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60 Common Examples of Poka Yoke

What is poka yoke.

Poka yoke, ‘mistake-proofing’ in Japanese, prevents avoidable mistakes from occurring. This applies to any environment, be it in manufacturing, hospitals or even in the home.

This article looks at the following:

  • Origin and application
  • Examples in the automotive industry
  • Error-proofing examples in manufacturing
  • Mistake-proofing examples in daily life
  • Other examples

Definition of Poka Yoke

This is a Japanese word that means mistake proofing of equipment or processes to make them safe and reliable.

These are simple, yet effective design features that make it almost impossible for errors to occur.

In fact, the original term was Baka-Yoke or “fool-proof”. Due to the inappropriateness of the term, “mistake-proofing” became the preferred term.

The aim of mistake-proofing is to remove the need for people to think about the products or processes they are using. This is because the products have a design that makes it impossible to use them in the wrong way.

When someone uses the product the wrong way, it does not function and it becomes obvious to the user that they are doing the wrong thing. The simple yet effective design features make it difficult for errors to occur during usage of the product.

Origin and Application

The concept developed out of the need to achieve quality in production processes. It was Shigeo Shingo, one of the pioneers of the Toyota Production System, who proposed the concept. He was a quality guru who proposed the idea of ‘Zero Defects’ as a quality paradigm.

The thinking was that a process should be able to detect and prevent errors from occurring. This would lead to a final product of high quality.

Poka Yoke Examples in the Automotive Industry

This form of mistake-proofing helps prevent accidents

Many people lose their lives or get maimed through vehicular accidents each year. Safety of users of automobiles is of paramount importance and many measures have been taken to make them safe. The following are examples of mistake-proofing in the automotive industry:

  • Radar and video cameras  in new vehicle models are able to tell the distance and speed of other road users. This helps them prevent collisions in case of sudden stops. The device here is more of a warning and preventive measure but it does not strictly fit into the concept of behaviour modification. The driver may choose to ignore the warning which will lead to an accident. The device does not stop the accident from happening in the first place.
  • Automatic breaking system  stops the vehicle in case the driver fails to brake when an obstacle suddenly appears on the road. If the system above is used with this device, it will be a better preventive measure as the system will note that a warning has been ignored. The sensors will then kick in and stop the vehicle – a key component of poka yoke is at play here.
  • Lane-keeping assist  alerts the driver that he is about to deviate from his lane. If the driver is not responsive, the vehicle intervenes and returns to the correct lane on its own. This device also fits well with the automatic intervention philosophy of poka yoke. There is no way the driver will commit an error because the vehicle will stop him from doing so.

Lane assist is a form of mistake-proofing that prevents accidents

  • Electronic stability control  helps reduce the possibility of accidents that can occur when a vehicle skids uncontrollably due to over-steering by the driver. The condition being controlled here is the slippery road — when this condition comes into play the system kicks in to prevent an unwanted result from occurring.
  • Cross-traffic alerts  warn drivers of impending traffic when they are reversing from a parking position. Like the first example of mistake-proofing in the automotive sector, this device is more of a warning and must be used in-conjunction with other devices to be successful.
  • Adaptive headlights  are able to respond to the conditions on the road so as to assist the driver have better visibility. For example, they are able to illuminate curved roads and also during bad weather.
  • Airbags  deflate quickly after an accident to prevent injury to the occupants of the vehicle.
  • Seat belt pre-tensioners  assist in holding the passenger in place in case of an accident and prevent them from sliding through.

Seat belt pre-tensioners prevent occupant from sliding under during accidents, a form of pokayoke

  • Blind spot assist  warns the driver when there are objects within the blind-spot range that are not visible.

Blind spot assist is a form of Poka Yoke

  • EBS  braking distributes power evenly and the discs expand symmetrically when hot. This minimises uneven tear of the discs
  • Brakes  that continuously self-monitors and reports any problems to the central control unit. This prevent the likelihood of an accident attributable to the breaking system

Poka-yoke in these plugs ensure they can only enter in a certain way

Poka Yoke Examples in Everyday Life

Products that we use every day have features that make them safe and convenient. The following are a few examples of how mistake-proofing is used for everyday household products:

  • Micro-wave oven  does not work until the door is shut.
  • Washing machines  only start when the door is closed and cannot be opened until the cycle is over .

USB cable can only enter facing one side

  • Electric plugs  have an earth pin that is longer than the other pins and is the first to make contact with the socket. The protective shield of the neutral and earth sockets are then opened safely.
  • Electric sockets  are shaped in a manner that only one way of plugging-in is possible. This prevents the possibility of a short-circuit occurring.
  • Child resistant tops  for medicines and household chemicals makes it difficult for children to consume the contents.
  • Elevator doors  have a sensor that causes them to open when there is an obstruction-this prevents injury to someone trying to enter as the doors are closing.
  • Box cutters  have a retractable blade that only pops out when the handle is held.
  • Lawn mower s have a safety bar on the handle that when released, switches off the machine.
  • Circuit breakers  in the home electrical system prevent electrical overloads.
  • Overflow outlets  in bathroom and kitchen sinks prevent flooding of the house when the drain is blocked.
  • The Door of a washing machine  or dryer makes the machine stop when it is opened, so as to prevent injury from accidents

Examples of Poka Yoke in Manufacturing

In lean manufacturing systems, poka yoke also includes a philosophy of constantly working to prevent mistakes from occurring in the first place. The internal processes in lean manufacturing systems are supposed to produce quality products the first time. Error-proofing in this case is a quality assurance technique that ensures quality is in-built and results in better products.

For the final product to be of high quality, all the inter-connected process steps have to give first time quality. If an mistake or defect is allowed to move to the next step, the likelihood of it appearing in the finished product is very high. It is therefore necessary to develop ways of preventing a defective product moving to downstream process.

This is important because a finished product is considered to be the most expensive form of inventory due to the accumulated costs along the value chain. If a defect occurs in the finished product, the costs of production increase due to the effort required to correct it.

  • Magnets  in a grain packaging plant detect and remove metal pieces before they are packed.
  • Interlock switches  which detect the position of a machine guard and switch off the machine when the guard is lifted. The machine will never operate when the guard has been lifted and this prevents accidents to the operator.
  • Light curtains  in a factory detect when someone is near very dangerous machines and switches off the machine to prevent injuries.
  • Safety mats  near machine areas that pose a danger automatically trigger stoppage when someone steps on them. This prevents injury to personnel (such are technicians) who are trying to access dangerous sections of a machine.
  • Power guard s on high inertia machines with moving parts prevent opening until the parts have stopped completely in order to prevent accidents.
  • Machines  that must be controlled using both hands ensure that some distance is kept between the operator and dangerous machine parts.
  • In the food industry , gloves and other small pieces of personal protective equipment must be blue in colour for ease of detection in case they fall into food. This is because blue foods are rare in nature and the color difference makes it easy to detect that a foreign object has fallen into the food.
  • Using standardized containers  at the workstation enables workers to know exact quantities without having to weigh or count the contents.
  • Use of colour coded  date labels to mark the production dates of products. This way the different batches are easily identifiable for the purpose of product rotation. The system is especially useful in the food industry where rotation of batches is very important because of hygiene considerations.

Mistake-Proofing of Products

Safety concerns necessitate the use of mistake proofing techniques on the final product in order to prevent harm to the final consumer.

It also provides ease of use to the product so as to enable the final consumers to be able to solve their problems effectively.

Adding user-friendly features to a product aims at solving safety as well as convenience concerns and makes it almost impossible to use the product in the wrong way.

Other Poka Yoke Examples

There are many other examples of products that have fool-proofing ranging from USB cables to child proof sockets. Here are a few examples:

  • Glow-in-the-dark strips  around the toilet bowl prevent users from urinating on the sides.
  • Mop slippers  save time for the busy person as they prepare to go to work or school.
  • Scrap collecting bowl  has a ledge that is attached to the table top to collect vegetable scraps before they fall on the ground.
  • Oven rack guard  prevents accidental burns as one is removing food from the oven chamber.
  • Locator stickers  that are put on commonly lost items such as keys and can be traced using the phone.
  • Upside-down  tomato sauce bottles enable the consumer to use up all the tomato sauce and also lets the water that collects at the bottom come out first.
  • Mobile phones  are designed in such a way that when they fall, the cover separates so as to minimise the shock that would damage them.
  • Color-coding  of electrical wires is meant to prevent short circuiting that can occur if they are not matched properly.
  • Ice blocks   that prevent someone from drinking too much.
  • A company invented a  fork that tells you when you have eaten  too much thus preventing you from getting over-weight

Poka Yoke Examples in Nature

poka yoke examples - Valves are an error-proofing example in nature that prevent back-flow of blood

Mistake-proofing also occurs in natural systems and the human body system is a good example of how it works to prevent errors from occurring:

  • Coughing  is a natural reaction that prevents the error of foreign bodies from entering into the lungs. The sensitive wall linings of the respiratory tract detect and eject minute particles through coughing.
  • Veins  have valves that are designed to prevent the error of back-flow of blood as it travels through the system. They also allow some blood to collect within the system without busting as they have a larger internal diameter.
  • Arteries  have thick walls that can withstand the high pressure that blood from the heart exerts on the circulatory system.
  • Tearing  is a necessary reaction to the entry of foreign bodies into the eye.
  • Mucus  membrane traps bacteria and prevents the error of pathogens entering the system.
  • The skin  is the first defence against entry of foreign bodies and the oils and enzymes prevent harmful bacteria into the human body.
  • Inflammation reaction  of swelling happens when blood vessels leak fluid into the tissues. The chemicals attract white blood cells (phagocytes) that eat germs and dead/ damaged cells. This reaction prevents the spread of harmful toxins and pathogens to the rest of the human body and is a form of natural error-proofing.

Error-Proofing in the Space Industry

The space industry requires accurate procedures to be constantly carried out so as to ensure the successful completion of space missions. Any small error in the implementation of these procedures can lead to a major disaster.

The industry has therefore developed many mistake-proofing devices to prevent errors from occurring and this has resulted in the high success rates of space mission over the years. The following are a few examples of error-proofing in the space industry:

  • Escape capsule  is designed to help the astronauts safely return to earth in case if there is an emergency during launch of the spacecraft. An abort motor fires over half a million pounds of thrust to steer the capsule away from the booster rocket. Another motor steers the capsule in the right direction and then a jettison motor separates the escape rocket from the capsule which has parachutes to allow it to safely land on earth. This error proofing device will save lives in case the launch of the rocket fails.
  • Checklists  used in the pre-flight preparation are detailed and are designed to ensure all the parameters are within the allowed range before the flight can commence.

Fool-Proofing in Nuclear Power Plants

Nuclear accidents can have devastating effects as was seen in the Chernobyl disaster. Nuclear power plants use the  defense-in-depth   concept of barriers to the prevent fission material from being released from the reactor core to the environment.

The fuel rods have cladding that prevent the release of fission material in the event of a melt-down. The reactor is designed to assist in the cooling of the rods in case there is a decrease in the cooling water in the core. This is very important as the heat released during the decay of radioactive material can start a chain reaction that is unstoppable.

Error Prevention in the Service Industry

The service industry is very important in that there is direct and constant interaction with the customer and any failure on the part of providers of services can result in losing good business.

This failure to serve a customer as per their expectation can be considered an error and many service providers have put in place a number of error-proofing processes to prevent this from happening.

The following are just a few examples of how service providers mitigate against the chances of causing mistakes in their businesses:

  • Electronic tags  in airline luggage handling systems ensure that passenger luggage is not lost after check-in. Airline staff are able to locate misplaced luggage anywhere in the world as the tag contains all the necessary passenger and flight information that is used in tracking it.
  • Electronic waiter pads  in restaurants ensure that the right order goes to the right table at the shortest possible time. This order matching technology prevents the error of waiters taking the wrong order and also enhances fast delivery to the customer.
  • Queue management systems  in banks and other public venues are designed in such a way that customers are served according to the order in which they came in promptly thus preventing customer dissatisfaction.

