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Iowa Smokefree Air Act

In 2008, Iowa lawmakers passed legislation to protect most Iowans from secondhand smoke. The Smokefree Air Act prohibits smoking in almost all public places and enclosed areas within places of employment, as well as some outdoor areas.

The law applies to: restaurants, bars, outdoor entertainment events, and amphitheaters. It also covers places of employment such as office buildings, health care facilities, and child care facilities. 

Smoking is allowed on the gaming floor of a licensed casino, as well as designated hotel and motel rooms. Below are educational materials relating to the law. To order Smokefree Air Act stickers (for businesses or vehicles) please call 888-944-2247.  The Iowa Department of Health and Human Services is charged with enforcement of Iowa's Smoke Free Air Act.

Submit a Complaint

Call 888-944-2247 or complete the form to submit a complaint . 

Submit a complaint about a business for alleged violation(s) of the Iowa Smokefree Air Act. You are not required to include your name or contact information, but Iowa HHS strongly suggests that you include your name and contact information with a complaint. Although it is possible to submit a complaint anonymously, this may slow down the department's ability to immediately address the alleged violation because further investigation may be necessary.

Local law enforcement may investigate complaints about alleged violations of the Smokefree Air Act. The Division of Tobacco Use Prevention & Control may notify the proprietor of the public place or place of employment or coordinate a site visit after receipt of a complaint.

NOTE:  Complaints should be made within 10 days of observing potential violation(s), in order to facilitate a timely investigation.

Smokefree Air Act FAQs

I live in a duplex or apartment building and my neighbor smokes. what can i do.

The Iowa Smokefree Air Act prohibits smoking in the common areas of apartment buildings (stairs, hallways, laundry room, etc) but does not prohibit smoking in an individual's apartment.

Smoking can be prohibited by the property owner or apartment manager and we suggest you look for a non-smoking residence before you move..

When did the Smokefree Air Act take effect?

The law went into effect on July 1, 2008.

How far away from a door or window must you be to smoke?

The Iowa Smokefree Air Act does not have a distance requirement.

Are e-cigarettes or vapes covered under the Iowa Smokefree Air Act?

The Iowa Smokefree Air Act does not apply to Electronic Smoking Devices (e-cigs, vape, Juul, etc...). The use of these products MAY be prohibited by a business or property owner if they adopt such a policy.

I smoking outside a restaurant allowed?

Smoking is prohibited in the outdoor seating and/ or serving area of a restaurant. A restaurant is an establishment that prepares food. (Usually they will have a kitchen, a fryer or grill, etc. The difference is between, for example, making a pizza or just warming one up). Outdoor seating and/ or serving areas must be marked as non-smoking when you enter the area.

Is smoking prohibited in Motor Trucks or Truck Tractors?

Smoking is not prohibited in the “cabs of motortrucks or truck tractors if no nonsmoking employees are present.” Iowa Code § 142D.4(7). 

“Motor truck” and “truck tractors” are not defined in the SFAA but are defined in Iowa Code chapter 321: 

  • “motor truck” means every motor vehicle designed primarily for carrying livestock, merchandise, freight of any kind, or over nine persons as passengers” 
  • “trucktractor” means every motor vehicle designed and used primarily for drawing other vehicles and not so constructed as to carry a load other than a part of the weight of the vehicle and load so drawn.” Iowa Code § 321.1(41), (88)

How do I order no-smoking stickers?

You can order free No Smoking signs (clings or stickers) by emailing [email protected]. Please include how many you need, if you want clings or stickers, and where to send them. You can also call 888-944-2247.

Order No Smoking and Tobacco & Nicotine Free Signage 

For general use.

Smokefree Air Act Signage for general use.

(3 inches by 3 inches. For vehicles only)

(4 inches by 6 inches)

For Organizations and Businesses that Also Want to Prohibit Vaping and Other Tobacco Use

Smokefree Air Act Signage for organizations and businesses that also want to prohibit vaping and other tobacco use.

(3 inches by 3 inches. For vehicles only)

(4 inches by 6 inches)

How to Order

Email  [email protected]  or call 888-944-2247. Include the following information:

  • Price: Order for free. There is no cost to order signage.
  • Contact Information & Mailing Address: Your full name and the address to mail the signage. 
  • A and B are for general use. 
  • E and F are for organizations and businesses that also want to prohibit vaping and other tobacco use.
  • There are two directional options for the "No Smoking" and two directional options for "Nicotine Free" - 3 inches by 3 inches or 4 inches by 6 inches.
  • Clings are sticky on the front and go on the inside of a door or window.
  • Stickers are sticky on the back and go on the outside of a door, window, or wall.

Signage Options

  • Option A:  No Smoking (English/Spanish) Building Cling or Sticker 6"x4" (Buildings)
  • Option B:  No Smoking (English/ Spanish) Vehicle Cling or Sticker  3" x 3" (Vehicles)
  • Option E:  Tobacco Free/ Nicotine Free stickers or clings 6" x 4" (Buildings)
  • Option F: Tobacco Free/ Nicotine Free Vehicle sticker or cling: 3" x 3" (Vehicles)

* To ensure the business has a strong tobacco-free/nicotine-free policy, and to qualify for free window signs and metal outdoor signage, the policy must explicitly include all of the following: Policy must extend to all types of tobacco, nicotine and electronic smoking devices (ESD) products (i.e. not only cigarettes; include all tobacco, ESDs and nicotine products not approved by the FDA for cessation.) Policy must extend to employees & visitors Policy must apply at all times Policy must extend to company vehicles Policy must extend to entire business property to receive outdoor signage.

Signage Requirements

The Smokefree Air Act requires businesses to post “no smoking” signs at every entrance that “clearly and conspicuously” inform persons that they are entering an area where smoking is prohibited, including entrances to outdoor serving and seating areas and in all vehicles owned, leased, or provided by an employer.

  • All “no smoking” signs must contain the following elements:
  • The words “No Smoking” or the international “No Smoking” symbol
  • The Smokefree Air Act Helpline: “1-888-944-2247”
  • The official Web site: “” (older signs can have or
  • All “no smoking” signs should be at least 24 square inches in size, 6x4 is a common size or 8x3. Font type and size must be legible. Vehicle signage must meet all of the above requirements, but the size can be at least 9 square inches.

Other Resources

Quitline Iowa Quitline Iowa is a toll-free, statewide, tobacco cessation telephone counseling hotline. Trained counselors provide callers with information about the health consequences of tobacco use, assistance in making an individualized quit plan, and on-going support through optional follow-up calls: 1-800-Quit-Now

Iowa HHS Tobacco Use Prevention & Control The mission of the Division of Tobacco Use Prevention and Control is to establish a comprehensive partnership among state government, local communities, and the people of Iowa to foster a social and legal climate in which tobacco use becomes undesirable and unacceptable.

Laws and Rules

The laws and rules governing Iowa's Smoke Free Air Act include:

Iowa Code 142D   

Administrative Rules  

Educational Fact Sheets

Need information about how the Iowa Smokefree Air Act applies in certain locations or situations? Choose a fact sheet below to learn more. (Are we missing information that you're looking for? Use Contact Us link for more information.)

Fact Sheets by Topic

  • English 
  • English | Spanish

116 Civil Rights Movement Essay Topics & Examples

Trying to write a successful civil rights movement essay? Questions about the subject may flood your brain, but we can help!

📃 8 Tips for Writing a Civil Rights Movement Essay

🏆 best civil rights movement topic ideas & essay examples, 🎓 most interesting civil rights movement topics to write about, 📌 good civil rights research topics, 👍 interesting civil rights essay topics, ❓ civil rights movement essay questions.

As a student, you can explore anything from civil disobedience to the work of Martin Luther King Jr in your paper. And we are here to help! Our experts have gathered civil rights movement essay topics for different assignments. In the article below, see research and paper ideas along with tips on writing. Besides, check civil rights essay examples via the links.

A civil rights movement essay is an essential assignment because it helps students to reflect on historical events that molded the contemporary American society. Read this post to find some useful tips that will help you score an A on your paper on the civil rights movement.

Tip 1: Read the instructions carefully. Check all of the documents provided by your tutor, including the grading rubric, example papers, and civil rights movement essay questions. When you know what is expected of you, it will be much easier to proceed with the assignment and achieve a high mark on it.

Tip 2: Browse sample papers on the topic. If you are not sure of what to write about in particular, you can see what other students included in their essays. While reading civil rights movement essay examples, take notes about the content, sources used, and other relevant points. This might give you some ideas on what to include in your paper and how to enhance it to meet the requirements.

Tip 3: Collect high-quality material to support your essay. The best sources are scholarly articles and books. However, there are also some credible websites and news articles that offer unbiased information on the civil rights movements. If the instructions don’t prevent you from using these, you could include a wide array of resources, thus making your essay more detailed.

Tip 4: Offer some context on the civil rights movement. The 20th century was instrumental to the history of America because there were many political and social events, including World War II and the subsequent Cold War. While some events may not relate to the history of the civil rights movement, they are important for the readers to understand the context in which the movement took place.

Tip 5: Consider the broader history of discrimination in the American society. Discrimination is the key focus of most civil rights movement essay topics. For the black population, the movement was instrumental in reducing prejudice and improving social position. However, there were many other populations that faced discrimination throughout the American history, such as women, Native Americans, and people from the LGBT community. Can you see any similarities in how these groups fought for equal rights?

