• Review Paper
  • Open access
  • Published: 14 January 2015

Climate change impacts and adaptation in forest management: a review

  • Rodney J. Keenan 1  

Annals of Forest Science volume  72 ,  pages 145–167 ( 2015 ) Cite this article

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Key message

Adaptation of forest management to climate change requires an understanding of the effects of climate on forests, industries and communities; prediction of how these effects might change over time; and incorporation of this knowledge into management decisions. This requires multiple forms of knowledge and new approaches to forest management decisions. Partnerships that integrate researchers from multiple disciplines with forest managers and local actors can build a shared understanding of future challenges and facilitate improved decision making in the face of climate change.

Climate change presents significant potential risks to forests and challenges for forest managers. Adaptation to climate change involves monitoring and anticipating change and undertaking actions to avoid the negative consequences and to take advantage of potential benefits of those changes.

This paper aimed to review recent research on climate change impacts and management options for adaptation to climate change and to identify key themes for researchers and for forest managers.

The study is based on a review of literature on climate change impacts on forests and adaptation options for forest management identified in the Web of Science database, focusing on papers and reports published between 1945 and 2013.

One thousand one hundred seventy-two papers were identified in the search, with the vast majority of papers published from 1986 to 2013. Seventy-six percent of papers involved assessment of climate change impacts or the sensitivity or vulnerability of forests to climate change and 11 % (130) considered adaptation. Important themes from the analysis included (i) predicting species and ecosystem responses to future climate, (ii) adaptation actions in forest management, (iii) new approaches and tools for decision making under uncertainty and stronger partnerships between researchers and practitioners and (iv) policy arrangements for adaptation in forest management.


Research to support adaptation to climate change is still heavily focused on assessing impacts and vulnerability. However, more refined impact assessments are not necessarily leading to better management decisions. Multi-disciplinary research approaches are emerging that integrate traditional forest ecosystem sciences with social, economic and behavioural sciences to improve decision making. Implementing adaptation options is best achieved by building a shared understanding of future challenges among different institutions, agencies, forest owners and stakeholders. Research-policy-practice partnerships that recognise local management needs and indigenous knowledge and integrate these with climate and ecosystem science can facilitate improved decision making.

1 Introduction

Anthropogenic climate change presents potential risks to forests and future challenges for forest managers. Responding to climate change, through both mitigation and adaptation, may represent a paradigm shift for forest managers and researchers (Schoene and Bernier 2012 ). Climate change is resulting in increasing air temperature and changing precipitation regimes, including changes to snowfall and to the timing, amount and inter-annual variability of rainfall (IPCC 2013 ). Forests are widespread, long-lived ecosystems that are both intensively and extensively managed. They are potentially sensitive to these longer term climatic changes, as are the societies and economies that depend on them (Bernier and Schöne 2009 ). Climate change increases the potential consequences of many existing challenges associated with environmental, social or economic change.

Whilst forest ecosystems are resilient and many species and ecosystems have adapted historically to changing conditions, future changes are potentially of such magnitudes or will occur at rates that are beyond the natural adaptive capacity of forest species or ecosystems, leading to local extinctions and the loss of important functions and services, including reduced forest carbon stocks and sequestration capacity (Seppälä et al. 2009 ).

Recent global warming has already caused many changes in forests (Lucier et al. 2009 ). Aspects of climate change may be positive for some tree species in some locations. Tree growth is observed to be increasing in some locations under longer growing seasons, warmer temperatures and increased levels of CO 2 . However, many projected future changes in climate and their indirect effects are likely to have negative consequences for forests. Observed shifts in vegetation distribution (Kelly and Goulden 2008 ; Lenoir et al. 2010 ) or increased tree mortality due to drought and heat in forests worldwide (Allen et al. 2010 ) may not be due to human-induced climate change but demonstrate the potential impacts of rapid climate change. These impacts may be aggravated by other human-induced environmental changes such as increases in low elevation ozone concentrations, nitrogenous pollutant deposition, the introduction of exotic insect pests and pathogens, habitat fragmentation and increased disturbances such as fire (Bernier and Schöne 2009 ). Other effects of climate change may also be important for forests. Sea level rise is already impacting on tidal freshwater forests (Doyle et al. 2010 ) and tidal saltwater forests (mangroves) are expanding landward in sub-tropical coastal reaches taking over freshwater marsh and forest zones (Di Nitto et al. 2014 ).

With projected future change, species ranges will expand or contract, the geographic location of ecological zones will shift, forest ecosystem productivity will change and ecosystems could reorganise following disturbances into ecological systems with no current analogue (Campbell et al. 2009 ; Fischlin et al. 2009 ). Forests types differ in their sensitivity to climatic change. Bernier and Schöne ( 2009 ) considered boreal, mountain, Mediterranean, mangrove and tropical moist forests most vulnerable to climate change. However, there has been recent debate about the vulnerability of tropical moist forests (Corlett 2011 ; Huntingford et al. 2013 ; Feeley et al. 2012 ), and temperate forests in areas subject to drier climates may be more at risk (Choat et al. 2012 ).

Adapting to these changing and uncertain future conditions can be considered from a number of perspectives (McEvoy et al. 2013 ). Policy and management might be directed at avoiding or reducing the impact of climate-related events, reducing vulnerability to future climatic conditions, managing a broader suite of climate ‘risks’ or increasing resilience and capacity in forest ecological and production systems to recover from climate ‘shocks’.

Adapting forest management to climate change involves monitoring and anticipating change and undertaking actions to avoid the negative consequences or take advantage of potential benefits of those changes (Levina and Tirpak 2006 ). Adopting the principles and practices of sustainable forest management (SFM) can provide a sound basis for addressing the challenges of climate change. However, Innes et al. ( 2009 ) pointed out that our failure to implement the multi-faceted components of sustainable forest management in many forests around the world is likely to limit capacity to adapt to climate change. Forest managers will need to plan at multiple spatial and temporal scales and adopt more adaptive and collaborative management approaches to meet future challenges.

Whilst forest managers are accustomed to thinking in long time scales—considering the long-term implications of their decisions and factoring in uncertainty and unknowns into management—many are now responding to much shorter term social or economic imperatives. Local forestry practices are often based on an implicit assumption that local climate conditions will remain constant (Guariguata et al. 2008 ). Other social and economic changes will also continue to drive changes in forest management (Ince et al. 2011 ). For example, a growing global population, rapid economic development and increased wealth are driving demand for food and fibre crops and forest conversion to agriculture in many developing countries (Gibbs et al. 2010 ). Climate change mitigation objectives are increasing demands for wood-based bioenergy and the use of wood in construction and industrial systems. Increasing urbanisation is changing the nature of social demands on forests, and decreasing rural populations is limiting the availability of labour and capacity for intensive forest management interventions.

Ecosystem-based adaptation is being promoted as having the potential to incorporate sustainable management, conservation and restoration of ecosystems into adaptation to climate change (IUCN 2008 ). This can be achieved more effectively by integrating ecosystem management and adaptation into national development policies through education and outreach to raise societal awareness about the value of ecosystem services (Vignola et al. 2009 ).

Kimmins ( 2002 ) invoked the term ‘future shock’, first coined by Toffler ( 1970 ) to describe the situation where societal expectations from forests were changing faster than the institutional capacity for change in forest management organisations. The pace of climate change is likely to intensify this phenomenon. Empirically based management based on traditional ‘evidence-based’ approaches therefore will potentially not develop quickly enough for development of effective future management options. How can managers consider rapid change and incorporate the prospect of very different, but uncertain, future climatic conditions into their management decisions? What types of tools are needed to improve decision making capacity?

This study aimed to review the literature on studies to support forest management in a changing climate. It builds on the major review of Seppala ( 2009 ), in particular Chapter 6 of that report by Innes et al. ( 2009 ).

The study involved a systematic assessment of the literature based on the database Web of Science (Thomson-Reuters 2014 ), an online scientific citation indexing service that provides the capacity to search multiple databases, allowing in-depth exploration of the literature within an academic or scientific discipline.

The following search terms were used in the titles of publications:

(forest* or tree* or (terrestrial and ecosystem)) and climat* and (adapt* or impact* or effect* or respons*) and

(forest* or tree*) and climat* and vulnerabilit* or sensitivit*)

The search was restricted to publications between 1945 and 2013. References related solely to climate change mitigation were excluded, as were references where the word ‘climate’ simply referred to a study in a particular climatic zone. This left a database of 1172 publications for analyses (a spreadsheet of the papers revealed in the search can be obtained from the author). References were classified into various types of studies and different regions, again based on the titles. Not all papers identified in the search are referenced. The selection of themes for discussion and papers for citation was a subjective one, based on scanning abstracts and results from relevant individual papers. The focus was important themes from key papers and literature from the last 5 years. The review includes additional papers not revealed in the search relating to these themes including selected papers from the literature in the year 2014.

Of the published papers relating to climate impacts or adaptation selected for analysis, the vast majority of papers were published from 1986 onwards. The earliest paper dated from 1949 (Gentilli 1949 ) analysing the effects of trees on climate, water and soil. Most studies prior to 1986 (and even some published later) focused on the effects of trees on local or wider regional climate (Lal and Cummings 1979 ; Otterman et al. 1984 ; Bonan et al. 1992 ), the implications of climate variability (Hansenbristow et al. 1988 ; Ettl and Peterson 1995 ; Chen et al. 1999 ), studies of tree and forest responses across climatic gradients (Grubb and Whitmore 1966 ; Bongers et al. 1999 ; Davidar et al. 2007 ) or responses to historical climate (Macdonald et al. 1993 ; Huntley 1990 ; Graumlich 1993 ).

One thousand twenty-six papers specifically addressed future climate change (rather than historical climate or gradient analysis). Of these, 88 % studied impacts, effects, vulnerability or responses to climate change in tree species, forests, forest ecosystems or the forest sector (Fig.  1 ). The first study analysing the potential impacts of future climate change on terrestrial ecosystems was published in 1985 (Emanuel et al. 1985 ) with other highly cited papers soon after (Pastor and Post 1988 ; Cannell et al. 1989 ).

Publication numbers by publication year for publications relating to climate change and forests from a search of the Web of Science database to the end of 2013 (1025 in total, 896 publications studied climate change impacts, responses or vulnerability, 129 studied adaptation)

Twelve percent of papers (129) considered adaptation options, including 10 papers on adaptation in the forest sector. The first papers to focus on adaptation in the context of climate change were in 1996 with a number of papers published in that year (Kienast et al. 1996 ; Kobak et al. 1996 ; Dixon et al. 1996 ). Publications were then relatively few each year until the late 2000s with numbers increasing to 11 in 2009, 22 in 2010 and 27 in 2011. Publications on adaptation dropped to 14 papers in 2013. The ratio of adaptation-related papers has increased more recently, with 19 % of total publications on adaptation in the last 5 years. Most papers considering adaptation since the early 2000s have related to the integration of adaptation and forest management (e.g. Lindner 2000 ; Spittlehouse 2005 ; Kellomaki et al. 2008 ; Guariguata 2009 ; Bolte et al. 2009 ; Keskitalo 2011 ; Keenan 2012 ; Temperli et al. 2012 ).

Analyses of the implications of climate change for the forest sector have focused heavily on North America: Canada (Ohlson et al. 2005 ; Van Damme 2008 ; Rayner et al. 2013 ; Johnston et al. 2012 ) and the USA (Joyce et al. 1995 ; Blate et al. 2009 ; Kerhoulas et al. 2013 ); and Europe (Karjalainen et al. 2003 ; von Detten and Faber 2013 ). There has been a stronger consideration in recent years of social, institutional and policy issues (Ogden and Innes 2007b ; Kalame et al. 2011 ; Nkem et al. 2010 ; Spies et al. 2010 ; Somorin et al. 2012 ) and the assessment of adaptive capacity in forest management organisations and in society more generally (Keskitalo 2008 ; Lindner et al. 2010 ; Bele et al. 2013a ).

Regionally, there have been relatively few published journal articles on impacts or adaptation in forests in the Southern Hemisphere (Hughes et al. 1996 ; Williams 2000 ; Pinkard et al. 2010 ; Gonzalez et al. 2011 ; Mok et al. 2012 ; Breed et al. 2013 ), although there have been more studies in the grey literature for Australian forests (Battaglia et al. 2009 ; Cockfield et al. 2011 ; Medlyn et al. 2011 ; Stephens et al. 2012 ). There have been some valuable analyses for the tropics (Guariguata et al. 2008 , 2012 ; Somorin et al. 2012 ; Feeley et al. 2012 ).

Analysis of the publications identified the following key themes: (i) predicting species and ecosystem responses to future climate, (ii) adaptation actions in forest management, (iii) new approaches and tools for decision making under uncertainty and stronger partnerships between researchers and practitioners and (iv) policy arrangements for adaptation in forest management. These are discussed in more detail below.

3.1 Predicting species and ecosystem responses to future climate

Forest managers have long used climatic information in a range of ways in planning and decision making. Climate information has been used extensively to define and map vegetation types and ecological zones and for modelling habitat distributions of vertebrates and invertebrates (Daubenmire 1978 ; Pojar et al. 1987 ; Thackway and Cresswell 1992 ), for species and provenance selection (Booth et al. 1988 ; Booth 1990 ) and seed zone identification (Johnson et al. 2004 ), for forest fire weather risk assessment and fire behaviour modelling (Carvalho et al. 2008 ), for modelling forest productivity (Battaglia et al. 2004 ) and analysing the dynamics of a range of ecological processes (Anderson 1991 ; Breymeyer and Melillo 1991 ). Predicting species responses to future climate change presents a different set of challenges, involving consideration of predictions of future climate that are often outside the historical range of variability of many species. These challenges are discussed in the next section.

3.1.1 Species responses to climate

Aitken et al. ( 2008 ) argued that there were three possible fates for forest tree populations in rapidly changing climatic conditions: persistence through spatial migration to track their ecological niches, persistence through adaptation to new conditions in current locations or the extirpation of the species. Predicting the potential fate of populations in these conditions requires the integration of knowledge across biological scales from individual genes to ecosystems, across spatial scales (for example, seed and pollen dispersal distances or breadth of species ranges) and across temporal scales from the phenology of annual developmental cycle traits to glacial and interglacial cycles.

Whilst there has been widespread use of climatic information to predict future distributions in species distribution models (SDMs, Pearson and Dawson 2003 ; Attorre et al. 2008 ; Wang et al. 2012 ; Ruiz-Labourdette et al. 2013 ), understanding of the range of climatic and non-climatic factors that will determine the future range of a particular species remains limited. Many now feel that SDMs are of limited value in adaptation decision making or species conservation strategies. Some of these limitations are summarised in Table  1 .

For example, models indicate significant shifts in patterns of tree species distribution over the next century but usually without any intrinsic consideration of the biological capacity of populations to move, internal population dynamics, the extent and role of local adaptation or the effects of climate and land use (Aitken et al. 2008 ; Thuiller et al. 2008 ). In a recent study, Dobrowski et al. ( 2013 ) found that the predicted speed of movement of species to match the predicted rate of climate change appears to be well beyond the historical rates of migration. Whilst modelled outputs suggest that migration rates of 1000 m per year or higher will be necessary to track changing habitat conditions (Malcolm et al. 2002 ), actual migration rates in response to past change are generally considered to have been less than 100 m per year. This was reinforced by model predictions that incorporate species dispersal characteristics for five tree species in the eastern USA indicated very low probabilities of dispersal beyond 10–20 km from current species boundaries by 2100 (Iverson et al. 2004 ). Corlett and Westcott ( 2013 ) also argued that plant movements are not realistically represented in models used to predict future vegetation or carbon-cycle feedbacks and that fragmentation of natural systems is likely to slow migration rates.

However, these estimates do not account for the role of humans in influencing tree species distributions, which they have done for thousands of years (Clark 2007 ), and managed translocation may be an option for conserving many tree species, but there are significant unresolved technical and social questions about implementing translocation at a larger scale (Corlett and Westcott 2013 ).

Most early SDMs relied primarily on temperature envelopes to model future distribution, but factors such as precipitation and soil moisture are potentially more limiting and more important in determining distribution patterns (Dobrowski et al. 2013 ). Aitken et al. ( 2008 ) found that the degree to which variation in precipitation explains phenotypic variation among populations is greater in general for populations from continental than from maritime climates and greater for lower latitude than higher latitude populations. However, precipitation alone is often not a good predictor of variation and there is often a strong interaction with temperature (Andalo et al. 2005 ). Heat to moisture index or aridity is probably more important in determining future distribution or productivity than precipitation alone (Aitken et al. 2008 ; Harper et al. 2009 ; Wang et al. 2012 ). Soil properties (depth, texture and organic matter content) have a major influence on plant-available water, but few SDMs incorporate these.

Future precipitation is proving more difficult to model than temperature, due to the complex effects of topography, and there are more widely varying estimates between global circulation models (GCMs) of future change in precipitation (IPCC 2013 ). As such, there is more uncertainty around the extent to which moisture stress will change with warming and the extent to which natural selection pressures will change as a result. Even without changes in precipitation, increased temperatures will increase the length of growing season and potential evapotranspiration (PET) resulting in more water use over the year and greater risk plant water shortage and drought death.

Changes in the intervals of extreme events (extreme heat, cold, precipitation, humidity, wind) may also matter more than changes in the mean. Current forecasting approaches that produce future climate averages may make it difficult to detect non-linear ecosystem dynamics, or threshold effects, that could trigger abrupt ecosystem change (Campbell et al. 2009 ). Zimmermann et al. ( 2009 ) found that predictions of spatial patterns of tree species in Switzerland were improved by incorporating measures of extremes in addition to means in SDMs.

The risks of future climate will also depend on the management goal. If the aim is simply to conserve genetic diversity, risks of extinction or reduction in genetic diversity may be overstated by SDMs because much of the genetic variation within tree species is found within rather than among their populations, and the extinction of a relatively large proportion of a population is generally likely to result in relatively little overall loss of genetic diversity (Hamrick 2004 ). Local habitat heterogeneity (elevation, slope aspect, moisture, etc.) can preserve adaptive genetic variation that, when recombined and exposed to selection in newly colonised habitats, can provide for local adaptation. The longevity of individual trees can also retard population extinction and allow individuals and populations to survive until habitat recovery or because animal and wind pollination can provide levels of pollen flow that are sufficient to counteract the effects of genetic drift in fragmented populations. Consequently, widespread species with large populations, high fecundity and higher levels of phenotypic plasticity are likely to persist and adapt and have an overall greater tolerance to changing climates than predicted by SDMs (Alberto et al. 2013 ).

Tree species distributions have always been dynamic, responding to changing environmental conditions, and populations are likely to be sub-optimal for their current environments (Namkoong 2001 ; Wu and Ying 2004 ). These lag effects are important in predicting species responses to climate change. In a modelling study of Scots pine and silver birch, Kuparinen et al. ( 2010 ) predicted that after 100 years of climate change, the genotypic growth period length of both species will lag more than 50 % behind the climatically determined optimum. This lag is reduced by increased mortality of established trees, whereas earlier maturation and higher dispersal ability had comparatively minor effects. Thuiller et al. ( 2008 ) suggest that mechanisms for incorporating these ‘trailing edge’ effects into SDMs are a major area of research potential.

Trees are also capable of long-distance gene flow, which can have both adaptive evolution benefits and disadvantages. Kremer et al. ( 2012 ) found that there may be greater positive effects of gene flow for adaptation but that the balance of positive to negative consequences of gene flow differs for leading edge, core and rear sections of forest distributions.

Epigenetics—heritable changes that are not caused by changes in genetic sequences but by differences in the way DNA methylation controls the degree of gene expression—is another complicating factor in determining evolutionary response to climate change (Brautigam et al. 2013 ). For example, a recent study in Norway spruce ( Picea abies ) showed that the temperature during embryo development can dramatically affect cold hardiness and bud phenology in the offspring. In some cases, the offspring’s phenotype varied by the equivalent of 6° of latitude from what was expected given the geographic origin of the parents. It remains uncertain whether these traits are persistent, both within an individual’s lifetime and in its offspring and subsequent generations (Aitken et al. 2008 ). It is suggested that analysis of the epigenetic processes in an ecological context, or ‘ecological epigenetics’, is set to transform our understanding of the way in which organisms function in the landscape. Increased understanding of these processes can inform efforts to manage and breed tree species to help them cope with environmental stresses (Brautigam et al. 2013 ). Others argue that whilst investigating this evolutionary capacity to adapt is important, understanding responses of species to their changing biotic community is imperative (Anderson et al. 2012 ) and ‘landscape genomics’ may offer a better approach for informing management of tree populations under climate change (Sork et al. 2013 ).

These recent results indicate the importance of accounting for evolutionary processes in forecasts of the future dynamics and productivity of forests. Species experiencing high mortality rates or populations that are subject to regular disturbances such as storms or fires might actually be the quickest to adapt to a warming climate.

Species life history characteristics are also not usually well represented in most climate-based distribution models. Important factors include age to sexual maturity, fecundity, seed dispersal, competition or chilling or dormancy requirements (Nitschke and Innes 2008b ).

Competitive relationships within and between species are likely to be altered by climate change. Most models also assume open site growth conditions, rather than those within a forest, where the growth environment will be quite different. However, increased disturbance associated with climate change may create stand reinitiation conditions more often than has occurred in the past, altering competitive interactions.

Process-based models of species range shifts and ecosystem change may capture more of the life history variables and competition effects that will be important in determining responses to climate change (Kimmins 2008 ; Nitschke and Innes 2008a , b ). These can provide the basis for a more robust assessment framework that integrates biological characteristics (e.g. shade tolerance and seedling establishment) and disturbance characteristics (e.g. insect pests, drought and fire topkill). Matthews et al. ( 2011 ) integrated these factors into a decision support system that communicates uncertainty inherent in GCM outputs, emissions scenarios and species responses. This demonstrated a greater diversity among species to adapt to climate change and provides a more practical assessment of future species projections.

In summary, whilst SDMs and other climate-based modelling approaches can provide a guide to potential species responses, the extent to which future climate conditions will result in major range shifts or extinction of species is unclear and the value of this approach in adaptation and decision making is limited. The evidence from genetic studies seems to suggest that many species are reasonably robust to potential future climate change. Those with a wide geographic range, large populations and high fecundity may suffer local population extinction but are likely to persist and adapt whilst suffering adaptational lag for a few generations. For example, Booth ( 2013 ) considered that many eucalyptus species, some of which are widely planted around the world, had a high adaptive capacity even though their natural ranges are quite small.

However, large contractions or shifts in distribution could have significant consequences for different forest values and species with small populations, fragmented ranges, low fecundity or suffering declines due to introduced insects or diseases may have a higher sensitivity and are at greater risk in a changing climate (Aitken et al. 2008 ).

3.1.2 Ecosystem responses to climate

Projecting the fate of forest ecosystems under a changing climate is more challenging than for species. It has been well understood for some time that species will respond individualistically to climate change, rather than moving in concert, and that this is likely to result in ‘novel’ ecosystems, or groups of species, that are not represented in current classifications (Davis 1986 ). Forecasts need to consider the importance of these new species interactions and the confounding effects of future human activities.

Climate change affects a wide range of ecosystem functions and processes (Table  2 ). These include direct effects of temperature and precipitation on physiological and reproductive processes such as photosynthesis, water use, flowering, fruiting and regeneration, growth and mortality and litter decomposition. Changes in these processes will have effects on species attributes such as wood density or foliar nutrient status. Indirect effects will be exhibited through changing fire and other climate-driven disturbances. These will ultimately have impacts on stand composition, habitat structure, timber supply capacity, soil erosion and water yield.

Most early studies of forest ecosystem responses to climate change were built around ecosystem process models at various scales (Graham et al. 1990 ; Running and Nemani 1991 ; Rastetter et al. 1991 ). A number of recent studies have investigated the effects of past and current climate change on forest processes, often with surprising effects (Groffman et al. 2012 ).

Observed forest growth has increased recently in a number of regions, for example over the last 100 years in Europe (Pretzsch et al. 2014 ; Kint et al. 2012 ), and for more recent observations in Amazon forests (Phillips et al. 2008 ). In a major review, Boisvenue and Running ( 2006 ) found that at finer spatial scales, a trend is difficult to decipher, but globally, based on both satellite and ground-based data, climatic changes seemed to have a generally positive impact on forest productivity when water was not limiting. However, there can be a strong difference between species, complicating ecosystem level assessments (Michelot et al. 2012 ), and there are areas with little observed change (Schwartz et al. 2013 ). Generally, there are significant challenges in detecting the response of forests to climate change. For example, in the tropics, the lack of historical context, long-term growth records and access to data are real barriers (Clark 2007 ) and temperate regions also have challenges, even with well-designed, long-term experiments (Leites et al. 2012 ).

Projections of net primary productivity (NPP) under climate change indicate that there is likely to be a high level of regional variation (Zhao et al. 2013 ). Using a process model and climate scenario projections, Peters et al. ( 2013 ) predicted that average regional productivity in forests in the Great Lakes region of North America could increase from 67 to 142 %, runoff could potentially increase from 2 to 22 % and net N mineralization from 10 to 12 %. Increased productivity was almost entirely driven by potential CO 2 fertilization effects, rather than by increased temperature or changing precipitation. Productivity in these forests could shift from temperature limited to water limited by the end of the century. Reyer et al. ( 2014 ) also found strong regional differences in future NPP in European forests, with potential growth increases in the north but reduced growth in southern Europe, where forests are likely to be more water limited in the future. Again, assumptions about the impact of increasing CO 2 were a significant factor in this study.

In a different type of study using analysis of over 2400 long-term measurement plots, Bowman et al. ( 2014 ) found that there was a peaked response to temperature in temperate and sub-tropical eucalypt forests, with maximum growth occurring at a mean annual temperature of 11 °C and maximum temperature of the warmest month of 25–27 °C. Lower temperatures directly constrain growth, whilst high temperatures primarily reduced growth by reducing water availability but they also appeared to exert a direct negative effect. Overall, the productivity of Australia’s temperate eucalypt forests could decline substantially as the climate warms, given that 87 % of these forests currently experience a mean annual temperature above the ‘optimal’ temperature.

Incorporating the effects of rising CO 2 in models of future tree growth continues to be a major challenge. The sensitivity of projected productivity to assumptions regarding increased CO 2 was high in modelling studies of climate change impacts in commercial timber plantations in the Southern Hemisphere (Kirschbaum et al. 2012 ; Battaglia et al. 2009 ), and a recent analysis indicated a general convergence of different model predictions for future tree species distribution in Europe, with most of the difference between models due to the way in which this effect is incorporated (Cheaib et al. 2012 ). Increased CO 2 has been shown to increase the water-use efficiency of trees, but this is unlikely to entirely offset the effects of increased water stress on tree growth in drying climates (Leuzinger et al. 2011 ; Booth 2013 ). In general, despite studies extending over decades and improved understanding of biochemical processes (Franks et al. 2013 ), the impacts of increased CO 2 on tree and stand growth are still unresolved (Kallarackal and Roby 2012 ).

Integrating process model outputs with spatially explicit landscape models can improve understanding and projection of responses and landscape planning and this could provide for simulations of changes in ecological processes (e.g. tree growth, succession, disturbance cycles, dispersal) with other human-induced changes to landscapes (Campbell et al. 2009 ).

Investigation of current species responses to changing climate conditions may also guide improved prediction of patterns of future change in ecosystem distribution. For example, Allen et al. ( 2010 ) suggest that spatially explicit documentation of environmental conditions in areas of forest die-off is necessary to link mortality to causal climate drivers, including precipitation, temperature and vapour pressure deficit. Better prediction of climate responses will also require improved knowledge of belowground processes and soil moisture conditions. Assessments of future productivity will depend on accurate measurements of rates (net ecosystem exchange and NPP), changes in ecosystem level storage (net ecosystem production) and quantification of disturbances effects to determine net biome production (Boisvenue and Running 2006 ).

Hydrological conditions, runoff and stream flow are of critical importance for humans and aquatic organisms, and many studies have focused on the implications of climate change for these ecosystem processes. However, most of these have been undertaken at small catchment scale (Mahat and Anderson 2013 ; Neukum and Azzam 2012 ; Zhou et al. 2011 ) with few basin-scale assessments (van Dijk and Keenan 2007 ). However, the effects of climate and forest cover change on hydrology are complicated. Loss of tree cover may increase stream flow but can also increase evaporation and water loss (Guardiola-Claramonte et al. 2011 ). The extent of increasing wildfire will also be a major factor determining hydrological responses to climate change (Versini et al. 2013 ; Feikema et al. 2013 ).

Changing forest composition will also affect the habitat of vertebrate and invertebrate species. The implications of climate change for biodiversity conservation have been subject to extensive analysis (Garcia et al. 2014 ; Vihervaara et al. 2013 ; Schaich and Milad 2013 ; Clark et al. 2011 ; Heller and Zavaleta 2009 ; Miles et al. 2004 ). An integrated analytical approach, considering both impacts on species and habitat is important. For example, in a study of climate change impacts on bird habitat in the north-eastern USA, the combination of changes in tree distribution and habitat for birds resulted in significant impacts for 60 % of the species. However, the strong association of birds with certain vegetation tempers their response to climate change because localised areas of suitable habitat may persist even after the redistribution of tree species (Matthews et al. 2011 ).

Understanding thresholds in changing climate conditions that are likely to result in a switch to a different ecosystem state, and the mechanisms that underlie ecosystem responses, will be critical for forest managers (Campbell et al. 2009 ). Identifying these thresholds of change is challenging. Detailed process-based ecosystem research that identifies and studies critical species interactions and feedback loops, coupled with scenario modelling of future conditions, could provide valuable insights (Kimmins et al. 1999 , 2008 ; Walker and Meyers 2004 ). Also, rather than pushing systems across thresholds into alternative states, climate change may create a stepwise progression to unknown transitional states that track changing climate conditions, requiring a more graduated approach in management decisions (Lin and Petersen 2013 ).

Ultimately, management decisions may not be driven by whether we can determine future thresholds of change, but by observing the stressors that determine physiological limits of species distributions. These thresholds will depend on species physiology and local site conditions, with recent research demonstrating already observed ecosystem responses to climate change, including die-back of some species (Allen et al. 2010 ; Rigling et al. 2013 ).

3.1.3 Fire, pests, invasive species and disturbance risks

Many of the impacts of a changing future climate are likely to be felt through changing disturbance regimes, in particular fire. Forest fire weather risk and fire behaviour prediction have been two areas where there has been strong historical interaction between climate science and forest management and where we may see major tipping points driving change in ecosystem composition (Adams 2013 ). Fire weather is fundamentally under the control of large-scale climate conditions with antecedent moisture anomalies and large-scale atmospheric circulation patterns, further exacerbated by configuration of local winds, driving fire weather (Brotak and Reifsnyder 1977 ; Westerling et al. 2002 , 2006 ). It is therefore important to improve understanding of both short- and long-term atmospheric conditions in determining meteorological fire risk (Amraoui et al. 2013 ).

