kalpana chawla biography in english class 6

An Indian American Woman in Space: Kalpana Chawla Summary, Explanation, Word meanings Class 6

Cl. 6 Honeysuckle Book Chp. 4

CBSE Class 6 English Lesson An Indian American Woman in Space: Kalpana Chawla Summary, Line by Line Explanation along with Difficult Word Meanings from Honeysuckle Book

  An Indian – American Woman in Space: Kalpana Chawla –  Here is the Class 6 English Honeysuckle Book Lesson 4-   An Indian American Woman in Space: Kalpana Chawla Summary  and Detailed  explanation of the Lesson  along with  meanings of difficult words .

Class 6 English (Honeysuckle Book) Chapter 4

An indian – american woman in space: kalpana chawla, [adapted from span january/february 1998], introduction.

  • An Indian American Women in Space Kalpana Chawla Summary
  • An Indian American Women in Space Kalpana Chawla Summary in hindi
  • An Indian American Women in Space Kalpana Chawla Explanation

Related: An Indian American Woman in Space: Kalpana Chawla Question Answers (Important) | Class 6 English Honeysuckle


This lesson throws light upon a tragic incident that had never happened before. It was when an Indian – American, Kalpana Chawla, the magic woman was part of the international crew aboard in the U.S. Space Shuttle, Columbia, becoming the first woman born in India to go into space.

An Indian American Woman in Space Kalpana Chawla Summary

As a child, Kalpana never dreamt of space travel. It was not sufficient for her to graduate from an engineering college. After graduating as an aeronautical engineer from Punjab Engineering College, she went for a master’s degree to the United States, in spite of her father’s opposition. Later, she did her P.hD in the subject. She had the pride of being the first India born American woman Astronaut to blast off from Florida and be a part of the successful space mission. Kalpana was born in Karnal, Haryana but was a naturalized U.S Citizen. She married a flight instructor – Jean Pierre Harrison. Apart from being an astronaut, she was also trained to fly single and multi-engine land airplanes, single seaplanes and gliders. She was a certified flight instructor. After qualifying as  a pilot, she decided to apply to NASA’S SPACE SHUTTLE PROGRAM and was selected for training as an Astronaut. She was an extraordinary woman who thought differently and was an enthusiastic and optimistic. Her first space mission was 16 days long. During this time, she travelled 10.45 million kilometres in 252 orbits.The crew had seven members and they conducted 80 experiments. They also checked if  food could be grown in space, how stronger metals and faster computer chips could be created. The news of Columbia disaster made everyone grief-stricken. A shock wave was spread everywhere. A journalist called her a heroine. She had enormous potential and wide information – encyclopedic knowledge of each subject. Her achievements were actually marvellous. She created history and became an inspiration for everyone. Her life is a testimony that dreams can get success. The only thing we need to make them a reality is courage and vision.

An Indian American Woman in Space: Kalpana Chawla Summary in Hindi

बचपन में कल्पना ने कभी अंतरिक्ष यात्रा का सपना नहीं देखा था। इंजीनियरिंग कॉलेज से स्नातक होना उसके लिए पर्याप्त नहीं था। पंजाब इंजीनियरिंग कॉलेज से एक एरोनॉटिकल इंजीनियर के रूप में स्नातक होने के बाद, वह अपने पिता के विरोध के बावजूद, संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका में मास्टर डिग्री के लिए चली गई। बाद में उन्होंने इस विषय में पीएचडी की। उन्हें फ्लोरिडा से उड़ान भरने और सफल अंतरिक्ष मिशन का हिस्सा बनने वाली पहली भारतीय अमेरिकी महिला अंतरिक्ष यात्री होने का गौरव प्राप्त था।

कल्पना का जन्म हरियाणा के करनाल में हुआ था, लेकिन वह एक अमेरिकी नागरिक थीं। उसने एक फ्लाइट इंस्ट्रक्टर – जीन पियरे हैरिसन से शादी की। एक अंतरिक्ष यात्री होने के अलावा, उन्हें सिंगल और मल्टी-इंजन लैंड एयरप्लेन, सिंगल समुद्री विमान और ग्लाइडर उड़ाने का भी प्रशिक्षण दिया गया था। वह एक प्रमाणित उड़ान प्रशिक्षक थीं। एक पायलट के रूप में अर्हता प्राप्त करने के बाद, उन्होंने नासा के अंतरिक्ष शटल कार्यक्रम में आवेदन करने का फैसला किया और उन्हें एक अंतरिक्ष यात्री के रूप में प्रशिक्षण के लिए चुना गया। वह एक असाधारण महिला थीं, जो अलग तरह से सोचती थीं और एक उत्साही और आशावादी थीं। उनका पहला अंतरिक्ष मिशन 16 दिनों का था। इस दौरान उन्होंने 252 कक्षाओं में 10.45 मिलियन किलोमीटर की यात्रा की।

चालक दल के सात सदस्य थे और उन्होंने 80 प्रयोग किए। उन्होंने यह भी जांचा कि क्या अंतरिक्ष में भोजन उगाया जा सकता है, कैसे मजबूत धातु और तेज कंप्यूटर चिप्स बनाए जा सकते हैं। कोलंबिया आपदा की खबर ने सभी को स्तब्ध कर दिया। हर तरफ सदमे की लहर फैल गई। एक पत्रकार ने उन्हें हीरोइन कहा। उसके पास विशाल क्षमता और विस्तृत जानकारी थी – प्रत्येक विषय का विश्वकोशीय ज्ञान। उनकी उपलब्धियां वास्तव में अद्भुत थीं। उन्होंने इतिहास रचा और सबके लिए प्रेरणा बनीं। उनका जीवन इस बात का प्रमाण है कि सपनों को सफलता मिल सकती है। उन्हें साकार करने के लिए हमें केवल साहस और दूरदृष्टि की जरूरत है।

An Indian American Woman in Space Kalpana Chawla Explanation

A News Report

Tragedy in Space U.S. Space Shuttle Columbia breaks into flames

Passage: In an unprecedented space tragedy, U.S. Space Shuttle Columbia, carrying India-born American astronaut Kalpana Chawla and six others, broke apart in flames as it streaked over Texas towards its landing strip on Saturday, 1 February 2003, killing all seven on board. The shuttle lost contact with NASA at about 9 a.m. (19.30 hrs 1ST) as it came in for landing. It was flying at an altitude of over 200,000 feet and travelling at over 20,000 km. per hour when ground control lost contact with the shuttle. Columbia had lifted off on 16 January 2003, from the Kennedy Space Center, Florida. It had stayed in orbit for 16 days and the seven-member crew conducted 80 experiments before it began its downward journey, which ended in tragedy. This was Columbia’s 28th space flight and the shuttle was said to be good for 100 flights.

Word Meaning broke apart: crashed on board: on or in aircraft

Explanation of the above Passage – U.S Space shuttle Columbia which was carrying India born American Astronaut Kalpana Chawla and six others crashed over Texas while landing on Saturday,1 February,2003, killing all seven on board. Sharp at 9.00 a.m the shuttle lost its contact with NASA. It was flying at an altitude of over 200,000 feet and its traveling speed was 20,000km per hour when ground control lost its contact with the shuttle. Columbia took its 28th  flight on 16 January 2003 from the Kennedy space center, Florida. It stayed in orbit for 6 days and crew members did 80 experiments before beginning its tragic journey towards the land. This shuttle had been claimed to be good for 100 flights more.

Passage:  KALPANA Chawla said that she never dreamed as a child in Karnal, that she would cross the frontiers of space. It was enough that her parents allowed her to attend engineering college after she graduated from Tagore School.