Examples in Aeroplanes

The fact that air travel is considered to be safer than road travel can be attributed to a number of fool-proofing devices that have been put in place over the years. While air accidents still occur, they have significantly been reduced because of these devices:

  • De-icing chemicals  make it difficult for ice to form on the wings of aeroplanes which can cause serious accidents.
  • Auto-pilot  keeps the plane flying in case of inclement weather or when the pilot is ill-disposed.
  • Captain meals  on planes must be different from the meals served to other passengers so as to prevent cases of food poisoning affecting the pilot, which can be very dangerous especially mid-flight.
  • Fuel jettisoning  is an important procedure during emergency landings as it prevents major fires from the fuel held in the tanks.
  • Instrument control-panel  is located in such a manner that the pilot and engineer are able to view all readings easily.

Error-Proofing of Medical Devices

  • Opportunities for Poka Yoke to Reduce Medical Device Errors in Hospitals and Increase Safety

poka yoke examples - Roller coasters have error-proofing devices for safety

From the above comprehensive list of examples, it becomes obvious that there are certain characteristics of error-proofing devices that help in achieving the aims of mistake-proofing. These characteristics include:

  • Simplicity,  which means that the solutions are not complex and unambiguously resolve the problem of error occurring.
  • Automatic Nature:  they do not require any further intervention from the person using the device.
  • Safety  is a key characteristic of poka yoke devices in that they also prevent the users from injuries.
  • Feedback  is immediate in the case of failure when the conditions go out of specification.
  • Quality  is ingrained in the process and the solutions encourage the right methods to be used by operators of the devices. It is a way of standardizing the correct methods of performing a process.
  • Location at the source  of a potential problem within a process.
  • Reduction in the number of process steps  required to complete a process as the inspection aspect is minimized or completely eliminated.

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Lean Manufacturing

Lean Manufacturing in Real Life: 10 Examples of Poka-Yoke in Daily Life

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An Overview of Poka-Yoke

Here are 10 examples of poka-yoke in our everyday lives, share on social.

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Poka-yoke is a lean manufacturing tool that refers to “mistake-proofing” or “error-proofing” a process. It was originally coined by Shigeo Shingo in the 1960s and implemented at Toyota as part of the Toyota Production System (TPS) .

Poka-yoke is also present in our everyday lives, although many examples are so mundane that we often don’t realize they are there. Error-proofing in everyday life ranges from safety features that prevent us from getting injured to spell check, which simply prevents us from making spelling errors that make us look dumb.

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1. car safety features.

Cars are equipped with many “error-proofing” features to keep us safe on the road. Many cars will beep, or light up, if doors are open while the engine is running, or if someone is in the passenger seat and their seatbelt is not fastened. These are examples of warning functions, which alert users to potential errors.

Safety technology has advanced significantly in recent years. Many cars nowadays come equipped with sensors that alert the drivers if they are leaving their lane or warn them if they are too close to another car (or other object).

2. Treadmills

Treadmills are required to come equipped with a safety clip which, when pulled, stops the treadmill. This safety feature halts the treadmill if the user falls (assuming that the user is wearing the clip) in order to prevent injury.

3. Microwaves, washing machines, dishwashers, and other household appliances

Many household appliances such as microwaves, washing machines and dryers, and dishwashers have mechanisms that prevent them from running when the door is open. These are examples of control functions, which prevent the process from running until required conditions (i.e. the door being closed) have been met.

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4. Elevators & garage doors

Most elevators are equipped with sensors that prevent the doors from closing if there is something or somebody in the way. Garage doors, subway doors, and other automatic doors are also equipped with this feature. Many elevators also beep and refuse to run if they exceed the weight limit.

5. Spell-check functions

Spell-check is an example of a common, yet overlooked means of error-proofing in our everyday lives. Our phones, software, and internet browsers are equipped with these tools that alert us to (and often automatically correct) spelling and grammatical errors, preventing us from looking foolish in our communications–a true example of “fool-proofing!”

6. Leak-proof water bottles & travel mugs

Some travel mugs and water bottles require the user to press and hold a button in order to drink from them. This mechanism prevents the contents from leaking or spilling out when the user is not drinking from the container.

7. Power outlets and USB plugs

Many plugs, such as 3-pin plugs and USB plugs, are designed so that they can only be inserted into the outlet in one orientation–a classic example of the “contact” method of error-proofing, which uses the object’s physical shapes to prevent mistakes from being made.

8. Overflow outlets in sinks

Many sinks have a hole right below the pipe that prevents water from overflowing if the drain is blocked.

9. Lawnmower safety bars

In the United States, lawnmowers are required to have a “deadman control,” or some sort of mechanism that must be engaged in order for the blades to move. This control often takes the form of a lever attached to the handle that the operator must press in order for the lawnmower to run.

10. Wheelchair wheels

Wheelchair wheels are designed to lock when the chair isn’t in motion. This ensures the occupant doesn’t slip when moving in and out of the wheelchair, or ends up in a dangerous situation with a runaway chair.

Learn more about how poka-yoke can help you error-proof your manufacturing processes in our Ultimate Guide to Poka-Yoke !

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Poka-Yoke in Manufacturing: Minimizing Errors on the Production Floor

Read Time: 7 Minutes

Topics: Maintenance , Connected Worker

case study of poka yoke

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In a factory, a single mistake can have costly ripple effects, from unplanned downtime to defective products. Automation technology has dramatically improved precision and accuracy in manufacturing processes, but there’s still potential for error even in the most high-tech facilities.

This is why poka-yoke — or an extra layer of “mistake-proofing” — is still as relevant as ever.

In this article, we explain types of poka-yoke, use cases, and practical ways manufacturers can implement this concept on their shop floors.

What Is Poka-Yoke?

Poka-yoke is a Japanese term that means “mistake-proofing” or “fail-safing.” In lean manufacturing , it refers to techniques used to quickly identify and fix mistakes in the production process, if not prevent them.

In other words, poka-yoke aims to create processes, operations, or products in a way that makes it impossible or very difficult to make mistakes. There are two main types of poka-yoke systems: 

Warning poka-yoke: A process that alerts operators to occurring or soon-to-occur defects. It relies on human intervention to stop and correct errors; therefore, it doesn’t stop processes automatically.

Control poka-yoke: This type of poka-yoke relies on automation to stop or prevent errors in a manufacturing process. It takes control away from the operator, stopping the system until the error is corrected.

Explaining the two main types of poka-yoke in manufacturing.

Factors like the nature of certain errors , their criticality , and overall implementation costs often determine whether a facility relies more on one approach or the other.

The Benefits of Poka-Yoke

Applying poka-yoke principles to production processes results in greater efficiency, productivity, safety, and even cost savings. Here are the primary benefits of poka-yoke in manufacturing:

Time saved during training: Poka-yoke simplifies processes, making them easier to understand and perform, significantly reducing the time required for training new employees.

Promoting a culture of continuous improvement: By identifying and addressing defects at the source, poka-yoke encourages workers to constantly seek ways to improve processes and product quality.

Improving safety: With more and better error-prevention mechanisms, poka-yoke reduces the risk of accidents and injuries in the workplace.

Reduced waste: Minimizing errors in the manufacturing process leads to less rework and scrap — reducing waste and saving resources.

Increased productivity: Streamlining operations and minimizing errors enhance efficiency, which allows for more output in less time.

Better quality control: Poka-yoke ensures that products meet quality standards consistently, leading to higher customer satisfaction and lower costs associated with defects.

By preventing and promptly addressing errors, manufacturers significantly improve production metrics while minimizing scrap and safety incidents .

Use Cases and Examples of Poka-Yoke in Manufacturing

Poka-yoke techniques can be applied to the production process in many ways. Below is a list of the most common types of manufacturing errors and how they can be solved using poka-yoke.

Preventing processing errors

In manufacturing, processing errors result from incorrect operations — such as misassembled parts, incorrect machine settings, and improper process follow-through. 

Poka-yoke eliminates processing errors by designing systems that make it impossible (or highly unlikely) for these mistakes to occur. This typically includes implementing fail-safes where these issues would naturally occur.

For example, in assembly lines, poka-yoke reduces error by using uniquely shaped connectors, ensuring parts fit only in their correct places, much like a shape-sorter toy. There can also be sensors to verify correct component placement, immediately alerting operators if the placement is incorrect.

Preventing setup errors

Poka-yoke helps prevent setup errors on the shop floor by implementing foolproof mechanisms, such as color-coded components , guided checklists , and automated sensors . These tools ensure equipment is correctly configured before operation, reducing downtime, scrap, and costly mistakes.

For instance, industrial color coding is applied to tools, equipment, and materials to reduce production errors. Color-coded bins for machine parts — red for defective, green for approved — immediately signal to workers where to place or retrieve items. This simple poka-yoke application prevents workers from mixing defective parts with usable ones, thus enhancing efficiency and quality control.

Preventing errors related to missing parts

Using poka-yoke tactics like integrating sensor-based checkpoints in production lines, you can eliminate errors caused by missing parts. These sensors detect the absence of required components before the next manufacturing stage begins. If a part is missing, the system halts, signaling the need for correction.

In an automotive assembly line, a poka-yoke method involves setting up a sensor system that counts the number of components, like bolts or connectors, as they’re added to an engine. If the sensor detects that a part hasn’t been installed by the time it reaches a certain point, the assembly line automatically stops. 

This halts production until the missing component is added, ensuring no car moves forward without all necessary parts properly installed.

Preventing errors caused by improper parts or components

Poka-yoke techniques can prevent the use of incorrect parts by making it physically impossible to proceed with assembly. Again, this can be achieved through mechanisms like color-coding or uniquely shaped components that only fit intended slots or connections.

In a bicycle manufacturing plant, poka-yoke can be applied to engineering screw threads, which vary by direction and pitch for different parts of the bicycle. For instance, pedals have left- and right-hand threads corresponding to each side of the bike so can only be screwed into the correct side.

Preventing operational errors

Poka-yoke techniques prevent operational errors on the factory floor by introducing fail-safes, like automated alarms and visual indicators , which alert operators to deviations from standard procedures.

For instance, LED status lights on machinery can alert operators to non-compliance with protocols. A green light could indicate normal operation, whereas yellow could indicate minor issues requiring attention, and red could signal critical problems or stoppages. This immediate, easy-to-interpret feedback enables operators to quickly identify and address issues, reducing downtime and maintaining production flow and safety standards.

Preventing measurement errors

Poka-yoke techniques also minimize measurement errors on the shop floor by employing tools with built-in guides and stops that ensure precise measurement every time. These techniques can be used for many types of measurement — such as dimension, mass, or temperature.

For instance, jigs with preset dimensions for cutting or assembling parts automatically align materials to the correct specifications, eliminating the possibility of deviation. This approach guarantees accuracy, reduces waste, and enhances the consistency of the final product.

Implementing Poka-Yoke in a Production Environment

Now that we’ve explored the concept of poka-yoke and how it can prevent errors in a factory setting, it’s time to outline practical steps for implementing this approach in your facility.

The 5 steps to implementing a poka-yoke system in a manufacturing facility.

The practice of poka-yoke will look slightly different for every manufacturer. Still, there are some general steps most manufacturers should follow:

Step 1: Identify the problem

The first step to implementing poka-yoke is pinpointing where errors occur in your production processes. This will help your teams identify the nature of the problem. 

Is it a flaw in the production process? 

Is it human error? 

Is it something a slightly different product design could fix? 

Now is the time to observe your processes and find out.

Step 2: Identify the root cause of the problem

Once you identify where the problem is happening, it’s time to understand why the problem occurred. 

There are many root cause analysis techniques you can use to find the source of the problem. One common way to do it is by using the 5 “whys” method . For example, if a roller in a plastic manufacturing facility stops unexpectedly, you could ask the following questions:

Why did the roller stop? The material jammed.

Why did the material jam? The rollers weren’t aligned correctly.

Why were the rollers misaligned? Wear and tear made the rollers shift.

Why wasn’t the wear and tear addressed earlier? Inadequate maintenance practices.

Why did maintenance teams miss this? Checking rollers wasn’t regularly scheduled.

Now, you can create a poka-yoke to prevent this instance of inadequate maintenance from recurring.