Increased fuel loads and changes to forest structure due to long periods of fire exclusion and suppression are increasing fire intensity and limiting capacity to control fires under severe conditions (Williams 2004 , 2013 ). Increasing urbanisation is increasing the interface between urban populations and forests in high fire risk regions, resulting in greater impacts of wildfire on human populations, infrastructure and assets (Williams 2004 ). Deforestation and burning of debris and other types of human activities are also introducing fire in areas where it was historically relatively rare (Tacconi et al. 2007 ).

In a recent study, Chuvieco et al. ( 2014 ) assessed ecosystem vulnerability to fire using an index based on ecological richness and fragility, provision of ecosystem services and value of houses in the wildland–urban interface. The most vulnerable areas were found to be the rainforests of the Amazon Basin, Central Africa and Southeast Asia; the temperate forest of Europe, South America and north-east America; and the ecological corridors of Central America and Southeast Asia.

In general, fire management policies in many parts of the world will need to cope with longer and more severe fire seasons, increasing fire frequency, and larger areas exposed to fire risk. This will especially be the case in the Mediterranean region of Europe (Kolström et al. 2011 ) and other fire-prone parts of the world such as South Eastern Australia (Hennessy et al. 2005 ). This will require improved approaches to fire weather modelling and behaviour prediction that integrate a more sophisticated understanding of the climate system with local knowledge of topography, vegetation and wind patterns. It will also require the development of fire management capacity where it had previously not been necessary. Increased fire weather severity could push current suppression capacity beyond a tipping point, resulting in a substantial increase in large fires (de Groot et al. 2013 ; Liu et al. 2010 ) and increased investment in resources and management efforts for disaster prevention and recovery.

Biotic factors may be more important than direct climate effects on tree populations in a changing climate. For example, insects and diseases have much shorter generation length and are able to adapt to new climatic conditions more rapidly than trees. However, if insects move more rapidly to a new environment whilst tree species lag, some parts of the tree population may be impacted less in the future (Regniere 2009 ).

The interaction of pests, diseases and fire will also be important. For example, this interaction will potentially determine the vulnerability of western white pine ( Pinus monticola ) ecosystems in Montana in the USA. Loehman et al. ( 2011 ) found that warmer temperatures will favour western white pine over existing climax and shade tolerant species, mainly because warmer conditions will lead to increased frequency and extent of wildfires that facilitates regeneration of this species.

3.2 Adaptation actions in forest management

The large majority of published studies relating to forests and climate change have been on vulnerability and impacts. These have increased understanding of the various relationships between forest ecosystems and climate and improved capacity to predict and assess ecosystem responses. However, managers need greater guidance in anticipating and responding to potential impacts of climate change and methods to determine the efficiency and efficacy of different management responses because they are generally not responding sufficiently to potential climate risks.

3.2.1 Adaptation actions at different management levels

A number of recent reviews have described adaptation actions and their potential application in different forest ecosystems being managed for different types of goods or services (Bernier and Schöne 2009 ; Innes et al. 2009 ; Lindner et al. 2010 ; Kolström et al. 2011 ), and adaptation guides and manuals have been developed (Peterson et al. 2011 ; Stephens et al. 2012 ) for different types of forest and jurisdictions. Adaptation actions can be primarily aimed at reducing vulnerability to increasing threats or shocks from natural disasters or extreme events, or increasing resilience and capacity to respond to progressive change or climate extremes. Adaptation actions can be reactive to changing conditions or planned interventions that anticipate future change. They may involve incremental changes to existing management systems or longer term transformational changes (Stafford Smith et al. 2011 ). Adaptation actions can also be applied at the stand level or at ownership, estate or national scales (Keskitalo 2011 ).

Recent research at the stand level in forests in the SE USA showed that forest thinning, often recommended in systems that are likely to experience increased temperature and decreased precipitation as a result of climate change, will need to be more aggressive than traditionally practised to stimulate growth of large residual trees, improve drought resistance and provide greater resilience to future climate-related stress (Kerhoulas et al. 2013 ).

An analysis of three multi-aged stand-level options in Nova Scotia, Canada, Steenberg et al. ( 2011 ) found that leaving sexually immature trees to build stand complexity had the most benefit for timber supply but was least effective in promoting resistance to climate change at the prescribed harvest intensity. Varying the species composition of harvested trees proved the most effective treatment for maximising forest age and old-growth area and for promoting stands composed of climatically suited target species. The combination of all three treatments resulted in an adequate representation of target species and old forest without overly diminishing the timber supply and was considered most effective in minimising the trade-offs between management values and objectives.

An estate level analysis of Austrian Federal Forests indicated that management to promote mixed stands of species that are likely to be well adapted to emerging environmental conditions, silvicultural techniques fostering complexity and increased management intensity might successfully reduce vulnerability, with the timing of adaptation measures important to sustain supply of forest goods and services (Seidl et al. 2011 ).

Whilst researchers are analysing different management options, the extent to which they are being implemented in practice is generally limited. For example, in four regions in Germany, strategies for adapting forest management to climate change are in the early stages of development or simply supplement existing strategies relating to general risk reduction or to introduce more ‘nature-orientated’ forest management (Milad et al. 2013 ). Guariguata et al. ( 2012 ) found that forest managers across the tropics perceived that natural and planted forests are at risk from climate change but were ambivalent about the value of investing in adaptation measures, with climate-related threats to forests ranked below others such as clearing for commercial agriculture and unplanned logging.

Community-based management approaches are often argued to be the most successful approach for adaptation. An analysis of 38 community forestry organisations in British Columbia found that 45 % were researching adaptation and 32 % were integrating adaptation techniques into their work (Furness and Nelson 2012 ). Whilst these community forest managers appreciated support and advice from government for adaptation, balancing this advice with autonomy for communities to make their own decisions was considered challenging.

In a study of communities impacted by drought in the forest zone of Cameroon, Bele et al. ( 2013b ) identified adaptive strategies such as community-created firebreaks to protect their forests and farms from forest fires, the culture of maize and other vegetables in dried swamps, diversifying income activities or changing food regimes. However, these coping strategies were considered to be incommensurate with the rate and magnitude of change being experienced and therefore no longer seen as useful. Some adaptive actions, whilst effective, were resource inefficient and potentially translate pressure from one sector to another or generated other secondary effects that made them undesirable.

3.2.2 Integrating adaptation and mitigation

In considering responses to climate change, forest managers will generally be looking for solutions that address both mitigation objectives and adaptation. To maintain or increase forest carbon stocks over the long term, the two are obviously inextricably linked (Innes et al. 2009 ). Whilst there are potentially strong synergies, Locatelli et al. ( 2011 ) identified potential trade-offs between actions to address mitigation and the provision of local ecosystem services and those for adaptation. They argued that mitigation projects can facilitate or hinder the adaptation of local people to climate change, whereas adaptation projects can affect ecosystems and their potential to sequester carbon.

Broadly, there has been little integration to date of mitigation and adaptation objectives in climate policy. For example, there is little connection between policies supporting the reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation plus (REDD+) initiatives and adaptation. Integrating adaptation into REDD+ can advance climate change mitigation goals and objectives for sustainable forest management (Long 2013 ). Kant and Wu ( 2012 ) considered that adaptation actions in tropical forests (protection against fire and disease, ensuring adequate regeneration and protecting against coastal impacts and desertification) will improve future forest resilience and have significant climate change mitigation value.

3.2.3 Sector-level adaptation

Analyses of climate change impacts and vulnerability at the sector level have been undertaken for some time (Lindner et al. 2002 ; Johnston and Williamson 2007 ; Joyce 2007 ). However, it has recently been argued (Wellstead et al. 2014 ) that these assessments, which focus on macro system-level variables and relationships, fail to account for the multi-level or polycentric nature of governance and the possibility that policy processes may result in the non-performance of critical tasks required for adaptation.

Joyce et al. ( 2009 ) considered that a toolbox of management options for the US National Forests would include the following: practices focused on reducing future climate change effects by building resistance and resilience into current ecosystems and on managing for change by enabling plants, animals and ecosystems to adapt to climate change. Sample et al. ( 2014 ) demonstrated the utility of this approach in a coniferous forest management unit in northwestern USA. It provided an effective means for guiding management decisions and an empirical basis for setting budgetary and management priorities. In general, more widespread implementation of already known practices that reduce the impact of existing stressors represents an important ‘no regrets’ strategy.

Johnston and Hesseln ( 2012 ) found that barriers to implementing adaptation across forest sector managers in Canada included inflexible tenure arrangements and regulatory environments which do not support innovation. Echoing calls for wider implementation of SFM as a key adaptation strategy (Innes et al. 2009 ), they argued that forest certification systems, participating in the Canadian model forest programme, and adopting criteria and indicators of SFM can support sectoral level adaptation.

Decentralised management approaches are considered to be a more appropriate governance arrangement for forest management, but Rayner et al. ( 2013 ) argued that a decentralised forest policy sector in Canada has resulted in limitations where policy, such as adaptation, requires a coherent national response. Climate change adaptation has led to an expansion of departmental mandates that is not being addressed by better coordination of the available policy capacity. Relevant federal agencies are not well represented in information networks, and forest policy workers report lower levels of internal and external networking than workers in related policy subsectors.

Economic diversification can be a valuable strategy to improve resilience to climate-related shocks. This can take a range of forms: developing new industries or different types of forest-based industries based on different goods or services. For the timber sector, the value of diversification as a risk management strategy for communities is open to question. Ince et al. ( 2011 ) pointed out that the forest sector operates in an international market and is susceptible to changes in the structure of this market. In the US forest sector, globalization has accelerated structural change, favouring larger and more capital-intensive enterprises and altering historical patterns of resource use. They suggest that future markets for timber will be driven by developments in these larger scale enterprises and may not lead to expansion of opportunities for smaller scale forest enterprises because development of niche markets or customised products is likely to be pursued aggressively by larger globally oriented enterprises to develop branding, product identity and product value. How to best diversify for adaptation therefore remains an open question.

Consequently, whilst policies that support economic diversification will be important, this may involve diversification well beyond traditional sectors. For example, in areas where there is a high probability that forests will be lost in favour of other ecosystems, such as grasslands, managers should recognise early on that their efforts and resources may best be focused outside forests (Innes et al. 2009 ). These adjustments will involve taking into account the perceptions of climate risk by various stakeholders, including individuals, communities, governments, private institutions and organisations (Adger et al. 2007 ). Vulnerability assessments and adaptation measures also need to be developed in a framework that takes into account the vulnerabilities and actions in other sectors that are linked to the forest sector, such as food, energy, health and water (Sonwa et al. 2012 ).

3.3 New approaches to decision making

Climate change presents new challenges for forest managers. Change is likely to happen faster than traditional, empirical approaches can provide evidence to support changes in management. Uncertainties in a range of aspects of future climate may also not be reduced through investment in research. Given that management for activities such as timber production can no longer be based solely on empirically derived growth and yield trajectories and management plans must incorporate uncertainty and the increased probability of extreme events, what types of tools are available to support these approaches? This section presents key points from the literature on decision making under uncertainty, adaptive management and resilience as a guide to future decision making in forest management.

3.3.1 Decision making under uncertainty

The future conditions for forest managers are subject to a high degree of uncertainty, and the future prospects for reducing these large uncertainties are limited. There is uncertainty regarding the trajectory of future increases in atmospheric greenhouse gases, what kind of effects these might have on the climate system and the effects of climatic changes on ecological and social systems and their capacity to adapt (see Fig.  2 ) (Wilby and Dessai 2010 ).

The cascade of uncertainty (Wilby and Dessai 2010 )

Consequently, many forest managers consider that the future situation is too uncertain to support long-term and potentially costly decisions that may be difficult to reverse. Dessai and Hulme ( 2004 ) argued that uncertainty per se should not be a reason for inaction. However, the critical issue for managers is deciding the types of actions to take and the timing and conditions under which they should be taken (Ogden and Innes 2007a ). A more reactive ‘wait and see’ approach (or ‘purposeful procrastination’) might be justified if uncertainty or costs are high relative to the expected impacts and risks, or if it is cheaper to implement interventions by waiting until after a significant disturbance (e.g. replanting an area with more fire- or drought-resistant tree species after a wildfire or drought-induced insect outbreak).

Effective adaptation requires setting clear objectives. Managers and policy makers need to decide whether they are trying to facilitate ecosystem adaptation through changing species composition or forest structure or trying to engineer resistance to change through proactive management strategies (Joyce et al. 2008 ). Establishing objectives often depends on the integration of the preferences of different stakeholders (Prato 2008 ), but changing social preferences presents another source of potential uncertainty.

Risk assessment and management provide a foundation for decision making in considering climate change in natural resource management. This approach provides both a qualitative and quantitative framework for evaluating climate change effects and adaptation options. Incorporating risk management approaches into forest management plans can provide a basis for managers to continue to provide forest conditions that meet a range of important values (Day and Perez 2013 ).

However, risk approaches generally requiring assigning probabilities to future events. In a comprehensive review, Yousefpour et al. ( 2011 ) identified a growing body of research literature on decision making under uncertainty, much of which has focused on price uncertainty and variation in timber production but is extending to multiple forest management objectives and other types of risk. They argue that we are actually in a stochastic transition from one known stable (but variable) climate state to a new but largely unknown and likely more rapidly changing set of future conditions.

Decision makers themselves may also not be the rational actors assumed by these models, with their decisions taken according to quite different assumptions, preferences and beliefs (Ananda and Herath 2009 ; Couture and Reynaud 2008 ). Therefore, the communication approach will be important in determining whether the information is acted on. In a recent study, Yousefpour et al. ( 2014 ) considered that the speed with which decision makers will form firm beliefs about future climate depends on the divergence among climate trajectories, the speed of change and short-term climate variability. Using a Bayesian modelling approach, they found that if a large change in climate occurs, the value of investing in knowledge and taking an adaptive approach would be positive and higher than a non-adaptive approach. In communicating about uncertainty, it may be better to focus discussion on the varying time in the future when things will happen, rather than on whether they will happen at all (Lindner et al. 2014 ).

Increased investment in climate science and projections or species distribution modelling may not necessarily decrease uncertainty in climate projections or impacts. Climate models are best viewed as heuristic tools rather than as accurate forecasts of the future (Innes et al. 2009 ). Trajectories of change in many other drivers of forest management (social, political or economic) are also highly uncertain (Keskitalo 2008 ) and the effects of these on the projected performance of management can be the same order of magnitude, requiring an integrated social-ecological perspective to adaptation (Seidl and Lexer 2013 ).

In a more ‘decision-centred’ approach, plausible scenarios of the potential range of future conditions are required. These can be derived from climate models but do not need to be accurate and precise ‘predictions’ of future climate states (Wilby and Dessai 2010 ). To support this type of approach, research needs to focus on improved understanding of tree and ecosystem responses and identifying those aspects of climate to which different forest types are most sensitive.

Devising strategies that are able to meet management objectives under a range of future scenarios is likely to be the most robust approach, recognising that these strategies are unlikely to be optimal under all future conditions. In some cases, the effect of different scenarios on forest growth may not be that great and differences in the present value of different management options are relatively small. For example, Eriksson et al. ( 2011 ) found that there was limited benefit in attempting to optimise management plans in accordance with future temperature scenarios.

Integration of climate change science and adaptation in forest management planning is considered important for building resilience in forest social and ecological systems (Keskitalo 2011 ; D’Amato et al. 2011 ; Chmura et al. 2011 ; Parks and Bernier 2010 ; Lindner et al. 2014 ). Forest restoration is becoming a more prominent aspect of forest management in many parts of the world and restoration approaches will also need to integrate understanding of future climate change to be successful (Stanturf et al. 2014 ).

3.3.2 Adaptive management, resilience and decisions

Adaptive management provides a mechanism to move forward when faced with future uncertainty (Innes et al. 2009 ). It can be viewed as a systematic process for continually improving management policies and practices by monitoring and then learning from the outcomes of operational programmes as a basis for incorporating adaptation actions into forest management. Whilst many management initiatives purport to implement these principles, they often lack essential characteristics of the approach (Innes et al. 2009 ).

However, effective adaptation to changing climate cannot simply involve adaptive management as it is currently understood. The pace of climate change is not likely to allow for the use of management as a tool to learn about the system by implementing methodologies to test hypotheses concerning known uncertainties (Holling 1978 ). Future climatic conditions may result in system states and dynamics that have never previously existed (Stainforth et al. 2007 ), so observation of past experience may be a poor guide for future action. Management will need to be more ‘forward-looking’, considering the range of possible future conditions and planning actions that consider that full range.

How does this translate into the practical guidance forest managers are seeking on how to adapt their current practices and, if necessary, their goals (Blate et al. 2009 )? Managers will need to consider trade-offs between different objectives under different conditions. For example, Seidl et al. ( 2011 ) showed that, to keep climate vulnerability in an Austrian forest low, Norway spruce will have to be replaced almost entirely by better adapted species. However, indicator weights that favoured timber production over C storage or biodiversity exerted a strong influence on the results. Wider social implications of imposing such drastic changes in forest landscapes will also deserve stronger consideration in decision making.

Ecosystem management will need to be reframed to accommodate the risks of a changing climate. Adaptive strategies, even without specific information on the future climate conditions of a target ecosystem, would enhance social and ecological resilience to address the uncertainties due to changing climate (Mori et al. 2013 ). These are likely to be more subject to change over the short to medium term, in response to more rapidly changing conditions.

Analysis of ecosystem resilience can provide a framework for these assessments. Resilience can be defined as ‘the capacity of ecosystems to absorb disturbance and reorganise so as to retain essentially the same function, structure and feedbacks – to have the same identity’ (Walker and Salt 2012 ). It is a function of the capacity of an ecosystem to resist change, the extent and pace of change and the ability of an ecosystem to reorganise following disturbance. The concept of resilience holds promise for informing future forest management, but Rist and Moen ( 2013 ) argue that its contributions are, so far, largely conceptual and offer more in terms of being a problem-framing approach than analytical or practical tools. There may also be trade-offs involved with focusing on resilience through retention of current species composition or using a more adaptation-oriented management approach after disturbances (Buma and Wessman 2013 ). Complexity theory and concepts can provide an appropriate framework for managing resilience (Messier et al. 2013 ).

Management decisions will ultimately depend on the costs and benefits of different options, but there are few examples of decision making frameworks that compare the costs of future impacts with the costs of different actions and the efficacy of those actions in reducing impacts. Ogden and Innes ( 2009 ) used a structured decision making process to identify and assess 24 adaptation options that managers considered important to achieve their regional goals and objectives of sustainable forest management in light of climate change. In the analysis of options for biodiversity conservation, Wintle et al. ( 2011 ) found that the amount of funding available for adaptation was a critical factor in deciding options aimed at minimising species extinctions in the mega-diverse fynbos biome of South Africa. When the available budget is small, fire management was the best strategy. If the budget is increased to an intermediate level, the marginal returns from more fire management were limited and the best strategy was added habitat protection. Above another budget threshold, increased investment should go into more fire management. By integrating ecological predictions in an economic decision framework, they found that making the choice of how much to invest is as important as determining what actions to take.

3.3.3 Adaptation as a social learning process

Whilst adaptation has been defined as ‘adjustment in natural or human systems in response to actual or expected climatic stimuli or their effects’ (Levina and Tirpak 2006 ), adaptation is essentially about meeting future human needs (Spittlehouse and Stewart 2003 ; Hahn and Knoke 2010 ). Consequently, it is inherently a social process. Forest landscapes are social-ecological systems that involve both nature and society (Innes et al. 2009 ), and resolving trade-offs between different management objectives to meet the different needs in society is an important element of sustainable forest management. As Kolström et al. ( 2011 ) pointed out, some proposed adaptation measures may change the balance between current objectives and stakeholder interests, and it will be important to consider the relative balance of different measures at the stand, management unit and landscape scales.

Those investigating adaptive management also recognise that it goes beyond the focus on scientific methods, statistical designs or analytical rigour favoured by its early proponents and that there is now an expectation of much greater stakeholder involvement, with the concept being renamed by some as adaptive, collaborative management (Innes et al. 2009 ). SFM and adaptation are as much about those who inhabit, work in or utilise forests as it is about managing the forest ecosystems themselves (White et al. 2010 ; Pramova et al. 2012 ; Fischer et al. 2013 ).

The choice of adaptation options will thus likely be relatively complex, even in cases where information and policy have been developed, and communication measures for forest management have been well formulated. Making such choices may require considerable knowledge, competence and commitment for implementation at the local level (Keskitalo 2011 ). Effective adaptation will require much greater cooperation between stakeholders, more flexibility for management actions and commitment of time to develop the social license for action in the absence of conclusive evidence or understanding. This will require venues for sharing perspectives on the nature of the problem (Fig.  3 ).

Adaptation as a social learning process. There is a need to provide situations to share different viewpoints on the nature of the problem as a basis for developing shared solutions (image source: John Rowley, http://ch301.cm.utexas.edu/learn/ )

3.3.4 Local and indigenous knowledge

The promotion of community-based forest management may increase local adaptive capacity by putting decisions in the hands of those people who first feel the effects of climate change (Gyampoh et al. 2009 ). In this context, local knowledge systems based on long-term observation and experience are likely to be of increasing importance in decision making. Adaptation strategies can benefit from combining scientific and indigenous knowledge, especially in developing countries (Gyampoh et al. 2009 ), with the translation of local forest knowledge into the language of formal forest science being considered an important step towards adaptation (Roberts et al. 2009 ). However, conservation and natural resource managers in government agencies have often discounted traditional local management systems (Scott 2005 ), although Spathelf et al. ( 2014 ) provided a useful approach for capturing local expert knowledge. Linking this type of knowledge with broader scientific understanding of ecosystem functioning and the global climate system will be a major challenge, requiring consideration of both technical and cultural issues (Caverley 2013 ), including intellectual property concerns of indigenous people (Lynch et al. 2010 ).

3.4 Policy arrangements for adaptation

Increasingly, many are arguing that effectively responding to climate change will require polycentric and multi-level governance arrangements (Peel et al. 2012 ). However, Nilsson et al. ( 2012 ) found that institutionalising of knowledge and knowledge exchange regarding climate change adaptation in Sweden was weak and that improved mechanisms are required for feedback from the local to the national level. Recent studies have described stronger relationships between scientific research and forest management to assess trade-offs and synergies, for participatory decision making and for shared learning (Blate et al. 2009 ; Littell et al. 2012 ; Klenk et al. 2011 ).

Many papers emphasised the need for greater flexibility in the policies, cultures and structures of forest management organisations (Brown 2009 ; von Detten and Faber 2013 ; Rayner et al. 2013 ). Because no single community or agency can prepare on their own for future impacts, inter-sectoral policy coordination will be required to ensure that policy developments in related policy sectors are not contradictory or counterproductive. Greater integration of information, knowledge and experience and collaborative projects involving scientists, practitioners and policy makers from multiple policy communities could increase focus on resilience, identify regions of large-scale vulnerability and provide a more rigorous framework for the analysis of vulnerability and adaptation actions (Thomalla et al. 2006 ).

There is also likely to be a greater need for cross-border implementation of different forest management options, requiring greater coordination between nation states and sub-national governments (Keenan 2012 ). Policy is the product of both ‘top-down’ and ‘bottom-up’ processes and these might sometimes be in conflict. Simply having ‘good policy’ in place is unlikely to be sufficient, as a great deal of what takes place at ‘street level’ is not determined by formal aims of central policy (Urwin and Jordan 2008 ). Having the right policies can send a strong political signal that adaptation needs to be considered seriously but flexibility in policy systems will be required to facilitate adaptive planning.

4 Discussion and conclusions

This broad survey of the literature indicated that, whilst there has been considerable development in research and thinking about adaptation in forest management over the last 10 years, research is still strongly focused on assessment of future impacts, responses and vulnerability of species and ecosystems (and in some cases communities and forest industries) to climate change. There has been some movement from a static view of climate based on long-term averages to a more detailed understanding of the drivers of different climate systems and how these affect the factors of greatest influence on different forest ecosystems processes, such as variability and extremes in temperature or precipitation or fire disturbance. For example, Guan et al. ( 2012 ) demonstrated that quasi-periodic climate variation on an inter-annual (ENSO) to inter-decadal (PDO) time scale can significantly influence tree growth and should be taken into account when assessing the impact of climate changes on forest productivity.

Adaptation is, in essence, about making good decisions for the future, taking into account the implications of climate change. It involves recognising and understanding potential future climate impacts and planning and managing for their consequences, whilst also considering the broader social, economic or other environmental changes that may impact on us, individually or collectively. To effectively provide a role in mitigation, delivering associated ecosystem services and benefits in poverty reduction (Eliasch 2008 ) forest management will have to adapt to a changing and highly variable climate. In achieving this, the roles and responsibilities of different levels of government, the private sector and different parts of the community are still being defined.

The broader literature emphasises that adaptation is a continuous process, involving a process of ‘adapting well’ to continuously changing conditions (Tompkins et al. 2010 ). This requires organisational learning based on past experience, new knowledge and a comprehensive analysis of future options. This can take place through ‘learning by doing’ or through a process of search and planned modification of routines (Berkhout et al. 2006 ). However, interpreting climate signals is not easy for organisations, the evidence of change is ambiguous and the stimuli are not often experienced directly within the organisation. For example, many forest managers in Australia currently feel little need to change practices to adapt to climate change, given both weak policy signals and limited perceived immediate evidence of increasing climate impacts (Cockfield et al. 2011 ). To explain and predict adaptation to climate change, the combination of personal experience and beliefs must be considered (Blennow et al. 2012 ). ‘Climate smart’ forest management frameworks can provide an improved basis for managing forested landscapes and maintaining ecosystem health and vitality based on an understanding of landscape vulnerability to future climatic change (Fig. 4 ) (Nitschke and Innes 2008a ).

Components of climate smart forest management (after Nitschke and Innes 2008a , b )

Many are now asking, do we really need more research to start adapting forest management to climate change? Whilst adaptation is often considered ‘knowledge deficit’ problem—where scientists provide more information and forest managers will automatically make better decisions—the reality is that the way in which this information is presented and how it is interpreted and received, will play major roles in determining potential responses. Successful adaptation will require dissemination of knowledge of potential climate impacts and suitable adaptation measures to decision makers at both practice and policy levels (Kolström et al. 2011 ) but it needs to go well beyond that.

Adaptation is, above all, a social learning process. It requires an understanding of sense of place, a capacity for individuals and society to consider potential future changes and what they mean for their circumstances. Leaders in forest management organisations will need to support a greater diversity of inputs into decision making, avoid creating rigid organisational hierarchies that deter innovation, and be inclusive, open and questioning (Konkin and Hopkins 2009 ). They will need to create more opportunities for interaction between researchers, managers and the community and space for reflection on the implications and the outcomes of management actions and unplanned events. Researchers will need to develop new modes of communication, providing knowledge in forms that are appropriate to the management decision and suitable for digestion by a range of different audiences.

From this analysis, key gaps in knowledge for adaptation may not be improved climate scenarios or better understanding of the biophysical responses of individual tree species or forest ecosystems to future climate. Knowledge gaps lie more in understanding the social and community attitudes and values that drive forest management and the decision making processes of forest managers, in order to work out how ‘climate intelligence’ can be built in to these processes.

The impacts of changing climate will vary locally. Consequently, managers must be given the flexibility to respond in ways that meet their particular needs and capacity to choose management options that are applicable to the local situation (Innes et al. 2009 ). This may not be consistent with rigid indicator-driven management assessment processes like forest certification. Whilst policy to support climate change mitigation is primarily a task for national governments and international agreements and processes, responsibility for supporting adaptation will fall more to sub-national and local governments, communities and the private sector. More active management will be required if specific values are to be maintained, particularly for forests in conservation reserves. This will require additional investment, but there has been little analysis to support the business case for investment in adaptation or to determine who should pay, particularly in developing countries.

We need to strengthen the relationship between climate science, forest research, forest managers and the community. Key challenges will include the setting of objectives for desired future conditions and accepting that we may not be able to maintain everything that forests have traditionally provided. It is important to discuss and agree on common goals in order to cope with, or benefit from, the challenges of future climates. Actively managing our forest ecosystems effectively and intelligently, using the best available knowledge and foresight capacity, can make those goals a reality.

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Thanks to Linda Joyce for her comments on an earlier draft of this paper, to a number of anonymous reviewers for their thoughtful suggestions and to many colleagues that I have discussed these ideas with over the past five years.

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Department of Forest and Ecosystem Science, The University of Melbourne, 221 Bouverie St., Carlton, VIC, 3010, Australia

Rodney J. Keenan

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Handling Editor: Erwin Dreyer

This research was partly undertaken during the period the author was Director of the Victorian Centre for Climate Change Adaptation Research and part-funded by the Victorian Government. It was completed with support from the University of Melbourne under a Special Studies Program grant.

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Keenan, R.J. Climate change impacts and adaptation in forest management: a review. Annals of Forest Science 72 , 145–167 (2015). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13595-014-0446-5

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Received : 01 September 2014

Accepted : 10 December 2014

Published : 14 January 2015

Issue Date : March 2015

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/s13595-014-0446-5

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  • Climate change
  • Vulnerability
  • Forest management

Annals of Forest Science

ISSN: 1297-966X

literature review on forest management


The effect of forest management options on forest resilience to pathogens.

\nMichaela Roberts,,

  • 1 Social, Economic and Geographical Sciences Group, James Hutton Institute, Aberdeen, United Kingdom
  • 2 Department of Geography and Sustainable Development, University of St Andrews, St Andrews, United Kingdom
  • 3 School of Natural Sciences, Bangor University, Bangor, United Kingdom
  • 4 Department of Plant Sciences, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom
  • 5 Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, United Kingdom
  • 6 Faculty of Natural Sciences, University of Stirling, Glasgow, United Kingdom
  • 7 Institute of Biodiversity, Animal Health and Comparative Medicine, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, United Kingdom
  • 8 Warwick Business School, University of Warwick, Coventry, United Kingdom

Invasive pathogens threaten the ability of forests globally to produce a range of valuable ecosystem services over time. However, the ability to detect such pathogen invasions—and thus to produce appropriate and timely management responses—is relatively low. We argue that a promising approach is to plan and manage forests in a way that increases their resilience to invasive pathogens not yet present or ubiquitous in the forest. This paper is based on a systematic search and critical review of empirical evidence of the effect of a wide range of forest management options on the primary and secondary infection rates of forest pathogens, and on subsequent forest recovery. Our goals are to inform forest management decision making to increase forest resilience, and to identify the most important evidence gaps for future research. The management options for which there is the strongest evidence that they increase forest resilience to pathogens are: reduced forest connectivity, removal or treatment of inoculum sources such as cut stumps, reduced tree density, removal of diseased trees and increased tree species diversity. In all cases the effect of these options on infection dynamics differs greatly amongst tree and pathogen species and between forest environments. However, the lack of consistent effects of silvicultural systems or of thinning, pruning or coppicing treatments is notable. There is also a lack of evidence of how the effects of treatments are influenced by the scale at which they are applied, e.g., the mixture of tree species. An overall conclusion is that forest managers often need to trade-off increased resilience to tree pathogens against other benefits obtained from forests.