Word Meaning Allowed: permitted

Explanation of the above Passage – Kalpana ‘s birth place was Karnal. She said that she never dreamed to ever cross the leaders of space even. It was enough for her that her parents permitted her to attend engineering college after her graduation from Tagore school.

Passage: After a Bachelor of Science degree in aeronautical engineering, against great opposition from her father, she went for a master’s degree to the United States of America. She later earned her P.h.D in aerospace engineering. Kalpana Chawla was the first Indian–American woman astronaut to blast off from the launch pad at Cape Canaveral, Florida, and participate in a successful mission in space. Her family from India cheered along with staff at the Kennedy Space Center as they watched the Columbia lift off.

kalpana chawla

Word Meaning Astronaut : a person trained to  serve as a crew member of a spacecraft Blast off : take off from a launching site

Explanation of the above Passage – Despite her father’s opposition, Kalpana went for a master’s degree to the United States of America after completing her Bachelor’s degree in aeronautical engineering. Later, she did her PhD in aerospace engineering. She was the first Indo-American woman astronaut to take off from a Rocket launching site at Cape Canaveral, Florida for a successful mission in space. Her family from India cheered along with the staff at the Kennedy Space Center as they watched the Columbia lift off.

Passage:   Kalpana was born in Karnal, Haryana, but was a naturalized U.S. citizen, married to flight instructor Jean-Pierre Harrison. Besides being an astronaut, she was licensed to fly single and multi-engine land airplanes, single-engine seaplanes and gliders. She was also a certified flight instructor. After qualifying as a pilot, Kalpana began to consider another challenge: applying to NASA’s space shuttle program. She was first hired as a research scientist at NASA. In 1994 she was selected by NASA for training as an astronaut.

Word Meaning Besides: apart from Gliders : fixed- wing aircraft

Explanation of the above Passage – Kalpana’s birth place was Karnal, Haryana but she became a U.S citizen. She was married to flight instructor  Jean-Pierre Harrison. Apart from being an astronaut she was adept at flying single and multi engine land airplanes, single – engine seaplanes and gliders. She was also a certified flight instructor. After qualifying as a pilot, Kalpana took another challenge and applied to NASA’s space shuttle program. First, she joined NASA as a research scientist. In 1994 she was selected for training as an astronaut by NASA

Passage:   When asked what it was like being a woman in her field she replied, “I really never, ever thought, while pursuing my studies or doing anything else, that I was a woman, or a person from a small city, or a different country. I pretty much had my dreams like anyone else and I followed them. And people who were around me, fortunately, always encouraged me and said, ‘If that’s what you want to do, carry on’.”

Word Meaning Pursuing : following or continuing

Explanation of the above Passage – People asked her about her feelings as being a woman in the field. She replied that she never thought that she was a woman or she belonged to a small city or from another country. Rather she had her own dreams and she followed them like any other person at that place. And fortunately, people in her surroundings always motivated her to pursue her dreams and carry on with the arenas of her choice.

Passage:   Kalpana’s first space mission in the space shuttle, Columbia, was 15 days, 16 hours and 34 minutes long. During this time she went around the earth 252 times, travelling 10.45 million kilometers! The crew included a Japanese and a Ukranian astronaut. The crew performed experiments such as pollinating plants to observe food growth in space, and tests for making stronger metals and faster computer chips — all for a price tag of about 56 million dollars.

Word Meaning pollinating : the process of taking pollen from one place to another for fertilization.

Explanation of the above Passage – Columbia was her first space mission. It took 15 days,16 hours and 34 minutes to complete it . She covered 10.45 kilometres while orbiting around the earth for 252 times. The crew had a Japanese and a Ukranian astronaut. The crew tried to pollinate plants to check food growth in space and conducted tests for making stronger metals and faster computer chips – all for a price tag of about 56 million dollars.

space mission

Passage:   On the Saturday night when the news about the Columbia disaster broke, there was shock and disbelief. The town of Karnal spent a sleepless night as thousands of households stayed glued to their television sets in the hope that Kalpana and the crew had somehow survived. A journalist wrote: She was a heroine. It takes enormous ability to become an astronaut. You need to know a lot about everything, from biology to astrophysics to aeronautical engineering. In this age of super-specialization, you must have an encyclopedic knowledge to be an astronaut. Her achievement is awe-inspiring.

Word Meaning Disaster : a sudden accident or natural calamity that causes damage or loss of life Disbelief : lack of belief glued : sticked Enormous : huge Encyclopaedic : comprehensive, complete astrophysics : branch of astronomy that studies physical nature of celestial bodies ( stars etc) Aeronautical : science of building aircrafts Awe-inspiring : stunning, astonishing, amazing, remarkable

Explanation of the above Passage – People were filled with grief and were not able to believe the news of the Columbia disaster. They were stuck to their television sets to get the news of Kalpana’s survival. A journalist called her a heroine. It is a matter of huge potential to be an astronaut. One needs to have a thorough knowledge of every subject from Biology to Astrophysics to aeronautical engineering. Her achievements were actually remarkable.

Passage:   For millions of young Indians, the story of Kalpana Chawla, a girl from a small town who touched the skies, had become an inspiration. In a message that she sent from aboard the space shuttle, Columbia, to the students of her college in Chandigarh, Kalpana said, “The path from dreams to success does exist. May you have the vision to find it, the courage to get onto it… . Wishing you a great journey.” There will surely be many who start off on this journey to fulfil their dreams.

Word Meaning Aboard: on an aircraft or spacecraft

Explanation of the above Passage – Kalpana’s story stimulated thousands of young minds to do something creative and innovative. She touched the skies and became an inspiration for many. She even sent a message from Columbia to the students of her college in Chandigarh, She said, “The path from dreams to success does exist. May you have the vision to find it, the courage to get onto it… . Wishing you a great journey.” There must be many people who might have even started their journey to make their dreams a reality.

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An Indian American Woman in Space: Kalpana Chawla Summary Class 6 English

January 30, 2024 by Sastry CBSE

An Indian American Woman in Space Kalpana Chawla Summary Class 6 English

An Indian American Woman in Space: Kalpana Chawla Summary In English

Kalpana Chawla was born in Karnal, Haryana but became a U.S. citizen after her marriage to an American flight instructor Jean-Pierre Harrison. So she is called an Indian-American. She graduated from Tagore School Karnal. After this she joined an engineering college. Then, she went for a master’s degree to the U.S. After getting that degree, she earned her Ph.D. in aerospace engineering.

After qualifying as a pilot, she applied to NASA for a space shuttle program. It was her success as a pilot that gave her the idea that she could be ar astronaut. She was first hired as a research scientist. In 1994, she was selected by NASA for training as an astronaut among others. Thus she became the first Indian-American woman astronaut.

Chawla’s first space mission in the space was 15 days, 16 hours and 34 minutes long. The crew included a Japanese and a Ukranian astronaut. They performed different experiments for a price tag of about 56 million dollars.

When the news about the Columbia disaster broke, there was shock and disbelief. But it became clear that Kalpana Chawla had died. All other crewmembers on the space shuttle had also died.

A journalist wrote that Kalpana Chawla was a heroine. According to him astronaut is a very able person. He has to know everything from biology to astrophysics to aeronautical engineering. An astronaut has encyclopaedic knowledge.

Kalpana Chawla said that a dream can be made a reality. For this one must have the courage and work for it.

