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The Big Book Project

The Big Book Project

Agribusiness Training & Startup Tools

How To Start A Poultry Farm Business In The Philippines (2021)

Last updated on May 11, 2021 by Temi Cole 1 Comment

Free Range Poultry Farm in the Philippines

This is a very DETAILED tutorial for how to start a poultry farm in The Philippines in 2021.

In this new tutorial you’ll learn, step-by-step, how to:

  • Decide if it will be profitable
  • Calculate necessary capital
  • Choose: egg vs. meat
  • Build the best house
  • Optimize production
  • Keep your flock healthy
  • Find buyers for your product

This guide is just for you.

Contents 1. Market Research FAO Agricultural Outlook 2019 -2028 Example Philippines Poultry Farmer Success Story PSA – Philippines Statistics Authority Industry press Philippines poultry journalist contact Philippines poultry farming groups Philippines chicken trends Philippines Poultry Consumption Philippines Poultry Production Philippines Import duties Philippines poultry value chain Major poultry farms in the Philippines Good husbandry practices for Philippines poultry farmers Poultry farming advice in social media 2. Choose your model 3. Choose your market 4. Find out what consumers want 5. Get long term customers 6. Get trade sales 7. Sell direct to the public 8. Direct selling 9. Proximity to market 10. Poultry houses in the Philippines 12. Poultry farm operational layout and design in the Philippines 13. Registering your poultry farm business 14. Training 15. Type 17. Rearing system 18. Yield & performance 19. Production modelling 20. Secondary income streams 21. Estimating cost 22. Labour 23. Pricing and value proposition 24. Marketing 25. Estimating sales and breakeven 26. Funding 27. Growth and diversification 28. Advice Now, over to you…

1. market research, the philippines poultry industry status.

Your first step is reading up on the status of the poultry industry in the Philippines.

First stop, getting your hands on the official industry statistics.

(This is why I wrote this article )

Philippines Poultry Farming

Philippines: Poultry Farming Industry Statistics (Updated for 2021)

I plan on updating it 4 times each year with EVEN more useful market data…

…all in an effort to help you grow your poultry farm business.

For up-to-date news, views and commercial issues in the Philippines poultry world,

This archive of articles will help you learn quickly:


FAO Agricultural Outlook 2019 -2028

The UN Food and Agriculture Organisation produce a global report on farming.

farm business plan in philippines

Write Your Poultry Business Plan - in Just 90 Mins!

Poultry Project Reporter 2.0 - fastest way to write your project report online.

It looks forward about 10 years and will give you an idea of what the expert view is on future trends.

See how the Philippines’ poultry trade lines up with other Asian economies…

“ Production of eggs, pork and poultry is projected to expand annually by 1.3% in Paraguay, 2.1% in Peru, and 1.9% in Viet Nam, 2.2% in Indonesia and 2.0% in the Philippines .” “[Increasing meat production – ] Philippines and Viet Nam – due to rapidly increasing domestic demand “

OECD-FAO Agricultrual Outlook 2019 – 2028

Example Philippines Poultry Farmer Success Story

Isn’t it great when people a few steps ahead take the time to share (and give back)?

Looking no further than these two examples, we prove that it is possible for non-farmers succeed, starting from scratch.

Meet Emerson Siscar , IT professional turned proprietor of Batangas Free Range Chicken …

farmer holding chicken in front of his face

Photo credit: © Gregg Yan


And, introducing Dwight Tamayo – career nurse and now, poultry farmer and social media mogul:

Masbate poultry farmer is also an internet influencer

PSA – Philippines Statistics Authority

The Philippines Statistics Authority (PSA) is the official office of national statistics for the Philippines.

Their job is to “… collect, compile, analyse and publish statistical information on economic, social, demographic, political affairs and general affairs   of the people of the Philippines .” ( Source )

And, yes – they have ALL the agri data too, of course, this includes poultry and eggs.

farm business plan in philippines

( Philippines Statistics Authority )

You’ll find their website here: https://psa.gov.ph/

They also have a Twitter account, which is an ideal method for being first when they release something new:

Visit the PSA Twitter profile (click here)

Industry press

The Philippines poultry industry is widely covered by the press.

And this presents a treasure trove of information and insight on what’s current and what’s hot…


Philippines poultry journalist contact

An advanced tip for digging deep on who has the latest and greatest scoop on things poultry in the Philippines, 

Try what I call: Meet A Journo .

It’s three-step and it can lead to golden PR opportunities for your poultry farming business.

  • Find a quality, high-profile poultry farming article on the Philippines.
  • Take note of the journalist who authored the piece.
  • Search for their Twitter account by typing: ‘ [journalist’s name] Twitter ‘ into Google.

Get notified every time they publish something new.

(Plus, get their attention by sharing with them something they might value.)

For example,

  • This article on free range chicken farming in the Philippines was published on The Poultry Site
  • It was written by Gregg Yan , an environmentalist who used to lead communications for the World Wildlife Fund.
  • https://twitter.com/greggyan1?lang=en

Philippines poultry farming groups

There are quite a few QUALITY agribusiness advice groups for the Philippines online…and Facebook is the primary source.

Farming and Agribusiness Philippines Facebook Group

Many of them have a poultry category. Yet, quite a few are actually specialist poultry groups.

Here’s how you find them easily – 

Type this into Google Search:

intitle:’farming’ inurl:’facebook’ inurl:’groups’ philippines

Sign-up and give them a try.

Pro tip : before deciding whether its worth joining any particular group, Here are some features to look out for to help you choose: Access:  Public or private About page group description Group history i.e. name and identity changes Activity: number of members and posts today Group rules Once you’ve been briefed of these, you’ll know if a group holds value for you. n.b. ALWAYS go for a group with lots of recent activity, so you don’t waste time posting into thin air.

Philippines chicken trends

Staying on trend in business always give you lots of room for grwoth.

Knowing what your customers want today and (are likely to want) tomorrow helps you keep your business in demand.

Want a way of finding out what poultry trends in the Philippines are taking off?

Use Google Trends .

It works very similarly to Google Search, you type in a phrase like:

‘ Chicken ‘

…and Google Trends literally tells you what’s trending in search right NOW.

Searches for Rhode Island Red chicken breed in the Philippines have gone up by 250% over the last 12 months.

Philippines Poultry Consumption

Poultry consumption is the demand for your farm’s supply.

Que: “ How much chicken meat is eaten in the Philippines each year? “

Ans: “ As of January 2020, almost two million metric tons of chicken meat was consumed in the Philippines [within the previous 12 months]. ” ( Source )

“…thanks, but I have on more question…”

Que: “ How many eggs are eaten in the Philippines? “

Ans: “ Egg consumption per capita reached 4.58 kg in 2018 in Philippines , according to Faostat. ” ( Source )

Pro tip : the consumption of poultry produce (eggs and chicken meat) per country is quoted as per capita . In other words, how much of each food is eaten by each person on average . This is calculated by dividing the overall volume of food by the number of residents.

Philippines Poultry Production

As you can probably imagine,

The Philippines already produces a MASSIVE amount of chicken and eggs.

Statistics have it that “ …the total volume of chicken production in [the Philippines during] 2019 was 1.93 million metric tons , liveweight. “

But don’t be discouraged,

In business, there is always room for improvement.

The are just so many different types of consumers out there…

…that you can never have enough producers.

This article on AgFishTech Portal, called Chicken Production – has a really useful list of common poultry breeds in the Philippines:


Philippines Import duties

As a soon-to-be poultry farmer in the Philippines, the news is…

…you’ve got internal competition, AND…

…foreign import competition too.

Recently, Quezon Rep. of the House Committee on Agriculture and Food – Mark Enverga, was quoted as saying:

“The poultry producers [in the Philippines] deserve to be heard and be assured that the government is doing its share to combat the problem arising from high levels of importation of poultry’s products, while we are experiencing an oversupply of broilers in the market, he added.” ( Source )

The Philippines (just like any country) has its own internal Government targets and policies on imports.

Import duties or tariffs are often used as a means of artificially loading the costs of imported goods…to favour homegrown produce, by price benefit .

farm business plan in philippines

Read The Poultry Business - Like Never Before!

Chicken Snippets Newsletter - deep poultry analysis to sharpen your acumen, by email.

Here’s a couple of recent USEFUL articles to help you learn this topic:



Philippines poultry value chain

Markets move by value.

Raw materials and inputs are harvested refined and honed to suit market demand and tastes.

It all happens step-by-step by a chain of events.

Diagram of Organic Chicken Value Chain in the Philippines

Each contributor within the chain does ‘their bit’ to make the product that little bit more ready for consumption.

Critical to becoming a most valued participant in the chain…

…is knowing your place PLUS who exists both upstream and downstream of your farm.

Articles like this one will get you thinking collaboratively :

PH’s egg processing capital demonstrates innovation in the value chain approach
Pro tip : type this into Google Search for more info on the people that make ‘poultry’ tick in the Philippines: ‘Philippines value chain’

Major poultry farms in the Philippines

When researching the marketplace for your poultry farming business plan ,

It’s worth taking a good look at your market leaders for tips on success.

Analysing WHAT they do really well, HOW they do it and WHY…

…then consider how you could make that work for you.

Here’s a Dun & Bradstreet list of some of the biggest and best in the industry:


Good husbandry practices for Philippines poultry farmers

Handling your flock well properly to better performance.

Birds are sensitive and respond favourably to the right care.

Whilst there is a universally accepted approach to poultry farming, each country has its own unique challenges.

Because of this, governments write their own best practice standards on raising chicken for eggs or meat.

Here are the Philippines’ national standards for broiler and layer husbandry (best practices)…

Download Now:


Poultry farming advice in social media

Social media is a rich source of peer-to-peer advice.

Often what we need when we start new ventures is ‘an experienced viewpoint’ – to get us on the right rack.

This is where social listening comes in.

(The art of picking up the conversational thread on social media.)

And by far online the no.1 ‘most valuable’ place to listen in for poultry farming peer-led advice for the Philippines is:

Reddit. (Here are some useful threads to get you started.)

Take this one – Poultry farming with tunnel ventilated houses (quite an advanced level topic):

Poultry farming with Tunnel Ventilated houses from phinvest

This is a classic poultry farming start-up enquiry from a beginner:

Question sa mga businessman from Philippines

Here, the discussion is about a growing social trend of farm owners selling up in the Philippines :

Why are Filipinos leaving the farms? from Philippines

Domestic farmers team up to appeal Governmental favour towards imported chicken:

Groups buck gov’t move to import chicken from Philippines

And finally, a question related to becoming a contract broiler grower in the Philippines :

The Chicken Business – Contract Growing from Philippines
Pro-tip : to find more of these useful threads type this phrase into Google Search: ‘poultry farming reddit inurl:’philippines’

2. Choose your model

Your first decision is choosing your business model.

What style of poultry enterprise do you want to have?

They all have their appeal, in a way, but the choice is definitely one of preference.

Here’s my list:


farm business plan in philippines

Master The Poultry Business - Like a Pro!

Poultry Courses Online - most actionable and interactive online poultry course.

Go it alone – truly a DIY approach to starting a poultry business.

High risk/reward .

You take all the risk, but then again you don’t share any profits either (maximum reward). 

Pros – sovereignty to make your own decisions, greater earnings…

Cons – nothing ready-made for you, time and money spent ‘working things out’ already solved by established operators…

Join forces with other producers to magnify bargaining power in your market.

Benefit from shared economies of scale and efficiencies that would be otherwise lost as an independent.

Pros – lean on founders for the benefit of their experience and expertise, lower input costs

Cons – joint venture weaknesses, your produce in tied u pin forward obligations with the Co-Op 

Contract Poultry

Sign up to serve a ready-made poultry outfit that will supply your farm with optimal input,

As well as, buy 100% of your stock at the point of fulfilment.

Pros – everything but keeping the chickens is done for you

Cons – it’s not your business…your farm is really ‘owned’ by them (what they say goes), tournament pricing

Joint Venture Poultry

Innovative and works to mutual strengths.

One business feeds another one just where they both need it the most.

Pros – more focus on what you do best, shared collaborative insights

Cons – very fragile because success depends a lot on strategic alignment, can be costly to duplicate communications

You buy the license to trade under the name of an existing and established poultry brand.

They provide you with reputational headstarts and a tried business model.

Pro – they give you a winning formula, lose no time dreaming up a brand etc.

Cons – still require HUGE effort to make ‘their way’ succeed for you, large capital outlay to recoup from ‘go’

Buy a poultry farm in the Philippines

Take on a going concern as is and steer it into increasing rounds of profit.

Pros – business is already trading, has some trading footprint already

Cons – can be VERY difficult to see if it is actually making money, independent valuation

3. Choose your market

Finding your niche in the poultry market is critical.

The goal is:

Moving away from the price wars of commodity trade,

And fitting in where your customers don’t care about price but want to award you with their vote of confidence.

How is it done?

Discover the need.

Investigate the crux problems of poultry buyers in A-Z scenarios and make a plan to serve the need.

This is PROFITABLE business planning.

This article talks of such an UNTAPPED poultry demand in the Philippines:

“There is a big potential niche market for native chickens that is waiting to be tapped. We were talking with a consultant of a big chain of restaurants and he was bewailing the difficulty in sourcing native chickens that are more or less uniform in size and meat quality.”  ( Source )

Which brings us on to…

4. Find out what consumers want

The key to starting a successful poultry business in the Philippines (or anywhere) is:

Finding out what customers want.

farm business plan in philippines

Advance Your Poultry Project - Into Maximum Profits!

Advanced Poultry Pickup - hands-on, 1-to-1 poultry business consultancy - anywhere.

This drives transactions.

Customers pay for having their problem solved.

They don’t pay for ‘good’ or even ‘great’ products and services.

They want their itch scratched.

Get researching today.

Any store selling free range chicken and eggs? from Philippines
Pro-tip : I can’t say it enough – Reddit is a gold mine of customer research and insider tips. Join r/Philippines .

5. Get long term customers

Customer lifetime value is BIG in marketing right now –

And the good news is that it is totally relevant to selling eggs and chicken meat in the Philippines.

The concept is really simple.

Going the long run with customers take more effort PLUS you need to invent genuine reasons to return,

BUT if type of relationship marketing is achieved, it equals MASSIVE ROI.

Just think it through:

The average citizen of the Philippines eats 13.7 kilograms per year, So a family of 4 (2 adults and 2 children) might eat ~40kg of chicken per year (…or 20 chicken per year / just under 2 a month / i.e. 1 chicken every 2 weeks). At recent 2020 prices (Php 74.05 per kg), You would make Php. 2,962.00 revenue in a year from one household alone. @ a net profit margin of, say, 18% = you would earn… Php. 533.16 in take-home pay from that family alone in a year. On the flipside, Marketing for the short term gain of getting 10 new customers might win you: 10x Php.148.10 = Php.1481.00 in the 1st time sale (selling 2kg birds). @ 18% net profit = Php.266.58 take-home pay. So, the profit of KEEPING one household engaged to buy from you consistently for a year is: 100% more rewarding than getting 10 new customers. FACT.

6. Get trade sales

Selling to business buyers has an appeal for poultry farmers. 

  • Large volume transactions.
  • Repeat business.
  • Consistent cash flow.

But what does a trade buyer look like?

And does a new farmer really have a chance at attracting them?

This article, on Smallholdings for Sale, “ How To Make a Profit Selling Produce To Restaurants From a Smallholding “

Reveals the results of a survey taken of 383 expert chefs across America.

They were asked various questions about their local produce buying habits.

One of the most encouraging take-home points was this:

When asked,

What is your preferred source of locally grown produce?

Here’s what they said…

farm business plan in philippines

81% of respondents said, “Direct from a farmer.”

Even more of a green light was this response to the question,

What would encourage you to increase the variety of locally produced purchases?

farm business plan in philippines

As competitive as the US agricultural produce market is, 

Roughly 1/3rd of the chefs said, they wished there to be more producers and growers to buy from.

7. Sell direct to the public

As well as trade sales, your poultry farm will benefit from a backbone of sales to households.

This article:

5 Qualities To Copy From Top Selling Produce At Farmers Markets – is packed with MANY practical and actionable pointers to take away for selling produce to the public successfully.

8. Direct selling

Direct selling is an art – and a very profitable one too.

It gives you a way of approaching people 1-to-1 and selling them that deal that they need and that you want.

