Personal MBA Coach

How to Approach the 2024-2025 Wharton EMBA Essays

Wharton EMBA Essay Guide

The Wharton EMBA application is officially open. The first Wharton EMBA deadline is in October and the second in January.

The Wharton EMBA application includes two required essays and one optional essay. After shortening the word count last year, Wharton has increased the length of essay 1, but otherwise, left the questions unchanged. In what is seemingly an effort to simplify the process for the Wharton admissions committee, Wharton’s EMBA essays and its full-time MBA essays are the same.

If you are considering an Executive MBA, Wharton’s program is among the top EMBA programs in the world. With campuses in Philadelphia and San Francisco, the program offers working professionals the option to choose the location that best meets their needs. Check out our Wharton school page here for more details.

Below, please find the 2024-2025 application deadlines and Personal MBA Coach’s advice on how to tackle the Wharton EMBA application essays along with details about our Executive MBA Packages .

Upcoming Wharton EMBA Application Deadlines:

Round 1: October 14, 2024

Round 2: January 14, 2025

wharton emba essay

Wharton EMBA Essays 2024-2025

Wharton EMBA Essay 1:  What are your career objectives and how will the Wharton MBA Program for Executives contribute to your attainment of this objective? (500 words maximum)

Personal MBA Coach’s Tips: For this first question, we recommend a straightforward response. State your goals clearly and provide some brief perspective on how you arrived at these aspirations. In most cases, candidates should include both a short-term and a long-term goal.

This question does not require you to walk through your entire resume. Instead, focus on your past just enough to establish your key skills as well as how and why you will succeed in the future.

Be specific about how Wharton will help you close your skill gaps and what opportunities you plan to take advantage of on campus. Avoid vague statements and do your research to determine what Wharton specifically will offer you. While you should not include a laundry list, think about classes you are particularly interested in or perhaps professors you are looking to study with. Be sure to show your understanding of Wharton’s culture here as well.

With only 500 words, you will feel limited here so be sure to minimize any filler language.

Wharton EMBA Essay 2:  Taking into consideration your background – personal, professional, and/or academic – how do you plan to make specific, meaningful contributions to the Wharton community? (400 words maximum)

Personal MBA Coach’s Tips: This second essay question is required for both full-time and EMBA applicants. In general, our advice for EMBA applicants mirrors our advice for full-time applicants . Be sure to check out our detailed advice for how to tackle this essay question. Keep in mind that, as an EMBA applicant, you may need to be a bit more creative as you consider ways that you will contribute on campus.

Essay 3 (Optional):  Please use this space to share any additional information about yourself that cannot be found elsewhere in your application and that you would like to share with the Admissions Committee. This space can also be used to address any extenuating circumstances (e.g., unexplained gaps in work experience, choice of recommenders, inconsistent or questionable academic performance, areas of weakness, etc.) that you would like the Admissions Committee to consider. (300 words maximum)

The third optional essay question should be answered only by those with extenuating circumstances. Read more on our approach to  optional essays  here.

Need help with your EMBA applications? Personal MBA Coach is here to guide you with our Executive MBA Admissions Consulting  including essay editing , interview preparation, resume review, and more!

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August 1, 2022

Wharton Executive MBA Essay Tips & Deadlines [2022-2023], Class Profile

Wharton EMBA  2022 23

The Wharton EMBA targets engaged professionals who have an expansive but clear vision for their future career. Further, Wharton seeks students who incorporate social and ethical values in their vision and actions. Wharton is very transparent about one value that it currently esteems: diversity – and hence it asks applicants to address diversity directly.

Wharton Executive MBA application essays

Wharton executive mba essay #1.

What are your career objectives and how will the Wharton MBA Program for Executives contribute to your attainment of this objective? (500 word limit)

An effective (and natural) way to start is to  briefly  introduce your career objectives (your career vision) along with a specific substantiating element such as a statistic, an observation, an experience.

Then get into the nitty-gritty of the path you envision. You might start with your current career situation and move forward detailing your future career plans – in doing so, clarify how each step leads to the next or builds on the previous one, creating an organic flow. Most important, clarify  why  you are pursuing that path ; this “why” is the real objective and animates your goals, elevating them from explanation to human story and engaging vision. Put more detail into the roles you plan immediately post-MBA and the several years following; longer-term goals need less detail, but should reflect your vision at a higher, more macro level.

In discussing how the program will benefit you, describe what skills and knowledge you need for future roles/positions and how the program meets those needs. Don’t just list courses and professors; refer to the structure and special features of the program, detailing how they will support you and your goals. Structurally, there are two basic approaches to this part: (a) weave in the “Why Wharton?” details after each goals phase, or (b) have a separate “Why Wharton?” paragraph containing this entire discussion holistically. You could also mix (a) and (b), adding brief “Why Wharton?” points into the goals discussion and an additional paragraph with more encompassing “Why Wharton?” points.

Check out the rest of our school-specific EMBA application essay tips >>

Wharton Executive MBA essay #2

Research has shown that there is a compelling business case for diversity, equity, and inclusion in organizations. Please respond to one of the following essay options: (500 word limit) 2a.  Provide an example of how you created or advocated for a work environment where differences are valued, encouraged, and supported . What did you do? What was the outcome? 2b.  Describe an experience when you were part of an event/meeting/workplace that involved diverse perspectives. Include your contribution and what you learned. Please take a moment to learn how the University of Pennsylvania endeavors to make everyone feel welcome:  Diversity at Wharton

Do spend some time reviewing the various information and stories at the “Diversity at Wharton” or “ Diversity & Inclusion at Wharton’s EMBA ” links, as it will help guide your topic selection and approach. Note that both 2a and 2b ask for a concrete story or anecdote – actual experience. It’s relatively easy to talk “about” diversity in a buzz-wordy way; the adcom wants evidence of active engagement with the concept. 

To select the question and topic that works best for you – that best supports and enhances your application – look for stories that are not portrayed elsewhere in the application and that show a fresh dimension of you and/or your experience, that are relatively recent, that reflect meaningful impact, and that are consistent with Wharton’s diversity message. For either essay question, I suggest jumping right into the story, narrating the experience with more detail at pivotal points. For question 2b, conclude with a short reflection summarizing what you learned – be specific and avoid bland, generic sounding messages about diversity. For question 2a, you could also add a reflection at the end, if you have a point to express, with the same caveats noted for 2b.

Wharton Executive MBA essay #3 (Optional)

If necessary, you may use this optional essay to explain any extenuating circumstances of which the Admissions Committee should be aware. (300 word limit)

Only use this essay if you need to address extenuating circumstances. That includes issues such as a gap in the resume, a bad grade, not having a supervisor provide a recommendation.

Wharton Executive MBA reapplicant essay

What have you been doing since you previously applied for admission and what impact have your activities had on the clarification of your goals? Include any steps you have taken to enhance your preparation for admission to Wharton. (300 word limit)

Reapplicants must show some growth from the previous application for an effective new application, and this essay allows you to laser focus on that growth and corresponding insight without its complicating the main essays. Ideally you’ll have some worthwhile professional experiences to include in “what you have been doing since you previously applied” – but feel free to include non-work activities as well, as long as they have further clarified your goals in some way. “Any steps… to enhance your preparation” can include things like improving test scores, taking relevant courses, researching goals in some way, enhancing your network, etc.

For expert guidance with your Wharton EMBA application, check out Accepted’s  MBA Application Packages , which include comprehensive guidance from an experienced admissions consultant. We’ve helped hundreds of applicants get accepted to top EMBA and MBA programs and look forward to helping you too!