Invasive species present significant threats to natural and planted forests ( Wingfield et al., 2015 ; Liebhold et al., 2017 ; Muzika, 2017 ), and can, in combination with climate change, create “mega disturbances” which disrupt forests worldwide ( Millar and Stephenson, 2015 ), leading to large ecological, economic, and social losses ( Hill et al., 2019 ). While invasive species research often focuses on animal and plant invasions, forest ecosystems are also threatened by invasive microbial pathogens. Pathogens have the potential to disrupt timber and non-timber benefits provided by forests, and the need for a coordinated effort to tackle such invasive species is being increasingly recognized ( Wingfield et al., 2015 ). In this context, to be considered invasive a pathogen does not need to be non-native to the region, but rather through an increase in its abundance produce a widespread negative impact on a given ecosystem ( Warren, 2007 ; Carey et al., 2012 ).

Managing invasive pathogens presents unique challenges not associated with controlling invasive plants and animals, including insects. The cryptic nature of infection by pathogens, particularly at the beginning of their life cycles, means that many invasions remain undetected until trees become symptomatic, by which time the pathogen is often already widespread ( Liebhold et al., 2017 ; Muzika, 2017 ). Even after infection has been detected, identification of the causal pathogen is normally reliant on examination of spores and/or DNA sequencing. As a result, many pathogens have remained unidentified or misidentified, restricting our capacity to manage invasions effectively ( Wingfield et al., 2015 , 2017 ). Genetic variation amongst microbial pathogens is greater than even that found between the plant and animal kingdoms, and as such these pathogens have highly varied life histories. This not only creates challenges in designing control measures for pathogens as a general invasive threat, but also in tackling individual pathogens, which can present unfamiliar life history traits ( Wingfield et al., 2017 ). These complex and often still unknown life histories, as well as their potential for relatively rapid evolution, restrict our ability to predict which pathogens will become invasive, and how any invasion will progress ( Ghelardini et al., 2017 ).

Tree pathogens threaten the ability of forests to deliver ecosystem services over the long-term. The importance of phytosanitary measures, such as quarantine, to reduce the risk of invasive tree pathogens reaching a country or a given forest have long been recognized ( Wingfield et al., 2015 ). However, as rotation lengths from establishment to harvest of a forest tree crop generally last for several decades, the high rate of arrival of new pathogen species to locations around the world means that any newly established crop may potentially be subject to many new pathogens before it reaches maturity. This poses a particular challenge for forest managers. So far, management responses have largely been restricted to reactive measures taken after the presence of a given pathogen has been detected, by which time economic and ecological damage costs can rarely be avoided. This restriction on the ability of forest managers to respond until a specific pathogen has been detected raises the important question of whether and how forests should be planned and managed to maximize their resilience to the threat of future unknown pathogens.

To help address this challenge, a recent extension of epidemiological modeling (“epi-economic modeling”) has linked the economics of forest management practices to the impacts of tree pathogens across a range of primary and secondary infection rates and damage costs ( Macpherson et al., 2017a , b , 2018 ). This approach is based on an epidemiological paradigm ( Kleczkowski et al., 2019 ), whereby the population of trees is divided between healthy and susceptible individuals, and infected individuals. Mathematical models capturing the infection process can take different forms but the simplest equation is

with S ( t ) denoting the number of still healthy but susceptible trees, r p and r s the rate of primary and secondary infection, respectively, I (t) currently infected trees within the unit, and d I /d t the rate of appearance of new infections ( Brassett and Gilligan, 1988 ).

The fundamental difference between primary and secondary infection is epidemiological. Primary infection is the invasion of the population of trees within the forest management or landscape-patch unit from an external source, e.g., an infected population of trees in another unit, and requires management at the boundary or beyond. Primary infections can also occur from a reservoir of inoculum in alternative hosts, or in soil or dead plant material when sites are replanted. Thus, the source is “external” to the population under threat albeit occupying the same parcel of land. Secondary infection is transmission from currently infected trees within the unit's population to its susceptible trees, driven by multiplication, dispersal, and infection of inoculum. Hence management activity in that forest unit can influence secondary infection and reduce epidemic spread. The rates of primary and secondary infections in Equation (1) capture the whole range of factors, including the susceptibility of individual trees to infection as well as the dispersal characteristics of the pathogen.

Fundamental to this paper is the recognition that resilience of a forest is linked to its response to invasions by forest pathogens. This response, in turn, is influenced by the management practices aimed at the prevention of such invasions, their control and, if control is unsuccessful, the mitigation of their effects. The modeling framework described above and its extensions, have successfully been used in describing spread and control of tree pathogens in forests ( Macpherson et al., 2017a , 2018 ). However, application of such an approach to inform forest managers about how to increase forest resilience against future pathogen threats requires empirical evidence about the effects of forest management options on tree pathogen primary and secondary infection rates, and rates of forest recovery.

The key question in ecological and economic applications of the concept of resilience is “resilience of what, to what?” ( Walker et al., 2010 ; Matsushita et al., 2018 ). The focus of this study is forests that are managed predominantly for timber production and in this case the most relevant concept of resilience is the one termed “engineering resilience,” which comprises two main components: “resistance” to the initial impact of a disturbance agent (in this case the invasion of a tree pathogen) and “recovery” toward the previous state or functioning of the forest ecosystem ( Pimm, 1984 ; Holling, 1996 ; Grimm and Wissel, 1997 ; Newton and Cantarello, 2015 ). In the literature reviewed in our study, the measured response variables that give the best indication of “resistance” (at the scale of the forest ecosystem or stand) were level of individual tree infection or mortality, and the best indicators of “recovery” were rates of natural regeneration or stand-level growth rates of all surviving or subsequently established trees. We assume throughout the paper that managers are concerned with a single spatially contiguous unit of forest, because this is the scale at which most studies are carried out. However, the size of this unit may be highly variable, and we focus only on net increases or decreases in resilience. The majority of studies available for our review assumed that provisioning of timber was the ecosystem service of greatest importance resulting from the state or functioning of the forest.

The impacts of forest management on tree pathogens have been the subject of many recent reviews. Each has tended to focus on a single pathogen, such as white pine blister rust ( Cronartium ribicola ) ( Schoettle and Sniezko, 2007 ; Hunt et al., 2010 ; Ostry et al., 2010 ; Zeglen et al., 2010 ), Phytophthora ramorum ( Valachovic et al., 2010 ), ash dieback ( Hymenoscyphus fraxineus ) ( Pautasso et al., 2013 ) or dothistroma needle blight ( Dothistroma septosporum and D. pini ) ( Bulman et al., 2016 ). As a result, the findings have been highly variable, with recommendations largely dependent on the pathogen considered. Alternatively, pathogens have been considered alongside insect pests ( Waring and O'Hara, 2005 ; Liebhold et al., 2017 ; Muzika, 2017 ) or other general threats to forest ecosystems ( Jactel et al., 2009 , 2017 ). Reviews focused on broader forest resistance to the threat of tree pathogens have been limited to considering only the effect of tree species mixtures on the spread of and damage caused by pathogens ( Pautasso et al., 2005 ; Prospero and Cleary, 2017 ) or of more general principles of interactions and ecosystems services ( Boyd et al., 2014 ). Overall, the local context of the forest and pathogen have been recognized as important in directing management responses.

The objective of the current study is to synthesize the evidence for the effect of forest management options on forest resilience to tree pathogens. The scope is broad, including all of the main categories of forest management variables and all tree pathogen species. However, animal pests, invasive plants and abiotic threats such as fire were excluded. A second objective is to forge an explicit link between forest resilience, forest design, or silvicultural management practices and epi-economic modeling grounded in plant and tree epidemiology ( Macpherson et al., 2017a , b , 2018 ). Thus, we seek to assess the empirical evidence for the effect of each forest management option on the three key elements of primary infection, secondary infection and subsequent forest recovery, in order to inform forest management decision making to increase forest resilience, and to identify the most important evidence gaps to motivate future research.

We carried out a literature review using a systematic search method to identify published sources of empirical data on the relationship between forest management and resilience to tree pathogens. We conducted an initial search of the peer-reviewed literature through Web of Science, using search strings to identify papers on all of forest management, pests, pathogens or disease, and resilience, excluding medical papers and those concerned with food supply, using the Boolean search string of:

TS = (((( * forest * OR wood * OR tree * ) AND (manage * )) OR silvicult * ) AND (pest * OR disease * OR pathogen * ) AND (exposure OR resist * OR recover * OR spread OR risk OR suscept * OR transmit * OR dispers * OR infect * ) NOT (medicin * OR clinic * OR pharma * OR foodborne OR food-borne OR mycorrhizal OR biomedic * OR mosquito OR tick OR lyme * OR malaria * )) NOT SO = (medicin * OR clinic * OR pharma * OR biomedic * ) NOT WC = (medicin * OR clinic * OR pharma * OR biomedic * )

This search (run on 27/06/2017) returned 3,534 papers. The papers were screened first by title, then abstract, and finally full text to identify papers reporting original empirical data on the effects of forest management on tree diseases caused by pests or pathogens, which retained 599 papers. We then excluded papers that only covered tree pests (362 papers), were only concerned with tropical forests (85 papers) or orchards (235 papers), were concerned with tree breeding (74 papers), or were entirely review (23 papers) or theoretical modeling (21 papers) studies (note papers may be present in more than one category). Removal of tree pests also included removing papers concerning insect vectors, because in the majority of cases the distinction between direct damage and vectoring of a pathogen could not be determined. This procedure retained 81 papers. As many forest management actions are not reported in the published literature, searches were also run in TREESEARCH, the research portal for the US Forest Service, using the following search string:

(disease OR fung * OR pathogen OR bacteri * OR oomycete OR virus) AND (((tree OR forest * OR wood) AND manage * ) OR silvicult * )

and the UK Forestry Commission website, using the search string:

disease fung * pathogen bacteria * oomycete virus

Restrictions on the search terms for each search engine prevented identical searches from being carried out. The search in TREESEARCH returned 158 documents, of which 12 were identified as relevant and containing data. The Forestry Commission website returned 58 documents, of which three were identified as relevant and containing data. Together with literature identified from the reference lists of retained papers and identified reviews (nine papers), and further search terms added to account for fertilizer application (four papers), the final reference list contained 114 papers and reports. This list was further refined to include only papers whose reliability, robustness and applicability to forest management could be assured. Studies which were purely descriptive, lab-based or considered only pathogen presence, rather than impact, were excluded. The remaining 109 papers included within the review were scored for strength of evidence based on whether they were correlative or experimental, and whether single or multiple sites had been considered, within single or multiple forests.

We organized papers by management technique, treating each technique reported within a single paper independently, and then by pathogen type. We have included a broad range of management options, including forest design planning, site preparation for forest establishment, tree species diversity, silvicultural system and individual silvicultural actions. These categories were not pre-determined but were decided through reading the papers.

To assess the outcome of each management technique we classified the results of each study as strong positive or strong negative (relationship observed in all sites within the study), weak positive or weak negative (relationship observed in at least one site within the study, with no sites showing the opposite relationship), no relationship, or mixed (both positive and negative relationships observed across sites). A technique was therefore considered to have an overall positive or negative impact where multiple studies, or a robust single study across multiple forests, found the same result, and there were no robust studies reporting a contradictory result. If studies reported contradicting results, we considered the outcome of this technique to be mixed unless the results were weighted heavily in one direction, and the contradicting study was considered to be of low robustness. Where only a limited number of studies was available this was identified as a weakness in our conclusions. A fuller description of this critical appraisal of the studies is provided in the Supplementary Material , together with the full outputs of the search and critical appraisal in the Table 1 .


Table 1 . Overview of coverage of identified papers.

The large variation in tree species, pathogens, and management techniques considered, as well as limited reporting of the particulars of management, prevented us from conducting a formal meta-analysis.

General Trends

Our review of the literature revealed a clear bias toward a small number of highly damaging pathogens. Studies into Armillaria and Phytophthora species comprised 38% of all studies identified (17 and 21%, respectively), and we found no studies on the effects of forest management on bacteria or viruses. Studies mainly covered commercially valuable host tree species, with equal coverage of conifers and broadleaves ( Table 1 ).

A geographical bias was also evident, with 59% of studies based in North America, and California and Oregon coastal forests alone accounting for 24%. The majority of the remaining papers originate from Europe (29%), with eight papers from Oceania and two from Asia. Studies reporting only from natural tropical forests had previously been excluded. Only a single paper ( Cleary et al., 2013 ) reported results from more than one region ( Table 1 ).

The response variables most commonly reported were mortality, disease incidence, and disease severity. The only indicator of forest recovery (defined in the section Introduction) that was widely reported was of subsequent tree growth rate, though this was often only measured over the short-term. There was minimal reporting of rates of tree natural regeneration. Studies generally reported outcomes in terms of symptoms of forest disease, and few papers considered the mechanisms connecting forest management to these outcomes. The distribution of studies amongst each forest management variable and each response variable is summarized in Table 2 .


Table 2 . Overview of published evidence of effects of forest management on resilience to tree diseases.

Identification and Management of Sources of Primary Infection

As explained above, the concept of primary infection [cf. Equation (1)] captures the pathways by which the pathogen enters the forest unit of interest. These primary infections can occur from other forest units, for example by wind or water movement of inoculum, from alternative hosts, by movement on machinery and other human-mediated activities, or by transmission from soil inoculum.


The importance of connectivity for the conservation of forest ecosystems at a landscape scale is well-recognized ( Lindenmayer et al., 2006 ). However, connectivity can increase the risk of transmission of infection from one forest patch or unit to another, including from outside the region of interest. For tree pathogens connectivity does not just refer to spatial proximity, but also any connection through which inoculum may spread to a forest unit, such as via streams, wind, fog, animal (e.g., insects, fur, feathers) or human vectors (e.g., vehicles, recreation). The scale at which connectivity is important also varies with dispersal mechanism, and can be large in the case of flying animal and vehicle vectors. These “least cost” (resistance), but not necessarily shortest-distance, pathways have been shown to be important in models accounting for the spread of pathogens ( Ellis et al., 2010 ).

The impacts of connectivity on tree diseases have predominantly been studied in coastal forests of California and Oregon (USA). Total forest area within a landscape, correlated with connectivity, predicted increases in incidence ( Meentemeyer et al., 2008a ) and severity of P. ramorum in Notholithocarpus densiflorus (tanoak) ( Haas et al., 2011 ) and Umbellularia californica (California bay laurel) ( Condeso and Meentemeyer, 2007 ; Meentemeyer et al., 2008a , b ; Haas et al., 2011 ). Disease was considered only in these species because they represent the most prevalent hosts for P. ramorum within this landscape. Phytophthora ramorum incidence increased closer to streams in one site, suggesting that streams are also an important connectivity pathway for dispersal of this pathogen, though this relationship appears to depend on site topography and fog movement ( Peterson et al., 2014 ). Connectivity through human vectors was related to higher concentrations of P. ramorum being isolated in soil from sites surrounded by larger human populations ( Cushman and Meentemeyer, 2008 ), and increased mortality of Chamaecyparis lawsoniana (Port Orford cedar) caused by Phytophthora lateralis was found in sites intersected by a road ( Jules et al., 2002 ). Phytophthora lateralis has been isolated from water used to wash vehicles and boots, providing further evidence of the importance of human vectors to the spread of this pathogen ( Goheen et al., 2012 ). Within California and Oregon coastal forests, black stain root disease ( Leptographium wageneri ) is also concentrated at the roadside ( Hessburg, 2001 ).

Forest connectivity via spatial proximity ( Condeso and Meentemeyer, 2007 ; Meentemeyer et al., 2008a ; Ellis et al., 2010 ; Haas et al., 2011 ), streams ( Peterson et al., 2014 ; Havdova et al., 2017 ), or roads ( Hessburg, 2001 ; Jules et al., 2002 ; Goheen et al., 2012 ) shows a consistent positive relationship with disease incidence and severity compared with less well-connected forests. However, the limited geographical range of these studies and their predominant focus on pathogen spread through soil restricts their applicability to other systems. There is also little mention of the effect of land cover in the matrix between forest patches that could affect pathogen dispersal. When addressing the increased risk of pathogen infection due to high connectivity, forest managers must also balance the extensive benefits that connected forests can have for biodiversity and some ecosystem services against increased vulnerability to disease ( Lindenmayer et al., 2006 ). Future studies should identify and quantify pathogen transmission along different types of pathway connecting forest units and via different vectors in order to assess risks. This should help selection of management strategies to reduce the risk of primary infection of forest units.

Previous Land Use

Many tree pathogens, in particular root rots, can persist in soils following tree felling. Siting new plantations on previously forested sites may therefore increase the risk of infection due to high inoculum load in the soil. Here the soil acts as an “external” reservoir of inoculum for primary infection to initiate an epidemic in a newly planted tree population. However, research into the effects of previous land use is limited, due to the relative rarity of studies into forests established on previously non-forest land.

Naturally occurring U. californica trees on former grassland sites within Quercus forests in northern California had lower incidence of P. ramorum than U. californica growing in long-term forest areas ( Meentemeyer et al., 2008a ). However, this relationship was not reflected in Italian Abies alba (silver fir) plantations, where Heterobasidion annosum infection rate was significantly higher in forests established on former pastureland. Although A. alba planted on former pastureland was expected to be exposed to lower inoculum load, these trees were less healthy due to exposure to adverse environmental conditions resulting from previous intensive land use, potentially increasing susceptibility to disease ( Puddu et al., 2003 ).

While previous land use could be expected to affect forest resilience to tree diseases, research on this is rare, and the findings amongst published studies are not consistent. This is likely to be due to the large variation in previous land use types, and particulars of previous land management, amongst the studies. However, such research is likely to increase in relevance for rotational forest systems, where the previous species planted in the unit may be considered. In some countries, including the UK, new forests are also being planted on land not forested in recent history in order to increase carbon capture in response to climate change, and natural tree regeneration is occurring due to abandonment of agricultural land ( Poyatos et al., 2002 ).

Site Preparation

Site preparation methods can either introduce pathogens into an area where they were not previously found or reduce forest resistance to primary infection and hence increase the initiation of local disease spread. Previously felled sites contain remnant stumps, root fragments and brash, which may be a source of primary infection through spread of pathogens over time (from a previous tree population to a new one). Nonetheless, stumps resulting from thinning or partial cutting can also act as a source of secondary infection within the current tree population. Although this coarse woody debris is important for forest biodiversity more generally ( Hartley, 2002 ), it acts as a reservoir for many pests and pathogens, increasing exposure of newly established trees to inoculum. Stumps can also provide a nutrient source for inoculum of pathogens with saprotrophic activity. In response to this risk, site preparation may include stump removal or chemical treatment, in some cases accompanied by removal of part of the root system through raking. The origin of stumps can also be important for identifying the risks posed, with clearcut stumps having lower infection rates than stumps resulting from thinning ( Bendz-Hellgren and Stenlid, 1998 ). Burning presents an alternative option to remove woody debris or reduce pathogen survival, but has other risks and environmental costs, such as to habitat quality or native fauna, or it can in fact increase disease incidence in the case of Rhizina undulata ( Wingfield and Swart, 1994 ). In some cases site preparation also includes application of fertilizer, which may reduce impacts of pathogens on tree health through increasing tree nutrient concentrations, especially of calcium and magnesium ( Anglberger and Halmschlager, 2003 ; Halmschlager and Katzensteiner, 2017 ). However, fertilizer application (especially of nitrogen and phosphorus) that increases tree growth rate can lead to nutrient inbalances that increase susceptibility to pathogens ( Jactel et al., 2009 ).

Root rots have the highest potential for management through stump treatment and have unsurprisingly been the subject of the greatest number of studies. Methods of stump treatment may be physical or chemical. Infection of forest stands by H. annosum has long been known to be increased by any tree felling resulting in cut stumps that are susceptible to colonization from air-borne basidiospores ( Woodward et al., 1998 ). The most extensive study of stump removal incorporated five sites from Canada and Scandinavia subject to infection by the conifer root rot pathogens H. annosum sensu lato ( s.l .), Armillaria ostoyae and laminated root rot ( Phellinus sulphurascens ). The severity of infection and its contribution to mortality were monitored in stands that had been subject to removal of stumps, either as part of the whole tree or in a separate operation following felling, with raking to remove larger roots occurring in one site, compared with controls where no stump removal took place ( Cleary et al., 2013 ). Stump removal was clearly associated with reduced disease incidence and tree mortality up to 21–50 years after treatment. One of these sites was then studied in more detail by Morrison et al. (2014) , who confirmed that over 40 years after treatment, stump removal had reduced the rate of mortality in the next rotation of trees by 14% across all species. Notably, for Pseudotsuga menziesii (Douglas fir), Pinus contorta var. latifolia (lodgepole pine), Larix occidentalis (western larch), Thuja plicata (western red cedar), and Picea engelmannii (Engelmann spruce), stump removal reduced the mortality rate due to A. ostoyae and completely eliminated the occurrence of mortality in P. menziesii due to P. sulphurascens . These findings support those of a previous study of P. menziesii further south in Washington State and Oregon, where mortality due to P. sulphurascens was significantly reduced by pre-planting stump removal ( Thies and Westlind, 2005 ).

There has been a long history of incidence of H. annosum in the plantations of Pinus sylvestris (Scots pine) and Pinus nigra ssp. laricio (Corsican pine) in Thetford Forest, UK. A series of experiments showed that colonization of stumps by air-borne basidiospores of H. annosum can be greatly reduced by stump treatment with spores of Phlebiopsis gigantea , a non-pathogenic basidiomycete. However, a series of long-term experiments have shown that only stump removal achieves adequate reduction in mortality into the second plantation rotation ( Gibbs et al., 2002 ). The importance of removing stumps was further supported in studies of P. sylvestris infected by H. annosum in Sweden, where infection rate was higher in trees closer to infected stumps ( Swedjemark and Stenlid, 1993 ). In contrast, in New Zealand Pinus radiata plantations infected by Armillaria novae-zelandiae , while inoculum load in stumps was high, this did not lead to greater infection within the forest after 19 years compared with forests where stumps were removed ( Hood et al., 2002 ; Hood and Kimberley, 2009 ).

In addition to retained stumps, root fragments from felled trees can act as reservoirs of pathogen inoculum. Few studies have reported beneficial effects of root removal, although Shaw et al. (2012) found that greater intensity or thoroughness of removal of roots that acted as a source of A. ostoyae inoculum did significantly reduce the incidence of infection and resultant mortality in Pinus ponderosa after 35 years, though the study concluded that its benefits are unlikely to exceed its costs. In contrast, several studies have reported increases in infection following root removal. Negative impacts of mechanical root removal treatments can occur through increasing the dispersal of pathogen inoculum. Root raking has been found to move infected root fragments closer to the soil surface, although this was not associated with increased infection rates ( Morrison et al., 1988 , 2014 ). The incidence of western gall rust was found to be positively associated with sites that had undergone a variety of methods of mechanical site preparation to disrupt slash, forest floor and mineral soil layers, compared with control sites ( Roach et al., 2015 ). Similar results were observed in Castanea dentata (American chestnut) infected by chestnut blight ( Cryphonectria parasitica ). In a study of plantations on reclaimed mine land in Ohio, USA, the site preparation treatments of deep ripping to 1 m depth resulted in a higher incidence of chestnut blight cankers on seedlings than in those plots plowed and disked to 30 cm depth, though this still exceeded the incidence of cankers for trees in control plots ( Bauman et al., 2014 ).

Prescribed or natural fire reduces pre-planting inoculum load through either burning of stumps, root fragments and woody debris, or through killing of the pathogen due to high temperatures. However, results from burning are not consistent. Naturally occurring fires in Californian coastal redwood and mixed-evergreen forests led to reduced isolation rates of P. ramorum in symptomatic trees for 1 and 2 years following fire, however incidence of the pathogen increased by the second year, associated with the number of surviving symptomatic U. californica trees which acted as an inoculum reservoir ( Beh et al., 2012 ). A prescribed burn treatment in a Pinus palustris (longleaf pine) forest in South Carolina, USA, was associated with increased mortality through H. annosum after 8–10 years, linked to reductions in tree health caused by the fire ( Cram et al., 2010 ). Varied burning regimes in conifer forests in Ontario, Canada, had no impact on Armillaria sp. root rot ( Whitney and Irwin, 2005 ).

Fertilizer application has mixed impacts on disease severity. Increased damage by twisting rust fungus ( Melampsora pinitorqua ) was found on Pinus pinaster (maritime pine) that had been fertilized with phosphorus compared with no fertilizer controls ( Desprez-Loustau et al., 2016 ). However, fertilization of Picea abies (Norway spruce) did show a reduction in severity of infection by Sirococcus shoot blight ( Sirococcus conigenus ), linked to improved tree health ( Anglberger and Halmschlager, 2003 ; Halmschlager and Katzensteiner, 2017 ). In P. menziesii seedlings fertilization with potassium and nitrogen had no impact on mortality due tolaminated root rot ( Phellinus weirii ) ( Thies et al., 2006 ), and potassium, nitrogen and sulfur fertilizers had no impact on Armillaria spp. root disease in mixed conifer forests in Oregon ( Filip et al., 2002 ).

Overall, removal or treatment of tree stumps as a source or receptor of pathogen inoculum has a positive effect on forest resilience to tree disease, through reduced infection of trees retained on the site or newly planted trees. However, studies are concentrated on root rots. Stumps, and other dead wood material, are also known to be important in survival of populations of a number of invertebrate forest pests, and there is an evidence gap about their significance as a source of inoculum of a wider range of pathogens with airborne spores that infect the shoots of trees. We found that studies of root fragment removal and burning give more mixed results and are under-researched. A future research priority is to assess the trade-offs between reducing inoculum levels using such treatments and the damage they cause to retained trees (e.g., through wounding), which can increase their susceptibility to infection.

Management of Sources of Secondary Infection

Secondary infection [cf. Equation (1)] refers to transmission of a pathogen between trees within a region of interest (forest unit). Secondary infection therefore captures the direct transmission component of epidemics that depends upon the number of currently infected individuals. Although this typically relates to an outbreak situation between trees of a similar age, of particular concern for forest management is secondary infection from mature trees to seedlings, often planted to form the crop in the next forest rotation. Actions that increase environmental stress on a tree, thus reducing its vigor, are also likely to increase the rate of secondary infection.

Tree Species Mixture and Diversity

Effects of tree species mixture, i.e., planting two or more species rather than a monoculture, or increasing tree species diversity, i.e., through the number of species planted together or as an indirect result of other silvicultural actions, on forest resilience to tree diseases have been extensively studied, with good coverage of both tree and pathogen species in sites across Europe and North America. Tree species diversity effects have been the subject of recent review papers. These recognize that greater diversity is associated with decreased tree mortality caused by pests and pathogens, identifying reduced access to hosts and increased distance between hosts as potential mechanisms for reducing secondary transmission as an epidemic progresses ( Pautasso et al., 2005 ; Bauhus et al., 2017 ; Jactel et al., 2017 ; Prospero and Cleary, 2017 ), as well as potentially providing habitat for more species that deliver natural biocontrol ( Bauhus et al., 2017 ). However, such results may be context-specific ( Heybroek, 1982 ), and depend on whether the invading pathogen is a host specialist or generalist. We have included within this section observational studies of variation in pathogen incidence with tree species diversity as well as experimental studies with species mixtures. Their coverage is summarized in more detail in Tables 2 , 3 . Provenance and breeding of trees for resistance is also an important aspect of forest resilience to tree pathogens, but was outside the scope of this review.


Table 3 . Summary of studies in tree species diversity/mixture effects.

There is general agreement across studies that increases in tree species diversity are associated with an increase in forest resilience with respect to invasive pathogens. In sites across Europe, more diverse forests were associated with lower levels of disease incidence ( Nguyen et al., 2017 ). These findings are supported by experimental units of broadleaf trees in Germany, where fungal infections of the most susceptible tree species were reduced as species diversity increased ( Hantsch et al., 2014a ). This pattern was also recorded in studies in North America, where higher tree diversity was associated with lower occurrence of Fusarium sp. canker in Acer saccharum (sugar maple; Bergdahl et al., 2002 ), and higher tree species diversity was linked to a lower incidence of P. ramorum in Californian oak forests ( Haas et al., 2011 , 2016 ). Stands with higher tree diversity were also found to have lower mortality rates of P. menziesii caused by P. ramourm ( Ramage et al., 2012 ). In an experiment in Germany, planted with individual tree-scale species combinations in 5 × 5 m plots, high tree species diversity in the same plot reduced the amounts of fungal infection in trees of Quercus petraea (sessile oak; Hantsch et al., 2014a ). Only a single study contradicted these results, showing in Spain and Italy that Armillaria spp. presence and abundance in pure A. alba stands was lower than in mixed-species stands ( Oliva et al., 2009 ).

Diversity amongst clones in monocultures can also affect resilience to tree disease. Willow rust ( Melampsora epitea) causes decline in many short rotation Salix spp. (willow) crops. In an experiment in Northern Ireland, UK, McCracken and Dawson (1998) found that increasing the diversity of clones reduced mortality due to rust in the most susceptible clones only, but no further improvements in survival were seen when moving from 5- to 20-clone mixtures. Mixed-clone sites were also found to have later onset of disease during the first 4 years of growth, but showed no difference after this time ( McCracken and Dawson, 1997 ). However, following observations of a subsequent experiment over two 3-year harvesting cycles, Begley et al. (2009) found no consistent effects of mixtures on reducing M. epitea on the most susceptible Salix genotype. They concluded that any benefit of mixture planting will be dependent on there being sufficient genetic diversity between the genotypes.

An important mechanism cited for the benefit of species mixture is the dilution of trees of species susceptible to a given pathogen by individuals of non-host species. However, experimental results of this effect are variable, and the specific composition of species in a mixture is found to be important. In an experimental study in Minnesota with seedlings of six conifer and four hardwood tree species planted in three mixtures differing in the proportion of individual tree species, the relative proportion of susceptible conifers or resistant broadleaves had a significant effect on mortality associated with Armillaria sp. root infection ( Gerlach et al., 1997 ). These findings were supported by longer-term experiments in British Columbia, in which P. contorta var. latifolia had lower mortality, due predominantly to A. ostoyae , when grown in mixture with Betula papyrifera (paper birch) and T. plicata both of which have low susceptibility to this pathogen ( Morrison et al., 2014 ). However, no benefit was found when growing it in mixture with the highly susceptible host species P. menziesii . In contrast, for 30-year-old P. menziesii no reduction in root pathogen-caused mortality rate was found from growing it in mixture with non-host species. Also in British Columbia, experimental removal of naturally regenerated broadleaves B. papyrifera and Populus tremuloides (quaking aspen) generally caused a 1.5- to 4-fold increase in mortality of planted P. menziesii for 3–5 years due to A. ostoyae infection, though the effect depended on removal method ( Gerlach et al., 1997 ; Baleshta et al., 2005 ; Simard et al., 2005 ). In Southwest Lapland and in North Karelia, Finland, modeling of observational data showed that the incidence of M. pinitorqua on young P. sylvestris was greater in the presence of both Populus tremula (aspen, also a host species), and Salix spp. (willows, not known to be host species but said to be indicators of higher soil moisture and fertility) ( Mattila et al., 2001 ; Mattila, 2002 ).

