product launch success. For instance, consider a tech company that leveraged detailed market analysis and customer insights to launch a groundbreaking app. By identifying a gap in the market and tailoring their product launch presentation to highlight how their app uniquely filled this void, they were able to captivate their audience and secure a successful launch. Another example includes a health food company that utilized customer feedback and market research to refine their product and marketing strategy, resulting in a new food product launch ppt presentation that effectively communicated the product's health benefits and sustainability ethos, significantly boosting its market acceptance.

Validating Strategies with Data: The Power of Research and Insights

The importance of backing planning strategies with data cannot be overstated. Studies show that products launched with comprehensive market research have a significantly higher chance of success. For example, a report by the Nielsen Company highlights that products backed by thorough market understanding and customer insights achieve up to 85% more in sales in their first year. Further, Harvard Business Review notes that strategic planning, which includes a detailed analysis of the target market and competitive landscape, can increase a product's success rate by over 75%. These statistics underscore the critical role of data-driven planning in enhancing the effectiveness of product launch presentations.

Aligning Your Presentation with Brand Values

Aligning Your Presentation with Brand Values

Harmonizing Vision and Value: The Art of Brand Alignment in Launch Presentations

When the curtain rises on a new product launch presentation, it's not just the product that's on display but the brand itself. The alignment between the presentation and the brand's core values acts as a powerful magnet, attracting both loyalty and interest. This congruence ensures that every aspect of the presentation resonates with the brand's identity, ethos, and mission, creating a coherent narrative that captivates the audience. Aligning your perfect product launch presentation with brand values is about weaving the brand's story into the fabric of the product launch, ensuring that the message conveyed not only introduces a new product but also reinforces the brand's market position and promise to its customers.

The Foundations of Brand Alignment: Core Principles and Strategies

At the heart of brand alignment lies the understanding of the brand's core values, vision, and the message it wishes to convey through its new product launch ppt. This understanding forms the basis for developing presentation strategies that echo these values. For instance, a brand that prides itself on innovation and cutting-edge technology would focus its product launch presentation on showcasing the novel features and advanced capabilities of the new product. Similarly, a brand committed to sustainability might highlight the eco-friendly aspects of its product, its production process, and how it contributes to a greener future. The key is to ensure that every element of the winning product launch presentation, from the visual design to the narrative style, reflects the brand's identity.

Real-World Examples of Brand Value Alignment in Action

Successful brand alignment is vividly demonstrated in cases where companies have managed to seamlessly integrate their brand values into their product launch presentations. Consider the example of a globally recognized outdoor apparel company that launched a new line of eco-conscious clothing. The product launch event keynote emphasized the company's commitment to sustainability, detailing the use of recycled materials and eco-friendly manufacturing processes. This approach not only introduced the new product line but also reinforced the brand's identity as a leader in sustainable apparel. Another example is a tech giant known for its innovation, which used its product launch presentation to highlight the cutting-edge technology and unique features of its latest device, thereby reinforcing its position as an industry innovator.

Evidence and Insights: The Impact of Brand Alignment on Launch Success

The effectiveness of aligning product launch presentations with brand values is supported by extensive research. A study published in the Journal of Marketing Research indicates that brand-consistent presentations can enhance customer perception of the brand, increase brand loyalty, and significantly impact the product's market success. Furthermore, according to a report by the Branding Strategy Insider, companies that maintain a strong alignment between their launches and brand values see a 20% higher customer retention rate. These findings underscore the importance of embedding brand values into the product launch strategy, as it not only elevates the product's introduction but also strengthens the brand's overall market presence.

Storytelling as a Tool for Product Introduction

Storytelling as a Tool for Product Introduction

Engaging Hearts and Minds: The Power of Storytelling in Product Launches

In the world of product launch presentations, storytelling emerges as a pivotal strategy to captivate and engage the audience. This ancient art goes beyond mere facts and figures, weaving a narrative that connects the audience emotionally with the product. Storytelling in product introductions is not about creating a fairy tale; it's about crafting a compelling narrative that illustrates the journey of the product—from conception to realization—and how it fits into the lives of its users. A well-told story can breathe life into the product, making its features and benefits not just understood but felt. This emotional connection can significantly enhance the audience's reception of the product, turning passive listeners into active participants in the product's story.

The Narrative Framework: Crafting Your Product's Story

The essence of effective storytelling in product launch presentations lies in constructing a narrative that is both relatable and inspirational. This narrative should highlight the problem or need that led to the product's development, the challenges overcome in its creation, and the positive impact it aims to have on the users' lives. The story should be structured in a way that builds anticipation, develops interest, and culminates in a satisfying reveal of the product. By focusing on the human elements—the dreams, efforts, and experiences behind the product—storytelling makes the presentation not just informative but memorable. Key elements include the product's unique selling proposition, testimonials from early users, and scenarios that showcase the product in action.

Illustrative Examples: Storytelling in Successful Product Launches

The impact of storytelling is best illustrated through examples of successful product launches that harnessed its power. One notable instance is a technology company that introduced a revolutionary product by telling the story of its development, highlighting the team's dedication to solving a common yet complex problem. This narrative, filled with trials, innovations, and breakthroughs, allowed the audience to appreciate the product's value on a deeper level. Another example involves a lifestyle brand that launched a new line of products by sharing stories of how these products were inspired by real-life experiences and designed to enhance everyday life. These stories, enriched with emotional and relatable elements, significantly amplified audience interest and engagement.

Substantiating Stories with Data: The Synergy of Emotion and Evidence

While storytelling primarily appeals to emotions, integrating data and research into the narrative can reinforce the product's value proposition and market need. Real-world examples, user testimonials, and statistical evidence can lend credibility to the story, making it more persuasive. For instance, incorporating data on market demand, potential impact, and previous successes can validate the need for the product and the feasibility of its promises. This blend of narrative and data ensures that the presentation appeals to both the hearts and minds of the audience, making the case for the product compelling and comprehensive.

The Role of Data and Research in Presentation Design

The Role of Data and Research in Presentation Design

Data-Driven Decisions: Elevating Your Product Launch Through Insight

In the realm of product launch presentations, the incorporation of data and research is not merely beneficial—it's essential. This approach transforms a standard, presentation template into a compelling, evidence-based narrative that not only informs but also persuades. Utilizing data and research in presentation design involves more than just showcasing numbers; it's about interpreting those numbers to tell a story about the market need, the product's potential impact, and its competitive advantage. By grounding your presentation in research, you can address potential concerns proactively, demonstrate a deep understanding of your target market, and provide tangible proof of your product's value proposition.

Building a Foundation: The Crucial Role of Market Research

At the core of any effective product launch presentation is thorough market research. This research provides invaluable insights into the target audience's behaviors, preferences, and pain points, allowing for a more targeted and relevant presentation. Additionally, competitive analysis offers a clear view of the market landscape, identifying opportunities for differentiation. This background information serves as the foundation for a data-driven presentation, guiding the development of key messages and helping to tailor the presentation to the audience's needs and interests. By highlighting how the new product addresses specific market gaps or customer pain points, the presentation can effectively showcase the product's unique benefits and potential impact.

Real-World Impact: Examples of Data-Enhanced Presentations

The effectiveness of incorporating data and research into product launch presentations is evident in numerous success stories across various industries. For instance, a startup in the sustainable energy sector used market data to highlight the growing demand for green solutions, positioning their new product as a timely and necessary innovation. Another example can be seen in the healthcare industry, where a company launching a new medical device used clinical trial data to demonstrate its efficacy and safety, thereby building trust and credibility with its target audience. These examples underscore the power of data to enhance the persuasive appeal of a presentation, making the case for the new product more compelling and grounded in reality.

Validating Your Approach: The Importance of Credible Sources

To maximize the impact of data and research in your product launch presentation, it's crucial to rely on credible sources and present the information in a clear, digestible format. Utilizing reputable industry reports, academic studies, and verified market analysis lends authority to your presentation, enhancing its credibility. Moreover, visual aids such as charts, graphs, and infographics can help convey complex data in an accessible and engaging way, facilitating a deeper understanding among the audience. Referencing specific studies or statistics from recognized institutions can further validate the information presented, ensuring that your product launch is not only well-received but also respected for its thorough and insightful preparation.

Engaging Different Media Channels for Maximum Exposure

Engaging Different Media Channels for Maximum Exposure

Maximizing Reach: A Multi-Channel Approach to Product Launches

In the era of digital connectivity, engaging different media channels for the presentation of a new product is crucial for achieving maximum exposure. This strategy goes beyond traditional advertising, embracing a holistic approach that includes social media, content marketing, email campaigns, and even experiential events. By leveraging the unique strengths and audience of each channel, brands can create a comprehensive and cohesive narrative that surrounds the product launch, ensuring that the message not only reaches a wide audience but resonates across diverse platforms. A multi-channel approach amplifies the product's visibility, making the launch more impactful and far-reaching.

Crafting a Cohesive Strategy Across Platforms

The key to a successful multi-channel launch is consistency in messaging, presentation ideas, coupled with the customization of content to suit each platform's specific audience and format. For instance, while Instagram might be ideal for visually compelling stories and product teasers, LinkedIn can serve as a platform for more detailed discussions and thought leadership related to the product. Email marketing campaigns can offer exclusive insights and behind-the-scenes looks, building anticipation and personalizing the launch experience. By tailoring the presentation content to fit the medium while maintaining a unified brand voice and message, companies can engage their audience in a more meaningful and effective way.

Success Stories: Effective Multi-Channel Product Launches

Illustrative of the power of a multi-channel approach are numerous product launch event examples that successfully utilized a mix of media to build hype and drive engagement. A notable example includes a tech company that announced its latest gadget through a synchronized launch across social media, online forums, and a live-streamed event, creating a buzz that reached millions worldwide. Another success story comes from the fashion industry, where a brand used influencer partnerships, interactive online ads, and pop-up events in key cities to introduce a new collection, effectively engaging different segments of its target market and driving significant online and in-store traffic.

Leveraging Data for Tailored Media Engagement

To ensure that each media channel is used to its fullest potential, data analytics play a pivotal role in understanding audience preferences, behaviors, and engagement patterns. Insights gleaned from data can inform which channels are most effective for reaching your target audience, what type of content generates the most interaction, and how to optimize timing for posts and announcements. For a launch date for instance, analyzing social media engagement rates can help identify the best platforms for teaser campaigns, while email open rates can provide guidance on how to structure communication for maximum impact. This data-driven approach ensures that marketing efforts are not just widespread but strategically targeted, maximizing the effectiveness of the product launch.

Crafting Messages for Diverse Audiences

Crafting Messages for Diverse Audiences

Tailoring Your Tale: The Art of Audience-Specific Messaging

In the vibrant tapestry of today’s marketplace, the ability to craft messages for diverse audiences stands as a cornerstone of any successful product launch presentation. Understanding that a one-size-fits-all approach falls short in resonating across the varied segments of a potential market, this strategy emphasizes the customization of messaging to align with the distinct values, needs, and preferences of different audience groups. From potential new customers to key stakeholders, each group requires a nuanced approach that speaks directly to their interests and concerns. By tailoring the narrative around the product to suit these varied audiences, companies can foster a deeper connection and relevance, enhancing the overall impact of their launch.

Segmentation and Strategy: Building a Broad Appeal

The process of crafting messages for diverse audiences begins with meticulous audience segmentation. This involves breaking down the larger target market into sub-groups based on demographics, psychographics, buying behavior, and other relevant criteria. For each segment, the messaging strategy then adapts to address the specific interests and needs of that group. For instance, while technical details and innovation might appeal to a tech-savvy audience, practical benefits and ease of use could be more relevant to everyday consumers. Similarly, a B2B presentation might focus on ROI and efficiency gains, whereas a B2C product launch template could highlight lifestyle enhancements and emotional appeals. This targeted approach ensures that the product launch presentation resonates more personally with each segment, increasing engagement and interest.

Success in Diversity: Examples of Audience-Engaging Launches

The efficacy of tailored messaging is underscored by product launch event examples where diverse audience engagement played a key role in success. A prime example is a consumer electronics company that segmented its launch presentation for a new gadget into different narratives: one focusing on the product’s cutting-edge technology for tech enthusiasts and another on its lifestyle integration for everyday users. Another case is a health and wellness brand that varied its messaging for healthcare professionals by emphasizing scientific research and efficacy, while for consumers, it highlighted wellness benefits and user testimonials. These tailored approaches ensured that the product's key messages were delivered in the most compelling and relevant way to each audience segment.

Incorporating Feedback for Refined Messaging

An integral part of crafting effective messages for diverse audiences is the inclusion of feedback mechanisms to refine and adjust the messaging strategy. Pre-launch research, focus groups, and pilot launches can provide valuable insights into audience reactions, allowing for the optimization of messages before a full-scale launch. Post-launch, continuous feedback collection through surveys, social media monitoring, and customer interactions can further inform adjustments and future communications. This feedback loop ensures that the messaging remains dynamic and responsive to audience needs and preferences, maximizing the relevance and impact of the product presentation.

The Impact of Packaging and Presentation Design

The Impact of Packaging and Presentation Design

Beyond the Product: The Role of Design in Launch Success

The unveiling of a new product is a pivotal moment that encapsulates months, or even years, of hard work and innovation. However, beyond the product itself, the packaging and presentation design play critical roles in determining the overall impact and success of the launch. In a market crowded with alternatives, the design elements of a product launch can significantly differentiate and elevate the product, creating a memorable first impression that resonates with the audience. From the physical packaging to the visual and thematic elements of the launch presentation, every detail contributes to storytelling, brand perception ideal customer name, and customer engagement.

Design Principles for Memorable Launches

Effective packaging and presentation design hinge on several key principles: simplicity, clarity, and emotional connection. The design should be straightforward yet impactful, avoiding unnecessary complexity that could detract from the product's key message. Clarity in design ensures that the product's various features and benefits are easily understood, facilitating a quick connection with the audience. Moreover, incorporating elements that evoke emotions—be it excitement, curiosity, or satisfaction—can significantly enhance the audience's engagement and recall of the product. The design should also reflect the brand's values and identity, ensuring consistency and reinforcing brand recognition.

Showcasing Design Impact: Real-World Success Stories

The transformative power of effective design is evident in numerous successful product launches. For example, a consumer electronics company gained widespread acclaim for its minimalist packaging and presentation design, which not only highlighted the product's sleek, innovative features but also echoed the brand's ethos of simplicity and efficiency. Another case involved a beauty brand that utilized vibrant, eye-catching packaging and an engaging, story-driven presentation to introduce a new skincare line, capturing the audience's attention and successfully differentiating the product in a highly competitive market. These examples underscore the importance of thoughtful design in creating an impactful product launch.

Leveraging Design for Enhanced Engagement

To maximize the impact of packaging and presentation design, it's essential to integrate customer insights and feedback throughout the design process. This approach ensures that the design elements are not only aesthetically pleasing but also resonate with the target audience's preferences and expectations. Employing techniques such as A/B testing, focus groups, and social media polls can provide valuable feedback on design concepts, allowing for refinements that better align with customer desires. Furthermore, leveraging the latest design trends and technologies can add an element of innovation to the presentation, capturing the audience's imagination and setting the stage for a successful product launch.

Measuring Success and ROI of Launch Presentations

Measuring Success and ROI of Launch Presentations

Quantifying Impact: The Metrics That Matter in Launch Analysis

The aftermath of a product launch presentation offers a crucial window for reflection and analysis. Measuring the success and calculating the return on investment (ROI) of these presentations are vital steps in understanding their impact, guiding future strategies, and justifying the resources allocated. The criteria for success extend beyond immediate sales figures to include a range of qualitative and quantitative metrics. These can encompass audience engagement, media coverage, social media buzz, lead generation, and market penetration rates. By setting clear, measurable objectives prior to the product launch event presentations and employing a comprehensive analytics approach post-launch, companies can gain valuable insights into the effectiveness of their presentation strategies.

Establishing Benchmarks and Analytical Tools

The foundation of any effective measurement strategy is the establishment of clear benchmarks and the utilization of analytical tools tailored to the specific goals of the product launch. Key performance indicators (KPIs) should be identified early in the planning phase, allowing for the collection of baseline data against which the launch's impact can be assessed. Tools ranging from web analytics platforms to social media monitoring software can provide a wealth of data on audience engagement, reach, and interaction. Additionally, sales data and customer feedback channels offer direct insights into the market response to the new product, facilitating a comprehensive evaluation of the launch's success.

Learning from Launch Analytics: Case Studies and Insights

Real-world examples highlight the importance and utility of measuring the success and ROI of product launch presentations. A notable instance involved a tech company that closely monitored the online engagement levels during and after their product launch event. By analyzing website traffic, social media interactions, and live-stream views, they were able to identify key factors driving audience interest, as well as areas where engagement lagged. This analysis informed adjustments in their post-launch marketing strategy, leading to increased sales and broader market acceptance. Another example comes from a consumer goods company that used customer feedback and sales data post-launch to refine its product messaging, packaging, and distribution strategies, significantly improving product performance and customer satisfaction.

Strategies for Maximizing ROI and Future Success

To enhance the ROI of product launch presentations, it's crucial to not only measure outcomes but also to apply the insights gained post launch evaluation towards optimizing future launches. This involves a cycle of continuous improvement, where data from each launch informs the next. Strategies might include refining target audience segments, adjusting messaging based on feedback, exploring new media channels for broader reach, or innovating in presentation formats and content. Moreover, the integration of lessons learned from post-launch evaluations can aid in more accurately forecasting future launch performance, setting more realistic goals, and allocating resources more effectively, thereby improving the overall efficiency and impact of product launch strategies.

Learning from Past Launches: What Worked and What Didn’t

Learning from Past Launches: What Worked and What Didn’t

Reflective Insights: The Pathway to Continuous Improvement

The journey of product launching is paved with both triumphs and tribulations, each carrying invaluable lessons for future endeavors. Learning from past launches involves a meticulous dissection of what elements contributed to a launch's success or, conversely, what factors may have hindered its performance. This reflective process is crucial for identifying best practices, understanding market dynamics, and fine-tuning strategies to better align with audience expectations and market trends. By embracing a culture of learning and adaptation, organizations can evolve their launch strategies to become more effective and impactful over time.

Analyzing Launch Outcomes: A Dual Lens Approach

The analysis of past launches should adopt a dual lens, focusing on both the successes and the shortcomings. Successes serve as benchmarks and highlight strategies that resonate well with the target market, potentially becoming templates for future launches. On the other hand, dissecting the aspects that didn’t perform as expected reveals gaps in planning, execution, or market understanding. This comprehensive analysis involves reviewing feedback from customers, sales data, engagement metrics, and team reflections. Whether it’s the efficacy of the marketing channels used, the clarity of the product’s value proposition, or the alignment with customer needs, each aspect offers insights for improvement.

Success Stories and Lessons Learned

Real-life examples underscore the value of learning from past launches. A consumer tech company, for instance, found great success by leveraging influencer marketing in one of its product launches, leading to a significant increase in market awareness and sales. This strategy has since become a staple in their launch plans. Conversely, a health and wellness brand learned from a less successful launch where the product messaging failed to clearly articulate the product’s unique benefits, leading to lukewarm market reception. The brand recalibrated its messaging strategy for subsequent launches, focusing more on clear, benefit-driven communication, resulting in improved customer engagement and sales.

Incorporating Learnings into Future Launch Strategies

The lessons gleaned from analyzing past launches can be transformative when applied to future strategies. This might involve adopting new technologies or presentation formats, diversifying marketing channels, or refining target audience profiling. For instance, understanding the impact of social media trends might inspire more creative and engaging content for the next launch. Alternatively, feedback on the product’s features or usability could inform product development and innovation. Crucially, this learning process should be institutionalized within the organization, ensuring that insights are shared, discussed, and integrated into the planning and execution of every new product launch.

Future Trends in Product Launch Strategies

Future Trends in Product Launch Strategies

Embracing Innovation: Navigating the Future of Product Launches

The landscape of product launches is perpetually evolving, shaped by technological advancements, changing consumer behaviors, and global market dynamics. Staying abreast of future trends in product launch strategies is not just advantageous; it's imperative for brands aiming to remain competitive and resonate with their audiences. Emerging trends point towards a more integrated, personalized, and technology-driven approach to product launches. By anticipating and adopting these trends, companies can not only enhance the impact of their launch presentations but also forge deeper connections with their target audience engaged their markets.

Personalization and Customer Engagement: The New Frontier

One significant trend shaping the future of product launches is the shift towards hyper-personalization and enhanced customer engagement. This approach leverages data analytics and customer insights to tailor launch messages and experiences to individual preferences and behaviors, thereby increasing relevance and resonance. The rise of AI and machine learning technologies offers unprecedented capabilities for segmenting audiences and delivering personalized content at scale. Additionally, interactive and immersive experiences, through AR/VR technologies, are setting new standards for engagement, allowing customers to experience products in innovative and compelling ways before making a purchase decision.

