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Graphic Design Masters Theses

RISD’s graduate program in Graphic Design prepares students for professional practice by emphasizing the roles of social context, media and aesthetics in the production of visible language systems. As a reflection of the discipline itself, the program encourages a nimble and intelligent response to constant change and burgeoning technology, while building a strong foundation of formal, aesthetic and analytical knowledge.

Individual thesis investigation is central to the final year of MFA study and culminates in the comprehensive presentation of work representing an original voice for visual and verbal expression of design thinking. The thesis should be equal parts exploration, explanation, provocation and contribution. Guest critics participate throughout the year and in the year-end thesis review, which offers a forum for critical dialogue focused on each student’s contribution to the field of graphic design. All MFA candidates also submit a written thesis and as a group participate in the RISD Graduate Thesis Exhibition , a large-scale public show held annually.

These works are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License .

Theses from 2024 2024

ASILI , Husna Abubakar

Graphic Desire , Michelle Belgrod

Never Real Historians , Emily Bluedorn

On the Impulse to Notate , Lydia Chodosh

This Is For You: A handbook for design students , Gabriel Drozdov

Soft Procedures , Alec Figuracion

Endless Form , Kaela Kennedy

Graphic Warmline , Soo Min Lee

Here—There , Glikeriya Shotanova

Variations on Noise , Clinton Van Arnam

Life of Things, Things of Life , Shiyue Wang

surface tension , Berett Wilber

Perform—Produce , Rebecca Wilkinson

Theses from 2023 2023

Making Then Meaning , Ben Denzer

Form Follows Feeling Follows Form , Harshal Duddalwar

Making time: Gentle invitations for radical slowness , Lian Fumerton-Liu

Superbland , Dougal Henken

Crossover Logics , Serena Ho

Connective Movements , Ian Keliher

Invisible Systems , Mina Kim

Press Play , Karan Kumar

Searching for New Landscapes , Halim Lee

Moving at the Speed of Trust , Sun Ho Lee

Access in Ambiguity , Moritz Lónyay

Infinitely Incredible Configurations , Jenni Oughton

Virtual Fantasy , Joey Petrillo

Surfacing: a (loose) manual on unlayering / stuff-making and hypervisibility , Zoë Pulley

OtherWorldly Gestures , Sadia Quddus

Input / Output , Zach Scheinfeld

Particular Proceedings , Ingrid Schmaedecke

Writ In Water , Jack Tufts

Theses from 2022 2022

Ports of entry , Forough Abadian

Capture, control, circulate : can we queer regulatory power in Graphic Design? , Adie Fein

Alien Encyclopedia , Zengqi Guo

Re-order the order of thing , Yingxi Sabrina Ji

Openness , Qiwen Ju

! , Nick Larson

Oral History Interview with Preston McClanahan, November 8, 2022 , Preston McClanahan, Holly Gaboriault, and RISD Archives

Connect: translating complexity through visual simplification , Ilhee Park

Other realms , Louis Rakovich

Slow ruptures; slow formations , Asta Thrastardottir

Theses from 2021 2021

Open articulations , Matthew Bejtlich

Paperwork , Romik Bose Mitra

Community, harana & karaoke: towards a theatrical design , Ryan Diaz

Personal positioning system , Laura Diez de Baldeon

Parentheses asterisk ellipses , Everett Epstein

Refiguring relations , Daphne Hsu

CTRL SHIFT , Kit Son Lee

Jettisoning the frame: strategies for designing at the threshold , Will Mianecki

Future as medium , Georgie Nolan

Elsewhere: impressions of sense & nonsense , Madeline Woods

The relativity of value , Lai Xu

Theses from 2020 2020

My millennial Asian fetishized American fantasy , Seyong Ahn

Temporal collisions , Lizzie Baur

Strata : lessons in latency , Mukul Chakravarthi

Re: Ornament , Aleks Dawson

A very large array , Hilary duPont

Oh wait, is this a loop? , Carl-Gustaf Ewerbring

Counter formation , Fabian Fohrer

Binge [Fantasy reality] , Elena Foraker

How to do things with things , Emily Guez

Skew-morphic dream , Yoonsu Kim

Ancient hyper present , Sophie Loloi

EthnoGraphemes , Vaishnavi Mahendran

U+16E99 , Bobby Joe Smith III

Something to see here , Weixi Zeng

Theses from 2019 2019

Record : from signal to atmosphere, and the spaces between silence and noise , Amy Auman

Plenty : wanting, choosing,, overwhelming unloading , Christopher Cote

Among : a series of enactments , Joel F. Kern

Let's meet over there / Eury Kim. , Eury Kim

Lateral movements : in multifaceted time and space , Jieun Kim

Making common , Elaine Lopez

Standards, rules, setting , Robert McConnell

Abjad orientations , Mohammed Nassem

Softweave , Annaka Olsen

Groundwork , Marcus Peabody

Body of work , Oliva de Salve Villedieu

Cosmosis , Angela Torchio

Re-creation : a package design for daily life , Wei-Hao Wang

Interface philosophy , June Yoon

Theses from 2018 2018

This is public work , Nick Adam

Haunt : casual surrealism , Cara Buzzell

Placefulness , Ellen Christensen

Anachropomorphism! , Carson Evans

Lingua Franca , Tatiana Gomez Gaggero

Field guide : collected studies of a symbiont , Jennifer Livermore

Tiny Diasporas , Angela Lorenzo

Reading rooms , Jinhwa Oh

Space, Junk , Brandon Olsen

Hyperlink : connecting space, time, language, and technology , Marie Otsuka

Constellations , Maria Rull Bescós

Squishy Play , Lauren Traugott-Campbell

Monument for feeling : Notes from the Archivist , Melissa Weiss

Theses from 2017 2017

Otra vez : hierarchy as designer , Jordyn Alvidrez

Double takes : secular magic & empathic vision , Lake Buckley

Playgrounds , Cem Eskinazi

Content-aware : investigating tools, character & user behavior , Llewellyn Hensley

Space as a practiced place , Elizabeth Leeper

Frame-work , Drew Litowitz

Scripting allographs , June Shin

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130+ Excellent Graphic Design Thesis Ideas To Focus On

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Do you have to prepare a graphic design thesis? Are you seeking some innovative graphic design thesis ideas for your assignment? Don’t worry! In this blog post, we have presented a list of unique graphic design thesis topic ideas for academic writing. Also, we have explained how to write a great graphic design thesis that will help you score an A+ grade. To get creative ideas for preparing your Graphic Design Research paper, keep on reading this blog post.

Graphic Design Thesis Ideas

What is a Graphic Design?

Graphic design is an evolving field of art that deals with the creation of visual and textual content. It is a creative process that uses technology along with art to communicate messages or ideas. Especially, in recent years, businesses are widely using graphic design to connect with their customers. With the help of graphic designing tools and techniques, the designers creatively design business cards, logos, posters, websites, and brochures for various businesses.

Do you wish to begin your professional life as a graphic designer? So, if you want to be a top graphic designer, you need to have extraordinary design, technical, and creative skills. If you complete a thesis on one of a kind graphic design research topic, in addition to having all of these skills, you can gain many additional advantages and stand out in the field. By submitting a graphic design thesis, you can show the world what you know about design. Additionally, you can look for employment opportunities at the best design firms with your original graphic design project or research paper.

Graphic Design Thesis Preparation

A graphic design thesis can be difficult to write. To begin, you must have an excellent topic for your graphic design thesis. There are a lot of creative graphic design research topics available because graphic design is such a broad field of study. But out of them all, you should look for and choose a topic for your thesis that is convenient for you based on your grade in school or graduate level in college.

Graphic Design Thesis Topic Selection Tips

Consider the following when selecting a topic for your graphic design thesis:

  • You should choose a subject that grabs your interest.
  • There should be a lot of research on the subject and a lot of information to cover.
  • You should be able to finish the thesis before the deadline because the topic should be specific.
  • Your readers should find the subject fascinating and instructive.
  • There should be a lot of reliable references on the topic.
  • You should be given the freedom to demonstrate your creativity and design abilities by applying the principles of visual design to the topic.

Graphic Design Thesis Writing Steps

Perform in-depth research on your chosen topic and gather additional ideas and evidence for discussion after selecting an ideal topic. Follow the below-mentioned steps for writing a graphic design thesis once you have enough information for it.

  • Create a catchy opening.
  • Develop a strong statement of the problem.
  • Include objectives and goals.
  • Give a description of the research methods you used.
  • Write a review of the literature.
  • Mention the study’s scope and limitations.

Be creative and highlight your content in a way that engages your target audience when writing your graphic design thesis. Last but not least, after completing your thesis, proofread and correct any errors.

Remember to choose an appealing graphic design topic and write a well-structured, comprehensive thesis if you want to get good grades for your graphic design project.

List of Graphic Design Thesis Ideas

For writing a graphic design thesis, the topic is highly important. In case, you are not sure what topic to choose for your research project, feel free to access the list of 100+ innovative graphic design thesis topic ideas suggested below and select a topic that is ideal for your graphic design assignment.

Graphic Design Thesis Idea1

Best Graphic Design Thesis Ideas

  • What are the principles of graphic design?
  • What are the elements of persuasion and graphic design?
  • What is the role of the internet in shaping animation content?
  • How to create environmental awareness using graphic design?
  • What is the role of personality in arts?
  • Explain the main development stages of graphic design.
  • Describe the future trends of the commonly used graphic designing software.
  • Prepare a case study on the renowned graphic designers of the time.
  • Explain the use of graphic design for social commentary and street art.
  • Discuss the evolution of newspaper ads in the technological era.
  • Design a theme for restaurants.
  • Talk about design and culture expectations.
  • How to use space in design aesthetics smartly?
  • Explain the typeset principles and techniques.
  • What is the role of graphic design in the evolution of modern cinema?
  • Investigate the decline of desktop publishing.
  • How to create a set for a film using graphic design?
  • What is the role of computers in the evolution of graphic design?
  • How to prepare directories using graphic design?
  • Design a colorful classroom.