An Indian American Woman in Space: Kalpana Chawla Summary In Hindi

कल्पना चावला का जन्म हरियाणा के करनाल नगर में हुआ था पर बाद में वह एक अमरिकी फ्लाइट इंस्ट्रक्टर जीन-पियर हैरीसन से शादी करके अमरीकी नागरिक बन गयी थी। इसलिए उन्हें भारतीय अमरीकन कहते हैं। करनाल टैगोर स्कूल से उसने स्नातक की डिग्री ली। उसके बाद वह एक इंजीनियरिंग कॉलेज में पढ़ने लगी। फिर वह स्नातकोत्तर डिग्री के लिए अमरीका गई। उस डिग्री को प्राप्त करने के बाद उसने अंतरिक्ष इंजीनियरिंग में डॉक्टर की उपाधि प्राप्त की।

वायुयान-चालक की योग्यता प्राप्त करने के बाद, उसने नासा में अंतरिक्ष-यान के प्रोग्राम के लिए आवेदन भेजा। चालक के रूप में सफल होकर उसे यह विचार आया कि वह ऐस्ट्रोनाट बन सकती थी। पहले उसे अनुसंधान-वैज्ञानिक के रूप में रखा गया। 1994 में नासा ने उसका चुनाव अंतरिक्ष यात्री की ट्रेनिंग के लिए किया। इस प्रकार वह प्रथम भारतीय-अमरीकी नारी अंतरिक्ष यात्री बन गयी।

चावला की प्रथम अंतरिक्ष यात्रा 15 दिन 16 घंटे और 34 मिनट की थी। उस अंतरिक्षयान के जत्थे में एक जापानी और एक यूक्रेनियन अंतरिक्ष यात्री भी थे। लगभग 56 मिलियन डालर के खर्च पर उन लोगों ने अंतरिक्ष में विभिन्न प्रयोग किए।

जब कोलंबिया के नष्ट होने की खबर आयी, तब लोगों को विश्वास नहीं हुआ और उन्हें बड़ा मानसिक आघात लगा। परंतु यह स्पष्ट हो गया कि कल्पना चावला मर चुकी थी। उस यान के अन्य यात्री भी मारे गये थे।

एक पत्रकार ने लिखा कि कल्पना चावला एक नायिका थी। उसके अनुसार अंतरिक्ष यात्री बड़ा योग्य व्यक्ति होता है। उसे जीव विज्ञान से लेकर अंतरिक्ष-भौतिकी और अंतरिक्ष भौतिकी से लेकर अंतरिक्ष यांत्रिकी तक सब कुछ जानना होता है। अंतरिक्ष यात्री का ज्ञान विश्वकोषीय होता है।

कल्पना चावला ने कहा था कि स्वप्न को वास्तविकता बनाया जा सकता है। इसके लिए व्यक्ति में साहस होना चाहिए और उसके लिए प्रयत्न करना चाहिए।

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American Woman in Space: Kalpana Chawla Class 6 Short Summary & Explanation in English

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This chapter gives an account of the life of Kalpana Chawla and her journey into space. It documents how the journey ended in a tragedy. Despite the unfortunate end, she remains a role model for all those who dare to dream. 

She not only became an astronaut but was also a licensed pilot and flight instructor. Her first journey into space took place in 1997 in a US space shuttle named Columbia . After the success of this mission, she applied to another space programme of NASA. After training as an astronaut, her second journey into space began on 16 January 2003.

This accident is referred to as the Space Shuttle Columbia disaster. It killed all the crew members including the Indian-American astronaut, Kalpana Chawla. She was not only a dreamer who had big ambitions but also a brave human who fought whatever obstacles came in her way. 

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NCERT Class 6 English ‘Honeysuckle’ Unit 4: Notes and Solutions (Free PDF)

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  • Jun 10, 2024

English Class 6 Chapter 4

NCERT Class 6 English Honeysuckle Unit 4 includes a News report on the death of Kalpana Chawla along with her biography and a poem. The piece on Kalpana Chawla is titled “An Indian – American Woman in Space: Kalpana Chawla”. Whereas, the poem is titled “Beauty”. Both the news article and poem help us to realize our worth and define our own ways to succeed. To help you understand the significance of courage and beauty, we have provided summaries of both the story and the poem. In addition, we have given NCERT solutions to all questions in the Writing, Working with the Text, and Working with the Poem sections of the CBSE English textbook Honeysuckle’s Unit 4.

Download NCERT Class 6 English Honeysuckle Unit 4 Important Questions and Answers PDF

Table of Contents

  • 1.1 Summary of News Report on the Death of Kalpana Chawla
  • 1.2.1 Working with the Text
  • 1.2.2 Working with Language
  • 1.2.3 Writing
  • 2.1 Summary of Poem: Beauty
  • 2.2.1 Working with the Poem

You must read First Indian Woman to Go to Space to know more about Kalpana Chawla

Explore Notes of all Chapters of ‘Honeysuckle’ Here:

Unit 4

NCERT Class 6 English Honeysuckle Unit 4 News Report: An Indian – American Woman in Space: Kalpana Chawla 

Kalpana Chawla’s inspiring journey from a Small Town in Karnal, Haryana, to becoming the first Indian-American woman astronaut is a testament to her determination and passion for space exploration. Despite early doubts, she pursued aeronautical engineering, ultimately earning a Ph.D. in aerospace engineering . Kalpana made history by launching from Cape Canaveral, Florida, on the space shuttle Columbia, thrilling her family in India and Kennedy Space Center staff.

A naturalized U.S. citizen married to flight instructor Jean-Pierre Harrison, Kalpana held multiple flying licenses, including for airplanes and gliders. She started her career at NASA as a space research scientist. Then she became an astronaut in NASA through rigorous training in 1994. Kalpana’s 15-day mission aboard Columbia saw her orbit the Earth 252 times, covering 10.45 million kilometers. Her experiments included plant pollination and advanced materials research, with the mission costing about 56 million dollars.

The tragic Columbia disaster brought shock and sorrow to Karnal, where hopeful hearts prayed for a different outcome. Kalpana’s extraordinary achievement inspired millions, proving that dreams can be realized regardless of one’s background or gender. Her message to students in Chandigarh emphasized the path from dreams to success, encouraging future generations to pursue their aspirations with vision and courage. Kalpana’s legacy continues to motivate those who reach for the stars.

Also Read: How to Become a Space Scientist?

Summary of News Report on the Death of Kalpana Chawla

A sad event happened in space. The U.S. Space Shuttle Columbia, with seven astronauts, including Indian-born American astronaut Kalpana Chawla, broke apart and caught fire while it was coming back to Earth. This happened on 1st February 2003. Unfortunately, all seven people on board lost their lives. The shuttle lost contact with NASA when it was about to land. It was very high up in the sky and traveling very fast. The shuttle had been in space for 16 days, and the crew did many experiments. This was the 28th time Columbia flew in space, and it was built to fly many more times, but this time something went terribly wrong. It’s a very sad day for space exploration.

Also Read: Indian-American Raja Chari Selected for SpaceX Mission!

Explore and Download NCERT Solutions of all Chapters of ‘Honeysuckle’ Here:

NCERT Solutions Class 6 English Honeysuckle Unit 4 News Report

Let us now look at solutions to all questions included in the NCERT Class 6 English Honeysuckle Unit 4 News Report on Kalpana Chawla. 