Tip 6: Reflect on the sources of the civil rights movement. The story of racial discrimination and oppression in America spanned for over 400 years, so there is a lot of history behind the civil rights movement. Here, you could talk about slavery and segregation policies, as well as how the black communities responded to the struggle. For instance, you could consider the Harlem Renaissance and its influence on the Black identity or about other examples or cultural movements that originated in the black community.

Tip 7: If relevant, include a personal reflection. You can write about what the civil rights movement means for you and how it impacted the life of your family. You can also explore racial discrimination in contemporary society to show that some issues still remain unsolved.

Tip 8: Maintain a good essay structure. Ensure that every paragraph serves its purpose. A civil rights movement essay introduction should define the movement and state your main argument clearly. Follow it with several main body paragraphs, each one exploring a certain idea that relates to the key argument. In conclusion, address all the points you’ve made and demonstrate how they relate to your thesis.

With these few tips, you will be able to write an excellent paper on the civil rights movement. Check the rest of our website for essay titles, topics, and more writing advice!

  • Impact of Civil Rights Movement The freedom to vote for all Americans became central in the civil rights movements, and one of its successes was the legislation that culminated in the enactment of the Voting Rights Act of 1965.
  • Civil Rights-Black Power Movement Barack Obama was aware of the violence and oppression of black people in the United States. It shows self determination of the black people in struggles for civil rights- black power.
  • Ida B. Wells-Barnett: Leader of the Civil Rights Movement The psychology of a leader is the psychology of a winner. One such example is one of the early leaders of the civil rights movement, American investigative journalist Ida Bell Wells-Barnett, who, thanks to her […]
  • The Civil Rights Movement: Martin King and Malcolm X’s Views King also stressed that the major concepts he adopted were taken from the “Sermon on the Mount and the Gandhian method of nonviolent resistance”.
  • Music of the Civil Wars, Civil Rights & Freedom Movements of Europe, Africa, North & South America During the 20th Century The aim of Giovinezza was to reinforce the position of Mussolini as the leader of the Fascist Movement and of Italy.
  • The Civil Rights Movement: Historical Interpretation Rosa Parks was one of the pivotal figures in the Montgomery Bus Boycott and a critical event in the Civil Rights Movement.
  • The Civil Rights Movement’s Goals and Achievements Despite the considerable oppression of non-white groups of the population and the fear accompanying it, the Movement continued to fight and achieved success in its goals, affecting the country even in the modern period.
  • The Civil Rights Movement: I Have a Dream The civil rights movement has changed many aspects of the nation, such as housing, the economy, and jobs. The movement changed the outlook, the power structure, and the very core of the nation.
  • The Civil Rights Movement in the United States In the United States, the 1960s was characterized by the rise of Civil Rights Movements, the aim of which was to suppress and end discrimination and racial segregation against African Americans.
  • Music and the Civil Rights Movement It was famous in the 1960s and 1970s and continues to live now.”We Shall Overcome”, like many other freedom songs, reflects the goals and methods of the early protestors.
  • Invisible Southern Black Women Leaders in the Civil Rights Movement Based on 36 personal interviews and multiple published and archived sources, the author demonstrates that black women in the South have played a prominent role in the struggle for their rights.
  • “The Souls of Black Folk” and the Civil Rights Movement At the beginning of the 20th century, multiple decades had passed since the end of the Civil War and the abolition of slavery.
  • Law History From Jim Crow to Civil Rights Movement It was not until the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr.that the problems of law enforcement in the South was truly recognized and reforms started designed to reduce the influence of political agendas on the […]
  • Civil Rights Movement: Fights for Freedom The Civil Rights Movement introduced the concept of black and white unification in the face of inequality. Music-related to justice and equality became the soundtrack of the social and cultural revolution taking place during the […]
  • Civil Rights Movement and Political Parties One of the examples of the effects of social unrest on political institutions in American history is the Civil Rights Movement, and it defined the general courses of the main parties as well as the […]
  • Civil Rights Movement Distorted Image The study of the role and image of historical characters in CRM is incorrect and distorted. Rosa Parks is considered the person who informally initiated the movement due to the refusal to give up a […]
  • Protest Music and the US Anti-Lynching and Civil Rights Movement In the 1950s and 1960s, the civil rights movement continually challenged the government to fulfill the promise of equality and justice.
  • “Black Power” in the Civil Rights Movement They wanted to reform the system to ensure a more democratic and actively participating society in the decision-making process of governance for the country.
  • Civil Rights Movement in “Freedom Riders” Documentary As a commemoration of the fiftieth anniversary of freedom movements, Nelson’s movie is a story of segregation and racism, abhorrence, courage, and the general brutality of the depicted events.
  • Medgar Wiley Evers in the Civil Rights Movement Following the rejection of his application to study at the University of Mississippi, NAACP hired him as a field secretary to Jackson that was to the Deep South in recognition of his effort and contribution […]
  • Civil Rights Movement by E. Durkheim and K. Marx The theories will also be used to predict the future of racism in the United States. The level of segregation experienced in the country led to new interferences and constraints.
  • Civil Rights Movement: Purposes and Effects The civil rights movement was a popular lobby group created to advocate for equality in the United States for both blacks and whites. To a large extent, the civil rights movement completely transformed the lives […]
  • Civil Rights Movement and the Vietnam War The Vietnam War caused unintended consequences for the civil rights movements of the 1960s as it awakened the African-Americans’ consciousness on the racism and despotism that they experienced in the United States.
  • Deacons for Defense: Armed Resistance in the Civil Rights Movement by Lance Hill The book describes the tension and struggles that existed between the African Americans and the members of the white citizens’ council, Ku Klux Klan.
  • Martin Luther King, Jr. Civil Rights Movement Martin Luther King noticed the negative trend and he took his stand to make people see the devastating effects of the war.
  • Presidents Eisenhower and Johnson: the Civil Rights Movement The social historians have managed to cogently present the politics that surrounded the civil rights movement. The movement also managed to gain the support of the aims of government, the executive, legislature, and even the […]
  • African-American Women and the Civil Rights Movement The key factors that left the Black women unrecognized or led to recognition of just a few of them as leaders are class, race and gender biases.
  • Plan: Civil Rights Movement in United States The following assessment plan has details on the objectives of the assessment plan, the types of assessment plans, and the adaptation of the lesson plan to fit special groups of students.
  • The Civil Rights Movement in the USA The movement’s main aim was to end the racial segregation and fight for the voting power of the black people in America.
  • The Civil Rights Movement Although the positive role of the Civil Rights Movement for changing the role of the African Americans in the American society is visible, this topic is also essential to be discussed because the movement for […]
