Raptor Flowchart

IPO Chart [ 2024 ]

Table of Contents

In this tutorial, we will learn about the IPO Chart. IPO stands for Input , Process , and Output . An IPO Chart is a valuable tool in computer programming and systems analysis to understand and describe how a system or process works.

RAPTOR flowchart Input and Output

Input Process Output

The IPO chart is a handy tool for problem-solving before designing the flowchart. It is a table with three columns. The columns are as follows:

The IPO chart is a breakout to determine the flowchart’s inputs, processing, and outputs.

The Input column specifies the input to the flowchart entered in the Input dialog input file. The input column represents the data that is fed into a system. In programming, inputs can be anything from user data entered through a keyboard, data read from a file, or signals received from other systems. Inputs are the raw materials that the process will work upon.

Process columns contain the processing items, computations, and calculations done in the flowchart. The process stage is where the transformation of input data happens. The process can involve calculations, data manipulation, decision-making, or any actions that convert inputs into outputs. These processes are typically steps or algorithms written in programming language code.

Outputs are the results of the process acting on the input data. They could be data displayed on the computer screen, data written to a file, signals sent to other systems, etc. Outputs are the end products or results of the system’s process.

In Raptor flowchart, the Output column specifies the output of the flowchart displayed in the Master Console window, output file, etc.

An IPO chart is typically drawn as a table or a flowchart. It helps plan a program or system by clearly defining what data is required, what needs to be done, and what should be produced.

Let’s look at a simple example of a flowchart to compute the area of the rectangle. The IPO chart for the flowchart would be:

IPO Chart

The input column lists the input for the flowchart. We need the rectangle’s length and width to compute the area, so the length and width are the input for the flowchart.

The process column contains the processing of the input to provide valuable information to the user in the form of the output. To compute the rectangle area, we need to multiply the length and the width of the rectangle.

area= length * width

The output provides the user with the required output, the area of the rectangle. To enhance the user experience, we can replay the input variables on the output screen.

RAPTOR Tutorials

RAPTOR tutorial page:

  • https://www.testingdocs.com/raptor-a-flowchart-tool/

Official website:

  • https://raptor.martincarlisle.com/

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Input Process Output!

  • Introduction

A comprehensive introduction to Input Process Output tables. Learn how to effectively model the important processing going on in your system.

One of the first things we need to do in software development is understand the problem. We can't begin to plan the most effective solution until we properly understand what it is we are trying to solve. Input Process Output tables, or IPO tables for short, are an effective way to model the important processing going on in your system.

Let's consider the three parts of the table:

  • Output - A piece of information which we want.
  • Input - Data which is required in order to create the required outputs.
  • Process - The steps involved in creating the outputs from the inputs.

An Input Process Output table then is a table listing what inputs are required to create a set of desired outputs and the processing required to make that transformation occur. Here is a simple example for calculating an average of a set of numbers:

Calculate average
Input Process Output
List of numbers Add the numbers together
Divide the sum by the total number of numbers.


Notice there are many things missing here. We say nothing about how the output is displayed or what is done with it. We don't mention where the inputs came from. Actions are largely ignored. With an IPO table we are interested in data and little else. This helps us to be very specific and not get distracted by other details.

On the rest of this page I will explain my take on how Input Process Output tables should be used in software design and development. There is no official way they are to be used or implemented however so you will come across other ways of implementing them and you are more than welcome to deviate from what I have explained here if you feel it better helps you achieve your goals.

There are several examples of IPO tables on this page. Some of them are examples of what not to do. Those are listed with a red heading. Correctly implemented tables are listed with a blue heading.

Laying out your IPO tables

There are several different methods for displaying IPO tables. Some people prefer to list the items vertically instead of horizontally for instance. However you choose to display them is fine, the underlying principle of what they convey will still be the same. The layout described here is one which I find particularly easy to read.

This layout makes it easy to follow the flow of data from Input, through the processing to the final Output. Items are listed in chronological order. Inputs line up with the top of the processing. The output lines up with the final bit of processing which leads to it's creation. There should also be a descriptive heading on the table to label what the IPO table actually represents.

The language used for describing the processing is also important. It should be non technical. IPO tables are intended to help us define and understand the problem. They will be created by the developer and shown to the client or key actors to verify that the developers understanding of the problem is accurate and whole. Often these people do not have a software development background. It is essential that the processing is written in a way that they can fully understand what is going on. Avoid pseudocode in describing your processing.

Manage crossing light
Input Process Output
number of times pedestrian crossing button pressed, an array of state of traffic lights at the intersection if number of times button pressed is greater than 0
set crossing light to true
for light in traffic lights array
if light is green or amber
set crossing light to false

crossing light on or off

This would make perfect sense to someone with programming experience but could be quite confusing to others. It is ok to have decisions and repetition in your processing but they should be described in general terms rather than algorithmically. Here is a better way to do it:

Manage crossing light
Input Process Output
number of times pedestrian crossing button pressed, state of traffic lights at the intersection If the button has been pressed more than once and all of the traffic lights are red then make the crossing light true.

