The University of Hong Kong - Graduate School

  • Prospective Students

Scholarship, Funding and Fees

Hku presidential phd scholar programme (hku-ps)  new, hong kong phd fellowships, postgraduate scholarship (pgs), summary of fellowships/ scholarships available, tuition waiver scheme for local research postgraduate (rpg) students, academic award s, financial support for conference attendance and travel, accommodation, composition fees and living expenses   .

In order to attract top candidates from around the world to pursue full-time PhD studies at HKU, application to  HKU Presidential PhD Scholar Programme (‘The Programme’)  for the admission year 2023-24 has commenced on September 1, 2022.  The Programme offers the most prestigious scholarship package, namely, the HKU Presidential PhD Scholarship (HKU-PS), to selected outstanding full-time PhD students admitted to The University of Hong Kong. 

The HKU Presidential PhD Scholars will also receive strong academic and training support from the University, e.g. individualised advisory service, training in teaching and opportunities to interact with leading scholars.  A group of distinguished Faculty members will also give advice, provide additional mentorship and training opportunities, and oversee the academic career paths. 

Scholarship Package for 2023-24 admission

Each HKU Presidential PhD Scholar will receive a HKU-PS package of up to around HK$420,900 (US$53,960 ) in the first year, and up to around HK$400,900 (US$51,390) in each of the subsequent years during the normative study period. The package includes:

(a) Cash Award to support research and living expenses:            HK$40,000 in Year 1; HK$20,000 per year in the remaining normative study period (b) Waiver of composition fees for the whole normative study period (i.e. HK$42,100 per year) (c) Postgraduate Scholarship of HK$27,100 per month (d) Conference and Research-related Travel Allowance of HK$13,600 per year (e) Financial support to selected outstanding students for an additional year of study beyond the normative study period to reward their outstanding research output and progress (f) A guaranteed hall place in Year 1, with possibility of renewal

Eligibility and Selection

The HKU Presidential PhD Scholars shall be the brightest candidates who are passionate about research applying for the full-time PhD programmes at HKU.  Applications for the HKU-PS Programme should be submitted following the instruction on .

PhD applicants with very strong qualifications in academic and/or research achievements will be considered for the HKU-PS Programme, with consultation from Faculties. After successful screening for the first batch of candidates who submitted the applications before Dec 1, 2022, further selection will be conducted in batches by August 2023. Candidates will be selected by a panel of professors representing different disciplines.  Shortlisted candidates will then be invited to attend an interview. 

The Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme (HKPF) , established by the  Hong Kong Research Grants Council (RGC) in 2009, aims at attracting the best and brightest students across the world to pursue their research degree programmes in Hong Kong. Around 300 PhD Fellowships are awarded by the RGC each academic year. 

phd scholarship hk


New applicants to full-time PhD programmes in government-funded institutions in Hong Kong, irrespective of their country of origin and ethnic background, are eligible to apply. Applicants should demonstrate outstanding academic performance, research ability/potential, communication and interpersonal skills, and leadership abilities.

The Fellowships

The HKPF provides each awardee with both a monthly scholarship and a conference and research related travel allowance per year for a period up to three years. In 2023-24, the scholarship is worth HK$27,100 and the conference and research related travel allowance HK$13,600.  For HKPF awardees who are admitted to a 4-year PhD programme, the University of Hong Kong (HKU) will provide a monthly scholarship and travel allowance at the same level as the HKPF for their fourth year of study. 

For the 2023-24 exercise, all HKPF holders will be awarded the HKU Presidential PhD Scholarship . Each HKPF holder will be provided the following by HKU on top of what they will receive from the RGC:

•   Cash Award to support research and living expenses:           HK$40,000 in Year 1; HK$20,000 per year in the remaining normative study period •  Waiver of composition fees for the whole normative study period (i.e. HK$42,100 per year) •  a guaranteed hall place in Year 1, with possibility of renewal in Year 2



Application for HKPF normally starts on September 1 and ends in early December every year.  Applicants can check the exact application dates on the  RGC website . 

Applicants need to submit one initial on-line application (only with basic information such as their names and place of birth) through the RGC system to obtain a reference number. For the 2023-24 exercise, the deadline  for submitting an initial application to RGC is December 1, 2022  at Hong Kong Time noon  (GMT +8 hours).  Please click here for RGC on-line initial application.

Applicants who have chosen HKU in their initial applications should submit an on-line application form and upload soft copies of  supporting documents  via the HKU application system to complete the application to HKU. They are required to indicate that they are applying for the HKPF and quote the reference number assigned to them by the RGC. They should also make sure that their application materials do not contain any plagiarised materials, particularly the research proposal & research experience and vision statements, which are expected to be an original piece of work written by the applicant.  The deadline for submitting an application to HKU is December 1, 2022 . Please click here to HKU Online Application System.

[Note to applicants of the Joint Programmes between HKU and King's College London/The University of Toronto :

The RGC has announced that UGC-funded full-time Dual/Joint PhD Programmes having at least two years of normative study period spent in local universities would be included in the HKPF Scheme with effect from the 2019/20 intake. However, the RGC would only provide monthly fellowship as well as conference and research-related travel allowance to HKPF awardees enrolled in the Dual/Joint PhD programmes during their study period spent in Hong Kong.] 

Please click here for further details of the HK PhD Fellowship Scheme .

Full-time MPhil and PhD students who hold a first degree with second-class honours first division (or equivalent) or above are normally considered eligible to receive a Postgraduate Scholarship during the normative study period. Candidates' results in Master's degrees may also be considered. The basic level of scholarship is HK$18,030 per month (w.e.f. September 1, 2020) .

A PGS holder whose PhD probationary candidature has been confirmed will receive a higher PGS rate with effect from the following calendar month after his/her probation is fully confirmed. For example:   probation confirmed within November 1 – 30, 2020  --> higher PGS  rate is applicable w.e.f. December 1, 2020.  The higher PGS rate is HK$18,520 per month (w.e.f. September 1, 2020).

•  Cash Award to support research and living expenses:
        HK$40,000 in Year 1;
        HK$20,000 per year in the remaining
        normative study period

•  Waiver of composition fees for the whole normative study period (i.e HK$42,100 per year)

•  Postgraduate Scholarship of HK$27,100 per month

•  Conference and Research-related Travel Allowance of HK$13,600 per year

•  a guaranteed hall place in Year 1, with possibility of renewal in Year 2

PhD applicants with very strong qualifications in academic and/or research achievements will be considered for the HKU-PS Programme, with consultation from Faculties.

After successful screening for the first batch of candidates who submitted the applications before Dec 1, 2022, further selection will be conducted in batches by August 2023. Candidates will be selected by a panel of professors representing different disciplines.  Shortlisted candidates will then be invited to attend an interview.

No separate application is required. 



