Student Council Speech Ideas & Tips to Help You Win

Whether you want to be president or head up PR, we've got you covered with tips and example student council speeches.

Lori personal and professional experiences have helped her cultivate a broad writing portfolio, spanning publications on subjects like education and parenting.

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Kate is an experienced writer who has written hundreds of articles for publication.

Getting involved in student council is an amazing way to have a little extra influence in your school, but you have to win an election to get that influence. If you want to convince people to vote for you, you'll need a great student council speech that they'll remember on election day.

Serving on your school's student council gives you a say in student activities and a voice with the school administration, and that's a pretty big deal. It also looks good on college applications. However, to make it onto the student council, you'll first need to give a speech and gather votes from the other students. We've got you covered with writing tips, examples, and ideas to give you tons of extra confidence (and hopefully that win you want).

Winning Student Council Speech Ideas

You've probably done a little (or a lot) of persuasive writing in your classes, and you can totally build on that to write a great speech. You'll also want to make your speech memorable and fun to listen to since you need these kids to think of you when it's time to vote.

  • Funny Student Council Speech Ideas to Help Everyone Relate to You
  • Tips for a Winning Student Council Speech for Treasurer
  • Self-Introduction Speech Examples & Tips to Help You Be Confident & Calm

Use these suggestions to help you craft a speech they'll never forget. It's important that you make sure your speech suits your school and position.

Open With a Humorous Story

Start your speech with something that will make everyone laugh . That can be a joke or a hilarious anecdote — there are no wrong answers as long as you amuse people and don't offend them.

  • Funny Intro Ideas for Student Council Speeches

Tell What You've Done Already

Next, you need to establish your credibility. Why should people vote for you? Why are you awesome at this role already? Show off your leadership experience and your connections to people in the school or community.

Explain the Role You're Running For

At this point in the speech, you want to clearly state what you want people to do. Tell them what student council role you're hoping to get and that you will do well in this position.

Keep your speech short and to the point and be honest about why you'd like the position regardless of whether it's a big or smaller role. For smaller roles, such as sergeant-at-arms, auditors, or public relations, hone in on what qualifications you have and use vivid examples to keep your audience interested.

Clearly Ask for Their Vote

Finally, you need to make sure you clearly ask people to vote for you. Mention the election day specifically. It's also nice if you offer to answer any questions or chat with people one-on-one.

Make Your Student Council Speech Stand Out

While there are certain traits and promises the student body expects from every candidate's speech, they want to choose one person who stands out from the crowd. Even if you're running for a smaller position, such as a PR officer or sergeant-at-arms, you may need to make a great speech as well in order to get elected. Make your speech the most memorable one in the room.

  • Grab a thesaurus and look for synonyms of common words used to describe the position you're running for. When all the other secretarial candidates talk about their attention to detail, you can use words like "meticulous" or "assiduous" to sound different.
  • Include visuals like props, a themed outfit, or specific hand gestures to give your speech a multidimensional feel.
  • Choose a speech theme to structure your presentation like a specific social media platform, a historical event, or a particular sport. Look for a theme that relates well to the role you want.
  • Invent a catchphrase that captures the spirit of your speech to keep the student body talking about it all the way to the polls.
  • Add sound effects, song lyrics, or music to give the speech more life.

Student Council Speech Examples for Each Role

Get inspired to write the perfect speech with these examples for each major role. Whether you're hoping to be president or secretary, these samples can help you get started writing your own speech.

Sample Speech for President

Hello, my name is John Doe and I'm a junior. I'm not the type of student who will lead a senior prank or skip class with you, but that probably isn't what you want in a class president anyway. What I do offer is steadfastness, hard work, and the ability to work with others even during difficult circumstances while still keeping a sense of humor.

Last year, when the cafeteria stopped serving the salad bar, I was able to get it reinstated by starting a petition, having many of you sign it, and taking it to Principal Smith. Because we worked together, we were able to bring the salad bar back, and now it's better than ever.

During the last three years at Sample High School, I've been involved in many activities. I've played basketball, spent a short time in the school band, worked on various committees, and helped tutor students after school. Last year, I was adopted into the National Honor Society and started an after school club for airplane enthusiasts that meets once a week.

As your student council president, I vow to end all homework. Just kidding. I can't do that, but what I can do is be your voice with the school administration and work to make this the best year Sample High has ever had. I will introduce ideas for events, such as dances after high school basketball games, and we'll work together to help the community through volunteer work and showing them just how dedicated the students at Sample High are.

I would appreciate your vote for president. If elected, I will continue to fight for the things that are important to students, no matter how big or small they might be. Let's work together to make our stamp on this community and on the world.

If you're running for the highest role in your class or school, your speech really needs to stand out. This is the most competitive race, so make sure you leave people with a clear idea of who you are and what you want to do.

Vice President Speech Example

Instead of starting with my name and what I'm running for, at which point you'll tune me out and start looking at the smudge on your left shoe, I am going to tell you my favorite memory so far from high school. On my first day at Sample High School, I had no idea how to get to my classes. This school is big, and I was lost.

On top of that, I was rushing around trying to find my class and tripped and fell flat on the floor in front of the cutest guy I'd ever seen. Not only was he nice enough to help me up, but several other students rushed to help me, got me to my classroom, and made me feel better about how goofy I was. That was the moment I fell in love with Sample High School. We all help each other and you don't find that just anywhere.

One of the reasons I'm running for Vice President of the student council is that I want to give back to the high school I love so much. I want to be that friendly face for new students coming in and a defender for students already here.

During the last two years, I've prepared myself to serve as Vice President by taking on extra work organizing a fan club for our football players to cheer them on when they play at home and make sure our school is represented in the stands at every away game. I've spent time as an office aid, learning about the everyday running of the school and silently taking notes on what we as students can do to improve things and how we can work with the administration.

As your Vice President, I will stand beside your president, offering support and stepping in when she is not able to be here or asks for some extra help. I'll sit on the student council and get actively involved in planning prom , graduation, and homecoming. I will always be here to listen to your concerns or to help you off the floor should you fall flat on your face like I did.

I am asking for your vote for VP of the student council. I love this school. I want to be helpful, and I want us all to build memories we'll remember and treasure forever. Now, if I can just get off this stage without falling on my face, I'll be in good shape.

A vice presidential speech needs to be highly effective to gain student confidence. This means you need to grab their attention and keep it throughout the speech, as well as clearly telling your audience what you want to accomplish.

Secretary Election Speech Sample

Today, I want to tell you something about me that you might not know. From the time I was five years old, I've been taking guitar lessons. I don't play in a band and I don't take music classes at school, but every night when I get home, I pick up my Fender and I relieve any stress from the day by playing a few of my favorite classic rock songs.

Learning to play a musical instrument takes a lot of time and stubbornness. There are times when I just wanted to quit because my fingers were raw from trying to learn a new chord or that song just didn't sound right. However, I stuck with it until I overcame the challenge and that is exactly what I'll do as your secretary. If there is an issue that needs to be solved, I won't quit until we figure out a solution. I will bring your concerns to the other council members, and like learning a new chord, I will stick with that concern until we figure it out.

I would like your vote for secretary of the student council. You never know, I may even bring my guitar to a student council meeting or two and just set it by my side as a reminder of why we need to work hard to achieve worthwhile things.

In your secretary speech, explain why you are perfect for the role. Highlight your organizational skills, perseverance, and ability to get along with everyone.

Treasurer Election Speech Example

Those of you who already know me probably know that math is my favorite subject. I'm proud of my inner geek, and I think it makes me perfect for the job of Treasurer. The student council treasurer is in charge of keeping track of money and numbers, so this role is a perfect fit for me and I've decided to run for the position.

I've been a member of Jackson High's Mathletes for the last two years. In case you're not familiar with this group, we are a group of students who love math and go out and compete in events. We've won state twice in the last three years. I also am a member of the orchestra. We perform throughout the school year and at school basketball games.

The student council treasurer has to be good at math to keep track of all those numbers. Vote for me, and I'll make sure our numbers add up. I'll also have fun doing it because I'm just crazy enough to love numbers.

  • Example Student Council Speech for Treasurer & Tips to Write Yours

A class treasurer needs to show his or her trustworthiness and math abilities during the speech.

Example Speech for Any Student Council Role

Many of you probably know me best for tripping over my feet and falling face-first off the stage during prom. Once I got over that embarrassment, I decided I could face you here today.

From the first day I arrived at Sample High School, I knew I wanted to become more involved. From serving on the school newspaper as the Features Editor to helping plan prom last year, I consistently spend time in leadership roles and try to make this school an even better place than it already is. Many of you probably know me from my work with Key Club and the volunteer time I've spent at Sunnyvale Nursing Home and cleaning up our community park.

It probably won't surprise you that I have decided to run for student council for the role of ___________. As student council _________ (role), I will strive to continue to make improvements in the school for every student here at Sample High. The student council works side-by-side with the student body and the administration to ensure student events throughout the year are successful. As _______, I will ensure that you have a memorable year.