Sustainability and Social Responsibility: Core Launch Themes

As global awareness and concern for environmental and social issues grow, sustainability and social responsibility are becoming central themes in product launch strategies. Consumers are increasingly seeking brands that not only offer innovative products but also demonstrate a commitment to positive social and environmental impact. Future product launches will likely emphasize eco-friendly packaging, ethical sourcing, and community engagement initiatives, aligning product offerings with broader societal values. This alignment not only enhances brand perception but also drives consumer loyalty and advocacy.

Digital and Virtual Launch Platforms: Expanding Reach

The shift towards digital and virtual launch platforms, accelerated by recent global events, is another trend poised to define the future of product introductions. Virtual launch events, livestreams, and digital showcases offer the flexibility to reach a global audience, breaking down geographical and logistical barriers. These platforms also provide opportunities for leveraging data and analytics in real-time, enabling brands to gauge audience reactions, collect feedback, and adjust their strategies on the fly. As technology advances, we can expect these digital platforms to become even more immersive and interactive, offering richer and more engaging experiences.

Collaborative and Cross-Platform Marketing: A Synergistic Approach

Lastly, the future of product launches will likely see an increase in collaborative and cross-platform marketing efforts. Partnerships between brands and influencers, cross-industry collaborations, and integrated marketing campaigns that span multiple media channels are becoming essential for amplifying reach and impact. These collaborations can introduce products to new audiences, leverage the credibility and reach of partner brands, and create a more dynamic and multifaceted launch experience. As brands look to stand out in a crowded market, creative and strategic collaborations will become a key component of successful launch strategies.

How do I create a product launch event presentation that stands out?

Begin by understanding your target audience deeply and tailoring your message to resonate with them. Use storytelling to create an emotional connection, and don't forget to incorporate data and research to back up your claims. Lastly, ensure your presentation aligns with your brand values for a cohesive brand image.

What happens at a product launch event?

A product launch event typically includes a presentation of the new product, highlighting its features, benefits, and potential impact. It may also feature live demonstrations, Q&A sessions, and opportunities for attendees to interact with the product.

How do you create a compelling product launch presentation?

Focus on storytelling, use high-quality visuals, and include compelling data points to support your narrative. Make sure your presentation addresses the audience's pain points and clearly articulates the value of your product.

How do you organize a successful launching event?

Comprehensive planning is key. Define your objectives, identify your target audience, choose the right venue and format, and develop a marketing strategy to promote the event. Engage your audience with interactive elements and follow up post-event for feedback.

How do you present a new product idea effectively?

Clearly define the problem your product solves and present your solution in a simple, compelling way. Use visuals and prototypes to demonstrate your product's benefits and differentiate it from competitors.

How do I start a new product launch?

Begin with market research to validate your product idea and identify your target audience. Develop a detailed launch plan, aligning your marketing strategy, sales goals, and product development timelines. Ensure your team is fully briefed and prepared.

How do you present a product presentation that engages?

Engage your audience with a mix of storytelling, interactive elements, and live demonstrations. Personalize your presentation to address specific audience segments and use dynamic visuals to highlight key points.

How do you write content for a new product launch?

Focus on the benefits and value proposition of your product. Use clear, persuasive language and ensure your content is optimized for your target audience and platforms, whether it's for a website, email campaign, or social media.

How to prepare a PPT for a new product launch?

Start with a clear outline that includes an introduction, product overview, benefits, market analysis, and call to action. Use consistent branding, high-quality visuals, and concise text to convey your message effectively.

How do you introduce a new product in a presentation?

Begin with a compelling story or statistic that highlights the need for your product. Follow with a clear description of the product, its benefits, and how it addresses the needs or challenges of your target audience.

What is an example of a product launch presentation?

An example could be Apple’s iPhone launch presentation, which effectively combines storytelling, product demonstrations, and clear explanations of features and benefits to engage and excite the audience.

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launching new product presentation

The Future of Event Presentations

Looking Ahead: The Future of Event Presentations

Embracing a New Era of Engagement The landscape of event presentations is undergoing a remarkable transformation, propelled by technological innovation and shifting audience expectations. As we look to the future, it's clear that the traditional paradigms of presenting are evolving towards more dynamic, interactive, and immersive experiences. This

Accelerating Interest in Bike Launches with Dynamic Presentations

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Bringing Home and Lifestyle Products to Life Through Presentations

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  • Presentations

New product launch Presentation Template

Used 5,482 times

Reviewed by Anna Werigo

Create your winning product launch presentation using our free editable template that features all the slides you need.

e-Sign with PandaDoc

New Product Introduction Presentation

Created by:

​ [Sender.FirstName] ​ [Sender.LastName] ​

​ [Sender.Email] [Sender.Company] ​

Image 1

Table of Contents

01. Agenda 02. Why new product 03. Vision 04. Objectives 05. Market Research

06. Market Scope 07. Competitive research 08. USP 09. Product’s business model 10. Pricing

11. Messaging & positioning 12. Target personas 13. Success metrics 14. Distribution channels 15. Launch activities

Add your product agenda and key highlights

Image 2

Highlighted Item

A good place to start a product launch presentation is with the overall objective.

Our company is launching a new product soon, and this is what you want to accomplish by the end of the launch.

Why New Product

Explain the value your new product provides or the opportunity it's capitalizing on.

My product will cater to an underserved market

It's solving a problem that most people deal with on a daily basis, it will be cheaper than competitors while providing more features.

Add your vision for the new product in this slide.

Image 3

Market share from competitors

Conversions from your brand audience

A reputable authority in the industry

Revenue Growth

Illustrates sales increases over time

Market Research

Add a market research slide with insights that you've acquired through focus groups, customer surveys, and other methods

Image 4

How many people are interested in your product

How much they're willing to pay, which improvements they'd like to see in the final version, market scope.

List the criteria for your total addressable market (TAM)

Short description of the item.

Competitive Research

Include the factors that give your product advantages or disadvantages over competitors.



Target Market

Brand Reputation


Competitor Name

Competitor Name

Competitor Name

Competitor Name

Competitor Name

Higher-quality construction

More features at a lower cost , easier to use , product’s business model.

Insert a product business model slide outlining the path to profitability for your new product.

Business models:

business-to-business (B2B)

business-to-consumer (B2C)

business-to-government (B2G)

Subscription-based (SaaS, cloud-hosted, or streaming services)

On-demand (food delivery, ridesharing, couriers, etc.)

Specify the planned launch price for your product as well as the general price range it could sell at (to account for post-launch pricing adjustments). ​

Planned launch price

General price range

Post-launch pricing

Messaging and Positioning

Market leader with X years of experience providing (product type) to (industry).

Target Personas

Image 7

Gender: Male/Female

Location: XXXXXX

Position / Income: $XX.XXX

Bio: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et.

​ Career / Life goals:

Image 8

Career / Life goals:

Success Metrics

List the success metrics and KPIs (key performance indicators) for measuring your product's post-launch performance.

of units sold

of subscription signups

Revenue generated in the first year

Recurring revenue from the product

Distribution Channels

List the channels that you'll use to advertise the product launch and sell the product post-launch.

Facebook ads

TV commercials

Image 9

Launch Activities

List the key steps in your product launch roadmap and the overall timeframe.

Complete first round of focus groups

Complete beta testing

•   Finalize prototype •   Begin manufacturing

Ship pre-orders

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New Product Introduction Presentation

Product launch presentation: A comprehensive guide

Learn how to define your goals, target audience, marketing strategy, and timeline.

Raja Bothra

Building presentations

team preparing product launch presentation

Welcome to the exciting world of product launches!

In today's digital age, a successful product launch presentation is your ticket to making a memorable entrance into the market. Whether you're unveiling a groundbreaking tech gadget or a mouthwatering food product, the way you present it can make or break your success.

So, let's dive into this comprehensive guide to ensure your product launch presentation is nothing short of stellar.

What is a product launch?

Before we jump into the nitty-gritty of creating an impactful product launch presentation, let's clarify what a product launch actually entails. A product launch is the grand unveiling of a new offering, whether it's a new product hitting the market or an updated version of an existing one. It's a carefully orchestrated event designed to generate buzz, capture the attention of your target audience , and ultimately drive sales.

Purpose of a product launch presentation

Now that we understand what a product launch is, let's delve into the importance of a product launch presentation. This is the moment where you get to showcase your innovation, highlight your unique selling points (USP) , and give your ideal customers a reason to get excited. A well-crafted presentation serves several crucial purposes:

  • Building anticipation : Your presentation sets the stage for the big reveal, creating hype around your product.
  • Educating stakeholders : It informs key stakeholders about the product's features, benefits, and how it addresses pain points.
  • Creating engagement : A visually appealing presentation captures attention and keeps your audience engaged.
  • Establishing authority : It positions your brand as an expert in the field, instilling trust in your product.
  • Driving sales : Ultimately, a successful presentation should drive demand and result in sales.

Product launch presentation examples

Before we get into the nuts and bolts of crafting your presentation, it's always helpful to draw inspiration from real-world examples. Let's take a look at a few memorable product launch presentations that made waves:

  • Apple's iPhone launch : Apple's iconic product launches are a masterclass in creating anticipation. Their sleek, minimalist presentation style is instantly recognizable.
  • Tesla's cybertruck unveiling : Elon Musk's electrifying presentation of the cybertruck showcased not just the product but also the vision behind it.
  • Coca-Cola's new flavors : When Coca-Cola launched new flavors, they used nostalgia and emotion to connect with their audience in a relatable way.

These examples demonstrate that there's no one-size-fits-all approach to product launch presentations. Each was tailored to the brand and product, but they all shared common elements that made them effective.

How to structure an effective product launch presentation

Now that we've explored the why and what, let's get into the how. Structuring your presentation is crucial to ensure it flows smoothly and effectively conveys your message. Here's a suggested structure:

1. Introduction

  • Hook your audience : Start with a compelling story or statistic that grabs your audience's attention.
  • Introduce your brand : Briefly introduce your company and its mission.

2. The problem

  • Identify the pain points : Address the issues your product aims to solve.
  • Market research : Share insights from your market research to validate the problem's existence.

3. The solution

  • Introduce your product : Present your product as the ultimate solution.
  • Key features : Highlight the standout features that set your product apart.

4. The journey

  • Showcase development : Provide a sneak peek into the development process.
  • Behind-the-scenes : Share the challenges your team overcame.

5. The benefits

  • Highlight benefits : Explain how your product will make your audience's life better.
  • Use cases : Give examples of how it can be used in real-life scenarios.

6. Target audience

  • Persona creation : Describe your ideal customer in detail.
  • Why it matters to them : Explain why your product resonates with this audience.

7. Marketing strategy

  • Coordinated efforts : Discuss your marketing strategy, including email marketing and distribution channels.
  • KPIs : Set clear key performance indicators to measure success.

8. The hype

  • Build anticipation : Share how you plan to create excitement leading up to the launch.
  • Remember to keep it authentic : Avoid overhyping; honesty is key.

9. The launch date

  • Reveal the date : Announce the official launch date, creating a sense of urgency.
  • Countdown begins : Start a countdown on your website and social media.

10. Conclusion

  • Recap key points : Summarize the main takeaways from your presentation.
  • Call to action : Encourage your audience to take action, whether it's signing up for updates or pre-ordering.

Do’s and don'ts on a product launch presentation

As we move forward, let's keep in mind some essential do's and don'ts to ensure your presentation hits all the right notes.

  • Do your research : Understand your market, competition, and target audience.
  • Do tell a story : Craft a compelling narrative that resonates with your audience.
  • Do focus on benefits : Highlight how your product solves problems and improves lives.
  • Do use visuals : Incorporate high-quality images, infographics, and videos.
  • Do rehearse : Practice your presentation to ensure a smooth delivery.
  • Do interact : Engage with your audience during and after the presentation.
  • Do collect feedback : Gather feedback to improve future presentations.


  • Don't overwhelm : Avoid information overload; keep it concise.
  • Don't neglect design : Aesthetics matter; invest in professional design.
  • Don't overpromise : Be honest about your product's capabilities.
  • Don't rush : Speak clearly and at a moderate pace.
  • Don't forget the call to action : Always guide your audience on what to do next.
  • Don't ignore analytics : Monitor the performance of your presentation.
  • Don't lose patience : Success may not come overnight; stay persistent.

Summarizing key takeaways

  • Product launch presentation : It educates, engages, and excites your audience about a new product.
  • Learn from the best : Take inspiration from successful launches like Apple and Tesla.
  • Structured approach : Organize your presentation with a clear intro, problem-solution, benefits, and a strong call to action.
  • Do's and don'ts : Do research, tell a compelling story, and rehearse. Highlight benefits, use visuals, and be authentic. Don't overwhelm, overpromise, or skip professional design. Always have a clear call to action.

1. How can I create a winning product launch presentation?

To create a winning product launch presentation, you'll need a template that's specifically designed for this purpose. Use this template as a starting point, ensuring it's customizable to suit your product and brand. Pay attention to the presentation slides you need and make sure the template includes placeholders for all of them. Don't forget to strategize your presentation by outlining your product launch strategy and launch plan. Highlight the key message you want to convey to your target market, and consider using icons to place relevant icons alongside your content for visual appeal. Lastly, be sure to cover every minute detail of your launch process, from pre-launch activities to the post-launch phase, to ensure the success of your launch.

2. What are the essential elements of a product launch presentation?

A product launch presentation should encompass various features to be effective. Start by introducing your new product to the market and give an overview of its unique selling points and benefits. Use the product overview to explain how your product development process has led to this point. Your presentation ppt should also include a product launch timeline, roadmap, illustrating the stages involved in the launch. Don't forget to discuss your product launch plan, including your product launch marketing plan and how you'll use coordinated marketing and relationship marketing to engage with your target market and new customers. Lastly, ensure your presentation is editable, allowing you to make changes as needed.

Here is a comprehensive guide on product development plan presentation .

3. How can I make my product launch presentation stand out?

To make your product launch presentation stand out, consider using a powerpoint template or Google Slides template that offers a visually appealing design. Incorporate presentation ideas that capture the essence of your product and engage your audience. Make your slides visually appealing by adding relevant icons to emphasize key points. Ensure your pitch deck is clear and concise, focusing on the key message you want to convey. Additionally, address any potential concerns your audience may have and demonstrate how your product addresses them. This will help you create an excellent product launch that captures attention.

4. What role does a product manager play in the product launch presentation?

A product manager plays a crucial role in the launch process and the success of your launch. They are responsible for planning to launch the product, which involves developing the launch plan and product launch strategy. The product manager works closely with the marketing team to create a product launch marketing plan and ensures that all marketing efforts are aligned with the product's goals. They also oversee the product's life cycle, from concept to post-launch evaluation. In the presentation, the product manager should highlight their involvement in the launch and their dedication to delivering the best product launch possible.

5. How can I create an effective product launch presentation on a tight schedule?

When you need to launch a new product quickly, having an editable and customizable presentation template at your disposal can be a lifesaver. Start by using the new product launch powerpoint templates or Google Slides templates that are readily available. These templates are designed to help you create an effective presentation without starting from scratch. Focus on the most critical elements of your launch plan and product launch strategy to streamline the process. Ensure that your presentation covers all the slides you need to convey your message succinctly. Additionally, make use of your email lists and various features of your template to reach your target market effectively, even when time is limited. Remember, having a well-structured presentation can help you win the product launch even on a tight schedule.

Create your product launch presentation with Prezent

Prezent revolutionizes the creation of product launch presentations by incorporating audience preferences, powerful storytelling, and brand-approved designs into its platform. With over 35,000 slides and numerous storylines, it provides a wealth of resources for crafting engaging content. Prezent streamlines collaboration with real-time sharing, ensuring that your team can work seamlessly together.

Furthermore, it guarantees 100% compliance, a crucial aspect for regulated industries, and efficient document management. You can also personalize presentations for various stakeholders and take advantage of their overnight presentation service for tight deadlines. Ultimately, Prezent empowers your team to deliver persuasive, on-brand presentations efficiently and cost-effectively.

Ready to make your product launch presentations truly memorable?

Try our free trial or book a demo today with Prezent!

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How to Create a Winning Product Launch Presentation

man showing Iphone on the background presentation

During Steve Job's flawless demonstration at MacWorld 2007, he made a fantastic presentation for the iPhone which will "change the world." 

The demo had a massive effect on the smartphone world. 

In actuality, it introduced people to the universe of multi-touch, in-built cameras, call merging, cross-device media syncing, and, most notably, something magnificent that fits perfectly in your hands.

Each year, a breakthrough technology emerges that influences the vision for the future. Innovation will continue to provide us with more portable and reliable solutions that we can acclimate into our everyday needs. 

And, by bringing such products to the global market through a presentation, business owners and tech titans have transformed the industry demographic and also customer psychology.

What genuinely distinguishes such product launch introductions is that these coerce us to think. They convince us about the existence of a certain kind of authority. 

They force us to think further than our human limitations. Whether we stream them for entertainment or to be amazed, we gain knowledge about something new and can apply what we've learned in our everyday lives.

Well, after building on these inspirational presentations, in this article, we will list down our eight best tips on how to design a winning product launch PPT.

8 genius tips on how to design a killer product launch presentation

Here is our run-down of the best strategies to come up with a result-oriented and powerful product launch presentation.

  • Start with a product demand analysis

launching new product presentation

A product demand analysis attempts to provide a precise estimation of your item's future revenue. 

It's a method of determining how competitive pressure, seasonal changes, and other significant events influence the selling of a specific product.

Product demand data from this demand analysis example , for instance, can be analyzed at any time – even for goods which aren't yet on the market. 

Requirements can be estimated based on social changes, technical advances, and ecological factors, in addition to previous sales.

Sure, there are several factors involved, and no one can tell the future down to your last food product sold. However, forecasting product demand is critical to developing a future-proof product. 

Once you are sure of your offering and that you will introduce it to the market, you can start with your product launch efforts.

  • Highlight your product’s key message

launching new product presentation

Your presentation design is important and special emphasis should be given on the introductory slides. But what to include here?

Well, now that you have decided on your product, you should pinpoint its primary value offering. After all, every product serves a function and addresses a business problem. 

It's critical for each item to provide ways in which individuals will be using or purchasing it, whether it be to render a certain method simpler or to help focus on saving time on anything.

Even so, it is absolutely vital to be effective in communicating that intent - its message - to your customers so as to notify them regarding the product's presence and encourage people to buy it.

This can be accomplished via coordinated marketing initiatives and a premium, effective product launch presentation .

You can include the following items in it:

  • What exactly is your objective?
  • How are you going to do it?
  • Why are you going to do it?

Preferably, you ought to be able to easily respond to these questions and clarify the answers to others.

Overall, devoting either one or two of your initial slides in your demonstration to convey your product's central message is critical, which is the reason why a product launch presentation serves as such an essential element of the success of your launch.

  • Share your product’s primary features and benefits

Once your audience is informed about your core message, it becomes equally crucial to talk about the aspects and benefits of your product.

Include questions such as:

  • How will the product function?
  • What sets it apart from the competition?

Answers to these questions would therefore guarantee that your launch is as effective as possible as well as generates a hype around it.

If an item is completely distinct from its direct rivals, it is referred to as having a USP aka unique selling point.

You shouldn't have to go into great detail about your product's advantages and functions - a presentation ought to be clear and concise - but enumerating the most important ones is critical.

To summarize, providing a product outline and explaining what it's really about is indeed an essential component of any flawless product launch presentation and must not be overlooked.

  • Communicate with your clients

Hardly anything beats a close relationship between a firm and its customers.

A strong product launch presentation may not be the only method of achieving this, however it is a fine place to begin.

You develop a connection with prospective consumers by communicating with them and demonstrating why your commodity is essential or how it will make their job easier.

This is also referred to as the relationship marketing strategy; a form of marketing which concentrates specifically on fostering customers ’ loyalty.

This strategy should preferably be incorporated in your product launch business plan, as it will play a critical role in your company's market success, given that satisfied consumers generate 51% more profits than disconnected clients.

Overall, a great product launch presentation must illustrate your customers' requirements and describe how your item will address them, allowing you to establish an instant connection with the audience.

  • Help combat potential issues

It's normal for prospective customers to raise issues or doubts when you introduce a fresh item into the marketplace that they aren't familiar with until now.

While promotional strategies like social media marketing can notify them about the perks and abilities of the commodity, a display can pretty much describe how it functions and whether they should buy it.

Furthermore, the launch blueprint, pricing, and overall product launch strategy could all be clarified in a presentation, creating clarity prior to the launch.