Otherwise make it false.

crossing light on or off
  • Two types of processes

When thinking about software development we can divide processes into two types. Those which are part of the problem, and those which are part of the implementation of the solution. Let's look at an example to illustrate what is meant by this.

If we are going to make a simple calculator then the processes of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division would be processes which are part of the problem. They are defined before we even start considering the solution.

How we decide to manage a history of calculations performed, eg. as an array of records, is an implementation process however. It is something we think about when planning how we are going to build the calculator.

What do we model with an IPO table?

Any process may be explored through an IPO table but if we say that it's purpose is to help us better understand and define the problem then this gives us guidance as to which processes would be better to model. Ideally we want to model processes representing the problem. Processes which are part of implementing the solution are generally better explained using algorithms.

If we are modelling a problem for which a computerised solution is to be created then major processes and things involving calculations should be modelled. Other aspects of the problem may be modelled considering how important they are to understanding the underlying principle of the problem.

If we are modelling an existing system from which to create a new or improved system then we probably want to model more processes within the system (virtually all processing is part of the problem) but still take into account the comments in the previous paragraph.

Deciding if a process is part of the problem or solution can sometimes be tricky, especially for certain types of things such as games. An easy way to help you decide is to think about what would happen if you were to implement a paper based solution instead of a computerised one. If the process would still be done with pen and paper it is probably something valuable to express in an IPO table.

As an example of this, lets consider a game of Tic Tac Toe. Even if playing the game on paper the process of determining if someone has won the game is still required. This is something we should therefore model.

Has player won?
Input Process Output
Location of pieces on the board See if any row has all the pieces the same type.

See if any column has all the pieces the same type.

See if any of the diagonals have all the pieces of the same type. If any of these are true then someone has won.
Otherwise, no winner yet.

Has a player won?

Other processes however such as how the players will input where their pieces are to go or how we go about rendering the board on the screen are processes which we wouldn't consider when playing with pen and paper so they are not part of the problem.

Don't worry that you are not modelling all of the system. You will probably only model a small and fragmented aspect of the system through the IPO diagrams. This is ok. Each diagram, table or chart, IPO's included, is only intended to model a certain aspect of the problem or solution.

  • Information not actions

A common mistake when creating IPO tables is to specify actions as either your Inputs or Outputs. For example an input may be listed as player wins game . This is incorrect as it is not an input but an event that occurs which triggers the processing. In an IPO we are not concerned with what triggers the processing (that will be looked at in other diagrams). We are only concerned with what information is to be created and what data is required in order to do this. Maybe the processing involves calculating a final score once the player has finished the game. The inputs then will be whatever details are required in order to calculate this high score. This may be for instance, player health, time taken, bonuses collected etc. Instead of:

End game
Input Process Output
Player wins game Calculate the score.

Clear the screen.

Play a game over sound.

Display a game over screen and the final score.

Which is incorrect. The input is an action. The output does have data within it but it is more about how the data is displayed. We only want the data listed in an IPO table. How it is to be displayed is something which should be modelled using prototypes or screen designs. The processing also involves actions which will be performed but are not actually part of producing the output. A more correct IPO would be:

Calculate final score
Input Process Output
Player health, time taken, bonuses collected Multiply the player health by 20.

Minus the time taken.

Multiply the number of bonuses by 5 and add to the total.

Final score

Your inputs and outputs should be categorised as either a data type (integer, float, string, boolean) or data structure (arrays or records) or a file with data in it.

  • The big picture

So how do Input Process Output tables fit into the big picture of software design and development?

IPO tables are a valuable tool to help you define and understand the problem. This may be one for which a computerised solution is to be created. Alternatively it may be an existing system which is to be replaced or improved. IPO tables will help you identify and understand the major processes that exist or need to exist. IPO tables look at these processes in isolation. These processes can then be linked together, by looking for matches between the inputs of a process and the corresponding outputs of other processes which will be represented by way of Data Flow Diagrams. The details of these tables will also help when creating algorithms for the final solution.

Pick a sport and create a set of IPO tables that would be required if you were going to develop a piece of software to manage scoring for a game.

  • Section Breakdown
  • Layout out IPO tables
  • What do we model?
  • Next Section


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ipo chart in problem solving

A Comprehensive Guide to Input-Process-Output Models

Updated: January 31, 2024 by Ken Feldman

ipo chart in problem solving

Are you looking for a business improvement tool that is intuitive, simple to use, and visual in nature? Do you want to explore your internal business process and make sure you understand all of the inputs, outputs, and potential error states?Ā 

If you are answering yes to these questions, then using input-process-output could be the perfect methodology for you. Letā€™s find out more.Ā 

Overview: What is input-process-output (I-P-O)?Ā 

Input-process-output (I-P-O) is a structured methodology for capturing and visualizing all of the inputs, outputs, and process steps that are required to transform inputs into outputs. It is often referred to, interchangeably, as an I-P-O model or an I-P-O diagram, both of which make reference to the intended visual nature of the method.Ā 

A simple example is shown below from research in healthcare.

ipo chart in problem solving


As the methodology is incredibly versatile, it is used across many industries and sectors with (inevitably) some modifications and adaptations. These can include, for example, the addition of feedback loops from output to input, in doing so creating models analogous to closed-loop control theory.

