The Difference Between a Cover Letter and the Email You Send With Your Application

person at computer

When it comes to making a job change, getting it right truly matters. You need to get the keywords right , the messaging right , the formatting right . You’ve got to find the right people to endear yourself to, and the right words for your cover letter and follow-up correspondence.

And, for the love of it all, you’ve got to nail the approach.

But, my oh my, there are so many considerations—so many things we all second guess ourselves on when applying for a job.

Should you make the cover letter the body of the email, or attach it separately? (Or both?) Do you address the person by first name, or go with Mr. / Ms. So-and-So? (And, does same rule apply for both?) How casual or formal do you need to be? Is there a right or wrong format for cover letters and emails? Does the cover letter need to be a page or less? How long should the intro email be?

Holy Hannah—it’s enough to make the coolest cucumbers among us start to feel like crazy people. And that’s even before you’ve made an introduction.

Deep breaths, everyone. Deep breaths. Let’s break this cover letter stuff down into manageable chunks. Here’s what you need to know:

Should the Cover Letter Be an Attachment or Just the Body of Email?

The short answer is: either. Not both, either.

If you ask 10 recruiters of hiring managers which they prefer, you’ll probably get five who say attachment and five who say email. But here’s the good news: Nearly all will report that it’s not going to make or break you either way. So, don’t let this topic unravel you.

I happen to be a proponent of “cover letter as body of the email,” and here’s why: It gives you the opportunity to make a strong, memorable first impression the millisecond that reviewer’s eyes open their inbox. You can draw someone in with an incredible opening line, and then showcase the ways in which you could contribute to the team.

If, instead, you decide to go with cover letter as attachment, you should be brief and point the reader to the attachments.

I’ve learned you are seeking a senior project manager with e-commerce experience and knowledge of Jira. That’s me. My attached resume and cover letter outline my qualifications for the role. Thank you very much for your consideration. I hope to hear from you soon!

Keep it brief if you go this route. Those on the receiving end won’t appreciate having to plow through a super long email and all your attachments.

Lastly, don’t even think about replicating the cover letter in both the email and the attachment. That’s just ridiculous (and, makes you look totally indecisive).

Now that we got that figured out, let’s answer the other questions that are probably eating at you:

Do I Use a First Name Salutation—or a More Formal One?

This is best answered with, “It depends”—for both the cover letter and the accompanying email. (I know, just doing my part to make things simple here.)

In all seriousness, it’s best to evaluate the tone and style of the organization you’re attempting to join, and then guess which salutation would be most would the appropriate and appreciated. You can do this pretty easily by reviewing the company’s website and social media presence.

Remember, you’re going to be hired for that next role if (and only if) you’re a “yes” to these three questions

  • Do we think she can do this job?
  • Do we like her?
  • Do we think she’ll fit in around here?

That said, if you can introduce yourself in a way that implies right out of the gates that you’re a triple yes, you’re in business.

Is a Conversational Style Allowed?

In general, I think that job seekers get a bit too revved up about “proper” and end up losing sight of the fact that there’s an actual person at the receiving end of this (assuming you’re emailing your application directly).

Guess what? People like engaging, conversational reading. They notice when an applicant seems genuine, personable, and interesting. They appreciate when plowing through their pile of candidates doesn’t feel like total drudgery.

That being the case, unless you’re applying for a role within an extremely conservative or structured industry or organization, heck yes, a conversational style is allowed. Certainly, this is not your time to bust out a bunch of slang or (gasp) use language that could offend, but it’s a-ok to make your cover letter or intro email read like you’re a real person.

Just be sure and make it clear—in both cases—why you want to work for that company and what, specifically, you can walk through their doors and deliver.

Is the One Page Rule for Cover Letters Still True? What About in an Email?

Hard and fast “rules” make me crazy in general, so I’m not going to announce the exact length that your cover letter or your intro email need to be. I will simply suggest that you get in there, quickly endear yourself to the recipient, and then spell out, specifically, how and why you make perfect sense for the role you’re pursuing. And then wrap it up.

If you can pull it off with a one-page cover letter, absolutely. If you need a page and a half? So long as you’re peeling out any and all unnecessary blabber, knock yourself out. (And this article tells you how to cut it down to make it as effective as possible.)

For the email, again, get to the point and don’t be redundant if you’re also attaching a cover letter.