•  Scholarship of HK$27,100 per month
•  Conference and Research-related Travel Allowance of HK$13,600 per year

•  HKU Presidential PhD Scholarship, including

- Cash Award to support research and living expenses (HK$40,000 in Year 1; HK$20,000 per year in the remaining normative study period)
- Waiver of composition fees for the whole normative study period (i.e HK$42,100 per year)
a guaranteed hall place in Year 1, with possibility of renewal in Year 2

: Full-time PhD applicants

•  Submit an initial application to the RGC

•  With the HKPF no. given by the RGC, submit an application for admission to the full-time PhD programme at HKU (need to fill in a section particularly for HKPF).

With effect from September 1, 2020:

HK$18,030 per month (and $18,520 per month for PhD students whose probationary candidature has been confirmed)

: Full-time MPhil and PhD applicants

Check the box ‘Postgraduate Scholarship’ in your application  

PGS holders cannot concurrently hold HKU-PS and/or HKPF

The University Grants Committee (UGC) provides a non-means-tested ‘ Tuition Waiver Scheme ’ (‘The Scheme’) for all current and new  local students enrolled in full-time UGC-funded Research Postgraduate (RPg) programmes of any disciplines in local institutions, to cover their composition fees with effect from July 1, 2018.  Eligible students do not need to apply for the Scheme.

For more information, please refer to the UGC website .

Academic Awards

The University administers a number of scholarships that are awarded to postgraduate students for outstanding academic achievements. Here are some  examples  available to current students.

Full-time MPhil and PhD students are eligible to apply for conference and/or travel support for presenting papers/posters in overseas academic conferences or participating in other overseas educational activities.

For further information on conference and travel support, please refer to the Research Services homepage at (conference support) and (travel support).  

Full-time non-local research postgraduate students who register on July 1, 2019 and thereafter are guaranteed a hall place in their first year of study.

Recipients of Hong Kong PhD Fellowship (HKPF) and HKU Presidential PhD Scholarship (HKU-PS) are guaranteed a hall place in Year 1, with possibility of renewal in Year 2.

Composition Fees and Living Expenses

$42,100 p.a.
$63,000 p.a.

a. The fees are reviewed annually.
For candidates registered from September 2022 to August 2023: HK$42,100

b. Due to the withdrawal of funding from the University Grants Committee on part-time places with effect from 2009-10, part-time MPhil and PhD programmes will be offered on a self-funded basis. The fees are reviewed annually.

For candidates registered from September 2022 to August 2023: HK$63,000

c. HKU waives  of HK$42,100 for HKU-PS and HKPF awardees of the 2022-23 exercise for the whole normative study period.

d. UGC waives   for all local students enrolled in full-time UGC-funded RPg programmes w.e.f. July 1, 2018. For more information, please refer to the .

Please click here for the full schedule of fees.

Living Expenses for Non-local Students

The living costs vary from one person to another, depending on the type of accommodation selected and other factors. Usually, the postgraduate scholarship is sufficient to cover food, lodging, general living expenses and composition fees. Please click  here   for further information.

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Fellowship & Scholarship Schemes

Fellowship / Scholarship Scheme RGC Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme (HKPFS) PolyU Presidential PhD Fellowship Scheme (PPPFS) PolyU Research Postgraduate Scholarship (PRPgS)


To support the best and brightest students in the world with a prestigious fellowship to pursue their full-time PhD studies

To offer an attractive scholarship package to outstanding PhD applicants to support their research studies at PolyU and living expenses in Hong Kong

To provide financial support to full-time PhD and MPhil students during their normal study period, allowing them to fully focus on their studies

Monthly Stipend




(HK$19,270 for PhD students who have confirmed their registration) 

Conference Grant

(for the entire normal study period)

HK$14,000 per year



Cash Award

HK$40,000 in the first year

HK$20,000 per year from the second year to the end of the normal study period

HK$40,000 in the first year

HK$20,000 per year from the second year to the end of the normal study period


Research Excellence Scholarship

(in the form of a tuition fee waiver)




(Students are required to pay the annual tuition fee.)

University Accommodation

A guaranteed hall place for 2 years

Please refer to this   for the hall admission policy and fees.

Please refer to this   for the hall admission policy and fees.

Please refer to this   for the hall admission policy and fees.

Selection Criteria

RGC’s HKPFS criteria

The quality of applicants in terms of academic merits and research credentials/potential 

The quality of applicants in terms of academic merits and research credentials/potential

Application Procedures

All HKPFS applicants will concurrently be considered for the award of PPPFS/PRPgS. No separate application for PPPFS/PRPgS is required.


All full-time PhD applicants will concurrently be considered for the award of PPPFS. No separate application for the fellowship is required.


All full-time MPhil/PhD applicants will concurrently be considered for the award of PRPgS. No separate application for the scholarship is required.

  • The fellowship/scholarship schemes are offered to PolyU full-time PhD and/or MPhil students only. They are  mutually exclusive, and each student will be eligible to receive the fellowship/scholarship via ONE scheme only.
  • Renewal of the awarded fellowship/scholarship is subject to the student's satisfactory performance and funding availability.
  • PolyU reserves the right to revise the fellowship / scholarship / fees without prior notice.

Last updated: 5 Jun 2024

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  • Overview of Scholarship Schemes
  • CUHK Vice-Chancellor’s PhD Scholarship Scheme
  • TPg Fellowships Scheme
  • Postgraduate Studentships (MPhil and PhD)
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Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme (HKPFS)

The Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme (HKPFS), established by the Research Grants Council (RGC) of Hong Kong, aims to attract the best and brightest students from across the globe to pursue their PhD studies in Hong Kong universities.

The HKPFS package for the 2024-25 intake at CUHK includes financial support totalling up to HK$1.72 million  (~US$221,000). Ple ase visit here  for more details.

CUHK Vice-Chancellor’s PhD Scholarship Scheme for the 2024-25 Intake

The Scholarship offers:

  • An award of total HK$80,000 (approx. US$10,260) (HK$40,000 in the first year of attendance and HK$20,000 each in the second and third years subject to satisfactory study progress);
  • Studentships of HK$220,320  (approx. US$28,250) per annum within the normative study period; and
  • Conference and Research-related Travel Allowance of HK$30,000 (approx. US$3,846) within the normative study period

Recipients of this prestigious admission scholarship shall be the brightest candidates applying for the full-time PhD programmes of the University, with a clear record of academic and/or research achievements, a high degree of intellectual curiosity combined with creativity, and potential for academic/professional leadership. Some examples include, but are not limited to, a cumulative GPA of at least 3.5/4.0 or equivalent; academic/research-related awards/scholarships, publications/contributions in excellent venues; reference letters illustrating substantial experience and potential in research; a PhD admission offer for the 2024-25 intake from a top-tier university as measured by, for instance, THE World, QS World, ARWU University rankings, subject rankings of relevant programmes, etc.

Candidates applying for the full-time PhD programmes of the University via the Online Application System by the deadlines specified by individual programmes will automatically be considered for the Scholarship. A separate application for the Scholarship from candidate is not required. Candidates should upload copies of the latest academic transcript, a valid English Language proficiency test score report, and other supporting documents in their applications.

Postgraduate Studentships (MPhil and PhD)

  • For full-time research postgraduate students.
  • Annual studentship for 2024-25 is HK$224,700 (approx. US$28,810). Payable during normative period of study.
  • The award of the studentship will be made known to students with the admission offers.