Typically, we would use I-P-O in the ā€œdefineā€ stage of a Six Sigma DMAIC project and follow a specific method for generating the model. The steps are:

  • Decide upon the process steps that will be in scope of the I-P-O model. Try to ensure the the scope is manageable with, ideally, less than 10 process steps defined.
  • List all of the possible outputs, including potential error states.
  • List all of the inputs to your process steps, using clear descriptive language.
  • Create a visual I-P-O model.
  • Check that the inputs are transformed to the outputs via the process steps as shown in the model.Ā 

Often, it can be helpful to have the team thatā€™s generating the I-P-O model complete a Gemba walk. Visiting the actual place of work and viewing the process in action can tease out some of the less obvious inputs and outputs and contributes to continuous improvement of the existing process steps.

2 benefits and 1 drawback of I-P-OĀ 

Used correctly, the I-P-O model offers a simple, practical, and efficient way to analyse and document a transformation process. Letā€™s explore some benefits and drawbacks of I-P-O.

1. Itā€™s visual and easy to explain

Itā€™s often said that the best business improvement tools are simple to use, intuitive, and visual, and I-P-O ticks all three of these boxes. A sheet of paper, marker pen, and an enthusiastic team willing to contribute will get you a long way. It’s also versatile, suitable for use with the executive management group as well as the wider business improvement team.

2. Itā€™s easy to execute

There is a clear and simple methodology to generate I-P-O models, and this helps you recognise and document all of the possible inputs, outputs, and error states. As itā€™s visual, itā€™s easy to update and change as the team explores many potential inputs and outputs.

3. Itā€™s internally focused without regard for external customers or suppliersĀ Ā Ā 

Developing I-P-O models is usually all about internal business processes, and we often hear this called micro-process-mapping. This typically means we do not consider our external suppliers and customers in the analysis. However, don’t worry, we have complimentary models such as SIPOC and COPIS that help us make sense of the bigger (macro) picture.

Why is I-P-O important to understand?Ā 

For such a relatively simple mapping tool, it provides a really powerful insight into our internal business processes. Letā€™s dig a little deeper.

It helps with defining your key process input variables

Once weā€™ve documented and visualised our inputs and outputs, we can turn our attention to determining and controlling which inputs provide a significant impact on the output variation — these are known as our key process input variables .Ā 

Itā€™s aligned with Six Sigma and Lean principlesĀ 

In a classic Six Sigma and Lean project approach, we strive to reduce process variation and remove defects and waste. With I-P-O, we identify inputs, outputs, and error states from our processes so we can begin to explore and understand the Y(output) = f ((X) input) equation.

Itā€™s the perfect springboard to create full process mapsĀ 

Once we have created I-P-O models, we have the perfect starting place for generating complete process maps . This could be moving on to value stream mapping , spaghetti maps, or one of many other types of process maps that are available.

An industry example of I-P-OĀ 

A government agency with multiple departments was embarking upon a business transformation project to improve customer service times and efficiency. As part of the transformation project, a Six Sigma Black Belt who was assigned to the activity was requested to explore and document existing processes and prepare the teams for process improvement.

The Black Belt chose to create I-P-O models due to the ease of use and versatility of the approach. Each of the business departments designated a team to work on the I-P-O models and, alongside the Black Belt, defined the process scope, ensuring this was of manageable size.Ā 

With the teams in place and scope defined the process outputs were brainstormed and captured visually using whiteboards. The corresponding inputs were added, and the I-P-O models checked for completeness.

Generating the I-P-O models highlighted a number of potential output error states that were subsequently investigated as part of the business transformation project and contributed to improved customer service times. As the models were captured visually on whiteboards, they were easily updated during the project and used to inform staff of their contribution towards continuous improvement.

3 best practices when thinking about I-P-OĀ 

Like many process-driven mapping activities, there are some key things for us to consider when creating I-P-O models. Letā€™s look at three of these. Ā 

1. Remember: Itā€™s a team sport; donā€™t go it aloneĀ 

Even relatively simple processes have multiple inputs and outputs. Often we find that different team members have detailed knowledge of specific process inputs and outputs, and we should make good use of this collective knowledge.

2. Make sure the scope is achievable

Donā€™t be overly ambitious with the scope and try to include too many process steps for your I-P-O model. If you find yourself listing 10 or more process steps, itā€™s probably time to stop and re-evaluate.

3. Consider all of the inputs and outputsĀ 

Be diligent, get all the team involved, and make sure there is no bias — we donā€™t want to just list the things we think should be inputs and outputs in an ideal world. In addition, we should consider and document all of the possible output error states.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about I-P-O

Is i-p-o related to sipocĀ .

