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No. Typely is completely free and we plan on keeping it that way. We are considering some advanced features however that might be available under a premium plan.

The only limit we have applied thus far is on the number of characters you can submit and that is being set at a maximum of 50,000.

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Typely does not do grammar checking because it's hard and almost impossible to get right. The aim for Typely is to be precise and reliable.

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Academic Proofreading Example (After Editing)

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Academic Proofreading Example (After Editing)

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The Writing Center • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Editing and Proofreading

What this handout is about.

This handout provides some tips and strategies for revising your writing. To give you a chance to practice proofreading, we have left seven errors (three spelling errors, two punctuation errors, and two grammatical errors) in the text of this handout. See if you can spot them!

Is editing the same thing as proofreading?

Not exactly. Although many people use the terms interchangeably, editing and proofreading are two different stages of the revision process. Both demand close and careful reading, but they focus on different aspects of the writing and employ different techniques.

Some tips that apply to both editing and proofreading

  • Get some distance from the text! It’s hard to edit or proofread a paper that you’ve just finished writing—it’s still to familiar, and you tend to skip over a lot of errors. Put the paper aside for a few hours, days, or weeks. Go for a run. Take a trip to the beach. Clear your head of what you’ve written so you can take a fresh look at the paper and see what is really on the page. Better yet, give the paper to a friend—you can’t get much more distance than that. Someone who is reading the paper for the first time, comes to it with completely fresh eyes.
  • Decide which medium lets you proofread most carefully. Some people like to work right at the computer, while others like to sit back with a printed copy that they can mark up as they read.
  • Try changing the look of your document. Altering the size, spacing, color, or style of the text may trick your brain into thinking it’s seeing an unfamiliar document, and that can help you get a different perspective on what you’ve written.
  • Find a quiet place to work. Don’t try to do your proofreading in front of the TV or while you’re chugging away on the treadmill. Find a place where you can concentrate and avoid distractions.
  • If possible, do your editing and proofreading in several short blocks of time. Your concentration may start to wane if you try to proofread the entire text at one time.
  • If you’re short on time, you may wish to prioritize. Make sure that you complete the most important editing and proofreading tasks.

Editing is what you begin doing as soon as you finish your first draft. You reread your draft to see, for example, whether the paper is well-organized, the transitions between paragraphs are smooth, and your evidence really backs up your argument. You can edit on several levels:

Have you done everything the assignment requires? Are the claims you make accurate? If it is required to do so, does your paper make an argument? Is the argument complete? Are all of your claims consistent? Have you supported each point with adequate evidence? Is all of the information in your paper relevant to the assignment and/or your overall writing goal? (For additional tips, see our handouts on understanding assignments and developing an argument .)

Overall structure

Does your paper have an appropriate introduction and conclusion? Is your thesis clearly stated in your introduction? Is it clear how each paragraph in the body of your paper is related to your thesis? Are the paragraphs arranged in a logical sequence? Have you made clear transitions between paragraphs? One way to check the structure of your paper is to make a reverse outline of the paper after you have written the first draft. (See our handouts on introductions , conclusions , thesis statements , and transitions .)

Structure within paragraphs

Does each paragraph have a clear topic sentence? Does each paragraph stick to one main idea? Are there any extraneous or missing sentences in any of your paragraphs? (See our handout on paragraph development .)

Have you defined any important terms that might be unclear to your reader? Is the meaning of each sentence clear? (One way to answer this question is to read your paper one sentence at a time, starting at the end and working backwards so that you will not unconsciously fill in content from previous sentences.) Is it clear what each pronoun (he, she, it, they, which, who, this, etc.) refers to? Have you chosen the proper words to express your ideas? Avoid using words you find in the thesaurus that aren’t part of your normal vocabulary; you may misuse them.

Have you used an appropriate tone (formal, informal, persuasive, etc.)? Is your use of gendered language (masculine and feminine pronouns like “he” or “she,” words like “fireman” that contain “man,” and words that some people incorrectly assume apply to only one gender—for example, some people assume “nurse” must refer to a woman) appropriate? Have you varied the length and structure of your sentences? Do you tends to use the passive voice too often? Does your writing contain a lot of unnecessary phrases like “there is,” “there are,” “due to the fact that,” etc.? Do you repeat a strong word (for example, a vivid main verb) unnecessarily? (For tips, see our handouts on style and gender-inclusive language .)

Have you appropriately cited quotes, paraphrases, and ideas you got from sources? Are your citations in the correct format? (See the UNC Libraries citation tutorial for more information.)

As you edit at all of these levels, you will usually make significant revisions to the content and wording of your paper. Keep an eye out for patterns of error; knowing what kinds of problems you tend to have will be helpful, especially if you are editing a large document like a thesis or dissertation. Once you have identified a pattern, you can develop techniques for spotting and correcting future instances of that pattern. For example, if you notice that you often discuss several distinct topics in each paragraph, you can go through your paper and underline the key words in each paragraph, then break the paragraphs up so that each one focuses on just one main idea.


Proofreading is the final stage of the editing process, focusing on surface errors such as misspellings and mistakes in grammar and punctuation. You should proofread only after you have finished all of your other editing revisions.

Why proofread? It’s the content that really matters, right?

Content is important. But like it or not, the way a paper looks affects the way others judge it. When you’ve worked hard to develop and present your ideas, you don’t want careless errors distracting your reader from what you have to say. It’s worth paying attention to the details that help you to make a good impression.

Most people devote only a few minutes to proofreading, hoping to catch any glaring errors that jump out from the page. But a quick and cursory reading, especially after you’ve been working long and hard on a paper, usually misses a lot. It’s better to work with a definite plan that helps you to search systematically for specific kinds of errors.

Sure, this takes a little extra time, but it pays off in the end. If you know that you have an effective way to catch errors when the paper is almost finished, you can worry less about editing while you are writing your first drafts. This makes the entire writing proccess more efficient.

Try to keep the editing and proofreading processes separate. When you are editing an early draft, you don’t want to be bothered with thinking about punctuation, grammar, and spelling. If your worrying about the spelling of a word or the placement of a comma, you’re not focusing on the more important task of developing and connecting ideas.

The proofreading process

You probably already use some of the strategies discussed below. Experiment with different tactics until you find a system that works well for you. The important thing is to make the process systematic and focused so that you catch as many errors as possible in the least amount of time.

  • Don’t rely entirely on spelling checkers. These can be useful tools but they are far from foolproof. Spell checkers have a limited dictionary, so some words that show up as misspelled may really just not be in their memory. In addition, spell checkers will not catch misspellings that form another valid word. For example, if you type “your” instead of “you’re,” “to” instead of “too,” or “there” instead of “their,” the spell checker won’t catch the error.
  • Grammar checkers can be even more problematic. These programs work with a limited number of rules, so they can’t identify every error and often make mistakes. They also fail to give thorough explanations to help you understand why a sentence should be revised. You may want to use a grammar checker to help you identify potential run-on sentences or too-frequent use of the passive voice, but you need to be able to evaluate the feedback it provides.
  • Proofread for only one kind of error at a time. If you try to identify and revise too many things at once, you risk losing focus, and your proofreading will be less effective. It’s easier to catch grammar errors if you aren’t checking punctuation and spelling at the same time. In addition, some of the techniques that work well for spotting one kind of mistake won’t catch others.
  • Read slow, and read every word. Try reading out loud , which forces you to say each word and also lets you hear how the words sound together. When you read silently or too quickly, you may skip over errors or make unconscious corrections.
  • Separate the text into individual sentences. This is another technique to help you to read every sentence carefully. Simply press the return key after every period so that every line begins a new sentence. Then read each sentence separately, looking for grammar, punctuation, or spelling errors. If you’re working with a printed copy, try using an opaque object like a ruler or a piece of paper to isolate the line you’re working on.
  • Circle every punctuation mark. This forces you to look at each one. As you circle, ask yourself if the punctuation is correct.
  • Read the paper backwards. This technique is helpful for checking spelling. Start with the last word on the last page and work your way back to the beginning, reading each word separately. Because content, punctuation, and grammar won’t make any sense, your focus will be entirely on the spelling of each word. You can also read backwards sentence by sentence to check grammar; this will help you avoid becoming distracted by content issues.
  • Proofreading is a learning process. You’re not just looking for errors that you recognize; you’re also learning to recognize and correct new errors. This is where handbooks and dictionaries come in. Keep the ones you find helpful close at hand as you proofread.
  • Ignorance may be bliss, but it won’t make you a better proofreader. You’ll often find things that don’t seem quite right to you, but you may not be quite sure what’s wrong either. A word looks like it might be misspelled, but the spell checker didn’t catch it. You think you need a comma between two words, but you’re not sure why. Should you use “that” instead of “which”? If you’re not sure about something, look it up.
  • The proofreading process becomes more efficient as you develop and practice a systematic strategy. You’ll learn to identify the specific areas of your own writing that need careful attention, and knowing that you have a sound method for finding errors will help you to focus more on developing your ideas while you are drafting the paper.

Think you’ve got it?

Then give it a try, if you haven’t already! This handout contains seven errors our proofreader should have caught: three spelling errors, two punctuation errors, and two grammatical errors. Try to find them, and then check a version of this page with the errors marked in red to see if you’re a proofreading star.

Works consulted

We consulted these works while writing this handout. This is not a comprehensive list of resources on the handout’s topic, and we encourage you to do your own research to find additional publications. Please do not use this list as a model for the format of your own reference list, as it may not match the citation style you are using. For guidance on formatting citations, please see the UNC Libraries citation tutorial . We revise these tips periodically and welcome feedback.

Especially for non-native speakers of English:

Ascher, Allen. 2006. Think About Editing: An ESL Guide for the Harbrace Handbooks . Boston: Wadsworth Cengage Learning.

Lane, Janet, and Ellen Lange. 2012. Writing Clearly: Grammar for Editing , 3rd ed. Boston: Heinle.

For everyone:

Einsohn, Amy. 2011. The Copyeditor’s Handbook: A Guide for Book Publishing and Corporate Communications , 3rd ed. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Lanham, Richard A. 2006. Revising Prose , 5th ed. New York: Pearson Longman.

Tarshis, Barry. 1998. How to Be Your Own Best Editor: The Toolkit for Everyone Who Writes . New York: Three Rivers Press.

You may reproduce it for non-commercial use if you use the entire handout and attribute the source: The Writing Center, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

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Bust your writer's block, and create new metaphors by playing the word association game . To begin, type a word or phrase in the box below, and hit enter. To quickly find associations for your own text, highlight a word or phrase in it, and use the toolbox popup.

The associator learns contextual word associations from real literature, so it may return offensive results.

Results for:

I know what I'm doing. Disable these hints.

  • Submission Limit There is a limit of 200,000 characters, which is approximately 30,000 words. Anything longer should be submitted in smaller chunks, or it will be automatically trimmed.
  • No document It looks like you forgot to enter your document. Paste it in and try again.
  • Structure This tab shows sentence structure within the context of the document. Hover over a sentence to see its word count. Select a word or phrase, or click a sentence to get more information.
  • Quotes This tab shows your quotations highlighted as Slick Write sees them.