Financial Support and Funding

Tuition Waiver Scheme for Local Research Postgraduate Students

  • Starting from the 2018-19 academic year, the Government grants a tuition waiver to all current and newly admitted local 1 full-time research postgraduate (RPg) students enrolled in UGC-funded RPg programmes for their entire normative period of study.
  • For more details, please visit the website of  University Grants Committee (UGC) .

phd scholarship hk

  • Local students 1  , both full-time and part-time, admitted 3  to the designated taught postgraduate (TPg) programmes of the University starting from the 2021-22 Intake are eligible to apply.
  • Awardees are required to pay a minimum tuition fee of HK$42,100 for the programme, and the differences will be subsidised by the fellowships subject to a cap of  HK$120,000  for each student for the whole programme, regardless of the actual study period. Please visit  here  for more details.

Research Postgraduate Student Grant for Overseas Academic Activities

  • Full-time Research Doctoral Student: Maximum HK$30,000 in total during the normative period of study.
  • Full-time Research Master’s Student: Maximum HK$10,000 in total during the normative period of study.

Tertiary Student Finance Scheme – Publicly-funded Programmes (TSFS) administered by the Student Finance Office  of the Hong Kong Government.

  • For full-time local 1 students taking up exclusively UGC-funded or publicly-funded programmes.

CUHK Convocation Postgraduate Admission Scholarships

  • The CUHK Convocation has set up two scholarships of HK$10,000 each to award outstanding non-local students 1 to pursue taught postgraduate studies.
  • There will be one award each for non-local students 1 admitted 3  to full-time and part-time taught postgraduate programmes with effect from the 2022-23 intake.

Other Scholarships and Awards

The University offers a number of scholarships, prizes and awards to recognize students' outstanding academic and non-academic performance. Other exchange scholarships, university bursaries and loans are also available. Please visit the website of the  Office of Admissions and Financial Aid  for details.

More scholarships and funding are available to postgraduate students, including the PhD International Mobility for Partnerships and Collaborations Award, Young Scholars Thesis Award, Belt and Road Scholarship, CUHK Convocation Postgraduate Admissions Scholarships. More information is available on the website of the Office of Admissions and Financial Aid and the Office of Academic Links .

Continuing Education Fund

Please refer details at the following site: . 

Application Fees: HK$300 per programme (except Master of Business Administration, Master of Science in Finance, MBA in Finance).

Programmes Fees

Research Postgraduate Programmes (RPg)

HK$42,100 per annum

for details.

Taught Postgraduate Programmes (TPg)

Please refer to the individual for details.

Students would be considered a non-local student if he/she is a holder of the following documents issued by the Immigration Department of the HKSAR:

  • Student visa/entry permit; or
  • Visa/entry permit under the Immigration Arrangement for Non-local Graduates; or
  • Dependant visa/entry permit who were 18 years old or above when he/she was issued with such visa/entry

  During the student’s normative study period.

  • Only applicants who have got an admission offer, accepted the offer and settled the deposit will be considered for the Scheme.
  • Only candidates selected for award and enrolled in the concerned programme namely, registered as a student at the University are eligible to receive the scholarship.
  • All fees paid are non-refundable and non-transferable.

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The Education University of Hong Kong

  • Message from the Dean
  • Application & Admission
  • After Getting an Offer
  • Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme
  • New Students
  • Research Postgraduate (RPg) Programmes
  • Doctor of Education (EdD)
  • Master of Education (MEd)
  • Course Sharing of Master Level Courses with Bachelor Programmes
  • Academic Advising System
  • Affiliation of Research Centre
  • Financial Support for Research and Conference (For RPg)
  • Career Development
  • Further Study & Career Opportunities
  • Individual Thesis Writing Consultation Services
  • Personal Well-being and Health
  • Research Software
  • Statistical Consulting Services for Research Students
  • Academic Policies
  • Guidelines on Doctoral Students Teaching (For PhD)
  • UGC Targeted Taught Postgraduate Programmes Fellowships Scheme 2024/25 for Local Students
  • Pursuit of Master Degree Scholarships
  • Other Scholarships & Awards @EdUHK

 Hong Kong PhD  Fellowship Scheme  (HKPFS)

  • Established by the Hong Kong Research Grants Council (RGC) in 2009.
  • Aims to attract the best students from around the world to pursue PhD studies in Hong Kong.
  • Provides a monthly stipend of HK$28,100 (approx. US$3,600) and a conference travel allowance of HK$14,000 (approx. US$1,790) per year for up to three years. Additional support will be provided by the Graduate School for students within the normative period of study.
  • University Accommodation: Guaranteed on-campus accommodation during the normative period of study*. 

Application Procedure

  • Applications are invited from  1 September 2023 at 12:00 noon (Hong Kong Time).
  • Submit an initial application to the RGC through their  online application system  and obtain a HKPFS reference number.
  • RGC Application deadline:  1  December 2023 at 12:00 noon (Hong Kong Time).
  • Submit your full application through  EdUHK Admission System  and quote the HKPFS reference number
  • EdUHK Application deadline:  1  December 2023 at 11:59 pm (Hong Kong Time).

Admission Requirements

For Admission Requirements, please refer to:  Prospective Students, Research Postgraduate (RPg) Programmes (

  • For more information on HKPFS, please refer to:  
  • For enquiry, please contact Graduate School at  [email protected]  

*Subject to regular review of the University’s hall admission policy and the availability of hall places

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Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme

  Application Steps & Procedures   Admission Application System   


City University of Hong Kong (CityUHK), one of eight government-funded institutions in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR), is a modern, hi-tech institution committed to providing a high-quality learning environment for its students and the community. It has a vibrant research culture and has gained an excellent reputation for research and innovation in a wide range of disciplines. It has an outstanding team of academics dedicated to advancing knowledge to benefit society and the region. CityUHK currently has a student enrolment of over 20,000, of which over 9,000 are postgraduates.

The Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme, established by the Research Grants Council (RGC) of the HKSAR government, aims to attract the best and brightest students in the world to pursue their research degree programmes in Hong Kong’s institutions.

The RGC is a non-statutory advisory body established under the aegis of the University Grants Committee (UGC). For details of its terms of reference, please visit the homepage of the Council at .

Entrance Requirements

Those who are seeking admission as new full-time PhD students in UGC-funded institutions in Hong Kong should be eligible to apply, irrespective of their country of origin and ethnic background. Applicants should demonstrate outstanding academic performance, research ability/potential, communication and interpersonal skills and leadership abilities.

Applicants should satisfy the following minimum entrance requirements:

  • hold a higher degree by research (or equivalent qualification) from a recognised university; or
  • hold a taught Master’s degree (or equivalent qualification) from a recognised university; or
  • hold a Bachelor’s degree with first class honours (or equivalent qualification) from a recognised university.

The equivalent qualifications mentioned above include relevant professional qualifications and other scholarly achievements recognised by the University. Individual Departments and Schools may prescribe additional entrance requirements.