This will eliminate apprehensions and uncertainty during the takeoff and post-launch stages, as everyone will be knowledgeable about everything. So, you will be able to stay focused on implementing your plan.

  • Define your target audience in your slides

launching new product presentation

Once you've explained what your product's key message is, what are its benefits and features, and how it will address potential concerns, it's time to tell people who it's intended for.

  • To put it another way, who is your intended audience?
  • Who will benefit the most from the product?

Such inquiries are critical for both your teammates and prospective customers.

This phase can actually be separated into two sections: your target demographic in figures and your perfect customer personalities.

During the first scenario, how large do you predict the market size to be? This will ascertain if there is sufficient support for whatever you have to offer.

As in your second instance, you can go into great detail about your intended audience and who the target customers are.

For instance, to which genders would your item appeal? What about age groups, geographic regions, and behaviors?

All of those above points should be considered. Devote a pair of Google or PowerPoint slides or design a pitch deck template to showcase the same.

  • Describe your launch schedule

Your product launch timeframe is an important component of the launch procedure, and we highly recommend embedding this in the presentation as well.

This will assist all interested parties in understanding when the release will occur, and what measures will be implemented before, during, and afterwards.

To put it in perspective, when you decide on a launch window, you can generate a roadmap outlining the activities that will be completed to guarantee a seamless and successful launch.

Establishing a strategy, creating email lists, producing referral programmes, defining objectives, revealing the launch date, and assessing performance are all important steps to take.

  • Promote your launch via social media, email, or press

launching new product presentation

How you plan to advertise your new product is indeed an essential part of its launch.

It can be important in deciding the success element of your release, as the more customers who know about that now, the better.

What we suggest is providing an overall view of your complete product launch business plan as well as the methods you'll use to bring in new customers.

Consider the following factors:

  • Content from social media platforms such as Facebook, Linkedin, and Instagram, among others.
  • Email marketing campaigns for blog content – (Here’s how to find the best email templates to launch your new product )
  • Publications in the press
  • Paid adverts, as well as other activities, can be used to advertise your product release.

As a final word, remember to keep your presentation interesting. Use different styles to present your creative ideas to your board of directors, prospective customers, and coworkers. 

The days of displaying various features solely with circles and line segments are long gone. Make use of imaginative contours and organize them in an order you desire. Place relevant icons alongside the text to make your slides more interesting.

Overall, there are numerous presentation ideas available, but the eight steps we just discussed are critical to any successful product launch presentation.

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launching new product presentation

Top tips to craft a perfect Product Launch Presentation

Significance of a perfect product launch presentation.

Fretting over your next product launch? When 30,000+ new products are launched every year, it is inevitable to worry about your product’s impact on the audience. Your product launch presentation may fail due to unsatisfactory presentation design delivery and product demonstration. This is exactly why it is essential to focus on crafting and delivering the perfect product launch presentation . Product launch requires keen attention to details to guarantee success. Yet, there are pitfalls to avoid at all costs.

5 Key Missteps that can impede your Product Launch Plan

  • Failure to craft a compelling value proposition that resonates with your target audience.
  • Overlooking the critical role of a comprehensive marketing strategy in generating awareness and interest.
  • Neglecting to conduct thorough market research to identify if there is a genuine need for your product, feature, or version.
  • Insufficiently defining your ideal customer profile, thereby risking misguided marketing efforts.
  • Omitting valuable testimonials or user stories that serve as social proof and drive sales.

5 tips to craft a perfect Product Launch Presentation

1. Talk to your audience:  One thing to avoid at a product launch presentation is simply explaining the product and leaving. Offer spectacular features and engage the audience. Initiate conversations, tell jokes, or present a story. Ensure the audience listens, understands, and is convinced by the product.

2. Agenda of the presentation:  While you’re putting in so much effort to ensure your audience is enthralled, you must not overlook the agenda slides of the product launch presentation. The entire experience that you intend to provide through your PowerPoint Presentation Design must be entirely based on introducing, promoting, or selling the product. Utilize Visual Sculptors presentation strategies that can help you connect, communicate and persuade your audience to purchase your product.

Product Launch Presentation - Structuring Agenda

Product Launch Presentation – Structuring Agenda

3. Audience-oriented design & delivery:  Launching a product requires clear communication. Avoid technical jargon and focus on audience understanding. Tailor delivery and slides to audience needs for effective communication. Emphasize basics and maintain audience interest. Use functional creativity for easy comprehension. Before presenting your product, show it to someone unfamiliar to get feedback on clarity and pace. This helps you improve explanations and demos.

4. Visual Communication:  Use visuals for better communication. Product shots and graphics help audience understand your product. Graphically represent data through images, videos, infographics for appealing presentations.

Product Launch Presentation - Visual Communication

Product Launch Presentation – Visual Communication

5. Concise information:  Ensure concise info on slides for audience grasp & product understanding. Avoid large text chunks, minimize info on PPT design. Use product expertise for authentic experience.

10 Key slides for a Presentation on your Product Launch

1. Introduction Slide:  Start product launch presentation with a slide introducing company & purpose. Grab audience’s attention & set tone for rest of presentation.

2. Problem Statement Slide:  Define problem/need product addresses: Use stats/examples to show importance and urgency for product necessity.

3. Solution Slide:  Product solves problem in the previous slide. Unique features/benefits highlighted. Use visuals/demos to show how it works effectively.

4. Market Analysis Slide:  Market overview & target audience: Present market size, growth potential, trends, insights. Show demand & market potential.

5. Competitive Analysis Slide:  Compare product to competitors. Highlight advantages & unique selling points that differentiate it. Use visuals or charts to show how product outperforms competitors in features, pricing, & customer satisfaction.

6. Marketing and Sales Strategy Slide:  Marketing and sales strategy for product launch: Target audience, distribution channels, pricing, promo activities. Demo a well-thought-out plan to reach customers and drive sales.

7. Roadmap and Timeline Slide:  Roadmap slides with key milestones and deadlines for product launch. Clear timeline for development, testing, marketing, and sales activities. Demonstrates structured plan for successful launch.

8. Financial Projections Slide:  Financial projections incl. revenue forecasts, cost estimates & ROI. Show product profitability to persuade investors/stakeholders.

9. Testimonials and Case Studies Slide:  Testimonials or case studies from early users of your product. Quotes and success stories show positive impact. Build credibility and trust with real-life examples of effectiveness.

10. Call to Action Slide:  End product launch presentation with a compelling call to action. Encourage audience to pre-order product, sign up for updates, or schedule demo. Slide creates excitement and urgency for engagement. Keep PowerPoint slides visually appealing, concise, and easy to understand. Use visuals, charts, bullet points. Practice presentation for smooth delivery and engage audience. Visually appealing slideshow will be memorable.

10 Common Product Launch Mistakes

1. Lack of Market Research:  One of the biggest mistakes companies make when launching a new product is not conducting thorough market research. Without understanding the needs and preferences of your target audience, you risk developing a product that doesn’t resonate with consumers.

2. Poor Timing: Timing is key for product launches. Launching too early or late can greatly affect success. You must consider market trends, competitors, and consumer demand when choosing the launch time.

3. Inadequate Planning:  Launching a new product needs careful planning and coordination across departments in your organization. Failing to create a detailed launch plan can lead to missed opportunities and confusion.

4. Insufficient Marketing Efforts:  Even with a great product, marketing is essential for successful sales. Companies often overlook marketing’s importance in product launches. A comprehensive strategy combining online and offline tactics is crucial for creating awareness and boosting sales.

5. Overpromising and Underdelivering:  Setting unrealistic product expectations may cause disappointment & negative reviews from customers. Being transparent about features & benefits is crucial for customer satisfaction.

6. Ignoring Customer Feedback:  Customer feedback is important when launching a new product. Ignoring feedback can lead to missed opportunities for improvement and harm your brand. Listen to customers and make adjustments based on their input.

7. Poor Product Packaging:  The packaging of your product is vital for attracting customers and setting your brand apart from competitors. Quality, visually appealing packaging can greatly impact your product launch success.

8. Lack of Training for Sales Team:  Your sales team is crucial for selling your new product. Training and resources are vital for them to effectively communicate its value to customers. A training PowerPoint can help them learn about the new product features.

9. Neglecting Post-Launch Support:  Launching a product is only the start. Offering continuous support and addressing post-launch customer concerns is vital for customer loyalty and long-term success.

10. Failure to Learn from Mistakes:  Launching new products requires analyzing mistakes, refining strategies, and learning for future success.

Product Launch Presentation Design Services

Still worried about your presentation outcome? For important presentations, trust professionals for design. Focus on finishing touches and delivery while Visual Sculptors creates a stunning Product Launch Presentation your audience will love. Invest in our professional PowerPoint presentation design services and create a massive buzz about your product! We deliver top PowerPoint presentation for your product launch.

  • How can you make an effective product launch presentation?

Some tips for making an effective product launch presentation include knowing your audience, keeping it simple and concise, highlighting the unique features and benefits of your product, using visuals and multimedia to enhance your presentation, and practicing your delivery to ensure confidence and clarity.

2. What makes a good product presentation?

A successful product presentation integrates two critical elements: the presenter’s adeptness in conveying information and the accompanying visuals that effectively illustrate the message. Effectively presenting one’s product ideas to potential investors and colleagues entails the strategic assembly of information into a compelling presentation that persuades and motivates one’s audience to take action.

3. What are the keys to a successful product launch?

The keys to a successful product launch include having a clear target audience, creating a unique value proposition, conducting market research, building buzz and anticipation, having a solid marketing plan, providing excellent customer service, and continuously gathering feedback and making improvements.

4. What are the 6 elements you need in product presentation?

The 6 key elements of a product presentation are:

  • Clear and concise message
  • Compelling story
  • Strong value proposition
  • Visual aids
  • Social proof
  • call to action.

These elements work together to create a persuasive and effective product presentation.

5. What are the 7 steps to launch a new product?

The 7 steps to launch a new product are:

  • Conduct market research
  • Develop a product concept
  • Create a marketing strategy
  • Develop the product
  • Test the product
  • Launch the product
  • Evaluate the success of the launch and make adjustments as needed

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How to Build a Winning Product Launch Presentation

February 7, 2023 / Blog

A woman stands smiling, giving a presentation to a group of six seated individuals in a conference room. Behind her, a slide titled "Core Principles" displays key points from the pitch deck. The audience is engaged, with some taking notes and others listening attentively.

Creating a compelling product launch presentation can contribute to the success of a new product. A well-crafted presentation can generate excitement and interest, leading to strong sales and positive word-of-mouth.

A product launch presentation’s goal is to educate and excite your target audience about the product, demonstrating its value and differentiators. Therefore, your presentation should communicate the product’s benefits, answer potential questions and objections, and persuade the audience to become customers.

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Essential preparation steps.

Before delivering a product launch presentation, it is necessary to plan and prepare.

Ensure the effectiveness of your product launch presentation through the following steps:

Know your audience

Knowing your audience will help you better understand their perspectives and expectations, allowing you to present your product in a way that resonates with them.

You need to understand the audience you will be presenting to. Consider critical factors such as their background, interests, and pain points.

Take the time to understand your audience to be able to tailor your presentation to meet their needs and address their concerns.

Research your competition

Understanding your competition is essential to positioning your product in the market and increasing your chances of a successful product launch.

Study what your competitors offer and their strengths and weaknesses. Then, find opportunities to differentiate and highlight your product from competitors .

Additionally, researching your competitors can help you identify any potential gaps in the market and find ways to fill them.

Define your Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

Your USP makes your product unique and sets it apart from the competition. It should be the central focus of your presentation.

Your USP should be clear, concise, and easy to understand, and it should accurately reflect what your product offers. Base it on product features, benefits, quality, value, or customer experience.

Highlight your USP to differentiate your product and show the audience why it is worth considering over similar products in the market.

Outline your key message and points

Determine the most important message you want to convey.

Your key message should be clear, concise, easy to understand, and accurately reflect your product’s value. In addition, to support your key message, create an outline that highlights your key points. 

The outline should be well-structured, logical, easy to follow, and cover all the essential information about your product. Moreover, as you outline your key points, consider using visual content to help communicate your message for a more engaging, memorable, and understandable presentation.

Rehearse your presentation

Practice makes perfect, and by rehearsing several times, you can refine your delivery, become more confident, and become more comfortable with the material.

When rehearsing, pay attention to timing, pacing, tone, body language, and audience engagement. Also, consider using a timer to ensure that your presentation fits within the allotted time and that you have enough time to cover all your key points.

By rehearsing your presentation , you can increase your confidence and reduce the risk of encountering unexpected problems during the actual product launch.

launching new product presentation

Creating a strong visual presentation

A strong visual presentation can enhance your product launch presentation and help you better engage your audience.

Here are some tips to help you create an effective visual presentation :

Use high-quality visual content

Incorporating high-quality visual content, such as images, graphics, and videos, into your product launch presentation is essential for making a lasting impression on your audience.

Make sure your visual content is relevant to your product and message. Moreover, they should also be of high quality, clear, visually appealing, and appropriately sized for your presentation.

Using high-quality visual content can help reinforce your brand identity and create a consistent look and feel throughout your presentation.

Keep your presentation simple

Keeping your product launch presentation simple is crucial for maintaining your audience’s attention and making your message clear. 

Overloading your slides with too many graphics or images can be distracting and confusing, detracting from your key message. Instead, focus on keeping your slides simple, clean, and uncluttered. Use minimal text and maximize the use of visual aids to help reinforce your key points. 

Additionally, consider using a consistent design theme throughout your presentation, which will help create a cohesive look and feel.

Make sure your slides are readable

If your audience struggles to read the text on your slides, they may lose interest or become confused.

Ensure that the text on your slides is clear, concise, and large enough to be easily readable. Consider using bullet points or short phrases instead of long paragraphs, which can be difficult to read and comprehend.

Additionally, make sure that the background and font colors are easy on the eyes and provide enough contrast for the text to be easily seen.

Hiring a presentation design agency

Creating a winning product launch presentation can be a complex and time-consuming task. Many businesses opt to hire a presentation design agency to help them achieve their goals.

Here are some of the benefits of hiring a presentation design agency:

Hiring a presentation design agency gives you access to a team of experts who specialize in creating visually appealing and impactful presentations.

With years of experience in the field, these professionals have a deep understanding of what works and what doesn’t. They can help you create a product launch presentation that effectively communicates your message and makes a lasting impression on your audience.

Professional quality

Design agencies have the latest design tools and techniques at their disposal. They can create visually appealing presentations that showcase the professional image of your brand.

Their expertise in creating impactful presentations that effectively communicate a message ensures that your product launch presentation leaves a lasting impression on your target audience.


By working with a presentation design agency, you can save time and focus on other important aspects of your product launch.

The agency will handle the creation of the presentation, freeing up your time and resources so you can focus on other areas of the launch. This can be especially beneficial if you have limited in-house design capabilities or are working on a tight timeline.


The agency’s team of experts will work with you to understand your brand, product, and target audience, and then create a presentation that is tailored specifically to your needs.

​​They will take into account your design preferences, marketing goals, and other key factors to create a presentation that is not only visually appealing but also effective in communicating your message and differentiating your product from the competition.

launching new product presentation

A winning product launch presentation requires careful planning and execution. By following the tips outlined in this guide, you increase your chances of making a lasting impression on your target audience and ensuring the success of your product.

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Product Launch Presentation

Table of contents, what is a product launch presentation, what’s the purpose of a product launch presentation, how to create the best product launch presentation in 4 simple steps, download our free product launch presentation template (in google slides format), product launch presentation: steps to create & free template.

Launching a new product is a multi-dimensional process that consists of many aspects.

One of those is the product presentation , which you’ll have to create and present both in-house as well as to the public.

If you’re unsure how to get started with one, no need to worry!

In the following guide, we’re going to talk about:

  • What a product launch presentation is
  • What the purpose of a presentation is when it comes to launching a product
  • What the most important steps are when creating a product launch presentation

Plus, we’ll share with you our free product launch presentation template towards the end, so stay tuned.

Without further ado, let’s get started.

A product launch presentation is the summary of all key elements that your new product launch consists of that gets presented to various stakeholders and the public. 

Think of it as an overview of your entire launch plan that'll help people understand what it’s all about in a few simple slides.

To be precise, a product launch presentation should include the following:

  • Your new product
  • The roadmap - pre-launch /launch/post-launch
  • The marketing strategy
  • Important objectives

And anything else you consider to be a vital part of your launch process.

Product launch presentation items example

You can obviously dive deeper into each part and also feature metrics, charts, pain points, and infographics.

It’s important to remember, however, that this is like a pitch deck so it has to be concise and to the point, since it has a certain purpose.

Let’s see exactly what that is.

In this part of our guide, we’re going to discuss the purpose of a product launch presentation by having a closer look at the reasons why it’s such an important part of any product launch strategy .

This presentation can offer a great variety of benefits and we’ll try to cover the most prominent ones to help you understand why you need one and the reasons why we strongly suggest creating one for your upcoming launch.

Let’s have a look at those reasons.

Reason #1: It delivers your product’s key message

all products have a purpose and solve a problem.

Whether it’s to make a certain process easier for users or help save time on something, it’s vital for every product to have a reason why people will use or buy it.

However, it’s equally important to be able to communicate that purpose - its message - to your target audience effectively, in order to inform them about the product’s existence and incentivize them to purchase it.

This can be done both through coordinated marketing efforts and with the help of a high-quality product launch presentation .

Things you can include in it are:

  • What 's your mission?
  • How will you achieve it?
  • Why will you do it?

Ideally, you should be able to answer those questions with ease and make them clear to people.

Just to give you an example, the following slide is a reproduction of Airbnb’s original product presentation.

launching new product presentation

Image Source: Slideshare

As you can see, its message is clearly outlined and easy for someone to understand.

Overall, dedicating one or two slides in your presentation to deliver your product’s key message is essential and one of the reasons why a product launch presentation is so important for a successful launch.

Let’s head over to the next reason.

Reason #2: It discusses your product’s advantages and characteristics

Now that your audience is aware of your key message, it’s equally important to communicate your product’s elements and advantages .

Include questions like:

  • How does the product work?
  • How is it different from your competition?

Answering these should make your launch as successful as possible and create a buzz around it.

Author’s Note: If a product is one of a kind and different from its closest competitors, its main advantage is also known as its USP, or unique selling point.

You don’t have to dive deep into your product’s characteristics and benefits - a presentation should be concise and to the point - but listing the most prominent ones is of vital importance.

For instance, here’s a slide from Uber’s first presentation.

launching new product presentation

As you can see, the benefits a user gets compared to the competition - cabs and other car services - are simple and clear for users to understand.

To sum up, giving a product overview and covering what it’s all about is an integral part of any perfect product launch presentation and shouldn’t be avoided.

Let’s continue.

Reason #3: It allows you to connect with your customers

Nothing beats a strong connection between a business and its customers.

A successful product launch presentation is certainly not the only way to achieve this, but it sure is a great place to start.

By interacting with potential customers and showcasing why your product is important and how it’ll make their lives easier, you establish a relationship right from the very beginning.

This is also known as relationship marketing ; a type of marketing that focuses specifically on building customer loyalty .

This tactic should ideally be integrated into your product launch marketing plan , since it’ll play a key part in your product’s success in the market, considering that engaged customers bring in 51% higher revenue than disengaged ones.

All in all, a good product launch presentation should highlight your customer’s needs and explain how your product will resolve them , thus creating an immediate connection with your audience.

Moving on to the next reason.

Reason #4: It combats potential concerns

When introducing a new product to the market that your potential customers aren’t yet familiar with, it’s only natural for them to have questions and concerns.

While marketing efforts such as social media campaigns can inform them about the product’s benefits and capabilities, with a presentation you can explain exactly how it works and why they should purchase it.

What’s more, things like the launch roadmap, pricing, and the general product launch plan can all be explained in a presentation, thus making everything clear even before the launch takes place.

This will avoid potential concerns and confusion during the launch and post-launch phases, since people will be aware of everything and you can focus on executing your plan.

Makes sense, right?

Look at the following slide from Mint’s pre-launch presentation, when the personal financial management company was still a startup idea.

launching new product presentation

What is shown above is the value a user will get from using the product, compared to other alternatives; this immediately answers any potential concerns about the benefits of Mint.

This makes it clear that one of the purposes of a product launch presentation is answering questions and addressing concerns.

Now, if you’re wondering how you’ll make an awesome presentation yourself for an upcoming launch, we’ve got you covered.

In this part of our guide, we’re going to show you the steps for creating a high-quality product launch presentation.

No matter whether you prefer Google Slides or PowerPoint presentations, the following steps will help you through the process.

Let’s get started.

Step #1: Describe your product

Since we’re talking about a presentation for your upcoming product launch, it only makes sense that we begin with an overview of your product .