In involves many of the least liked sales related activities, like:

  • scripted phone-based cold calling
  • writing sales letters
  • door knocking

…which is really difficult to get right if you don’t know how.

BUT if you do, it can single handedly grow you a very viable poultry farming business.

So valuable is this skill,

That I recently decided to write up a 6,012 word Ultimate Guide to Direct Selling for Poultry Farmers for my premium newsletter subscribers.

It’s a step-by-step blueprint that led to me making 6-figure client revenues in my commercial sales career.

You can read my guide here .

9. Proximity to market

A big part of selling successfully is being available and consistent.

In other words, 

Not just on ‘market day’ either, 

But throughout the week.

However, not without an invitation of course.

As I said before, to close sales successfully you need to establish genuine reasons to return.

And having them, USE every one of them to maximize profit.

Go to market.

Poultry Market

10. Poultry houses in the Philippines

Here is a couple of examples of poultry housing in the Philippines to help you visualise your own:

Brown&Free Eggville – Manolo Fortich, Bukidnon, Philippines

Free Range Poultry House in the Philippines

Bulacan Nueva Ecija Tarlac Farm Fresh Eggs – Riverside St., Bulihan, Malolos City, Bulacan (10,959.13 km) 3000 Malolos, Philippines

Concrete Poultry House in the Philippines

12. Poultry farm operational layout and design in the Philippines

To really understand the poultry business – you’ve really got to see it in action.

So, no better than a handful of videos to help you get the picture.

Here are my choice of VIDEOS showcasing poultry farms in the Philippines and the people that run them:

A day in the life of a poultry vet in a commercial, controlled-environment broiler farm in the Philippines:

A detailed presentation about the layer poultry business start-up by Dwight Tamayo (an experienced cage layer farmer in the Philippines):

An agribusiness introduction to free-range chicken farming in the Philippines:

A ‘how to manage native chicken in the Philippines’ tutorial:

Dwight again, showing you what he does every day as a layer egg farmer in the Philippines:

13. Registering your poultry farm business

Your poultry farming business will need licensing and registration with various Philippines governmental departments including the DA.

Here is a very neat summary of the types of official paperwork you will need:

How to Start a Poultry Farm Business

Also, there are government incentives that poultry farmers can register to benefit from like this one:

Selected farmers receive native breed, free-range chickens and feed from the DA: “This after the Department of Agriculture (DA) in Central Visayas delivered and turned over to each of the farmers’ organizations some 50 pullets (young hen) and 10 cockerels (young rooster) of upgraded free-range chickens with two sacks of feeds under the Expanded Livestock and Poultry Production and Livelihood Project…”  Offering your household more food security and additional income : “In a statement on Friday, Dr. Zeam Voltaire Amper, DA-7 livestock program coordinator, said that this project would enable the farmer-household beneficiaries to produce their own food and have the opportunity to raise additional income for their families.”

14. Training

The humble agricultural bulletin is one of the oldest, yet GOLDEN, methods of learning farming.

Extension services like this one:

US DA Farmers’ Bulletins

…date back to 1889 and are STILL some of the most detailed farmer training manuals around.

There are many poultry examples, like:

Backyard Poultry Keeping

Are a great introduction to farming poultry on a small scale.

Pro-tip : for next level poultry business training & tools (AND to learn the most profitable strategies) – subscribe to receive my weekly, premium email newsletters & PDFs .

Deciding on the type of poultry business to run can be difficult as a beginner .

Becoming familiar with “…what kind of farms exist and for what reasons…” grows your confidence to make the right choice.

Here’s a quick list to help you on your way:

  • holds pure stock for the purpose of breeding specific lines of bird to meet commercial demand.
  • hatches select breeds of birds and sell either eggs or day-old chicks to farmers.
  • raises day-old chicks through a variety of ages and sell live birds to farmers.
  • rears specialist egg-laying birds, either from day-old chick or 16-18 week old (Point of Lay, PoL) for optimal performance i.e. most, high-quality eggs at a profit, and sells them 
  • grows table meat birds taken from day-old chick up until they reach a marketable weight, usually 6-7 weeks, hence 45 days chicken – and sold 
  • buys eggs wholesale from farmers and packages them for resale
  • buys poultry farming equipment like feeders and drinkers from manufacturers and sells them on
  • arranges deals to supply business buyers with wholesale eggs or chicken meat and takes a commission for his sales effort
  • takes bear grain and other ingredients and mills them to produce poultry farm feed rations for layer and broiler farms
  • Native breeds : breed local birds and selling to niche buyers

Local chicken breeds can be very profitable to raise.

You can find some restaurant clients willing to pay premium prices for the right product.

This is a comprehensive guide to the most popular native breeds of chicken in the Philippines :


17. Rearing system

There are four main styles of poultry farm rearing in the Philippines:

Organic – chickens are raised on ample enough grounds to run this  

Free poultry – birds openly graze and forage out in the open all-day 

Deep litter – birds grow on the litter covered floor of the poultry house and stay indoor most (of all) of the time

Cages – birds grow or lay eggs whilst in cages throughout their entire lifetime on the farm

For a thorough breakdown of the pros vs. cons of poultry rearing systems , I recommend this post:

“ How To Select a Good Poultry Housing System ” 

18. Yield & performance

This is where the gears of your poultry business start to grind.

The yield metrics of poultry farming are all based on the performance of the individual bird .

Once you know what the capacity of each bird is – you then know what your business can do.

It sets a physical ceiling.

So, here are YOUR NUMBERS (I highly recommend you memorise them):

Broiler yield

Typically, commercial broiler meat chicken like the Cobb 500 strain :

  • take 6 weeks to reach the marketable weight and size
  • their weight at this age is approximately 2.952 kg
  • consumes 5.348 kg of feed throughout the 6-7 week period
  • 68.8% of the broiler’s carcass results in saleable meat (the rest is by-product)
  • have an average mortality rate of 5%

Layer egg yield

Commercial egg-laying chicken like the HyLine Commercial Brown :

  • become unprofitable at 72 weeks of age (after which they become spent )
  • begin laying eggs at 18 weeks of age
  • hit peak egg production of 92% hen-day egg production at about 22 weeks of age
  • lay about 360 eggs each in their 72-week commercial laying cycle
  • have a 92% survival rate throughout the rearing cycle
  • peak egg weight during 72-week production is 65.5 g

19. Production modelling

Beyond the performance capacity of the individual bird, 

Your profits in poultry farming rest in engineering the optimal poultry production model .

What is this?

It’s basically taking the capacity of each bird and multiplying it until you get your desired output of eggs or meat.

Mathematical problem solving (with financial management accounting).

For example,  When you buy a new batch of day-old layer chicks, They need to be raised for 17 weeks before you can expect your 1st egg.  Also, when a flock reaches 72 weeks of age they get culled . In both cases, if this was your only flock – your business would have a pause in cash flow … …whilst you wait for your new replacement flock to become productive i.e. 17 weeks. What’s the answer to keeping your cash flow consistent? Adopt a multiple-flock production model. Pro-tip : I recommend subscribing to my premium email newsletter series (subscribers only), called Poultry Project Reporter. (I publish every email as a PDF version in the archive.) These are emails are the most deteiled deep dive analysis of common layer and broiler production systems. Including profit calculations and investment projections – like in the screenshot above. Subscribe here .

20. Secondary income streams

Your main income as a poultry farmer will be earned either from meat or egg sales.

However, there is plenty of side income potential too.

Layer farmers can also earn from selling:

  • manure for fertiliser
  • spent hens 
  • used feed bags (hessian)

Broiler farmers can also earn from selling:

  • by-products e.g. feathers, blood, head, feet etc.

You can make, perhaps 10-12% of your primary poultry income in these kinds of supplementary sales.

21. Estimating cost

Accurate estimation of cost requires supplier quotes.

As it goes, suppliers are often shy (by nature) of publishing pricelists in the public domain.

You only have to look for poultry feed prices for the Philippines and you’ll see what I mean.

Rare sources like this video share footage of some real pricing for poultry feed, for example.

Aside from this, I came across a rare feed price list published by an agent,

A bit dated – but valuable for getting an idea of how feed pricing work (especially volume discounts):

Poultry Feed List Price for BMEG in the Philippines

Poultry farming can be a very lean business model when it comes to labour.

Many families in the Philippines work the farm themselves with the help of the household.

A backyard poultry business plan like this one shows just how feasible it is to start small and grow with only household labour.

Beyond this, larger commercial operations require employed staff too.

Poultry stockmen are the industry staple. 

They are the eyes, ears, hands and feet of the operation…

…making sure every ounce of input gets converted into optimal output.

23. Pricing and value proposition

Don’t get sucked into thinking the cheapest chicken or eggs on the market attract the most sales.

It’s not so,

With a greater demonstration of value, price becomes of lesser importance (always) in buseinss.

People don’t mind paying more – when they see what is on offer being far in excess of the value of the cost.

This quote from an organic free-range farmer in the Philippines , says it all:

“Organic free-range chicken meat is a premium item, but production must always comply with strict standards,” explains Emer. “Feeds can’t contain animal protein so we make a special mixture of corn, soy and vegetable pellets. We don’t use antibiotics or growth hormones, so our brown broilers take a longer time to reach a live weight of 1.5kg to 2kg – about 75 days compared to the 28-day-old chickens produced by factory farms. Still, our chickens retail for much more – up to 400 pesos or US$8 per kilogram compared with around 120 pesos or $2.5 for non-organic chicken, so the extra time, effort and love we give them pays dividends. ( Source )

24. Marketing

There are so many different ways to market your poultry products.

The internet is awash with so many practical guides to this.

Here’s what I did, I got…

Marketing strategy ( a step-by-step blueprint for marketing success ),

Is the winning touch that every small business needs. Your poultry farm included.

The principles in this premium email newsletter are PROVEN for setting your poultry business to lead its market.

Build your winning marketing strategy today.

25. Estimating sales and breakeven

I recently wrote a series of detailed sales and profit analyses using Poultry Project Reporter software .

Having searched far and wide online – I can safely say there is nothing quite like the depth they go into.

I published them to help start-up poultry farmers understand…

…how to plan a PROFITABLE poultry business.

In the series, I illustrate in which week you can expect common broiler production models to start making a profit :

farm business plan in philippines

And also, when the overall break-even ROI point occurs :

farm business plan in philippines

(*Don’t let the currency put you off – the principles behind the examples are universal to any country.)

If you are planning a poultry farming business right now, I highly recommend downloading the PDF version of the series now.

You’ll find the broiler farm version here , AND the layer farming one here .

26. Funding

Funding enables the start-up process.

However, contrary to what most people think – getting finance is not mandatory.

Debt from finance is harmful to profits and growth.

It puts you at a deficit from day one…giving you a much steeper mountain to climb ahead.

A question, I often get asked by my email subscribers is:

“ Is it possible to start my poultry project as a backyard operation and scale it without borrowing ? “

Here’s my answer every time:

“Poultry Farming Loan – Unmissable Reasons Why You Don’t Need One!”

27. Growth and diversification

Once you hit a formula that works for you in business – the natural next steps are:

Grow and/or diversify.

In other words,

The experience gained from your early years of trade will be invaluable for giving you a good sense of direction.

But with any type of change in business strategy always factor in the COST .

  • Time to research
  • Money in invest
  • Losses whilst finding your feet

Yes, upscaling your operation can make sense if you see a profitable opening ,

But being realistic about the cost will help you make better decisions.

Expert poultry business advice can make all the difference to the quality of your future earnings.

But detailed, yet affordable poultry advice can be quite hard to come by.

This is why I launched my premium subscription services earlier this year,

They include: 

  • poultry business planning templates
  • egg & chicken production calculations
  • PDF sample plans and data
  • premium newsletters

So, if you are thinking of starting a poultry farm , or have one already and want to grow your profits :

I recommend you subscribe today . 

I developed and released a web-based software for helping you write a winning poultry project proposal :

Poultry Project Reporter …

…it’s fastest and most flexible way to build your winning layer or broiler proposal.

It auto-calculates all your financial projections – without you doing any maths.

And, it helps you build profit scenarios to work out the most financially rewarding strategy for your business .

I recommend you use if you are planning your poultry business now.

Get the software here .

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February 11, 2022 at 3:57 am

This is very informative, I want to start my poultry business soon in the Philippines.

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A Beginner's Guide to Starting a Poultry Business in the Philippines

A Beginner’s Guide to Starting a Poultry Business in the Philippines

The poultry industry plays a crucial role in the Philippines’ economy, providing a significant source of livelihood and food for its citizens. Demand for poultry products has steadily grown nationwide, providing entrepreneurs with an attractive opportunity to enter this sector.

Starting a poultry business provides many advantages, from low startup costs and fast returns on investment to scaleability. With the proper knowledge and strategies, starting a poultry business in the Philippines can be a profitable and satisfying venture. We will assist beginner poultry entrepreneurs on how to start a poultry enterprise, from understanding farming to managing and marketing products. This article provides basic steps to starting a poultry business in the Philippines.

Table of Contents

Understanding poultry farming, what is a poultry farm.

If you are considering starting a poultry farming business in the Philippines, it is essential to understand what exactly poultry farming entails. Poultry farming involves breeding, raising, and managing domesticated birds such as chickens, ducks, turkeys and geese for their meat, eggs and feathers.

Poultry farming is a complex industry requiring knowledge in areas like animal husbandry, nutrition, biosecurity and disease control. For its success, poultry farming demands careful planning, effective management and attention to every detail.

Philippine poultry farming has become an extremely profitable agricultural enterprise due to the high demand for poultry products within the nation’s economy, creating employment opportunities and income sources for many Filipinos.

Different Types of Poultry Farming

There are different types of poultry farming in the Philippines that you can start. Here are a few:

Free-range Farming

Free-range farming refers to raising birds in natural environments where they can roam freely and look for food on their own. This technique is popular among small-scale farmers and is known for producing top-quality meat and eggs.

Organic Farming

Organic farming is a form of farming that uses natural and organic methods to produce high-quality poultry products. Organic farmers generally avoid synthetic pesticides, antibiotics and genetically modified feeds to produce these high-demand items for sale to health-conscious customers.

Commercial Farming

Commercial farming refers to intensive production systems designed to maximize output and profit, using highly controlled environments and state-of-the-art equipment to achieve high productivity levels. Large-scale poultry companies commonly utilize this approach.

Backyard Farming

Backyard farming is the practice of conducting small-scale poultry farming within residential environments. This form of agriculture is common in rural regions and allows families to produce meat and eggs for personal consumption or sale at local markets.

Specialty Farming

Specialty farming is the practice of raising poultry tailored explicitly for specific markets, such as heritage breeds, game birds or quail. Such specialty poultry products often command higher prices due to their distinct taste and rarity.

Key Factors to Consider Before Starting a Poultry Farm

Before starting a poultry farm, there are several key factors to consider:

Type of Poultry Farming

First, determine which form of poultry farming best matches your goals, budget, and resources. Consider the types mentioned above of poultry farming as part of this decision-making process.

Location of the Poultry Farm

When selecting a site for poultry farming, consider the availability of land and water supplies and accessibility to markets and suppliers. Make sure it suits the farm’s purpose and is accessible to your target market.

Size of the Poultry Farm

Determine the size, type, and number of birds you can comfortably raise on your farm. Consider factors like space, labor costs, and resources when selecting the size of your farm.

Cost of Inputs

Calculate the costs associated with feed, equipment and labor as well as any necessary inputs such as vaccines or medicines before setting the price for your poultry products. Be sure to consider production costs when setting prices.

Legal Requirements

Become familiarised with the legal requirements for setting up and operating a poultry farm in the Philippines. Obtain any necessary permits and licenses, and adhere to government regulations regarding biosecurity, animal welfare, and environmental protection.

Market Demand

Assess the demand for poultry products in your target market and the potential profitability. Conduct market research to ascertain consumer preferences, trends and competition.

Before beginning a poultry farm in the Philippines, you can make informed decisions and increase the chance of success in this industry by considering these key elements.

Starting a Poultry Farm in the Philippines

Once you understand the basics of poultry farming and have carefully considered all key considerations, it’s time to start planning your farm. Here, we provide a step-by-step guide to establishing one in the Philippines.

Step 1: Attend Training and Seminars on Poultry Farming

Before establishing a poultry farm in the Philippines, it is crucial to acquire knowledge and expertise on raising healthy birds while managing a successful poultry farm. Therefore, attend training or seminar on poultry farming for expert insight on breeds, housing options, feeding needs, disease prevention techniques and management practices, which will enable you to make more informed decisions when starting and running a successful operation. However, if you have enough knowledge about poultry farming, you can skip this step and move on to the next one.

