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Requirements on the Electronically Submitted Thesis

There are only very few requirements on the format of the electronically submitted thesis.

As a matter of course you need to make sure that the supervisor and reviewers grading your thesis can actually view, read, and print the PDF file. Hence you should embed fonts and not use encryption. The first page of the PDF file (cover page) needs to contain the title of the thesis and the author.

The confirmation accroding to §18 (9) APSO, that the thesis represents your own work and that no other sources and/or resources than those listed were used, is included in the submission form generated by the Dean's Office or the submission letter generated by this system, when uploading the PDF. If you are using a template from various sources, you may remove similar confirmations included therein.

Title of the Thesis

The title in English language should conform to guidelines for the use of English in thesis titles . Entering your thesis’ title in the database you may use Unicode (see next section "Hints on entering special characters").

Hints on entering special characters

If possible use Unicode in your thesis’ title. You may copy and paste the characters from the tables below (first column). Alternatively you may use a keyboard shortcut to enter the Hex-Code directly (in Windows: keep Alt key pressed while hitting Plus key followed by the hexadecimal Unicode and then release the Alt key).

Only if the title contains mathematical formulae so complex that the Unicode characters are insufficient you may use LaTeX. Include the LaTeX code within the math environment enclosed by \( and \) .

The HTML representation is only for reference and can not be used in the title of a thesis.

Greek letters

Hex (Decimal)
ΑGreek capital letter Alpha0391 (913)
ΒGreek capital letter Beta0392 (914)
ΓGreek capital letter Gamma0393 (915)
ΔGreek capital letter Delta0394 (916)
ΕGreek capital letter Epsilon0395 (917)
ΖGreek capital letter Zeta0396 (918)
ΗGreek capital letter Eta0397 (919)
ΘGreek capital letter Theta0398 (920)
ΙGreek capital letter Iota0399 (921)
ΚGreek capital letter Kappa039A (922)
ΛGreek capital letter Lambda039B (923)
ΜGreek capital letter My039C (924)
ΝGreek capital letter Ny039D (925)
ΞGreek capital letter Xi039E (926)
ΟGreek capital letter Omikron039F (927)
ΠGreek capital letter Pi03A0 (928)
ΡGreek capital letter Rho03A1 (929)
ΣGreek capital letter Sigma03A3 (931)
ΤGreek capital letter Tau03A4 (932)
ΥGreek capital letter Ypsilon03A5 (933)
ΦGreek capital letter Phi03A6 (934)
ΧGreek capital letter Chi03A7 (935)
ΨGreek capital letter Psi03A8 (936)
ΩGreek capital letter Omega03A9 (937)
αGreek letter Alpha03B1 (945)
βGreek letter Beta03B2 (946)
γGreek letter Gamma03B3 (947)
δGreek letter Delta03B4 (948)
εGreek letter Epsilon03B5 (949)
ζGreek letter Zeta03B6 (950)
ηGreek letter Eta03B7 (951)
θGreek letter Theta03B8 (952)
ιGreek letter Iota03B9 (953)
κGreek letter Kappa03BA (954)
λGreek letter Lambda03BB (955)
μGreek letter My03BC (956)
νGreek letter Ny03BD (957)
ξGreek letter Xi03BE (958)
οGreek letter Omikron03BF (959)
πGreek letter Pi03C0 (960)
ρGreek letter Rho03C1 (961)
ςGreek letter finales Sigma03C2 (962)
σGreek letter Sigma03C3 (963)
τGreek letter Tau03C4 (964)
υGreek letter Ypsilon03C5 (965)
φGreek letter Phi03C6 (966)
χGreek letter Chi03C7 (967)
ψGreek letter Psi03C8 (968)
ωGreek letter Omega03C9 (969)
ϑGriechisches Theta-Symbol03D1 (977)
ϕGriechisches Phi-Symbol03D5 (981)
ϖGriechisches Pi-Symbol03D6 (982)
ϜGriechischer letter Digamma03DC (988)
ϝGreek letter Digamma03DD (989)
ϰGriechisches Kappa-Symbol03F0 (1008)
ϱGriechisches Rho-Symbol03F1 (1009)

Superscripts and subscripts

Hex (Dezimal)
Superscript Zero2070 (8304)
¹Superscript One00B9 (20)
²Superscript Two00B2 (13)
³Superscript Three00B3 (14)
Superscript Four2074 (8308)
Superscript Five2075 (8309)
Superscript Six2076 (8310)
Superscript Seven2077 (8311)
Superscript Eight2078 (8312)
Superscript Nine2079 (8313)
Superscript Plus sign207A (8314)
Superscript Minus sign207B (8315)
Superscript equality sign207C (8316)
Superscript left parenthesis207D (8317)
Superscript right parenthesis207E (8318)
Superscript letter I2071 (8305) (Variable)/ (letter)
Superscript letter N207F (8319) (Variable)/ (letter)
Subscript Zero2080 (8320)
Subscript One2081 (8321)
Subscript Two2082 (8322)
Subscript Three2083 (8323)
Subscript Four2084 (8324)
Subscript Five2085 (8325)
Subscript Six2086 (8326)
Subscript Seven2087 (8327)
Subscript Eight2088 (8328)
Subscript Nine2089 (8329)
Subscript Plus sign208A (8330)
Subscript Minus sign208B (8331)
Subscript equality sign208C (8332)
Subscript left parenthesis208D (8333)
Subscript right parenthesis208E (8334)
Subscript letter A2090 (8336) (Variable)/ (letter)
Subscript letter E2091 (8337) (Variable)/ (letter)
Subscript letter O2092 (8338) (Variable)/ (letter)
Subscript letter X2093 (8339) (Variable)/ (letter)
Subscript letter H2095 (8341) (Variable)/ (letter)
Subscript letter K2096 (8342) (Variable)/ (letter)
Subscript letter L2097 (8343) (Variable)/ (letter)
Subscript letter M2098 (8344) (Variable)/ (letter)
Subscript letter N2099 (8345) (Variable)/ (letter)
Subscript letter P209A (8346) (Variable)/ (letter)
Subscript letter S209B (8347) (Variable)/ (letter)
Subscript letter T209C (8348) (Variable)/ (letter)

Arrows and mathematical symbols

Hex (Dezimal)
right-to-left arrow2190 (8592)
up arrow2191 (8593)
left-to-right arrow2192 (8594)
down arrow2193 (8595)
±Plus/Minus00B1 (177)
Minus/Plus2213 (8723)
Multiplication sign2715 (10005)
Square root221A (8730)
Integral sign222B (8747)
small letter L in script2113 (8467)
Infinity221e (8734)

Further characters

In general you may use all Unicode characters available in Arial. Avoid non-standard whitespace, line breaks, and ligatures. Give umlauts in precomposed form and not decomposed using U+0308. For characters not listed here see List of Unicode blocks in Wikipedia or Unicode Consortium .

General remarks on the PDF file

If possible fill in the metadata fields of the PDF for author ("lastname, firstname") and title (the title as given in the database possibly followed by its translation separated by " / ") correctly. The upload form checks this and displays the metadata.

