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Nevada governor releases revised climate plan after lengthy delay

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Gov. Joe Lombardo’s administration has released a new state climate plan focusing on energy production and economic development — about a year and a half after the Republican governor pulled his Democratic predecessor’s version of the plan aimed at addressing carbon emissions and climate change offline.

“Nevada’s Climate Innovation Plan” is a 33-page document that “seeks to mitigate the ever-changing patterns of the environment while also considering economic realities and national security.”

In a statement to The Nevada Independent, Lombardo said the plan “marks a significant step forward in our environmental strategy.”

“By harnessing clean energy, improving energy efficiency, and fostering economic growth, we’re establishing Nevada as a leader in climate solutions,” Lombardo said in an emailed statement. “By addressing these environmental challenges locally, we’re able to strengthen the future of our state for generations to come.”

However, some of those who have read the plan rebuked its intention and said it lacked specific and actionable objectives and timelines to accomplish them.

“This document has no data, no goals, and no proposals. It looks backward to what has already been done, instead of charting a path forward for our state,” Assemblyman Howard Watts (D-Las Vegas), who last session handled energy policy in his role as chair of the Assembly Growth and Infrastructure Committee, told The Nevada Independent in an email. “That’s not a plan, and there’s nothing innovative about it.”


The plan was posted online earlier this week, a Lombardo spokeswoman told The Nevada Independent. The governor’s office did not issue a press release before posting it online.

The plan calls out the federal government, which owns and manages more than 85 percent of Nevada’s land, for “depriving Nevadans of economic opportunities for business development and therefore upward mobility.”

It also emphasizes collaboration between government, businesses and communities as the state works on diversifying its energy portfolio with a “balanced, all-of-the-above approach to energy use and development” while tasking state agencies with improving environmental conditions.

The plan draws on an executive order issued in March 2023 by Lombardo outlining the state’s energy policy focus on electrification and a continued use of natural gas. That approach “will meet environmental objectives while keeping costs low for Nevadans,” according to the new plan.

Lombardo, elected in 2022, has moved away from former Gov. Steve Sisolak’s actions on climate strategy, including pivoting away from the former governor’s statewide climate plan and withdrawing Nevada from a coalition of states dedicated to reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Democratic lawmakers and environmental activists — many of whom faulted Lombardo for not having a replacement climate policy in place a year after taking Sisolak’s offline — criticized the latest version of the plan.

The document does not offer actionable steps or guidance to state lawmakers heading into the upcoming legislative session, Assemblywoman Selena LaRue Hatch (D-Reno), who has been monitoring energy and utility issues since being elected, told The Nevada Independent. She said the document instead reads more like a summary of what state lawmakers have already accomplished.

“It doesn’t offer anything concrete, which is disappointing considering we have the two fastest warming cities in the nation,” said LaRue Hatch.

The Sisolak-era plan was criticized as insufficient by The Center for Biological Diversity, a nonprofit that works to protect endangered species, but said this newest plan falls even shorter of the mark.

“Nevada had a legitimate climate plan, and this governor tore it up as soon as he got into office,” Patrick Donnelly, the center’s Great Basin director, told The Nevada Independent in an email.

State officials have since 2023 been working to develop a priority climate action plan funded by $3 million from the federal government. That plan is distinct from the statewide climate plan, which a state official previously described as more of an overall blueprint for the state.

A spokesperson for the Nevada Conservation League criticized the governor’s office for not seeking more voices in the development of the plan.

“We’re disappointed to see Governor Lombardo’s alleged ‘Climate Innovation Plan’ published with no consultation or collaboration from everyday Nevadans, community organizations, or conservation leaders,” Deputy Director Christi Cabrera-Georgeson said in email.

This story was originally published by The Nevada Independent and distributed through a partnership with The Associated Press.

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Costco development plan divides Penfield. Details to be outlined at Town Planning Board meeting

While plans to bring a Costco Wholesale store to eastern Penfield will get their first public airing Thursday, opinions are already creating a community schism.

On one hand, there are those who see the big-box membership store as a benefit to residents, some who now trek to the city to shop at the only other Costco in Monroe County. As well, there is a sizeable group of residents who think the proposed 51-acre project — Costco is the centerpiece — will create untenable traffic and lead to a significant loss of green space.

Town officials, meanwhile, have stayed mum on the proposal, waiting for a town planning board meeting Thursday, Aug. 8, when residents will have the chance to sound off. The meeting is scheduled to start at 6:30 p.m.

"We want to allow initial review by the Planning Board prior to making any comments beyond what we have already shared," Chris Tanea, the town's communications officer, said in an email. Town Supervisor Jeff Leenhouts has not commented on the project except to say that officials will await the planning board review.

Developers promoting the project say they plan to provide more information Thursday while also listening to the community input.

"I hope this meeting will inform the public and dampen any opposition that may exist without much information about this proposal in hand," said Matt Lester, who heads Penfield Partners LLC, which is proposing the development.

Lester is also the driving force behind plans for a Topgolf Entertainment Center and hotel within CityGate, which is the site for the lone Costco in Monroe County. One of his businesses purchased the CityGate property.

The Penfield project would be built at the intersection of Fairport Nine Mile Point and Sweets Corners roads. As outlined in the proposal, the Costco would be 170,000 square feet in size and would be situated on the west side of the development, along with an 8,000 square-foot pickleball facility and 7,200 square feet of commercial space.

The east side would include four three-story apartment buildings with 26 units in each, totaling 104 units. Also on the east side would be three 5,500-square-foot to 6,000-square-foot buildings for restaurants and businesses and two 20,000-square-foot multi-tenant commercial buildings.

The developers are seeking a zoning change for the project, asking for a change from mixed use to what is called a planned development district. Opponents say that the town's comprehensive plan was updated just last year and this proposal would already stray from its zoning outlines.

Some opponents have created an organization called Preserve Penfield, which is circulated petitions in opposition. Supporters of the project are also coalescing.

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An illustration of a flexible pipe tearing through a blue and beige colored background.

Opinion Guest Essay

Will We Have to Pump the Great Lakes to California to Feed the Nation?

Credit... Alma Haser

Supported by

By Jay Famiglietti

Dr. Famiglietti is a professor at Arizona State University and the director of science for the Arizona Water Innovation Initiative.

  • Aug. 5, 2024

This essay is part of What to Eat on a Burning Planet, a series exploring bold ideas to secure our food supply. Read more about this project in a note from Eliza Barclay, Opinion’s climate editor.

Driving north through California’s Tejon Pass on Interstate 5, you spill down out of the mountains onto a breathtaking expanse of farm fields like few others in the world. Rows of almond, pistachio and citrus trees stretch as far as the eye can see, dotted by fields of grapes. Truckloads of produce zoom by, heading for markets around the country.

The Central Valley of California supplies a quarter of the food on the nation’s dinner tables. But beneath this image of plenty and abundance, a crisis is brewing — an invisible one, under our feet — and it is not limited to California.

Coast to coast, our food producing regions, especially those stretching from the southern Great Plains across the sunny, dry Southwest, rely heavily and sometimes exclusively on groundwater for irrigation. And it’s disappearing — fast.

What happens to the nation’s food production if the groundwater runs out altogether? Unless we act now, we could soon reach a point where water must be piped from the wetter parts of the country, such as the Great Lakes, to drier, sunnier regions where the bulk of the nation’s food is produced. No one wants unsightly pipelines snaking across the country, draining Lake Michigan to feed the citrus groves of the Central Valley. But that future is drawing closer by the day, and at some point, we may look back on this moment and wish we’d acted differently.

For over a century, America’s farmers have overpumped groundwater, and now, as the world warms and the Southwest becomes drier, the situation is only growing more dire. Rivers are slowing to a trickle, water tables are falling, land is sinking, and wells are drying up. Each year, roughly 25,000 more farmers fallow their fields, putting both food and water security in the United States at risk.

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‘The Godmother of AI’ says California’s well-intended AI bill will harm the U.S. ecosystem

Dr. Fei-Fei Li is widely known as the 'Godmother of AI'

Today, AI is more advanced than ever. With great power, though, comes great responsibility. Policymakers, alongside those in civil society and industry, are looking to governance that minimizes potential harm and shapes a safe, human-centered AI-empowered society. I applaud some of these efforts yet caution against others; California’s Safe and Secure Innovation for Frontier Artificial Intelligence Models Act, better known as SB-1047, falls into the latter category. This well-meaning piece of legislation will have significant unintended consequences, not just for California, but for the entire country.  

AI policy must encourage innovation, set appropriate restrictions, and mitigate the implications of those restrictions. Policy that doesn’t will at best fall short of its goals, and at worst lead to dire, if unintended, consequences.

If passed into law, SB-1047 will harm our budding AI ecosystem, especially the parts of it that are already at a disadvantage to today’s tech giants: the public sector, academia, and “little tech.” SB-1047 will unnecessarily penalize developers, stifle our open-source community, and hamstring academic AI research, all while failing to address the very real issues it was authored to solve. 

First, SB-1047 will unduly punish developers and stifle innovation. In the event of misuse of an AI model, SB-1047 holds liable the party responsible  and  the original developer of that model. It is impossible for each AI developer—particularly budding coders and entrepreneurs—to predict every possible use of their model. SB-1047 will force developers to pull back and act defensively—precisely what we’re trying to avoid. 

Second, SB-1047 will shackle open-source development. SB-1047 mandates that all models over a certain threshold include a “kill switch,” a mechanism by which the program can be shut down at any time. If developers are concerned that the programs they download and build on will be deleted, they will be much more hesitant to write code and collaborate. This kill switch will devastate the open-source community—the source of countless innovations, not just in AI, but across sectors, ranging from GPS to MRIs to the internet itself.