Working with the Text

Ques A. Answer the following questions:

  • Where was Kalpana Chawla born? Why is she called an Indian-American?
  • When and why did she go to the US? Who did she marry?
  • How did she become an astronaut? What gave her the idea that she could be an astronaut?
  • What abilities must an astronaut have, according to the journalist?
  • Describe Kalpana Chawla’s first mission in space.
  • What does Kalpana Chawla say about pursuing a dream? Do you agree with her that success is possible?
  • Kalpana Chawla was born in a town called Karnal in Haryana, India. She was known as an Indian-American because she married an American citizen. With this marriage, she became a naturalized citizen of the United States of America.
  • Kalpana Chawla went to the United States of America to pursue a master’s degree in aeronautical engineering. In the US, she married Jean-Pierre Harrison, a flight instructor.
  • She applied for the space shuttle program at NASA. She joined the program as a research scientist. Later on, in 1994 she was selected by this US-based organization to start her training as an astronaut.
  • The journalist states that in order to become an astronaut, one must possess a thorough understanding of biology, astrophysics, and aeronautical engineering.
  • Kalpana Chawla’s maiden space voyage in the Columbia space shuttle lasted 15 days, 16 hours, and 34 minutes. She traveled 10.45 million kilometers during this time, making 252 earth orbits. A Japanese and a Ukrainian astronaut were on board. For a total cost of about 56 million dollars, the crew carried out tests for producing stronger metals and faster computer chips, as well as experiments like pollinating plants to examine food growth in space.
  • Kalpana Chawala says “The path from dreams to success does exist. May you have the vision to find it, the courage to get onto it… Wishing you a great journey.” Yes, I agree with her approach to success. Like her, I also believe that with courage and vision, one can achieve one’s goal.

Ques B. Read the newspaper report to find the following facts about “Columbia’s” ill-fated voyage.

  • Date and place of lift-off
  • Number of astronauts on board
  • Number of days it stayed in space
  • Date of the return journey
  • Height at which it lost contact
  • 16th January 2003
  • 15 days, 16 hours and 34 minutes
  • 1st February 2003
  • 200000 feet

Working with Language

Ques A. Match the following:

Unprecedented space tragedyf. A sad accident of a kind that has never happened before in space
      2. Certified flight instructore. A person with the correct qualifications to teach people to fly planes
      3. Space missiond. A set of jobs to be done in space by a group
      4. Super specialisationg. great expertise in a limited field or a particular subject
      5. Encyclopaedic knowledgeb. having knowledge of a wide variety of subjects
      6. Awe-inspiring a. Something that causes feelings of respect and wonder
    7. In this agec. Nowadays, in these times

Ques B. Use the following phrases in these sentences of your own, after finding out their meanings:

  • The old bridge broke apart in the storm.
  • The shooting star streaked over the night sky.
  • The news of their success spread across the town.
  • The spaceship lifted off into the boundless space.
  • The rocket is prepared to blast off into orbit.
  • The show went on despite the technical difficulties.
  • The crowd cheered long after the team’s victory.
  • All passengers were on board, ready for departure.
  • Despite the challenges, they resolved to carry on with their mission.

Ques C. We add “un-” to the following words to make antonyms or opposites. For instance: True-Untrue.

  • Identified 
  • Controlled 
  • Attended 
  • Interesting
  • Answerable 
  • Unidentified 
  • Uncontrolled 
  • Unattended 
  • Unsuccessful 
  • Unimportant 
  • Uneducated 
  • Uninteresting 
  • Unqualified 
  • Untrained 
  • Unanswerable 

Ques A. Do you have a ‘dream’, or something you very much wish to do? Write a paragraph saying what you want or wish to do. Then say (in another paragraph) how do you think you can make your dream come true.

Ans: My dream is to become a scientist and make discoveries that can help the world. I’ve always been fascinated by how things work, and I want to use my knowledge to find solutions to important problems. I imagine myself in a lab, conducting experiments and uncovering new knowledge that can benefit society. This dream gives me a sense of purpose and motivates me to work hard in school to build a strong foundation in science.

To make my dream come true, I know I need to focus on my education. Paying attention in class, asking questions, and doing my homework diligently will help me grasp the concepts I need to become a scientist. I also plan to participate in science fairs and join science clubs to gain hands-on experience and learn from others who share my passion. Also, I will read books and articles about various scientific fields to broaden my understanding. 

Ques B. Given below are some words that are spelled differently in British and American English. Fill in the blanks accordingly.


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Explore Summary of all Poems of ‘Honeysuckle’ Here:

NCERT Class 6 English Honeysuckle Unit 4 Poem: Beauty

In this section, we will learn about the importance of beauty in different things around us. Also, we will get to know the answers to all questions in NCERT Class 6 English Honeysuckle Unit 4 Poem-” Beauty”.

Summary of Poem: Beauty

 The poem by E Yeh Shure celebrates the presence of beauty in various aspects of the world. It begins by highlighting how beauty can be observed in the natural world, such as in the sunlight, trees, birds, and even in the process of people working or celebrating their harvest. The poem then emphasizes that beauty can also be heard in the nighttime, through the sounds of wind, rain, and even the heartfelt singing of a person. 

However, the poem takes a turn by suggesting that beauty is not only external but also exists within oneself. It is found in one’s good deeds and positive thoughts, which manifest in dreams, work, and even during moments of rest. The overall message of the poem is that beauty is not confined to specific external objects or experiences, but it is a quality that can be found both in the world around us and within our own actions and thoughts.

Explore and Download NCERT Solutions of all Poems of ‘Honeysuckle’ Here:

NCERT Solutions Class 6 English Honeysuckle Unit 4 Poem

Here are answers to questions included in the Unit 4 Poem of NCERT Class 6 English textbook Honeysuckle. All answers are in accordance with the latest syllabus of CBSE.

Working with the Poem

Ques 1. The poet says, “Beauty is heard in…”

Can you hear beauty? Add a sound that you think is beautiful to the sounds the poet thinks are beautiful.

The poet, Keats, said:

Heard melodies are sweet,

But those unheard are sweeter.

What do you think this means? Have you ever ‘heard’ a song in

your head, long after the song was sung or played?

Ans: The poet, in saying “Beauty is heard in…”, is using metaphorical language to suggest that there are sounds in the world that evoke a sense of beauty or aesthetic pleasure.

Regarding Keats’ quote, “Heard melodies are sweet, but those unheard are sweeter,” he is expressing the idea that the imagination can create even more beautiful music than what is actually heard. This implies that the mind’s ability to create something perfect. Also, the poet says that the mind creates an idealized version of melodies that can surpass the enjoyment derived from listening to real-world music.

Yes, I have heard songs in my head for a very long time after they were played or sung. Those are my preferred tunes.

Ques 2. Read the first and second stanzas of the poem again. Note the following phrases.

corn growing, people working or dancing, wind sighing, rain falling, a singer chanting

These could be written as

  • corn that is growing
  • people who are working or dancing

Can you rewrite the other phrases like this? Why do you think the poet uses shorter phrases?

Ans: Here are some examples of short phrases along with their expanded forms:

  • Stars shining – stars that are shining
  • River flowing – a river that is flowing
  • Children laughing – children who are laughing
  • Waves crashing  – waves that are crashing
  • Birds singing- birds that are singing

Ques 3: Write a paragraph about beauty. Use your own ideas along with the ideas in the poem. (You may discuss your ideas with your partner.)

Ans: Beauty is all around us, in many different forms. It can be seen in colourful flowers, golden sunlight, and smiling faces. It can also be heard in the sweet songs of birds and the gentle rustle of leaves. But, remember, beauty is not just on the outside. It’s in kind words, helping others, and in the happiness that fills our hearts. So, always remember to look for the beauty in the world and in yourself.

Access Notes and NCERT Solutions of all Chapters of ‘A Pact with the Sun’ Here:

Explore More:

Ans: She was born on 17th March 1962.

Ans: Her death anniversary is on 1st February. She lost her life on 1st February 2003 in Texas, USA.

Ans: National Aeronautics and Space Administration

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Ankita Singh

Ankita is a history enthusiast with a few years of experience in academic writing. Her love for literature and history helps her curate engaging and informative content for education blog. When not writing, she finds peace in analysing historical and political anectodes.