Step 3: Determine the most appropriate poka-yoke method to use

If you can easily prevent mistakes from happening, install a control poka-yoke that prevents the process from continuing until a vital step is completed. For example, components can be shaped in such a way that makes it impossible for a product to be assembled incorrectly.

If you can’t prevent a mistake, install a warning poka-yoke that alerts the operator that attention is needed before the process can continue. These warnings can include colors , flashing lights , buzzers , or any type of alerts that tell the employee that something needs to happen before the process continues.

Step 4: Test your new poka-yoke system with a pilot project

After you’ve mapped out your new poka-yoke system and selected the right mechanisms to facilitate it, it’s time to test it on a small scale. A poka-yoke pilot project will help you iron out any issues with the process before introducing it to your shop floor. 

Choose a single production line or a specific machine for the pilot. Implement the designed poka-yoke measures in this controlled environment. This allows for close monitoring of the process and makes it easier to adjust or refine the solutions based on actual results. 

Make sure to train workers involved in the pilot on the proper steps and objectives of your poka-yoke test, and define and measure metrics essential to determining the effectiveness of your system.

Step 5: Train workers and update your SOPs 

After completing a successful pilot, it’s time to fully implement your poka-yoke system. Train your workforce in the new methodology; this can sometimes involve a combination of cross-training and upskilling , depending on the degree of changes implemented. 

As you train your workers, remember to update your standard operating procedures (SOPs) to reflect any process changes. Keeping your SOPs up-to-date with current shop floor procedures eliminates confusion and prevents old errors from recurring. Think of proper documentation as another form of poka-yoke.

Support Poka-Yoke Implementation with L2L

One of the most effective ways to support poka-yoke in your manufacturing facility is to ensure that workers have access to real-time machine and process data. Connected workforce platforms like L2L can be used to detect operational and process errors in real time and provide a central hub for error documentation.

Easy-to-understand dashboards help managers visualize opportunities for performance improvement on the shop floor, helping managers identify root causes, implement changes using poka-yoke, and track the effectiveness of those changes.

Check out our free ROI calculator to see how L2L can help your plant save time and money.

case study of poka yoke

February 5, 2021

What is Poka Yoke Manufacturing: Benefits & Examples

Technician using a fluid application system.

Poka-yoke is a technique used in manufacturing to prevent mistakes and defects from occurring. The concept of poka-yoke, as well as the term, come from Japan and translate to “mistake-proofing” or “error-proofing.” Both were developed in the 1960s by Shigeo Shingo, an expert industrial engineer who worked for Toyota.

The objective of poka-yoke is to design processes and systems in such a way that mistakes or defects become nearly impossible to make. This can be accomplished through a variety of methods, such as designing parts or machines that only fit together in one way, adding sensors or alarms to alert operators of potential issues or using visual cues to make it clear how a process should be carried out.

Poka-yoke is often associated with lean manufacturing and Six Sigma methodologies , which aim to reduce waste and improve efficiency in manufacturing processes. By preventing mistakes and defects from occurring, poka-yoke helps to reduce the need for rework, improve product quality and increase customer satisfaction.

The Importance of Poka Yoke

The importance of poka-yoke lies in its ability to significantly reduce costs associated with quality issues such as scrap, rework, and customer returns. It also improves overall process efficiency by minimizing downtime, increasing throughput, and enhancing employee morale.

Poka-yoke is particularly valuable in complex manufacturing processes where a single error can have far-reaching consequences. For example, in the automotive industry, a mistake during assembly could result in a safety issue that puts lives at risk. Poka-yoke helps prevent such errors by using simple and intuitive design features to guide workers and machines, eliminate sources of variability, and catch mistakes before they result in defects.

Another benefit of poka-yoke is that it empowers workers to focus on higher-value tasks instead of wasting time on error correction or quality inspections. This can lead to increased job satisfaction and engagement, which in turn can improve overall performance and reduce turnover.

Ultimately, the importance of poka-yoke lies in its ability to deliver high-quality products to customers while minimizing costs and maximizing efficiency. By reducing the risk of human error and improving overall process control, manufacturers can stay competitive in a rapidly changing marketplace and meet the demands of increasingly discerning customers.

case study of poka yoke

Benefits of This Lean Error-Proofing Process

Reduced Defects: The primary goal of poka-yoke is to prevent errors and defects from occurring in the manufacturing process. This can save time, reduce waste and improve overall product quality. When errors and defects are caught early, they can be corrected before they become major problems that require costly rework or even scrapping of the product.

Increased Efficiency: Poka-yoke can help to improve the efficiency of the manufacturing process by reducing the amount of time and resources that are wasted on correcting mistakes. By minimizing the need for rework and other corrective actions, poka-yoke can help to streamline the manufacturing process and make it more efficient overall.

Improved Safety: Poka-yoke can also help to enhance safety in the manufacturing environment by reducing the risk of accidents and injuries caused by human error. By designing processes and equipment that are inherently safe, poka-yoke can help to prevent accidents and improve worker safety.

Enhanced Customer Satisfaction: By reducing errors and defects, poka-yoke can help to improve customer satisfaction by ensuring that products meet or exceed customer expectations. This can lead to increased customer loyalty and repeat business.

When Should I Use Poka Yoke Manufacturing?

Poka-yoke can be applied to a wide range of manufacturing processes, and can be particularly useful in situations where errors or defects can have serious consequences, such as in the production of medical devices or aerospace components. However, poka-yoke can be applied anywhere errors are a concern. Here are some situations where poka-yoke may be especially useful:

Measurement Errors: Can be prevented with poka-yoke by designing measurement tools that prevent incorrect readings, such as using sensors that only detect specific measurements.

Setup Errors: Can be prevented with poka-yoke by creating systems that automatically detect and correct any setup errors that may occur during the manufacturing process. For example, designing machines that only fit together in one way can help prevent incorrect setups.

Process Errors: Can be prevented with poka-yoke by designing processes that are simple and easy to follow. This can include using visual cues to indicate the correct order of steps or using automated systems that detect errors and correct them in real time.

Operation Errors: Can be prevented with poka-yoke by designing equipment that is difficult to misuse. For example, creating machines with clear and simple controls can help avoid errors caused by operator confusion.

In general, poka-yoke is most effective when it’s applied early in the manufacturing process, as this allows for errors and defects to be caught and corrected before they have a chance to cause serious damage. By implementing poka-yoke, manufacturers can improve efficiency, reduce waste and enhance product quality.

case study of poka yoke

Poka Yoke Examples

Car Seat Belt Buckle

One common poka-yoke example is the seat belt buckle in cars. The buckle is designed in such a way that it can only be inserted one way, preventing users from incorrectly fastening the seatbelt. The seatbelt also includes an alarm that sounds if the buckle is not securely fastened, alerting the driver to take action.

USB Connector

Another poka-yoke example is the USB connector. USB connectors are designed with a specific shape and size that can only be inserted one way. This prevents users from trying to force the connector in the wrong way, which can damage the device or the connector itself.

Coffee Maker

A coffee maker can also be designed with poka-yoke principles in mind. For example, some coffee makers include a mechanism that prevents the user from accidentally brewing coffee without a cup in place. This helps avoid spills and reduce the risk of burns caused by hot coffee.

Poka Yoke & Fluid Applicators

The process of fluid application is a complex one, involving more than just the simple act of applying fluid to a substrate. In fact, there are multiple steps that take place both before and after the fluid is applied, each of which presents an opportunity for errors to occur. These steps can include wetting out the applicator before use, replacing the applicator after the fluid is dispensed, and ensuring the fluid is dispensed at the correct rate and in the correct amount.

Even with a fully automated application system, errors can still occur. For example, an operator might accidentally insert the wrong type of applicator, leading to improper fluid application and potentially damaging the substrate. Or the system might fail to detect when an applicator is worn out and needs to be replaced, leading to inconsistent or inaccurate fluid application.

To prevent these errors and ensure consistent, high-quality fluid application, manufacturers can implement poka-yoke principles and methods. These can include:

  • Designing applicators and components with poka-yoke in mind: By designing applicators and components with unique shapes or sizes that only fit together in one way, manufacturers can reduce the likelihood of errors occurring during assembly.
  • Implementing visual indicators: Color-coded components or other visual indicators can help operators identify the correct parts to use, reducing opportunities for mistakes.
  • Automation: Automated systems can be used to detect and correct errors in real time. For example, sensors can be used to detect when an applicator is inserted incorrectly, triggering a warning or correction mechanism to prevent the error from causing further problems.
  • Testing and inspection: Quality control measures can be put in place to ensure that applicators are dispensing the correct amount of fluid, minimizing the risk or over- or under-dispensing.

In today’s manufacturing environment, no process is completely error-proof. That’s why industry leaders around the world have adopted lean manufacturing and Six Sigma tools to help minimize errors and waste, and optimize productivity. At Designetics, we recognize the importance of these principles and have incorporated them into the design of our fluid applicators and automated fluid application systems.

Our focus on poka-yoke, a key principle of Lean and Six Sigma , helps to ensure that errors are prevented before they occur. This can help you to improve quality, reduce scrap and rework, and increase overall productivity. By designing our fluid applicators with unique shapes or sizes that only fit together in one way, we can reduce the likelihood of errors occurring during assembly. Additionally, we can implement visual indicators and automated systems to detect and correct errors in real-time, helping to prevent issues from snowballing into larger problems.

If you’re looking to streamline your fluid application process and minimize the risk of errors, Designetics can help. Our team of experts can work with you to develop customized solutions that meet your unique needs and requirements. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you achieve error-free fluid application.

Ready to Error-Proof Your Fluid Application Process?

Designetics’ automated fluid application systems supply fluid to a robot’s end-of-arm tooling via an applicator track. However, this seemingly simple process presents several opportunities for error that can result in scape, rework and downtime. To ensure optimal productivity and quality, our applicator track has been designed with poka-yoke principles to keep these errors from occurring.

The applicator track features two poka-yoke design elements: a warning poka-yoke and a control poka-yoke. The warning poka-yoke uses two sensors, a “low applicator” sensor and an “in-position” sensor, to alert the robot’s controller when there is a low supply of applicators or an applicator is not in the correct position, preventing collisions and downtime.

The control poka-yoke ensures that every applicator acquired by the robot is in the correct orientation for proper fluid application. The applicator track’s design allows applicators to be loaded only in the correct orientation, preventing incorrect fluid application and the resulting rework and scrap.

By implementing these poka-yoke design features, Designetics’ applicator track helps ensure error-free fluid application, reducing waste and maximizing productivity.

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A Complete Guide to Poka-Yoke in Six Sigma

March 5th, 2024

Quality management philosophies like Six Sigma and Lean Manufacturing aim to achieve near-perfect processes that have minimal waste, maximum efficiency, and high customer satisfaction.

A key tool for accomplishing these goals is poka-yoke, a concept pioneered by Toyota Production System pioneer Shigeo Shingo in the 1960s.

Poka-yoke, which translates from Japanese as “mistake-proofing”, refers to techniques for preventing defects by designing processes that make errors nearly impossible to commit.

As engineer Shingo realized, rather than blaming workers for inevitable human mistakes, better results come faster from changing systems to guide actions correctly.

Applied as part of continuous improvement initiatives like Six Sigma and Lean, poka-yoke enables identifying root causes of problems and empowers frontline workers to fix issues as they arise.

This mistake-proofing culture increases quality and productivity gains over time across the organization. There are many benefits like a 20% improvement in customer satisfaction with successful implementation.

Origins and History of Poka Yoke

The concept of poka-yoke originated in the manufacturing plants of Toyota in Japan during the 1960s. Industrial engineer Shigeo Shingo, a pioneer of lean production methods at Toyota, first introduced mistake-proofing while observing an assembly process where workers commonly forgot to install a part.

Seeing blame targeted at individuals as an ineffective solution, Shingo developed the countermeasure of using simple mechanisms to guide the process and either prevent errors or make them instantly visible.

This evolved from an earlier term Shingo coined called “baka-yoke” – Japanese for “foolproofing” or “idiot-proofing” – shifting the focus to eliminating defects from the process rather than the person.

As Toyota’s methods attracted global attention, particularly through concepts like Just-In-Time production, Shingo’s approach to error-proofing processes became known as poka-yoke.

