The World Bank

The World Bank In Maldives

A partner of the World Bank since 1978, Maldives has been a development success story of sustained growth and impressive improvements in health and education. The country faces a number of environmental, climate, and inclusion challenges that we're working together to help address.

  • Country Context

The economy is projected to grow by 4.7% over the medium-term, supported by tourism, a decrease from the pre-pandemic average of 7.4%. This growth is based on expected fiscal adjustments, including subsidy reforms and reduced public expenditure and investments. This slowdown also means slower poverty reduction in 2024.

The fiscal deficit is expected to remain high in 2024 due to ambitious spending plans .The proposed fiscal reform package is expected to help but a more sustainable fiscal path requires a larger adjustment, particularly through cuts in non-essential capital and untargeted recurrent spending.

Inflation is expected to rise due to the removal of blanket subsidies, potentially driving poverty by 2.5 percentage points. The current account deficit is expected to remain high due to commodity price pressures and capital imports for infrastructure projects. Rising external financing needs, including debt servicing, are expected to sustain pressure on foreign exchange reserves.

Major downside risks include a shock to the tourism sector, limited domestic and external financing, and a widening current account deficit. To maintain macroeconomic stability, a major fiscal adjustment and a multi-year reform plan are required, along with a targeted transfer mechanism to offset welfare losses among vulnerable groups.

Recent economic developments

In 2023, the number of tourist arrivals reached a record-breaking figure of 1.88 million. Nevertheless, this did not result in higher GDP growth due to lower per-tourist spending and shorter stays. The Maldivian economy is estimated to have grown by 4% in 2023. Domestic inflation, at 2.9% in 2023, remained higher than the historical average of 0.5%. Price increases were experienced in the food, education, restaurant, and lodging services sectors. Food inflation could increase poverty by 0.4 percentage points, with atolls experiencing even higher rates.

Travel export receipts fell 6.8%, while merchandise imports remained elevated at $3.5 billion. This resulted in a current account deficit of 23.4% of GDP. High import costs and external debt repayments also weighed heavily on gross reserves, which fell to $551.1 million in January 2024. Failure to implement planned subsidy reforms, combined with rising recurrent and capital spending, resulted in a sharp increase in total expenditure and a fiscal deficit of 13.2% of GDP in 2023.

Tourism, which accounts for a quarter of the Maldives' economy, has experienced slower growth in 2023 due to a decline in average duration of stay and lower tourist spending. This slowdown has exposed underlying economic vulnerabilities in the Maldives.

These vulnerabilities stem from persistent large current account and fiscal deficits. The country relies heavily on imports while having limited official reserves, creating an unsustainable imbalance. Government support for struggling state-owned enterprises (SOEs), along with blanket subsidies, high capital spending, and a public health program, further exacerbate these pressures.

While these subsidies and in-kind transfers are crucial for boosting household incomes, their unsustainable nature raises concerns. When fiscal pressures mount, the Maldivian people's well-being could be negatively impacted. Additionally, infrastructure projects, although promising long-term growth, were financed through non-concessional external borrowing and sovereign guarantees. The rising cost of borrowing abroad has forced the government to turn towards domestic sources, increasing the domestic financial sector’s vulnerability to government debt.

The government recently announced its commitment to a fiscal reform agenda to address these economic vulnerabilities. This agenda includes reforms to subsidies, SOEs, the public health insurance scheme (Aasandha), and reprioritizing capital spending. These reforms offer a path towards a more resilient Maldivian economy.

Last Updated: Apr 02, 2024

World Bank Program in Maldives

Maldives became a member of the World Bank in 1978 and has enjoyed a trusted partnership with the institution over the past 44 years. Working together, the country has implemented various projects in support across many development areas.

Maldives has an active portfolio of 12 projects – 11 International Development Agency (IDA) projects, 1 IDA guarantee and 1 regional project – with a total net commitment of $258 million. The projects are focused on fisheries, solid waste management, renewable energy, employment and social protection, urban development, COVID-19 response, digital development, youth resilience, health systems, and financial management.

The World Bank also provides analytical support in macro monitoring and analysis, financial sector, youth and gender, health financing, social protection, and poverty.

The World Bank’s new Country Partnership Framework (2023-2027), adopted in January 2023, aims to help the Maldives navigate through risks and vulnerabilities to reach a greener, more resilient, and inclusive high-growth future. Under the new CPF, the World Bank’s engagement with the Maldives focuses on improving resilience to shocks, increasing access to economic opportunities, and improving human capital outcomes. Deepening the digital economy, to accelerate economic transformation, is also a cross cutting theme.

IFC Collaboration

Maldives joined the International Finance Corporation (IFC), in 1983. Since then, IFC has invested nearly $250 million. Currently, the portfolio in Maldives is $53 million with commitments in Dhiraagu, Bank of Maldives (BML) and Housing Development Finance Corporation (HDFC). 

In response to the COVID-19 crisis and in line with its strategic priorities in Maldives, IFC had pivoted resources to support key sectors adversely impacted by the pandemic. At the request of the Government, and in line with IFC’s countercyclical role, support to the Maldives with liquidity access was provided in the early stage of the pandemic. IFC’s investment of $50 million in BML provided financing for private sector companies and small and medium sized businesses in the tourism sector, to help preserve jobs and combat the negative shocks of COVID-19 on the economy. IFC also invested over $50 million directly in the tourism sector in FY20 via its investment in John Keels Holdings and $22.4 million through the Crescent Fund in FY23. Further, a $35 million landmark investment in Dhiraagu (in FY22/23), the largest telecommunications and digital service provider in the country, is helping Maldives digitize faster.

IFC’s strategy for FY21-25 in Maldives revolves around 3 pillars: sustainability, inclusion, and connectivity anchored by the tourism sector. IFC is committed to helping the Maldives achieve its ambitious target of net-zero emissions by the year 2030 through sustainable growth by increasing the use of renewable energy, further greening resorts, building climate resilient infrastructure, and enhancing sustainable waste management. Physical and digital connectivity also remain key strategic priorities along with accelerating SOE reforms. Achieving these strategic priorities will require close collaboration with the World Bank. IFC is also actively seeking to partner with other DFI’s, specifically to mobilize financing to further strengthen the Maldivian economy.

Last Updated: Oct 04, 2023

Supporting COVID-19 response:  The  COVID-19 Emergency Response and Health Systems Preparedness Project continues to support the Government in early detection, contact tracing, quarantine and isolation, and case management, while strengthening health systems to better respond to potential health crises.

Accelerating clean energy transition: The Accelerating Sustainable Private Investment in Renewable Energy (ASPIRE) and Accelerating Renewable Energy Integration and Sustainable Energy (ARISE) projects are pivotal in driving energy sustainability in the Maldives. ASPIRE, launched in 2014, has successfully mobilized private sector investments in photovoltaic infrastructure, marking a significant financial influx. Expanding on this triumph, ARISE, initiated in 2021, incorporates IDA/MIGA guarantee mechanisms to scale renewable energy, storage, and grid upgrades. Together, the projects are poised to unlock substantial private sector funding, propelling the Maldives towards its renewable energy objectives while underlining the importance of well-designed projects in advancing sustainability.

Protecting natural resources and strengthening nature-based industries:  The World Bank's IDA support is helping island communities in enhancing local waste management, recycling, and re-use practices, including plastics. A new Transforming Fisheries Sector Management in South-West Indian Ocean Region and Maldives (TransFORM) Project will support improved biosecurity systems, decarbonization, improved implementation of management plans, and enhanced competitiveness and private sector participation for improving business climate in the fisheries sector. The Maldives Country Environmental Assessment (CEA), due for launch soon, will offer valuable insights into coastal resilience, sustainable development, and the tourism sector's environmental impact. Similarly, the Maldives Country Climate Development Report (CCDR) highlights the interconnection of climate change and development. It aims for completion within the next year, contributing to climate action and resilience building in the Maldives.

Preparing youth for the modern labor market: The Maldives Enhancing Employability and Resilience of Youth Project (MEERY) enhances the long-term capacity of the education and skills development, and entrepreneurship systems to produce new graduates in priority skills and fortify the resilience of youth to labor-market cycles. The Sustainable and Integrated Labor Services (SAILS) project aims to enhance the resilience and employability of Maldivian workers by establishing a comprehensive social insurance program and integrated labor market services.

Strengthening public financial management:  With the  Bank’s support , the Ministry of Finance has made considerable progress on improving transparency through making the budget and financial information available through an integrated financial management system.

Accelerating digital development: A new Digital Maldives for Adaptation, Decentralization and Diversification project is helping the government promote competition in the broadband market, modernize the national identification systems to facilitate online services and transactions, and improve climate-related data and analytics.

Strengthening the private sector and reforming SOEs: A new Maldives Competitiveness and Growth Project will help the government enhance private participation and critical reforms in selected SOEs and support the growth of private small and medium enterprises through increased access to commercial loans and technical support.

Maldives : Commitments by Fiscal Year (in millions of dollars)*



Additional resources, highlights and resources, country office contacts.

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PEST Analysis: Maldives

Political stability is being addressed by the Solih government, in particular state corruption. Economic growth should return in 2021, following the deleterious effect of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic in 2020, but the country needs to move beyond its reliance on the fishing and tourism industries. Poverty and the gender imbalance are other areas to focus on. Telecommunications and internet use are growing, but the Maldives could be left behind in the race to adopt 5G technology.

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Country Profiles examine the economic and political trends in 210 countries and associated regions, serving as a one-stop-shop for data and analysis on the economy, political landscape and the business environment. This report series allows you to understand the macro-economic environment as a basis for strategic planning.

If you're in the Commodities industry in Maldives, our research will help you to make informed, intelligent decisions; to recognise and profit from opportunity, or to offer resilience amidst market uncertainty

The Commodities in Maldives report includes:

  • Analysis of the country's political and macroeconomic stability 
  • An overview of the economic structure and major industries
  • Latest economic performance

This report answers:

  • What is the economic outlook?
  • How stable is the political environment?
  • What are the country's risks and vulnerabilities?
  • What are the best sectors for investment?
  • Where should we focus our expansion strategy?
  • Which countries are moving up the value added chain away from primary sectors?