Wharton EMBA application deadlines for 2022-2023

October 12, 2022
January 18, 2023

Source: Wharton website

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Wharton Executive MBA Class Profile: Class of 2023

Here’s a look at Wharton’s EMBA Class of 2023 (profile info from  Wharton website ):

Wharton EMBA class of 2023 facts and figures

Total class size:  234

Women:  33%

Underrepresented minority students:  16%

Countries represented:  36

Average age:  37

  • Under 30: 5%
  • Over 40: 16%

Average years of work experience:  12

Median GMAT score:  710

Middle 80% GMAT range:  680-750

Students holding advanced degrees:  51%

Median salary and bonus:  $220,500

Sponsored by Employer (>50% financial support):  28%

Industries represented

  • Advertising/PR
  • Aerospace & Defense
  • Agribusiness
  • Automotive & Transportation
  • Biotech/Pharmaceutical
  • Computer Hardware/Electronics
  • Consumer Goods & Retail
  • Diversified Financial Services
  • Energy/Utilities
  • Food & Beverage
  • Government/Military
  • Health Care
  • Internet Services
  • Investment Banking/Brokerage
  • Investment Management
  • Manufacturing
  • Media/Entertainment/Sports
  • Not-for-Profit/Social Enterprise/Impact Investing
  • Pharmaceuticals/Biotech
  • Private Equity/Venture Capital
  • Professional Services
  • Real Estate
  • Technology Services/Computer Software
  • Telecommunications
  • Transportation
  • Travel/Hospitality

Are you considering an EMBA? We have the resources to help you navigate the options and make the right choice for you:

  • EMBA: The Ultimate Guide for Applicants
  • How to Get Accepted to a Top EMBA Program: The Experts Speak , a podcast episode
  • MBA Options: Full-Time MBA vs. Part-Time MBA vs. Executive MBA
  • Essays: How to Make an Impact [Sample Essay]
  • 5 Key Elements for Your Executive MBA Application

Related Resources:

  • Ace the EMBA: Expert Advice for the Rising Executive , a free guide
  • Wharton’s Executive MBA, Where East and West Meet and Mix , a podcast episode

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Wharton emba admissions directors share tips on writing strong essays.

“Take time to be thoughtful and be yourself. We want to really get to know you through these essays,” advised Admissions Director Barbara Craft.

“I have already made this paper too long, for which I must crave pardon, not having now time to make it shorter.”

Applicants to Wharton’s EMBA program can probably relate to this famous Ben Franklin quote. After all, we are asking you to be thoughtful and condense a lot of important information about yourself into three short essays .

The key is taking the time to reflect on the questions. Don’t miss the opportunity to think about how you want to frame your personal and professional experience and how this program can help your future career.

 Philadelphia Admissions Director Diane Sharp advises applicants to start the essay writing process early. “The questions are posted in advance to give you plenty of time to draft and rework answers before submitting your application. We want to see thoughtful essays, and it takes time to figure out what you want to say and how to convey that in the framework of the essays.”

Just as important as giving yourself time is ensuring that the essays reflect the real you. “Being honest in your responses and staying true to who you are as a candidate is essential,” said San Francisco Admissions Director Barbara Craft .

This is when asking a colleague or friend for help is useful. “Have someone who knows you well read your essays and then ask them if the essays sound like you,” she advised.

And ask that same person – or perhaps another friend or colleague – to help proofread your final drafts. “There is no excuse for essays with grammar errors and typos,” said Barbara.

Diane noted that another pitfall to avoid is plagiarism. “The number one reason to deny an application based on an essay is plagiarism,” noted Diane. “We run plagiarism checks on all essays and expect professionalism.”

If you are ready to start your application, here are tips for tackling each specific essay, including one that is new this year.

The First Essay

The first question asks about your career objectives and how this program will help you achieve your goals.

“We want to see that you have thought about your career and how this program will add value. We want to make sure you have done your due diligence both on our program and why it is the right fit for you and your goals,” said Diane.

She added that applicants should focus on where they currently are in their career and what they would do with an MBA. “Your plans may change, but we want to make sure you have been thoughtful about this program and why you want to come here now.”

The Second Essay

The second essay is new to the application this year and relates to diversity and inclusion. Applicants are asked what intentional steps they have taken or would recommend to support an equitable and inclusive environment at work or elsewhere. The prompt suggests that applicants take a moment to learn how the University of Pennsylvania endeavors to make everyone feel welcome: Diversity at Wharton .

Diane said, “Not everyone has the same experiences in this area. Some applicants may choose to write about a personal situation or professional experience. Others may opt to describe a more general way they have made an impact or been an ally in diversity and inclusion. Our students come from a variety of backgrounds and everyone’s perspective adds value and enhances the learning environment.”

Barbara noted, “What is most important is to be authentic and thoughtful about how you embrace diversity and inclusion in your life. There is no perfect answer, and it’s OK if the question makes you realize that you’d like to do more in this area.”

The Third Essay

The final required essay asks applicants to explain how this program will fit into their lives. Applicants need to describe their plan for handling the additional demands on their time, as EMBA students spend approximately 20 hours per week outside of the program studying for class.

“We want to see that you’ve been mindfully planning for this program. That you have talked to your stakeholders and are really thinking about how you will carve out time to dedicate to this program and your personal and professional growth,” said Barbara.

Diane added, “Being enrolled in the program means candidates will need to realign responsibilities, as it requires a substantial commitment of your time and resources.”

The Optional Essay

The optional essay is an opportunity to share information that may be missing in other parts of the application.

Diane explained, “This essay is truly optional. Don’t feel compelled to use this space unless you have something to share that can’t be conveyed in another part of the application, such as circumstances that impacted your undergraduate academic performance.”

The Bottom Line

“The biggest piece of advice for all of the essays is to take time to be thoughtful and be yourself,” said Barbara. “We want to really get to know you through these essays. So, make sure they are in your voice, give strong examples, and tell us about you instead of what you think we want to hear.”

— By Meghan Laska

Posted: October 18, 2021

  • Admissions and Applying

EMBA Program

Wharton MBA Program for Executives

Barbara Craft

Admissions Director Wharton MBA Program for Executives, San Francisco

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Diane Sharp

Admissions Director Wharton MBA Program for Executives, Philadelphia

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Ellin Lolis Consulting

2024-2025 Wharton MBA Essay Tips and Example Essays

Jun 17, 2024

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  • Who is Wharton looking for?
  • How should I answer Wharton essay questions?
  • Get into the Wharton MBA
  • Wharton Deadlines

UPDATE : This article was originally posted on July 10, 2018. It has been updated with new information and tips below.

In 1881, Joseph Wharton started the world’s first collegiate business school. In the more than 100 years since, Wharton has maintained its position as one of the world’s top destinations for talented business professionals. 

With numerous opportunities (many of them overseas) to develop your leadership skills and build relationships with fellow students, Wharton offers a highly challenging yet highly collaborative approach to business education. 

However, with increasing competition to join this innovative, collaboratively-minded university, it’s more difficult than ever to successfully apply to Wharton. 

That’s why we’ve prepared this guide to help you use your Wharton admissions essays to stand out . We’ve rounded up our best tips and links to Wharton MBA sample essays to ensure you give your Haas application your best shot.

1. Who is Wharton looking for?

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“Our mission is to develop leaders who act with a deeper understanding of themselves, their organizations, and their communities, and contribute positively to the growth of each.” Wharton Admissions

As one of the most consistently top-ranked business schools, Wharton has become almost synonymous with elite business education. With a strong focus on innovation and their unique Lauder dual-degree program in international studies and Health Care Major , it’s no surprise that Wharton is at the top of many applicants’ lists of dream schools. 