It can be a logical next step to create a SIPOC model from an I-P-O model. With SIPOC, we consider both suppliers (S) and customers (C) in the analysis, the so-called wider or bigger picture. With I-P-O, we concentrate more on the internal business process.

Where do I start with an I-P-O model?Ā 

Start by defining the processes that are in scope, making sure the scope is manageable. Then consider and document all of the possible outputs from the process steps before moving on to capture the inputs.

Do I need a software program to generate I-P-O models?Ā 

Definitely not. You can start with paper, pen, and a pack of sticky notes. However, there are a number of free templates available for download that can help you and your team as you start to populate the I-P-O model.

A final thought on I-P-O

Ease of use and versatility are just two of the major plus points of developing I-P-O models for your internal business processes. Add in their highly visual nature, and this means you can easily engage your team on a journey to continuous improvement.

About the Author

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Ken Feldman

Six Sigma Daily

Input Output Model

A small engineering firm uses the input-output model after there are concerns with the hiring process. this example ipo model was created to analyze and document the process..

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The Input-Output (IPO) Model is a functional graph that identifies the inputs, outputs, and required processing tasks required to transform inputs into outputs . The model is sometimes configured to include any storage that might happen in the process as well. The inputs represent the flow of data and materials into the process from the outside. The processing step includes all tasks required to effect a transformation of the inputs. The outputs are the data and materials flowing out of the transformation process.

Example: A small engineering firm believes there are problems with its hiring process. Several of the junior engineers that have been hired remained at the firm for less than one year. This is a considerable cost to the firm, since recruiting and training new engineers is time consuming and expensive.Ā The human resources manager decides to put together a group of people with extensive experience hiring new engineers. One of their first tasks is to produce an input-output model of the hiring process. They generate the following.

input output model example

Used correctly, the IPO Model offers an efficient way to both analyze and document the critical aspects of a transformation process.

Visit our “ Six Sigma Methodology ” section for more insight on implementing Six Sigma methodology and tools.

ipo chart in problem solving

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Input-Process-Output Model

Dave Braunschweig

The inputā€“processā€“output (IPO) model Ā is a widely used approach in systems analysis and software engineering for describing the structure of an information processing program or another process. Many introductory programming and systems analysis texts introduce this as the most basic structure for describing a process. [1]

A computer program or any other sort of process using the input-process-output model receives inputs from a user or other source, does some computations on the inputs, and returns the results of the computations. The system divides the work into three categories: [2]

  • A requirement from the environment (input)
  • A computation based on the requirement (process)
  • A provision for the environment (output)

For example, a program might be written to convert Fahrenheit temperatures into Celsius temperatures. Following the IPO model, the program must:

  • Ask the user for the Fahrenheit temperature (input)
  • Perform a calculation to convert the Fahrenheit temperature into the corresponding Celsius temperature (process)
  • Display the Celsius temperature (output)
  • Wikiversity: Computer Programming
  • Flowgorithm – Flowchart Programming Language
  • Wikipedia: IPO model ↵

Programming Fundamentals Copyright © 2018 by Dave Braunschweig is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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  • Analyze the problem
  • Plan the algorithm
  • Desk-check the algorithm
  • Code the algorithm into a program
  • Desk-check the program
  • Evaluate and modify the program ( if necessary).

Step 1 āˆ’ Analyzing the Problem


Step 2 āˆ’ Planning the Algorithm

An Algorithm is a set of instructions that will transform the problemā€™s input into a output. It can be written either as pseudocode or a flowchart. It is recorded in the Processing column of the IPO chart. Pseudocode is short English statements to plan an algorithm.

  • Get the radius
  • Calculate the Circumference of the circle by using the formula: 2 * PI * radius
  • Display Circumference of Circle
  • If student's mark is greater than or equal to 50 then
  • Print "passed"
  • Print "failed"
  • Set total to zero
  • While grade counter is less than or equal to ten
  • Input the next grade
  • Add the grade into the total
  • Set the class average to the total divided by ten
  • Print the class average.

A Flowchart uses standardized symbols to design the algorithm.

Figure 2.2

Step 3 āˆ’ Desk-check the algorithm

Desk-checking (also called hand-tracing) is checking an algorithm by hand (e.g. using pen and paper) to verify its correctness. A set of sample data is chosen and the expected output value is manually computed.

  • Valid data: data that the algorithm is expecting the user to enter
  • Invalid data: data that the algorithm is not expecting the user to enter. Users may make mistakes when entering data so your program should handle these errors appropriately.
Table i
Sample Radius Circumference
1 2 12.57
2 5.5 34.57
3 0 Radius should be positive
4 -5 Radius should be positive
5 m Radius should be numerical

Step 4 āˆ’ code the algorithm into the program

In this step, each unique input, processing, and output item in the IPO chart is given a descriptive name, data type, and (optionally) an initial value. Then the algorithm is written using a programming language.