  • The Contributions of Richard Wright and Gwendolyn Brooks to the Civil Rights Movement Among these were Richard Wright and Gwendolyn Brooks who used literary works to voice out their displeasure on the discrimination against blacks as well as portray a humanitarian point of view on the plight of […]
  • The Civil Rights Movement: Oppressing the Black Population In response, the black citizen resorted to fighting for his rights; thus, the rise of the civil rights movement. In conclusion, these key events helped to reinforce the African American struggle for equal right rights, […]
  • Silent Voices of the Modern Civil Rights Movement This is the why she gets my nomination for recognition in the “Museum of Silent Voices of the Modern Civil Rights Movement”.
  • Dr. King’s Role in United States Civil Rights Movement His popularity started after he led other activists in boycotting the services of the Montgomery Bus Service in the year 1955 after an incident of open discrimination of a black woman in the bus. Martin […]
  • The Civil Rights Act as a Milestone Element of American Legislation Although the Civil Rights Act has undergone several amendments, the Civil Right Act amendment of 1964 was the main amendment that addressed the above types of discrimination.
  • Harold Washington With Civil Rights Movement Hence, this study examines the main achievements of Harold Washington in the fields of employment, racism, equality in provision of social amenities, gender equality, freedom of expression, and the creation of the ethics commission in […]
  • American Africans Action in the Struggle for Equality Community leaders in various segmentations of the society had showed resistance to the white supremacy and domination against the African Americans which had been abounded in some states.’Everyday’s Use’ written at the peak of the […]
  • The Civil Rights Movement: Ending Racial Discrimination and Segregation in America Finally, the paper will look at both the positive and negative achievements of the civil rights movements including an assessment of how the rights movement continues to influence the socio-economic and political aspects of the […]
  • Civil Rights Movement Major Events in 1954-1968 This research paper seeks to highlight the historical events that took place in 1954-1968 in the United States which were instigated by the Civil Rights Movement in the hope of securing the civil and basic […]
  • The African American Civil Rights Movement During the 1960s notable achievements were made including the passage of a Civil rights Act in 1964 that outlawed any form of discrimination towards people of a different “race, color or national origin in employment […]
  • Civil Rights Movement The Civil Rights Movement is an era that was dedicated for equal treatments and rights to the activism of the African American in the US.
  • Theatre in the Era of the Civil Rights Movement
  • To What Extent Can the 1950’s Be Viewed as a Great Success for the Civil Rights Movement
  • The Stages of the Progressive Reform in the Civil Rights Movement
  • The Contradicting Outcome of the Civil Rights Movement in America
  • The Montgomery Bus Boycott and the Civil Rights Movement
  • The Fight for Aid from the Civil Rights Movement
  • The Long Term Effects of the Civil Rights Movement
  • Violent and Non-violent Methods of Protests Embraced by African American in the Civil Rights Movement
  • The Role of The Supreme Court in the Civil Rights Movement
  • The Success of the Civil Rights Movement in the 1950’s
  • Women in the Civil Rights Movement
  • U.S. Democracy and the Civil Rights Movement
  • The History of the Civil Rights Movement in the United Stats and Its Impact on African Americans
  • The Relationship of Southern Jews to Blacks and the Civil Rights Movement
  • The Importance of Students During the Civil Rights Movement
  • A Look at Civil Rights Movement in the United States and the Role of Martin Luther
  • White Resistance to the Civil Rights Movement
  • The Impact of Rock ‘n’ Roll on the Civil Rights Movement
  • African Americans and Religion During the Civil Rights Movement
  • The Historical Accuracy of the Portrayal of the Civil Rights Movement in Selma, a Drama Film by Ava DuVernay
  • The War on Drugs and the Civil Rights Movement
  • The Civil Rights Movement and the Black Middle Class
  • The Role of Police During the Civil Rights Movement
  • The Achievements of Peaceful Protest During the Civil Rights Movement
  • Analyzing the Civil Rights Movement and the Vietnam War
  • The True Face of The Civil Rights Movement
  • The History of the Civil Rights Movement, National Association of the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)
  • Successes and Failures of Civil Rights Movement
  • The Historiography of Womens Role and Visibility in The Civil Rights Movement
  • The Relationship Between Activism and Federal Government During the Civil Rights Movement
  • To What Extent Was Grass Roots Activism a Significant Reason to Why the Civil Rights Movement Grew in the 1950s and 1960s
  • The Value of Studying the Civil Rights Movement
  • A History of the Civil Rights Movement and Feminist Movement in the United States
  • The Foundation of the Niagara Movement and Its Influence on the Civil Rights Movement in America
  • The Role of Black Women in the Civil Rights Movement
  • The Role and Importance of the Grassroot Organizers on the Civil Rights Movement
  • The Effect of Society on the World of Doubt and the Effects of the Civil Rights Movement
  • The Importance and Impact of the Civil Rights Movement to the Public Policy
  • The New York Times and The Civil Rights Movement
  • Understanding the Civil Rights Movement: America Vs. Australia
  • The Laws in the Reconstruction Era and the Civil Rights Movement
  • How Effective Was the Early Civil Rights Movement in Advancing Black Civil Rights in 1880-1990?
  • What Role Did Jews Play in the American Civil Rights Movement?
  • How Did the African American Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s?
  • Did Minority Rights Campaigners Copy the Tactics of the Black American Civil Rights Movement?
  • What is the NAACP’s Impact on the Civil Rights Movement in the US?
  • How Did Gandhi Influence the Civil Rights Movement?
  • To What Extent Can the 1950’s Be Viewed as a Great Success for the Civil Rights Movement?
  • How Far Was the Effectiveness of the Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s Limited by Internal Divisions?
  • How the Cold War Promoted the Civil Rights Movement in America, and How It Promoted Change?
  • How Far Was Martin Luther King Responsible for the Civil Rights Movement?
  • How Was Civil Disobedience Used in the Civil Rights Movement?
  • How Did the Civil Rights Movement Change America?
  • How Successful Had the Civil Rights Movement Been by the Late 1960s?
  • Did Black Power Groups Cause Harm to the Civil Rights Movement in America?
  • To What Extent Was Grass Roots Activism a Significant Reason to Why the Civil Rights Movement Grew in the 1950s and 1960s?
  • How Did Kennedy and His Administration Effect the Civil Rights Movement?
  • Did the Black Power Movement Help or Hinder the Civil Rights Movement?
  • How the Civil Rights Movement Influenced the Women?
  • What Are the Results of the Effort of the Civil Rights Movement?
  • How Did Martin Luther King Affect the Civil Rights Movement?
  • Are the Problems Faced by the Feminist and Sexual Emancipation Movements Similar to Those Faced by Civil Rights Movement, or Are There Major Differences?
  • Was the Civil Rights Movement Successful?
  • Has America Really Changed Since the Civil Rights Movement?
  • Why Was the Civil Rights Movement Successful by 1965?
  • How Did Religion Influence Martin Luther King, Jr as He Led the Civil Rights Movement?
  • How Significant Was Martin Luther King Jr. to the Black Civil Rights Movement?
  • How Did Martin Luther Kings Jr Death Affect the Civil Rights Movement?
  • How Important Was Martin Luther King to the Civil Rights Movement?
  • Does the Civil Rights Movement Have an Effect on the Way Minorities Are Treated by Authorities?
  • Was the Civil Rights Movement a Success or Failure?
  • Malcolm X Questions
  • Equality Topics
  • Cuban Revolution Ideas
  • Great Depression Research Topics
  • Martin Luther King Titles
  • Freedom Topics
  • Children’s Rights Research Ideas
  • Women’s Suffrage Essay Ideas
  • Chicago (A-D)
  • Chicago (N-B)