Today, I am asking for your vote for me on election day. Should you elect me, I will listen to your concerns and work hard for you. I'm happy to chat with anyone after this event to answer any questions you might have.

  • 9 Science-Backed Ways to Stay Focused on Your Schoolwork

Ways to Add Humor to Your Speech

One of the best election speech ideas for students is to work some humor into your speech. Infusing a bit of humor into your speech can help you better connect with your audience while making your speech really stand out. You can try using silly jokes, sarcasm, or inside jokes that only those who attend your school would get. These ideas might help. 

  • Say in a serious tone, "Settle in, I've got about three hours' worth of material to get through."
  • After your speech, say, "Okay, now for my speech."
  • Use a teacher or principal as a funny example, such as, "I'm as passionate about our school as (insert teacher) and as energetic as (insert teacher) after he/she's finished his/her coffee."
  • Say, "I care about this position as much as (teacher) cares about (insert book, movie, or learning principle that teacher speaks about a lot)."
  • Say, "I was really nervous to give this speech, so I've been practicing a lot in front of my (insert pet). He/she/they said it could use some work, so I guess I'll just give this my best shot."
  • Use self-deprecating humor by saying, "My annoying need to be organized and scheduled would make me a great fit for this position."
  • 65+ "Anything But a Backpack" Day Ideas That’ll Make You a School Legend

Deliver the Speech With Confidence

Once you've prepared your speech, practicing a few times alone and in front of an audience can help you get ready to deliver your speech with confidence. Whether your speech is lighthearted and funny or serious and to the point, there are a few things to keep in mind.

  • Make eye contact with those you are speaking to and don't focus too heavily on one person.
  • If you make a mistake, keep going. No one knows what your speech is supposed to sound like.
  • Practice some deep breathing exercises or mindfulness beforehand to calm nerves. Remember to take deep breaths throughout your speech and speak a bit slower than you normally would, as nerves can cause you to speak more rapidly.
  • Visualize yourself doing your speech well the morning of it.

Make Your Election Speech Memorable

Whether you use one of the samples listed here or write an entirely new speech, be sure to put a personal touch on the speech. By focusing on what makes you unique, your passions, and your skills, you will show confidence in front of your classmates and let them see a side of you they may not have seen before. Whether you win or lose the election, you can hold your head high and know you gave the speech your best.

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Student Council Speeches

By:  Susan Dugdale  

How to write a winning speech: a template, guidelines, plus example speeches

Student Council Speeches mark the end of an election campaign.

Will yours be successful?

The final answer is in the hands of your fellow students. It's entirely their decision.

However, up until they mark their voting papers 'yes' or 'no' you have the potential to make their choice of candidate for the upcoming year 'you'.

How to write a great student council speech 

Use the quick links below to find what you need to write a great student council speech, whether it's the President, Vice-President, Secretary or Treasurer role you're after.

Image - colored hands waving in affirmation. The word "YES" superimposed over image.

  • the primary purpose of your speech
  • a template that includes all the necessary elements of a good Student Council speech
  • points to consider carefully before you write
  • an example Student Council President speech
  • an example Student Council Vice President speech
  • an example Student Council Secretary speech
  • an example Student Council Treasurer speech
  • a printable speech planner and outline to download
  • vital tips for rehearsal . These make the difference between looking and sounding polished and bumbling.
  • a link to a collection of videoed student council speeches
  • how to manage anxiety about speaking in front of others

Understanding your speech purpose

Understanding the nature or purpose of your speech could make all the difference between winning and losing.

Student Council speeches are persuasive speeches . Their ultimate goal is to get you the YES vote.

To help you achieve that use the template, (framework or pattern), below to cover all the essential elements you need to pull together.

In addition, it will structure your speech logically, and effectively, from its opening through to its close.

(I've turned the template into a printable enabling you to plan and outline your speech efficiently and easily. You can download it from the link further down the page.)

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Student Council speeches template

Round button - colored hands waving in affirmation - YES.

  • Greeting - Attention Getter - The Hook You'll need an opening statement or rhetorical  question to sit your audience up with open ears and minds. For more see: How to write a speech introduction: 12 of the best ways to start.  
  • Who you are - your name, your place or grade in the school, and maybe, your hobbies or interests, and the clubs or teams you're a member of. For example, Amnesty International, the speech and debate club, cross-country and basketball. And if you've used a campaign slogan work it in. It'll jog people's memories. 'Ah, yes, that person!', they'll think. Being known and familiar gives you a head start.
  • What you want - the role you are campaigning for: President, Vice President,  Treasurer, Secretary, Historian...
  • What you are going to do for the audience - benefits to them in exchange for their vote. (Brief summary -you will expand this in the body of your speech.)
  • Credibility - your qualification or expertise establishing your fitness for the role you want. (Brief summary - you will expand this in the body of your speech.)
  • Transition leading to...
  • Your Main Idea 1 - For example: your goal for the role, what you want to achieve, how you plan to do it, the benefits to your audience - what painful problem(s) will you solve for them, your fitness for the job, transition to...
  • Main Idea 2 - Supporting ideas - details and examples - transition to...
  • Main Idea 3 - Supporting ideas - details and examples - transition to...

NB. Only include a second and third idea if you have time to expand on them. If not, move through to the conclusion.

  • Summary of main points
  • Re-statement of what you want - to be elected to the role you're running for
  • Re-statement of the benefits to the audience
  • Closer, clincher, call for action

Points to consider BEFORE you write your speech

Image: various colored hands waving. Text: - vote me.

You'll make a better job of completing the printable student council speech template if you  take the time to go through the points below.

And then, read the student council speech examples, before you start to write.

Research the role

Think about your audience, what tone or choice of vocabulary is best suited to them.

Avoid trying to impress with either 'big' words or use of slang. Both are traps! Be yourself. Authentic. Real.

Keep your language conversational rather than overly formal and use smaller rather than large sentences.

Try using active rather than passive words. These convey enthusiasm. For examples, see this page on using action verbs . You'll discover how to go from boring bla bla bland to dynamic excitement.

What 'hook' will you use to get them to listen? Humor? Humor is good if it is relevant and inclusive rather than exclusive. (No 'in' jokes!).

Your goal in the role you want

Avoid setting up expectations that you will deliver beyond your capability. :-)

It might be very tempting, but can you really reduce school hours, increase academic standards, introduce a range of exciting new extracurricular activities, as well as have a 'green day' and a movie night every month? Please keep it real!

Your credibility or qualifications

Now is not the time either to be shy or arrogantly big-headed! Let the audience know how right you are for the role you want.

Set yourself apart from other candidates by sharing compelling personal stories or anecdotes that both support your pitch, and show you understand the key issues that matter to your fellow students.

Your school's requirements

If your speech does not meet pre- established criteria in any way you may find it is returned to you edited. It's safer to find out what those criteria are BEFORE writing to avoid having to re-write or worse, being disqualified entirely.

Mockery and personal insults are not clever. They boomerang back on you, letting your audience know you're not to be trusted and neither are you ready for leadership.

Readily acknowledging the skill and expertise of your fellow candidates sincerely in a way that doesn't demean yourself, or them, shows an open mind and maturity.

Aim to have your speech ready BEFORE the deadline.

Give yourself time to prepare thoroughly, including time to review of your opponents' campaigns. That can be very useful for seeing their strengths as well as their weaknesses, which you can then respond to in your own material.

Student Council President speech example 

Here's a sample student council speech. I've written it from the perspective of someone running for President.

As you read it, imagine it said aloud. That will help you get the rhythm and flow of language. The speech is between 3 - 4 minutes long, depending on how quickly you speak.

Vote Sophia Clarke for Student Council President

Image: multi-colored hands waving. Text: YES! Sophia Clarke for President Student Council.

"I’ve got a question for you. I’m not asking you to shout your answer out, or raise your hand. All I’m asking is that you give it room in your mind. Let it sit for a bit, and have a think about it.

My question is – do you believe like I do, that all of us deserve the opportunity to make the best of ourselves? Not second best, 3 rd , or even, highly commended. The BEST.

I’m Sophia Clarke. I’m in the 12 th  grade, and I’m running for president. My vision is that each student is enabled to develop the skills and confidence to become the bigger, better version of themselves. The best they can be.  Regardless of who they are, and what they need to achieve that.

It’s an audacious goal. Some would say an idealistic, rather than a realistic, one.

However I say it’s awesome. And that you’re intelligent people who realize that reaching any goal starts with taking the first step.

So let me remind you why choosing me, Sophia Clarke, for president, is also choosing a better chance for yourself, and everyone else to grow.

I know you, and I know your needs well. I’ve served on your behalf in multiple roles through my years here; secretary, auditor, public relations officer, and have successfully taken on multiple issues. You’ll know some of those through directly benefiting from them.

It was me who was behind the push to get a regular anti-bullying program running throughout the school. That was two years ago, and now the  Teens Against Bullying  message underpins what we expect and strive for in our every day dealings with each other.