Each year, Wharton selects just under 900 students from 70 countries to take part in its two-year program. Though there is no one “perfect” type of Wharton student, the university does favor high test scores. The median GMAT for the Class of 2025 was 728 (slightly down from 733 for last year’s class) and the average GRE score was 162 Quant, 162 Verbal.  

Though often called a “finance factory,” Wharton builds a diverse class each year by looking beyond traditional investment banking professionals to fill its class. In fact, the number of Wharton post-MBA graduates breaking into industries like tech has only increased over the past few years. With the launch of Tangen Hall last year, that number is only likely to continue growing. 

Beyond the numbers, Wharton tends to value students who demonstrate a collaborative personality, leadership potential, global mindset, and an ability to think outside the box and innovate. 

If this sounds like a community in which you’d be right at home, you’ll first have to prove you’ve got what it takes by successfully answering Wharton’s admissions essay questions. 

2. How should I answer Wharton essay questions?

2.1. essay 1.

Essay 1: How do you plan to use the Wharton MBA program to help you achieve your future professional goals? You might consider your past experience, short and long-term goals, and resources available at Wharton. (500 words)

Before starting, you might want to review the tips the Wharton admissions committee gives on how to approach the essays. 

In this essay, you have a big task. In around 500 words , you need to discuss:

  • Context for your goals
  • Your specific-post MBA goals and why you are pursuing them at this moment
  • Why you believe an MBA is necessary to reach these goals
  • How a Wharton MBA will help you reach these goals

Each of these elements must be included and must build off of each other. 

First of all, many candidates think they do not need to specifically state their goals, or that it’s better to leave “their options open.” If you are applying to elite business schools, however, you must have and present absolute clarity about your goals. 

TOP TIP : If you’re having trouble figuring out what your post-MBA goals are, we’ve prepared this post to help you decipher this essential part of the application process! 

However, goals without context can be a little confusing to decipher or understand (or they can just seem a bit lackluster). For this reason, we suggest starting your essay with context. 

For example, a client last year initially started his essay by saying: 

“I want to become a Business Development Director at a Brazilian company.”

While interesting, it’s better to give a little bit of context to help these goals come to life. Check out the final version of the same essay’s introduction:

“In the 1970s, the phrase “think global, act local” came into use, suggesting that to have global impact, one must be active locally. With this mindset, I focused my career on Brazilian multinational companies to start creating global change at home. While at Company 1, I led a diverse global team, which showed me that clear communication is essential. I later accepted a finance position at a real estate company where I learned how new technologies can impact traditional local industries and that leaders must adapt to these trends to maintain competitiveness. Most recently, I joined Company 2 to participate in its daring globalization plan. At Company 2, I have learned how challenging it is to formulate effective global strategies to thrive in diverse markets. I have also developed management skills since becoming Financial Coordinator, learning how important establishing a culture of collaboration is to providing stability for organizations.

I now seek to take the next step to becoming a “global” leader by becoming Business Development Director at a Brazilian company pursuing globalization, giving me the experience to assume my long-term goal of CEO of one such company.”

Second, you should clearly demonstrate why you need an MBA. 

An MBA is not a catch-all degree that serves a purpose for all career paths. As such, you need to demonstrate that the goals you have set for yourself require the additional training an MBA can provide. 

Be thoughtful about this particular section. If you don’t need to improve in any meaningful way, you might be presenting the argument the admissions committee needs for why you can’t actually benefit from an MBA. 

Furthermore, if you show fluffy or unsupported reasons you need to hone your skills, you’ll also likely see your application tossed aside in favor of an applicant who was able to clearly demonstrate how they plan to leverage their time at business school. 

Third, add how Kellogg can specifically help you grow in the areas you’ve identified. Mentioning that you want to go to Kellogg because of its ranking will not cut it here. 

Instead, show that you understand the unique offerings Wharton’s curriculum provides (I highly suggest you mention the pathway or major you’re interested in) and have done significant, thoughtful research into how the opportunities both inside and outside of the classroom can help you grow. If you have space, it’s also highly recommended that you mention how you can contribute to the community. 

End with a winning conclusion statement that reinforces your personal brand and ties the whole essay together. 

Need more guidance? 

Our MBA Resource Center has dozens of Wharton MBA essays that worked to get our clients admitted to help you plan out a winning Wharton essay. 

Our library also includes guides for all top global MBA programs, detailed essay brainstorms, interview tips and mocks, CV templates, and recommendation letter guides. Click to join ! 

2.2. Essay 2

Taking into consideration your background – personal, professional, and/or academic – how do you plan to make specific, meaningful contributions to the Wharton community? (400 words)

For this essay, we highly suggest that you focus on multiple examples. In our experience over the years, 3 ways you plan to contribute tends to work best, though we have seen essays with 2 examples and 4 examples work in very special circumstances.  

There are many different ways you can contribute to the Wharton community, so many different stories and “lessons” you can apply at Wharton are valid here.  

For example, if you have worked extensively as part of an international team, highlighting a specific experience where diversity was the key to “winning the day” and showing how you would promote diversity while at Wharton could work very well. 

Or, you might have a specific ability that has proven valuable in analyzing business challenges, might be an outstanding communicator, etc. There really are endless opportunities for this essay. 

When telling your stories, make sure to use the STAR method to ensure you clearly demonstrate what happened, your role in the events, and what you learned. Then, link this lesson to specific resources and opportunities at Wharton, showing how you will improve the overall community. 

To create an amazing essay, stay focused, do your research on Wharton, and choose your examples wisely. Showing you’re a leader and team player who fully understands the Wharton experience and who is prepared to contribute to the Wharton community is the key to success. 

2.3. Reapplicant Essay

Required Essay for All Reapplicants: Please use this space to share with the Admissions Committee how you have reflected [on] and grown since your previous application and discuss any relevant updates to your candidacy (e.g., changes in your professional life, additional coursework, and extracurricular/volunteer engagements). (250 words)

We have written two extensive posts on how to approach reapplying to business school and on how to handle the reapplicant essay . Make sure to check them out!

2.4. Optional Essay

Optional Essay: Please use this space to share any additional information about yourself that cannot be found elsewhere in your application and that you would like to share with the Admissions Committee. This space can also be used to address any extenuating circumstances (e.g., unexplained gaps in work experience, choice of recommenders, inconsistent or questionable academic performance, areas of weakness, etc.) that you would like the Admissions Committee to consider.

As with nearly all elite business schools, Wharton does not want to see a summary of your profile or a restatement of why you want to attend Wharton. 

However, if you have extenuating circumstances that merit additional explanation (a good overview of what kind of circumstances quality can be found here ), make sure to explain them clearly and directly. 

Looking for Wharton MBA essay examples? Check out our real sample essays that got our clients admitted here .

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3. Get into the Wharton MBA

One of the most common mistakes we see in MBA essays is that candidates fail to tell compelling stories . This is important because if your stories are not compelling, they will not be persuasive. At the same time, they must be backed by strong examples that establish a track record of success and prove to the admissions committees why you belong at their school. 

Striking this balance between content and creativity can be tough, however, as succeeding means not only choosing the right stories but ensuring they are told in an optimal manner. 

This is why our iterative developmental feedback process here at Ellin Lolis Consulting helps you mold your message through the application of our storytelling expertise until it reflects exactly what makes your profile stand out and show fit with your target program.   

Not only can you take advantage of our iterative feedback process through multiple edits – you can also benefit from it after a single review! If your budget is tight, our editors will be happy to help polish your text as much as possible and leave “bonus comments” so you can keep working on it on your own!

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No matter how long we work with you, we will always ensure your essays shine . Sign up to work with our team of storytelling experts and get accepted.