Step 2: Choose a Suitable Location for the Poultry Farm

Consider factors such as availability of land, accessibility, water supply, and environmental conditions when locating your poultry farm. It must also be accessible to target markets.

Step 3: Obtain Necessary Permits and Licenses

Before establishing a poultry farm, all necessary permits and licenses from government agencies must be secured. This may include the following.

  • Business Registration – To ensure the legality and legitimacy of your poultry business, registration with either the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) or the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) should occur as soon as possible.
  • Mayor’s Permit / Sanitary Permit – To comply with local health and safety regulations, and your poultry farm requires a permit from its local government unit (LGU). A Mayor’s Permit or Sanitary Permit from your LGU should ensure compliance.
  • Barangay Clearance – You should obtain a Barangay Clearance from the barangay where your poultry farm is situated to ensure compliance with local laws and regulations. This document ensures your business complies with them.
  • Tax Identification Number, SSS, Pagibig, Philhealth for Hiring Employees – When Hiring Employees for your poultry farm, registering it with the Bureau of Internal Revenue and providing employees with Social Security System benefits is mandatory. Therefore, you should obtain your Tax Identification Number from them before beginning operations to comply with government requirements while also offering benefits to employees.
  • Permit for Construction – Before starting construction on your poultry farm, obtaining a building permit from the LGU (local government unit) where your poultry farm is situated is important in ensuring its construction complies with building code standards.
  • Environmental Clearance – To operate legally and sustainably, poultry farms require an Environmental Compliance Certificate from the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR). This document verifies that your operation does not compromise environmental laws and regulations.
  • Animal Health Certification – To maintain compliance with animal health standards and avoid disease outbreaks and pest infestation, poultry farmers need a Veterinary Health Certificate from the Bureau of Animal Industry (BAI). This document verifies that their farm is free from parasites, disease, and pests and meets health standards for poultry farming operations

Noting the specific requirements and procedures of obtaining permits and licenses vary based on your location and the size of your poultry farm, it’s advisable to contact any relevant government agencies in your area to ensure you comply with all regulations.

Step 4: Identify Target Markets and Customers

Determine your target markets and customers and demand for poultry products, then conduct market research to ascertain consumer preferences, trends, and competition.

Step 5: Determine the Type and Size of Your Poultry Farm

Determine the type of poultry farming that best matches your goals, resources and budget. Consider factors like space requirements, labor requirements and available resources when establishing the size and scope of your farm.

Step 6: Purchase Necessary Equipment and Supplies

Get all the equipment and supplies needed for a poultry farm, such as housing, feeding and watering systems, incubators and vaccines.

Step 7: Hire Employees (if necessary)

As part of managing a poultry farm successfully, hiring employees such as farmhands, veterinarians, and administrative staff may prove essential.

Starting a poultry farm business in the Philippines can be profitable and fulfilling, provided you follow these steps and exert enough work and effort into it. By following them and investing your best effort into them, your chances of success in this field can increase substantially.

Managing a Poultry Farm in the Philippines

Once your poultry farm has been established, effective management is crucial to its success. Here are some best practices for poultry farming in the Philippines:

Raising Healthy Birds

Healthy birds are vital to running an effective poultry farm. Please make sure they’re free from disease and parasites, access clean water sources, and are properly ventilated.

Feed and Nutrition Management

Proper nutrition is crucial to your birds’ growth and well-being, so ensure they receive an appropriately balanced diet, including all essential nutrients.

Disease Prevention and Control

To ensure the success of your poultry farm, biosecurity measures should be implemented to thwart disease transmission and entry.

Flies Control Methods for Poultry Farms

Flies are a severe nuisance on poultry farms, so effective fly control methods such as using fly traps, maintaining proper sanitation practices, and keeping surrounding areas free of debris are necessary to combat their presence.

Implementing these best practices will ensure your poultry farm runs efficiently and your birds remain healthy and productive.

Costs of Starting a Poultry Farm in the Philippines

Starting a poultry farm involves a significant investment, so all expenses associated with setting one up in the Philippines must be clearly understood. Here is an outline of the costs involved with starting one:

Equipment costs will depend on the size and type of poultry farm you run, such as incubators, brooders, feeders, waterers and nest boxes that will be needed.

The cost of land can depend on its location and size and any special considerations such as drainage. When selecting your plot of land, it must be easily accessible, with good drainage that does not lead to pollution issues, as this will ultimately be less costly overall.

The labor cost will depend on how many employees you need. For example, you will require workers for cleaning, feeding and monitoring the health of your birds.

Apart from equipment, land and labor expenses, it would be best to consider the expenses related to securing all necessary permits and licenses. While processing costs for such documents may differ depending on your local government unit’s regulations, here are some of the more frequently required licenses and their estimated costs:

  • Barangay: ₱200
  • City/Municipality: ₱530
  • Regional: ₱1,030
  • National: ₱2,030
  • Mayor’s Permit / Sanitary Permit – around PHP 500 to PHP 5,000
  • Tax Identification Number (TIN), Social Security System (SSS), Pag-IBIG, and PhilHealth for hiring employees – varies depending on the number of employees and salary bracket

To save money when starting up a poultry farm, here are a few essential tips:

  • Start Small  – To minimize initial startup costs and expand gradually as your business develops, begin with only a handful of birds and gradually add more over time. 
  • Purchase Used Equipment  – Consider purchasing used equipment instead of new ones to save money.
  • Negotiate Prices  – When purchasing supplies and equipment, negotiate prices with suppliers for the best deals.

By carefully planning and budgeting, you can minimize the costs of starting a poultry farm and ensure the long-term profitability of your business.

Marketing Your Poultry Products

Once your poultry farm has been established and your products produced, the next step should be marketing them. Here are some essential steps:

Identifying Potential Buyers

To effectively target your market and understand their needs and preferences. Your target buyers could include supermarkets, wet markets, restaurants, hotels or households as potential clients.

Creating a Brand Identity for Your Poultry Business

When creating a brand identity for your poultry business, create a name, logo and tagline that accurately represent its products – this helps your business stand out and establishes brand recognition.

Setting Prices for Your Products

When setting prices for poultry products, consider production costs, market demand and competitors’ prices. Then, be sure to set reasonable and profitable prices.

Developing Marketing Strategies to Promote Your Poultry Products

To reach your target market, employ various strategies like social media, advertising and promotions, as well as participating in trade shows and events to showcase your products and network with potential buyers.

Marketing is an integral component of business, and it’s crucial that businesses continually assess and adapt their strategies to remain competitive in the marketplace.

Starting a poultry business in the Philippines can be highly profitable if done right. As noted in this beginner’s guide, there are various key considerations when starting a poultry farm, including attending training and seminars, obtaining necessary licenses and permits and identifying target markets and customers.

Managing a farm is crucial to raising healthy birds, avoiding disease outbreaks and controlling flies. Furthermore, an effective marketing plan will allow your products to gain more exposure while establishing brand recognition within your business.

Establishing a poultry farm may come with associated expenses, but you can save money through smart investments, government programs, and subsidies. With careful planning and hard work, new entrepreneurs can enter this thriving industry in the Philippines and reap its many rewards.

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  • Semua Berita

6 Agriculture Business in the Philippines Samples and Tips

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What comes to your mind when you hear about the “agriculture business”? Nowadays, many people might dream of starting a startup business in the fintech field or marketplace, but do you know that the agriculture business in the Philippines is a good money maker and also profitable?

Ditch the stereotype of farmers being old school and making no penny because that’s completely untrue. Given the fact that The Philippines is one of the countries with lots of natural resources, the growth and development of agribusiness in the Philippines are very promising and play a significant role in the nation’s economy in general. 

If you are thinking of starting a business and haven’t got any plan of which field to start, you can consider the agriculture business, and if you happen to be interested to know more about the agriculture business, this article is the perfect fit for you. So, enjoy your reading!

6 List of Agriculture Businesses in the Philippines

The agriculture business often involves the deal with livestock and plant life including being able to cultivate and maintain lands for better produce before providing the result for people. Agribusiness, a field of business where entrepreneurs purchase, negotiate and sell farm products with farmers for more profit is not only crucial for the growth of the Philippines economy but also a great source to make money.

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Moreover, in these modern days, lots of people become more conscious about healthy lifestyles especially when we have to deal with the pandemic. Many people start to balance out their diet by adding vegetables and fruits to their daily menu, increasing the market demand for fresh products. Here are some agriculture business ideas which predicted to keep growing for the next 10 years:

farm business plan in philippines

Do you know that the banana has been one of the top-grossing fruit in the Q3 of 2021? Aside from being a top-grossing product, banana has also become one of the easiest to maintain with a short planting to harvesting period, making the circulation of cash spin faster and making a profit at a decent speed.

farm business plan in philippines

One of the most crucial ingredients in Filipino cooking. Some reported that the average Filipino is estimated to consume about 1.9 kilograms of onion annually. These crops are also easy to grow. You will only need about 100 to 175 days for the plant to be ready for harvest. 

farm business plan in philippines

If you think 100 to 175 days of harvest time is quite long and wish to do a quicker farming business, you can consider planting garlic. Aside from being another ingredient that is a staple for Philippines food, garlic only needs 40 days before you can harvest and sell it out.

Herbs and Spices

farm business plan in philippines

The pandemic era gave more people a chance to stay home and prepare food on their own. In 2021, herbs like coriander, lemongrass, sweet basil, and tarragon have been in high demand and are expected to keep growing. 

Hog Raising

farm business plan in philippines

One of the most consumed meats in the Philippines is pork which indicates that the business of hog raiser will always be beneficial. As long as you know how to lower the mortality rate of piglets and produce meatier pigs using the latest breeding technologies and upgrades the breed, making a huge profit is more than just possible.

But anyway, it will be best for you to find customers on your own rather than selling your products to viajeros (wholesalers). The reason is, that the end customer will usually pay a decent price for your pigs while the wholesalers tend to buy in bulk but offer an extremely cheaper price. 

Poultry Raising

farm business plan in philippines

No one can resist a chicken. Every dish made of chicken is a menu that never declines hence, labeling poultry raising as the best agriculture business in the Philippines is not exaggerating. Besides the chicken meat, you can also double your chance to make money by farming the chicken egg—although this is going to be another branch of agribusiness.

Most importantly, with the advanced farming technique, your chicken will be ready for sale within 45 days of breeding. If you wish to gain more profit, try to learn how to give your chicken proper feeding methods as well as the right dosage of antibiotics and vitamins so you can save more money and resources.

Last but not least, knowing to do some market research and method to find the right consumers so you can sell your chicken for better pricing and make more profit to keep the business running. Just like the hog-raising industry, try to avoid the wholesalers as much as possible.

Read also: How to Start Poultry Business in Digital Era? Here 3 Tips!

What You Need to Do in an Agriculture Business

Now you have already got a few list of agriculture business in the Philippines that you can consider working on. It’s time to discuss what you need to do if your business is hit by predation, extreme drought, or fluctuations in the market:

Understand that Business is Prone to Mistakes and Failure

farm business plan in philippines

Start with the baby step which means putting a small investment first and seeing how it is going. After all, starting a business is not easy and mistakes are inevitable. Hence, starting small can help you learn and won’t hurt as much in case you are making a fatal mistake. Lesson learned without big damage is the best plan.

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Of course you can! You can handle multiple stores from all marketplace just by single dashboard. Cut your Business’s cost, and Boost your Efficiency at the same time.

Patience is the Key

farm business plan in philippines

Most businesses won’t have any profit returns during the first three to five years. You have to learn the trade and understand the market while covering up for the startup cost so your business can be established faster.

Learning from Others and Go with Proven Results

farm business plan in philippines

Mingle with other people that are also in the business. Take notes on how they run their farming business in the Philippines starting from the operational and other valuable insight. And when you are planning for your business strategy, it will be best for you to use planning that is proven to have worked well so you can tone down the cost.

How to Start Agribusiness in the Philippines

After knowing the agribusiness examples in the Philippines that you can consider investing in and getting the tips on how to prepare yourself for extreme drought or market fluctuations, it will be perfect to know exactly how to invest in agriculture in Philippines. Here is what you should prepare:

farm business plan in philippines

Before wishing to successfully supply agribusiness products in the Philippines market, you will have to gain knowledge regarding the field of industry. You can look for mentors who are capable of providing you with experience and knowledge to start the agriculture business. Or if there’s a chance, you can volunteer to work on a farm.

Create a Business and Production Plan

farm business plan in philippines

No matter what type of business you are going to establish, it is always bounded to the importance of writing a business plan to keep your business on the right track, and a solid business plan may help you to secure financial aid from investors or at least, helping you to successfully get the loan from the bank to keep your business going.

A business plan will also help you to make critical decisions regarding your business. Some of the considerations you should’ve put inside your business plan are:

  • Initial investment.
  • Product demand.
  • Estimated annual gross and net.
  • Your marketing planning.
  • Risk assessment.

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Aside from the business plan, you may also explain your production plan by doing some of these points below:

  • Make a research of a place, choose an area with good weather and climate that will support the growth of plants or animals that you are planning to farm.
  • Understanding the soil conditions/types.
  • It will be best for you to find a place/area with a great watering system.
  • Production quantity and production duration. Calculate the amount of time you turn agribusiness products that will give you profit and control the amount of quantity to the decent amount that you can realistically manage.

Monitoring the Performance

farm business plan in philippines

By doing this, you can also acknowledge which is the lacking point in your business and proceed to change for the better. The monitoring here may also include the bookkeeping process that will help you to keep updated on how much income you gained, how much expense and liability you have to pay for, the balance sheet, gross margin, and many others that will directly affect the financial health of your business.

Aside from that, you can also monitor your sales as well as understand the market demand and adjust it to your marketing strategy

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farm business plan in philippines

You have been given a few example of agribusiness in the Philippines that will bring profit as well as what you should do to keep the business going. The rules of thumb are to understand the market and the ability to find consumers on your own.

You will also have to be critical when it comes to spending as you are advised to expect no profit gain for the first three to five years of building your business. So, if there’s a chance to cut off unnecessary costs or gain extra profit from a side job, then you can consider doing so.

Join Ginee Philippines!

Speaking of side jobs and finding a market on your own, starting an online business can be one of the options. You can open a website to distribute your fresh products at a competitive price. If you don’t have any experience in building a website, you can reach out to Ginee for assistance. 

Ginee Philippines is a Omnichannel company that has been trusted by over 70,000 entrepreneurs to help manage their business online and offline. With the combination of advanced AI technology and the professional team that Ginee has, you are guaranteed to get the best marketing strategy and plan. 

Reaching out to the right target audience is no longer a daydream with the assistance of Ginee. Besides, Ginee also offers a product management system that will help you to easily keep track of your product and stock. 

So, what are you waiting for? Join Ginee Philippines now and complete the free registration. You will be given a chance to try out all of Ginee’s outstanding features for free. Make your entrepreneurship dream come true with Ginee!

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Guide To Start A Goat Farming Business In Philippines [Beginners Tips]

To start a goat farming business in the Philippines, you need startup capital, a good piece of land, quality information on goat management principles, quality feeding plans, and hire farmworkers if you are farming extensively.

Guide To Start A Goat Farming Business In the Philippines [Beginners Tips]

Here are guides to starting a goat farming business in the Philippines;

Step 1: Get quality education ON goat farming management

Read Also:  How To Start Poultry Farming Business In Philippines [Beginners Guide]

You can do this by searching for a nearby goat farm in your area and seeking further information from the farmer in charge of the farm. Alternatively, you can watch the video we attached at the end of this post.

Step 2: Raise Capital to start your business

Another thing you need to do is to look for capital to fund your goat farm. There are various ways to go about thee, we have taken the time to list out three major ways you can get funds to run your goat farm in the Philippines and they are;

Use Commercial Banks for Soft Loans: 

If your firm is successful and you have good credit, you may apply for a commercial bank loan, which will speed things along.

Fund From Family:

Families, friends, and other close associates can all provide financial support if asked.

Agriculture-related grants and loans:

Agricultural loans and grants from your state’s agricultural department may be available to novice goat farmers in order to get their businesses up and running.