We know incidents of bullying are far fewer as a result. As our orange tee shirts say we ‘choose kindness, acceptance and inclusion’ for each other, and our selves.

Who has been involved in our mentoring-homework program? Either as a buddy-tutor or as a student getting a helping hand? And who, like me, is passionate about making sure that everybody gets a fair go?

In the past year, under my watch that program has escalated. We have over 50% more tutors across more subject areas and more students taking up the offer of help. That is a fabulous outcome for everybody. Truly win-win.

A tick in the box alongside my name is a tick for the continued growth of those programs. Their value is proven. They allow each of us to grow and experience the strength and confidence that comes from knowing that we can make a positive difference in other people’s lives as well as our own.

When you vote me for President you get my capacity to organize, to liaise, to listen and to speak, working for the benefit of everybody.

A 'yes' for me is a 'yes' for appreciating and celebrating diversity.

A 'yes' for me, Sophia Clarke for President, is 'yes' to a better you.

And together that is a 'yes' to a better life, and a better school, for all of us."

Student Council Vice President speech example

Like the speech above, this one runs to approximately 4 minutes when said aloud. Try it and see.

Image: poster for student council election. Text: YES! Jason Hull for Vice President, Student Council

Nod your head if you've heard of the phrase '2nd fiddle' or '2IC'.

What about 'sidekick'?

Not booting a ball in from a sideline but a trusty partner to whoever it is who has the leading role. Like Robin is for Batman.

Or like, {name of your country's Vice President or Prime Minister} is for {name of country's President or Prime Minister} or {name of your school's Vice Principal} is for {name of your school's Principal}!

Well, that's what I aspire to - to become the trusty, tried and true sidekick to the President on our student council.

My name is Jason Hull. I'm in Grade 12 and proudly standing in front of you today as a candidate for the role of Vice President. Yes, I am asking you to give me something of immense value - your vote.

I know what the issues, here at {name of school} are. As part of my campaign, I've interviewed you, and listened. I promise your ideas will be acted on.

Afterall I've trained for this role, put in the time. You know, I know how to get things done.

Last year I served as Secretary and the year before that I was a representative for the committee - proof that I'm committed to bettering our school environment not just for you, but for everybody!

With your support, I'll be your go-to guy when you want to make sure that your opinions and feedback reach the decision-makers.

One of my main goals as your Vice President is to champion your initiatives: amongst others, that's the library extensions you told me about, the desire for healthier food choices in our cafeteria, and the urgent need to increase and diversify the workforce and out-reach opportunities that so many of you mentioned.

Whether you're passionate about improving our school facilities, or enhancing our community involvement, I'll be there to guide and help you. 

In the role of Vice President, I will work alongside the President fulfilling my duties to the best of my ability. 

Together, we'll make sure that your concerns, and hopes are not just heard but actively pursued. Not 'I' will make sure, but 'we'.

There is no 'I' in we, and that too, is a prerequisite of the Vice President's position: the capacity to put aside ego and to work productively for the good of all.

Because together, we, the Vice President, the President and the other council members, are stronger and can achieve more.

The Vice President role may be a support act but it's a vital one.  To succeed in it, collaboration is key. I promise to work hand in hand not only with the President but also with the entire student council team, our teachers, and our administration on your behalf.

Unity is strength. More than ever, we need to nurture understanding, kindness and respect for each other. Regardless of your grade, interests, or background, I want every one of you to feel valued and heard.

That's a goal many would say is impossible.

However, I say, we need to be the difference we want to see in the world. And to borrow those famous words of Helen Keller's: "Alone we can do so little. Together we can so much."

It would be an honor to be your voice, your eyes and your ears as Vice President.

So, I ask you, will you trust me to have your best interests at heart? Will you enable me to work on your behalf?

And are you willing to give me, Jason Hull, your vote for best sidekick, aka. Vice President?

I'll take those smiles, as a 'Yes'.

Example Student Council speeches for Secretary and Treasurer

Click the link to read an:

  • example Student Council speech for the role of Secretary . Plus, an overview of the Secretary's main tasks and responsibilities.
  • example Student Council speech for the role of Treasurer . Plus, an overview of the Secretary's main tasks and responsibilities.

(This page was getting far too long to include them both here. ☺)

Get the printable student council speech outline

Click on the image below to open a downloadable printable student council speech planner and outline pdf. (Please note it will open in a new window.)

Image: a row of multicolored hands waving. Text: Click to download a printable student council speech outline.

Your completed outline will provide both the structure and the content you need to efficiently write your speech.  

After you've finished writing your speech

Now that you've finished writing, you're ready to begin work on your delivery: how you present the speech to your audience.

The first step in that process is making sure your speech fits comfortably into whatever time you've been allocated.

After that comes rehearsal. The information you need for both steps is below.

Timing and word count

Student Council Speeches are generally brief: around 1-4 minutes long which isn't a lot of time! That's between approximately 150 - 600 words at an average speaking rate of 150 words per minute.

To be safe say your speech out loud as if you were delivering it for real and time it. In some schools going overtime can result in being disqualified.

Going faster to fit everything in

Please do not be tempted to say it faster to get everything you planned said. As a strategy it doesn't work. You'll end up gabbling: speaking far too quickly and people won't be able to understand what you're saying.

Cutting out extra material

If you have got too much material for the time limit, cut it. Choose the least important ideas to let go of first. Then move on to rephrasing to reduce the number of words used to express a point.

When you think it's done, repeat the test. Say it out loud as if you were actually giving it, and time it.

If you're now within the allotted time, you are ready for rehearsal.

For more about word count see: how many words per minute in a speech

How to rehearse your speech

Round button -multi-colored hands waving in affirmation - the word "rehearse" across image.

Please, please  rehearse your speech ! Do not be tempted to wing it. The more you rehearse the easier it will be to deliver it well.

Remember it is only 1 to 4 minutes long! In that time your goal is to have your audience ready to vote for you.

You can help them make that decision by being confident and prepared. You will show that through:

  • your speaking style  - natural, sincere, fluent, understandable (clear and able to be heard without straining)
  • your body language  - relaxed, open gestures, good eye contact and smiling
  • your personal grooming or presentation  because how you look 'speaks' too. Make sure that your clothing and general grooming supports your speech because, like it or not, you will be judged on both!

Go to: how to rehearse a speech properly .

Image: cross legged girl with large pair of wings, levitating. Text: How to rehearse a speech properly and do so much more than wing it.

 Videoed Student Council speech examples  

How do other people handle a Student Council speech? What's their content and delivery like?

Are they funny? Formal? Too hurried? Confident? Familiar with the audience?

It can help to look at what others have done. Even if it's only to decide their way will not be your way!

Image: Malvern Preparatory School, Malvern, PA. USA, candidates for Student Council 2018

Click the link to access a collection ten videoed student council campaign speeches from the 2018 student council executive board candidates for Malvern Preparatory School, Malvern, Pennsylvania, USA. 

At the foot of the article you'll find links to the videos of the school's 2015, 2016 and 2017 student council campaign speeches.

A word of warning

Ps. panic not.

Round button - Image -multi-colored hands waving in affirmation with the word "Help" superimposed on top.

If you find yourself getting anxious over the thought of delivering your speech, please check this page for help.

  • How to deal with acute public speaking anxiety: 14 ways that will help

Yellow banner. Text: You're most welcome to use this content in your online learning program. Please make it a do follow link.

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How to Write a Winning Speech for an Election

When running for any type of election, be it local or national, your speech is vital for winning the hearts and minds of your electorate. A powerful speech can sway voters to your side, while a poorly written one can cost you the election. In this article, we provide you with a comprehensive guide to writing a winning election speech.

Understanding the Purpose of Your Election Speech

The first step in creating a great election speech is understanding the purpose it will serve. Your ultimate goal is to convince your audience to vote for you. To achieve this, you need to make a connection with them. Your speech should speak directly to their concerns, hopes, and aspirations. Also, you need to establish credibility and showcase your unique qualities as a candidate.

Introducing Yourself and Your Candidacy

First things first, your audience needs to get to know you. Start with personal information such as where you grew up, your educational background, and any accomplishments you might have. Let them know how your past has led you to the point of candidacy, and outline why you believe you are the best person for the job. Remember, this introduction is an opportunity to create a connection with the audience.

Addressing the Issues and Your Solutions

In this section, focus on the issues and challenges faced by the community. Identify the key areas which concern the electorate and offer solutions to these problems. Explain how you plan to tackle these issues, and how your plans are different from your opponent's. Ensure you provide specifics of your policies which demonstrate a detailed understanding of the problems at hand. This will make your ideas more credible.

Connecting with Your Audience

Connecting with your audience is crucial. Tell a compelling story to make your message resonate with them emotionally. Use anecdotes, metaphors, and other literary devices to convey your point more effectively. Also, try to speak in the language of your audience. Ease up on industry jargon, and don't make your speech too academic.