More information »

  • Sentence type flow Pieces with good flow will make use of all four sentence types, varying them to keep the reader interested.
  • Sentence length flow Sentence length is indirectly related to sentence type, and is a good indicator of flow. Flow can be altered by adding, removing, lengthening, shortening, combining, or splitting sentences. Long sentences will be indicated by a red line on the graph. Sentences that flow poorly with their surroundings will be orange, and the source of the problem can often be found in a nearby sentence.
  • Word length flow Word length is a minor contributor to overall flow, but even minor variations are signs of good rhythm.
  • Passive Voice Index This is a measure of how frequently the passive voice is used. Consider revising your document if it scores over 100.
  • Prepositional Phrase Index This is a measure of how frequently prepositional phrases are used. Consider revising your document if it scores over 100.
  • Average sentence length Sentence length is a major contributor to the level of education required to read a body of text.
  • Sentence length standard deviation This is a measure of the amount of variation in the length of a text's sentences. In texts that have broad appeal, this tends to fall between 50 and 90% of the average sentence length. You can increase this number by making long sentences longer, and short ones shorter.
  • Sentence deviation to length ratio This is a measure of the sentence variety, and a major contributor to flow. Most novels score between 0.5 and 0.9, and popular ones often score near the high end of the range. You can increase this number by making long sentences longer, and short ones shorter.
  • Just the stats preset Use this preset when you're only interested in the stats tab. Critique and Flow will be hidden.
  • Honesty preset This preset checks for common indicators of deception, either by lying or omission, and is based on the findings of this study . Areas with high concentrations of these indicators should be viewed with skepticism. Note that the presence or absence of these indicators does not guarantee that a statement is true or false, and that the study was done on spoken communications, so it might be more applicable to interviews and speeches. As always, use your brain.
  • Doubled words A word used twice in a row may be a typo.
  • Commonly confused words This will check for the internet's most frequently confused words and notify you if it looks like you misused one. It is experimental and probably the least reliable feature. Consult a dictionary when necessary.
  • Sentences starting with the same word A word should not be used to start more than one sentence in a single paragraph.
  • Misplaced conjunctions It is considered poor style to place coordinating conjunctions at either end of a sentence. Placing a subordinating conjunction at the end of a sentence is against the rules.

It is said that one day, passive voice will bring weakness to your prose.

More information » Even more information »

  • Overwriting Words like "very" and "really" make sentences wordier and weaken your message. These can be deleted in almost all cases without affecting the meaning of the sentence.
  • Abstract words Abstract words lack specificity and overusing them can make even simple concepts difficult to understand. There are times when abstract words are desirable or even necessary; it would be difficult to write about math or programming without mentioning variables or functions, but you should use more specific terms whenever possible.
  • Wordy and redundant phrases These phrases make your writing more difficult to understand. In most cases, they can be replaced with one or two words, or even deleted.
  • Legalese These antiquated, arcane words and phrases will make your writing look like a contract.
  • Double negatives Double negatives are almost always poor style.
  • Adverbs They aren't bad in small quantities, but consider revising your document if more than 5.5% of its words are adverbs. Adverbs ending in "-ly" are considered the worst offenders.
  • Adjectives They aren't bad in small quantities. A few of the words on this list can also function as other parts of speech. You have been warned.
  • Contractions In formal writing, the use of contractions is considered a fault.

The boxer decked his opponent.

  • Profanity Profanity should not be used in formal writing outside of direct quotations.

The critic's scathing review hit the nail on the head .

  • Similes Similes and metaphors should be used sparingly. This option will detect most common types of similes.
  • "Said" replacements Some people think that these substitutes for "said" are weak or obnoxious, especially if overused.

Her dress was long , and it touched the floor.

Her long dress touched the floor.

  • Gender-specific pronouns Avoid using gender-specific pronouns in formal writing when the subject's gender is unknown.
  • Weasel words Like abstract words, weasel words and phrases lack specificity. At best, they convey uncertainty. At worst, they can be used to "weasel out" of telling the truth in a straightforward manner. When checking a document that is speculative by nature, you might want to disable this detector.
  • Third person pronouns According to this study , high concentrations of third person pronouns may indicate deception.
  • Bias language These words and phrases often show the author's bias.
  • Uncommon words Uncommon words will increase the document's reading difficulty.

Hot peppers burn my mouth, but I eat them anyway .

Since burritos taste good , I like to eat them.

  • Sentence fragments A sentence must have at least one noun and one verb. Anything that does not is a fragment, and if it occurs outside of dialog, it should probably be rewritten.
  • Long sentences Long sentences tend to be more difficult to read, making them good candidates for trimming or splitting. Alternatively, parallelism may be used to improve their readability, though this will not decrease the ARI score.
  • Success with Style: Using Writing Style to Predict the Success of Novels
  • Grammar Girl For your obscure writing questions
  • Basic Prose and Style Mechanics An excellent, concise resource
  • Television Tropes & Idioms Tricks of the trade
  • Writing Realistic Injuries An invaluable article for anyone who writes action or horror
  • Online Etymology Dictionary Learn the history of English words
  • Scribophile Discuss the finer points of writing with other novelists
  • Suggestions from the official See Sharp Press blog Learn about the mistakes that will keep your novel from being published.
  • Smashwords Easy ebook distribution for indie authors
  • Duotrope Find and learn about publishers
  • CreateSpace
  • Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing
  • Creative Writing Prompts and Exercises Spark your creativity
  • RhymeZone A popular rhyming dictionary
  • Seventh Sanctum Name generators and more
  • Apache OpenOffice The best free office software
  • Literature & Latte Makers of the popular Scrivener editor

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Home / Guides / Writing Guides / Writing Tips / How to Proofread a Paper

How to Proofread a Paper

There are five steps to the writing process— prewriting, writing, revising, editing, and publishing. After writing your paper, there are two whole steps you need to do before turning it in. That’s right—revising your essay takes just as many steps as writing it in the first place.

Step 1: Revising—The Big Picture

As you can see, revising is step 3, or the first thing you should do after writing your essay. Revising does not mean looking at spelling or grammar; that comes with the next step, editing. Rather, revising means looking at the paper as a whole and identifying (and correcting) to make the essay flow better.

  • Organization

Read your essay with an eye for how it’s organized. For example, does it makes sense to talk about gathering ingredients for a ham sandwich in the last paragraph before the conclusion? Not really.

To identify bad organization, you have to know how you’ve organized your paper. You can organize your essay in many different ways, some of which include:

  • Chronology (progression through time)
  • Logic (what makes the most sense to talk about first, second, and so on)
  • Topic (group body paragraphs so that the topic stays the same until you’re ready to move on)

The decision about how to organize the paper should be made in step 1 of the writing process, during prewriting. Outlines are helpful for ensuring that you write the essay in an organized way. You may find when you revise the essay that the organization on the outline had some gaps in logic or chronology. That’s ok—this is the time to move paragraphs around!

  • Making Sentences Flow

A step below organization is checking for flow. Look at each individual paragraph and ensure that the sentences string together in a rhythm that can easily be followed. In other words, you want the reader to be able to move easily through the writing without having to pause to figure out what you were trying to say.

An easy way to fix this problem is transition words . There are many, many words that help sentences connect to one another. Use words such as:

  • In other words

There are tons more, but the idea is that you use these terms when you want to connect the idea of one sentence to the preceding sentence, whether it agrees or not.

Example: Transition Word of Agreement

I jogged to the store to catch up with my friend, who I’d spied driving down the road. Strangely enough , she didn’t turn the car off when she went inside.

Example: Transition Word of Disagreement

My dog sat languishing in the sun to warm up after being in the cold air conditioning. Be that as it may, I don’t like him to get too hot, so I brought him back inside.
  • Making Quotes and Examples Flow

Another way to make sure your essay flows well is to ensure that every quote, paraphrase, summary, or example is well introduced and explained. When you fail to do this, it makes the reader pause.

If you tell your reader who says it, then follow the quote with an analysis of the quote and why you used it, the reader is able to keep up a good rhythm. That’s your goal.

proofread a essay

  • Introduction of quote/paraphrase (top bread)
  • The quote/paraphrase itself (meat or sandwich filling)
  • Analysis/explanation (bottom bread)

This strategy will ensure that your readers are clued in to each quote and can read at a steady pace.

Example: Quotation Sandwich

In his article on salads, Sam Sifton of the New York Times says, “[Julia’s] recipe for simple vinaigrette may anyway change your life for the better, forever.” Vinaigrettes may be known for lacking the creaminess that traditional salad dressing has, but Sifton pushes us to give them another look.

*Referenced article is linked here .

Step 2: Editing—The Details

When you get to the fourth step of the writing process, editing, you’re in for some fine tuning. This step ensures that your writing is correct and easier to read.

  • Basic Paper Formatting

With any essay that you’re turning in for a grade, there should be some sort of format you follow. The most common formats for students are MLA format and APA format , but teachers can add their own rules. Pay attention to what is required and check for this formatting once your revising is done. Look at example pages to make sure you’ve got it right. Do you have one-inch margins? Size 12 font? Is your heading in the correct place? And so on.

  • Checking for Slang

Although some slang might be ok in essay in order for your voice to shine through, most of the time, formal writing is required. Unless your teacher tells you that slang is ok, avoid using words like “ain’t” or “man” or whatever is popular online or at school these days.

Read through your essay and look for these words. You may find it helpful to have someone else read through it, or to read it out loud yourself. When you find slang words, replace them with formal terms.

One of the most important things to look for when you’re editing your paper is proper grammar. While there are many grammar rules, here are a few major ones to make sure you’ve got it right:

  • Subject-verb agreement
  • Verb tense consistency
  • Plural agreement
  • Pronoun agreement

It might be helpful to review grammar rules from previous years of study to ensure that you’re getting it right. You can also submit your essay to a tutor for their help in identifying incorrect grammar.

  • Punctuation

Finally, one of the most basic and important parts of an essay is ensuring punctuation is correct. This means you’re looking at commas, periods, semicolons, colons, apostrophes, dashes, quotation marks, and so on. You’re looking both for missing and incorrectly placed punctuation. Commas can be quite complex, but here’s a quick snapshot of some of the most pertinent comma rules:

  • Comma before a coordinating conjunction
  • Comma after an introductory phrase
  • Comma before a quote or after it, depending on its location in the sentence
  • Comma in a series of items

Again, it might be helpful to look at basic punctuation rules before reviewing your essay. It’s also helpful to have someone else, like a tutor, look over the essay to catch mistakes you missed.

During the revising and editing steps of the writing process, there certainly is a lot to do. But don’t let that overwhelm you. Take it one step at a time. Ignore comma errors while revising; then forget about organization when you’re hunting for missing periods. In the end, your polished essay will likely be well rewarded.

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Writing a Paper: Proofreading


Proofreading involves reading your document to correct the smaller typographical, grammatical, and spelling errors. Proofreading is usually the very last step you take before sending off the final draft of your work for evaluation or publication. It comes after you have addressed larger matters such as style, content, citations, and organization during revising. Like revising, proofreading demands a close and careful reading of the text. Although quite tedious, it is a necessary and worthwhile exercise that ensures that your reader is not distracted by careless mistakes.