Third, SB-1047 will cripple public sector and academic AI research. Open-source development is important in the private sector, but  vital  to academia, which cannot advance without collaboration and access to model data. Take computer science students, who study open-weight AI models. How will we train the next generation of AI leaders if our institutions don’t have access to the proper models and data? A kill switch would even further dampen the efforts of these students and researchers, already at such a data and computation disadvantage compared to Big Tech. SB-1047 will deal a death knell to academic AI when we  should  be doubling down on public-sector AI investment.

Most alarmingly, this bill does not address the potential harms of AI advancement, including bias and deepfakes. Instead, SB-1047 sets an arbitrary threshold, regulating models that use a certain amount of computing power or cost $100 million to train. Far from providing a safeguard, this measure will merely restrict innovation across sectors, including academia. Today, academic AI models fall beneath this threshold, but if we were to rebalance investment in private and public sector AI, academia would fall under SB-1047’s regulation. Our AI ecosystem will be worse for it. 

We must take the opposite approach. In various conversations with President Biden over the past year, I have expressed the need for a “moonshot mentality” to spur our country’s AI education, research, and development. SB-1047, however, is overly and arbitrarily restrictive, and will not only chill California’s AI ecosystem but will also have troubling downstream implications for AI across the nation.

I am not anti-AI governance. Legislation is critical to the safe and effective advancement of AI. But AI policy must empower open-source development, put forward uniform and well-reasoned rules, and build consumer confidence. SB-1047 falls short of those standards. I extend an offer of collaboration to Senator Scott Wiener, the bill’s author: Let us work together to craft AI legislation that will truly build the technology-enabled, human-centered society of tomorrow. Indeed, the future of AI depends on it. The Golden State—as a pioneering entity, and home to our country’s most robust AI ecosystem—is the beating heart of the AI movement; as California goes, so goes the rest of the country. 

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The opinions expressed in Fortune.com commentary pieces are solely the views of their authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions and beliefs of  Fortune .

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Governments of Canada and New Brunswick announce Early Learning and Child Care Action Plan

From: Employment and Social Development Canada

News release

Today, the Honourable Jenna Sudds, Minister of Families, Children and Social Development, the Honourable Dominic LeBlanc, Minister of Public Safety, Democratic Institutions and Intergovernmental Affairs, and the Honourable Bill Hogan, New Brunswick’s Minister of Education and Early Childhood Development, announced a three-year action plan to improve and expand early learning and child care services across the province.

August 7, 2024               Moncton, New Brunswick                Employment and Social Development Canada Affordable child care is not a luxury—it is a necessity. That is why the Government of Canada is working with provincial, territorial and Indigenous partners to implement a Canada-wide early learning and child care (ELCC) system that will bring fees for regulated child care across the country down to $10-a-day on average by March 2026. Today, the Honourable Jenna Sudds, Minister of Families, Children and Social Development, the Honourable Dominic LeBlanc, Minister of Public Safety, Democratic Institutions and Intergovernmental Affairs, and the Honourable Bill Hogan, New Brunswick’s Minister of Education and Early Childhood Development, announced a three-year action plan to improve and expand early learning and child care services across the province. The Action Plan covers commitments made under the Canada–New Brunswick Canada-wide Early Learning and Child Care Agreement, the Canada-New Brunswick ELCC Agreement, and the Canada-New Brunswick ELCC Infrastructure Fund Amendment. The plan sets a road map for strengthening and expanding the child care sector in the province and improving access to high-quality, affordable, flexible, and inclusive child care for families. Over the course of the three-year plan, New Brunswick’s Action Plan 2023–2024 to 2025–2026 outlines spending of more than $426 million in five areas: Affordability

  • More than $295 million towards the goal of achieving regulated child care fees of $10-a-day average by March 31, 2026. The Government of New Brunswick has already reduced child care fees by an average of 50% as of December 2022 saving families an average of $3,600 per year, per child.
  • More than $20 million towards the creation of 3,400 new regulated child care spots by March 2026. In New Brunswick, measures to support the creation of 3,400 new spots have been announced, including in francophone and rural communities.
  • More than $128.5 million toward ongoing support for the early childhood educator (ECE) wage grid introduced in November 2022, and offering training to support educators obtaining their Level 1 – ECE Certificate.
  • More than $30 million to develop and implement a comprehensive inclusion framework for both anglophone and francophone sectors; as well as continuing to support inclusion measures for diverse and vulnerable communities, including children with additional needs.
  • Approximately $12.4 million through the Government of Canada’s Early Learning and Child Care Infrastructure Fund to increase the physical accessibility of ELCC spaces and support greater inclusion for underserved communities including: families in rural and remote communities, minority language communities, newcomer families, low-income families, extended hour service providers and Indigenous communities.
  • With more than $2.7 million, the Government of Canada and New Brunswick are collaborating with Indigenous communities and organizations to identify areas of focus and establish a plan for ELCC services for Indigenous children that is supported by an Indigenous-led, strength-based coordination process.

Reporting and Administration

  • Over $16 million to support the implementation and administration of the Canada–New Brunswick Canada-wide Early Learning and Child Care Agreement, including building targeted capacity and additional resources within the Government of New Brunswick to support the implementation of initiatives, and enhanced data collection and reporting.

Building a Canada-wide early learning and child care system that works for families in every region of the country is a key part of the Government of Canada’s plan to make life more affordable for families and give kids the best possible start in life, while supporting a strong workforce and growing the economy. 

“We are at the halfway mark of our plan to make $10-a-day child care a reality for families in New Brunswick. While we have made significant progress, more work needs to be done. With this Action Plan, we have a clear path forward on how we will work together to create new child care spots to reduce waitlists, cut costs for families, and support the workforce.” – The Honourable Jenna Sudds, Minister of Families, Children and Social Development 
“Through investments like this, we're ensuring that Canadians, and particularly Canadian women, in New Brunswick and across the country don't have to choose between having a career and having kids, and can be confident that their children are benefitting from high-quality early learning and child care services.” –  The Honourable Dominic LeBlanc, Minister of Public Safety, Democratic Institutions and Intergovernmental Affairs
“We are grateful for our partnership with the federal government as we continue building a quality early learning and child care sector in New Brunswick. This action plan will support New Brunswick families and their young children as we work to bring affordable, inclusive, high-quality child care to all areas of the province. I am proud to witness the remarkable strides made over the past few years to improve New Brunswick’s early learning and child care system. That being said, we know there is still work to be done and we are committed to continuing to improve learning environments for all our youngest learners.” – The Honourable Bill Hogan, Minister of Education and Early Childhood Development for New Brunswick 

Quick facts

As part of Budget 2021, the Government of Canada made a transformative investment of more than $27 billion over five years to build a Canada-wide early learning and child care system with provinces and territories. Combined with other investments, including in Indigenous early learning and child care, up to $30 billion over five years will be provided in support of early learning and child care. 

As part of the agreement with New Brunswick, the Government of Canada is contributing close to $492 million over five years to help improve regulated early learning and child care for children under the age of 6 in the province. This is in addition to more than $48.1 million announced through the Canada–New Brunswick ELCC Extension Agreement – 2021 to 2025, which includes close to $9.3 million through a one-time investment in 2021-2022 to support the early childhood workforce.

On May 15, 2024, the Governments of Canada and New Brunswick announced the allocation of $17.6 million over four years, with approximately $12.4 million through 2025-2026 in federal funding to the province under the Early Learning and Child Care Infrastructure Fund.  

Eight provinces and territories are delivering regulated early learning and child care for an average of $10-a-day or less, and the remaining jurisdictions have reduced fees by 50% or more compared to 2019 levels. The goal is that all families in Canada will have access to regulated early learning and child care for an average cost of $10-a-dy by March 2026. 

As part of the Canada-wide Early Learning and Child Care system, the Government of Canada aims to create approximately 250,000 new child care spaces across the country by March 2026 to give all families affordable child care options, no matter where they live. 

Associated links

  • Toward $10-a-day: Early Learning and Child Care
  • Canada – New Brunswick Canada-Wide Early Learning and Child Care Agreement – 2021 to 2026

For media enquiries, please contact: 

Geneviève Lemaire Press Secretary Office of the Minister of Families, Children and Social Development [email protected] Media Relations Office Employment and Social Development Canada 819-994-5559 [email protected] Follow us on X (Twitter) Follow us on Facebook

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7 Steps for Writing an Essay Plan

7 Steps for Writing an Essay Plan

Chris Drew (PhD)

Dr. Chris Drew is the founder of the Helpful Professor. He holds a PhD in education and has published over 20 articles in scholarly journals. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education. [Image Descriptor: Photo of Chris]

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Have you ever started writing an essay then realized you have run out of ideas to talk about?

This can make you feel deflated and you start to hate your essay!

How to write an Essay Plan

The best way to avoid this mid-essay disaster is to plan ahead: you need to write an Essay Plan!

Essay planning is one of the most important skills I teach my students. When I have one-to-one tutorials with my students, I always send them off with an essay plan and clear goals about what to write.

Essay Planning isn’t as dull as you think. In fact, it really does only take a short amount of time and can make you feel oh so relieved that you know what you’re doing!

Here’s my 7-Step method that I encourage you to use for your next essay:

The 7-Step Guide on How to write an Essay Plan

  • Figure out your Essay Topic (5 minutes)
  • Gather your Sources and take Quick Notes (20 minutes)
  • Brainstorm using a Mind-Map (10 minutes)
  • Arrange your Topics (2 minutes)
  • Write your topic Sentences (5 minutes)
  • Write a No-Pressure Draft in 3 Hours (3 hours)
  • Edit your Draft Once every Few Days until Submission (30 minutes)

I’ve been using this 7-Step essay planning strategy since I was in my undergraduate degree. Now, I’ve completed a PhD and written over 20 academic journal articles and dozens of blog posts using this method – and it still works!