English Proficiency Requirements

Applicants from non-English speaking universities are required to attach their TOEFL or IELTS score results with their PhD applications, unless they can provide proof that English is the language of instruction for all courses that qualify them for entrance to their proposed PhD programmes.  TOEFL and IELTS scores are considered valid for two years from the test date and must be valid at the time of submission of application to CityUHK.

Funding and Scholarship

The Fellowship provides awardees with a monthly stipend of HK$28,100 (~US$3,602) and a conference and research related travel allowance of HK$14,000 (~US$1,795) per year for a maximum of three years. For Fellowship awardees who are admitted to a 4-year PhD programme, CityUHK will provide a monthly studentship at the same level as the RGC Fellowship for their fourth year of study.

Entrance Scholarships

In addition to the monthly stipend of HK$27,600 (~US$3,538) offered by the Scheme, each awardee of the CityUHK Fellowship will receive an entrance scholarship (around HK$89,496/~USD11,473), which covers students’ full-time tuition fees and on-campus hostel accommodation expenses in their first year of research studies.

Programme Structure and Requirements

The programme structure of the Doctor of Philosophy consists of both  coursework  and independent  research studies  culminating in the submission of a thesis. Details of the  programme requirements  are given on the Postgraduate Admissions website .

The normal medium of instruction and assessment at the University is English. Research students should write and present their theses in English, unless they provide very strong justification for using another language.

Fields of PhD Studies at CityUHK

Applicants may consider applying for PhD studies in one of the disciplines under two broad areas, namely “Sciences, Medicine, Engineering and Technology” and “Humanities, Social Sciences and Business Studies”. The relevant disciplines under these two broad areas are listed below.

Application and Programme-related Fees

Application Fee

A non-refundable application fee of HK$500 (~US$64)  (subject to revision)  will be charged for each application for a programme. The application fee must be made via on-line credit card payment.

Please note that applications will not be processed if the payment of the application fee has not been settled.

Programme-related Fees

The following are the major fees for PhD programmes. Please note that fees are subject to revision from time to time without prior notification, and any adjustments to fees will apply to both new and current students.

Tuition/Continuation Fees for government-funded students (normally adjusted in September every year)

Tuition fee

HK$3,508 (~USD450)
per month

Non-refundable; applicable to students within their stipulated study period

Continuation fee

HK$877 (~USD112)
per month

Non-refundable; applicable to students who have been approved for an extension of their study period

Other Fees (for all students)

(Re)examination fee

HK$1,500 (~USD192)


Graduation fee

HK$400 (~(USD52)

Refundable upon study withdrawal or study termination

Selection Criteria

Applications will be reviewed by two Selection Panels with experts in the broad area of study, one for science, medicine, engineering and technology and another for humanities, social sciences and business studies.

Although applicants’ academic excellence is of prime consideration, the Review Panels will take into account the following yardsticks, among others, in the selection of candidates:

  • academic excellence
  • research ability and potential
  • cultural diversity
  • communication and interpersonal skills
  • leadership abilities and societal responsibilities
  • university's support

As part of application process to facilitate the assessment of applicants’ communication and interpersonal skills, interviews will be conducted with the nominated applicants.

Shortlisted candidates will be invited to admission interview (either face-to-face or via telephone).

Application Process and Timelines, 2024/25

When applying for the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship, each applicant may choose up to two PhD programmes and indicate their priority. Applicants are also required to nominate two academic referees who can comment on their academic performance, and invite them to complete and return the designated form to the chosen institution(s) directly. For more information on pursuing a PhD degree in your chosen area at CityUHK, please contact the  Research Degree Coordinators  of the academic department concerned. Step One : Applicants must first register on the  RGC’s Online Application System (OAS)  and obtain a reference number before 1 December 2023 (12:00 noon Hong Kong time).

Step Two : Applicants are required to submit a full application, including supporting documents, to CityUHK through our  Online Application System  on or before 1 December 2023 (11:59 pm Hong Kong Time). 

1 September 2023*

Call for application

1 December 2023*

Deadline for registration at RGC's Online Application System (OAS)

1 December 2023#

Deadline for submission of full applications to CityUHK for the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme

April/May 2024

Notification of results

* at 12:00 noon (Hong Kong Time or GMT +8 hours)

# at 11:59 pm (Hong Kong Time or GMT +8 hours)

Awardees will only be allowed to enrol at the institutions that nominated them in accordance with the priority indicated, otherwise they will be considered as declining the award. Awardees are normally required to commence studies at the University in September 2024.

Frequently Asked Questions

Below are the postal address and enquiry details for submission of referee reports to CityUHK:

+852 3442 9076
+852 3442 0332
Chow Yei Ching School of Graduate Studies (Research Degree and Professional Doctorate), City University of Hong Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong SAR.

Full application at CityUHK

HKPFS Awardees' Sharing

The University of Hong Kong Graduate School

Postgraduate Scholarships

Apart from awardees of the HKU Presidential PhD Scholar Programme (HKU-PS) and the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme (HKPFS) , other full-time PhD and MPhil students who hold a first degree with second-class honours first division (or equivalent) or above are normally considered eligible to receive a Postgraduate Scholarship (PGS) during the normative study period, subject to availability of funding. Candidates' results in Master's degrees may also be considered.

The basic level of scholarship is HK$18,760 per month (wef 1/9/2024). A PGS holder whose PhD probationary candidature has been confirmed will receive a higher PGS rate (HK$19,270, wef 1/9/2024) with effect from the following calendar month after his/her probation is fully confirmed.

The award of PGS, including the PGS for HKU-PS and HKPFS awardees, is tenable on an annual basis and renewable upon satisfactory progress, availability of funding, and upon compliance with the conditions in the Regulations Governing Postgraduate Scholarships . The value of the Scholarship is subject to review by the University from time to time.

Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme (2024/2025)

Sep 28, 2023

The Research Grants Council of Hong Kong is launching the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme for the intake of the academic year 2024/2025.  This Scheme aims to attract top international students to pursue PhD studies in Hong Kong’s world-class research universities.

At present, the fellowship provides a monthly stipend of HK$27,600 (approx. 3,320 EUR) and a conference and research-related travel allowance of HK$13,800 (approx. 1,660 EUR) per year, for a period of three years.

A total of 300 fellowships will be awarded for PhD studies commencing in the 2024/2025 academic year.

Deadline to submit applications: December 1st, 2023

More information:

For more detailed information on application procedures and the participating universities in Hong Kong, please refer to the  Scheme’s   poster  and  leaflet ; or you can visit the   website thorugh this link .