After all - as we said earlier - this is about something that's new to the market, so you need to describe things like:

  • How it works
  • Why it exists

So that your audience can understand what it’s all about and whether it’s a good fit for them.

Going back to the first example we used from Airbnb’s pre-launch presentation, we can see that one of the slides is dedicated to briefly explaining how the product works in three steps.

launching new product presentation

Try not to get into minute detail that'll make your slides tiring; instead, cover the most important elements that are worth pointing out.

You can think of it as your product's introduction to the market.

Author’s Tip: Try to keep consistency between all slides by using the same colors, fonts, and slide designs.

Let’s move on to the next step.

Step #2: Specify your target market

Now that you’ve covered what your product is all about, it’s time to explain who it’s for.

In other words, what is your target audience?

Who will get the most use out of the product?

Such questions are important both for your team members and your potential customers.

You can actually break this step into two main parts; one is your target market in numbers and the other is your ideal customer using personas .

In the first case, how big is your estimated market? 

This will determine whether there’s enough demand for what you offer.

We’ll once again use Airbnb’s presentation as an example.

launching new product presentation

You can see the market size has been presented in the number of trips booked, the serviceable available market, and the estimated market share.

Something similar can be done in your own presentation, but for your own market.

In the second case, you can describe your target audience in detail and who your ideal customers are.

For example, which genders will your product appeal to? How about the age range, geographical locations, and behaviors?

These are all things you should think about and dedicate a couple of Google or PPT slides to.

Let’s move forward.

Step #3: Explain your launch timeline

The product launch timeline is an integral part of your launch process and we strongly advise including it in your presentation, too.

This will help all stakeholders understand when the launch will take place, as well as what actions will be taken prior, during, and after it.

Just to give you an idea, when you set a launch date you can create a roadmap with the tasks that’ll be done in order to ensure a smooth and effective launch.

Setting up a strategy, building email lists, creating referral programs , setting objectives, announcing the launch, and measuring results are some of the essential actions that need to be taken care of.

To sum up, a timeline also helps you to organize everything in time and your audience will know when to expect your new product to be released.

Author’s Tip: As a product manager or anyone else involved in the launch, it’s natural to know everything about the process, but it’s vital that you make things clear to everyone else, too.

Let’s continue to the fourth step we have for you.

Step #4: How you’ll promote the launch

An important part of any product launch is how you’re going to promote it .

This can play a key role in determining the success of your launch, since the more people learn about it, the better.

What we recommend doing is giving an overview of your entire product launch marketing plan and the ways by which you’ll acquire new customers.

Take into account things like:

  • Social media content, e.g. Facebook, Linkedin, Instagram, etc.
  • Blog content
  • Email campaigns
  • Press releases
  • Paid advertising

Along with other actions you can take to promote your product launch.

All in all, there are many presentation ideas you can come up with, but adding the four steps we just covered are vital to any good product launch presentation.

It’s now time to save you some time by showing you how to download our presentation and adjust it to your needs for your upcoming launch. 

As promised, in this last section of our guide we’re going to share with you our free product launch presentation template .

Although it’s in Google Slides format, you can always turn it into a Microsoft PowerPoint template or whatever suits you best.

Our template begins with a cover slide where you have to add your product’s name and a title.

launching new product presentation

It’s purpose is solely to inform your audience what the presentation is all about, so remember to keep it brief and simple.

Author’s Note: What we’re sharing is a template. You can always add images and backgrounds of your choice to make the slides more visually appealing.

Let’s continue to the next slide.

After that, you can use the table of contents to explain what’s about to follow.

launching new product presentation

This will keep your audience informed and engaged.

Moving on to the next part, we strongly suggest giving some context as to who you and your team are , plus what each of you do.

launching new product presentation

You can even add photos of every team member to make the presentation more personalized.

It’s now time to give an overview of your product , meaning that you briefly have to explain what it is and how it works.

You can always go back to the first step of our guide for more information on this part.

launching new product presentation

You should also talk about your product’s purpose along with a photo of it so people know exactly what it looks like.

Alternatively, you can add a graphic showing its characteristics.

launching new product presentation

It’s now time to describe your target market , by specifying who your target audience is.

launching new product presentation

Also include the overall state of your market :

launching new product presentation

This means you need to cover things like:

  • The estimated market value
  • How many competitors there are
  • The estimated market size

You can add graphs and pie charts that'll make things clearer and easy to understand.

Moving on to the next part, it’s time for your product launch timeline .

launching new product presentation

You can start by announcing the official product launch date and what actions will be taken up to then, as well as during and after the launch in the next two slides.

Now, it’s important to outline the marketing strategy that'll promote your product launch.

launching new product presentation

This means briefly listing your marketing efforts that’ll make the launch reaches as many people as possible.

Before you end the presentation, it’s a good idea to also cover your objectives .

What are you planning to achieve in terms of total signups, purchases, or whatever else your target KPI is? 

launching new product presentation

If you’re planning on setting different objectives based on certain dates, you can add a chart to make things more visually appealing, as always.

You can then wrap things up with a few words and your new product presentation is done!

Keep in mind that what we’re sharing is solely a template, so it’s up to you to customize and personalize it based on your own needs and preferences.

Let’s wrap up and close with some final words.

Before You Go

There you have it.

That was our full guide on the importance of product launch presentations , as well as how to create your own.

We hope that you gained some new knowledge and that we helped you out with an important step of any product launch, by offering our free product launch presentation template.

Lastly, if you feel like you need some extra help in keeping track of everything that needs to be done, don’t hesitate to use our product launch checklist.

Thanks for reading!

launching new product presentation

Written by:

Nikitas Filosofof

Nikitas is responsible for growth at Viral Loops and also helps customers on 1-on-1 basis to reach success with their referral campaigns. Let's connect on LinkedIn

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Your users refer other businesses, and both sides get rewarded when the referred business upgrades to a paid plan. (With conversion tracking)

Create a referral waiting list before you launch to get early adopters and market validation.

The more successful referrals your users make, the better rewards they unlock. (With conversion tracking)

People sign up and refer friends to win a free ticket. If they don't win, they get early access to the pre-sale.

People join the waiting list, refer their friends to climb the queue and get early access to the tickets or the event.

A referral giveaway with a social element—people see a leaderboard of who's winning the giveaway.

Create an in-email referral program to reward your newsletter readers for inviting more subscribers.

Your existing audience refers their friends to increase their chances of winning a prize.

Find early community members with a referral waitlist where people refer friends to climb the queue and get exclusive access.

People get early access to your product when they reach the top of the waiting list by referring friends.

Your users referer their friends, and both sides get rewarded when the friend makes a purchase.

Set milestones with a tiered referral system, offering better prizes as they reach each milestone.

Create an ongoing referral program using our Shopify App to reward your customers for referring friends.

New and existing customers refer friends to increase their chances of winning a prize.

Create a referral waiting list for your upcoming store to collect email addresses. logo

Product Launch Strategy Presentation Template

You have a new product idea, now what? A product launch presentation is used to help get your new product off the ground and into the hands of the consumers as seamlessly as possible. Teams can strategize how and when to launch their new product with the help of’s product launch presentation example.  

Our customizable template has everything you need for a product launch strategy presentation like timeline and budget details. A successful product launch presentation can help internal teams and partners— like investors— align on things like new product ideas, stages, and go to market strategies. 

Our product launch template can also help you:

  • Share new product ideas with key stakeholders
  • Create an actionable timeline for the launch
  • Get investors or internal departments up to speed on the stages of the launch

Use our template to create an effective product launch presentation

A product launch presentation enables teams to work collaboratively on new product ideas and successfully bring it to the market in an effort to scale the business. That’s why our template includes everything you need to create effective product launch slides. Those slides include:

Title Slide

Pro tips to create your own product launch strategy presentation

As you use this template to craft your product launch presentation, keep these do’s and don’ts in mind:

A product launch doesn’t have to be a 20 slide deck sharing every step in the ideation process. When you’re pitching the new product, share only the most important details necessary for the launch.

Including a quote from the founder can help both internal and external partners understand the purpose of the new product better.

Charts, graphs, and images can condense a lot of data— like budget and market share— and present it in an appealing format.

What are the next steps for your product launch? When you’re creating your product launch strategy, make sure you include a launch plan timeline and any immediate deliverables.

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Product Launch PowerPoint Templates & Slide Design for Presentations

Download 100% editable product launch PowerPoint templates and slide designs for presentations. Our editable product launch presentation templates can help to prepare awesome business development plans in PowerPoint or Google Slides by reusing pre-made product launch slides.

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launching new product presentation

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launching new product presentation

5-Step Product Launch Strategy Plan PowerPoint Template

A product launch slide for PowerPoint can help present the activities involved in launching a new product to the market by clearly explaining the actions to be taken.

In this section, you can find product launch timeline template designs and download pre-made product launch templates with visual graphics, visual metaphors, and aids that will help to engage your audience.

If you are looking for a visually appealing product launch PPT template, our 100% editable diagrams and product launch timelines can be helpful. Present the different stages of a product launch (pre-launch, launch, and post-launch) clearly with visually appealing slides, and prepare outstanding Go-to-Market strategy plans.

In this section, you can find presentation slides relevant to product launch, including visual metaphors such as rocket ships, space rockets, and timelines that will help deliver a message visually to an audience.

Combine excellent product launch slides with GTM templates to prepare a step-by-step plan to launch a product to an existing or new market successfully.

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New Product Launch Plan

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Product details

Launching a new product into the market requires a lot of thought process, homework, and preparation. It also includes the reviewing, testing and partial implementation of the product to its maximum limits. Therefore, to identify its built-in potential and estimate the competence it possesses as compare to other products of the league.

A successful product launch involves effective planning with impressing presentations. That is not only comprehensible but also easily understandable by anyone. For the very reason, this New Product Launch powerpoint template remains well-developed. The template can be used in any field. It can be utilized for your business presentations, academic purposes, in technological development and analysis procedures, in industries for designing a new product, and even for researchers.

The first slide is a series of text blocks and graphics placed on a laptop screen. This effect allows you to convey to the audience that the data presented on the slide is valid. You can use the slide when comparing several potential products and planning the profit from their sale. The slide will be useful for bankers, economists, planning department employees in their daily work. The second slide is represented by infographics in the form of a swing, which adds personality to the slide. The second part uses a radar chart. You can use this slide to prepare information on the strengths and weaknesses of a new product versus an already marketed company. Sales managers can use this slide when preparing a presentation to a client about a new product, its benefits compared to competitors’ products. The next slide is a timeline on the left and a growth chart on the right. This slide is perfect for preparing a go-to-market plan for a new product. You can specify the periods for which the launch of a new product in the series is scheduled, the start of its sales by region, and more. A growth histogram will show the increase in profits as new product launches increase. The fourth slide can be used to describe the main stages of a new product entering the market. This slide can also be used to prepare goals for programming teams at their weekly meeting. The last slide is presented in the form of a timeline, on which you can indicate all the main stages associated with a new product entering the market. For example, at the first stage, there may be laboratory analyzes, then the release of a prototype, then the launch of a trial series, and, at the same time, the launch of an advertising campaign for a new product, the start of sales in various regions. Also, this slide will be very convenient for the product manager when preparing goals for the team. Also, this slide can be used by construction organizations when building a new home or office. They can describe in detail at what stages and for what the various contractors are responsible for.

Consisting of 5 slides, this product launch plan template remains entirely editable. The template has a very sophisticated design capable of conveying the message to the audience at a faster pace. The purple, blue, white, and pink contrast further add to its simplicity. With designated spaces for infographics, data set representation, scales diagram, comparison bar charts, testimonials and flowcharts, the template also has individual description boxes. Thus, making this New Product Launch template a perfect fit for the corporate distribution sector.

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How to launch a product: Your complete guide

What is a product launch.

A product launch is a process in which a new product or service is brought to market by a company. 

The primary purpose of a launch is to provoke a sense of anticipation and generate awareness of your product amongst your target audience.

As a collaborative exercise, product launches require input from different people within an organization to ensure the process is successful. These include sales , customer success , product, and product marketing.

How do you pitch a product launch?

An effective pitch is pivotal to the success of any product launch. To do this successfully, you must combine thorough research , meticulous preparation, and an engaging presentation.

Here are some tips to help you prepare for the product launch pitch:

  • Don’t settle for second best. You need to pitch your product to an investor that ticks all the boxes. Conduct thorough research before pitching so you’re not wasting your time and that of your attendees. Preparation is key to helping you find the right investor – don’t try taking any shortcuts.
  • Make a good first impression. Investors team up with people they know, like, and trust – you never get a second chance to make a good first impression. You need to take this opportunity to ensure you convince a potential investor that you’re the right person to deliver on your promises and release a successful product.
  • Be confident, but not presumptuous. While investors want to see a confident pitch, it isn’t appropriate to be overly confident. For example, insisting a potential investor sign a non-disclosure agreement isn’t acceptable. Bide your time, nail that all-important first impression, and focus on the specifics when/if the time comes.
  • Include data in your pitch. Never underestimate the importance of data . Numbers can be your perfect ally if you’re faced with tricky questions or have to support claims made in your pitch. Always be sure to say where you got your data from, include comprehensive, granular information, and select stats that meet the requirements of your audience.
  • Prepare for criticism. It’s important to prepare yourself for a tough crowd. You need to develop a thick skin and take potential criticism on the chin. Keep your eye fixed firmly on the importance of securing your investment, stay composed, and don’t get defensive.

What’s important when launching a new product?

Product differentiation.

Differentiating your product sets it aside from the competition and provides your target personas with a distinct reason to opt for your company – if competing products aren’t offering the same features, where else can they go?

As a product marketer, grasping the significance of product differentiation is essential for the triumph of your new product launch. Setting your product apart from the competition is crucial because it offers a compelling reason for your target audience to choose your product over market alternatives. 

This differentiation not only attracts customers but also justifies the introduction of higher price points . In a market where uniqueness is highly valued, offering a product that stands out can significantly increase consumer interest and willingness to pay more.

Differentiation should go beyond mere features; it must address a specific need or pain point not being met by existing products. This approach is effective for both attracting new customers and maintaining the interest of current ones. 

Your communication strategy should aim to humanize your product, making it relatable and easily understandable to your audience. Clear articulation of how your product alleviates a particular problem can establish a stronger connection with customers, building trust and enhancing the perceived value of your product. 

Remember, avoiding technical jargon and speaking in terms your customers can understand is key to making your product relatable on a human level. This strategy can significantly accelerate adoption and drive success for your new product launch.

launching new product presentation

Which KPIs and metrics are important when launching products?

When launching a product, focusing on key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics that truly matter is essential. Revenue should be at the forefront of these metrics . Surprisingly, many teams overlook setting a clear revenue target, yet without this, it's challenging to gauge the success of your launch. Knowing the revenue you aim to generate gives direction and purpose to your launch strategy.

Moreover, dissecting the revenue goal, especially for global businesses, is vital. This means setting regional revenue targets and considering the unique business and pipeline objectives of local sales and marketing leaders. Different regions may contribute differently to the overall goal, as market challenges and customer pain points can vary significantly from one area to another.

Your product’s value proposition should be clear and quantifiable. In the B2B sector , this often boils down to three core benefits: Enabling customers to make money, saving time or reducing costs, and minimizing risk. These benefits must be backed by hard data.

Merely stating that your product is faster or better isn’t enough. It's about providing specific, quantifiable values that the product delivers, which can make a real difference in your customer's operations.

For instance, if your product automates a process, quantify the efficiency gains. Detail how many people are required for the task, the time taken before and after implementing your product, and the overall efficiency improvements. These data points are crucial in justifying your product's value and setting it apart from competitors.

Another critical aspect is understanding your competition. Determine how many competitors you aim to displace with your launch and how you will handle objections.

Finally, triangulating personas and understanding geographic trends and nuances are crucial in tailoring your launch to specific markets and customer segments. These factors are integral to a successful product launch and should be a central part of your strategy.

It’s natural for companies to try their utmost to differentiate themselves from the competition – but what do you do if you’re truly struggling to set yourself apart from market alternatives?

How to work with product management teams

An effective working dynamic plays a crucial role in companies achieving their short and long-term goals, and product management and product marketing teams are by no means exempt from this rationale. 

As a product marketer, your collaboration with the product management team is crucial to identify performance metrics that matter to the end-user. It's essential to challenge your product teams if they aren't providing the insights you need to market effectively. Product development focuses on innovation and feature creation, but your role is to translate these features into benefits that resonate with potential buyers.

Product teams may excel in creating new features, but the real question is whether these features address the actual needs of the end-user. To find this out, dig into the conversations product teams have had with users. For instance, if the product team mentions that a new feature can reduce a three-person, two-day task to a two-hour solo job, that's a goldmine for your marketing narrative.

However, if the product team's insights lack depth, don't hesitate to push back. Your ability to sell the product and drive company revenue hinges on quantifying the product's value. Without concrete data from the product team, your marketing efforts might not reach their full potential.

Customers face difficulty in choosing between multiple options when none of them clearly quantify their value. If your product is the only one in the market that articulates its value in clear, measurable terms, it stands a higher chance of being chosen. In today's competitive landscape , a product that can demonstrate tangible benefits clearly and concisely is more likely to win the customer's favor.

Aligning metrics with the sales cycle 

Some sales cycles are much longer than 30 days, so there are low indicators of seeing that metric until months out. 

In aligning metrics with the sales cycle, particularly for revenue measurement, it's crucial to adopt a holistic approach. Start by looking at the overall revenue of the business yearly. Break this down by region – diving into your geographic data – and product to understand where your growth expectations lie. 

This approach allows you to set nuanced revenue goals for each product, taking into account regional adoption rates and market feedback.

For instance, you might anticipate initial adoption in the U.S. and delay the push in Europe based on market signals. This decision should reflect the way your business is segmented across different regions. Such an approach helps in setting realistic and targeted revenue goals.

When setting these goals, integrate them with the broader business strategy. This step is often overlooked, as many businesses adopt a more generic approach, launching products globally without clear revenue sources. 

A more analytical strategy, where you identify specific regional needs and how your product addresses them, can lead to more successful outcomes. For example, if a significant portion of your revenue is expected to come from the APAC region, tailor your strategy to meet the specific needs of that market.

While revenue is the primary metric, several sub-metrics under it need attention. These finer details make the goals actionable and give every team a clear understanding of their responsibilities. 

For regional teams, develop specific programs with clear markers to ensure alignment with the overarching revenue goals. This targeted approach, based on thorough analysis and realistic goal-setting, can significantly enhance the effectiveness of your product launch.

The importance of the post-launch process

While companies are often thorough when completing the stages up to a product being released, companies are sometimes guilty of neglecting the post-launch process , despite its importance to ensuring a product’s sustained success.

How to use market research during a product launch

Market research plays a fundamental role in ensuring your product launch is executed to perfection. If you cut corners, not only will you be running the risk of attracting negative personas , but your lack of preparation could even benefit your competitors.

The good news is conducting market research is easier than it’s ever been before, with a host of dedicated customer and market tools available to help you gather essential qualitative and quantitative data .

Common barriers when launching a product (and how to overcome them)

As is the case with any process, there are common barriers that product marketers may encounter when launching a product. These include:

  • Customers resisting change
  • Lack of market understanding
  • No in-house training
  • Inaccurate personas
  • Too much innovation
  • Demand outstrips supply
  • Pain points aren’t addressed
  • Poor pricing strategy
  • Lack of communication

How do I start launching a product?

A product launch feels like a huge undertaking, but without enough planning, customer, and market research, and overall preparation, it's impossible to expect anything to happen.

The key to success is understanding where you should focus your efforts and how to manage each step of the process.

The launch process is split into three sections: Pre-launch, the launch itself, and post-launch. There are certain steps you need to take throughout this process to achieve and surpass your goals.

How to prepare for a product launch

Preparing for a product launch involves adapting to different phases, each with its unique set of tasks and focus areas.

In the early stages, your days as a product marketer are predominantly dedicated to research and data assessment. This phase requires significant solitary time to delve into understanding market opportunities, analyzing trends, and identifying customer needs. It's a period of intense focus, where much of your time might be spent in deep analysis and strategizing.

As the product development progresses and you move closer to the execution stage, your role becomes more collaborative and dynamic. This phase involves frequent interactions with various teams across the organization. You'll find yourself leading meetings, creating marketing materials, gathering feedback, and coordinating efforts to ensure everything aligns perfectly for the launch.

Throughout these stages, your role is central to the product's journey. You act as the linchpin connecting different departments – from sales and marketing to the product team. This requires a balance between focused individual work and collaborative efforts. 

Always be ready to switch gears, from deep strategic thinking to active cross-functional collaboration, as you guide the product toward a successful launch.