Let’s go through my 7 steps for how to write an essay plan.

Prefer to Watch than Read? Here’s our video on writing an Essay Plan.

how to write an essay plan

1. figure out your essay topic. here’s how..

Where did your teacher provide you with your assessment details?

Find it. This is where you begin.

Now, far, far, far too many students end up writing essays that aren’t relevant to the essay question given to you by your teacher. So print out your essay question and any other advice or guidelines provided by your teacher.

Here’s some things that your assessment details page might include:

  • The essay question;
  • The marking criteria;
  • Suggested sources to read;
  • Some background information on the topic

The essay question is really important. Once you’ve printed it I want you to do one thing:

Highlight the key phrases in the essay question.

Here’s some essay questions and the key phrases you’d want to highlight:

Will artificial intelligence threaten the future of work?Artificial Intelligence, Work
How does the film ‘Frozen’ challenge and/or for children who watch it?Frozen, gender roles, children
What are the reasons behind the rise of right-wing nationalism in the past 10 years?Nationalism, Past 10 years
What are the most effective strategies for raising developing nations out of poverty?Developing Nations, Poverty, Strategies

This strategy helps you to hone in on exactly what you want to talk about. These are the key phrases you’re going to use frequently in your writing and use when you look for sources to cite in your essay!

The other top thing to look at is the marking criteria. Some teachers don’t provide this, but if they do then make sure you pay attention to the marking criteria !

Here’s an example of a marking criteria sheet:

Sample Essay Topic: Is Climate Change the Greatest Moral Challenge of our Generation?

Takes an informed position on the issue of climate change30%
Critically examines competing perspectives on the topic30%
Applies theoretical ideas to practical situations30%
Academic writing and referencing10%

Now, if you have a marking criteria you really need to pay attention to this. You have to make sure you’ve ticked off all the key criteria that you will be marked on. For the example above, your essay is going to have to make sure it:

  • Takes a position about whether climate change is a serious challenge for human kind;
  • Discusses multiple different people’s views on the topic;
  • Explores examples and case studies (‘practical situations’);
  • Uses referencing to back up your points.

The reason you need to be really careful to pay attention to this marking criteria is because it is your cheat sheet: it tells you what to talk about!

Step 1 only takes you five minutes and helps you to clearly clarify what you’re going to be talking about! Now your mind is tuned in and you can start doing some preliminary research.

2. Gather your Sources and take Quick Notes. Here’s how.

Now that you know what your focus is, you can start finding some information to discuss. You don’t want to just write things from the top of your head. If you want top marks, you want some deep, detailed and specific pieces of information.

Fortunately, your teacher has probably made this easy for you.

The top source for finding information will be the resources your teacher provided. These resources were hand picked by your teacher because they believed these were the best sources available our there on the topic. Here are the most common resources teachers provide:

  • Lecture Slides;
  • Assigned Readings.

The lecture slides are one of the best resources for you to access. Lecture slides are usually provided online for you. Download them, save them on your computer, and dig them up when it’s time to write the essay plan.

Find the lecture slides most relevant to your topic. To take the example of our climate change essay, maybe climate change is only discussed in three of the weeks in your course. Those are the three weeks’ lecture slides you want to hone-in on.

Flick through those lecture slides and take quick notes on a piece of paper – what are the most important topics and statistics that are relevant to your essay question?

Now, move on to the assigned readings . Your teacher will have selected some readings for you to do for homework through the semester. They may be eBooks, Textbooks or Journal Articles.

These assigned readings were assigned for a reason: because they have very important information to read ! Scan through them and see if there’s any more points you can add to your list of statistics and key ideas to discuss.

Next, try to find a few more sources using Google Scholar. This is a great resource for finding more academic articles that you can read to find even more details and ideas to add to your essay.

Here’s my notes that I researched for the essay question “Is Climate Change the Greatest Moral Challenge of our Generation?” As you can see, it doesn’t have to be beautiful #Studygram notes! It’s just rough notes to get all the important information down:

sample of rough notes scrawled on paper

Once you’ve read the assigned lecture slides and readings, you should have a good preliminary list of ideas, topics, statistics and even quotes that you can use in step 3.

3. Brainstorm using a Mind-Map. Here’s how.

Do your initial notes look a little disorganized?

That’s okay. The point of Step 2 was to gather information. Now it’s time to start sorting these ideas in your mind.

The best way to organize thoughts is to create a Mind-Map. Here’s how Mind-Maps often look:

sample blank mind-map

For your essay plan Mind-Map, write the essay question in the middle of the page and draw a circle around it.

mind-map with essay question written in center

Then, select the biggest and most important key ideas that you think are worth discussing in the essay. To decide on these, you might want to look back at the notes you took in Step 2.

Each key idea will take up around about 200 – 350 words (1 to 2 sentences).

Here’s a rough guide for how many key ideas you’ll want depending on your essay length:

  • 1000-word essay: 3 to 4 key ideas
  • 1500-word essay: 5 to 7 key ideas
  • 2000-word essay: 6 to 8 key ideas
  • 3000-word essay: 9 to 12 key ideas

Once you’ve selected your key ideas you can list them in a circle around the essay question, just like this:

mind map with essay question and key ideas filled-in

Last, we need to add detail and depth to each key idea. So, draw more lines out from each key ideas and list:

  • Two sources that you will cite for each key idea;
  • A statistic or example that you will provide for each key idea;
  • Any additional interesting facts for each key idea

Here’s how it might look once you’re done:

completed mind-map

4. Arrange your Topics. Here’s how.

You’re well and truly on your way to getting your essay down on paper now.

There’s one last thing to do before you start getting words down on the manuscript that you will submit. You need to arrange your topics to decide which to write first, second, third, fourth, and last!

Here are some things to keep in mind:

  • Start and end with your strongest points;
  • Ensure the points logically flow.

To ensure your points logically flow, think about how you’re going to transition from one idea to the next . Does one key point need to be made first so that the other ones make sense?

Do two key points seem to fit next to one another? If so, make sure you list them side-by-side.

Have a play around with the order you want to discuss the ideas until you’re comfortable. Then, list them in order. Here’s my order for my Climate Change essay:

What is climate change?250
Is climate change caused by humans?250
What are the current impacts of climate change?250
What are the future impacts of climate change?250
Is climate change reversible?250

Each of these key ideas is going to turn into a paragraph or two (probably two) in the essay.

5. Write your topic Sentences in just 5 minutes. Here’s how.

All good essays have clear paragraphs that start with a topic sentence . To turn these brainstormed key points into an essay, you need to get that list you wrote in Step 5 and turn each point into a topic sentence for a paragraph.

It’s important that the first sentence of each paragraph clearly states the paragraph’s topic. Your marker is going to want to know exactly what your paragraph is about immediately. You don’t want your marker to wait until the 3 rd , 4 th or 5 th line of a paragraph before they figure out what you’re talking about in the paragraph.

So, you need to state what your key idea is in the first sentence of the paragraph.

Let’s have a go at turning each of our key ideas into a topic sentence:

What is climate change?Climate change is the term used to explain rising atmospheric temperatures caused by carbon build-up in the atmosphere.
Is climate change caused by humans?Most scientists believe climate change is caused by humans.
What are the current impacts of climate change?Climate change is having an impact on people and environments right now.
What are the future impacts of climate change?The effects of climate change are expected to increase in coming decades.
Is climate change reversible?The window for reversing climate change is rapidly closing.

6. Write a No-Pressure Essay Draft in just 3 Hours. Here’s how.

Okay, now the rubber hits the road. Let’s get writing!

When you write your first draft, don’t put pressure on yourself. Remind yourself that this is the first of several attempts at creating a great essay, so it doesn’t need to be perfect right away. The important thing is that you get words down on paper.

To write the draft, have a go at adding to each of your topic sentences to turn them into full paragraphs. Follow the information you wrote down in your notes and Mind-Map to get some great details down on paper.

Forget about the introduction and conclusion for now. You can write them last.

Let’s have a go at one together. I’m going to choose the paragraph on my key idea “Is climate change caused by humans?”

I’ve already got my first sentence and my brainstormed ideas. Let’s build on them to write a draft paragraph:

screenshot of a section of a mind map displaying key ideas for the essay

  • “Most scientists believe climate change is caused by humans. In fact, according to the IPCC, over 98% of climate change scientists accept the scientific data that climate change is caused by humans (IPCC, 2018). This figure is very high, signalling overwhelming expert consensus. This consensus holds that the emission of carbon from burning of fossil fuels in the 20 th Century is trapping heat into the atmosphere. However, a minority of dissenting scientists continue to claim that this carbon build-up is mostly the fault of natural forces such as volcanoes which emit enormous amounts of carbon into the atmosphere (Bier, 2013).”

Your turn – have a go at your own draft paragraphs based on your Mind-Map for your essay topic! If you hit a rut or have some trouble, don’t forget to check out our article on how to write perfect paragraphs .

Once you’ve written all your paragraphs, make sure you write an introduction and conclusion .

Gone over the word count? Check out our article on how to reduce your word count.

7. Edit your Draft Once every Few Days until Submission. Check out this simple approach:

Okay, hopefully after your three hour essay drafting session you’ve got all your words down on paper. Congratulations!

However, we’re not done yet.

The best students finish their drafts early on so they have a good three or four weeks to come back and re-read their draft and edit it every few days.