4. Wharton Deadlines

The deadlines below apply to the 2024-2025 application cycle. You can start your online application here . 

Wharton Round 1 Deadlines

Application Deadline : September 4, 2024

Interview Notification : October 24, 2024

Decisions Released : December 10, 2024

Wharton Round 2 Deadlines

Application Deadline : January 3, 2025

Interview Notification : February 19, 2025

Decisions Released : April 1, 2025

Wharton Round 3 Deadlines

Application Deadline : April 2, 2025

Interview Notification : April 18, 2025

Decisions Released : May 13, 2025

Wharton Deferred Admissions Deadlines

Application Deadline : April 23, 2025

Interview Notification : May 29, 2025

Decisions Released : July 1, 2025

Real MBA Essays That Got People In

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Wharton Executive MBA: A Step-by-Step Guide to the program


MBA & Beyond Team

16/11/2023 | 9:14 pm

Wharton Executive MBA

We will provide a comprehensive guide on the Wharton Executive MBA program, covering everything from program details, benefits, curriculum, application requirements, fees, deadlines, class profile, sponsorships, interview process, and much more.

But before that, we acknowledge that the process of applying to business school can be overwhelming for many applicants, particularly if you are applying for the first time. Navigating through the vast sea of information in the workforce to find authentic insights can be challenging. We understand your position, which is why you can get our limited number of complimentary profile evaluations each week to make your application strong. Book a 1:1 profile evaluation session with our experts to understand how you can maximize your chances of getting into the Wharton Executive MBA program.

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Here is the Snapshot of the article:

Before jumping into the article, let’s understand the basic difference between EMBA and vs. Full-time MBA.

Why Wharton

wharton emba essay

The best reason to study here is the school’s strong reputation worldwide. But you need more than this to decide, right? So If you aim to acquire business skills, bridge the information gap with a blend of practical and theoretical knowledge, and elevate your leadership and entrepreneurial skills, then the Wharton EMBA program is crafted for you. The faculty, with their extensive years of expertise, will guide you through this journey.

 “The evolution of the Wharton Executive MBA requirements is a reflection of our entrepreneurial spirit and dedication to innovation in educational pedagogy,” said Erika James, dean of the Wharton School.

The curriculum is meticulously crafted to align with the global diversity present among their students. This approach allows them to leverage the varied experiences of their students and equip them for the challenges they will encounter in their professional journeys.

The Benefits of the Wharton Executive MBA Program

You can continue to work

You can parallelly apply your learning to your work

Your personal and professional network builds

EMBA accelerates your career

Build leadership and entrepreneurial skills

Facilitates immersive and diverse environment

Want to pursue an MBA but not sure if your profile fits?

Talk to our Profile Experts to know your chances for a top MBA Program.

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Managing the Productive Core of the Firm: Business Analytics

Business Foundations

You can learn more about the curriculum, visit to the site for more queries and problems.

Suggested Readings

Business Analytics Program

STEM MBA opportunities in the USA

How Can Your MBA LOR Maximize Your Chances at Top B-Schools?

Wharton Executive MBA Application Requirements

Applicants must submit an online application.

The application fee is $275.

The tuition fee is $230,100 for two years.

Sponsorship Letter

Two online Letters of Recommendation

Check out these pages too for more details,

Wharton MBA

Wharton class profile

Wharton eligibilty

Wharton essays

Wharton Interview Questions

Essay Questions

1) What are your career objectives, and how will the Wharton MBA Program for Executives contribute to your attainment of these objectives?

2) Research has presented a compelling business case for diversity, equity, and inclusion in organizations. Please respond to one of the following essay options:

a. Provide an example of how you created or advocated for a work environment where differences are valued, encouraged, and supported. What did you do? What was the outcome?

b. Describe an experience when you were part of an event/meeting/workplace that involved diverse perspectives. Include your contribution and what you learned.

3) If necessary, you may use this optional essay to explain any extenuating circumstances of which the Admissions Committee should be aware.

Test Scores

English Proficiency Test

Unofficial Transcripts

How to Distinguish Yourself in Your MBA Application Essays

How to tackle optional essays in your MBA Application?

Reapplication Process

The school permits applicants to reapply if they had previously applied but were not admitted. In such cases, students need to undergo the application process once again, including submitting essays. It is essential to showcase improvements made since the last application, whether in academic scores, career advancements, involvement in new and exciting projects, increased community engagement, voluntary activities, or undertaking personal challenges.

Reapplication Essay

What have you been doing since you previously applied for admission and what impact have your activities had on the clarification of your goals? Include any steps you have taken to enhance your preparation for admission to Wharton.


EMBA Sponsorship
Application DeadlineInterview InvitationsDecision
1October 14,2024November 18, 2024December 19, 2024
2January 14, 2025February 20, 2025March 27, 2025

Wharton EMBA Interview

We are so sure that with proper guidance, sincerity, and dedication, you will be able to reach this final step. However, there’s a twist; while typical full-time MBA interviews are scheduled upon receiving an invitation, the Wharton EMBA program introduces informal pre-application interviews. These interviews are designed to assist prospective students in gaining insights into the program and evaluating their compatibility. Admissions staff or alumni conduct these interviews on a first-come, first-served basis.

The website allows you to schedule the interview even before starting your application. This way, you can prepare for your interview and build your confidence right from the beginning. Additionally, the program conducts post-application interviews for applicants who have not been rejected in the initial round of decisions. These interviews aim to further assess the fit of an applicant with the program and evaluate their potential for success.

Furthermore, a second round of decisions is determined after the post-application interviews, which may lead to an offer of admission, a waitlist status, or a rejection. Those applicants who find themselves on the waitlist might be reevaluated for admission in subsequent decision-making rounds.

If you want to book a seat at Wharton EMBA Program, in that case, you must channel your energy in the right direction, deep dive into the overall development of your personality, and build skills that are likely to enhance your leadership skills, social impact, innovation, etc. If you want to know some success stories and talk to an expert or alums who have been through this journey and want great insights, then we have something for you. 

Live Event With Admissions Team/Alums of Top B-School 

We have organized a coffee chat with alums and the admissions team of top B-Schools that will prove to be a hallmark for you to learn the strategies we employ to facilitate our applicants in acing their MBA. In addition, this will be a golden opportunity for you to discuss your doubts with an expert and listen to other candidates to know more about your surroundings.

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Wharton Executive MBA Essay Tips 2024-2025


Key insights from EMBA and MBA admissions Expert Dr. Shelle, .

wharton emba essay

The Wharton Executive MBA deadlines for the 2024-2025 admissions season are not far away. Unlike many other top EMBA programs, Wharton only has two EMBA application deadlines. The dates are in October 2024 and January 2025:

Application Deadline : Monday, October 14, 2024 Interview Invites : Monday, November 18, 2024 Decision Release : Thursday, December 19, 2024

Application Deadline : Tuesday, January 14, 2025 Interview Invites : Thursday, February 20, 2025 Decision Release : Thursday, March 27, 2025

Please note that Wharton offers its Executive MBA admissions interviews on an invitation-only basis, so try to prepare an application that will land you one of those coveted interviews!

Wharton is one of the most sought-after Executive MBA programs, given the school’s reputation for offering the gold standard in business training and its network of highly accomplished and influential alumni members.

This year, the Wharton Executive MBA (WEMBA) application has two required essays of 500 words and 400 words each. There is also a third optional essay where you can explain extenuating circumstances that might have caused some adverse effects, like lower-than-ideal grades or a gap in your work history.