You can get these things right, for real. Nail the big stuff, sweat the details that truly matter, and get right to the business of making your grand entrance, well, one that’s grand.

send cover letter as email or attachment

Writing and Sending an Email Cover Letter: Full Guide

email cover letter

By Isabelle Dupont

11 min read

An email cover letter is a simple and efficient way of demonstrating your interest in the position and showcasing relevant qualifications . It is in many ways similar to a traditional cover letter you send as a standalone document, with a couple of slight differences.

In this article, we’ll teach you how to write and send an email cover letter. We’ll also give you concrete examples to use as learning material and inspiration. Finally, you’ll discover expert tips and strategies that will help you polish your cover letter to perfection.

Key Takeaways

An email cover letter can be sent as the body of the letter or an attached document .

The subject line should concisely state what the email is about .

You should greet the recipient by name to build rapport and introduce them to your writing.

The first paragraph should be catchy to convince the hiring manager to keep reading your cover letter.

Adding a call to action toward the end increases your chances of getting an interview invite.

Email Cover Letter Sample

Let’s start with a brief email cover letter sample to give you an idea of what yours should look like:

email cover letter

How to Write an Email Cover Letter in 7 Easy Steps

Now that you’ve seen the examples, let’s learn how to write your email cover letter by going through each section. 

Here’s a brief visual guide to what the structure of your cover letter should look like:

cover letter template

#1. Make Your Subject Line Strong and Inviting

The subject line of your email cover letter needs to be concise and impactful. It is the first thing the hiring manager sees, so it needs to grab their attention and tell them what the email is about .

That’s why it’s usually best to mention that you’re applying for a position, emphasize the position that you’re after, and include your name in the subject line.

Here’s a good example :

Subject Line Example

Subject Line : Application for Marketing Specialist Position - Teresa Johnson

Omitting some of these details can result in an incomplete subject line , which can even lead to the hiring manager skipping your cover letter altogether.

Here’s a bad example of a subject line:

Bad Example

Subject Line : Cover Letter

#2. Professionally Greet the Recipient

Greeting the recipient is the established way of introducing them to your cover letter. The trick here is to address the reader by their name . That way, you create a personalized experience for them, build rapport from the get-go, and maximize your chances of leaving a lasting impression on them.

To find out who is going to read your cover letter , you can research the company, read the job ad, check out the organization’s LinkedIn profile, and more.

The greeting should be brief and polite, like in the following example:

Greet the Recipient Example

Dear Mr. Smith,

You should avoid universal salutations , like “ To Whom It May Concern ” or “Dear Sir or Madam,” as they are too generic.

#3. Start Off With a Catchy Opening Paragraph

You want to start your cover letter strong, with an opening paragraph that grabs attention . To achieve that, you should specify what position you’re after and how much experience you have in the field. On top of that, you should mention one or two of your most prominent achievements to give them a taste of your capabilities.

Here’s a good example:

Opening Paragraph Example

I am writing to express my keen interest in the Marketing Specialist position at SunnySide Ads, as advertised on your website. With more than seven years of experience in digital marketing and an in-depth understanding of social media, I can consistently increase clients’ online engagement by 30% or more.

#4. Demonstrate Your Relevant Qualifications

The body of your email cover letter should demonstrate why you’re the right person for the job .

If you lack professional experience or are writing an email cover letter for freshers, you should focus on your skills and academic accomplishments. However, if you’re an accomplished professional , you’re better off showcasing your work-related accomplishments. To make those accomplishments more impactful, use numbers and statistics to add measurable value.

Demonstrate Qualifications Example

One of the digital products we marketed for a client saw a 21% increase in sales in the first quarter. My further efforts in developing a comprehensive digital campaign resulted in a 63% increase in web traffic.

#5. Highlight Your Motivation

You should use your email cover letter to emphasize motivation in addition to your qualifications. This is best done by talking about the position or the company and focusing on something specific that made you apply for the role .

Let’s see how this should be written in an example:

Highlight Motivation Example

I am particularly excited about the opportunity to work at SunnySide Ads due to your reputation as an innovator. Your unconventional approach to marketing resonates with my goals of not just following trends but setting them.

#6. Don’t Forget About the Call to Action

A call to action toward the end of your cover letter substantially increases your chances of getting contacted for an interview. You can incorporate this after a polite thank-you note in the final paragraph .

Here’s an example:

Call to Action Example

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to further discussing how my skills and qualifications match your organization’s needs during an interview.

#7. Sign Off Respectfully

A respectful sign-off is the usual way of concluding a cover letter. You should use a polite closing statement followed by your name .

Here’s what that looks like:

Sign Off Example

Kind regards, Teresa Johnson

Email Cover Letter Textual Example

Now, let’s check out a complete example of an email cover letter based on the previously demonstrated sample. 