Translating as “mistake-proofing” or “avoid inadvertent errors,” poka-yoke formed a key component of the celebrated Toyota Production System (TPS), along with methodologies like 5S workplace organization, quick changeovers, and built-in quality practices.

In addition to TPS, poka-yoke now stands today as a foundational pillar across process excellence frameworks like Lean and Six Sigma.

Applying poka-yoke enables organizations to prevent defects, reduce waste, lower costs, and improve efficiency – all central aims of continuous improvement programs.

It empowers designing systems and work methods that guide proper performance each time.

Implementing Poka Yoke in Six Sigma

Image: Poka Yoke Principle

Applying poka-yoke entails redesigning processes to reduce variation from human error and make the desired outcome inevitable.

Shigeo Shingo outlined a five-step methodology for instilling mistake-proofing:

Step 1: Identify Critical Defects and Root Causes

The starting point targets pinpointing high-priority defects to eliminate – ones resulting in costly quality issues, rework, delays, or safety risks.

By asking “why” five times (a Lean tool called 5 Whys analysis ), teams uncover root causes and prioritize addressing ones linked to human mistakes. Process mapping provides visualization of each step.

Step 2: Redesign Process to Avoid Identified Errors  

In the improvement phase, redesign the process to remove steps where errors originate and introduce mechanisms that cue proper performance.

This guides operators, equipment, and materials to the correct work sequence and outcome. Consider potential failure modes when developing countermeasures.

Step 3: Incorporate Controls and Alerts

Insert visual indicators, alarms, system logic, hardware mechanisms, operational sequences, or structured procedures that either prevent errors or instantly alert that one occurred.

This makes problems visible for quick intervention versus hidden defects detected only later downstream.

Step 4: Validate Proof of Concept  

Conduct testing to confirm the integrated mistake-proofing features reliably halt or warn of attempts to vary from set parameters across expected conditions.

Refine limits or operations until attaining robustness.

Step 5: Expand Implementation

With confidence in the effectiveness of critical defects, broaden the mistake-proofing controls across applicable processes to widen the impact.

Continual improvement fosters upgrading standards over generations.

When performed diligently, poka-yoke system redesigns significantly increase productivity, reduce waste, lower costs, and sustain gains.

Embedded error prevention empowers people to achieve high quality reliably.

Types of Poka Yoke in Six Sigma

poka-yoke mechanisms fall into two main categories: control types that automatically stop the process when an error occurs, and warning types that detect the error but rely on the operator to initiate correction.

Within these two branches, several methods apply for preventing mistakes.

Control Poka-Yoke

Control poka-yoke automatically interrupts the process when it encounters something wrong, not allowing progress until the defect gets corrected.

This acts as foolproof prevention by making errors impossible within the designed specifications.

Some examples include:

  • The assembly line shuts down if a part gets skipped
  • Transaction voids if required data fields get omitted  
  • System locked if test performed out of sequence

The process cannot proceed until fixing the flagged issue, forcing errors to the surface.

Warning Poka-Yoke

Warning poka-yoke detects an error but relies on the operator to initiate correction before allowing the process to continue. Warning signals commonly use visual or audible alerts.

Examples involve:

  • The dashboard light indicates a low fluid level
  • Alarm sounds for uncovered manhole
  • Email notification of order discrepancy

While less foolproof than control methods, warning poka-yoke still exposes errors that may otherwise go unnoticed until creating downstream defects.

Input Checking

Input checking validates that information entered into a system matches predetermined criteria, preventing entry errors upfront. Common applications include:

  • Data field validation for date formats, text lengths, and numeric ranges
  • Testing user credentials before system access
  • Product codes checked against an approved list
  • Automatic prompts for missing entries

Successive Checking

Successive checking performs incremental audits between process steps to verify acceptable outcomes before further work gets based on faulty results.

This regulates quality closer to the source by not allowing deviations to propagate. Examples include:  

  • Inspection of welds before assembly
  • Code reviews before software release
  • Approving batch records before distribution

Applying input checking and successive checking facilitates early detection at critical control points.

Tools and Techniques

Implementing effective poka-yoke integrates well with common Lean and Six Sigma tools for process analysis and improvement. According to the Aberdeen Group, implementing poka-yoke techniques had a 25% increase in productivity.

In particular, the following methods help uncover where and why mistakes occur to guide mistake-proofing:

Process Mapping

Image: Process Mapping

Process mapping provides visualization of all actions in their true sequence, forming the backbone for exploring defects and enhancements .

Tracking cycle times, decision points, inputs, and outputs builds in-depth understanding.

Five Whys Analysis

Image: 5W Methodology

By iteratively asking “why” defects arise, the Five Whys analysis penetrates beyond symptoms to reveal root causes .

Posing the question five times unlocks causal relationships obscured by assumptions. The simplicity yet consistency makes it reliable.

Fishbone Diagram

Image: Fishbone Analysis - RCA

Fishbone diagrams connect multiple contributing factors visually around the core problem. Brainstorming possible categories with teams enables structured evaluation.

The fishbone provides an analytical tool to target solutions.

Failure Mode Analysis

Image: FMEA analysis

Failure mode analysis systematically identifies ways an asset, process, or system could potentially fail and assesses the effects.

FMEA delivers an inventory of vulnerabilities for mitigating through poka-yoke methods.

Control Charts

Image: Control Charts in Six Sigma

Control charts track process metrics over time to distinguish common cause variation and special cause variation based on statistical probabilities, signaling stability, or instabilities needing correction.

Control limits determine action thresholds.

5S Workplace Organization

5S workplace organization entails sorting, setting in order, systematic cleaning, standardizing, and sustaining production areas for efficiency, visual control, and continuous improvement. The disciplined foundation enables optimal poka-yoke.

Integrating analysis methods with domain experience and stakeholder perspectives arms teams with information to guide optimal poka-yoke mechanisms.

The solutions are tailored to the unique situation.

Benefits of Poka-Yoke

Studies by the Aberdeen Group show a 30% reduction in defects by implementing Poka Yoke techniques.

Applying poka-yoke as part of continuous improvement initiatives like Lean Six Sigma and Kaizen events yields powerful benefits for quality, efficiency, costs, and competitiveness:

Reduces Defects and Waste

By preventing errors from occurring in the first place, poka-yoke effectively reduces process defects and associated waste.

Every defect that reaches customers leads to rework, replacements, or lost business. Poka-yoke makes causes visible sooner to minimize impact.

Lowers Costs

In addition to materials wasted through scrapping defective outputs, costs get driven higher by excess process time, capacity overload, administrative burden, and opportunity costs from diverted resources.

Poka-yoke curtails expenses on multiple fronts.

Improves Quality

Preventing defects upfront with poka-yoke means fewer make it downstream to inspectors or customers, directly improving quality. Well-designed mistake-proofing facilitates right-first-time results.

Increases Efficiency  

Properly implemented poka-yoke woven as standard work enhances process flow, frees up capacity, and boosts productivity.

Smoother operations with minimal control are needed to maximize asset utilization.

Fosters Continuous Improvement  

Poka-yoke inherently takes a continuous view on learning from problems and redesigns systems to steer better outcomes. As processes evolve, so can the application of mistake-proofing mechanisms in a positive feedback loop.

Together this expands capabilities while controlling costs to do more with existing resources. Embedded poka-yoke drives a prevention mindset making true continuous improvement sustainable.

Examples of Poka-Yoke in Six Sigma

Poka-Yoke mechanisms take many forms spanning simple physical adjustments to complex software integrations. The unifying theme centers on guiding correct performance while preventing or instantly detecting errors.

Automated Data Validation

Input fields can be validated against preset criteria to catch deviations for date formats, text lengths, numeric ranges, or incompatible selections. Logging rejected entries helps improve upstream processes.

Process Step Guides

Color coding, visual indicators, checklists, or control plan integration assists in accurately following defined sequences to meet requirements. Skipping necessary actions gets avoided.

Part Orientation

Designing identical parts asymmetrically or using notches/guides forces proper orientation for foolproof assembly. Errors from misalignment get designed out.

Motion Sensors

Movement sensors ensure openings are clear or parts are in place before allowing hazardous motions that could cause injury or machine damage without the right conditions.

Alert Systems

Dashboards with visual or audible signals notify operators of abnormal readings needing intervention per established protocols before producing defects.

Incorporating principles of mistake-proofing align controls to help personnel complete steps properly as designed. Continual learning about failure modes enables strengthening poka-yoke countermeasures over time. No process reaches perfection but sustained incremental efforts pay dividends.

Integrating Poka-Yoke into Six Sigma

While powerful on its own, the poka-yoke goes further when embedded into structured continuous improvement frameworks like Six Sigma. Mistake-proofing steps align well with the define, measure, analyze, improve, and control (DMAIC) phases.

Image: DMAIC Phases

In Define, poka-yoke focuses efforts on critical outputs and defects. Measure gathers metrics on error frequency, impact, and root causes . Analyze evaluates conditions enabling mistakes and potential solutions. Improve and implement preventive redesigns, with Control monitoring performance.

Complementary to Statistical Process Control

Analysts can determine if production varies within expected statistical limits using control charts. By preventing special cause issues originating from human error, poka-yoke sustains stability. Control methods confirm effectiveness.  

Enables Shift Left Quality

Poka-yoke principles integrated early in design shift quality left on the value stream. Building in mistake-proofing during new product development or process creation prevents defects from arising at the outset.

Reduces Control Plan Complexity

The more prevention through poka-yoke eliminates upstream errors, the fewer downstream inspection and reactionary controls remain necessary. Simplified control plans lower administrative costs.

Jointly applying poka-yoke with Six Sigma tools ushers enhanced benchmarking, analysis of variability, process redesign, and monitoring of gains. Mixing managerial and technical tactics produces optimal solutions. Workers gain autonomy in upholding standards through embedded mistake-proofing.

Sustaining a Poka-Yoke Culture

While many organizations rightfully pursue poka-yoke for discrete issues, the real power unfolds across entire systems over long time horizons by fundamentally changing culture. Sustaining mistake-proofing necessitates commitment across managerial levels and frontline teams.

Empowering Workers to Fix Issues

Enabling workers to take ownership of deficits through embedded poka-yoke provokes deeper process knowledge and engagement.

Responsibility for originating solutions creates change agents at all levels.

Leaders should encourage surfacing errors without repercussion, recognizing each as an improvement opportunity. This no-blame culture opens pathways for preventing future occurrences.

Regular Audits

Even world-class poka-yoke controls require regular revalidation to confirm effectiveness, identify any degradation, and spark new ideas.

Scheduling different groups to audit areas outside their purview brings fresh perspectives.

Management demonstrates commitment by participating personally in routine Gemba walks.

Updating with New Technology

As process technology and control automation continue improving, new options become available to reduce manual involvement and take prevention mechanisms to heightened precision.

But upgrading the poka-yoke also demands ensuring personnel possess capabilities to sustain enhancements.

When Poka-Yoke gets woven into operational DNA , it no longer seems an added chore but rather feels integral to daily work. This fusion unlocks the method’s ultimate usefulness.

Leaders must champion the journey toward reliable systems.

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What is Poka-Yoke? [Examples, Principles, Methods]

By Status.net Editorial Team on May 18, 2023 — 15 minutes to read

  • Poka-Yoke Principles Part 1
  • Poka-Yoke Methods Part 2
  • Implementation of Poka-Yoke in Manufacturing Part 3
  • Benefits of Poka-Yoke Part 4
  • Integrating Poka-Yoke with Other Approaches Part 5
  • Common Types of Poka-Yoke Devices Part 6
  • Challenges and Limitations of Poka-Yoke Part 7

Poka-Yoke is a Japanese term that translates to “mistake-proofing.” Developed by the industrial engineer Shigeo Shingo, it’s a methodology designed to improve product quality by preventing defects and mistakes during the manufacturing process. By incorporating these techniques, organizations can achieve higher levels of quality control, ultimately reducing costs and increasing overall efficiency.

At the core of Poka-Yoke is the idea that simple, effective solutions can significantly reduce the likelihood of human errors in production. These solutions can be physical devices, like a shaped peg that only fits into a matching hole, or process-driven, such as a checklist to ensure each step of a procedure is completed. The goal is to make it virtually impossible for mistakes to happen, guaranteeing a consistently high level of quality.