Read Also:  How To Start Goat Farm Business In Uganda [Beginners Guide]

Step 3: Buy farmland or Rent farmland to rear your goat

This step is considered important because, without a conducive environment for your goat, you may have a problem raising your goats properly.

Step 4: Mount Barricade In Your Farm

You need to raise a barricade to prevent your goat from escaping from your farmland and roaming the street.

Step 5: Construct House For Your Goat

You need to build a conducive goat pen for your goat. To shelter your goat against rain, sunny weather, and other unfavorable climatic condition, you will need to raise shelter for your goats.

Read Also:  How to start fish farming Business in Ghana (Tilapia and Catfish Guide)

Step 6: Buy Quality Goat Breed

Look out for goats that have better feed conversion, checkout for goats that have high resistance to disease. You can get to know all of these by studying the goat parent history.

Step 7: Draw the Feeding formula for your goat farm

One aspect you need to take cognizance of is the feeding aspect of your goat farm. If you need productive goats and better yield, then you need to consider feeding your goat with correct meals.

Step 8: Scout For Farm Workers

If you are not practicing backyard goat farming, then you will need more hands-on your goat farm. You will need those who will help in cleaning the goat feces, and urines, and feeding them on daily basis.

Step 9: Register with a Vet

You need to keep appointments with a Vet clinic to come to check on your farm regularly. This is important because there are some goats that when affected can transmit the diseases to other goats on your farm quickly.

Benefits of Goat farming business In the Philippines

Is goat farming in the philippines profitable, how much does a goat cost in the philippines, how much does it cost to start goat farming.

To start a goat farming business in the Philippines, it will cost you about 50,000 to 100,000 Philippine pesos.

How do you raise a goat in the Philippines?

What do you feed goats philippines.

So, to start a goat Business in the Philippines, you need startup capital, a good piece of land, quality information on goat management principles, quality feeding plans, and hire farmworkers if you are farming extensively.

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Author: adewebs, you may also like:, how to start a fish farming business in indiana, how to keep grass in chicken run when raising chickens, olive egger, welsummer & black laced wyandotte breeds rule at chicken scratch poultry, basic recipe for homemade baby chick feed, 4 replies to “ guide to start a goat farming business in philippines [beginners tips] ”.

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The ECC is issued by the environmental management bureau or a similar agency and serves as proof that your business complies with environmental regulations.

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Starting Poultry Egg Farming Business Plan (PDF)

poultry egg farming business plan

The poultry egg farming business offers a compelling blend of financial stability, scalability, and sustainability that makes it a noteworthy pursuit. The allure of layers chicken farming business lies in its ability to provide a consistent stream of income. With layers chickens laying eggs prolifically throughout the year, the financial predictability this venture offers is unparalleled. But beyond that, the profitability margins in this business are good, making it not just a sustainable endeavor but a highly lucrative one. The demand for eggs has soared to unprecedented heights, making the layers chicken farming business an exceptionally attractive venture to explore. Eggs, a dietary staple for countless households worldwide, enjoy enduring popularity due to their nutritional value and versatile culinary applications. As the global population continues to grow and dietary preferences evolve towards healthier and protein-rich options, the demand for high-quality, locally-sourced eggs has surged. This robust and consistent demand ensures a ready market for layers chicken farmers, underlining the profitability and sustainability of this business in meeting the ever-increasing appetite for eggs.

It is important that you understand how to manage the layers egg production business well so as to be profitable. Each business has principles that need to be followed in order for it to be successful. You need to have sufficient knowledge about how to efficiently take care of the layer chickens as well as good business management skills plus a good poultry egg farming business plan. This article will outline how to start the layers egg production business, and the poultry egg farming business plan – PDF, Word and Excel.

This article and business plan is about  poultry egg farming (egg production).  We also have articles and business plans for

Broiler Poultry Farming Business

Free Range Chicken Farming Business

Click the links above to go to the articles and business plans. 

Market Research

Before starting a layers chicken farming business, conducting thorough market research is an essential step that can greatly influence your success. Understanding the market dynamics, consumer demand, and competition in the poultry industry is crucial for making informed decisions and positioning your business for growth. Part of conducting comprehensive market research for your layers chicken farming business is gaining a deep understanding of the pricing dynamics within your target market. This involves not only knowing the prevailing market prices for eggs but also identifying potential customers, their ordering frequency, and the quantities they typically purchase. Identify your target market for layers chicken eggs. Are you planning to sell directly to consumers, local businesses, or wholesale to larger distributors? Determine the demographics, preferences, and purchasing behaviors of your potential customers.  Also determine the pricing strategy for your layers chicken eggs. Calculate your production costs, including feed, labor, and overhead expenses, to set competitive yet profitable prices. Consider pricing models that align with market demand and your business objectives, such as premium, value, or volume pricing.

Analyze the competitive landscape in your area. Who are your competitors, and what is their market share? What sets your layers chicken farming business apart from others? Investigate their pricing strategies, product quality, and customer satisfaction levels. This information can guide you in developing a competitive advantage and differentiating your business in the market. Examine the supply chain involved in the layers chicken farming industry, from sourcing chickens and feed to egg distribution. Identify potential suppliers and establish relationships with reliable partners. Understanding the supply chain can help you optimize your operations and ensure a steady flow of resources.

Land For Poultry Egg Production Business

When starting a poultry egg farm you need the right amount of land and proper housing for your birds. The size of your project will determine the size of the land you will need. You also have to consider transport networks – your layers farm should be easily accessible as you will regularly have to transport eggs to the market and deliver stock feeds to the poultry farm. Other factors to consider include labor costs – you should locate your farm where cheap labour is available so as to cut operational costs thus increasing profitability of the poultry egg farming business. The location should be secure and have reliable water supply as the layers chickens require water daily. An egg farm business should be located close to the target market as eggs will need to be regularly transported to the market. You should not  locate the poultry egg farming project close to rivers or streams as this may result in the pollution of water by chicken drops during rainfall periods.

Layers Deep Litter System Vs Battery Cage System

There are 2 main housing systems that are used for layers. These are the deep litter system and the battery cage system. The deep litter system is whereby the layer chickens stay on a cemented floor of the layer house. It’s called deep litter because you will have to spread litter/bedding on the floor to provide comfort for the layers chickens. The bedding is usually in the form of wood shavings and saw dusts. In the deep litter system, the feeders & drinkers will be placed on the floor or hanged at a level where the layers chickens can reach. The battery cage system is a way of raising layers chickens in cages. This is the most popular way of carrying out commercial egg laying business. One of the main advantages of the battery cage system is that it uses less space as compared to the deep litter system. Thus you can rear a large number of layers birds per unit area as compared to the deep litter system. The battery cage system also reduces feed wastage (in deep litter system birds can move around and spill feed), ensures easy stock take, makes it easier to identify layer birds which are not producing eggs, and reduces cannibalism and egg eating.

Management of the layers birds is easier in the cage system. Battery cages are usually equipped with nipple drinkers that supply water to the chickens automatically, which is convenient. Layers cage system requires less labour as compared to deep litter system, thus increasing profitability of the egg production business. Diseases spread faster in the deep litter system as compared to the layers cages system – this is because the layers cage system limits the movement of birds, and the layer birds do not come into contact with their droppings. The disadvantage of battery cage system in poultry egg farming business include : its capital intensive as the cages are expensive, the layers chickens can easily suffer from leg problems, cage fatigue, and increased deposition of fat in the body. The housing system that you use should be clearly stated in your layers poultry egg production business plan.

Layers Chickens Housing

You should provide good housing for the layers chickens so as to have a profitable egg production business. When you are planning to construct a layers egg chicken house, you have to select a site which is well-drained with plenty of natural air movement. Layers chickens cannot adjust well to temperature extremes, so it is very essential that the layers hens be housed, cared and provided with an environment that will enable them to produce eggs efficiently. The design and size of the layers chicken house is determined by the number of layers chickens being kept, the cost and the climatic condition of the area. It is essential to house layers chickens of the same age together. This is to prevent potential problems like high risk of continuous infection. It also allows the farmer to administer the right feeds and follow the right method of lighting for the layers chickens. Your housing for the layers chickens can be barns, layer cages, chicken runs, hutches or chicken coops. The housing should provide adequate space for the layers chickens, should have a good ventilation system, should protect the layers chickens from extreme weather conditions and predators. Light stimulates egg production in layers, so the housing should have access to sunlight or artificial lighting. Costs of constructing the housing should be included in the poultry egg production business plan.

Poultry Egg Farming Business Plan

Equipment for Layers Egg Production Business

The equipment you need will be determined by the kind of system you choose to use, whether it is deep litter system or a cage system. The required equipment include feeders, drinkers, lighting system, chicken layer nests and waste disposal system. If you choose the cage system, make sure that you invest in layer cages that already have laying nests, feeders, and drinkers. For drinking, the nipple drinkers are worth the investment for the chicken cage. You can also consider using tanks, water regulators and pipes together with the drinking nipples for a complete drinking system. You should also choose the right chicken feeder trough to save on chicken feed – some chicken feeders have bad design which leads to wastage of feed.

The other equipment that may be required includes sprinklers, a moisture meter, vaccinator and eggs transportation trays to name a few. You should also invest in manure cleaning equipment especially if you keep the chickens in barns or chicken runs. Wet chicken manure leads to a high concentration of ammonia, which is bad for your hens’ respiratory system and eyes. As such, ensure that you regularly clean the barn or wherever you decide to keep the layers chickens. Take note that organic manure is great for your garden and some people sell it to crop growers. If you use a battery cage or chicken cage, you can save yourself space and the chickens can be separated from the manure. The layer farming business plan should take into account the costs of purchasing the equipment.

Point of Lay Chickens vs Layer Chicks

When investing in a poultry egg production business, you will have to make a choice between starting with day old layer chicks or point of lay birds. Point of layer chickens are young layers hens that are about to start laying eggs – they start to lay eggs at about 19 weeks of age. You can purchase day old layer chicks and feed them until they are 19 weeks old then they will start laying eggs – this means that you will have to wait for about 5 months before getting any revenue. So it may be best to invest in point of lay chickens since they are ready to start laying eggs – thus your layers egg production business can immediately start generating revenue with no waiting time. Take note of the risks when purchasing point of lay chickens. Make sure that the chickens are of high quality because you may end up spending too much money on layers with low egg production numbers. Some of the ways you can tell if point of lay chickens are of good quality is by observing the birds. Healthy birds are lively, with no forms of injuries and they respond well to feeding.

Whatever you decide to start with make sure that you buy your day old chicks or point of lay chickens from a reliable accredited hatchery where the parent stock is well managed. Layers chickens from different hatcheries vary significantly in terms of their quality and it will determine the success of your poultry egg farming business. If you buy point of lay chickens which are not well vaccinated, the layer chickens will have a low rate of egg production and a very high mortality rate. This will obviously lead to a financial loss for your layers chicken farming business.

When deciding whether to buy day old chicks or chicken layer eggs consider your level of experience raising chickens in addition to your available resources. If you have the capital as well as some experience raising day old chicks you can start rearing day old chicks. However, if your resources are limited you may want to consider starting with point of lay chickens. Make sure that you consider the vaccination history and age of the point of lay chickens. Many breeders will claim that the chickens have been vaccinated but that may not be the case. So, you must avoid buying point of lay chickens or even day old chicks from unreliable hatcheries. The costs of purchasing the point of lay birds or layers chicks should be included in the layers egg production business plan.

Layers Feeds

When it comes to feeding your layer chickens consider using a complete feed from a recognized feed store. Complete feeds provide your birds with a nutritionally balanced diet. In addition to the feed you provide your chickens, you can also supplement the layer chickens with scratch grains, table scraps and clippings. Scratch grains are low in protein and high in energy and fiber, but this is based on the grains you use. When you feed your layer chickens with scratch grains together with complete feeds, it helps dilute the nutrition levels in the carefully formulated diets. You can also feed your layer chickens table scraps such as peelings, stale bread, and leafy vegetables. Just make sure that the scraps are not rotten to prevent botulism. You can add clippings such as pasture or tender plants. Feeding your layer chickens well will give you higher laying rates, better persistency and a longer production cycle, thus increasing the profitability of your egg production business.

To produce a high number of eggs, the layer chickens must get adequate feed. Hens need plenty of calcium in their diets to lay eggs with hard, strong shells. The feed for layers chickens is called Layers Mash. The mash is specially formulated to provide all the nutrients they need in the correct quantities. Feed must be available in the trough at all times, as well as cool, fresh water in the bottles. On average, each laying hen requires 100g-120g of feed every day. The aim of the egg producer is to convert a given amount of feed into as many eggs as possible. It is very important to give the layers the right feeds, and the right quantities, so that they grow well and have a high egg production rate. The poultry egg farming business plan should take into account the costs of the layers feeds. 

Business Model

There are two primary options for starting the layers egg farming business: one can either begin with day-old chicks or opt for point-of-lay chickens. The key cost components of this business revolve around acquiring the chicks or point-of-lay chickens and providing them with feed. For day-old chicks, an essential aspect of the operation is raising them to maturity, typically up to 21 weeks of age when they start laying eggs. In contrast, point-of-lay chickens are already at the egg-laying stage upon acquisition, requiring you to provide them with food and water, after which they will consistently lay eggs. The revenue generated from selling these eggs significantly surpasses the input costs and operational expenses, leading to a healthy profit margin. What sets this business model apart is the consistent egg production throughout the year, ensuring a steady stream of income. The layers chickens can continue laying eggs for a period of up to 18 months. After this period, you have the opportunity to sell them, generating additional revenue. To maintain the sustainability of your layers chicken farming business, it’s necessary to replace the flock with a new batch of chicks or point-of-lay chickens. This cyclical process allows you to rejuvenate your flock, ensuring continuous egg production and income generation.

Whether you choose day-old chicks or point-of-lay chickens as your starting point, the layers’ ability to lay eggs consistently becomes the cornerstone of profitability in this business. This steady egg production provides a reliable source of income, offering financial stability for the layers chicken farming venture. By carefully managing the inputs, primarily feed and water, and maintaining the health and well-being of your chickens, you can maximize the production of high-quality eggs, ultimately contributing to the long-term success and sustainability of your layers chicken farming business.

Management and Labour

The number of farm workers you need will depend on the size of your poultry egg production project and your layer hosing system. Battery cage system requires less labour as compared to the deep litter system. If you are operating a small poultry egg farming business e.g. 100 birds, you and your family may be enough to take care of the birds. However if you are keeping 2000 chickens for egg production, then you will need full time employees to manage the poultry farm.  There is need for good technical knowledge of poultry egg production techniques for success in the business, and good management skills. The salaries and wages of your employees should be included in your poultry egg production business plan.

The amount of capital required for the poultry egg production business depends on the scale of the project. You can get a loan from the bank, or funding from investors, to use as capital to start your poultry egg farming business. If you plan to raise capital from investors and a loan from the bank, you need a good poultry egg farming business plan. If you don’t have access to investors and bank loan, you can use your personal savings and start small, and grow your business overtime. Egg production business is very profitable. If you reinvest the profits you get, you can quickly grow.

Marketing Plan

Layers are mainly reared for egg production. There are also possibilities of selling them as off-layers for meat. They can also be sold as layers to other farmers. That is why some of the core customer segments are consumers in general, traders, retailers, and farmers. Marketing of layers must be targeted to the intended prospects. Some of the most strategic targets are bulk clients. Examples are supermarkets, shops, hotels, and restaurants. Marketing to them can entail approaching them with a proposal to become their supplier. Another strategy is to participate at local farmers’ markets. The thrust is to capture customers who purchase in bulk, regularly. If that is achieved it will minimize marketing and logistical costs as well. The heart of the marketing plan must be centered on digital marketing. This includes content marketing via a website, social media, online marketplaces, and email marketing, amongst others. There are countless marketing opportunities on online platforms.  This means you should have professionally designed and detailed e-fliers that you use on social media. Effective marketing of layers must skirt middlemen in order to deal directly with paying customers.

Market for Poultry Eggs

The demand for eggs is very high. Over 82 million tonnes of eggs is consumed globally annually. That’s a lot! Eggs are considered an alternative cheap source of proteins. Almost every household consumes boiled/fried eggs. Increasing protein consumption and rising incomes drive consumption of eggs.   Around the world, consumption of eggs is on the increase. This increase is particularly notable in developing countries where changing diets have people consuming a greater number of calories from protein sources like poultry meat and eggs. You can supply your eggs to individual households, supermarkets / grocery shops, wholesalers, schools, restaurants, companies, organizations, events etc.