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  • An Indian - American Woman in Space - Kalpana Chawla

1. An Indian - American Woman in Space - Kalpana Chawla

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NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Chapter 4 - An Indian American Woman In Space: Kalpana Chawla

  • NCERT Solutions
  • English Honeysuckle
  • Chapter 4 An Indian American Woman In Space


Class 6 English Lesson 4 - Question Answer: FREE PDF Download

Class 6 English Chapter 4 An Indian – American Woman in Space: Kalpana Chawla question answer delves into the inspiring journey of Kalpana Chawla, an Indian American astronaut who made history. This chapter shows her accomplishments and talks about qualities like determination, bravery, and following your dreams. Through detailed explanations and engaging activities, Class 6 English NCERT Solutions helps students learn more about her life and how she influenced space exploration. Studying these solutions gives a better understanding of Kalpana Chawla's impact, inspiring students to pursue their dreams with determination and enthusiasm.


Download the FREE PDF of Class 6th English Chapter 4 Question Answer prepared by Vedantu experts and updated according to the latest Class 6 English syllabus , and begin your journey toward academic success with Vedantu!

Glance on Class 6 English Chapter 4 An Indian American Woman in Space: Kalpana Chawla

Class 6 English Chapter 4 tells the story of Kalpana Chawla, who was an Indian American woman astronaut. 

It talks about her journey and how she achieved great things in space exploration.

The chapter explores her early life, education, and determination to pursue her dreams against all odds.

It celebrates her contributions to space exploration and her role as a symbol of courage and perseverance. 

Class 6 English Chapter 4 PDF Question Answer provides insights into Chawla's remarkable story, helping to inspire young minds with her passion for science and her unstoppable spirit in the face of challenges.

Access NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English - An Indian-American Woman In Space: Kalpana Chawla

1. Use a dictionary to do the tasks below.

(i) Find out the meanings of the following words

and phrases (look up the words underlined in

the phrases).

(a) Naturalised U.S. Citizen 

Ans: Someone who was born outside of the USA but has been given legal citizenship in the USA.

(b) Space 

The universe outside the earth’s atmosphere; of which earth is a part

(c) Frontiers of Space 

an upper limit in a field of effort, especially one where research and development prospects have not been fully utilised

(d) Aboard 

on or into a ship, plane, train, or other modes of transportation

(e) Lift-Off (How is it different from ‘take off’?)

the upward movement of a rocket, helicopter, or space vehicle as it gets off from the ground. Take off means to become airborne, not necessarily vertically.

a group of persons who work on and run a ship, plane, or other types of vessel.

Working with the Text

A.  Answer the following questions.

1. Where was Kalpana Chawla born? Why is she called an Indian -American? (3)

Ans: Kalpana Chawla was born in Karnal, a district in Haryana, India. She was called an Indian-American because she became a naturalised US citizen. citizen after marrying an American flight instructor named Jean-Pierre Harrison.

2. When and why did she go to the U.S.? Who did she marry? (2,3)

Ans: She went to the U.S. for her Master's degree after she completed her bachelor's degree aeronautical engineering. She married a flight instructor named Jean-Pierre Harrison who was an American.

3. How did she become an astronaut? What gave her the idea that she could be an astronaut? (3)

Ans: Kalpana liked challenging her limits. She was licensed to fly single and multi engine land airplanes, single-engine seaplanes and gliders. She then applied to NASA's space shuttle program. She was first hired as a research scientist at NASA. Then in 1994 she was selected by NASA for training as an astronaut.

4. What abilities must an astronaut have, according to the journalist? (6)

Ans: According to the journalist, an astronaut needs to know everything about biology to astrophysics to aeronautical engineering.

5. Describe Kalpana Chawla's first mission in space. (5)

Ans: The first space mission in the shuttle named Columbia, was 15 days, 16 hours and 34 minutes long. She went around 252 times round the earth, almost travelling a distance of 10.45 million kilometres. The crew had a Japanese and a Ukrainian astronaut. Many experiments were performed by the crew like pollinating plants to observe growth of food in space, tests for making stronger metals and faster computer chips.

6. What does Kalpana Chawla say about pursuing a dream? Do you agree with her that success is possible? (7)

Ans: Kalpana Chawla says that "the path from dreams to success do exist. May you have the vision to find it, the courage to get onto it …" Yes, I do agree with what she said. If we dare to dream we must have the dare and determination to walk on the thorny paths too.

B. Read the newspaper report to find the following facts about Colombia's ill-fated voyage.

1. Date and place of lift off _____.

Ans: 16th January, 2003 ; Kennedy Space Center, Florida.

2. Number of astronauts on board ____.

3. Number of days it stayed in space _____.

Ans: 16 Days.

4. Number of experiments done by scientists _____.

Ans: 80 experiments.

5. Date of return journey _____.

Ans: 1st February, 2003.

6. Height at which it lost contact____.

Ans: 2,00,000 feet.

Working with Language

A. Match the following.

1. unprecedented space tragedy

something that causes feelings of respect and wonder

2. certified flight instructor

having knowledge of a wide variety of subjects

3. space mission

nowadays, in these times

4. super specialisation

a set of jobs to be done in space by a group

5. encyclopedic knowledge

a person with the correct qualification to teach people to fly planes

6. awe-inspiring

a sad accident of a kind that has never happened before in space

7. in this age

great expertise in a limited field or a particular subject

1. unprecedented space tragedy

a sad accident of a kind that has never happened before in space

2. certified flight instructor

a person with the correct qualification to teach people to fly planes

3. space mission

a set of jobs to be done in space by a group

4. super specialisation

great expertise in a limited field or a particular subject

5. encyclopedic knowledge

having knowledge of a wide variety of subjects

6. awe-inspiring

something that causes feelings of respect and wonder

7. in this age

nowadays, in these times

B. Use these phrases in sentences of your own, after finding out their meanings.

1. Broke Apart

Ans: broke apart- disassemble; Both the partners broke apart over a small financial issue.

2. Streaked Over

Ans: streaked over- to pass by quickly; The smoke left by the rocket streaked over into the sky.

3. Spread Across

Ans: spread across- to extend something wide; Dark clouds spread across the horizon as soon as we started for the picnic.

4. Lifted Off

Ans: lifted off- to rise straight from the ground; The army was deployed with helicopters and they did an excellent job as they lifted off the stranded people.

5. Blast Off

Ans: blast off- to leave the ground; The spacecraft blasted off at 4.30 pm and soon disappeared in the sky.

Ans: went on- (past form of go on); She was hesitant at the beginning of the opening speech but later she went on in a flow.

7. Cheered Along

cheered along- encourage and support; All the family members and relatives cheered along the boxer for the next match.

8. On Board

on board- on a plane or aircraft; All the members on board were requested to fasten their seat belts.

9. Carry On

carry on- to continue to do something; The teacher asked the students to carry on with their assignments in the substitution class.

C. We add 'un-' to make opposites.

For example, true - untrue.

Add 'un' - to the words below to make their opposites. Then look up the meanings of the words you have formed in the dictionary.

1. Identified - 

Ans: Unidentified ; something that cannot be recognised.

2. Controlled -

Ans: Uncontrolled ; which cannot be controlled.

3. Attended -

Ans: Unattended ; not noticed.

4. Successful -

Ans: Unsuccessful ; failure in sometime.

5. Important -

Ans: Unimportant ; something which is of less importance.

6. Interesting -

Ans: Uninteresting ; boring.

7. Qualified -

Ans: Unqualified ; not officially recognised.

8. Trained -

Ans: Untrained ; not having particular skills.

9. answerable -

Ans: Unanswerable ; unable to be answered.

In her message to students of her college, Kalpana Chawla said, "May you have the vision to find the path from dreams to success ... Wishing you a great journey."