Top Graphic Design Thesis Ideas

  • How to create organization branding using websites?
  • Explain the importance of artistic sensibility in graphic design.
  • Define consumer perceptions of web designs.
  • Compare conventional designing software and online graphic designing tools.
  • Describe the color theory effects in graphic design.
  • How does color psychology trigger emotions?
  • Describe the use of graphic design for political satire.
  • Explain the use of graphic design for movie festival promotion.
  • Describe the influence of TV on graphic design.
  • Explain the significance of graphic design to generate sales for online service providers.
  • How to create consumer-attracting game interfaces using graphic design?
  • Discuss the impact of the theory of repetition on consumer buying behavior.
  • What is the role of web graphics in building visitors’ trust?
  • How multimedia design has changed the world?
  • Explain the theories of graphic design.
  • Describe the factors that influence graphic design.
  • What is the use of PowerPoint presentations in creating designs?
  • Redesign a book cover.
  • Talk about graphic design in the 20th century.
  • Describe the graphic trends in the 21st century.

Excellent Thesis Topics for Graphic Design

  • Analyze the various techniques used by graphic designers.
  • Describe the evolution of vehicle wraps using graphic design.
  • Explore how service design affects visual information.
  • Analyze the role of brainstorming and mocking up design ideas.
  • How has graphic design revolutionized product packaging?
  • Define the growth of graphic design over the years.
  • Talk about photo collages and their importance for youngsters.
  • Conduct a cost-benefit analysis of investing in a graphic designer.
  • Design political propaganda posters.
  • Describe the impact of artistic sensibility in graphic design.
  • Describe the use of artificial intelligence topics in graphic design.
  • How to create infographics using graphic design?
  • Research and explain the value of the visual design structure.
  • Design a creative coloring book for kids.
  • Describe the qualities of a professional graphic designer.
  • How to create images for blogs using graphic design?
  • Describe the perspectives of people on visual communication design education.
  • Explain the use of animation in creating beautiful postcards.
  • Discuss the relationship between graphic design and pop culture.
  • Describe the use of computer graphics in advertisements to change consumer behavior.

Graphic Design Thesis Ideas

Interesting Graphic Design Research Topics

  • Perform a literature review on a graphic novel.
  • Compare the flat logo designs and gradient logo designs used in the automobile industry.
  • Explore the various features of web design using secondary research.
  • What are the different forms of media that can be used in graphic design?
  • How do the expectations of the audience influence a designer’s creativity?
  • How do clothing brands use graphic design to create designs?
  • Describe the use of graphic design to develop a plant-identifying app.
  • Discuss the impact of filters in videos to gain customer attention.
  • How does the cyclical nature of colors affect the result of a graphic design process?
  • Describe the use of brochures in attracting sales for businesses.
  • How have typefaces and print styles changed in the digital age?
  • Is a logo essential for a business image?
  • What role does graphic design play in social media?
  • How do modern print styles and typography affect graphic design?
  • Explain the role of graphic design in marketing.

Impressive Graphic Design Research Paper Topics

  • Discuss the contribution of Microsoft towards the progress of the design.
  • Explain the importance of women in the graphic design industry.
  • Are there identifiable differences in the styles of male and female designers?
  • How to improve interior design through the smart implementation of graphics?
  • Discuss the financial aspect of graphic design.
  • Ads in the newspaper and graphic design. How they Influence Consumer Purchasing Patterns.
  • Tools for graphic design and the effects they have had on the sector.
  • How Do Emotions React to Color Psychology? An analysis of the Baker-Miller Pink case.
  • Balance Is Key When Creating Powerful Images. Basics of graphic design.
  • Online graphic design tools versus traditional design software Which is more practical?
  • Graphic design’s importance in driving sales for online service providers.
  • How Do Warm Colors Aid Viewers In Connecting With Your Facebook Posts?
  • Difference between Warm and Cool Colors: A Case Study in Consumer Psychology.
  • Results and Impact of Graphic Design on the Country’s Top Brands’ Consumer Market.
  • Advertising and computer graphics used to alter consumer behavior

Creative Graphic Design Thesis Ideas

  • How to overcome the modern challenges in the graphic design industry?
  • Analyze the aesthetic values of the 2D visual design structure .
  • Explain the role of graphic design in social media marketing.
  • What difference can graphic design make to a company?
  • How can graph design create brand-loyal customers?
  • Compare two different styles of a single advertising campaign.
  • What impact does graphic design have on marketing strategies?
  • Can trend in graphic design be produced in the design of articles in popular magazines?
  • How can the industry utilize the role of graphic design?
  • Is there still a role for traditional graphic design in the digital age?

Outstanding Graphic Design Thesis Ideas

  • Evaluate the graphic designing theory in guiding the user interface of mobile applications.
  • Explain the role of color psychology in creating a visually relaxing user interface.
  • Prepare an evaluative study on the evolution of graphic designing in parallel with technology.
  • Discover a decision-making model for color choices in the graphic designing field.
  • Evaluate the significance of teamwork in graphic design.
  • Study how graphic designers can provide a competitive advantage in a saturated business field.
  • Explain the role of graphics design in attracting new customers through social media ads.
  • What is the role of visual hierarchy in guiding the consumer’s perception of e-commerce stores?
  • Discuss the effects of high-contrast colors in driving impulsive buying behavior.
  • Explain the effect of visually appealing designs on consumer preferences. Do consumers buy products with attractive packaging?
  • How graphic designs are connected to environmental sustainability?
  • Describe some most commonly used software for graphic design
  • Analyze the current and future trends related to graphic designing
  • Discuss the 8 types of graphic design one needs to know
  • Compare and contrast Visual identity graphic design and Art and illustration for graphic design
  • What is called Environmental graphic design? Provide some examples of it.
  • Analyze the use of Motion graphics designs in movies with examples
  • How Packaging graphic design helps a company to promote and advertise its products and services?
  • What is called Publication graphic design and how to use it?
  • Describe the use of user interface (UI) graphic design and its implications

Unique Graphic Design Thesis Topics

  • Can meaning be enhanced through visual imaging?
  • Is CAD changing the graphic design playing platform?
  • Can graphic design incorporate subliminal messages into marketing?
  • Compare the tools used by graphic designers and conventional photographers.
  • Does graphic design play an important role in government propaganda?
  • How can graphic design influence visual communications?
  • Research the trends in layout design of feature articles in outdoor magazines.
  • Explore designing career paths in graphic design.
  • How can graphics change a corporate identity?
  • Conduct a literature review of basic graphic designs.
  • How can graphic design generate revenue?
  • Compare the similarities between graphic design and contemporary photographic theory.
  • How have the tools of graphic design changed?
  • Is graphic design about the relationship between form and communications?
  • What impact does a graphic designer have on their field?

Awesome Graphic Design Thesis Ideas

  • What are the components of graphic design and persuasion?
  • How the creation of business cards is made easier by graphic design
  • Examine the ways in which people might express their sentiments and emotions through graphic design.
  • What are the fundamental tenets of graphic design?
  • Conduct a comparative analysis of South-East Asian and North American main design components in graphic design across the world
  • A critique of the application of graphic design to mass communication tactics
  • Write about Subliminal messages in advertisements.
  • Explain how visual heuristics help divide viewers’ attention into different groups
  • What distinguishes dynamic animation from kinematics?
  • Write about the incorporation of text art into animated video games.

Out of the different ideas shared in this blog, choose any topic of your choice and craft a brilliant graphic design thesis. In case, you are unsure what topic to choose or if you have no idea how to write an informative graphic design thesis, then without any hesitation, contact us .

thesis about graphic design

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Jacob Smith

I am an Academic Writer and have affection to share my knowledge through posts’. I do not feel tiredness while research and analyzing the things. Sometime, I write down hundred of research topics as per the students requirements. I want to share solution oriented content to the students.

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Graphic design: year 4, graphic design thesis.

thesis about graphic design

DES480/481 GRAPHIC DESIGN THESIS offers senior graphic design students opportunity to engage in a year-long investigation into a guided, but self-directed research project. Students initiate and frame a complex design project, clarifying individual interests and strengths as they relate to professional aspirations. Applying knowledge and skills acquired in previous courses, students determine the final form of their thesis project, which may involve multimedia implementation. The senior thesis is exhibited in the Year End Show.

Nina Andorf, BDes Graphic Design,  Ghost , 2014

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M.A. and M.F.A. graduates develop innovative future practices, broaden scholarly research in visual design and make a meaningful contribution to society – all through the process of writing practical and scholarly thesis.

Graduates dive into design’s impact on issues in business, wayfinding and 3D design, finance, education, letterpress, healthcare and information management. Numerous graduates have jumpstarted their careers in graphic design from thesis projects.

Past thesis projects have answered questions such as how mobile technology can increase a child’s exposure to outdoor play; how explaining a student’s educational loan debt visually might influence borrowing decisions; and how companies as large as Microsoft could improve recruitment technology for mobile job-seekers.

View an archive of thesis projects that are unavailable digitally  here .

Recently Completed Thesis Projects 

Recognition and denotation of photographic manipulation.

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Beyond the Screen: Embedded Interfaces as Retail Wayfinding Tools

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Symmetrical Speech: Qualitative Textual Analysis In Humanist Digital Design

By: Alan Walker

There is a widely held colloquialism that iPhones have more computing power than NASA's Apollo mission control systems. How a person sorts out the technicalities of this assertion is beyond the point; most people can agree that modern computers provide dynamic opportunities for a range of applications. One such application is research and inquiry in the field of the Humanities including history, literature, and culture. Specifically, academics studying textually based, artifacts past and present. People may now input a body of text such as a speech or poem into a digital tool that will output a reading of minuscule detail. During the interaction the researcher can easily discover: the frequency of certain words, recurring parts of speech, and even emotional sentimentality... Read more.