A suggestion for a LaTeX template for theses is available at the homepage of Philipp H. v. Loewenfeld. The TUM corporate design contains templates for final theses (in German) as well.

Should the PDF file become very large due to included high-resolution graphics it might be useful to optimize the file using Adobe Acrobat or Ghostscript (e. g. via gs -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dCompatibilityLevel=1.4 -dPDFSETTINGS=/prepress -sOutputFile=output.pdf input.pdf ).

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Master of Science (M.Sc.)

Physics (Nuclear, Particle and Astrophysics)

The master's program in Nuclear, Particle and Astrophysics deals with understanding our world at a subatomic level. It conveys an advanced understanding of nuclear, particle and astrophysics and allows for individual specialization.

Course Homepage

  • 4 (fulltime)

Winter semester: 01.04. – 31.05. Summer semester: 01.09. – 30.11.

  • Aptitude Assessment for Master
  • Possible for both winter and summer semester
  • Student Fees: 85.00 €
  • Tuition fees for international students

Information on Degree Program

Program profile.

The objective of nuclear, particle and astrophysics is to understand the world at a subatomic level. In the context of the master 's program, students have the opportunity to acquire the discipline-specific fundamentals as well as essential insights into current research from across the spectrum of nuclear, particle and astrophysics.

Depending on your own interests, you can specialize in one of four subareas:

  • Particle and astrophysics deals with topics such as astrophysics, astroparticle physics and high energy neutrino astronomy.
  • The central focus of experimental nuclear physics is on topics such as particle detectors, applications in interdisciplinary research and ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions.
  • Experimental particle physics is devoted to areas such as cosmic and earthbound accelerators, testing the Standard Model, modern detectors as well as data analysis and Monte Carlo methods.
  • Theoretical particle physics concentrates on areas such as group theory, quantum field theory or quantum chromodynamics.

For a comprehensive description of the program, please refer to the degree program documentation:

  • Degree program documentation for the master's program in Physics (Nuclear, Particle and Astrophyics) (PDF, German)

As a graduate, you have at your disposal extensive knowledge of the discipline-specific fundamentals of nuclear, particle, and astrophysics. You are also familiar with the current research topics in these areas.

According to your individual specialization, you also possess knowledge of one of the following specialist areas: particle and astrophysics, experimental nuclear physics, experimental particle physics or theoretical particle physics .

Upon successfully concluding the master's program in Nuclear, Particle and Astrophysics, a broad spectrum of professional opportunities arise. These range from industry and the service sector to research and development.

Program structure

The master's program in Nuclear, Particle and Astrophysics offers a high degree of flexibility when creating your own study and competency profile. The curriculum for the first year of study can be individually designed with the help of a mentor.

The degree concludes with the master’s thesis.

  • Overview Degree Program Structure

Language of instruction

Required language skills for admission:

You need sufficient German language skills if you wish to apply for this program. Evidence of your language proficiency has to be submitted before the end of the application deadline. Learn more about recognized certificates and other ways to prove your German language skills .

This evidence of your language proficiency confirms that you comply with the minimum language requirements for admission to the program. Depending on the program and your individual background, it may be necessary for you to keep working on your language skills during your studies. Be sure to take a look at the services of our Language Center.    

Language of instruction:

The language of instruction for this program is German.

Information on study organization

  • Information on exams
  • Information on studying abroad

Fees for the program

The tuition fees for international students from third countries for this degree program are 6,000 euros per semester .

Many international students can have their fees waived or receive scholarships to finance them. You can find all information on waivers and scholarships here.

Please note: The semester fee as a contribution to the student union must be paid additionally. It varies depending on where you are studying. You can find all information on the semester fee here.

Academic Regulations: Application, Studying and Exams

  • General Academic and Examination Regulations
  • Academic and Examination Regulations (PDF 391 KB)
  • All regulations and legal framework concerning studies

Application and Admission

Application process.

Minimum requirements to apply for a Master's program at TUM are a recognized undergraduate degree (e.g. a bachelor’s) and the successful completion of the aptitude assessment procedure. Aptitude assessment allows the TUM school or department to which you are applying the opportunity to evaluate your individual talents and motivation for study.

During the application period, you must apply through the TUMonline application portal and upload your application documents.

If you receive an offer of admission, you will additionally have to submit individual documents as notarized hardcopies by post to be enrolled.

Generally, applicants with a qualification for postgraduate studies (e.g. a bachelor’s) obtained outside of the EU / EEA must have their documents reviewed in advance through uni-assist.

  • Applying for a master’s program: Application, admission requirements and more 
  • Important information about your application from the TUM school

Documents required for the online application

  • Degree Certificate and Diploma or Subject and Grade Transcript of Studies to Date
  • Proof of German Language Proficiency
  • Curriculum (e.g. module description)
  • Letter of Motivation
  • Complete and Current Résumé
  • Preliminary Documentation (VPD) if the qualification for graduate studies (e.g. a bachelor's) is obtained outside the EU/EEA

We may require additional documents depending on your educational background and your  country of origin . Complete the online application to receive a comprehensive list of the required documents. 

Documents required for enrollment

  • Application for Enrollment (signed)
  • Degree Certificate and Diploma (certified copy)
  • Transcript of Records (certified copy)
  • Most Current Photo (as for ID)
  • Digital notification of your health insurance status from a German public health insurance provider (requested by applicant)

We may require additional documents depending on the type of educational background you earned and your country of origin . After accepting an offer of admission in TUMonline, you will receive a list of documents you must submit to TUM in hardcopy for enrollment.

Application deadlines

Application period for winter semester: 01.04. – 31.05. Application period for summer semester: 01.09. – 30.11.

During the application period, you must apply through the TUMonline application portal and upload your application documents. Please be aware that we can only process your application if you upload all required documents within the application period.

We will review your application as soon as it is complete. Please check your TUMonline account regularly, to see if we have any queries to your documents or if you have to amend one or more documents.

After receiving admission, you will see in TUMonline which documents you have to submit for enrollment , and in which form. Please note that you always have to send the signed application for enrollment and all notarized hardcopies by post .

We recommend that you submit the documents for enrollment as soon as possible after receiving admission. If individual documents are not available by then, you can submit them up to 5 weeks after the start of the lecture period. You will, however, only be enrolled once we have received all documents.

You can check the status of your application at any time in your TUMonline account .

Admission process

The minimum requirements for a Master's degree at TUM are a first recognized university degree (e.g. a Bachelor's degree) and the successful completion of the aptitude assessment process. In this process, the School assesses your individual aptitude and motivation for the respective degree program.

In detail: 

  • The aptitude assessment procedure for the degree program Physics (Nuclear, Particle and Astrophysics) (PDF 278 KB)

TUM School of Natural Sciences

General student advising & student information.

Questions about application and admission

Contact hours

General Student Advising

Appointments by arrangement in advance

Departmental Student Academic Advising

Dr. Martin Saß

Online application

Barrier-free education.


A student is preparing for an experiment at the Munich Compact Light Source (MuCLS). Image: Astrid Eckert / TUM

Master's program "Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics" (M.Sc.)