Step 5 āˆ’ Desk-Check the program

This step is performed to ensure that the instructions were translated correctly. The program is desk-checked using the sample data used to desk-check the algorithm in step 3. The results of both desk checks should be the same.

Step 6 ā€“ Evaluate and Modify the Program

This is the final step in the problem-solving process where errors (known as bugs) are fixed which were found while evaluating the program in step 5.

  • Syntax errors are caused by violating the rules of a programming language. Compilers can detect these errors.
  • Logic errors are caused by applying incorrect logic in the program. The compiler is not able to detect these types of errors and can be hard to identify. E.g. entering instructions in the wrong order.

Grade 10 Information Technology: Algorithms and IPO tables

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  • 1 - Introduction and Information
  • 2 - Lesson 1 - Introduction to algorithms
  • 3 - Lesson 2 - Flowchart and pseudocode algorithms
  • 4 - Lesson 3 - Input Process Output (IPO) tables
  • 5 - Quiz and Task
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Grade 10 Information Technology: Algorithms and IPO tables

Introduction and Information

Welcome to information technology for grade 10 , in this unit, we will focus on the fundemental basic of programming - planning . we will look at how to plan a program using flowchart and pseudocode algorithms and also how to fill in input process output tables. you will find the find the table of content below. , the following icons will appar throughout the unit, take note of their meaning:, lesson objectives - before each lesson, lesson objectives will be given.,   content - lesson content is delivered below.,   multimedia  - this could be any form of media, either a video or powerpoint to help during your lesson., activity - activities are given to you to practice and master the content covered., table of content  , lesson 1: introduction to algorithms  , lesson 2: flowchart and pseduocode algorithms , lesson 3: input process output (ipo) tables, quiz and task , to start, click on 'lesson 1' on the table of contents to take you to the first lesson. , lesson 1 - introduction to algorithms, by the end of this lesson, you should be able to:.

  • Explain what an algorithm is.
  • Describe the characteristics of an algorithm.


What is an algorithm?

Look at   the picture below. Can you explain how you would get from house A (your house) to House B (your best friend's house)?

Algorithm map

You would have planned an agreed that you could turn left from your house, walk until the fourway stop,  turn left and continue walking till you reach your friends house. This required you to explain a logical, step-by-step way to get to house B. This sequential explanation is known as an algorithm.

algorithm – an ordered list of steps for carrying out a task or solving a problem.

To write a logical step-by-step method to solve the problem is called algorithm, in other words, an algorithm is a procedure for solving problems. Algorithms are used in our everyday lives and we probably don’t even realize it. For example, when we make coffee or when we drive to the supermarket, we follow a set of logical steps to complete the task. This is also an algorithm .

While there are no specific rules about how to write an algorithm, once it is complete it should meet the following criteria:

  • detailed and specific
  • clear and unambiguous
  • each step should:
  • consist of a single task
  • all repetitions must have clear ending conditions
  • there must be at least one result (or output).


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Lesson 2 - flowchart and pseudocode algorithms.


  • Describe the elements of flowchart and pseudocode algorithms.
  • Draw/ write flowchart and pseudocode algorithms. 


  • We know that an algorithm is a sequence of steps that helps us solve a problem or compelete a task.
  • There is no specific way to create an algorithm but it must meet certain criteria. Do you remeber what they are? 

 Flowchart and pseudocode algorithms

In computing, there are two main ways that an algorithm can be represented: Flowchart and pseudocode. The PowerPoint presentation below will further elaborate on this. 

PowerPoint: Flowchart and pseudocode algorithms

Here is an example:

Ask the user to enter their age and if they are above 18, they are eligible to get a driver’s license. Display whether the user can get their driver’s license or not.

The pseudocode algorithm for this would be 

   GET Age

   IF Age >= 18

      THEN DISPLAY ‘You are eligible for a drivers license.’      

       ELSE DISPLAY ‘ You are too young for a drivers license.’


The flowchart equivalent of the same problem would be


Draw and write a flowchart and pseudocode algorithm for the following scenario:

Display the age of a user, by getting their year of birth.

Note: Type out and draw your algorithms on Microsoft Word and submit your document below.

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  • Explain what an IPO table is.
  • Discribe the input, process and output in a given scenario.
  • Fill an IPO table, based on a given scenario.

Input Process Ouput tables 

We already know that a computer processes information by means of the IPO cycle, shown below


In porgramming, we use IPO tables to list all input and output variables and components that we will use when coding, as well as list all the processing that takes place in the program. The below example will show how an IPO table is constructed. 

The pseudocode below allows the user to enter two numbers and sum of the numbers are displayed. Construct an IPO table to show all the input and output variables and the processing in the program.

            ASK user to enter number

            GET iNum1

            GET iNum2

            iAns ß iNum1 + iNum2

            DISPLAY iAns

The user has given these numbers, hence input



The two numbers are added

iAns ßiNum1 + iNum2

The answer will be displayed in this variable


Important things to remember

  • Anything that is recieved from the user is an input and will go in the  input  column. 
  • All calculations or determinations will go inr the process column.
  • Anything that needs to be displayed will go in the o utput  column.