Breath in Motion: Breath Awareness Design Research Study

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By: Leigh Hughes

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Organic Web Design: Exploring Nature as Metaphor in Responsive Web Design

By: Alex Catanese

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Using typography and iconography to express emotion (or meaning) in motion graphics as a learning tool for ESL (English as a second language) in a multi-device platform

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By: Daniel Ricardo Echeverri 

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Usability of WordPress for Visual Communication Designers

By: Victoria J Pickett 

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By: Larrie Leon King 

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Strategies for Graphic Design aimed at the Multiple Sclerosis Community: The Development of the Inclusion Framework to Assist in Design Thinking and Visual Communication Artifacts

By: Andrew Brian Fogle

This thesis will address the challenges of living with MS by researching visual communication in a printed context to ensure that current best practices are creating accessible and comprehensible communications for this audience. The primary and secondary research will focus on three specific symptoms common in the community. Visual impairment, cognitive changes and fatigue are key manifestations of the MS community and the symptoms that could be most affected by inaccessible design choices... Read more . 

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By: Joshua A Kruszynski 

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By: Chad Allen Lewis 

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Developing an Arabic Typography Course for Visual Communication Design Students in the Middle East and North African Region

By: Basma Almusallam

Typography is one of the main elements of visual communication design. Acquiring good typographical skills is crucial for designers to effectively convey information and meaning. These skills should be taught in schools by applying a proper typographic foundation and improving skills through experience. Arabic typography has been recently introduced in Visual Communication Design programs in the Middle East and North African region with an emphasis on typeface design... Read more . 

Experiential Graphic Design: Generating Urban Renewal by Improving Safety and Connectivity in Bicycle Pathways

By: Molly Lawrence 

Post-industrial cities today are experiencing an influx of new generations moving into local urban communities. Street culture and walkable downtowns and districts are progressively developing in these urban areas, and the need is present for safer and interconnected bicycle infrastructure. Research has proven that the success of a walkable and bikeable environment plays a significant role in the comprehensive sustainability of a city... Read more . 

User-Centered Approach for Takeout Packaging Design

By: Tipsaran Choknitivet

Competition of grocery store prepared meals has become more intense in the market today. According to The NPD Group’s ongoing foodservice market research, over 40 percent of the U.S. population purchases prepared foods from grocery stores, and consumers rate visits to grocery stores higher than traditional quick service restaurants on variety and healthy options. However, Packaging Matters, the signature consumer research study in 2015, collects data about the role of packaging in product satisfaction... Read more . 

Fluid identity: History & Practice of Dynamic Visual Identity Design

By: Jason E. Murdock 

The main aim of this thesis is twofold. Firstly, this investigation seeks to broaden the scope of graphic design history as it pertains to visual identity design by documenting the existence of an alternative paradigm—dynamic visual identity design—which has developed alongside the prevailing visual identity design paradigm—static visual identity design—but which is not currently well documented or understood... Read more . 

Designing for Hedonic Shopping Motives: Creating a Framework for E-commerce Imagery

By: Shelby Elizabeth Muter 

The ways in which people research, shop and purchase items has evolved in tandem with the evolution and expansion of e-commerce consumer purchasing. However, the reasons that people shop have essentially stayed the same. It is widely accepted that consumers are motivated by either utilitarian or hedonic goals. Utilitarian consumers are primarily concerned with purchasing products in an efficient and timely manner; whereas, hedonic consumers are primarily focused on the potential entertainment and enjoyment that arises from the shopping experience (Childers, Carr, Peck & Carson, 2001)... Read more . 

Small Businesses and Their Perceived Value of Design

By: Ian McCullough 

This study is a study of small business owners and their perceptions on graphic design. The basis for this study was to gain an understanding of whether or not small businesses view professional graphic design as a beneficial service worth pursuing, and why or why not they are employing the services of professional designers... Read more . 

Design Interjection for Business Incubators

By: Todd Louis Wendorff 

No matter how an entrepreneur defines failure, statistics on the success rate of start-up businesses is disheartening. Around 30 to 40 percent of start-up businesses liquidate all assets, losing all investor funding, while 70 to 80 percent fail to produce the projected return on investment. There is a strong need for effective incubation facilities which compress the learning curves of the start-ups and provide them with necessary initial support in order to improve their sustainability... Read more .

Design Education for Ugandan Secondary Schools

By: Penina Acayo

Uganda has one of the highest youth unemployment rates in Sub-Saharan Africa. Despite this predicament, young adults have the ability and the capacity to drive positive social change and economic growth, if given the appropriate resources and opportunities” (International Youth Foundation, 2011)...  Read more .

Designing for Education Debt Management: Improving Student Financial Experiences Through Design

By: Jason Bacher

For a growing number of students, education debt is becoming a familiar and common reality. Borrowing money for a college education is unlike any financial experience that exists today. Unlike taking out a loan for a car or a mortgage for a home, students enroll in a cycle of continuous investing-potentially carrying on for a lifetime...  Read more .

Decentralized Design Management: Managing People and the Design Process for a Geographically Dispersed Creative Team

By: Brian Buirge

Collaboration is a key factor to fostering innovation, and in the creative economy innovation is indispensable to success. Advances in technology are evolving the ways in which designers, as well as people in every profession, collaborate. The growth of social networking, instant messaging, web conferencing, online project management, and even distance learning are clear indicators of this evolution...  Read more .

From the Wall to the Web: A Microformat for Visual Art

By: Emir Bukva

When I was an undergraduate student at Edinboro University of Pennsylvania, I worked for the Art History department. My job was to digitize as many 35 mm analog slides as I could from a library of thousands...  Read more .

Capturing the Present, Engaging the Future: Designing a Social History Network in a Digital Age

By: Aimee Crane

For thousands of years, stories have been the ultimate source and basic instruction for human emotion and understanding. Stories operate on many levels and communicate on multiple ways that we as humans understand and appreciate...  Read more .

An Informed Emergency: Improving Patient Comfort and Comprehension in and After the Emergency Department

By: Ben Dansby

Several months before beginning this thesis project, I was struck one day with a pain in my abdomen that had me literally writhing on the ground. I called a friend, and through gritted teeth, I asked if he could take me to the emergency room...  Read more . 

SYNC IN PROGRESS: Connecting the Technology Gap Between Gen Y Students and Their Professors

By: Jason Goupil

The Millennials are a group, born from 1977-1994, that have experienced great technological advancements during their formative years as children. Cell phones, computers, the internet, social networks, video games, iPods, digital tablets, and GPS have impacted their lives in big ways...  Read more . 

Painting heroes: Using illustration to improve the standing of baseball in the inner city

By: Steven E Hughes

This thesis explores the development of a series of illustrated portraits of current African American baseball players. It documents the artistic process and research necessary to make a narrative painting...  Read more . 

Teaching Design Concepts through Letterpress

By: Robert Keleman

Teaching Design Concepts through Letterpress Are tactile and visual demonstrations using letterpress equipment useful in teaching basic design concepts to undergraduate graphic design students? College freshmen have grown up with the computer as a learning tool...  Read more . 

Note-taking and Information Retention and Recall

By: Gary Meacher

Information retention is paramount to the education process. There is not a single act in academia that does not require extensive information recall. Beginning with the middle school grades, teachers increasingly rely on the lecture method of instruction. Incidentally, the middle grades are a critical period in the instruction of study skills as the students in that age range are developmentally ready to become strategic learners...  Read more . 

The American Craftsman: A Contemporary Revival

By: Nathanael Mucha

Beginning with the Arts and Crafts period in the 1800s, craft has established itself as a vital cultural and socio-economic force in Western society. As the original movement cooled at the beginning of the 20th century, it evolved under the pressures generated by World War I and II taking on different forms as it influenced various art movements...  Read more . 

Combining Digital Media and Unstructured, Outdoor Play in Order to Foster Healthy Child Development

By: Amy Dwyer Peck

More and more, children are spending time indoors in front of a television, computer or electronic gaming device. They are not spending time outside playing and interacting with other children and the natural world around them. Another aspect limiting children's opportunities for unstructured, outdoor play is their parent’s fear of the outside world, and a need to over-schedule, creating perfectly controlled environments for their children...  Read more . 

Online Learning as a Tool for Enhancing Design Education

By: Jason Richburg

Universities are under great pressure to lower costs and operate more efficiently. This fact has lead to the widespread adoption of distance learning as a means of delivering curriculum. Due to the fiscal demands of their universities, and in response to changes occurring in the professional realm, many design departments find themselves needing to adapt...  Read more . 

Business Environmental Design, Consumer Visual Literacy and Self-Concept

By: Sarah Rutherford

This research explores the hypothesis that the identity and environmental design of a business, whether created intentionally or not, attracts customers because it affirms some aspect of the customer’s self-concept...  Read more . 

Environmental Graphic Design Changing the Perceptions of Divided Communities through Cultural and Social Connectivity

By: Andrew Schwanbeck

Urban segregation occurs when a city’s diversities create perceived barriers around concentrated clusters of social groups. When these divisions are extreme enough, communities become shut off from the rest of the city and often fall into a perpetual cycle struggle and degradation...  Read more . 

The Dynamic Electronic Textbook: Enhancing the Student's Learning Experience

By: Kayne Toukonen

This thesis examines how contemporary education theory could support and justify certain advanced e-textbook design features, enhancing the student’s learning experience and fostering educational growth...  Read more . 

Diamond in the Rough: Telling the Story of Hough's League Park with Temporary Environmental Graphic Design

By: Jennifer Vokoun

In Cleveland’s Hough neighborhood at the corner of East 66th and Lexington Avenue sits an abandoned brick building in front of a large open field. This is the only physical remnant of League Park, the ballpark where Cleveland’s professional baseball teams played from 1891 to 1950. For many this space is hallowed ground, rich in baseball history and Cleveland history...  Read more . 