Contact: University Grants Committee Secretariat of Hong Kong E-mail: [email protected]

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  • The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government Scholarship recognises the achievements of outstanding local and non-local students studying in the eight University Grants Committee-funded universities, the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, and the Vocational Training Council. The scholarship is HK$80,000 (approximately US$10,300) per year for non-local students.
  • The Self-financing Post-secondary Education Fund provides scholarships to outstanding local and non-local students pursuing full-time locally-accredited self-financing sub-degree or bachelor’s degree programmes. The scholarship is HK$80,000 (approximately US$10,300) per year for non-local recipients of Outstanding Performance Scholarship.
  • The Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme aims to attract the best and brightest students from around the world to pursue PhD programmes in Hong Kong. The Fellowship Scheme provides an annual stipend of HK$319,200 (approximately US$40,900) and a conference and research-related travel allowance of HK$13,300 (approximately US$1,700) per year for each awardee for a period of three years. For awardees who need more than three years to complete the PhD degree, additional support may be provided by the chosen universities.
  • The Scholarship is open to students from Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Myanmar, Mongolia and Kazakhstan to pursue first-year full-time publicly-funded undergraduate studies in Hong Kong. Details of the respective schemes are as follows –
  • Commencing from the 2016/17 academic year, scholarships would be offered to outstanding Indonesian students annually.
  • Funding Source: HKSAR Government Scholarship Fund
  • Commencing from the 2017/18 academic year, scholarships would be offered to outstanding Malaysian students annually.
  • Commencing from the 2017/18 academic year, scholarships would be offered to outstanding Thai students annually.
  • Funding Source: Mr Chan King Wai and Hong Kong King Wai Group Company Limited (Scholarship 1 and Bursary 1 ), HKSAR Government Scholarship Fund
  • 1 Applicable to awardees of 2017/18-2019/20 intakes
  • Commencing from the 2019/20 academic year, scholarships would be offered to outstanding Myanmar students annually.
  • Funding Source: The Chinese General Chamber of Commerce and CGCC (Foundation) Limited * , HKSAR Government Scholarship Fund
  • * Applicable to the first ten awardees from the 2019/20 to 2020/21 academic years
  • Commencing from the 2022/23 academic year, scholarships would be offered to outstanding Mongolian students annually.
  • Commencing from the 2024/25 academic year, scholarships would be offered to outstanding Kazakh students annually.
  • Commencing from the 2019/20 academic year, scholarships would be offered annually to outstanding students from other Belt and Road countries not covered by Belt and Road Scholarship (Designated Countries) to pursue first-year full-time publicly-funded undergraduate studies in Hong Kong.
  • Commencing from the 2019/20 academic year, scholarships would be offered annually to students from countries along the Belt and Road to study first-year full-time publicly-funded research postgraduate programmes in Hong Kong.

Publicly-funded Local Degree-awarding Institutions:

City University of Hong Kong

  • Mainland Students
  • International Students
  • Taught Postgraduate Programmes
  • Research Degree Programmes

Hong Kong Baptist University

  • Overseas Students
  • Research Postgraduate Programmes

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

  • Undergraduate Programmes
  • Postgraduate Programmes

The Education University of Hong Kong

  • Taught postgraduate programmes
  • Research postgraduate programmes

The University of Hong Kong

Self-Financing Post-secondary Institutions:

Caritas Bianchi College of Careers

  • UG programmes
  • TPG programmes

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University - Hong Kong Community College

Institution Providing Locally-accredited Non-local Degree Programmes :

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Fees, Scholarships & Financial Aid


Fees and Scholarships in AY2024/25

Elite Scholar Award HK$40,000 in the 1  year and HK$20,000 in the subsequent 2 years (approx. US$10,250)


HK$28,100 (approx. US$3,600) monthly/

HK$337,200 (approx. US$43,230) annually for 4 years

Tuition Waiver/


HK$42,100 (approx. US$5,400) annually for 4 years subject 

Conference and Research-related Travel Allowance

HK$13,800 (approx. US$1,770) per year for a maximum of three years plus the University’s provision of HK$20,000 (approx. US$2,550) for the student's four-year study period
Accommodation Shared-room accommodation will be provided in the student's first year of study subject to availability

*Subject to the University's strategic plan

#Subject to satisfactory academic progress

Other scholarships and financial aids

  • Scholarships & Awards administered by HKBU
  • Government Grants and Loans
  • University Financial Aid
  • Scholarships/Awards for Postgraduate Students

More information can be found on the Scholarships and Financing Aid webpage of the Office of Student Affairs website.

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HKUST PhD Programs

  • Chemistry (Scientific Computation Concentration)
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  • Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering (Nanotechnology Concentration)
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  • Civil Engineering (Energy Technology Concentration)
  • Civil Engineering (Nanotechnology Concentration)
  • Civil Engineering (Scientific Computation Concentration)
  • Computer Science and Engineering
  • Computer Science and Engineering (Energy Technology Concentration)
  • Computer Science and Engineering (Scientific Computation Concentration)
  • Electronic and Computer Engineering
  • Electronic and Computer Engineering (Energy Technology Concentration)
  • Electronic and Computer Engineering (Nanotechnology Concentration)
  • Electronic and Computer Engineering (Scientific Computation Concentration)
  • Industrial Engineering and Decision Analytics
  • Integrative Systems and Design
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering (Energy Technology Concentration)
  • Mechanical Engineering (Nanotechnology Concentration)
  • Mechanical Engineering (Scientific Computation Concentration)
  • Information Systems
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  • Individualized Interdisciplinary Program (Research Area)

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PhD student at university in Hong Kong admits splashing semen on woman’s buttocks

  • Lai Changwei, 26, pleads guilty to indecent assault, which magistrate calls an ‘extremely insulting’ offence against his victim, 22

A PhD student has admitted splashing a liquid infused with his semen onto a woman’s buttocks at a university in Hong Kong because of academic stress.

Lai Changwei, 26, on Thursday pleaded guilty at West Kowloon Court to indecent assault, an act the presiding magistrate called an “extremely insulting” attack on the 22-year-old victim at City University of Hong Kong (CityU).

The defence said Lai, married and living in neighbouring Shenzhen, was pursuing a PhD in neuroscience at CityU on a full scholarship and was expected to graduate in one to two years’ time.

The counsel said Lai was under enormous pressure when he committed the crime because an experiment he had been undertaking did not go as planned.

CCTV footage from the Kowloon Tong campus showed Lai tailing the woman immediately after spotting her inside a university building at around 3.30pm on June 6, the court heard.

He then squirted a milky liquid onto the victim using a plastic pipette.

The victim did not realise she had been attacked until after a check on her jacket and trousers inside a washroom moments later.

Lai was arrested five days later after a policewoman intercepted him outside Festival Walk, a shopping centre near the university. The suspect admitted the offence on the spot.

“I was careless and spilled water containing semen onto the back of that girl,” he said.

Investigators subsequently seized a test tube containing Lai’s semen at his office.

Magistrate Li Chi-ho said the student’s act was “extremely insulting” to the victim, but agreed to first assess Lai’s psychological state and his suitability for either probation or community service in light of his guilty plea, his clear record and personal circumstances.

Lai’s bail was extended until sentencing in early September.

Indecent assault carries a maximum jail sentence of 10 years in Hong Kong, but is capped at two years when it is the only charge faced by the accused at the magistrates’ court.