The following categories and subcategories are included:


  • Cereals Output Index
  • Crops Output Index
  • Livestock Output Index
  • Non Food Output Index
  • Arable Land
  • Permanent Cropland
  • Permanent Pasture Land
  • Forest Land
  • Inland Water
  • Area harvested for Apples
  • Area harvested for Artichokes
  • Area harvested for Bananas
  • Area harvested for Cabbages and Other Brassicas
  • Area harvested for Cantaloupes and Other Melons
  • Area harvested for Carrots and Turnips
  • Area harvested for Cassava
  • Area harvested for Cauliflower and Broccoli
  • Area harvested for Barley
  • Area harvested for Buckwheat
  • Area harvested for Maize
  • Area harvested for Millet
  • Area harvested for Oats
  • Area harvested for Rice
  • Area harvested for Rye
  • Area harvested for Sorghum
  • Area harvested for Wheat
  • Area harvested for Cinnamon
  • Area harvested for Cocoa Beans
  • Area harvested for Coffee (green)
  • Area harvested for Cucumbers and Gherkins
  • Area harvested for Garlic
  • Area harvested for Grapes
  • Area harvested for Groundnuts
  • Area harvested for Hops
  • Area harvested for Lemons and Limes
  • Area harvested for Oil Palm Fruit
  • Area harvested for Leeks and Other Alliaceous Vegetables
  • Area harvested for Onions
  • Area harvested for Lettuce and Chicory
  • Area harvested for Oranges
  • Area harvested for Okra
  • Area harvested for Peaches and Nectarines
  • Area harvested for Pears
  • Area harvested for Pepper
  • Area harvested for Pineapples
  • Area harvested for Potatoes
  • Area harvested for Pulses
  • Area harvested for Quinoa
  • Area harvested for Rapeseed
  • Area harvested for Soybeans
  • Area harvested for Sugar Beet
  • Area harvested for Spinach
  • Area harvested for Strawberries
  • Area harvested for Sugar Cane
  • Area harvested for Tangerines, Mandarins, Clementines
  • Area harvested for Tea
  • Area harvested for Tobacco
  • Area harvested for Tomatoes
  • Area harvested for Almonds
  • Area harvested for Cashew Nuts
  • Area harvested for Hazelnuts
  • Area harvested for Walnuts
  • Area harvested for Other Tree Nuts
  • Area harvested for Vanilla
  • Area harvested for Watermelons
  • Yield of Apples
  • Yield of Artichokes
  • Yield of Bananas
  • Yield of Cabbages and Other Brassicas
  • Yield of Cauliflower and Broccoli
  • Yield of Barley
  • Yield of Buckwheat
  • Yield of Maize
  • Yield of Millet
  • Yield of Oats
  • Yield of Rice
  • Yield of Rye
  • Yield of Sorghum
  • Yield of Wheat
  • Yield of Cantaloupes and Other Melons
  • Yield of Carrots and Turnips
  • Yield of Cassava
  • Yield of Cinnamon
  • Yield of Cocoa Beans
  • Yield of Coffee (green)
  • Yield of Garlic
  • Yield of Grapes
  • Yield of Cucumbers and Gherkins
  • Yield of Groundnuts
  • Yield of Hops
  • Yield of Lemons and Limes
  • Yield of Oil Palm Fruit
  • Yield of Leeks and Other Alliaceous Vegetables
  • Yield of Onions
  • Yield of Lettuce and Chicory
  • Yield of Oranges
  • Yield of Okra
  • Yield of Peaches and Nectarines
  • Yield of Pears
  • Yield of Pepper
  • Yield of Pineapples
  • Yield of Potatoes
  • Yield of Pulses
  • Yield of Quinoa
  • Yield of Rapeseed
  • Yield of Soybeans
  • Yield of Sugar Beet
  • Yield of Spinach
  • Yield of Strawberries
  • Yield of Sugar Cane
  • Yield of Tangerines, Mandarins, Clementines
  • Yield of Tea
  • Yield of Tobacco
  • Yield of Tomatoes
  • Yield of Almonds
  • Yield of Cashew Nuts
  • Yield of Hazelnuts
  • Yield of Walnuts
  • Yield of Other Tree Nuts
  • Yield of Vanilla
  • Yield of Watermelons
  • Production of Apples
  • Production of Artichokes
  • Production of Bananas
  • Production of Cabbages and Other Brassicas
  • Production of Cauliflower and Broccoli
  • Production of Barley
  • Production of Buckwheat
  • Production of Maize
  • Production of Millet
  • Production of Oats
  • Production of Rice
  • Production of Rye
  • Production of Sorghum
  • Production of Wheat
  • Production of Cantaloupes and Other Melons
  • Production of Carrots and Turnips
  • Production of Cassava
  • Production of Cinnamon
  • Production of Cocoa Beans
  • Production of Coffee (green)
  • Production of Garlic
  • Production of Grapes
  • Production of Cucumbers and Gherkins
  • Production of Groundnuts
  • Production of Hops
  • Production of Lemons and Limes
  • Production of Oil Palm Fruit
  • Production of Leeks and Other Alliaceous Vegetables
  • Production of Onions
  • Production of Lettuce and Chicory
  • Production of Oranges
  • Production of Okra
  • Production of Peaches and Nectarines
  • Production of Pears
  • Production of Pepper
  • Production of Pineapples
  • Production of Potatoes
  • Production of Pulses
  • Production of Quinoa
  • Production of Rapeseed
  • Production of Soybeans
  • Production of Sugar Beet
  • Production of Spinach
  • Production of Strawberries
  • Production of Sugar Cane
  • Production of Tangerines, Mandarins, Clementines
  • Production of Tea
  • Production of Tobacco
  • Production of Tomatoes
  • Production of Almonds
  • Production of Cashew Nuts
  • Production of Hazelnuts
  • Production of Walnuts
  • Production of Other Tree Nuts
  • Production of Vanilla
  • Production of Watermelons
  • Production of Coconut Oil
  • Production of Cottonseed Oil
  • Production of Groundnut Oil
  • Production of Linseed Oil
  • Production of Maize Oil
  • Production of Palm Kernel Oil
  • Production of Palm Oil
  • Production of Rapeseed Oil
  • Production of Sesame Oil
  • Production of Soya Bean Oil
  • Production of Sunflower Oil
  • Production of Olive Oil
  • Production of Beer
  • Production of Wine
  • Production of Butter and Ghee
  • Production of Cheese
  • Production of Dried Cows' Milk
  • Production of Evaporated Milk
  • Production of Fresh Cows' Milk
  • Production of Hen Eggs
  • Production of Honey
  • Fish and Seafood Catch
  • Production of Beef and Veal
  • Production of Goat Meat
  • Production of Horse Meat
  • Production of Mutton and Lamb
  • Production of Pig Meat
  • Production of Poultry
  • Production of Fuelwood and Charcoal
  • Production of Household and Sanitary Paper
  • Production of Newsprint
  • Production of Paper and Paperboard
  • Production of Printing and Writing Paper
  • Production of Roundwood
  • Production of Sawnwood and Sleepers
  • Production of Wood Pulp
  • Cost of Apples per Tonne
  • Cost of Bananas per Tonne
  • Cost of Barley per Tonne
  • Cost of Beans per Tonne
  • Cost of Cattle Meat per Tonne
  • Cost of Chicken Meat per Tonne
  • Cost of Cocoa Beans per Tonne
  • Cost of Fresh Cow Milk per Tonne
  • Cost of Grapes per Tonne
  • Cost of Greasy Wool per Tonne
  • Cost of Green Coffee per Tonne
  • Cost of Groundnuts With Shell per Tonne
  • Cost of Maize per Tonne
  • Cost of Oranges per Tonne
  • Cost of Palm Oil per Tonne
  • Cost of Pig Meat per Tonne
  • Cost of Potatoes per Tonne
  • Cost of Rice per Tonne
  • Cost of Rye per Tonne
  • Cost of Seed Cotton per Tonne
  • Cost of Sheep Meat per Tonne
  • Cost of Soybeans per Tonne
  • Cost of Sugar Cane per Tonne
  • Cost of Sugar Beet per Tonne
  • Cost of Tea per Tonne
  • Cost of Tomatoes per Tonne
  • Cost of Unmanufactured Tobacco per Tonne
  • Cost of Wheat per Tonne
  • Production of Cotton Lint
  • Production of Jute
  • Production of Silk
  • Production of Wool
  • Land Used in Organic Farming
  • Fertiliser consumption
  • Use of Fertilisers: Nitrogen
  • Use of Fertilisers: Phosphate
  • Use of Fertilisers: Potash
  • Threatened Amphibian Species
  • Threatened Bird Species
  • Threatened Fish Species
  • Threatened Mammal Species
  • Threatened Reptile Species
  • Threatened Vascular Plant Species
  • Protected Biosphere Reserves: Sites
  • Protected Biosphere Reserves: Area
  • Wetlands Under Protection: Sites
  • Wetlands Under Protection: Area
  • Terrestrial Protected Areas
  • Marine Protected Areas
  • Terrestrial Protected Areas as % of Total Area
  • Marine Protected Areas as % of Total Area
  • Mean Maximum Temperature
  • Mean Minimum Temperature
  • Mean Temperature
  • Total Precipitation
  • Commodity Fuel (Energy) Index
  • Metals Index
  • Agricultural Raw Materials Index
  • Beverages Index
  • Cotton Price
  • Hard Logs Price
  • Hard Sawnwood Price
  • Rubber Price
  • Tobacco Price
  • Crude Oil (Europe Brent) Spot Price
  • Crude Oil (WTI Cushing) Spot Price
  • Natural Gas Price, Europe
  • Natural Gas Price, Japan
  • Natural Gas Price, USA
  • Apple Price
  • Banana Price
  • Cardamom Price
  • Chicken Price
  • Cocoa Price
  • Coconut Oil Price
  • Coffee Price
  • Coriander Price
  • Cumin Price
  • Grapefruit Price
  • Lemon Price
  • Milk Price, European Union
  • Milk Price, New Zealand
  • Milk Price, USA
  • Orange Juice Price
  • Orange Price
  • Peanut Price
  • Palm Oil Price
  • Pepper Price
  • Salmon Price
  • Soybeans Price
  • Strawberry Price
  • Sugar Price, European Union
  • Sugar Price, USA
  • Sugar Price, World
  • Turmeric Price
  • Wheat Price
  • Aluminium Price
  • Copper Price
  • Iron Ore Price
  • Nickel Price
  • Silver Price
  • Steel Price, China
  • Steel Price, USA
  • Steel Price, Western Europe
  • Primary Production of Coal, Peat and Oil Shale
  • Imports of Coal, Peat and Oil Shale
  • Exports of Coal, Peat and Oil Shale