Tips for Proofreading

  • Set aside the document for a few hours or even a few days before proofreading. Taking a bit of time off enables you to see the document anew. A document that might have seemed well written one day may not look the same when you review it a few days later. Taking a step back provides you with a fresh (and possibly more constructive) perspective.
  • Make a conscious effort to proofread at a specific time of day (or night!) when you are most alert to spotting errors. If you are a morning person, try proofreading then. If you are a night owl, try proofreading at this time.
  • Reviewing the document in a different format and having the ability to manually circle and underline errors can help you take the perspective of the reader, identifying issues that you might ordinarily miss. Additionally, a hard copy gives you a different visual format (away from your computer screen) to see the words anew.
  • Although useful, programs like Word's spell-checker and Grammarly can misidentify or not catch errors. Although grammar checkers give relevant tips and recommendations, they are only helpful if you know how to apply the feedback they provide. Similarly, MS Word's spell checker may not catch words that are spelled correctly but used in the wrong context (e.g., differentiating between their, they're , and there ). Beyond that, sometimes a spell checker may mark a correct word as wrong simply because the word is not found in the spell checker's dictionary. To supplement tools such as these, be sure to use dictionaries and other grammar resources to check your work. You can also make appointments with our writing instructors for feedback concerning grammar and word choice, as well as other areas of your writing!
  • Reading a text aloud allows you to identify errors that you might gloss over when reading silently. This technique is particularly useful for identifying run-on and other types of awkward sentences. If you can, read for an audience. Ask a friend or family member to listen to your work and provide feedback, checking for comprehension, organization, and flow.
  • Hearing someone else read your work allows you to simply listen without having to focus on the written words yourself. You can be a more critical listener when you are engaged in only the audible words.
  • By reading the document backwards, sentence by sentence, you are able to focus only on the words and sentences without paying attention to the context or content.
  • Placing a ruler or a blank sheet of paper under each line as you read it will give your eyes a manageable amount of text to read.
  • If you can identify one type of error that you struggle with (perhaps something that a faculty member has commented on in your previous work), go through the document and look specifically for these types of errors. Learn from your mistakes, too, by mastering the problem concept so that it does not appear in subsequent drafts.
  • Related to the previous strategy of checking for familiar errors, you can proofread by focusing on one error at a time. For instance, if commas are your most frequent problem, go through the paper checking just that one problem. Then proofread again for the next most frequent problem.
  • After you have finished making corrections, have someone else scan the document for errors. A different set of eyes and a mind that is detached from the writing can identify errors that you may have overlooked.
  • Remember that proofreading is not just about errors. You want to polish your sentences, making them smooth, interesting, and clear. Watch for very long sentences, since they may be less clear than shorter, more direct sentences. Pay attention to the rhythm of your writing; try to use sentences of varying lengths and patterns. Look for unnecessary phrases, repetition, and awkward spots.

Download and print a copy of our proofreading bookmark to use as a reference as you write!

  • Proofreading Bookmark Printable bookmark with tips on proofreading a document.

Proofreading for Grammar Video

Note that this video was created while APA 6 was the style guide edition in use. There may be some examples of writing that have not been updated to APA 7 guidelines.

  • Mastering the Mechanics: Proofreading for Grammar (video transcript)

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Quick Guide to Proofreading | What, Why and How to Proofread

Published on 19 September 2022 by Shona McCombes . Revised on 15 May 2023.

Proofreading means carefully checking for errors in a text before it is published or shared. It is the very last stage of the writing process , when you fix minor spelling and punctuation mistakes, typos, formatting issues and inconsistencies.

Proofreading is essential for any text that will be shared with an audience, whether it’s an academic paper, a job application, an online article, or a print flyer. Depending on your skills and budget, you can choose to proofread the text yourself or to hire a professional.

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Table of contents

Proofreading example, proofreading vs editing, proofreading tips and tricks, choosing a proofreading service, recommended proofreading service, frequently asked questions about proofreading.

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Editing and proofreading are different steps in the process of revising a text. Editing can involve major changes to content, structure and language, but proofreading focuses only on minor errors and inconsistencies.

Often a text will go through several stages of editing before it is proofread. The table below shows some common steps in the editing process.

The four stages of editing and proofreading

Type of editing What it involves
Step 1: Content editing Revising an early draft of a text, often making significant changes to the content and moving, adding or deleting entire sections (also known as developmental or substantive editing).
Step 2: Line editing Revising the use of language to communicate your story, ideas, or arguments as effectively as possible.

This might involve changing words, phrases and sentences and restructuring to improve the flow of the text.

Step 3: Copy editing Polishing individual sentences to ensure , clear syntax, and stylistic consistency, often following the rules of a specific style guide (such as or ).

Copy editors don’t change the content of a text, but if a sentence or paragraph is ambiguous or awkward, they can work with the author to improve it.

Step 4: Proofreading Carefully checking for any remaining errors, such as misspelled words, , and stylistic inconsistencies.

In print publishing, proofreaders are also responsible for checking the formatting (e.g. page numbers and line spacing).

Do I need to go through every stage?

It depends on the type and length of text. You don’t need to strictly follow the division of tasks shown above, but a good piece of writing will nearly always go through a similar process of revising, editing and proofreading.

In the traditional publishing process, the stages are clearly divided, with different professionals responsible for each revision. A separate proofread of the final print version is necessary, especially because new typographical errors can be introduced during production.

However, in texts that don’t need to be formatted for mass printing, there is often more overlap between the steps. Some editorial services combine copy editing and proofreading into a single stage (sometimes called proof-editing), where grammar, syntax and style are addressed at the same time as minor spelling and punctuation errors.

Basic proofreading skills are important for anyone who writes. For everyday texts, such as business reports, blogs, or college papers, there are some techniques you can use to proofread efficiently and effectively before sharing your work.

Edit your writing first

Before you get to the final stage of proofreading, make sure you’ve thoroughly revised and edited your work. There’s no point spending time fixing minor errors if you might later remove whole sections or rewrite paragraphs. Only proofread once you’ve got a completed final draft that you’re happy with.

Take a break from the text

When you’ve been reading and rereading the same words for hours or days, it becomes much harder to notice mistakes. Before proofreading, set your work aside for a while so that you can look at it with fresh eyes.

Ideally you should wait at least a day or two before final proofreading, but if you’re on a tight deadline, even a half hour break can help.

Proofread a printout

Seeing your words on a printed page is another useful strategy for noticing things that might have escaped your attention on the screen. If the final version will be printed, this is also a good chance to check your formatting is correct and consistent on the page.

Use digital shortcuts

While reading from print can help you spot errors, word processing software can help you fix them efficiently. Most obviously, run a spell check – but don’t rely on the computer to catch every mistake.

If you notice that you’ve repeatedly misspelled a particular word, inconsistently capitalised a term, or switched between UK and US English , you can use the Find and Replace function to fix the same mistake throughout the document.

Be careful, though, and don’t use ‘replace all’. Click through and check every replacement to avoid accidentally adding more errors!

Learn from your mistakes

Pay attention to the errors that keep recurring in the text. This can help you avoid them in future.

Knowing what to look out for is the most challenging part of proofreading. You’ll probably notice obvious typos, but subtle mistakes in grammar and punctuation can be harder to recognise. The table below shows some of the most common errors to look out for.

What to watch out for when proofreading

Spelling and word choice confusions )  ( )
Misplaced punctuation ,
Stylistic inconsistency of terms or titles
Formatting issues and

If you lack confidence in your written English, or if you just want to ensure you haven’t missed anything in an important document, you might want to consider using a professional proofreading service.

There are two main options: you can hire a freelance proofreader, or you can send your document to a proofreading and editing company. There are various things to consider when choosing a service.

Do you only need proofreading or also editing?

It’s important to have a clear idea of how much work your text requires. People often think they only need proofreading when, in reality, the text would benefit from some level of editing as well.

If you send a proofreader a document full of grammar mistakes, confusing sentences, and difficult-to-follow paragraphs, they might decline the job or recommend a different service.

Many freelancers and companies offer both editing and proofreading, either separately (with separate pricing) or combined into one service. Make sure you understand exactly what kind of changes are included. Will the editor only correct minor errors, or will they also comment on awkward phrasings and structural issues?

Should the proofreader be specialised in your type of document?

Many different types of documents require proofreading: from literary novels to technical reports, from PhD dissertations to promotional flyers. The best choice of service is usually one that’s specialised in your type of document.

While proofreaders and copy editors generally don’t need expert knowledge of the text’s content, the process will be smoother if your proofreader is familiar with the rules and conventions of the genre you’re working in.

How much does proofreading cost?

The cost of proofreading varies widely. The price depends partly on the proofreader’s location and level of experience, the type and length of text, and the turnaround time. Rates are usually calculated per word or per hour. If the service also focuses on formatting, it may be priced per page.

How long does proofreading take?

You should try to leave plenty of time for editing and proofreading, but if you have a hard deadline, it’s important to find a service that can deliver on time.

Most companies offer various choices of deadline, but it’s best to plan a minimum of 24 hours for proofreading. The price will generally be lower if you can wait longer to have your document returned.

For very long documents, it might not be possible to complete the job in 24 hours, especially if you also need editing services. For combined proofreading and copy editing, you can expect an experienced editor to complete around 10,000–15,000 words in a single day.

How can you check the quality and reliability of the service?

Like everything on the internet, the quality of proofreading services varies widely. Do your research before you choose one. There are a few things you can check:

  • Online reviews : are they rated on independent review sites (e.g. Trustpilot ) or freelancer platforms (e.g. Upwork )?
  • Qualifications : do they have professional training and experience? If you’re using a company, how do they select and train proofreaders?
  • Customer service : are they easily contactable and responsive to inquiries?
  • Complaints policy : what happens if you’re not happy with the job? Can you get a refund or a second edit?
Type Advantages Disadvantages
Automated proofreaders
Freelance proofreaders
Proofreading companies

Scribbr offers proofreading services for students and academic editing services for all sorts of study-related documents, including essays, papers, theses, dissertations, reports, and proposals.

The basic service combines proofreading and copy editing at a rate of  £0.013 per word. You can choose between a 24-hour, 3-day, or 7-day turnaround time.

Scribbr is rated  4.6   on Trustpilot, with 13,641  reviews so far.

Editing and proofreading are different steps in the process of revising a text.

Editing comes first, and can involve major changes to content, structure and language. The first stages of editing are often done by authors themselves, while a professional editor makes the final improvements to grammar and style (for example, by improving sentence structure and word choice ).

Proofreading is the final stage of checking a text before it is published or shared. It focuses on correcting minor errors and inconsistencies (for example, in punctuation and capitalization ). Proofreaders often also check for formatting issues, especially in print publishing.

Whether you’re publishing a blog, submitting a research paper , or even just writing an important email, there are a few techniques you can use to make sure it’s error-free:

  • Take a break : Set your work aside for at least a few hours so that you can look at it with fresh eyes.
  • Proofread a printout : Staring at a screen for too long can cause fatigue – sit down with a pen and paper to check the final version.
  • Use digital shortcuts : Take note of any recurring mistakes (for example, misspelling a particular word, switching between US and UK English , or inconsistently capitalizing a term), and use Find and Replace to fix it throughout the document.

If you want to be confident that an important text is error-free, it might be worth choosing a professional proofreading service instead.

The cost of proofreading depends on the type and length of text, the turnaround time, and the level of services required. Most proofreading companies charge per word or page, while freelancers sometimes charge an hourly rate.

For proofreading alone, which involves only basic corrections of typos and formatting mistakes, you might pay as little as £0.01 per word, but in many cases, your text will also require some level of editing , which costs slightly more.