IvyPanda. (2024, February 23). 116 Civil Rights Movement Essay Topics & Examples.

"116 Civil Rights Movement Essay Topics & Examples." IvyPanda , 23 Feb. 2024,

IvyPanda . (2024) '116 Civil Rights Movement Essay Topics & Examples'. 23 February.

IvyPanda . 2024. "116 Civil Rights Movement Essay Topics & Examples." February 23, 2024.

1. IvyPanda . "116 Civil Rights Movement Essay Topics & Examples." February 23, 2024.


IvyPanda . "116 Civil Rights Movement Essay Topics & Examples." February 23, 2024.

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113 Civil Rights Movement Essay Topics

🏆 best essay topics on civil rights movement, ✍️ civil rights movement essay topics for college, 👍 good civil rights movement research topics & essay examples, 🎓 most interesting civil rights movement research titles, 💡 simple civil rights movement essay ideas, ❓ research question about the civil rights movement.

  • The Civil Rights Movement: Effects and Consequences
  • The Civil Rights Movement History
  • Praying for Sheetrock: Civil Rights Movement
  • Martin Luther King Jr.’s Impact on Civil Rights Movement
  • Women Role in the Civil Rights Movement
  • The Civil Rights Movement in America
  • Black Lives Matter and the Civil Rights Movement
  • The Civil Rights Movement’s Causes and Effects The civil rights movement had significant consequences for the USA which. Studying the causes of the appearance of this social phenomenon can give a more detailed insight into it.
  • The Influence of the African American Civil Rights Movement on Other Groups The Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s began the struggle for freedom and equality, whose ideas remain relevant in today’s America.
  • The Causes and Effects of the Civil Rights Movement The civil rights movement in the 1950s and 1960s changed the face of American culture forever, and we all live with the consequences of it.
  • The American Civil Rights Movement in US History The need for the civil rights movement in the 1950s and 1960s was contributed by the desire to end the Jim Crow segregation system in the Southern states.
  • African American Civil Rights Movement The growth of the anti-racist and pacifist movements in the United States was reflected in the sentiments of African American fighters for Civil Rights.
  • Researching of Civil Rights Movement The civil rights movement aimed to eliminate racial discrimination and ensure that everyone has equal rights and opportunities regardless of skin color.
  • Affirmative Action in Civil Rights Movement Affirmative action has been in the spotlight of the political, and in particular, liberal agenda, since the 1960s Civil Rights Movement.
  • The Civil Rights Movement in American History The Civil Rights Movement is important in discussing American history because it effectively changed the nation with its impacts on minorities.
  • The Civil Rights Movement The movement for equal rights and opportunities for every citizen of the United States has led to positive results and outstanding successes.
  • The Civil Rights Movement from 1955 to 1968 In the period from 1955 to 1968, the Civil Rights movement gained considerable momentum, ultimately resulting in the implementation of the Voting Rights Act and Fair Housing Act.
  • The Civil Rights Movement: Impact on the African American Citizens By building the Civil Rights Movement, African Americans managed to change not only the legal standards but also the social perspective, gaining the recognition that they deserved.
  • The Great Depression vs. The Civil Rights Movement The Great Depression had an impact compared to the Civil Rights Movement because it affected many people, and transformed the American culture more profoundly.
  • Civil Rights Movement and Construction of US Racism Racism is associated with slurs, Islamophobia, police brutality, and Donald Trump. This list signals that racism today is a more insidious, politicized form of discrimination.
  • Martin Luther King, Jr., and the Civil Rights Movement Martin Luther King, Jr. is the most well-known defender of black Americans’ civil rights; the movement he led has contributed significantly to the fight against racial segregation.
  • The Civil Rights Movement: Minorities vs. Police An opposition between minorities and police appears to be a problem that started during the Civil Rights Movement and continues to modern days.
  • Achievement of Civil Rights Movement The Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s marked a new beginning in America’s history. Different minority groups came together in order to fight for equality.
  • The Civil Rights Movement and Its Biggest Events The Civil Rights Movement was initiated to advance the clamor for social justice by ensuring equal entitlements for the black society under the U.S. statutes.
  • The History of Civil Rights Movement One of the differences between the activities of Claudette Colvin and young BLM activists lies in distinctive political situations.
  • Civil Rights Movement: Aims, Ideas, Impacts on Society The aim of the civil rights movement in the 1960s was to resist all forms of racial oppression as well as to abolish the legacy of slavery as an institution.
  • The Civil Rights Movement’s Success The Civil Rights Movement’s main goal was to promote equal rights for American residents regardless of racial or ethnic affiliation.
  • Social and Personal Responsibility of Martin Luther King Jr. in the Civil Rights Movement Martin Luther King, Jr. was a true embodiment of personal and social responsibility in the civil rights movement.
  • The Civil Rights Movement Overview This paper focuses on the Civil Rights Movement, especially its origin and influence in the 1940s, 1950s, and 1960s.
  • Civil Rights Movement and Actual State of Human Rights Ending racial discrimination and equalization of rights between the variety of ethnic groups found on the territory of the United States is a struggle with a long history.
  • 1960’s Civil Rights Movement This article examines the impact that the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s had on the American nation, as well as the effectiveness of the tactics, applied then in modern times.
  • Civil Rights Movement Analysis This paper describes the Civil Rights Movement that started as a response to racial segregation in the U.S.A. The main ideologists were Martin Luther King and Malcolm X.
  • Martin Luther King Civil Rights Movement: Impact on Modern Society The Civil Rights movement has had a significant impact on the history of the USA and played a significant role in forming modern society.
  • Women’s Demands: Seneca Falls in 1848 and Civil Rights Movement No matter the amount of difference between the demands of women at Seneca Falls in 1848 with the demands of women in the 1960s-70s, at the fundamental demand they were the same.
  • Rosa Parks: Mother of the Civil Rights Movement Rosa Parks’s life and deeds are indeed rousing and offer a clarion call for free-thinking people all over the world to emulate her struggles and wins for social equality, justice.
  • US Social Scientists and Civil Rights Movement One of the most important event of 1960s US was the Civil Rights Movement. The movement gave equal rights to African-Americans in the US which included right to vote.
  • Civil Rights Movement & Modern Afro-American Life This essay will provide a brief overview of the civil rights movement and discuss its impact on the contemporary life of African Americans.
  • Law in the Civil Rights Movement: Articles Review The article by Glennon seeks to prove that the mere act of prolonged protests during the Montgomery Bus Boycott of 1955-1957 did not prevail on its own volition.
  • Early Civil Rights Movement and Its Goals The Civil Rights Movement encompasses the actions and strategies used by different groups in the United States between 1954 and 1968.
  • News Media Shaping Civil Rights Movement History African American journalists sacrificed their resources to support the Civil Rights Movement. This paper explains how the news media shaped history throughout this movement.
  • The Civil Rights Movement and Reconstruction This paper discusses Morris’ analysis of the Civil Rights Movement development and strategies. It also discusses what did reconstruction entail and why was it eventually abandoned.
  • Martin Luther King in Civil Rights Movement One should focus on the Civil Rights Movement. Martin Luther King was able to raise people’s awareness about the destructive impacts of racial discrimination.
  • Pauli Murray’s Input to the Civil Rights Movement Pauli Murray’s name is not commonly mentioned alongside many historical figures immortalized in their fight for equality and civil rights for minorities and women.
  • Civil Rights Movement: Violence and Community This paper explores the role of violence in the context of the Civil Rights Movement and the way the bottom-up approach offers a different view of the Black struggle.
  • The Civil Rights Movement in USA Civil rights can be traced to during the United States of American Reconstruction period which happened between late 1860s and 1870s.
  • Civil Rights Movement in America One of the common elements of the history of the United States in the early years was racial discrimination against foreigners.
  • Civil Disobedience and the Civil Rights Movement
  • Muhammad Ali and the Civil Rights Movement
  • Human Trafficking and the Civil Rights Movement
  • The Civil Rights Movement: The Right for Educational Equity
  • Barack Obama Reflects on the Deracialized Post-Civil Rights Movement Just
  • Hate Crime and the Civil Rights Movement
  • Angela Davis and the Civil Rights Movement
  • Affirmative Action Programs and the Civil Rights Movement
  • The American Civil Rights Movement Between 1955 to 1968
  • Philadelphia and the U.S. Civil Rights Movement
  • The Role of Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X in the Civil Rights Movement
  • The Abolitionist Movement and the Civil Rights Movement
  • Racism and Prejudice During the Civil Rights Movement
  • The History of The Civil Rights Movement in The United States of America
  • Black Lives Matter in The Civil Rights Movement
  • Discrimination and the Civil Rights Movement
  • The Civil Rights Movement and Its Impact on Gender
  • Gender Inequality During the Civil Rights Movement
  • Montgomery Bus Boycotts: Role of Women in the Civil Rights Movement
  • Personalities Behind the Civil Rights Movement
  • Non-violence During the Civil Rights Movement Assignment
  • Industrial Workers Movements and Civil Rights Movement
  • Martin Luther King’s Impact on the Civil Rights Movement
  • Civil Rights Movement and African American Women’s Role
  • Progressing the Civil Rights Movement With Aristotle’s Artistic Appeals
  • The Role of The Media in Ushering The Civil Rights Movement
  • The Civil Rights Movement and the Feminist Movement
  • Analyzing the Civil Rights Movement and the Vietnam War Assignment
  • Photojournalism and the Civil Rights Movement
  • African American Civil Rights Movement of 1955-1968
  • Native Americans and the Civil Rights Movement
  • Black Middle Class and the U.S. Civil Rights Movement
  • The Contradicting Outcome of The Civil Rights Movement in America
  • Civil Rights Movement and The Struggles of African Americans During Those Times
  • The Civil Rights Movement and the Biblical Oppression
  • Harriet Tubman and the American Civil Rights Movement
  • Bernie Sanders and the Civil Rights Movement
  • Relationship Between Civil Rights Movement & Feminist Agenda
  • The Civil Rights Movement and African American Discriminations
  • Reconstruction Era and the Civil Rights Movement
  • How Has the Civil Rights Movement Changed the United States?
  • What Role Did the Americans Play in the Civil Rights Movement From the 1950s to the 1960s?
  • How Did the Civil Rights Movement and Anti-Vietnam Campaigns Impact Society and Law Enforcement During the 1960s and 1970s?
  • What Changed After the Civil Rights Movement?
  • How Has the Meaning of Civil Rights in the United States Changed Over Time?
  • Why Did the American Civil Rights Movement End?
  • How Did the Civil Rights Movement Cause Social Change?
  • What Was the Most Significant Achievement of the Civil Rights Movement?
  • Was the Non-violent Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s Successful?
  • How Did the Civil Rights Movement Develop After 1961?
  • What Were the Similarities and Differences Between the Civil Rights Movement and Black Power Movement?
  • How Far Was Peaceful Protest Responsible for the Success of the Civil Rights Movement in the Years 1955-1964?
  • Why Did the Civil Rights Movement Fall Apart?
  • In What Ways and for What Reasons Did the Civil Rights Movement in the United States Make Significant Progress in the Period 1950 to 1964?
  • How Important Was Martin Luther King to the Success of the Civil Rights Movement?
  • What Made the Civil Rights Movement Successful?
  • How Did the Civil Rights Movement Change American Culture?
  • What Events Led to the Civil Rights Movement?
  • Did the Civil Right Movement Change the World?
  • Who Has the Biggest Impact on the Civil Rights Movement?
  • Why Did the Civil Rights Movement in the United States Become Fragmented After 1966?
  • Is the Civil Rights Movement Still Going On Today?
  • What Were the Causes and Effects of the Civil Rights Movement?
  • How Did the Civil Rights Movement Affect the World?
  • What Was the Most Important Event During the Civil Rights Movement?

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"113 Civil Rights Movement Essay Topics." StudyCorgi , 10 May 2022,

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This essay topic collection was updated on June 20, 2024 .

Home — Essay Samples — History — History of the United States — Civil Rights Movement

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Essays on Civil Rights Movement

Hook examples for civil rights movement essays, anecdotal hook.

Imagine standing on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial in 1963, listening to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. deliver his iconic "I Have a Dream" speech. This moment in history epitomized the Civil Rights Movement's power and importance.

Question Hook

What does it mean to fight for civil rights? Explore the complex history, key figures, and lasting impact of the Civil Rights Movement in the United States.

Quotation Hook

"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." — Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. How did civil rights activists like King refuse to stay silent and ignite change?

Statistical or Factual Hook

Did you know that in 1964, the Civil Rights Act was signed into law, prohibiting discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin? Dive into the facts and milestones of the Civil Rights Movement.

Definition Hook

What defines a civil rights movement? Explore the principles, goals, and strategies that distinguish civil rights movements from other social justice movements.

Rhetorical Question Hook

Was the Civil Rights Movement solely about racial equality, or did it pave the way for broader social change and justice? Examine the movement's multifaceted impact.

Historical Hook

Travel back in time to the mid-20th century and uncover the roots of the Civil Rights Movement, from the Jim Crow era to the landmark Supreme Court decisions.

Contrast Hook

Contrast the injustices and systemic racism faced by African Americans prior to the Civil Rights Movement with the progress made through protests, legislation, and activism.

Narrative Hook

Meet Rosa Parks, a seamstress who refused to give up her bus seat, sparking the Montgomery Bus Boycott. Follow her courageous journey and the ripple effect it had on the Civil Rights Movement.

Controversial Statement Hook

Prepare to explore the controversies within the Civil Rights Movement, such as differing strategies among activists and debates over nonviolence versus militancy.

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How The Civil Rights Movement Helped African Americans Achieve Their Rights

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United States

Racism, segregation, disenfranchisement, Jim Crow laws, socioeconomic inequality

W.E.B. Du Bois, Jesse Jackson, Martin Luther King, Jr., Henry MacNeal Turner, John Oliver Killens

Civil rights movement was a struggle of African Americans and their like-minded allies for social justice in United States that came to national prominence during the mid-1950s. The purpose was to end legalized racial discrimination, disenfranchisement and racial segregation in the United States.