Chicken egg production business plan pdf

Advantages of Layers Egg Farming Business

Starting a layers chicken farming business offers numerous advantages that make it an attractive venture for entrepreneurs and farmers alike. One of the most significant benefits is the assurance of a steady and consistent income. Layers chickens are prolific egg producers, capable of laying eggs throughout the year, providing a reliable source of revenue that allows for effective financial planning. This consistency in egg production ensures that the business remains profitable even during economic downturns, providing a sense of financial security.

Moreover, the layers chicken farming business boasts good profit margins. Eggs are a staple food item with a consistent demand in both urban and rural markets. When managed efficiently, this business can yield substantial profits. Controlling production costs and optimizing operational processes are key to enhancing profitability. The affordability of starting a layers chicken farm is another advantage, making it accessible to a wide range of individuals and entrepreneurs.

Furthermore, layers chicken farming offers scalability, allowing you to tailor the business to your specific goals and resources. Whether you’re starting on a small scale for personal consumption or aiming for large-scale commercial production, the flexibility of this business ensures that you can expand or contract as needed. Additionally, it presents an opportunity for skill development, as running a layers chicken farming business provides valuable experience in animal husbandry, business management, and marketing. Overall, the layers chicken farming business is an enticing prospect for those seeking a sustainable and profitable agricultural endeavor.

Why You Need a Layers Chicken Farming Business Plan

A well-structured business plan for a layers egg production business is instrumental in helping you understand its profitability. It serves as a financial compass, providing insights into revenue projections, operational costs, and overall financial viability. By meticulously outlining factors such as egg production rates, feed expenses, labor costs, and market prices, a business plan allows you to assess the potential profitability of your venture. Furthermore, it helps you identify critical factors that can affect profitability. Armed with this knowledge, you can proactively strategize to maximize profitability, mitigate risks, and make informed decisions to ensure the long-term success of your layers egg production business. A business plan is a financial roadmap, outlining your startup costs, operational expenses, revenue projections, and potential profitability. Having a clear financial roadmap helps you secure funding, make informed financial decisions, and mitigate financial risks. If you need financial support to start or expand your layers chicken farming business, a well-structured business plan is essential for attracting investors, lenders, or potential partners. It demonstrates your commitment, professionalism, and the potential for a return on investment.

Your business plan outlines the day-to-day operations of your layers chicken farm, detailing how you will manage tasks such as feeding, housing, and disease control. Having these operational procedures documented promotes efficiency and helps you troubleshoot potential challenges. Furthermore, a business plan encourages you to identify potential risks and challenges that may arise during the course of your layers chicken farming business. By acknowledging these risks upfront, you can develop strategies to mitigate them, enhancing your ability to adapt to unexpected situations.

Pre-Written Poultry Egg Farming Business Plan (PDF, Word And Excel): Comprehensive Version, Short Funding/Bank Loan Version and Automated Financial Statements

For an in-depth analysis of the poultry egg farming business, we encourage you to purchase our well-researched and comprehensive business plan. We introduced the business plans after discovering that many were venturing into the poultry egg production business without enough knowledge and understanding of how to run the business, how to keep the layers, lack of understanding of the financial side of the business, lack of understanding of : the industry, the risks involved , costs and profitability of the business; which often leads to disastrous losses.

The StartupBiz Global business plan will make it easier for you to launch and run your layers egg production business successfully, fully knowing what you are going into, and what’s needed to succeed in the business. It will be easier to plan and budget as you will be aware of all the costs involved in setting up and running the poultry egg farming business.

Uses of the Poultry Egg Farming Business Plan (PDF, Word And Excel)

The Chicken egg production business plan can be used for many purposes including:

  • Raising capital from investors/friends/relatives
  • Applying for a bank loan
  • Start-up guide to launch your egg production business
  • As a project/business proposal
  • Assessing profitability of the poultry egg farming business
  • Finding a business partner
  • Assessing the initial start-up costs so that you know how much to save
  • Manual for current business owners to help in business and strategy formulation

Contents of the Poultry Layers Egg Production Business Plan (PDF, Word And Excel)

The business plan include, but not limited to:

  • Marketing Strategy
  • Financial Statements (monthly cash flow projections, income statements, cash flow statements, balance sheets, break even analysis, payback period analysis, start-up costs, financial graphs, revenue and expenses, Bank Loan Amortization)
  • Risk Analysis
  • SWOT & PEST Analysis
  • Industry Analysis
  • Market Analysis
  • Operational Requirements (Including technical aspects of how to keep and rear the layers, feed requirements etc)
  • Operational Strategy
  • Why some people in poultry egg farming business fail, so that you can avoid their mistakes
  • Ways to raise capital to start your poultry egg production business

The Pre-written Layers Egg Farming Business Plan package consist of 4 files:

  • Poultry Egg Farming Business Plan – PDF file (Comprehensive Version – 71 Pages)
  • Poultry Egg Farming Business Plan – Editable Word File (Comprehensive Version – 71 Pages)
  • Poultry Egg Farming Business Plan Funding/Bank Loan Version- Editable Word File (Short version for applying for a loan/funding – 38 pages)
  • Poultry Egg Farming Business Plan Automated Financial Statements – (Editable Excel File)

The business plan can be used in any country and can be easily edited. The financial statements are automated. This implies that you can change eg the number of layers, selling price of  the eggs etc, and all the other financial statements will automatically adjust to reflect the change.

Click below to download the Contents Page of the Poultry Egg Production Business Plan (PDF)

Poultry Egg Production Business Plan PDF

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Just wanted to say I am very happy with the business plan and I will gladly recommend your products, thank you very much and have a great day.

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I was able to understand the business side of farming because of your business plan. You did extensive research; the business plan was well prepared and fully detailed.  It made everything clear, and I have somewhere to start now. I am confident that I am going to succeed in my business because of the guidance from your business plan.

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The business plan which I purchased from your website saved me TIME and MONEY! The layout of the business plan was excellent. The financial statements were detailed and easy for me to edit. I will come back to purchase another business plan soon.

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Many thanks for your incredibly efficient service and thorough business plan. I am very impressed with the business plan. Before I bought the business plan, I tried to do my own business plan – it was such a nightmare and it turned out badly, also not to mention the stress it caused me. I wish I knew about your website earlier!

Testimonial 6

I purchased a business plan from you, and I’m glad to inform you that I was able to get my loan, and I’m starting my poultry farming business on the 1 st of July. This was made possible because of your business plan. Thank you very much, you made my dream come true.

Testimonial 1

StartupBiz Global provided a very professional and comprehensive business plan which I used for my business. The business plan was easy to edit, and I was able to get the funding which I wanted. I highly recommend their business plans.

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I found Startupbiz Global online when I was in desperate need of a business plan. I was overwhelmed by the quality of the business plan, it’s comprehensive and well researched! I did not have to wait to get the business plan, I got it instantly after payment. I highly recommend Startupbiz Global, and would happily use them again in the future.

Testimonial 3

I was extremely lucky to come across StartupBiz Global. Their business plan exceeded my expectations, and most importantly I was able to secure a loan from my bank. Thank you guys, now my dreams are coming true!

Get the Poultry Egg Farming Business Plan (PDF, Word And Excel)

Click Buy Now  below to purchase using Paypal, Credit Card, or Debit Card. After you have purchased, you will immediately see the download link for the business plan package on the screen. You will also immediately get an email with the business plan download link. The Pre-written business plan package (PDF, Word, and Excel) costs $30 only!

Buy Now

If you want to purchase multiple business plans at once then click here: Business Plans Store.

The business plan package is a zipped compressed file containing the PDF, Word and Excel documents. To open the package after downloading it, just right click, and select Extract All. If you have any problems in downloading and opening the files, email us on [email protected] and we will assist you.

We wish you the best in your poultry egg farming business! Check out our collection of business plans  , and more business ideas .

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Philippine Poultry Farm Business Plan

Poultry Farming Guides

One of the things that make poultry farming generally a no-brainer is the fact that chickens are very easy to raise. That does not mean, however, that poultry farming is an easy business. In fact, the main challenge is to scale up the farming venture and make it profitable.

In other words, it is not a big deal raising 5 chickens in your backyard, but raising 10,000 chickens is a whole different ball game. While the former requires just a little attention and some farming skills, the latter requires management skills on top of that.

In this article, we will take you through some basic steps on how you can formulate a poultry farming business plan in the Philippines and start a large-scale profitable poultry farming venture in the country.

The market for poultry meat and eggs is already very competitive as these are at the top of the menu in many Filipino households and many players are already jostling for space. However, there is always some room for an extra player to enter the market and differentiate themselves with their products and brands.

The First Step in Formulating Your Business Plan

The most important step before deciding to venture into poultry farming is deciding on the type of poultry business that you are planning to start in the Philippines.

Do you want to be a contract poultry grower, a free range chicken farmer, a broiler farmer, an organic chicken farmer, a native chicken farmer, a turkey farmer or a duck farmer? Identifying your niche is one of the most important steps to getting started with poultry farming in the Philippines and around the world.

Commercial chicken farming will generally be only successful if you lay out a clear plan on what you plan to achieve and how. Poultry business is vast and there are multiple sectors where you can invest your money and run a profitable enterprise depending on your financial capabilities. These include the following:

  • Starting a hatchery or incubation farm
  • Starting a chicken breeding farm
  • Starting a broiler farm
  • Starting an egg production farm
  • Starting an organic chicken farm
  • Starting a free range chicken farm
  • Starting a chicken abattoir
  • Starting a chicken processing and packaging company

Value Addition in Poultry Farming

Rearing chicken and value addition in poultry farming generally require more significant investments in acquiring the right machinery, technology, building of linkages and marketing. You will need access to land and capital to get your poultry enterprise started.

Another option is to go for contract poultry farming which is also capital-intensive but carries lower risks with a bigger scale as the contract poultry farming companies generally offer growers greater technical support.

In case you decide to start a farm independently, you will need good technical and marketing support as you have to figure out the market and understand its unique needs and requirements before you pump in tens of thousands of dollars.

Part of the technical support and knowledge about the industry involves understanding the regulatory and environmental requirements for setting up a poultry enterprise.

For example, the poultry enterprise must meet the required environmental standards.

Technical support also involves health support.

The chickens must have a good standard of biosecurity. They must be vaccinated well and on time, and given the right feeds and a fresh supply of water.

Choosing the Right Farming System

As mentioned above, it is possible to farm chicken in a wide variety of ways.

The most common are conventional farming systems, but there is a significant niche involving free range and organic poultry farming systems as well.

Part of the decision above will be based on the area you are located in and on how well its needs are met. In other words, when venturing into a poultry farming enterprise, it is important to figure out your niche market that will meet in the interests or demand of your buyers – rather than just basing your business on your preferences.

Once you have a niche market in mind, it is possible to produce quality poultry products that will match the unique need, and that will result in a sustainable business.

Marketing and Advertising

The final step is often the most overlooked one.

While, of course, you have to raise your chicken, you will also need to create a unique selling point and advertise your chickens and chicken products widely in your niche market.

Getting the word around is the surest way to generate demand for your poultry products. Of course, you should make high-quality products that will generate a lot of buzz and word-of-mouth. However, you shuold also look at other, more active, options such as printing and distributing pamphlets, usigin online advertising, or buying a spot on billboards, in newspapers, in radio broadcasts, and at agricultural shows and exhibitions.

For more tips on how to start your poultry business in the Philippines, make sure to check our other articles, as well as our poultry farming guides .

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Blend.ph - Online Peer-to-Peer Funding Platform in the Philippines

Starting Your Own Agribusiness Venture

Oct 8, 2019

farm business plan in philippines

The agricultural sector plays a critical role in the Philippines’ overall economy. Agriculture, forestry, and fishery account for around 20% of the country’s GDP year in and year out, and nearly two-fifths or 12 million of the jobs nationwide come from this industry.

The country’s topography and general make-up contributes to this sector. We have over 30 million hectares of prime agricultural lands. We are surrounded by bountiful bodies of water. We have a tropical climate that makes it wonderful for the growth of essential food crops. We have been globally recognized as a frontrunner when it comes to agriculture.

It only makes sense why Filipinos then and now have built businesses around it. There is great opportunity not just in providing products in the domestic market but also in the export arena.

If you want to get into an agribusiness venture, such as a small farm or a fish pen, you might be wondering which steps you should first take. You might not even have the land or the pond yet, but you might be thinking about the best time to get started. These are some of the steps you might want to take.

Learning about farming or fisheries

Perhaps this should be your initial step – learning about the trade. It would help if you have some background or knowledge regarding the venture you’re trying to get yourself into. For example, you might have worked in a banana plantation or a small-scale tilapia production facility before. Use it as a starting point. Don’t go into something that you don’t have any idea about just because you learned from somewhere that it makes a lot of money.

Like any other job, you need to love what you do or be interested about it at the very least. You don’t necessarily need to be a mushroom lover or aficionado to start your own mushroom growing business, but at least make sure you know a bit about gardening or maybe have a green thumb. Because how do you expect to grow mushrooms for commercial use if you hate having soil in stuck your fingernails or when you can’t even grow a flower in your backyard?

If you can find a mentor, then that would be excellent. You need someone who you can learn from directly. Maybe it could be a relative who has a similar interest? Or it could be someone who has been successful in the same venture in your town. These people could be helpful. You can even volunteer to work for them for a while to gain enough experience before you start your business. If you have to pay them to teach you the trade, then do so. The trade-offs will be far better, you’ll see.

Teaching yourself about the business side of things

If you want to start any business, you’ll need a business plan. When creating one, you’ll have to consider how the market is going. You’ll need to learn about supply and demand. It could be a detailed process of how a farm is supposed to operate. What’s the management structure? What products will you offer? What price points are you looking after? How will you handle logistics?

Creating a business plan comes after the ideation process. It’s a way of asking yourself how you will monetize, say, mushroom production (to continue from the earlier example). This works well as a supplement to the idea of learning or developing an interest in the agribusiness venture you want to be in. The two are interconnected, so it’s important to get both things right from the get-go.

Finding your funding

Finding the right footing to get your agribusiness off the ground maybe difficult, but perhaps the biggest hurdle is finding the funding you need to get started. If you’re on this blog, we’re assuming that you might not have all the capital you need to start an agricultural business on a scale that you’d like.

Sometimes, it’s all about starting small. Maybe you already have that parcel of land sitting idle in the province. It will probably be good to get it started on a micro-scale, initially through using money from your personal budget. See how you’ll enjoy growing chickens or raising a few goats. Continue doing it for a few months and check if you’re producing good results.

Using this method, however, might take a long time to scale, since you only have a fraction of the amount needed to set a full-on business operation going. Don’t worry because loans aimed at beginning entrepreneurs in the agricultural sector like the various options offered by Blend PH are out there!

There are also some government agencies that offer these kinds of grants to young or new farmers, so consider those, too. These programs offer training, subsidized equipment prices, help with certifications, and other similar assistance.

Financial help is always available, given how lucrative farm or agricultural businesses are. You just have to do your part. Do your research and know where to look!

Getting your licenses and permits

Your town or provincial government may have different policies when it comes to meeting the requirements for your small farm or fishpond. But to get to the point, the basics will be more or less the same. You would need to register your business name and furnish your BIR and SEC papers, get a permit from the mayor, and more.

If you want to start a piggery or something that involves waste management or environmental impact, you might need to deal with DENR or your local health department at some point and get the necessary clearances.

You will also need to figure out your business structure. Are you doing it on your own (sole proprietorship) or are you partnering with other people? You should consult an accountant and in some occasions, a lawyer, to get information that’s specific to your needs or situation. It’s important to set up bookkeeping right from the start most especially when you’re relying on funding from other sources like business partners, government loans, or alternative financial solutions like Blend .

If you want to start in agribusiness, you should start moving today. You need to learn about it first and foremost. It will be filled with trials and errors. It can get messy, time-consuming, and costly. But these things are inevitable; they’re part of the processes. One thing’s for certain though: In a small business involving farming or fisheries, you’ll reap what you sow – both literally and figuratively.

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  • Livestock Farming

Project Reports

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  • Vertical Farming
  • Sheep Farming
  • Goat Farming
  • Poultry Farming
  • Fish Farming
  • Pig Farming
  • Dairy Farming
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Agri Business

How to Start Rabbit Farming in the Philippines: Business Plan, Profit, Subsidy, Loans, and Requirements

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Rabbit farming is the fastest-growing industry in the Philippines today. Rabbit farming is a lucrative business in the Philippines, and it’s quickly growing in popularity. The Philippines has a warm climate that is perfect for raising rabbits. It requires little land, low inputs, and generates high yields.