It’s often possible to purchase combined proofreading and editing services and calculate the price in advance based on your requirements.

There are many different routes to becoming a professional proofreader or editor. The necessary qualifications depend on the field – to be an academic or scientific proofreader, for example, you will need at least a university degree in a relevant subject.

For most proofreading jobs, experience and demonstrated skills are more important than specific qualifications. Often your skills will be tested as part of the application process.

To learn practical proofreading skills, you can choose to take a course with a professional organisation such as the Society for Editors and Proofreaders . Alternatively, you can apply to companies that offer specialised on-the-job training programmes, such as the Scribbr Academy .

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McCombes, S. (2023, May 15). Quick Guide to Proofreading | What, Why and How to Proofread. Scribbr. Retrieved 29 August 2024, from

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Shona McCombes

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Exam Study Expert

How To Proofread: 19 Foolproof Strategies To Power Up Your Writing

by William Wadsworth | Last updated Jun 27, 2024 | First published on Feb 3, 2023 | 0 comments

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William Wadsworth

Exam Study Expert founder William Wadsworth in a library. He is smiling.

By William Wadsworth , the Cambridge University trained cognitive psychologist and specialist in how to study smarter, not harder. He leads the world’s largest research study on use of effective learning strategies, is regular exam prep expert for The Times , and hosts the Exam Study Expert podcast , with 1 million downloads to date.

Review and additional research by Dr Kerri Edinburgh .

Proofreading: it’s the final hurdle on your race to the submission deadline, and a crucial step in creating a polished document. But how exactly do you proofread effectively and efficiently?

Whether you’re working on an essay, thesis, dissertation, research paper or article, take a deep breath. This is your one-stop “how to proofread” guide:

We’ve got 19 clever proofreading steps and strategies to take your skills to the next level and fine-tune your document for maximum marks. Because after all that hard work, don’t let careless mistakes drag your essay (and your grade!) down!

Proofreading and editing: what’s it all about?

Before we get down to those 19 strategies, what do we mean by “proofreading”?

The difference between editing and proofreading is actually pretty simple:

  • Editing is a process that you begin after your first draft – it’s all about refining the quality, tone, word count, clarity and readability of your writing
  • Proofreading is done to your final draft (once your content is ready, structured, signposted and feeling awesome!)

It’s all about checking that the elements of your essay or paper are consistent, presented correctly and free from errors . Think: spelling and grammar, punctuation, formatting, references and citations, figures and tables .

Essentially, you don’t want your examiner to be distracted from your winning argument by a sloppily presented document – and proofreading is the answer.

Here’s an example of the difference careful proofreading can make to your essay:

an example of how proofreading can improve your essay with edits and suggestions to an example text

That all might sound daunting, but I promise it’s not! Especially if you work strategically and follow these 19 steps:

How to proofread: 19 killer strategies

Proofreading is a process, sure. But I don’t want you to get overwhelmed!

 So I’ve grouped these top 19 proofreading strategies into 3 sets: preparation and mindset , checking every element , and making the most of your proofreading tools . Follow the steps, tick off the boxes and you’ll know how to proofread like a pro.

Part 1: Get into the groove with the right preparation and mindset

infographic with seven strategies to get you prepared for proofreading

1. Leave yourself plenty of time

Hopefully you’re not reading this article the night before your deadline ( and if you are – good luck !).

Because our first proofreading strategy is all about time.

Proofreading can be a tedious process of spotting and correcting small errors – definitely time-consuming ! And the longer your essay, thesis or dissertation, the more time this process will need .

Plus, if you’re hoping for external help (whether friend or professional), you’ll need to leave them time to work too.

In my opinion, it’s best to give yourself a solid week for proofreading and corrections – if you can! That way, you’ll have time to …

2. Take a break before you start

Your brain and eyes need to be fresh if you’re going to proofread accurately.

You don’t want to be anticipating what you’ve written, rather than actually concentrating on the words on the page!

So, don’t jump straight from writing to proofreading – take a break !

If you can, take a few days away from your essay or thesis. If not, have a coffee and stroll around the block first. Get your mind clear and ready to focus.

Psst: Don’t forget to take plenty of short breaks whilst proofreading longer assignments too!

Ready? Perfect: you’ll be primed to dive into …

3. The proofreading mindset

It’s time to put your proofreading hat on!

Try and separate yourself from the “you” that wrote the essay . Try to pretend you’re marking an essay written by a friend you want to help get top marks!

Going to a different location can really help create this kind of psychological distance between “you” the author and “you” the proofreader.

If you can, move to a desk or armchair in another room, or take your essay to a library or quiet corner in your favourite coffee shop . Just make sure your environment is distraction-free – you’re going to need to concentrate!

If you really want to go to town on this, you could literally wear a different hat! It sounds silly, but when we look or behave differently, it can send powerful signals to our mind that it should be thinking differently too.

4. Print it out

This is a proofreading strategy I always do:

Many people (me included!) find it much easier to read closely when text is on a printed page rather than when it’s on a screen. So grab that stack of paper, a nice bright pen and settle into your chosen spot …

Psst : I know we all need to do our bit to keep printing to a minimum to help the planet, but when your grade is on the line, I think you can cut yourself some slack. Just make sure you recycle your printing when you’re done…

If that’s not your style, why not try reading your essay aloud to help you spot mistakes?

5. Slow down and tame your eyes

When we read, our eyes move in jumps called “ saccades ”.

Essentially, our eyes don’t focus on every single word in turn. Instead, they focus on a point only every few words, which means some words only ever appear in peripheral vision. If you read quickly, the majority of the words in your essay are only appearing in your peripheral vision.

And that means it’s easy to miss things ! Your peripheral vision fills in details and assumes correctness (especially when you’re familiar with the argument).

So, to proofread effectively, you need to force your eyes to slow down and focus on each word in turn .

Try these methods for reading slowly and systematically:

  • Use your finger or a pen to trace under each word as you read it
  • Or have a ruler or piece of paper to hand to move down the page, revealing only one new row at a time

You might be surprised how many more errors you pick up!

6. Read backwards

Still struggling with slowing down? Here’s one more strategy for making sure you proofread carefully:

Read your essay backwards!

That might sound tricky, but it’s actually pretty clever and simple.

Often, our brains will trick us into reading a correct spelling based on the context of the rest of the sentence, and whatever word we’re “expecting” should appear next.

Solve the issue by reading each paragraph backwards, sentence by sentence. Start from the final word of the paragraph and move in order to the first. Those misspelt words will have nowhere to hide!

Psst : This is a great proofreading tip for hand-written essays where no spell-check is available (such as in an exam), particularly if you know you’re weak on spelling!

7. Know yourself

Our final proofreading strategy to get you prepared and in the groove is this:

Make sure you’re aware of the most common errors you make all the time when writing. Why not make a list to check off!

Maybe you always misspell “theorem”, get in a muddle about when to add commas or know you aren’t consistent about using en-dashes between dates (1914 – 1919).

If you’re not sure about the correct way to do something, check the guidelines set out by your institution, ask your teacher or lecturer, or look at the style guide for your discipline (such as the Chicago Manual of Style).

Part 2: How to proofread every element in your essay, dissertation or thesis

Feeling daunted by how many things you need to check for accuracy? Don’t be. You can do this!

Think of it a little like breaking down a big study goal into milestones : all you need is this checklist, a plan of action and a little time .

Top tip: It’s often a good idea to take several passes through your document – especially if it’s a longer essay or you know you struggle with accuracy. That way you can deal with each element individually! Pass one: headings, pass two: references and citations … and so on!

infographic of the seven steps to check when proofreading

8. The big stuff: overall structure

You’ve probably done lots of editing as you’ve improved your essay or thesis, so make sure to take the time and check everything is still in the right order and place! Introduction, Part 1, Analysis … etc!

It’s so easy for cut-and-pasted paragraphs or sentences to have actually just been copied – and now exist twice! Or for edited paragraphs to end abruptly mid-sentence …

Trust me, we’ve all done it!

Adding signposting to your essay is another crucial editing step that can easily get things out of order. Plus signposting often produces in-text references that are vital and need to be correct for things to make sense to your editor! (That’s when you say “ see Section Two ” or “ as mentioned in the preceding three sections ”).

Once you’ve made sure that everything still makes sense and flows in a logical progression it’s time to move onto the little details:

9. Spelling, grammar and punctuation

The most obvious check you need to make when proofreading your essay is for mistakes in your spelling, grammar and punctuation.

Don’t forget to check that you:

  • Are using the correct capitalisation of words
  • For example, the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) can later be referred to as the BBC

I’m not going to list every possible type of mistake you should be checking for. But here a handful of common examples to get you started with your proofreading:

  • Misspellings that are real (but very different) words, e.g. field and filed . Your spellchecker won’t spot these!
  • It’s and its
  • You’re and your
  • There , they’re and their
  • Affect and effect
  • Principle and principal
  • Tense consistency within sentences (not switching between present and future)
  • Verbs agreeing with their subjects
  • Using commas and semicolons accurately
  • Missing punctuation: does every sentence end with a full stop?

10. Formatting: from headers to italics

This next proofreading strategy is all about appearances.

A big part of how to proofread your essay, thesis or dissertation is getting the formatting right and consistent .

Psst: Chances are, if you’re writing a bigger assignment such as a thesis or dissertation, your institution will have provided you with a style guide that includes acceptable formatting for submission. Make it your ally!

The formatting includes lots of elements that contribute to the layout of your document:

  • Are you capitalising them?
  • What font and style should they have?
  • Are they numbered (consistently)?
  • Are you giving them indentation and/or justification?
  • Are your paragraph breaks the same?
  • Create your own style guide page with body, figure, heading and subheading fonts laid out!
  • Are they consistent and suitable for printing and binding your thesis?
  • Do your page numbers continue correctly after any blank pages?
  • Are there any pages with only 1-2 lines of text? Avoid these!
  • Are there rules in your discipline for how you use italics?
  • Has it spread beyond the phra se you meant to italicise?
  • Double  spaces
  • Spaces before punctuation .
  • Mixing up m-dashes, en-dashes and hyphens

Make a list of the things you need to check for – especially if you spot a frequently recurring mistake!

11. References and citations

In my experience, referencing is one of those things that just makes people groan. It’s nit-picky, careful work. But worth doing right – you don’t want to plagiarism police at your door!

Proper referencing is a big part of academic writing, so make sure you’re following the correct method for your discipline. ( Ask your teacher or supervisor for advice if you’re unsure !)

When checking your references, ensure that your citations match the references in your bibliography! Any quotations should also conform to formatting and referencing rules for your field .

And don’t forget to check the little details when proofreading, for example:

  • Are your author initials spaced or unspaced? (e.g. C.S. Lewis vs C. S. Lewis )
  • Which date format are you using? (e.g. 27th August 1854 vs August 27th 1854 vs 27/08/1854 )
  • If you have footnotes or endnotes, are your numbers all in order?
  • Do you have any outdated in-text references to footnotes or endnotes?

Depending on your referencing format, it might be easier to do a separate proofreading pass through your essay to check for citation errors!

12. Figures and tables

Whether you’ve got charts, tables, figures, illustrations or graphs: don’t forget to check your captions and placement.

This is another key place where outdated in-text references might be hiding , particularly if you’ve been editing your document structure. Find where you say things like “ see Figure 6 ”: are these numbers still correct?