There is variation amongst conifer species in their susceptibility to H. annosum butt rot, and in southern Sweden the presence of less susceptible P. sylvestris was found to decrease the incidence of this pathogen in trees of the more susceptible P. abies ( Linden and Vollbrecht, 2002 ). This effect increased notably up to a relative abundance of 50% of P. sylvestris but not above that proportion. Experimental plantings in Germany showed that, overall, tree species diversity in mixtures of 30 mono-specific 8 × 8 m sub-plots reduced the level of foliar pathogen infestation of susceptible Quercus spp. by Erysiphe alphitoides and E. hypophylla (powdery mildew) at the plot level ( Hantsch et al., 2013 ). The presence of the highly susceptible Quercus spp. increased the plot-level pathogen load but resistant species such as P. abies decreased it.

Variation in the impacts of tree diversity on resistance to tree pathogens is likely related to tree species identity in the same forest unit (on a scale from individual adjacent trees up to ca. 50 m), with tree characteristics beyond simply host or non-host being important. Indeed, this may also be the main driver of any detected effects of species diversity within forest stands. Severity of infection of Fraxinus spp. to the pathogen H. fraxineus was highest in the presence of Quercus robur (pedunculate oak) and lowest in the presence of Acer spp. and Abies spp., both non-hosts. However, this result from an observational study of forests across the Czech Republic does not prove causation by the tree species themselves, but may be linked to variation in site environments ( Havdova et al., 2017 ). In the rigorously-designed planted experiment studied by Hantsch et al. (2013) , for trees of Tilia cordata (small-leaved lime) both fungal species richness and infestation level (predominantly of Passalora microsora and Asteromella tiliae ) were reduced by tree diversity in the plot. For non-host tree species the effect of their proportion in the plot on infestation level in T. cordata varied from significantly positive (for Fagus sylvatica , European beech) to negative (for P. sylvestris and in some years for P. abies ). Similarly, infestation of the leaves of Q. petraea increased with the proportion of Fraxinus excelsior (European ash) in the plot and decreased with P. abies . In a rehabilitated bauxite mine site in Western Australia, experimental mixed planting with non-host species reduced mortality of the susceptible host tree species Banksia grandis caused by soil inoculation with the pathogen Phytophthora cinnamomi only when grown in mixture with Acacia pulchella , but not with four other non-host Acacia species ( D'Souza et al., 2004 ). The mechanism was suggested to be that mixture with A. pulchella reduced the soil inoculum level. These results provide strong evidence of the importance of tree species-identity effects.

In general, higher tree diversity improves forest resilience to tree diseases. However, a major mechanism in this effect has been found to be linked to the identity of the tree species present (i.e., species composition). Highly susceptible species show the largest reductions in pathogen presence and impact with increases in tree diversity. There is also evidence that greater benefit for such susceptible tree species can be obtained if they are mixed with trees not susceptible to the pathogen. It is important that future experiments are designed in a way that allows separation of effects due to species identity from those due to species diversity per se through careful consideration of species and mixtures tested. There would also be benefit in future studies determining the role of alternative mechanisms causing species mixture or diversity effects on pathogen infection, such as relative levels of inter- and intra-specific competition and their impacts on tree condition. While the resilience of mixed-species forests to individual host-specific tree pathogens may increase at the whole-forest ecosystem scale, the sum of components of these ecosystems are vulnerable to a larger number of tree pathogens than is the case for single-species forests. More work needs to be done to understand how the dynamics of different classes of pathogen affect the trade-off associated with the epidemiological risks and benefits of mixed cropping at different scales. Mixed-species forests generally increase the costs and complexity of management. Therefore, in reaching evidence-based forest management decisions, biological, and ecological considerations need to be combined with economic analysis that explicitly considers the multiple costs and benefits over time of alternative management responses to invasive pathogens.

Tree Establishment Under Different Silvicultural Systems

For many tree species, planting or natural regeneration under shelterwood leads to better establishment than in open conditions (e.g., after clearcutting; Raymond and Bédard, 2017 ). This form of silviculture can also be beneficial for plant ( Hannerz and Hanell, 1997 ) and bird ( King and DeGraaf, 2000 ) biodiversity. Increased vigor of trees grown in shelterwood sites may increase resistance to tree disease, however the retained canopy trees may also act as a source of inoculum.

Across studies, the relative incidence of pathogen infection between shelterwood and clearcut sites shows high variation even within sites, and between tree and pathogen species. In study locations across the USA, Pinus strobus (eastern white pine) experienced either increase ( Ostry, 2000 ), decrease ( Katovich et al., 2004 ) or no change ( Katovich et al., 2004 ) in incidence of C. ribicola when grown in shelterwood compared with clearcut sites. Across the same locations, Armillaria sp. root rot of P. strobus was less common in shelterwood than in clearcut sites ( Ostry, 2000 ). A history of clearcutting increased the incidence of Neonectria ditissima in trees of Betula spp. (birch; Ward et al., 2010 ).

Amongst selection or retention systems, the size of felling gap has been suggested to influence forest resilience to tree diseases, but it is acknowledged that this varies with tree and pathogen species. The most rigorous experimental study was carried out in a pine forest in Minnesota (USA), in which Pinus resinosa, P. strobus , and P. banksiana (red, eastern white and jack pine) were planted within felling gaps of 0.3 and 0.1 ha, within plots with evenly-spaced retained overstorey trees or in an unfelled control. Incidence of shoot blight (predominantly Diplodia pinea ) in dead seedlings was significantly less in the 0.3 ha gap treatment than in the control for both P. strobus and P. banksiana , but not for P. resinosa . In contrast, Armillaria solidipes incidence was significantly greater in one or both of the two gap sizes than the control for all three tree species. Gall rust (likely caused by Cronartium quercuum f. sp. banksianae ) was observed only in P. banksiana , and its incidence was significantly greater in the small gaps than the control ( Ostry et al., 2012 ). In no cases were any significant differences in pathogen incidence found amongst the two gap sizes and the evenly-spaced retention systems. Similar variability in response to silvicultural treatments was seen in an experimental study of Pinus radiata (Monterey pine) forest infected by Fusarium circinatum (a causal organism of pitch canker) in California. Here, incidence of the disease was greater in seedlings growing in intermediate-size (0.10 ha) gaps than in smaller (0.05 ha) or larger (0.20 ha) gaps ( Ferchaw et al., 2013 ). However, gap size was not found to affect the odds of seedling survival. Tree position with respect to a long-term forest edge has been found to influence crown dieback caused by the pathogen H. fraxineus in retained trees of F. excelsior in an observational study following a tree harvest in Estonia ( Rosenvald et al., 2015 ). The level of dieback and mortality resulting from H. fraxineus was less for trees adjacent to the pre-existing forest edge than those in the center of the harvest gap. Such effects of tree position need to be considered in studies of other pathogens and locations.

Understanding of the impacts of the range of alternative silvicultural systems on forest resilience to tree diseases is poor, with relatively few studies. It is not surprising that the available evidence shows little consistency across pathogen and tree species, given the wide variation in their transmission pathways and modes of infection. Transmission to seedlings of pathogens that spread via root contact is expected to be greater in shelterwood or other even-retention or small-gap selection systems. This effect may be less so for pathogens that disperse via airborne or water dispersal. Similarly, amongst trees, light-demanding species that show greatest vigor in open clearcut or large gap sites are likely to be less susceptible to infection in such site conditions. In contrast, more shade-tolerant species may be less susceptible in shelterwood or small gap systems where they are less vulnerable to environmental stress. However, such deductions, and in particular the net effects of any trade-offs between the effect of site conditions on the rate of pathogen infection and on the level of seedling vigor, need further empirical research. It can be expected that the net outcome will vary amongst tree and pathogen species.

Individual silvicultural systems differ from each other in several different component silvicultural operations and resulting stand conditions, which are addressed in turn in the sections below.

Canopy Cover

Differences in forest canopy cover at different stages of the forest growth cycle is one of the obvious distinctions amongst different silvicultural systems. It is also influenced by decisions over specific silvicultural operations, e.g., tree species selection, planting density, and thinning. Canopy cover affects microclimate, solar irradiation and air flow, all of which can alter the survival and dispersal of pathogens within a forest. Although it could not be distinguished as a separate effect in the reviewed literature, canopy cover would also be expected to affect movement of animal vectors of disease. We found only three studies explicitly investigating the impacts of canopy cover and their results conformed to the expectation for the different types of pathogen species, given that greater canopy cover is associated with higher air humidity, but lower sub-canopy wind speeds. Two studies in California mixed evergreen forest found a positive relationship between canopy cover and severity of infection by P. ramorum , a species whose dispersal and colonization is dependent on high humidity ( Condeso and Meentemeyer, 2007 ; Ellis et al., 2010 ). In contrast, in British Columbia, C. ribicola , a species whose spores can disperse successfully through dry air, was reduced in sites with higher canopy cover ( Campbell and Antos, 2000 ). As the effects of canopy cover clearly differ so much between different species it is not possible to draw conclusions across tree pathogens in general. In order to provide a stronger evidence base for the relative effect of different silvicultural systems in limiting the rate of secondary infection of tree pathogens, new research into the mechanisms by which canopy cover alters pathogen dispersal and infection is a high priority.

Tree Density

High tree density reduces the distance between potential host individuals and would therefore be expected to increase rates of pathogen spread by secondary infection within a forest. This effect is likely to vary among pathogen species, with a greater effect seen for pathogens that spread via root contact than for those with only airborne dispersal. Dispersal via animal vectors is also likely to be affected by tree density, though this could not be distinguished as a separate effect in the reviewed literature. Variation in total tree density can result from many causes, e.g., initial density of planting or natural regeneration or reduction in density due to intensity of thinning or other forms of selective felling. Reduction in density of individual host species can occur as a result of mixture with other species (reviewed in section Tree Species Mixture and Diversity). Studies that reported on the effects of thinning as an operation are reviewed in the following section Thinning.

We found only one study testing the relationship between tree density and the incidence of a pathogen species that spreads through root contact. In Minnesota, USA, broadleaf and conifer seedlings were planted in several species mixtures in recently logged sites at four different densities, ranging from 0.25 to 2 m spacing. In this study the effect of closer spacing on mortality was not significant ( Gerlach et al., 1997 ). Airborne pathogens have been subject to much more extensive study. The intensity of P. ramorum infection increased in an observational study of mixed evergreen stands in California with higher densities of the three primary host species ( Dillon et al., 2014 ). This positive relationship between tree density and pathogen incidence or impact has been observed for a range of other tree and airborne pathogen species and locations, including crown dieback of F. excelsior due to H. fraxineus in forests across the Czech Republic ( Havdova et al., 2017 ), mortality of P. sylvestris due to snow blight ( Phacidium infestans ) in Sweden ( Burdon et al., 1992 ), and infection level by M. pinitorqua of both P. sylvestris in Southwest Lapland and in Northern Karelia, Finland ( Mattila et al., 2001 ; Mattila, 2002 ), and P. pinaster in France ( Desprez-Loustau and Wagner, 1997 ). However a number of other studies find no relationship between pathogen incidence and tree density ( McCracken and Dawson, 1998 ; Bishaw et al., 2003 ; Piirto and Valkonen, 2005 ).

High tree densities increase susceptibility to a broad range of tree pathogens, both those spread by root contact and airborne spores, although this effect is not universal, with many studies showing no relationship. It is likely that the relationship between tree density and pathogen prevalence is not linear but characterized by thresholds at both low and high densities. For most pathogen species forests with a high load are unlikely to see changes in pathogen spread through reduction in tree density, as the probability of secondary infection is likely to remain high even with relatively large distances between trees. Similarly, once distance between trees exceeds the normal dispersal distance of a pathogen, further increases in distance would be expected to have a smaller effect. We found no clear evidence of effects of forest structure per se , though many studies did report on the progression of disease during the development of planted stands. Priorities for future applied research would be to improve understanding of the mechanisms of tree density effects and identify thresholds in tree density related to pathogen load. In considering the role of tree density as a factor in species diversity effects on susceptibility to pathogens, an important source of evidence from future research would be to distinguish the influence of absolute tree density from that of the relative density of individual species and from the effect of forest structure (e.g., tree size heterogeneity). Thus, research should specifically compare the effects of reducing host species density by increased spacing in monoculture vs. dilution by planting in mixture with non-host species.

Thinning may be carried out as a planned action to increase production of the highest value timber from a forest, to improve other components of stand condition, or in response to damaging disturbance events, including tree pathogen outbreaks. In the latter case, thinning can take the form of salvage cutting, where dead or dying trees are removed, or sanitation cutting, which targets trees highly susceptible to disease, with the intention of reducing forest inoculum load. The latter type of thinning to remove susceptible trees will be considered in the next section Diseased Tree Removal. Thinning to improve growth or other components of tree vigor, through reduction in tree density (section Tree Density), could also be expected to improve resilience to tree diseases. However, studies show a large variation in forest response to thinning actions. Negative impacts could be attributed to the resulting stumps, whose cut surfaces are susceptible to infection (compare section Site Preparation), wounding of remaining trees, or due to increased traffic within managed areas, increasing pathogen spread by vectors ( Jules et al., 2002 ; Cushman and Meentemeyer, 2008 ; Goheen et al., 2012 ).

Armillaria sp. root rots have been the best studied pathogen with regards to thinning impacts, with studies consistently finding evidence that thinning increases pathogen infection. Weights of Armillaria sp. isolated from the soil increased with past thinning intensity in A. alba stands in the Spanish Pyrenees ( Oliva et al., 2009 ) and incidence of A. ostoyae infection was higher in experimental units that had been thinned for a range of conifer species in British Columbia, compared with paired unthinned stands ( Morrison et al., 2001 ). This result was also observed in experimental P. menziesii plantations in Oregon ( Rosso and Hansen, 1998 ) and Idaho ( Entry et al., 1991 ), as well as for A. luteobubalina infection of Eucalyptus diversicolor (karri) in Western Australia, with no increased growth rate of trees retained after thinning ( Robinson, 2003 ). In P. radiata plantations in New Zealand thinning also increased stand-level infection of retained trees by A. novae-zelandiae partly through infection from stumps, however the incidence of infection diminished as the stumps decomposed, leaving no effect of thinning after 6 years ( Hood et al., 2002 ; Hood and Kimberley, 2009 ).

Studies of other species of root rot also predominantly show an increase in infection with thinning. In 15 year old P. menziesii stands in northern California, incidence of L. wageneri was much higher in thinned than in unthinned stands ( Harrington et al., 1983 ). This finding was confirmed in a much more extensive survey of P. menziesii plantations in southwest Oregon, which found that incidence of L. wageneri was significantly higher in thinned than unthinned stands, though this effect was not apparent in all the studied forests ( Hessburg, 2001 ). In an experimental study of P. abies stands in Sweden, the probability of stump infection was much higher following thinning in the summer than the winter ( Thor and Stenlid, 2005 ). This pattern persisted following a second thinning of these plots ( Oliva et al., 2010 ). However, infection rates following summer thinning were greatly reduced by a range of chemical and biological (spores of P. gigantea ) treatments of the cut stumps ( Thor and Stenlid, 2005 ), and plots with stumps treated with urea had much lower overall mortality ( Oliva et al., 2008 ). Only a single study recorded a decrease in infection following thinning, with reduced mortality of P. ponderosa due to L. wageneri 10 years after experimental thinning in north-eastern California ( Otrosina et al., 2007 ). Thinning may also be accompanied by measures to remove root fragments, particularly where thinning was carried out with the intention of tackling root rots. However, intensive root removal can be associated with wounding the roots of retained trees, which increased the risk of infection of P. tremuloides by Armillaria spp. ( Pankuch et al., 2003 ).

Thinning has highly variable effects on tree diseases besides root rots. The most frequently studied pathogens infecting tree shoots have been dothistroma needle blight of Pinus spp. caused by D. septosporum and D. pini . A comprehensive review of management and control of these pathogens was provided by Bulman et al. (2016) . They found that in Australia, Chile, New Zealand and USA, reducing stand density by thinning reduced disease levels. However, ongoing experiments in the generally wetter climates of Great Britain and British Columbia have not shown a notable effect on disease incidence. No benefits were found of thinning for control of these pathogens, or Lecanosticta acicula , in P. radiata plantations in northern Spain ( de Urbina et al., 2017 ). Thinning was reported to reduce damage of P. contorta var. latifolia due to E. harknessii across 27 plantations in southeastern British Columbia ( Roach et al., 2015 ). However, no significant effect of thinning of P. contorta var. latifolia on incidence of E. harknessii infection had been found in a previous multi-site study in British Columbia, though thinning was associated with a large increase in the incidence of infection by stalactiform blister rust ( Cronartium coleosporioides ; van der Kamp, 1994 ). Similarly, in Idaho, thinning was related to an increase in the number of new lethal infections per tree of Pinus monticola (western white pine) by C. ribicola 5 years after treatment ( Hungerford et al., 1982 ). In an experiment in a forest in Missouri, USA, where a range of oak species are subject to “oak decline” that may be caused by a range of root pathogens or insects, thinning in the form of “improvement harvests” (selective cutting to remove trees that were declining and to reduce tree density) did not significantly alter the incidence of oak decline after 10 ( Meadows et al., 2013 ) or 14 years ( Dwyer et al., 2007 ; Meadows et al., 2013 ).

As well as being a legacy of the harvesting of mature trees, stumps are also present throughout growing stands as a result of thinning operations. Chemical or biological treatment of stumps resulting from thinning can be effective at reducing pathogen incidence, as is the case for final harvest tree stumps (section Site Preparation). In Sweden, following thinning, the proportion of P. abies stump area colonized by H. annosum after 6–7 weeks was reduced by 88–99% in stumps treated with either 35% urea solution, 5% disodium octaborate tetrahydrate solution or spores of Phlebiopsis gigantea , compared with untreated stumps ( Thor and Stenlid, 2005 ).

In the majority of cases, forests that have undergone thinning have a higher incidence of tree disease than unthinned sites. However, results are variable, even within the same site, pathogen or tree species. Such variation likely arises not from thinning itself, but from other changes within the forest associated with thinning regimes. Pathogen loads can increase due to increased movement of machinery and human vectors into a forest to carry out thinning ( Jules et al., 2002 ; Cushman and Meentemeyer, 2008 ; Goheen et al., 2012 ) and wounding of stems and roots of retained trees that can provide entry points for pathogens. More complex effects can be mediated by changes in forest species composition and structural composition resulting from thinning. Therefore, to provide a more robust basis for management recommendations, future studies should focus on identifying and accounting for the sources of this variation, and determining how impacts vary during the course of a pathogen invasion.

Diseased Tree Removal

Removal of diseased trees is often one of the criteria applied for tree selection in thinning of diseased stands. In some cases it is the sole focus of a control programme, either restricted to trees already showing disease symptoms or extended to trees considered to be at high risk of infection, e.g., because of their species and proximity to diseased trees. The effectiveness of this measure has been assessed in a number of studies, though not through rigorous experimentation. Examples include the spatial spread of Dutch elm disease ( Ophiostoma novo -ulmi) in New Zealand ( Ganley and Bulman, 2016 ) and Gotland Island, Sweden ( Menkis et al., 2016 ), and P. ramorum in the coastal forests of Oregon ( Kanaskie et al., 2006 ). In 35-year-old coppiced Castanea sativa (sweet chestnut) in Italy, thinning that targeted the cutting of infected stems did result in a reduction in the severity of damage due to C. parasitica 2 years later ( Amorini et al., 2001 ). In all of these studies, while some evidence was found that removal of infected and adjacent trees slowed the spread of the pathogen, it had only delayed, rather than prevented, eventual infection. The cryptic nature of the pathogens that prevents sufficiently early identification of infected trees to enable their removal before they become a source of inoculum, and the occasional occurrence of long-distance inoculum dispersal events through vectors, e.g., human or animal movement, are among the major constraints. The potential for removal of diseased trees to disrupt natural biocontrol, e.g., hypovirulence of C. parasitica caused by virus infection of the fungus, merits future research.

Pruning and Coppicing

Pruning of lateral branches is usually carried out to improve timber quality by reducing knots in the subsequent radial wood growth. Analogous to thinning, pruning may also be carried out to reduce pathogen incidence by targeting infected or susceptible damaged branches or to reduce sub-canopy humidity in the forest. However, pruning wounds also create potential sites for pathogen entry and, as with thinning, pruning operations may increase traffic and potential of cross-infection on tools, acting as vectors of pathogens.

Positive impacts of pruning Pinus spp. on resistance to C. ribicola rust have been largely consistent across North America. In Idaho pruning of P. monticola in addition to thinning greatly reduced the total number of new lethal and non-lethal infections per tree after 5 years compared with thinning-only treatment and controls ( Hungerford et al., 1982 ). Incidence and severity of C. ribicola infection of young P. strobus was reduced by preventative pruning of susceptible lower branches in sites across the eastern USA ( Ostry, 2000 ). Pruning of infected branches of P. strobus also reduced the incidence of disease and tree mortality in Quebec, Canada ( Lavallee, 1991 ).

For other pathogens, results of pruning have not been so positive. Pruning increased F. circinatum canker symptoms in P. radiata plantations in Cantabria, Spain, which was attributed to the role of pruning wounds in permitting the pathogen to infect the tree ( Bezos et al., 2012 ). Pruning increased D. pinea infection in P. radiata trees in New Zealand that were experimentally inoculated, with a large increase in infection rates with intensity of pruning (percentage of crown removed; Chou and MacKenzie, 1988 ). Infection by D. pinea and by Seiridium cardinale was also positively associated with pruning of Cupressus sempervirens (cypress) trees in Israel ( Madar et al., 1991 ). No effect of pruning was observed on control of D. septosporum, D. pini , or L. acicula in P. radiata plantations in northern Spain ( de Urbina et al., 2017 ), nor Armillaria spp. infection in New Zealand P. radiata plantations ( Hood et al., 2002 ). For stands of P. abies in Baden-Württemburg, Germany, careful pruning of branches up to 10 m height was found to produce only a low risk of wood deterioration, however it did lead to an increase in heartwood infection by a range of pathogens, especially Nectria fuckeliana ( Metzler, 1997 ). The review of studies in Australia and New Zealand on Dothistroma spp. infection of Pinus spp. by Bulman et al. (2016) reported mixed results of pruning, particularly beyond short-term impacts.

Shoot removal to reduce multiple stems to a single stem was carried out on Acacia mangium and A. crassicarpa plantation trees in South Africa, and was followed by experimental inoculation by pathogenic Ceratocystis acaiivora and Lasiodiplodia theobromae fungi ( Tarigan et al., 2011 ). Careful pruning resulted in reduced lesion size compared with trees pruned less carefully, causing tearing of the bark, which suffered infection from naturally spreading spores even if not inoculated. Pathogen impacts are of particular concern for short-rotation coppice systems with fast-growing trees that are particularly susceptible to infection. In an experiment in Northern Ireland, McCracken and Dawson (2003) found that coppicing produced mixed results amongst genotypes of Salix spp. In one genotype, levels of the M. epitea rust pathogen were much higher in the first 3-year harvest cycle than during the second cycle. However, for a number of other genotypes, M. epitea infection was more severe on the regrowth from freshly coppiced stools.

Phytophthora ramorum is able to persist in, and produce spores from, resprouted stumps (effectively increasing the inoculum load available for secondary infection within a plantation thus generating secondary infection). A benefit of sprout cutting was shown, as isolation of P. ramorum from the sprouts growing from cut stumps of U. californica was reduced in sprouts that had been cut 1-year previously compared with those left to grow for 7 years, however there was no treatment effect for sprouts growing on stumps of N. densiflorus ( Valachovic et al., 2013a ).

Pruning, coppicing and shoot removal have a highly variable impact on resilience of forests to tree pathogens. Some of the literature on the subject points to an increase in susceptibility caused by pruning wounds and increased vector or air movement of the pathogen within the forest. However, other studies show a decrease in susceptibility to some pathogens, linked to removal of susceptible branch material and reduced sub-canopy humidity. There is a lack of experimental studies that enable testing of these mechanisms and their trade-offs. While pruning is less common as a forest management practice than is thinning, it should be a priority for future studies. There is good potential to link knowledge of the effects of pruning practice on tree pathogens in arboriculture with the evidence required to inform forest management. A priority is to understand more about what controls the risk of entry into pruning wounds of the main airborne pathogens of commercial tree species.

The processes described above in terms of primary and secondary infection capture the first element of forest resilience, its resistance to an invading pathogen. The second element, the capacity of the forest to recover, is discussed in this section. As explained above, we considered rates of tree growth and natural regeneration following the onset of pathogen infection, which were the only measures of the recovery of the forest ecosystem reported in the reviewed studies. Within our working definition of resilience, we did not include changes in pathogen inoculum or infection level in the ecosystem as measures of recovery, in order to avoid mixing up “cause” and “effect.” The capacity for forest ecosystem recovery can be assessed over a wide range of temporal and spatial scales. For entire managed forests it is extremely likely that, over the long term, the decisions of forest managers will be crucial in determining the rate and trajectory of forest recovery. Gibbs et al. (2002) provide an insightful account of how successive generations of managers have experimented and adapted the management of a forest (Thetford, UK) to promote recovery and longer-term forest resilience to the threat posed by H. annosum . A number of studies have investigated at a smaller and shorter-term scale the effect of individual management actions on the capacity for forest recovery from pathogen impacts through natural regeneration or tree growth. They have researched some of the forest management options already considered in terms of their impact on primary and secondary infection (above), and we review their evidence on forest recovery below, with a summary in Table 2 .

Species Diversity and Mixtures

In a large experiment in British Columbia forests subject to infection by A. ostoyae and P. sulphurascens , mixed species plots had lower basal area after 40 years growth compared with monocultures, but the effect on stem diameter and on dominant tree height was variable ( Morrison et al., 2014 ). Interpretation of other experimental studies in British Columbia crosses over between the effects of species mixture and of thinning as a treatment. In British Columbia forests where P. menziesii is subject to infection by A. ostoyae , mean diameter increment and height:diameter ratio increased significantly in stands where B. papyrifera was removed or partly thinned ( Baleshta et al., 2005 ). This was linked to increases in light and soil moisture levels caused by the thinning. In higher altitude British Columbia forests infested with A. ostoyae , the diameter growth of planted P. menziesii was 27% greater after experimental removal of the naturally regenerated broadleaves B. papyrifera and P. tremuloides compared with untreated controls, and the increase was greater with higher intensity removal treatments, however height growth was not significantly affected ( Gerlach et al., 1997 ; Baleshta et al., 2005 ; Simard et al., 2005 ). In a second experiment, diameter growth of P. contorta var. latifolia (but not P. menziesii ) was increased by removal of broadleaves. These results indicate the importance of the identity of tree species in a mixture for tree growth recovery from pathogen infection.

In a complex mixture experiment of many Salix spp. varieties in a short rotation coppice system in Northern Ireland subject to the M. epitea rust pathogen, tree growth rate was invariably greater in mixtures compared with monoculture, even when a majority of varieties in the mixture were killed by the pathogen ( McCracken et al., 2001 ). However, in a subsequent experimental study of Salix viminalis genotypes subject to infection by M. epitea , whilst at the harvest at the end of the first 3-year growth cycle mixtures showed a higher yield compared with monocultures, this difference did not persist to the harvest at the end of the second cycle ( Begley et al., 2009 ).

Inoculum removal prior to planting has had mixed effects on subsequent tree growth. A large-scale experiment in a British Columbia forest infested with the root pathogens P. sulphurascens and A. ostoyae showed that stump removal increased plot basal area by an average of 1.3 times after 40 years of growth of the rotation following treatment, and increased dominant tree height, but did not alter stem diameter ( Morrison et al., 2014 ). In forests infested by P. sulphurascens in Washington State and Oregon, pre-planting stump removal produced mixed results on the growth of P. menziesii ( Thies and Westlind, 2005 ). It increased seedling height in two study sites, and reduced the final measured volume at one site, but there were no significant effects at the other sites studied.

There are insufficient studies of alternative silvicultural systems to draw any clear conclusions about the implications for recovery. In P. radiata forest infected by F. circinatum in California, gap size was positively associated with seedling height and diameter growth rates, showing a pattern that did not correspond to that of the variation in disease incidence with gap size ( Ferchaw et al., 2013 ). In mixed conifer forest in Oregon subject to infection by A. ostoyae , experimental harvesting treatments of group selection and shelterwood were compared with unharvested forest ( Filip et al., 2010 ). Diameter growth of retained trees 10 years after infection by A. ostoyae was not significantly altered by the silvicultural harvesting treatments, and there were no consistent effects on the density of natural regeneration amongst species.

In a P. monticola forest infected by C. ribicola in Washington State, tree height at 16 years of age was not significantly affected by tree spacing over a range from 3 to 5 m, however it was lower with very close spacing (2 m) and very wide spacing (6 m) ( Bishaw et al., 2003 ). Tree diameter increased with spacing from 2 to 5 m. Plot basal area and volume decreased with spacing over the whole range from 2 to 6 m. Thus, response to variation in tree density differed amongst measures of forest growth. Results from this single study of one tree-pathogen species combination do not provide a sufficient basis for any generalization.

Studies of thinning impacts have consistently shown that it results in increased tree growth rates in infected stands sufficient to promote forest recovery. In P. radiata plantations in New Zealand subject to severe infection by A. novae-zelandiae , thinning treatments were followed by long-term increase in growth (and assumed associated resistance) in the retained trees at a level sufficient to counter the effects of increased inoculum potential following treatment ( Hood and Kimberley, 2009 ). As a result, it is expected that thinning of these diseased stands will not lead to any reduction in final crop volume. Similarly, in coppiced C. sativa forest infected by C. parasitica in Italy, a thinning treatment that targeted the cutting of infected stems increased the growth rate of the retained stems, resulting in the same stand volume growth rate as pre-thinning ( Amorini et al., 2001 ). In Mississippi, USA, where red oaks ( Quercus spp.) are infected with the canker decay fungus Inonotus hispidus , experimental improvement thinning that removed smaller and diseased trees significantly increased the diameter growth of the retained trees ( Meadows et al., 2013 ).

One study was notable for providing evidence of natural regeneration as a process of forest recovery, but its results were mixed. In British Columbia selective cutting, a silvicultural treatment somewhat akin to thinning, in forests infested with A. ostoyae , resulted in a large increase in rates of subsequent natural regeneration of a range of conifer species, compared with uncut control plots, but in only two of the four studied forest sites. Less than 30% of the naturally regenerated trees were killed by the pathogen in these two sites ( Morrison et al., 2001 ).


Coverage of published studies.