  • Primary Production of Crude Oil and Natural Gas Liquids (NGL)
  • Imports of Crude Oil and Natural Gas Liquids (NGL)
  • Exports of Crude Oil and Natural Gas Liquids (NGL)
  • Imports of Oil Products
  • Exports of Oil Products
  • Primary Production of Natural Gas
  • Imports of Natural gas
  • Exports of Natural gas
  • Primary Production of Nuclear Energy
  • Primary Production of Hydro Energy
  • Primary Production of Geothermal Energy
  • Primary Production of Solar, Wind and Other Energy
  • Primary Production of Biofuels and Waste
  • Imports of Biofuels and Waste
  • Exports of Biofuels and Waste
  • Imports of Electricity
  • Exports of Electricity
  • Primary Energy Supply of Heat
  • Energy Efficiency
  • Energy Intensity
  • Final Consumption of Energy
  • Final Consumption of Coal, Peat and Oil Shale
  • Final Consumption of Crude Oil and Natural Gas Liquids (NGL)
  • Final Consumption of Oil Products
  • Final Consumption of Natural Gas
  • Final Consumption of Geothermal
  • Final Consumption of Solar, Wind and Other Renewables
  • Final Consumption of Biofuels and Waste
  • Final Consumption of Electricity
  • Final Consumption of Heat
  • Share of Final Consumption of Renewable Energy
  • Share of Final Consumption of Non-Renewable Energy
  • Final Consumption of Energy by Industry
  • Final Consumption of Energy by Transport
  • Residential Consumption of Electricity
  • Residential Consumption of Gas
  • Final Consumption of Energy by Commerce
  • Final Consumption of Energy by Other Industries
  • Non Energy Final Consumption
  • Electricity Output from Geothermal Generation
  • Electricity Output from Hydroelectric Generation
  • Electricity Output from Solar Generation
  • Electricity Output from Wind-Powered Generation
  • Electricity Output from Other Sources
  • Electricity Output from Fossil Fuels
  • Electricity Output from Nuclear Generation
  • Electricity Output from Combustible Renewables and Waste Generation
  • Share of Electricity Output from Renewables
  • Share of Electricity Output from Non-Renewables
  • Heat Output
  • Production of Aviation Fuels
  • Production of Biogasoline
  • Production of Biodiesel
  • Production of Other Liquid Biofuels
  • Production of Diesel/Gasoil
  • Production of Liquefied Gases
  • Production of Motor Gasoline
  • Consumption of Aviation Fuels
  • Consumption of Biogasoline
  • Consumption of Biodiesel
  • Consumption of Other Liquid Biofuels
  • Consumption of Diesel/Gasoil
  • Consumption of Liquefied Gases
  • Consumption of Motor Gasoline
  • Ratio of Proven Coal Reserves to Production
  • Proven Coal Reserves (Year-End)
  • Share of World Coal Reserves
  • Ratio of Proven Oil Reserves to Production
  • Proven Oil Reserves (Year-End, '000 Million Barrels)
  • Proven Oil Reserves (Year-End)
  • Ratio of Proven Natural Gas Reserves to Production
  • Proven Natural Gas Reserves (Year-End)
  • Investment in Energy with Private Participation
  • Residential Electricity Price per MWh
  • Residential Gas Price per MWh
  • Residential Heating Oil Price per 1000 litres
  • Industry Electricity Price per MWh
  • Industry Gas Price per MWh
  • Industry Fuel Oil Price per 1000 litres
  • Capacity of Nuclear Reactors in Operation
  • Capacity of Nuclear Reactors Under Construction
  • Nuclear Reactors in Operation
  • Nuclear Reactors Under Construction
  • Rural Population with Access to Electricity
  • Urban Population with Access to Electricity
  • Population with Access to Clean Fuels and Technologies for Cooking
  • Domestic Extraction
  • Import of Materials
  • Export of Materials
  • Domestic Material Consumption of Biomass
  • Domestic Material Consumption of Metal Ores
  • Domestic Material Consumption of Non-Metallic Minerals
  • Domestic Material Consumption of Fossil Energy
  • Domestic Material Consumption of Other Products
  • Material Resource Productivity
  • Production of Aluminium
  • Production of Antimony
  • Production of Arsenic
  • Production of Asbestos
  • Production of Barite
  • Production of Bauxite
  • Production of Bismuth
  • Production of Boron
  • Production of Bromine
  • Production of Cadmium
  • Production of Chromium
  • Production of Cobalt
  • Production of Copper Ore
  • Production of Crude Steel
  • Production of Diatomite
  • Production of Feldspar
  • Production of Fluorspar
  • Production of Gallium
  • Production of Germanium
  • Production of Gold
  • Production of Graphite
  • Production of Gypsum
  • Production of Indium
  • Production of Iodine
  • Production of Iron Ore
  • Production of Kaolin
  • Production of Lead Ore
  • Production of Lithium
  • Production of Magnesite
  • Production of Magnesium
  • Production of Mercury
  • Production of Mica
  • Production of Nickel
  • Production of Perlite
  • Production of Phosphate Rock
  • Production of Pig Iron
  • Production of Palladium
  • Production of Platinum
  • Production of Potash
  • Production of Rare Earth Oxides
  • Production of Refined Copper
  • Production of Refined Lead
  • Production of Rhenium
  • Production of Selenium
  • Production of Sillimanite
  • Production of Silver
  • Production of Slab Zinc
  • Production of Smelter Copper
  • Production of Smelter Tin
  • Production of Sodium Carbonate
  • Production of Strontium
  • Production of Talc
  • Production of Tantalum and Niobium
  • Production of Tin Ore
  • Production of Tungsten
  • Production of Vanadium
  • Production of Vermiculite
  • Production of Wollastonite
  • Production of Zinc Ore
  • Production of Zirconium
  • Climatological Disasters
  • Geophysical Disasters
  • Hydrological Disasters
  • Meteorological Disasters
  • Exposure Index
  • Susceptibility Index
  • Lack of Coping Capacities Index
  • Lack of Adaptive Capacities Index
  • Exposure Ranking
  • Susceptibility Ranking
  • Lack of Coping Capacities Ranking
  • Lack of Adaptive Capacities Ranking
  • Forest Rents
  • Mineral Rents
  • Natural Gas Rents
  • CO Annual Mean
  • SO2 Annual Mean
  • NO2 Annual Mean
  • PM2.5 Annual Mean
  • PM10 Annual Mean
  • CO Annual Peak
  • SO2 Annual Peak
  • NO2 Annual Peak
  • PM2.5 Annual Peak
  • PM10 Annual Peak
  • Consumption of All Ozone Depleting Substances
  • CO2 Emissions from the Consumption and Flaring of Natural Gases
  • CO2 Emissions from the Consumption of Coal
  • CO2 Emissions from the Consumption of Petroleum
  • CO2 Emissions per Unit of Output
  • CO2 Emissions from Transport
  • CO Emissions
  • NOx Emissions
  • PM10 Concentration
  • SO2 Emissions
  • Methane Emissions
  • Methane Emissions from Agriculture
  • Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Transport
  • Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Industry
  • Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Agriculture
  • Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Waste
  • Greenhouse Gas Emissions Efficiency
  • Greenhouse Gas Emissions Intensity
  • Electronic Products Put on Market
  • Electronic Waste Collected
  • Electronic Waste Recovered
  • Hazardous Industrial Waste
  • Municipal Waste
  • Metal Waste Generated
  • Glass Waste Generated
  • Paper and Cardboard Waste Generated
  • Rubber Waste Generated
  • Plastic Waste Generated
  • Wood Waste Generated
  • Textile Waste Generated
  • Waste Generated by Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing
  • Waste Generated by Mining and Quarrying
  • Waste Generated by Manufacturing
  • Waste Generated by Electricity, Gas, Steam and Air Conditioning Supply
  • Waste Generated by Water Supply, Sewerage, Waste Management
  • Waste Generated by Construction
  • Waste Generated by Services
  • Waste Generated by Households
  • Waste Generated by Wholesale of Waste and Scrap
  • Waste Intensity in Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing
  • Waste Intensity in Mining and Quarrying
  • Waste Intensity in Manufacturing
  • Waste Intensity in Construction
  • Incineration
  • Landfill and other disposal
  • Metal Waste Recycled
  • Glass Waste Recycled
  • Paper and cardboard Waste Recycled
  • Rubber Waste Recycled
  • Plastic Waste Recycled
  • Wood Waste Recycled
  • Textile Waste Recycled
  • Internal Renewable Water Resources
  • External Renewable Water Resources
  • Reliance (dependency) on External Water Resources
  • Exploitable: Regular Renewable Surface Water
  • Exploitable: Irregular Renewable Surface Water
  • Exploitable: Total Renewable Surface Water
  • Exploitable: Regular Renewable Groundwater
  • Dam Capacity
  • Agricultural Water Withdrawal
  • Industrial Water Withdrawal
  • Municipal Water Withdrawal
  • Fresh Surface Water Withdrawal
  • Fresh Groundwater Withdrawal
  • Water Stress
  • Water Productivity
  • Water Intensity
  • Rural Population Using at least Basic Drinking Water Services
  • Urban Population Using at least Basic Drinking Water Services
  • Rural Population Using at least Basic Sanitation Services
  • Urban Population Using at least Basic Sanitation Services
  • Length of Marine Coastline
  • Produced Municipal Wastewater
  • Collected Municipal Wastewater
  • Treated Municipal Wastewater
  • Irrigated Land
  • Agricultural Water Managed Area
  • % of Agricultural Water Managed Area Equipped for Irrigation
  • Harvested Irrigated Crop Area
  • Harvested Irrigated Crop Area as % of Full Control Irrigation Area Actually Irrigated