Social Media as a Meas of Promoting Peer-Based Learning in Design Education

By: Adina (Feigenbaum) Warshawsky

Critique is an integral part of design education whereby students review and evaluate projects in order to learn design principles and develop skills such as self-evaluation and giving constructive feedback to others...  Read more .

Using Design Strategy to add Value to a Political Campaign

By: Lee Zelenak

At the onset of a project, the first question designers like to ask is: why? It seems like such a simple question and yet far too often it goes unanswered, or the answer is, 'Because we have always done it like this.' What has always attracted me to the concept of design strategy is that it provides a platform to help design better understood goals, objectives, and possibilities, while also providing tangible results showing better outcomes...  Read more . 

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112 Graphic Design Dissertation Topics For Your Perfect Assignment

112 Graphic Design Dissertation Topics

Art students write about graphic design dissertation topics to showcase their impressive and creative thinking skills. As a graphic designer, your role is to plan and practice conveying messages with textual content. And this is the most effective and innovative method to connect with consumers in the current world.

Whether complex website page layouts or simple business logos, graphic design takes different forms. Other visual design examples include posters, magazine covers, and business cards. Writing a dissertation using intricate and unique graphic design topics is essential for learners that want to excel in their career in this sector. It’s also vital to research graphic design to impress potential employers.

This article lists 110-plus graphic design topics while describing the parts that a good dissertation in this field comprises.

Parts of a Good Graphic Design Dissertation

An excellent dissertation in this field comprises several parts that students should focus on when writing. Here’s a breakdown of the primary sections of a dissertation on this subject.

Introduction : A good dissertation about a graphic design topic has an opening that creates an excellent impression while encouraging the audience to read the rest of the paper. The intro should be brief to capture the audiences’ attention. Problem statement : This section highlights the research question and its background. It also tells the readers why the dissertation is essential. Objectives and aim of the paper : This section tells the readers why your topic matters. It explains the intent of your research and your desired outcomes for the project. Methodology : Here, you describe the methods you use to research the topic. Also, highlight the available techniques while comparing them to choose a viable option. For instance, you can include print media, software, and other platform media details for completing your dissertation. Literature review : This part comprises details of previous studies and the scholars behind them. It also has a theoretical framework for the dissertation, providing insights into your starting point, ideas, and concepts. Limitation : In this section, you highlight the scope, ideas, and limitations of your study. Also, you specify the objectives you attained from your research.

Writing a thesis about a graphic design topic requires relevant principles’ knowledge, and strong writing skills. If you are not interested in writing and don’t want to waste your time on a boring task from a professor, you can pay someone to do your assignment and enjoy the activities you love.

Top Graphic Design Dissertation Topics

Maybe you want to write a thesis paper about a top topic in this academic field. In that case, consider the following ideas.

  • The latest trends in graphic design
  • How to use PowerPoint in graphic design
  • Subliminal messages and advertisement
  • Visual design concepts in the 20th century
  • Digital art’s evolution over the years
  • How graphic design can help online service providers generate more sales
  • How multimedia design affects the world
  • Graphic design and repetition theory- How they affect consumers’ behavior
  • Graphic design and changes in online gaming
  • Color selection, graphic design, and human psychology- What’s the connection?
  • Application and relevance of design theories
  • How consumers perceive web designs
  • How web graphics create trust among visitors
  • Using negative spacing and graphic design to affect the consumers’ subconscious minds
  • Famous graphic designers of the century
  • How does TV influence graphic design
  • How computers affect graphic design
  • Using graphic design in computer game interfaces to draw more consumers
  • Balance as a graphic design basic- How does it create impressive visuals?
  • Online graphical design tools versus conventional designing programs
  • How visual heuristics assist in segmenting the attention of the viewers
  • Graphic design and political satire
  • How graphic design tools have revolutionized the industry

These are some of the top ideas to consider for a thesis topic in this subject. Nevertheless, research your chosen title extensively to write a comprehensive paper.

General Graphic Design Dissertation Ideas

Graphic design is a growing study field with many organizations establishing departments and offices for expert designers. Here are general ideas to explore when writing a thesis paper in graphic design.

  • Understanding graphic design
  • How graphic design influence communications
  • Qualifications of a professional graphic designer
  • Is graphic design a career or a passion?
  • Similarities between conventional photographers and graphic designers’ tools
  • The essence of colors in graphic design
  • Comparison between contemporary graphic design and photographic theory
  • Understanding the visual design principles
  • How graphic designers affect their field
  • Factors influencing graphic design
  • Developmental stages for graphic design
  • The influence of technology on graphic design
  • The graphic design’s role in social media
  • Changes in graphical design tools
  • Computer graphics’ evolution in the 20th century
  • Is traditional graphic design critical in the digital age?
  • The essence of computers in the visual design evolution
  • Media forms in graphic design
  • How print styles and typefaces influence the digital age
  • Graphic design and its role in web design and development

These are general topics to consider when writing a thesis in this field. Pick any idea from this list and investigate it thoroughly before writing.

Best Graphic Design Dissertation Topics

The internet has many ideas to explore when writing a dissertation in graphic design. Here are the best titles to consider for your paper.

  • Using color psychology to trigger emotions in graphic design
  • The impact of graphical design tools on the industry
  • Graphic design and newspaper adverts- How they influence the consumers’ buying behavior
  • Graphic design and its use in promoting movie festivals
  • Graphic design and its use in street art and social commentary
  • How logos and organization branding affect sales
  • Space and its use in design esthetics
  • Color theory and its impact on graphic design
  • Typeset techniques and principles as part of graphic design
  • Creating environmental awareness using graphic design
  • Graphic design software trends
  • Cultural expectations and graphic design
  • How visual imaging improves understanding
  • Media design and new graphics
  • Is desktop publishing dead?
  • Web animation and graphic design- How they have shaped the internet content
  • Newspaper ads evolution in the digital era
  • Personality role in arts
  • How experts use graphic design to create a set in the film industry
  • Restaurants and theme design
  • Graphic design and persuasion elements
  • Commercial design- How to facilitate feedback when dealing with customers
  • How visual hierarchy helps in creating customer e-commerce stores’ perception
  • Art directors as transformational heads
  • How graphic designs help in making directories
  • How graphic design has revolutionized modern cinema
  • Colorful classroom creation

These ideas can be the basis of a fantastic dissertation. Nevertheless, each of them requires adequate time to investigate and gather relevant information.

Exciting Graphic Design Research Topics

Maybe you want to write about an interesting topic in this field. In that case, writing about any of these ideas can be fun.

  • Unique 10-minute graphic design projects
  • How animation helps in creating beautiful postcards
  • How the design language can trigger brand retention in customers’ minds
  • Classic book cover re-interpretation
  • Results and effects of graphic design in the consumer markets
  • How graphic design helps in coloring kids’ books
  • Secondary research and its use in exploring web design features
  • Traits of a successful graphic designer
  • Graphic design and its relationship with the pop culture
  • How graphic design facilitates the creation of business cards
  • Literature review of the graphic novel
  • Graphic design trends over the last decade
  • Theory application in graphic design
  • How people perceive visual communication and design education
  • How artistic sensibility affects the graphic design
  • How banners facilitate message conveyance
  • Average budget analysis in graphic design projects
  • Is graphic design education important?
  • How appealing products affect consumer choices
  • Using graphic design to retarget ads and reach the target market efficiently
  • Graphic design theory application

These are fun topics to consider for a thesis in this field. Nevertheless, perform in-depth research to write a winning paper about these titles.

Senior Thesis Graphic Design Project Ideas

Maybe you need a graphic design title for your senior thesis. In that case, select any of these ideas for your paper.

  • How to use graphic design to boost e-commerce stores’ sales
  • How graphic design can help consumers recall your brand
  • How Apple uses graphic design to influence buying behavior
  • How marketing agencies use graphic design
  • Graphic design and commercial distinctiveness
  • How limited financial plans affect graphics
  • How graphic designers use psychological triggers to boost customer loyalty
  • How video filters boost sales and customer attention in graphic designs
  • How computer graphics evolved in the 20th century
  • Graphic design and its use by clothing brands
  • Why logos and visual design matter to businesses
  • Graphic design and its use in creating a plant identifying application
  • Gradient logo designs versus flat logo designs
  • Advertisement and computer graphics- How they alter consumer behavior
  • How contrast colors affect buying behavior
  • How graphic design and brochures help businesses to attract more sales
  • Developing a graphic design career
  • The impact of graphic design on product packaging
  • Vehicle wraps evolution and graphic design
  • Exploring different techniques that graphic designers use to convey messages
  • Graphical design application in advanced technology

These are some of the best ideas to explore when researching and writing about graphic design. While this may not be a comprehensive list, it has titles college and uni students can choose for their graduate and undergraduate papers.

Get Online Assignment Help

Maybe your teacher or professor wants you to write a high-quality paper on a graphic design topic, but you don’t think you can write a winning essay. Perhaps, you don’t have enough time to research and write a successful thesis. In that case, our experts can help you. Our professional team provides custom research, writing, editing, and proofreading services. Our team answers any student that needs help to score the top marks in all academic papers.

We’re ready to handle your assignment, whether you need assistance with an easy, advanced, or controversial paper. We offer quick online writing help to learners across educational levels. Our assignment help London will surely get you the best grades. Whether you’re pursuing a degree program or college education and your supervisor has asked you to write about graphic design, our ENL writers will help you. Start a chat conversation with us, saying, “Please do my dissertation.” Our customer support team will get back to you. Alternatively, please place an order for your dissertation by filling out our contact form.