Published studies on forest resilience to tree diseases have uneven coverage with regard to geographical locations, management options, and pathogen species. The majority of studies have been restricted to a single forest area, while larger-scale studies often find inconsistent results across locations. This patchy coverage, and a lack of detail in reporting of the management options tested or the scale of their effects, hampers our ability to produce a systematic assessment of the similarities and differences in the impacts of management on tree resilience to different tree pathogens. Insufficient evidence is provided to enable comparison of effectiveness between options. Individual studies are limited to considering a single, or small number of related, pathogens, and therefore do not provide an adequate evidence base for forest managers who need to decide how best to increase forest resilience against multiple known and unknown future threats. Determining general conclusions to best inform forest management in the face of such a diversity of (and likely increasing pressure from) future pathogen risks is therefore challenging. Most management actions have been responsive, seeking to combat specific pathogens that are either established in a forest or new outbreaks after they have reached a region. Interventions thus tend to focus on reducing sources of inoculum or the rate of secondary infection, including the transmission of inoculum and the susceptibility of trees. Because most studies have researched forests managed for timber production, their evidence should not simply be extrapolated to forests managed for other benefits (for which different measures of resilience, linked to other ecosystem services, would be more relevant).

Evidence of Forest Management That Increases Resilience to Forest Pathogens

Although the published studies included in this review were very uneven in their coverage and did not produce consistent results, they provided stronger evidence of the benefit of certain management options for forest resilience to pathogens. The reduction of primary infection by limiting the connectivity of forest units and by the removal or treatment of stumps during site preparation, and the reduction of secondary infection by planting mixed species forests, are the management options with the strongest evidence for improving forest resilience to pathogens. Despite this, in each case the effects are strongly modified by the particular methods used and tree species involved, so this evidence can only be taken as a first indication to inform management decision-making. Forest managers must also consider the scale of the effect of each management option and trade-offs with other impacts on the forest system, such as the effects on environmental conditions and thus tree health and vigor.

Commercial timber production is the dominant management objective in the studied forests, with the need to reduce the risk to this posed by tree pathogens and pests increasingly recognized. However, even in commercial forests biodiversity conservation is also an increasingly important objective. Therefore, the potential negative impacts of connectivity on risk of spread of pathogens and pests needs to be weighed against the demonstrated benefits of higher connectivity for biodiversity ( Lindenmayer et al., 2006 ). For many tree pathogens, connectivity through vehicular and human movement may be more significant than a continuity of habitat cover, depending on how specific pathogens spread. Therefore, controlling primary infection rate via human vectors may provide a reduction in functional connectivity for some pathogens, with little impact on other organisms. Stump removal as a method to reduce sources of pathogen innocuum also presents an interesting trade-off with habitat management for the benefit of biodiversity. Dead wood such as stumps are recognized as important habitat components for a wide range of forest biodiversity, including many forest specialist species ( Hartley, 2002 ). Providing adequate evidence to inform the management response to this trade-off is also a research priority.

Perhaps the most consistent finding of the reviewed research, supported by multiple studies across a range of pathogen species, although still not ubiquitous, is that the rate of secondary infection of trees of a given species is reduced if these trees are growing in a mixed, species-diverse forest rather than a monoculture. In this sense, higher species diversity has an insurance value against future income risks due to disease, which will be positively valued by risk-averse forest managers ( Finger and Buchmann, 2015 ). However, this outcome depends on the species within the mixture, with only non-host species increasing forest resilience to pathogens. In fact, the presence of secondary host species can make infection worse and may increase the rate of primary infection ( Power and Mitchell, 2004 ). This finding points to a need to extend the importance of tree species selection in strategies to combat tree diseases. Beyond considering the susceptibility of candidate primary crop species to pathogen species known to be present in the region (or at risk of arriving during the forest rotation), forest managers also need to consider the potential role of each tree species in a mixed forest for how it may influence the risk of infection (by a broad range of pathogens) of the other crop species present.

In seeking to achieve the most economically efficient solution to exploiting the benefits of higher tree species diversity for increasing forest system resilience to tree pathogens, a key consideration is the spatial scale at which such mixing occurs. If the economic benefit of including within the forest a portfolio of different tree crop species can be achieved by establishing large monoculture blocks of each species, then this may only cause a small increase in management costs compared with a whole-forest monoculture. However, knowledge of ecological mechanisms would suggest that the larger the monoculture blocks the smaller will be the ecological benefit through diluting the individual trees of susceptible species. It is also possible that resilience of susceptible trees is increased due to interaction with other tree species, which is unlikely to occur if mixing takes place only at the landscape scale ( Bauhus et al., 2017 ). It is therefore striking that we found no studies reporting results on the effect of the spatial scale of tree species mixing on rates of pathogen infection. Similarly, for the studies that researched at a landscape scale, we did not find any that reported the effects of the heterogeneity (e.g., in tree species composition) between adjacent forest patches. These evidence gaps limit our ability to draw detailed conclusions regarding how mixed-species forests should be designed to maximize this benefit, and we therefore identify these as high priorities for future research.

With reference to recovery of forest ecosystems, there are a number of studies of the effects of silvicultural treatments on the growth of mostly conifer crop trees in pathogen-infested forests. The results generally indicate that tree growth increased following silvicultural treatments, irrespective of the fact that the studies were carried out in forests where the trees were subject to pathogen infection. However, there are very few studies reporting on the effect of silvicultural treatments on forest recovery through natural regeneration.

Implications for Epidemiological and Bioeconomic Modeling

The findings of this review have several implications for epidemiological modeling of emergence, spread, and persistence of tree pathogens and for capturing the resilience of forests in response to such threats. However, we identified many important evidence gaps in the empirical literature that should be a priority for new primary research to fill. Our review aimed at providing a foundation for linking the processes and parameters used in models, specifically the epidemiological components of primary and secondary infection, and the ecological components of forest recovery, to the published observational and experimental data. This has several important implications for this area of modeling. Firstly, while our review showed the importance of tree species mixture effects, most models consider a forest comprising only a single host species ( Kleczkowski et al., 2019 ). Secondly, our review showed the importance of connectivity between forest units. While there has been significant progress in recent years on spatial and meta-population modeling of plant pathogens, to our knowledge these have not yet been combined with ecological models to improve understanding of the trade-offs between the benefits of connectivity for biodiversity ( Lindenmayer et al., 2006 ) and the reduction of pathways for pathogens to spread between and within forests. Thirdly, in models the effects of management options on epidemiological processes are often described as a simple reduction of primary or secondary infection rate. In reality, many of these processes may involve non-linearities and threshold behavior, though these have not been thoroughly studied. Fourthly, our findings on the importance of persistent inoculum for certain pathogens, from reservoirs such as tree stumps and root fragments of felled trees, suggest that infection rates in a forest unit may be “path-dependent,” for example on the forest unit's history of infection and control options adopted, with implications for the structure of models. Fifthly, the implications of the reviewed empirical studies for epidemiological modeling are limited by their generally small sample size and, in many cases, weakness in the capacity of the experimental design to test the influence of environmental variables and interaction effects.

We hope that this paper will contribute to a dialogue between forest managers and ecologists on one hand and epidemiological and bioeconomic modelers on the other, to establish criteria for experimentation that can be used to better parameterize models and rigorously test their results.

Data Availability Statement

All datasets generated for this study are included in the article/ Supplementary Material .

Author Contributions

JH conceived the study. AK, NH, CG, and JH acquired funding for the project. JH and MR designed the study. MR carried out data collection, performed the analysis and led the drafting of the manuscript, with input from JH. All authors discussed and interpreted the results and contributed to the writing of the final manuscript.

This work is from the project titled Modeling economic impact and strategies to increase resilience against tree disease outbreaks . This is one of seven projects in the Tree Health and Plant Biosecurity Initiative (phase 2) funded by BBSRC, Defra, ESRC, Forestry Commission, NERC, and Scottish Government. The Rural & Environment Science & Analytical Services Division of the Scottish Government provided supporting capacity to MR for final editing of the paper.

Conflict of Interest

The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.


The authors thank the other members of the FOREMOD project team (Chris Quine, Morag Macpherson, Ciara Dangerfield, and Oleg Sheremet) for valuable discussions and insights which have contributed to the development of this paper in many ways.

Supplementary Material

The Supplementary Material for this article can be found online at: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/ffgc.2020.00007/full#supplementary-material

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Keywords: tree disease, epidemiology, forestry, pathogen, silviculture, forest management, invasive species, species diversity

Citation: Roberts M, Gilligan CA, Kleczkowski A, Hanley N, Whalley AE and Healey JR (2020) The Effect of Forest Management Options on Forest Resilience to Pathogens. Front. For. Glob. Change 3:7. doi: 10.3389/ffgc.2020.00007

Received: 25 June 2019; Accepted: 16 January 2020; Published: 10 February 2020.

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*Correspondence: Michaela Roberts, Michaela.roberts@hutton.ac.uk

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  • Published: 09 November 2020

A global analysis of the social and environmental outcomes of community forests

  • Reem Hajjar   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0003-0219-7313 1 , 2   na1 ,
  • Johan A. Oldekop   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0003-0565-812X 2 , 3   na1 ,
  • Peter Cronkleton 4 ,
  • Peter Newton   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0002-3992-0483 2 , 5 ,
  • Aaron J. M. Russell   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0002-0433-496X 6 , 7 &
  • Wen Zhou 8  

Nature Sustainability volume  4 ,  pages 216–224 ( 2021 ) Cite this article

4383 Accesses

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  • Developing world
  • Environmental sciences
  • Environmental social sciences

Community forest management (CFM) has been promoted for decades as a way to merge environmental conservation with economic development and natural resource rights agendas. Yet many of these initiatives have also led to substantial socioeconomic and environmental trade-offs. We present a comprehensive global analysis of environmental, income and natural resource rights outcomes of CFM, using data from 643 cases in 51 countries. We find that while the majority of cases reported positive environmental and income-related outcomes, forest access and resource rights were often negatively affected by policies to formalize CFM, countering one of CFM’s principal goals. Positive outcomes across all three dimensions were rare. We show that biophysical conditions, de facto tenure rights, national context, user-group characteristics and intervention types are key predictors of joint positive outcomes. These findings highlight key conducive conditions for CFM interventions, which can inform CFM design to ensure positive outcomes across multiple sustainability dimensions.

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literature review on forest management

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The data used for this analysis is available at: http://www.forestlivelihoods.org/resources/ .

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All computer code used in this analysis is available from the authors upon reasonable request.

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We thank the Evidence Based Forestry Initiative at the Centre for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) and the UK Department for International Development (DfID) for financing this research through its KNOWFOR programme grant. J.A.O. was supported through an EU FP7 Marie Curie Fellowship (FORCONEPAL). P.C. was supported through the CGIAR Research Program on Forest, Trees and Agroforestry (FTA), led by CIFOR. We also thank M. Vikas, M. Burbidge, A. Langeland and K. Gregory for their help in screening papers and extracting data and G. Steward, M. Grainger, M. Whittingham, R. Preziosi and E. W. Harris for their help with the statistical analysis.

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These authors contributed equally: Reem Hajjar, Johan A. Oldekop.

Authors and Affiliations

Department of Forest Ecosystems and Society, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, USA

Reem Hajjar

Forests and Livelihoods: Assessment, Research, and Engagement (FLARE) network, School for Environment and Sustainability, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA

Reem Hajjar, Johan A. Oldekop & Peter Newton

Global Development Institute, The University of Manchester, Manchester, UK

Johan A. Oldekop

Center for International Forestry Research, La Molina, Lima, Peru

Peter Cronkleton

Environmental Studies Program, University of Colorado Boulder, Sustainability, Energy and Environment Community, Boulder, CO, USA

Peter Newton

Center for International Forestry Research, Jalan CIFOR, Situ Gede, Bogor Barat, Indonesia

Aaron J. M. Russell

Global Green Growth Institute, Naypyitaw, Myanmar

Yale School of the Environment and Department of Anthropology, Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA

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R.H., J.A.O., P.N., A.J.M.R. and W.Z. conceived and designed the systematic review. R.H., J.A.O. and W.Z. conducted the review and data extraction. R.H. and J.A.O. conducted the analysis and drafted the manuscript. R.H., J.A.O., P.C., P.N., A.J.M.R. and W.Z. contributed to results interpretation and finalizing of the paper.

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Hajjar, R., Oldekop, J.A., Cronkleton, P. et al. A global analysis of the social and environmental outcomes of community forests. Nat Sustain 4 , 216–224 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41893-020-00633-y

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Received : 26 February 2020

Accepted : 01 October 2020

Published : 09 November 2020

Issue Date : March 2021

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1038/s41893-020-00633-y

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Forest Management and Climate Change: a literature review.


The document summarizes knowledge and experiences in forest management as a response to climate change, based on a literature review and a survey of forest managers. This is part of the publications series produced by the Forest and Climate Change Programme of FAO. The programme seeks to provide timely information and tools to a wide range of stakeholders, with the ultimate objective of assisting countries’ efforts to mitigate and adapt to climate change through actions consistent with sustainable forest management, with the aim to determine if and how forest management is changing or could change in order to respond effectively to climate change challenges and mitigation opportunities. It examines climate change impacts on forests and forest managers throughout the world and identifies what is needed to create an enabling policy, legal and institutional environment that would support forest managers’ efforts in mitigation and adaptation.

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Published in Climate-ADAPT   Jun 7, 2016   -   Last Modified in Climate-ADAPT   Dec 12, 2023

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Sustainable operations management in the energy sector: a comprehensive review of the literature from 2000 to 2024.

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1. Introduction

2. methodology, 3. literature review, 3.1. closed loop supply chains (clsc), 3.2. low carbon economy (lce), 3.2.1. policies and strategies for sustainable energy transition, 3.2.2. risk management and decision-making tools, 3.3. environmental management, 3.4. innovation, 3.5. social responsibility, 4. discussion, 4.1. the evolution of som in the energy sector, 4.2. the future of som in the energy sector, 5. conclusions, author contributions, informed consent statement, data availability statement, conflicts of interest.

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Widya Yudha, S., & Tjahjono, B.Stakeholder Mapping and Analysis of the Renewable Energy Industry in IndonesiaUses a PESTLE analysis to map and analyze stakeholders in Indonesia’s renewable energy sector. It examines Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Legal, and Environmental factorsThe study finds that Indonesia’s renewable energy sector faces challenges due to inadequate policies, economic barriers, and technological limitations.Low Carbon Economy (LCE)
Barton, J., Davies, L., Dooley, B., Fo1on, T. J., Galloway, S., Hammond, G. P., & Thomson, M.Transition pathways for a UK low-carbon electricity system: Comparing scenarios and technology implicationsUses scenario analysis to compare three transition pathways for the UK’s low-carbon electricity system by 2050. It combines stakeholder workshops, narrative storylines, and technical modeling to assess different governance approachesIt finds that different governance models lead to varying outcomes in electricity demand, generation capacity, and carbon reduction. The “Market Rules” pathway sees higher demand and more centralized generation, while the “Thousand Flowers” pathway, driven by community initiatives, achieves lower demand and greater use of decentralized renewable sourcesLow Carbon Economy (LCE)
García-Orozco, S., Vargas-Gutiérrez, G., Ordóñez-Sánchez, S., & Silva, R.Using Multi-Criteria Decision Making in Quality Function Deployment for Offshore Renewable EnergiesIntegrates Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) methods such as AHP, TOPSIS, and DEMATEL with Quality Function Deployment (QFD) to evaluate and prioritize customer and technical requirements for offshore renewable energy technologies.The integration of MCDM methods in QFD improves decision-making in the offshore renewable energy sector by accurately ranking customer needs and technical specifications.Innovation (INN)
Attia, A. M.A multi-objective robust optimization model for upstream hydrocarbon supply chainUses a multi-objective robust optimization model to manage the upstream hydrocarbon supply chain under market uncertainties.The model provides a robust plan that maximizes cash inflow and minimizes total costs while managing the depletion rate of resources. The robust approach outperforms deterministic, stochastic, and risk-based models, showing better adaptability to market volatilityLow Carbon Economy (LCE)
Biswal, J. N., Muduli, K., Satapathy, S., & Yadav, D. K.A TISM based study of SSCM enablers: an Indian coal- fired thermal power plant perspectiveUses Total Interpretive Structural Modeling (TISM) to identify and analyze enablers for Sustainable Supply Chain Management (SSCM) in Indian coal-fired thermal power plants.Key enablers such as “Government policies,” “Corporate social responsibilities,” “Resource scarcity,” and “Avoiding negative media attention” drive SSCM adoption. Factors such as “Establishment of green image” have less influence. The model helps decision-makers prioritize actions to enhance sustainabilityEnvironmental Management (EM)
Smith, A. D.Alternative energy supply chain management issues: Wind generation considerations in OhioThe study uses a qualitative case study approach to examine supply chain management (SCM) issues related to wind power generationThe study finds that supportive policies, a strong manufacturing base, and strategic investments are crucial for developing Ohio’s wind energy supply chain.Environmental Management (EM)
Muduli, K., Kusi-Sarpong, S., Yadav, D. K., Gupta, H., & Jabbour, C. J. C.An original assessment of the influence of soft dimensions on implementation of sustainability practices: implications for the thermal energy sector in fast growing economiesUses Interpretive Structural Modeling (ISM) and Decision-Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL) to analyze the influence of soft dimensions (such as management commitment) on sustainability practicesThe study identifies “Commitment to SSCM” and “Inclusion in Vision and Mission” as the most influential factors for implementing sustainable practices. Understanding these soft dimensions helps improve decision-making sustainability performanceSocial Responsibility (SR)
Gamarra, A. R., Lechón, Y., Escribano, G., Lilliestam, J., Lázaro, L., & Caldés, N.Assessing dependence and governance as value chain risks: Natural Gas versus Concentrated Solar power plants in MexicoExtends the Multi-Regional Input-Output (MRIO) model to assess import dependence and governance risks in the value chains of natural gas (NG) and concentrated solar power (CSP) plants in Mexico.The CSP plant supply chain is more diversified and includes countries with better governance than the NG plant, implying lower geopolitical risks. However, sensitivity analysis shows that if CSP components are sourced from China, governance risks may exceed those of the NG plant.Low Carbon Economy (LCE)
Aziz, N. I. H. A., Hanafiah, M. M., Gheewala, S. H., & Ismail, H.Bioenergy for a cleaner future: A case study of sustainable biogas supply chain in the Malaysian Energy SectorUses a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) framework to evaluate the environmental sustainability of biogas productionThe study finds that biogas production with zero discharge treatment is environmentally sustainable, utilizing organic waste efficiently and achieving zero effluent discharge.Innovation (INN)
Duggal, K., Rangachari, R., & Gupta, K.Consequences of crisis and the great re-think: COVID-19’s impact on energy investment sustainability and the future of international investment agreementsReviews the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on energy investments, sustainability, and international investment agreements (IIAs). It analyzes recent IIAs from 2019–202The pandemic caused significant disruptions in the energy sector, leading to reduced energy demand, investment decline, and regulatory challenges. It highlighted the need for reforming IIAs to incorporate sustainable development and human rights principlesLow Carbon Economy (LCE)
Masoomi, B., Sahebi, I. G., Ghobakhloo, M., & Mosayebi, A.Do industry 5.0 advantages address the sustainable development challenges of the renewable energy supply chain?Uses a hybrid Fuzzy Best-Worst Method (FBWM) and Fuzzy Weighted Aggregated Sum Product Assessment (FWASPAS) technique to evaluate the advantages of Industry 5.0 in addressing sustainability challengesThe study finds that the most critical challenges are “non-consideration of human factors,” “inadequate regulation,” and “management’s lack of commitment to sustainability.” Key Industry 5.0 advantages include “supply chain modularity,” “research and innovation in social and human problems,” and “hyper-connected networks,”.Innovation (INN)
Sun, I., & Kim, S. Y.Energy R & D towards sustainability: A panel analysis of government budget for energy R & D in OECD countries (1974-2012)Uses panel data analysis to examine government budgets for energy R&D in 34 OECD countries from 1974 to 2012Higher overall R&D spending and right-leaning governments increase energy R&D budgets, while refinery output increases general energy R&D but decreases renewable energy R&D.Low Carbon Economy (LCE)
Halldorsson, A., & Svanberg, M.Energy resources: Trajectories for supply chain managementUses a conceptual framework to understand how SCM principles can enhance the use and accessibility of energy resources, especially in transitioning to renewable energyEffective SCM can improve energy efficiency and reduce carbon emissions by optimizing the supply chain from raw material sourcing to end-user deliveryEnvironmental Management (EM)
Efthymiopoulos, N., Makris, P., Tsaousoglou, G., Steriotis, K., Vergados, D. J., Khaksari, A., & Varvarigos, E.FLEXGRID – A novel smart grid architecture that facilitates high-RES penetration through innovative flexibility markets towards efficient stakeholder interactionUses a novel smart grid architecture with innovative flexibility markets to enable high penetration of renewable energy sourcesDemonstrates that the new architecture improves market efficiency and stakeholder coordination. It enhances the flexibility of market operations, and reduces grid management costs, thereby facilitating a sustainable, competitive, and secure energy ecosystemInnovation (INN)
Lundie, S., Wiedmann, T., Welzel, M., & Busch, T.Global supply chains hotspots of a wind energy companyUses a multi-regional input-output (MRIO) analysis to assess the global supply chain impacts of a wind energy company.The analysis reveals that the majority of greenhouse gas emissions come from suppliers in sectors such as electricity, metal, and concrete. The study shows that focusing on these supply chain tiers can significantly reduce the overall carbon footprint and improve sustainability performance for wind energy projectsEnvironmental Management (EM)
Annunziata, E., Rizzi, F., & Frey, M.How do firms interpret extended responsibilities for a sustainable supply chain management of innovative technologies? An analysis of corporate sustainability reports in the energy sectorThe study uses content analysis of 172 corporate sustainability reports from 16 European energy utilities to examine how companies interpret extended responsibilities for sustainable supply chain management,The analysis reveals that while some companies mention initiatives for LIBs management, most are not committed to comprehensive end-of-life practices. There is a lack of long-term strategies and stable partnerships, indicating that LIBs end-of-life management is not yet a priority in their sustainability effortsClosed Loop Supply Chains (CLSC)
Balaman, Ş. Y., Scott, J., Matopoulos, A., & Wright, D. G.Incentivizing bio-energy production: Economic and environmental insights from a regional optimization methodologyThe study uses a fuzzy multi-objective optimization model to analyze the economic and environmental impacts of different incentive schemes for bio-energy production.Changes in incentive schemes significantly affect the profitability of the bio-energy supply chain, with RoC (Renewables Obligation Certificate) having the largest impact. Environmental performance, measured by GHG emissions, is least affected by incentive changesLow Carbon Economy (LCE)
Balaman, Ş. Y.Investment planning and strategic management of sustainable systems for clean power generation: An -constraint based multi objective modeling approachUses an -constraint based multi-objective modeling approach combined with fuzzy decision-making to optimize investment planning and strategic management for clean power generation systems.The model identifies optimal supply chain configurations that balance costs and greenhouse gas emissions. It demonstrates that strategic decisions on location, capacity, and technology significantly impact both economic and environmental performanceEnvironmental Management (EM)
Yassin, A. M. M., Hassan, M. A., & Elmesmary, H. M.Key elements of green supply chain management drivers and barriers empirical study of solar energy companies in South EgyptUses a mixed-method approach combining qualitative and quantitative research strategies.The most significant drivers for Green Supply Chain Management are normative drivers such as stakeholder pressure, while the major barriers include lack of government regulations, poor supplier commitment, and lack of awareness of sustainable products.Low Carbon Economy (LCE)
Matos, S., & Silvestre, B. S.Managing stakeholder relations when developing sustainable business models: The case of the Brazilian energy sectorUses case studies. It includes interviews with informants and a review of relevant literature on sustainable supply chains, and stakeholder theory.Effective stakeholder management requires diverse local stakeholder engagement, fostering learning and capability building, and encouraging stakeholders to shift from single to multiple objectives. Combining these strategies helps overcome challenges of conflicting stakeholder interests and promotes sustainable practicesEnvironmental Management (EM)
Attia, A. M., Ghaithan, A. M., & Duffuaa, S. O.Multi-Objective optimization of the Hydrocarbon supply chain under price and demand uncertaintyDevelops a stochastic multi-objective optimization model for the hydrocarbon supply chain under price and demand uncertainty. It uses a two-stage stochastic programming approach to optimize costThe model helps decision-makers balance production levels to meet demand while maintaining reserves. Sensitivity analysis shows that production can be reduced during high-demand periods to conserve reserves, with excess demand met through external contracts.Low Carbon Economy (LCE)
Hecht, A. D., & Miller, C. A.Perspectives on achieving sustainable energy production and useThe study reviews policies, strategies, and practices needed to achieve sustainable energy production and use.The research highlights that achieving sustainable energy production requires coordinated efforts across government, industry, and science. Key areas such as biofuel production demonstrate how integrated approaches combining policy, technology, and business strategies can lead to more sustainable energy systemsLow Carbon Economy (LCE)
Rehme, J., Nordigården, D., & Chicksand, D.Public policy and electrical-grid sector innovationThe study uses in-depth multiple case studies of grid companies, suppliers, and other actors in the business network. It is based on 55 interviews across different companies and sectors.Initially, collaborative innovation led to strong technological advancements focused on product quality. However, deregulation shifted the focus to cost efficiency, reducing innovation. The study suggests that policymakers need to foster collaboration and incorporate sustainability into grid development to enhance innovation and meet future energy demands.Low Carbon Economy (LCE)
Nair, P. U., & Thankamony, P.Social issues in supply chain sustainability – focus areas for energy and manufacturing sectors in India and USAThe study uses a systematic literature review (SLR) and a questionnaire survey to identify social issues in the supply chains of the energy and manufacturing sectors in India and the USA.The study finds that social sustainability is less researched compared to economic and environmental dimensions. Key social issues identified include child labor, gender discrimination, and worker rights.Social Responsibility (SR)
Chen, H. H., Lee, A. H., & Chen, S.Strategic policy to select suitable intermediaries for innovation to promote PV solar energy industry in ChinaThe study employs a mixed-method approach involving hypothesis development, data collection through questionnaires, and multivariate analysis (factor analysis and cluster analysis)The study identifies different intermediaries for each supply chain stage: systemic instruments for higher-level support at the conceptual stage, brokerage organizations for peer networks at the development stage, and innovation consultants for collectives of entrepreneurs at the production stage.Innovation (INN)
Dudin, M. N., Frolova, E. E., Protopopova, O. V., Mamedov, O., & Odintsov, S. V.Study of innovative technologies in the energy industry: Nontraditional and renewable energy sourcesUses content, analytical, statistical, and functional research methods to explore trends and issues in the global energy marketInnovative technologies and a shift toward renewable energy sources will lead to an increase in energy efficiency and sustainability. However, a complete transition will take decades, requiring significant investment in infrastructure and technological advancements, particularly in smart grid technologiesInnovation (INN)
Medina-González, S., Graells, M., Guillén-Gosálbez, G., Espuña, A., & Puigjaner, L.Systematic approach for the design of sustainable supply chains under quality uncertaintyUses a multi-objective optimization model based on a State Task Network (STN) formulation under uncertainty to design sustainable supply chains. It employs the Sample Average Approximation (SAA) algorithm for optimization and the ELECTRE-IV method for solution selection.The model helps in optimizing supply chains by balancing economic, environmental, and social objectives. It shows that accounting for material quality variability and uncertainty leads to more robust and sustainable supply chain designs, effectively reducing costs and environmental impacts while enhancing social benefitsEnvironmental Management (EM)
Ahmad, W. N. K. W., Rezaei, J., de Brito, M. P., & Tavasszy, L. A.The influence of external factors on supply chain sustainability goals of the oil and gas industryThe study uses multiple regression analysis to explore the relationship between six external factors (political stability, economic stability, stakeholder pressure, competition, energy transition, and regulations) and supply chain sustainability goals in the oil and gas industry.Stakeholder pressure and economic stability are the most influential factors affecting sustainability goals. While competition within the oil and gas industry positively impacts operational goals, competition from the broader energy sector negatively affects strategic sustainability goals.Low Carbon Economy (LCE)
Okongwu, U., Morimoto, R., & Lauras, M.The maturity of supply chain sustainability disclosure from a continuous improvement perspectiveUses content analysis and principal component analysis (PCA) to assess the maturity levels of supply chain sustainability (SCS) disclosure across different industries.The study finds that business-to-consumer industries have higher disclosure maturity in social and environmental dimensions than business-to-business industries. The energy sector shows the lowest maturity in SCS disclosure.Environmental Management (EM)
Annunziata, E., Rizzi, F., & Frey, M.The supporting role of business models in the promotion of sustainable innovations in the energy sector: an explorative study in the Italian SMEsUses an exploratory multiple case study of 8 SMEs in the Italian geothermal heat pump (GHP) market. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews and document analysis.Sustainable business models help SMEs to support sustainable innovation by providing ongoing customer support, promoting environmental benefits, and leveraging strong stakeholder relationshipInnovation (INN)
Hmouda, A. M., Orzes, G., & Sauer, P. C.Sustainable supply chain management in energy production: A literature reviewThe study uses a systematic literature review and content analysisThe review highlights a bias towards biomass in SSCM research and a lack of studies on other energy sources. Key gaps include the under-representation of inter-organizational coordination and social sustainability.Social Responsibility (SR)
Ibn-Mohammed, T., Koh, S. C. L., Reaney, I. M., Acquaye, A., Schileo, G., Mustapha, K. B., & Greenough, R.Perovskite solar cells: An integrated hybrid lifecycle assessment and review in comparison with other photovoltaic technologiesUses an integrated hybrid Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) to evaluate the environmental impact of Perovskite solar cells (PSCs) compared to other photovoltaic (PV) technologies.The analysis shows that PSCs have a lower energy payback period and offer a more sustainable option compared to other PV technologies. However, the presence of toxic lead compounds in PSCs raises significant environmental concerns, particularly in terms of end-of-life management and potential hazards during productionInnovation (INN)
Afshari, H., Agnihotri, S., Searcy, C., & Jaber, M. Y.Social sustainability indicators: A comprehensive review with application in the energy sectorThe study conducts a comprehensive review of social sustainability indicators (SSIs) from various sectors and categorizes them for application in the energy sector. It uses a structured review approach to analyze and classify SSIs.The study finds that most SSIs focus on the “production” and “demand” stages of the energy supply chain. Indicators related to employees are common, emphasizing the importance of internal stakeholders. It reveals a lack of consensus on SSI definitions and measurements, highlighting challenges in implementation and the need for standardized approaches in energySocial Responsibility (SR)
Wu, Y., Wu, Y., Cimen, H., Vasquez, J. C., & Guerrero, J. M.Towards collective energy Community: Potential roles of microgrid and blockchain to go beyond P2P energy tradingIt employs a comprehensive review of research, applications, and pilot projects to analyze the integration of microgrid control systems with blockchain-based communication frameworks.The combination of microgrid and blockchain enhances the flexibility, resilience, and scalability of decentralized energy systems. Microgrids provide local control and energy optimization, while blockchain facilitates secure, transparent, and automated energy transactions across communities.Innovation (INN)
Generalov, O.Analysis of modern trends and opportunities in the logistics channels of energy products producersUses a comprehensive review of current literature, industry reports, and case studies to analyze the trends and opportunities in logistics for energy producers.The research highlights the shift towards sustainable and diversified energy supply chains, driven by digitalization and green logistics. It emphasizes the need for strategic international cooperation, investment in technology, and sustainable practicesEnvironmental Management (EM)
Krishankumar, R.; Ramanujam, N.; Gandomi, A.H.Ranking Barriers Impeding Sustainability Adoption in Clean Energy Supply Chains: A Hybrid Framework With Fermatean Fuzzy DataEmploys a hybrid framework integrating Fermatean fuzzy sets, the CRITIC method, and COPRAS for prioritizing barriers to sustainability. It uses variance-based criteria importance to determine weights and applies a complex proportional assessment-Copeland method for ranking barriers.The top criteria influencing sustainability are wastage/pollution reduction and profit from green production. The major barriers identified are limited governmental policies, monitoring/control issues, and expertise mismatch, which significantly impede sustainability adoption.Low Carbon Economy (LCE)
AlKhars, M., Masoud, M., AlNasser, A., Alsubaie, M.Sustainable practices and firm competitiveness: an empirical analysis of the Saudi Arabian energy sectorUses Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) to analyze the impact of sustainable supply chain management (SSCM) practices on the competitiveness.It reveals that social practices for employees (SPE), social practices for the community (SPC), and operational practices (OP) significantly enhance firm competitiveness. However, environmental management practices (EMP) and supply chain integration (SCI) do not show a significant impact on competitiveness in this contextSocial Responsibility (SR)
Goodwin, D.,Gale, F., Lovell, H.,Murphy, H., Schoen, M.Sustainability certification for renewable hydrogen: An international survey of energy professionalsUses an international survey of professionals. It employs mixed methods, combining quantitative data analysis (non-parametric statistics) with qualitative insights from open-text responses.The study identifies broad agreement on including diverse sustainability criteria in certification schemes, with variations in perceived essentiality among different stakeholders. Respondents favor harmonization of certification standards but are concerned about risks of duplication and complex procedures.Environmental Management (EM)
Li, B.Leading role of natural resources, eco-efficiency assessment, and energy transition in environmental sustainability: A depth of digital transformationUses panel data analysis of 15 G-15 economies from 1995 to 2022. It employs econometric techniques such as unit root tests, cointegration tests, and panel quantile regression for robustness.Digital transformation and eco-efficiency are critical for reducing carbon emissions and achieving carbon neutrality. However, natural resource exploitation and energy transition in some economies worsen environmental quality and increase CO emissions.Innovation (INN)
Pender, K.,Romoli, F.,Fuller, J.Lifecycle Assessment of Strategies for Decarbonising Wind Blade Recycling toward Net Zero 2050 †Uses a Lifecycle Assessment (LCA) approach to evaluate the carbon footprint of various recycling strategies for wind turbine bladeMechanical recycling of WTB waste is most effective in minimizing Global Warming Potential (GWP) in the short to medium term. Beyond 2040, carbon fiber recycling becomes critical to reduce GWP as the composition of WTB waste evolves.Closed Loop Supply Chains (CLSC)
Yu, J.Factors Affecting Return on Assets in the Renewable Energy Sector during Supply Chain DisruptionsUses a within-between random model to examine the impact of financial ratios on Return on Assets (ROA) in the renewable energy sectorHigher R&D expenses positively affect ROA during disruptions, while higher current ratios, fixed assets to total assets ratios, and growth negatively impact ROA. The study suggests renewable energy firms should focus on R&D and be cautious with expansion during supply chain disruptions to maintain profitabilityEnvironmental Management (EM)
Giri, B. K., & Roy, S. K.Fuzzy-random robust flexible programming on sustainable closed-loop renewable energy supply chainProposes a multi-objective mixed-integer programming (MOMIP) model using fuzzy-random robust flexible programming to design a sustainable closed-loop renewable energy supply chain.The model optimizes the supply chain network by selecting suitable locations for solar production facilities and power plants in India. Sensitivity analysis shows that reducing air pollution constraints increases aggregate costs, highlighting the trade-offs between economic and environmental goals in renewable energy supply chainsClosed Loop Supply Chains (CLSC)
Le Luu, Q., Longo, S., Cellura, M., Sanseverino, E. R., Cusenza, M. A., & Franzitta, V.A Conceptual Review on Using Consequential Life Cycle Assessment Methodology for the Energy SectorThe study conducts a conceptual review of the Consequential Life Cycle Assessment (CLCA) methodology for the energy sector.Identifies that combining economic models (especially equilibrium models) with environmental data is effective for CLCA in the energy sectorClosed Loop Supply Chains (CLSC)
Ghazanfari, A.An Analysis of Circular Economy Literature at the Macro Level, with a Particular Focus on Energy MarketsConducts a systematic literature review to analyze the adoption of Circular Economy (CE) strategies in global energy markets.The study finds that CE is essential for achieving sustainable development in energy markets by reducing waste and maximizing resource efficiency. It identifies economic, technical, and regulatory barriers to CE adoption and recommends policy frameworks, financial incentives, and technological advancements to overcome these challengesClosed Loop Supply Chains (CLSC)
Labaran, M. J., & Masood, T.Industry 4.0 Driven Green Supply Chain Management in Renewable Energy Sector: A Critical Systematic Literature ReviewConducts a critical systematic literature review of 215 papers from 2004 to 2023The study emphasizes the need for integrating digital technologies to enhance Green Supply Chain Management practices in renewable energyInnovation (INN)
Sueyoshi, T., & Wang, D.Radial and non-radial approaches for environmental assessment by Data Envelopment Analysis: Corporate sustainability and effective investment for technology innovationEmploys Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) with radial and non-radial approaches to assess environmental and operational performance in the energy sector.The analysis shows that green investments in the U.S. energy sector enhance unified performance when measured by operational metrics such as ROA (Return on Assets) and CO emission reductions. However, the impact on corporate value, such as stock price, is limited, indicating that green investments improve operational performance more than market valuationEnvironmental Management (EM)
Ma, J., Yuan, Y., Zhao, S., & Wu, W.Research on Sustainability Evaluation of China’s Coal Supply Chain from the Perspective of Dual Circulation New Development PatternUses multi-granularity unbalanced decision-making and the TOPSIS method to develop a sustainability evaluationThe research identifies innovation and economic development as the most critical dimensions for enhancing the sustainability of China’s coal supply chain.Environmental Management (EM)
Yudha, S. W., Tjahjono, B., & Longhurst, P.Sustainable Transition from Fossil Fuel to Geothermal Energy: A Multi-Level Perspective ApproachEmploys a Multi-Level Perspective (MLP) framework combined with qualitative data collectionIdentifies key factors driving the energy transition, such as energy demand, environmental awareness, energy regulations, and supply chain considerations. It emphasizes the need for government intervention, financial incentives, regulatory support, and technological innovationLow Carbon Economy (LCE)
Nassani, A. A., Hussain, H., Condrea, E., Grigorescu, A., Yousaf, Z., & Haffar, M.Zero Waste Management: Investigation of Green Technology, the Green Supply Chain, and the Moderating Role of CSR IntentionsUses a quantitative research design involving regression analysis, correlation, and structural equation modeling (SEM) to examine the relationships between green technology, green supply chain, CSR intentions, and zero waste management.The results indicate that green technology positively impacts zero waste management. The green supply chain mediates the relationship between green technology and zero waste management, while CSR intentions positively moderate this relationship.Innovation (INN)
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Losada-Agudelo, M.; Souyris, S. Sustainable Operations Management in the Energy Sector: A Comprehensive Review of the Literature from 2000 to 2024. Sustainability 2024 , 16 , 7999. https://doi.org/10.3390/su16187999