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Maldives Hospitality Industry Size & Share Analysis - Growth Trends & Forecasts (2024 - 2029)

Hospitality Industry in Maldives and is Segmented by Type (Chain Hotels and Independent Hotels), by Segment (Resorts/Marinas, Guesthouses, Safari Vessels and Hotels). The Report Offers Market Size and Forecasts for the Hospitality Industry in the Maldives in Value (USD) for all the Above Segments.

  • Maldives Hospitality Market Size

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Hospitality Industry In Maldives Summary

Study Period 2020 - 2029
Base Year For Estimation 2023
Market Size (2024) USD 609.17 Million
Market Size (2029) USD 943.94 Million
CAGR (2024 - 2029) 9.15 %
Market Concentration Medium

Need a report that reflects how COVID-19 has impacted this market and its growth?

Maldives Hospitality Market Analysis

The Hospitality Industry In Maldives Market size is estimated at USD 609.17 million in 2024, and is expected to reach USD 943.94 million by 2029, growing at a CAGR of 9.15% during the forecast period (2024-2029).

The hospitality industry in the Maldives has been developing on 'One Island, One Resort' and has become the best yielding market in Asia. With a greater number of the scheduled opening of new resorts and guesthouses with almost 2,000 new rooms/keys addition, the hospitality industry in the islands is attracting more investors. The supportive government policies in the hospitality industry in the Maldives has become one of the pillars of economic growth. With strong Tourism which is the largest sector which consists of almost 25% of the total Gross Domestic Product (GDP), the hospitality industry is gaining more significance.

  • Maldives Hospitality Market Trends

The Growing Number of Tourists to the Maldives are Driving the Market

  • The island nation, the Maldives, has been welcoming a growing number of visitors to the nation since 2010. The country welcomed more than 1.6 million international visitors in 2023, at a 13.9% year-on-year growth rate. 
  • According to the Ministry of Tourism, China constituted 6.3% of total international arrivals, followed by Germany, with 7.3% of the total share. Visitors from the United Kingdom, Italy, and India are on the rise, with 8.8%, 7.1%, and 11.9% year-on-year growth rates. 
  • Visitors from the European Union are on the rise and have been occupying the highest share since 2016. The decline in travelers from China made Asia lose its share. At the same time, the year-on-year increase in the number of visitors from Italy, Russia, and France citizens made European Union occupy first place.

Hospitality Industry In Maldives: Number of Tourists Arrivals, In Maldives, January 2023 - May 2023

The Guesthouse Segment is Dominating the Overall Industry

  • There are more than 1000 accommodation establishments in the Maldives as of the first half of 2022 that can be categorized into resorts or marinas, hotels, guest houses, and safari vessels. The guesthouse segment occupies a high share of the total hospitality industry segment, with around 500 properties. 
  • The safari vessels and resorts occupy an equal share with around 150 properties each. In comparison to luxury resorts, guesthouses provide a more economical lodging choice. This allows budget-conscious visitors to appreciate the Maldives' natural beauty without breaking their wallets. 
  • Staying at guesthouses on nearby islands allows for cultural immersion. Travelers may learn about Maldivian culture, customs, and traditions, connect with friendly locals, and experience traditional Maldivian food.

Hospitality Industry In Maldives: Accommodation Industry Distribution, In 5 Share, In Maldives, By June 2023

Maldives Hospitality Industry Overview

The hospitality industry in Maldives combines international hotel brands that are expanded into the country and domestic chains and independently performing resorts. Maldives welcomes 100% foreign direct investment (FDI) in the Hospitality Industry and has been attracting a large number of investors in its territories. Some key players are Marriott International, Hilton Worldwide, InterContinental Hotels Group, AccorHotels, and Hyatt Hotels Corporation.

Maldives Hospitality Market Leaders

Marriott International

Hilton Worldwide

InterContinental Hotels Group


Hyatt Hotels Corporation

*Disclaimer: Major Players sorted in no particular order

Hospitality Industry In Maldives Concentration

Maldives Hospitality Market News

  • May 2023: La Vie Hotels & Resorts, a leading independent hotel management company in the Asia Pacific region, officially announced the launch of its new lifestyle brand, NOOE, along with its first resort in the Maldives. NOOE aims to be a place where guests can experience great things, with lively lobbies, local-favorite restaurants, day-club-style pools, and gyms that inspire both work and relaxation. The resort features studios, suites, bungalows, and villas, all designed with balance in mind to promote creativity, rest, and relaxation.
  • April 2022: Outrigger Hospitality Group announced the acquisition of the freshly refurbished five-star Maafushivaru Resort in the Maldives, adding yet another outstanding beach property to its growing worldwide portfolio. The luxurious resort will be dubbed Outrigger Maldives Maafushivaru Resort and will be located on a private island in the beautiful South Ari Atoll region, a 25-minute seaplane journey from Malé, providing guests with convenient access and views.

Maldives Hospitality Market Report - Table of Contents


1.1 Study Deliverables

1.2 Scope of the Study




4.1 Market Overview

4.2 Market Dynamics

4.3 Drivers

4.3.1 Diversification of Tourism Products

4.3.2 Government Support and Infrastructure Development

4.4 Restraints

4.4.1 High Dependency on Tourism

4.5 Opportunities

4.5.1 MICE Tourism has potential to boom market

4.6 Insights on Revenue Flows from Accommodation and Food and Beverage Sectors

4.7 Leading Cities in the Maldives with Respect to Number of Visitors

4.8 Investments (Real Estate, FDI and others) in the Hospitality Industry

4.9 Insights on Shared Living Spaces Impact on the Hospitality Industry

4.10 Insights on Other Economic Contributors to the Hospitality Industry

4.11 Value Chain Analysis

4.12 Porter's Five Forces Analysis

4.13 Technological Innovations in the Hospitality Industry

4.14 Impact of COVID-19 on Hospitality Industry


5.1 By Type

5.1.1 Chain Hotels

5.1.2 Independent Hotels

5.2 By Segment

5.2.1 Resorts/Marinas

5.2.2 Guesthouses

5.2.3 Hotels


6.1 Market Concentration

6.2 Company profiles

6.2.1 Marriott International

6.2.2 Hilton Worldwide

6.2.3 InterContinental Hotels Group

6.2.4 AccorHotels

6.2.5 Hyatt Hotels Corporation

6.2.6 Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts

6.2.7 Shangri-La Hotels and Resorts

6.2.8 Ritz-Carlton

6.2.9 The Emirates Group

6.2.10 Kuredu Resort & Spa *

  • *List Not Exhaustive



Maldives Hospitality Industry Segmentation

"The hospitality industry is a broad category of fields within the service industry that includes lodging, food and beverage service, event planning, theme parks, travel agency, tourism, hotels, restaurants, and bars.

The hospitality industry in the Maldives is segmented by type and by segment. By type, the market is sub-segmented into chain hotels and independent hotels, and by segment, the market is sub-segmented into resorts/marinas, guesthouses, safari vessels, and hotels. The report offers market size and forecasts for the hospitality industry in the Maldives in value (USD) for all the above segments.

By Type
Chain Hotels
Independent Hotels
By Segment

Maldives Hospitality Market Research FAQs

How big is the maldives hospitality market.

The Maldives Hospitality Market size is expected to reach USD 609.17 million in 2024 and grow at a CAGR of 9.15% to reach USD 943.94 million by 2029.

What is the current Maldives Hospitality Market size?

In 2024, the Maldives Hospitality Market size is expected to reach USD 609.17 million.

Who are the key players in Maldives Hospitality Market?

Marriott International, Hilton Worldwide, InterContinental Hotels Group, AccorHotels and Hyatt Hotels Corporation are the major companies operating in the Maldives Hospitality Market.

What years does this Maldives Hospitality Market cover, and what was the market size in 2023?

In 2023, the Maldives Hospitality Market size was estimated at USD 553.43 million. The report covers the Maldives Hospitality Market historical market size for years: 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023. The report also forecasts the Maldives Hospitality Market size for years: 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028 and 2029.

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Maldives Hospitality Industry Report

Statistics for the 2024 Maldives Hospitality market share, size and revenue growth rate, created by Mordor Intelligence™ Industry Reports. Maldives Hospitality analysis includes a market forecast outlook to 2029 and historical overview. Get a sample of this industry analysis as a free report PDF download.

Maldives Hospitality Market Report Snapshots

  • Maldives Hospitality Market Share
  • Maldives Hospitality Companies

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Maldives Insurance Industry Market, Key Trends and Opportunities to 2028- Product Image

Maldives Insurance Industry Market, Key Trends and Opportunities to 2028

PDF Icon

  • Region: Maldives
  • ID: 5955090
  • Description

Table of Contents

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Key Highlights

  • Key insights and dynamics of the Maldives insurance industry.
  • A comprehensive overview of the Maldives economy, government initiatives, and investment opportunities.
  • The Maldives insurance regulatory framework’s evolution, key facts, taxation regime, licensing, and capital requirements.
  • The Maldives insurance industry’s market structure giving details of lines of business.
  • Maldives's reinsurance business’s market structure giving details of premium ceded along with cession rates.
  • It provides historical values for the Maldives insurance industry for the report’s 2019-23 review period, and projected figures for the 2024-28 forecast period.
  • It offers a detailed analysis of the key categories in the Maldives insurance industry and market forecasts to 2028.
  • It profiles the top life insurance companies in Maldives and outlines the key regulations affecting them.

Reasons to Buy

  • Make strategic business decisions using in-depth historic and forecast market data related to the Maldives insurance industry, and each category within it.
  • Understand the demand-side dynamics, key market trends, and growth opportunities in the Maldives insurance industry.
  • Assess the competitive dynamics in the Maldives insurance industry.
  • Identify growth opportunities and market dynamics in key product categories.
  • Executive Summary
  • Economy Overview
  • Regulation and Compliance
  • Key Market Trends
  • General Insurance: Trends and KPIs
  • General Insurance: LOB
  • Reinsurance

Insurance Global Market Report 2024 - Product Image

Insurance Global Market Report 2024

  •  Report
  • February 2024

OnlyStrategic Insurance Newslink Global Trends Database - Product Image

OnlyStrategic Insurance Newslink Global Trends Database

  •  Database

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2024 Insurance Carriers Global Market Size & Growth Report with Updated COVID-19 & Recession Risk Forecasts

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Liability Insurance Market Trends and Analysis by Region, Line of Business, Competitive Landscape and Forecast to 2027

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Fiji Insurance Industry: Key Trends and Opportunities to 2028 - Product Image

Fiji Insurance Industry: Key Trends and Opportunities to 2028

  • January 2024


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ICS Maldives

ICS Maldives

Market research, how we started.