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MFA Graphic Design Thesis (2022)

Mfa graphic design thesis show (2022), frame/work/site.

April 13 – 29, 2022

Faye G., Jo, and James Stone Gallery


Graphic design is a frame for content and ideas. It is a focused lens with a clearly articulated point of view; as a device and approach to content, graphic design determines what is made visible, shared, presented, and communicated. The design methodologies developed in the MFA Graphic Design program at Boston University shape meaning, produce knowledge, and consider the act of framing as a critical tool.

Graphic design is a framework. As an essential supporting apparatus that makes communication accessible and engaging, graphic design occurs across a myriad of ever-changing platforms and mediums. From print to screen to immersive physical installations and augmented reality, from the time-tested formats of the past to the innovative technological platforms of tomorrow, evidence of graphic design’s presence is pervasive.

Graphic design is work. The practice of design is a synthesis of conceptual thinking and invention combined with physical labor and craft to achieve a specific desired outcome. Designers labor, spending countless hours on iterations, revisions, consultations, and refinements, sometimes taking a project completely apart and starting over. The work is not solitary but is a response to—and collaboration with—a range of stakeholders, always with an audience in mind. This exhibition is work: a collaboration and collective effort of a remarkable group of designers from China, the Dominican Republic, India, Palestine, the Philippines, the United Arab Emirates, and the United States. It presents original work by eighteen individuals, brought together through a unified expression and concept. This talented cohort reframed each piece of work in this exhibition for this site, this precise space and time.

This exhibition is a worksite. The gallery becomes a place of activity, where work is produced and presented. Graphic design in this context is both made visible and displayed, providing a glimpse into the larger bodies of work each designer generated over the last two years. Each designer embarked on a course of shared and individual study; identifying and refining visual and critical approaches to graphic design production, research, and inquiry. They’ve shared knowledge, theorized, prototyped, and supported each other, providing advice, insight, and inspiration.

And it is here on this site, in a gallery inflected by nods to the conventions of construction worksites, that the public can engage with new directions in contemporary graphic design. This space becomes a location to invoke questions—about design’s relationship with reimagined book forms and distribution channels, social media, the metaverse, cultural identity, aesthetic style, memory, talismans, abstraction, material culture, experimental typography and form-making, tools, pedagogy, limitations, failure, wellness, mental health, and much more. The collection of thesis work shared in this exhibition demonstrates engagement across disciplines and diverse areas of practice and promises to be a foundation for sustained professional practice.

Kristen Coogan Associate Professor of Art, Graphic Design

Christopher Sleboda Associate Professor of Art, Graphic Design

Thesis Website

See the work of the 2022 School of Visual Arts Master of Fine Arts Graphic Design Thesis Show

Featuring work from 2022 MFA candidates in Graphic Design, Painting, and Sculpture at Boston University College of Fine Arts School of Visual Arts. Published on the occasion of the 2022 Boston University CFA School of Visual Arts MFA Thesis.

Designed by MFA candidates Chuck Gonzales, Chen Luo, Reshma Vijayan, Jaylen Wang

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How to write the perfect design dissertation

Tutors and students from top design colleges share their advice.

thesis about graphic design

Studying design is about crafting a great design portfolio that will wow potential employers, right? Well, yes. But don't discount the importance of astute creative thinking, and expressing yourself eloquently through the written word. In short, your design dissertation matters.

"I don't believe that design students should be focused entirely on portfolio work," argues Myrna MacLeod , programme leader for Graphic Design at Edinburgh Napier University. "They should also be able to demonstrate an interest in the contexts that underpin their work, and the histories and connections that have informed our practice."

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"Think of a dissertation as an opportunity, not a burden," urges Craig Burston , Graphic and Media Design course leader at London College of Communication (LCC). "It gives us visually-minded people an opportunity to demonstrate that we too can construct arguments and distil complex notions." 

As Burston points out, this is not just an academic exercise: the power of persuasion is often key to success as a commercial designer. "Clients seek clarity, and project concepts or proposals need to be put into context," he says.

Read on to discover some top tips from leading tutors and their students for nailing your design dissertation…

01. Treat it like a design brief

"A great dissertation should be a designed artefact, and portfolio-worthy in its own right," says Burston. And like a design brief, it should be about solving a problem: "Make sure it has clearly stated aims, strong focus, and doesn't lack opinion or rhetoric," he adds.

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"The value of a designed dissertation as a portfolio piece is that it's a holistic view of the individual," agrees Sarah James , senior lecturer in Visual Communication at Arts University Bournemouth (AUB). 

"It shows, type, editorial, research and aesthetic skill, as well as the personal interests and convictions of the individual."

For her AUB dissertation on responsive type, Maarit Koobas conducted an extensive research process

James identifies AUB student Maarit Koobas , who investigated responsive type in both her dissertation and final project, as a particularly strong example of this. "Her design version was one of the most authentic, restrained and elegantly expressive I have ever received," she enthuses.

Koobas conducted a huge amount of initial research into both the contexts in which responsive type can be seen – such as advertising, product design, science and material cultures – and the theories behind its analysis, including semiotics, philosophy and politics. "Creating and analysing ideas, before they end up in your portfolio, is what design is all about," argues Koobas.

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02. Write about your passion

"To develop essay questions, AUB students are asked to consider what they love, hate or are puzzled by in their practice – essentially, what moves them," says James. 

"A poor dissertation is inauthentically chosen for ease as opposed to interest," she adds. "It rambles and blusters, using complex language to mask insufficient research." 

"You can tell a mile off when the writer isn't interested," agrees Burston. "How can you expect the reader to care about it if you don't? Write about something that reflects your interests, focus and direction. I've read fascinating dissertations on topics as diverse as patterns in nature, and Brutalist car parks. Make me interested in what interests you."

Research by Napier graduate Fiona Winchester on typography in graphic novels

For Edinburgh Napier graduate Fiona Winchester , this topic turned out to be typography in graphic novels. "I love reading them, but I think people still don't take them seriously as an art form, which is a shame," she says. For her dissertation, she conducted qualitative interviews using modified pages with and without imagery (shown above). 

Her advice is simple: "Narrow down your idea to be as precise as possible. The smaller your question, the easier it is to research and try to answer it."

If you're struggling to get the ball rolling on the actual writing process, Winchester advocates starting with whichever bit you have ideas for. "If you're stuck, it's so much easier to write in whatever order it comes to you, and then edit it into a dissertation, than to try write straight through from beginning to end," she insists.

03. Don't be afraid to talk to people

"I always think my students get the most out of the new streams of knowledge they find from talking to people," says McLeod. "It breaks down barriers and allows them to find answers to problems. Hopefully they will adopt that approach when designing for people also."

In some cases, this can involve interviewing your design heroes. "Students are very surprised when they send a question to Stefan Sagmeister , Milton Glaser or Michael Wolff and they reply with the most precious nugget of knowledge," smiles McLeod. 

But remember: it's your dissertation, so don't get lazy and expect your interview subject to do all the heavy lifting.

Kaori Toh's CSM dissertation on Mapping as a Creative Agency: Revelations and Speculations in the Age of Infrastructure

In other cases, it could be as simple as asking friends or family to help proofread. "It is quite daunting writing such a large body of text," admits Kaori Toh , a recent graduate from Central Saint Martins, whose dissertation explored the politics of design and technology.

"I often felt I'd get lost in all that text and research," she confesses. "Therefore, I would often send my drafts to a couple of friends to have them look through, and keep my writing cohesive."

04. Reflect on your design practice 

Most of all, dissertations are an opportunity to reflect on, and develop, your creative process as a designer. "Ultimately, it's your job to make your work relevant and credible, and the dissertation helps you learn how to do this," adds Burston. 

Of course, writing doesn't always come easily to visually minded people – and Burston highlights the fact that dyslexia is not uncommon amongst designers. 

"You're not on your own – in our profession, quite the opposite in fact – so do seek academic support, and just enjoy thinking and writing about 'stuff' that informs your practice," is his advice.

Entitled New Faces, Tom Baber's thesis at LCC discusses the craft of type design in the 21st century, inspired by his own experience creating a working typeface: Elephant Grotesk

One of Burston's stand-out students from this year, Tom Baber , welcomed support from the university to help with his dyslexia. Baber's dissertation focused on type design, and particularly the extent to which the longwinded design process is worth the effort, compared to using an existing typeface.

"I saw it as an opportunity to approach other type designers and see what they thought. Turns out I'm not the first to ask the question," he smiles. "Writing my dissertation helped me change from a 'maker' mentality to a 'designer' mentality, and be more critical of my ideas."

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Nick is a content strategist and copywriter. He has worked with world-class agencies including Superunion, Wolff Olins and Vault49 on brand storytelling, tone of voice and verbal strategy for global brands such as Virgin, Pepsi and TikTok. Nick launched the Brand Impact Awards in 2013 while editor of Computer Arts, and remains chair of judges. He's written for Creative Bloq on design and branding matters since the site's launch.