Researching Your Audience and Opponents

Creating a compelling speech requires that you know a lot about your audience and your opponents. Understanding their needs, fears, and aspirations is essential to crafting a persuasive message. Similarly, knowing what your opponents are saying and how they are saying it is vital. It will help you craft a message that is both unique and different from your opponents.

Identifying Key Concerns and Priorities

A good place to start is in identifying your human audience's most pressing concerns. Craft messages that will address these issues. Learn about the segment of the electorate whose vote you are most interested in obtaining. Are there peculiar concerns they have, which others don't? Your goal is to learn everything you can, so you can create an excellent message that resonates with them.

Analyzing Your Opponent's Strengths and Weaknesses

Another factor worth considering is your opponent. Analyze their strengths and weaknesses. What are they saying about these issues? Why do they believe their solutions will work? What are they offering that you aren't? These questions will help you tailor your message in a way that outshines that of your opponent.

Gathering Relevant Data and Statistics

Nothing helps your credibility more than accurate data and statistics. Arm yourself with statistics that show why your solutions are the best option. Use graphs, charts, and other visual aids whenever possible. When your statistics tell a compelling story, you will win more votes.

Crafting a Compelling Narrative

A compelling speech has to tell a story. The story has to be personal. It has to resonate with your audience and convince them that you represent their best interests. The following section shows you how to create a compelling narrative.

Sharing Your Personal Story and Motivations

Your personal story will help the electorate to connect with you on a personal level. It will create a sense of intimacy, and elevate your message above empty rhetoric. Share your journey, where you come from, and what your motivations are for running for office. Craft a highly relatable narrative that will show your audience that you are human just like them, with struggles and triumphs.

Highlighting Your Unique Qualifications and Experience

The section speaks to your experience and qualifications. It will help you build your credibility by convincing your audience that you are the right candidate for the job. Emphasize your unique skills and past achievements, use specifics wherever possible, and provide supporting evidence from other sources.

Demonstrating Your Passion and Commitment

Your passion for the job should come through clearly in your message. Show your audience that you care about their issues and concerns, and that you are willing to go above and beyond for them. Use engaging language and empathize with them wherever possible. This way, you will help build a bond that will make them more likely to vote for you.

Structuring Your Speech for Maximum Impact

The final section of this guide focuses on structure- how to arrange your speech to make the most impact.

Starting with a Strong Opening

While you might think that the middle is where the meat of the message is, the opening is where you create an impression. Start with a quote, a startling fact, or a funny anecdote. Whatever you choose, make it attention-grabbing and relevant to your theme.

Organizing Your Main Points

Organize your speech into short, digestible chunks, each containing a single main point. Don't try to cram too much into one point. Keep it simple and focused, so your audience can quickly grasp the message.

Ending with a Memorable Conclusion

The conclusion is your last chance to create an impression on your audience. Make it count. Restate your main points, sum up your position, and appeal to your audience emotionally- use the same story you began with or another anecdote.

The Bottom Line

An election speech is your chance to win the hearts and minds of your electorate. It should speak to their concerns, hopes, and aspirations, while showcasing your unique qualities. By following the tips in this guide, you will craft a persuasive and powerful speech that will leave a lasting impression.

ChatGPT Prompt for Writing a Speech for an Election

Chatgpt prompt.

Compose a persuasive and articulate speech intended for a political campaign or election, which effectively communicates your message and platform to your target audience. The speech should be well-researched, engaging, and tailored to your specific audience, highlighting your qualifications, goals, and plans for the position you are seeking.


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How to Write a Manifesto

Election supporting statement (manifesto) guide.

Your candidate support statement, sometimes referred to as a manifesto, should simply state what you plan to do in your role and what changes you would make. It isn't an excuse to bad mouth your opposition, or make unrealistic promises. Think about what you can achieve and what other students would respond to well. You might want to talk to current students, look at previous manifestos and review student surveys. 

Manifesto Training Video and Guidance

The 15 minute video below provides an overview of key information, writing exercises and top tips of what to include in your manifesto. 

Leadership Race 2024 Manifesto Training

Further information about candidates including their manifestos from the Leadership Race 2023 can be found here . 

Some Top Tips for Writing your Manifesto:

  • Be concise and use clear language. Avoid long, complicated words - you won't win awards for being clever and you might just alienate important voters.
  • Set out your previous experience   and how this will help you if you got elected.
  • Set out your goals for your time in office and ensure they are realistic and achievable.
  • Your manifesto is about you and not your opponents. Don't waste words trying to discredit them.
  • Talk about your skills  that would indicate to voters your suitability for the role.
  • It doesn't have to be long - in fact it shouldn't be. Short and sweet works best. You're only allowed 600 characters per section that will be displayed to voters on the website. 
  • Be creative and inspiring .

Once you have drafted your manifesto, feel free to run it past us if you would like some feedback.

If you require further guidance contact [email protected]

Sample Manifesto Template

We want to make writing your manifestos as easy as possible so we've put together a simple guide you can use to get yours together. You don't have to use the format, but feel free to if it helps.

What do you hope to achieve in the role if you are elected?

If elected I would aim to:

- Objective 1 (e.g. hold a new series of events aimed at getting more people involved in X to increase outreach and reputation)

- Objective 2 (e.g. increase social activity by running weekly socials in different venues across London)

- Objective 3 (e.g. increase funding by seeking out new sponsorship opportunities)

I think these aims will have a positive impact on X because.....

What will you bring to the role (e.g. experience, skills, qualities)

I have experience in.......and have developed the following skills.......I believe these make me an ideal candidate.

Please summarise why students should vote for you

Thank you for reading my manifesto and feel free to get in contact with me to ask my any questions about my ideas by contacting me at.......

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Trump Safe as F.B.I. Investigates Apparent ‘Attempted Assassination’

Two months after the attempt on former President Donald J. Trump’s life in Pennsylvania, law enforcement officials said Secret Service personnel fired on a suspect at one of Mr. Trump’s golf clubs while he was on the course. The suspect is in custody.

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Law enforcement officials standing outside the Trump golf course in Florida. News vans are visible in the background.

Patricia Mazzei Adam Goldman Jonathan Swan and Maggie Haberman

Here’s the latest on the shooting.

The F.B.I. said it was investigating “what appears to be an attempted assassination” of former President Donald J. Trump after the Secret Service fired on an armed man at his golf club in West Palm Beach, Fla., on Sunday, just over two months after he was wounded during an attempt on his life.

Mr. Trump was on the course, a few hundred yards away, when Secret Service personnel spotted a person concealed in the bushes and opened fire, law enforcement officials said at a briefing. The suspect fled the scene in a vehicle and was taken into custody during a traffic stop, and a rifle with a scope was recovered from the bushes, along with a camera and two backpacks. It was not yet clear whether the suspect had fired any shots, according to the Secret Service.

A U.S. law enforcement official identified the suspect as Ryan Wesley Routh, 58, of Hawaii. The official spoke on the condition of anonymity because the investigation is continuing. Mr. Routh was interviewed by The New York Times in 2023 for an article about Americans volunteering to aid the war effort in Ukraine . Mr. Routh, who had no military experience, said he had traveled there after Russia’s invasion in 2022 to recruit Afghan soldiers for the fight. He told The Times he once visited Washington to meet with politicians to strengthen support for Ukraine. “I’m just a U.S. citizen that’s helping out,” he said.

The gunfire and arrest follows the July 13 shooting at a rally in Butler, Pa. , where a 20-year-old gunman opened fire while Mr. Trump was onstage, grazing his right ear. One spectator was killed and two others were wounded; the gunman was killed by Secret Service agents.

Because of an editing error, an earlier version of this article misstated the timing of the attempt on Donald J. Trump’s life at a rally in Pennsylvania. The July 13 assassination attempt was just over two months before the shooting at his golf club, not just under.

How we handle corrections

Yan Zhuang

Former President Donald J. Trump thanked the Secret Service, law enforcement and Ric Bradshaw, the local sheriff, for keeping him safe. In a post on his social media website, Truth Social, he called their work outstanding.

Thomas Gibbons-Neff

Thomas Gibbons-Neff

I interviewed the accused gunman for a story on volunteers in Ukraine.

Last year I was working on an article about foreign fighters and volunteers in Ukraine . The piece focused on people who were not qualified to be allowed anywhere near the battlefield in a U.S.-led war and yet were fighting on the front against Russia, with access to weapons and military equipment.

Among the people I interviewed: Ryan Wesley Routh, the 58-year-old man whom the F.B.I. is investigating in what it is calling an assassination attempt against former President Donald J. Trump on Sunday.

I was put in touch with Mr. Routh through an old colleague and friend from Kabul, Najim Rahim. Through the strange nexus of combatants as one war ended and another began, he had learned of Mr. Routh from a source of his in Iran, a former Afghan special operations soldier who was trying to get out of Iran and fight in Ukraine.