Form pairs. Use "May you ... " and "I wish you/Wishing you" to wish your partner good luck and success in

(i) a sports event,

(ii) a quiz or a competition, and

(iii) a test or examination.

Be sure to thank your partner when she/he wishes you in turn. You may also look up a telephone directory, or go to a post office, and get a list in English and Hindi of standard phrases that can be sent in greeting telegrams anywhere in India. Discuss which of these you might use, and when. Compare the English and Hindi phrases for expressing good wishes. Do you know such phrases in any other language?

English: Wish you great success in your exams.

Hindi: "Mai aapki safalta ki kamna karta hu."


A. Do you have a 'dream', or something you very much wish to do? Write a paragraph saying what you want or wish to do. Then say (in another paragraph) how you think you can make your dream come true.

Ans: Yes, I do have a dream to become a great cricketer one day.  I can make my dream true by regular and consistent practices. I have to be very honest towards my goals. I will have to keep my spirits high no matter how adverse the situation is.

B. Given below are some words that are spelt differently in British and American English. Fill in the blanks accordingly.



1. Colour


2. _____


3. _____


4. Counsellor


5. Centre


6. _____


7. _____


8. realise


9. _____


10. Offence




1. Colour


2. labour


3. traveller


4. Counsellor


5. centre


6. theatre


7. organise


8. realise


9. defence


10. Offence


Benefits of NCERT Solution for Class 6 English Chapter 4 

Class 6 English Lesson 4 Question Answer provides detailed explanations covering all aspects of the chapter, including summary, characters, themes, and important questions.

Organized content helps in systematic learning, ensuring students grasp the narrative and its significance.

Students can understand the life and achievements of Kalpana Chawla, enhancing comprehension through clear explanations of Class 6 English Chapter 4 PDF Question Answer.

It promotes deeper insights into the story's themes of perseverance, achievement, and inspiration from Kalpana Chawla's life.

Improves analytical and critical thinking skills through engaging with thought-provoking questions and answers.

Available online, allowing students to study at their own pace and convenience, enhancing learning flexibility.

Vedantu's NCERT Class 6 English Chapter 4 PDF is invaluable for students studying Class 6 English Chapter 4, enabling them to excel academically while appreciating the inspiring journey of Kalpana Chawla.

Vedantu’s NCERT Class 6th English Chapter 4 Question Answer offers crucial insights into the inspiring life of Kalpana Chawla. They emphasize understanding her journey to space and her achievements, which are important for students to grasp. Class 6 English Chapter 4 PDF solutions cover the chapter comprehensively, focusing on key themes such as determination, courage, and scientific exploration. Using these solutions ensures a deeper appreciation and knowledge of Kalpana Chawla’s remarkable story.

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FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Chapter 4 - An Indian American Woman In Space: Kalpana Chawla

1. Who was Kalpana Chawla, an Indian-American woman in space?

Kalpana Chawla was an Indian-American astronaut who became the first woman of Indian origin in space. She flew on two space missions aboard the Space Shuttle Columbia. Kalpana Chawla's journey inspired millions worldwide with her bravery and passion for space exploration. She tragically lost her life during the Columbia disaster in 2003, but her legacy continues to inspire future generations of scientists and astronauts.

2. Why is Kalpana Chawla considered an inspiration?

Kalpana Chawla is considered an inspiration because she broke barriers as a woman of Indian origin in space exploration, showcasing courage, determination, and a passion for science.

3. What are the key lessons students can learn from Kalpana Chawla's life?

Students can learn lessons about perseverance, following one's dreams, overcoming challenges, and the importance of education and determination in achieving goals.

4. How did Kalpana Chawla contribute to space exploration?

Kalpana Chawla contributed to space exploration by conducting scientific experiments aboard the Space Shuttle Columbia and inspiring future generations to pursue careers in STEM fields.

5. What are some interesting facts about Kalpana Chawla's space missions?

Kalpana Chawla participated in two space missions where she conducted experiments related to microgravity and aerospace engineering, contributing significantly to scientific knowledge.

6. How did Kalpana Chawla's heritage influence her journey to space?

Kalpana Chawla's Indian heritage played a significant role in shaping her values, work ethic, and determination, making her a role model for aspiring scientists globally.

7. What is included in Vedantu’s NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Chapter 4?

Vedantu’s NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Chapter 4 - "An Indian American Woman In Space: Kalpana Chawla" includes comprehensive explanations and analyses of the chapter’s content. It covers Kalpana Chawla’s journey, achievements, and the significance of her contributions to space exploration. The solutions provide detailed interpretations of the text, explanations of vocabulary and concepts, and practical insights into answering questions based on the chapter. Additionally, Class 6 English Chapter 4 An Indian – American Woman in Space: Kalpana Chawla Question Answer provide practice exercises and tips to enhance understanding and prepare students for examinations effectively.

8. How does Vedantu’s Class 6 English Lesson 4 Question Answer help in understanding Kalpana Chawla’s journey to space?

Vedantu’s Class 6 English Lesson 4 solutions help in understanding Kalpana Chawla’s journey to space by providing detailed explanations of her life, career, and achievements. They break down complex concepts into simpler terms, offer summaries and analyses of key events, and include illustrative examples and anecdotes. Additionally, the solutions highlight important themes and lessons from her story, making it easier for students to grasp her determination, challenges, and contributions to space exploration. Practice questions and exercises further reinforce learning and comprehension.

9. What was the significance of Kalpana Chawla's first space mission?

Her first space mission was significant because it marked her as the first Indian-born woman to fly in space, paving the way for future astronauts from diverse backgrounds.

10. What happened during Kalpana Chawla's second space mission? 

During her second mission, the Space Shuttle Columbia tragically disintegrated upon re-entry into the Earth's atmosphere, resulting in the loss of Kalpana Chawla and her crew members.

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An Indian – American Woman in Space: Kalpana Chawla Extract Based Questions

Extract based questions for an indian – american woman in space: kalpana chawla chapter.

ii) In 1994 she was selected by NASA for training as an astronaut.

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Kalpana Chawla Essay for Students and Children

500+ words essay on kalpana chawla.

Kalpana was the First spacewoman of India. It was the dream that many Indians dreamt of but only Kalpana was able to fulfill it. She had various ambitions in minds from her childhood only. Moreover, she always had an interest in aircraft, and because of that, she took aeronautical engineering .

Kalpana Chawla Essay

Furthermore, Kalpana was a woman of great patience and hard work. And she proved that nothing is impossible if you have true dedication for your work. According to her teachers, Kalpna always had a great interest in Science.

Also, she had the ambition to go into space. So from the beginning only she was aiming to become an astronaut . In spite of knowing that it is a really difficult field. Therefore her father always encouraged her to go for higher studies.

Life Story of Kalpana Chawla

Kalpana was born in Karnal which is a small town in Haryana . Furthermore, she went to a local school to complete her primary studies. Kalpana was always a diligent student. Moreover, she was good in her academics. After completing her schooling Kalpana went to college for graduation. She took admission in Punjab University. She took admission in Aeronautical engineering.

Most Noteworthy is that she was the only girl student in the entire batch. This signifies that she always took a different path from others and was a leader. Furthermore, after completing her graduation she went abroad for further studies.

kalpana chawla biography in english class 6

She took admission at Texas University in America. And completed her post-graduation from there. To get a doctorate degree she joined Colorado University. After getting the doctorate degree she began her career in NASA’s Ames Research Centre.

After completing her real career started. In 1994 she became a space passenger in NASA. Further one year later she became a member of space zone too. Kalpana always had a dream of landing on the moon. And as a result of her hard work and dedication, she reached such heights.