Losada-Agudelo M, Souyris S. Sustainable Operations Management in the Energy Sector: A Comprehensive Review of the Literature from 2000 to 2024. Sustainability . 2024; 16(18):7999. https://doi.org/10.3390/su16187999

Losada-Agudelo, Mariana, and Sebastian Souyris. 2024. "Sustainable Operations Management in the Energy Sector: A Comprehensive Review of the Literature from 2000 to 2024" Sustainability 16, no. 18: 7999. https://doi.org/10.3390/su16187999

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A global systematic review of forest management institutions: towards a new research agenda

Jude ndzifon kimengsi.

1 Forest Institutions and International Development (FIID) Research Group, Chair of Tropical and International Forestry, Faculty of Environmental Sciences, Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden, Germany

2 Department of Geography, The University of Bamenda, Bamenda, Cameroon

Raphael Owusu

Shambhu charmakar, gordon manu.

3 Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO), Rome, Italy

Lukas Giessen

4 Chair of Tropical and International Forestry, Faculty of Environmental Sciences, Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden, Germany

Associated Data

Globally, forest landscapes are rapidly transforming, with the role of institutions as mediators in their use and management constantly appearing in the literature. However, global comparative reviews to enhance comprehension of how forest management institutions (FMIs) are conceptualized, and the varying determinants of compliance, are lacking. And so too, is there knowledge fragmentation on the methodological approaches which have and should be prioritized in the new research agenda on FMIs.

We review the regional variations in the conceptualization of FMIs, analyze the determinants of compliance with FMIs, and assess the methodological gaps applied in the study of FMIs.

A systematic review of 197 empirically conducted studies (491 cases) on FMIs was performed, including a directed content analysis.

First, FMIs literature is growing; multi-case and multi-country studies characterize Europe/North America, Africa and Latin America, over Asia. Second , the structure-process conceptualization of FMIs predominates in Asia and Africa. Third , global south regions report high cases of compliance with informal FMIs, while non-compliance was registered for Europe/North America in the formal domain. Finally, m ixed-methods approaches have been least employed in the studies so far; while the use of only qualitative methods increased over time, the adoption of only quantitative approaches witnessed a decrease.

Future research should empirically ground informality in the institutional set-up of Australia while also valorizing mixed-methods research globally. Crucially, future research should consider multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary approaches to explore the actor and power dimensions of forest management institutions.

Supplementary Information

The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s10980-022-01577-8.


Globally, forests are at a crossroads—characterized by rapid transformation (Garcia et al. 2020 ). For instance, Global Forest Watch estimated that forest loss around the globe reached 29.7 million hectares as of 2016, indicating a 51% increase since 2015. For tropical forests, the loss was estimated at 12 million hectares (the size of Belgium) in 2018 (Weisse and Goldman 2017 ; Garcia et al. 2020 ). While such changes are linked to natural (e.g., climate change) and human-induced drivers such as land-use change (Rounsevell et al. 2006 ; Meyfroidt and Lambin 2011 ; Aguiar et al. 2016 ; Houghton and Nassikas 2018 ), they form part of a complex transformation system—mediated by socio-economic, political, and institutional forces (Malhi et al. 2014 ). This validates the role of institutions as a key enhancing or constraining factor in determining forest resources access, use and management (Cleaver 2017 ). Institutions are viewed as highly abstract and invisible conditions in the political environment. They constitute cognitive, normative, and regulatory structures which provide stability and meaning to social behaviour. Institutions are carried across multiple vehicles, including cultures, structures and routines, operating at multiple levels of jurisdiction (Scott 1995 ). The transformation of forest landscapes at various timescales is characterized by net tropical forest loss (Geist and Lambin 2002 ; Kissinger et al. 2012 ; Song et al. 2018 ). Furthermore, regional variations in the drivers (Curtis et al. 2018 ) exist: in Latin America, transformations are largely rooted in ranching and soybean expansion (Rudel et al. 2009 ; Verburg et al. 2014 ; Tyukavina et al. 2017 ), while subsistence agriculture drives the transformation process in Africa (Hosonuma et al. 2012 ; Tyukavina et al. 2018 ). Transformations in Asia are significantly linked to industrial processes and small-holder farming (Rudel et al. 2009 ; Turubanova et al. 2018 ).

While forests are declining (Weisse and Goldman 2017 ), their roles in the resolution of global socio-ecological challenges (e.g., climate change mitigation and poverty reduction) remain unrivalled (Oldekop et al. 2020 ; Nerfa et al. 2020 ). Scholars submit that governance mechanisms, especially the role of institutions, remain primordial in shaping forests access, use, and management. For this reason, institutions—the rules of the game—continually gain relevance (Agrawal and Gupta 2005 ; Dixon and Wood 2007 ; Kimengsi et al. 2021 ). Variations exist in the way institutions are conceptualized. For instance, following the structure process dichotomy (Fleetwood 2008a , b ), institutions relate to tissues of social relations linking groups and communities (structures) and a set of rules, conventions and values, among others (processes) (Fleetwood 2008a ; Bernardi et al. 2007 ). It is, however, difficult to provide a dividing line between the processes and structures; processes (rules) guide the formation of structures, while structures, on the other hand, oversee and enforce rules (Fleetwood 2008a ; Ntuli et al. 2021 ). However, structures differ from processes in terms of their functioning; structures could represent forest management organizations as an entity, and not the rules (processes) which they produce (Ntuli et al. 2021 ). Both structures and processes are subjected to a categorization as either formal (written and codified laws, largely state driven) and informal (unwritten or uncodified rules that transcend generations) (Osei-Tutu et al . 2014 ; Yeboah-Assiamah et al. 2017 ). Furthermore, and on the basis of source, institutions could be categorized following the endogenous—exogenous dichotomy; the former relates to community-specific complex and embedded rules, while the latter denotes institutions introduced by the state and international agencies (Yeboah-Assiamah et al. 2017 ; Kimengsi et al. 2022a , b , c ). By and large, these categories of institutions exist to provide order in the midst of ‘chaos’, with regards to the sustainable management of forest resources (Beunen and Patterson 2019 ).

While forest landscapes are transforming, institutions have also been subjected to several dimensions of change. Their evolution over time manifests through formation, reformation, disintegration, and modification in several contexts, including Africa (Haller et al. 2016 ; Friman 2020 ; Kimengsi et al. 2022a , b , c ), Asia (Haapal and White 2018 ; Steenbergen and Warren 2018 ), and Latin America (Faggin and Behagel 2018 ; Gebara 2019 ). This brings to fore the notion of ephemeral, intermittent and perennial institutions (Kimengsi et al. 2021 )—borrowed from the geographic classification of streams (Gomes et al. 2020 ). Ephemeral refers to short-term stream movements (institutional arrangements), intermittent is analogous to medium-term/seasonal streams (medium-term institutional arrangements), and perennial relates to streams that flow all through—analogous to more long-term, enduring institutions (Kimengsi et al. 2021 ). Therefore, the search for perennial (enduring) institutions is top on the scientific and policy agenda (Ostrom 1990 ; Kimengsi et al. 2021 ). This is important to support the attainment of objectives such as halting forest loss and improving forest cover and species diversity (Bare et al. 2015 ; Assa 2018 ), sustaining livelihoods and economic welfare (Buchenrieder and Balgah 2013 ; Foundjem-Tita et al. 2018 ), and engendering equity and fairness in the distribution of proceeds from forest systems (Faye et al. 2017 ). However, studies on institutions and institutional change are seemingly at an impasse; it seems difficult to proceed with the framing of forward-looking research questions linked to forest management institutions (FMIs). The impasse is rooted in the largely fragmented and unstructured institutional analysis around forest settings that harbor conflicts linked to emerging and persistent resource use inequalities (Gautam et al. 2004 ; Soliev et al. 2021 ). Additionally, the multiplicity of institutional variables and the lack of a consensus on which of the methods—qualitative or quantitative—is best suited for analyzing institutions and institutional change (Kimengsi et al. 2022a , b , c ) further validate the need to surmount this impasse. In this regard, a systematic review of the global knowledge base on FMIs is imminent. Furthermore, details on the methods to prioritize in future studies further validates the need for a review. Consequently, we seek answers to the following questions: (1) How have FMIs been conceptualized and analyzed globally? (2) How varied are the (non)compliance determinants and outcomes of FMIs? (3) How can we conceptually and methodologically advance research on FMIs? To provide answers to these interrogations, we undertake a review of FMIs. The study is inspired by an earlier review conducted in the context of sub-Saharan Africa (Kimengsi et al. 2022b ).

Materials and methods

Analytical framework.

In this review, we make use of the socio-ecological co-evolution framework (Pretzsch et al. 2014 ). The framework serves as a useful theoretical fundament to enhance understanding of the dynamics around forests and rural development. While allowing for the differentiation between humans and ecological subsystems, the framework also outlines the dynamic interactions between these two systems (Berkes et al. 1998 ; Pretzsch et al. 2014 ). The socio-ecological co-evolution framework is designed to enhance comprehension of the interactions between the social system (e.g., the community of forest users), the institutions that shape them, and the ecological system—forests. These interactions occur at the interface (management segment) of the framework. Besides providing a useful analytical lens to appreciate current levels of engagement in decision-making and the enforcement of institutional provisions, it also serves as a useful framework to understand how institutional change triggers the co-evolution of both ecological and social systems. The socio-ecological co-evolution framework is informed by the earlier works of Berkes et al. ( 1998 ), which bridged the hitherto divide between social research (centred around institutions), and ecological research, which emphasized cross-scale ecosystem dynamics. Worthy of note is the fact that other frameworks exist; for instance, the socio-ecological systems (SES) framework (Ostrom 2009 ) was proposed to explain complex systems involving resource systems (forests in this case), their resource units (e.g., timber), appropriators (e.g., timber exploiters), and governance systems (e.g., forest management rules) that continually interact to produce differential outcomes (Ostrom 2009 ). It explains that socio-ecological systems are constantly subjected to change. Some of these changes are rooted in institutions and institutional change processes (Rammel et al. 2007 ; Pretzsch et al. 2014 ). The socio-ecological co-evolution framework is employed for the following reasons: (1) with rapid transformations experienced in forest landscapes across the globe, scientific and policy circles need to extend their breadth of knowledge on how to further ‘marry’ social and ecological systems in forest management. (2) Institutional change is reflected through the decisions and actions of resource users at the interface of the framework. Therefore, understanding how these changes and their determinants precipitate (non)compliance is helpful in today’s dispensation, where forests are seen as crucial in stemming the upsurge of environmental crises. (3) The outcomes associated with the myriads of institutions need to be further appreciated to inform policy actors on the orientation of future FMIs. The socio-ecological co-evolution framework (Fig.  1 ) explains how changing societal demands and choices, influenced by the institutions in place, shape the type and magnitude of societal intervention in socio-ecological systems (e.g., forests).

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Analytical framework for the systematic review.

Source: Based on Cleaver ( 2017 ), Haller et al. ( 2016 ), North ( 1990 ), Ostrom ( 1990 , 2005), and Pretzsch et al. ( 2014 ). NTFPs Non-Timber Forest Product

The review, guided by the research questions, focuses on the management phase and the social segment of the socio-ecological co-evolution framework. The management phase represents an interface—a point where management decisions under different forest categories such as plantation forests, forest reserves, community forests and landscapes in want of restoration, are implemented. Institutions and institutional change processes drive such decisions. The management operations are construed as forest-linked activities which are informed by institutions regulating timber and NTFPs exploitation, ecotourism, medicinal plants’ extraction and forest conservation. Institutional arrangements in this socio-ecological system culminate in the derivation of different management approaches, such as co-management and community-based forestry with a focus on livelihoods and conservation. The social segment of the framework focuses on the conceptualization of forest management institutions (for instance, structures vs processes, formal vs informal, and endogenous vs exogenous). This segment also captured forest management institutional compliance with an emphasis on the variations and determinants. The segment on outcomes explored the ecological, economic, socio-cultural, and political outcomes of FMIs. The framework also has a segment which explores methodological approaches employed in the study of FMIs.


Data collection.

The systematic review approach (Nightingale 2009a , b ; Mengist et al. 2019 ) was employed in this study. Systematic reviews follow an established and standardized protocol for the search, appraisal and inclusion (or exclusion) of literature for subsequent analysis (Boell and Cecez-Kecmanovic 2015 ). This is different from the general review of literature which consists of a non-structured and highly subjective method of literature search and analysis (Kraus et al. 2020 ). The procedure was employed as follows: First a list of search terms (Appendix) was developed and used in the article search process. We targeted the following databases: Scopus, Science Direct, Google Scholar and Web of Science. Search terms such as forest management, forest governance, institutions, rules, norms, norms, laws, policies, community-based organizations, NGOs, associations, compliance, determinants, and outcomes were repeatedly employed in the search. The terms were combined with the respective regions (Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe/North America, Latin America), over a 15-year period (2006–2021). It should be noted that Europe and North America were clustered due to the observed similarity in their societal fabric and culture. We considered this timespan good enough to mirror contemporary evidence on the question of forest management institutions (FMIs). The search led to the initial identification of 920 articles. Four hundred thirty articles were identified from Web of Science, 104 from Google Scholar, 348 from Scopus and 38 from the Science Direct database. The search on Google Scholar did not produce a lot of articles. This is because grey literature was not considered during the search. Our emphasis was to derive literature which were published in internationally recognized databases. We then proceeded to deduplicate the articles—the deduplication process led to a reduction to 680 articles. Furthermore, article screening was performed with emphasis on the abstracts. This informed the decision to include or exclude the paper. In the selection, we targeted journal articles that were published in English and were empirically grounded. In cases where the abstract could not provide these details, we proceeded to review the methods and conclusions to inform inclusion (or exclusion). We excluded all grey literature during the article selection. This reduced the number of manuscripts to 197 (see Supplementary Excel Sheet), from which we derived 491 case studies; the cases were derived by considering the number of study areas that were included for analysis. We use ArcMap 10.5 to generate the map of the globe and the regions and/or countries where most of the case studies in this review paper were concentrated.

Data analysis

The articles retained were further read, and following the analytical framework (Fig.  1 ), a directed content analysis was performed (Hsieh and Shannon 2005 ). The directed content analysis began with a relevant theoretical framework—in this case, the socio-ecological coevolution framework. This framework provided a clear focus for the research questions under review. The key variables which were outlined in the framework (Fig.  1 ) informed the clustering of the data generated from the selected articles. For the selected articles, we read the abstract, methods and conclusion sections to generate data. The dataset was compiled in an excel sheet and further read; key texts which contained variables of interest were highlighted. These variables were then clustered following the established questions and themes for further analysis (Mayring 2000 ). Therefore, the highlighted texts, which contained data corresponding to the four thematic sections, were extracted from each article and organized under the main themes: conceptualization of institutions, institutional compliance, outcomes of forest management institutions and methodological approaches . We approached the conceptualization of institutions following the structure-process dimension (Fleetwood 2008a ), the formal and informal dichotomy (North 1990 ), the endogenous vs exogenous institutional lens (Kimengsi et al. 2021 ) and the state vs community-based institutional dichotomy (Ntuli et al. 2021 ). Compliance denotes the extent to which forest users adhere to the institutional provisions in their communities. This translates to forest management outcomes which could be ecological, socio-economic and even political (Haller et al. 2016 ).

These were recorded in a Microsoft Excel sheet (Artmann and Sartison 2018 ). We considered this approach appropriate, considering that software extraction might ignore salient details owing to the complex nature of institutional variables. Besides narratives and content analysis, we used descriptive statistics to report the variations across the five regions. The descriptive analysis further aided in establishing institutional compliance and its determinants, the ecological, socio-cultural, economic, and political outcomes linked to forest management institutions, and the variations in methodological approaches employed.

Attributes of reviewed papers and case studies

The review indicated that most of the articles emanate from Africa and Latin America—home to two of the world’s major forest ecosystems. This was followed by Asia. Case-wise, the study captured a total of 491 cases drawn from 99 countries across the globe (Fig.  2 ). The highest number of cases emanate from Europe/North America and Africa. This suggests that multi-case and multi-country studies have been significantly prioritized in these regions compared to single case/country studies for Asia and Australia.

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Spatial distribution of case studies on forest management institutions (2006–2021)

In parts of Central Europe, studies to explore shifts towards new governance established that recent changes in institutional arrangements result from macro-political trends and the geopolitical strategy of some states (Sergent et al. 2018 ). In the United States and Canada, forest certification led to substantial changes in practices as enterprises embraced changes in forestry, environmental, social, and economic/system practices in the realm of forest certification (Moore et al. 2012 ). In the case of Africa, a comparative study of 38 countries reported that the activities of multinational corporations are associated with differential losses in forest cover—linked to weak governance (institutions) (Assa 2018 ). The review clearly shows that while political, geostrategic and religious forces defined the institutional change process in Europe/North America, economic interests through multinational companies shaped institutional change in Africa. The review established that some of the significant countries with regards to cases include Australia, Ecuador, and Germany (21 + cases). In addition, Bolivia, Brazil, Cameroon, Ghana, and Canada, India registered between 8 and 14 cases, while the remaining countries registered between 1 and 7 cases (Fig.  2 ).

Temporal evolution of papers and cases on forest management institutions

On the whole, the literature on institutions has grown over the last 15 years(Fig.  3 ). This could be linked to renewed interests to understand governance mishaps and to engage in getting institutions (including FMIs) right . In all, while the number of publications increased from 2006, the review shows that it witnessed a decline in 2009 and 2012. The growth in the literature is possibly explained by the interest to uncover institutional ‘relicts’ (in Africa) and rising environmental challenges in Latin America (bushfires and migration). Formal forest management institutions (structure and process) for forest products have received much attention in the 2000s literature. However, significant growth was observed in the literature of the 2010s, which included both formal (international) and informal (traditional and local) institutions and concepts such as ecosystem services, sustainable forest management, farm forestry, biodiversity, REDD + , and forest certification. This classification increasingly accommodated the use of endogenous and exogenous institutions, as well as state and community-based institutions. However, both classifications have been (mis)construed to represent formal and informal institutions.

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Temporal evolution of papers on forest institutions across the globe for the past 15 years

Conceptualization of forest management institutions

From a structural dimension, institutions have been most conceptualized as structures in Asia and Africa. These predominate the informal structures where Asia and Africa account for 35% and 28%, respectively, of the review’s literature reporting on informal institutional structures. Latin America closely follows them with 22%. Literature from Asia and Africa further dominates in the classification of formal institutional structures with 28% and 25%, respectively. This is closely followed by Europe/North America (23%). Asia and Africa are ‘pace-setters” in the implementation of new forest management paradigms such as community-based forest management (Kimengsi and Bhusal, 2022 ). The introduction of these models saw the multiplication of management structures to oversee them. This explains why the literature significantly captures the structural dimension of institutions. Process-wise, literature from Asia and Africa accounts for 48% and 30%, respectively, of the literature on informal institutions, while Australia surprisingly reports none. In the formal domain, Asia, Europe/North America, and Latin America account for over 60% of the literature reporting the formal conceptualization of institutions (Table ​ (Table1 1 ).

All studiesInstitutions as structures (%)Institutions as processes (%)
Formal (%)Informal (%)Formal (%)Informal (%)
n = 65.4n = 30.5n = 82.2n = 23.4
Regions of the world
Europe/North America22.511.721.68.7
Latin America15.521.721.613.0

Total number of papers (studies) = 197

Literature from Africa and Asia showed similarities in the conceptualization of institutions (Table ​ (Table2); 2 ); informal structures, for instance, chieftaincy and women groups, define and enforce processes (rules) which are conceived, for example, as taboos, beliefs, traditions, and customary rules. Studies in Cameroon and Burkina Faso in Africa report on bricolage manifestations involving formal and informal institutions (Kimengsi and Balgah 2021 ; Friman 2020 ), and the spatial variations in traditional institutions (Kimengsi et al. 2021 , 2022b ). In Europe/North America, the literature shows that informal structural institutions are conceptualized sparingly to include community leadership and inter-community forestry associations. Formally, they are reported as forest owners’ associations, political parties, protected area management, timber industry associations, resident associations, and state forest management. Informally, processes are conceived as local rules, while formally, they represent forest management policy, regulations, legal framework, local community forest governance, forest management strategies and forest marketing strategies. In Latin America, forest user groups, indigenous organizations and community management committees are frequently used in informal characterization, while labour unions, national services of protected areas, REDD + working group and Community general assemblies are used formally.

Global conceptualization of forest management institutions

RegionsInstitution as structuresInstitution as processes
Africa only

Customary authorities

Traditional authorities

Village government

Traditional priesthood

Village authorities, Men’s group

Participatory forest management assoc., village natural resources committees, common initiative groups, village forest management committees, modern Media

Community-based Forest management

Land tenure system

Forest Act

Customary rights
Asia only

Village associations

Traditional associations

Traditional customary org

Village committees

Village conservation groups

Community patrolling groups

Low caste group

Forest protection committee

Conservation area management committee, local forest federation

Joint forest management committees, protected area authorities, forest certification agencies, village administration

national trust for nature conservation, forest management committees

Community forestry guidelines

Community forest operational plan

International conventions

State forest laws, Restoration act

Regulations on land use

Community forest laws

National laws on social forestry

Village regulations, Community forest management polices

Wildlife conservation andsecurity Act

Local practices

Customary regulations

Endogenous rules

Customary institutions

Australia only

Local/urban forest management

Forest society

Woods and forest department

Forest municipal management

Tree farming agreement

Commercial/farm forestry policy

Vegetation clearing regulations

Forest management plan, conventions, management act, carbon offset policy

Forest Agreement

Latin America only

Farmers’ org

Forest user groups

Indigenous org

Community management committee

Labour unions

National services of protected areas

REDD + working group

Community’s general assembly

Conservation laws

Community-based Forest policy

Forest code, Forest laws

Forest tenure agreements, Decentralized environmental policy

Local land management rules
Europe/North America only

Community leadership

Inter community forestry assoc

Forest owners’ assoc

Political parties, protected area management, timber industry assoc. resident assoc., state forest management, conservation authorities, forest professional groups

Forest management policy


Legal framework

Local community forest governance

Forest management strategies

Forest marketing strategies

Local rules

Collective rules

Africa, Asia only

Women group


Village forest committee

Community forest management groups

Taboos, Beliefs, Local/land customs, Traditions, informal rules, Customary rules
Africa, Asia, AustraliaCommunity Forest User Groups/CooperativesJoint/collaborative/participatory forest management
Africa, Latin America onlyEthnicity/ethnic groupsForest management committees

Forest by-laws

Forest management practices

Africa, Europe/North America

Forest stewardship council


Institutional bricolage

Forest policy framework

Africa, Asia, Europe/North AmericaInternational conservation organizationForest certification schemes
Asia, Latin AmericaReligious groupsValues/Traditional values
Asia, Europe/North America only,

Community groups


Latin America, Europe/North AmericaCommunity assemblyProtected area policy
Australia, Europe/North AmericaForest conservation policies, Forest plantation strategies or subsidy
Africa, Asia, Latin AmericaCivil Society Organizations

Payment for ecosystem services


Africa, Asia, Latin America, Europe/North AmericaLocal/social/moral/community norms
Asia, Australia Latin America, Europe/North America onlyForest industries/companies or Private sector
All regionsVillages councils

NGOs, Forestry department/commission

Central government/State Forest management institutions

State forest/land policies

National/State Forest rules/regulations

Local land management rules constitute the key informal process in Latin America, while conservation laws, community-based forest policy, forest codes, forest laws, forest tenure agreements, and decentralized environmental policy appear in the formal conception of institutions. On the whole, a more diverse conceptualization of institutions (structures and processes) appear in the literature from Africa and Asia, followed by Latin America. The diversity is rooted in the diverse ethnic arrangements which characterize these regions. Africa, is the most ethnically diverse region in the world (Fearon 2003 ). This diversity accounts for the diversity in the nomenclature employed for forest management institutions—leading to the diversity in their conceptualization. With more empirical cases emanating from these settings, it is plausible to suggest that more in-depth and varied analysis about forest management institutions has been explored in these settings. Furthermore, the plethora of governance challenges in the management of natural resources (forest in this case) which is associated with such settings further explains the multifarious typification of institutions. In another dimension, structures and processes are surprisingly only conceptualized formally in the context of Australia—suggesting a significant drift away from informality to the pursuit of more formal, state-sanctioned institutions.