When coming back to edit your draft , here’s a few things to look out for:

  • Make sure all the paragraph and sentence structure makes sense. Feel free to change words around until things sound right. You might find that the first time you edit something it sounds great, but next time you realize it’s not as good as you thought. That’s why we do multiple rounds of edits over the course of a few weeks;
  • Check for spelling, grammar and punctuation errors;
  • Print out your draft and read it on paper. You notice more mistakes when you read a printed-out version;
  • Work on adding any more details and academic sources from online sources like Google Scholar to increase your chance of getting a top grade. Here’s our ultimate guide on finding scholarly sources online – it might be helpful for this step!

Before you go – Here’s the Actionable Essay Plan Tips Summed up for you

Phew! That essay was tough. But with this essay plan, you can get through any essay and do a stellar job! Essay planning is a great way to ensure your essays make sense, have a clear and compelling argument, and don’t go off-topic.

I never write an essay without one.

To sum up, here are the 7 steps to essay planning one more time:

The 7-Step Guide for How to Write an Essay Plan


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Nice fun and concise approach to essays, thank you

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How to plan an essay: Essay Planning

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How to plan an essay

Essay planning is an important step in academic essay writing.

Proper planning helps you write your essay faster, and focus more on the exact question.  As you draft and write your essay, record any changes on the plan as well as in the essay itself, so they develop side by side.

One way to start planning an essay is with a ‘box plan’.

First, decide how many stages you want in your argument – how many important points do you want to make? Then, divide a box into an introduction + one paragraph for each stage + a conclusion.

Next, figure out how many words per paragraph you'll need.

Usually, the introduction and conclusion are each about 10% of the word count. This leaves about 80% of the word count for the body - for your real argument. Find how many words that is, and divide it by the number of body paragraphs you want. That tells you about how many words each paragraph can have.

Remember, each body paragraph discusses one main point, so make sure each paragraph's long enough to discuss the point properly (flexible, but usually at least 150 words).

For example, say the assignment is


Fill in the table as follows:

Discuss how media can influence children. Use specific examples to support your views.

120 words
240 words
240 words
240 words
240 words
120 words

Next, record each paragraph's main argument, as either a heading or  topic sentence (a sentence to start that paragraph, to immediately make its point clear).

Discuss how media can influence children. Use specific examples to support your views.


120 words

Not all media can be treated as the same.

240 words

Media can have beneficial outcomes.

240 words

Media can also have harmful effects.

240 words

Amount, type, variety and quality of content are all-important.

240 words


120 words

Finally, use dot points to list useful information or ideas from your research notes for each paragraph. Remember to include references so you can connect each point to your reading.

Discuss how media can influence children. Use specific examples to support your views.

1. General introduction statement

2. Thesis statement

3. Order of arguments

120 words

Not all media can be treated as the same.

- There are many types of media/programs.

- People use media in many different ways.

- We can't assume it always has the same effects.

- Media such as tablets give children active control over their consumption ( ).

240 words

Media can have beneficial outcomes.

- A wide range of programs are tailored for children ( ).

- A lot of media builds social skills or is educational ( ).

- Media is a major way of introducing new themes and topics to a child's awareness.

240 words

Media can also have harmful effects.

- Parents can't always monitor the child's consumption (amount or type).

- Media can create peer pressure and/or feelings of entitlement ( ).

- Overconsuming media reduces contact with real people ( ).

240 words

Amount, type, variety and quality of content are all-important.

- Studies find no harmful effects from average consumption ( ).

- Studies find various harms from overconsumption/meaningless consumption ( ).

240 words

1. Restate thesis

2. General conclusions

3. Final concluding statement

120 words

The other useful document for essay planning is the marking rubric .

This indicates what the lecturer is looking for, and helps you make sure all the necessary elements are there.

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plan development in an essay

What is an Essay Development Plan (EDP)?

(Last updated: 10 May 2021)

Since 2006, Oxbridge Essays has been the UK’s leading paid essay-writing and dissertation service

We have helped 10,000s of undergraduate, Masters and PhD students to maximise their grades in essays, dissertations, model-exam answers, applications and other materials. If you would like a free chat about your project with one of our UK staff, then please just reach out on one of the methods below.

What is it?

One of the key upgrades we provide at Oxbridge Essays is the Essay Development Plan, or “EDP”. This carefully constructed document presents you with a critical and comprehensive overview of how the assigned academic completed your Model Essay . The best way to explain the value of the EDP is to think about it as a map; as a guide through those decisions and approaches the academic undertook during the course of researching and writing your work. In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at the Essay Development Plan in order to help you make the best decision when placing an order with us.

How it works

When an academic completes a Model Essay, they do so by undertaking the same steps of research, reading, and writing that any other student would undertake; from selecting relevant reading materials to conducting analysis. The Essay Development Plan achieves several things.

Firstly, it explains exactly what the academic looked at. However, it also explains what they did not look at, and why. If you had ordered a Model Essay examining the development of postmodern architecture, the academic would explain how they defined the question and materials relevant to it.

The EDP would list those search terms used in databases and libraries, online and off, to gather and select appropriate materials. These terms would include items such as “architecture”, “postmodernism”, or “architectural theory”. Once they had begun the process of reading and research, those terms would become more focused, perhaps looking up specific architects or buildings, such as the Vanna House or architect Robert Venturi. This way, the academic “shows their working”, of how they approached and focused upon the question at hand. This provides a blueprint for the client to pursue when undertaking their own research, as well as evidencing different tools and techniques for drawing information out of the vast sea available online.

plan development in an essay

Secondly, the EDP would describe the frameworks and findings they came up with. For a question about economic growth, the writer would describe the major books, theories, and thinkers which define that field by summarising their key arguments. For example, by pointing out that the “convergence debate” is a key issue within the literature on growth, before pointing out how different schools of thought and thinkers have extended, agreed with, or challenged this model.

By doing this, the academic uses the EDP to summarise critically and briefly what they “found out” and how different parts of knowledge and information fit together. This helps to orient the client within the final essay, shedding light on the significance of the question and illuminating the route the academic chose to take, and why. Such a process serves to demystify the academic process.

"There's always room for improvement"

Thirdly, the EDP is a demonstration of the writer's process; it explains issues they confronted and methodological problems they had to face while working on the final brief. For example, if there were gaps in the literature or inaccessible resources, this would be highlighted by the writer. Alternatively, they may explain how particularly tricky or complex issues were overcome through taking specific approaches or further reading. This is also an opportunity to critically summarise key works and studies undertaken in the field.

To return to economic growth, the EDP would summarise studies on social or human capital; the role of foreign direct investment; and the role of financial markets in creating economic growth, and of how these different areas inform and influence one another. In this way, you can better make sense of the mass of information and theories “out there” in the academic world. Accompanied by a full bibliography, the EDP is a vital tool for launching your own academic work. For short essays, the Essay Development Plan consists of 650 words while longer essays will be comprised of 1,000 words.

plan development in an essay

The fourth function of the Essay Development Plan is to explain what was missed out. For any number of reasons, the writer would chose to include some materials and discard others. For example, the writer may not examine – to return to our architecture question from above – buildings and trends in Europe, in order to keep the essay focused on developments in the US where postmodernism in architecture first began. They would explain why they discarded studies on European architects such as James Stirling or Helmut Jahn.

Similarly, the academic may justify excluding related trends such as “Deconstructivism” because, while connected to postmodernism, it represents a different conceptual approach with distinct formal considerations. Other readings may be neglected because they were found to be too similar to other works, repeating material rather than offering new understandings. In this way, the Essay Development Plan becomes an account of what the essay is, but also what it is not. This is an extremely useful approach for clients undertaking their own work, as it helps students to gauge and understand in their own research how to keep the essay under control. The EDP shows how to chose the most appropriate materials within this.

How will it help you?

The final role of the EDP is to demonstrate how certain key aspects of the work can be further developed. By identifying key themes and sources – such as specific readings and texts – it highlights those ways in which these may be further explored, had the essay taken a different direction. It also explains why.

Ultimately, the Essay Development Plan is a product that we feel best compliments the Model Essay; when placed side-by-side, they demonstrate precisely what good writing looks like, but also how the student can produce the same level of writing and research. The Essay Development Plan is also a record used to demonstrate how an essay is actually completed, and thus functions as a kind of learning tool from which you can better understand what goes into producing high-quality academic material in your own studies.

plan development in an essay

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Development in Composition: Building an Essay

Learning to support your main ideas with pertinent details

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  • Ph.D., Rhetoric and English, University of Georgia
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In composition , development (also known as elaboration ) is the process of adding informative and illustrative details to support the main idea in a paragraph or essay . Paragraphs and essays can be developed in many different ways. In conventional composition courses, the following patterns of exposition are often presented as the standard methods of development in expository writing :

Observations on Development

"[The] methods of development aren't empty jugs to pour full of any old, dull words. Neither are they straitjackets woven by fiendish English teachers to pin your writing arm to your side and keep you from expressing yourself naturally. The methods are tools for achieving your purpose in writing, whatever that purpose may be. They can help you discover what you know, what you need to know, how to think critically about your subject, and how to shape your writing." —From "The Bedford Reader" by X.J. and Dorothy M. Kennedy

The Importance of Providing Supporting Details

"Possibly the most serious—and most common—weakness of all essays by novice writers is the lack of effectively developed body paragraphs . The information in each paragraph must adequately explain, exemplify, define, or in some other way support your topic sentence . Therefore, you must include enough supporting information or evidence in each paragraph to make your readers understand your topic sentence. Moreover, you must make the information in the paragraph clear and specific enough for the readers to accept your ideas." —From "Steps to Writing Well" by Jean Wyrick


"What the opening of an essay promises, the body of the essay must deliver. This is known as 'developing your ideas,' but I like to use a body-building metaphor because it implies adding not just bulk to a framework, but musculature. In other words, good essay development strengthens , not merely fills out. . . .
"What is the best way to reinforce the main idea of your essay? You can do some by making good use of any combination of the following six methods of development:
  • Classification and Division
  • Example, case-in-point
  • Characterization ,  dialogue
"By using these bodybuilding elements, you are telling your readers, 'I don't expect you to take my word for these claims ; I want you to see for yourself!" —From "LifeWriting: Drawing from Personal Experience to Create Features You Can Publish" by Fred D. White