With only 900 total words available in your two required WEMBA essays, maximizing the strategic relevance and quality of information you include is extremely important. The 900 words represent “prime real estate.” Such a small amount of essay content also means you should work with your recommendation writer to ensure they include detailed stories about your professional successes, simply because the recommendation offers an important additional way to get such information before the admissions committee. The recommendation has no word limit, so your rec writer has much more space to include those stories than you do (but don’t be tempted to have the recommender write a book!).

As for your essays, what are some great tips for presenting compelling, well-honed responses to the prompts? See some tips below.

Wharton Executive MBA Essays 2024-2025

Essay 1: What are your career objectives and how will the Wharton MBA Program for Executives contribute to your attainment of this objective?  (500-word limit)

Tips from Dr. Shelle and MBA

You should strive to convey to the admissions committee the importance of the work you are doing today and how that work impacts your company. Since you will attend the Wharton Executive MBA program while you continue to work full-time, you should also explain why the timing is right and how you can use what you learn in real time. Articulate your short-term and long-term goals clearly. Make sure your long-term goal helps you stand out.

You should also convey to the admissions committee how you have been preparing for your short-term and long-term career goals over time. What experiences, knowledge, and skills have you gained that lay a great foundation for your future? Conveying this effectively will also help you establish that you have much to contribute to the WEMBA environment and are ready to go to the next level in your career.

Finally, as a key component of this essay, you should explain in detail why Wharton is right for you. You don’t want to provide just general statements that you can cut and paste and send to many other business schools. Statements like, “You have a world-class faculty and talented students,” are okay as long as you go beyond that to show you have researched Wharton in particular and know what it offers. What are some courses that will meet your needs? Mention them. Also, reference other things that attract you, such as the core curriculum, teaching method, and range of students.

Five hundred words will go fast when trying to include so much information. You will need to “pack a punch” into what you write, expressing your ideas powerfully yet concisely to maximize the words available.

Essay 2:  Taking i nto consideration your background – personal, professional, and/or academic – how do you plan to make specific, meaningful contributions to the Wharton community? ( 400-word limit)

This essay prompt invites you to explain how different aspects of your background – personal, professional, and/or academic – will help you be an outstanding contributor to the Wharton EMBA program. You are free to interpret “personal” to include both your personal story/journey and extracurricular activities.

You should avoid making this essay unidimensional, focused only on professional things that make you a stand-out applicant. Rather, you should present a layered response that demonstrates you have multiple types of ways you can contribute. For example, if you are the head of an impactful nonprofit you run outside of work, how can you draw on that work to enrich the Wharton environment? If you helped build a company from the ground up, and it is now receiving Series D funding, how will that experience enable you to enrich learning? If you excelled in college and enhanced debates in class, how will that allow you to be a valued presence in the Wharton classroom? Ideally, use varied types of experiences to convince the admissions committee that you can be a unique and outstanding addition to their WEMBA cohort.

Optional Essay: If necessary, you may use this optional essay to explain any extenuating circumstances of which the Admissions Committee should be aware. ( 300-word limit)

Unlike the full-time MBA Wharton optional essay, the Executive MBA optional essay indicates you should only address extenuating circumstances. It does not invite you to add other information except that it helps to address extenuating circumstances.

For those candidates who need to use this essay, things you might want to explain can include a gap in your work history or undergraduate education, leaving a job after a short tenure, low grades, a low standardized test score, etc. This essay only allows 300 words, which is very short. That is your hint that you should get straight to the point, acknowledge the area of concern, and then provide information that might help the admissions committee give you some leeway as they consider the area of concern.

For candidates addressing a low GPA, we have provided in this separate blog some factors the admissions committee often finds reasonable for explaining a poor GPA:

New Video Short Release: "How To Overcome a Low GPA:

Extenuating circumstances, part 1 of 4".

New Release: "Is an Executive MBA Worth It? ROI: Skills"

Do you need assistance with your applications? Feel free to reach out to Dr. Shelle at [email protected].

Enjoy our popular executive mba webinars, "emba return on investment" webinar , presented in the gmat club youtube channel -- 8500+ views.

"Applying for an EMBA: 8 Mistakes to Avoid" Webinar , presented in the GMAT Club YouTube Channel -- 8000+ views!

About Dr. Shelle and MBA


MBA was established in 2001 by Dr. Shelle Leanne, a graduate of Harvard and Oxford who has experience with Harvard admissions and served in Stanford University’s Office of the President. Dr. Shelle, who has over 30 years of admissions advising experience, works one-to-one with clients. She is an accomplished writer whose works have been translated into 25 languages worldwide, and she has previous work experience with McKinsey & Company and Morgan Stanley. Her clients rave about her services and impact. Each year, nearly 95% of her clients receive scholarships, totaling over $10 million last year.

More about Dr. Shelle here:

Dr. Shelle (Shelly Leanne) President, MBA http:// Email: [email protected] ­ ­­


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20 Great MBA Application Essay Samples (With Links)

With elite business schools like Harvard and Stanford boasting acceptance rates as low as 10% and 6% respectively, every aspect of your application counts. While GPA and GMAT scores matter, your essay can be a game-changer. Recognizing its weight, we’ve gathered top-notch MBA essay samples, endorsed by admission committees from premier institutions. Dive in and let’s craft that standout application!

What is an MBA Application Essay?

What admission committee look for in an mba essay.

If you want to learn more, here is the complete guide on how admission committees process MBA applications.

20 Great MBA Applications Essays Samples

Sample 1: leadership-focused mba application essay, sample 2: self-focused mba application essay .

If you are asked to write about your strengths, weaknesses, aims, and goals in your application essay, this sample will help you. The applicant who wrote this got accepted to the INSEAD business school. It doesn’t merely describe her strengths and weaknesses, but it presents a complete picture of herself as a person. It highlighted the events and incidents that shaped her personality.

Sample 3: Life-hardships-focused MBA application essay

Sample 4: continuous growth and learning-focused mba application essay, sample 5: best mba application essay for low scorers, sample 6: a guitarist’s application essay for the mba program, sample 7: an engineer’s essay for mba application, sample 8: harvard business school mba essay, sample 9: wharton business school mba essay, sample 10: columbia business school mba essay.

The Columbia Business School’s admission committee shared this MBA essay. They explained why the applicant who wrote this was instantly accepted to the program and why they appreciated its content.

Sample 11: Stanford Graduate School of Business MBA essay

This essay was written by a candidate who got accepted to Stanford Business School for an MBA. If you are aiming to get your MBA at Stanford, this sample will give you a deep understanding of what convinces the esteemed school’s admission committee to accept applicants into their fold.

Sample 12: University of California Business School MBA essay

This sample was taken from a pool of successful MBA application essays submitted to the University of California business school. Read it carefully and analyze its structure, words, and substance before you compose your own fantastic MBA essay.

Sample 13: University of OXFORD business school MBA essay

Sample 14: london business school mba essay.

This essay was written by a candidate who got accepted to the London Business School. The school’s admission consultant shared this sample as a reference to other MBA aspirants. This piece will specifically help you understand the tone, writing style, formatting, and overall flow of the MBA application essay that meets the school’s standards.

Sample 15: A goal-oriented MBA application essay

Sometimes the MBA admission portal may demand an essay specifically focused on your future goals. In such a case, you must be very sure about yourself and must convey your goals and future directions based on your experiences and planning. Check out this sample to get an idea of how a successful candidate writes about personal goals.

Sample 16: Executive MBA essay

Sample 17: mba video essay.

Many business schools are turning to video-based essays for MBA applications. A video-based essay is a better option to express yourself directly to the admission committee. A successful candidate for the Kellogg School of Management submitted this sample. Listen to the video and appreciate how beautifully the applicant has explained his journey from beginning to end. Want to learn more about video MBA essays? Here is a complete guide.

