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Pet Peeve Essay | Essay on Pet Peeve for Students and Children in English

February 14, 2024 by Prasanna

Pet Peeve Essay: Everyone gets irritated with some or other things. A pet peeve that I have that troubles me hugely is when individuals make superfluous commotion or permit pointless clamor to persevere in a public spot. For instance, in case I’m on open transportation and somebody is permitting music from radio to be heard to the remainder of the train, I discover that to be perhaps the most self-assimilated and rudest types of conduct conceivable.

The words  “pet peeve” can be followed to the mid-twentieth century, yet its segments have a more extended history. “Pet” can allude to a tamed creature as well as to something especially appreciated or normally liked, as in a “pet task.”

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“Pet” traces all the way back to the sixteenth century when it was principally utilized as a thing in the creature sense. Instances of the “most esteemed” use show up in the nineteenth century, and there are numerous cases of “pet” combined incidentally with negative ideas like “scorn” and “abhorrence”

What is a Pet Peeve?

Everyone has a pet peeve. Individuals have something that pesters them. These pet peeves could be funny sometimes or could be very much irritated. It tends to be an individual, a sound, a thing that causes you to feel irritated. I have a few annoyances that trouble me. A pet peeve is a disturbing encounter brought about by others that you can’t handle. It very well may be a demonstration, clamor, or simply something that ticks us. Here and there individuals don’t understand their demonstrations or practices are irritating to other people. A portion of my greatest annoyances are individuals who utilize mobiles where or when they shouldn’t utilize it, individuals who bite noisily, and individuals who smoke in broad daylight places.

The examples of Pet Peeves are: Some people disdain when individuals arrive behind schedule; individuals who send a game solicitation on Facebook, even if someone is not playing the game by any stretch of the imagination; individuals left the food in the sink after they are finished with their washing dishes or not washing them by any means. Of all these pet peeves, one that made me most awkward is when individuals leave extra food in the sink and do not do the dishes.

Pet Peeve Essay Topics

People have different types of pet peeves. Based on their category of annoyance, they can write the essay. Some of the topics or title they can use for the essays are:

  • What are Pet Peeves?
  • My Biggest Pet Peeves
  • Pet Peeves and Basic Ethics
  • Pet Peeves on Drivers
  • Pet Peeves on Miscommunication
  • Pet Peeves on Animals
  • Pet Peeves on Movies
  • Pet Peeves on People with Smoking/Drinking Habits
  • Pet Peeves on Mobile Phones
  • Pet Peeves on Hobby

Essay on Pet Peeve

The mobile phone is a major creation right now; individuals can utilize mobiles for reasons other than conversing with others. My Pet peeves are about individuals who utilize a mobile where or when it should be utilized on the grounds that it is exceptionally inconsiderate and discourteous. I used to function as a clerk, and numerous clients, while they were paying for their buys, were chatting on the telephone. They didn’t focus on the aggregate sum they expected to pay and continued getting some information about the aggregate.

That sort of circumstance is out of line for individuals who are holding up in the line to stand by longer. A few groups feel that as clients, they can do whatever they like. Individuals who bite noisily are irritating on the grounds that that sort of propensity is nauseating and improper. Individuals ought not to have that propensity; just creatures bite boisterously in light of the fact that individuals find out about habits or the proper method to bite. It is vital for guardians to show their kids habits, so the youngsters won’t embarrass themselves.

My last greatest annoyance is individuals who smoke in broad daylight places since I don’t care for the smell, and it is risky to our wellbeing. Luckily, I am not susceptible to smoke, but rather for individuals who are adversely affected by it, will struggle to relax. Other than that, smoke is more perilous for recycled smoke than direct smoke, and truth be told, cigarette smoking is the main source of preventable passing in the United States.

Everybody has a pet peeve, something that truly gets on their nerves.