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Graphic design and architecture at their intersection

Kathleen Kaminski

This thesis will explore the increasingly important role played by graphic design in architecture. Traditionally thought of as a two-dimensional applied art, graphic design has relevant applications in the design of places. This is sometimes known as environmental graphic design. The premise of this investigation is that by extending graphic design into the world of architecture, both disciplines are strengthened. Graphic design in an architectural context benefits from a more long-lasting medium, in material and duration, than its more common forms in print, film or digital media. Architecture, in its turn, gains another way to communicate to an audience, one that is more flexible and changeable than its otherwise static structure would ordinarily permit. The research component of this thesis will analyze the ways in which environmental graphic design is similar to and different from architecture and two-dimensional graphic design. Research will also show how and why this hybrid is important. It will analyze the ways In which graphic design in the built environment adds value or interest to a place, marks territory, acts as ornament, provides identity, and adds meaning in ways that could not be achieved by architecture or graphic design alone. It will identify a wide range of applications where this might be useful. The application of this thesis study will be a book about the subject outlined above. This book could be used as a guidebook for teaching about these disciplines. It could also be used as a reference book for designers and clients considering the incorporation of graphic design in an architectural project. This application will collect and organize information that is currently scattered, existing in pockets across disciplines and mainly in periodicals. With this collection and analysis of material new insights will be possible that will contribute to our understanding of the growing field of environmental graphic design.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Architecture--Aesthetics; Graphic arts

Publication Date

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School of Design (CIAS)

Meader, Bruce

Advisor/Committee Member

Wetherald, Houghton

Note: imported from RIT’s Digital Media Library running on DSpace to RIT Scholar Works. Physical copy available through RIT's The Wallace Library at: NA2543.G73 K36 1999

Recommended Citation

Kaminski, Kathleen, "Graphic design and architecture at their intersection" (1999). Thesis. Rochester Institute of Technology. Accessed from

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Graphic Design Dissertation Topics & Titles

Published by Grace Graffin at January 4th, 2023 , Revised On August 16, 2023

Looking for some exciting graphic design research topics for your dissertation? We’ve got you covered. Get your graphic design dissertation topics from our experts.

Whether you’re a student or an active professional, graphics design needs you to be spontaneous. This implies possessing the power to return with distinctive and original work once functioning on a client’s project or a graphic design thesis for your lecturer. It’s one profession that depends entirely on creativity.

Graphic design is in the spotlight everywhere in the United States of America. From easy ad ways that we might read on the TV to advanced animation styles and interactive deposit exhibitions.

This helps to produce an array of various opportunities for finishing a fascinating and innovative graphic design dissertation, with there being a variety of various topic square measures that are prone to more analyses.

A graphic design dissertation is conducted to check your information and learning capabilities. In graphic designing dissertations, you may complete your study on the impacts and effects of style components in varied business sectors of the globe. This may assist you in building an understanding of how things are operating within the skilled world.

If you’re dawdling pondering a groundbreaking graphic designing dissertation topic, then you should stop pondering this much. Bobbing up with a dissertation topic isn’t a piece of cake.

It needs considerable expertise and business information to search out that one drawback already there; however, no one highlighted it. Ideation is a robust method that comes before generating a subject for your dissertation.

Your graphic design thesis topic is barely nearly as good as your graphic-style dissertation plan. Each square measure is interconnected.

So, you’re a graphic designing student with complete command over all the main subjects of your field. However, you have got no clue about the way to write a dissertation. The bulk of graphic planning students can relate to it. To return with a graphic designing dissertation topic, you need information and knowledge of dissertation writing.

Another thing to be mindful of when selecting a topic is the availability of literature since undergraduate and graduate-level dissertations . Unlike PhD. Dissertations, have a smaller scope and do not aim to change course or invent a new concept, so the available literature can be of great help in determining the goal, content, and methodology .

The supporting evidence can help you to fortify and strengthen the arguments presented in your dissertation. At ResearchProspect, we make sure that you choose a topic that is relevant, recent, and interesting. We understand the challenges of being a media student, as with each passing day, something new comes up that takes the world by storm.

Considering the dynamic nature of your subject, our team suggests topics that will help in getting approval you’re your professors instantly. You can also get back to us to either edit the topic or add a few missing elements.

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2022 Graphic Design Dissertation Topics

Topic 1: critical interpretation of the effectiveness of using graphic designing in advanced marketing strategies to increase conversion of the target audience by the uk retailers..

Research Aim: The aim of this study is to critically interpret the effectiveness of using graphic design in advanced marketing strategies to increase conversion of the target audience by UK retailers.


  • To identify the suitability of graphic designing for marketing purposes.
  • To demonstrate the relevance of using graphic designing in advanced marketing to increase conversion of the target audience in the UK retail sector.
  • To provide valid recommendations to UK retailers about how they can strategically use graphic designing in advanced marketing practices aiming to increase conversion of the target audience.

Topic 2: Investigating the growing practice of graphic designing to use visual arts in healthcare, an initiative by the NHS.

Research Aim: The aim of this research study is to investigate the growing practice of graphic design to use visual arts in healthcare. For an insightful understanding, the study will focus on the initiative taken by the NHS.

  • To analyse the relevance of using graphic design to create visual arts specifically for healthcare purposes.
  • To describe the initiative taken by the NHS for creating visual arts with the help of graphic design and their purposeful utilisation in healthcare.
  • To recommend strategies to ensure the best level of use of graphic design for creating visual arts in healthcare thereby meeting the goals of the NHS.

Topic 3: A critical study on the current trend of graphic communication by using graphic designs to strengthen brand identity and recognition in the UK online fashion brands.

Research Aim: The present research study aims to describe the current trend of graphic communication by using graphic designs to strengthen brand identity and recognition in UK online fashion brands.

  • To study the ongoing trend of graphic communication by using graphic designs and their effectiveness.
  • To examine how the UK online fashion brands rely on graphic communication to strengthen brand identity and recognition by using the means of graphic designing.
  • To provide a set of recommendations for ensuring the best level utilisation of graphic designs for improved graphic communication.

Topic 4: Examining the benefits of extensive use of graphic designs in branding to ensure cost and time efficiency in UK SMEs.

Research Aim: The aim of this study is to examine the benefits of extensive use of graphic designs in branding that can ensure cost and time efficiency in UK SMEs.

  • To carry out a discussion on the advantageous effects of graphic designing in the area of marketing.
  • To determine how branding can be improved by using graphic designs, which leads towards cost and time efficiency in UK SMEs.
  • To suggest the best possible strategies and ways of using graphic designs to improve time and cost efficiency in UK SMEs.

Topic 5: Critically analyse the relevance of using 3d printing and CAD software by professional graphic designers referring to the practice in the UK construction industry.

Research Aim: The aim of this study is to analyse the relevance of using 3D printing and CAD software by professional graphic designers. The research study will focus on the activities and use of these technologies in the UK construction industry.

  • To make a clear idea about the use of 3D printing and CAD software by graphic designers.
  • To shed light on the use of 3D printing technology and CAD software used by graphic designers in the UK construction industry.
  • To provide valid recommendations to the UK construction companies for helping graphic designers with the use of 3D printing and CAD software.

Graphic Design Dissertation Topics

Topic 1: graphic design and commercial distinctiveness.

Research aim: This dissertation topic can elaborate on how organizations and companies rely on graphics to be distinctive and different brands in the town. You can also emphasize how significant graphic design is to mould your business and increase more sales.

Topic 2: Role of graphic design in web design development

Research Aim: Graphic design plays a vital role in web development. In your dissertation, you can tell how graphic design appeals to the audience and how it can bring traffic to your website. As a graphic designer, you can also tell the history of web development and the role played by a graphic designer.

Topic 3: Visual Hierarchy in Consumers Preception

Research Aim: Visual Hierarchy is one of the most necessary principles behind attractive web design is the distinction between a website that strategically influences user flow  that “looks nice.”  You can add the importance of visual hierarchy in the design.

Topic 4: Psychology and its effects on Designing:

Research Aim: Psychology data helps build the look which can make users perform the actions they’re expected, like creating an acquisition or contacting the team. Designers may see psychological science as an advanced approach to enhance the look.

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Topic 5: Challenges in graphic designing

Research Aim: There are many challenges that graphic design faces in the industry. You can highlight topics such as Visual Branding and Project direction in your dissertation.

Topic 6: Photographic theory and graphic design.

Research Aim: In this dissertation topic, you can explain which tools are used by graphic designers and photographers. For what purpose tools are used, and what are the similarities in them.

Topic 7: Graphic design in Great Britain of 1978.

Research Aim: In this dissertation topic, you can discuss the evolution of graphic design during this period of Great Britain in 1978. Discuss how these movements increased the passion for graphic design and what its impact was on youth.

Topic 8: The evolution of graphic design in the 20th century.

Research Aim: In this research paper, you can elaborate on how graphic designing was introduced in the 20th century. How people took it, and how did graphic designing become popular.

Topic 9: Graphic design and corporate identity

Research Aim: You can discuss how graphic designing helped in the evolution of corporate identity. Discuss how brand logos helped increase companies sales by graphic designing, also add a part to empower people towards graphic designing.

Topic 10: Graphic design and mass communication

Research Aim: In this dissertation topic, you can tell how graphic design helps send messages to others by different means, i-e: images or videos. You can also discuss how graphic design works in marketing and how far it is successful.

Topic 11: Graphic design with a low budget

Research Aim: Discuss in your dissertation paper the possibilities to create a graphic product with a low budget. You can also name some companies or individuals who make graphic design on a low budget.

Topic 12: Influence of TV on Graphic Design

Research Aim: There was a need for visual language at the time of TV birth .  Many individuals worked on this and set the standards that still influence what is shown on TV.

Topic 13: Computer graphic designers

Research Aim: This would be the best topic to discuss how computer graphic designers helped increase the scope of graphic designing. Does this profession still attract people? Does this profession still worth it?

Topic 14: Paul Rand and his graphic design

Research Aim: In this dissertation paper, you may write about this well-known graphic designer who created many memorable logos and made many contributions to graphic designing. You can also quote other designers too who can be an inspiration for others.

Topic 15: Trends in Graphic Designing

Research Aim: Graphic design has so much innovation from the last decade till now. In your dissertation topic, you can discuss some main trends like 3d design and typography, Art deco and Isometric design etc.

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Topic 16: Women and graphic designing

Research Aim: Women have fought for equal chances in every field, like leadership, economic platforms, and politics. You can elaborate on how women are more creative and how they are taking part in graphic designing and making marks.

Topic 17: Development of career path in graphic designing

Research Aim: In your dissertation paper, you can tell that the typical graphic designer career path starts with the junior designer, which leads to senior designers, art directors, motion artists, web developers, and many more careers. You can empower youth to opt for these professions.