Multiple Patterns of Development

"Although most short papers may employ one primary pattern with other patterns woven throughout, longer papers may have two or more primary patterns of development . For example, if you are writing a paper on the causes and effects of child abuse in the foster care system, you might, after the causal analysis, shift the primary focus of the essay to prevention, thus continuing the essay with a process analysis of what the state might do to prevent child abuse. Then you might end the essay by addressing the objections from those defending the system, shifting the focus of the essay to argumentation .
"Your decision to include other primary patterns depends on your purpose and audience . Your thesis makes your purpose clear to your reader. Then as you develop your essay, you may integrate other patterns into your paragraphs." —From "Bridges to Better Writing" by Luis Nazario, Deborah Borchers, and William Lewis

Further Resources

  • Cause and Effect
  • Comparison and Contrast
  • Current-Traditional Rhetoric
  • Extended Definition
  • Models of Composition
  • Process Analysis
  • Kennedy, X.J.; Kennedy, Dorothy M. "The Bedford Reader," Seventh Edition. Bedford/St. Martin's, 2000
  • White, Fred D. "LifeWriting: Drawing from Personal Experience to Create Features You Can Publish." Quill Driver Books, 2004
  • Nazario, Luis; Borchers, Deborah; Lewis, William; "Bridges to Better Writing. Wadsworth." 2010
  • Definition and Examples of Paragraphing in Essays
  • Definition and Examples of Body Paragraphs in Composition
  • Best Practices for the Most Effective Use of Paragraphs
  • Definition and Examples of Transitional Paragraphs
  • Learn How to Use Extended Definitions in Essays and Speeches
  • Conclusion in Compositions
  • Understanding General-to-Specific Order in Composition
  • Topic In Composition and Speech
  • Understanding Organization in Composition and Speech
  • Thesis: Definition and Examples in Composition
  • Cause and Effect in Composition
  • Definition and Examples of Analysis in Composition
  • 30 Writing Topics: Analogy
  • What is Classification in Grammar?
  • What Is a Compelling Introduction?

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  • Academic Paragraph Structure | Step-by-Step Guide & Examples

Academic Paragraph Structure | Step-by-Step Guide & Examples

Published on October 25, 2022 by Shona McCombes . Revised on March 27, 2023.

Academic Paragraph Structure

Every piece of academic writing is structured by paragraphs and headings . The number, length and order of your paragraphs will depend on what you’re writing—but each paragraph must be:

  • Unified : all the sentences relate to one central point or idea.
  • Coherent : the sentences are logically organized and clearly connected.
  • Relevant : the paragraph supports the overall theme and purpose of the paper.

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Table of contents

Step 1: identify the paragraph’s purpose, step 2: show why the paragraph is relevant, step 3: give evidence, step 4: explain or interpret the evidence, step 5: conclude the paragraph, step 6: read through the whole paragraph, when to start a new paragraph.

First, you need to know the central idea that will organize this paragraph. If you have already made a plan or outline of your paper’s overall structure , you should already have a good idea of what each paragraph will aim to do.

You can start by drafting a sentence that sums up your main point and introduces the paragraph’s focus. This is often called a topic sentence . It should be specific enough to cover in a single paragraph, but general enough that you can develop it over several more sentences.

Although the Braille system gained immediate popularity with the blind students at the Institute in Paris, it had to gain acceptance among the sighted before its adoption throughout France.

This topic sentence:

  • Transitions from the previous paragraph (which discussed the invention of Braille).
  • Clearly identifies this paragraph’s focus (the acceptance of Braille by sighted people).
  • Relates to the paper’s overall thesis.
  • Leaves space for evidence and analysis.

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The topic sentence tells the reader what the paragraph is about—but why does this point matter for your overall argument? If this isn’t already clear from your first sentence, you can explain and expand on its meaning.

This support was necessary because sighted teachers and leaders had ultimate control over the propagation of Braille resources.

  • This sentence expands on the topic and shows how it fits into the broader argument about the social acceptance of Braille.

Now you can support your point with evidence and examples. “Evidence” here doesn’t just mean empirical facts—the form it takes will depend on your discipline, topic and approach. Common types of evidence used in academic writing include:

  • Quotations from literary texts , interviews , and other primary sources .
  • Summaries , paraphrases , or quotations of secondary sources that provide information or interpretation in support of your point.
  • Qualitative or quantitative data that you have gathered or found in existing research.
  • Descriptive examples of artistic or musical works, events, or first-hand experiences.

Make sure to properly cite your sources .

Many of the teachers at the Royal Institute for Blind Youth resisted Braille’s system because they found the tactile method of reading difficult to learn (Bullock & Galst, 2009).

  • This sentence cites specific evidence from a secondary source , demonstrating sighted people’s reluctance to accept Braille.

Now you have to show the reader how this evidence adds to your point. How you do so will depend on what type of evidence you have used.

  • If you quoted a passage, give your interpretation of the quotation.
  • If you cited a statistic, tell the reader what it implies for your argument.
  • If you referred to information from a secondary source, show how it develops the idea of the paragraph.

This resistance was symptomatic of the prevalent attitude that the blind population had to adapt to the sighted world rather than develop their own tools and methods.

  • This sentence adds detail and interpretation to the evidence, arguing that this specific fact reveals something more general about social attitudes at the time.

Steps 3 and 4 can be repeated several times until your point is fully developed. Use transition words and phrases to show the connections between different sentences in the paragraph.

Over time, however, with the increasing impetus to make social contribution possible for all, teachers began to appreciate the usefulness of Braille’s system (Bullock & Galst, 2009). Access to reading could help improve the productivity and integration of people with vision loss.

  • The evidence tells us about the changing attitude to Braille among the sighted.
  • The interpretation argues for why this change occurred as part of broader social shifts.

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Finally, wrap up the paragraph by returning to your main point and showing the overall consequences of the evidence you have explored.

This particular paragraph takes the form of a historical story—giving evidence and analysis of each step towards Braille’s widespread acceptance.

It took approximately 30 years, but the French government eventually approved the Braille system, and it was established throughout the country (Bullock & Galst, 2009).

  •  The final sentence ends the story with the consequences of these events.

When you think you’ve fully developed your point, read through the final result to make sure each sentence follows smoothly and logically from the last and adds up to a coherent whole.

Although the Braille system gained immediate popularity with the blind students at the Institute in Paris, it had to gain acceptance among the sighted before its adoption throughout France. This support was necessary because sighted teachers and leaders had ultimate control over the propagation of Braille resources. Many of the teachers at the Royal Institute for Blind Youth resisted learning Braille’s system because they found the tactile method of reading difficult to learn (Bullock & Galst, 2009). This resistance was symptomatic of the prevalent attitude that the blind population had to adapt to the sighted world rather than develop their own tools and methods. Over time, however, with the increasing impetus to make social contribution possible for all, teachers began to appreciate the usefulness of Braille’s system (Bullock & Galst, 2009). Access to reading could help improve the productivity and integration of people with vision loss. It took approximately 30 years, but the French government eventually approved the Braille system, and it was established throughout the country (Bullock & Galst, 2009).

Not all paragraphs will look exactly like this. Depending on what your paper aims to do, you might:

  • Bring together examples that seem very different from each other, but have one key point in common.
  • Include just one key piece of evidence (such as a quotation or statistic) and analyze it in depth over several sentences.
  • Break down a concept or category into various parts to help the reader understand it.

The introduction and conclusion paragraphs will also look different. The only universal rule is that your paragraphs must be unified , coherent and relevant . If you struggle with structuring your paragraphs, you could consider using a paper editing service for personal, in-depth feedback.

As soon as you address a new idea, argument or issue, you should start a new paragraph. To determine if your paragraph is complete, ask yourself:

  • Do all your sentences relate to the topic sentence?
  • Does each sentence make logical sense in relation to the one before it?
  • Have you included enough evidence or examples to demonstrate your point?
  • Is it clear what each piece of evidence means and why you have included it?
  • Does all the evidence fit together and tell a coherent story?

Don’t think of paragraphs as isolated units—they are part of a larger argument that should flow organically from one point to the next. Before you start a new paragraph, consider how you will transition between ideas.

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McCombes, S. (2023, March 27). Academic Paragraph Structure | Step-by-Step Guide & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved August 6, 2024, from https://www.scribbr.com/research-paper/paragraph-structure/

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How to announce a plan in an essay introduction?

The announcement of the plan should allow the reader to understand the structure of your duty, the articulation of that. It is imperative to present the major parts of your development and its hierarchical organization in a synthetic way! Let's see in detail how to do it.

How to announce a plan in an essay introduction?

Photo Credit: How to announce a plan in an essay introduction?


It is not a question of saying everything but simply taking up the main idea of each part. In addition, it is necessary to be content to present the main parts and not the sub-parts. It is also important not to give highly detailed answers in the announcement but to keep those details for the future!

Remember that a plan can be organized in a dialectical way in 3 stages: thesis/antithesis/synthesis, it is suitable for subjects that invite the reader to discuss a point of view.

It can also be organized thematically. It is adapted to subjects that invite the reader to approach different facets of a question and allows a progressive deepening. Be careful not to confuse this with a frozen catalogue of arguments!

The plan can also be analytical. It must respect the following rule: observation or description of a situation/analysis of the causes/analysis of the consequences or solutions.

In general, it is important to remember that in a literary essay, three-part plans to build and conduct balanced thinking are preferable!