How to start Rabbit farming in the Philippine

How to start Rabbit farming in the Philippine

  • A rabbit farming business plan in the Philippines can be started with a few rudimentary steps. Firstly, it is important to consult with local agricultural specialists and form an alliance with rabbit farmers in neighboring provinces and other interested parties, such as feed suppliers, veterinarians, and breeder partners. Rabbits are omnivores, and as such, they require a varied diet to maintain their health and productivity. Therefore, rabbit farmers in the Philippines feed their rabbits with various crops, hay, and other inputs. This ensures that the rabbits have all the nutrients they need to thrive.
  • The most common type of setup for small-scale rabbit farming is hutch-type housing divided into multiple compartments, each housing two or three rabbits. The farmer should provide food, water, and sanitation facilities. Fencing of the property is necessary to keep the rabbits confined while they are being raised for their fur.
  • The market for Philippine rabbit products is steadily growing due to increasing awareness about environmental concerns and health benefits associated with consuming raw rabbit products. Several breeding programs currently operating in the Philippines are working towards developing new strains of rabbits that are more resistant to disease and pests. Rabbit farming is a relatively new industry in the Philippines, and there is still much room for growth.

Things to consider before starting rabbit farming in the Philippines

The first and most important consideration when starting rabbit farming in the Philippines is location. You will need to find an uninhabited area with plenty of space for your rabbits and good soil and water sources.

You will also need to feed your rabbits a balanced diet that includes hay, vegetables, fruits, and other food items. In addition, make sure to provide fresh water at all times.

Your rabbits need a safe place to live while being raised and fed, so choose an appropriate location for your rabbit farm. Make sure the space is warm, dry, and ventilated. Include a shelter for them to stay in during bad weather conditions.

To produce healthy rabbits, you must breed them regularly. Be sure to research carefully before getting involved in rabbit breeding

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Rabbit Outdoor

There are two main types of rabbit farming in the Philippines: cage and free-range.

  • Cage farming is more common because it is cheaper to operate. Cages typically have wire floors that allow rabbits to move around but restrict their movement. Rabbits in cages usually have access to food and water, but they cannot escape from the cages. Cage-free rabbit production is the most common type in the Philippines. This method lets rabbits run free in large enclosures with enough room to exercise and socialize. However, this method is less sustainable because it requires a lot of resources, such as land, to build these enclosures.
  • Free-range farming is more expensive, but it allows for more freedom for the rabbits. Free-range farms typically have open pens that will enable rabbits to roam freely. They also have access to food and water, but they may not have access to predators or other animals. Free-range rabbit production is one option that is less resource intensive than cage-free production. However, free-range production can be more challenging to manage because producers need more attention to ensure the rabbits have enough access to food and water.

Several new rabbit farming technologies in the Philippines are making it more efficient and sustainable. These technologies include using wire mesh cages for breeding rabbits, feeding them a high-quality diet, and using artificial lighting to keep them active at night. Wire mesh cages have become popular in rabbit farming because they allow more rabbits to be housed in a smaller space, making it easier to manage their populations. The diet fed to rabbits is also important because it needs to be high in fiber and nutrients to support their growth and health.

If you’re thinking about raising rabbits in the Philippines, keep these things in mind:

  • The climate is perfect for them – The country has a tropical climate with plenty of sunlight and rainfall year-round.
  • Housing is critical – Provide enough housing for your rabbits so they can have a place to hide from predators and run around freely. They need at least two rooms—one for daytime activity and one for nighttime activity. Ensure the room is clean and debris-free so the rabbits can hop around comfortably.
  • Feeding is essential, too – Provide enough food to prevent obesity but not so much that they get fat and lazy. A good diet includes hay, fresh vegetables, fruit, and pellets (a type of rabbit food). Generally, rabbits should be fed a diet consisting mostly of hay, fresh vegetables and fruits, and limited pellets.

There are various ways to raise rabbits, but they all require basic preparations. One of the most popular methods is cage farming, in which rabbits are kept in cages. This is the most common way to raise rabbits for food, but there are other methods. Rabbits can also be raised outdoors, requiring more space and preparation. They can be raised on a small farm or in a large enclosure, but they need lots of hay, vegetables, and water. If you want to breed rabbits, you will also need a hutch and enough room for newborns and their mothers.

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Rabbit Shelter

  • Decide if you want to raise rabbits as pets or for food production. If you only want to keep them as pets, you will need to find a small home for them and provide necessities such as food and water. To raise rabbits for meat, you must purchase more specialized equipment and arrange for rabbit housing and feeding.
  • Get started by researching the types of rabbits available in your area. Several rabbit breeds are available, so selecting the one best suited for your climate and maintenance needs is important.
  • Get advice from a local farmer or rabbit expert about what fencing is necessary for your setup and choose an appropriate location for your rabbits’ home. Rabbit fencing should be at least 6 feet high with a bottom rail so the rabbits cannot escape; wire mesh and wooden boards are effective options.

The Philippines is ideal for rabbit farming because of its tropical climate, ample land, and feed availability. The country has over 100 million people, so there is plenty of demand for rabbit meat and pellet products. To start a rabbit farming business in the Philippines, you will need to obtain a license from the government. You can apply online or contact your local agricultural extension office. You will also need to purchase feed and housing for your rabbits and fencing or netting to keep them inside.

If you are thinking of starting rabbit farming in the Philippines, there are some important points you need to keep in mind. First and foremost is good husbandry practices. These will ensure your rabbits have a healthy and productive life and that your production costs are minimized. Below are some tips on how to do it:

  • Provide plenty of fresh hay and feed : Hay is a crucial component of a rabbit’s diet and should be provided enough to meet their daily needs. The feed should also be freshly prepared and given in small amounts several times daily.
  • Keep the cages clean : Rabbits need to live in clean surroundings if they’re going to have a healthy body and mind. So, ensure their cages are washed regularly using warm water and soap and disinfected with bleach or Clorox whenever necessary.
  • Socialize your rabbits : Socializing your rabbits helps them get along better with one another, which leads to improved health overall. Give them plenty of opportunities to play together by providing several large hutches. Choose a location for your farm that is warm, sunny, and has plenty of fresh air and space for the rabbits.
  • Get started by acquiring the necessary fencing, feeder, and water containers for your rabbits. Make sure to purchase sized appropriately for the number of rabbits you plan on having.

Backyard rabbit farming has become increasingly popular in the Philippines to provide food and income for rural families. The animals are easy to keep, have a short gestation period, and produce small but healthy litters of rabbits every two to three weeks. There are important things that you will need to start this type of farming: a space in your yard that is at least 12×12 feet, do not build your housing near any trees or water sources, fencing for the enclosure (at least six feet high), access to fresh water and hay, and food for the rabbits.

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Rabbit Fencing

The basic procedure for raising rabbits is simple. Firstly, you will need to provide them with a secure enclosure where they can live undisturbed, feed them hay and fresh vegetables daily, and give them plenty of exercise opportunities.

Dutch Whites, Californians, Sables, New Zealand Blacks, and Angoras are the most common rabbit breeds. Many rabbits are available in the Philippines, including Dutch bunnies, dwarf varieties, and Rex rabbits. These breeds are all popular for their different characteristics and suit other purposes in rabbit farming. For example, Dutch bunnies are good for meat production, while dwarf varieties are used for breeding. In addition, Rex rabbits are often raised for their fur, which can be sold commercially or used for clothing.

Rabbit farming areas in the Philippines are mainly concentrated in the north and central parts of the country. These provinces include Bukidnon, Camarines Norte, Iloilo, Cebu, Negros Oriental, Bohol, Pangasinan, Ilocos Sur, and Cagayan Valley. There are also small-scale rabbit farming operations in Metro Manila and Mindanao.

The main reason for the concentration of rabbit farming in these regions is a demand for them from local markets. In addition, rabbit meat is considered a delicacy in many parts of the Philippines and is, therefore, highly sought after. In addition, rabbits are easy to keep and manage, making them a good choice for small-scale farmers who want to get into this sector. There are several ways to produce rabbits in the Philippines.

The most common method is to raise rabbits intensively as part of a commercial farm. This involves feeding them high-quality food and providing them with specialized care so that they can produce high numbers of offspring. Another common way to produce rabbits is by setting up small-scale rabbit farms where the animals can graze on pasture land. This type of farming is more sustainable because it does not require expensive feed or treatment facilities.

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Black Rabbit Farming

  • Rabbit farming is a good way to get started with raising rabbits in the Philippines. It is a low-maintenance, easy-to-manage, and profitable venture.
  • Get started by spending time familiarizing yourself with the basics of rabbit breeding and nutrition. This will help you better provide for your rabbits and ensure they get the best possible care.
  • Make sure you have enough space for your rabbits to run around and plenty of feed, water, and hay available.
  • Be sure to keep an eye on your rabbits’ health and let us know if you notice any problems or changes so we can correct them promptly.
  • To start a rabbit farm in the Philippines, you must obtain a license from the Department of Agriculture. Once you have your license, you will need to find an area supporting many rabbits. You will also need to purchase feed for your rabbits, cages, hutches, and other necessary equipment.
  • Rabbits are considered agricultural pests in some parts of the world, but in the Philippines, they are seen as valuable animals that help to reduce poverty by providing food for people who can’t afford meat.
  • The Philippines are currently one of the leading countries in rabbit farming. There are different reasons for this, but the main ones are the country’s warm climate and large population. However, there are also some problems with rabbit farming in the Philippines.
  • One of the biggest problems is that rabbits, as a breed, don’t do well in tropical climates. They need many places to run and play and often get sick because of the hot weather and lack of fresh air. So, if you want to farm rabbits in the Philippines, you must keep them in a big enclosure.

There are various types of rabbit farming loans and subsidies available in the Philippines. These can include private sector loans, department of agriculture (DA) loans, and agricultural credit program (ACP) loans. The private sector can provide short-term loans at low-interest rates to help farmers get started with rabbit farming. However, the DA offers long-term loans at lower interest rates and with better terms than the private sector.

ACP loans are also available from the government but have higher interest rates than the other loan options. Farmers who have successfully borrowed from a lender will need to pay back the money over time using their profits from the rabbits. Interest payments can add up quickly, so farmers must make wise financial decisions when borrowing money for rabbit farming.

Rabbits are hardy animals and will thrive in warm climates. However, they require some care to keep them healthy and profitable. Make sure to provide them with plenty of fresh water, hay, and a clean litter box. A rabbit farmer can stand to earn between P791. 62 to P1000, depending on whether the rabbits get 100% pellets or a mix of pellets and available forage (grass and other edible plants).

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  • The Philippines is one of the top ten countries in rabbit production. Rabbit farming is a growing industry in the Philippines, and there are many challenges to be faced when starting this type of farming.
  • One important factor to consider when raising rabbits is their housing conditions. The cages should be big enough, so the rabbits have plenty of space to move around but not so large that they can become destructive.
  • Another challenge that rabbit farmers face is disease control. To produce healthy meat, rabbits must be free from diseases such as pneumonia and bronchitis. Keeping the surrounding place clean is important, so these diseases cannot spread easily. In addition, regularly cleaning the cages and feeding antibiotics to the rabbits will help prevent them from getting sick.

Rabbit farming in the Philippines is a relatively new and rapidly growing industry. The Philippines has a large population of rabbits. Rabbit farming is a popular and profitable industry in the Philippines. The country has a long history of raising rabbits for their meat, and fur. Today, rabbit farming is still one of the most common agricultural activities in the Philippines.

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Shrimp farming business plan

Shrimp farming is a method of raising shrimp in an enclosed environment. This can be done in either fresh or salt water, but most shrimp farms are located in coastal areas where the two types of water meet. Shrimp is a popular seafood choice worldwide, so shrimp farming has become a multi-million-dollar industry. Many different methods can be used to farm shrimp. The most common practice is to use large ponds fed with seawater or freshwater.

The shrimp are then raised in these ponds until they reach maturity and can be harvested. Shrimp farming is a relatively new industry; as such, much research is still being done into the most efficient and effective methods of shrimp farming. However, several companies have already established themselves as leaders in the field, constantly innovating new ways to improve their shrimp farms.

Shrimp farming offers many benefits, including a consistent and reliable source of income, a high degree of flexibility in management and production, and the opportunity to be involved in an environmentally sustainable industry. IIn addition, incomefrom shrimp farming can be very consistent as long as the farm is managed well.

This is because consumers highly value shrimp, and there is always a demand for this delicacy. Furthermore, shrimp farms can be operated on a small scale, making them ideal for those who want to avoid committing to a large-scale agricultural operation. Shrimp farming is also relatively flexible in terms of production.

Farm owners can choose to focus on quantity or quality depending on the market demands. As a result, shrimp farmers can quickly adapt their business plans to changing conditions. Finally, shrimp farming is an environmentally sustainable industry. Shrimp farms typically have minimal negative impacts on ecosystems and can even improve water quality by filtering out pollutants.

There are two main types of shrimp farms: intensive and extensive. High stocking densities, high input of energy and capital, and high yield per unit area characterize intensive shrimp farming. In contrast, extensive shrimp farming has low stocking densities, low intake of energy and capital, and low yield per unit area.

The significant difference between the two types of shrimp farms is the intensity of production. Intensive shrimp farms are operated under controlled conditions with a high management level, whereas extensive shrimp farms are less intensively managed with a lower input level. As a result, intensive shrimp farming usually requires a higher initial investment than extensive shrimp farming, but it can generate greater profits in the long term.

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Shrimp Farming Pond

Nevertheless, some risks are associated with intensive shrimp farming, such as disease outbreaks and environmental pollution. Extensive shrimp farming is well suited to small-scale operations and can be less risky than intensive shrimp farming. However, it generally has lower productivity and profitability.

  • Ponds : You will need to construct earthen ponds or purchase pre-fabricated ponds. The pond size will depend on the number of shrimp you plan to raise.
  • Aerators : You will need one or more to oxygenate the water.
  • Feed : You will need a steady supply of food for your shrimp. This can be commercial shrimp feed or a homemade diet.
  • Harvesting equipment : When it comes time to harvest your shrimp, you will need some essential equipment, including nets and coolers.

Shrimp farming is lucrative but requires careful planning and a solid business plan. Here are some tips for starting your shrimp farm:

  • Do your research. Shrimp farming is a complex business, so it’s important to do your homework before you get started. Read up on the subject, talk to other shrimp farmers, and attend trade shows and seminars.
  • Choose the right location. Your shrimp farm will need access to fresh water, so choosing a site near a river or lake is important. The climate should also be warm enough to support shrimp growth.
  • Build the right infrastructure. Your shrimp farm will need ponds, filtration systems, and aeration equipment. You’ll also need to build housing for your shrimp and staff.
  • Stock your ponds with shrimp. You can buy juvenile shrimp from a hatchery or grow your own from eggs.
  • Care for your shrimp properly. Shrimp need clean water and a healthy diet to thrive. Be sure to monitor your ponds closely and make any necessary adjustments to keep your shrimp healthy and happy.

As with any new business venture, you’ll need a solid business plan template to get your shrimp farming operation off the ground. This comprehensive guide will walk you through each step of creating a business plan for your shrimp farm, including conducting market research, writing a feasibility analysis, and outlining your financial goals. While shrimp farming can be lucrative, it’s important to remember that some inherent risks are involved.

Be sure to consult with an experienced aquaculture specialist before getting started to help minimize these risks. With a well-thought-out business plan in place, you can be on your way to success in the shrimp farming industry. If you are looking to start a shrimp farming business, there are certain things you will need to consider. First, your shrimp farming business plan should include the following: 

  • The cost of setting up your shrimp farm. This will consist of land, buildings, and equipment costs. 
  • The cost of shrimp feed and other supplies. 
  • The cost of labor. You will need to hire workers to help you with the day-to-day operations of your shrimp farm. 
  • The cost of marketing and advertising your shrimp farm. You will need to let people know about your business and attract customers. 
  • The expected return on investment (ROI). You can expect this amount from your shrimp farm over time.

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Shrimp Farming Business

It takes about two to three years for a shrimp to grow from a juvenile to an adult. Farming shrimp is thus a long-term investment, and the farmers must be patient to see returns on their investment.