Pet Peeve Essay

My Biggest Pet Peeve Speech

Everybody in life discovers certain things that are amazingly bothering. Now and then they are things that aren’t that enormous of an issue to other people, anyway it brings your pulse up in a moment. My greatest pet peeve is the point at which I need to stand by at the doctor’s office for eternity. It’s so aggravating and it happens each and every time I go to the doctor. I figure it’s the doctor’s obligation to make their customers as glad as could really be expected, which incorporates making them get in and out of the workplace as fast as could really be expected.

Receptionists are generally the ones that plan the arrangements in a doctor’s office. What I don’t comprehend is the reason they give you when you are supposed to come in when it’s off by a long shot to the genuine time that you get seen by the specialist. What’s the point in giving us when it’s not right! For as long as I can remember, I don’t review a solitary time when I went into a doctor’s office at my planned time and was called directly in to see him. The receptionists clearly must have a type of piece of information about what amount of time one customer will require, so they should plan the arrangements as needs are. It appears to me like they simply pack individuals into the timetables without intelligently considering the time span. It’s strange.

At the point when I am wiped out all I need to do is be at home in my bed. I cannot represent others; nonetheless, it’s not actually a good time for me to be holding up in a doctor’s office encompassed by other wiped out individuals who are similarly pretty much as irritated as I am. That is the last thing I need to do while I am debilitated. At the point when I emerge from the doctor’s office, I am irritated and tired, which exacerbates me than when I initially came into the workplace. The general purpose of going to the doctor is to improve, not more terribly. There is unquestionably some kind of problem with that.

Sitting in the lounge area likewise totally burns through my time. I don’t have any other plans. I have different activities during the day other than spending them in a doctor’s office. For instance, when a year I need to get a physical at the doctor’s for school. In this manner, I normally have different plans during the day since I am not debilitated. Once I had a 12:00 arrangement at the doctor, while I additionally had plans at 2:00 that very day. Was that a misstep! I didn’t escape the workplace until 2:30 that day so I needed to drop my arrangements. That irritated me a ton in light of the fact that the holding up that I needed to do demolished my day, which shouldn’t have been the situation. A straightforward physical checkup shouldn’t be the motivation behind why I pass up different things in my day-to-day existence.

The arrangement would be pretty much as straightforward as setting booking arrangements as needs be leaving time in the middle of simply in the event that one patient runs additional time. Simply this one change would have such an effect, and it doesn’t take a virtuoso to address it. I trust one day I will actually want to go into a doctor’s office and be seen by the specialist immediately, without standing by until the end of time.

FAQ’s on Pet Peeve Essay

Question 1. What is a Pet Peeve?

Answer: A pet peeve is conduct or shows that produces slight disturbance in individuals. They aren’t things that are so improper and impolite that they fundamentally warrant making a move, however, they’re for the most part troublesome such that will make you feign exacerbation in disappointment.

Question 2. What are the pet peeves people usually have?

Answer: People have pet peeves with many other things such as; Some people get irritated when individuals arrive behind schedule; individuals who send a game solicitation on Facebook, even if someone is not playing the game by any stretch of the imagination; individuals left the food in the sink after they are finished with their washing dishes or not washing them by any mean.

Question 3. What are some common pet peeves examples?

Answer: Some common pet peeves reasons are:

  • People not expressing gratitude after taking help
  • People not replying the messages, even after they have read it
  • The finger cracking habits of the people
  • People making noises while eating
  • If someone makes to wait long even after it is a scheduled meeting
  • People being irresponsible of the hygiene
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The New York Times

The learning network | can’t complain writing about pet peeves.

The Learning Network - Teaching and Learning With The New York Times

Can’t Complain? Writing About Pet Peeves

public grooming illustration

Academic Skills

Teaching ideas based on New York Times content.

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Overview | How can students express their complaints in articulate and constructive ways? In this lesson, students read The New York Times “Complaint Box” series and use descriptive and persuasive writing strategies to communicate their own pet peeves succinctly and productively.

Materials | Computers with Internet access (if available)

Warm-up | As students assemble, visibly and obviously act out one or more of your biggest pet peeves, like squeaking the chalk or your nails on the board; talking with a mouth full of food or chewing gum; brushing your hair, applying cosmetics or clipping your nails; or talking on your cellphone or texting.