ICS commenced its market research operations during the last quarter of 2004. In 2004 ICS partnered with IMRB, Bombay (India) to conduct its first ever large qualitative and quantitative market research in the Maldives. IMRB experts visited the Maldives to train and develop our staff to carry out recruitment of respondents for focus group discussions as well as for field surveys. Special training was provided to carry out specific quality checks to assure that the selected sample strictly conforms to what is required of the study.

ICS has been instrumental in organizing focus group discussions, telephone interviews, telephone polling, face to face interviews and has commissioned several market surveys for many of our trusted clients in the Maldives. We are at present the most experienced market research company in the Maldives. We do use latest technology to collect, enter and process the data for further analysis.   

Political Surveys

Starting from 2008 Presidential Election we had been conducting market research for various political parties and political figures. The largest of its all till date is the work we did for presidential election in 2008. We face to face interviews, focus group discussions and telephone polling for almost 24 months prior to the Election. The last polling results was less than 2% away from the actual results of the election.

Commercial Surveys

Customer Satisfaction Surveys to some of the largest brands in the Maldives was conducted each year. Changes in customer preferences over the years were identified analysed and reported to the client. Actions were taken based on these findings. Brand Image Surveys were also conducted frequently. 

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Ask the analyst for, maldives real estate market (2024-2030) | revenue, forecast, growth, analysis, value, companies, outlook, share, industry, segmentation, trends & size.

ETC5134927 Nov 2023 Jan 2024 Market Research Report
6Wresearch 60 30 5
  • Report Description
  • Table of Content
  • Related Topics

Key Highlights of the Report:

  • Maldives Real Estate Market Outlook
  • Market Size of Maldives Real Estate Market, 2023
  • Forecast of Maldives Real Estate Market, 2030
  • Historical Data and Forecast of Maldives Real Estate Revenues & Volume for the Period 2020-2030
  • Maldives Real Estate Market Trend Evolution
  • Maldives Real Estate Market Drivers and Challenges
  • Maldives Real Estate Price Trends
  • Maldives Real Estate Porter`s Five Forces
  • Maldives Real Estate Industry Life Cycle
  • Historical Data and Forecast of Maldives Real Estate Market Revenues & Volume By Property for the Period 2020-2030
  • Historical Data and Forecast of Maldives Real Estate Market Revenues & Volume By Residential for the Period 2020-2030
  • Historical Data and Forecast of Maldives Real Estate Market Revenues & Volume By Commercial for the Period 2020-2030
  • Historical Data and Forecast of Maldives Real Estate Market Revenues & Volume By Industrial for the Period 2020-2030
  • Historical Data and Forecast of Maldives Real Estate Market Revenues & Volume By Land for the Period 2020-2030
  • Historical Data and Forecast of Maldives Real Estate Market Revenues & Volume By Others for the Period 2020-2030
  • Historical Data and Forecast of Maldives Real Estate Market Revenues & Volume By Type for the Period 2020-2030
  • Historical Data and Forecast of Maldives Real Estate Market Revenues & Volume By Sales for the Period 2020-2030
  • Historical Data and Forecast of Maldives Real Estate Market Revenues & Volume By Rental for the Period 2020-2030
  • Historical Data and Forecast of Maldives Real Estate Market Revenues & Volume By Lease for the Period 2020-2030
  • Maldives Real Estate Import Export Trade Statistics
  • Market Opportunity Assessment By Property
  • Market Opportunity Assessment By Type
  • Maldives Real Estate Top Companies Market Share
  • Maldives Real Estate Competitive Benchmarking By Technical and Operational Parameters
  • Maldives Real Estate Company Profiles
  • Maldives Real Estate Key Strategic Recommendations

Frequently Asked Questions About the Market Study (FAQs):

Do you also provide customisation in the market study.

2.1 Key Highlights of the Report

2.2 Report Description

2.3 Market Scope & Segmentation

2.4 Research Methodology

2.5 Assumptions

3.1 Maldives Country Macro Economic Indicators

3.2 Maldives Real Estate Market Revenues & Volume, 2020 & 2030F

3.3 Maldives Real Estate Market - Industry Life Cycle

3.4 Maldives Real Estate Market - Porter's Five Forces

3.5 Maldives Real Estate Market Revenues & Volume Share, By Property, 2020 & 2030F

3.6 Maldives Real Estate Market Revenues & Volume Share, By Type, 2020 & 2030F

4.1 Impact Analysis

4.2 Market Drivers

4.3 Market Restraints

6.1 Maldives Real Estate Market, By Property

6.1.1 Overview and Analysis

6.1.2 Maldives Real Estate Market Revenues & Volume, By Residential, 2020-2030F

6.1.3 Maldives Real Estate Market Revenues & Volume, By Commercial, 2020-2030F

6.1.4 Maldives Real Estate Market Revenues & Volume, By Industrial, 2020-2030F

6.1.5 Maldives Real Estate Market Revenues & Volume, By Land, 2020-2030F

6.1.6 Maldives Real Estate Market Revenues & Volume, By Others, 2020-2030F

6.2 Maldives Real Estate Market, By Type

6.2.1 Overview and Analysis

6.2.2 Maldives Real Estate Market Revenues & Volume, By Sales, 2020-2030F

6.2.3 Maldives Real Estate Market Revenues & Volume, By Rental, 2020-2030F

6.2.4 Maldives Real Estate Market Revenues & Volume, By Lease, 2020-2030F

7.1 Maldives Real Estate Market Export to Major Countries

7.2 Maldives Real Estate Market Imports from Major Countries

9.1 Maldives Real Estate Market Opportunity Assessment, By Property, 2020 & 2030F

9.2 Maldives Real Estate Market Opportunity Assessment, By Type, 2020 & 2030F

10.1 Maldives Real Estate Market Revenue Share, By Companies, 2023

10.2 Maldives Real Estate Market Competitive Benchmarking, By Operating and Technical Parameters

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Maldives facility operations and security management market insights, forecast to 2029, market research report summary.

Maldives Facility Operations and Security Management Market Insights, Forecast to 2029 report is published on August 10, 2023 and has pages in it. This market research report provides information about Business & Government, Country Overview (Business Services), Facilities Management industry. It covers Maldives market data and forecasts. It is priced starting at USD 4,000.00 for Single User License (PDF) which allows one person to use this report.

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Market Analysis and Insights: Maldives Facility Operations and Security Management Market

The key companies of Facility Operations and Security Management in Maldives include IBM, Oracle, SAP, MRI Software LLC, Archibus, Trimble, SkyFMS, Accruent, and Honeywell Forge, etc. In 2022, the top five players in Maldives had a share approximately xx % in terms of revenue.

Report Includes

This report presents an overview of Maldives market for Facility Operations and Security Management market size. Analyses of the Maldives market trends, with historic market revenue data for 2018 - 2022, estimates for 2023, and projections of CAGR through 2029.

This report focuses on the Facility Operations and Security Management revenue, market share and industry ranking of main companies, data from 2018 to 2023. Identification of the major stakeholders in the Maldives Facility Operations and Security Management market, and analysis of their competitive landscape and market positioning based on recent developments and segmental revenues. This report will help stakeholders to understand the competitive landscape and gain more insights and position their businesses and market strategies in a better way.

This report analyzes the segments data by Type and by Application, revenue, and growth rate, from 2018 to 2029. Evaluation and forecast the market size for Facility Operations and Security Management revenue, projected growth trends, production technology, application and end-user industry.

Segment by Type

  • Access Control and Visitor Management
  • Video Surveillance and Monitoring
  • Incident Response and Emergency Management
  • Fire Safety Management
  • Maintenance and Asset Management
  • Security Personnel Training and Management

Segment by Application

  • Commercial Buildings
  • Manufacturing and Industrial Facilities
  • Healthcare Facilities
  • Educational Institutions
  • Hospitality Industry
  • Government and Public Sector
  • Transportation and Logistics
  • Data Centers and IT Facilities

Key companies covered in this report :

  • MRI Software LLC
  • Honeywell Forge
  • MACL Company
  • VLogic Systems, Inc.
  • Cryotos CMM

Please Note - This is an on demand report and will be delivered in 3 business days post payment.

1 Report Overview

2 maldives growth trends, 3 competition landscape by key players, 4 facility operations and security management breakdown data by type, 5 facility operations and security management breakdown data by application, 6 key players profiles, 7 analyst's viewpoints/conclusions, list of tables, list of figures, single user license (pdf).

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The Rental Market Slowdown is Leveling Off (June 2024 Rental Market Report)

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The months long slowdown in the rental market appears to be leveling off as the busy summer season kicks off. Rents are growing at their fastest annual pace in nearly a year — though the margins are slim — and concessions offered by landlords and property managers have flattened after reaching a three-year high this spring.

Annual rent growth accelerated in June. The typical rent across the U.S. is now $2,054, according to the Zillow Observed Rent Index. That is up 3.5% from last year, the fastest annual growth since last July. 

Monthly rent growth was about normal for this time of year. Rents grew 0.5% month over month in June, only slightly below the pre-pandemic average month-over-month change for June of 0.6%.

The share of rental listings on Zillow offering a concession remained steady at 33% in June, down from 33.6% two months earlier, which was a three-year high. Fewer concessions — sweeteners such as free weeks of rent or free parking offered as an incentive — can be read as an early signal that landlords and property managers are more confident in being able to quickly fill their vacant units. 

A portion of this rental market reheating is likely because of seasonal factors. Renters tend to move more often in the summer because of things like school schedules, new jobs and the end of yearlong leases signed the summer before. More renters shopping for a new home can make it more challenging for each one to find an open unit.