The steps involved in the pre-launch process

The pre-launch process of a product is multifaceted and complex, often likened to the submerged part of an iceberg, with the launch being just the visible tip. This process starts well before the actual ideation, focusing initially on thoroughly understanding customer needs. It's critical to ensure that every step of product development aligns with these needs.

As the product develops, it's vital to continually revisit the market to adapt and refine both the product and its messaging . This iterative process is essential to stay on track with market demands and customer expectations. Throughout this phase, your goal is to align all elements of the product and its promotion, ensuring they are ready for a seamless launch.

Coordination and clear communication across various teams are key. Everyone involved in the launch should be aware of the goals, targets, and the specific audience you aim to reach. As a leader, you need to ensure that the entire team is aligned and moving in the right direction.

On the day of the launch, your focus shifts to execution. All the preparatory work culminates in this moment, and the emphasis is on implementing the plans you've laid out. However, the work doesn't stop there. Post-launch, you should be ready to iterate and make adjustments based on feedback and market response. 

This ongoing process is crucial for the long-term success of the product.

How to get salespeople excited about your launch

Salespeople are pivotal to the success of a product marketing team. 

You can put hours upon hours into nailing your product’s positioning and messaging but the reality is all that hard work can be undone in a matter of minutes if it’s not understood and acted on by your sales teams.

Here are some tips on how you can get salespeople excited about your product launch:

1. Use real-life anecdotes

You telling salespeople your new product or feature is great and that your audience will love it is one thing, your target market telling them is another.

At the end of the day, at the most basic level, sales reps’ primary aim is to sell. The more convinced they are that what you’re telling them will help them do that, the more likely they are to sit up and listen – and what illustrates that better than active testimonials?

So, if you have a beta version that’s been rolled out to X number of customers, pick their brains, compile their feedback , and let them do some of the pitchings for you. If you don’t have any pilot results, the next best alternative is your data. 

Presumably, you ran some research before going ahead with the new product or feature you’re about to launch (if you didn’t, eek!), so use those numbers to back yourself up.

For example, going in with this:

“Our research showed 65% of lost customers didn’t convert because we didn’t have this feature, so the fact we now have it will improve your odds of closing deals.”

Is way stronger than:

“We’ve decided to add this feature to product X and it does this, this, and this…”

Go in with a role reversal approach. This time, you’re the sellers and they’re the market. Sell your product or feature to them.

2. Make it interactive

Instead of speaking to your sales team for 15, 20, or 30 minutes, mix it up by incorporating a bit of role-playing. As well as being more engaging, it’ll help them contextualize what you’re telling them and offer up some practical pitching tips, too.

Tip #1: Make sure the people involved with the role-play are up for it and enthusiastic. Two people begrudgingly and half-heartedly acting in front of a room of sales reps won’t harbor the results you’re after.

Tip #2 : Consider using your reps as the stars of the show. We’ll touch on this in more detail a little later on but often, salespeople are more likely to listen to other salespeople, so capitalizing on this might make everyone more receptive to your efforts.

3. Use gamification

A lot of sales departments gamify their targets and day-to-day. The first person to reach X sales might get an early Friday finish. Every Thursday they might run a raffle. They might have an ongoing, quarterly leaderboard, and so on.

If it works, it works, so get on their wavelength and consider adding an element of gamification to your launch.

For example:

  • The first rep to make $XXXX in sales gets a $100 voucher, the second $75, and the third $50, or
  • The rep at the top of the deals closed leaderboard at the end of month one gets half a day in lieu.

Use your imagination, factor in what works best for your set-up, and of course, remember to run your idea by the departmental heads first.

4. Split it up

From features to pricing to sales enablement collateral to messaging to demos to… you get the gist, there’s a lot you need to communicate with sales teams before launch. 

So, instead of overwhelming them with info in one not-so-swift swoop, think about breaking it up into weekly sessions on specific subjects.

  • Week 1: Product features, benefits, and pricing
  • Week 2: Messaging, positioning, and marketing
  • Week 3: Sales enablement collateral, etc.

There are studies out there that show our attention spans are as short as 14 minutes and after that window’s passed, people start to drift out of focus. With that in mind, maybe try to keep each of your meetings within or around a quarter of an hour.

5. Star your salespeople

We promised we’d expand on this point earlier, and here we are. Rightly or wrongly, salespeople can be more inclined to pay attention to their own and whether we agree with it or not, it makes sense to take whichever approach is going to be most effective.

In practice, you could look to do this in a couple of ways:

Option 1: Sticking with the role-play idea, instead of using people from your product marketing team, recruit people from sales – just make sure you clue them up on the product or feature in advance.

Option 2: Get your reps to deliver all or part of your meetings. If you do go with this tactic though, just make sure you properly train them beforehand and you or someone else from your team is present to make sure they stick to the script and have support if any questions arise they’re unable to answer.

One last thing worth bearing in mind for this one is which salespeople you choose. To be truly effective the person/people you pick should be top performers and well-respected among the team.

6. Lead by example

Okay, so this one might sound basic, but it’s important. If you want your sales teams to be excited you need to emit that kind of vibe – and that means presenting with gusto and showing you’re genuinely pumped.

Being a great presenter is a skill and we don’t think it’s right to say “If you’re not comfortable doing it yourself, pass it on to someone else in the team who’s good at it.” It’s cliche, we know, but practice does make perfect, so use your launch meetings as an opportunity to grow and the more you do the better you’ll be.

Here are a few quick-fire tips to help you nail the essentials:

  • Do a practice run before you stand in front of sales
  • Come prepared with a few prompts as a safety blanket
  • Assert yourself both physically and vocally
  • Sit or stand upright, use gestures, and be mindful of your facial expressions
  • Speak confidently and loudly (without bellowing!)
  • Make eye contact with those in the room
  • Ask questions to get people involved
  • Don’t speak too quickly or slowly
  • Make sure your nerves don’t make you monotone
  • Remember to breathe and take a few sips of water if you need it.

7. Ask for feedback

This’ll help salespeople feel invested in the process and like they have a say.

Tip: Not everyone likes sharing their thoughts in front of a room full of people so make sure you provide a more anonymous forum for them, too.

Remember though, just because you ask for feedback doesn’t mean you have to act on it but if you don’t, be sure to thank the person anyway and explain why their comments aren’t being taken any further right now.

How to market a new product feature

After endless meetings and hours of research, you’ve finally got confirmation feature X is coming soon. Fantastic. You already know how much it’s going to help your customers and why it puts you above your competition, but, do they?

For existing customers, it gives them a reason to stay, and for prospects, it gives them a reason to come. So, to make sure they’re all as excited about the feature as you are, you need a marketing strategy that covers all bases.

If your new feature’s going to revolutionize what you already offer, get people geared up for the announcement with some teaser messages.

Don’t go too hard on this stage though – otherwise, you run the risk of wearing people down before the big day, just scheduling a post or two across your social media platforms will do. Here are a couple of ideas:

  • A post outlining some of the benefits that come hand-in-hand with your new feature
  • If applicable, a picture or video of your new feature in action along with a “coming soon” message – something simple and intriguing like “Keep your eyes peeled, we’ve got an exciting announcement coming next week.”

Update your collateral

Behind the scenes, you’ll need to think about incorporating your new feature into any existing collateral , like:

  • Dedicated landing pages
  • Social media bios
  • Sales collateral
  • Product descriptions
  • Offline collateral (brochures, flyers, etc.)

This bit doesn’t need to be too time-intensive and usually won’t require a full rewrite, but just think about how you can shout about its benefits and let people know it exists.

You don’t want to put this live before launch day, but if you get it drafted and approved ahead of time it’s then at least ready to be switched over straight away.

Email your database

Existing customers

Make sure you don’t let the prospect of new sales distract you from communicating your improvements with existing customers.

Although they might not bring more revenue in the short term if this new feature results in ongoing loyalty they’ll be the ones benefiting your bottom line in the long term.

In the run-up to or on the day of the release, schedule an email with important information like:

  • What the new feature is
  • How it works
  • How it’ll benefit them
  • Where they can go for extra support

While we’re on the subject of current customers, don’t forget to think about cross-selling opportunities; but also don’t bombard every single contact. To fit the criteria for cross-selling the person or company should:

  • Not already have the product that’s now got the new feature
  • Already have a product or service with you that compliments this one

And let them know you know they’re already a customer by opening with something like “We know you’ve already got our [insert product] and we thought you might find [insert product] useful, too…”

Now, this is the exciting bit. If someone was interested in your product in the past but didn’t take the plunge, this new feature could be the nudge over the sales line they needed.

You need to arm prospects with all the information you gave your existing customers as well as some important additions – so don’t try and take shortcuts with the same template:

  • A general overview of the whole product
  • Why they should choose you over your competitors

Tip: For a second stab at making sure everyone sees your announcement, consider mentioning it in your newsletters, too (if you send them).

Create a landing page

Bespoke landing pages are a great way to capture new leads and increase conversion rates. Start by making sure you’ve got all these elements on it:

  • A catchy headline
  • Your branding and logo
  • A clear description of your product
  • Persuasive USPs and benefits
  • Top-quality, relevant pictures
  • Contact details
  • An actionable CTA

Once you’re happy with what you’ve got, this can be used in your email and social media (paid and organic) campaigns.

Spread the word on social

Different audiences are on different mediums , and, as we all know, there’s no guarantee your emails will be opened. So, to make sure your message reaches as many people as possible, plan some social media activity around your new feature.

If you can, it’s a good idea to create some custom, branded imagery to support your efforts, too. After all, this is all about your product.

Last but not least, if you want to target specific clusters of people consider investing in a few paid social posts.

Press release

It’s up to you to gauge whether or not a press release is worthwhile for your feature, but if it is, it could be a relatively easy and cost-effective way to get your name in some local and industry-specific publications.

Tip: Get some advice on how to write a newsworthy press release here .

Signs your feature might be picked up by the press:

  • It’s environmentally friendly
  • It’s something no one’s done before
  • Its benefits are groundbreaking

Train your sales team

And finally, don’t forget to educate your sales reps on everything they need to know. After all, what use are great marketing emails if the prospect then reaches out to a sales rep who makes no mention of the new feature whatsoever?

So, get your teams in a room and arm them with things like:

  • Core benefits of the new feature
  • How it works with the product’s existing features
  • Key terms to use when talking about it
  • If it affects pricing, let them know how

It might also be worth knocking up a simple one-pager with all this information so they have it to refer to when they want, as much as they want.

What is the product launch process?

The product launch process refers to the steps companies follow when taking a product to market.

Processes vary depending on factors such as product type, industry, level of investment, forecast ROI, and so on.

Typically, the process involves:

  • Identifying and targeting segments
  • Designing product packaging
  • Drafting slogans, taglines, and marketing campaigns
  • Conducting competitive analysis
  • Consulting PR firms
  • Creating a product sheet detailing the features of your product or service
  • Launching or updating company websites
  • Advertising the product
  • Promoting the product in the media

What are the different launch tactics?

There are three types of product launch tactics:

  • New value creation: These grow your company’s revenue streams and are new products or features that further address your customer’s needs.
  • Maintenance and support releases: These releases are focused on preserving the revenue of your products that’re already on the market. You need to make sure that you make continuous changes to your offering to ensure that customer expectations are being met.
  • Internal product releases: Though these releases aren’t public facing, this doesn’t mean they’re less important than new value creation or maintenance and support releases. They support the day-to-day running of your product.

How can I introduce my product online?

When you’re launching a product online, you need to complete five essential steps:

  • Research your competitors
  • Understand your audience
  • Engage in product storytelling
  • Write a marketing plan
  • Launch your product

How do you write a new product announcement?

1) know your audience.

It’s essential to understand who the audience is that you’re catering to. The tone of your messaging will be dictated by the age of your audience, where they’re from, their interests, and so on. It’s fundamental to get this spot on – failing to do so will see your announcement fall short.

2) Be succinct

Keep things simple and be succinct in your approach. Adopt a simple approach, and start your announcement by simply telling the audience you’re releasing a new product. Never go into full sales mode from the offset – you can adopt this stance in the later stages of your announcement.

3) Describe the product

Unsurprisingly, your audience will need to know what they’d be getting if they were to invest in your product.

Outline the key USPs and main benefits. Don’t overcomplicate things – you need to make sure the audience identifies with why your product could be beneficial to them and meet their needs. Emphasize what they’ll accomplish, should they decide to invest.

4) Call to action

End the announcement with a rallying call that’ll entice your prospective buyer to put their hand in their pocket and buy the product.

What is a product launch checklist?

A product launch checklist refers to all of the steps a company needs to complete when releasing a new product.

Overseeing a new product launch is tough, but it forms a huge part of your role as a product marketer.

Granted, there may be times when tight deadlines leave you tearing your hair out, or poor planning and avoidable errors can frustrate you, but there’s an easy solution that’ll see you and your team over the line and keep key stakeholders happy: A watertight product launch formula – and we’re gonna tell you how to put it into action.

What are new product launch essentials?

As part of any product launch, certain things are indispensable as you and your team strive for success: Customer development, positioning and messaging, internal communication, effective planning, great content, and awesome team morale.

Customer development

Customer development is a term relating to understanding your customer.

Any great product launch is built on the knowledge you have about your customers; the more you know about them, the more equipped you are to launch a product that’s likely to tick all the boxes and address their pain points.

There’s an abundance of customer and market research tools designed to help you learn more about your prospective buyers – don’t put them to waste! Use them, delve into the data, ( qualitative, quantitative – or both), identify trends, and act on bonafide customer needs .

Positioning and messaging

This stage of a new product launch is based on three essential questions: Who is this product for? What does the product do? And most importantly, why is your product different?

To start with, familiarize yourself with these key terms:

  • Target: Prospective customers you’re hoping will buy your product
  • Segment : A defined group of people who have a particular attribute that makes your product or service attractive
  • Brand: The name of your product
  • Category: A competitive frame for the target audience. Consider who it is you’ll be competing against and think of a way to make your option more appealing
  • USP : This is your unique selling point; what do you have that the competition doesn’t?
  • Proof: Hard evidence to back up your claims

When you’re positioning your product and constructing your messaging , don’t just tell your customers what features are included as part of the package – they can find this information out for themselves. Explain why these features are going to make their lives easier, and why they should invest.

Internal communication

There’s no room for keeping secrets when you’re planning a new product launch; you need to be sure everyone contributing to the process is aware of your positioning, so communicate internally to align expectations.

Building customer relationships is essential, but internal teams also need to be pulling in the same direction and excited by the prospect of the new product launch, and if this means popping on a pot of freshly brewed coffee and doing overtime to build your bank of internal advocates, then so be it.

Product launches at big and small companies are planned to precision, and the same principle must apply to you.

Speak with multiple teams and pick their brains for ideas, before considering A) the impact each idea will have on the launch, B) whether you think the idea is feasible, and C) if you did include it in the launch, how easy would it be to test its effectiveness?

Planning allows you and your team to put contingencies in place to navigate any curve balls that may come your way. The process can be stressful enough as it is, so why make things harder for yourself?

Carefully map content

There are plenty of content and opps tools to help you create material that’ll make your competitors green with envy.

Remember, these will be the assets you’ll be using on the big day and form a critical part of your product launch plan, so don’t skimp on the details – they’re a big deal. There’s nothing worse than working tirelessly for weeks, sometimes months on end, only to let yourself down with mediocre assets to accompany your launch.

Always make sure content is relevant and measurable. Data and insights are invaluable when you’re launching a product, as they’ll essentially tell you if your product launch has been a resounding success or a terrible flop.

Also, never be afraid to tease your audience and give them hints about what’s to come when putting together your content plan.

Maintain team morale

Internal communication is the glue that holds any product launch plan together. If teams in the company are none the wiser, how can you possibly be expected to execute your launch to perfection?

When you're holding meetings , consider holding multiple sessions in which you can tailor your agenda to each relevant group of people.

For example, if you’re discussing sales enablement with the sales team, you don’t need non-sales staff there with you – their attention will wander and your big day could suffer as a consequence.

Keep your team motivated and keep calm; if you start to wobble, your panic will be noticeable and it can easily rub off on other members of the team.

11 tips on influencing and organizing launches

Influencing organizations and stakeholders to stick to your timelines is no easy feat. Everyone’s got their priorities and KPIs and convincing them to make time for yours too can be testing.

If you’re reading this though, take solace in that you’re not alone and hopefully, these 11 tips will help you shake up that internal shift and make your next project less taxing.

1. Paint the bigger picture

Whether it’s targeting a new audience to gain more of the market share, adding a new feature to retain more clients, or creating a whole new product to add another revenue stream, in theory, everything you do should be tied to an overarching business goal.

That in itself is your in, but it’s on you to explain how project X, Y, or Z is going to achieve that, and usually, being specific and data-driven is the best way. We know we’re oversimplifying it here but take a look at these two approaches:

Approach 1:

“We’re doing this because we’ve been targeted with reducing churn by 5% in the next quarter.”

Approach 2:

“We’ve been targeted with reducing churn by 5% next quarter and our research and data shows us 55% of churned users currently leave because we don’t have feature Y.

The interviews we’ve conducted with lost customers tell us 80% of them would have stayed if we added this feature already, so we are confident completing this project will directly correlate with a lower churn rate and $XXXX more in company revenue.”

The second is unarguably more compelling and it’d be pretty darn hard for anyone to turn that away, which leads us nicely into our next point…

2. Link it to their objectives

In a dream world, our first tip is enough to get everyone bought in. The reality is that’s not always the case though. Everyone’s got their objectives and if people have got to-do lists as long as their arm, justifying taking their eye off one of their balls to focus on yours can be… tricky.

So, if you can, find a way to tie your objectives into theirs. For example, for sales, a new feature might make it considerably easier to close deals which would directly correlate with their new business targets. For IT, it might mean a reduction in tickets. For customer service, it could be fewer inbound calls.

“Position the launch in the context of what’s in it for them and the greater impact of the business to get buy-in. Then, help them understand the driving reasons behind the deadlines; as a product marketing manager (PMM), you are perfectly suited to highlight the why behind deadlines [e.g. business impact, cross-functional partner needs, etc].”

Sapphire Reels , Director of Product Marketing at Atlassian

More often than not, there’ll always be a way to intertwine the two so take the time to work out what that connection is and then tailor your pitch to hone in on it. For this reason, it might be worth splitting your approach by department.

3. Segment your briefs and plans

As product marketers, we spend a lot of time segmenting a market and customers to get optimal results, so take that principle and apply it to internal stakeholders too. There are a few benefits to doing this:

  • As we just touched on, you can position your project and requirements in a way that resonates with what matters most to each department/stakeholder. Because they will all care more and less about different things
  • You can dedicate your time to them focusing solely on the facts that matter to them. Let’s be honest, we’ve all begrudgingly been in one of those 45-minute meetings where only five minutes of it have been relevant to us. It doesn’t engage people and in the long run, they’ll probably just stop turning up. So, instead of having one big meeting with everyone, consider setting up two or three shorter ones with individual departments.

Don’t stop your segmentation there though and if you’re building an internal roadmap, consider splitting them up too.

Because if you create a catch-all roadmap for sales, engineering, marketing, etc. you run the risk of diluting each’s tasks and responsibilities and people not paying attention to what they should be focusing on. If sales don’t need to know about a software migration IT will be doing in week five don’t bother them with it – and vice versa.

The simpler and easier you make everything to digest, take, and act on, the more likely you are to get the results you’re after.

“Create clarity for stakeholders over what is and isn't a launch blocker, as well as who owns what. This helps spread not just responsibility, but accountability.
"It also makes the launch a shared win, instead of PMMs or PMs win. Launch teams sink or swim, together! I find that a simple one-pager that divides the launch into key initiatives (e.g. legal, campaign, comms + PR) and assigns cross-functional owners, can help with this.”

Katherine Brittain , Director of Product Marketing at Monzo

4. Bring them into the process

There’s a theory in psychology called the IKEA effect which essentially says labor leads to love – i.e. if people help build something they’re more likely to like it than if it came pre-made. Well, the same concept can be applied to things that aren’t physical – like your plans and strategies.

People don’t like feeling left out or sheltered from discussions and decisions that impact them, and if they are, they’re more likely to be adverse to what comes next. So, bring your peers into the process early on, let them have a level of control, and just watch how much more passionate they become about the result.

“The greatest help here is this: Get people to be part of the plan creation. Set the goal, paint the north star, and then build the plan WITH them. When they have helped build the plan, with their input and expertise, they are more likely to want to see it come to fruition. Don't just make the plan and throw it at them, build it together as a team.”