Don’t let errors slip through and cost you marks!

13. Check for consistency

Our next proofreading strategy is an important one!

Sometimes, you need to make stylistic decisions in your writing, and which option you choose matters less than staying consistent throughout your essay.

Remember: if in doubt, refer to any guidelines your teacher or institution have given you, or the official style guide for your discipline (e.g. Chicago Manual of Style).

Check you’re not chopping and changing between different options on issues. Here are some examples you might catch when proofreading:

  • When to use ‘single’ or “double” quotation marks
  • Full stops after bullets. Or not
  • Are you using the US English or British English spellings of words?
  • Whether you prefer – ise or – ize endings
  • Is there any Technical Vocabulary that might be capitalised inconsistently?
  • e.g. you might spell out “one” to “nine”, and use numerals for 10 and above
  • Or your figures might use roman numbers e.g. Figure IV
  • If your headings and subheadings are numbered (e.g. 1.1, 1.2), check they’re consistent, and that order is correct against the table of contents!

14. Check twice after every tweak

And finally, our last tip in this section on how to proofread absolutely everything in your essay is …

I think the single biggest thing I’ve learned about how to proofread an essay is to be super, ultra, incredibly careful about errors creeping in after editing .

You know how it goes: you’re on your final proofread before submission, and you spot a clunky sentence that could be tidied up with a little rewrite. You make the change, but don’t check it properly, and leave a fresh mistake in your work.

By all means, make a small tweak here and there in the proofreading phase, but make sure you check the amended paragraph at least twice afterwards!

If you find you’re making a lot of major edits, pause the proofread phase entirely to give your essay a round of editing. Only return to proofreading for accuracy once you’ve done all your edits .

Part 3: Make use of available tools

The third and final set of “how to proofread” strategies is all about making use of the tools available to you. And trust me, when it comes to proofreading, there are plenty of services, websites and plugins and even Word functions you can use to make your life easier!

infographic of available proofreading tools like spellcheckers and buddies

15.  Get the most out of Word’s editing functions

If you’ve typed your essay or thesis in Word then you’ve got plenty of proofreading firepower at your fingertips!

And it’s not all about those handy grammar and spellcheckers either – although they are a great place to start:

  • Remember: they’ll catch some (though not all) mistakes. Homophones and misspelt words that are still real words – definitely weak spots and up to you to catch!
  • Not every detected “error” actually is a mistake: you’ll sometimes need to use your judgement

So how else can Word help you to proofread thoroughly?

  • Setting your language correctly can be a big help to the spellchecker’s effectiveness – US and UK English have plenty of subtle differences!
  • The Navigation bar is also a handy place to count through numbered headings and make sure you don’t have Section 1.1 twice!
  • Making your own style guide page can be a big help in seeing how it all looks and works together
  • If you have a friend helping you to proofread – or if you’ve just got your proofreader hat on – the “Track Changes” and “Comments” features can be a great assistance when it comes to actually making all the tiny corrections!

16. Get proofreading with Grammarly

Another great online tool to assist you with proofreading your essays and dissertations – in fact, any piece of writing! – is Grammarly .

I’ve recently added Grammarly to my writer’s arsenal and wish I’d done it years ago. It’s a proofreading strategy I definitely recommend.

It acts like a turbo-charged version of the standard Word grammar and spellchecker, helping me catch a much broader range of mistakes.

The ability to set your audience, level or formality and language ( academic, email, casual etc ) is a great feature that helps with any awkwardness of writing in a more formal academic style.

Honestly, it’s not perfect and will often flag perfectly correct words and phrases as errors. But I’d much rather that way round than it missed out on flagging potential errors to me.

Plus – it’s free to create an account! I’m using the pro version now as writing is such an important part of my life, but even Grammarly’s free version is a big improvement when it comes to proofreading your essays and theses.

17. Avoid plagiarism like the plague

You don’t want to be caught copying others’ work.

Universities and Colleges often run essay submissions through tools like Turnitin which will put a big red flag against essays with too high a percentage of text which matches source material online.

Even if you didn’t intend to “cheat”, sometimes a careless late-night library moment can allow a passage you copied into your research notes to somehow end up in your finished essay.

Avoid this problem by having a rule that you’ll never copy text directly from articles or books , unless it’s a clearly marked direct quote.

For extra peace of mind, consider running important submissions through a plagiarism checker .

18. Find a proofreading buddy

Of course, your friends and family aren’t exactly proofreading “tools” – but this is an important strategy for when you’re stuck!

But when you’re stuck in writing and editing mode and can’t get enough space between you and your essay to put your neutral proofreading hat on …

Then finding a proofreading buddy can be a great help – especially if you can swap assignments and offer them a little assistance too!

Having an external eye brings some much-needed objectivity to the proofreading table – your buddy is far more likely to spot mistakes you miss because your brain is seeing what it expects to in your familiar argument (see #5!).

19. Seeking professional help

Of course, there’s also the option of finding a professional proofreader. Whether you’re aiming for top marks or getting accepted for publication, there’s often lots on the line when it comes to polished submissions!

First up, it’s important to check what your institution allows , and whether you need permission. Don’t forget – you don’t want to be accused to collusion or cheating!

Sometimes hiring a professional isn’t permitted – or perhaps it’s simply not in your budget. If it is however – that can be great news. Remember: you’ll need to budget in plenty of time for them to work – its slow work!

Getting professional help can also be a smart move if you struggle with reading or writing in English.  

Learning differences such as dyslexia or dysgraphia can make life difficult when it comes to proofreading your essays and assignments. If English is not your first language , or you struggle with writing in academic English, you might be facing similar challenges.

Thankfully, there are plenty of options:

  • Your university or college language centre can be a great help – offering courses, advice and even lists of peers to approach as proofreaders.
  • There are also many professional proofreading services that cater to academic writing – from local services in your university town, to internationally renowned companies.

Good luck with your submission!

That’s it – 19 comprehensive and foolproof proofreading strategies for flawless writing!

You’ve worked hard, and now you know how to proofread your essay, thesis, dissertation or research paper like a pro! So once it’s ready, don’t put it off, get it handed in, get it off your mind, and relax.

Now your work is ready for the next step, be sure to check out my guide to printing and binding your thesis for submission!

And if you’re not sure if your essay is ready for proofreading quite yet, why not polish your content and grab some extra marks with more of our helpful writing skills guides :

  • how to create effective paragraphs
  • about the ideal length(s) for your paragraphs
  • how to transition between the stages of your argument
  • the 70+ top connective words and phrases to improve your writing
  • how to signpost your essay for top marks

Until the next one… 😉

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Here are some common proofreading issues that come up for many writers. For grammatical or spelling errors, try underlining or highlighting words that often trip you up. On a sentence level, take note of which errors you make frequently. Also make note of common sentence errors you have such as run-on sentences, comma splices, or sentence fragments—this will help you proofread more efficiently in the future.

  • Do not solely rely on your computer's spell-check—it will not get everything!
  • Trace a pencil carefully under each line of text to see words individually.
  • Be especially careful of words that have tricky letter combinations, like "ei/ie.”
  • Take special care of homonyms like your/you're, to/too/two, and there/their/they're, as spell check will not recognize these as errors.

Left-out and doubled words

Read the paper slowly aloud to make sure you haven't missed or repeated any words. Also, try reading your paper one sentence at a time in reverse—this will enable you to focus on the individual sentences.

Sentence Fragments

Sentence fragments are sections of a sentence that are not grammatically whole sentences. For example, “Ate a sandwich” is a sentence fragment because it lacks a subject.

Make sure each sentence has a subject:

  • “Looked at the OWL website.” is a sentence fragment without a subject.
  • “The students looked at the OWL website.” Adding the subject “students” makes it a complete sentence.

Make sure each sentence has a complete verb.

  • “They trying to improve their writing skills.” is an incomplete sentence because “trying” is an incomplete verb.
  • “They were trying to improve their writing skills.” In this sentence, “were” is necessary to make “trying” a complete verb.

See that each sentence has an independent clause. Remember that a dependent clause cannot stand on its own. In the following examples, green highlighting indicates dependent clauses while yellow indicates independent clauses.

  • “ Which is why the students read all of the handouts carefully .” This is a dependent clause that needs an independent clause. As of right now, it is a sentence fragment.
  • “ Students knew they were going to be tested on the handouts, which is why they read all of the handouts carefully .” The first part of the sentence, “Students knew they were going to be tested,” is an independent clause. Pairing it with a dependent clause makes this example a complete sentence.

Run-on Sentences

  • Review each sentence to see whether it contains more than one independent clause.
  • If there is more than one independent clause, check to make sure the clauses are separated by the appropriate punctuation.
  • Sometimes, it is just as effective (or even more so) to simply break the sentence into two separate sentences instead of including punctuation to separate the clauses.
  • Run on: “ I have to write a research paper for my class about extreme sports all I know about the subject is that I'm interested in it. ” These are two independent clauses without any punctuation or conjunctions separating the two.
  • Edited version: " I have to write a research paper for my class about extreme sports, and all I know about the subject is that I'm interested in it ." The two highlighted portions are independent clauses. They are connected by the appropriate conjunction “and,” and a comma.
  • Another edited version: “ I have to write a research paper for my class about extreme sports. All I know about the subject is that I'm interested in it .” In this case, these two independent clauses are separated into individual sentences separated by a period and capitalization.

Comma Splices

  • Look closely at sentences that have commas.
  • See if the sentence contains two independent clauses. Independent clauses are complete sentences.
  • If there are two independent clauses, they should be connected with a comma and a conjunction (and, but, for, or, so, yet, nor). Commas are not needed for some subordinating conjunctions (because, for, since, while, etc.) because these conjunctions are used to combine dependent and independent clauses.
  • Another option is to take out the comma and insert a semicolon instead.
  • Comma Splice: “ I would like to write my paper about basketball , it's a topic I can talk about at length .” The highlighted portions are independent clauses. A comma alone is not enough to connect them.
  • Edited version: “ I would like to write my paper about basketball because it's a topic I can talk about at length .” Here, the yellow highlighted portion is an independent clause while the green highlighted portion is a dependent clause. The subordinating conjunction “because” connects these two clauses.
  • Edited version, using a semicolon: “ I would like to write my paper about basketball ; it’s a topic I can talk about at length .” Here, a semicolon connects two similar independent clauses.

Subject/Verb Agreement

  • Find the subject of each sentence.
  • Find the verb that goes with the subject.
  • The subject and verb should match in number, meaning that if the subject is plural, the verb should be as well.
  • An easy way to do this is to underline all subjects. Then, circle or highlight the verbs one at a time and see if they match.
  • Incorrect subject verb agreement: “ Students at the university level usually is very busy.” Here, the subject “students” is plural, and the verb “is” is singular, so they don’t match.
  • Edited version: “ Students at the university level usually are very busy.” “Are” is a plural verb that matches the plural noun, “students.”

Mixed Construction

Read through your sentences carefully to make sure that they do not start with one sentence structure and shift to another. A sentence that does this is called a mixed construction.

  • “ Since I have a lot of work to do is why I can't go out tonight .” Both green highlighted sections of the sentence are dependent clauses. Two dependent clauses do not make a complete sentence.
  • Edited version: “ Since I have a lot of work to do , I can't go out tonight .” The green highlighted portion is a dependent clause while the yellow is an independent clause. Thus, this example is a complete sentence.