But then, how and where to announce the plan in its introduction?

The plan announcement is located at the end of the introduction, just after writing the issue.

Plan announcements still very often follow the following pattern for dialectical dissertation :

In order to answer the exposed problem, we propose to demonstrate first [the thesis]. Then, we will tackle the [antithesis] aspect. Finally, we will have to qualify these interpretations by returning to [synthesis, overrun].

Plan announcements for the thematic model can be presented as follows:

In order to answer the problem proposed for our reflection, we will study firstly [theme 1], secondly [theme 2], finally, we will support our reflection with [theme 3].

Regarding the analytical plan , here is the illustration of a plan:

In order to respond to the problem raised, we will first see [description of the situation], then our reflection will focus second on [analysis of the causes], and finally, we will study [the solutions or analysis of the consequences].

The announcement of the plan must be clear and explicit and contain logical connectors. Finally, if you want to organize your writing for your reader, it is necessary to present your sub-parts before each major part of the plan.

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Essay on Sustainable Development: Samples in 250, 300 and 500 Words

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  • Updated on  
  • Nov 18, 2023

Essay on Sustainable Development

On 3rd August 2023, the Indian Government released its Net zero emissions target policy to reduce its carbon footprints. To achieve the sustainable development goals (SDG) , as specified by the UN, India is determined for its long-term low-carbon development strategy. Selfishly pursuing modernization, humans have frequently compromised with the requirements of a more sustainable environment.

As a result, the increased environmental depletion is evident with the prevalence of deforestation, pollution, greenhouse gases, climate change etc. To combat these challenges, the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change launched the National Clean Air Programme (NCAP) in 2019. The objective was to improve air quality in 131 cities in 24 States/UTs by engaging multiple stakeholders.

‘Development is not real until and unless it is sustainable development.’ – Ban Ki-Moon

Sustainable Development Goals, also known as SGDs, are a list of 17 goals to build a sustained and better tomorrow. These 17 SDGs are known as the ‘World’s Best Plan’ to eradicate property, tackle climate change, and empower people for global welfare.

This Blog Includes:

What is sustainable development, essay on sustainable development in 250 words, 300 words essay on sustainable development, 500 words essay on sustainable development, what are sdgs, introduction, conclusion of sustainable development essay, importance of sustainable development, examples of sustainable development.

As the term simply explains, Sustainable Development aims to bring a balance between meeting the requirements of what the present demands while not overlooking the needs of future generations. It acknowledges nature’s requirements along with the human’s aim to work towards the development of different aspects of the world. It aims to efficiently utilise resources while also meticulously planning the accomplishment of immediate as well as long-term goals for human beings, the planet as well and future generations. In the present time, the need for Sustainable Development is not only for the survival of mankind but also for its future protection. 

To give you an idea of the way to deliver a well-written essay, we have curated a sample on sustainable development below, with 250 words:

To give you an idea of the way to deliver a well-written essay, we have curated a sample on sustainable development below, with 300+ words:

Essay on Sustainable Development

We all remember the historical @BTS_twt speech supporting #Youth2030 initiative to empower young people to use their voices for change. Tomorrow, #BTSARMY 💜 will be in NYC🗽again for the #SDGmoment at #UNGA76 Live 8AM EST welcome back #BTSARMY 👏🏾 pic.twitter.com/pUnBni48bq — The Sustainable Development Goals #SDG🫶 (@ConnectSDGs) September 19, 2021

To give you an idea of the way to deliver a well-written essay, we have curated a sample on sustainable development below, with 500 + words:

Essay on Sustainable Development

Sustainable Development Goals or SDGs are a list of 17 goals to build a better world for everyone. These goals are developed by the Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the United Nations. Let’s have a look at these sustainable development goals.

  • Eradicate Poverty
  • Zero Hunger
  • Good Health and Well-being
  • Quality Education
  • Gender Equality
  • Clean Water and Sanitation
  • Affordable and Clean Energy
  • Decent Work and Economic Growth
  • Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
  • Reduced Inequalities
  • Sustainable Cities and Communities
  • Responsible Consumption and Production
  • Climate Action
  • Life Below Water
  • Life on Land
  • Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
  • Partnership for the Goals

Essay Format

Before drafting an essay on Sustainable Development, students need to get familiarised with the format of essay writing, to know how to structure the essay on a given topic. Take a look at the following pointers which elaborate upon the format of a 300-350 word essay.

Introduction (50-60 words) In the introduction, students must introduce or provide an overview of the given topic, i.e. highlighting and adding recent instances and questions related to sustainable development. Body of Content (100-150 words) The area of the content after the introduction can be explained in detail about why sustainable development is important, its objectives and highlighting the efforts made by the government and various institutions towards it.  Conclusion (30-40 words) In the essay on Sustainable Development, you must add a conclusion wrapping up the content in about 2-3 lines, either with an optimistic touch to it or just summarizing what has been talked about above.

How to write the introduction of a sustainable development essay? To begin with your essay on sustainable development, you must mention the following points:

  • What is sustainable development?
  • What does sustainable development focus on?
  • Why is it useful for the environment?

How to write the conclusion of a sustainable development essay? To conclude your essay on sustainable development, mention why it has become the need of the hour. Wrap up all the key points you have mentioned in your essay and provide some important suggestions to implement sustainable development.

The importance of sustainable development is that it meets the needs of the present generations without compromising on the needs of the coming future generations. Sustainable development teaches us to use our resources correctly. Listed below are some points which tell us the importance of sustainable development.

  • Focuses on Sustainable Agricultural Methods – Sustainable development is important because it takes care of the needs of future generations and makes sure that the increasing population does not put a burden on Mother Earth. It promotes agricultural techniques such as crop rotation and effective seeding techniques.
  • Manages Stabilizing the Climate – We are facing the problem of climate change due to the excessive use of fossil fuels and the killing of the natural habitat of animals. Sustainable development plays a major role in preventing climate change by developing practices that are sustainable. It promotes reducing the use of fossil fuels which release greenhouse gases that destroy the atmosphere.
  • Provides Important Human Needs – Sustainable development promotes the idea of saving for future generations and making sure that resources are allocated to everybody. It is based on the principle of developing an infrastructure that is can be sustained for a long period of time.
  • Sustain Biodiversity – If the process of sustainable development is followed, the home and habitat of all other living animals will not be depleted. As sustainable development focuses on preserving the ecosystem it automatically helps in sustaining and preserving biodiversity.
  • Financial Stability – As sustainable development promises steady development the economies of countries can become stronger by using renewable sources of energy as compared to using fossil fuels, of which there is only a particular amount on our planet.

Mentioned below are some important examples of sustainable development. Have a look:

  • Wind Energy – Wind energy is an easily available resource. It is also a free resource. It is a renewable source of energy and the energy which can be produced by harnessing the power of wind will be beneficial for everyone. Windmills can produce energy which can be used to our benefit. It can be a helpful source of reducing the cost of grid power and is a fine example of sustainable development. 
  • Solar Energy – Solar energy is also a source of energy which is readily available and there is no limit to it. Solar energy is being used to replace and do many things which were first being done by using non-renewable sources of energy. Solar water heaters are a good example. It is cost-effective and sustainable at the same time.
  • Crop Rotation – To increase the potential of growth of gardening land, crop rotation is an ideal and sustainable way. It is rid of any chemicals and reduces the chances of disease in the soil. This form of sustainable development is beneficial to both commercial farmers and home gardeners.
  • Efficient Water Fixtures – The installation of hand and head showers in our toilets which are efficient and do not waste or leak water is a method of conserving water. Water is essential for us and conserving every drop is important. Spending less time under the shower is also a way of sustainable development and conserving water.
  • Sustainable Forestry – This is an amazing way of sustainable development where the timber trees that are cut by factories are replaced by another tree. A new tree is planted in place of the one which was cut down. This way, soil erosion is prevented and we have hope of having a better, greener future.

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The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a set of 17 global goals established by the United Nations in 2015. These include: No Poverty Zero Hunger Good Health and Well-being Quality Education Gender Equality Clean Water and Sanitation Affordable and Clean Energy Decent Work and Economic Growth Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure Reduced Inequality Sustainable Cities and Communities Responsible Consumption and Production Climate Action Life Below Water Life on Land Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions Partnerships for the Goals

The SDGs are designed to address a wide range of global challenges, such as eradicating extreme poverty globally, achieving food security, focusing on promoting good health and well-being, inclusive and equitable quality education, etc.

India is ranked #111 in the Sustainable Development Goal Index 2023 with a score of 63.45.

Hence, we hope that this blog helped you understand the key features of an essay on sustainable development. If you are interested in Environmental studies and planning to pursue sustainable tourism courses , take the assistance of Leverage Edu ’s AI-based tool to browse through a plethora of programs available in this specialised field across the globe and find the best course and university combination that fits your interests, preferences and aspirations. Call us immediately at 1800 57 2000 for a free 30-minute counselling session

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Essays About Development: Top 5 Examples and 10 Prompts

Would you like to develop your writing skills? Our essays about development plus enriching prompts can help with this goal. 

Mahatma Gandhi once said, “constant development is the law of life.” Hence, the best way to succeed in life is to conform to this law. Once we do, we embrace the vast opportunities and surprises in the never-ending development cycle. Development, whether within ourselves, in a certain field, or the greater world we live in, requires allocating various resources in the form of time, action, and even financial capital. 


5 Essay Examples

1. why intersectional feminism matters for development by aviva stein, 2. how video games are made: the game development process by nadia stefyn, 3. why industrial development matters now more than ever before by li yong, 4. bangladesh really is a climate success story by joyashree roy, 5. what role does culture play in development by augusto lopez-claros, 1. my personal development goals, 2. importance of socialization in childhood development, 3. effects of the digital age on intellectual development, 4. economic growth vs. economic development, 5. united nations’ sustainable development goals, 6. urban development, 7. keeping pace with technological development, 8. winning strategies for career development, 9. challenges and perks of a business development manager, 10. education in development.