Here’s what the final product should look like, with a catchy introduction, an information-packed middle part, and a call to action toward the end:

Email message :

In my most recent role at ABC Marketing, I successfully managed large-scale campaigns across multiple different social media platforms simultaneously. One of the digital products we marketed for a client saw a 21% increase in sales in the first quarter. My further efforts in developing a comprehensive digital campaign resulted in a 63% increase in web traffic. Finally, a targeted email campaign helped the client boost their conversion rates by 19%.

Email Cover Letter: 5 Essential Writing Tips & Strategies

cover letter font

Now that we know how to write an email cover letter, let’s go through some expert tips that will help you make it stand out even more.

#1. Be Direct and Succinct

Your email cover letter needs to be deliberate and to the point . Steering off-topic in your writing and including unnecessary details or lengthy explanations dilutes your letter and detracts from its primary purpose.

Being direct and succinct optimally conveys your message , ensures it is easily readable, and shows respect for the reader’s time.

#2. Be Mindful of the Length

This point builds on the previous one. You want a short email cover letter that is packed with valuable information . Ideally, your letter should fit the reader’s screen, allowing them to read the whole thing effortlessly.

If your cover letter is too long, busy hiring managers might skim through it or skip it entirely . That’s why you want to focus on quality over quantity and ensure every word counts. A typical length of a cover letter is 250–400 words or 3–5 paragraphs.

#3. Think About the Font

Some of the best fonts for a cover letter are clean, professional, and easy to read . This includes fonts like Arial, Calibri, Helvetica, Times New Roman, etc. The size should be between 10 and 12 pt.

Your choice of font is essential, whether you’re sending your cover letter in email or attached as a standalone document. The default font is a good option if you’re using Gmail or Hotmail, so there’s usually no need to change anything.

#4. Personalize Your Letter

Personalizing your email cover letter for a job application helps you stand out among the candidates . For instance, addressing the recipient by their name adds a personal touch and shows that you went the extra mile to find out who is going to read your letter.

You can also talk about the company and the role to show you’ve done your research . This demonstrates your genuine interest in the job and your enthusiasm for the position.

#5. Style the Letter Like a Professional

When you’re submitting your cover letter as a soft copy, you should have a strong layout to create an enticing visual experience . However, even when you’re sending the letter in the body of an email, you can style it to leave a better impression.

In general, you should use a full-block style in your email cover letter. This includes using left-justified text and an extra line of space between paragraphs. This is a formal style that works best in business settings.

How to Send an Email Cover Letter

application letter

Sending an email cover letter requires attention to detail to ensure that your application is submitted in an effective and professional manner.

Firstly, you want to follow the instructions provided by the job posting. For instance, some employers might prefer a cover letter written in the body of the email, while others want a soft copy in a specific file type.

If submitting a standalone document as an attachment, you should use the PDF format unless specified otherwise. It preserves formatting and ensures legibility, regardless of the device. In that case, it’s also important to name the document properly. Go with a professional file name , like “Teresa_Johnson_Cover_Letter.pdf,” instead of a generic name like “cover_letter.pdf.”

Remember to attach other documents , such as your resume , portfolio , or list of references, if you have them. These documents should also be appropriately named and submitted as PDFs, like your cover letter.

Finally, don’t forget to give your email cover letter one last review before hitting send . Take a moment to review your writing, formatting, style, and the recipient's address.

Final Thoughts

Sending an email cover letter is a delicate process that requires a mix of email writing skills and attention to detail . By following the steps outlined in this article, you’ll craft and send a stellar cover letter that maximizes your chances of convincing hiring managers to invite you for a job interview.

Remember that you only have one chance to leave a good first impression , so you want to ensure that everything from your file name and subject line to a farewell statement is top-notch. This is essential, whether you’re writing an email cover letter for an internship or a senior position. Best of luck!

Isabelle Dupont

Create your cover letter once, use it everywhere


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Cover Letter Examples

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Dive Into Expert Guides to Enhance your Resume

How to Send a Cover Letter Email

Margaret Buj

You only get one chance to make a first impression which is why your  cover letter email  is so important.  Emailing a cover letter  is your chance to show why you’re the  best candidate for the job  and to demonstrate that you’re a professional who is serious about the application.

The  email cover letter  should provide information on your expertise, such as your  qualifications, skills, and experience  as well as the reasons why you’re applying for the role. You need to show the employer why you’re a good fit for the position and to  grab their attention  so they look at your resume.