The best months for shrimp farming are typically from February to October when the climate is warm and there is little rainfall. However, shrimp farming requires a lot of water, so too much rain can disrupt the operation.

Knowing how often to feed the shrimp in a shrimp farming business is important. Shrimp need to be fed 2-3 times a day. The amount of food they need will depend on the size of the shrimp and the type of food they are eating.

The cost of setting up an indoor shrimp farm will vary depending on the size and scale of the operation. However, there are some basic costs that all shrimp farmers must consider when starting their business. These include the cost of land, construction, equipment, and staff. Land cost is one of the most important factors in setting up a shrimp farm. Shrimp farms require a large amount of space due to the ponds necessary for production.

Therefore, the cost of land depends on the location of the farm and the availability of water sources. Construction costs will also vary depending on the size and scale of the farm. Shrimp farms require specialized facilities and equipment to function properly. The construction cost will therefore be influenced by the type and number of buildings required and the type of equipment needed.

Staff costs are another important consideration for shrimp farmers. Shrimp farming is a labor-intensive business and therefore requires a significant workforce. The cost of staff will depend on their experience and expertise and the required number. In summary, the cost of setting up an indoor shrimp farm can vary widely depending on several factors. However, all farmers should consider land, construction, equipment, and staff costs when starting their business.

Shrimp farming is a highly profitable business and one of the world’s best businesses. The average shrimp farm produces about 1,000kg of shrimp per year, which can be sold for an average price of $10 per kg. This means that the average shrimp farm generates an annual revenue of $10,000. However, there are a couple of things to keep in mind when considering the profitability of shrimp farming.

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Shrimp red

First of all, shrimp farms require a significant amount of initial investment. Setting up a shrimp farm can range from $5,000 to $20,000. Additionally, shrimp farms need to be located in areas with warm climates and access to salt water. Another thing to remember is that shrimp farming is a labor-intensive business. Shrimp farmers need to be able to provide their workers with housing and food and pay their salaries.

Salaries for shrimp farmers can range from $500 to $1,500 per month. Assuming all of these costs are considered, shrimp farming is still a highly profitable business. With an annual return on investment (ROI) of over 100%, it is one of the world’s most demanding and lucrative businesses.

Shrimp are typically harvested at around 8 to 12 months of age. However, this can depend on the type of shrimp and the environment in which they are raised. For example, some shrimp species may be harvested as early as 6 months old, while others may only be ready for harvest once they are 18 months old. The size of the shrimp also affects when they are harvested, with larger shrimp typically being harvested later than smaller shrimp.

Many different types of soil can be used for shrimp culture, but not all soils are equally suitable. The ideal soil for shrimp farming is a sandy loam with a high organic content and good drainage. A sandy loam is a type of soil consisting of sand, silt, and clay particles. It has good drainage and aeration properties, which are important for the health of shrimp. High organic content is also important because it provides shrimp with the nutrients they need to grow and thrive.

Yes, you can farm shrimp at home! For those interested in starting their own shrimp farming business, there are many things to consider. The first and foremost step is to choose the right location. Shrimp prefer warm water and plenty of sunlight, so a sunny spot near a river or ocean is ideal. You’ll also need to build or purchase tanks and ponds where your shrimp can live and grow. Once your location and tanks are set up, it’s time to start stocking your shrimp farm.

You can buy juvenile shrimp from a supplier or capture wild shrimp for breeding. Getting healthy, disease-free shrimp is important to start your farm on the right foot. Farming shrimp requires regular maintenance and care. You’ll need to monitor the temperature and quality of the water, feed your shrimp regularly, and keep an eye out for signs of illness or injury. But your shrimp farm can be a thriving business with proper care!

To get into the shrimp farming business, you need to know which shrimp is easiest to breed. The most popular types of shrimp for farming are the Pacific white shrimp and the tiger shrimp. The Pacific white shrimp is native to the coasts of Chile, Peru, and Ecuador. They are a fast-growing species and can reach up to 12 inches in length.

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Shrimp Harvesting

The Pacific white shrimp is easy to breed and has a high survival rate. The tiger shrimp is native to the coasts of Brazil, Uruguay, and Argentina. Tiger shrimp grow slightly slower than Pacific white shrimp but can still reach up to 10 inches in length. Tiger shrimp are also easy to breed and have a high survival rate.

Shrimp lay anywhere from 50 to 1,000 eggs at a time, with an average of 200. The exact number depends on the shrimp species, age, water temperature, and quality. Eggs are typically laid in groups called clutches, and each clutch can contain up to 10,000 eggs.

The main factor determining the amount of water needed for shrimp farming is the salinity or saltiness of the water. The water must have a certain salinity level to grow healthy and productive shrimp. The ideal range for salinity is between 20 and 40 parts per thousand (ppt). Usually, seawater will have an average salinity of 35 ppt, so it can be used for shrimp farming without adding additional salt. However, if the salinity levels are too low, the shrimp will not be able to thrive and may even die.

Farmers must constantly pump new seawater and add salt to the ponds to maintain the required salinity level. The water needed will depend on the size, the number of ponds, and the evaporation rate. In a tropical climate, it is not uncommon for a shrimp farm to use up to 10 million liters (2.6 million gallons) of water per day.

Common shrimp diseases and their control

Several shrimp diseases can affect your shrimp farm, and it is important to be aware of them to take steps to prevent them. Some of the most common shrimp diseases include:

This is caused by a virus and is one of the most serious shrimp diseases. It can lead to mass die-offs of shrimp and is difficult to control. Prevention is the best control method, including using clean water, quarantine measures, and good hygiene practices.

This is caused by bacteria and can affect wild and farmed shrimp. It can cause death in young shrimp, and adults may also be affected if the infection is severe. Treatment options are available, but prevention is the best method of control. Good hygiene practices and water quality management are essential.

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Shrimp Marketing

This is caused by a fungus and affects the gills of shrimp, causing them to turn black. It can lead to respiratory distress and death in severe cases. Treatment options are available, but prevention is the best control method. Good water quality management and hygiene practices are essential. These are some of the most common shrimp diseases you may encounter on your farm. It is important to know about these shrimp diseases so that you can take action to prevent them from occurring or spreading.

If you plan to setup a shrimp farm in your backyard, watch this video:

The shrimp farming business plan is a comprehensive document that outlines everything you need to know about starting and running a successful shrimp farm. It covers all the essential aspects of shrimp farming, from finding the right location to building the necessary infrastructure, obtaining the proper permits, and marketing your products. This business plan will be a valuable resource for anyone interested in entering the shrimp farming industry.

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Top 100 Most Profitable Agribusiness Ideas

The most profitable agribusiness ideas in which you can invest including but not limited to crop cultivation, production and processing, aquaculture,  animal health and feeds, agro-bio products, biotechnical service, energy-saving and ecological agro-production system.

Agribusiness is one of the most profitable businesses in the world. There are many ways on how you can make money in agribusiness industry.

Before you decide on what agribusiness idea to venture, it is important to have a clear business plan that includes market demand for the products and how to get them to your target market.

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Here are the top 100 most profitable agribusiness ideas to invest

#1. Organic crop farming

#2. Agro/ecotourism business

#3. Herb and spices farming

#4. Vegetable cultivation

#5. Fruit trees cultivation

#6. Organic produce retailing/ farmer’s market vending

#7. Organic cafe/restaurant

#8. Pig breeding and farming

#9. Fish farming

#10. Multi plant seedling nursery

#11. Herb store

#12. Gardening/ landscaping tools and equipments shop

#13. Livestock feed production

#14. Organic fertilizer production

#15. Poultry farming

#16. Flour milling

#17. Fruit juice, jam and jelly production

#18. Landscaping and maintenance services

#19. Poultry and livestock meat production

#20. Dairy farming

#21. Agricultural brokerage and consulting services

#22. Egg hatchery production

#23. Florist/ flower arranging business

#24. Bee keeping and honey production

#24. Nuts cultivation and processing

#25. Rice cultivation and farming

#26. Grains farming

#27. Tea and coffee cultivation

#28. Lawn care and yard maintenance

#29. Insecticide, herbicide and pesticide production

#30. Air fresheners and perfumes production

#31. Fumigation and pest control services

#32. Rubber mill and production

#33. Coconut and palm oil farming

#34. Sugarcane farming and production

#35. Vermiculture and Vermicomposting

#36. Agricultural products and supply shops

#37. Dried and fresh flower shops

#38. Flower cultivation and farming

#39. Hydroponics retail store

#40. Farming, gardening and landscaping tutorial services

#41. Fruits and vegetable exporting business

#42. Corn cultivation and farming

#43. Greenhouse farming

#44. Organic cosmetics production

#45. Mobile organic food shops

#46. Medicinal herb and root drink production

#47. Organic food processing

#48. Chicken egg production

#49. Quail egg production

#50. Mushroom farming

#51. Garden arbors, pergola and trellis manufacturing services

#52. Cactus farming

#53. Solar power installation for farms

#54. Beans production and farming

#55. Local drinks production like homemade wines

#56. Snail farming

#57. Frog farming

#58. Sheep and goat farming

#59. Fruit, vegetable and herb candy production

#60. Online shops for farmers and buyers

#61. Online forum/ site for farmers and other agribusiness entrepreneurs

#62. Frozen chicken meat production

#63. Fruit, vegetable and herb preserve production

#64. Organic bio-diesel production

#65. Soil testing laboratory

#66. Local food/ native delicacy shops

#67. Pet bird breeding and farming

#68. Cattle farming

#69. Agricultural loan center for small scale farmers

#70. Chicken coop / poultry house production

#71. Soya bean drink production

#72. Wheat grass cultivation

#73. Spirulina farming – used as food supplement

#74. Quality seed plant shop

#75. Aquarium fish and aquatic plants farming

#76. Farm machinery/ equipments repair and maintenance

#77. Creative artworks and crafts production

#78. Ornamental bamboo farming

#79. Ornamental pet fish breeding

#80. Bonsai farming

#81. Orchid cultivation and farming

#82. Eco tour travel agency

#83. Animal feeds, vitamins, and other animal supply shop

#84. Animal pet clinic

#85. Pet grooming and cafe business

#86. Rare and unusual plants cultivation and farming

#87. Vineyard farming

#88. Pet shop

#89. Game fowl breeding and specialty shop

#90. Pond installation and maintenance service

#91. Pet wearables and fashion clothing shop

#92. Shellfish farming

#93. Farm equipments and supply shop

#94. Oil extraction from coconut, palm oil and other seed nuts

#95. Agri trade fairs, expo and event organizing business

#96. Tree trimming and removal services

#97. Bakery business

#98. Cotton farming

#99. Butterfly farming

#100. Fly maggot farming – breeding fly maggots as a free source of high- quality protein for chicken farms and aquaculture plants.

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That was really a great Article. Thanks for sharing information. Wish to see much more like this.

Good and wonderful tips thanks for sharing.

Good Morning I would like some more information if you are able to assist on fish shrimp and mud crab farming as we are looking at expanding into this type of business any information relative to this would be greatly appreciated I thank you in advance for your assistance

I would like to put up a small mushroom farming, any trainings or seminars, please. Thank you.

How to start orchid cultivation and farming?

#24 beekeeping how to start

I like to venture on flour milling. How to start? Thank you.

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Sorry, there are no results matching your search., vice president harris releases partial economic plan that includes tax proposals.

Elements of economic plan include several new tax incentives and preferences

Vice President and Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris today  released details  of elements of her economic plan. Among other items, Harris proposed several new tax incentives and preferences, including the following:

  • A tax incentive for builders of homes sold to first time homebuyers
  • An expansion of existing tax incentives for builders of affordable rental housing
  • A tax credit for first time homebuyers
  • A restoration of the American Rescue Plan Act version of the child tax credit (CTC) providing up to $3,600 per child
  • A new expansion of the CTC providing a $6,000 tax credit for children in the first year of life
  • A $1,500 expansion of the earned income tax credit available to lower income individuals
  • A tax cut for Affordable Care Act premiums

The plan does not include specifics on whether the revenue cost of these items would be offset, though it does state that Harris will ask “the wealthiest Americans and largest corporations to pay their fair share” and that the plan will reduce the deficit.

Harris also calls for Congress to pass the  Stop Predatory Investing Act , which would eliminate certain tax benefits for investors who own large numbers of single-family homes.

KPMG observation

Notably, with regard to President Biden’s oft-stated pledge not to increase taxes on those making less than $400,000, “Vice President Harris is committed to ensuring no one earning less than $400,000 a year will pay more in new taxes.”

This pledge suggests that, for the $4 trillion of “tax cliff” items scheduled to expire at the end of 2025, Harris appears committed to extending those tax cuts for individuals making $400,000 or less. Though it is worth noting that use of the word “new” raises some uncertainty as to how the pledge will be applied.

Harris does not in today’s release endorse, or otherwise mention, the official tax plan of the Biden-Harris Administration, the so-called  Green Book .  Her vow to raise taxes on large corporations and the wealthy, however, is consistent with many of the proposals included in the Administration’s plan. Among other things, that plan calls for a 7% increase in the corporate tax rate, a number of new taxes on multinational businesses, and new taxes on high-earning individuals. For more information on the FY2025 Green Book, read  KPMG report: Tax proposals in FY 2025 budget .

Absent from today’s release is a proposal to exempt tip income from taxation. Harris has previously indicated that she (along with Republican nominee Donald Trump) supports this idea.

Finally, it should be noted that the sum total cost of all these proposals is several trillion dollars. Pursuing all of these ideas is likely to put significant pressure on finding new tax increases to offset the cost of these items.

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Democratic National Convention (DNC) in Chicago

Samantha Putterman, PolitiFact Samantha Putterman, PolitiFact

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  • Copy URL https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/fact-checking-warnings-from-democrats-about-project-2025-and-donald-trump

Fact-checking warnings from Democrats about Project 2025 and Donald Trump

This fact check originally appeared on PolitiFact .

Project 2025 has a starring role in this week’s Democratic National Convention.

And it was front and center on Night 1.

WATCH: Hauling large copy of Project 2025, Michigan state Sen. McMorrow speaks at 2024 DNC

“This is Project 2025,” Michigan state Sen. Mallory McMorrow, D-Royal Oak, said as she laid a hardbound copy of the 900-page document on the lectern. “Over the next four nights, you are going to hear a lot about what is in this 900-page document. Why? Because this is the Republican blueprint for a second Trump term.”

Vice President Kamala Harris, the Democratic presidential nominee, has warned Americans about “Trump’s Project 2025” agenda — even though former President Donald Trump doesn’t claim the conservative presidential transition document.

“Donald Trump wants to take our country backward,” Harris said July 23 in Milwaukee. “He and his extreme Project 2025 agenda will weaken the middle class. Like, we know we got to take this seriously, and can you believe they put that thing in writing?”

Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, Harris’ running mate, has joined in on the talking point.

“Don’t believe (Trump) when he’s playing dumb about this Project 2025. He knows exactly what it’ll do,” Walz said Aug. 9 in Glendale, Arizona.

Trump’s campaign has worked to build distance from the project, which the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank, led with contributions from dozens of conservative groups.

Much of the plan calls for extensive executive-branch overhauls and draws on both long-standing conservative principles, such as tax cuts, and more recent culture war issues. It lays out recommendations for disbanding the Commerce and Education departments, eliminating certain climate protections and consolidating more power to the president.

Project 2025 offers a sweeping vision for a Republican-led executive branch, and some of its policies mirror Trump’s 2024 agenda, But Harris and her presidential campaign have at times gone too far in describing what the project calls for and how closely the plans overlap with Trump’s campaign.

PolitiFact researched Harris’ warnings about how the plan would affect reproductive rights, federal entitlement programs and education, just as we did for President Joe Biden’s Project 2025 rhetoric. Here’s what the project does and doesn’t call for, and how it squares with Trump’s positions.

Are Trump and Project 2025 connected?

To distance himself from Project 2025 amid the Democratic attacks, Trump wrote on Truth Social that he “knows nothing” about it and has “no idea” who is in charge of it. (CNN identified at least 140 former advisers from the Trump administration who have been involved.)

The Heritage Foundation sought contributions from more than 100 conservative organizations for its policy vision for the next Republican presidency, which was published in 2023.

Project 2025 is now winding down some of its policy operations, and director Paul Dans, a former Trump administration official, is stepping down, The Washington Post reported July 30. Trump campaign managers Susie Wiles and Chris LaCivita denounced the document.