This research-oriented interdisciplinary Master's program focuses on the application of new findings in the physical and engineering sciences in order to develop new methods for prevention, diagnosis and treatment of various illnesses.

Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics at TUM / MIBE

Research focus areas in Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics at TUM and MIBE relevant to the degree program include the (further) development of new methods of microscopy and biomedical imaging as well as the development of biosensor technologies. Other areas include the application of artificial intelligence in the analysis of medical data, improvement of therapeutic methods such as radiation therapy, as well as numerous other applications, for example in prosthetics.

At MIBE these research activities are consolidated in an interdisciplinary network and with a central building, which also contains a large number of laboratories.

You'll find an overview of various research areas in Bioengineering here.  

Objectives and career perspectives of the Master’s program

The Master’s program conveys scientific fundamentals at the interface between natural sciences, engineering and medicine while providing students with insights into current international research. Research orientation and interdisciplinary character are central aspects of the degree program. Students are thus prepared to combine the approaches of the various disciplines and to find a common language with researchers from the various academic disciplines, a prerequisite to the development of modern methods for Biomedical Engineering. In addition to subject-specific qualifications, the program also develops and promotes the students' self-competence and social competence.

A wide range of career opportunities in industry and research are then open to graduates. Typical areas of application include among others experimental research, planning and documentation of research projects as well as activities in related biotech and medical technology industry fields (for example in patent systems, development, project planning or at public authorities).

Organization and curriculum

The Master's program "Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics" is conducted at TUM’s Physics Department. The program is run in close collaboration with MIBE in order to accommodate the highly interdisciplinary and research-oriented focus of the degree program. The program lasts two years; the teaching language is English ( Information on proof of language skills ).

In addition to two basic modules in the area of Biomedical Physics, students can choose their focus areas for the entire Master's program as early as in the first semester (focus area Biomedical Imaging or focus area Biosensor Technologies ). The subject-specific lectures and exercises of the study phase (first and second semester) are supplemented by general education subjects (for example English Writing for Physics ) and an advanced practical physics training. The practical physics training does not consist of individual experiments, but is rather a comprehensive attempt to convey an impression of typical research projects.

The third and fourth semesters constitute the research phase of the degree program, entailing a Master's seminar , Master's practical training and the Master's thesis . The Master's thesis can be written under the supervision of not only members of the Physics Department, but of any member of MIBE.  

Additional information on the curriculum on the webpage of the Physics department .   

Research Phase / Master's Thesis

You can find topics for a Master's Thesis on the website "Research Phase and Master's Thesis in the M.Sc. BEMP" on the Physics department webpages in the section "finding a topic".   

Application process and admission requirements

The Master’s program is intended for applicants with a Bachelor's degree (at least six semesters) from a German or foreign university or with an equivalent or more advanced degree in engineering or natural sciences. The application process is conducted centrally through TUM’s Admissions Office on an online basis.

  • For a start in winter semester: April 1st - May 31st
  • For a start in summer semester: September 1st - November 30th 
  • Additional information on the application process  

Further Information

You'll find additional information on the curriculum, the individual focus areas, application and eligibility procedures on the Physics Department pages . Useful information to help ease you into student life, e.g. about enrollment and student card or registering your address, can be found on TUM's central webpage .

Interviews with the degree program coordinator Prof. Julia Herzen and students of the study program

Read the interview with degree program coordinator Prof. Julia Herzen for a general overview of the Master's program.

Interview with Julia Herzen about digital teaching in the Master’s program “Biomedical Engeineering and Medical Physics” in the summer semester 2020

Interview with Tina Dorosti, first semester student in the Master’s program “Biomedical Engeineering and Medical Physics”

Interview with Pascal Wodtke, first semester student in the Master’s program “Biomedical Engeineering and Medical Physics”

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Technical University of Munich

  • Associate Professorship of Experimentalphysik (E13) - Weiche Materie
  • TUM School of Natural Sciences
  • Technical University of Munich

Technical University of Munich

Soft Matter Physics

The Soft Matter Physics Group investigates the structures of polymer systems as well as their changes and tries to elucidates the underlying mechanisms. Sytems studied by us comprise, among others, nanostructured polymer thin films, responsive polymers, polymer gels and polymers for medical applications. To investigate the structure, dynamics and kinetics of these systems, we use mainly scattering methods (light, neutrons X-rays) at large facilities. Time-resolved scattering experiments allow us to investigate the structural changes, e.g. during a temperature jump. These experiments are complemented by lab experiments, such as fluorescence correlation spectroscopy. Moreover, we investigate polymer solutions under high pressure.

More information can be found in our annual report .

The Soft Matter Physics Group ist associated with the  Chair of Functional Materials .

master thesis tum physics

PhD position vacant: All charged up about polymers !

You are interested in nanotechnology and its underlying physical aspects? In your PhD time, you wish to learn methods from atomic force microscopy over grazing-incidence small-angle X-ray scattering to the quantitative modeling of such scattering patterns? Then work with us on the question how one can use complex, electrically charged block copolymers to design polymer thin films whose nanostructure can be varied in a wide range! For details see here .

Nanoparticles from proteins and polysaccharides are functional and biocompatible and thus suitable for the encapsulation of medical drugs or nutrients. We offer a master thesis, in which such nanoparticles shall be prepared and characterized. See details here .

All charged up about multiblock copolymers! A master project about thin films from multiblock copolymers with charged blocks is available. See details here .

Smart polymers under pressure. A master project about switchable polymers in aqueous solution with co-solvents under pressure is available. See details here .

master thesis tum physics

In June 2023, Christine participated in the 2nd TUM Round Table Women in STEM with female professors and students. It was great to to exchange experiences with so many young women who are studying a subject in science or technology and to meet other female professors. See a video on  YouTube  and photos on the event series  website . (Photo: Andreas Heddergott)

master thesis tum physics

Some of us participated from 19 to 22 June 2023 in the MLZ Science Workshop in Grainau below Zugspitze. Scientific content, environment and weather were breathtaking.

master thesis tum physics

We participated in the Spring Meeting of the German Physical Society March 26-31, 2023 in Dresden. We loved loved loved the bus!

master thesis tum physics

Wenqi Xu , student in the Erasmus Mundus MaMaSelf+ program , succesfully defended his master thesis "Architecture Effects on the Thermoresponsive Copolymer OEGMA-BuMA-DEGMA" on October 24, 2022. Congratulations!

master thesis tum physics

Johannes Allwang , master student at the Physics Department succesfully defended his master thesis "Nanoparticles from trypsin and polysaccharides on October 21, 2022. Congratulations!

master thesis tum physics

At the EUPOC 2022 conference "Block Copolymers: Building Blocks for Nanotechnology", 15-19 May 2022 in Bertinoro, Italy, Pablo Álvarez won an award for the best poster in the category "Polymer Physics". Congratulations!

master thesis tum physics

Feifei Zheng ( MaMaSelf+ student) succesfully defended her master thesis on October 12, 2021. Congratulations!

master thesis tum physics

Jia-Jhen Kang and Chia-Hsin Ko defended succesfully their PhD theses September 27 and 29, 2021. Congratulations!