  • Typical U.S. rent is $2,054 in June, up 0.5% month over month. The pre-pandemic average month-over-month change for this time of year is 0.6%.
  • Since the beginning of the pandemic, rents have increased by 32.8%.
  • Rents are now 3.5% higher than last year.
  • Rents are up from year-ago levels in 48 of the 50 largest metro areas. Annual rent increases are highest in Hartford (7.8%), Cleveland (7.2%), Louisville (6.8%), Providence (6.3%) and Milwaukee (5.7%).

Single-Family Rents

  • Typical rent for single-family homes is $2,288 in June, up 0.4% month over month. Since the beginning of the pandemic, single-family rents have increased by 39.6%.
  • Single-family rents are now 4.7% higher than last year.
  • Single-family rents fell, on a monthly basis, in four major metro areas: Buffalo (-1.6%), Austin (-0.1%), Hartford (-0.1%) and New Orleans (-0.03%).
  • Single-family rents are up from year-ago levels in 49 of the 50 largest metro areas. Annual single-family rent increases are highest in Cleveland (8.9%), Milwaukee (7.7%), Cincinnati (7.6%), Louisville (7.5%) and St. Louis (7.2%).

Multifamily Rents

  • Typical rent for multifamily homes is $1,906 in June, up 0.6% month over month. Since the beginning of the pandemic, multifamily rents have increased by 26.7%.
  • Multifamily rents are now 2.7% higher than last year.
  • Multifamily rents fell, on a monthly basis, in two major metro areas: Jacksonville (-0.2%) and Phoenix (-0.04%).
  • Multifamily rents are up from year-ago levels in 40 of the 50 largest metro areas. Annual multifamily rent increases are highest in Hartford (8.4%), Providence (6.7%), Louisville (6.4%), Cleveland (6.3%) and Buffalo (5.7%).

Rent Concessions

  • 33% of rentals on Zillow offered at least one concession in June.
  • The share of rental listings offering a concession decreased by 0.04 percentage points (ppts) month over month in June.
  • The share of rental listings offering a concession increased by 8.1ppts from last year.
  • The share of rentals offering a concession is lower, on a monthly basis, in 27 major metro areas. The largest monthly drops are in San Jose (-6.9ppts), Baltimore (-4.9ppts), Birmingham (-4.8ppts) Las Vegas (-3.6ppts), and Pittsburgh (-2.8ppts).
  • The share of rentals offering a concession is higher, on a monthly basis, in 22 major metro areas. The largest monthly increases are in Kansas City (4.9ppts), Raleigh (3.4ppts), San Antonio (3ppts), Virginia Beach (2.4ppts), and Indianapolis (2.4ppts).
  • Rent concessions are up from year-ago levels in 49 of the 50 largest metro areas. The annual increase is highest in Jacksonville (20.5ppts), Charlotte (18.2ppts), San Antonio (15.5ppts), Atlanta (15ppts), and Tampa (13.8ppts).

Rent Affordability

  • The median household would spend 30% of its income on a typical rental in June.
  • Rent affordability worsened by 0.1ppts month over month in June. The pre-pandemic share of median household income spent on rent was 28.4%.
  • The most affordable metro areas for rents are Minneapolis (20.4% of median income spent on typical rent), Salt Lake City (20.5%), St. Louis (20.9%), Austin (21.3%), and Raleigh (21.3%).
  • The least affordable metro areas for rents are Miami (43.4%), New York (42.1%), Los Angeles (37.4%), San Diego (34.2%), and Riverside (33.8%).
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SHELTON, CT / ACCESSWIRE / August 1, 2024 / NanoViricides, Inc. (NYSE American:NNVC) (the "Company"), a clinical stage global leader in broad-spectrum antiviral nanomedicines, reports that two separate and independent research reports have been published by industry analysts on the Company.

"NNVC: NanoViricides Broad Spectrum Technology Represents Potential Paradigm Shift In Viral Therapy," is the title of a new research note published by David Bautz, PhD, Zacks SCR, on July 31st, 2024. Importantly, he notes that, "As opposed to currently available antiviral therapies in which each compound is only active against a unique type of virus, NanoViricides has disclosed preclinical results for NV-387 in multiple viral models that demonstrates the broad-spectrum action of the compound. These results could represent a new paradigm in viral therapy."

"NanoViricides is now a clinical stage company with an exciting, potentially broad-spectrum antiviral asset in NV-387. The preclinical results showing efficacy in different viral models is supportive of the drug's potential utility as a therapeutic against a wide range of viruses. We look forward to the final results from the Phase 1 clinical trial of NV-387 as well as the company's expected timeline for moving it into a Phase 2 trial in RSV and additional indications that will be pursued," concludes Dr. Bautz.

"[NanoViricides'] Novel anti-viral could boost a US$3 bln market - New focus on viral respiratory infections especially highly transmissible RSV," is the title of the research report published by John Savin, PhD, MBA, ProactiveInvestors, focusing on our clinical stage drug NV-387, on May 21st, 2024, in a separate and independent Research Report.

"If, as preclinical data indicates, the candidate, anti-viral NV-387, can be delivered orally at effective doses against multiple respiratory viruses, including potentially Influenza A, RSV and COVID-19, it could become a mass market product. It might be prescribed by primary care physicians adding a new, acute therapeutic category to the RSV vaccine and antibody market already worth about US$3 billion," proclaimed Dr. Savin.

"As preclinical work shows that NV-387 is effective against influenza and RSV viruses, a general anti-viral first response oral therapy against "Severe Acute Respiratory Infection"-Viral (SARI-Viral) might be feasible," noted Dr. Savin, adding, "We also note excellent preclinical data on Influenza A treatment with NV-387 compared to existing blockbuster therapies."

The ZacksSCR research note can be found at . It is available on Yahoo Finance at . The report is also available on NanoViricides' website.

The detailed ProactiveInvestors Research Report can be found under . The report is also available on NanoViricides' website.

NanoViricides provided publicly available information to each Analyst at the time he began preparing the report. In addition, the Analysts had external access as well as access via our own website to any further public information reported in our press releases, SEC filings, and public presentations. The Analysts performed their own research. The research reports or notes and opinions expressed therein are the Analysts' own opinions and work products, and NanoViricides did not have any say in the content or opinions in the reports, while the Analysts' Companies were compensated for the reporting activity by NanoViricides. ProactiveInvestors notes that they do not offer investment advice. Zacks notes that "Because of individual financial or investment objectives and/or financial circumstances, this report or article should not be construed as advice designed to meet the particular investment needs of any investor."

About NanoViricides

NanoViricides, Inc. (the "Company") ( ) is a development stage company that is creating special purpose nanomaterials for antiviral therapy. The Company's novel nanoviricide® class of drug candidates are designed to specifically attack enveloped virus particles and to dismantle them. Our lead drug candidate is NV-387 for the treatment of RSV, COVID-19, Long COVID, Influenza, and other respiratory viral infections. Our other advanced candidate is NV-HHV-1 for the treatment of Shingles (previously referred to as NV-HHV-101). The Company cannot project an exact date for filing an IND for any of its drugs because of dependence on a number of external collaborators and consultants. The Company is currently focused on advancing NV-387 into Phase II human clinical trials.

NV-CoV-2 (API NV-387) is our nanoviricide drug candidate for COVID-19 that does not encapsulate remdesivir. NV-CoV-2-R is our other drug candidate for COVID-19 that is made up of NV-387 with remdesivir encapsulated within its polymeric micelles. The Company believes that since remdesivir is already US FDA approved, our drug candidate encapsulating remdesivir is likely to be an approvable drug, if safety is comparable. Remdesivir is developed by Gilead. The Company has developed both of its own drug candidates NV-CoV-2 and NV-CoV-2-R independently.

The Company is also developing drugs against a number of viral diseases including oral and genital Herpes, viral diseases of the eye including EKC and herpes keratitis, H1N1 swine flu, H5N1 bird flu, seasonal Influenza, HIV, Hepatitis C, Rabies, Dengue fever, and Ebola virus, among others. NanoViricides' platform technology and programs are based on the TheraCour ® nanomedicine technology of TheraCour, which TheraCour licenses from AllExcel. NanoViricides holds a worldwide exclusive perpetual license to this technology for several drugs with specific targeting mechanisms in perpetuity for the treatment of the following human viral diseases: Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV/AIDS), Hepatitis B Virus (HBV), Hepatitis C Virus (HCV), Rabies, Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV-1 and HSV-2), Varicella-Zoster Virus (VZV), Influenza and Asian Bird Flu Virus, Dengue viruses, Japanese Encephalitis virus, West Nile Virus, Ebola/Marburg viruses, and certain Coronaviruses. The Company intends to obtain a license for poxviruses and/or enteroviruses if the initial research is successful. The Company's technology is based on broad, exclusive, sub-licensable, field licenses to drugs developed in these areas from TheraCour Pharma, Inc. The Company's business model is based on licensing technology from TheraCour Pharma Inc. for specific application verticals of specific viruses, as established at its foundation in 2005.

As is customary, the Company must state the risk factor that the path to typical drug development of any pharmaceutical product is extremely lengthy and requires substantial capital. As with any drug development efforts by any company, there can be no assurance at this time that any of the Company's pharmaceutical candidates would show sufficient effectiveness and safety for human clinical development. Further, there can be no assurance at this time that successful results against coronavirus in our lab will lead to successful clinical trials or a successful pharmaceutical product.

This press release contains forward-looking statements that reflect the Company's current expectation regarding future events. Actual events could differ materially and substantially from those projected herein and depend on a number of factors. Certain statements in this release, and other written or oral statements made by NanoViricides, Inc. are "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. You should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements since they involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors which are, in some cases, beyond the Company's control and which could, and likely will, materially affect actual results, levels of activity, performance or achievements. The Company assumes no obligation to publicly update or revise these forward-looking statements for any reason, or to update the reasons actual results could differ materially from those anticipated in these forward-looking statements, even if new information becomes available in the future. Important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from the company's expectations include, but are not limited to, those factors that are disclosed under the heading "Risk Factors" and elsewhere in documents filed by the company from time to time with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission and other regulatory authorities. Although it is not possible to predict or identify all such factors, they may include the following: demonstration and proof of principle in preclinical trials that a nanoviricide is safe and effective; successful development of our product candidates; our ability to seek and obtain regulatory approvals, including with respect to the indications we are seeking; the successful commercialization of our product candidates; and market acceptance of our products.