RJ Gazarek , Principal Product Marketing Manager at SolarWinds

5. Think about who you’re talking to

Different people have different personalities and factoring these into your delivery can take the impact of what you’re saying to a whole new level. For example, if you know Sam from sales loves a good data-driven presentation, give it to him. If Carol from customer service prefers more of a story outlining the customer’s journey and perspective, try to give that to her, too.

For this exact reason, more and more companies are investing in workplace personality assessments – to help individuals and teams better communicate with one another. There are tons of really robust paid versions out there but if you want to test the waters, here are 14 free personality testing tools .

6. Be specific

Avoid being loose with what you’re after and when by. If you need task A completed by Jan 10th put that deadline on the individual and don’t give them any reason to be able to wiggle out of it on a technicality. Document it, share it, and remind them of it.

Tip: If it’s a long-running project, to prevent it from falling off other people’s radar, you could do something as simple as circulating an up-to-date version of each department’s roadmap , say, weekly or biweekly. This’ll take a matter of minutes and should serve as a regular prompt and keep others from forgetting their role.

As well as that, if someone’s deadline’s looming don’t leave it until the day of to ask for it. If you do and they’ve not done it, you’ve no chance of sticking to your timings. Instead, set a reminder in your diary to check in a few days before with a friendly nudge like:

“Hey, I’m just checking in to see if we’re all on track for the delivery of [insert task] by [insert date]? Let me know if you need anything else from me.”

Again, it doesn’t take long at your end and will hopefully stop things from slipping.

“Get face time with people to communicate the importance of collaboration. It helps to define exactly what's needed and why. Do your side of the work before you approach other teams – this may be a detailed plan, the what and why piece, and how it affects this individual. People appreciate when you acknowledge this may not be their core but that their support is crucial.”

Kirti Sharma , Director of Product Marketing at Adobe

7. Incorporate feedback

Now it goes without saying you can’t include everyone’s feedback, but if people take the time to give their input they like to know they’ve been heard. This one’s pretty simple but if you:

  • Include their feedback, let them know, and thank them for the idea; or
  • Don’t include their suggestion, let them know the rationale behind the why, and still thank them.

This all just ties back to being transparent and seen to value other people’s time and efforts – and we don’t need to tell you being a product marketer requires tip-top interpersonal skills.

“Get everyone's feedback and opinions and put them in three buckets:
1) Desirable. Great idea! It's a feature our clients will need in the future. Let's add it to the product roadmap.
2) Feasible. Yes, it can be done in this sprint.
3) Viable. This one is going to contribute to our long-term sustainability and growth. Let's add this to our product backlog.
This way everyone, even outside the PMM team, feels heard, accountable, and empowered. It's a great exercise for PMM to gather some outsider's perspective.”

Puja Shah , Sr. Marketing Programs Manager at

8. Keep people up to speed

Sticking with the transparency theme, make a point of keeping people in the loop and try to pencil something into everyone’s diary to make sure they commit to your catch-ups.

“In the words of our CMO, ‘over-communicate.’ It’s a great principle to use pre-launch as it forces you to stay in touch with your peers and people you need help from.”

Sean Broderick , Director of GTM & Product Marketing at Sitecore

Remember, though:

  • These don’t have to be long. Short and sweet is generally best and it might be something as simple as a ten-minute huddle every Friday morning.
  • Be flexible. Things change so don’t see your communication plan as set in stone and have contingency plans for if something doesn’t work out. For example, if a key stakeholder isn’t able to make it one week, could you record the meeting and email it? Or take notes to share? Or invite another representative from their team? There’ll always be another way.
  • Don’t just be open about the positives. If people need to know about the negatives be upfront but just position them in a constructive way that doesn’t result in loss of confidence.

To make sure your catch-ups don’t derail and turn into a platform for people to vent or ask specific questions that could or should happen one-on-one or behind closed doors, send the invite out with a brief overview and agenda.

Just putting this in your diary to schedule weekly catch-ups around Project Z. Here’s the agenda:

1. Product marketing to give a status update.

2. Sales to give an update on deliverables.

3. Sales to outline any new barriers.

If you have any questions or issues outside of this, please come and speak to me separately before or after the meeting."

9. Prepare for objections

Is there anything less reassuring than when you ask someone a question and they’re visibly unable to answer it? Don’t fall into that trap.

It’s natural for people to have objections, but just make sure you explore them before you go into a meeting so you’re able to confidently answer them on the spot and shut down the opportunity for uncertainty – once you lose morale it can be tough to get back.

10. Know the numbers

To expand on our loss of confidence point, make sure you’ve got key numbers at the tip of your tongue throughout and use them where you can to make your updates easier to understand.

“We’ve migrated 45% of existing customers to the new platform.”

Sounds better and more credible than:

“We’ve started migrating some customers over to the new platform.”

No one’s going to sue you for not having a memory that hoards and regurgitates 25+ stats on command, but if you’ve not got them in your head, have them on paper so you can easily refer to and use them as and when needed.

11. Make it visual

Visuals and stories are much easier to remember than a reel of numbers so incorporate them as and where you can – it’s pretty much guaranteed that people will retain more of what you tell them.

If you’re turning your data into visuals just remember to:

  • Keep them simple. If a standard pie chart will do it don’t go using a fancy alternative for the sake of it, and
  • Don’t use words where you don’t need to. Your charts are visual aids and don’t need an in-depth explanation surrounding them.

It’s probably worth sharing these kinds of things post-meeting too so people can refer to them as and when they want and you get less of those “have you got” requests.

Finally, keep the visual element front of mind when you’re drawing up your roadmaps, too. The aim isn’t to showboat with an overly technical and complicated plan, it’s to make the document as easy as is humanly possible to follow, understand, and update.

“Ensure that you communicate clearly and efficiently. Avoid using technical terminology that is not understood by all and keep it simple.”

Malaz Idris , Product Marketing Lead at Emergn

9 things to remember for your next internal product launch

Internal communication plans are integral to the success of any new product or feature. But, with so much going on getting external launches prepared, making final tweaks, and chasing looming deadlines, they don’t always get the TLC they need.

So, whether you’re looking for ways to communicate your message better, increase adoption, improve your support set-up, or get everyone bought in, here are nine tips to help with all four.

1. Knowledge is power

Make sure you’re feeding the right people with the right information. It might sound obvious but it can still get missed.

Not enough information will leave people unprepared but overloading them can get them flustered. For example, does everyone need an in-depth understanding of your ongoing lead generation and marketing campaigns? Sales, marketing, and product, yes, but IT? Probably not.

That’s not to say you have to keep that kind of detail from them completely, but strengthen the uptake of the information you do give them by not sandwiching it in between all the irrelevant bits.

Tip: If you’re not confident you’re providing people with everything they need, ask them… which ties nicely to our next point.

2. Ask people what they want

Some product marketers have a great internal set-up where they, product, and sales get on like a house on fire… others don’t. It still applies to both scenarios, but if you’ve got friction with other departments letting them take a bit of the lead might help.

That doesn’t mean it’s a case of they say “jump” and you say “How high?”, but instead of just telling them “You’ll get this type of training on this day,” ask them what works best for them.

  • Do morning or afternoon slots suit you better?
  • Would they prefer in-person training or offline documents?
  • Does anyone need a bit of one-to-one support?
  • Is there anything they think could be improved from the last internal product launch?

It’ll shift the dynamic and show them you’re working together.

3. Timing is everything

Many people don’t like things being sprung on them last minute – especially stuff that directly impacts them. We’re not saying you have to involve every department in every stage, but if you’re discussing something today that’ll impact your customer support team in ten weeks, let them know about it sooner rather than later.

It’ll give them time to prepare, allow you to iron out any concerns that might arise, and make for a smoother journey all around.

Tip: If you’re not already, remember to bring key heads in from these departments when ideas are in the concept stage. Not only will it enrich their buy-in, but it’ll likely result in a stronger, more well-thought-out product full-stop.

4. Tell them how it benefits them

Be specific with your benefits, because every new product or feature will mean something different to each department.

Example: Let’s say you’re a financial services company and you’re launching a new app that enables customers to apply for credit, update their details, check their credit score, and speak to an advisor via live chat.

Department and specific benefits - tips for product launches

As much as we wish they were, your goals aren’t always aligned with other teams’, so, by showing how yours helps theirs, you’ll increase business-wide engagement and the overall success of the launch.

5. Variety is key

Everyone digests information differently so prepare a few types of collateral, like:

  • One-page flyers
  • Product brochures
  • Presentations

All seven might be a bit much so if you’re not sure which would work best, going back to point two: Just ask. Different departments might be more receptive to different styles too, so remember to factor that into your plans.

Don’t forget to make it all accessible. Whether you’ve got one or six products in your portfolio, it’s a good idea to store all your collateral in a single place for everyone to access when they want – like a folder in your drive or an internal intranet system, for example. This’ll:

  • Give everyone autonomy to refresh themselves as and when they want
  • Enable teams to train recruits themselves
  • Reduce the number of people coming to you asking for X, Y, or Z

It doesn’t need to be anything complicated, a simple file structure like this would do:

  • New products
  • Personal banking app
  • Internal collateral
  • One-page flier
  • Presentation recording

6. Look at your language

Just because you know what something means it doesn’t mean your sales, customer service, or IT teams do, and if they struggle your customers have got no chance.

So, before you send any emails or hand out any collateral go through it all and check:

  • It’s not got any jargon only you and your team use, and
  • It’s not full of marketing lingo. Keep it simple and focus on the key messages and information its recipients need to take away.

Tip: To make sure nothing’s gone unnoticed, pass your collateral onto someone in the business (outside of your department) with a fresh pair of eyes and ask them to flag anything that trips them up.

7. Empower people

One surefire way to get people bought in is to empower them and there are a couple of ways you can go about this.

If you’re planning on running a training session with your sales team, instead of someone from the product marketing team hosting it, get someone from the sales department too. Rightly or wrongly, having “one of their own” presenting it can make some people more receptive.

To maintain some control and ensure accuracy, just be sure to send someone from your team to oversee the session and answer any questions.

Okay, so this one might need buy-in from someone more senior first, but, if you can, put some of the KPIs onto other teams.

If nothing before this has worked (which it should have!) we’re confident this one will because it directly impacts their numbers and departmental success.

Sticking with the personal banking example, although you might have an overarching adoption goal for existing customers, you could divide that goal up and put X amount on the customer service team, Y amount on your customer comms team, Z amount on the marketing team and some on yourself, of course.

But remember, it’s not a case of dumping a target on their desk and scarpering. You still play a pivotal role in helping them hit those KPIs.

8. Don’t launch and run

Keep you and your team visible and make sure everyone who could need help knows you’re on hand to support them by:

  • Reminding them you’re around for questions or extra guidance – a simple email would do
  • Running an internal incentive campaign – this could be a bit of fun, like a quiz or game, or a prize for the first person to achieve X conversions
  • Asking sales and customer service teams how they’re getting on, what kind of feedback they’re hearing, and whether or not they think improvements could be made

9. Do a practice run

In the words of Neil Patel :

“When you rehearse the launch process, you ameliorate a significant risk. If you expect your launch to be successful, you must control the features of the launch that are within your control.”

A successful product launch hinges on a well-executed practice run. It's all about controlling what you can in advance. This rehearsal isn't just a formality; it's a vital part of the launch process, ensuring every team member, from production to sales and management, is fully prepared and in sync. 

By practicing, you transform potential chaos into coordinated precision, turning every involved individual into an integral part of a seamless launch. This preparation is the key to a launch that's not just good, but great.

Tips to ensure a successful product launch

Launching a new brand or product can be an exciting time. It’s a chance to show off your vision, make a splash, and get people talking about your company. But it isn’t always a smooth process.

According to research from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics , approximately:

  • 20% of new businesses fail during the first two years of being open,
  • 45% during the first five years,
  • 65% during the first ten years, and
  • Only 25% of new businesses make it to 15 years or more.

If you want to maximize your chances of success, some key areas should be sufficiently developed before a launch.

Know your audience

Ensure you understand your target audience . After all, these are the people that’ll be buying your product. So, you need to identify:

  • Target demographic information (age, income, location, etc)
  • Challenges they face and how they’ll benefit from your product
  • What your product can offer them that competing products don’t
  • What they like, what similar products the majority purchase, etc.
  • How they respond to certain marketing techniques
  • Where their community is, and how they’re going to find out about your product

Develop a strong go-to-market (GTM) strategy

A solid GTM strategy’s essential for a successful product launch and can be used to improve team collaboration. It’s used as a way for an organization to bring a product to market and touches on three core components:

  • Your target audience
  • Your marketing plan
  • Your sales strategy

Every product and business is different, meaning that the GTM strategy changes along with it, so you need to ensure that your entire team’s on the same page.

Market, market, market!

If you don’t market your product effectively, how will it reach your target audience? You need to ensure that you’re marketing before, during, and after the launch process, to reach the maximum amount of attention for your product.

Here are some key things to consider with your marketing:

  • Create an email list before launching your product so you can communicate with your customers throughout the process.
  • Create a social media plan – your customers need to know what to expect from you once you go live. Consider using tools like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter to promote your launch, depending on your demographic’s most commonly used community.
  • Post about your launch on your company blog. This way, you’re driving traffic and engagement toward your organization and product.

Launch products at the optimal time

If you launch too soon, your brand will be seen as new and unproven. If you launch too late, you won’t get much attention.

You need to determine when would be the best time to launch your product to receive the most engagement with your target customer base. Product launch metrics will help you identify the right time for putting your product on the market.

Be prepared, patient, and don’t rush

It takes time to build awareness, and you don’t want to make avoidable mistakes by rushing through the process.

Create checklists to ensure you’re meeting all the goals you and your company have set and be prepared for any wrenches in your plans by acknowledging potential challenges and how to overcome them.

Launch messaging

Messaging is the guiding force for everything you do in your product launch. What your product brings to the table, who it is for, why they care, and how they can help them accomplish their goals.

You can lay out the new product messaging in several formats but if you keep it simple, to a single page it works better for all your internal stakeholders who need to review, approve, and use it in their efforts of content, demand gen programs, and AR/PR.

Pro tip: Take a close look at all the great features in the new product, reviewing slides, documents, and info sessions with your product team. Get a demo or see a mockup if it is ready. Boil it down to a top-level message, and a few themes that support it.

Do some research as to how the market is talking about it, how competitors are positioning it if any, and how partners might be approaching it from their POV.

Launch messaging: single-page summary

What is the new product or feature about?

  • Launch the main message. A one-liner about the new product or set of capabilities, supported by three to five launch themes
  • Launch abstract. 50–70 words describing the launch key message and themes

Who is the new product launch for?

  • ICP — ideal customer profile . Customer size (strategic, enterprise, mid-market, SMB), customer journeys/use cases that this new product applies to, customer geos/verticals, etc.
  • Buyer Personas . From C-level to VP/Director to practitioners/users. IT and Line of Business as relevant

Why does the buyer care about this new product?

  • Business and technology challenges (or pain points) for your buyer from the C-suite down to the practitioner

How does your product solve buyers’ pain points?

  • Key features/capabilities of the product
  • How does each feature or subset map to a customer benefit? Benefits could be monetary (increased revenue, a new line of business, lower costs, etc.) or efficiency (improved productivity, enhanced collaboration , faster time to market, etc.)

Press release headline

  • Is your new product industry’s #1 in a market category, or most comprehensive, etc.? This is especially important if you’re trying to create a new category or improve your differentiation within a crowded market
  • Go for a swagger statement but with proof points and features that support it

Launch goals and program management

Consider using a RACI or DACI framework to get the messaging finalized.

  • Driver: Product Marketing
  • Approver: GM / BU Leader, CEO, etc.
  • Contributor: Product Management
  • Informed: AR, PR, Program Management, Demand Gen, Content Marketing, etc.

Pro tip: Product marketing can lead a launch kickoff meeting in collaboration with program management, inviting internal stakeholders and the launch team.

Keep it short but the idea is to get everyone on the same page with your single-page messaging doc and get them pumped up on the upcoming launch.

Your launch goals may very well be determined by the scope of the product but also by your overall GTM strategy . As part of your launch plan, determine the key objectives and metrics of your launch along with these areas:

  • Highlight tech innovation, vision, and leadership — drive awareness and adoption
  • Showcase your product vis-à-vis your partner’s — drive joint GTM
  • Focus on early adopter customers — drive upsell and cross-sell motions
  • Connect your product to new buyers’ journeys — drive new logo acquisition

Pro tip: As soon as you have your launch plan down, run it by our internal stakeholders and launch team to get their buy-in, and their feedback incorporated. This helps set up cross-functional teams for success.

Which areas among the above are you doing well, which ones are you hitting out of the ballpark, and which ones need work? How do your stakeholders feel about it?

Product launch + sales

Helping your salespeople to adapt to change.

A product launch isn't just about creating buzz and excitement; it's also a significant exercise in change management. This is particularly true for sales teams, who often face the challenge of adapting to new products and strategies.

Statistics indicate a high percentage of sales leaders believe their teams struggle with adapting to change. While it might be easy to misinterpret this as a lack of competence, the real issue often lies in the approach to change management. Marketing teams can get caught up in the immediate excitement of a launch – the press mentions, social media buzz, and event planning. However, this focus can lead to neglecting the essential aspect of preparing sales teams for the change.

Salespeople aren’t just selling a product; they're guiding prospects through a mental model shift. A new product launch can disrupt this process. It's not necessarily a matter of sales reps being unable to handle change, but rather that the launch strategy may not align with their existing sales processes. The key is to integrate the benefits of the new product into the sales teams' current strategies and customer interactions.

In the competitive SaaS industry , where new launches are frequent, product marketers must focus less on the allure of the new product and more on how it fits into the existing sales enablement, playbooks, and mental models of sales reps. 

The success of a product launch should be measured not just by its initial impact but by how well it integrates into and enhances ongoing customer relationships and sales strategies.

In that sense, the challenge isn't just about managing a product launch but also about effectively molding the launch to fit within the existing frameworks that sales teams are comfortable with. This approach ensures that the launch isn’t just a fleeting moment of excitement but a sustainable addition to the sales process, enhancing the overall strategy and customer engagement.

Sales enablement advice

Sales enablement plays a pivotal role in the success of product launches. Launches involve coordinating multiple aspects, including business strategy, product strategy, and market dynamics, all while considering the varying capabilities of your sales team. 

There's often a disparity in performance among sales reps, and a launch can highlight this gap. The challenge lies in enabling the entire team to effectively understand and promote the new product or feature.

Enablement isn’t just about introducing a new product or feature and leaving the reps to figure it out. It's about systematic education and support. The aim is to level the playing field, ensuring that all reps, not just the top performers, are equipped to understand and sell the new offering. This involves creating and enforcing specific sales plays that’re aligned with the launch.

Beyond just explaining what the new product or feature does, it's crucial to emphasize its relevance and urgency. This is what drives the success of sales plays in the field. A common reason for the failure of launches is the lack of translation of features into value, and more importantly, why that value is relevant to the customer at this moment.

For instance, in the cybersecurity field, the current threat of nation-state actors makes certain features more relevant. By framing the conversation around the immediate need and relevance, sales reps, even new ones, can effectively engage customers and generate meaningful pipelines. 

How to build an effective relationship with sales leadership

Building an effective relationship with sales leadership is vital for successful product launches.

The impact of enablement largely depends on the support and involvement of the sales leadership team. Sales reps often look to their managers for guidance, so if these leaders aren't well-informed or onboard with the launch, it can hinder the process.

Navigating the dynamics of the sales hierarchy requires a strategic approach, tailored to the size and culture of your company. In larger organizations, it's crucial to demonstrate how your launch aligns with broader corporate initiatives or goals. Leveraging company-wide objectives as a way to gain support can be effective. 

In smaller companies, the process can be more straightforward. You can directly approach the VP of Sales and frame the launch in terms of how it will help reps meet their quotas more efficiently. The focus here is on making the launch relevant and beneficial for the sales team.

An even more compelling approach is to tie the launch to deeper customer value outcomes. The best sales managers aim for the success of not just their sales reps but also their customers. Showing how the new product or feature will benefit customers can be a powerful motivator.

The chosen tactic should be based on the size of your company, its culture, and the stage of growth it's in. Understanding these factors and tailoring your approach accordingly can help forge a stronger and more effective relationship with sales leadership, ultimately contributing to the success of your product launch.

How to build on post-launch wins

Building on post-launch wins is a crucial part of maintaining momentum and maximizing the impact of a product launch.

In product marketing management, there's often a tendency to create numerous content and assets and simply hand them over to sales teams. However, this approach can lead to information overload, with most reps forgetting the guidance provided, which means both training and coaching in the sales enablement process are key.

There are two essential aspects to this: The push and the pull. On the pull side, a powerful tactic is to highlight and publicize successful deal wins. When sales reps share their success stories – detailing how they used specific strategies and messaging to close deals – it lends much more credibility than if the same information came directly from product marketers.