Candidates are often too quick to  send an email cover letter . This is a mistake. It is worth spending some time  focusing on each aspect  of the  cover letter  to ensure it’s up to scratch. In a competitive job market, marginal gains are everything.

Your  professional resume  is still the  most powerful tool  you have at your disposal when you’re job hunting and using a  resume builder  is an effective way of nailing it. Your  cover letter  needs to work in tandem with your resume.

How to send an email cover letter

One of the most important pieces of cover letter  advice  is to always  follow the employer’s instructions . Failure to  follow basic instructions  during the application process gives the wrong impression. It seems sloppy and unprofessional.

Sending an email cover letter and resume as attachments

If the instructions in the job posting say to  include your cover letter as an attachment , then do so. Either include it as a  Word document or as a PDF . As you’ll include both your  resume and cover letter  it’s important to clearly name both files (e.g. petergreencover.pdf and petergreenresume.pdf).

Sending an email cover letter as the main email

If the job posting instructions don’t state whether to include your  cover letter as an attachment , it is best to  copy and paste your cover letter  and include it as the main email, with just your resume attached. This way, when an employer double clicks on your application email, they will instantly see your  attention-grabbing cover letter .

How to write a an email cover letter for a job application

A  professional cover letter  should follow a clear  cover letter format . It should start with a header, an opening paragraph (why you’re applying), a second main paragraph (why you’re the best candidate), a closing paragraph (thank them for their time and state what’s attached), and an electronic signature.

Before you start writing it, you should carefully read through the job posting and  identify the key job requirements . You should then analyze your own expertise and be ready to show  how your skill set matches the job . Each cover letter should be tailored for each application.

You should choose some examples of when you’ve demonstrated  each key requirement  and include them in your cover letter. This is  much more convincing  than just saying you’re innovative, creative, or dynamic.

Don’t send a boring cover letter that starts with: 

“My name is Maria Smith and this cover letter is intended to express my interest in the Finance Manager position as listed on Glassdoor. I believe my background in technology companies and finance experience makes  me an ideal candidate for this role.”

Use the introduction to capture the attention of the reader . You can use a sentence showing that you’re aware of their company and why you’re interested in them specifically and to briefly introduce your value proposition.

In the  second paragraph , explain why you’re the perfect fit. Ask yourself the following questions:

  • What are some programs/initiatives  you worked on that have had a big impact?
  • Did you get promoted fast?
  • What skills do you have that match the requirements of the job?
  • Did you save  time or made money for your organization?

In the  last paragraph , you can tell the hiring person that you’d love to be considered for the role.

Cover letter email example

Get more  cover letter examples  advice in our guide with tips and information about all aspects of a good cover letter structure.

Subject: Customer Services Position: Jane Cooper

Dear Ms. Wilson,

I would like to express my interest in the position of Customer Service Representative which is advertised on LinkedIn. I believe that my four years of experience in customer services and my positive attitude make me the ideal candidate for this position.

I am used to working in a target-driven environment and have surpassed my personal targets for three consecutive years. I have also won two ‘Passion Awards’ for my approach towards delivering excellent customer service. My strong communication skills, which have been recognized through consistent positive feedback from our customers.

Thank you for taking the time to consider my application. Please find a copy of my resume attached. I look forward to having the chance to discuss what I can bring to the role in more detail.

Sincerely yours,

Jane Cooper

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Should I Attach A Cover Letter Or Write It In The Email

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Should i attach a cover letter or write it in the email.

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It's best to include a cover letter as a separate attachment in PDF format and also write a brief introduction in the body of the email highlighting your interest in the position and the attached cover letter. This way, the hiring manager can easily see both your email and cover letter in one place and it can also help to ensure that your formatting remains intact.

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Email Cover Letter Examples and Formats

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What to Include in Your Email

How to format an email cover letter, email cover letter examples, cover letter articles and advice.

 Hero Images / Getty Images

An email cover letter includes all the essential elements of a hard copy cover letter and serves the same purpose: to impress the hiring manager and convince them to bring you in for an interview.

It’s essential to follow the employer's instructions so that you don’t wind up bounced from contention because of a technicality. You might be asked to send your cover letter in the body of the email or as an attachment, or to add a specific subject line, or to send it as a specific file type, e.g., a Word document or PDF.

Cover Letter Salutation

It’s best to address your letter to a specific person, instead of using a generic salutation like "To Whom It May Concern" or "Dear Sir or Madam." These can look unprofessional and like you didn't make an effort.