Go back to lesson 2                                                                                                                           Go to Quiz and Activity                                                                                                                          

Quiz and task, you have reached the end of the unit .

Quiz and activity

Go back to lesson 3

How to Create an IPO Chart

input, processing, output - software system

An input process output, or IPO, chart is simply a way to describe how your business processes information. Usually, an IPO chart is the precursor to using software for specific purposes. The chart has three components, and you write the description of each component in plain English, not code or mathematical formulas. Making an IPO chart helps you understand what you can expect to get out of the data you gather and process.


Layout of the Chart

Video of the Day

You can create a simple table, with three boxes in a single row, for your IPO chart. Leave room to label the boxes with "Input," "Process" and "Output." If you are going to track more than one kind of data, you can add additional rows. If you do add rows, you may find it useful to label each row with a heading placed just to the left of the first box.

Data for Input Box

In your "input" box, describe whatever data you want to process. To give a simple example, you could write "Number of hours worked." A more complex example might be, "Unique visitors to our website in any given month." Both of these examples show data that you intend to manipulate to create usable conclusions for your business.

Data for Process Box

In the "Process" box, describe what you intend to do with the data. For example, with "Number of hours worked," you might describe how you process that data as, "Multiply hours worked by wages per hour." For the website visitors example, you could write, "move all email addresses of unique visitors to group email folder." The word "process" can seem technical, but in reality it is simply what you plan to do to make the input data useful.

Data for Output Box

In the "Output" box, describe the output you want for the data you processed. This is the practical result you can use. For the "hours worked" data, processing it by multiplying times hourly wages results in an output of total money spent on wages. For the website visitor data, processing the email addressed by placing them in a folder can result in an output of "send welcome emails to all unique visitors."

Advanced Input Process Output Charts

IPO charts come from the world of information technology, and software designers use them to create complex software. You can use an IPO chart for extremely complex processes that are more sophisticated than the aforementioned examples. However, if you keep your IPO chart in simple English, you will have a solid understanding of the IPO process, even if the execution is complicated.

  • SP Productions: IPO Chart Tutorial
  • Northern Collegiatet: Input - Processing - Output

Things To Do First

  • Download the notes for this session.
  • Read over this page and try some of the questions listed near the bottom.

Things To Do Later

  • What does "IPO" stand for?
  • What part of IPO would you generally start with when planning a program?

So far, we've written programs that display output on the console. If we needed data in our program, we typed it in the source code. It is more likely that most of your inputs will come from other source, such as a file or from the user. You'll work with files in the next Java course, but in this course we can look at a few different ways to get user input.

IPO Structure

The basic foundation of any program is the IPO structure. IPO stands for Input-Processing-Output:

  • Input consists of the data that goes into the program. Most programs need to have data to work with, so as a programmer, you need to decide how the input gets into the program. Is it typed in by the user? Is it read from a file?
  • Processing is what happens to the data inside the program. This is where a lot of your code will be involved, especially in larger programs. Sometimes there are many different kinds of processing tasks going on in the same program. Such tasks include calculating, manipulating text or numeric data, searching, sorting, and comparing.
  • Output is the end result of your program, or the results of the processing. The inputs are transformed into outputs by the processing tasks that have been performed. The programmer also needs to decide what form the outputs will take. For example, are they displayed on the screen, printed with a printer, or saved to a file?

A program calculates the area of a room. Possible inputs, processing, and outputs might be:

  • Inputs: length of the room, width of the room
  • Processing: calculate the area using length and width
  • Output: the area of the room

An IPO Chart is one of several tools that programmers use when designing a program (before coding it!). An IPO chart has areas for Input, Processing, and Output, and allows you to plan out what your program needs to do.

When completing an IPO chart for a program, you actually do it in this order:

  • Output: What is the goal of the program, what information should it produce? Why do we do this first? If you were going away on a trip, first you'd have to decide where you were going! So when designing a program, first you have to decide what it's supposed to do, what it needs to produce or show the user.
  • Inputs: Next, decide what inputs you need in order to produce the desired output(s). What piece(s) of data are needed?
  • Processing: We do this last, once we know the outputs and the inputs needed to determine those outputs. Here is where we decide how we create each output by transforming the input data. Typically we'd write a note about how each output is obtained.
Inputslength of room
width of room
Processingarea = length * width
Outputsarea of the room

1. Define the inputs, processing, and outputs for a program that gives the surface area and volume of a cylinder. (hint: http://math.about.com/library/blmeasurement.htm or http://www.1728.com/diamform.htm )

2. Define the inputs, processing, and outputs for a program that displays the future value of an investment for a principal P at a rate R compounded yearly for n years. The formula for compound interest is final amount = P(1+R/100) n .

[ solutions ]

The following exercises will help us put together everything we've learned so far about writing Java programs.