These real-world examples not only validate the strategies but also provide insights into opportunities and gaps that may not have been apparent at launch. Learning from the field is invaluable in refining and improving ongoing strategies.

On the push side, it's important to ensure that sales reps are accurately recording the plays and methodologies they use in the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system. This data allows sales managers to coach their teams effectively and address any reluctance to adopt certain approaches.

Sharing deal wins is a particularly effective strategy. It not only dispels skepticism but also fosters a bit of healthy competition among sales reps. In the sales environment, where competition can be a strong motivator, celebrating these wins can drive others to replicate that success.

The secret to successful launches

The key to successful product launches lies in having a unified definition of success across all teams. Without this shared understanding, there's a risk of disappointment post-launch, as different teams may have varying expectations of the outcomes.

For PMMs, it's essential to establish clear objectives for the launch and ensure that everyone is aligned with these goals. Sometimes, this might involve making tough decisions or setting expectations that a launch might not directly impact sales, and that's perfectly acceptable. What's important is that everyone involved is aware of this and isn’t measuring success by the wrong metric.

If the primary objective is to drive sales, then it's crucial to focus on substantive strategies rather than just creating hype. This means working closely with sales reps, understanding their needs, and tailoring your positioning and messaging to ensure they are fully equipped at the time of launch.

Achieving consensus on what success looks like can be challenging, but it's the responsibility of the launch owner to steer this alignment. The most smoothly executed launches, and those that leave teams most satisfied afterward, are those where this alignment has been successfully achieved.

Clear, shared goals not only guide the launch efforts but also set the stage for evaluating its success cohesively and realistically.

Ready to take things up a notch?

Launching successful products sits at the heart of the product marketing role, so much so, that over 80% of PMMs identify product launches as a core element of their role.

Master go-to-market strategy, deliver unassailable launches, and ascend the product marketing ranks with Go-to-Market Certified: Masters.

Go-to-Market Certified features everything you need to consolidate your knowledge of key GTM principles and understand how this bread-and-butter deliverable works.

Completing this course will help you:

🚀 Execute successful product/feature/market launches

💡 Own GTM strategies at companies large and small

🎯 Understand GTM tactics during pre-launch, hard-launch and post-launch phases

🤝 Keep products on the market by effectively owning the full customer cycle

🧠 Confidently and effectively project manage the whole GTM cycle cross-functionally

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Product Launch Checklist: How to Launch a Product, According to HubSpot's Experts

Lindsay Kolowich Cox

Published: November 02, 2023

Like a tree falling in the woods, if you plan a product launch without spreading the word — will anyone use it? Will anyone even want it?

product launch checklist: product marketer using a checklist to launch new offerings

Probably not. Whether you‘re launching something huge, something small, or you’re updating a current offering, you'll want to start your preparation well in advance of the launch date with a product launch checklist.


Because there are so many moving parts in this process, bringing your product to market can be intimidating and tricky. To help you, we've come up with a step-by-step checklist for a successful product launch and gathered the best product launch tips from a HubSpot Product Marketer.

What is a product launch?

A product launch is the process of introducing a brand new product or service to the world. It involves various marketing and promotional activities aimed at creating buzz and demand around your new offering. The ultimate goal is to get customers excited and eager to buy the new product.

Product launches require a lot of planning. You can’t just drop a new product out of the blue and expect everyone to buy in — well, unless you’re Beyoncé . Luckily, our product launch checklist can help ensure that all your t’s are crossed and i’s are dotted before your official launch date.

launching new product presentation

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Product Launch Checklist

  • Learn about your customer.
  • Write a positioning statement.
  • Pitch your positioning to stakeholders.
  • Develop product branding.
  • Plan your go-to-market strategy.
  • Set a goal for the launch.
  • Create promotional content.
  • Test and gather feedback.
  • Set up distribution channels.
  • Prepare your team.
  • Launch the product.
  • See how well you did in achieving your goals.


1. Learn about your customer.

Whether you call it “market research,” or “customer development” it's key to learn about what drives your customer. Identifying their goals, motivations, and pain points could lead you to developing and marketing a valuable solution.

You don't need to perform years of intense research to learn about your customer. In fact, we suggest just talking to 12 to 15 current or prospective customers.

When speaking to them, pay extra attention when they start sentences with “I wish a product did this function…” or “Why can‘t products do this?” When they give these statements, respond with questions that go deeper, like “Can you get more specific about that?" If they don’t bring up any pain points, ask them a few specific questions that will encourage them to give deeper answers.

These conversations will give you a solid idea of what their biggest pain points are and how you can market a solution to them. Once you learn these key details about your customers, you can develop a buyer persona that your team can focus on serving.

2. Write a positioning statement.

When launching a new product, you must be able to clearly explain how it fills a need in the market. That’s where a positioning statement comes in. It helps you communicate the unique value proposition and key benefits that differentiate your product from others.

Write out a statement that can clearly and concisely answer these three questions:

  • Who is the product for?
  • What does the product do?
  • Why is it different from other products out there?

If you'd like to go even deeper, create a statement that answers the following questions:

  • What is your target audience?
  • What segment of the target audience is most likely to buy the product?
  • What brand name will you give your product or service?
  • What product or service category does your product lie in?
  • How is it different from competitors in the same category?
  • What evidence or proof do you have to prove that your product is different?

Still need more guidance on how to write a positioning statement? Check out this template.

3. Pitch your positioning to stakeholders.

Once you've established your positioning statement, present it to stakeholders in your company so they are all on the same page.

When doing this, you’ll want to emphasize how your new product aligns with your overall business strategy, customer needs, market trends, and revenue potential. Use concrete examples, stories, or data to make your pitch more persuasive.

You’ll also want to think proactively about potential questions or objections they might have. Prepare thoughtful responses to address concerns around market viability, competition, target audience, or feasibility.

If your employees have a hard time buying into the product, your customers might as well. If your team loves it, that might be a great sign that the product launch will go well.

4. Develop product branding.

Take the information you gathered while conducting your market research and writing your positioning statement and let it inspire you as you craft your product brand identity .

During this step, you’ll develop all the elements needed to create a consistent and memorable brand, including:

  • Product name, logo, and tagline
  • Color palette, typography, and imagery
  • Key brand, communications, and marketing guidelines

Product branding is a little different than company branding because it focuses on creating a distinct identity for a specific product, rather than an entire organization. However, they are both still interconnected and should be aligned.

5. Plan your go-to-market strategy.

This is the strategy that you will use to launch and promote your product. While some businesses prefer to build a funnel strategy, others prefer the flywheel approach.

Regardless of which method you choose, this process contains many moving parts. To create an organized strategy for launching your product, it can be helpful to use a template, like this one.

As you create the strategy, also start considering which type of content you‘ll use to attract a prospective customer’s attention during the awareness, consideration, and purchase decision stage . You'll need to produce this content in the next step.

6. Set a goal for the launch.

Before you get started on implementing your strategy, make sure you write down your goals for the launch.

Alex Girard, a Product Marketing Manager at HubSpot, says, “Create specific goals for the launch's success. Keeping these goals in mind will help you focus your efforts on launch tactics that will help you achieve those goals.”

For example, the goals of your product launch could be to effectively establish a new product name, build awareness, or create sales opportunities.

One of the best ways to set goals for your launch team is to write them out like SMART goals . A SMART goal is Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound.

Once you have your goals in mind, you can start thinking about what KPIs you want to track, such as:

  • Sales revenue
  • Customer acquisition
  • Conversion rate
  • Website traffic and engagement
  • Social media engagement

Identifying these metrics ahead of time will make it easier to assess whether or not you met your goals after the product is launched.

7. Create promotional content.

After planning out your go-to-market strategy and writing your SMART goals, start producing content that will support and align with those promotional efforts.

This can include:

  • Blog posts related to your product or industry
  • Demos and tutorials
  • Email campaigns
  • Social media posts
  • Landing pages

Our go-to-market template will also help you determine which content you should create for each phase of your prospective customer‘s buyer’s journey.

8. Test and gather feedback.

Before you officially launch your new product, it’s important to test it out to ensure your final product is the best it can be.

By testing the product in different scenarios with real users, potential bugs, usability problems, or functional issues can be discovered and resolved early on. Fixing these problems before launching your product ensures a smoother user experience and helps maintain customer satisfaction.

Gathering feedback from users also allows for product improvement. By listening to the opinions, suggestions, and criticisms of users, you can gain insight into what features are working well and which ones need improvement. This feedback-driven approach can help you make informed decisions on enhancing the product's functionality, usability, and performance.

9. Set up distribution channels.

Before you officially launch, you’ll need to set up your distribution channels. This step is important because it determines how and where customers can purchase your product, be it online platforms, brick-and-mortar stores, or other distribution partners.

Well-planned distribution channels help accelerate the product's time to market. By proactively setting up channels ahead of the launch, you can quickly distribute the product once it becomes available, minimizing delays and maximizing opportunities to capture early adopters and gain market share.

If you can successfully position your product in prominent retail locations or online marketplaces, it increases visibility and boosts your chances of capturing customer attention and outperforming competitors.

It also provides a foundation for future growth and scalability. As your business expands and introduces new products, you can leverage existing channel relationships and infrastructure to efficiently launch and distribute new offerings.

10. Prepare your team.

Be sure that your company and key stakeholders are ready for you to launch and begin marketing the product.

Before the big launch day, consider doing the following:

  • Offer your team early access to the product so they can familiarize themselves with it firsthand.
  • Provide training sessions to help your team understand the product inside out.
  • Develop sales enablement materials such as presentations, product sheets, FAQs, and objection handling guides.
  • Conduct role-playing exercises to simulate real customer scenarios with the product.

During this process, it’s essential that all stakeholders are on the same page. Communicate with the company through internal presentations, Slack, or email to keep your company updated on your launch plan.

11. Launch the product.

Once you've completed all the above steps, you can launch the product. Here are some last-minute things to check over on launch day:

  • Double-check all the necessary details, materials, and arrangements to ensure that everything is ready and working correctly.
  • Conduct a brief team meeting to align everyone and address any last-minute questions or concerns.
  • Keep an eye on social media channels to gauge customer reactions, respond to inquiries, and engage with potential customers.
  • Ensure that your website and any systems related to the product launch, such as landing pages or checkout processes, are functioning smoothly.

Most importantly, you should take the time to celebrate the launch and the efforts of your team. This can be in the form of a team lunch, virtual celebration, or any other creative way to acknowledge everyone’s hard work.

12. See how well you did in achieving your goals.

After you launch your product, track how the go-to-market strategy is performing. Be prepared to pivot or adjust aspects of your plan if they aren't going smoothly.

Additionally, don't forget about the goals you set before the launch. Take the time to review the KPI targets you set ahead of the launch and assess how well you did in achieving those goals.

For instance, did you exceed your sales projections, or did you fall short? If the launch didn't meet expectations, you can rethink your go-to-market strategy and adjust from there.

How much money do you need to launch a new product?

Launching a product can cost anywhere from $10,000 to over $10 million — but for most cases, the range is somewhere between $20,000 to $500,000. However, the cost of launching a new product varies significantly depending on the type of product, industry, competition, and the goals you're hoping to achieve.

The cost of launching a new product varies significantly. For instance, an entrepreneur will see vastly different costs for launching a product on Amazon than an enterprise company might see for launching a product in a million-dollar market.

Let's consider two examples to explore this more closely.

Entrepreneur Product Launch Example

In the first example, let‘s say you’re an entrepreneur who has invented a design app you're hoping to sell online. You might conduct market research to determine which marketing strategies work best for your goals, which messaging resonates best with your audience, and which design elements appeal to your desired prospects. If you use a few focus groups to determine these answers, you might expect to spend roughly $5,000.

When you‘re bringing a new app to the market, you’ll need to choose the best go-to marketing strategy for your needs. Regardless of the strategy you choose, they all cost money. For instance, product branding could cost roughly $1,000 if you‘re paying a designer to help you out, and website design could cost anywhere from $500-$3,000 if you’re paying a web designer a one-off fee.

These fees don‘t include the cost you need to pay yourself and any employees if this is a full-time job. It also doesn’t include the costs of hiring an engineer to update the app's features and ensure the app is running smoothly.

With this simplified example, you're looking at roughly $8,000. Of course, you can cut some costs if you choose to do any of these tasks yourself, but you might risk creating a subpar customer experience.

Enterprise Product Launch Example

On the other end of the spectrum, let‘s consider a large enterprise company that is launching a new product. Here, you’ll likely pay upwards of $30,000 - $50,000 for market research.

Perhaps you'll spend $15,000 on brand positioning and the marketing materials necessary to differentiate yourself against competitors, and you might pay upwards of $30,000 for all the product design and brand packaging. Finally, your marketing team could need a budget of roughly $20,000 for SEO, paid advertising, social, content creation, etc.

All said and done, launching a product against other enterprise competitors‘ could cost roughly $125,000. Again, that doesn’t include the costs you'll pay your marketing, product development, and engineering teams.

How to Launch a Product Online

To launch your product online, you‘ll want to ensure you’ve followed the steps above. However, there are a few additional steps you'll want to follow to gain traction primarily online.

1. Figure out the story you want to tell regarding your product's bigger purpose.

What story do you want to tell across social platforms, landing pages, and email? This is similar to your positioning statement but needs to be geared entirely toward your target audience. Ask questions like, Why should they purchase your product? And How will your product or service make their lives better?

Communicating cross-functionally ensures the communication materials you use across various online channels align — which is key when it comes to establishing a new product in the marketplace.

Consider, for instance, how Living Proof announced its new product, Advanced Clean Dry Shampoo, on its Instagram page. The story revolves around a simple nuisance common with most other dry shampoos — How consumers still want that just-washed feeling, even when using a dry shampoo.

Living Proof's new Instagram post, highlighting its new product launch

Originating in 2011 as a website called, Calm is a mobile app that provides various resources and tools for meditation, sleep, relaxation, and mindfulness. Although Headspace was the leading meditation app at the time of its launch, it didn’t take long for Calm to dominate the market.

Calm found success largely because of its content marketing and SEO strategy. According to Foundation’s research , Calm has attracted over 8 million backlinks and uses blog content and YouTube content to organically attract and engage prospects.

The company also partners with celebrities to create unique content and engaging ad campaigns. Some of Calm’s most famous collaborators include Lebron James, Harry Styles, Matthew McConaughey, and Camila Cabello.

Calm’s celebrity partnerships have given them a leg up compared to their competitors. Not only their celebrity-read Sleep Stories garner millions of views, but they also boost the brand’s visibility and authority.

product launch example: poppi soda

Poppi is a “prebiotic soda,” which is a beverage that combines the fizziness and taste of a traditional soda with fruit juice, prebiotics, and apple cider vinegar. It comes in flavors such as Classic Cola, Root Beer, Orange, and Cherry Limeade.

Originally called “Mother Beverage,” Poppi was originally created when co-founder Allison Ellsworth wanted to create a drink that was both healthy and tasted good. Not only does Poppi stand out from other beverages because of its health benefits, it also has a unique and colorful brand personality that attracts customers.

According to Allison, “We had this really fun and vibrant brand and a product that people could relate to. People love it and it was created with ingredients that people knew to be effective and beneficial to their body.”

Poppi was originally slated for a retail launch in March of 2020. However, those plans changed due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Fortunately, they were able to pivot to launch as a DTC product, selling on Amazon and other e-commerce platforms. Additionally, they used this opportunity to invest in social media marketing on Instagram and TikTok , where they gained popularity amongst Gen Z consumers.

3. HubSpot Operations Hub

product launch example: hubspot operations hubg

In 2021, HubSpot launched Operations Hub as part of its CRM platform. The product is designed to help businesses streamline their operational processes, improve data quality and accuracy, and enable cross-team collaboration. This allows businesses to run more smoothly and scale more effectively.

One of the reasons why this launch was successful was because it solved a problem that many customers faced.

According to HubSpot’s research , “over 60% of operations professionals have to do duplicative work because of a lack of alignment between teams.” This happens because operations professionals get hired into separate departments and get siloed and overwhelmed with tasks as their companies scale.

In response, HubSpot introduced Operations Hub so operations employees could work together out of a shared system and remove friction from their day-to-day workflows.

product launch example: goodles

Goodles is a noodle brand that takes boxed mac-and-cheese to the next level. This product differentiates itself by providing more nutritional value than the standard dry noodles, with 10g of protein and 7g of fiber with prebiotics in every serving.

“The pasta aisle is overflowing with golden, al dente pasta options that provide very little nutrition. There's also an 'alt-pasta' section with green, brown, orange, mushy, foamy noodles that offer more nutrition but little 'yum',” co-founder and CEO Jen Zeszut said in a press release . “Why should you have to choose between taste and nutrition?”

Aside from its positioning as a delicious and nutritious alternative to boxed mac-and-cheese, Goodles also stands out with its vibrant and fun branding. While other noodle brands have neutral-colored packaging, Goodles uses a bold color palette, a nostalgic typeface, and cheeky product names, like Shella Good and Here Comes Truffle, to attract consumers in the grocery aisle.

Product Launch Tips

To learn the best practices for a successful product launch, I talked to Alex Girard again.

The HubSpot Product Marketing Manager said he had three main tips for a successful product launch:

  • Your product positioning should reflect a shift you're seeing in the world, and how your product helps your customers take advantage of that shift.
  • Create a recurring schedule for you and the core stakeholders for the launch to check in and ensure you're all on the same page.
  • Make sure you keep the product team in the loop on your marketing plans. The product team could have insights that inform your overall marketing campaign.

However, sometimes, external factors might impact your ability to launch a product. When that happens, you might need to delay your launch.

How to Know When to Delay a Product Launch

To understand when, and why, you might hold off on a product launch, Girard told me there are three key reasons why you might want to delay a product launch, including:

  • When your product itself isn't ready and you need to change your timeline to create the best customer experience possible.
  • If a situation occurs where your current customers are having a less-than-optimal experience with one of your current products. Before launching and promoting a new product, you should make sure your current customers are satisfied with your existing product offering.
  • If something occurs on an international, national, state, or local level that requires your audience to readjust their priorities and shift focus away from your company and its product launch. Make sure that when the time comes to launch, your target audience is ready to learn about your new product.

If you‘re looking for templates to coordinate your team efforts and align your company around your new product’s messaging, download our free product marketing kit below.

Editor's note: This post was originally published in November 2015 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.


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Launching a New Tech Product? Here Are the Steps You Need to Take to Ensure It Succeeds. Deliver value to your customers through a sustainable product lifecycle. Adapt, iterate, and listen to your customers in order to keep your product relevant.

By Jessica Wong Edited by Chelsea Brown Aug 29, 2024

Key Takeaways

  • Only 5% of new products succeed after launching, which highlights the importance of having an effective launch strategy.
  • In this article, I'll share the steps you need to follow to launch your new tech product with confidence.

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

Every year, thousands of new tech products are vying for consumers' and businesses' attention. Only 5% of them manage to launch successfully and attract loyal, long-term clients with a chance of becoming household brand names.

Having an effective launch strategy, including a minimum viable product , can make the difference between a product not finding its market and a showstopping launch.

Understanding the importance of an MVP

A minimum viable product (MVP) is a simple version of a new product that allows a team of creators to assess its viability with potential customers. MVPs can validate product ideas with minimal risks and resources. They can generally be launched faster than full products and may save the development team valuable time and money.

Think of Amazon, for example. Founder Jeff Bezos started by selling books from a garage before growing the company to sell most types of products consumers want and launch a leading eBook reader.

MVPs cut down on the time it takes to bring a product to market and allow developers to integrate early user feedback and test their assumptions about the target audience. As a result, the full-scale product is far more refined when it is launched. The messaging app Slack used this approach to test viability before releasing the full version.

The key to launching a successful MVP is to identify one specific audience pain point that the product can solve and focus on offering the best possible solution to address that issue. Later, the full product can have a wider focus and address additional pain points.

Related: 5 Ways to Make Your Next Product Launch a Success

Developing a go-to-market strategy

Once your team has analyzed the performance of the MVP, you need to develop a go-to-market strategy for the full version of your product.

The three critical components of that strategy are identifying your target market, crafting a unique value proposition (UVP) and developing a launch timeline. Market research can help you narrow down the most promising audience segments and define your ideal customer profile. If your team is developing a SaaS product, for example, small and medium-sized businesses looking for affordable, scalable solutions might be a good fit.

Your unique value proposition needs to be clear and compelling and differentiate your product from competitors . The strongest UVPs focus on addressing specific customer pain points.

Your launch timeline needs to include development, product testing , marketing and sales efforts. Be realistic when setting deadlines, and ensure that every department is aligned and ready for the launch. It's generally better to plan more time from the start than to delay the launch later.