master thesis tum physics

Bahar Yazdanshenas ( MaMaSelf+ student) defended her master thesis succesfully December 14, 2020. Congratulations!

master thesis tum physics

Florian Jung defended succesfully his PhD thesis October 16, 2020. Congratulations!

master thesis tum physics

Bart-Jan Niebuur defended succesfully his PhD thesis October 16, 2019. Congratulations!

master thesis tum physics

Dr. Geethu P. Meledam won a prize at Kolloid-Tagung 2019 "Complex Fluids", 23.-25.09.19 in Stuttgart for her poster "Pressure Dependent Structural Evolution of Poly( N -isopropylacrylamide) Mesoglobules above Cloud Point". Congratulations!

master thesis tum physics

Prof. Alfons Schulte from University of Central Florida (UCF), Orlando, U.S.A., is currently visiting the Soft Matter Physics Group as a TUM August-Wilhelm Scheer guest professor . Here, he investigates together with Prof. Papadakis and her coworkers the phase behavior as well as the dynamics of responsive polymers in aqueous solution under high pressure. More detailed information can be found here and here .

master thesis tum physics

In the framework of the European ERASMUS-MUNDUS program , students have the opportunity to carry out a part of the two-year master program  MaMaSelf+  (Master in Material Science for Energy Applications Exploring Large Scale Facilities) at the Soft Matter Physics Group. The MaMaSelf+ programme is a cooperation of TUM with LMU Munich, universities in France (Montpellier and Rennes), Italy (Torino) and Poland (Poznan) as well as international partner institutes. Applications are possible from now on. The deadline for students from outside EU is February 10, 2022 and for students from EU March 20, 2022. Those, who are not in need of a grant, can apply by May 15, 2022. Here and here , you find information on the application process.

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Technical University of Munich

  • Chair of Computational Modeling and Simulation
  • TUM School of Engineering and Design
  • Technical University of Munich