WATCH: A look at the Project 2025 plan to reshape government and Trump’s links to its authors

However, Project 2025 contributors include a number of high-ranking officials from Trump’s first administration, including former White House adviser Peter Navarro and former Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson.

A recently released recording of Russell Vought, a Project 2025 author and the former director of Trump’s Office of Management and Budget, showed Vought saying Trump’s “very supportive of what we do.” He said Trump was only distancing himself because Democrats were making a bogeyman out of the document.

Project 2025 wouldn’t ban abortion outright, but would curtail access

The Harris campaign shared a graphic on X that claimed “Trump’s Project 2025 plan for workers” would “go after birth control and ban abortion nationwide.”

The plan doesn’t call to ban abortion nationwide, though its recommendations could curtail some contraceptives and limit abortion access.

What’s known about Trump’s abortion agenda neither lines up with Harris’ description nor Project 2025’s wish list.

Project 2025 says the Department of Health and Human Services Department should “return to being known as the Department of Life by explicitly rejecting the notion that abortion is health care.”

It recommends that the Food and Drug Administration reverse its 2000 approval of mifepristone, the first pill taken in a two-drug regimen for a medication abortion. Medication is the most common form of abortion in the U.S. — accounting for around 63 percent in 2023.

If mifepristone were to remain approved, Project 2025 recommends new rules, such as cutting its use from 10 weeks into pregnancy to seven. It would have to be provided to patients in person — part of the group’s efforts to limit access to the drug by mail. In June, the U.S. Supreme Court rejected a legal challenge to mifepristone’s FDA approval over procedural grounds.

WATCH: Trump’s plans for health care and reproductive rights if he returns to White House The manual also calls for the Justice Department to enforce the 1873 Comstock Act on mifepristone, which bans the mailing of “obscene” materials. Abortion access supporters fear that a strict interpretation of the law could go further to ban mailing the materials used in procedural abortions, such as surgical instruments and equipment.

The plan proposes withholding federal money from states that don’t report to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention how many abortions take place within their borders. The plan also would prohibit abortion providers, such as Planned Parenthood, from receiving Medicaid funds. It also calls for the Department of Health and Human Services to ensure that the training of medical professionals, including doctors and nurses, omits abortion training.

The document says some forms of emergency contraception — particularly Ella, a pill that can be taken within five days of unprotected sex to prevent pregnancy — should be excluded from no-cost coverage. The Affordable Care Act requires most private health insurers to cover recommended preventive services, which involves a range of birth control methods, including emergency contraception.

Trump has recently said states should decide abortion regulations and that he wouldn’t block access to contraceptives. Trump said during his June 27 debate with Biden that he wouldn’t ban mifepristone after the Supreme Court “approved” it. But the court rejected the lawsuit based on standing, not the case’s merits. He has not weighed in on the Comstock Act or said whether he supports it being used to block abortion medication, or other kinds of abortions.

Project 2025 doesn’t call for cutting Social Security, but proposes some changes to Medicare

“When you read (Project 2025),” Harris told a crowd July 23 in Wisconsin, “you will see, Donald Trump intends to cut Social Security and Medicare.”

The Project 2025 document does not call for Social Security cuts. None of its 10 references to Social Security addresses plans for cutting the program.

Harris also misleads about Trump’s Social Security views.

In his earlier campaigns and before he was a politician, Trump said about a half-dozen times that he’s open to major overhauls of Social Security, including cuts and privatization. More recently, in a March 2024 CNBC interview, Trump said of entitlement programs such as Social Security, “There’s a lot you can do in terms of entitlements, in terms of cutting.” However, he quickly walked that statement back, and his CNBC comment stands at odds with essentially everything else Trump has said during the 2024 presidential campaign.

Trump’s campaign website says that not “a single penny” should be cut from Social Security. We rated Harris’ claim that Trump intends to cut Social Security Mostly False.

Project 2025 does propose changes to Medicare, including making Medicare Advantage, the private insurance offering in Medicare, the “default” enrollment option. Unlike Original Medicare, Medicare Advantage plans have provider networks and can also require prior authorization, meaning that the plan can approve or deny certain services. Original Medicare plans don’t have prior authorization requirements.

The manual also calls for repealing health policies enacted under Biden, such as the Inflation Reduction Act. The law enabled Medicare to negotiate with drugmakers for the first time in history, and recently resulted in an agreement with drug companies to lower the prices of 10 expensive prescriptions for Medicare enrollees.

Trump, however, has said repeatedly during the 2024 presidential campaign that he will not cut Medicare.

Project 2025 would eliminate the Education Department, which Trump supports

The Harris campaign said Project 2025 would “eliminate the U.S. Department of Education” — and that’s accurate. Project 2025 says federal education policy “should be limited and, ultimately, the federal Department of Education should be eliminated.” The plan scales back the federal government’s role in education policy and devolves the functions that remain to other agencies.

Aside from eliminating the department, the project also proposes scrapping the Biden administration’s Title IX revision, which prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. It also would let states opt out of federal education programs and calls for passing a federal parents’ bill of rights similar to ones passed in some Republican-led state legislatures.

Republicans, including Trump, have pledged to close the department, which gained its status in 1979 within Democratic President Jimmy Carter’s presidential Cabinet.

In one of his Agenda 47 policy videos, Trump promised to close the department and “to send all education work and needs back to the states.” Eliminating the department would have to go through Congress.

What Project 2025, Trump would do on overtime pay

In the graphic, the Harris campaign says Project 2025 allows “employers to stop paying workers for overtime work.”

The plan doesn’t call for banning overtime wages. It recommends changes to some Occupational Safety and Health Administration, or OSHA, regulations and to overtime rules. Some changes, if enacted, could result in some people losing overtime protections, experts told us.

The document proposes that the Labor Department maintain an overtime threshold “that does not punish businesses in lower-cost regions (e.g., the southeast United States).” This threshold is the amount of money executive, administrative or professional employees need to make for an employer to exempt them from overtime pay under the Fair Labor Standards Act.

In 2019, the Trump’s administration finalized a rule that expanded overtime pay eligibility to most salaried workers earning less than about $35,568, which it said made about 1.3 million more workers eligible for overtime pay. The Trump-era threshold is high enough to cover most line workers in lower-cost regions, Project 2025 said.

The Biden administration raised that threshold to $43,888 beginning July 1, and that will rise to $58,656 on Jan. 1, 2025. That would grant overtime eligibility to about 4 million workers, the Labor Department said.

It’s unclear how many workers Project 2025’s proposal to return to the Trump-era overtime threshold in some parts of the country would affect, but experts said some would presumably lose the right to overtime wages.

Other overtime proposals in Project 2025’s plan include allowing some workers to choose to accumulate paid time off instead of overtime pay, or to work more hours in one week and fewer in the next, rather than receive overtime.

Trump’s past with overtime pay is complicated. In 2016, the Obama administration said it would raise the overtime to salaried workers earning less than $47,476 a year, about double the exemption level set in 2004 of $23,660 a year.

But when a judge blocked the Obama rule, the Trump administration didn’t challenge the court ruling. Instead it set its own overtime threshold, which raised the amount, but by less than Obama.

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farm business plan in philippines

I've worked at Costco for 18 years. From plant-based chicken nuggets to kimbap, here are 8 of the best vegetarian meals to get there.

  • I'm a Costco employee who sometimes buys vegetarian items for my family of four to enjoy.
  • Costco's grain-and-celery salad with apple-cider vinaigrette is full of tasty vegetables.
  • I get the Don Lee Farms organic chipotle black-bean burger patties for a hearty lunch or dinner.

Insider Today

I've worked at Costco for 18 years, so I'm very familiar with the store's ready-to-eat meals and frozen dinners. And though I'm not a vegetarian myself, I sometimes like to buy some meatless meals for my family of four.

Here are eight vegetarian meals I'd recommend getting at Costco.

Prices may vary by location.

Costco's grain-and-celery salad with apple-cider vinaigrette is a great light meal or side dish.

farm business plan in philippines

The grain-and-celery salad with apple-cider vinaigrette can be found in Costco's deli. The ready-to-eat salad features chickpeas, quinoa, dried cranberries, sliced almonds, celery, onion, kale, and a cabbage-and-carrot blend.

It comes with an apple-cider vinaigrette, but you could also add your favorite dressing. The grain-and-celery salad costs $5 per pound, which comes out to just less than $15 for each container — which is almost 3 pounds.

Milton's roasted-vegetable cauliflower-crust pizza is an easy last-minute dinner.

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Customers can satisfy their cravings for a cheesy dish with a two-pack of Milton's roasted-vegetable cauliflower-crust pizza.

This thin and crispy pizza is topped with savory roasted zucchini, bell peppers, onions, and a three-cheese blend.

At my store, Milton's cauliflower-crust pizza can be found in the frozen section for $14.

The Don Lee Farms organic chipotle black-bean burger patties are very filling.

farm business plan in philippines

If you're looking for something hearty and tasty without meat, you might want to try the Don Lee Farms organic chipotle black-bean patties.

The juicy burgers contain beans, tomatoes, corn, and onions with smoky chipotle pepper.

They make an easy lunch or dinner option and take just five minutes to heat up in the air fryer. At my location, each package of Don Lee Farms black-bean patties is $14.

The Hanwoomul fried-tofu-and-vegetable kimbap is very popular at my store.

farm business plan in philippines

Kimbap, a bite-sized Korean food made with rice, vegetables, and seaweed, makes a light yet filling meal.

Though other stores in my area carry kimbap, I think Costco's large bag gives you more for your money. A bag weighing just over 3 pounds with six packs of kimbap is $19 at my Costco.

If you're new to tofu, I recommend getting the House Foods brand.

farm business plan in philippines

I think the House Foods organic firm tofu is great for people who are new to vegetarian meals because it's easy to incorporate into rice dishes or stir-fries.

This tofu is kosher, has no preservatives, and contains protein from soybeans. Each box includes four 16-ounce packages.

At my store, boxes of the House Foods organic tofu are located in the deli coolers and cost $7 each.

The Ajinomoto yakisoba with vegetables is a flavorful, comforting dish. 

farm business plan in philippines

If you're craving noodles, look no further than the Ajinomoto vegetable yakisoba. These vegetarian Japanese-style stir-fried noodles come with crisp vegetables and a savory sauce.

The best part about this meal is that it only takes three minutes to heat in the microwave. Each box contains six 9-ounce bags of noodles, so it's easy to store in the fridge.

The heat-and-eat Ajinomoto yakisoba costs $14.50 at my Costco.

The Okami organic edamame pairs well with so many meals.

farm business plan in philippines

The Okami organic edamame makes a great side dish or snack. It's rich in protein and low in saturated fat.

This package contains whole, lightly salted edamame pods that are fully cooked and ready to eat.

At my Costco, a 2-pound package of the Okami edamame can be found in the deli coolers for $5.40.

The Impossible chicken nuggets are a great source of plant-based protein.

farm business plan in philippines

I highly recommend picking up a bag of the Impossible plant-based chicken nuggets.

Each serving provides 13 grams of plant-based protein. This is a simple meal that can be popped into the air fryer or microwaved for a few minutes.

A 40-ounce bag of the Impossible chicken nuggets is $12 at my store.

Click to keep reading Costco diaries like this one .

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Most community college students plan to get 4-year degrees. Few actually do

Dylan Peers McCoy

[WFYI] Community college transfer numbers 

Community college students face hurdles to earning a four-year degree.

Ever since he was a kid, Tyre’k Swanigan dreamed of going to Indiana University. But after he graduated from high school, he decided to start at community college. He figured he could keep his full-time job and transfer to IU later to earn his bachelor’s degree.

At first, Swanigan, now 23, did well. Then, he said he heard from an IU recruiter that some of his community college credits might not count toward his degree.

College is hard enough — try doing it while raising kids

College is hard enough — try doing it while raising kids

“I was like, why am I wasting my time at a two-year community college when I know that I need at least a bachelor’s to do anything that I want to do?” said Swanigan, who wants to work in a leadership role at a school.

Swanigan eventually withdrew from the community college. And he’s not alone.

Community college is often touted as an affordable start for students who want to earn bachelor’s degrees. Yet only 13% of community college students actually go on to earn degrees from four-year institutions within eight years, according to data released by the U.S. Department of Education in 2023. Indiana has one of the lowest community college transfer success rates in the nation.

“It's ridiculous,” said Swanigan, who attended Ivy Tech Community College in Indianapolis. “It pisses me off honestly, because I was at Ivy Tech, right? And this is me. Like, this number — I’m a part of that.”

With their open enrollment policies and low tuition, community colleges offer crucial access to higher education. They educate 41% of all U.S. undergraduates, according to the Community College Research Center . And when those students enroll, 83% plan to transfer to four-year schools, according to the Center for Community College Student Engagement.

But that transfer process can be fraught with challenges, including structural barriers that force students to spend time and money taking extra classes.

“Most students leave empty-handed,” said Huriya Jabbar, a professor of education policy at the University of Southern California. “There are bureaucratic hurdles. There are really opaque transfer policies. There's not enough information about … which courses will transfer.”

How the deck is stacked against transfer students

Jabbar co-wrote a book, which will be published in September, about community college transfer students . Her research focused on Texas, where policies vary by institution and major.

“When a student enters community college, they need to know not just what major — area of study — but which university they plan to transfer to,” Jabbar said, “because what they do at the community college to transfer will vary.”

The new kids on campus? Toddlers, courtesy of Head Start

The new kids on campus? Toddlers, courtesy of Head Start

College advisers are supposed to help students prepare to transfer, making sure they have the right credits for the degree they’re pursuing, and facilitating a smooth transition to a four-year school. But in Texas, Jabbar found that these advisers had large caseloads, which limited their ability to help students. Advisers also struggled to keep up with changes in degree requirements at different institutions, Jabbar said. Sometimes they gave students information that was outdated or wrong.

According to Jabbar, one common problem transfer students face is being forced to take extra classes. That happens when four-year schools don’t give students credit for all the classes they took in community college, or the courses are counted as electives instead of major requirements.

When students lose credits, it’s time-consuming and expensive, said Lorenzo Baber, director of the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Office of Community College Research and Leadership.

“That's money,” he said. “That's a couple thousand dollars, which matters.”

Two-thirds of community college students take classes part time . And they often juggle jobs, caregiving and other obligations that can disrupt their education.

Because of that, Baber said, improving transfer success is not just up to higher education institutions. It requires investments in social supports ranging from child care to broadband access to health care. Someone might be forced to leave school, for example, to provide for a sick family member who has limited health care access.

“You could have the best designed programs,” Baber said, “but that gets rendered meaningless if somebody needs to stop out because they need to take a job to pay the bills of their household.”

A transfer policy that could help

Research suggests statewide policies to make transferring easier can help students earn bachelor's degrees and avoid taking unnecessary classes .

In Indiana, where Tyre’k Swanigan lives, community colleges and universities are trying to improve.

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About a decade ago, Indiana lawmakers required public colleges and universities to create transfer pathways for students who complete associate degrees. If an Indiana student earns an associate degree in nursing, for example, they can transfer to a public, four-year university without losing credits, said Mary Jane Michalak, a vice president at Ivy Tech Community College, where Swanigan started.

"Whenever possible we direct students into those pathways,” Michalak said, “because by state law then those credits are supposed to transfer seamlessly as long as it's within the same program."

Other states have created similar transfer policies. In 2010, California created a special associate degree that’s supposed to make it easier for students to transfer. In 2021-22, almost half of the community college students who transferred to four-year colleges in California had those diplomas .

Some Indiana universities and community colleges have partnered up to help make transferring easier for students, an approach that institutions in other states have used . This year, Ivy Tech announced a new dual admission agreement with Indiana University Indianapolis .

But Indiana doesn’t yet know if the state’s efforts to improve transfer success are working. That’s because the federal data published in 2023 — which found that only about 7% of Indiana community college students earn four-year degrees — follows students for eight years. The people it tracked started back in 2014, the year before the state's new transfer pathways kicked in.

Tyre’k Swanigan started college in 2019, and even with the state changes, it hasn’t been easy.

Swanigan almost went back to school this summer. But tuition was expensive. He started a new job. And he was pulling himself out of a difficult relationship.

“The longer I wait and life happens and issues come up,” Swanigan said, “the harder it is to get back into school.”

Five years after Swanigan started college, he’s still determined to earn his bachelor’s degree — eventually.


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