Mr. Routh, who had spent some time in Ukraine trying to raise support for the war, was seeking recruits from among Afghan soldiers who fled the Taliban. And so the former Afghan soldier reckoned Mr. Routh could get him to the Ukrainian front. (Anything, even war, was better than the conditions in Iran for Afghans after the Taliban retook Kabul in August of 2021.)

There were a few complications. Mr. Routh, a former construction worker from Greensboro, N. C., said he never fought in Ukraine himself — he was too old and had no military experience.

But like many foreign volunteers who showed up at Ukraine’s border in the war’s early months, he was eager to cast aside his former life for something far more exciting and make a name for himself.

“In my opinion everyone should be there supporting the Ukrainians,” he told me, his voice urgent, exasperated and a little suspicious over the phone.

When I talked to Mr. Routh in March of last year, he had compiled a list of hundreds of Afghans spread between Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan whom he wanted to fly, somehow, to Ukraine. Mr. Routh told one Afghan he was helping: “I am just a civilian.”

My conversation with Mr. Routh was brief. He was in Washington, D.C., he said, and had planned for a two-hour meeting with some congressmen about Ukraine. (It’s unclear if that meeting ever happened.)

By the time I got off the phone with Mr. Routh some minutes later, it was clear he was in way over his head.

He talked of buying off corrupt officials, forging passports and doing whatever it took to get his Afghan cadre to Ukraine, but he had no real way to accomplish his goals. At one point he mentioned arranging a U.S. military transport flight from Iraq to Poland with Afghan refugees willing to fight.

I shook my head. It sounded ridiculous, but the tone in Mr. Routh’s voice said otherwise. He was going to back Ukraine’s war effort, no matter what.

Like many of the volunteers I interviewed, he fell off the map again. Until Sunday.

Najim Rahim contributed reporting.


Nicholas Nehamas

Nicholas Nehamas

Vice President Kamala Harris said she was “deeply disturbed” by what the FBI has said it is investigating as an attempt on Donald J. Trump's life and that she condemned “political violence,” in a statement released by the White House on Sunday night. She also reinforced President Biden’s pledge to “ensure the Secret Service has every resource” to do its mission.

Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida said his state would investigate the apparent assassination attempt on former President Donald J. Trump, despite an ongoing federal inquiry into what happened. “The people deserve the truth about the would be assassin and how he was able to get within 500 yards of the former president and current GOP nominee,” DeSantis wrote on social media.

The State of Florida will be conducting its own investigation regarding the attempted assassination at Trump International Golf Club. The people deserve the truth about the would be assassin and how he was able to get within 500 yards of the former president and current GOP… — Ron DeSantis (@GovRonDeSantis) September 16, 2024

Adam Goldman Thomas Gibbons-Neff Glenn Thrush and Najim Rahim

The suspected gunman had said that he was willing to fight and die in Ukraine.

Ryan Wesley Routh, the 58-year-old man who was arrested on Sunday in connection with what the F.B.I. described as an attempted assassination on former President Donald J. Trump , had expressed the desire to fight and die in Ukraine.

Mr. Routh’s posts on the social media site X revealed a penchant for violent rhetoric in the weeks after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in 2022. “I AM WILLING TO FLY TO KRAKOW AND GO TO THE BORDER OF UKRAINE TO VOLUNTEER AND FIGHT AND DIE,” he wrote.

On the messaging application Signal, Mr. Routh wrote that “Civilians must change this war and prevent future wars” as part of his profile bio. On WhatsApp, his bio read, “Each one of us must do our part daily in the smallest steps help support human rights, freedom and democracy; we each must help the chinese.”

Mr. Routh, a former roofing contractor from Greensboro, N.C., was interviewed by The New York Times in 2023 for an article about Americans volunteering to aid the war effort in Ukraine . Mr. Routh, who had no military experience, said he had traveled to the country after Russia’s invasion and wanted to recruit Afghan soldiers to fight there.

In a telephone interview with The New York Times in 2023, when Mr. Routh was in Washington, he spoke with the self-assuredness of a seasoned diplomat who thought his plans to support Ukraine’s war effort were sure to succeed. But he appeared to have little patience for anyone who got in his way. When an American foreign fighter seemed to talk down to him in a Facebook message he shared with The New York Times, Mr. Routh said, “he needs to be shot.”

In the interview, Mr. Routh said he was in Washington to meet with the U.S. Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe, known as the Helsinki Commission “for two hours” to help push for more support for Ukraine. The commission is led by members of Congress and staffed by congressional aides . It is influential on matters of democracy and security and has been vocal in supporting Ukraine.

Mr. Routh also said he was seeking recruits for Ukraine from among Afghan soldiers who had fled the Taliban. He said he planned to move them, in some cases illegally, from Pakistan and Iran to Ukraine. He said dozens had expressed interest.

“We can probably purchase some passports through Pakistan, since it’s such a corrupt country,” he said.

It is not clear whether Mr. Routh followed through, but one former Afghan soldier said he had been contacted and was interested in fighting if it meant leaving Iran, where he was living illegally.

A man with the same name and similar age as Mr. Routh was arrested in 2002 in Greensboro, N.C., after barricading himself inside a building with a fully automatic weapon, according to the Greensboro News & Record newspaper.

The newspaper said the man was charged with carrying a concealed weapon and possession of a fully automatic machine gun. It is not clear how the charges were resolved.

It is not clear if Mr. Routh, a lean man with reddish-brown hair who wore American flag clothing in one of his profile pictures, fired any shots before leaving the scene on Sunday, according to the Secret Service.

In a series of posts on X in 2020, Mr. Routh expressed admiration for former Representative Tulsi Gabbard, then a Democratic presidential candidate, saying “she will tirelessly negotiate peace deals in Syria, Afghanistan, and all turmoil zones.”

At some point over the past several years. Mr. Routh moved to Hawaii, where a man with his name ran a small business.

In a May 2020 post, he invited Kim Jong-un, the North Korean leader, to Hawaii for a vacation and offered to act as “ambassador and liaison” to resolve disputes between the two nations.

When deputies stopped him on Interstate 95 after the incident, Mr. Routh appeared calm, did not ask why he was being detained, and “was not armed when we took him out of the car,” Sheriff William D. Snyder of Martin County told a local station, WPTV .

Maggie Haberman

Maggie Haberman

In a statement, President Biden says he’s been briefed on the shooting and adds, “I am relieved that the former president is unharmed. There is an active investigation into this incident as law enforcement gathers more details about what happened. As I have said many times, there is no place for political violence or for any violence ever in our country, and I have directed my team to continue to ensure that Secret Service has every resource, capability and protective measure necessary to ensure the former president’s continued safety.”

Jonathan Swan

Jonathan Swan

Trump’s top advisers, Susie Wiles and Chris LaCivita, sent out an all-staff memo after the incident today: “Today, for the second time in two months, an evil monster attempted to take the life of President Trump." They praised "the great work of the United States Secret Service," for keeping him safe and said, "This is not a matter that we take lightly. Your safety is always our top priority. We ask that you remain vigilant in your daily comings and goings.”

Jonathan Swan and Maggie Haberman

Trump was shaken but upbeat after the Secret Service stopped a gunman at his golf course.

Former President Donald J. Trump was said to be shocked at what the F.B.I. described as the second attempt on his life in two months, but he was already cracking jokes about it on Sunday afternoon in phone calls with advisers and allies.

One such call, with his former White House doctor, Representative Ronny L. Jackson of Texas, reflected the mixture of unease and jocularity that defined Mr. Trump’s immediate reaction. Mr. Jackson said in an interview that he called Mr. Trump to check in on him around two hours after the Secret Service had driven off a gunman from the fence line of Mr. Trump’s West Palm Beach golf course.

“He told me he was always glad to hear from me but he was glad he didn’t need my services today,” said Mr. Jackson, who tended to Mr. Trump’s wounded ear while traveling with him the day after an assassin’s bullet flew within inches of his brain, at a rally in Butler, Pa., on July 13.

“I just told him I was glad he was OK and he said he can’t believe this happened,” Mr. Jackson added. “But he said he’s doing well and the team was doing well.”

Mr. Trump had been playing golf with his friend and campaign donor, the real estate investor Steve Witkoff, around 1:30 p.m. when gunshots rang out. Mr. Trump was between the fifth and sixth holes and Secret Service agents were traveling ahead of him, scoping out potential threats on the course. An agent had spotted the barrel of a semiautomatic rifle poking through the bushes. The agent opened fire on the man, who escaped in his car before being caught by police later, law enforcement officials said.

Mr. Trump gave his own renditions of the episode to advisers and allies. Mr. Trump’s friend, the Fox News host Sean Hannity, went on air to deliver dramatic eyewitness accounts he said he received from both Mr. Trump and Mr. Witkoff.

“They were on the fifth hole, they were about to go up to putt,” Mr. Hannity said on Fox News on Sunday. He added that they heard “pop, pop, pop, pop,” before the Secret Service pounced on top of the former president to protect him and a steel-reinforced car whisked him away.