Kalpana’s first space mission was on November 19, 1994. She was a part of 6 member crew on space shuttle Columbia Flight STS-87. Furthermore, she lived for around 375 hours and traveled over 6.5 million miles in space. But when she was returning to Earth the space shuttle disintegrated. Thus the lives of all the 7 crew members ended which Kalpana a part was of. Therefore her career ended sooner than expected.

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Death of Kalpana Chawla

The Death of Kalpana Chawla struck sadness in the minds of Indians. Yet she will always be a great inspiration for all the Indian women. As she became a role model of all the youth. The youth who have always dreamt of doing something great in their lives. Furthermore, it also gives us a message that we should not confine ourselves within boundaries.

Moreover, we should see life as an opportunity to fulfill our dreams. Kalpana always took life as a challenge and an opportunity. Because of this only she was able to achieve such heights.

Also, it tells us that everything is possible through hard work and dedication. In her graduation days, she was the only woman in her batch. But this did not deviate her from achieving her dreams. At last, her story always inspires us as Indians and makes us proud.

FAQ on Kalpana Chawla

Q1. Who was Kalpana Chawla?

A1. Kalpana Chawla was the first spacewoman of India.

Q2. How did Kalpana Chawla die?

A2. Kalpna Chawla died because her Space shuttle disintegrated. Along with her 6 crew member died as well. This was a great tragedy for the people of America and India.

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kalpana chawla biography in english class 6

An Indian American Woman in Space: Kalpana Chawla Class 6 English Extra Questions

Extra Questions for Class 6 English Honeysuckle Chapter 4 An Indian American Woman in Space: Kalpana Chawla is given in this article. The answers to these extra questions is prepared by our expert teachers as per the latest NCERT book and CBSE guidelines. Practicing these questions before the exam will help students to get excellent marks in the exam. Students can also download PDF of Class 6 English Chapter 4 extra questions and answers from the links below.

Class 6 English Chapter 4 An Indian American Woman in Space: Kalpana Chawla Extra Questions

Below we have complied the Class 6 English Chapter 4 An Indian American Woman in Space: Kalpana Chawla extra questions with answers. These extra questions are divided into two parts. They are – short questions and long extra question. CBSE extra Questions for Class 6 English will help to score more marks in your CBSE Board Exams.

Short Answer Type Questions

Question 1. How successfully has Kalpana Chawla’s chased her dream?

Answer: Kalpana Chawla’s followed her dream. Her great achievement was that she was selected to go into space. Her achievement was awe-inspiring.

Question 2. How did Kalpana Chawla meet her end? When did this tragedy take place in space?

Answer: Kalpana Chawla went up in a space shuttle along with six other astronauts. On Saturday, February 1, 2003 the shuttle Columbia broke apart. All the seven on board were killed. While entering into atmosphere of the earth.

Question 3. What do you know about Kalpana Chawla’s education? How did she become an American citizen?

Answer: Kalpana Chawla graduated from Tagore school, Karnal. She got a Bachelor of science degree in aeronautical engineering. She then went to the USA to earn her Ph.D. she became a naturalized U.S. citizen.

Question 4. Kalpana Chawla was a heroine’. How did a journalist support his statement?

Answer: Kalpana was a heroine. She was born in the small town of Karnal. But she was a genius. She became an astronaut. She had encyclopedic knowledge of so many subjects. She made a great achievement.

Question 5. What massage did she send from the space shuttle to students of her college?

Answer: In a message she sent from Columbia to students of her college in Chandigarh she told them that with courage they too can fulfill their dreams. She wished them all a great journey.

Question 6. How is the story of Kalpana Chawla an inspiration to million of Indian and especially girls.

Answer: Kalpana Chawla was a small town girl having faith in her capabilities. Her selection for Columbia, the space shuttle in US has opened horizons for coming generation. Her achievement infused energy and dreams in the mind of girls also along with their parents.

Question 7. Where was Kalpana Chawla born? Why is she called an Indian American?

Answer: Kalpana Chawla was born in Kamal, Haryana. Thus she was born an Indian but later she went to U.S. and became her naturalized citizen. So she is called an Indian American.

Question 8. When and why did she go to the U.S.? Who did she marry?

Answer: She went to U.S. after Completing a Bachelor or Science degree in aeronautical engineering for pursuing master’s degree. She was married to flight instructor Jean-Pierre Harrison.

Question 9. How did she became an astronaut? What gave her the idea that she could be an astronaut?

Answer: After completing her bachelor degree in aeronautical engineering, Kalpana applied for NASA’s space shuttle program. She was selected as a research scientist by NASA in 1994. The idea that she could be an astronaut came from her desire and she followed her dreams.

Question 10. What abilities must an astronaut have, according to the journalist?

Answer: According to the journalist, an astronaut needs enormous abilities. He/she needs to know a lot about everything from biology to astrophysics to aeronautical engineering. In brief, he/she must have encyclopaedic knowledge.

Question 11. Describe Kalpana Chawla’s first mission in space.

Answer: Kalpana’s first mission in the space shuttle, Columbia, was 15 days, 16 hours and 34 minutes long. She went around the earth 252 times. Among her colleagues were a Japanese and a Ukrainian astronauts. They performed many experiments.

Question 12. What does Kalpana Chawla say about pursuing a dream? Do you agree with her that success is possible?

Answer: Kalpana Chawla said that the path from dreams to success does exist. One needs to have the vision to find it, and the courage to get onto it. Yes, I do agree with her. Success is possible, if we work hard for the same, we will definitely achieve it.

Long Answer Type Questions

Question 1. After reading the lesson on Kalpana Chawla, what should be the aim of life – luxury or achievement?

Answer: Kalpana Chawla lived an inspirational life. She is a role model to many. Her courage in adversity, self determination made her successful person. She became an astronaut. No girl can ever dream of pursuing such a career. So she is motivation for both girls and boys alike. She has achieved fame with her sincerity and dedication at an early age. Her courage, simplicity add feather to her cap. Everyone wants to follow her steps. Therefore, in my opinion achievement should be the aim of life.

Question 2. Kalpana Chawla’s life has changed the outlook of many. Do you agree or not.

Answer: Kalpana Chawla was an ordinary girl born and brought up in middle class family she quietly resisted the obstruction and finally succeeded in becoming an astronaut. Her achievements were so extraordinary. She made her mark permanent in the minds of people of the world. Conservative minds of parents are opening up and are allowing their daughter to follow their dreams. Parents and society are now appreciating the achievements of girls in every sphere of life. So I agree to the statement that the life and achievement of Kalpana Chawla will never fade away from the lives of the people.

Question A:

Answer the following questions.

1. Where was Kalpana Chawla born? Why is she called an Indian-American? (3)

2. When and why did she go to the U.S.? Who did she marry? (2, 3)

3. How did she become an astronaut? What gave her the idea that she could be an

astronaut? (3)

4. What abilities must an astronaut have, according to the journalist? (6)

5. Describe Kalpana Chawla’s first mission in space. (5)

6. What does Kalpana Chawla say about pursuing a dream? Do you agree with her

that success is possible? (7)

1. Kalpana Chawla was born in Karnal, Haryana. She was called an Indian-American because she was a naturalised U.S. citizen, married to flight instructor Jean-Pierre Harrison.

2. She went to the United States for a master’s degree. She was married to flight instructor Jean-Pierre Harrison.

3. After qualifying as a pilot, Kalpana began to consider another challenge: applying to NASA’s space shuttle program. She was first hired as a research scientist at NASA. In 1994, she was selected by NASA for training as an astronaut. The idea that she could be an astronaut came from her desire to follow her dreams.