“Jim Crow” laws were established in the South beginning in the late 19th century with a purpose to separate Black people from white people. Black people couldn’t use the same public facilities as white people or go to the same schools. Although, Jim Crow laws weren’t adopted in northern states, Black people still experienced discrimination.

Forms of protest and civil disobedience included boycotts, such as the most successful Montgomery Bus Boycott (1955–1956) that lasted for 381 days in Alabama; mass marches, such as the Children's Crusade in Birmingham in 1963 and Selma to Montgomery marches (1965) in Alabama; "sit-ins" such as the Greensboro sit-ins (1960) in North Carolina and Nashville sit-ins (1960) in Tennessee.

The Great March on Washington was held in Washington, D.C., on August 28, 1963. The purpose was to advocate for the civil and economic rights of African Americans. It was organized and attended by civil rights leaders such as A. Philip Randolph, Bayard Rustin and Martin Luther King, Jr., who delivered his historic "I Have a Dream" speech.

On July 2, 1964, President Eisenhower signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 that outlaws discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, and later sexual orientation and gender identity. The act "remains one of the most significant legislative achievements in American history".

The civil rights movement had tragic consequences for two of its leaders. On February 21, 1965, Malcolm X was assassinated at a rally and Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated on his hotel room’s balcony on April 4, 1968.

The Civil Rights Act of 1968 was signed into law by United States President Lyndon B. Johnson during the King assassination riots. It prohibited discrimination concerning the sale, rental, and financing of housing based on race, religion, and national origin.

The 20th-century civil rights movement produced an enduring transformation of the legal status of African Americans and other victims of discrimination.

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civil rights topics for essays

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173+ Civil Rights Movement Essay Topics for Insightful Research

Jul 13, 2024 | 0 comments

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Jul 13, 2024 | Topics | 0 comments

The civil rights movement essay topics have long been a source of interest for students and researchers alike. From exploring the 122 civil rights that have been fought for to examining the rights of African Americans, essays on civil rights offer a deep dive into the important role that figures of the civil rights movement took place.

Whether you are looking for civil rights essay examples or seeking inspiration to write your essay, the civil rights movement gained significant traction for African Americans in the fight for equality. 

This article will look at free civil rights movement essay topics, samples, and examples of essays that delve into the leaders of the civil rights movement, shedding light on the challenges they faced and their progress. 

Table of Contents

🏆 Best Essay Topics on the Civil Rights Movement

  • Activism and the Civil Rights Movement: Strategies and Impact
  • Evolution of the Concept of Racial Equality in the African American Civil Rights Movement
  • Nonviolence as a Philosophy and Practice in the American Civil Rights Struggle
  • Assassination of Civil Rights Leaders: Examining the Aftermath and Legacy
  • The Role of Education in the Fight for Civil and Political Rights
  • Debating the Definition of Justice within the African American Civil Rights Movement
  • Legislation and Policy Changes Driven by the Civil Rights Movement
  • Social Inequality and the Promise of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
  • The Montgomery Bus Boycott: A Pivotal Moment in the Civil Rights Struggle
  • Martin Luther King Jr.’s “Letter from Birmingham Jail” is a Masterpiece of Civil Rights Advocacy
  • The Black Power Movement: Exploring Its Relationship with the Civil Rights Movement
  • Racial Segregation in the United States: Tracing Its History and Impact on the Civil Rights Struggle
  • The Role of Vietnam and the Vietnam War in Shaping the Civil Rights Movement
  • Voting Rights and the Voting Rights Act: Securing Political Representation for African Americans
  • The Civil Rights Movement’s Influence on Contemporary Debates: Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission

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🏆 Best Civil Rights Movement Topic Ideas & Essay Examples

  • Navigating the Intersection of Freedom of Speech and LGBTQ+ Rights: Lessons from Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission
  • Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott: Catalyzing the African American Fight for Equal Rights
  • Tracing the Roots of Racism in the Southern United States and Its Impact on the Civil Rights Movement
  • Radical Approach to Racial Equality by Malcolm X: Evaluating His Role in the Civil Rights Struggle
  • Martin Luther King Jr.’s Vision for a Just Society: Analyzing the Thesis of His Civil Rights Leadership
  • Slavery, Segregation, and the Ongoing Fight for Racial Justice: Examining the Civil Rights Movement’s Historical Context
  • The 1950s and 1960s Civil Rights Movement: Pivotal Moments and their Influence on American History
  • Nonviolent Resistance and the Transformation of Society: The Civil Rights Movement’s Use of Information and Law
  • The Board of Education Ruling and its Lasting Impact on the Fight for Educational Equity
  • Evaluating the Effectiveness of Civil Rights Movement Strategies: A Rubric for Assessing the Fight for Equal Rights

🎓 Most Interesting Civil Rights Movement Topics to Write About

  • Intersectionality and the Civil Rights Movement: Exploring the Experiences of Black LGBTQ+ Individuals
  • Malcolm X’s Evolution: From Radical Activism to Transformative Leadership in the Fight for Civil Rights
  • Nonviolent Resistance and the Legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. in the Civil Rights Struggle
  • Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission: Navigating the Tensions between Religious Freedom and LGBTQ+ Equality
  • The Montgomery Bus Boycott: Catalyst for Change and the Enduring Spirit of Civil Disobedience
  • Racism in the United States: Tracing the Roots and Persistent Challenges Faced by the Civil Rights Movement
  • The Role of Violence in the Civil Rights Movement: Examining the Debates and Consequences
  • Redefining Black Power: Malcolm X’s Influence on the Radicalization of the Fight for Civil Rights
  • The Lasting Impact of the Civil Rights Movement (1896–1954) on Contemporary Struggles for Equality
  • Strategies and Sacrifices: Evaluating the Effectiveness of the Fight for Civil Rights in Achieving Meaningful Change

👍 Interesting Civil Rights Essay Topics

  • Evaluating the Success of the Civil Rights Movement in Achieving Lasting Change for Black People
  • The Civil Rights Movement in the United States: Analyzing its Impact on Social Equality
  • Examining the Emergence of the Civil Rights Era and its Lasting Legacy
  • Voting Rights Act of 1965: Securing Political Representation for African Americans
  • From Montgomery to Memphis: Chronicling the Sacrifices of Civil Rights Activists
  • Societal Transformation since the Civil Rights Movement: Progress and Persistent Challenges
  • The Civil Rights Movement as a Model for Contemporary Social Movements
  • Intersectionality and the Civil Rights Struggle: Recognizing the Diverse Experiences of Black People
  • Historiographical Analysis of the Civil Rights Movement in the United States
  • Nonviolent Resistance and the Enduring Influence of the Civil Rights Era

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✍️ Civil Rights Movement Essay Topics for College

  • Examining the Influence of the Civil Rights Movement on Contemporary Social Justice Efforts
  • The Civil Rights Movement in the 1950s: Laying the Foundation for Landmark Legislation
  • Securing the Rights of African Americans: Evaluating the Successes and Limitations
  • The Interconnection between Civil Rights and Liberties in the American Legal System
  • The Ongoing Struggle for Civil Rights: Expanding Opportunities for African Americans
  • Visionary Leadership: Exploring the Legacies of Prominent Civil Rights Movement Figures
  • Momentum and Milestones: Tracing the Progress of the Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s
  • Grassroots Activism and the Search for Civil Rights: Amplifying Marginalized Voices
  • The Civil Rights Movement’s Lasting Impact on American Society and Culture
  • Defining Moments and Influential Figures: The Enduring Significance of the Civil Rights Era

❓ Civil Rights Movement Essay Questions

  • How did the African American history and experiences shape the goals and strategies of the Civil Rights Movement?
  • What were the key events and milestones that defined the trajectory of the Civil Rights Movement in the United States?
  • Analyze the influence of the end of the Civil War and the Reconstruction era on the emergence and development of the Civil Rights Movement.
  • In what ways did the Civil Rights Movement also address issues of economic and social justice for marginalized communities?
  • Evaluate the significant achievements of the Civil Rights Movement and their lasting impact on American society.
  • Discuss how the Civil Rights Movement continues to inspire and influence contemporary social justice movements.
  • Examine the role of civil disobedience and nonviolent resistance in the success of the Civil Rights Movement.
  • How did the Civil Rights Movement give voice and visibility to the struggles and aspirations of African Americans?
  • Analyze the leadership and strategies of influential Civil Rights leaders in America.
  • Explore the significance of the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the 1965 Voting Rights Act in securing legal protections and political representation.