Technical University of Munich

  • Bhattacharyya, I.: Assessment and Mitigation of Flooding Scenarios for the LMU Hospital, Munich through BIM-GIS Integration. Master thesis, 2024 more…
  • Bulla, A.: A Bottom-Up Approach for the Automatic Creation of the Digital Staircase Model Using Point Cloud Data and Parametric Prototype Models. Master thesis, 2024 more…
  • Englert, L.: Graphbasierter Ansatz zur Analyse von BIM-Raumbeziehungen. , 2024 more…
  • Fernández, M.: Robotized Construction using Advanced Robotic Simulation: the case of brick assembly. , 2024 more…
  • Friedl, F.: Bim-Based Progress Monitoring Using 2D Semantic Segmentation. Master thesis, 2024 more…
  • Harder, B.: A formal approach for algorithmic design of modular precast structures. Master thesis, 2024 more…
  • Khochinskii, M.: Automated calculation of as-planned environmental impacts from construction activities using BIM-based construction schedule. Master thesis, 2024 more…
  • Kirn, Hannes: Reconstruction of truncated instance point clouds with the help of generative models. Master thesis, 2024 more…
  • Memon, Z: An automated framework for managing design changes in BIM models. Master thesis, 2024 more…
  • Mohiuddin, Rafay: Open World 3D Scene Understanding. Master thesis, 2024 more…
  • Singh, Binod: Graph-based Entity Alignment: Adapting SGAligner for Point Cloud to BIM Alignment. Master thesis, 2024 more…
  • Wolf, N.: Implementation of GraphQL Interfaces for Integrated Querying of Heterogeneous Domain Data. , 2024 more…
  • Xu, Yingzi: Enhancing Prefabricated Building Design with BIM-based Modularization and Automated Transformation: A Case Study on Frame-Tube Structures. Master thesis, 2024 more…
  • Çeter, Server: Automated BIM Model Annotation via Graph Neural Networks: Bridging the Gap Between Design and Documentation. Master thesis, 2024 more…
  • Berwal, A.: BIM based Autonomous Navigation of a Quadruped Robot. , 2023 more…
  • Dao, V. C.: Parametric Building Energy Performance Simulation with Sensitivity Analysis Using BIM Models in Early Design Stages. Master thesis, 2023 more…
  • Elshani, G.: Connecting Future Predictions of Railway Assets to BIM. , 2023 more…
  • Espinosa, S.: Integration of laser profiler feedback into FIM-based additive manufacturing in construction. , 2023 more…
  • Faßbender, C.: Time Integration for the Spectral Cell Method with Application to the Full Waveform Inversion. , 2023 more…
  • Huber, S.: Entwicklung nichtplanarer Pfadplanungsmethoden zum Ausgleich von Materialverformungen eines 3D-gedruckten Bauteils. , 2023 more…
  • Ibrahim, A.: Parameter-Based Model Reconstruction from Spacewise Segmented Point Cloud. Master thesis, 2023 more…
  • Ibrahim, A.: Toward BIM-based ESG Assessment. , 2023 more…
  • Kraus, S.: Möglichkeiten der modellbasierten Konformitätsprüfung von Brückenentwürfen des Straßenbaus mit IFC4x3. , 2023 more…
  • Li, V.M.: Accelerating Topology Optimization Using a Combination of Conventional Methods and Neural Networks. , 2023 more…
  • Nakrani, P.: Conceptual Framework of Construction Data Storage using Gaia-X Federation Services: Demonstration with Usecase of Project iECO. , 2023 more…
  • Saleh, M.: Development of Quality Requirements for BIM-based facility management. Master thesis, 2023 more…
  • Schmid, T.: Deep Learning-Based Surrogate Models for Linear Elasticity. , 2023 more…
  • Ahmed, D.: Automatic Detection of Elements in the Technical Drawings of Bridges by Deep Learning and Parametric Modeling. , 2022 more…
  • Aninger, A.: From Fabrication Information Models to Simulation Models. , 2022 more…
  • Balota, B.: Change Selection and Feedback Communication of Design Variant Decision Using BIM. , 2022 more…
  • Gaafar, R.: Checking mvdXML using mvdXML. , 2022 more…
  • Giehl, A.: Validierung von BIM-Modellen auf Basis graphenbasierter Repräsentationen. Bachelor's thesis, 2022 more…
  • Hofmeyer, J.: Evaluating environmental impacts of road routing alternatives using Building Information Modeling. , 2022 more…
  • John, J.: Opportunities and current limitations of cloud-based design automation in the context of Building Information Modelling. , 2022 more…
  • Kaya, S.: Analysis of the functionality of Building Information Modeling based Tendering-Awarding-Invoicing-Software. , 2022 more…
  • Koleva, Betina: Model-based UAV mission planning for photogrammetric capture of existing buildings. Bachelor's thesis, 2022 more…
  • Krishnakumar, H. K.: BIM-based optimization of the data acquiring process for construction and operational cost calculation. , 2022 more…
  • Lang-Scharli, F.: Analysis of the current state and the use of digital twins in the operational phase of the infrastructure in the Free State of Bavaria including a comparison to the international state. , 2022 more…
  • Mohamed, A.: Versioning of geometry representations in BIM models. , 2022 more…
  • Ogunjinmi, G. J.: Estimating Circularity of Building Elements Using BIM. , 2022 more…
  • Sattar, M. H.: Model Aware LiDAR Odometry and Mapping (MA-LOAM): Improving Simultaneous Localization and Mapping accuracy by robustly leveraging a Building Information Model. , 2022 more…
  • Schnittger, HL.: Modellbasierte Unterstützung der Verkehrs- sicherheitsarbeit in der Straßenplanung. , 2022 more…
  • Selimovic, E.: Sanierungspotential von Bestandsgebäuden mithilfe automatisierter geometrischer Rekonstruktion und semantischer Anreicherung aus Punktwolken. , 2022 more…
  • Surendran Sanila, G.: An Object and History-based Approval method for MEP Slot and Opening planning in openBIM projects using a Database-driven workflow. , 2022 more…
  • Taray, A.: Systematic Evaluation of the IFC Data Model for Infrastructural Assets and BIM Use Cases. , 2022 more…
  • Tegeler, J.: IFC as data basis for noise immission simulations for transport facilities. , 2022 more…
  • Weidinger, J.: Deep Learning based integration of manual changes on floor plans. , 2022 more…
  • Zhang, S.: Model-based construction process simulation on a BIM example project. , 2022 more…
  • Abdalaziz, A.: A More Reliable Method for Cost Estimation of Reinforcement Steel in Early Stages of Design. , 2021 more…
  • Ali, S.: Automatic Classification and Consistency verification of Digital drawings using Deep Learning. , 2021 more…
  • BASAK, A.: Image-Based Localization in 3D Point Clouds. , 2021 more…
  • Dlubal, D.: Untersuchung des Structural Analysis Format (SAF) auf Eignung für eine BIM-gestützte Tragwerksplanung. , 2021 more…
  • Du, C.: Enhancing 3D Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation Using Multi-Modal Fusion With 2D Images. , 2021 more…
  • Federico Fernández Erbes: Parallel Phase-Field Simulations with the Finite Cell Method and Adaptive Refinement. Master thesis, 2021 more…
  • Fischer, F.: Bewertungsmethodik zur modellbasierten Lebenszyklusbetrachtung der Technischen Gebäudeausrüstung in frühen Phasen anhand der Raumlufttechnischen Anlagen (KG 430). , 2021 more…
  • Kannankattil Ajayakumar, J.: Classification of the Level of Geometry of Building Elements using Deep-learning. , 2021 more…
  • Kelemen, Máté: A Review of Mass Lumping Schemes for the Spectral Cell Method. , 2021 more…
  • Kiral, Alperen: Automated Calibration Methods for Digital Production Twins. , 2021 more…
  • Kossat, R.: Point Cloud Completion by Deep Learning. , 2021 more…
  • Lammers, B.: IFC-based variant analysis considering multicriterial sustainability analysis of buildings. , 2021 more…
  • Liu, C.: Localizing and Matching CAD Model in Point Cloud Using Semantic Registration Method. , 2021 more…
  • Müller, Bernhard: Business Innovation Framework for Industrialized Construction. , 2021 more…
  • Pfitzner, F.: Data Mining within the as-performed construction process. , 2021 more…
  • Samaras, D.: Automated Extraction of Semantic Information from Engineering Drawings using Deep Learning. , 2021 more…
  • Schliski, S.: BIM-Based Code Compliance Checking of the Musterbauordnung. , 2021 more…
  • Slepicka, M.: Fabrication Information Modelling - BIM-basierte Modellierung von Fertigungs-informationen für Additive Manufacturing. , 2021 more…
  • Stocker, T.: Erstellung von IFC-Datenmodellen für den Holzbau und darauf basierende automatisierte Überprüfung der Einhaltung von Schallschutzanforderungen. , 2021 more…
  • Xia, Y.: Automated Methods of Mapping LCA Data to BIM Models. , 2021 more…
  • Bollig, YC.: Geometrical and Topological Linking of Railway Systems. , 2020 more…
  • Collins, F.: Encoding of geometric shapes from Building Information Modeling (BIM) using graph neural networks. , 2020 more…
  • Drewes, L.: BIM-integration of sustainable building certification criteria in the early design stages. , 2020 more…
  • Jokeit, Moritz: Exploring Physics-informed Neural Networks for the Heat Equation. , 2020 more…
  • Kolbeck, L.: Interoperability of BIM-based Life-Cycle Energy Analysis in Early Design Stages. , 2020 more…
  • Liu, Chenyang: Modification of Parameters in image-based automated 3D-Reconstruction for Fine Structures. , 2020 more…
  • Popgavrilova, G.: Assuring building information quality for building analytics by translating use cases of BIM@SRE standard into the MVD format. , 2020 more…
  • Schlenger, J.: Integration getrackter Eisenbahnausrüstung in eine Fachmodellumgebung. , 2020 more…
  • Siebenhütter, K.: Entwicklung einer Methode zum Festhalten des Standes von geprüften Bauwerksmodellen. , 2020 more…
  • Speiser, K: Ein Ansatz zur Anreicherung und Validierung von IFC-Modellen durch das Übersetzen gegebener Daten in standardisierte Informationsanforderungen. , 2020 more…