Sample 18: Short-answer-based MBA application essay

Some business schools require candidates to respond to short questions to get insights into their personalities and suitability for the MBA program. More or less, most of the questions revolve around the same theme. The key to success is to grasp the intention of the admission committee behind the questions and to stick to your identity . These successful answers submitted to the Tepper School of Business will help you in formulating your answers.

Sample 19: MIT Sloan School of Management

Sample 20:  michigan ross school of business mba program, what should be included in the mba application essay.

These are the significant components of an MBA essay. Just adjust the sequence, play with words, and come up with a persuasive yet realistic picture of yourself.

What Makes a Great MBA Application Essay?

Do you want more tips? Here is a complete guide to writing a compelling MBA application essay.

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How to Write and Format an MBA Essay

Create a strong essay for your MBA application

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What Is an MBA Essay?

The term MBA essay is often used interchangeably with MBA application essay or MBA admissions essay. This type of essay is submitted as part of the MBA admissions process and is usually used to provide support for other application components like transcripts, recommendation letters, standardized test scores, and resumes.

Why You Need to Write an Essay

Admissions committees sort through a lot of applications in each round of the admissions process. Unfortunately, there are only so many places that can be filled in a single MBA class so a vast majority of the candidates who apply will be turned away. This is especially true of top MBA programs that receive thousands of applicants each school year.

Many of the applicants who apply to business school are qualified MBA candidates —they have the grades, the test scores, and the work experience needed to contribute to and succeed in an MBA program. Admissions committees need something beyond a GPA or test scores to differentiate applicants and determine who is a good fit for the program and who is not. This is where the MBA essay comes into play. Your MBA essay tells the admissions committee who you are and helps to set you apart from other applicants.

Why You Don't Need to Write an Essay

Not every business school requires an MBA essay as part of the admissions process. For some schools, the essay is optional or not required at all. If the business school does not request an essay, then you don’t need to write one. If the business school says the essay is optional, then you should DEFINITELY write one. Don't let the opportunity to differentiate yourself from other applicants pass you by.

MBA Essay Length

Some business schools put strict requirements on the length of MBA application essays. For example, they may ask applicants to write a one-page essay, a two-page essay, or a 1,000-word essay. If there is a desired word count for your essay, it is very important to adhere to it. If you are supposed to write a one-page essay, don't turn in a two-page essay or an essay that is only a half-page long. Follow instructions.

If there is not a stated word count or page count requirement, you have a little more flexibility when it comes to length, but you should still limit the length of your essay. Short essays are typically better than a long essay. Aim for a short, five-paragraph essay . If you can't say everything you want to say in a short essay, you should at least stay below three pages. Remember, admissions committees read thousands of essays - they don't have time to read memoirs. A short essay demonstrates that you can express yourself clearly and concisely.

Basic Formatting Tips

There are some basic formatting tips that you should follow for every MBA essay. For example, it is important to set the margins so that you have some white space around the text. A one-inch margin on each side and on the top and bottom is typically good practice. Using a font that is easy to read is also important. Obviously, a silly font like Comic Sans should be avoided. Fonts like Times New Roman or Georgia are typically easy to read, but some of the letters so have funny tails and embellishments that are unnecessary. A no-frills font like Arial or Calibri is usually your best option.

Formatting a Five Paragraph Essay

Many essays - whether they are application essays or not - utilize a five-paragraph format. This means that the content of the essay is split into five separate paragraphs:

  • One introductory paragraph
  • Three body paragraphs
  • One concluding paragraph 

Each paragraph should be about three to seven sentences long. If possible try to create a uniform size for the paragraphs. For example, you don't want to start with a three-sentence introductory paragraph and then follow up with an eight-sentence paragraph, a two sentence paragraph and then a four-sentence paragraph. It is also important to use strong transition words that help the reader move from sentence to sentence and paragraph to paragraph. Cohesion is key if you want to write a strong, clear essay.

The introductory paragraph should start with a hook - something that captures the reader's interest. Think about the books you like to read. How do they start? What grabbed you on the first page? Your essay isn't fiction, but the same principle applies here. Your introductory paragraph should also feature some sort of thesis statement , so the topic of your essay is clear.

The body paragraphs should contain details, facts, and evidence that support the theme or thesis statement introduced in the first paragraph. These paragraphs are important because they make up the meat of your essay. Don't skimp on information but be judicious - make every sentence, and even every word, count. If you write something that doesn't support that main theme or point of your essay, take it out. 

The concluding paragraph of your MBA essay should be just that - a conclusion. Wrap up what you are saying and reiterate your main points. Do not present new evidence or points in this section. 

Printing and Emailing Your Essay

If you are printing out your essay and submitting it as part of a paper-based application, you should print the essay out on plain white paper. Do not use colored paper, patterned paper, etc. You should also avoid colored ink, glitter, or any other embellishments designed to make your essay stand out. 

If you are emailing your essay, follow all of the instructions. If the business school requested it to be emailed with other application components, you should do that. Do not email the essay separately unless you are instructed to do so - it could get in someone's inbox. Finally, be sure to use the correct file format. For example, if the business school requested a DOC, that is what you should send. 

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wharton emba essay

Our Global Cohort

The first blended learning option offered by Wharton’s MBA Program for Executives

Welcome to the

Global MBA for Executives

at The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania

Experience community and a world-class education wherever you are with Wharton’s new Global cohort in our MBA Program for Executives. Offering a blended learning schedule that provides the convenience of virtual courses with the intentionality of in-person residential weeks, the new Global cohort ensures maximum accessibility and strong student relationships.

Taught live by wharton’s esteemed faculty, you attend synchronous and virtual classes every other weekend. students operate around their work schedules and family life to participate from various time zones., in addition to your online sessions, there are eight in-person residencies over the course of the program, occurring on our philadelphia and san francisco campuses, as well as other locations around the globe. click here to explore an example of what your executive weekend as a global cohort member might entail. , join the global cohort.

Wharton’s Global cohort is seeking high-achieving professionals across multiple continents. Ideal candidates have a minimum of eight years of full-time and post-undergraduate work experience, and a minimum of five years of managerial experience. Global students come with a diversity of backgrounds through their lived experiences from various countries around the world.

Transforming Learning With Wharton’s WAVE Classroom

As a member of the Global cohort, you and your peers will dive into online and synchronous classes taught in real-time by world-class Wharton professors. 

Fresh Perspectives from Wharton’s Global Cohort

Hear from members of the program’s Global cohort, who landed on Wharton’s Philadelphia campus for EMBA’s Orientation Week. 

Your Executive MBA Roadmap

Immediately build relationships with your fellow Executive MBA cohorts during Orientation Week, which kicks off all three programs at an in-person residential week on the University of Pennsylvania’s campus in Philadelphia. After Orientation, embark on 22 months of rigorous learning in a collaborative environment. All three cohorts experience the same intensive and cross-functional curriculum.

Call out image saying Orientation Week

Begin with business and leadership fundamentals as well as the analytical and communication skills that are foundational to your success. In your second year, choose strategic electives to broaden your experience and hone your expertise as you continue to expand your scope of knowledge.

Call out image saying 22 month program

Your experience is divided into six terms over the course of just under two years. Each of the three Executive programs offers 700 hours of active learning, including the opportunity to travel abroad on one of Wharton’s Global Business Weeks. Attendance on two Global Modular Courses is required for those enrolled in the Global program, while it is optional for those in the Philadelphia and San Francisco cohorts.