👍 Good Civil Rights Movement Research Topics 

  • Strategies and Tactics that Enabled the Civil Rights Movement to Gain Momentum and Achieve Significant Victories
  • Intersectionality and Diversity within the Civil Rights Movement: Examining the Experiences of Marginalized Groups
  • The African American Freedom Struggle: Tracing the Evolution of the Civil Rights Movement
  • The Role of Civil Rights Organizations in Shaping the Agenda and Tactics of the Movement
  • The Struggle for Basic Rights: Understanding the Motivations and Demands of the Civil Rights Movement
  • The Interplay between Political and Social Change during the Civil Rights Era
  • Examining the Social and Cultural Impact of the Civil Rights Movement on American Society
  • Conducting Thorough Research to Understand the Complexities and Nuances of the Civil Rights Movement
  • The Fight for the Right to Vote: Exploring the Voting Rights Act and its Lasting Influence
  • Comparing and Contrasting the Civil Rights Movement with Other Social Movements: Lessons and Parallels

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💡 Simple Civil Rights Movement Essay Ideas

  • Tracing the History of the Civil Rights Movement in the United States
  • Examining the Lasting Influence of the Civil Rights Movement on American Society
  • Securing the Rights and Freedoms of African Americans: Victories and Challenges
  • The Civil Rights Movement’s Impact on Shaping Contemporary Social Justice Efforts
  • The Fight for Racial Equality: Milestones and Setbacks in the Civil Rights Struggle
  • Understanding the Motivations and Demands of the Civil Rights Movement
  • The Civil Rights Movement’s Influence on the Political and Legal Landscape
  • Evaluating the Successes and Limitations of the Civil Rights Movement in Achieving Equality

👍 Easy Civil Rights Movement Topics

  • Examining the Important Role of Key Figures in the Civil Rights Movement
  • Prominent Civil Rights Movement Leaders and Their Lasting Legacies
  • Understanding the Pivotal Events and Milestones that Shaped the Civil Rights Movement
  • The Significance of the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the 1965 Voting Rights Act
  • Strategies and Tactics that Enabled the Civil Rights Movement to Gain Momentum
  • Comparing and Contrasting the Civil Rights Movement with Other Social Movements
  • The Role of Civil Rights Organizations in Advocating for Change
  • The Impact of the Civil Rights Movement on Political and Social Reforms
  • Exploring the Successes and Limitations of the Civil Rights Movement

❓ Research Question About the Civil Rights Movement

  • What were the key events and turning points that defined the trajectory of the Civil Rights Movement in the United States?
  • How did the experiences and history of African Americans shape the goals, strategies, and tactics employed by the Civil Rights Movement?
  • In what ways did the Civil Rights Movement intersect with and influence other social and political movements, both contemporaneously and in the decades that followed?
  • To what extent did the Civil Rights Movement succeed in achieving its stated aims of securing equal rights and opportunities for African Americans, and where did it fall short?
  • What role did civil rights organizations play in coordinating and leading the various initiatives and campaigns that constituted the broader Civil Rights Movement?
  • How did the legal and legislative changes brought about by the Civil Rights Movement, such as the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965, impact the lives of African Americans and transform American society?
  • What were the key philosophical and ideological debates within the Civil Rights Movement, and how did they influence its dynamics and evolution over time?
  • In what ways did the Civil Rights Movement’s emphasis on nonviolent resistance and civil disobedience shape its public perception and impact on the national consciousness?
  • How did the involvement and leadership of figures like Martin Luther King Jr., Malcolm X, and Rosa Parks contribute to the success and legacy of the Civil Rights Movement?
  • What lessons can be drawn from the Civil Rights Movement’s strategies and tactics that could inform and inspire contemporary social justice efforts addressing racial inequality and discrimination?

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🏆 American Civil Rights Research Topics

  • The Role of Grassroots Activism and Community Organizing in the American Civil Rights Movement
  • Civil Disobedience and Nonviolent Resistance: Examining the Philosophical Underpinnings and Practical Applications
  • The Impact of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 on Securing Legal Protections for African Americans
  • Intersectionality and the Diverse Experiences of Marginalized Communities within the American Civil Rights Struggle
  • The Influence of the American Civil Rights Movement on Subsequent Social Justice Movements in the United States
  • Tracing the Historical Roots and Socio-Economic Factors that Shaped the American Civil Rights Movement
  • The Evolving Strategies and Tactics Employed by Civil Rights Leaders and Organizations throughout the Movement
  • Analyzing the Role of the Media and Public Opinion in Shaping the Narrative and Momentum of the American Civil Rights Movement
  • Evaluating the Successes and Limitations of the American Civil Rights Movement in Achieving Racial Equity and Justice
  • The Enduring Legacy of Iconic Civil Rights Figures and Their Continued Relevance in Contemporary Discussions of Racial Equality

📃 LGBTQ Civil Rights Topics for Research

  • The Intersections of LGBTQ+ Rights and the African American Civil Rights Movement
  • Transgender Rights and the Ongoing Fight for Gender Identity Protections
  • The Stonewall Riots and the Birth of the Modern LGBTQ+ Rights Movement
  • LGBTQ+ Representation and Visibility in Politics, Media, and Popular Culture
  • The Legal Battles for Marriage Equality and the Impact of the Obergefell v. Hodges Decision
  • Conversion Therapy Bans and the Struggle to Outlaw Harmful LGBTQ+ Conversion Practices
  • Parental Rights and the Challenges Faced by LGBTQ+ Families
  • LGBTQ+ Youth Homelessness and the Need for Inclusive Shelter and Support Services
  • The Role of LGBTQ+ Pride Celebrations in Fostering Community and Visibility
  • Workplace Discrimination and the Fight for LGBTQ+ Employment Protections

🏆 Civil Rights Topics for Essays

  • The Legacy of the Montgomery Bus Boycott and Its Lasting Impact on the Civil Rights Movement
  • Exploring the Philosophical Foundations and Principles of Nonviolent Resistance in the Civil Rights Struggle
  • The Significance of the March on Washington and Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” Speech
  • Racial Segregation in the United States: Tracing the History and Dismantling of Jim Crow Laws
  • The Crucial Role of Civil Rights Organizations in Coordinating and Driving the Movement’s Initiatives
  • The Interplay between the Civil Rights Movement and the Vietnam War: Examining the Connections
  • The Voting Rights Act of 1965 and Its Ongoing Importance in Securing Political Representation
  • The Impact of the Civil Rights Movement on Education: Desegregation and the Fight for Equity
  • The Grassroots Activism and Ordinary Citizens Who Shaped the Course of the Civil Rights Movement
  • Evaluating the Successes and Limitations of the Civil Rights Movement in Achieving Racial Justice

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🎓 Civil Rights and Civil Liberties Essay Titles

  • Balancing Freedom of Speech and Hate Speech: The Ongoing Debate in Civil Liberties
  • The Intersection of Religious Freedom and LGBTQ+ Rights: Analyzing the Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission Case
  • Protecting the Right to Protest: Examining the Limits of Civil Liberties in the Face of Civil Unrest
  • Expanding Privacy Rights in the Digital Age: The Civil Liberties Challenges of Emerging Technologies
  • The Evolution of Due Process and the Civil Rights of Marginalized Communities
  • Civil Rights and the Criminal Justice System: Addressing Racial Disparities and Biases
  • The Fight for Reproductive Rights: Analyzing the Civil Liberties Implications of Abortion Legislation
  • Voting Rights and the Struggle for Political Representation: Safeguarding Civil Rights at the Ballot Box
  • Civil Liberties and National Security: Navigating the Tension between Individual Freedoms and Public Safety
  • Civil Rights and Educational Equity: Ensuring Equal Access and Opportunities in the Classroom

📝 Civil Rights Research Paper Examples

  • How Martin Luther King Jr, Rosa Parks, and Malcolm X Organized The Civil Rights Movement
  • How To Write An Essay On The Civil Rights Movement
  • Essay on Black Power Movement Vs. Civil Rights Movement
  • Did the Black Power Movement Negatively Influence the Civil Rights Movement: Argumentative
  • Rosa Parks and the Civil Rights Movement: Critical Essay
  • Why Was Rosa Parks Significant to the Civil Rights Movement: Critical Essay
  • How Did Rosa Parks Help The Civil Rights Movement: Analytical Essay
  • Essay on What Impact the Freedom Riders Have on the Civil Rights Movement
  • Essay on Causes and Effects of the Civil Rights Movement
  • Compare Essay on Reconstruction and Civil Rights Movement
  • Essay on Police Brutality and Civil Rights Movement
  • Essay on Compare the Successes of Reconstruction and the Civil Rights Movement
  • Was the Civil Rights Movement Successful: Persuasive Essay
  • Why Was James Meredith Important to The Civil Rights Movement: Analytical Essay
  • What Did James Baldwin Do in the Civil Rights Movement: Informative Essay
  • What Did Jackie Robinson Do for the Civil Rights Movement: Analytical Essay
  • Successes and Failures of the Civil Rights Movement: Critical Essay
  • Jackie Robinson and Civil Rights Movement: Analytical Essay
  • How did Martin Luther Kings Jr.’s Death Affect the Civil Rights Movement
  • Martin Luther King Jr: Influential Figure in The Civil Rights Movement
  • The Role of Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X in the Civil Rights Movement
  • The Tactics Of Martin Luther King Jr. And Malcolm X Within the Civil Rights Movement
  • The History of The Civil Rights Movement in The United States of America
  • Influence Of The American Civil Rights Movement On The Australian Civil Rights Movement
  • Was Martin Luther King Jr. What is the most influential factor in the American Civil Rights Movement?
  • The Impact of Martin Luther King on Civil Rights Movements
  • Malcolm X And Martin Luther King: Approaches And Actions During the Civil Rights Movement
  • The Leadership Of Martin Luther King As The Factor Of Success In The Civil Rights Movement
  • Rosa Parks and The Civil Rights Movement
  • History of The Civil Rights Movement in America
  • Civil Rights Movement and The Struggles of African Americans During Those Times

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Civil Rights Movement

By: Editors

Updated: May 14, 2024 | Original: October 27, 2009

Civil Rights Leaders At The March On WashingtonCivil rights Leaders hold hands as they lead a crowd of hundreds of thousands at the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, Washington DC, August 28, 1963. Those in attendance include (front row): James Meredith and Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929 - 1968), left; (L-R) Roy Wilkins (1901 - 1981), light-colored suit, A. Phillip Randolph (1889 - 1979) and Walther Reuther (1907 - 1970). (Photo by Express/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

The civil rights movement was a struggle for social justice that took place mainly during the 1950s and 1960s for Black Americans to gain equal rights under the law in the United States. The Civil War officially abolished slavery , but it didn’t end discrimination against Black people—they continued to endure the devastating effects of racism, especially in the South. By the mid-20th century, Black Americans, along with many other Americans, mobilized and began an unprecedented fight for equality that spanned two decades.