Some notable examples of Poka-Yoke techniques include color-coding parts to ensure they are assembled correctly, implementing sensors that prevent machines from operating if an item is misaligned, and organizing tools in a specific order to guide workers through a process. These easy-to-implement mechanisms not only prevent defects but also foster a culture of continuous improvement in the workplace.

See also: Root Cause Analysis (RCA) Methods for Effective Problem Solving and 5 Whys: How to Uncover Root Causes [Examples]

Part 1 Poka-Yoke Principles

Error prevention.

The main goal of Poka-Yoke is to eliminate defects by preventing human errors in the manufacturing process. Error prevention can be achieved in various ways, depending on the specific process and situation. One common approach is to design the process or equipment so that it is physically impossible for an operator to make a mistake. For instance, a connector with a unique shape ensures it can only be plugged in the correct way.

  • Color-coding parts or tools can help operators quickly identify which one to use, reducing the risk of using the wrong component.
  • Providing clear and concise instructions, illustrations, or labels can help guide operators and minimize mistakes.


Mistake-proofing is another vital principle in Poka-Yoke. It focuses on detecting errors before they become defects. This involves designing systems, equipment, or processes that can either detect a mistake immediately after it is committed or force corrective action before the product can move to the next stage. By implementing mistake-proofing techniques, manufacturers can mitigate the impact of errors and provide feedback, so improvements can be made.

  • Sensors that ensure all parts are present before assembly begins can prevent products from being built with missing components.
  • An alert system to notify operators if a step has been skipped or completed incorrectly can help correct errors before further progress is made.

Source Inspection

Source inspection is a proactive approach that involves examining a process or component before it enters the manufacturing flow to prevent errors from happening in the first place. By systematically removing errors at the root, source inspection enables manufacturers to continually improve their processes and build higher-quality products.

  • Performing quality checks on raw materials can help identify defects or non-conforming items before they enter the production process.
  • Monitoring equipment regularly to ensure optimal functioning can prevent unexpected breakdowns or calibration issues that lead to manufacturing errors.

Part 2 Poka-Yoke Methods

Physical constraints.

Physical constraints can help reduce the chance of errors by guiding users through a process. This is achieved by designing tools or devices in a way that eliminates the possibility of errors. For example, designing a USB connector with a specific shape ensures it can only be inserted in the correct orientation.

Examples of physical constraints:

  • Keyboards with raised bumps on the F and J keys to help users properly position their fingers.
  • Gasoline caps that only fit a certain gas tank to prevent the wrong type of fuel being used in a vehicle.
  • An electrical plug that can only be inserted into an outlet in the correct orientation.

Sequence Ensuring Methods

Sequence ensuring methods control the order of a process to ensure quality and prevent errors. This can be done through triggering events, which require a specific action to be completed before the next can begin. By enforcing a specific sequence, potential mistakes can be caught early and reduce overall waste and costs.

Examples of sequence ensuring methods:

  • Assembly line processes requiring workers to complete a task before the product moves to the next station.
  • Software installation wizards that guide users through a step-by-step process.
  • A multi-step recipe that requires ingredients to be prepared in a specific order to ensure proper cooking.

Information Enhancement Methods

Information enhancement methods focus on improving the clarity and accessibility of information to reduce the likelihood of errors. These methods can include simplifying, standardizing, and adding additional context or detail to help users make more informed decisions or take the correct actions. Visual aids, color coding, and clear labels are common information enhancement methods.

Examples of information enhancement methods:

  • Color-coding trash bins for recycling, compost, and waste to make separating materials easier.
  • Clear labeling of containers or shelves in a warehouse to improve the organization and reduce misplaced items.
  • Using visual aids, such as icons or diagrams, to help users understand complex processes or tasks.

Part 3 Implementation of Poka-Yoke

Implementation of poka yoke in manufacturing, toyota production system.

The Toyota Production System (TPS) is a well-known example of applying Poka-Yoke principles in manufacturing. Within TPS, one of the core concepts is mistake-proofing processes to ensure quality and efficiency. Key points of this concept are:

  • Error-prevention – Incorporate mechanisms to detect potential errors before they happen
  • Early error detection – Identify errors at the beginning stages to minimize defects

For instance, Toyota implemented a system where an assembly line worker can stop the entire line if they notice a problem. This enables teams to address and correct the issue quickly.

  • Andon system – Visual signals to quickly identify issues on the production line
  • Jidoka – Automation with human intervention to ensure quality

Automatic Transmission

Poka-Yoke can also be seen in the design and functioning of automatic transmissions. The automatic transmission system mitigates the risk of driver error by taking control of gear shifting. It prevents drivers from choosing the wrong gear ratio and damaging the transmission components.

  • Park mode – Vehicle automatically locks to prevent rolling away when the engine is off
  • Kick-down – Downshifts gears when accelerating quickly to maintain optimal performance

Manual Gearbox

Manual gearbox designs integrate mistake-proofing elements to ensure safe and smooth driving experiences. By incorporating these features, the manufacturer ensures that drivers can use the system accurately, avoiding potential errors or mishaps.

  • H-pattern – Unique arrangement of gears to avoid confusion and incorrect shifting
  • Gear lockout – Prevents shifting to reverse gear from high-speed gears, reducing risks of accidents

Poka-Yoke in Service Environments

Inadvertent error prevention in hospitals.

Poka-yoke has significant application in service environments. Hospitals, for example, require high standardization and effective error prevention methods to ensure patient safety. One approach is creating a flowchart to track the service process from patient admission to discharge. This visualization helps identify potential areas for inadvertent errors, enabling hospital staff to implement measures to minimize them.

A common solution is to use color-coded wristbands for patients, effectively conveying critical information, such as allergies or specific medical conditions. Further, standardization of equipment and supplies (e.g., syringes, IV tubes) simplifies procedures and reduces errors due to familiarity.

  • Barcode scanning for medication administration ensures the correct dosage and delivery.
  • Automated vital signs monitors trigger an alarm if a patient’s condition deviates from predetermined limits.
  • Checklists for surgical procedures help minimize errors and improve patient outcomes.

Behavior-Shaping Constraint

Behavior-shaping constraint is a form of poka-yoke that encourages desired behaviors in service environments by guiding users towards correct actions. This type of error prevention can either be physical, such as using a specific tool to complete a task, or cognitive, like following a specific set of steps or sequence.

  • The “pay first, then pump” system at gasoline stations prevents customers from accidentally driving off without paying for their fuel.
  • In fitness centers, equipment designed with specific grips and positioning helps users maintain proper posture and form during workouts.
  • At banks, deposit slips with predefined sections for account numbers, currency amount, and account holder information guide customers to provide the correct information and format.

Service Process Design

Designing service processes to minimize errors and improve efficiency is essential in implementing poka-yoke effectively. Standardizing operations and using clear, concise instructions empower employees to provide consistent, high-quality service while minimizing potential errors.

Visual management tools, such as flowcharts or work instructions, can help identify opportunities for mistake proofing. Regular analysis of service process performance is also beneficial in detecting areas requiring improvement.

  • A restaurant’s kitchen utilizing assembly-line techniques ensures consistent meal preparation and prevents omissions or incorrect ingredients.
  • Call centers using scripts with defined responses can help guide their customer service representatives efficiently, addressing the most common inquiries.
  • Hotels placing key card readers outside elevators to ensure only authorized guests can access specific floors, improving overall security.

Part 4 Benefits of Poka-Yoke

Improved efficiency and productivity.

With fewer errors, more resources are saved, and less time is spent on rework or waste material. This leads to a more streamlined production process, ensuring smoother workflow and better resource allocation.

Example 1: In an assembly line, a Poka-Yoke device can be implemented to ensure that all components are properly placed before moving on to the next step. If a part is missing or improperly assembled, the line will not advance, signaling workers to address the issue.

Example 2: An electronic manufacturer uses a specific color-coded system for cables, minimizing the risk of wiring mistakes or wrong connections.

Example 3: In a packaging process, a sensor detects whether an item is completely sealed before it’s shipped, reducing the risk of leaks and resulting in fewer customer complaints.

Enhanced Quality Control

Poka-Yoke methods also contribute to improved quality control. By identifying and addressing potential issues early in the production process, it’s easier to maintain and achieve consistent product quality. This proactive approach means that employees are less likely to overlook errors, which in turn reduces the risk of producing substandard products. As a result, the overall quality of production improves.

Example 1: A checklist is incorporated into the production process, ensuring that all steps are followed and completed to ensure a quality product.

Example 2: A manufacturer uses a sensor that measures and compares the weight of a finished product to a defined acceptable range to ensure consistency and quality.

Example 3: An automobile assembly plant uses a laser-guided measuring device to check for any deviations in the body of the car, ensuring that it meets the required dimensions and specifications.

Increased Customer Satisfaction

Embracing Poka-Yoke ensures your customers receive a higher quality product or service. Fewer errors or defects mean happier customers who are more likely to trust, recommend, and return to your business. Customer satisfaction is an essential factor in maintaining and growing a customer base, and Poka-Yoke can play a significant role in achieving this goal.

Example 1: A restaurant utilizes portion control tools, such as measuring cups and scoops, ensuring consistency in every dish served and better meeting customer expectations.

Example 2: A software company uses a code review process and automated tests to detect and fix errors before they reach the end-user, resulting in a more stable and reliable product.

Example 3: A bank incorporates a double-entry system to prevent errors in financial transactions, reducing the likelihood of mistakes and increasing customer trust.

Part 5 Integrating Poka-Yoke with Other Process Improvement Approaches

Poka-Yoke is a powerful tool that complements Six Sigma methodology. Both focus on minimizing errors, reducing waste, and enhancing process efficiency. While Poka-Yoke is more about designing foolproof processes to prevent mistakes at the source, Six Sigma leverages statistical tools and rigorous methods to optimize process outputs and reduce variability. For instance, by integrating Poka-Yoke techniques into the Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control (DMAIC) framework of Six Sigma, organizations can support continuous improvement efforts and sustain results over time.

  • A manufacturing company utilizes a mistake-proofing device like a shadow board to prevent the use of incorrect or missing tools, ensuring the adherence to Six Sigma best practices.
  • Using the Six Sigma technique of “Control Charts,” a company can establish a visual method to monitor and adjust a Poka-Yoke solution’s effectiveness in real-time, thus maintaining high quality and performance levels.

Lean Manufacturing

Lean Manufacturing aims at maximizing customer value creation while minimizing waste. Poka-Yoke is a natural fit with Lean principles as it directly addresses waste reduction through error-proofing techniques. By preventing defects, Poka-Yoke helps companies adhere to the Lean approach, which stresses customer focus, process efficiency, and consistent quality. Clear alignment between Lean Manufacturing and Poka-Yoke prevents unnecessary rework, reduces waste, and shortens lead times.

  • A production line uses Poka-Yoke fixtures to ensure parts assembly in the correct orientation, resulting in reduced waste and higher efficiency, which correlates well with Lean Manufacturing principles.
  • A Lean company adopts the “two-bin” system for inventory management, utilizing a visual Poka-Yoke technique to trigger the replenishment of materials when one bin is empty, thereby preventing stockouts.

Automation streamlines processes and reduces human intervention, minimizing the potential for errors and boosting efficiency. Combining automation with Poka-Yoke techniques ensures that even automated processes have built-in safeguards against mistakes. Implementing error-proofing devices in automated systems can ensure proper placement of parts, adherence to quality standards, and fewer rejects generated from the process.

  • An automated machine incorporates sensors to detect discrepancies, such as incomplete assembly or improper packaging, thereby preventing defective products from moving to the next stage of the process.
  • A robotic pick-and-place system leverages a guiding mechanism that only allows correct part orientation, ensuring seamless integration with other components on the assembly line.

Kaizen is a continuous improvement methodology encompassing small, incremental changes to improve processes. Similar to Poka-Yoke, it focuses on preventing errors and enhancing efficiency. Integrating Poka-Yoke techniques within Kaizen events encourages proactive problem-solving and fosters a culture of continuous improvement. By incorporating error-proofing practices into Kaizen workshops, teams become more proficient at identifying potential issues and designing creative solutions.