When students express confusion, horror or surprise, write the term “pet peeve” on the board and have them identify which pet peeves you were just acting out. Ask: Why do you (students) think these behaviors bother me (the teacher)? What would the school atmosphere be like if students and teachers often did these things?

Next, ask them to brainstorm a list of eight to 10 behaviors that they find most irksome. What are their personal “pet peeves”? What makes them jump out of their skin? Whip around the room and as students share, compile a master list of the things that make your students boil. Wrap up the warm-up by having students choose one item from the list and freewrite for five minutes about why this behavior annoys them.

Related | In “Complaint Box: Public Grooming,” Lion Calandra gripes about the very public ways in which commuters on public transportation attend to their personal hygiene:

These days, if someone seated near me on my morning ride is putting on makeup, someone else is clipping his fingernails (and, on one odd occasion this summer, a toenail). Or they’re plucking eyebrows, tying ties, squeezing pimples, even spraying perfume. There are those who just have to bathe themselves in lotion. Others are brushing their hair. It’s the full monty, commuter style.

Questions | For discussion and reading comprehension:

  • What do you think about “public grooming”? Is it one of your own “pet peeves,” or do you think it is acceptable? Why?
  • What do you think the author’s tone of voice was when he said “Maybe tomorrow you can shave your legs on the train” to the woman who had just finished flossing her teeth? How can you tell?
  • What connection does the author make between public grooming and modern media, like YouTube and reality television? Do you agree or disagree?
  • Have you ever groomed yourself in public? If so, would you think twice about doing so after reading this essay?

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From NYTimes.com

  • City Room: “Public Grooming Stirs Vigorous Debate”
  • Schott’s Vocab: “Weekend: Pet Peeves and Vocab Vexations”
  • Diner’s Journal: “The Peeves of Others”

Around the Web

  • Read Write Think: Analyzing Grammar Pet Peeves
  • GetAnnoyed.com: The Web’s Largest List of Pet Peeves

Activity | Explain to students that they will now prepare to write their own 500-word persuasive and descriptive essays about one of their pet peeves, inspired by the “Complaint Box” series .

Begin by having a discussion on what “worked” in Lion Calandra’s essay and what makes essays like this one interesting to read in general. You might prompt students to consider vivid description, colorful language, strong imagery, specific examples and details, dialogue, etc. They should also consider structure. Ask: How does the writer “hook” the reader from the beginning? How does the middle of the essay proceed? How does the author end the piece?

Ask students to return to the pet peeve they did the freewrite about from the warm-up (or to choose a different one) and do some more writing about it, using the following prompts:

  • Write a few descriptive sentences about why this particular thing really irks you.
  • Think of one to three examples of times when you observed someone engaging in this behavior. When did it happen? Where did it take place? What exactly did the person do? Describe the scene as vividly as you can.
  • Have you ever addressed the person doing this thing directly? If so, what did you say, and what happened? If not, why not?
  • What are some reasons why people engage in this behavior? Are they aware that it is bothersome to others?
  • What factors might foster this behavior? How might people be dissuaded from engaging in this behavior?

When students are finished drafting, ask for volunteers who are willing to share their writing.

Alternatively or in addition, encourage students to share their pet peeves publicly in response to the Learning Network Student Opinion post “What Are Your Pet Peeves?” . Remind students that blogs are public and their comments – if approved – will be posted in perpetuity. They should take care in writing their responses and must identify themselves by first name only. They should also pay attention to The Learning Network’s commenting guidelines and rules and follow general Web posting etiquette .)

Next, split the class into pairs or small groups, and assign each one to read another “Complaint Box” post. Suggestions: “Immobile on the Phone” (about people who stand still, blocking the sidewalk, while on their cell phones), “iPod Volume” (about having to listen to others’ music because the volume on their iPod is turned up too loudly), “I See London” (about men wearing their pants so that their underwear is visible), “Counter Culture” (about rude or inattentive sales clerks) or “No More Cheeks to Turn” (about kids picking on a girl at camp). Or, have groups choose a post from the entire series .