Look through your paper for series of items, usually separated by commas. Also, make sure these items are in parallel form, meaning they all use a similar form.

  • Example: “Being a good friend involves listening , to be considerate, and that you know how to have fun.” In this example, “listening” is in present tense, “to be” is in the infinitive form, and “that you know how to have fun” is a sentence fragment. These items in the series do not match up.
  • Edited version: “Being a good friend involves listening , being considerate, and having fun.” In this example, “listening,” “being,” and “having” are all in the present continuous (-ing endings) tense. They are in parallel form.

Pronoun Reference/Agreement

  • Skim your paper, searching for pronouns.
  • Search for the noun that the pronoun replaces.
  • If you can't find any nouns, insert one beforehand or change the pronoun to a noun.
  • If you can find a noun, be sure it agrees in number and person with your pronoun.
  • “ Sam had three waffles for breakfast. He wasn’t hungry again until lunch.” Here, it is clear that Sam is the “he” referred to in the second sentence. Thus, the singular third person pronoun, “he,” matches with Sam.
  • “ Teresa and Ariel walked the dog. The dog bit her .” In this case, it is unclear who the dog bit because the pronoun, “her,” could refer to either Teresa or Ariel.
  • “ Teresa and Ariel walked the dog. Later, it bit them .” Here, the third person plural pronoun, “them,” matches the nouns that precede it. It’s clear that the dog bit both people.
  • “Teresa and Ariel walked the dog. Teresa unhooked the leash, and the dog bit her .” In these sentences, it is assumed that Teresa is the “her” in the second sentence because her name directly precedes the singular pronoun, “her.”


  • Skim your paper, stopping only at those words which end in "s." If the "s" is used to indicate possession, there should be an apostrophe, as in “Mary's book.”
  • Look over the contractions, like “you're” for “you are,” “it's” for “it is,” etc. Each of these should include an apostrophe.
  • Remember that apostrophes are not used to make words plural. When making a word plural, only an "s" is added, not an apostrophe and an "s."
  • “ It’s a good day for a walk.” This sentence is correct because “it’s” can be replaced with “it is.”
  • “A bird nests on that tree. See its eggs?” In this case, “its” is a pronoun describing the noun, “bird.” Because it is a pronoun, no apostrophe is needed.
  • “Classes are cancelled today” is a correct sentence whereas “Class’s are cancelled today” is incorrect because the plural form of class simply adds an “-es” to the end of the word.
  • “ Sandra’s markers don’t work.” Here, Sandra needs an apostrophe because the noun is a possessive one. The apostrophe tells the reader that Sandra owns the markers.

How to Proofread Like A Professional – Tips to Get Better

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| Candace Osmond

Photo of author

Candace Osmond

Candace Osmond studied Advanced Writing & Editing Essentials at MHC. She’s been an International and USA TODAY Bestselling Author for over a decade. And she’s worked as an Editor for several mid-sized publications. Candace has a keen eye for content editing and a high degree of expertise in Fiction.

As both a content writer and bestselling author, proofreading is essential in everything I do. I know the value of a good proofreading, and so should you.

Your document isn’t complete until you proofread the final copy. You must review your spelling, format, and grammar before submitting it. 

Whether you’re composing an essay, resume, or novel, here are some tips on how to proofread like a professional. These techniques will make you a more effective writer and might even kickstart your proofreading career.

What is Proofreading?

Proofreading is the act of determining and correcting spelling, grammar, and formatting mistakes in a piece of writing. Traditionally, a proofreader uses “marks” to correct errors so that the selection meets the language standards.

This process is the last step before publishing a document online or printing mass copies. Proofreading is also essential before turning in an assignment, submitting a job application, or giving a speech. 

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What Kinds of Errors Do Proofreaders Fix?

Proofreader professionals and services make the final edits that previous editors may have missed before publishing. These professionals do not always make the “big edits” for your ideas, storyline, and logical flow. Instead, they focus on typos, improper punctuation, incorrect verb tenses, and more.

Proofreading vs. Editing

Proofreading and editing are two different steps you will encounter before publishing a piece of writing. Some consider proofreading a type of editing , while others separate the two jobs.

Editing includes different phases. You may edit an early draft of a selection to focus on the main idea. But you can also edit every paragraph to ensure your thoughts and arguments are clear, known as line editing. 

Proofreading is the final part of the revision. When proofreading a book, the proofreader receives the final look of the entire product and checks it one last time for any remaining errors. 

Proofreading doesn’t focus on the story and ideas anymore. It only involves catching spelling, grammar, and formatting mistakes that the editor missed. 

You don’t always need to strictly follow these different editing stages since the process depends on the type of writing you produce. 

Most of the time, you’ll only see beta readers, line editors, copy editors, and proofreaders in traditional publishing companies. There are also instances of overlaps between the tasks.

Tips For Effective Proofreading

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Practice on Short Pieces of Text 

If you want to proofread long writing pieces like books and academic journals, you should first start mastering the short ones. Try essays or short articles, then proofread online blog posts.

As you get used to these types of content, slowly increase the length of writing you’re proofreading. Explore novellas, short stories, and business proposals. Then, you’re ready to take on books and journals. 

Take a Proofreading Class

A proofreading class is the best way to become a professional proofreader . It doesn’t matter if you want to have a career in proofreading or just want to ensure your homework is flawless. Enrolling in an online course is an excellent investment.

Some programs are introductory, showing you the different proofreading marks and how to spot errors. Other courses will give extra lessons on digital competency and how to land a proofreading job on various platforms. 

Pick a proofreading class that will fit your level and needs. Check out my top proofreading courses for recommendations. 

Give Your Work a Rest.

If you’re the writer of the text you’re proofreading, set it aside so you can make changes with fresh eyes. Work on other compositions first, take a break from work, run a few errands, then go back after a few hours.

This way, you will not remember the perfect paper you wrote. Read it thoroughly to spot the errors. 

Create a Suitable Proofreading Ambiance.

Once you know the basics of proofreading, have a quiet spot at home where you can set the mood for your work. Make sure there are no distractions to keep you from spotting errors in the text.

Believe it or not, the right frame of mind will motivate you to polish your work to perfection. Turn off your notifications, set a dim light, and have an ergonomic office chair to keep you comfortable while working. And don’t forget to take breaks in between every few pages.

Have a Hard Copy of the Text.

If you’re writing on a large piece of text, it’s always better to print out the paper when proofreading. Working on pen and paper will keep you more focused to avoid skipping any errors. 

It keeps you more accountable for your task since you’re proofreading on a concrete item. You’ll be stunned at how many errors you’ll find on the printed copy rather than on your computer screen. 

Identify Yourself from a Reader’s Perspective.

The readers are essential agents once you publish your work. Therefore, I recommend putting yourself in their shoes. What do they know about the topic? Is the language too complex or simple for them? 

Asking these questions will open your eyes to different types of mistakes in your writing. Perhaps you’ll realize that something’s off with your flow, or you need to avoid highfalutin words.  

Read the Paper Slowly and Aloud.

This step will make you feel awkward if you’re a beginner. That’s why I advise going to a quiet, distraction-free area. Read each word slowly and loudly to find erroneous grammar and inarticulate statements.

This is one of the techniques you should employ if you want to spot run-on sentences and comma splices. It will also give you an idea of how you sound to your readers. 

Start With Common Errors.

When learning how to proofread an essay, I recommend starting with the most common mistakes. These include typos, subject-verb disagreements, and homonyms. Making yourself aware of these mistakes will prepare you for the more complex ones later on.

Other common errors to look out for include inconsistent spelling, improper use of prepositions, and punctuation mistakes. 

Proofread Only One Error at a Time.

You’re compromising the quality of your work when you try to spot every mistake in a single sentence. Proofreading takes a lot of patience and effort because you need to reread the selection for every error. Doing so will keep you concentrated throughout the task. Proof individual sentences and take plenty of time.

Have a Dictionary With You.

An online dictionary will do if you do not have an actual one. Keeping this item close to your desk will help you look up a word quickly. Determine if the writer used the term in the proper context or if they are using the correct spelling. 

A dictionary or thesaurus will also help you decide if it’s the appropriate word for your selection. You might find better words that capture the description and fit your content more snugly.

Read the Text Backward.

Out of all the strategies for proofreading, reading the text backward, sentence by sentence, is the most exciting and recommended by experts. Starting at the end will help you pay attention to separate sentences so you can spot tiny errors more correctly.

Use a Grammar and Spelling Checker.

Some proofreaders do not use spelling and grammar checkers because they might be over-reliant on these AI tools. If it supports your job, I think there’s nothing wrong with using one.

Grammar checkers have a limited ability to catch your mistakes. That means you should only rely on them at the start of the proofreading process. Evaluate every suggestion before accepting them.

Once you’re done running the online proofreading app, perform the manual proofreading task like usual. Read the entire text for spelling, grammar, punctuation, and formatting issues. 

Remember That Proofreaders Have Different Approaches.

When learning how to proofread professionally, you’ll understand that different proofreaders have their own approaches. The best tip from these experts is to make your process systematic. Stick to a routine that will help you catch the most possible errors. 

You can test out different techniques until you find the best one. Engage with a professional proofreader to see how they improve your work. Ask for their feedback, share experiences with fellow proofreaders, and keep practicing. 

Create a Proofreading Checklist

After finding a system that works for you, keep a list of the mistakes you need to check in order. It will help you do your work more quickly without missing an error.

What are the Dos and Don’ts of Proofreading?

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  • Read your writing one last time after proofreading. 
  • Have a dictionary or thesaurus with you while working.
  • Keep a checklist of the errors to look for.


  • Heavily rely on online spell and grammar checkers.
  • Look for all errors at a time. 
  • Rush the proofreading process.

Why Proofread Your Work?

If you’re not yet convinced enough, here are some reasons to proofread your work.

Your Readers Will Focus on Your Message

Many readers lose sight of your message when they fixate on a single typo you committed. No matter how inspiring, informative, or persuasive your writing is, a tiny error will ruin their reading experience.

Save your audience from all the frustrations by proofreading your work. Correct one error at a time and reread your work before publishing.

Proofreading Shows You Care

Proofreading means you care about three things: your brand, your work, and your audience. It lets people know that you put much thought into communicating your ideas and ensuring everything is pleasing.

The simple act of organizing flowcharts and labeling them shows that you want to save your audience’s time. You do not want to complicate things for your readers and are willing to explain every part of the story to them. 

It Protects Your Reputation

People are more likely to view you as refined if your writing is clear, polished, and straight to the point. Remember that your work represents you and your brand. You do not want to ruin your credibility because of a missing Oxford comma, do you? 

One minor slip-up can change the way someone views your company. Save yourself from the embarrassment, and ensure your audience keeps returning for your content. 

It Ensures You Get the Job

Proofreading increases your likelihood of being successful in whatever aspect. If you fix your CV’s formatting and grammar, there’s a huge chance employers will call you back. Academic journals may also publish your work if it’s free from any writing errors. 

Getting good grades is also possible if you give your homework one last check before submitting it. And if you’re a business owner, your business content will gain more traction if it’s readable, consistent, and mistake-free.

Proofreading Checklist

There are several approaches to proofing and the editing process. Here’s a convenient checklist that will give you excellent results and help build your proofreading techniques. 