Mr. Trump was later taken back to Mar-a-Lago, his private club and home in Palm Beach.

Mr. Trump joked to allies on Sunday afternoon that he was disappointed not to be able to finish his putt, and lamented that he had been set to shoot under par.

Mr. Hannity said that Mr. Trump told him, “I was even and I had a birdie putt.”

Mr. Trump’s senior political advisers were not with him when the plot was foiled and some were shaken when they first heard about it and tried to piece together what had happened.

His advisers were furious at the fact that they were facing another unnerving security situation, with a second potential shooter getting within striking distance of the former president.

On Sunday evening, Speaker Mike Johnson posted on social media that he and his wife, Kelly, had spent a few hours with Mr. Trump at Mar-a-Lago and that they were “thanking God for protecting him today — once again.” He added: “No leader in American history has endured more attacks and remained so strong and resilient.”

Just before midnight, in a post on his social media service, Truth Social, Mr. Trump thanked the Secret Service, law enforcement and Ric Bradshaw, the local sheriff, for keeping him safe. “THE JOB DONE WAS ABSOLUTELY OUTSTANDING. I AM VERY PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN!” he wrote.

Glenn Thrush Eileen Sullivan and Kate Kelly

Reporting from Washington

The incident raises new questions about the Secret Service’s ability to protect candidates.

A gunman was spotted within shooting distance of former President Donald J. Trump for the second time in about two months — stopped only by the swift, keen-eyed response of Secret Service agents — raising new questions about the agency’s broader ability to protect candidates in its charge.

The Secret Service significantly bolstered Mr. Trump’s protective detail after coming under intense criticism following an attempt on his life in Butler, Pa. , on July 13. That beefed-up detail, which includes additional agents and enhanced on-the-ground intelligence, might have played a role in the outcome this weekend, current and former officials said.

Yet the fact that a gunman was able to get a semiautomatic rifle with a telescopic sight so close to the former president, roughly 300 to 500 yards away, underscored how many urgent problems exposed in Butler remained unresolved — and how difficult it is for the Secret Service to respond to an unpredictable and increasingly violent political environment.

As in Butler, the biggest issues in Mr. Trump’s protection seem to involve securing the protective perimeter of a targeted site, even one they know as well as Mr. Trump’s properties. The would-be shooter positioned himself in the bushes on the perimeter of the former president’s golf club in West Palm Beach, Fla. A Secret Service agent was one hole ahead of Mr. Trump on the course and spotted the barrel of a gun, prompting agents to open fire on the man, Sheriff Ric Bradshaw of Palm Beach County said at a news conference on Sunday.

Sheriff Bradshaw said that Mr. Trump — one of the most polarizing figures in the world — still retains a protective detail that is smaller than the one given to a sitting president. That, he said, limits the protections that the Secret Service and its local partners can provide.

“At this level that he is at right now, he’s not the sitting president — if he was, we would have had this entire golf course surrounded,” Sheriff Bradshaw said.

“But because he’s not, the security is limited to the areas that the Secret Service deems possible,” he added, while praising the service’s fast response. “So I would imagine that the next time he comes at a golf course, there’ll probably be a little bit more people around the perimeter.”

Michael Matranga, a former Secret Service agent who protected President Barack Obama, said the agency should “seriously consider giving former President Trump the same or equal package as the president of the United States” and called the incidents “unprecedented.”

Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle lauded the actions of the agents, but they vowed to subject the agency’s already-embattled leadership to intense questioning about the suspect’s ability to position himself near the former president.

“The facts about a second incident certainly warrant very close attention and scrutiny,” said Senator Richard Blumenthal, a Democrat from Connecticut and the chairman of the Senate subcommittee investigating the security failures at Butler.

“Certainly a second serious incident, apparently involving an assault weapon, is deeply alarming and appalling,” he added.

Senator Lindsey Graham, the South Carolina Republican who is a close ally of Mr. Trump, said the Senate’s investigations into the security lapses in Butler cited mismanagement within the Department of Homeland Security, which oversees the Secret Service, as well as budget and morale issues.

“They’ve lost their focus,” he said. “They need more resources. These agents just work; they have no lives.”

Alan Blinder

Alan Blinder

Alan Blinder has interviewed Donald J. Trump along golf courses in Florida, New Jersey and Virginia.

Trump’s golfing has been a security challenge for the Secret Service.

Former President Donald J. Trump’s love of golf has long posed a protective challenge for the Secret Service, which prefers armored vehicles and enclosed buildings to golf carts and the wide-open expanses of fairways and greens.

Although members of Mr. Trump’s protective detail are always close at hand, the agency’s approach to guarding the former president on his courses has been inconsistent, even during appearances at semipublic events like invitational golf tournaments.

In some instances, Secret Service personnel accompanying Mr. Trump have used hand-held magnetometers to screen people for weapons. In others, spectators, vendors and reporters have walked alongside Mr. Trump without being searched at all. Agents sometimes warn people from getting too close to Mr. Trump, but the former president has usually embraced a laid-back atmosphere, inviting people to pose for pictures or talk with him.

Mr. Trump’s courses are generally considered among the best in the world, golf-wise. But they include security vulnerabilities that any course would have — vast spaces and often few places to take cover.

Mr. Trump generally drives his own golf cart, which, aside from the presidential seal, looks much like any other golf cart, devoid of bullet-resistant glass or other overt protective measures. He is often alone, with the nearest agents yards away in their own carts. Only occasionally can the service’s black sport-utility vehicles get close enough to the holes to be seen nearby while Mr. Trump is playing.

Some agents monitor for threats beyond Mr. Trump’s immediate area. At his course near Washington, some scan the Potomac River, particularly when a boat passes nearby. Others stand behind Mr. Trump, peering back toward areas he just traversed, looking for any trouble.

Trump has been talking to friends and allies throughout the afternoon, according to two people briefed on the scene inside Mar-a-Lago, and has cracked jokes about how he was frustrated he couldn’t finish his golf game.

Donald Trump’s former White House doctor, Representative Ronny Jackson of Texas, tells me he spoke to Trump a couple of hours ago. “I talked to him a little bit, checked on him. He told me he was always glad to hear from me but he was glad he didn’t need my services today,” Jackson said. “I just told him he was glad he was OK and he said he can’t believe this happened.”

Michael Gold

Michael Gold

Donald Trump sent out another fund-raising email connected to the incident at his golf course earlier today. “My resolve is only stronger after another attempt on my life,” he wrote. And the URL for his campaign site now directs to a related fund-raising page that reads, “I am safe and well, and no one was hurt. Thank God! But, there are people in this world who will do whatever it takes to stop us.”

The Trump campaign office in West Palm Beach was locked down and secured by law enforcement today after the attempted assassination was uncovered, according to a person briefed on the matter.

Kate Kelly

In an interview, Senator Lindsey Graham said he had spoken to former President Donald Trump. “He said, ‘They took me off the course because there were shots fired,’” Graham said. He said the former president added that he had “500 cops” around him and told him he was OK. Graham recalled that Trump expressed gratitude for his Secret Service detail. “‘These people are awesome,’” the senator recalled the former president as saying.

Trump was on the golf course with just a few of his staff and his longtime friend Steve Witkoff when the shooting took place, according to three people briefed on the matter.

Trump is back at Mar-a-Lago, his residence and private club, according to a person briefed.

“Secret Service personnel opened fire on a gunman” near the property line of the Trump International Golf Club West Palm Beach, according to Rafael Barros, the special agent in charge of the Miami field office for the Secret Service. Sheriff Ric Bradshaw of Palm Beach County said that near the bushes where the suspected gunman was, “an AK-47 style rifle with a scope” and “a GoPro which he was going to use to take pictures" were found.

Patricia Mazzei

Patricia Mazzei

“We are not sure right now if the individual was able to take a shot at our agents,” Rafael Barros of the Secret Service said.

A Secret Service agent was one hole ahead of Trump while he was golfing and spotted a rifle barrel sticking out of a fence in the golf club, Sheriff Ric Bradshaw of Palm Beach County said at a news conference. The agent “immediately engaged” with the person holding the rifle, who fled. Bradshaw confirmed that law enforcement officials had a potential suspect in custody.

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Bradshaw says his office received notification from the Secret Service at around 1:30 p.m. Eastern time that shots had been fired. A witness then saw a man leaving the bushes and took a photograph of the black Nissan he got into to flee.

Adam Goldman

Adam Goldman

The F.B.I. released a statement saying that it has “responded to West Palm Beach Florida and is investigating what appears to be an attempted assassination of former President Trump."

Hank Sanders

Hank Sanders

Sheriff William D. Snyder, who said his deputies in Martin County had detained the driver of a vehicle wanted in connection with the shooting, said in a briefing with local news media that the driver “was not displaying a lot of emotions” when taken into custody. “He was not armed when we took him out of the car,” the sheriff said, adding that federal investigators would search the vehicle.