In their groups, students should fill out the sheet Opening Up the Complaint Box (PDF) as they read their chosen post.

When they are finished, have each pair or group should share their findings with the group, discussing the parts of the essay that they feel were successful and sharing their favorite parts. Afterward, ask the class: What can we learn from what works (and what doesn’t) in these essays? Make a list of writing strategies and techniques on the board.

Students should then write a full rough draft of a “Complaint Box”-style essay about their own peeve. Once they are finished, they should hold peer or student and teacher conferences and then revise the draft for a final version.

Going further | When all essays are complete, hold an “author’s chair” or “sharing day,” in which students have the opportunity to share their work. You might also consider compiling the essays into a literary magazine of complaints or submitting them to the school newspaper. Alternatively, create an online blog or wiki space to which students can contribute more complaint essays on an ongoing basis.

Standards | From McREL , for grades 6-12:

Writing 1-Uses the general skill and strategies of the writing process 2-Uses the stylistic and rhetorical aspects of writing 3-Uses grammatical and mechanical conventions in written composition

Arts and Communication 4- Understands ways in which the human experience is transmitted and reflected in the arts and communication

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I love it~I was just looking for some fresh ideas for persuasive writing. I’ll take a cue from you!

Wonderful! Sometimes I get so bogged down with lesson plans, grading, and keeping my head above water that I lose sight of experiential ways to teach students practical and formal writing.

Unfortunately I find this new website confusing. How can I access the website for lessons plans by narrowing my search using key terms and clicking the subject. It seems that with this new website i would have to go through hundreds of lesson plans before i find what im looking for.

My biggest pet-peeve is when People chew with their mouth full. The scene of meshed up food being tossed around in a person’s mouth is not pleasant. The sound of the food being crunched up to be digested is annoying with the smack of the mouth and the clatter of the teeth. Both of these combined makes it even worse,and results in me becoming aggravated with the disgusting person. People should take the time to view their surroundings and realized that they must be aware of others surroundings and that they should shut their lips when there is food inside their mouths.

Public Cracking Knuckles Screaming Annoying Behavior

Public “Knuckle Cracking” brings the hair on the back of my neck stand up. It triggers the same reaction as running ones finger nails over a caulk board to me. It’s either a nervous habit some people develop when they are younger, with out concern to the destructive behaver it has on their joints years later. This annoying sound people create each time they do it, with out concern or not realizing the effect it may have on the surrounding people . A little public curtsy would be appreciated, grow your awareness of your behavior and make corrective changes before permanent damage is done.

One of my pet peeves is when you are eating and can hear a person chewing from across the table, can they not hear themselves????? Another one would be when people talk on the phone during movies, ugh that ticks me off and i just want to go and break their phone!!!!!

boring but gave me a lot of information.

You wanna know what my pet peeve is? Bullies. I hate bullies,like seriously why make someones life depressing because their either Ugly,Fat,or by the way they dress? Why do you have the right to judge or label someone? everyone is perfect in their own way.

Leaving a mean comment just to mess with someone,thats like when a 3 year old gets a new toy and forgets about it 2 days later.But the person who recieves the mean comments,thats gonna stick with them for the rest of their life no doubt.

I can remember being bullied in 4th,5th,and 6th grade.Why? because the things people would say to me were so horrible yet it still effects me today.

The internet is used for bullying as well,which is called Cyber bullying.The internet to me has turned into a huge social network to hurt others.Youtube,facebook,myspace,or any other social website has bullies on it,theres always someone looking to hurt other,words hurt.Most drama starts on Facebook,then usually ends up with bullying.

What can bullying cause? bullying can cause suicide,suicidel thoughts,and depression. Why would someone want others to feel pain?

Just about this…How hard is it not to press send?