“Using an intersectional feminist lens to dig deeper into the factors that affect and hinder efforts for equality also allows us as development professionals to design programs, interventions, and support systems that aim to dismantle systems of inequality.”

This essay looks into intersectional feminism and the importance of inclusion. “Intersectional” means recognizing how different people live different experiences. Integrating an intersectional lens in feminist development work enables experts to design and implement programs that address inequality effectively. You might also be interested in these essays about bad habits .

“Much like a production line, the game development pipeline helps organize the flow of work so that everyone knows what they need to deliver and when. The pipeline also helps manage the game development timeline and budget, reducing inefficiencies and bottlenecks.”

This essay walks readers through the video game development process while also introducing the different critical players of the ecosystem. Overall, the piece provides budding game developers with a comprehensive resource on the basics of the industry. 

“Economists of the 20th century noted that a thriving industrial sector was crucial to the development of a modern economy, and in 2010, Cambridge economist Ha-Joon Chang observed that development without industrialization is like Shakespeare’s Hamlet without the Prince of Denmark.”

Creating a narrative out of data, this essay underscores the need to push for industrialization to further economies’ development. It sheds light on the myriad benefits of manufacturing on social development but also confronts the environmental challenges of the sector. 

Looking for more? Check out these essays about empathy and essays about gratitude .

“In the 50 years since the Bhola cyclone, the nation has carved out a path to development thanks to natural gas. Turning away from that path precipitously would strand the nation’s fossil-fuel assets and undermine its hard-won sovereignty and development gains.”

The essay demonstrates the determination of Bangladesh to bounce back from one of the deadliest cyclones in history. Now the fastest-growing economy in South Asia, Bangladesh marks a unique development journey that runs against the popular belief of patterning development strategies after those of more developed countries in the West. You might also like these essays about your mom .

“Development is not only about reducing poverty and expanding opportunities against the background of rising incomes. It is also in a very fundamental way about adopting a set of values that are compatible with humanity’s moral development.”

Integrating culture in discussions about development has been a longstanding challenge. But this essay points out that we might have been misled to categorize some development factors as cultural and, as a result, missed out on the proper way to resolve problems at their roots.

10 Unique Writing Prompts On Essays About Development

Whether it be acquiring a second language or graduating college with flying colors, use this essay to discuss your personal development goals and proudly share your progress in putting them into action. And then, write a commitment to keep sight of your personal development goals and what you think you should do more to achieve them in the most efficient way you can.

Essays About Development: Importance of socialization in childhood development

Socialization helps kids learn how to take turns and manage conflicts that arise from their play and interactions with other kids. Look for the latest research studies that show how the development of social skills relates to a child’s overall physical, intellectual, and emotional development.

Then, list the challenges in helping kids socialize more, given how gadgets are becoming a kid’s best friend for entertainment. Finally, include solutions and consider how society can encourage kids to have positive socialization experiences.

Digital technologies have certainly enabled wide-scale access to information and data that can expand our horizons. However, they also discourage the exercise of cognitive and analytical skills because the information is served on a silver platter. 

For this writing prompt, list the pros and cons of digital technologies in improving thinking skills and take the time to assess how each affects our intellectual development, including relevant studies to support your arguments. 

In this essay, aim to find out whether economic growth and economic development are independent or inextricably linked, such that economic development is not possible without economic growth and vice versa. 

For this, you can turn to the innovative insights of economists Simon Kuznets and Joseph Schumpeter. The creation of the Human Development Index is also worth delving into as it is one of the most ambitious metrics that emerged to measure the economy beyond the national income accounting framework . 

The United Nations has 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted in September 2015 and targeted to be attained by 2030 to end global poverty while addressing issues such as inequality and climate change. 

In your essay, explain these goals, their origins, and their relevance to today’s challenges. Then find out whether it is on track through the latest SDG report . You can also pick just one SDG close to your personal and get updates on the world’s progress in realizing this goal. Dive into politics in this essay and determine if the UN is on track and adhering to its promises.

True urban development can happen only if security, sanitation, and climate resilience are part of the equation. In this essay, outline the challenges of balancing rapid urbanization with the need to provide people with a decent environment for living. 

Expound on the importance of urban development in reducing poverty. Finally, underscores the enormous role city governments have in steering urban development through a human-centric approach. 

We hear about incredible technological advancements every day, but there has been little development in the regulatory sphere. Elaborate on policy and lawmakers’ challenges in coping with nimble tech companies. 

Some primary challenges include the extraordinary complexity of technologies and the long period it takes to pass a law. In your writing, offer insights into how the government and private sector can join hands and balance strict regulations and self-regulation. 

Career development is the journey of finding your place in the professional world. Flesh out the importance of having a career development game plan and how to implement them. Then take a glimpse at the sea shift in career development amid our present VUCA world. Specifically, analyze how younger professionals are carving out their careers and how companies design professional development plans within a VUCA environment. 

With the fierce competition in today’s markets, how should business development managers think and act to drive their company’s sales growth? Strive to answer this by researching business journals and news articles to discover today’s most pressing challenges business development managers face. But also look on the bright side to flesh out the job’s pros, such as gaining new experiences and expanding your connections. 

Essays About Development: Education in development

This writing prompt highlights the critical role of schools in a child’s overall development and what teaching techniques are proven to be most effective in training a child. To expand your essay, add COVID-19’s long-term debilitating impact on human capital development and how this translates to economic losses. Then, write about the lessons teachers and parents can learn from the pandemic to arrest future global disruptions from affecting the accessibility, delivery, and quality of education.

Tip: When editing for grammar, we also recommend improving the readability score of a piece before publishing or submitting it. If you’d like more help with your essays, check out our round-up of the best essay checkers .

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Examples of Scholarship Essays for the “Career Goals” Question

Emily Wong

Emily Wong is a writer at Scholarships360. She’s worked as a social media manager and a content writer at several different startups, where she covered various topics including business, tech, job recruitment, and education. Emily grew up and went to school in the Chicago suburbs, where she studied economics and journalism at Northwestern University.

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Maria Geiger

Maria Geiger is Director of Content at Scholarships360. She is a former online educational technology instructor and adjunct writing instructor. In addition to education reform, Maria’s interests include viewpoint diversity, blended/flipped learning, digital communication, and integrating media/web tools into the curriculum to better facilitate student engagement. Maria earned both a B.A. and an M.A. in English Literature from Monmouth University, an M. Ed. in Education from Monmouth University, and a Virtual Online Teaching Certificate (VOLT) from the University of Pennsylvania.

Female student eating an apple while sitting at desk with open computer as she writes notes about scholarship essay examples about career goals

Writing an essay is often the trickiest part of the scholarship application, not to mention the most time-consuming. However, the essay section also allows room for creativity and individuality. If you can communicate effectively, you can use the essay portion to stand out from the crowd. Let’s go over some tips for writing, as well as a couple of scholarship essay examples about career goals.

How to write a scholarship essay 

At this point, you’ve probably gained plenty of experience writing papers for school. However, it may still take a couple of tries to nail the scholarship essay. Since scholarship teams often have to get through a lot of applications, it’s important to stand out while staying concise. Here are some simple guidelines for writing scholarship essays.

See also: How to write a winning scholarship essay (with examples!)

Take five minutes to brainstorm

Before you even start your essay, take some time to gather your thoughts. Think about what you’ll want the paper to focus on. Why did you choose to pursue your career path in the first place? Where do you want to be in five years? How would this scholarship help you further your studies and work toward your goals?

Once you’ve jotted down a few ideas, choose one or two to center your essay on. Identifying the focus of your paper, it’ll make it easier to keep your thoughts organized. In turn, it’ll make it easier for the reader to follow.

Related : How to start a scholarship essay (with examples!)

Stay within the word limit

Unlike the four-page essays that you may have written in English class, scholarship essays are often only a paragraph or two. In order to respect the selection committee’s time, be wary of going too far about the specified word count. A general rule of thumb is to stay within 20 words above or below the limit. That may entail a few rounds of edits to get the wording just right.

Stay positive!

Feel free to use part of your essay to talk about your life’s challenges. After all, the selection committee often wants to give the award to a candidate who needs it. However, make sure your anecdote doesn’t devolve into a sob story. If you’re going to bring up hardships you’ve endured, try to balance it by talking about how you’ve overcome them. By demonstrating resilience, you can show readers how you would use the scholarship to succeed in your current situation.

Leave time to proofread

Especially for a short scholarship essay, proofreading can take as little as 5-10 minutes. Still, it can be tempting to just hit “submit” after your first draft. However, being too impulsive can leave your essay riddled with typos and grammatical errors.

Try to avoid unnecessary mistakes by finishing your draft at least 24 hours before the scholarship deadline. That way, you can proofread it with fresh eyes before you submit it.

If you’re struggling to close out your essay, read how to end a scholarship essay in five steps .

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How to write a 100-word “career goals” essay.

When writing a 100-word essay, you’ll have to choose your content carefully. Since space is limited, you’ll want to identify the most important details to include beforehand.

First and foremost, make sure to clearly communicate your current pursuits. Talk about your academic and extracurricular activities related to your career goals. Additionally, it’s important to be specific about what you plan to do in the future. Then, if you have extra room, you can talk about how the scholarship will help you reach your goals.

My name is Alison MacBride, and I’m a sophomore at the University of Illinois. I’m currently pursuing a major in Journalism with a minor in Natural Resource Conservation. After completing my program, I plan to combine my areas of interest to become an environmental journalist.