  • Stoitchkov, D.: Automated retrieval of shared IFC model data based on user-specific requirements. , 2020 more…
  • Vega, M.: Efficient Vertical Object Detection in Large High-Quality Point Clouds of Construction Sites. , 2020 more…
  • Ahmad, A.: Untersuchungen zur Modellierung und Projektabwicklung für den Erdbau einer freien Bahnstrecke. , 2019 more…
  • Beck, F.: Categorization and visualization of model-based informational distance during the BIM-based design process Master. , 2019 more…
  • Breden, Steve: Entwicklung einer Anwendungssoftware zur Unterstützung der Bauausführung. , 2019 more…
  • Breu, T.: Point Cloud Classification as a Support for BIM-based Progress Tracking. , 2019 more…
  • Georgoula, V.: Development of an Autodesk Revit Add-in for the Parametric Modeling of Bridge Abutments for BIM in Infrastructure. , 2019 more…
  • Hacker, D.: Abbildung der zeitgebundenen Kosten im bergmännischen Tunnelvortrieb mit der BIM-Methodik. , 2019 more…
  • Holland, Michael: Datenanalyse in der Cloud – Entwicklung eines Prototyps zur Automatisierung von Baudokumentation und Baufortschrittskontrolle mit den Prinzipien des Internet of Things. , 2019 more…
  • Hölzlwimmer, V.: Prüfung von Fertigstellungsgraden in digitalen Gebäudemodellen. , 2019 more…
  • Jäger, Michael: Anwendungen von BIM zum Projektmanagement mit Lean Construction. , 2019 more…
  • Mair, L.: Levels of Development (LODs) bei der Erstellung von Auftraggeber-Informationsanforderungen (AIAs) für Straßenbauprojekte am Beispiel der „Grundhaften Erneuerung der A92“. , 2019 more…
  • Meinberg, L.: Erarbeitung eines Softwarekonzepts zur Verbesserung der Kommunikation zwischen Projektbeteiligten auf der Baustelle während der Bauausführung. , 2019 more…
  • Nguyen, T: Entwicklung eines Detaillierungskonzepts für die BIM-basierte Modellierung von Massivbaubrücken. , 2019 more…
  • Rakic, M.: Lean BIM-based communication and workflow during design phases. , 2019 more…
  • Rohrmann, J.: Design Optimization in Early Project Stages. , 2019 more…
  • Sedlmair, M.: Point Cloud Processing for Tunnel Infrastructures. , 2019 more…
  • Seelos, S.: A Framework for generating building models for graph-based neural networks. Technische Universität München, 2019, more…
  • Stauch, F.: BIM im Spezialtiefbau – Einsatz wissensbasierter Methoden zur Verbesserung der Modellqualität und Steigerung der Modellierungsgeschwindigkeit. , 2019 more…
  • Tadesse, R.: BIM im Tunnelbau - Entwicklung eines Informationsmodells für Tunnelbauwerke. , 2019 more…
  • Verena, Wolf: Entwicklung eines Konzeptes zur Bewertung digitaler Datenmodelle am Beispiel einer Bahnsteigplanung. , 2019 more…
  • Barth, A.: Development of an integrated data management in civil engineering with the help of methods of the Systems Engineering. Master thesis, 2018 more…
  • Begana, K.: Uncertainties in BIM-based Life Cycle Assessments in early design phases. Master thesis, 2018 more…
  • Esser, S.: Implementierung einer Datenschnittstelle zur Unterstützung der modellbasierten Planung von Bahnausrüstungstechnik. Master thesis, 2018 more…
  • Fehrenbach, A.: Definition von Modellinhalten für BIM-Modelle von Schleusenbauwerken für ausgewählte BIM-Anwendungsfälle der Planung. Master thesis, 2018 more…
  • Forth, K.: BIM-basierte Ökobilanzierung. , 2018 more…
  • Hinterschwepfinger, J.: BIM-gestütztes Anforderungsmanagement zur Kalkulation eines Hochbauprojektes. Bachelor thesis, 2018 more…
  • Kirn, F.: Building Information Modeling and Virtual Reality: Editing of IFC Elements in Virtual Reality. , 2018 more…
  • Reichle, Johannes: Anwendungspotentiale von BIM im Bauprozessmanagement. Master thesis, 2018 more…
  • Xu, S.: Investigation of graph-databases for storing and analyzing building models. Master thesis, 2018 more…
  • Zibion, D.: Development of a BIM-enabled Software Tool for Facility Management using Interactive Floor Plans, Graph-based Data Management and Granular Information Retrieval. Master thesis, 2018 more…
  • Bareth, Thomas: Baudimensionierung hinsichtlich Fluchtwegesicherheit und Komfort – eine Betrachtung von ingenieurtechnischen Berechnungsmethoden vor dem Hintergrund der baurechtlichen Vorschriften. , 2017 more…
  • Beutelrock, M.: Bausystemschnittstellenentwicklung im industriellen Bauen. , 2017 more…
  • Hudeczek, D.: Formalisierung von Normen mithilfe von Auszeichnungssprachen für die automatisierte Konformitätsüberprüfung. , 2017 more…
  • Koebler, K.: Untersuchung der IFC-gestützten Modellübertragung zur Ableitung von Modellierempfehlungen für Architekten. , 2017 more…
  • Kopp, Philipp: Multi-level hp-FEM and the Finite Cell Method for the Navier-Stokes equations using a Variational Multiscale Formulation. Master thesis, 2017 more…
  • Lahr, S.: Durchführung einer mikroskopischen Personenstromanalyse zur Optimierung und Evaluation der Abläufe, von Umbaumaßnahmen des Münchner Hauptbahnhofes. , 2017 more…
  • Lauterbach, Sven: Performanceoptimierung von Fußgängersimulationen durch Einsatz von Parallelisierungstechniken. , 2017 more…
  • Schwab, Benedikt: Automated Driving: Analysis of Standard-Setting Dynamics and Development of a Pedestrian Simulation Model. Bachelor thesis, 2017 more…
  • Sun, Jingxing: Untersuchung der BIM-basierten Arbeitsweise im Verkehrswegebau eingebettet in die Planungsphase. Bachelor thesis, 2017 more…
  • Vega, S.: Analysis of BIM-based Collaboration Processes in the Facility Management. , 2017 more…
  • Wang, Y.: Analysis of Code and Guideline Contents in Construction Industry based on Text Mining. Bachelor thesis, 2017 more…
  • Cheng, Zhibin: Modelling Pedestrian Group Behaviors on a Music Festival Event Using an Agent-based Method. , 2016 more…
  • Iqbal, M.: Advanced Topological Operators for QL4BIM. , 2016 more…
  • Kunkel, H.: Digitales Bauen - Integration von projektorientierten Informationssystemen im schlüsselfertigen Hochbau. , 2016 more…
  • Marx, M.: Computergestützter Optimierungsprozess zur Unterstützung der Entscheidungsfindung in der frühen Entwurfsphase am Beispiel eines nachhaltigen Museumsgebäudes. , 2016 more…
  • Mini, F.: Entwicklung eines LoD Konzepts für digitale Bauwerksmodelle von Brücken und dessen Implementierung. , 2016 more…
  • Prasad, R.;: Betrachtung und Analyse des Projektmanagements im BIM-gestützten Bauprozess. , 2016 more…
  • Faure, Julien: Vergleich und Bewertung von Analysewerkzeugen für die Validierung und Kalibierung von mikroskopischen Personenstrommodellen. Master thesis, 2015 more…
  • Schneider, Michael: Einführung der BIM-Methode im Ingenieurbüro – Unterstützung der Abläufe durch eine durchgängige Nutzung einer Bauteilbibliothek. Master thesis, 2015 more…
  • Seeser, E.: Entwicklung eines Add Ins basierend auf Siemens NX zum Datenaustausch in die CADINP Sprache von SOFiSTiK. , 2015 more…
  • Sojka, Frédéric: Integration des Building Information Modelling in den Wertschöpfungsprozess eines mittelständischen Bauunternehmens. , 2015 more…
  • Büchele, D.: Visualisierung von Fußgängersimulationsdaten auf Basis einer 3D-Game-Engine. , 2014 more…
  • Frank, J.: Realistische Echtzeit-Visualisierung von CFD-Ergebnissen. Master thesis, 2014 more…
  • Hua, Shan: Entwicklung einer Schnittstelle zwischen IFC-Gebäudemodellen und Modelica. Master thesis, 2014 more…
  • Hölderle, B.: Untersuchung von Autodesk Vault für den BIM-Prozess. , 2014 more…
  • Kuloyants, V.: Entwicklung eines IFC-basierenden Datenaustauschstandards für den Unterbau von Brückenbauwerken. , 2014 more…
  • Kutterer, B.: Computergestützte Tragwerksplanung im Holzbau. , 2014 more…
  • Preidel, C.: Entwicklung einer Methode zur automatisierten Konformitätsüberprüfung auf Basis einer graphischen Sprache und Building Information Modeling. Master thesis, 2014 more…
  • Singer, D.: Entwicklung eines Prototyps für den Einsatz von Knowledge-based Engineering in frühen Phasen des Brückenentwurfs. , 2014 more…
  • Vilgertshofer, S.: Repräsentation und Detaillierung parametrischer Skizzen mit Hilfe von Graphersetzungssystemen. , 2014 more…
  • Weinholzer, M.: Analyse und Implementierung von Datenaustauschformaten zwischen CAD- und AVA-Systemen im Zuge einer BIM-basierten Projektrealisierung im Ingenieurbau. , 2014 more…
  • Braun, A.: Entwicklung eines 4D-BIM-Viewers mit graphbezogener Darstellung von Bauabläufen und - alternativen. , 2013 more…
  • Hofmeier, M.: Entwicklung einer Software zur Soll/Ist-Bauablaufvisualisierung mit IFC-Schnittstelle. , 2013 more…
  • Nasyrov, Vladislav: Building Information Models als Input für energetische Gebäudesimulation. Master thesis, 2013 more…
  • Andrae, M.: Entwicklung eines Mangelaufnahme-Systems auf Mobilen Geräten für den Einsatz bei der Objektüberwachung zur weiteren zentralen Verarbeitung. Master thesis, 2012 more…
  • Wang, M.: 3D-Planung von Brückenbauwerken mit Siemens NX 7.5. , 2012 more…
  • Ritter, F.: Untersuchung der Möglichkeiten und Vorteile des modellgestützten kooperativen Planens anhand von Autodesk Produkten. Master thesis, 2011 more…
  • Solis Lopez, J.M.: Calculation and representation of structural reinforcement in Building Information Models using Revit Structure and SOFiSTiK. , 2011 more…
  • Zhang, Y.: Genetic Algorithms for Bridge Maintenance Scheduling. , 2010 more…
  • Zhou, H.: Development of An Earthwork Simulation Model with Plant Simulation. Master thesis, 2010 more…
  • Lu, Y.: Development of the 4D Earthwork ViZ Toolkit Applied in Road Construction. Master thesis, 2009 more…
  • Ramos Jubierre, J.: Analysis and coupling of a Geometric Constraint Solver with a CAD application. , 2009 more…