Donald Trump just sent an email to his fund-raising list saying that there were “gunshots in my vicinity, but before rumors start spiraling out of control, I wanted you to hear this first: I AM SAFE AND WELL!”

There is little public information about the shooting, but Trump framed it with similar language that he has used to describe the criminal cases against him and the assassination attempt he survived in Pennsylvania in July. “Nothing will slow me down,” he wrote. “I will NEVER SURRENDER!”

Maggie Astor

Maggie Astor

Vice President Kamala Harris said on social media: “I have been briefed on reports of gunshots fired near former President Trump and his property in Florida, and I am glad he is safe. Violence has no place in America.”

Sheriff William D. Snyder of Martin County, Fla., said his deputies detained the driver of a vehicle wanted by the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office in connection with the shooting. The person was detained as he was driving northbound on Interstate 95 and crossed from Palm Beach County to Martin County. The highway is shut down at Mile Marker 110, with federal investigators on the scene, Sheriff Snyder said.

Patricia Mazzei Jonathan Swan Maggie Haberman Adam Goldman and Glenn Thrush

Patricia Mazzei reported from Miami.

Trump is safe, his campaign says, after a shooting is reported at his golf course.

Follow live coverage of the apparent assassination attempt on Donald Trump .

Former President Donald J. Trump was playing golf on Sunday afternoon in Florida when a Secret Service agent spotted a man with a rifle standing by a chain-link fence on the perimeter of the course, law enforcement officials said.

The agents opened fire, and the man fled in a black Nissan but was eventually taken into custody, the officials said.

While Mr. Trump was safe and unharmed, the Federal Bureau of Investigation said it was investigating the episode as an apparent attempted assassination, the second one against the former president in just over two months. Mr. Trump was wounded in a previous attempt during a July 13 rally in Butler, Pa.

The suspected gunman was identified as Ryan Wesley Routh, 58, of Hawaii, according to a law enforcement official who was granted anonymity to describe an open investigation.

The episode unfolded around 1:30 p.m. on Sunday as Mr. Trump was golfing at the Trump International Golf Course West Palm Beach, Sheriff Ric Bradshaw of Palm Beach County said at a news briefing.

A Secret Service agent standing a hole or two away from Mr. Trump saw the armed man hiding in the shrubbery by a fence at the perimeter of the course, according to Sheriff Bradshaw. The Secret Service fired at the man, said Rafael Barros, the special agent in charge of the Secret Service’s Miami field office, though it was not immediately clear if the suspect had fired any shots.

Mr. Trump was perhaps 400 yards away from the armed man, Sheriff Bradshaw said.

A semiautomatic rifle with a scope was found near the property line, along with two backpacks that were hung on the fence. The backpacks contained ceramic tile, and investigators also found a video camera, the sheriff said, adding that investigators believed the man might have intended to film the shooting.

“President Trump is safe following gunshots in his vicinity,” Steven Cheung, the Trump campaign’s communications director, said in a statement.

A witness saw the man flee from the bushes to a black Nissan, the sheriff said. The witness took a photo of the car and shared it with law enforcement officials. The man was stopped driving northbound on Interstate 95 after crossing into Martin County.

Law enforcement officials are running a trace to determine who bought the gun and where it was sold, according to two officials with knowledge of the situation.

Mr. Routh was interviewed by The New York Times in 2023 for an article about Americans volunteering to aid the war effort in Ukraine. Mr. Routh, who had no military experience, said he had traveled to the country after Russia’s invasion in 2022 to recruit Afghan soldiers to fight there. He told The Times he once visited Washington to meet with politicians to strengthen support for Ukraine. “I’m just a U.S. citizen that’s helping out,” he said.

Mr. Trump was golfing with his friend Steve Witkoff, a New York real estate investor, when the shots were fired, according to three people briefed on the matter. Mr. Trump later returned to Mar-a-Lago, his Palm Beach estate. His campaign sent two fund-raising emails connected to the episode. “There are people in this world who will do whatever it takes to stop us,” one of them said.

Golf courses can pose a security challenge for protecting the former president. Though they offer few places to hide, they also feature vast spaces and few places to take cover. During the news briefing, Sheriff Bradshaw acknowledged that the level of security on Sunday would have been higher if Mr. Trump were the sitting president.

Vice President Kamala Harris said on social media that she had been briefed on the shooting. “I am glad he is safe,” she wrote. “Violence has no place in America.”

President Biden said in a statement that he had been briefed on the investigation.

“I am relieved that the former president is unharmed,” Mr. Biden said. “There is an active investigation into this incident as law enforcement gathers more details about what happened. As I have said many times, there is no place for political violence or for any violence ever in our country, and I have directed my team to continue to ensure that Secret Service has every resource, capability and protective measure necessary to ensure the former president’s continued safety.”

Senator Lindsey Graham, a South Carolina Republican, posted on social media that he had spoken with Mr. Trump and he was “in good spirits.”

Mr. Trump talked to friends and allies throughout the afternoon, according to two people briefed on the scene inside Mar-a-Lago, and cracked jokes about how he was frustrated he couldn’t finish his golf game.

Mr. Trump’s former White House doctor, Representative Ronny L. Jackson, said he spoke to Trump on Sunday afternoon.

“He told me he was always glad to hear from me, but he was glad he didn’t need my services today,” Dr. Jackson said. “I just told him I was glad he was OK, and he said he can’t believe this happened.”

Reporting was contributed by Maggie Astor , Michael Gold , Adam Goldman , Kate Kelly , William K. Rashbaum and Glenn Thrush .

A couple of hours after former President Donald Trump wrote on social media that he hated Taylor Swift, who endorsed Kamala Harris last week, the Harris campaign released a statement that needled him with more than 20 Swift references.

Simon J. Levien

Simon J. Levien

Reporting from Glendale, Ariz.

Stumping for Trump, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. said he was being investigated for his handling of a whale carcass.

At his first major campaign event for former President Donald J. Trump, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., told a crowd on Saturday night that he was being investigated for his handling of a whale carcass decades ago.

Mr. Kennedy, who endorsed Mr. Trump last month after ending his own independent run for the presidency, said at the event in Glendale, Ariz., that he had received a letter from a national fisheries institute “saying they were investigating me for collecting a whale specimen 20 years ago.” He suggested that the inquiry was politically motivated, and said that he believed he was protected by the statute of limitations.

The whale episode surfaced over the summer after Mr. Kennedy acknowledged that he had left a dead bear cub in Central Park in 2014 as a prank. That drew attention to a 2012 Town & Country article in which his daughter Kick Kennedy said that Mr. Kennedy had once chain-sawed the head off a dead whale on the shore of Hyannis Port, Mass., and made the five-hour drive to their home in Mount Kisco, N.Y., with it affixed to the roof of a minivan.

The mention of the investigation was an odd moment at a campaign stop where Mr. Kennedy toggled between urging his followers to support Mr. Trump and continuing to try to sell his own policies on health and environmental issues, now with a refreshed MAGA inflection.

“Make America healthy again!” Mr. Kennedy, a vaccine skeptic who has promoted a disproved link between vaccines and autism, declared to applause from hundreds in the gymnasium of Arizona Christian University. “He’s going to end the chronic disease epidemic, and he wanted my help to do it.”

When Mr. Kennedy was weighing whether to end his bid, he approached both Vice President Kamala Harris and Mr. Trump to see if they might offer him a cabinet position. The Harris campaign declined to meet with him, but he found a receptive audience in Mr. Trump, even though they had traded insults as rivals. The former president has not publicly promised Mr. Kennedy a cabinet post but has indicated that he would work with Mr. Kennedy on a task force about chronic health issues.

At the event, where he appeared with former Representative Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii, another former Democrat, Mr. Kennedy attributed political polarization in the country to “hypnosis and a psy-op” orchestrated by those in power.

Last month, the political arm of the Center for Biological Diversity, a progressive environmental group, sent a letter to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and called for an investigation into the whale episode, arguing that Mr. Kennedy may have broken conservation laws.

It is a violation of federal law to collect parts from a protected marine animal so long as there are still “soft tissues” on the carcass.

Onstage at the rally, Mr. Kennedy said he had received a letter shortly after he endorsed Mr. Trump from the “National Marine Fisheries Institute.” Mr. Kennedy may have been referring to the National Marine Fisheries Service, commonly known as NOAA Fisheries, which oversees marine protection. Representatives of NOAA Fisheries did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Mr. Kennedy said at the rally he had written back to his would-be whale investigators, accusing the government of permitting offshore wind farms which kill whales en masse, a claim that Mr. Trump has also made for which there is no evidence.

Asked after the rally about the investigation, Mr. Kennedy declined to provide more details, saying the subject was “gossipy nonsense.”

Former President Donald J. Trump renewed his longstanding attacks on mail voting on Sunday, writing on his social media site: “The United States Postal Service has admitted that it is a poorly run mess that is experiencing mail loss and delays at a level never seen before. With this being the FACT, how can we possibly be expected to allow or trust the U.S. Postal Service to run the 2024 Presidential Election?”