The right tone for your copy is the first thing to consider when proofreading. Make sure you’re aligned to your overall brand tone and website feel. 

For instance, social messages should sound more conversational and friendly. But if you’re writing a report about diseases and health, you should express a little more seriousness. Do not inject tone-deaf statements or include funny pictures. 

Striking a balance between authority and engagement is also essential. Find ways to make the writing sound credible without giving the impression that the writer is the sole holder of knowledge. 

Content marketing involves a lot of storytelling. Whether promoting a service, giving tips, or sharing news, you need readers to understand you from beginning to end. 

Each paragraph should show a proper transition. Even sentences should be tied logically to one another. Otherwise, your readers will end up exiting your website. Make the appropriate edits when you see illogical leaps from one sentence or paragraph to another.

Some spelling mistakes you find may simply be typos, which any word processor can spot. But there are contextual spelling errors that will require a sharper vision. For instance, can you spot what’s wrong with this sentence?

“Roses are my favorite flour.”

Misspellings may seem like tiny issues, but they have big consequences on the meaning of your work. 

Grammatical errors come in a wide range. Mistakes in grammar may include verb tenses, prepositions, sentence structure, and adjective placement. Even the most experienced writers experience grammar error slips, so pay extra attention to this aspect. 


Punctuation errors can completely change the meaning of a sentence. Notice the difference between “Let’s eat dad.” and “Let’s eat, dad.” Aside from comma usage, you should also know the difference between a colon and a semicolon. 

English consists of millions of words, so you shouldn’t be using the same word over and over again. When proofreading, always use a thesaurus to replace commonly used words with alternatives. Doing so will help you avoid publishing boring content.

Your word choice also includes introducing all acronyms. For example, you should start an essay by saying, “The United Nations (UN)…” Do not forget to put the parentheses after the complete term so you can use them throughout your writing.

Consider country-specific words and jargon too. Make sure your English is appropriate for the job. Will your audience understand “Prima Facie” or “Adjournment”? Should you consider British English or American English?

Lastly, remove all unnecessary adverbs and adjectives. The “very” in “very beautiful” can weaken your writing. Instead, try “breathtaking” or “alluring.” 

Style Guide Consistency

If your company follows a unique style guide, consult it from time to time. It’s a simple task that will make your company look more credible and straightforward. 

For example, some websites capitalize prepositions in their headings. If one of your blog posts has “with” and “from” in lowercase, it will look out of place among the rest of the posts.

Poor formatting can make your excellent writing look terrible. Follow the correct font styles and sizes. Ensure consistent headings, footnotes, and endnotes. If you have graphs and illustrations, label them appropriately. 

Data and Image Attributions

One of the last steps to proofreading is checking the images and citations. Have you adequately cited every piece of information that is not yours? Is your image free and open for anyone’s use? Always give credit where credit is due. 

You don’t want to experience is getting sued for plagiarism or stealing someone’s intellectual property. If you’re citing sources on social media, you can say “via @username.” For Facebook, LinkedIn, and other accounts, use their real name.

Broken Links

Finally, fix broken links. If you do online content writing, you know how crucial internal and external links are to increase engagement. Go through every link and ensure they are all working and landing on the right site.

If discussing a study published in 2018, make sure it links to a research article. It should be a blog post from another website or a forum site. 

Learn How to Proofread Professionally

Now you know the different strategies and proofreading skills on how to proofread like a professional after the writing process. These techniques will help you earn your readers’ trust, land the job you want, or get an A+. Proofreading your work will also increase your SEO rankings on Google.

Beyond these proofreading tips, you should also have the right values for your job. Make sure you’re patient and committed enough to spot one error at a time.

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proofread a essay

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Body Paragraph for an Essay: Purpose, Components, Steps & Tips

Ways to Write Body Paragraph for an Essay

Table of Contents

What Is a Body Paragraph? Its Purpose!

Components of strong body paragraphs, how to write the body of an essay 9 tips, need help for your essay we can help.

Body paragraphs are a common thread that runs through many forms of writing, from journals to academic essays. By learning more about how to write engaging body paragraphs, you can feel more connected to the larger writing community, all while supporting your project's central idea. But many of you find it difficult or get stuck with writing the body of an essay. Not anymore! We, Global Assignment Help, are all set to help you with it in the best way.

Moreover, this blog will help you learn about the meaning and purpose and tips on writing and components. Our experts know what information is crucial for you to write a fantastic body essay. So, go through this till the end and excel in your academic grades. So, let's get started with the definition and purpose.

The body paragraph, a crucial element of a part of the essay, follows the introduction and precedes the conclusion. Here, you illuminate and discuss the main topics, supporting them with logical and proper evidence, strengthening their importance. Furthermore, the body paragraphs in an essay outnumber the other two parts, necessitating a clear and concise explanation. Now, after learning its meaning, let's discuss its purpose.

Purpose of Body Paragraph

  • Go through the points below and understand the purpose of writing a solid body in an essay. Let's begin
  • It elaborates on a specific idea that supports the central essay's main thesis.
  • Here, the body paragraph comes to life with The inclusion of examples, evidence, and counterarguments.
  • These elements deepen the discussion and provide a comprehensive view of the topic.
  • The body paragraph organizes and logically organizes the content of the essay and ensures clarity and coherence.
  • The body paragraph seamlessly connects every thought in the essay by adding transitions. This ensures a smooth and uninterrupted reading experience for the reader.

So, hope you understand what the is body in an essay and its purpose. But is it enough? No! By continuing reading further, you can enhance your understanding of the tips and components of the body paragraph for your essay. Also, if you do not have a deadline, you can use our essay writing services .

Components of strong body paragraph

Knowing the components of a solid body of an essay is crucial so that you can write a fantastic essay. Thus, this is the query of many of you as they do not know about it in detail. Moreover, when writing the middle part, you need to know the proper way to write it to make it the best one. Keeping that in mind, our experts are all set to help you with it. Also, for more clarification, you can also read our essay format  blog. Now, let's get started!


To connect your body section with a new paragraph, you must add a few words at the beginning or end of the paragraphs. This is not just a technique but a necessity that creates a coherent flow through the writing, making it more readable and understandable.

Topic Sentence

It is essential to be specific in the topic sentence of each paragraph that states the focus of the paragraph, where you discuss the main idea about your topic. This specificity helps the reader understand the exact point you're discussing, contributing to a clear and focused discussion in your writing.

Reliable Evidences

As the body paragraph is the longest part of an essay, you need to have support for your arguments. There are various types you can use, such as evidence, logic, opinion, or testimonials. These can be further diversified with details, reasons, examples, pools, facts, percentages, and data from reliable sources.

Concluding Statement

As the writer, it is crucial for you to guide your reader in connecting the main idea and the thesis you have discussed above. Therefore, the concluding statement, the last sentence of the body paragraph, is a tool you can use to ensure your reader is actively engaged in understanding your essay's structure.

Follow this component in your writing to excel it as this can help to improve and know how to write the body of an essay. But still, there is a lot more to tell you! Now, moving further you will read about the best tips to write the body of an essay. So, let's delve into the next part.

Do you also face difficulties with writing or knowing how to start the body of an essay? Worry not, as this problem will soon come to an end! Here, you will read and get insightful knowledge about the tips that can help you write a fantastic body. Thus, to avoid all the hassle, you can use our essay typer  and get an instant solution. Now, without any further delay, it is the right time to begin reading the tips for the body part of the essay.

Begin with the Topic Sentence

Kicking off your body paragraph with a strong topic sentence is crucial. This sentence should guide the entire paragraph's content by focusing entirely on specific issues. Also, it must leave room for support and analysis by avoiding the use of direct quotations.

Discuss One Idea at Point

When writing your body essay, it's best to focus on a single aspect at a time. Why? Because if you try to juggle multiple thoughts, you and your reader may become confused. To avoid this, create a clear outline before you start writing. This will help you stay organized to write a body paragraph for an essay.

Break Paragraphs Evenly

Divide your body in the essay evenly to provide clarity to both you and your reader. However, don't forget to use transitions. These are like bridges that connect your paragraphs, making it easier for your reader to follow your train of thought. They also help your writing flow, keeping your reader engaged and interested.

Add Supporting Evidence

It is crucial to include evidence in your body paragraphs to support your thesis. After introducing the main arguments in the introduction, it's important to provide examples that can prove your point in the rest of the paragraph. However, it's equally important that these examples come from reliable sources, as this will give your writing credibility and your reader confidence in your argument.

Use Relevant Details Only

Many of you might get distracted by discussing small information in detail while writing the body of an essay. In addition, this will make you get away from the main topic or arguments and will also make it a difficult task for your reader to understand your point. Thus, it is good to give relevant ideas in your writing but keep it cut short and go back to your primary discussion.

Don't Repeat Information

When choosing the topics, many of you select the one that finds you captivating. Also, some of you don't have enough data to add, and in such cases, they end up repeating the same idea or information. This affects your body part of the essay and makes it waste as this will not be fascinating to read. Thus, try to bring new and unique thoughts into your writing.

Keep it Clear and Concise

Keeping the body of an essay clear and concise will help you stay on track with your writing. If you mix up your thoughts or do not clarify what you need to write, you will end up making a blunder. Moreover, this will have a massive effect on you because you will be unable to score A+ grades.

Ensure Proper Formatting

To understand the role of formatting is crucial in an essay. Thus, if you understand it, half of your stress will go away. However, how to structure it is the big question that revolves around many of your heads.

So, for this, you must read our how-to structure an essay blog and clarify all your doubts in no time. In addition, this will provide you with new ideas for your paper.

Polish and Revise

After writing the body in essay, you might forget or procrastinate to revise and polish your writing. Therefore, this leads to many mistakes in your paper, which can be easily visible to your professor. Moreover, in this case, it is best to proofread it and rectify all the errors before moving forward. This will create the best impression of yours.

Following the tips given above will help you write the body of an essay. Thus, if you follow this, you will never get stuck with how to write the body of an essay, and you can submit an A+ document. Moreover, you might be having more queries related to it or might be having a deadline to meet. So, to get out of it, you can read the next section and learn how our experts can help you out.

After absorbing all the information, you may feel equipped to tack the start of each paragraph. The tips and components we've covered are invaluable when you embark on the writing journey. However, mastering these skills can be overwhelming, especially if you're still learning the basics. The good news is you don't have to navigate this alone. Our experts, with their refined clarity, tone, and conciseness, can guide you. With our assignment help , your writing will be apparent, engaging, and polished, no matter the context.

Our assistance extends beyond essays to all types of papers, all at a competitive price. And rest assured, we don't rely on plagiarism or AI. Each document is crafted from scratch and delivered on time. So, don't miss out on this exceptional opportunity.

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Proofreading & Editing Example

Your editor will improve your language directly and give feedback in the comments. You’ll also receive personalized tips to help you become a better writer.

  • Academic editing services
  • Thesis Proofreading & Editing
  • Example Proofreading & Editing

Enhanced document

Your editor will correct language and consistency errors directly in the text via Track Changes and offer additional suggestions in the comments.

Check out the example below and download the full file here .

I observed a A striking resemblance   has been seen between the success rate s of the Netherlands and that of the US. In the study by Martynova and Renneboog (2010) it already became clear found that shareholder protection was almost equal between the US and the Netherlands in both countries . This corresponded corresponds to the fact that the y both have a success rate  is   of approximately the 40%.