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Opportunity Desk

U.S.-Pacific Resilience and Adaptation Fellowship Program PhD Scholarship 2024

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Deadline: August 28, 2024

Applications are open for the U.S.-Pacific Resilience and Adaptation Fellowship Program PhD Scholarship 2024 . The U.S.-Pacific Resilience and Adaptation Fellowship Program is funded by the U.S. Department of State. The Program is designed to support the University of the South Pacific (USP) in its goal to develop the next generation of leaders to effectively tackle the challenges facing the South Pacific caused by climate change.

Climate change and subsequent impacts, including rising ocean levels and temperatures, ocean acidification and increased intensity of severe weather events, are already changing ecosystems at an unprecedented pace and in ways we may not fully understand for decades. The complex and varied impacts of climate change are creating critical new environmental challenges and threaten the natural environment’s (land and ocean) capacity to absorb shocks. The majority of Pacific Islands countries are highly vulnerable to climate change – threatening food systems, livelihoods, community health and security.

The Scholarship Scheme offers fully funded 3-year scholarships for full-time PhD studies to citizens from all member countries of the USP. This scholarship will provide an opportunity for exceptional candidates to undertake their PhD research in close collaboration with selected U.S. partner universities, including:

  • Georgetown University – Earth Commons Institute
  • Stanford University – Doerr School of Sustainability
  • University of California, San Diego – Scripps Institution of Oceanography
  • University of California, Santa Barbara – Bren School of Environmental Science & Management
  • University of Hawaiʻi at Manoa


The scholarship benefits for each candidate based at USP’s Laucala campus (or otherwise approved) will include:

  • Annual tuition fees (paid directly to USP)
  • Annual general service fee (paid directly to USP)
  • Annual health service fee (paid directly to USP)
  • Annual living allowance of FJ$24,000 / year (or equivalent local currency))
  • Annual book allowance of FJ$750 / year
  • Laptop for use during PhD candidature
  • Annual dependent allowance of FJ$11,000/year in Fiji for eligible candidates.
  • Establishment allowance of FJ$1,942 as one-off-payment at the beginning of the first year (if candidate is required to relocate to USP Laucala campus).
  • Relocation allowance to cover the cost of a return economy air ticket for candidates required to travel to the Laucala campus to accept their offer (please note that dependent airfares are not included).
  • Research grant of a maximum of FJ$45,000 (to be approved and administered by the relevant USP School).


To qualify for this scholarship, applicants must meet the following requirements:

  • Applicants must be citizens of any of the 12-member countries comprising USP, which include Cook Islands, Fiji, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Nauru, Niue, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tokelau, Tonga, Tuvalu, and Vanuatu.
  • A master’s degree by thesis,
  • A master’s degree including a Supervised Research Project, or
  • A master’s degree with 25% or more independent research and a mini-thesis.
  • 5 years or more of relevant industry / professional experience,
  • Research publications in the area relevant to the proposed research,
  • Be willing to commence their full-time research as soon as possible.


Application requirements include:

  • Completed  U.S.-PRAFP Scholarship Application Form
  • Cover letter stating why you wish to apply for this scholarship
  • Curriculum vitae with current details and contact details of three referees
  • Letter of support from 2 referees who can evaluate the applicant’s research potential
  • Certified copies of relevant academic transcripts and certificates
  • Proof of citizenship (e.g. certified copy of passport bio-data)
  • Research Intent ( details on research intent ) outlining proposed research interest and plan (no more than 2 pages). A full research proposal is not required at the application stage but a clear overview of the nature of your intended study

Submit your application in PDF format via email to  [email protected]  with the subject line “US-PRAFP Scholarship Application – [YOUR NAME]”

For more information, visit US-PRAFP .

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Jude Ogar is an educator and youth development practitioner with years of experience working in the education and youth development space. He is passionate about the development of youth in Africa.

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University of South Florida

College of Behavioral and Community Sciences

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 Victor Molinari, PhD, and Cindy Mason celebrate at Molinari’s retirement party in May 2023.

Victor Molinari, PhD, and Cindy Mason celebrate at Molinari’s retirement party in May 2023.  

Scholarship to support students in health care administration will honor aging studies Emeritus professor

  • August 9, 2024

College News , School of Aging Studies

Victor Molinari, PhD, ABPP , has made countless significant contributions to the School of Aging Studies and the field of geropsychology during his decades-long year career at the University of South Florida (USF). Now, he and his wife, Cindy Mason, are cementing his legacy by establishing a scholarship in his name. Their gift, which includes $150,000 to fund an endowment, will provide scholarships to undergraduates pursuing a bachelor’s degree in health care administration .    Throughout his distinguished career at USF, Dr. Molinari was a popular instructor for students at all levels of study. His extensive practical experience in aging and mental health was of great value in preparing students for the complications they would encounter in the real world of clinical care. He also supported students at the highest level, chairing or co-chairing 13 dissertation committees and serving as a member of 23 additional committees for aging studies students, and coauthoring dozens of articles in peer reviewed journals with students. Many of his former students have gone on to achieve major distinctions in their own careers.    “Victor has made a remarkable impact and forged new pathways, benefitting not only current professionals in gerontology, but also future scholars interested in improving the lives of older adults,” said Debra Dobbs, PhD , professor and interim director of the School of Aging Studies. “I look forward to seeing how this scholarship will empower students to succeed.”    Molinari was also a major force in the field of geropsychology, a field of psychology that relates to the well-being of older adults, and was instrumental in gaining recognition of geropsychology as a professional specialty by the American Psychological Association. As a part of this effort, he worked closely with the American Board of Professional Psychology and became president of both the American Board of Geropsychology and the Geropsychology Specialty Council. He also served as a leader of several other organizations, taskforces and councils, and was granted Emeritus status at USF upon his retirement in 2023.    The Dr. Victor Molinari, PhD, Aging Studies Scholarship will help grow the newly formed Bachelor of Science in Health Care Administration program, which prepares students to join the essential health care administration workforce operating nursing homes, assisted living communities, hospitals, and other healthcare facilities.     The scholarship will assist a student majoring in health care administration financially for up to eight semesters, pending eligibility. Eligible students are those who have completed one semester in the health care administration major with a minimum GPA of 3.0 and who remain in good standing with a minimum GPA of 3.0.     For more information about how to apply for this scholarship opportunity, contact Lindsay Peterson, PhD , School of Aging Studies internship director. 

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About College of Behavioral & Community Sciences News

The Mission of the College of Behavioral and Community Sciences (CBCS) is to advance knowledge through interdisciplinary teaching, research, and service that improves the capacity of individuals, families, and diverse communities to promote productive, satisfying, healthy, and safe lives across the lifespan. CBCS envisions the college as a globally recognized leader that creates innovative solutions to complex conditions that affect the behavior and well-being of individuals, families, and diverse communities.