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Pet Peeves Essays - Free Sample

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Theater , Cinema , Pets , Movies , Time , Control , People , Line

Published: 02/22/2020


This essay will be a discussion of my top two pet peeves. These pet peeves are really irritating to me. While other people may consider these pet peeves as minor annoyances, my pet peeves are enough to spoil my day. My first pet peeve is when people talk so loud inside the movie theaters. These people probably think that they are just whispering but actually their comments can be heard even when someone is several rows away. Some moviegoers ask questions to their seatmates while others cannot stop commenting on every scene of the movie. But what I abhor the most is when someone who watched the movie for the second time goes and watches it again. Of course, that is fine provided he does not say what happens in the next scene, but that is usually not the case. Sometimes I have this dream that someday, movie theaters will just put up a signage that says, “No talking while the movie is on-going!” This will definitely be a welcome relief. My second pet peeve is when people ignore lines in stores and just try to maneuver their way in front of the cashier. The lack of proper decorum is very irritating. The act of not falling in line, when there is a line is an utter disrespect of a person’s right. If a person in line patiently waited for his turn and spent time standing up, there is no reason others cannot. While other people may find my pet peeves as behaviors that can be tolerated, I really feel annoyed when encountering such actions. If there is a lesson learned about pet peeves, it is self-control. When faced with my pet peeves, I try to control my mind and emotions. I try not to be upset because my pet peeves may after all, be normal and acceptable to some people.


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September 26, 2017

10 Pet Peeves in College Admissions Essays

essay on a pet peeve

There are a number of mistakes students make in their college admissions essays, mistakes that significantly hurt their cases for admission. But there are certain mistakes that so many students make each and every year that we figured we’d highlight for the loyal readers of our college admissions blog in the hope that maybe, just maybe it’ll dissuade students from writing these sorts of things in their admissions essays in future years. These sorts of mistakes, mistakes committed not only within the Common Application Personal Statement but also within supplemental essays are, in our view, egregious blunders.

1. Dialogue. While there can be exceptions, when college applicants start off their essays with dialogue, it typically reads as juvenile.

2. Webster’s Dictionary definitions. Thanks for letting us know how Webster’s Dictionary defines a word. An admissions officer is hoping to gain insight into you. If they wanted to study the dictionary, certainly they could find a Webster’s Dictionary somewhere.

3. Life lessons. That time you fell down in a track meet but got back up and realized the importance of perseverance — you bet it rings as cliché. Big time.

4. Starting too many sentences with ’I’. Mix it up. “Marcia, Marcia, Marcia.” It’s not all about you. And if you’ve never seen “The Brady Bunch,” you surely won’t understand our reference but we’re ok with that.

5. Spelling and grammatical errors. Yes, it’s obvious. But sometimes we feel the need to state the obvious. Proofread every word of every sentence of every essay. It’s rare when we read an essay that we didn’t work on with a student that doesn’t have spelling and / or grammatical errors.

6. Subtle or not-so-subtle brags . Don’t try to impress. You’re going to turn admissions officers off. Don’t write about winning some competition. That’s an award to list under Honors. It’s not something you should be writing about in essays.

7. Generic sentences in Why College essays. “I want to go to UPenn because the school offers a great liberal arts education.” Fantastic. So does every other highly selective school. You’re fooling nobody that you wrote that sentence specifically for UPenn.

8. Windows into your youth. College admissions officers want to read about you in the present day. They don’t want to read about what you were like as an eight year-old. Bring your story into the present — from the beginning.

9. Disparaging others. Don’t put down classmates or others to try to make yourself look better. It’ll have the opposite impact.

10. Summaries. Admissions officers didn’t forget what you wrote earlier on in the essay. They aren’t goldfish. There’s no need to repeat things. Use all of the real estate you have to offer new insights.

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Essay writing pet peeves

I'm really grumpy this week and everything is ticking me off, but all I can think is how much I hate the writing style of my sixth formers (and I know exactly which department teaches them to write this way)

-This evidences that... ew no what

-To a large extent - no no no at least say to a great extent


Does anyone else get this?

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Home / Essay Samples / Life / Emotion / Pet Peeve

Pet Peeve Essay Examples

Pet peeve: the importance of being considerate and respectful.

As a frequent traveler, one of my biggest pet peeves is people who are oblivious to their surroundings in airports and on airplanes. It seems like there is always at least one person who is completely unaware of their surroundings and how their behavior is...

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