The phrases "safety", "effectiveness" and equivalent phrases as used in this press release refer to research findings including clinical trials as the customary research usage and do not indicate evaluation of safety or effectiveness by the US FDA.

FDA refers to US Food and Drug Administration. IND application refers to "Investigational New Drug" application. cGMP refers to current Good Manufacturing Practices. CMC refers to "Chemistry, Manufacture, and Controls". CHMP refers to the Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use, which is the European Medicines Agency's (EMA) committee responsible for human medicines. API stands for "Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient".

CONTACT: NanoViricides, Inc. [email protected]

Public Relations Contact: [email protected]

SOURCE: NanoViricides, Inc.

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The Best Time to Sell in 2024: The Week of April 14-20

Hannah Jones

Home sellers who are hoping to sell this year and looking for the perfect time to list should start getting ready—because the best time to list a home in 2024 is approaching quickly. 

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The week of April 14–20 is expected to have the ideal balance of housing market conditions that favor home sellers, more so than any other w eek in the year. A recent survey from ® found that the majority (53%) of home sellers took one month or less to get their home ready to list, so the time to start prepping is now. 

This selection comes from looking at seasonal trends from 2018–19 and 2021–23 data and calculating a Best Time to List score for each week of the year, based on a combination of housing metrics. Notably, mortgage rates are not included in the score as mortgage rate movement has more to do with the larger economic context, and not seasonal shifts.

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The State of the Housing Market

We expect the 2024 housing market to behave according to typical seasonality, but offer slightly better conditions than 2023. Each week was scored based on favorability toward sellers—this included competition from other sellers (active listings and new listings), listing prices, market pace (days on the market), likelihood of price reductions, and homebuyer demand (views per property on Percentile levels for each week were calculated along each metric and were then averaged together across metrics to determine a Best Time to List score. Rankings for each week were based on these Best Time to List scores.

2023 was a fairly glum year in housing, with prices remaining near record high levels while inventory levels suffered. Mortgage rates started the year in the mid-6% range and climbed to nearly 8% in October , continuing to weigh down the affordability of housing payments despite unremarkable price growth.

Home prices peaked at a median listing price of $445,000 nationally in June 2023 , falling short of the previous year’s all-time high. Though prices did not reach a new peak this year, they remained near year-ago levels, failing to offer much relief to buyers. Buyer demand remained stifled as home shoppers took a step back amid high prices, elevated mortgage rates, and low inventory. 

Though low housing demand set the tone for much of 2023, homes still spent significantly less time on the market than before the COVID-19 pandemic, and inventory remained well below pre-pandemic norms.

Many homeowners felt “locked in” by their current mortgage , hesitant to list their home for sale and trade a sub-4% mortgage for a 7%-plus mortgage, which kept new listing activity low for much of the year.

Builders slowed new construction activity slightly in 2023 amid low buyer demand and economic uncertainty . Both single- and multi-family housing starts fell relative to the previous few years, but both remained above pre-pandemic levels as builders aimed to fill some of the gap left by low existing-home inventory. Though starts waned, new-home completions climbed relative to the previous year, supplying much sought-after inventory for buyers and renters alike.

 Mortgage rates fell quickly toward the end of the year as the Fed signaled that rate cuts were likely for 2024 , and as a result, both buyer and seller activity ticked up slightly heading into the new year.

In February, new listing activity climbed 11.3% , resulting in 14.8% more for-sale inventory in the month than one year prior. Though selling activity has picked up, inventory remains nearly 40% below pre-pandemic levels, making it a good time to be a seller today . While some homebuyers are waiting for mortgage rates to fall further before entering the housing market, it’s still a good time for homeowners to sell as buyers continue to need more for-sale options.

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Benefits of listing a home the week of April 14–20, 2024

At a national level, this week represents a balanced selection of market conditions that favor sellers. While it does not have the highest price or the lowest time on the market of the year, this week offers higher-than-average prices and lower-than-average time on the market while also offering a higher-than-average number of buyers—measured as viewers per listing.

While affordability will continue to be a challenge for buyers and sellers who are looking to buy, we expect lower mortgage rates and more new-construction inventory to offer some relief and inject some life back into the market. In more balanced housing market conditions, we expect the benefits of strategically listing during the most seasonally advantageous week to be greater.

Above-average prices:  Homes during this week have historically reached prices 1.1% higher than the average week throughout the year, and are typically 10.4% higher than the start of the year. This year is likely to look a lot like 2023 due to still-high housing costs. If 2024 follows the 2023 seasonal trend, the national median listing price could reach $7,400 above the average week, and $34,000 more than the start of the year. 

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Above-average buyer demand: The number of buyers looking at a listing can determine how many offers a home gets and how quickly it sells. The more buyers looking at a home, the better for the seller, and in most years, buyers start earlier than sellers.

Historically, this week garnered 18.4% more views per listing than the typical week. However, in 2023, this week got 22.8% more views per listing than the average week throughout the year. If mortgage rates fall more significantly this spring, it is possible that demand will surge sooner. However, if mortgage rates don’t soften until later in the year, then buyers may hold off in hopes of lower rates.

According to the February Fannie Mae housing survey , a near-all-time survey-high 35% of respondents indicated that they expect mortgage rates to go down in the next 12 months. After climbing through February, mortgage rates eased in the latest data. Mortgage rate expectations could lead more buyers to hold off until mortgage rates fall further, which may mean a slower ramp-up in demand this spring.

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Fast market pace: Thanks to above-average demand, homes sell more quickly during this week.

Historically, homes actively for sale during this week sold 17%, or roughly 9 days, faster than the average week. In the 2023 market, this week saw homes typically on the market for 46 days, 6 days faster than the year’s average and 7 days faster than was typical in 2019. The 2023 market moved more slowly than the previous few years due to affordability challenges, but the market pace picked up toward the end of the year and into 2024 as easing mortgage rates stoked buyer demand. If inventory levels remain relatively low, time on the market may pick up faster as buyers vie for fewer homes.

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Lower competition from other sellers: A typical inventory trend would mean 13.7% fewer sellers on the market during this week compared with the average week throughout the year. With few exceptions, the number of sellers tends to increase from the beginning of the year until roughly November. Last year saw more significant inventory gains after the first four months as buyer demand cooled, but sellers responded by pulling back on listings once again by the end of the year. Active inventory was 7.9% higher at the start of 2024 versus 2023 with the highest beginning-of-year inventory since 2020 . However, inventory was still 39.7% lower than pre-pandemic levels. This gap means there continue to be opportunities for sellers who enter the market this spring.

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Below-average price reductions: Price reductions tend to peak in the fall as sellers left on the market after the summer rush try to attract attention. Price reductions tend to be the lowest from late winter into spring as buyer activity ramps up.

During the Best Week, roughly 24.6% fewer homes have had a price reduction than the average week of the year, which translates to a 0.9 percentage point lower price-reduced share compared with the average week of the year. In 2023, this week saw roughly 8,000 fewer listings with price reductions than the average week of the year.

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Market dynamics shift—baby steps toward affordability

The 2023 housing market continued the slowdown seen in the second half of 2022. Home sales fell to the lowest level in over a decade as buyers struggled with still-high home prices and elevated mortgage rates. Sellers largely kept to the sidelines, hesitant to trade their existing mortgage for one with a much higher interest rate.

Though buyer demand waned, low for-sale inventory meant that buyers had fewer choices and faced competition in many markets, especially more affordable locales . As mortgage rates improved at the very end of the year, buyer demand picked up, indicating that home shoppers are eagerly awaiting a more affordable housing market.

Based on a recent survey , 40% of prospective buyers would find a home purchase feasible if rates were below 6%, and 32% would feel the same if rates fell below 5%.

  • Mortgage rates are expected to ease into the mid-6% range. Mortgage rates reached as high as 7.79% in 2023 before falling into the mid-to-high 6% range by the end of the year. We expect mortgage rates to remain in this range until incoming economic data suggests that inflation is slowing toward the 2% target level. To date, both employment and inflation have remained strong, which means that the Federal Open Market Committee is likely to hold off on any cuts to the federal funds rate until later in the year. Once rate cuts seem probable, mortgage rates are likely to ease.
  • Prices tend to peak later, as does competition. Sellers should consider that peak prices later in the season also come with greater competition from other sellers for a similar-sized pool of buyers. Historically, by the end of June, while prices reached near-peak levels (+13.8%) compared with the start of the year, new sellers also surged, increasing to nearly 1.5 times higher than at the start of the year (+49.3%). More sellers mean more options for buyers and therefore more competition among sellers . Sellers can mitigate that risk by being an early entrant into the market, raising their already high odds of a successful close and likely negotiating favorable terms.
  • Level of buyer and seller activity will be fairly dependent on mortgage rates. Many homeowners are hesitant to enter today’s housing market since their current mortgage rate is much lower than today’s prevailing rate. However, buyers are likely to return to the housing market eagerly upon mortgage rate improvements, which means sellers still stand to see favorable buyer attention on their home listing due to low inventory. While overall buyer demand may not be what it was in the past couple of years, many areas are still seeing competition for homes due to low inventory levels. 

What does this mean for sellers?

While we’ve identified april 14–20 as the best week to list for sellers, the housing market remains undersupplied, so a seller listing a well-priced, move-in ready home is likely to find success., because spring is generally the high season for real estate activity and buyers are more plentiful earlier rather than later in the year, listing earlier in the spring raises a seller’s odds of a successful sale. sellers will want to remember that it’s a process and get started well before their intended listing date. recent survey data shows that sellers typically took between a couple of weeks to a couple of months to prepare and list their home for sale., what does this mean for homebuyers.

For buyers who have been facing still-high home prices and elevated mortgage rates, there is a key takeaway: The usual seasonal dynamics of the housing market, builder sentiment, and general economic shifts suggest that it’s going to get better.

Inventory improved in late 2023, though levels remain below pre-pandemic levels. So far in 2024, new single-family construction activity and homebuilder sentiment have remained steady, and home completions have remained strong, suggesting that new inventory is likely to provide buyers more options into the spring.