Call out image saying 700 ours of active learning

Wharton’s MBA Program for Executives is designed to keep you engaged while you learn, from core courses to global learning opportunities and 200+ electives to choose from. Your new knowledge is practical enough to apply immediately to your current professional role as you plan for the future.

Call out image saying Join the Largest B-

Classroom learning is supported by leadership workshops, career sessions, and powerful insights from a series of renowned guest speakers. And, when you graduate, you will join one of the most active and successful alumni networks of business leaders in the world.

Choose Your Executive MBA Journey

Earn the same Wharton MBA degree as full-time students while you work. Talented professionals may join our  Philadelphia ,  San Francisco , or our  new   Global cohort .


Embrace the classic Ivy League experience when you travel to the University of Pennsylvania’s iconic campus.

San Francisco

Travel to Wharton’s West Coast campus,  strategically located in San Francisco's Embarcadero neighborhood

Designed for remote study using state-of-the-art technology that allows you to learn, thrive, and build community regardless of where you’re based.

Same MBA Degree, Same Global Network

Compare the MBA Program for Executives to the Full-time MBA

FAQs: Wharton’s Global Cohort

What time are the classes?

Global cohort courses are taught by Wharton faculty live from the Philadelphia campus, located in the Eastern Time Zone (U.S.A.). Depending on where you live, the time of the classes may vary.

Find below a sample class schedule illustrating the time and duration Global cohort members would typically expect to experience in the program’s virtual class sessions, representative of a student who is based within the United States Eastern Time Zone.

Thursday 7:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. ET Live virtual class session
Friday 7:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. ET Live virtual class session
Saturday 7:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. ET Live virtual class session

Better explore the logistics of the Global student experience by perusing the Global Cohort Class of 2025 Academic Calendar, which better describes the cadence of the synchronous and virtual class sessions that the Global cohort experiences every-other-week.

Why do I need a sponsorship letter if the program is 75% virtual?

Most class sessions are held virtually for members of the Global cohort; even so, your employer should be fully aware of the time commitment required by Wharton’s MBA Program for Executives. Your regular classroom experience will be set in a virtual and synchronous setting (find a brief overview on the WAVE Classroom above this FAQ section) that is already optimized for real-time interactions between Wharton professors and their students. Barring sickness or emergencies, attendance is required.

D epending on the time zone determined by your geographic location, there is a possibility of your class schedule also overlapping with your regular working hours. Particularly for members of the Global cohort, it is vital to set aside time to ensure that your class sessions will proceed without interruption. Outside of the active learning time spent in virtual class sessions, also expect to spend several hours per week on assigned readings, class projects, assignments, and more.

Your employer should also be aware of the program’s other attendance requirements, including your attendance at each of the program’s eight extended in-person class sessions; special Wharton weekends, held on select Thursday – Saturdays throughout your experience. Hosted mostly on Wharton’s historic Philadelphia campus, these extended sessions are curated to forge deeper ties with your future alma mater, to carve space for you to dive fully into the depths of your coursework, and strengthen your bonds with your cohort. Remember to remain present and engaged throughout the forty-hour-long span of extended weekend.

Can I apply to the Global cohort if I live in the U.S.?

Yes, the Global cohort accepts applications from all over the world, including the United States. You may consider addressing within the application why you are not applying to the San Francisco or Philadelphia cohorts, especially if you are within driving distance from a campus.

If I live in the United States, is my likelihood for admission into to the Global cohort lower?

We are looking for a geographically diverse Global cohort class with students from all over the world, including the United States. The Global cohort is a strong option for those who live in remote areas and from where it would be very difficult to get to the Philadelphia or San Francisco campuses. It’s also an option for those who travel frequently for work or who work for international companies.

If they can travel to San Francisco or Philadelphia by car, train, or plane — within a reasonable amount of time — we advise that prospective EMBA students first consider the San Francisco or Philadelphia cohorts.

Is the Global cohort curriculum focused on international business?

The curriculum for the Global cohort is identical to that of the Philadelphia and San Francisco cohorts and the full-time Wharton MBA Program. Students complete the core curriculum in the first year of the program. In the second year, students choose from 200+ electives to tailor the curriculum to their interests.  There are components built into the Global curriculum that emphasize the realities of doing business internationally. Global students are required to take two Global Modular Courses , which are optional electives for students in the Philadelphia and San Francisco cohorts.

If I miss a class session, can I access a recording?

Like many in-person Wharton EMBA class sessions, Global cohort class sessions are recorded. However, it is not encouraged to miss a class session for reasons other than sickness or emergencies. Absence and class recording policies may vary by faculty member.

Is the tuition the same for the Global cohort?

Yes, tuition for all three Wharton MBA Program for Executives cohorts is the same. Tuition covers fees and room and board for all required in-person class sessions. Transportation to and from in-person class sessions is not included.

Is the Global cohort a fully online program?

The Global cohort’s classroom format is 75% virtual and 25% in person. Over the 22-month program, students attend biweekly virtual, synchronous class sessions. These are supplemented by eight in-person extended class sessions, each lasting about 5-7 days.

Are there scholarships available for the Global cohort?

All admitted students are considered for Wharton Fellowship support. Criteria for selection of awards may include academic achievement, compelling leadership, exceptional professional development, and unique personal qualities. There is no formal fellowship application, and notification of fellowship support is included with the admission decision.

Will Wharton help me acquire a student visa for the in-person class visits?

Yes, we will provide the necessary documentation required for your visa application process. We encourage prospective students to begin researching the visa process early, as it can sometimes take several months to complete. Please contact Penn’s International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS) for more information regarding visas.

How do students in the Global cohort interact with students in the Philadelphia and San Francisco cohorts? Do all three cohorts ever overlap?

In the second year of the program, WEMBA students have the option to take courses or terms in other WEMBA cohorts, pending the availability of space and faculty approval.

We consider the three cohorts that enter each May as one class. Everyone starts on the University of Pennsylvania campus for a week of orientation and classes. The Global students stay an extra five days to further connect with each other before beginning their virtual class sessions. During Term 5, all three cohorts participate in the required Global Business Week course. There will be four or five options, with a mix of Global, Philadelphia, and San Francisco cohort students in each. The Global Modular Courses also include students from all three executive MBA cohorts, as well as full-time MBA students, and potentially advanced undergraduate students.

For Applying Students

We’ve gathered everything you need for a seamless application process, including:

Application Deadlines and Timeline What You Need to Apply Managing the Application Process Visit Wharton Apply or Check Your Application Status

A Survival Guide For Your First Term in Wharton’s MBA Program for Executives

For california students.

Please read information from the California Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education (BPPE)

Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to all of your questions for an Executive MBA at Wharton.

Have questions about joining the MBA Program for Executives?

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  1. How to Approach the 2020-2021 Wharton EMBA Essays

    wharton emba essay

  2. Wharton EMBA Application Essay Tips

    wharton emba essay

  3. Wharton Executive MBA Essay Tips & Deadlines [2022-2023], Class Profile

    wharton emba essay

  4. Wharton School of Business MBA Essay Examples for 2023

    wharton emba essay

  5. Wharton Executive MBA Essay Tips & Deadlines

    wharton emba essay

  6. Wharton MBA Essay Tips and Deadlines for 2022

    wharton emba essay


  1. How to write Wharton MBA reapplicant Essay From Former Director of #mbaadmissions at #wharton

  2. Personal MBA Coach's Wharton Essay 2 Advice

  3. Wharton Executive MBA Career Management

  4. Top Tips on Writing the Wharton MBA Essays 2023-2024

  5. Wharton MBA for Executives San Francisco Graduation Ceremony 2016

  6. IELTS Writing Task 2: Opinion essay (5)| Language Barriers


  1. Wharton EMBA Application, Admission Requirements

    Application Process, Admission Requirements for Wharton's MBA Program for Executives. We work closely with candidates during the Wharton Executive MBA application process to ensure they are well-prepared for an MBA and fit well within this collaborative and rigorous academic environment. The application for the class entering in 2025 is open.