Jim Crow Laws

During Reconstruction , Black people took on leadership roles like never before. They held public office and sought legislative changes for equality and the right to vote.

In 1868, the 14th Amendment to the Constitution gave Black people equal protection under the law. In 1870, the 15th Amendment granted Black American men the right to vote. Still, many white Americans, especially those in the South, were unhappy that people they’d once enslaved were now on a more-or-less equal playing field.

To marginalize Black people, keep them separate from white people and erase the progress they’d made during Reconstruction, “ Jim Crow ” laws were established in the South beginning in the late 19th century. Black people couldn’t use the same public facilities as white people, live in many of the same towns or go to the same schools. Interracial marriage was illegal, and most Black people couldn’t vote because they were unable to pass voter literacy tests.

Jim Crow laws weren’t adopted in northern states; however, Black people still experienced discrimination at their jobs or when they tried to buy a house or get an education. To make matters worse, laws were passed in some states to limit voting rights for Black Americans.

Moreover, southern segregation gained ground in 1896 when the U.S. Supreme Court declared in Plessy v. Ferguson that facilities for Black and white people could be “separate but equal."

World War II and Civil Rights

Prior to World War II , most Black people worked as low-wage farmers, factory workers, domestics or servants. By the early 1940s, war-related work was booming, but most Black Americans weren’t given better-paying jobs. They were also discouraged from joining the military.

After thousands of Black people threatened to march on Washington to demand equal employment rights, President Franklin D. Roosevelt issued Executive Order 8802 on June 25, 1941. It opened national defense jobs and other government jobs to all Americans regardless of race, creed, color or national origin.

Black men and women served heroically in World War II, despite suffering segregation and discrimination during their deployment. The Tuskegee Airmen broke the racial barrier to become the first Black military aviators in the U.S. Army Air Corps and earned more than 150 Distinguished Flying Crosses. Yet many Black veterans were met with prejudice and scorn upon returning home. This was a stark contrast to why America had entered the war to begin with—to defend freedom and democracy in the world.

As the Cold War began, President Harry Truman initiated a civil rights agenda, and in 1948 issued Executive Order 9981 to end discrimination in the military. These events helped set the stage for grass-roots initiatives to enact racial equality legislation and incite the civil rights movement.

On December 1, 1955, a 42-year-old woman named Rosa Parks found a seat on a Montgomery, Alabama bus after work. Segregation laws at the time stated Black passengers must sit in designated seats at the back of the bus, and Parks complied.

When a white man got on the bus and couldn’t find a seat in the white section at the front of the bus, the bus driver instructed Parks and three other Black passengers to give up their seats. Parks refused and was arrested.

As word of her arrest ignited outrage and support, Parks unwittingly became the “mother of the modern-day civil rights movement.” Black community leaders formed the Montgomery Improvement Association (MIA) led by Baptist minister Martin Luther King Jr ., a role which would place him front and center in the fight for civil rights.

Parks’ courage incited the MIA to stage a boycott of the Montgomery bus system . The Montgomery Bus Boycott lasted 381 days. On November 14, 1956, the Supreme Court ruled segregated seating was unconstitutional. 

Little Rock Nine

In 1954, the civil rights movement gained momentum when the United States Supreme Court made segregation illegal in public schools in the case of Brown v. Board of Education . In 1957, Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas asked for volunteers from all-Black high schools to attend the formerly segregated school.

On September 4, 1957, nine Black students, known as the Little Rock Nine , arrived at Central High School to begin classes but were instead met by the Arkansas National Guard (on order of Governor Orval Faubus) and a screaming, threatening mob. The Little Rock Nine tried again a couple of weeks later and made it inside, but had to be removed for their safety when violence ensued.

Finally, President Dwight D. Eisenhower intervened and ordered federal troops to escort the Little Rock Nine to and from classes at Central High. Still, the students faced continual harassment and prejudice.

Their efforts, however, brought much-needed attention to the issue of desegregation and fueled protests on both sides of the issue.

Civil Rights Act of 1957

Even though all Americans had gained the right to vote, many southern states made it difficult for Black citizens. They often required prospective voters of color to take literacy tests that were confusing, misleading and nearly impossible to pass.

Wanting to show a commitment to the civil rights movement and minimize racial tensions in the South, the Eisenhower administration pressured Congress to consider new civil rights legislation.

On September 9, 1957, President Eisenhower signed the Civil Rights Act of 1957 into law, the first major civil rights legislation since Reconstruction. It allowed federal prosecution of anyone who tried to prevent someone from voting. It also created a commission to investigate voter fraud.

Sit-In at Woolworth's Lunch Counter

Despite making some gains, Black Americans still experienced blatant prejudice in their daily lives. On February 1, 1960, four college students took a stand against segregation in Greensboro, North Carolina when they refused to leave a Woolworth’s lunch counter without being served.

Over the next several days, hundreds of people joined their cause in what became known as the Greensboro sit-ins. After some were arrested and charged with trespassing, protesters launched a boycott of all segregated lunch counters until the owners caved and the original four students were finally served at the Woolworth’s lunch counter where they’d first stood their ground.

Their efforts spearheaded peaceful sit-ins and demonstrations in dozens of cities and helped launch the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee to encourage all students to get involved in the civil rights movement. It also caught the eye of young college graduate Stokely Carmichael , who joined the SNCC during the Freedom Summer of 1964 to register Black voters in Mississippi. In 1966, Carmichael became the chair of the SNCC, giving his famous speech in which he originated the phrase "Black power.”

Freedom Riders

On May 4, 1961, 13 “ Freedom Riders ”—seven Black and six white activists–mounted a Greyhound bus in Washington, D.C. , embarking on a bus tour of the American south to protest segregated bus terminals. They were testing the 1960 decision by the Supreme Court in Boynton v. Virginia that declared the segregation of interstate transportation facilities unconstitutional.

Facing violence from both police officers and white protesters, the Freedom Rides drew international attention. On Mother’s Day 1961, the bus reached Anniston, Alabama, where a mob mounted the bus and threw a bomb into it. The Freedom Riders escaped the burning bus but were badly beaten. Photos of the bus engulfed in flames were widely circulated, and the group could not find a bus driver to take them further. U.S. Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy (brother to President John F. Kennedy ) negotiated with Alabama Governor John Patterson to find a suitable driver, and the Freedom Riders resumed their journey under police escort on May 20. But the officers left the group once they reached Montgomery, where a white mob brutally attacked the bus. Attorney General Kennedy responded to the riders—and a call from Martin Luther King Jr.—by sending federal marshals to Montgomery.

On May 24, 1961, a group of Freedom Riders reached Jackson, Mississippi. Though met with hundreds of supporters, the group was arrested for trespassing in a “whites-only” facility and sentenced to 30 days in jail. Attorneys for the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People ( NAACP ) brought the matter to the U.S. Supreme Court, which reversed the convictions. Hundreds of new Freedom Riders were drawn to the cause, and the rides continued.

In the fall of 1961, under pressure from the Kennedy administration, the Interstate Commerce Commission issued regulations prohibiting segregation in interstate transit terminals

March on Washington

Arguably one of the most famous events of the civil rights movement took place on August 28, 1963: the March on Washington . It was organized and attended by civil rights leaders such as A. Philip Randolph , Bayard Rustin and Martin Luther King Jr.

More than 200,000 people of all races congregated in Washington, D. C. for the peaceful march with the main purpose of forcing civil rights legislation and establishing job equality for everyone. The highlight of the march was King’s speech in which he continually stated, “I have a dream…”

King’s “ I Have a Dream” speech galvanized the national civil rights movement and became a slogan for equality and freedom.

Civil Rights Act of 1964

President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 —legislation initiated by President John F. Kennedy before his assassination —into law on July 2 of that year.

King and other civil rights activists witnessed the signing. The law guaranteed equal employment for all, limited the use of voter literacy tests and allowed federal authorities to ensure public facilities were integrated.

Bloody Sunday

On March 7, 1965, the civil rights movement in Alabama took an especially violent turn as 600 peaceful demonstrators participated in the Selma to Montgomery march to protest the killing of Black civil rights activist Jimmie Lee Jackson by a white police officer and to encourage legislation to enforce the 15th amendment.

As the protesters neared the Edmund Pettus Bridge, they were blocked by Alabama state and local police sent by Alabama Governor George C. Wallace, a vocal opponent of desegregation. Refusing to stand down, protesters moved forward and were viciously beaten and teargassed by police and dozens of protesters were hospitalized.

The entire incident was televised and became known as “ Bloody Sunday .” Some activists wanted to retaliate with violence, but King pushed for nonviolent protests and eventually gained federal protection for another march.

Voting Rights Act of 1965

When President Johnson signed the Voting Rights Act into law on August 6, 1965, he took the Civil Rights Act of 1964 several steps further. The new law banned all voter literacy tests and provided federal examiners in certain voting jurisdictions. 