Historically, the number of views per listing has cooled in the late summer/early fall and tends to improve for buyers from that point forward. Additionally, by mid-August, the number of sellers with actively listed homes increased 29% over the beginning of the year, which means more options for buyers . Thus, buyers who can persist in their home searches are likely to catch a bit of a break in the sense that they can expect some more options to choose from in the weeks ahead. 

Best Time to List—50 Largest Metro Areas

4/14/2024 10.4% $34,000 18.4% -24.6% -9 days -13.7%
4/14/2024 8.4% $34,000 19.8% -21.2% -7 -11.6%
4/14/2024 11.0% $60,000 30.2% -20.4% -13 -17.0%
3/17/2024 6.2% $20,000 23.1% -27.5% -5 -14.3%
5/12/2024 12.4% $35,000 13.0% -5.9% -11 -7.8%
3/17/2024 9.0% $72,000 26.3% -39.5% -11 -19.5%
3/31/2024 14.4% $35,000 31.8% -40.6% -7 -23.3%
4/14/2024 5.7% $23,000 21.0% -24.3% -9 -12.6%
4/14/2024 13.2% $46,000 21.1% -18.4% -8 -10.9%
4/14/2024 18.2% $60,000 19.9% -21.6% -7 -15.5%
4/14/2024 16.3% $35,000 22.1% -23.3% -8 -16.0%
3/24/2024 11.9% $44,000 35.7% -49.2% -8 -25.4%
4/21/2024 7.8% $34,000 26.9% -25.8% -9 -16.9%
3/31/2024 9.3% $56,000 19.3% -42.5% -12 -27.4%
4/14/2024 16.2% $37,000 35.2% -38.3% -9 -22.3%
3/17/2024 5.3% $21,000 27.7% -25.8% -7 -13.7%
4/14/2024 6.3% $22,000 22.2% -20.6% -7 -11.1%
5/5/2024 16.3% $50,000 26.4% -22.5% -10 -18.3%
4/14/2024 8.1% $33,000 26.9% -16.4% -7 -12.7%
3/24/2024 8.3% $34,000 18.9% -41.8% -3 -18.1%
3/24/2024 4.3% $20,000 33.7% -30.5% -6 -18.7%
3/31/2024 8.5% $94,000 15.6% -26.0% -5 -12.6%
4/28/2024 12.2% $37,000 16.5% -36.4% -6 -16.2%
5/12/2024 9.1% $29,000 15.0% -13.6% -10 -12.7%
4/21/2024 5.7% $33,000 20.5% -4.9% -3 -2.8%
3/24/2024 10.3% $35,000 26.6% -45.0% -6 -11.5%
3/17/2024 7.2% $31,000 25.3% -45.8% -6 -23.7%
4/14/2024 7.7% $43,000 24.1% -27.0% -7 -17.6%
4/14/2024 5.7% $18,000 17.9% -6.3% -11 -7.0%
3/31/2024 5.2% $38,000 16.0% -16.7% -11 -7.1%
4/7/2024 7.2% $23,000 13.8% -16.5% -7 -12.0%
4/21/2024 6.3% $27,000 25.9% -11.2% -5 -14.2%
3/24/2024 5.4% $18,000 22.9% -16.8% -7 -8.8%
4/21/2024 6.8% $36,000 22.9% -14.1% -4 -8.7%
4/14/2024 11.6% $27,000 23.1% -20.2% -10 -13.8%
3/24/2024 4.2% $26,000 28.8% -42.7% -9 -26.2%
4/14/2024 5.8% $30,000 20.6% -31.3% -7 -15.2%
4/14/2024 6.8% $30,000 23.4% -30.4% -10 -14.7%
4/21/2024 8.5% $36,000 23.9% -7.3% -7 -9.1%
4/14/2024 4.7% $28,000 23.8% -24.2% -5 -12.9%
3/31/2024 13.0% $32,000 22.8% -29.4% -6 -15.2%
3/31/2024 6.6% $42,000 24.0% -35.5% -7 -24.6%
4/21/2024 5.5% $19,000 24.5% 39.6% -8 -16.1%
3/31/2024 7.7% $75,000 18.2% -19.6% -5 -15.8%
3/24/2024 12.6% $118,000 19.2% 77.2% -6 -18.3%
3/24/2024 11.9% $153,000 15.2% -83.3% -7 -19.5%
3/31/2024 12.1% $90,000 23.9% -68.9% -9 -32.9%
3/24/2024 9.0% $25,000 19.5% -34.0% -4 -12.8%
4/21/2024 7.8% $33,000 29.1% -13.7% -5 -12.9%
4/21/2024 6.8% $26,000 20.9% -11.6% -9 -3.9%
3/24/2024 7.5% $43,000 19.0% -30.4% -9 -15.3%


Listing metrics (e.g., list prices) from 2018–19 and 2021–23 were measured on a weekly basis, with each week compared against a benchmark from the first full week of the year. Due to the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, 2020 was an uncharacteristic year and has therefore been excluded from the analysis. Averaging across the years yielded the “typical” seasonal trend for each metric. Percentile levels for each week were calculated along each metric (prices, listings, days on the market, etc.) and then averaged together across metrics to determine a Best Time to List score for each week. Rankings for each week were based on these Best Time to List scores.

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    The 'Maldives Insurance Industry: Key Trends and Opportunities to 2028' report provides in-depth market analysis, information, and insights into the Maldives insurance industry. The report provides a detailed outlook by product category for the Maldives insurance industry. It provides values for key performance indicators such as gross ...

  16. Maldives Food & Grocery Retail Market (2024-2030)

    4.3 Market Restraints. 5 Maldives Food & Grocery Retail Market Trends. 6 Maldives Food & Grocery Retail Market Segmentations. 6.1 Maldives Food & Grocery Retail Market, By Product. 6.1.1 Overview and Analysis. 6.1.2 Maldives Food & Grocery Retail Market Revenues & Volume, By Fresh Food, 2020-2030F. 6.1.3 Maldives Food & Grocery Retail Market ...

  17. Maldives PESTEL Analysis Market Research Report

    The current account balance for Maldives was negative and estimated to be at USD 0.606 billions for the year 2016 and is expected to decline at a CAGR of 7.19% and reach USD 0.53 by 2022. This negative current account balance indicates the Maldives is a net borrower from the whole world. Scope of Maldives - PESTEL Analysis Report.


    How We Started ICS commenced its market research operations during the last quarter of 2004. In 2004 ICS partnered with IMRB, Bombay (India) to conduct its first ever large qualitative and quantitative market research in the Maldives. IMRB experts visited the Maldives to train and develop our staff to carry out recruitment of respondents for focus group discussions as well as for field surveys ...

  19. Maldives Real Estate Market (2024-2030)

    Key Highlights of the Report: Maldives Real Estate Market Outlook. Market Size of Maldives Real Estate Market, 2023. Forecast of Maldives Real Estate Market, 2030. Historical Data and Forecast of Maldives Real Estate Revenues & Volume for the Period 2020-2030. Maldives Real Estate Market Trend Evolution.

  20. Maldives Market Research Report, Maldives Market Swot Analysis by Ken

    GlobalData's "Governance, Risk and Compliance - The Maldivian Insurance Industry", report is the result of extensive research into the insurance regulatory framework in Maldivies. Learn More Strategic Market Intelligence: Insurance Industry in Maldives - Key Trends and Opportunities to 2022

  21. Maldives Facility Operations and Security Management Market Insights

    Market Research on Maldives Facility Operations and Security Management Market Insights, Forecast to 2029 having pages and available at USD 4,000.00 from Market Research on Maldives Facility Operations and Security Management Market Insights, Forecast to 2029 having pages and priced at USD 4,000.00 launched by ...

  22. Maldives Food & Beverage Market Research Reports & Analysis page 1

    Maldives Food & Beverage Reports: Our 2024 Maldives report include trends, statistics, opportunities, sales data, market share, segmentation projections on the Food & Beverage market. page 1

  23. June 2024 Housing Market Trends Report— Research

    July 2024 Monthly Housing Market Trends Report. Data, Housing Demand, Housing Supply, Market Outlook. Aug 01, 2024 ... Join our mailing list to receive the latest data and research.

  24. 2024 Q2 Reno Retail Market Research Report

    The Reno/Sparks retail market recorded negative net absorption and rising vacancy at the mid-year point of 2024. Year-to-date leasing activity of 199,442 square feet declined 36.9% from the first half of 2023 as tenant demand is moderating from elevated levels in 2022 and 2023.

  25. MBA RIHA Report: Mortgage Industry Should Develop New Intervention

    WASHINGTON, D.C. (July 30, 2024) — Events such as the Great Financial Crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic caused high levels of housing market stress, leading to rising mortgage delinquencies.According to a new research report released today by the Mortgage Bankers Association's (MBA) Research Institute for Housing America (RIHA), examining current mortgage design models, underwriting standards ...

  26. Market Reports Archives

    The Rental Market Slowdown is Leveling Off (June 2024 Rental Market Report) Market Moves Closer to Balance as Sellers Return and Buyers Balk (May 2024 Market Report) Higher Wages, Steady Rental Market Have Allowed Renters to Catch Their Breath (May 2024 Rental Market Report)

  27. Maldives Construction Market Research Reports & Analysis page 1

    Maldives Construction Reports: Our 2024 Maldives report include trends, statistics, opportunities, sales data, market share, segmentation projections on the Construction market. page 1

  28. The Rental Market Slowdown is Leveling Off (June 2024 Rental Market Report)

    The months long slowdown in the rental market appears to be leveling off as the busy summer season kicks off. Rents are growing at their fastest annual pace in nearly a year — though the margins are slim — and concessions offered by landlords and property managers have flattened after reaching a three-year high this spring.

  29. "NanoViricides Broad Spectrum Technology Represents Potential Paradigm

    "[NanoViricides'] Novel anti-viral could boost a US$3 bln market - New focus on viral respiratory infections especially highly transmissible RSV," is the title of the research report published by John Savin, PhD, MBA, ProactiveInvestors, focusing on our clinical stage drug NV-387, on May 21st, 2024, in a separate and independent Research Report.

  30. The Best Time to Sell in 2024: The Week of April 14-20

    Reports; Data library; ... The Week of April 14-20. Data, Featured Articles, Local Market Insights, Research Blog. Mar 21, 2024 ... Market dynamics shift—baby steps toward affordability.