  • A team discovers that partially-hidden labels cause costly shipping errors, so they design a Poka-Yoke solution to print labels in a distinct format, ensuring accurate shipping and successful Kaizen implementation.
  • Employees at a manufacturing plant conduct a Kaizen event where they identify errors resulting from incorrect data entry, and implement a software-based Poka-Yoke solution to automatically validate inputs, reducing the likelihood of human errors.

Part 6 Common Types of Poka-Yoke Devices

Contact method.

The contact method is a simple yet effective approach for error-proofing. It focuses on identifying and correcting defects by using physical attributes such as shape, size, and position. For example, a USB connector can only be inserted in one orientation, ensuring the proper connection is made. This method helps to prevent mistakes and errors that may occur because of improper assembly or fitting of components.

  • Example 1: Polarized electrical plugs that can only be plugged into outlets in one direction.
  • Example 2: A puzzle piece that must be inserted in a specific orientation.
  • Example 3: A fuel nozzle designed to fit only specific fuel types.

Warning Poka-Yoke

Warning poka-yoke aims to alert users when an error is about to occur, giving them the opportunity to correct the issue before it becomes a problem. This type of device relies on visual, auditory, or tactile signals to notify the user of potential errors. Examples of warning poka-yoke can be found in various industries, particularly in situations where safety or quality is critical.

  • Example 1: A car dashboard indicator light notifying the driver of low tire pressure.
  • Example 2: A smoke detector sounding an alarm when it detects smoke.
  • Example 3: An oven timer beeping when cooking time has reached its set duration.

Control Poka-Yoke

Control poka-yoke takes a more proactive approach by making it impossible for incorrect actions to be carried out. This type of device is designed to ensure the desired operation is performed correctly, or to halt the process until the mistake is addressed. They are commonly found in manufacturing processes to ensure product quality and prevent defects.

  • Example 1: An interlock system that prevents machinery from operating if safety doors are not properly closed.
  • Example 2: A barcode scanner confirming the correct item has been selected before moving to the next step in the production process.
  • Example 3: A failsafe mechanism that disengages power tools if the correct safety gear is not detected on the user.

Part 7 Challenges and Limitations of Poka-Yoke

Barriers to implementation.

One challenge in implementing Poka-Yoke is the resistance to change among employees. Implementing a new system may require additional training and adjusting to the new process. Also, the cost of implementing a Poka-Yoke system may deter organizations from investing in it. Additionally, Poka-Yoke may not eliminate all errors, particularly those resulting from mechanical issues or human oversight.

  • Employees may feel overwhelmed by the process of learning and integrating Poka-Yoke checklists.
  • Small businesses might hesitate to invest in Poka-Yoke due to limited funds.

Complexity Reduction

Implementing Poka-Yoke often involves simplifying processes to reduce the possibility of errors. While this can lead to increased productivity and fewer inadvertent errors, it may also restrict creativity and flexibility in problem-solving. Simplification may not suit every process and could backfire if essential steps are removed.

  • A manufacturing process that becomes too simple might lose the ability to accommodate product variations.
  • Oversimplified processes might not be suitable for complex tasks, leading to unforeseen errors.

Continuous Improvement

Poka-Yoke complements the concept of continuous improvement by ensuring errors are identified and addressed promptly. However, it can also lead to a false sense of having achieved zero defects. In reality, the elimination of errors might not be entirely possible, and complacency could hinder ongoing improvement efforts.

  • A company that achieves a significant reduction in errors through Poka-Yoke might overlook opportunities for further improvement.
  • Relying too heavily on Poka-Yoke to achieve zero defects could distract from other quality improvement initiatives.

3 Root Cause Analysis Templates (and Examples)

5 Whys: How to Uncover Root Causes [Examples]

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20 Poka-Yoke Examples in Real Life

Shannon McGarry

Learn about what the term poka-yoke means and take a look at these examples that can help us error-proof in our daily lives.

What is Poka-Yoke?

Poka-Yoke is “a Japanese term which translates to mistake-proofing, that can be any mechanism or device that helps an operator to avoid mistakes.” Although Poka Yoke is a lean manufacturing tool coined by Shigeo Shingo in the 1960s, it is also present in our everyday lives. To help you understand this concept, here are twenty examples of error-proofing in our daily life. Preventing us from making spelling errors or sustaining injuries.

Poka-Yoke Examples

1. outlet in the sink, to prevent overflow.

Many sinks have a hole on the top, right below the pipe. This hole is a protective mechanism, preventing water from overflowing if the drain blocks or if you don’t close the tap.

2. Household appliances, not working with an open door

You can not operate most household appliances until the door closes. Sometimes the door locks while the machine is working, in some other cases, if you open the door, it stops working immediately.

The mechanism preventing machines from running with an open door is an example of a control function that prevents the process from starting until the required conditions are met.

3. Dialysis machines air bubble detector

Dialysis machines perform the function of the kidneys and are usually for patients with chronic kidney disorders. It has an efficient air bubble detector which works as a safety device for the machine to operate, in order to ensure that no air bubble passes to the patient’s body.


4. Car keys

Cars come with many safety measures. Usually, you’re not able to remove the car keys if the transmission is in an unsafe mode. As technology keeps advancing, so do the safety mechanisms developed in order to keep the driver and passengers as safe as possible. Auto braking, traffic alerts, radar systems, autopilots, and parking sensors are some of the features that you can easily find in a car.

5. Spell checking and dictionaries

Computers and phones include spell-checking tools, which alert us to spelling and grammatical errors. This is probably one of the most common error-proofing systems in our everyday lives.


6. Pen with a retractable tip

Some pens function in such a way that you cannot clip them to your pocket with the tip still out. This prevents the tip of the pen from shredding your pockets.

7. Energy activated by a key card

In some hotel rooms, energy consumption is controlled by a key card-activated time switch placed inside the room. These switches activate by placing your key card in a specific holder. Once you leave the room and take the key card with you, energy automatically switches off.


8. USB plugs and other cables

Some cables and connectors fit into their respective slots with precision and accuracy and you can only insert them into the right outlet, in one orientation. Some even have pins that match an exact number of holes in an exact place.

This is probably one of the most classic methods of error-proofing, since it prevents people from connecting the wrong cables, in the wrong places.

9. Lane-keeping assist

Even though you must be paying your full attention to the street while driving, most streets have a Lane-keeping assist system. With a different texture, it works to keep you in your lane by nudging the wheels of your car as a reminder that you are getting away from your route.

10. Seatbelt pre-tensioners

Most car seatbelts retract forcefully to adjust occupants into a safer seating position when the airbags deploy. It happens due to a seatbelt pre-tensioner, a mechanism that “uses an explosive charge to drive a concealed piston when sensors detect the signature abrupt deceleration of an accident”.

11. Treadmill safety keys

Most treadmills have a safety key for security reasons. The safety key generally clips on the walker’s clothes, stopping the treadmill if the walker slips. There are many different types of treadmill safety keys, but they all do the same: They break the power circuit, forcing the motor to stop.

12. Lawnmower safety bar on the handle

Lawnmowers can cause severe injuries or even death in case of improper use. Since 1978, lawn mowers are required to have specific safety features to prevent accidents, such as a lever, attached to the handle. To start the mower, the lever needs to be held down and once the pressure is released, the machine goes off.

13. Elevator doors

Elevator doors usually have a safety sensor that detects the presence of a person, preventing the doors from closing.

14. Leak-proof lids on mugs and water bottles

Many recipients, mugs, or bottles already have a leak-prof lid that prevents your drink from spilling. The liquid only gets out of the recipient if you press a specific point of the lid.

15. Upside-down sauce bottles

Some sauce bottles stand upside down. On one hand, it makes it easier for the liquid to drip until it is closer to the lid. This model of bottle lets the water out first, allowing the user to easily squeeze out the sauce.

How Can You Use Poka-Yoke in Manufacturing?

Poka-Yoke is a lean manufacturing concept, that is usually used to prevent potential errors, from processing errors (operations that are missed or not performed), to setup errors (operations that are performed recurring to wrong tools or misadjusted machines), to operation errors (operations that are carried out incorrectly) or to using a wrong part/item or measurement.

To apply Poka-Yoke to your manufacturing process , your need to:

  • Analyze the 5 whys and ways your operation can fail
  • Take a more extended approach to Poka-Yoke: It is not just about switches, sensors, or automatic shutoffs
  • Choose an approach and method and test it to see if it works
  • Teach the operator and measure the success of the process

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Perspectives of Lean Management Using the Poka Yoke Method

  • Conference paper
  • First Online: 23 May 2023
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case study of poka yoke

  • Jozef Husár   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0002-2576-7238 15 ,
  • Stella Hrehova   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0003-1198-5274 15 ,
  • Piotr Trojanowski   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0001-8869-0656 16 ,
  • Szymon Wojciechowski   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0002-3380-4588 17 &
  • Vitalii Kolos   ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0003-3518-7146 18  

Part of the book series: Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering ((LNME))

Included in the following conference series:

  • Design, Simulation, Manufacturing: The Innovation Exchange

528 Accesses

4 Citations

The paper provides a theoretical perspective on Lean management, which is very often mentioned in connection with manufacturing companies. In the article, we present and offer an overview of Lean management used in the industry. Through this paper, we want to present the potential and advantages of the Poka-Yoke method for continuous improvement and modernization of pre-established and often outdated procedures in production processes. As an example, we describe the lean methodology and its elements. In conclusion, we focus on one method: the Poka-Yoke. It has advantages and disadvantages, but this paper points to selected parameters and possibilities for implementing this method in production as quickly and efficiently as possible. In conclusion, the advantages of implementing this method are highlighted. The research shows it is obvious how it is possible to contribute to increasing product quality, reducing costs associated with repairs and complaints, increasing productivity, and reducing loss of time caused by errors. By implementing lean management, we can also contribute to increasing the safety of the production process and reducing the risk of equipment failures. The research shows how lean production tools and the Poka-Yoke method can effectively develop intelligent manufacturing enterprises.

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The research was partially supported by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange within the project “Strengthening the scientific cooperation of the Poznan University of Technology and Sumy State University in the field of mechanical engineering” (agreement no. BPI/UE/2022/8-00).

This work was also supported by the projects KEGA 038TUKE-4/2022 and VEGA 1/0268/22 granted by the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic.

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Technical University of Košice, 1, Bayerova Street, Prešov, 080 01, Slovak Republic

Jozef Husár & Stella Hrehova

West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin, 17, Piastów Avenue, 70-310, Szczecin, Poland

Piotr Trojanowski

Poznan University of Technology, 3, Piotrowo Street, 61-138, Poznan, Poland

Szymon Wojciechowski

Sumy State University, 2, Rymskogo-Korsakova Street, Sumy, 40007, Ukraine

Vitalii Kolos

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Sumy State University, Sumy, Ukraine

Vitalii Ivanov

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Justyna Trojanowska

Ivan Pavlenko

Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, Bolzano, Italy

Erwin Rauch

Technical University of Košice, Prešov, Slovakia

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Husár, J., Hrehova, S., Trojanowski, P., Wojciechowski, S., Kolos, V. (2023). Perspectives of Lean Management Using the Poka Yoke Method. In: Ivanov, V., Trojanowska, J., Pavlenko, I., Rauch, E., Piteľ, J. (eds) Advances in Design, Simulation and Manufacturing VI. DSMIE 2023. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-32767-4_12

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DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-32767-4_12

Published : 23 May 2023

Publisher Name : Springer, Cham

Print ISBN : 978-3-031-32766-7

Online ISBN : 978-3-031-32767-4

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poka-yoke lean manufacturing

Overview of poka-yoke in Lean manufacturing

Reading time: about 8 min

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Poka-yoke (pronounced PO-kah yo-KAY) is a Japanese cartoon, it’s actually a Japanese term that means to avoid (yokeru) mistakes (poka). 

Poka-yoke is one of several Lean manufacturing tools designed to help organizations eliminate waste, streamline processes, and increase efficiency. Specifically, poka-yoke tries to achieve zero defects by preventing and eliminating errors.