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Physics: Fully Funded Swansea University and the University of Edinburgh PhD Scholarship: Lattice field theory going beyond the Standard Model (RS672)

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Closing date: 4 September 2024

Key Information

Funding providers:  Swansea University's Faculty of Science and Engineering and the  University of Edinburgh's School of Physics and Astronomy

Subject areas:   Physics, Mathematics and Computer Science

Project start date:    1 January 202 5  (Enrolment open from mid-December)  

Project supervisors: 

  • A (Primary):   Professor  Maurizio Piai (Physics, Swansea University -  [email protected] )
  • B (Secondary): Dr Ed Bennett (Software Engineering, Maths, Swansea University - [email protected] )
  • C (Secondary): Professor Biagio Lucini (Maths, Swansea University -  [email protected] )
  • D (External): Professor Luigi Del Debbio (School of Physics and Astronomy, The University of Edinburgh -  [email protected] )   

Aligned programme of study:  PhD in Physics

Mode of study:  Full-time

Project description:  

The STFC list of science challenges for the particle physics and astrophysics community highlights the need to find viable extensions of the Standard Model, to explain dark matter, dark energy, matter/antimatter asymmetry, origin of the electroweak scale. Strongly coupled Sp(2N) gauge theories provide a compelling environment to address these challenges.

The Swansea University and the University of Edinburgh Lattice Field Theory groups are uniquely positioned to perform precision calculations characterising Sp(2N) theories, having led pioneering numerical studies. As part of an established collaboration including researchers in Korea, Taiwan and other partner institutions, we developed new cutting-edge (open source) software working on GPU- and CPU-based supercomputing architectures, opening unprecedented opportunities for worldwide leadership in this computationally intensive research subfield.

The student will join this world leading research programme, performing numerical studies of new strongly coupled field theories taking advantage of supercomputing resources at facilities based in Swansea, in the United Kingdom, and overseas. The student will perform the first extended, high precision numerical study of such models, computing their spectroscopy and phase structure, and benchmarking phenomenological applications at the crossover between particle physics and astrophysics.

This joint PhD programme is co-hosted, co-financed and co-supervised between Swansea University and the University of Edinburgh. A mobility programme will allow the student to take advantage of scientific and training opportunities available at both Institutions. They will join a vibrant, diverse, international community, with established record of delivering excellence in research, training, and student supervision, and with extended international network of research collaborations, based at the Particle Physics and Cosmology Theory group at Swansea University, as well as at the School of Physics and Astronomy and the Higgs Centre for Theoretical Physics at the University of Edinburgh.


English Language:  IELTS 6.5 Overall (with no individual component below 6.0) or Swansea University recognised equivalent.  Full details of our English Language policy, including certificate time validity, can be found here.  

This scholarship is open to candidates of any nationality.

Please note that the programme requires some applicants to hold ATAS clearance;  further details on ATAS scheme eligibility are available on the UK Government website.  

ATAS clearance  IS NOT required  to be held as part of the scholarship application process, successful award winners (as appropriate) are provided with details as to how to apply for ATAS clearance in tandem with scholarship course offer. 

If you have any questions regarding your academic or fee eligibility based on the above, please email  [email protected]  with the web-link to the scholarship(s) you are interested in. 

This scholarship covers the full cost of tuition fees and an annual stipend of £19,237.

Additional research expenses of up to £1,000 a year will also be available.

International Fee Eligible Students: Swansea University is pleased to offer the  Swansea University International Postgraduate Research Excellence Scholarship (SUIPRES)  which covers the difference between the International and the Home/UK tuition fee for the duration of the PhD/Professional Doctorate programme. All International applications will be considered for a SUIPRES scholarship. You will be informed whether a SUIPRES scholarship will be offered within your offer letter.

How to Apply

To apply, please  complete your application online   with the following information:

In the event you have already applied for the above programme previously, the application system may issue a warning notice and prevent application, in this event, please email [email protected] where staff will be happy to assist you in submitting your application.

  • Start year  – please select  2025
  • Funding (page 8)  –
  • ‘Are you funding your studies yourself?’ – please select  No
  • ‘Name of Individual or organisation providing funds for study’ – please enter  ‘RS672 - Lattice Field'

*It is the responsibility of the applicant to list the above information accurately when applying, please note that applications received without the above information listed will not be considered for the scholarship award.

One application is required per individual Swansea University led research scholarship award ; applications cannot be considered listing multiple Swansea University led research scholarship awards.

As part of your online application, you MUST upload the following documents (please do not send these via e-mail).  We strongly advise you to provide the listed supporting documents by the advertised application closing date.  Please note that your application may not be considered without the documents listed:

  • Degree certificates and transcripts  (if you are currently studying for a degree, screenshots of your grades to date are sufficient)
  • A cover letter  including a ‘Supplementary Personal Statement’ to explain why the position particularly matches your skills and experience and how you choose to develop the project.
  • Two references  (academic or previous employer) on headed paper or using the  Swansea University reference form . Please note that we are not able to accept references received citing private email accounts, e.g. Hotmail. Referees should cite their employment email address for verification of reference.
  • Evidence of meeting  English Language requirement  (if applicable).
  • Copy of  UK resident visa  (if applicable)

Informal enquiries are welcome; please contact Professor Maurizio Piai ( [email protected] ).

*External Partner Application Data Sharing  – Please note that as part of the scholarship application selection process, application data sharing may occur with external partners outside of the University, when joint/co- funding of a scholarship project is applicable.


  1. [Scholarship] Hongkong PhD Fellowship Scheme

    phd scholarship hk

  2. Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Program 2023

    phd scholarship hk

  3. City University Of Hong Kong Phd Scholarship

    phd scholarship hk

  4. HKUST RedBird PhD Scholarship at Hong Kong University of Science and

    phd scholarship hk

  5. Hong Kong PhD Fellowship (HKPFS) Fully Funded Scholarship

    phd scholarship hk

  6. Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Step by Step Procedure

    phd scholarship hk


  1. DU PhD interview Experience

  2. Literature Update: Key Papers from the Last Year

  3. The Impact of Absent Fathers in Post-Colonial Societies

  4. Direct apply with BSc or BS (Hons.) for direct PhD in US Universities

  5. Notable Black Innovators: Rediet Abebe, PhD

  6. 3 Fully Funded Masters degrees in the US


  1. Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme

    Background Established by the Research Grants Council (RGC) of Hong Kong in 2009, the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme (HKPFS) aims at attracting the best and brightest students in the world to pursue their PhD studies in Hong Kong's universities.

  2. Scholarship, Funding and Fees

    Scholarship, Funding and Fees HKU Presidential PhD Scholar Programme (HKU-PS) NEW Hong Kong PhD Fellowships Postgraduate Scholarship (PGS) Summary of Fellowships/ Scholarships Available Tuition Waiver Scheme for Local Research Postgraduate (RPg) Students Academic Award s Financial Support for Conference Attendance and Travel Accommodation

  3. Fellowship & Scholarship Schemes

    The fellowship/scholarship schemes are offered to PolyU full-time PhD and/or MPhil students only. They are mutually exclusive, and each student will be eligible to receive the fellowship/scholarship via ONE scheme only. Renewal of the awarded fellowship/scholarship is subject to the student's satisfactory performance and funding availability.

  4. Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme

    The Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme (HKPFS), established by the Hong Kong Research Grants Council (RGC) in 2009, aims at attracting the best and brightest students across the world to pursue their research degree programmes in Hong Kong. Around 300 fellowships are awarded by the RGC each academic year.