  2. The Logical Approach to Writing an Admissions EMBA Essay

    Dr. Ehab Hanna's Logical Approach to the Wharton EMBA Essay. The essay questions help you reflect on where you are and where you want to go. They help you identify the reasons for coming to this program. When Dr. Ehab Hanna, WG'18, was working on his application to Wharton's MBA Program for Executives, he spent a lot of time thinking ...

  3. How to Approach the 2024-2025 Wharton EMBA Essays

    Check out our Wharton school page here for more details. Below, please find the 2024-2025 application deadlines and Personal MBA Coach's advice on how to tackle the Wharton EMBA application essays along with details about our Executive MBA Packages. Upcoming Wharton EMBA Application Deadlines: Round 1: October 14, 2024. Round 2: January 14, 2025

  4. Wharton EMBA Admissions Director Shares Tips on Writing Strong Essays

    Wharton MBA Program for Executives Director of Admissions Barbara Craft advises applicants to start the essay writing process early. "The questions are posted in advance to give you plenty of time to draft and rework answers before submitting your application," said Barbara. "We want to see thoughtful essays, and it takes time to figure ...

  5. How to Approach the 2023-2024 Wharton EMBA Essays

    The Wharton EMBA application is officially open. The first Wharton EMBA deadline is in October and the second in January. The Wharton EMBA application includes two required essays and one optional essay. Wharton has shortened both essay questions this year. In addition, the second Wharton EMBA essay now matches the full-time essay question.

  6. Wharton Executive MBA Essay Tips & Deadlines [2022-2023], Class Profile

    Wharton Executive MBA essay #3 (Optional) If necessary, you may use this optional essay to explain any extenuating circumstances of which the Admissions Committee should be aware. (300 word limit) Only use this essay if you need to address extenuating circumstances. That includes issues such as a gap in the resume, a bad grade, not having a ...

  7. Wharton EMBA Admissions Directors Share Tips on Writing Strong Essays

    Applicants to Wharton's EMBA program can probably relate to this famous Ben Franklin quote. After all, ... The optional essay is an opportunity to share information that may be missing in other parts of the application. Diane explained, "This essay is truly optional. Don't feel compelled to use this space unless you have something to ...

  8. How To Approach The 2021-2022 Wharton EMBA Essays

    Below, please find this year's 2021-2022 application deadlines along with Personal MBA Coach's advice on how to tackle the Wharton EMBA application essays along with details about our Executive MBA Packages. Wharton Upcoming EMBA Application Deadlines: Round 1: December 8, 2021. Round 2: February 9, 2022. Wharton 2021-2022 EMBA Application ...

  9. The Wharton Executive MBA Program

    The Value of an Executive MBA. World-renowned brand. Largest business-school faculty. Comprehensive curriculum: 200+ electives and 5 majors. Immersive experience: residential with 700+ contact hours, 6 terms of study. International study: 14 Global Modular Courses, 5 destinations for Global Business Week.

  10. Wharton Essay Tips : r/eMBA

    Beware of a ready-fire-aim approach - first do the research needed. Find out if a Wharton EMBA would open the door to the job you want through informational interviews with hiring managers, and mention this in the essay. For example, based on <insert information> you learned through your conversation with Mr or Ms.

  11. MBA Application Requirements: How to Apply

    Transcripts. To apply for the Wharton MBA program, applicants must have completed an undergraduate program in an accredited U.S. college or its equivalent in another country. You must upload transcripts from all undergraduate and graduate academic programs that you attended. You may upload unofficial transcripts or self-report grades using our ...

  12. Wharton Essay Examples & Tips, 2024-2025

    The Wharton School Essay Tips and Examples. As a pair, the prompts for the two required application essays for the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania essentially ask candidates to describe a kind of give-and-take with respect to their engagement with the MBA program. For Essay 1, you must discuss what Wharton can do for you, and ...

  13. 2024-2025 Wharton MBA Essay Tips and Example Essays

    To create an amazing essay, stay focused, do your research on Wharton, and choose your examples wisely. Showing you're a leader and team player who fully understands the Wharton experience and who is prepared to contribute to the Wharton community is the key to success. 2.3. Reapplicant Essay.

  14. EMBA Application Deadlines & Timeline

    Tuesday, January 14, 2025. Thursday, February 20, 2025. Thursday, March 27, 2025. Applications are due by 5:00 p.m. ET the day of the deadline. Your application must be complete and submitted by the deadline to be considered. International applicants are strongly encouraged to apply in Round 1 to allow time for visa processing.

  15. Wharton Executive MBA: A Step-by-Step Guide to the program

    Wharton Executive MBA: A Step-by-Step Guide to the program. MBA & Beyond Team. 16/11/2023 | 9:14 pm. We will provide a comprehensive guide on the Wharton Executive MBA program, covering everything from program details, benefits, curriculum, application requirements, fees, deadlines, class profile, sponsorships, interview process, and much more.

  16. Wharton Executive MBA Essay Tips 2024-2025

    Optional Essay: If necessary, you may use this optional essay to explain any extenuating circumstances of which the Admissions Committee should be aware. (300-word limit) Tips from Dr. Shelle and MBA Unlike the full-time MBA Wharton optional essay, the Executive MBA optional essay indicates you should only address extenuating ...

  17. Everything You Need to Know about the Wharton Executive MBA

    Wharton Executive MBA Essays. If you've previously looked into Wharton's MBA program application requirements, you'll notice that the requirements for the Wharton EMBA essays are different. The essays required in the EMBA application have some overlap with the questions asked for admission to the MBA, but there are a few additional essays ...

  18. 20 Great MBA Application Essay Samples (With Links)

    EMBA essay requires you to show strong potential, impact, leadership, and the ultimate need for the program. Read this essay if EMBA is on your horizon. Sample 17: MBA video essay. Many business schools are turning to video-based essays for MBA applications. A video-based essay is a better option to express yourself directly to the admission ...

  19. Wharton MBA Essays & Analysis 2024-2025

    As you work on your Wharton MBA essays and application, we encourage you to consider all of Clear Admit's offerings: Last updated June 3, 2024. Clear Admit's Essay Topic Analysis provides detailed advice on how to tackle the Wharton MBA essays for the 2024-2025 admissions season.

  20. Monisha Sharma on Reasons to Come to Wharton's EMBA Program

    We are all driven to work hard to leave a lasting legacy. Monisha Sharma, WG'15, came to Wharton to learn how to lead businesses into change. As head of business development at Credit Karma, we asked Monisha to tell us more about her career goals and experiences in Wharton's executive MBA program. Here's what she said:

  21. How to Write and Format an MBA Essay

    There are some basic formatting tips that you should follow for every MBA essay. For example, it is important to set the margins so that you have some white space around the text. A one-inch margin on each side and on the top and bottom is typically good practice. Using a font that is easy to read is also important.

  22. FAQ

    The Wharton MBA Program for Executives: FAQs. From admissions and financial aid to academics and student experience, find answers to your questions about Wharton's MBA Program for Executives below. Executive MBA Admission Process & Qualifications. Student Experience. Curriculum and Academics.

  23. Global [Campus]

    Wharton's MBA Program for Executives is designed to keep you engaged while you learn, from core courses to global learning opportunities and 200+ electives to choose from. Your new knowledge is practical enough to apply immediately to your current professional role as you plan for the future. Classroom learning is supported by leadership ...