Compliance with forest management institutions

From the review, Africa, Asia, and Latin America report the highest cases of compliance in the informal institutional set-up. These settings have had a history linked to traditional institutions which were made to interact with colonially shaped institutions during their history. However, some degree of closeness to cultural institutions could be reported for these regions. The existence of compliance in the literature for Africa, Asia and Latin America is enough pointer to the multiplicity of institutional structures and processes which require monitoring against (non)compliance. Additionally, the interaction between formal and informal institutions, including the fallouts of colonial influence, led to the multiplicity of institutions. This possibly explains why compliance predominates the literature in the three regions. In Africa, for instance, pre-colonial types of resource use included the royal hunting preserves of the amaZulu and amaSwati people, and the kgotla system of land management practiced by the Batswana people (Ghai 1992 ; Fabricius 2004 ). Further, the making of access and use rules for natural resources in Mali (Moorehead 1989 ) and Botswana (Ostrom 1990 ), all indicate how endogenous cultural institutions shaped forest use. Likewise, Khasi, Garo and Jaintia tribes in Meghalaya of India, and traditional customary organization “Lembaga Adat” in Indonesia have not only conserved forest resources but also ensured its capacity to deliver ecosystem goods and services in sustainable manner (Mehring et al. 2011 ; Tiwari et al. 2013 ). Europe/North America registered few studies on informal institutional compliance, while this was non-existent for Australia—apparently due to the non-reported case of informal arrangements. Regarding non-compliance, articles from Latin America reported the highest case of non-compliance. This could be explained by the progressive decline in the informal institutions due to globalization and market forces which seemed to have permeated communities around the Amazon (Blundo-Canto et al. 2020 ). In the formal domain, non-compliance was significantly registered for Europe/North America, Africa, and Latin America (Fig.  4 ).

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Global statistics of institutional compliance and non-compliance by regions. Left chart—papers ( N  = 197, n for compliance = 133, n for non-compliance = 64, Right chart—Cases ( N  = 491, n for compliance = 362, n for non-compliance = 129). Note Some papers reported compliance/compliance to formal and informal institutions simultaneously

It is important to note that some of the evoked reasons behind (non)compliance still require further investigation. For example, significant contextual variations in peoples’ attitudes and adherence to forest-sector institutions and governance in Asia, Africa, Latin America, and North America are directly linked to the disparities of key underlying and broader factors such as institutional models and policy frameworks for decentralization (Shackleton et al. 2002 ; Ribot 2003 ; Larson 2012 ; Mustalahti et al. 2020 ). Thus, a broader focus on institutional factors—rather than isolated reasons—is important to sufficiently explain (non-)compliance dynamics.

Forest management Institutional compliance determinants

From the analysis, political and economic factors were recurrent in the literature as key forces that influence institutional compliance. For instance, in Europe/North America, Latin America and Australia, political factors significantly influenced compliance (Table ​ (Table3). 3 ). Some of these key determinants include conflicts, policy enforcement, power relations and governance structure (Latin America) and actor network, policy development, and governance structure (Europe/North America). Politics and geostrategy contributed to defining natural resource (forest in this case) institutions in Europe and North America. However, in Latin America, the rise in challenges linked to migration and bush fires also stand as key determinants of forest management institutional compliance. Economic factors in Europe/North America and Africa determined compliance. In Africa, economic factors linked to private enterprises and market-based mechanisms significantly featured in the literature as determinants of institutional compliance. For instance, aspects linked to donor income/investment and material aid, community forest expenditure and benefits, poverty were common. In Europe/North America, the economic viability of forest land use, forest certification, amongst others, were reported in the articles. In Nigeria, economic incentives (incomes) from farming activities, NTFPs use and non-traditional employment shaped compliance (Ezebilo 2011 ). On the whole, ecological, socio-cultural and demographic factors did not significantly explain compliance with forest management institutions. The case of ecological determinants in surprising given the litany of ecological campaigns which have been introduced in Africa (e.g., Leventon et al. 2014 ; Senganimalunje et al. 2016 ), Asia (Gilani et al. 2017 ) and Latin America (Entenmann and Schmitt 2013 ; Kowler et al. 2020 ) for instance, to foster conservation. Furthermore, socio-cultural diversity as viewed in Africa warrants some diversity in the way people adhere to institutions—both formal and informal. In Tanzania, trust in institutions was a significant predictor of participation intensity of the households in forest management (Luswaga and Nuppenau 2020 ). However, in Europe, differences in the attitudes of actors with regard to pursuing sustainable development significantly shaped compliance with forest management institutions (Jankovska et al. 2010 ).

Forest management institutional compliance determinants to by regions

Inst. determinantsNo. of cases per region
AfricaAsiaAustraliaLatin AmericaEurope and North AmericaTotal

Forest management institutional outcomes

The review indicates that political outcomes were the most significant for Europe/North America, followed by Latin America and Australia (Table ​ (Table4). 4 ). Some key political outcomes included policy fragmentation, market formation failures, and reduced legitimacy of FSC certification (Europe/North America). This is understandable, considering that political and geostrategic forces were key determinants of institutional compliance. In Latin America,the setting up of provincial regulations which undermine enforcement of forest regime, rule breaking, challenges with the day-to-day operational institutions, inequitable benefit-sharing mechanism; the absence of law enforcement on sustainability of and access to non-wood forest products were common. Rule breaking is potentially triggered by increasing in-migration and the upsurge of bushfires. Bottazzi et al. ( 2014 ) showed how incentive-based systems of institutions facilitated the allocation and use of funds in REDD + programmes. In all these, deforestation persisted in the midst of lost and/or bypassed institutions (Carvalho et al. 2019 ). In Australia, divergent views characterized the seeking of solutions to enhance inter-departmental and inter-municipal coordination (Ordóñez et al. 2020 ). Positive ecological outcomes were significantly reported for Africa (forest or biodiversity protection/conservation, improved forest condition and surface water quality, sustainable forest or ecosystem management, planting of timber and fruit trees) and Latin America (fostering forest conservation, stabilization and/or decrease of deforestation, sustainable forest management). Furthermore, Europe/North America, Africa and Asia respectively reported positive economic outcomes linked to the generation of net monetary gains from parks, and from the wood harvesting and marketing (Europe/North America), higher incomes derived from certification, profits derived under community forestry, and the augmentation of household cash income (Africa). In Asia, studies report the positive outcomes linked to the forests’ substantial contribution to local livelihoods and income (Muhammed et al. 2008 ; Harada and Wiyono 2014 ; Barnes and van Laerhoven 2015 ).

Forest management institutional outcomes by regions

Institutional outcomesNo. of cases per regionTotal
AfricaAsiaAustraliaEurope/North AmericaLatin America
Ecological ( +)61198337129
Ecological (−)551521037
Economic ( +)117449475
Economic (−)34101422

Some case studies have multiple institutional outcomes

Australia witnessed the most negative ecological outcomes. For instance, regional forest agreements were characterized by poor governance, leading to failures in biodiversity protection and ecosystem maintenance. This further precipitated the over-commitment of forest resources to wood production (Lindenmayer 2018 ). In Latin America, significant deforestation was observed for the Guarayos Indigenous Territory from 2000 to 2017—primarily driven by agricultural commodity production (He et al. 2019 ), while in Africa, Garekae et al. ( 2020 ) reported forest and wildlife decline in Botswana, linked to sectoral bias. Furthermore, the articles reported significant negative economic outcomes for Latin America, Asia, and Africa. Some of the reported outcomes include financial resource decline (Latin America), the timber-centric and market-oriented nature of community forests (Asia) (Bhusal et al. 2020 ), and the manifestations of elite capture in Africa. In Malawi, for instance, co-management programmes did not lead to positive outcomes, i.e., community organization, forest access, forest product availability and commercialization of forest products (Senganimalunje et al. 2016 ). On the whole socio-cultural outcomes were prevalent in Australia, Europe/North America, and Asia. Here, reported issues were linked to public acceptance of plantation policy, the improvement in communication of forest owners' associations and increased reliance on informal relationships. A case in point is linked to forest policy in Australia which led to several negative social impacts, including uncertainty, perceived injustice, and financial stress (Loxton et al. 2014 ). In the case of Asia, it was linked to inequalities among local actors, demographic changes and transformations in local social structures, gender inequality, successful collaboration between NGOs and community-based organizations , conflicts between communities and state forest enterprises (Adhikari and Lovett 2006 ; Barnes and van Laerhoven 2015 ).

Methodological approaches

The analysis reveals that globally mixed methods approaches have been least prioritized in the study of forest management institutions. For instance, between 2006 and 2021, we observed a growing trend in the application of qualitative methods; only 2 articles were reported in 2007, while this peaked to 99 in 2021. However, the use of quantitative and mixed methods approaches was significantly lower (Fig.  5 ). Considering the intricacies linked to the study of institutions, the prioritization of qualitative approaches is understandable. However, with growing interest in employing more robust data collection and analysis methods, it is only germane to report that studies have not prioritized mixed methods approaches so far (Malina et al. 2011 ; Karolina et al. 2021 ).

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Cumulative distribution of paper and adoption of methods

A slight increase in the application of mixed methods approaches is observed (Table ​ (Table5) 5 ) from 22% between 2006 and 2010 to 26% between 2016 and 2021, while there was a progressive decline in the sole application of quantitative methods from 37 to 23% within this time period. A slight decrease is also observed for qualitative methods, from 54 to 51% between 2011 and 2021.

Methods employed over time in the study of forest management institutions (% in parenthesis)

DurationMixedOnly qualitativeOnly quantitativeTotal
2006–20106 (22.22)11(40.74)10 (37.04)27
2011–201513 (21.31)33 (54.10)15 (24.59)61
2016–202128 (25.69)56 (51.38)25 (22.94)109
Grand Total47 (23.86)100 (50.76)50 (25.38)197

On the whole, while the use of only qualitative methods in the study of forest management institutions increased over time, the adoption of only quantitative approaches witnessed a decrease (Table ​ (Table5). 5 ). Studies in Africa have largely prioritized the sole application of quantitative methods, as 42% of the papers reported this approach (Table ​ (Table6), 6 ), while mixed methods (25%) were least prioritized. This could be linked to the growing ‘quantification revolution’ in research across the region. While quantitative analysis provides some pointers to institutional questions, they hide significant intricacies which could be revealed by solely qualitative or, better still, mixed methods analytical approaches. In Latin America, however, a significant proportion of the studies (40%) employed solely qualitative methods, followed by mixed methods (35%) and then quantitative methods (26%). Likewise, the highest proportion (58%) of studies draw from qualitative methods in Asia and Australia, whereas mixed-methods were prioritized as the second highest (37%) in Asia and the least (10%) in Australia (Table ​ (Table6 6 ).

Methods used by different continents (percentage in parenthesis)

ContinentsMixedOnly qualitativeOnly quantitativeGrand total (% in parenthesis)
Africa12 (25)16 (33)20 (42)48 (100)
Latin America15 (35)17 (40)11 (26)43 (100)
Asia14 (37)22 (58)2 (5)38 (100)
Australia3 (10)18 (58)10 (32)31 (100)
Europe and North America3 (8)27 (73)7 (19)37 (100)
Grand total47 (24)100 (51)50 (25)197 (100)

On the whole, while studies in Africa employed more of only quantitative methods over qualitative ones, research on forest management institutions in Europe and North America prioritized only qualitative methods over only quantitative ones. In North America/Europe, 73% of the studies employed the qualitative approach, followed by quantitative (19%). The least employed approach is mixed-methods, as only 8% used this approach (Table ​ (Table6). 6 ). Overall, qualitative methods have been significantly employed globally except in Africa, while mixed methods were the least adopted in all regions except Asia and Latin America.

Perspectives on the conceptual and methodological advancement of research on FMIs

The literature so far presents a fragmented conceptualization of forest management institutions. For instance, institutions are broadly categorized as formal or informal on the one hand and as exogenous and endogenous on the other hand. This is based on the premise that not all endogenous institutions are informal institutions. A more detailed conceptualization which captures the formal and informal dimension, including the endogenous and exogenous categorization, is helpful to advance theoretical developments in the field of institutions in relation to forest management. Additionally, institutions seem to exhibit stream-like attributes; an approach which further conceptualizes them as ephemeral (very short-term arrangements made by forest actors to facilitate forest resource use conflict minimization), partially enduring ( arrangements that temporarily become a norm but fizzle out as new actors take over (Kimengsi et al. 2022b ); and enduring ( institutions are either codified (formal) and/or take the status of customs and values which transcend several generations (Ostrom 1990 ). In both cases, empirical studies geared towards establishing these proposed conceptual approaches are needed. Future research also needs to advance the “marriage” between actors and institutions.

From a methodological standpoint, further studies should prioritize methods based reviews (Palmatier et al. 2018 ) to enable researchers synthesize in detail, the design and instruments used so far, the approaches employed in data collection approaches and pros and cons linked to the methods employed. This will further inform the application of methodological approaches and instruments for future empirical studies on forest management institutions. Also, multi-country studies, employing mixed-methods approaches are needed to analyze institutions in forest use and management.

Review Limitations

This review provides an initial synthesis of the literature on forest management institutions from a global perspective. It is helpful in the identification of region-specific research needs in the ever-evolving field of institutions. A couple of limitations could be raised: Firstly, the conceptual analysis of institutions does not incorporate the exogenous versus endogenous dichotomy. With growing interest to further explore the typology and source of institutions, including whether management outcomes are a function of more endogenous or exogenous institutional arrangements (Kimengsi et al. 2022b ), future reviews and empirical studies should incorporate this dimension. Secondly, the regional clustering of institutions might shade details linked to how institutions are conceptualized and the outcomes they effectively produce. Although case studies are used, it is not possible in a single review to derive all these conceptual details, which might vary even within regions. Taking Africa, for instance, diversity in the region’s culture requires country-specific analysis of institutions. Latin America’s diversity precipitates ‘institutional shopping’ (Wartmann et al. 2016 Thirdly, institutions do not operate in isolation—therefore an actor-centred/power dimension is required to better appreciate institutional arrangements (Giessen et al. 2014 ; Ongolo et al. 2021 ). Therefore, a review of the actor and power dimensions of institutions is required to inform subsequent empirical studies. Fourthly, while the paper reports on compliance, the level of compliance is not reported, and the factors which militate for or against compliance. Fifthly, we selected articles which were exclusively published in English language and indexed in certain data bases. In doing so, we ignored papers which might have been published in French, Spanish, Amharic, Kiswahili, Nepali and other languages; such articles might have provided further compelling details on the region-specific dynamics of forest management institutions. We call for subsequent reviews to aim at valorizing such studies.

The current socio-ecological outcomes linked to the upsurge of pandemics (e.g. COVID-19) further justify the need to pay more attention to the management of forests and forest resources (Tollefson 2020 ; Saxena et al. 2021). These details, which vary over space and time, and may potentially assume a different dimension under the current COVID-19 scenario (Saxena et al. 2021), require extensive review and further empirical grounding. When pandemic prevention hinges on forest management to some extent, it is imperative to further explore the role of FMIs. Further reviews could emphasize the extent of compliance and the conditions under which (non)compliance prevails in the context of pandemics. Additionally, institutional change which is triggered by health crises (e.g., pandemics) still needs to be further established.

Finally, our review of the methods focused on providing a snapshot of the approaches, following the broad categorization of qualitative, quantitative and methods. This does not provide details on the specific qualitative methods employed (e.g., key informant interviews, participant observations, vignettes, focus group discussions). Future methods-based reviews should consider these.

To define conceptual and methodological pathways for future studies on forest management institutions (FMIs), this study undertakes a systematic review of the literature on FMIs using 197 papers (491 cases). From the study, the following conclusions are plausible: Firstly, while forest management institutions literature has witnessed a growth, this is most significant in Africa and Latin America. Secondly, the structure-process conceptualization of institutions (formal and informal) predominates in Asia and Africa. Process-wise, studies from Australia surprisingly did not report on a single process-linked institution. This merits further studies which pays attention to the identification of such institutions. The literature also reports on the drift away from informality to the pursuit of more formal, state-sanctioned institutional arrangements in Australia. Thirdly , global south regions—Africa, Asia, and Latin America—report the highest cases of compliance in the informal institutional set-up, while non-compliance was significantly registered for Europe/North America in the formal domain. Fourthly , politico-economic factors significantly influence institutional compliance in Europe/North America, while economic factors shape compliance in Africa. On the whole, ecological, socio-cultural, and demographic factors were reported to less significantly explain compliance with forest management institutions (FMIs). Fifthly , while forest management institutions in Europe/North America significantly contributed to determining politico-economic outcomes, those in Africa and Latin America contributed to positive ecological and negative economic outcomes. Finally, mixed methods approaches have been least prioritized in the study of forest management institutions; in Africa, the sole application of quantitative methods was prioritized. Future research needs to (1) extend the conceptualization of institutions, (2) increase multi-case and multi-country studies on FMIs especially for Asia and Australia, (3) empirically ground informality in the institutional set up of forest management in Australia, (4) establish in detail, the extent of (non)compliance, their spatio-temporal variations, and determinants, and (5) valorize the application of mixed-methods approaches in the study of FMIs across the globe.

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Contributor Information

Jude Ndzifon Kimengsi, Email: [email protected]_eduj , Email: [email protected] .

Raphael Owusu, Email: moc.oohay@usuwo60leahpar .

Shambhu Charmakar, Email: [email protected] .

Gordon Manu, Email: [email protected] .

Lukas Giessen, Email: [email protected] .

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The importance of different forest management systems for people’s dietary quality in Tanzania

  • Research article
  • Open access
  • Published: 11 September 2024
  • Volume 39 , article number  176 , ( 2024 )

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literature review on forest management

  • R. S. Olesen   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0003-1463-1906 1 ,
  • F. Reiner 1 ,
  • B. den Braber 1 ,
  • C. Hall 1 , 2 ,
  • C. J. Kilawe 3 ,
  • J. Kinabo 4 ,
  • J. Msuya 4 &
  • L. V. Rasmussen 1  

81 Accesses

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A large body of literature has shown that forests provide nutritious foods in many low- and middle-income countries. Yet, there is limited evidence on the contributions from different types of forest and tree systems.

Here, we focus on individual trees and smaller forest patches outside established forest reserves as well as different forest management systems.

We do so by combining novel high-resolution data on tree cover with 24-h dietary recall surveys from 465 women in Tanzania.

We show that people with more unclassified tree cover (i.e., individual trees and small forest patches) in their nearby surroundings have more adequate protein, iron, zinc, and vitamin A intakes. We also find that having a nearby forest under Participatory Forest Management (PFM) system is associated with higher adequacy levels of energy, iron, zinc and vitamin A. By contrast, tree cover within other types of forest (e.g., Government Forest Reserves and Government Forest Plantations) is not positively associated with people’s dietary quality.


Our key finding is that having individual trees, smaller forest patches and/or forest under PFM in close proximity is more beneficial for people’s diets than other types of established forests. Our results highlight the nutritional importance of trees outside established forests and question the often-assumed benefits of forests if these are made inaccessible by social barriers (e.g., legislation). Finally, our results emphasize the need to distinguish between different forest management systems when studying forest-diet linkages.

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Recent literature has established positive linkages between forests and food and nutrition security in low- and middle-income countries, both based on large-scale datasets (Ickowitz et al. 2014 ; Galway et al. 2018 ; Rasolofoson et al. 2018 ; Den Braber et al. 2024 ) as well as site-specific case studies (Baudron et al. 2017 ; Cheek et al. 2022 ). There are four overarching pathways by which forests and trees can positively affect people’s food and nutrition security (Baudron et al. 2019b ; Gergel et al. 2020 ): (1) The direct provision of food as forests often host numerous and nutrient-rich wild plants and animals that are consumed by local communities (Powell et al. 2013 ; Asprilla-Perea and Díaz-Puente 2019 ), (2) the provision of ecosystem services (e.g., soil protection, water provision, pollination, access to manure and biomass), which can improve the productivity of surrounding agricultural lands (Baudron et al. 2019a ; Yang 2020 ), (3) the provision of fuelwood, which is vital for cooking and boiling water in many countries (Karki et al. 2018 ), and (4) income generation from sale of forest and tree products, which can facilitate the purchase of nutritious foods from markets (Miller et al. 2020 ).

Despite the well-established positive linkages between forests and people’s diets, little is known about (1) the potential contribution of trees outside of established forest reserves beyond agroforestry systems, which are well-studied (Babu and Rhoe 2002 ; Bostedt et al. 2016 ; Afentina et al. 2021 ), and (2) different types of forest management systems. We note that trees outside of established forest reserves differ from agroforestry as they are not limited to being located in or around farmland but include trees growing across all types of non-forest landscapes (e.g., urban settlements, roads, lakes). One potential reason behind the limited knowledge on the role of trees outside forests is that large-scale landscape studies tend to apply binary forest/non-forest classifications based on either moderate spatial resolution data (Johnson et al. 2013 ; Rasmussen et al. 2019 ) or larger political forest units (Kumeh et al. 2021 ). Consequently, most knowledge on tree-diet relationships comes from local case studies that examine the effects of agroforestry systems on people’s diets (Ghosh-Jerath et al. 2021 ; Jemal et al. 2021 ; Zahoor et al. 2021 ; Kulsum and Susandarini 2023 ). Such studies tend to find positive linkages between agroforestry and dietary quality (Jamnadass et al. 2013 ; Montagnini 2017 ; Dagar et al. 2020 ). For example, a cross-sectional study among 170 farmers in India estimated that a 1% increase in tree density and tree diversity on farms would increase people’s food consumption score (mean level: 28) by 0.2% point and 0.1% point, respectively (Singh et al. 2023 ). A recent review covering 36 publications on the linkages between tree-based farming systems and food and nutrition security in low- and middle-income countries found that trees located around farmland had generally positive effects on people’s diets, directly through provision of wild and cultivated foods, and indirectly through improved income opportunities (Vansant et al. 2022 ). Another review assessing 207 case studies from sub-Saharan Africa found that 68% of the studies indicated an increase in food availability due to the presence of trees on farms (Kuyah et al. 2016 ). Yet, a study among 399 farmers in six agroecological zones in Rwanda found that trees on farms mainly represented a safety net for the poorest households rather than an important contributor to overall food security (Ndoli et al. 2021 ). Also, there is mixed evidence on the effects of agroforestry on crop production with some studies pointing to the positive effects on yields (Baier et al. 2023 ) and soil quality (Kuyah et al. 2019 ), whereas other studies indicate that trees on farms may also be associated with lower yields of crops such as wheat (Khan et al. 2023 ).

Even though more than one quarter of Africa’s tree cover is found outside areas previously classified as forest (Reiner et al. 2023 ), the role of individual trees outside forests (beyond agroforestry) has long been overlooked due to a lack of high-resolution satellite imagery (Schnell et al. 2015 ). However, in the past few years progress has been made through the combination of new high-resolution satellite imagery and deep learning methods, which has enabled large-scale mapping of non-forest trees at the individual tree level. This includes the detection of 1.8 billion trees in West African Sahara and Sahel covering areas that had previously been perceived and categorized as bare dry lands or deserts (Brandt et al. 2020 ). Therefore, it is now possible—and needed—to examine more closely how trees outside of forests are related to people’s food and nutrition security in low- and middle-income countries.

The second knowledge gap that we aim to address is how different forest management systems can contribute to people’s diets, as management systems around forests can influence how people use forests and trees as a food source (Adhikari et al. 2016 ; Andrieu et al. 2019 ). For example, enforcement of environmental policies in Nepal combined with increased timber extraction has caused reductions in local livestock holdings due to lack of fodder resources, resulting in a worsening of people’s food security (Dhakal et al. 2011 ). The authors of this study suggested that policies could alternatively promote agroforestry systems combined with community-based forest management to gain both forest protection and better food security for local communities. This suggestion was later supported by another Nepalese study which, based on national survey data from 3064 rural households, found that households who used resources from community-based forests experienced higher levels of calorie adequacy compared to households using government-owned forests (Paudel 2018 ). Furthermore, a study from Tanzania assessed the effects of community-based forestry on wealth, food security and child health, and found improvements in household food security (measured by meals/day and fish and meat consumption) in areas with community-based forest management compared to areas without (Pailler et al. 2015 ). Also, a study in Cameroon reported that more than half of the community forest users were highly dependent on the forest resources, as these resources provided 61–100% of their income, food, energy and material needs (Ngang et al. 2018 ).

While these case studies from Nepal, Tanzania and Cameroon go beyond broad-scale studies that treat forests as a homogenous landscape feature, they tend to use broad food security metrics as opposed to more detailed measures of dietary quality. This absence of detailed dietary quality metrics was highlighted by a recent review of 30 publications on linkages between social forestry (the term was used by the authors to describe initiatives linking communities with sustainable forest management) and food security in Asia. The authors found that none of the publications examined how different forest management systems affect the dietary quality of local communities (Yahya et al. 2022 ). When examining the forest-diet relationship, it is important to move beyond crude measures of food security in favour of more detailed dietary quality metrics (where the data allows), as these measures provide more insight into the mechanisms driving the observed positive relationships.

In this study, we examined the effects of (1) unclassified tree cover (i.e., individual trees and small forest patches outside established forests) and (2) different types of forest management systems (e.g., Government Forest Reserve, Government Forest Plantation, Private Forest, Participatory Forest Management (PFM)) on people’s dietary quality, measured by macro- and micronutrient adequacy levels. By doing so, we demonstrate how different tree and forest systems can have varying effects on diets—and we thereby contribute to a more nuanced understanding of forest-tree-diet linkages.

Material and methods

Study sites.

Tanzania is an appropriate country for studying the linkages between forests, trees, and people’s diets for a number of reasons. First, the country hosts several large bio-diverse forests (Capitani et al. 2019 ; Kacholi et al. 2015 ) and around 30% of the population live within 5 km of a forest (Newton et al. 2020 ). Second, case studies from different parts of the country have shown how communities rely on forest-based resources in their diet (Murray et al. 2001 ; Ceppi and Nielsen 2014 ; Kaya and Lyana 2014 ; Pollom et al. 2020 ). For example, a study in the North Uluguru and the West Usambara Mountains revealed that local communities consumed 114 different indigenous forest plant foods (Msuya et al. 2010 ). Another study among women living in close proximity to forests in the East Usambara Mountains identified 92 wild food species and found these wild foods to be an important source of vitamin A (31% of intake), vitamin C (20%), and iron (19%) for both women and children (Powell et al. 2013 ). Furthermore, deforestation in rural areas of Tanzania has been shown to reduce people’s fruit and vegetable consumption, with negative effects on vitamin A adequacy (Hall et al. 2022 ). Tanzania’s forests are also under increasing pressure from agricultural expansion and logging activities (Doggart et al. 2020 ). Finally, despite more than 20 years of sustained economic growth, culminating in its transition from low-income to lower middle-income status in 2020, the proportion of people suffering from severe food insecurity has increased from 21 to 26% between 2016 and 2022 (FAO et al. 2022 ). In addition, the number of people not able to afford a healthy diet increased from 49 to 52 million between 2017 and 2020, corresponding to 88% of the country’s population (FAO et al. 2022 ).

In this study, we collected data from eight villages in East Usambara Mountains and Uluguru Mountains in Tanzania from October to December 2021 (Fig.  1 ). The villages were selected to represent different forest management systems, while being relatively similar in terms of people’s living standards, agricultural practices, and climatic conditions.

figure 1

Forest management systems, position coordinates, elevation and mean Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) Living Standard dimension across the eight villages included in the study. The red dots represent the survey respondents’ homes and show variation in vitamin A adequacy levels within and across sites. The locations have been randomly displaced up to 300 m for confidentiality purposes

Within each of the eight villages, we surveyed women with at least one child under the age of five years, since this group is particularly vulnerable to nutritional deficiencies (Lartey 2008 ). We selected 60 women from each village using a random stratified sampling technique. That is, every village consisted of four to eight hamlets, and we selected respondents from each hamlet proportional to its relative population size. For example, when 25% of the village’s total population lived in one hamlet, we would randomly select 25% (or 15 women) of our respondents from that hamlet.

Forest management classification

We base our forest categories on Tanzania’s official forest classifications (United Republic of Tanzania, 1998 , 2002 ). The country’s forests are grouped into the following categories of ownership: (1) Central Government Forest Reserve —owned and managed by the central government, including both forest reserves and forest plantations), (2) Local Authority Forest Reserve— owned and managed by district authorities, (3) Village Forest Reserve— owned and managed by a village government, (4) Private Forest owned and managed by private companies, and (5) forest patches in non-reserved forest land —covering small tree plots less than 10 hectares, sometimes owned by the Central Government but most often with open access.

In addition, Community Based Forest Management (CBFM) takes place on village land. Villagers take full ownership and management responsibilities for the forest, and they also collect forest royalties from the sales of forest products and services. Finally, Joint Forest Management is based on a partnership between communities and the government and has typically been introduced in Central Government Forest Reserves that were previously under the management of the central government (United Republic of Tanzania 2008 ). The partnership means that communities are given more responsibilities in terms of managing the use of forest resources, while the central government continues to hold ownership (Mbwambo et al. 2012 ).

We regrouped these categories based on the actors managing the forest. Village Forest Reserve , CBFM and Joint Forest Management were combined into one category named Participatory Forest Management (PFM) . This regrouping is reasonable because (1) forest access was similar across these three types, and (2) forest management is given to local communities—yet with some differences in forest ownership (Khatun et al. 2015 ; Luswaga and Nuppenau 2020 ). Also, PFM is formally used as an umbrella term in Tanzania to cover the above-mentioned categories (United Republic of Tanzania 1998 ). Using QGIS and shapefiles showing official forest boundaries provided by the Central Government of Tanzania, we renamed and divided Central Government Forest Reserves into two groups: Government Forest Reserves and Government Forest Plantations. We renamed forest patches in non-reserved forest land to unclassified tree cover and expanded the category to include all trees outside of the above-mentioned forest categories, regardless of the plot size to also capture scattered trees in the landscape. Private Forest was maintained as a separate category. We did not include Local Authority Forest Reserve since this type of ownership was not present in any of our study sites.

Forest and tree data

We collected GPS coordinates of the respondents’ homes, allowing us to measure the amount of tree cover in each respondent’s nearby surroundings. In this study, a tree is defined as a plant with a more or less permanent shoot system that is supported by a single trunk of wood (Mbuya et al. 1994 ). We used a Very High Resolution (VHR) map of African tree cover in 2019 (Reiner et al. 2023 ), which was created using a deep learning model to segment tree cover at the individual tree level, based on 3-m resolution PlanetScope. We spatially aggregated the binary tree cover data to extract the percentage tree cover in 2000-m radius buffer circles around each respondent’s house. We used a radius of 2000 m since this is the distance most wild foods are collected from people’s homes (Layton et al. 1991 ; Powell et al. 2011 ). We then overlaid this with shapefiles provided by the Tanzanian government on polygons of Government Forest Reserves, Government Forest Plantations, Private Forests, and PFMs. For each respondent, we thus obtained the percentage tree cover within each of the five forest/tree categories: Government Forest Reserve, Government Forest Plantation, Private Forest, PFM, and unclassified tree cover.