It also allowed the attorney general to contest state and local poll taxes. As a result, poll taxes were later declared unconstitutional in Harper v. Virginia State Board of Elections in 1966.

Part of the Act was walked back decades later, in 2013, when a Supreme Court decision ruled that Section 4(b) of the Voting Rights Act was unconstitutional, holding that the constraints placed on certain states and federal review of states' voting procedures were outdated.

Civil Rights Leaders Assassinated

The civil rights movement had tragic consequences for two of its leaders in the late 1960s. On February 21, 1965, former Nation of Islam leader and Organization of Afro-American Unity founder Malcolm X was assassinated at a rally.

On April 4, 1968, civil rights leader and Nobel Peace Prize recipient Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated on his hotel room's balcony. Emotionally-charged looting and riots followed, putting even more pressure on the Johnson administration to push through additional civil rights laws.

Fair Housing Act of 1968

The Fair Housing Act became law on April 11, 1968, just days after King’s assassination. It prevented housing discrimination based on race, sex, national origin and religion. It was also the last legislation enacted during the civil rights era.

The civil rights movement was an empowering yet precarious time for Black Americans. The efforts of civil rights activists and countless protesters of all races brought about legislation to end segregation, Black voter suppression and discriminatory employment and housing practices.

civil rights topics for essays

Six Unsung Heroines of the Civil Rights Movement

Though their stories are sometimes overlooked, these women were instrumental in the fight for equal rights for African‑Americans.

How the Black Power Movement Influenced the Civil Rights Movement

With a focus on racial pride and self‑determination, leaders of the Black Power movement argued that civil rights activism did not go far enough.

8 Key Laws That Advanced Civil Rights

Since the abolishment of slavery, the U.S. government has passed several laws to address discrimination and racism against African Americans.

A Brief History of Jim Crow. Constitutional Rights Foundation. Civil Rights Act of 1957. Civil Rights Digital Library. Document for June 25th: Executive Order 8802: Prohibition of Discrimination in the Defense Industry. National Archives. Greensboro Lunch Counter Sit-In. African American Odyssey. Little Rock School Desegregation (1957).  The Martin Luther King, Jr. Research and Education Institute Stanford . Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Global Freedom Struggle. The Martin Luther King, Jr. Research and Education Institute Stanford . Rosa Marie Parks Biography. Rosa and Raymond Parks. Selma, Alabama, (Bloody Sunday, March 7, 1965). The Civil Rights Movement (1919-1960s). National Humanities Center. The Little Rock Nine. National Park Service U.S. Department of the Interior: Little Rock Central High School National Historic Site. Turning Point: World War II. Virginia Historical Society.

Photo Galleries

1957, central high school, integration of central high school, little rock, arkansas, little rock nine, Black students, black history

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122 Civil Rights Movement Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

Inside This Article

The Civil Rights Movement is a pivotal period in American history that brought about significant social and political changes. It is a topic that has captivated scholars, researchers, and students alike, as its impact on society continues to reverberate today. If you are tasked with writing an essay on the Civil Rights Movement and are struggling to find the perfect topic, look no further. In this article, we have compiled 122 essay topic ideas and examples that will help you explore different aspects of this influential movement.

  • The role of grassroots organizations in the Civil Rights Movement.
  • Examining the impact of Rosa Parks' refusal to give up her seat on the bus.
  • The significance of the Montgomery Bus Boycott in the Civil Rights Movement.
  • Analyzing the leadership styles of Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X.
  • The nonviolent philosophy of the Civil Rights Movement and its effectiveness.
  • The influence of the Harlem Renaissance on the Civil Rights Movement.
  • Investigating the role of women in the Civil Rights Movement.
  • The impact of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 on American society.
  • The role of media coverage in shaping public opinion during the Civil Rights Movement.
  • The impact of the Brown v. Board of Education decision on school desegregation.
  • The Freedom Rides and their contribution to the Civil Rights Movement.
  • Comparing and contrasting the Civil Rights Movement and the Black Power Movement.
  • The role of music in inspiring and mobilizing the Civil Rights Movement.
  • The influence of the Black Panther Party on the Civil Rights Movement.
  • The Civil Rights Movement's impact on other social justice movements.
  • The experiences of African American soldiers in World War II and their influence on the Civil Rights Movement.
  • Examining the role of white allies in the Civil Rights Movement.
  • The impact of the Civil Rights Movement on the feminist movement.
  • The role of the Supreme Court in advancing civil rights.
  • The Civil Rights Movement's impact on voting rights and political participation.
  • The role of churches and religious leaders in the Civil Rights Movement.
  • The impact of the Civil Rights Movement on the LGBTQ+ rights movement.
  • Investigating the role of non-African American activists in the Civil Rights Movement.
  • The role of education in promoting civil rights and equality.
  • The impact of the Civil Rights Movement on the criminal justice system.
  • The Civil Rights Movement's influence on the disability rights movement.
  • The role of student activists in the Civil Rights Movement.
  • The impact of the Civil Rights Movement on immigration policies.
  • The role of grassroots journalism in documenting the Civil Rights Movement.
  • The influence of international events on the Civil Rights Movement.
  • The Civil Rights Movement's impact on affirmative action policies.
  • Examining the role of the National Urban League in the Civil Rights Movement.
  • The impact of the Civil Rights Movement on housing segregation.
  • The role of boycotts in the Civil Rights Movement.
  • The Civil Rights Movement's influence on the labor movement.
  • The impact of the Civil Rights Movement on Native American rights.
  • The role of local activists in the Civil Rights Movement.
  • The influence of the Civil Rights Movement on the fight against poverty.
  • Examining the role of children and youth in the Civil Rights Movement.
  • The impact of the Civil Rights Movement on public transportation policies.
  • The role of the Black Church in the Civil Rights Movement.
  • The influence of international figures, such as Nelson Mandela, on the Civil Rights Movement.
  • Examining the role of African American athletes in the Civil Rights Movement.
  • The impact of the Civil Rights Movement on the representation of African Americans in the media.
  • The role of the Civil Rights Movement in challenging stereotypes and promoting cultural pride.
  • The influence of the Civil Rights Movement on the decolonization movement in Africa.
  • Examining the role of the Civil Rights Movement in the fight against apartheid in South Africa.
  • The impact of the Civil Rights Movement on the desegregation of public spaces.
  • The role of the Civil Rights Movement in challenging discriminatory employment practices.
  • The influence of the Civil Rights Movement on the development of Black Studies programs in universities.
  • Examining the role of the Civil Rights Movement in promoting multiculturalism and diversity.
  • The impact of the Civil Rights Movement on the representation of African American history in textbooks.
  • The role of community organizing in the success of the Civil Rights Movement.
  • The influence of the Civil Rights Movement on the development of ethnic studies programs.
  • Examining the role of women in the leadership of the Civil Rights Movement.
  • The impact of the Civil Rights Movement on the fight against police brutality.
  • The role of literature and poetry in capturing the spirit of the Civil Rights Movement.
  • The influence of the Civil Rights Movement on the development of Black-owned businesses.
  • Examining the role of the Civil Rights Movement in the fight against environmental racism.
  • The impact of the Civil Rights Movement on the representation of African Americans in politics.
  • The role of the Civil Rights Movement in challenging discriminatory housing practices.
  • The influence of the Civil Rights Movement on the development of multicultural education.
  • Examining the role of the Civil Rights Movement in promoting interracial relationships.
  • The impact of the Civil Rights Movement on the development of African American arts and culture.
  • The role of the Civil Rights Movement in challenging discriminatory healthcare practices.
  • The influence of the Civil Rights Movement on the development of African American studies programs.
  • Examining the role of the Civil Rights Movement in promoting restorative justice practices.
  • The impact of the Civil Rights Movement on the representation of African Americans in the military.
  • The role of the Civil Rights Movement in challenging discriminatory lending practices.
  • The influence of the Civil Rights Movement on the development of Black feminist theory.
  • Examining the role of the Civil Rights Movement in promoting inclusive immigration policies.
  • The impact of the Civil Rights Movement on the representation of African Americans in Hollywood.
  • The role of the Civil Rights Movement in challenging discriminatory healthcare access.
  • The influence of the Civil Rights Movement on the development of African American museums and cultural institutions.
  • Examining the role of the Civil Rights Movement in promoting LGBTQ+ rights.
  • The impact of the Civil Rights Movement on the representation of African Americans in sports.

These essay topic ideas provide a wide range of avenues for exploration within the Civil Rights Movement. Whether you are interested in the experiences of specific individuals, the impact on various social issues, or the movement's influence on other movements, you are sure to find a topic that suits your interests. Remember to conduct thorough research, cite reliable sources, and present a well-structured argument in your essay to effectively delve into the complexities of the Civil Rights Movement.

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Home / Essay Samples / History / History of The United States / Civil Rights Movement

Civil Rights Movement Essay Examples

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About Civil Rights Movement

United States

W.E.B. Du Bois, Jesse Jackson, Martin Luther King, Jr., Henry MacNeal Turner, John Oliver Killens

Unfortunately, there's still a lot of discrimination in our society. The modern civil rights movement is working to address the less visible but very important inequities in our society, such as gender inequality, discrimination of the disabled, ageism, police brutality, etc. uses cookies to offer you the best service possible.By continuing we’ll assume you board with our cookie policy .--> -->