Topic 18: Use Of Artificial Intelligence In Graphic Design

Research Aim: AI is one of the most demanding and latest niches in IT. You can elaborate on how AI to help designers to make designs faster, efficiently, and cheaply. Moreover, you can talk about how AI can also take over designing and neglect humanly efforts.

Topic 19: How Graphic Design Revolutionized Product Packaging

Research Aim: Appealing and fanaticizing product packaging can play an essential role in increasing your sales. You can tell how packaging can attract consumers to buy the product. For example, vibrant colours are used in cosmetic packaging

Topic 20: Website Design and Sales

Research Aim: Improving your website’s style will boost its credibility, which will cause multiplied sales for your company. You can add how an appealing website can make your sales double or more increased .

Free Dissertation Topic

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Frequently Asked Questions

How to find graphic design dissertation topics.

To find graphic design dissertation topics:

  • Research recent design trends.
  • Analyze design challenges or innovations.
  • Explore cultural or social aspects.
  • Review design history and theory.
  • Consider cross-disciplinary ideas.
  • Select a topic that resonates with your passion and career aspirations.

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Master’s Degrees In Graphic Design: Everything You Need To Know

Liz Simmons

Updated: Jul 3, 2023, 2:55am

Master&#8217;s Degrees In Graphic Design: Everything You Need To Know

A master’s in graphic design can help you gain the skills and knowledge to succeed in various art and design careers. Graphic design master’s graduates may qualify for jobs like graphic designer, art director, industrial designer and graphic design instructor.

Though a master’s in graphic design is not a standard requirement for the field, earning this degree can help you stand out from other applicants in a competitive job market. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) projects slower-than-average job growth for graphic designers between 2021 and 2031, meaning employers can be more selective.

A graphic design graduate degree provides an excellent opportunity to refine your skills, build a portfolio of work and network with other professionals in the field. Find out what to expect from master’s programs in graphic design, including potential graphic design career paths, in the guide below.

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What Is a Master’s Degree in Graphic Design?

A master’s in graphic design is a graduate-level degree that prepares students for various arts, digital media and design-related careers. Graphic design master’s programs focus on advanced graphic design theory, concepts, tools and practices. Classes explore typography, design criticism, and graphic design and art history.

A typical master’s degree takes full-time students two years to complete. It usually takes longer to graduate if you study part time.

Graphic design programs may offer a master of fine arts (MFA) or master of arts (MA) degree. Both degree types usually require core and elective coursework, seminars, a portfolio and studio work. An MFA may take longer to complete than an MA and typically prepares graduates for professional fine arts practice. An MA might be a better choice if you plan to do something other than become a professional artist.

Degree requirements often include a capstone or practicum experience or an internship, either of which provides hands-on experience in a professional graphic design setting. If you choose an online master’s in graphic design, you may need to complete internship or practicum requirements in person. Some programs also require a master’s thesis.

Admission Requirements for a Master’s Degree in Graphic Design

Admission criteria for master’s programs in graphic design vary by school but always include a bachelor’s degree. Depending on the program, you may not need an undergraduate graphic design degree to pursue a master’s in the subject, but you must demonstrate a strong graphic design background.

Potential admission requirements for a master’s in graphic design program include:

  • Official transcripts that prove you hold a bachelor’s degree
  • Letters of recommendation (sometimes optional)
  • A personal statement or statement of purpose
  • A graphic design portfolio

Common Courses in a Master’s Degree in Graphic Design

Explore some typical classes in a master’s degree in graphic design:

  • User experience design. This core course explores fundamental user experience design theories and tools. Topics include wireframing, stakeholder interviews, prototypes and customer experience maps.
  • Graduate graphic design studio. Studio time allows learners to work on design projects for their portfolios.
  • History of graphic design. Students learn about the history of graphic design, including key figures and events that shaped the field today.
  • Graphic design thesis. Depending on the program, students may take one or more classes to work on their graphic design thesis. This project is the culmination of everything learned during the program and usually includes both written and design components.

Accreditation for a Master’s Degree in Graphic Design

Some of the best degrees in graphic design are accredited by the National Association of Schools of Art and Design (NASAD), which evaluates educational quality for undergraduate and graduate programs in arts and design-related disciplines.

Though not an industry requirement, attending an NASAD-accredited graphic design program may help you stand out from others in the field. You can look up programs in NASAD’s database of accredited institutions to see if your prospective degree is programmatically accredited.

What Can You Do with a Master’s Degree in Graphic Design?

A master’s degree in graphic design can prepare you to apply for various creative jobs. Some of these roles may require experience, education or certification beyond a master’s in graphic design. No degree guarantees a specific job, but you can learn some potential opportunities below.

The below salary data comes from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics or Payscale .

Graphic Designers

Median Annual Salary: $57,990 Minimum Required Education: Bachelor’s degree Job Overview: Graphic designers tell stories and communicate information visually. They use digital tools and draw by hand to create the design and layout of magazines, websites, products and advertisements. Graphic designers often work with public relations, marketing and advertising professionals. These professionals need creativity and artistic, computer and communication skills.

Fine Artists

Median Annual Salary: $57,560 Minimum Required Education: None required, but many complete a bachelor’s degree Job Overview: Fine artists use various techniques and mediums to create original art that they sell or exhibit. Many fine artists also have other jobs in addition to selling their art. Many types of fine artists use graphic design skills, including cartoonists, illustrators, medical and scientific illustrators, and video artists.

Art Directors

Median Annual Salary: $105,180 Minimum Required Education: Bachelor’s degree Job Overview: Art directors oversee and help create the design and style in movies, TV, magazines and product packaging. Tasks include managing other design workers, dealing with clients, and approving images and concepts. Art directors may work in publishing, advertising and public relations or movie production.

Special Effects Artists and Animators

Median Annual Salary: $98,950 Minimum Required Education: Bachelor’s degree Job Overview: Special effects artists and animators make visual effects and images for movies, tv shows and video games. With experience, they can sometimes advance to become art directors or producers. Special effects artists and animators need artistic talent and creativity, as well as computer and communication skills.

Postsecondary Teacher

Median Annual Salary: $76,920 Minimum Required Education: Master’s degree Job Overview: Postsecondary teachers provide instruction to students after high school. They work in universities, community colleges and professional schools. Common job duties include teaching classes, grading student work, conducting research and making lesson plans. Although most universities require instructors to hold a Ph.D., a master’s degree in graphic design can suffice for some postsecondary teaching positions in the field.

User Experience (UX) Designer

Average Annual Salary: About $76,400 Minimum Required Education: Bachelor’s degree Job Overview: UX designers improve a user’s experience using a product or service through design. UX design most commonly applies to computer software and hardware, but the discipline’s principles can be used in other areas as well. UX designers create prototypes, conduct user testing and evaluate outcomes. They usually work on teams with engineers and other designers.

Web and Digital Interface Designers

Median Annual Salary: $83,240 Minimum Required Education: High school diploma or bachelor’s degree Job Overview: Web and digital interface designers create designs for websites and digital interfaces. Job duties include developing and testing layouts, navigation menus and interfaces, along with evaluating web design and managing web content. Web and digital interface designers also create website graphics.

Industrial Designers

Median Annual Salary: $75,910 Minimum Required Education: Bachelor’s degree Job Overview: Industrial designers use art, engineering and business skills to design manufactured products like cars, furniture and toys. Typical duties include brainstorming designs, sketching ideas, creating prototypes of designs and meeting with clients to discuss projects. Industrial designers need artistic ability, creativity and computer, mechanical and problem-solving skills.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Master's Degrees in Graphic Design

Is a master's degree in graphic design worth it.

Only you can decide if it’s worthwhile to get a master’s in graphic design. Graduate school usually involves a significant investment of time and money, but it can also open the door to better career and salary opportunities, help you develop a portfolio of work, provide chances to network and give you a sense of personal accomplishment.

Can you do a masters in graphic design online?

Yes, you can complete an online master’s program in graphic design. Pursuing your graphic design graduate degree online can offer flexibility and convenience compared to a traditional on-campus program.

Is it worth it to major in graphic design?

Majoring in graphic design can be worthwhile depending on your career goals and personal interests. Consider whether advanced graphic design skills would help you bring your career plans to life. Graphic design majors often become graphic designers, but some pursue careers as art directors, animators and web designers. These are all relatively well-paying careers with salaries ranging from $83,000 to more than $100,000.

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Graphic Design

The graphic design program focuses on the development of a cohesive, investigative body of work, also known as the student’s thesis. At Yale, the graphic design thesis is conceived as a loose framework within which each student’s visual method is deployed across many diverse projects during the two-year course of study. While every thesis project is unique, there are several common features: a focus on methodology, the application of a visual method to studio work, and the organization of the work in a thoughtfully argued written document and a “Thesis Book.”

The individual collection of graphic design work by each student is supported on several levels simultaneously: studio work led by faculty meeting weekly; small six-person thesis groups meeting biweekly; individual sessions with writing and editing tutors; and lectures, presentations, and workshops.

Although the School of Art provides digital lab facilities, all graphic design students are expected to have their own personal computer. Each student has a designated work space in the design studio loft and has access to equipment including bookbinding materials, wide-format printers, a RISO duplicator, Vandercook letterpress, and work spaces in the School of Art buildings. More resources supporting interdisciplinary projects including motion capture and VR are available at the nearby Center for Collaborative Arts and Media. In addition, students draw on the extraordinary resources of Yale University courses, conferences, films, lectures, and museums, and especially the extensive research and rare book collections of Sterling, Haas, and Beinecke libraries.