For each of the programming questions below, draw up an IPO chart outlining the inputs, processing, and outputs each program solution requires.

  • Develop a solution for a program that converts a temperature from Fahrenheit to Celsius. (Celsius temperature = 5.0/9.0 * (Fahrenheit temperature - 32.0).
  • Develop a solution for a program that calculates a person's target heart rate (a target heart rate is the heart rate you should aim to maintain while you're working out). Use the following formula: Target Heart Rate = .7 * (220 - your age) + .3 * Resting Heart Rate (your resting heart rate is your heart rate while you're not participating in any physical activity).
  • Write a tip calculator that allows a restaurant or bar customer to calculate the amount of a tip to give their wait person. The program should allow the customer to specify the bill amount and the percentage of tip they would like to give.
  • The three ingredients required to make a bucket of popcorn in a movie theatre are popcorn, butter, and a bucket. Write a program that requests the cost of these three items and the price of a serving of popcorn (assume we have only one size). The program should then display the profit.

Sample output using sample data:

1.08 Hand-in: Organizing problems

Tools for organizing problems.

  • Problem analysis chart
  • Interactivity or structure chart
  • Internal and External Documentation

1. Problem analysis chart

Contains four parts: given data, required results, processing, and list of solution alternatives. It comes in the form of a chart:

Problem analysis chart
Given data Required Results
... ...
Processing List of solution alternatives

For example

Calculate the area of a circle for any given radius
Given data Required Results
Area of the circle
Processing List of solution alternatives
Area = pi * radius * radius

2. Interactivity or structure chart

ipo chart in problem solving

3. IPO chart

IPO stands for I nput/ P rocessing/ O utput. It contains 4 columns: input, processing, module reference, and output. It looks like a chart.

IPO chart
Input Processing Module references Output
All known data from PAC (problem analysis chart) All processes that are required Module number where it takes place Result
IPO chart
Input Processing Module references Output
Enter Radius
Get pi value & calculate area
Display Area -->

4. Algorithms

An algorithm is a set of step-by-step instructions. It is sometimes called Pseudocode . It is the key component to solving any problem. You cannot assume anything, cannot skip steps, it must be executable one step at a time, and it must be complete.

Typical algorithm structure

Control module (name of module)

  • instruction

Example algorithm

Area of circle control module (0000)

  • Process read
  • Process calculate
  • Process display

Read module (1000)

  • Read radius

Calculate module (2000)

  • area = pi * radius * radius

Display module (3000)

5. Flowchart

Programmers use algorithms to create flowcharts . Flowcharts are graphic representations of the algorithms. Flowcharts have symbols to represent parts of the program. Often flowcharts will show errors that may not been seen easily in other organizing charts.

ipo chart in problem solving

Example Flowcharts

ipo chart in problem solving

6. Internal and external documentation

Internal documentation — are notes written inside the program for other programmers to read. It lets them know what parts of the program are doing.

External documentation — usually consists of the user manuals for your program so the end user can fully understand how to install and use your program.

Saving your work

Download the assignment template for you to fill in. Rename the document using your last name in your Computer Programming 12 directory.

The assignment

The problem: Use the 5 problem solving organizational tools to outline a solution to the following problem:

Calculate the weekly gross pay for an employee based on their hourly pay rate, hours worked, and number of overtime hours.

From the Government of Nova Scotia Employment Rights website : The general rule for overtime is that employees are entitled to receive 1 1/2 times their regular wage for each hour worked after 48 in a week. A week is defined as a consistent seven day period, e.g., Monday to Sunday, Wednesday to Tuesday. For example, if an employee makes $14.00 per hour, that employee would make $21.00 per hour for every hour worked over 48 hours.


Use draw.io and create your charts

  • You should create the organizational chart as 1.08H-OrganizingProblems-OrgChart-LastName , and then export it as a .png
  • You should create the flowchart as 1.08H-OrganizingProblems-FlowChart-LastName , and then export it as a .png
  • You will have to change the image filenames in the assignment template to match your images.
  • Follow the examples to help you.

ipo chart in problem solving

When you are done, hand in all three files (html and both chart images) into the I:/ PassIn folder.

  • ___/2 — Outcome 1.2 - apply mathematical concepts, including boolean logic, operators
  • ___/2 — Outcome 1.3 - define a problem in explicit terms using object-oriented analysis
  • ___/2 — Outcome 1.4 - identify and outline strategies to solve a problem
  • ___/2 — Outcome 1.5 - apply a range of problem solving skills
  • ___/2 — Quality of HTML code


Hello, I am Seyeon :)

  • Custom Social Profile Link

[C#] Data Type and Sequence - IPO Charts

Date: 2023.01.12     Updated: 2023.01.12

Categories: CS

Tags: IPO Charts C#

šŸ“‹ This is the tech-news archives to help me keep track of what I am interested in!