4. According to the journalist, to be an astronaut one should have enormous ability. An astronaut must know a lot about everything, from biology to astrophysics to aeronautical engineering. In this age of super-specialisation, you must have encyclopaedic knowledge to be an astronaut.

5. Kalpana’s first space mission was in the space shuttle Columbia. It lasted for 15 days, 16 hours, and 34 minutes. During this time she went around the Earth 252 times, travelling 10.45 million kilometres. The crew included a Japanese and a Ukrainian astronaut. The crew performed experiments such as pollinating plants to observe food growth in space, and tests for making stronger metals and faster computer chips.

6. About pursuing a dream, Kalpana said that the path from dreams to success does exist. One needs to have the vision to find it, and the courage to get onto it. Yes, success is possible. Her life is an example of that.

Page No 51:

Question b:.

Read the newspaper report to find the following facts about the Columbia’s ill-fated voyage.

l. Date and place of lift off: _____________________________________

2. Number of astronauts on board: _____________________________________

3. Number of days it stayed in space: _____________________________________

4. Number of experiments done by scientists: _____________________________________

5. Date of return journey: _____________________________________

6. Height at which it lost contact: _____________________________________

1. Date and place of lift off: 16 th January, 2003; Kennedy Space Center, Florida

2. Number of astronauts on board: Seven

3. Number of days it stayed in space: 16

4. Number of experiments done by scientists: 80

5. Date of return journey: 1 st February, 2003

6. Height at which it lost contact: 200,000 feet

Match the following.


unprecedented space tragedy


certified flight instructor


space mission


super specialisation


encyclopaedic knowledge




in this age

Page No 52:

Use these phrases in sentences of your own, after finding out their meanings.


broke apart


lifted off


cheered along


streaked over


blast off


on board


spread across


went on


carry on

1. Broke apart - Divide violently into parts

The mobile phone broke apart when Steve stepped on it.

2. Streaked over - Flash brightly leaving a visible line

Fireworks streaked over  the horizon when India won the cricket match.

3. Spread across - Distributed over a given area

Va daphone has a large network which is spread across all states.

4. Lifted off - The action of an aircraft in becoming airborne

My flight lifted off at 2 A.M.

5. Blast off - Action of a rocket leaving its launch pad

It is not an easy task to blast off a rocket properly.

6. Went on - Continued

Though he faced many difficulties , the traveller went on to his goal.

7. Cheered along - Stood by to shout their support

The crowd cheered along as Dhoni hit a century.

8. On board - On a ship, plane or other vehicle

The passengers on board the ‘economy flights’ do not have a comfortable journey.

9. Carry on - To conduct

Rescue operations were carried out by the army in spite of heavy rains.

Question C:

We add ‘un-’ to make opposites.

For example, true — untrue.

Add ‘un’− to the words below to make their opposites. Then look up the meanings of the words you have formed in the dictionary.


identified ___________________


educated ___________________


controlled ___________________


interesting ___________________


attended ___________________


qualified ___________________


successful ___________________


trained ___________________


important ___________________


answerable ___________________





















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  1. PDF An Indian-American Woman in Space: Kalpana Chawla

    unit-4. Before you read. 4. In 1997, an Indian - American, Kalpana Chawla, was part of the international crew aboard the U.S. Space Shuttle, Columbia, becoming the first woman born in India to go into space. Sadly, the second mission in Columbia ended in tragedy.

  2. Kalpana Chawla

    Kalpana Chawla was born on 17 March 1962 in a Punjabi Hindu family in Karnal, Haryana. [11] [12] The youngest of four children, she was born into a conservative society, but Chawla broke several traditions to become the first Indian-born female astronaut.She completed her schooling at Tagore Baal Niketan Senior Secondary School, Karnal. Growing up, Chawla went to local flying clubs and watched ...

  3. An Indian American Woman in Space: Kalpana Chawla Summary ...

    Kalpana Chawla was the first Indian-American woman astronaut to blast off from the launch pad at Cape Canaveral, Florida, and participate in a successful mission in space. Her family from India cheered along with staff at the Kennedy Space Center as they watched the Columbia lift off. Chapter 1 A tale of two birds.

  4. NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Chapter 4 An Indian American Woman

    Ans: An astronaut needs to know a lot about biology and aeronautical engineering. He/ she must have a wide knowledge of science subjects. 5. Describe Kalpana Chawla's first mission in space. (5) Ans: Kalpana's first mission in the space shuttle, Columbia, was nearly 16 days long. She went around the earth 252 times.

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    These NCERT Solutions for Class 6 will help students in their preparation for the examination. These have been crafted by our subject-matter experts as per the CBSE standards. A girl born in Karnal, Haryana, was the first Indian-origin American woman who made her way to space. We are talking about none other than Kalpana Chawla.

  6. An Indian American Woman in Space: Kalpana Chawla Summary Class 6 English

    She was first hired as a research scientist. In 1994, she was selected by NASA for training as an astronaut among others. Thus she became the first Indian-American woman astronaut. Chawla's first space mission in the space was 15 days, 16 hours and 34 minutes long. The crew included a Japanese and a Ukranian astronaut.

  7. PDF An Indian-American Woman in Space: Kalpana Chawla

    In 1997, an Indian - American, Kalpana Chawla, was part of the inter national cr ew aboar d the U.S. Space Shuttle, Columbia, becoming the first woman bor n in India to go into space. Sadly, the second mission in Columbia ended in tragedy. 4 An Indian-American Woman in Space: Kalpana Chawla 1. A space shuttle is a spacecraft that is made

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    Describe Kalpana Chawla's first mission in space. Answer: Kalpana Chawla's first mission in the space shuttle Columbia was 15 days, 16 hours and 34 minutes long. During her journey, she went around the Earth 252 times. There was a Japanese and a Ukranian astronaut in the crew and they conducted many experiments.

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    In 1997, an Indian - American, Kalpana Chawla, was part of the international crew aboard the U.S. Space shuttle, Columbia, becoming the first woman born in India to go into space. Sadly, the second mission in Columbia ended in tragedy. A News Report: Tragedy in Space. U.S. Space Shuttle Columbia. breaks into flames.

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    3.) Kalpana Chawla, being born and brought up in a small city like Karnal , never dreamed about crossing the earth's frontier due to a space research mission. Extract-2. 1.) I) d. ii) d. 2.) I) Kalpana travelled 10.45 million kilometres when she went around the earth 252 times.

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    Kalpana Chawla Essay. Kalpana Chawla was the first Indian-born female astronaut to go to space. She was an aeronautical engineer with many patents and had won many awards. She had a master's and doctoral degree in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Texas at Arlington, USA. Kalpana Chawla was born on 17 March 1962 in Karnal, Haryana.

  20. Kalpana Chawla Essay for Students and Children

    500+ Words Essay on Kalpana Chawla. Kalpana was the First spacewoman of India. It was the dream that many Indians dreamt of but only Kalpana was able to fulfill it. She had various ambitions in minds from her childhood only. Moreover, she always had an interest in aircraft, and because of that, she took aeronautical engineering.

  21. An Indian American Woman in Space: Kalpana Chawla Class 6 English Extra

    She wished them all a great journey. Question 6. How is the story of Kalpana Chawla an inspiration to million of Indian and especially girls. Answer: Kalpana Chawla was a small town girl having faith in her capabilities. Her selection for Columbia, the space shuttle in US has opened horizons for coming generation.

  22. NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Chapter 4

    1. Where was Kalpana Chawla born? Why is she called an Indian-American? (3) 2. When and why did she go to the U.S.? Who did she marry? (2, 3) 3. How did she become an astronaut? What gave her the idea that she could be an. astronaut? (3) 4. What abilities must an astronaut have, according to the journalist? (6) 5. Describe Kalpana Chawla's ...