  5. Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme

    How to Apply Eligible candidates should first make an Initial Application online through the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme Electronic System (HKPFSES) to obtain an HKPFS Reference Number by 1 December 2023 at Hong Kong Time 12:00:00 before submitting applications for PhD admission to their desired universities.

  6. Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme (HKPFS)

    Apply Hong Kong PhD fellowship scheme (HKPFS) now - to win a Full Scholarship for PhD studies. An opportunity for a Scholarship over HK$1.72M(approx. US$221,000)

  7. HKU Presidential PhD Scholar Programme

    HKU Presidential PhD Scholar Programme In order to attract top candidates from around the world to pursue full-time PhD studies at HKU, the HKU Presidential PhD Scholar Programme (HKU-PS Programme) offers the most prestigious scholarship package, namely, the HKU Presidential PhD Scholarship, to selected outstanding full-time PhD students.

  8. Scholarships & Fees

    The Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme (HKPFS), established by the Research Grants Council (RGC) of Hong Kong, aims to attract the best and brightest students from across the globe to pursue their PhD studies in Hong Kong universities.

  9. Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme (HKPFS)

    Established by the Hong Kong Research Grants Council (RGC) in 2009. Aims to attract the best students from around the world to pursue PhD studies in Hong Kong. Provides a monthly stipend of HK$26,900 (approx. US$3,450) and a conference travel allowance of HK$13,500 (approx. US$1,730) per year for up to three years. Additional support will be provided by the Graduate School for students within ...

  10. Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme

    Initial Application for Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme 2024/25 Guidance Note for Applicants Please view the Guidance Note with Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0 or above.

  11. Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme

    Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme HKUST has been drawing the best doctoral students from around the world through the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme (HKPFS), established by the Hong Kong Research Grants Council. HKUST has recruited the largest number of HKPFS awardees among local institutions, coming from 50+ countries and regions including Australia, China, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Hungary ...

  12. Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme

    Established in 2009 by the Research Grants Council (RGC), the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme (HKPFS) aims at attracting the best and brightest students in the world to pursue their PhD programmes in Hong Kong's universities. The Fellowship Scheme will provide a competitive annual stipend and conference and research-related travel allowance.

  13. Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme

    The Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme, established by the Research Grants Council (RGC) of the HKSAR government, aims to attract the best and brightest students in the world to pursue their research degree programmes in Hong Kong's institutions.

  14. Postgraduate Scholarships

    Postgraduate Scholarships Apart from awardees of the HKU Presidential PhD Scholar Programme (HKU-PS) and the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme (HKPFS), other full-time PhD and MPhil students who hold a first degree with second-class honours first division (or equivalent) or above are normally considered eligible to receive a Postgraduate Scholarship (PGS) during the normative study period ...

  15. PDF Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme

    With top-tier supervisors, a world-class research environment and full scholarships, students perform cutting-edge research and publish high-quality academic papers. The Faculty's close connections with mainland China and the world provide lots of opportunities to collaborate with world-class researchers during and after my PhD study.

  16. Scholarships and Fees

    Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme (HKPFS) It is an internationally recognized award to draw the best PhD students around the globe to Hong Kong. HKUST has recruited the largest number of HKPFS awardees among local institutions, coming from 50+ countries and regions. 1 out of 7 PhD new students of HKUST received the Fellowship.

  17. Introduction

    Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU) invites candidates from all cultural and ethnic backgrounds, with evidence of academic excellence, research ability and potential, and good communication, interpersonal and leadership abilities to apply for full-time PhD study under the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme (HKPFS). HKPFS is established by the Hong Kong Research Grants Council (RGC) with an aim to ...

  18. Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme (2024/2025)

    The Research Grants Council of Hong Kong is launching the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme for the intake of the academic year 2024/2025. This Scheme aims to attract top international students to pursue PhD studies in Hong Kong's world-class research universities.

  19. Scholarships

    The scholarship is HK$80,000 (approximately US$10,300) per year for non-local recipients of Outstanding Performance Scholarship. The Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme aims to attract the best and brightest students from around the world to pursue PhD programmes in Hong Kong. The Fellowship Scheme provides an annual stipend of HK$319,200 ...

  20. Croucher Scholarships for Doctoral Study

    Croucher Scholarships allow you to devote yourself to a period of full-time study or research in natural sciences, medicine or technology in approved academic institutions outside Hong Kong, leading to a PhD degree.

  21. Fees, Scholarships & Financial Aid

    Other scholarships and financial aids Scholarships & Awards administered by HKBU Government Grants and Loans University Financial Aid Scholarships/Awards for Postgraduate Students

  22. HKUST PhD Programs

    HKUST PhD Programs | HKUST Fok Ying Tung Graduate School. Sub-Committee on Continuing & Professional Education. Faculty Committee for Asian Future Leaders Scholarship Program. Aims and Objectives of Research Postgraduate Education. Strategic Framework for Taught Postgraduate Education.

  23. Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme

    For enquiries about the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme, please email to [email protected]. You may, however, also get instant answers to the most frequently asked questions below. As regards admission and application requirements for PhD studies, please refer to individual universities for information.

  24. PhD student at university in Hong Kong admits splashing semen on woman

    A PhD student has admitted splashing a liquid infused with his semen onto a woman's buttocks at a university in Hong Kong because of academic stress. Lai Changwei, 26, on Thursday pleaded guilty ...

  25. ISD UG and PhD Students Published Research Paper on Advanced Science as

    Haosong ZHONG (Year 4 undergraduate student) and Xupeng LU (year 1 PhD student) from the Division of Integrative Systems and Design (ISD) have recently published a research paper titled "Seeing Through Muddy Water: Laser-Induced Graphene for Portable Tomography Imaging" on Advanced Science as the first authors under the supervision of Prof. Mitch LI of ISD.

  26. U.S.-Pacific Resilience and Adaptation Fellowship Program PhD

    The Scholarship Scheme offers fully funded 3-year scholarships for full-time PhD studies to citizens from all member countries of the USP. This scholarship will provide an opportunity for exceptional candidates to undertake their PhD research in close collaboration with selected U.S. partner universities, including:

  27. Edo IDP First Class graduate bags US varsity PhD scholarship

    Amos Ishaku, a First Class graduate and internally displaced person (IDP) in Uhorgua camp, Edo, has bagged a fully-funded PhD scholarship from the University of Illinois, Chicago, USA. The News ...

  28. Student Support for UG

    BEng/BASc. Academic Programmes; Student Enrichment Programmes; Academic Advising & Orientation for Freshmen; Student Resources & Support; HKU-Cambridge Undergraduate Recruitment Scheme

  29. Scholarship to support students in health care administration will

    The Dr. Victor Molinari, PhD, Aging Studies Scholarship will help grow the newly formed Bachelor of Science in Health Care Administration program, which prepares students to join the essential health care administration workforce operating nursing homes, assisted living communities, hospitals, and other healthcare facilities.

  30. Physics: Fully Funded Swansea University and the University of

    We offer a wide range of funded and fully funded research scholarships in all subject areas. Explore your options and apply now.