Building pre-launch buzz

Remember Game of Thrones ? Weeks, if not months before every new season launched, the production company began to build buzz around that season. By the time the first episode was ready to stream, millions of viewers were ready.

When you're building a pre-launch buzz for your product, you're replicating this approach. Content marketing is highly effective at educating and exciting your target audience. Consider blog posts, case studies from your MVP, videos and other types of content that talk about the challenges your product will address.

Reach out to early adopters, influencers and industry experts to help spread the word about your product. Offer exclusive previews, beta version access or discounts to incentivize early engagement and feedback.

Your social media channels are ideal for creating buzz by sharing teasers and countdowns to launch. As you're building pre-launch buzz, you should also start building an email list to keep potential customers informed.

Related: How to Nail a Successful Product Launch

Launching the product

As you're getting closer to your launch date, make sure all relevant teams and contributors are ready for a smooth and coordinated launch. If you're launching a physical product, availability is critical. Marketing and sales efforts also need to be synchronized to allow them to amplify each other.

Set up systems to capture and analyze customer feedback during and after the launch, and prepare to make fast adjustments to rectify issues or address customer concerns.

Notify and engage with industry publications and journalists to secure public relations and media coverage . A compelling press release with testimonials from beta users can effectively start this process.

Post-launch strategies

Define the key performance indicators (KPIs) such as sales, user acquisition, engagement and customer satisfaction ahead of your launch date, so you can measure and analyze them. Most digital marketing channels give you access to these metrics through a dashboard.

Understanding your product's performance through KPIs and user feedback helps you refine and enhance your product. Don't hesitate to release updates that introduce new features and address user needs.

Think about how your product can reach a broader audience. Entering into strategic partnerships , utilizing additional marketing channels and expanding your sales efforts can all open up new markets for your product.

Long-term product management

With the initial launch completed, you need to start thinking about maintaining and strengthening customer relationships. Excellent customer service and ongoing engagement are cornerstones of successful relationship building. Use CRM tools to support customer interactions, and remember to personalize communications. You could also consider creating a loyalty program that offers exclusive perks.

Leading tech entrepreneurs continue to innovate and improve their products consistently. In 2023 alone, Google launched or updated 23 products , demonstrating its culture of continuous improvement.

Enabling structured feedback through quarterly customer feedback sessions or surveys ensures that user feedback is always taken into account and integrated into product development.

Related: 4 Launch Strategies for Startup Success and Longevity

Follow these strategies to launch your tech product successfully from MVP to market with confidence. The most successful product launches are planned beyond the initial release. Create a sustainable product lifecycle that continues to deliver value to your customers. Remain open to adaptations and iterations, listen to your audience, and keep innovating to ensure your product remains relevant and competitive in the tech industry.

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Founder and CEO of Valux Digital and uPro Digital.

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11 Product Launch Presentations Introducing Revolutionary Products That Changed the World

11 Product Launch Presentations Introducing Revolutionary Products That Changed the World

At some point in our lives or the other, we all have gotten a kick out of the “Pass the Heinz” or “Got Milk?” ad campaigns. All through these years, such creative milestones have given people across the world something to remember and cherish forever. In fact, just like these ad campaigns, there have been equally influential product launch presentations that have changed the way we live our lives or drive to work or even convey messages.

Every other year, a revolutionary product comes along that shapes the vision of the future. Technology keeps offering us more compact and robust solutions which we adapt to our daily needs. And while introducing the world to such products with a presentation, entrepreneurs and tech giants have changed the demographic of the market as well as consumer psyche. So much so that these product launch presentations have become the epitome of remarkable moments in history.

What truly makes these product launch presentations remarkable is that they make us think. They make us believe in a certain type of power. They make us think above and beyond human capacity. And whether we are watching them for fun or just to stare in awe at the people who present them, we do learn something and get to apply these learning points in our daily routines. Most of all, these presentations give us the power to leverage the power of speech to leave an impression while moving the needle.

In this blog, we break down 11 such product launch presentations that did, in fact, put a ding in the universe, and what you can learn from them.

#1 The iphone unveil

If there is a gallery of world’s most influential presenters, Steve Jobs is definitely in the topmost league. We all know the late co-founder of Apple Inc as a presenter of substance. And no matter what product he brought into the world, he did it in style. Among his most influential presentations, the iphone launch event is one of the most impactful ones. With an impeccable presentation during the MacWorld 2007, Jobs made a phenomenal case for the phone that will “change the world”. The presentation was something that disrupted the mobile industry. In fact, it introduced us to the world of multi-touch, built-in camera, call merge, media synchronization across devices and most importantly, something wonderful that fits right in your palm.

A key factor that makes this product presentation a gem is that it catapulted Apple to the front of the mobile industry competition. After the launch of iphone, other companies also jumped on the bandwagon, but Apple’s feat became somewhat of a blueprint of how we interact with technology. And with iphone sales making up for more than half the multi-billion dollar revenue of Apple Inc, it is no surprise that it is one of the most used smartphones in the world. And the charm began with, you guessed it right, a spectacular presentation.

#2 The Macintosh launch

Before Apple Inc was taking the world by storm with the iphone, Steve Jobs along with the company’s co-founder Steve Wozniak at the very beginning had pushed the creative envelope with the Macintosh computer. The ambitious product, which Jobs highlights as “ insanely great ” in this presentation, became pivotal to the technological advancements that followed it. The Macintosh presentation has been etched on the tablets of history as it showcases Jobs’s impeccable drive to convince people with his presentation skills. The Macintosh, which eventually morphed from a small box with floppy disk socket to the inspirational Mac PC or Macbook laptop that we so adore today, had what no other product had. It put Apple on the map and took computing to the next level. It reformed the way human mind perceives digital design, besides giving us a taste of what an inspiring GUI looks like.

Another highlight of the presentation is that it focuses on how Macintosh pioneered use and manipulation of fonts in word processing. Moreover, from a presenter’s point of view, one can observe how Steve Jobs had the zeal to make products that matter and transform our conscience. The presentation also cements Apple’s core value of making efficient design their priority while designing products. The product presentation does the rest of the work, with finesse.

#3 The Macbook Air introduction

If the “ What’s in the bag?” moment in the previous product launch presentation kept you on the edge of your seat, believe me, this one will take the cake. The Macbook Air presentation is one of the most influential to date. Why? Because it sets the mind in motion. It appeals to the senses. When Steve Jobs started the presentation with the memorable tagline “ There’s something in the Air ”, even the remotest corners of earth had held their breaths for what wonder was about to come from the bag of Apple Inc. But Jobs being Jobs, the wonder came, not from a bag this time, but a very sleek and distinct envelope. This moment sets this presentation apart as it gave the marketers and presenters all around the world a reason to think outside the box.

Announcing the exit of DVD for Macbooks, Jobs introduces the Macbook Air as the world’s thinnest notebook with marvelous features and practically weightless hardware. The influence of the presentation has ignited all genius minds across the globe while making the word “Air” synonymous to all things light and compact. And it is this influence that keeps Apple at the top of the game. And we are sure, there’s more Air where that came from.

#4  The ipod take-off

Speaking of all things light and compact, it is no surprise that the revolution in the digital music industry was spearheaded by Apple Inc. And the product launch presentation is nothing short of inspiring. In fact, if one says that Steve Jobs could sell water to fish with his marketing panache, that would surely not be an overstatement. The ipod has been a revolutionary product in the digital music market, all thanks to Jobs’s vision for creating niche markets that give the competition a run for its money. The highlight of this product launch presentation is how Jobs implores the audience on an intellectual level, while showing how Apple leveraged a vast market to bring about a product that speaks to the audiophiles in us.

With this presentation, Steve Jobs set off an example for conglomerates within the Silicon Valley and beyond that potential markets need that problem-solving acumen from entrepreneurs to turn into a literal goldmine. That is exactly what Apple did. The presentation highlights the new trends in digital music technology on the lines of three breakthroughs: Ultra-Portability, Ease-of-Use and Auto-Sync. While giving live demo of how to use the iphone, not to mention the multi-faceted scroll wheel and creating and playing playlists, Jobs gives the audience a slice of Apple’s core purpose of staying ahead of its time. All that while keeping an entire library of a 1000 songs (pretty impressive at that time) in a device as compact as a deck of cards. Aced that!

#5 The Tesla Roadster launch

It is not like every great product launch presentation has come from Apple only. There is another Silicon Valley giant that has left a lasting impression with their product launch presentation. The company we are talking about is Tesla. The presenter — Elon Musk. The billionaire entrepreneur has always left the world on the edge with products that have spoken to generations of tech lovers. And with Tesla, Musk has put renewable energy at the centre-stage. Here we are going to talk about how Tesla marked the dawn of an era of electric vehicles with the unveiling of the Tesla Roadster: a superspeed four-seater sports car. Interestingly, just like Jobs, Musk has leveraged a niche market and turned it into multi-billion dollar concept. And the product launch presentation charts that idea exquisitely well.

The presentation of the Tesla Roadster made such waves that the company has carried the impact to space, quite literally. The company launched the vehicle as a dummy payload into space with the help of the Falcon Heavy spacecraft on February 6, 2018. It is such influential presentations that get consumers excited. And Musk has figured that mantra right from the start .

#6 The AirBnB pitch

Let’s face it. There is no entrepreneurship without ideas. And this one right here is the boss of all ideas. The AirBnB presentation, which fetched its founders Brian Chesky, Joe Gebbia, and Nathan Blecharczyk a decent 600,000 dollars in investment, will always be in the hall of fame of impeccable pitch decks . In fact, the homestay rental service giant gave the world a blueprint of how to put forward an idea that investors cannot say no to. The pitch is beyond methodical and persuasive. It brings a problem-solution proposition to the table while using data to gain the audience's trust.

Cherry on top is that from a company dealing in air mattresses to a travel industry giant that is helping people make money off hosting across locations, the presentation showcasing an inspiring business model has paved the way for many seeking investment from venture capitalists. The presentation is, indeed, flawless execution personified.

#7 The Kindle Paperwhite unveil

There is a voracious reader in us. And what adds to that quality is a revolutionary product from the assembly line of e-commerce giant Amazon. What makes Kindle Paperwhite truly revolutionary is that it reinvented the e-reader display. During its product launch presentation in 2012, Jeff Bezos introduces the device that will enable e-book readers to enjoy tomes and tomes of digital books in the dark. The smart fiber display that makes digital reading a practically glare-free experience became the highlight of generations of Kindle that delighted readers. No wonders Bezos brings out the revolutionary product from the dark into the light, the screen still well-lit to read off of.

Indeed, Kindle was never aimed at replacing paperbacks. Rather it aimed to be as gripping. Imagine a library of over a 1000 books that you can carry in your bag. Kindle achieved that and projected Amazon into an ever-growing market. The presentation also highlights Jeff Bezos’s simple yet effective speaking style and interactive way of connecting with the audience. And after Kindle Paperwhite, Amazon has never looked back. Hundreds of thousands of books get added to kindle subscription module every year. The love for reading remains digital, and it all took centre-stage with a remarkable product launch.

#8 Microsoft Windows 95 launch

Nothing screams exhilarating more than Microsoft Windows 95 launch of August 24, 1995. The “people’s operating system” was introduced to the world with a presentation that spoke volumes of the path that lay ahead of Microsoft as the software giant it is today. Rather in those times, when the focus was mostly on hardware, it became quite clear that with Windows 95, Microsoft wanted to establish itself as a company for people’s computing and software needs. It put Microsoft on the map with the excellence that Bill Gates had to offer to the people of Silicon Valley and beyond. And this presentation mirrors that excellence.

The key point of the presentation is that Microsoft leveraged the influence of pop culture to bring Windows 95 to the masses. The appeal of celebrities (cue Tonight Show host Jay Leno on stage, and later Friends stars Jennifer Aniston and Matthew Perry for the user guide) helped grow the welcome quotient of the operating system. And it is only because of that magnetism that Windows went viral (despite social media nowhere near in existence). The impact of the presentation (featuring Bill Gates and others dancing , and the sound of Rolling Stones’ Start Me Up) was such that OS became ubiquitous since its launch. And with each successive version, the popularity of Microsoft and its revolutionary tools was felt far and wide.

#9 The Tinder pitch

An excellent example of norm-variance or problem-solution paradigm is the pitch deck of the popular dating app Tinder (dubbed Match Box at that time). The pitch is seamlessly entertaining and alluring, not to mention incredibly simple and equally impressive. “Meet Matt” says the very first slide. Classic example of getting the audience hooked from the get go. And then the pitch explains the problem of how Matt is unable to go over and say hi to ladies at a party out of fear of rejection. And the cure is… Match Box.

The pitch deck is a classic example of how visual storytelling works in the art of persuasion. Raising venture capital with out-of-the-box and incredibly simple ideas became the norm for startups. Today Tinder is arguably the most popular dating app in the entire world. Fundraising became a breeze on the lines of this presentation deck.

#10 The Messenger App opening

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg has utilized the power of a product launch platform like the conclaves such as F8 to roll out interesting products that have revolutionized internet technology and how we communicate and connect. However, with this presentation, there is no specific product launch per se, but it elaborates what dots companies should connect to excel in an already populated sphere. The market here is content sharing through chat. Although launched as Facebook Chat initially, Messenger has quickly gained steam due to its association with Facebook at large. The presentation, however, shows how the chat service has advanced as Zuckerberg opens the app for developers across the world.

The presentation also gives the audience a chance to know what Facebook Inc has learned about content processing and bringing people together. In fact, the listeners get a glance into the future of visual content on the social media platform. And there is no doubt that all the upcoming F8 events will keep give the company a chance to implore tech minds to achieve something great in collaboration with them.

#11 The Apple Watch unveil

We saved the best for last. The Apple Watch unveil made waves when Tim Cook started the presentation with the iconic tagline “One more thing…” It marked the beginning of a new era for the technology product giant as the company looked to explore the market of wearable fitness trackers. Ideally, Apple designed the Apple Watch to bring the consumer connect up a notch. And while Fitbit remained in the league of its own, the Apple Watch leveraged a consumer base to try its own take on the fitness band. The presentation also features a cool video showcasing the ergonomic design of the watch, sparking the craze for fitness enthusiasts.

And no doubt the presentation carries forward the unwavering legacy of Steve Jobs and what he thought will make the company great. Basically Apple Watch redefined fitness tracking with its own hardware and software, appealing to the masses about a timepiece that can do more than just show time.

Learn from them: How to turn your product launch presentation from ordinary to extraordinary

Of course, for the presenters in us, there is a lot to learn from these influential presentations. Product launch requires effective strategy for the presentation, besides careful planning and execution. Startups gain funds to fuel their ambitions based on how they pitch their product. In such a scenario, learning from these presentations that changed the world becomes imperative to a commercially successful product launch. You have to handle the structure of the presentation, master the delivery and influence your listeners. Here’s a rundown of what you can key learning points you can gain from these presentations and incorporate in your product launch strategy efficiently.

#1 It is about the people, not the product

A major takeaway from these presentations is that you want to present your product as a solution to your audience’s problems. So always plan your product launch around your target audience. What is their pain? What do they need? You cannot make the presentation all about yourself. That can detach the audience quickly and drive them away from the product.

#2 Make sure you have set the stage right

Here we mean the run-up to the product launch has to be as much influential as you plan the presentation to be. Get your social media marketing teams to run thought-provoking campaigns to draw crowds toward your product. Apple’s teaser’s videos might flood our YouTube recommendations, but there’s a purpose. They get the audience hyped about the product. If you are going to launch the product on a smaller scale, fun ads may be the best option to make your audience listen.

#3 Intrigue and tell a story

Devise your product launch presentation content in such a way that it tells a story the audience can relate to. Skillful presenters like Steve Jobs always kept the world on its toes with the way they intrigued the audience. Catchy taglines like “One more thing…” still strike a chord with tech enthusiasts across the world. You want to give the listeners something more than a product description. Give them an experience.

#4 Know the product, believe in it

The power of conviction is more inspiring when you yourself believe in the product and know it inside-out. You have to do your practice. You have to keep your facts ready. You have to focus on what works for the audience. Data is your friend if you learn to love it. Take your time researching about the metrics associated with the product and you will be ready for every question that comes your way.

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#5 feedback is a must.

If you are ready for feedback, you are destined for growth and improvement. In fact, one can take pointers from the launch of Barclays’s money-sending application, Pingit, they will know the power of invigorating oneself with prompt redress of consumer concerns. After all, the companies that have put consumers first have scaled the heights of excellence.

So in conclusion, one can see that the path to excellence for a business rests on the way a product launch presentation is conducted. One can get overwhelmed by the scale at which these presentations have made an impact. But the more you believe in yourself and address the pain points of your potential customers while being open to feedback, the better are your chances of take the world by storm.

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    Master your product launch presentation with this step-by-step guide. Learn how to define your goals, target audience, marketing strategy, and timeline.

  7. How to Create a Winning Product Launch Presentation

    8 genius tips on how to design a killer product launch presentation Here is our run-down of the best strategies to come up with a result-oriented and powerful product launch presentation.

  8. Launch new Product Powerpoint Presentation

    Make your new product launch presentation stand out with this guide to PowerPoint best practices. Discover expert tips for slide design, storytelling techniques, and converting product reveals.

  9. How to Create a Winning Product Launch Presentation

    Build a winning product launch presentation to increase your chances of making a lasting impression and ensuring the success of your product.

  10. Product Launch Powerpoint Templates and Google Slides Themes

    These presentation templates are suitable for product launch presentations. They can be used by marketing teams, entrepreneurs, and business professionals to showcase new products or services to potential investors, clients, or stakeholders. Get these product launch templates to create dynamic presentations that will make your new release shine.

  11. Product Launch Presentation: Steps to Create & Free Template

    Product Launch Presentation: Steps to Create & Free Template Launching a new product is a multi-dimensional process that consists of many aspects.

  12. Product Launch Strategy Presentation Template

    Our customizable template has everything you need for a product launch strategy presentation like timeline and budget details. A successful product launch presentation can help internal teams and partners— like investors— align on things like new product ideas, stages, and go to market strategies.

  13. Product Launch Marketing Plan Google Slides & PPT template

    Product Launch Marketing Plan Presentation Free Google Slides theme, PowerPoint template, and Canva presentation template Time to launch the product you have been working on for a long time! Design your marketing plan with these cool presentation templates to make your clients get as excited as you are.

  14. Product Launch PowerPoint Templates & Slide Design for Presentations

    Download 100% editable product launch PPT templates for PowerPoint and Google Slides to prepare presentations on product development and business topics.

  15. New Product Launch Marketing Plan

    New Product Launch Marketing Plan Presentation. Free Google Slides theme, PowerPoint template, and Canva presentation template. It's an exciting moment for your company - the product launch date for your new product line has finally been set! Now, it's time to spread the word and let your audience and potential clients know about this excellent ...

  16. New Product Launch Plan Template

    A successful product launch involves effective planning with impressing presentations. That is not only comprehensible but also easily understandable by anyone. For the very reason, this New Product Launch powerpoint template remains well-developed. The template can be used in any field. It can be utilized for your business presentations, academic purposes, in technological development and ...

  17. How to launch a product: Your complete guide

    A product launchis a process in which a new product or service is brought to market by a company. The primary purpose of a launch is to provoke a sense of anticipation and generate awareness of your product amongst your target audience. As a collaborative exercise, product launches require input from different people within an organization to ...

  18. 200+ Product Launch PowerPoint Slides

    Download our new product launch templates and create tasks' checklists that you need to complete successfully. Use these slides and strategize on your product launch.

  19. Product Launch Checklist: How to Launch a Product, According to HubSpot

    Launching a new product? Use this step-by-step checklist that includes the best product launch tips from a HubSpot Product Marketer.

  20. New Product Launch Business Meeting

    New Product Launch Business Meeting Presentation Free Google Slides theme, PowerPoint template, and Canva presentation template Launching a new product is a big step for your company, and its success depends on careful planning.

  21. Launching a New Tech Product? Take These Steps to Ensure It Succeeds

    Every year, thousands of new tech products are vying for consumers' and businesses' attention. Only 5% of them manage to launch successfully and attract loyal, long-term clients with a chance of ...

  22. 11 Product Launch Presentations that Put a Ding in the Universe

    And while introducing the world to such products with a presentation, entrepreneurs and tech giants have changed the demographic of the market as well as consumer psyche. So much so that these product launch presentations have become the epitome of remarkable moments in history.

  23. New Product Launch Project Proposal

    New Product Launch Project Proposal Presentation Free Google Slides theme, PowerPoint template, and Canva presentation template Yes, making a good first impression is a key factor for success. That's why product launches are so important. How are you going to prepare for your next product launch? Are you holding an event? Is it online? Or at ...