Cover Letter Body

The body of your cover letter lets the employer know what position you are applying for, why the employer should select you for an interview, and how you will follow up. This section of your cover letter includes:

  • First paragraph: Why you are writing. It is "the grab," your chance to grasp your reader by the collar and get his attention. Offer some specific, focused information regarding the job you're seeking and a few core strengths that demonstrate suitability for the position.
  • Second paragraph: What you have to offer the employer. It is your hook where you highlight examples of the work you’ve performed and the results you’ve achieved. Draw on your key competencies from your resume, though don't copy it word for word. Bullet points in this paragraph are effective in drawing your reader's eye to your successes.
  • Third paragraph: Your knowledge of the company. Show that you did your research and know something about the business and how you can contribute to its mission.
  • Fourth paragraph: Your closing. Summarize what you would bring to the position and suggest next steps by requesting a meeting or suggesting a call.
  • Address an Email Cover Letter : Make sure your cover letter and other materials get to the right place – and make a good impression when they get there.
  • Email Cover Letter Subject Line Examples : The subject line is the first thing a hiring manager will see when they look at your email. Make yours count.
  • Email Cover Letter Salutation Examples : Confused about how formal or informal to be in your salutation? These tips will help.
  • Email Cover Letter Closing Examples : Keep it professional all the way through, with these cover-letter ready closers.

Most cover letters follow the same basic format, but the contents will be very different, depending on your goals and circumstances. These templates cover a wide range of situations, from a cold email inquiring about job openings to an internal job promotion cover letter to a job transfer request.

  • Email Cover Letter Sample
  • Sample Email Cover Letter Inquiring About Job Openings
  • Sample Email Cover Letter - Part-Time Job
  • Sample Cover Letter - Referred by a Contact
  • Sample Email Cover Letter - Summer Job
  • Sample Email Message - Volunteer Position
  • Sample Formatted Email Cover Letter Message
  • Job Promotion Cover Letter
  • Job Transfer Request Email Message
  • Job Transfer Request Email Message - Relocation

Whether you’re looking for your very first job or making a career change to something new and different, there are certain guidelines that can help you create a cover letter that sells your experience. For example:

  • Write a customized cover letter for every job opening . You may develop your own cover letter template to help you get started, but be sure to tweak it every time so that it’s a perfect fit for the role’s requirements.
  • Include keywords in your cover letter . Analyze the job listing, looking for keywords that describe the job duties and the experience and skills required to fulfill them. Then, use those words in your cover letter and resume. It will help you get past the applicant tracking system and to a real human being who can call you for an interview. 
  • Proofread, proofread, proofread. Pay special attention to the name of the hiring manager and the company and its products. Then, ask an eagle-eyed friend to give your cover letter one last review before hitting “send.” 

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WTO / Letters and Emails / Cover Letters / 32 Email Cover Letter Samples | How to Write (Examples)

32 Email Cover Letter Samples | How to Write (Examples)

An Email Cover Letter is a formal document sent by an applicant to the hiring manager expressing their interest in a job position.

It supports the resume and gives more details about you as an applicant. It can be sent either as an attachment or as part of the main body.

The purpose of the cover letter is to support a resume. It elaborates on personal attributes and skills related to the position you are applying for to increase your chances of getting a job. It achieves its purpose by mentioning previous job experiences associated with the position you are applying for. Thus, the cover letter helps in supporting your resume, which can be less effective when submitted alone.

Free Templates

Whether you’re applying for a job or reaching out to a potential client, the templates provided below offer a convenient and professional way to craft your cover letter. By using these templates, you can save time and ensure that your cover letter is well-structured and visually appealing. With customizable sections for your contact information, introduction, skills, and closing, the templates make it easy for you to create a compelling cover letter that leaves a lasting impression.

Editable Sample Email Cover Letter 01 for Word File

How to Write and Send the Cover Letter

When sending it, you should consider specific aspects, such as sending it as an attachment, the position you are applying for, and what to include in the main body.

Some of these aspects, which should be considered, are discussed below:

Send your cover letter as an attachment

Some organizations may request that the cover letter be sent as an attachment. Hence, ensure that you save the document as a PDF (portable document file) file that cannot be edited by someone else after you submit it. Saving the document under your name helps avoid confusion for the hiring manager and makes your application stand out.

If an employer does not accept the attachments, you should then copy your cover letter and paste it as the body. Ensure that you have corrected the formatting, as copy-pasting may affect the original format of the letter. In this case, once the hiring manager opens your email, they will directly see your cover letter.