In this article, we will:

  • Define poka-yoke and briefly explore its history.
  • Discuss how poka-yoke fits into Lean manufacturing.
  • Present some poka-yoke examples.
  • Show you how to implement the poka-yoke system in your organization.

What is poka-yoke?

While visiting a plant in the early 1960s, Shingo noticed that workers were forgetting to insert springs in a simple on/off switch. This one small mistake resulted in defective parts being manufactured and shipped. From his observations, Shingo learned two things:

  • Sometimes people forget to do things.
  • Sometimes people forget that they have forgotten to do things.

Knowing that these simple human errors were the root cause of the problem, Shingo started working on ways to improve the process and to make it “idiot-proof” (baka-yoke). After a worker complained that the term was insulting, he changed it to poka-yoke, which shifts the focus from the worker to the process.

By redesigning the process so that the operation could not proceed until the worker had inserted the spring into the switch, fewer human errors were made and higher quality products were shipped. 

You encounter poka-yoke every day. For example, you can’t start the microwave until the door is closed, and it will stop immediately if you open the door before the timer has stopped. In addition, you often create your own poke-yoke by doing something as simple as taping your car keys to an item that you need to take to work.

How does poka-yoke fit into Lean manufacturing?

The main purpose of Lean is to eliminate waste, continually improve processes, increase product value, and solve customer problems all while reducing your costs. Lean concepts and tools are generally simple and easy to implement. For any Lean implementation to be truly successful, you must have total buy-in of all employees from the top down.

As with the Lean concept of the Theory of Constraints (TOC), poka-yoke recognizes that there will be constraining factors that can slow down manufacturing and result in defective products. Your job is to find the root causes of the constraints.

After identifying the root cause, TOC aims to exploit the constraint using existing resources to reduce the impact of the constraint. For example, if the constraint is an overworked employee, redistributing assignments to balance the workload can lead to increased efficiency and higher productivity.

Poka-yoke complements TOC by implementing processes or fixes that make it impossible for constraints to exist in the system. For example, it’s impossible to start an automatic car if the selection lever is not set on Park. This makes it impossible for the car to accidentally move when you turn the key, eliminating the possibility of making a mistake.

Types of poka-yoke

There are two types of poka-yoke: control and warning.

  • Control: The goal is to make it mechanically impossible to make mistakes. For example, there is only one way you can plug a three-prong electric cord into a power outlet.
  • Warning: Color or sound is used to alert operators that they are about to make a mistake. For example, a message pops up on your screen to remind you to save your documents before closing an application.

The goal of any poka-yoke system should be zero defects. Let’s say that you only have one defect out of every 10,000 units produced. That’s a very good ratio. However, that one defect represents a 100% defective product to the person who buys it.

Benefits of using poka-yoke

Implementing poka-yoke in your organization will benefit your organization in many ways: 

  • Error prevention (control) and error avoidance (warning) means that you spend less time and money training your employees.
  • Fewer errors means more safety for workers and consumers.
  • Less time and money is wasted on quality checks and inspection because the system is designed to be mistake-proof.
  • Employees adopt a culture of continuous improvement as a way of life.
  • Zero defects, or as close to zero as possible, reduces waste and costs.
  • Higher quality products lead to increased customer satisfaction and stakeholder confidence.

Using poka-yoke prevents or greatly reduces errors and this builds confidence in employees, management, and stakeholders. Increased confidence that comes from getting work done right the first time can result in superior products, better customer satisfaction, enhanced brand loyalty, and increased profits.

How to implement poka-yoke

Implementing poka-yoke should be easy, inexpensive, and aligned with current processes. You should see immediate benefits and measurable improvements in quality and production. You can implement poka-yoke by using the steps described below.

Step 1: Identify the problem

Remember that humans make mistakes. One or two mistakes are to be expected. A series or pattern of mistakes indicates that there is a problem that needs to be addressed. That problem may be with the employee or with a flaw in a machine.

You’ll need to observe the process to identify where the problem is occurring. Enlist the help of others to determine whether the error is human or mechanical. Consider using a flowchart to visualize your current process and design the future state you want to see.

flowchart with errors example

Step 2: Find the root cause

After you identify the problem, determine what is the most likely cause of that problem. You may want to consider using the 5 Whys , another quality control technique developed in Japan, to help you find the root cause. By asking and answering five “why” questions, you will dig down to find the root cause of the problem.

Lucidchart Google Sheets add-on

Learn how to complete a root cause analysis—and get started with templates.

Step 3: Determine which type of poka-yoke to use

If you can easily prevent mistakes from happening, install a control poka-yoke that prevents the process from continuing until a vital step is completed. For example, the shape of a component ensures that it can only be inserted in the proper way.

If you can’t prevent a mistake, install a warning poka-yoke that alerts the operator that attention is needed before the process can continue. These warnings can include colors, flashing lights, buzzers, or any type of alerts that tell the employee that something needs to happen before the process continues.

Step 4: Determine the most appropriate poka-yoke method to use

There are three poka-yoke methodologies you can choose from.

  • Contact: This method uses shape, size, or other physical attributes to identify errors. For example, you can’t insert a square peg into a round hole.
  • Constant number: With this method, errors are triggered if a specific number of actions are not made. The operator is alerted if the wrong number of moves are made.
  • Sequence: This method ensures that the proper sequence of events is followed before a process can continue. For example, a checklist that has to be completed before production can move to the next step.

Step 5: Test your poka-yoke system to see if it works

Before you can fully implement a poka-yoke, you need to be sure that it will work. Test it to see if the error is prevented and to make sure that the fix does not slow down the process.

Step 6: Train employees

Even the simplest poka-yoke can’t be successfully implemented until employees are trained how to do it. Training helps with employee adoption of the new process, especially if they can see that the fix makes their job easier to do. Add your new poka-yoke to your standard operating procedures (SOP) guide to help employees understand what is expected of them. 

Step 7: Review performance and measure success

Observe the operation again and measure success. Begin looking for other errors that may be impeding your production and look for ways to continually improve.

Poka-yoke examples

The following are a few examples of how poka-yoke is used in different industries.

Poka-yoke in healthcare

Mistakes in healthcare can result in further injury and even death. Hospitals and clinics have implemented simple poka-yoke systems with checklists and a series of questions and answers. The next time you go to the hospital, notice how many different times they ask you the same questions (“What is your full name?” “What is your birthday?” “What is your address?”). 

It may be annoying to have to answer these questions over and over again, but the system is in place to keep doctors from removing a kidney from the wrong person or operating on the wrong limb.

Poka-yoke in manufacturing

Workshops include a variety of protective error-proofing devices to keep employees safe. For example, workshops have barriers that ensure enough space between the operator and the machine, automatic cutoff switches, and warning signals that are activated when procedures are not followed correctly.

Poka-yoke in the service industry

Think about the last time you paid cash for your meal at a fast-food restaurant. Chances are, your change was automatically dispensed by the cash register. This automated task eliminates the possibility that the cashier might give you the wrong amount of change. Poka-yoke in action. 

Poka-yoke is a simple and powerful quality control tool that can be used in any industry to reduce or eliminate errors. Benefits of implementing poka-yoke include saved time and resources by getting work done correctly the first time, better-quality products and services, and increased confidence in your brand and products. 

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Poka-Yoke in Manufacturing

Author: Adam Hallifax

Humans make mistakes, and these mistakes can cause defective products. Poka-Yoke, also known as mistake-proofing, is a technique for avoiding simple human errors at work. The idea was originally developed in the 1960s by Shigeo Shingo who was one of the IE engineers at Toyota.

Poka-Yoke’s are mechanisms used to eliminate errors by effectively making it impossible to make mistakes in a given process. And they can be used everywhere.

To give an example of Poka Yoke design – filing cabinets could fall over if too many drawers were pulled out at the same time. For some cabinets, opening one drawer now locks all the rest, reducing the chance of the cabinet tipping. Another example of Poka-Yoke device – many elevators are equipped with an electric eye to prevent doors from shutting on people. They are also equipped with sensors and alarms to prevent operation when overloaded.

Why Poka-Yoke?

Manufacturing defective products can be very costly. Some customers will return a whole batch of parts if they find just one of them to be defective. And some products are manufactured for safety critical applications in motor vehicles, aerospace and oil exploration etc.

A failure in these areas can have very serious consequences and potentially cause loss of life.

Poka Yoke Relationship of defects and human errors

Benefits of Poka-Yoke

Principles of Mistake-proofing/Poka-Yoke

Mistake-proofing/Poka Yoke is based on 6 principles. Listed in order of preference in fundamentally addressing mistakes:

  • Elimination (“don’t do it anymore”) is to eliminate the possibility of error by redesigning the product or process so that the task or part is no longer necessary.
  • Prevention (“make sure it can never be done wrong”) is to design and engineer the product or process so that it is impossible to make a mistake at all.
  • Replacement (“use something better”) is to substitute a more reliable process to improve consistency.
  • Facilitation (“make tasks easier to perform”) is to employ techniques and to combine steps to make work easier to perform.
  • Detection (“notice what is going wrong and stop it”) is to identify an error before further processing occurs so that the user can quickly correct the problem.
  • Mitigation (“don’t let the situation get too bad”) is to seek to minimize the effects of errors.

Elimination, Prevention, Replacement and Facilitation are to avoid the occurrence of mistakes. Detection and Mitigation are to minimize the effects of mistakes once they occur.

Poka Yoke 6 Principles of Mistaeproofing

Prevention vs Detection

Ideally, Poka Yoke’s ensure the process is designed so that mistakes can be prevented before they occur; preventing defects from occurring in the first place. Where this is not possible, Poka Yokes perform a detective function, correcting and eliminating defects in the process as early as possible.

A Prevention-based Poka Yoke system acts before a defect occurs. The Poka Yoke mechanisms sense an abnormality that is about to happen and then signal the occurrence.

A Detection-based Poka Yoke signals the user when a mistake has been made. The system does not allow continuation of the process so that the user can quickly correct the problem.

In many situations it is not possible, or economically feasible to prevent defects, particularly where the capital cost of the Poka-Yoke mechanism, far exceeds the cost of prevention. For these situations, defects are detected early in the process, preventing them from flowing into downstream processes.

Poka Yoke Prevention vs detection

There are two approaches for Poka Yoke devices:-

Control Approach : This approach senses a problem and stops a line or process so that corrective action can take place immediately, thus avoiding serial defect generation.

Warning Approach : This approach signals the occurrence of a deviation or trend of deviations through an escalating series of buzzers, lights or other warning devices. However, unlike the control method, the warning method does not shut down the process on every occurrence.

Poka-Yoke devices consist of three effective methods to ensure detection and prevention of mistakes: 1. Contact method 2. Fixed-Value method 3. Motion-step method ; Each method can be used in Control approach or Warning approach.

Contact method detects any deviation in shapes, dimensions, forms, position or other physical characteristics through mechanisms that are kept in direct contact with the part. Contact method can be used in situations of rapid repetition, infrequent production or environmental problems such as poor lighting, critical temperature, dust, noise and so on.

Fixed value method is used in operations, where the same activities is repeated several times. The method employs automatic counters or optical devices and controls the number of moves, rate and length of movement as well as other critical operating parameters.

Motion step method is useful for processes requiring several different activities performed in sequence by a single operator. The method ensures that the operator dose not mistakenly perform a step that is not part of the normal process.

Poka Yoke Control vs warning

Commonly Implemented Poka Yoke Devices in Manufacturing

Good Poka Yoke devices should be simple and inexpensive. They need to be cost-effective towards the process. They should be integral part of the process, implementing what Shingo calls “100%” inspection. They should be placed close to where the mistakes occur, providing immediate feedback to the workers so that the mistakes can be corrected.

Poka Yoke Device examples

Examples of Poka Yoke Used in Manufacturing/Assembly Process ( RNA projects ):

Above are just a few examples of Poka Yoke devices. There are many other types of devices that reduce human errors without requiring a heavy investment.