At least one More than 1 hedge fund acquired a share in 14 the company in fourteen of the 36 listed companies in my database. Of these, 10 of those were working together to achieve certain goals. The hedge funds held a share in the company for an average length of  hedge funds holding a share in the company is 531 days. Although Brav et al. (2008) considered may find this long-term period , I consider 531 days is still to be seen as to be short-term.

The average percentage of voting power is initial  ranges between 8.06% and the maximum voting power is 10.10%. From   By looking at this data , it can be concluded that hedge funds are not generally involved in acquiring controlling blocks of stock.

Due to the fact that Because shareholders have an opportunity to go to the OK , they have a fair reasonable chance of getting having their demands fulfilled. The OK likes prefers to solve disputes between shareholders and management by taking enacting provisional measures that improve the dialogue between the two parties. As a consequence , the parties often find compromises. Defensive measures that  are taken by  the management takes only to oppress shareholders are prohibited , and minority shareholders can change how they are treated by if a majority files an appeal.

Conducting Doing an extensive ly study of the shareholder activism undertaken by hedge funds in the Netherlands over a   for the past decade required a great deal of precise work. But although Even though I did n’t not use any private information , this study pretty nice gives a provides insight in to hedge fund activism in the country.

Proofreading & Editing

Example comment for Proofreading & Editing service:

“Since you indicated that you’re allowed to use first-person pronouns, consider using the active voice here. This is a simple way to make your writing clearer and more compelling.  Read more about the active voice: .”

Clarity Check

Example comment for Clarity Check:

“The extent to which this is an obvious consequence of the information you’ve provided is not entirely clear. Try to make this relationship more apparent. Reviewing your linking word choices may help you here.”

“ This is an example of an inflated phrase. Learn how to recognize such phrases and tighten your writing here: . “

Structure Check

Example comment for Structure Check:

“Make sure to include all the important elements of a discussion section. In particular, this section could be strengthened by discussing the limitations of the study in more detail. Read more about structuring your discussion here: .”

Personal note

Along with the edited document, you’ll receive a personal note in which the editor answers your questions and explains how your text has been improved.

proofread a essay

Dear Casper,

Thanks for sending your thesis to Scribbr! Sustainability is an important issue these days, and you’ve done a good job of making a complex topic accessible and engaging.

Overall, your writing is clear, so I’ve focused on bringing the style and tone in line with academic standards. Many small inconsistencies have been corrected, and I’ve made your sentences more concise where appropriate. In the Most common mistakes overview, I’ve shared some academic writing tips to help you address these issues in the future.

To answer your question, I’m confident that your literature review chapter could be understood by a reader with little knowledge on the topic. That said, there are a few areas where additional context could be helpful. See my specific suggestions in the comments and checklists.

I hope that this feedback is helpful to you as you revise your thesis. Best of luck finishing up the project!

Incorrect capitalization of theories and models

Language / Grammar / Capitalization

The names of theories, models, disciplines and ideas should generally not take capital letters.

Despite what the Utility Maximization Model utility maximization model suggests, people do not always act in their own self-interest—a significant finding in Behavioral Economics behavioral economics .

Unnecessary apostrophe to form the plural

Language / Punctuation / Apostrophes

Apostrophes should not be used to make plurals. This also applies to abbreviations, acronyms and decades.

The six NGO’s NGOs were especially active in the 1970’s 1970s .

Informal language

Academic style / Word choice / Tone

Academic writing is generally more formal than other kinds of writing—avoid casual, everyday language and slang.

A lot of Many studies have tried to find out determine why we remember certain photos photographs but not others.

Inflated/redundant language

Academic style / Word choice / Repetition and redundancy

Good academic writing is concise—it doesn’t use more words than necessary to make a point. If one or two words can take the place of several, choose the shorter option.

In the year of 2018, the researchers interviewed a total of 75 individuals in order to better understand the concept of platform-based work.

Acronyms as sentence starts

Academic style / Conventions / Abbreviations

An acronym should not start a sentence, as this is typically considered too informal. Either revise the sentence so that the acronym no longer comes first, or spell out the full term.

NGOs Non-governmental organizations provided their input during the planning phase.

Most common mistakes

You’ll also receive an overview of errors to watch out for, with personalized tips to improve your language and academic style.

The goal is to help you recognize your mistakes and become a better writer.

With the  Structure Check , your editor provides feedback on structural issues such as repetition and redundancy, transitions between sentences and paragraphs, and the use of headings.

You’ll also receive a Structure Check Report focused on the organization of chapters and sections. The report identifies where you should focus your efforts as you revise the paper.

Tailored to your document type, it gives an overview of elements that are missing or out of place, along with links to in-depth articles that will help improve your structure.

Consider writing an abstract to give readers a concise summary of your research and to help potential readers to decide whether to read the full paper.

Make sure the abstract clearly outlines why your research is necessary and/or what gap in the literature you’re seeking to address. Since you’re an expert on this topic, its relevance might seem obvious to you, but remember that it’s important to spell things out explicitly for readers so that they can follow along.

Consider introducing transitions to bridge the individual paragraphs of your document. This approach will make it easier for the reader to grasp how each new paragraph fits into your discussion, which will make your writing more cohesive (and therefore more compelling) overall.

After a brief introduction to the chapter, it’s best to jump right into presenting the results themselves. In most cases, there is no need to re-review the methods or other elements of the research in the results chapter.

The discussion is the place to interpret the results. In this section, you might consider whether and how the results support the literature, address the implications of the results, and generally explore the contribution of the research in more detail.

A conclusion section is usually relatively short and to the point. It seems like you may have included some unnecessary details in this section. I’d therefore recommend revising this section with an eye on making sure you’re providing information that is relevant and important.

If you select the  Clarity Check , the editor will complete two checklists to check your paper for logic and clarity. The editor will also provide clarity-related advice in the in-text comments.

Clarity: Checklist Text Logic

The text has a logical beginning, middle, and end.

Feedback editor: Your paper has a clear trajectory with a beginning, middle, and end. You’ve done an excellent job of exploring your thesis that democracy always leads to demagogy. Nice work!

The argumentation makes sense.

Feedback editor: You talk about 50 people who disagree with the current political situation, but you do not specify the sources that substantiate this claim. I also recommend that you look at your statement that democracy is the best form of government. The question here is “According to whom?” If this is your own opinion, you need to make that clearer.

The information is presented in a logical order.

Feedback editor: Remember that your readers haven't studied this topic as much as you have. Be sure to give them the information they need to understand your arguments. For example, at the end of the introduction, explain the terms "macropartisanship" and “deterritorialization” to ensure your readers understand these concepts. In addition, I recommend elaborating on the related studies, so your readers have a proper framework for understanding your research.

The information seems valid and reliable based on the argumentation.

The text does not contain any unintentionally contradictory information or arguments.

Feedback editor: In Section 4.1, you state that no respondents were satisfied with the current situation. However, in your conclusion, you say that three respondents had no opinion. Be sure to reconcile these points or make corrections if necessary.

No information that is relevant for further understanding of the text seems to be missing.

The examples used are relevant.

Feedback editor: Yes, absolutely. However, you have included more than enough examples to make your point. In the comments, I've highlighted examples that you might consider deleting to keep your paper focused and concise.

You take into account that the reader might not know everything about this topic.

Feedback editor: You might consider adding more historical background information in Section 3.2 when you discuss democracy in the Middle East. At present, that discussion implies a high level of background information on the part of readers. It’s okay to assume that your readers have some familiarity with the events you’re talking about, but adding a few reminders for readers would be helpful. For example, the first time you refer to Mubarak, you might add an aside telling readers that he was Egypt’s president from 1981 to 2011.

Clarity: Checklist Text Clarity

The subject of the document is clear.

The purpose of the document is clear.

Feedback editor: Your goal is clear in principle, but only after reading the entire text. I recommend making this clearer earlier on. You can do so by explaining the factors that led you to form your hypothesis that democracy always leads to demagogy in the Introduction chapter.

The most important question to be answered in the document is clear.

Feedback editor: Although I understand what you want to say, you have not specifically stated what the final conclusion of your text is. You should therefore take a careful look at my comment on page 54.

The answer to the above question, namely the conclusion, is clear.

The methods used to arrive at this answer are clear.

Terms are explained in a clear and precise manner.

Feedback editor: Yes. However, note that “macropartisanship" and “deterritorialization” need to be explained earlier, as I mentioned in the text logic checklist.

Further important information, such as the study’s limitations and recommendations, is described clearly.

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Frequently asked questions

Scribbr specializes in editing study-related documents . We proofread:

  • PhD dissertations
  • Research proposals
  • Personal statements
  • Admission essays
  • Motivation letters
  • Reflection papers
  • Journal articles
  • Capstone projects

The fastest turnaround time is 12 hours.

You can upload your document at any time and choose between four deadlines:

At Scribbr, we promise to make every customer 100% happy with the service we offer. Our philosophy: Your complaint is always justified – no denial, no doubts.

Our customer support team is here to find the solution that helps you the most, whether that’s a free new edit or a refund for the service.

Yes, if your document is longer than 20,000 words, you will get a sample of approximately 2,000 words. This sample edit gives you a first impression of the editor’s editing style and a chance to ask questions and give feedback.

How does the sample edit work?

You will receive the sample edit within 12 hours after placing your order. You then have 24 hours to let us know if you’re happy with the sample or if there’s something you would like the editor to do differently.

Read more about how the sample edit works

Yes, in the order process you can indicate your preference for American, British, or Australian English .

If you don’t choose one, your editor will follow the style of English you currently use. If your editor has any questions about this, we will contact you.

Yes, regardless of the deadline you choose, our editors can proofread your document during weekends and holidays.

Example: If you select the 12-hour service on Saturday, you will receive your edited document back within 12 hours on Sunday.

Our APA experts default to APA 7 for editing and formatting. For the Citation Editing Service you are able to choose between APA 6 and 7.

Every Scribbr order comes with our award-winning Proofreading & Editing service , which combines two important stages of the revision process.

For a more comprehensive edit, you can add a Structure Check or Clarity Check to your order. With these building blocks, you can customize the kind of feedback you receive.

You might be familiar with a different set of editing terms. To help you understand what you can expect at Scribbr, we created this table:

Types of editing Available at Scribbr?

This is the “proofreading” in Scribbr’s standard service. It can only be selected in combination with editing.

This is the “editing” in Scribbr’s standard service. It can only be selected in combination with proofreading.

Select the Structure Check and Clarity Check to receive a comprehensive edit equivalent to a line edit.

This kind of editing involves heavy rewriting and restructuring. Our editors cannot help with this.

View an example


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  23. How to Write a Powerful Body Paragraph for an Essay?

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  25. Book Review: Travelling While Black: Essays Inspired by a Life on the

    Travelling While Black comprises seventeen distinct essays focusing on specific traveling experiences woven together by the overarching themes of identity and belonging, otherness, white supremacy, and power dynamics. In each chapter, Nyabola poses thought-provoking questions that challenge readers to examine their beliefs and privileges, and to consider how these either disrupt or perpetuate ...

  26. Proofreading & Editing Example: Perfect Your Paper with Scribbr

    Proofreading & Editing Example. Your editor will improve your language directly and give feedback in the comments. You'll also receive personalized tips to help you become a better writer. 1 Enhanced document. 2 Personal note.