Add an informative subject line

A subject line states the purpose, and it should be short, precise, and grammatically correct to establish professionalism. In addition, it helps the hiring manager understand its purpose and helps your application stand out among other applicants. The length of the subject line should be between 46 and 70 characters. Ensure that you mention the position you are applying for and your name in the subject line. This information helps the hiring manager know the position you are applying for and differentiate different cover letters.

On the email subject lines, write “Customer Service Representative- Mike Bond.”

Start with a greeting

Start the cover letter with a greeting and keep it professional, not friendly. Mentioning the hiring manager’s name creates a natural bond and interest in the hiring manager. It also increases your chances of getting hired.  Before sending the application, research the company’s website to identify the hiring manager’s name. If the name is not available on the website, you can contact the organization directly and request the name from their customer service agent. This shows that you have taken an interest in the opportunity, and you have learned how the organization and its employees operate. If you do not know the hiring manager’s name, a general phrase can be used.

“Dear sir/madam.”

Write a simple message in the body

In the body, mention the position you are applying for and state the qualities you possess that are relevant to the position. In this section, you can also mention previous work experiences that are helpful or relate to the open position. These details help increase the chances of you getting hired as some of the qualities might be what the hiring manager is looking for. Additionally, mention how you can use your skills to improve the performance or output of the organization. 

Include examples

Give examples of previous accomplishments in the cover letter, which will spike interest in the hiring manager and ensure they relate to the position you are applying for. In addition, ensure you have researched the organization’s operations so that the examples you provide positively impact the business . 

Attach URLs

URLs are links that can be attached to them to help you provide more details about your capabilities by giving the hiring manager a link to access some samples of your work. This is applicable in several fields, such as graphic design , freelance writing or art.

Close with a thank you

At the closing, remember to thank the hiring manager again for the opportunity they gave you.

“I thank you for the opportunity and am looking forward to your response.”

Sign off with your signature

Signing off on the cover letter shows professionalism. Use courteous words such as sincerely, best regards, or thank you. In addition, a digital signature can be added along with an email and personal telephone number. These details ease communication in the case the hiring manager wants to give feedback or request additional details.

Attach your resume

Attach your resume, as it helps the hiring manager know you and your level of education, work experience, and personal interests. Ensure that your resume is written in a professional way to capture the attention of the hiring manager.

Cover Letter Samples

Following are some samples given for your better understanding:

Sample Cover Letter for a Graphic Designer Position

Subject: Application for Graphic Designer Position – Jane Doe

Dear Mr. David Smith,

I am writing to express my interest in the Graphic Designer position listed on BrightWeb Solutions’ website. With a Bachelor’s degree in Graphic Design from the Art Institute of Chicago and over five years of professional experience, I am eager to bring my creativity and expertise to your team.

At my current role at CreativeEdge Marketing, I successfully led the redesign of the company website and managed various digital design projects, resulting in a 30% increase in online engagement. My proficiency in Adobe Creative Suite, coupled with my passion for innovative and responsive design, aligns well with the requirements of your position.

I am particularly excited about the opportunity at BrightWeb Solutions because of your commitment to cutting-edge digital solutions. Your recent overhaul of the E-commerce platform for Luxe Fashion was both impressive and inspiring, and I am keen to contribute to similar groundbreaking projects.

Attached is my resume and portfolio for your review. Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of discussing my potential contribution to your esteemed design team and am available for an interview at your earliest convenience.

Best regards,

[email protected]

(555) 123-4567

Sample Cover Letter for a Project Manager Position

S ubject: Project Manager Position Application – John Smith

Dear Ms. Emily Johnson,

I am reaching out to apply for the Project Manager position at Global Tech Innovations, as recently advertised on LinkedIn. My extensive experience in project management within the technology sector, coupled with a strong understanding of agile methodologies, positions me as an ideal candidate for this role.

In my current role at TechSolutions Inc., I spearheaded the ‘Smart Home Integration’ project, leading a team of 15. The project not only finished 20% ahead of schedule but also 15% under budget, demonstrating my ability to efficiently manage resources and drive results. My approach is results-oriented and efficiency-driven, perfectly aligning with the dynamic and innovative ethos of Global Tech Innovations.

I am particularly impressed by Global Tech’s dedication to smart technology solutions, especially your recent breakthrough in AI-powered automation systems. I am excited about the prospect of leveraging my experience in project management and strategic planning to contribute to such innovative endeavors.

Enclosed is my resume for your review. I am keen to discuss how my background and skills would be beneficial to Global Tech Innovations. Please feel free to contact me to arrange an interview at your convenience.

Thank you for considering my application.