How to Implement

First, get the right people together to discuss and review the product and the manufacturing and assembly process. Then identify and find out sources of defects. From the design perspective, review the features of the parts and how they are assembled. A simple change in product design may make a huge difference. Have Poka Yoke expert in these conversations, great ideas for improvement will come out due to their experience. Effectiveness of Poka Yoke technique should be reviewed continuously. Continue to maintain and improve the processes and measure the success.

Poka Yoke is the fastest way to zero defects and acts as a key enabler for efficient manufacturing. Poka Yokes are a science and also an art. Searching for creative solutions to avoid or detect errors for close to zero investment is what invites innovation.

Poka Yoke How to implement

1. “The Use of Poka Yoke with Medical Device Design and Manufacturing,” Jim Shore, Product and Process Improvement Leader, Dynisco, 17 May, 2011. www.mastercontrol.com. 2. “Mistake Proofing/Error Proofing”, Retrieved from https://quality-one.com/mistake-proofing 3. “Error Proofing and Poka Yoke Techniques”, Marc Smith, Error Proofing and Poka Yoke discussion threads in the Elsmar Cove Forums, 5 Auguest, 2004. www.elsmar.com 4. Dhon G. Dungca. “Poka-Yoke”. Retrieved from https://slideplayer.com/slide/4471730/ 5. Dr. Ramzi Hammani. “Poka Yoke”, Introduction to Supply Chain Management. Retrieved from https://www.slideshare.net/AdityaRamachandran/poka-yoke-56867498 6. R. Anthony Inman. “Poka-Yoke”. Encyclopedia of Management. Retrieved from https://www.referenceforbusiness.com/management/Or-Pr/Poka-Yoke.html 7. N.vigneshwari. “Total quality management”, Benchmarking and poka yoke. Retrieved from https://slideplayer.com/slide/12134070/ 8. Harry Robinson. “Using Poka-Yoke Techniques for Early Defect Detection”. Retrieved from https://rb.gy/p2yzei 9. “Six Principles of Mistake Proofing, “ Tim McMahon, A Lean Jorney, 20 July, 2016. http://www.aleanjourney.com/2016/07/six-principles-of-mistake-proofing.html 10. “Mistakeproofing the Design of Construction Process Using Inventive Problem Solving”, Final Report for CPWR Small Study No. 16-3-PS. Retrieved from https://rb.gy/98gmik 11. “A Strategy for Performance Excellence”. Retrieved from https://slideplayer.com/slide/6998/

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The paper represents a case study which focuses on Poka Yoke which is a concept coined by Japanese people. We have studied a system that eliminated the rework and increased productivity of the plant which results in achievement of 0 PPM as well; in the company based in Satpur, Nashik. There was a punching machine there in the plant which was punching a hole on a rear end cap of Mahindra Scorpio's rear bumper. There were 4 metal clips which were fitted on that component before the part gets punched on punching machine. After some of the lots get punched, we observed that component is getting punched unless those clip fittings. At that time, company needs more time to fit metal clips on the component again which was time consuming. So this problem can be avoided by implementing Poka Yoke system to it. So, the aim of the project was avoid the mistake of missing of metal clip on it and make a system which will not allow to punch the hole unless and until all 4 metal clips are arranged on it.

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Case Studies

case study of poka yoke

Explore how Poka-Yoke Solutions has transformed businesses with tailored operational processes.

Our results are so good, they are  almost unbelievable*

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*read these stats and you'll agree

After Implementing the Poka-Yoke Process™:

  • 100% paper process  (order processing, scheduling and billing)
  • Manual data entry
  • Unclear organizational structure
  • Operations leader performing tactical functions
  • Breakdown in communications between departments

Company Snapshot

Trucking and Transportation

Industry: Trucking & Transportation

  • Streamlined and Digitized Processes: Created new order-to-cash workflows and implemented them electronically, replacing all previous paper processes.
  • Built a comprehensive organizational structure and chart, giving the blueprint on who to hire for management and staff allowing the Operations Leader to move into the COO position.
  • Achieved Employee Training and Connection : Built out a centralized online training system and rolled it out to 175 employees, achieving a 94% incentivized training completion rate.
  • Captured Policy Signatures: Implemented electronic signature captures providing for easier audits.
  • Recent 25% turnover in management resulting in loss of foundational company process knowledge
  • $2M in inventory unlabeled and unorganized
  • Long ship times and crowding of the warehouse

Warehouse and Distribution

Industry: Warehouse & Distribution

  • Inventory Reconciliation : Created and led a robust inventory reconciliation plan, improving inventory accuracy and ongoing inventory management.
  • Transitioned to Electronic Orders : Moved from paper-based to electronic order processing, streamlining operations and reducing errors.
  • Streamlined Warehouse Processes: Implemented a 3-phased receiving and fulfillment process, allowing for Warehouse Management System to ultimately fill orders quicker and more accurately.
  • Comprehensive Training Programs : Documented processes company-wide and rolled out extensive training programs to ensure consistency and knowledge retention.

After Working with Poka-Yoke Solutions:

  • Low company morale and unclear responsibilities
  • Poor communication between locations
  • Recent loss of key account (12% of revenue)
  • Change in primary management

Marketing, CPG, and Product Sampling

Industry: Marketing/ CPG Product Sampling

  • Organizational Restructuring : Successfully re-structured the organizational chart to improve management and operational clarity.
  • Scalable Solutions: Implemented scalable processes which balanced workload to support future growth and expansion.
  • Employee Morale and Engagement : Boosted employee morale and engagement through structured processes and clear communication channels.


  • Lack of leadership; no management or structure
  • Poor communication and cadence 
  • Inefficient product launch process
  • High employee turnover

Beauty, ecomm, and warehouse

Industry: Beauty / E-Commerce / Warehousing & Fulfillment

  • Implemented NetSuite ERP System : Added order visibility across the organization and operational efficiency and integration across departments.
  • Improved Communication Systems : Established a communication system that synchronized the Fulfillment team with Customer Service, improving coordination and response times.
  • New Product Launch Process Flow : Created a structured process for product launches, streamlining the introduction of new products.
  • Enhanced Customer Service: Reverse engineered hundreds of pages of documentation and product information into a step-by-step ticket troubleshooting flow, improving time to answer tickets and onboard new agents.
  • Lengthy outstanding payments
  • Inaccuracies in orders, shipments and billings
  • Poor time management among employees
  • 100% paper process (scheduling, orders, shipping and billing


Industry: Technology

  • Implemented Electronic Orders and Billing : Created and put into action a 4-Phased plan to transition all teams from paper to electronic processing, ensuring team buy-in and allowing for quick scalability.
  • Improved Order Accuracy : Designed a product selector tool supporting 26,000 combinations of order items, ensuring only compatible combinations could be selected.
  • Global Expansion : Efficient processes and ERP implementation allowed operations team to manage a 3500% increase in order volume while only adding 2 people.
  • Process Automation : Automated several key operational processes, including with vendors, to reduce manual work and improve order accuracy.

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    Benefits of Poka-Yoke. Studies by the Aberdeen Group show a 30% reduction in defects by implementing Poka Yoke techniques. Applying poka-yoke as part of continuous improvement initiatives like Lean Six Sigma and Kaizen events yields powerful benefits for quality, efficiency, costs, and competitiveness: Reduces Defects and Waste

  8. What is Poka-Yoke? [Examples, Principles, Methods]

    Poka-Yoke Principles Part 1 Poka-Yoke Methods Part 2 Implementation of Poka-Yoke in Manufacturing Part 3 Benefits of Poka-Yoke Part 4 Integrating Poka-Yoke with Other Approaches Part 5 Common Types of Poka-Yoke Devices Part 6 Challenges and Limitations of Poka-Yoke Part 7 Poka-Yoke is a Japanese term that translates to "mistake-proofing." Developed by the industrial engineer...

  9. 20 Poka-Yoke Examples in Real Life

    Poka-Yoke Examples. 1. Outlet in the sink, to prevent overflow. Many sinks have a hole on the top, right below the pipe. This hole is a protective mechanism, preventing water from overflowing if the drain blocks or if you don't close the tap. 2. Household appliances, not working with an open door.

  10. Design and Implementation of a Safety Poka-Yoke for Workers Safety: A

    Abstract. This paper presents the case study on design and implementation of a Poka-Yoke setup for protecting vision of the workers working on the final assembly line of an axle manufacturing assembly, where workers worked with unprotected exposure to welding arc rays emanating from the welding booth. The setup prior to modification used ...

  11. Application Poka-Yoke to Capture Defect (A Case Study in Industry

    The paper represents a case study which focuses on Poka Yoke which is a concept coined by Japanese people. We have studied a system that eliminated the rework and increased productivity of the ...

  12. Perspectives of Lean Management Using the Poka Yoke Method

    In conclusion, we want to evaluate that Poka-Yoke is a technique often used in lean management. This management approach aims to maximize value and minimize waste in all aspects of an organization. Lean management aims to create a continuous flow of value to customers while eliminating waste, defects, and delays.

  13. Quality improvement through Poka-Yoke: From engineering design to

    Based on case study results, this paper presents a theoretical framework to unify developments in the design for Poka-Yoke. Practical guidance is also provided for Poka-Yoke implementation. A ...

  14. Overview of poka-yoke in Lean manufacturing

    Poka-yoke is one of several Lean manufacturing tools designed to help organizations eliminate waste, streamline processes, and increase efficiency. Specifically, poka-yoke tries to achieve zero defects by preventing and eliminating errors. Often referred to as "error-proofing" or "mistake-proofing," the idea of poka-yoke was developed ...

  15. Universal design of workplaces through the use of Poka-yokes: case

    Then a review on the Poka-Yokes and its potential is discussed. Section 3 shows a case study where this approach was implemented with success in five different workstations, each one applying different Poka-Yokes. Finally, Section 4 discusses the results achieved in the case study and Section 5 summarizes the general conclusions and the further

  16. Poka-Yoke in Manufacturing

    Poka-Yoke in Manufacturing. Humans make mistakes, and these mistakes can cause defective products. Poka-Yoke, also known as mistake-proofing, is a technique for avoiding simple human errors at work. The idea was originally developed in the 1960s by Shigeo Shingo who was one of the IE engineers at Toyota. Poka-Yoke's are mechanisms used to ...

  17. PDF Quality Improvement Technique: Through Poka Concepts

    Based on case study results, this paper presents a theoretical framework to unify developments in the design for Poka-Yoke. Practical guidance is also provided ... Poka Yoke devices consist of three methods for prevention and detection of errors/mistakes in manufacturing process. 1. Contact method 2. Fixed-Value method 3.

  18. (PDF) Poka-Yoke Method Implementation in Industries: A Systematic

    This study aimed to determine the level of success of the Poka-Yoke method in improving quality in the manufacturing and service industries. The technique used is to conduct a review of research ...

  19. PDF Poka Yoke Implimentation on Punching Machine: a Case Study

    The paper represents a case study which focuses on Poka Yoke which is a concept coined by Japanese people. We have studied a system that eliminated the rework and increased productivity of the plant which results in achievement of 0 PPM as well; in the company based in Satpur, Nashik. There was a punching machine there in the plant which was ...

  20. Application Poka-Yoke to Capture Defect (A Case Study in Industry

    The paper represents a case study which focuses on Poka Yoke which is a concept coined by Japanese people. We have studied a system that eliminated the rework and increased productivity of the plant which results in achievement of 0 PPM as well; in the company based in Satpur, Nashik. There was a punching machine there in the plant which was ...


    The paper represents a case study which focuses on Poka Yoke which is a concept coined by Japanese people. We have studied a system that eliminated the rework and increased productivity of the plant which results in achievement of 0 PPM as well; in the company based in Satpur, Nashik. There was a punching machine there in the plant which was ...

  22. A Systematic Literature Review of Poka-Yoke and Novel Approach to

    Highlights: The first detailed systematic literature review on Poka-Yoke (PY) Review includes 211 manuscripts, while 73 are mentioned in paper. More than 50 examples and case studies on PY were ...

  23. Case Studies

    Case Studies. About. Home. MENU. Blog. Company. Team. About. Explore how Poka-Yoke Solutions has transformed businesses with tailored operational processes. Studies. Case. Our results are so good, they are almost unbelievable* *read these stats and you'll agree. INCENTIVIZED training completion. 94%.