  • Reference tech news link: https://thenextweb.com/news/blockchain-development-tech-career

šŸ“‹ This is my note-taking from what I learned in the class ā€œProgramming 1 - COMP 100-002ā€

Objectives Learn about programming Learn about algorithms Identify the output, input, and processing items from a problem specification Explore programming concepts

Definition of Computer Programming

What is computer programming.

Computer programming is not only about language syntax or using an IDE , it is more about solving problems .

Problem Solving Process

Step 1. Analyze the problem

Justin Trudeau has been working with Quality Cleaners for six years. Last year, he received a promotion with an increase of 3.5%, which brought his current weekly pay to $300. Justin is scheduled to receive another increase of 3% next week. He wants you to write a program that will display the amount of his new weekly pay.
  • Input: What is given
  • Processing: Stores intermediate values
  • Output: What is required

IPO Chart of the problem above

Input Processing Output
Current weekly pay Processing items: New weekly pay
Raise rate Algorithm: Ā 

Ignore the information that is not important in this problem

Another examples of problem

Example 1 of Problem Doug Ford also works at Quality Cleaners, he earns $14 per hour. Last week, Doug worked 35 hours. He wants you to write a program that will display the amount of his net weekly pay. ā†’ This problem specification does not contain enough information to be solved
Example 2 of Problem Andrea Horwath, who works at Quality Cleaners, needs a program that will display the cost of painting a room. ā†’ The input in this problem specification is not explicitly stated

Step 2. Planning the Algorithm

  • English instructions
  • Steps of algorithm must be precise and short ā†’ ex) Food recipe

How we can expand on the previous IPO Chart of the problem above

Input Processing Output
currentWeeklyPay Processing Items: payIncrease newWeeklyPay
rateIncrease Algorithm: Ā 
Ā  1. Prompt for currentWeeklyPay Ā 
Ā  2. Accept currentlWeeklyPay Ā 
Ā  3. Prompt for rateIncrease Ā 
Ā  4. Accept rateIncrease Ā 
Ā  5. Calculate the payIncrease by multiplying currentWeeklyPay by rateIncrease Ā 
Ā  6. Calculate the newWeeklyPay by adding payIncrease and currentWeeklyPay Ā 
Ā  7. Display newWeeklyPay Ā 

Step 3. Desk-checking the Algorithm

To check if our algorithm is working properly, Use a desk-check table Desk-checking table

Weekly pay (Input) Raise rate (Input) Pay increase (Processing) New weekly pay (processing)
$300.00 0.03 $9.00 $309.00

Step 4. Code the Algorithm in a Program

  • Transform the IPO chart information into a computer program

Algorithm conversion (Here, our algorithm into c# statements)

  • currentWeeklyPay
  • rateIncrease double currentWeeklyPay ; double rateIncrease ;
  • newWeeklyPay double newWeeklyPay ;
  • payIncrease double payIncrease ;
  • Enter the current weekly pay
  • Accept the current weekly pay
  • Enter the rate increase
  • Accept the rate increase Console . WriteLine ( "Enter the current pay: " ); currentlWeeklyPay = Convert . ToDouble ( Console . ReadLine ()); Console . WriteLine ( "Enter the rate increase " ); rateIncrease = Convert . ToDouble ( Console . ReadLine ());
  • Calculate the payIncrease by multiplying currentWeeklyPay by rateIncrease payIncrease = currentWeeklyPay * rateIncrease ;
  • Calculate the newWeeklyPay by adding payIncrease and currentWeeklyPay newWeeklyPay = payIncrease + currentWeeklyPay ;

Step 5. Desk-checking Program

To check if our program is working properly, Use a desk-check table Desk-checking table

Weekly pay (Input) Raise rate (Input) New weekly pay (Output)
$300.00 0.03 $309.00

Step 6. Evaluate and Modify Evaluation and Modification might need for the following situations:

  • Enhancements request from users
  • Company policies
  • Government laws

3 Column IPO Chart & 2 Column IPO Chart

IPO Chart

Guidelines for getting the C# statements

Comments have three formats:

  • Single line: //
  • Multiple line: /**/
  • Documentation: ///

Declaration statement must start with a data type followed by the variable and terminated with a semi colon

Screen output is done via:

  • Console.Write and Console.WriteLine

Keyboard input is done via:

  • Console.ReadLine

To obtain other type, use the Convert class

  • Convert.ToInt32, Convert.ToDouble, Convert.ToChar, Convert.ToBoolean

All statements must be terminated by a semi colon

Additional Information

C# Data Types - int OR double?

  • C# Data Types
  • Should I Use ā€œintā€ or ā€œdoubleā€?
  • C# Decimal vs Double and Other Tips About Number Types
  • Statements (C# Programming Guide)
  • C# - Data Types

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    Step 2. Planning the Algorithm. The definition of Algorithm: A finite series of steps to complete a task that may be specified by means of: English instructions. Pseudocode. Flowchart. Steps of algorithm must be precise and short ā†’ ex) Food recipe. How we can expand on the previous IPO Chart of the problem above.

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