(555) 987-6543

Key Takeaways

The two sample cover letters exhibit several key elements that make them effective and useful for job applicants writing similar letters.

  • Both letters start with a clear subject line that specifies the position being applied for, immediately clarifying the purpose of the email. The salutation is formal and addresses the hiring manager by name, which adds a personal touch.
  • Each letter highlights the applicant’s relevant educational background and work experience. 
  • Both applicants detail specific achievements in their current roles, quantifying their success. They also mention specific skills pertinent to the job (e.g., proficiency in Adobe Creative Suite for the graphic designer, experience in leading a team for the project manager).
  • Each letter shows that the applicant has researched the company and understands its objectives.
  • Both letters end with a polite thank you, an invitation for further discussion or interview, and provide contact details, making it easy for the employer to follow up.
  • The tone is professional and enthusiastic, demonstrating the applicant’s eagerness and fit for the role. The structure is well-organized, flowing logically from the introduction to the body section to the conclusion.

Email Cover Letter Examples

Free Email Cover Letter Template for Word File

Below is a cover letter template:

Subject Line: Application for (the position you are applying for)

Dear (name of the hiring manager),

Following your advertisement (mention where you saw the advertisement), I am writing to express my interest in the (position you are applying for) in your organization. I have attached my resume as requested in the application guidelines.

I have vast experience in (mention a similar position), and I will use my capabilities to ensure that I fulfill the organization’s goal. I am a fast learner, a participant in teamwork, a keen listener, and a problem solver, and I will ensure that I do my best to satisfy the customers’ needs.

I am looking forward to your response and learning more from the organization to drive us towards its success. Thank you.

Kind regards,

First Last Name

Tips for Writing the Cover Letter

When writing it, ensure that you follow a specified format, and the following tips should be put into prior consideration.

Use a professional address

Along with the subject line, your email address is the first thing the hiring manager will see. Therefore, you need to create a good impression by using a simple one. Use a professional email address, as it shows decency and also increases your chances of getting hired. A professional address should be short and can be generated from your name.

Save your file correctly

Save it correctly to avoid a change of format when the document is changed from a Word document to a PDF document. Saving also entails ensuring that the correct topic sentence is used, making it easier for the hiring manager to identify the file and the position you are applying for. Ensure that you save your file as .doc or .pdf to preserve the original outlook of the cover letter. Moreover, ensure that you save the file name as first name-last name-cover letter, {Smith-Simon-cover letter} to make it easy for the hiring manager to trace your cover letter after they download it from the email attachments.

Pick a strong subject link

Pick a strong subject line that should entail your first and last name and the title of the position you are applying for. These details make it easier for the hiring manager to identify the position you are applying for, making your email stand out.

Keep it short and straightforward

Ensure that it is short and straightforward, only keeping your focus on the main ideas. A short email saves time for the hiring manager and gives them the chance to read through the entire letter. This increases your chances of getting hired.

Do some research

Doing detailed research before sending the cover letter is crucial, as it helps you identify important aspects of the company. Ensure that you confirm the open position so that you can apply for the correct job offer . Research the name of the hiring manager or contact the office number available on their website to confirm the name so that you can mention the hiring manager’s name.  

Send yourself a test email

You can send yourself a test email of your application and the attachments to see how it will appear to the recipient. This is important as it helps you know if the formatting is correct and if all attachments open correctly. After the test, you can send the application to the hiring manager, as there will be a minimal chance of errors on the cover. 

Check job application guidelines

Before submitting it, check the application guidelines closely, as different organizations provide different application procedures. Verify if the company has specified if the cover email should be sent as an attachment or as part of the main body. Following the correct specifications increases your chances of being hired. 

Final Thoughts

A cover letter is an important document that is used to support a resume by giving additional details about you as an applicant. Therefore, it is essential to follow specific guidelines while sending the application and ensure that the cover letter has the correct format. The letter should be written in a formal tone. The applicant’s details, including their name and email address, should be included on the cover letter.

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Haley S.

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5 Tips for a Great Cover Letter (and samples)

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Cover Letter Format & Samples

send cover letter as email or attachment

Cover letters are a fantastic tool to introduce oneself in the job search process and are as significant as the resume. A cover letter provides an excellent opportunity to demonstrate one’s interest in the organization and establish direct connections between the employer’s job description and one’s professional background. A well-crafted cover letter, tailored to the specific job and company of interest, and addressed to the right person, can make a lasting impression on the employer.