Outcome variables

Most studies on forest-tree-diet linkages use food security metrics such as days without food, the household food insecurity access scale (Donn et al. 2016 ; Tata Ngome et al. 2019 ), or dietary diversity scores (Galway et al. 2018 ; Rasolofoson et al. 2018 ). Here, we go beyond these metrics by estimating people’s macro- and micronutrient intake, with our main outcome variables being people’s energy, protein, iron, zinc, and vitamin A adequacy. Nutrient adequacy ratios (NAR) were calculated from detailed dietary recall surveys, which aim to record every food item that the respondent has consumed within the past 24 hours. The 24-h dietary recalls were carried out twice within a week on two non-consecutive days to account for unusual dietary intakes (Gibson 2005 ). Quantities of each food item were estimated using local serving size aids (e.g., cups, plates, spoons) and photo aids.

We then estimated macro- and micronutrient contents of all reported food items using nutritional information from food composition tables (FCTs). A number of FCTs were used due to missing or incomplete nutrient information. We used data from the Tanzanian tables (Lukmanji and Hertzmark 2008 ) as much as possible. When data were missing, we sourced data from the FCTs for Kenya (FAO 2018a ), Malawi (MAFOODS 2019 ), Zambia (NFNC 2009 ) and West Africa (Vincent et al. 2020 )—in that order.

Since all of our respondents were interviewed twice within one week, we were able to calculate the usual intake with a Multiple Source Method (MSM) (Tooze 2020 ). The methodology consists of three sequential steps: Initially, the probability of consuming a particular food on a given day is estimated for each individual. Subsequently, the usual amount of food intake on days when consumption occurs is estimated individually. Finally, the overall usual food intake across all days is computed by multiplying the probability of food consumption with the usual amount of food intake on consumption days (Harttig et al. 2011 ). We then calculated mean NAR by comparing the estimated nutrient intakes with average recommended nutrient intakes for energy (FAO et al. 2002 ), protein (WHO 2007 ), iron, zinc and vitamin A (WHO and FAO 2004 ). The adequacy ratios accounted for whether women were pregnant or breastfeeding. We note that our final adequacy ratios might be underestimated due to known issues with underreporting of certain food items, for example in cases where respondents eat from a shared bowl (Gibson 2005 ). Therefore, we interpret the calculated adequacy levels as relative values between respondents rather than total values to be compared with national or international averages.

We calculated dietary diversity scores (DDS) given that more diverse diets are a good proxy for micronutrient intake and overall dietary quality (Kennedy et al. 2007 ; Verger et al. 2019 ). To measure dietary diversity, we used the Minimum Dietary Diversity Score for Women (MDD-W), which categorizes foods into ten groups: (1) Grains, white roots and tubers, and plantains, (2) pulses (beans, peas and lentils), (3) nuts and seeds, (4) dairy, (5) meat, poultry and fish, (6) eggs, (7) dark green leafy vegetables, (8) other vitamin A-rich fruits and vegetables, (9) other vegetables, and (10) other fruits (FAO 2021 ; FAO and FHI 360 2016 ).

In addition to calculating DDS, we focused specifically on the consumption of each of the six most nutritionally important food groups (‘grains, white roots and tubers, and plantains’, ‘pulses’, ‘meat, poultry and fish’, ‘dark green leafy vegetables’, ‘other vitamin A-rich fruits and vegetables’, and ‘other fruits’). Together, these six groups represent 99% of respondents’ nutrient intake (i.e., for protein, iron, zinc, and vitamin A) (Fig. S2 ).

We controlled for a number of variables known to affect people’s diets and thus confound the relationship between forests, trees, and diets. We controlled for agricultural practices (i.e., total crop count, homegarden presence, tropical livestock units (TLU))—as more diverse crop and/or livestock production can lead to better overall dietary quality (Ali and Khan 2013 ; Jones 2017 ; Headey et al. 2018 ; Sibhatu and Qaim 2018 ; Christian et al. 2019 ). We calculated TLU using conversion factors for each livestock owned by the household according to FAO’s guidelines (FAO 2018b ). We also controlled for individual and household characteristics known to affect diets, including age (Malapit et al. 2015 ), education level measured as years of schooling (Torheim et al. 2004 ), living standards, region, and household size (Workicho et al. 2016 ; Powell et al. 2017 ). To assess living standards, we used the Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) Living Standard dimension, ranging from 1 (deprived) to 0 (not deprived) and based on six indicators; cooking fuel, sanitation, drinking water, electricity, housing, and assets (Alkire et al. 2021 ). We used the distance to the nearest road from the household (based on respondents’ estimated walking time) as a proxy for market access, which is known to influence people’s consumption of specific foods (Ickowitz et al. 2019 ). We used distance to the nearest road rather than other variables such as distance to the nearest market as local people had different perceptions of market definitions (e.g., minor stand by the road, permanent market, travelling market). Finally, when using one of the five tree or forest categories as the ‘treatment’ variable (e.g., unclassified tree cover), we controlled for the other four categories (e.g., Government Forest Reserve, Government Forest Plantation, Private Forest, and PFM). Table S1 provides an overview of all covariates.

Statistical approach

We tested whether tree cover (%) within our five tree and forest categories was associated with people’s dietary adequacy and dietary diversity. We employed Covariate Balancing Generalized Propensity Score (CBGPS) matching, which is a quasi-experimental technique. CBGPS was chosen because it is robust to model misspecifications and applicable in the case of a continuous treatment (Imai and Ratkovic 2014 ). The weights produced by CBGPS minimize the correlation between treatment and observable pre-treatment covariates when included in the subsequent regression models. This reduces the dependence (endogeneity) between treatment assignment and outcome given covariates. If not addressed, this dependence may lead to biased estimates of the effects of tree cover on people’s dietary quality. CBGPS extends traditional propensity score methods used for binary treatments by creating inverse propensity score weights (Fong et al. 2018 ). To calculate CBGPS weights, we used the control variables mentioned earlier as pre-treatment variables: Crop count, homegarden presence, TLU, age and educational level of the respondent, MPI living standards, household size, region, distance to nearest road and the remaining four forest and tree categories not acting as the treatment. We used the CBPS package (Fong et al. 2022 ) in R (version 4.3.2) to perform the matching analyses. Correlations between treatment (tree cover inside Government Forest Reserve, Government Forest Plantation, Private Forest, and PFM and unclassified tree cover included one by one controlling for the other types) and covariates were sufficiently reduced after matching (Fig. S1 ). When using NAR as the outcome variable (i.e., adequacy levels for energy, protein, iron, zinc and vitamin A), we fitted a linear model using the CBGPS weights, with tree cover within the five different types of tree and forest systems as the key predictor of interest. When using the consumption of the six focus food groups (grams of unique food items consumed within each food group), we used the same model specification. When using DDS as the outcome, we applied a quasipoisson generalized linear model to account for the non-continuous categorical outcome variable (Warton et al. 2016 ). We checked for overdispersion using the ‘dispersiontest’ function in the AER package in R, but found no overdispersion in our models and therefore did not use the negative binomial distribution (Kleiber et al. 2020 ). Finally, we used the sandwich package to compute cluster-robust standard errors at the village level to adjust for the lack of independence of households within the same village (Zeileis et al. 2020 ).

We used both a pairwise correlation matrix as well as the variance inflation factor (VIF) to assess potential collinearity among independent variables included in our models. All correlation coefficients were < 0.5 and VIF did not exceed a value of 5. Lastly, to check the robustness of our results, we re-ran all models using a 1000-m radius instead of 2000-m radius (Table S2 ).

Our study has two main findings: (1) People living in areas with more unclassified tree cover (covering individual trees and forest patches) appear to have higher adequacy levels of protein, iron, zinc, and vitamin A. (2) People living in areas with greater tree cover within PFM appear to have higher adequacy levels of energy, iron, zinc, and vitamin A (Fig.  2 ; Table S1 ).

figure 2

Post-matching results for how tree cover within five different types of tree and forest management systems is associated with people’s A macro- and micronutrient adequacy, and B intake of four key food groups. Results are not shown for the two food groups ‘grains, white roots and tubers, and plantains’ and ‘pulses’ as no significant results were found. P-values: * < 0.05, ** < 0.01, *** < 0.001. N = 465

Positive associations between unclassified tree cover and dietary quality

We found that the amount of unclassified tree cover is positively associated with people’s adequacy levels of protein and all three micronutrients. That is, a 1% increase in unclassified tree cover translates into higher adequacy levels of 0.6% for protein (p < 0.001), 0.2% for iron (p < 0.05), 0.3% for zinc (p < 0.05), and 0.5% for vitamin A (p < 0.001) (Fig.  2 A).

With the mean unclassified tree cover being 28.9%, an increase from no tree cover to this level would translate into 16.4%, 4.7%, 9.8%, and 14% higher adequacy levels of protein, iron, zinc, and vitamin A, respectively. Although such increases may not appear substantial, they are notable given that dietary adequacy is very low in our study area. For example, only 22% of our respondents meet protein requirements, no respondents meet iron requirements, 4% meet zinc requirements, and 14% meet vitamin A requirements.

However, such translation should be considered with caution since it assumes a continuous linear effect between increases in unclassified tree cover and people’s nutrient adequacy. Recent studies have shown how forests and trees can be linked to diets in non-linear ways (Friant et al. 2019 ; Rasmussen et al. 2019 ; Kumeh et al. 2022 ). Likewise, the potential underestimation of our respondents’ nutrient adequacy levels merits caution when interpreting these estimates.

Along with effects on nutrient adequacy levels, we also examined the effects of unclassified tree cover on people’s intake of six key food groups. We found a positive association with the intake of three food groups: ‘meat, poultry and fish’ (p < 0.05), ‘other vitamin A-rich fruits and vegetables’ (p < 0.001) and ‘other fruits’ (p < 0.001) (Fig.  2 B). Respondents with above median levels of unclassified tree cover on average consumed 111 g per day of ‘meat, poultry and fish’ compared to only 40 g for those respondents with below median tree cover (Table  1 ; Fig.  3 ). Given that 91% of the total amount of ‘meat, poultry and fish’ consumed was fish (Fig. S2 ), it is likely that this was the main driver of higher protein, iron and zinc intakes for those respondents living in areas with higher unclassified tree cover. This is in line with other studies that have documented the importance of fish consumption for dietary quality in East Africa (Wessels et al. 2023 ). Furthermore, it is likely that higher intakes of ‘other vitamin A-rich fruits and vegetables’ (especially mangos and papayas (Fig. S2 )) explain the observed positive associations between unclassified tree cover and the higher adequacy levels of vitamin A.

figure 3

Share of energy, protein and micronutrients coming from the different MDD-W food groups, broken down into respondents living in areas with above vs below median unclassified tree cover. We have merged ‘nuts and seeds’, ‘dairy’, ‘eggs’ and ‘other vegetables’ into ‘other’ because these food groups contributed less than 1% of total nutrient intake. The category ‘sugar sweetened beverages’ was added to the figure as it contributed 4.5% and 3.5% of energy intake for respondents living in areas with above and below median unclassified tree cover, respectively. N = 465

Positive associations between participatory forest management and dietary quality

We also found that the extent of tree cover classified as PFM is positively associated with higher adequacy levels of energy, iron, zinc, and vitamin A as well as higher dietary diversity scores (Fig. S3 ). That is, a 1% increase in tree cover within PFM translates into increases of nutrient adequacy levels of 0.7% for energy (p < 0.05), 0.4% for iron (p < 0.001), 0.8% for zinc (p < 0.01), and 1.3% for vitamin A (p < 0.001) (Fig.  2 A). This is likely driven by higher consumption of fish, other vitamin A-rich fruits and vegetables, and other fruits, as the consumption of these food groups was also significantly positively associated with tree cover within PFM (Fig.  2 B).

By contrast, tree cover within Government Forest Plantations was negatively associated with adequacy levels of zinc (− 1.3%, p < 0.05) and vitamin A (− 1.9%, p < 0.001). Similarly, we found negative associations between tree cover within Government Forest Reserves and vitamin A (− 0.4%, p < 0.05) and Private Forests and people’s adequacy level of zinc (− 5.1%, p < 0.05). These results might be explained by lower consumption of vitamin A-rich fruits and vegetables and dark green leafy vegetables by people living in areas with more tree cover within Government Forest Plantation (− 5.9%, p < 0.01, − 1.6%, p < 0.05, respectively). Likewise, people living in areas with more tree cover within Government Forest Reserves had lower consumption of vitamin A-rich fruits and vegetables (− 3.1%, p < 0.05).

Trees and forest patches outside forests are beneficial for dietary quality

Our findings suggest that trees and small forest patches outside of established forest reserves can improve people’s nutrient adequacy. These findings demonstrate the importance of moving beyond forest/non-forest dichotomies, which have been a common approach in the forest-diet literature (e.g. Johnson et al. 2013 ; Galway et al. 2018 ). Also, the existing bulk of research on relationships between tree-based farming systems and food and nutrition security (Vansant et al. 2022 ) tends to focus on trees in croplands and thereby dismisses the potential contributions from individual trees in fallows, pasture, around settlements or along roads, lakes and rivers. By using VHR satellite data, we were able to include trees that would not be accounted for otherwise—both on farms and scattered trees outside of forests. While existing studies attending to on-farm trees often rely on self-reported counts or time-consuming field measurements, our method can be extrapolated and potentially up-scaled to cover even greater areas.

However, we were not able to distinguish between different types of trees (e.g., timber trees vs fruit trees), which limits the ability to tease apart causal mechanisms between tree cover and dietary quality. For example, we found a positive significant relationship between unclassified tree cover and people’s vitamin A adequacy levels as well as their consumption of vitamin A-rich fruits and vegetables (Fig.  2 and Table S1 ). These relationships indicate that people living in areas with higher tree cover might be consuming more vitamin A-rich fruits harvested from trees, such as mango and papaya. When looking at where people source their vitamin A-rich fruits and vegetables, we observe that people living in areas with above median tree cover source a higher proportion of this food group from the wild (4.5% as compared to 0% for people living in areas with below median tree cover) as well as from cultivated fields (61% as compared to 52%) (Table  2 ). Such explanation would be in line with other studies that have established a positive role of fruit trees for diets (Jamnadass et al. 2011 ; Bostedt et al. 2016 ; Mathewos et al. 2018 ; Omotayo and Aremu 2020 ; Kulsum and Susandarini 2023 ). For example, a study from Ethiopia found that growing fruit trees was positively associated with higher dietary diversity among women and young children in the households (Desalegn and Jagiso 2020 ).

We also found a positive association between unclassified tree cover and adequacy levels of protein, iron, and zinc. This may be explained by higher fish consumption among people living in areas with high tree cover. Positive associations between tree cover and fish consumption have also been documented in both Indonesia (Ickowitz et al. 2023 ) and Nigeria (Lo et al. 2019 ), suggesting that trees provide ecosystem services that enhance the availability of fish stocks. While we do observe a marginal higher proportion of fish being sourced from the wild among people living in areas with higher tree cover (1.8% as compared to 1.4% among people living in areas with below median tree cover), most of the consumed fish is purchased from the market rather than caught in local rivers and lakes (Table  2 ). Nevertheless, the nutritional importance of fish in East Africa is notable (Béné et al. 2016 ). It has been estimated that utilizing the entire amount of the potential sustainable catch of Silver cyprinid (small pelagic fish) in Lake Victoria would provide a sufficient daily source of vitamin B12, calcium, zinc and iron to approximately 33 million people in the region (Wessels et al. 2023 ). Twenty-five percent of our respondents consumed less than 100 g of fish relish per day. Thus, a relatively small increase in fish consumption may be a promising avenue to increase nutrient adequacy levels.

Linkages between forest management systems and dietary quality

It is well established that the type of forest management system in place matters for the type and quantity of products that people can harvest from the forest—and thereby influence the potential of forests to alleviate poverty (Miller et al. 2020 ). Yet, the role of forest management systems in relation to dietary quality has been somewhat overlooked, especially in quantitative studies. Here, we find substantial variations across different forest management systems, with positive effects seen in PFM systems and negative effects of other forest management systems (Government Forest Reserves and Government Forest Plantations).

These negative effects on people’s diets exemplify how forest conservation initiatives and profit-oriented forestry might have unintended consequences for food and nutrition security when people’s access to these forests is restricted. For example, the respondents in our study sites were only allowed to enter the Government Forest Reserves and Government Forest Plantations once a week to collect fuelwood and wild plants. When entering the Government Forest Reserves, they were not allowed to bring a machete, which made the dense part of the forests impenetrable. Also, the Government Forest Plantations were dominated by one exotic teak tree species ( Tectona grandis ) with low levels of biodiversity and relatively few wild foods to find. Multiple studies from various parts of the world have described how forest conservation can lead to negative social outcomes if local people are not appropriately compensated or included in the management regimes (Blaney et al. 2009 ; Ibarra et al. 2011 ; Sylvester et al. 2016 ; Nakamura and Hanazaki 2017 ; Campbell et al. 2021 ). For example, Hall et al. ( 2014 ) assessed both ecological and livelihood consequences of the newly established Derema Forest, a large protected forest corridor in East Usambara Mountains. Two years after establishment, the area appeared to succeed in terms of functioning as an ecologically important corridor but failed to mitigate livelihood losses especially for the poorest people (Hall et al. 2014 ). Likewise, forest conservation in Oaxaca, Mexico was perceived to make indigenous communities more food insecure as local community members found a decrease in subsistence crop yields, land available for agriculture and shortened fallow cycles to be a result of implemented conservation policies (Ibarra et al. 2011 ). More recently, a study from Southwestern Ghana suggested that forest conservation initiatives should be combined with so-called ‘food security corridors’ in degraded forest-fringes to ensure that local populations benefit from both forests and cultivated resources—which in turn can reduce exploitation of the inner forest reserve (Kumeh et al. 2022 ). Yet, we note that previous studies have also shown how mixed plantations and private forests can provide a variety of beneficial ecosystem services, including local food provision (Liu et al. 2018 ). For example, a study from the Congo Basin examined land use competition between timber concessions and fruit trees harvested by local communities and found that both interests could co-exist as long as timber harvesting only targeted the largest trees and allowed appropriate minimum distances between the remaining trees to ensure gene flow for future forest regeneration (Snook et al. 2015 ).

It is also important to emphasize that PFM is an umbrella term that covers different sub-management systems (e.g., Joint Forest Management, Community Forest Management and Village Forest Management). Although we found it reasonable to group these into one category based on similarities in terms of access to resources, these sub-systems may differ in other aspects that may affect dietary quality. For example, a study from Tanzania comparing Community Forest Management and Joint Forest Management found that the level of participation was higher among communities with Joint Forest management (Luswaga and Nuppenau 2020 ), yet the study did not measure differences in resource use. Also, PFM is not always found to have the anticipated positive effects on local livelihoods, and potential co-benefits are most often dependent on site-specific contextual factors (Duguma et al. 2018 ; Hajjar and Oldekop 2018 ). For example, participatory forest initiatives in Nepal have been centred around timber extraction and biodiversity conservation, while disregarding food security outcomes for local people (Khatri et al. 2017 ). In other words, while the results of this study suggest that the inclusion of local communities in forest management systems is more likely to produce dietary benefits, as compared to more exclusive and inaccessible forests management systems, PFM should not be perceived as a panacea to improve food and nutrition security.

Policy implications and future research directions

Our findings have policy relevance in terms of future strategies for improving local people’s food and nutrition security, particularly in rural areas of low- and middle-income countries. In particular, our findings have two key policy implications:

Decision-makers should support initiatives towards multi-functional and nutrition-rich landscapes through the promotion of trees and forest patches outside established forest reserves and in near surroundings of the targeted populations.

Because we show positive effects of PFM systems on local people’s diets, but negative effects of other forest management systems, decision-makers should attend to sustainable food extraction from community-based forests (e.g., apiculture and foraging of wild foods and medical plants).

Moreover, our study allows us to point to a number of directions for future research. Firstly, future research on linkages between forests, trees and dietary quality should move beyond dichotomies of forest versus non-forest. Trees grow not only in established forest blocks or on farmlands but are scattered across the landscape and are present along roads, rivers, and lakes. Secondly, while we have shown the potential importance of these scattered trees (not constituting a forest) in Tanzania, more work is needed to examine whether these relationships hold in other countries and contexts. Thirdly, our approach does not allow us to tease apart the dietary contributions from different tree species. Future research efforts would benefit from identification of and distinction between different tree species and their effect on people’s diets.

Data availability

The data are available from the authors upon reasonable request and with the permission of University of Copenhagen.

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We like to thank our research assistants Anna Peter Tesha, Hope Masanja, Kudra Ally, Maria Machilu, Mercy Mtaita, Monica Chande and Naamani Mwaisenye.

Open access funding provided by Copenhagen University. The research for this paper was funded by the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme (Grant Agreement No. 853222 FORESTDIET).

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Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management, University of Copenhagen, Øster Voldgade 10, 1350, Copenhagen, Denmark

R. S. Olesen, F. Reiner, B. den Braber, C. Hall & L. V. Rasmussen

Biological and Environmental Sciences, University of Stirling, Stirling, FK9 4LA, UK

Department of Ecosystems and Conservation, Sokoine University of Agriculture, Morogoro, Tanzania

C. J. Kilawe

Department of Human Nutrition and Consumer Sciences, Sokoine University of Agriculture, Morogoro, Tanzania

J. Kinabo & J. Msuya

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R.S.O. conceived the idea. R.S.O., C.J.K., J.K., J.M. and L.V.R designed the data collection process. R.S.O. carried out data collection. R.S.O., F.R. and C.J.K. conducted the spatial forest and tree classifications. R.S.O., L.V.R., C.H. and B.d.B. designed the analysis. R.S.O. conducted the analysis. F.R., L.V.R., B.d.B., C.H. and C.J.K. contributed with interpretations of results. All authors contributed to the writing of the paper. All authors reviewed the manuscript.

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Olesen, R.S., Reiner, F., den Braber, B. et al. The importance of different forest management systems for people’s dietary quality in Tanzania. Landsc Ecol 39 , 176 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10980-024-01961-6

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Received : 24 January 2024

Accepted : 11 August 2024

Published : 11 September 2024

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/s10980-024-01961-6

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    We carried out a literature review using a systematic search method to identify published sources of empirical data on the relationship between forest management and resilience to tree pathogens. We conducted an initial search of the peer-reviewed literature through Web of Science, using search strings to identify papers on all of forest ...

  4. Forest landscape planning and management: A state-of-the-art review

    Forest management enables the use of degraded, unproductive, and underused land, usually unsuitable for agriculture (Rode et al., 2014; Guedes et al., 2018). ... Part 1 presents a Literature Review aimed at tracing a baseline of forest science, industry, and sustainability considering the principles of forest landscape sustainable usage ...

  5. A global analysis of the social and environmental outcomes of ...

    An analysis of 643 cases of community forest management shows that most led to improved environmental and income outcomes, but access and resource rights often deteriorate when formalizing such ...

  6. Full article: Identifying sustainable forest management research

    Introduction. Sustainable forest management is a traditional research field with an outstanding history. Since Von Carlowitz (Citation 1713) practically invented the term sustainability in the context of forest management, the general understanding of what sustainable forest management (SFM) is, has undertaken an evolutionary process.Between 1980 and 1990 research communities increasingly ...

  7. Two systematic literature reviews of scientific research on the

    The systemic literature review on the environmental impacts of FCs started with twelve records provided by the Forest and Nature Conservation Policy group (FNP) of Wageningen University and Research during the month of March 2018. ... certified forest management units succeed in providing better living conditions for workers and their family ...

  8. Improved forest management as a natural climate solution: A review

    The importance of forest management in maintaining and enhancing terrestrial C sinks has been established (e.g., McKinley et al., 2011), but guidance for implementation of C management in practical forest management is needed—including consideration for a wide array of ecosystem services (Ontl et al., 2020). Considering a wider range of IFM ...

  9. PDF Forest Ecology and Management

    Effectiveness of forestry best management practices in the United States: Literature review. Richard Cristan a,⇑, W. Michael Aust a, M. Chad Bolding a, Scott M. Barrett a, John F. Munsell b, Erik Schilling c. aDepartment of Forest Resources & Environmental Conservation (FREC), Virginia Tech, 228 Cheatham Hall, 310 West Campus Drive, VA 24061 ...

  10. 202396 PDFs

    Explore the latest full-text research PDFs, articles, conference papers, preprints and more on FOREST MANAGEMENT. Find methods information, sources, references or conduct a literature review on ...

  11. Current Perspectives on Sustainable Forest Management: North ...

    Purpose of Review Increased availability of current forest resource information provides an opportunity to evaluate the continued concerns about forest sustainability in North America. The purpose of this study is to assess and discuss the current state and trends of North American forest resources, sustainable forest management, and their implications for forest sustainability. Recent ...

  12. Species distribution modelling to support forest management. A

    Species Distribution Modelling (SDM) techniques were originally developed in the mid-1980s. In this century they are gaining increasing attention in the literature and in practical use as a powerful tool to support forest management strategies especially under climate change. In this review paper we consider species occurrence datasets ...

  13. Forest Carbon Management: a Review of Silvicultural Practices and

    Purpose of Review Carbon sequestration and storage in forest ecosystems is often promoted as a solution for reducing CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere. Yet, our understanding is lacking regarding how forest management strategies affect the net removal of greenhouse gases and contribute to climate change mitigation. Here, we present a review of carbon sequestration and stock dynamics ...

  14. Forest Management and Climate Change: a literature review

    1. Key climate change impacts on forest ecosystems. Reviews by Lucier et al., (2009) and Fishlin et al., (2009) on detected impacts, vulnerability and projected impacts of climate change on forests found that impacts varied across the continents with some forest types being more vulnerable than others.

  15. PDF Current Perspectives on Sustainable Forest Management: North America

    from literature review, including current examples of forest management plans in North America [11†]. The FRA provides information about the evolution of forest re-sources over the past 25 years (1990-2015). The assess-ment of forest resources sustainability relies largely on information pertaining to thefollowing FRA 2015 sustain-

  16. (PDF) A global systematic review of forest management institutions

    Abstract and Figures. Context Globally, forest landscapes are rapidly transforming, with the role of institutions as mediators in their use and management constantly appearing in the literature ...

  17. PDF Costs and Benefits of Riparian Forest Management: A Literature Review

    The Minnesota Forest Resources Council (MFRC) is interested in developing a better understanding of the economic costs and benefits of riparian forest management for purposes of evaluating its voluntary site-level guidelines. The first step in this process is a comprehensive literature search and review. The purpose of the review is to support ...

  18. Forest Management and Climate Change: a literature review.

    The document summarizes knowledge and experiences in forest management as a response to climate change, based on a literature review and a survey of forest managers. This is part of the publications series produced by the Forest and Climate Change Programme of FAO. The programme seeks to provide timely information and tools to a wide range of ...

  19. Sustainability

    This study centers on sustainable operations management within the energy sector, identifying and synthesizing effective strategies for integrating sustainability into business practices. We perform a systematic literature review covering contributions from January 2000 to June 2024 extracted from Web of Science and Scopus databases. The methodology includes an explicit search and selection ...

  20. Not seeing the accounts for the forest: A systematic literature review

    A systematic literature review in a specific area allows us to identify the benefits reported, reflect on how these benefits are reported in a SEEA EA consistent accounting context and determine how the challenges associated with (SEEA consistent) ecosystem accounting have been approached. ... Since forest management is most often conducted at ...

  21. A global systematic review of forest management institutions: towards a

    Globally, forest landscapes are rapidly transforming, with the role of institutions as mediators in their use and management constantly appearing in the literature. However, global comparative reviews to enhance comprehension of how forest management institutions (FMIs) are conceptualized, and the varying determinants of compliance, are lacking.

  22. Public-Private Partnerships in the Healthcare Sector and Sustainability

    Fabio De Matteis, PhD, is an Associate Professor of Public Management at the Ionic Department in "Legal and Economic System of Mediterranean: Society, Environment, Culture", University of Bari (Italy).He has been teaching and researching on public management issues for many years, and has coordinated a three-year research project ("Multidimensionality, measurement and valorisation of ...

  23. A bibliometric review of waste management and innovation: Unveiling

    A bibliometric review of waste management and innovation: Unveiling trends, knowledge structure and emerging research fronts. ... (2020) A systematic literature review with bibliometric analysis of big data analytics adoption from period 2014 to 2018. Journal of Enterprise Information Management 34: 101-139. Crossref. Web of Science. Google ...

  24. Impact of Intensive Forest Management Practices on Wood ...

    Purpose of Review Intensive forest management practices are being implemented worldwide to meet future global demand for wood and wood products while facilitating the protection of natural forest ecosystems. A potential decline in wood properties associated with rapid tree growth makes it essential to quantify the potential impact of intensive management on the process of wood formation and ...

  25. Data Envelopment Analysis and Higher Education: A Systematic Review of

    The interest in Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) has grown since its first put forward in 1978. In response to the overwhelming interest, systematic literature reviews, as well as bibliometric studies, have been performed in describing the state-of-the-art and offering quantitative outlines with regard to the high-impact papers on global applications of DEA and the higher education system (DEA-HE).

  26. Review and synthesis Effectiveness of forestry best management

    These previous literature reviews focus on broader categories of operations such as timber harvesting, site preparation, and biomass harvesting while this review focuses on more specific operational categories (timber harvesting, skid trails, forest roads, streamside management zones, site preparation, etc.) and seeks to comprehensively ...

  27. The importance of different forest management systems for people's

    Context A large body of literature has shown that forests provide nutritious foods in many low- and middle-income countries. Yet, there is limited evidence on the contributions from different types of forest and tree systems. Objectives Here, we focus on individual trees and smaller forest patches outside established forest reserves as well as different forest management systems. Methods We do ...

  28. A Systematic Literature Review of Working Capital Management in

    Working capital management is a crucial aspect of financial management that focuses on the effective management of a company's current assets and liabilities to ensure the smooth operation of day-to-day activities. A literature review on working capital management reveals a plethora of research studies highlighting the significance of optimizing working capital to enhance a firm's ...

  29. Four decades of innovation research in forestry and the forest-based

    This article conducts a systematic literature review of journal articles on innovation in forestry and forest-based industries. We include international, English language, peer-reviewed research articles included in the scientific databases Scopus and Web of Science since the 1980s.

  30. Exploring the Connections Between Project Management Offices and

    Moving in this direction required recognition that the PMO was a socially constructed entity that changed over time. Several theoretical perspectives appeared helpful in exploring the social construction of PMOs, including organizational design theory, interorganizational networks, institutional theory, practice-based and processual theories, contingency theory, and complexity theory, among ...