During high school, I volunteered at an eco-conscious farm, where I learned about how our actions affect the earth. Since then, I’ve been set on raising awareness for the environment. This scholarship would go a long way in helping me finish my degree with the skills I need to investigate and report about critical issues.

Word count: 100

How to write a 250-word “career goals” essay

For the 250-word essay, you can go into more detail. Give the readers some context by talking about how you first got interested in your chosen career. Storytelling can be especially effective in engaging your audience. Try to capture their attention by choosing one or two concrete examples and relaying them vividly.

Additionally, you can spend more time talking about the scholarship and how it’ll make a difference in your studies. Go into more detail about how and why you need the award, but remember to keep it positive! For more help, check out how to write a 250 word essay . 

I first decided that I wanted to pursue a career in environmentalism in early high school. The summer after my freshman year, I joined a volunteer program at an eco-conscious farm in my community. In addition to helping out with the operations, I learned about current environmental issues related to farming and other consumer industries.

After learning about the agricultural industry’s impact on the planet, I was inspired to make a difference. The next year, I started a monthly earth magazine at my high school in which we broke down environmental issues and offered tips on how to be more eco-friendly. When I started college, I founded an on-campus publication with the same mission.

In recent years, I’ve been troubled to see how some media outlets downplay the gravity of issues like climate change and deforestation. I’ve admired reporters who publish trustworthy and comprehensible information about environmental issues, and I aim to follow in their footsteps.

When I entered college, I was initially concerned that I wouldn’t have enough money to finish my degree. Fortunately, I’ve been able to cover most of my tuition using merit scholarships and paychecks from my part-time job on campus. Receiving this scholarship would allow me more time to focus on acing my classes and pursuing environmental advocacy work on campus.

Word count: 261

Final thoughts

Planning is essential in making your “career goals” essay clear and concise. Hopefully, these scholarship essay examples about career goals can be your guide to writing a scholarship-winning essay. Good luck!

Additional resources

Maybe you need to write a longer scholarship essay? We can help with our writing a 500 word essay guide ! Be prepared and learn how to write essays about yourself and how to craft an impressive personal statement . Learn the differences between a personal statement and a statement of purpose as the terms might come up on college websites. If you haven’t decided on a college already, check out our guide on how to choose a college . No matter where you are in your educational journey, make sure that you apply for all the scholarships you qualify for!

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    As outlined in the proposal, the Costco would be 170,000 square feet in size and would be situated on the west side of the development, along with an 8,000 square-foot pickleball facility and ...

  6. PDF Statement of Assurance Submission for School District Professional

    Plan Statement of Assurance by September 25, 2024 and are required to keep it on file in their school office. • Only nonpublic schools requiring New Jersey certification for their staff members and choosing to follow the state's professional development/mentoring requirements need to certify their professional development plans and ...

  7. Opinion

    This essay is part of What to Eat on a Burning Planet, a series exploring bold ideas to secure our food supply. Read more about this project in a note from Eliza Barclay, Opinion's climate ...

  8. 'The Godmother of AI' says California's well-intended ...

    Fei-Fei Li, PhD, is a computer scientist who is widely credited with being the 'Godmother of AI'. Dr. Fei-Fei Li is widely known as the 'Godmother of AI' Courtesy of Dr. Fei-Fei Li Today, AI is ...

  9. Governments of Canada and New Brunswick announce Early Learning and

    The plan sets a road map for strengthening and expanding the child care sector in the province and improving access to high-quality, affordable, flexible, and inclusive child care for families. Over the course of the three-year plan, New Brunswick's Action Plan 2023-2024 to 2025-2026 outlines spending of more than $426 million in five areas:

  10. 7 Steps for Writing an Essay Plan (2024)

    The 7-Step Guide on How to write an Essay Plan. Figure out your Essay Topic (5 minutes) Gather your Sources and take Quick Notes (20 minutes) Brainstorm using a Mind-Map (10 minutes) Arrange your Topics (2 minutes) Write your topic Sentences (5 minutes) Write a No-Pressure Draft in 3 Hours (3 hours)

  11. How to plan an essay: Essay Planning

    Essay planning is an important step in academic essay writing. Proper planning helps you write your essay faster, and focus more on the exact question. As you draft and write your essay, record any changes on the plan as well as in the essay itself, so they develop side by side. One way to start planning an essay is with a 'box plan'.

  12. What is an Essay Development Plan (EDP)?

    Ultimately, the Essay Development Plan is a product that we feel best compliments the Model Essay; when placed side-by-side, they demonstrate precisely what good writing looks like, but also how the student can produce the same level of writing and research. The Essay Development Plan is also a record used to demonstrate how an essay is ...

  13. PDF Strategies for Essay Writing

    Harvard College Writing Center 2 Tips for Reading an Assignment Prompt When you receive a paper assignment, your first step should be to read the assignment

  14. How to Structure an Essay

    The basic structure of an essay always consists of an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. But for many students, the most difficult part of structuring an essay is deciding how to organize information within the body. This article provides useful templates and tips to help you outline your essay, make decisions about your structure, and ...

  15. How to Write an Essay Outline

    An essay outline is a way of planning the structure of your essay before you start writing. It involves writing quick summary sentences or phrases for every point you will cover in each paragraph, giving you a picture of how your argument will unfold. You'll sometimes be asked to submit an essay outline as a separate assignment before you ...

  16. What is an Essay Development Plan (EDP)?

    The Essay Development Plan has 650 words for short essays and 1,000 words for larger articles. The Essay Development Plan's fourth purpose is to explain what was left out. The writer may choose to keep certain things and reject others for a variety of reasons. For example, to keep the article focused on changes in the United States, the ...

  17. PDF Example of an essay plan

    Here is an example of an essay topic and a possible plan. (Note that the thesis statement and topic sentences have been written as complete sentences, rather than just as dot points. Writing them out fully helps you formulate the idea or argument clearly). Essay question / topic. For most individuals, sporting activities are not associated with ...

  18. Paragraph and Essay Development

    In composition, development (also known as elaboration) is the process of adding informative and illustrative details to support the main idea in a paragraph or essay. Paragraphs and essays can be developed in many different ways. In conventional composition courses, the following patterns of exposition are often presented as the standard ...

  19. English 101 Flashcards

    The plan of development in an essay is. A preview of the major points that support the essay. Supporting paragraphs in an essay do not need their own topic sentence. False. Which of the following are advantages of learning how to write essays. all of above. the body of an essay consists of.

  20. Developing Ideas

    The purpose of writing in college is to show your own analysis and thought processes on the concepts that you're learning about. Writers develop ideas in many ways, including the following: Journaling. Freewriting. Brainstorming. Mapping or diagramming. Listing. Asking defining questions. Noting Pros & Cons.

  21. Example of a Great Essay

    This essay begins by discussing the situation of blind people in nineteenth-century Europe. It then describes the invention of Braille and the gradual process of its acceptance within blind education. Subsequently, it explores the wide-ranging effects of this invention on blind people's social and cultural lives.

  22. Academic Paragraph Structure

    Step 1: Identify the paragraph's purpose. First, you need to know the central idea that will organize this paragraph. If you have already made a plan or outline of your paper's overall structure, you should already have a good idea of what each paragraph will aim to do.. You can start by drafting a sentence that sums up your main point and introduces the paragraph's focus.

  23. PDF Essay Development

    led paragraphs);Conclusion (restates the thesis in an original way to include what you/the reader learned from your essay and uses a con. us. on strategy) 1. IntroductionAn introduction is your only chance to make a good first impression on readers, so draft. an effective one. It should identify what your paper will be about and grab the rea.

  24. Announcing a plan in an essay introduction

    The plan announcement is located at the end of the introduction, just after writing the issue. Plan announcements still very often follow the following pattern for dialectical dissertation: In order to answer the exposed problem, we propose to demonstrate first [the thesis]. Then, we will tackle the [antithesis] aspect.

  25. ≡ Personal Growth Essay Examples for College by GradesFixer

    Our free essays on Personal Growth and Development can be used as a template for writing your own article. All samples were written by the best students 👩🏿‍🎓👨‍🎓 just for you. ... The first step in the development plan is to conduct a self-analysis such as SWOT and then identify the priority areas that junior managers need to ...

  26. 500+ Words Essay on Sustainable Development with PDF |Leverage Edu

    Essay on Sustainable Development: Samples in 250, 300 and 500 Words. On 3rd August 2023, the Indian Government released its Net zero emissions target policy to reduce its carbon footprints. To achieve the sustainable development goals (SDG), as specified by the UN, India is determined for its long-term low-carbon development strategy.

  27. Essays About Development: Top 5 Examples and 10 Prompts

    10 Unique Writing Prompts On Essays About Development. 1. My Personal Development Goals. Whether it be acquiring a second language or graduating college with flying colors, use this essay to discuss your personal development goals and proudly share your progress in putting them into action. And then, write a commitment to keep sight of your ...

  28. The plan of development in an essay is_________: A) The structure of a

    The plan of development is a preview of the major points that support an essay, serving as the outline for body paragraphs and showing how they will support the thesis. Explanation: This plan outlines the main arguments or topics that will be discussed in the body paragraphs, providing a roadmap for the reader.

  29. How to write a professional development plan (with example)

    To write your development plan, follow these simple steps below: 1. Conduct a self-assessment. The first step to creating a career development plan is writing up a self-assessment that takes into consideration your current position and your goals, interests, passions and qualities. This helps you to understand your career goals by helping you ...

  30. Examples of Scholarship Essays for the "Career Goals" Question

    How to write a 100-word "career goals" essay. When writing a 100-word essay, you'll have to choose your content carefully. Since space is limited, you'll want to identify the most important details to include beforehand. First and foremost, make sure to clearly communicate your current pursuits.