To make the cover letter effective, one must consider some universal tips and considerations when writing it. It is crucial to ensure that the cover letter is clear, concise, and free of errors. Using formal language and avoiding contractions can help maintain a professional tone. Choosing appropriate vocabulary and grammar can help maintain the original meaning of the text and convey a sense of expertise and professionalism, which is suitable for a business or academic setting. So, it is essential to take the time to craft a compelling cover letter that showcases one’s qualifications and skills to the employer in the best possible light.

In addition to the suggestions above, see our list of key considerations to crafting effective and valuable cover letters.

Cover Letter Tips

1. ) All margins should be approximately one-inch. Typically, a cover letter consists of three to four paragraphs.

2.) The font size should be easy to read. Times, Palatino or Helvetica are good choices. A font size of 12 pt. is preferable, but in some cases you may need to use 10.5 or 11 pt. font.

3.) Don’t be tempted to send “generic” letters. Each cover letter you write should be different, because each job and company you’re writing to is different. Make it easy for the reader to see the relevance of your qualifications to the job in question.

4.) Be sure to proofread each new cover letter you create so that it is free of errors.

5.) It is important to write to a specific person whenever possible.

In addition to these quick tips, check out our comprehensive  Job Search Letters  guide for more information on structuring cover letters and other job search documents.

  • Sample 1:  Application Letter
  • Sample 2:  Prospecting Letter

Finally, we know that some people work best when they have a format to follow. Especially when they are writing a document, like a cover letter for the first time. The following example reflects the correct business format to use when writing a cover letter:

Your name Return address City, State, Zip

Name of the contact person Title Company Name Address City, State, Zip

Dear Mr./Ms./First name Last name:

The opening paragraph states your reason for writing the letter. Mention a specific job of interest, or a particular department in which you are seeking work. If possible, mention how and when you learned about the job opening or the company, i.e., through a classified advertisement, a contact person or a career services professional. Be sure to mention the name of the person who suggested this job to you, especially if that person is highly respected within the company.

The middle paragraph is an opportunity to expand on the skills you have developed as they relate to this position. This should not merely repeat your resume. You can discuss your education and particular courses or skills attained while in college. If you’re an experienced person, you may wish to use this paragraph to describe your professional background and highlight any specific job experience that may be of particular interest to the organization and that will differentiate you from other applicants. You may need a second paragraph to fully describe your related abilities.

The next paragraph reflects the research you have done on that particular organization. Use company literature, a web site, or conversation with an employee of the organization as ways to gain knowledge about the organization. Explain why you are interested in the job, and convey your awareness of what the company does to show that you have done careful research.

In closing, reiterate your enthusiasm to be considered and ask for an interview. Either state a specific week you’ll make a follow-up phone call or mention an interest in having the contacted person call to set up an interview date. Specify how you can be contacted. Remember to thank the person for considering your application.

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    Add the job title to the subject line and first line of your email. Use the 3-paragraph cover letter format, but keep it short and snappy. Find resume keywords in the job ad. Include one big achievement relevant to the job. Expert Hint: Don't forget to attach your resume to the cover letter in your email!

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    It's essential to follow the employer's instructions so that you don't wind up bounced from contention because of a technicality. You might be asked to send your cover letter in the body of the email or as an attachment, or to add a specific subject line, or to send it as a specific file type, e.g., a Word document or PDF.

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    Send your cover letter as an email attachment To reduce the risk of computer viruses, some companies automatically block emails with attachments, so unless you're specifically asked to send your cover letter as an attachment, you can type it directly into the body of the email. In cases where attached cover letters are a stipulation, applicants ...

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    4. Keep the formatting simple. If the cover letter is in the body text of your email, use simple fonts and formatting to optimise readability. Keep to fonts such as Arial and use a font size of 10-12 for body copy and 14 for headers. Use underlining, bolding and italicising sparingly.

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    4. Keep it short and to the point. You only have one chance to grab the attention of the prospective employer, so keep the letter short and to the point. Employers only tend to scan CVs and cover letters for less than a minute. Anything longer than a single side of A4 will most likely not be read or considered.

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    An Email Cover Letter is a formal document sent by an applicant to the hiring manager expressing their interest in a job position. ... Send your cover letter as an attachment. Some organizations may request that the cover letter be sent as an attachment. Hence, ensure that you save the document as a PDF (portable document file) file that cannot ...

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    3.) Don't be tempted to send "generic" letters. Each cover letter you write should be different, because each job and company you're writing to is different. Make it easy for the reader to see the relevance of your qualifications to the job in question. 4.) Be sure to proofread each new cover letter you create so that it is free of ...