Each year, up to twelve students are admitted into the two-year graphic design program, and up to seven students are admitted into the preliminary-year program. Two-year-program students are expected to have substantial and distinguished experience in visual studies and related professional experience. Students applying to the preliminary-year program typically have relevant experience in a field of study outside design and demonstrate evidence of visual acuity. After successful completion of the preliminary year, these students automatically continue on in the two-year M.F.A. program.

Credit Requirements

48 credits in area of concentration, including ART 949 , and 12 additional credits, including a minimum of 3 academic credits in courses outside the School of Art.

Typical Plan of Study

Preliminary Year, Fall-Term Minimum Credits
Graphic Design Histories1
Preliminary Studio: Graphic Design6
Prelim Typography3
All Design Considered3
Preliminary Year, Spring-Term Minimum Credits
Interactive Design and the Internet: Software for People1
Advanced Graphic Design: Ad Hoc Series and Systems1
Preliminary Studio: Graphic Design6
All Design Considered3
First Year, Fall-Term Minimum Credits
First-Year Graduate Studio: Graphic Design6
Critical & Professional Practices3
Graphic Design Elective3
Graphic Design, Studio, or Academic Electives3
First-Year, Spring-Term Minimum Credits
First-Year Graduate Studio: Graphic Design6
Writing as Visual Practice3
Graphic Design Elective3
Graphic Design, Studio, or Academic Electives3
Second-Year, Fall-Term Minimum Credits
Second-Year Graduate Studio: Graphic Design3
Degree Presentation in Graphic Design6
Graphic Design Elective3
Graphic Design, Studio, or Academic Electives3
Second Year, Spring-Term Minimum Credits
Second-Year Graduate Studio: Graphic Design3
Degree Presentation in Graphic Design6
Graphic Design Elective3
Graphic Design, Studio, or Academic Electives3

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And Here In

2022 graphic design mfa thesis exhibition.

Poster for Graphic Design MFA Thesis Show in Spring 2022, "And here in"

May 13 – 23, 2022

and here in sketches a path between remnants of projects and experiences—from materials and tools, to audio recordings of collective and personal spaces, to the contexts in which work is encountered. Artifacts will accumulate in the gallery throughout the duration of the exhibition, distilling activity to form.

From May 13 through May 23, the Graphic Design MFA 2022 Thesis Exhibition will feature work by Alvin Ashiatey, Jessica Flemming, Han Gao, Yuan Gao, Miguel Gaydosh, Rok Hudobivnik, Kathryn-kay Johnson, Mengjie Liu, Ana Lobo, Kang Ma, Churong Mao, Hannah Tjaden, Betty Wang, Mike Tully, and Immanuel Yang.

Last edited by: Lindsey Mancini

Edit access: Everybody

Visit the exhibition website: >

Installation photograph of the 2022 Graphic Design MFA Thesis Show, "and here in"

During the Spring 2022 semester, exhibitions in Green Hall Gallery exhibitions are open only to current members of the School of Art and Yale communities, including faculty, staff, and students.

Green Hall Gallery open hours: Monday–Friday, 9AM-6PM

All individuals, regardless of vaccination status, are required to wear masks inside the exhibition and indoors while on campus. Members of the Yale community will be required to swipe their active Yale ID at the entrance to 1156 Chapel Street to enter the gallery space.


  1. Graphic Design Masters Theses

    The thesis should be equal parts exploration, explanation, provocation and contribution. Guest critics participate throughout the year and in the year-end thesis review, which offers a forum for critical dialogue focused on each student's contribution to the field of graphic design.

  2. Graphic Design Thesis Projects :: Photos, videos, logos ...

    18 356. Upgrade to Behance Pro today: Get advanced analytics, a custom portfolio website, and more features to grow your creative career. Start your 7 day free trial. Jump to Main Content. Behance is the world's largest creative network for showcasing and discovering creative graphic design thesis work.

  3. 130+ Excellent Graphic Design Thesis Ideas To Focus On

    Graphic Design Thesis Writing Steps. Perform in-depth research on your chosen topic and gather additional ideas and evidence for discussion after selecting an ideal topic. Follow the below-mentioned steps for writing a graphic design thesis once you have enough information for it. Create a catchy opening.

  4. MFA Graphic Design Thesis (2021)

    March 26 - April 6, 2021. Faye G., Jo, and James Stone Gallery. The late 20th and early 21st century marked a revolution in graphic design, as rapid advances in technology transformed the field's practice. This digital evolution offered new tools to graphic designers, along with access to online and virtual spaces, new arenas that take ...

  5. Graphic Design Thesis

    DES480/481 GRAPHIC DESIGN THESIS offers senior graphic design students opportunity to engage in a year-long investigation into a guided, but self-directed research project. Students initiate and frame a complex design project, clarifying individual interests and strengths as they relate to professional aspirations. Applying knowledge and skills acquired in previous courses,

  6. Thesis Projects

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  7. 112 Graphic Design Dissertation Topics

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  8. (PDF) A study of teaching methods to enhance creativity and critical

    Thesis for: M.F.A Graphic Design; Advisor: Sunghyun R. Kang; Authors: Samantha Barbour. ... Graphic designers play many roles as problem solvers, critical thinkers, and creative strategists ...

  9. MFA Graphic Design Thesis (2022)

    Graphic design is a frame for content and ideas. It is a focused lens with a clearly articulated point of view; as a device and approach to content, graphic design determines what is made visible, shared, presented, and communicated. The design methodologies developed in the MFA Graphic Design program at Boston University shape meaning, produce ...

  10. PDF Guide to the Yale University Master of Fine Arts Theses In Graphic Design

    The relationship of the graphic designer to contemporary map design. Marmaras, Jack Jack Marmaras earned a BFA in 1952. 1952 b. 1 A master's thesis on color. Sillman, Sewell, 1924-1992 Sillman's thesis includes a dedication to Josef Albers. 1953 b. 1 Paper. Coulter, Sheilagh M., d. 2009 Sheilagh M. Coulter earned a BFA in 1954.

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    01. Treat it like a design brief. "A great dissertation should be a designed artefact, and portfolio-worthy in its own right," says Burston. And like a design brief, it should be about solving a problem: "Make sure it has clearly stated aims, strong focus, and doesn't lack opinion or rhetoric," he adds. Best laptops for graphic design.

  12. Subject

    Index to Graphic Design Graduate Theses: Subject. Find Graphic Design graduate theses by subject, thesis year, student name, interviews, across or by department. Subject.

  13. Graphic Design

    Program overview. The graphic design program focuses on the development of a cohesive, investigative body of work, also known as the student's thesis. At Yale, the graphic design thesis is conceived as a loose framework within which each student's visual method is deployed across many diverse projects during the two-year course of study.

  14. Arts Library Special Collections: Graphic Design Theses

    To search for Yale graphic design thesis books, we recommend using Orbis, instead of Quicksearch.. From the Library home page navigate to Orbis.. For all available Yale graphic design thesis books, use these key words: yale graphic design thesis. For graphic design thesis books for a specific year, add the year-- for instance: yale graphic design thesis 2 017

  15. Graphic design and architecture at their intersection

    This thesis will explore the increasingly important role played by graphic design in architecture. Traditionally thought of as a two-dimensional applied art, graphic design has relevant applications in the design of places. This is sometimes known as environmental graphic design. The premise of this investigation is that by extending graphic design into the world of architecture, both ...

  16. Graphic Design Dissertation Topics & Titles

    Your graphic design thesis topic is barely nearly as good as your graphic-style dissertation plan. Each square measure is interconnected. So, you're a graphic designing student with complete command over all the main subjects of your field. However, you have got no clue about the way to write a dissertation.

  17. Master's Degrees In Graphic Design: Everything You Need To Know

    Graphic design thesis. Depending on the program, students may take one or more classes to work on their graphic design thesis. This project is the culmination of everything learned during the ...

  18. PDF Graphic Design

    The graphic design program focuses on the development of a cohesive, investigative body of work, also known as the student's thesis. At Yale, the graphic design thesis is conceived as a loose framework within which each student's visual method is deployed across many diverse projects during the two-year course of study.

  19. Graphic Design < Yale University

    The graphic design program focuses on the development of a cohesive, investigative body of work, also known as the student's thesis. At Yale, the graphic design thesis is conceived as a loose framework within which each student's visual method is deployed across many diverse projects during the two-year course of study. While every thesis ...

  20. Bachelor Thesis Graphic Design Projects

    PLAYFULLY / MFA Graphic Design Thesis. KRISHNAPRIYA (KP) DUTTA GUPTA. 2.5k 29k. Save. Bachelor Thesis Project - Visual Identity. Razvan Dan. 3 19. Save "Finger in the eye" Federica Esposito. 13 151. Save. Architecture Portfolio 2024. Chris Hynse. 125 4.6k. Save. Visual Identity Concept - Lily Dang. 4 63. Next. Jump to Main Content ...

  21. Spring 2021 Graphic Design Thesis

    During the Spring 2021 semester, exhibitions are open only to members of the School of Art community who must follow all rules regarding wearing masks and social distancing and sign up in advance for reservation slots available during the following times: Thursday, April 22: 7 - 10PM. Friday, April 23: 5:20 - 8PM. Sunday, April 25: 1 - 3PM.

  22. Spring 2022 Graphic Design Thesis

    Thesis. Exhibition. Exhibition design and identity by Alvin Ashiatey, Jessica Flemming, Miguel Gaydosh, Rok Hudobivnik, Kathryn-kay Johnson, Mengjie Liu, Mike Tully, and Immanuel Yang, Graphic Design MFA '22. May 13 - 23, 2022. and here in sketches a path between remnants of projects and experiences—from materials and tools, to audio ...

  23. Thesis Projects :: Photos, videos, logos, illustrations and ...

    57 413. Upgrade to Behance Pro today: Get advanced analytics, a custom portfolio website, and more features to grow your creative career. Start your 7 day free trial. Jump to Main Content. Behance is the world's largest creative network for showcasing and discovering creative thesis work.