Research Phase and Master's Thesis in the Physics programs

During the last year of the Master's program you will have the unique opportunity to work on exciting research topics within the specific field of the program. During this so-called research phase, you can choose from an extensive number of research groups and current projects.

Information event about the research phase

This semester the information event abour the research phase will take place on

Friday, July 05, 2024 at 2:15 pm (in German) and Friday, July 12, 2024 at 2:15 pm (in English)

in the lecture hall 2 of the Physics building .

For more information visit the Moodle-Course .

The build-up of the research phase

To the scope of the one year (12 month) research phase (59 ECTS) belong firstly, the development of the necessary special knowledge within a cutting-edge research line and secondly, the acquisition of the corresponding experimental or theoretical skills, that are necessary for the realization of the research project within the frame of the Master's thesis. Each of these steps conforms a module, the Master's seminar and the Master's work experience. Both modules belong intrinsically together and account in total for 24 ECTS. Subsequently, the independent research project can be carried out as part of the Master's thesis, which corresponding module comprises 30 ECTS. The research phase is completed with the Master's colloquium (5CP), the defense of the Master's thesis.

During the research phase, the fulfilment of an independent scientific work is tighly connected with the acquisition of additional skills, such as project management, team work as well as the depiction and presentation of scientific results.

Master' seminar

Literature research and specialization



Master's work experience

Methodology and project planning



Master's thesis




Master's colloquiumMaster's thesis defense  





*: PL="Prüfungsleistung" graded exam, SL="Studienleistung" non graded exam (pass/fail)

Finding a topic

To find a topic, please contact the working groups and possible thesis supervisors yourself.

The thesis supervisors have the possibility to advertise topics. The list thus gives an insight into possible topics for the final thesis in the bachelor's degree program in physics. If you are interested in a topic, please contact the working group. The list is not exhaustive and the exact titles and descriptions can of course still be modified by the topic creator. So it is advisable to ask the thesis supervisors directly. Other topics may also arise during the discussion.

Furthermore, it is advisable to start searching for a suitable topic early, about one semester in advance. In a personal interview, you can quickly see whether a topic appeals to you and whether you feel comfortable in the group. We discourage you from simple e-mail exchange, as it is usually not successful.

A list of possible topics is given in the linked Moodle-Course .

Registering the research phase

The registration to all modules belonging to the research phase is done at once, normally at the beginning of the third Master's semester. After agreeing on a topic with the future supervisor, the registration takes place via an online form, for the time being still via the physics web pages (access only from the Munich science network).

Following the online registration, the registration form must be printed out and handed in at the Dean's Office Physics (Dekanat Physik). When doing this, the certificate of mentor counseling has to be included.

After six months the Master's thesis should begin. Passing the Master's seminar and the Master's work experience will be recorded in TUMonline and you are officially allowed to start the thesis.

Handing in the thesis and getting the grade including the colloquium

Before handing in the Master's thesis, you must fill in the final titel of the thesis in the database and upload an electronic copy (PDF-file). For the time being, the database is still located on the physics web pages (access only from the Munich science network). Afterwards, you have to hand in two printed versions in the Dean's Office (Dekanat). Only then is the thesis considered submitted; uploading the electronic copy is not sufficient to meet the deadline.

Extension of the deadline is only possible for good reasons. See FAQ on Thesis extension.

The Master's thesis will be evaluated by the supervisor and a second examiner. The second examiner is appointed by the examination board on suggestion of the supervisor (at the earliest after official registration of Master’s thesis).

The supervisor and the second examiner will also grade the Master's colloquium, which completes the research phase. The Master’s colloquium is organised and conducted by the supervisor together with the second examiner. The Master’s colloquium takes approximately 60 minutes, consisting of a 30 minutes talk and 30 minutes examination. Naturally, the inclusion of the colloquium in a group seminar is possible.

For any examination you must be enrolled as a student of TUM. Hence you need to re-enroll for one semester more e.g. if you hand in your Master’s thesis or your Master’s colloquium takes place after the current semester ends. With a due date for your thesis or a scheduled date for the colloquium e.g. in October, you should not forget to re-enroll for the winter semester and the corresponding deadline would be August 15. For the summer semester the registration deadline is February 15.

Completing your Master studies

At the end of the semester in which you reach the necessary 120 ECTS in your Master's degree program and passed all required exams you will be exmatriculated (according to §13(1) enrolment rules of TUM). In most cases the Master's colloquium will be the last exam to reach this point.

You are principally allowed to take further exams after reaching the 120 ECTS, i.e. to replace previous results in the catalog of the focus areas with better results. Therefore it is generally not possible that the final documents are generated before you are exmatriculated. In case you need the final documents (or even preliminary documents) earlier, you have to request for it explicitly. See the Remarks on end of studies and final documents for further information.

Computation of the final grade

The final grade is the ECTS-weighted average of all graded exams.



ca. %

Theoretical physics


Special courses3036
Non-Physics courses810
Master's Thesis3036
Master's Colloquium56

TUM School of Natural Sciences

Technische Universität München

Boltzmannstr. 10 85748 Garching


  1. Master's Thesis

    master thesis tum physics

  2. GitHub

    master thesis tum physics

  3. Stony Brook Physics PHD Thesis Template

    master thesis tum physics

  4. Dissertation in Physics

    master thesis tum physics

  5. (PDF) Quantum Field Theory II (Master of Physics Thesis)

    master thesis tum physics

  6. TUM Thesis Template

    master thesis tum physics


  1. Uranium Analysis Technical Analysis 3-8-2024

  2. CTPR 285

  3. Physics Problem- Work and Energy

  4. Complete NCERT Geography Practice Set

  5. How I earned my Physics PhD at age 25, with summa cum laude

  6. MTH622_Topic003


  1. Physics Department, TUM

    Master's Thesis in the M.Sc. Matter to Life. In the last year of the master's program Matter to Life, you will further advance the research experience you had previously gathered in lab rotations to independently work on a research project. You can choose from a variety of workgroups and projects within the Matter to Life Max Planck School.

  2. Research Phase and Master's Thesis in the Physics programs

    These are the elective course in theoretical physics, the special courses, the non-physics courses, the Master's thesis and colloquium. If you have taken more than 30 ECTS in the special courses or more than 8 ECTS in the non-physics elective courses, then TUMonline will try to find the combination, which results in the best final grade.

  3. Physik-Department, TUM

    Mit 1.10.2022 ist die Fakultät für Physik in der TUM School of Natural Sciences mit der Webseite https: //www ... Information about the research phase in the Physics Master's ... The goal of the thesis is to develop an analyze finite temperature algorithms for quantum computers. The field is quickly evolving.

  4. Physics (Applied and Engineering Physics)

    The Master's degree program gives an insight into current research trends in modern applied physics. Possible areas for specialization within the Master's program are: - including topics such as magnetism, semiconductor physics,applied superconductivity, spin electronics. - including topics such as fuel cells, energy conversion, reactor ...

  5. Research Phase and Master's Thesis in the Physics programs

    The registration to all modules belonging to the research phase is done at once, normally at the beginning of the third Master's semester. After agreeing on a topic with the future supervisor, the registration takes place via an online form, for the time being still via the physics web pages (access only from the Munich science network).. Following the online registration, the registration ...

  6. Physics Department, TUM

    Physics Master Programs. ... while the second year concentrates on research in the framework of the Master's thesis. KTA. Semester 1 and 2 - Advanced studies. Modules ... In the study program description the program is described extensively for the QM system of TUM. more. Latest News. 2023-08-17. Starting a Degree Program in Physics in WS 2023/4.

  7. Physics Department, TUM

    The Master program Quantum Science & Technology starts in WS 2020/1 jointly at the two Physics departments of Technical University Munich (TUM) and Ludwig-Maximilians University Munich (LMU). Students learn to directly translate current results from research and development in science (e. g. Physics, Chemistry), Mathematics and Engineering (e.g ...

  8. Physics (Condensed Matter Physics)

    The master's program in Condensed Matter Physics offers a high degree of flexibility when creating your own study and competency profile. With the help of a mentor, you can organize your study program in the first year of studies individually. The degree concludes with the master's thesis. Overview Degree Program Structure

  9. Physics Department, TUM

    During the last year of the Master's program Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics you will have the unique opportunity to work on exciting research topics. During this so-called research phase, you can choose from an extensive number of thesis supervisors and current projects. Aliaksandr Bandarenka and a Master's student in his group ...

  10. Physics Department, TUM

    There are only very few requirements on the format of the electronically submitted thesis. As a matter of course you need to make sure that the supervisor and reviewers grading your thesis can actually view, read, and print the PDF file. Hence you should embed fonts and not use encryption. The first page of the PDF file (cover page) needs to ...

  11. Application Requirements and Procedure for the M.Sc. Physics programs

    The academic requirements for admission to a Master's program in physics at TUM are: You have completed the TUMonline application in full and on time (uploading all documents relevant to admission). You have to hold a Bachelor's degree in physics (or equivalent), which in form and content is comparable to our research-oriented Bachelor in physics.

  12. Physics

    At the TUM School of Natural Sciences we offer four Physics Master's degree programs. They build the natural continuation to our Bachelor program in physics. All four Master programs convey the academic width which is typical for a physicist. Thus it is assured that our Master graduates are outstandingly qualified for the various tasks in ...

  13. Theses

    Theses | TUM University Library

  14. Theses

    Making Your Thesis a Success

  15. WS21 Quantum Field Theory TUM and TMP

    (Physics Master Course TUM; TMP core module LMU/TUM) Prof. A. Weiler, WS 2021/22. The lecture is aimed at master students with an interest in theoretical physics. It is a crucial preparation for a master thesis in theoretical particle physics. The quantum field theory concepts discussed are however more widely applicable.

  16. Research Phase and Master's thesis in QST

    The registration to all modules belonging to the research phase is done at once, normally at the beginning of the third Master's semester. After agreeing on a topic with the future supervisor, the registration takes place via an online form, for the time being still via the physics web pages (access only from the Munich science network).. Following the online registration, the registration ...

  17. Physics (Nuclear, Particle and Astrophysics)

    Physics (Nuclear, Particle and Astrophysics)

  18. MIBE: Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics

    The Master's program "Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics" is conducted at TUM's Physics Department. The program is run in close collaboration with MIBE in order to accommodate the highly interdisciplinary and research-oriented focus of the degree program. The program lasts two years; the teaching language is English (Information on ...

  19. Theses

    Bachelor Thesis. Elli Jobst, Developing a Photomultiplier Tube Response Simulation for the Pacific Ocean Neutrino Experiment, 2024 (pdf) Alexandra Scholz, Dark Matter Annihilation in NGC 1068, 2023 (pdf) Martin Dinkel, Qualification of Temperature Sensors for the Pacific Ocean Neutrino Experiment for long-term Temperature Monitoring, 2022 (pdf ...

  20. Research Phase and Master's thesis BEMP

    Research Phase BEMP. Research phase and master thesis in the Master's degree program Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics. In the final year of the Master's degree program, you will have the unique opportunity to conduct research on exciting topics within the specialty of the program. You can choose from a variety of working groups and ...

  21. Soft matter physics

    In the framework of the European ERASMUS-MUNDUS program, students have the opportunity to carry out a part of the two-year master program MaMaSelf+ (Master in Material Science for Energy Applications Exploring Large Scale Facilities) at the Soft Matter Physics Group. The MaMaSelf+ programme is a cooperation of TUM with LMU Munich, universities in France (Montpellier and Rennes), Italy (Torino ...

  22. Master theses

    Master thesis, 2024 more… Kirn, Hannes: Reconstruction of truncated instance point clouds with the help of generative models. Master thesis, 2024 more… Memon, Z: An automated framework for managing design changes in BIM models. Master thesis, 2024 more… Mohiuddin, Rafay: Open World 3D Scene Understanding. Master thesis, 2024 more…

  23. Research Phase and Master's Thesis in the Physics programs

    TUM School of Natural Sciences Technische Universität München Homepage; Latest News; Before Studying; Bachelor. Biochemistry