Last week, a bipartisan group of secretaries of state wrote to Louis DeJoy, the postmaster general, to sound the alarm about the service’s ability to deliver ballots on time . The service defended its performance, saying in a statement that it was “ready to deliver.”

Former President Donald J. Trump expressed his continued displeasure with Taylor Swift’s endorsement of his opponent, Vice President Kamala Harris, which drove hundreds of thousands of people to voter registration resources last week. “I HATE TAYLOR SWIFT!” he wrote on his social media platform.

JD Vance defended his false claims that migrants were eating pets, and said he was willing to “create stories.”

Senator JD Vance of Ohio, the Republican vice-presidential nominee, said Sunday that he stood by the debunked claims he and former President Donald J. Trump have spread suggesting Haitian migrants were eating pets, saying that he was willing “to create stories so that the American media actually pays attention.”

And Mr. Vance responded indignantly when asked about the bomb threats that have upended life in Springfield, Ohio, the city where he and Mr. Trump falsely claimed that the pets were being eaten.

“I’ve been trying to talk about the problems in Springfield for months,” Mr. Vance said on CNN, referring to strains he said that a large influx of Haitian migrants had placed on the city’s public services. He went on: “The American media totally ignored this stuff until Donald Trump and I started talking about cat memes. If I have to create stories so that the American media actually pays attention to the suffering of the American people, then that’s what I’m going to do.”

When the CNN host, Dana Bash, noted that he had used the word “creating,” Mr. Vance replied, “I say that we’re creating a story, meaning we’re creating the American media focusing on it.”

Even as Mr. Vance was standing by the claims in interviews on CNN, CBS News and NBC News, Gov. Mike DeWine of Ohio, a Republican, was rebutting them in an interview on ABC News. Mr. DeWine said the claim that migrants were eating pets was “a piece of garbage that was simply not true.” And the governor said that while there had been some “challenges” involved in accommodating thousands of migrants, they were there legally and had benefited Springfield economically.

Mr. Vance said that the claims — which have been debunked by city officials in Springfield, and which resemble smears that have been lodged against immigrants for decades — had come from “firsthand” accounts from his constituents. He called one of his interviewers a “Democratic propagandist” for connecting his words and Mr. Trump’s to the bomb threats, and told another that she should “ignore” the threats and focus on Vice President Kamala Harris’s immigration policies instead.

And he demeaned immigrants in vivid terms, saying they spread diseases and claiming that Democrats wanted to “overwhelm” cities and towns with them.

“This is what Kamala Harris wants to do to every town in this country,” Mr. Vance said on CBS. “Overwhelm them with migration, stress their municipal budgets, see communicable diseases on the rise. What is happening in Springfield is coming to every town and city in this country if Kamala Harris’s open border policies are allowed to continue.”

The false claims about the immigrants in Springfield have exploded since Mr. Vance became the first prominent national figure to promote them last week, repeating them on social media. The Trump campaign quickly amplified them , and Mr. Vance subsequently acknowledged that “it’s possible, of course, that all of these rumors will turn out to be false,” while encouraging his supporters to continue spreading them.

But Mr. Trump amplified the claims when he repeated them to an audience of tens of millions of people during his debate with Ms. Harris on Tuesday.

Mr. Vance’s interviewers on Sunday noted that Springfield city officials had asked national figures like him and Mr. Trump to stop demonizing the migrants, who are mostly in the country legally under a temporary authorization program for people whose homelands are in crisis.

“All these federal politicians that have negatively spun our city, they need to know they’re hurting our city, and it was their words that did it,” the mayor, Rob Rue, told WSYX, a local news station in Ohio .

But Mr. Vance expressed no regret about any of his statements and responded testily to mentions of the bomb threats.

“I want whoever made these threats to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law,” he told Margaret Brennan of CBS. “But we don’t believe, Margaret, in a heckler’s veto in this country.” He added: “I think that we should ignore these ridiculous psychopaths who are threatening violence on a small Ohio town and focus on the fact that we have a vice president who’s not doing her job in protecting that small Ohio town.”

On CNN, Ms. Bash asked what Mr. Vance, as a senator from Ohio, had done to help Springfield. “Instead of saying things that are wrong and actually causing the hospitals, the schools, the government buildings to be evacuated because of bomb threats, because of the cats and dogs thing, why not actually be constructive in helping to better integrate them into the community?” she asked.

Mr. Vance called the question “more appropriate for a Democratic propagandist than it is for an American journalist” and denied that his and Mr. Trump’s words had any connection to the threats that immediately followed them.

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Jan 02, 2020

Stump Speech: The Ultimate Speechwriting Guide

by Martín Diego Garcia

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Stump Speech Writing

Stump Speech: Connect With Voters by Creating a Campaign Speech.

Here is our ultimate guide to writing a great stump speech. We all know that the candidate is the campaign’s best asset, and the stump speech is the best campaign tool for delivering a 7C’s (clear, concise, contrastive, connective, creative, compelling, consistent) message and personal story about the candidate and campaign. 

WHAT IS A STUMP SPEECH?  A political Campaign speech has been a staple on the campaign trail since the 1800s and is still a critical tool for modern day campaigns. Your stump speech should be the core message for you campaign and repeated at almost every campaign event or activity. A candidate should be able to repeat their stump speech in their sleep and might just start doing that involuntarily after delivering it a couple of hundred times. The speech should be a quick way for the candidate to answer the following questions for their audience:  

  • WHO the candidate is? This should be a short introduction of the candidate’s name and a little background to humanize them to voters. Where you’re from, your family, your connection to the community?
  • WHY they are running for this office? There should be a very clear and compelling connection between your person story and the collective challenge your community is facing that has prompted you to run for office. Tell a story about the issue(s) you’re running on. Who specifically is being harmed by these problems? 
  • WHAT is the contrast/choice for voters? This is VERY important. You need to lay out your vision for the future and differentiate it from your opponent(s)’s idea for the future of your community. If there is no clear contrast the voters will not have a compelling reason to cast a vote. 
  • WHAT is the ask for the audience? Lastly, you need a simple and specific ask for your audience. Do you need them to vote for you? Knock on doors? Donate to your campaign? And by when do you need them to do it? 

HOW LONG SHOULD YOUR STUMP SPEECH BE?  An average campaign speech given at an event, at the doors, on an interview can be between 5-10 minutes in length. However, most often a candidate has about 90 seconds to 3 minutes when on the campaign trail for an introduction. So be prepared! 

Think of the shorter version as a quick introduction like cliff notes or a synopsis. This can be used to start a conversation at the door or introduce yourself on the fly. For the longer version of the speech you are merely adding a little more context and color to the story depending on your audience. 

WHAT SHOULD BE IN YOUR STUMP SPEECH?  Here are the core campaign speech writing components that should be in your speech. They do NOT need to be in this order necessarily, but the speech should have a nature order that flows together. 

  • INTRODUCTION: You need to have a hook to grab a person’s (peoples) attention right from the start (be careful with telling jokes unless you’re good at them) and then give the basics – your name and office you’re running for. 
  • PERSONAL STORY: Weave in your personal story. What is your motivation for stepping up to run for office? What are the values you hold that are needed in the office or to solve this issue? But whatever your do, please DO NOT list off your resume. No one is interested in hearing that. Trust me.
  • PROBLEM STATEMENT: Present a clear and relevant (to audience and electorate) issue that needs to be solved. What is wrong that needs to be fixed? (For incumbents, what needs more work OR to be protected?).  Why do you care about this issue and why is it relevant to the community at large? What is at stake for them? 
  • SOLUTION/VISION: What is your solution to solving this program? What skills, experiences or qualities do you have that make you suited to solve this issue? Paint a picture for the audience about what their future could look like if this problem was solved. 
  • ASK: What is it you need from the audience you’re speaking to? You need a clear and concise call to action that allows them to be part of your vision and get involved with your campaign. Do you need an endorsement? Donations? Volunteers? Votes? Tell them exactly how they can help be part of the solution. 
  • Thank them for their time! 


Stories have been a part of civilization since the dawn of time. Stories have been used to pass down history through generations. It is also how we connect with each other through a shared humanity. It’s no wonder we’re all wired to engage with and react to stories that includes voters! Stories are all around us in books, TV, movies, music, news, brunch, literally everywhere.  As a candidate you’ll get much farther with your constituents by telling a story to show people your vision versus just throwing facts and data at them. 

Utilizing your personal stories can be extremely beneficial due to one thing: it makes you seem normal. One of the issues that America faces today is the lack of care for politics. Candidates who use their personal stories are able to create a positive feeling around their candidacy. Talk about yourself as a way to relate to your audience. Funny stories are great icebreakers. Lastly, and most importantly, always tell the truth. Especially in today’s technological age, it is much easier to find out if a candidate isn’t speaking the truth or is speaking in half-truths.


Voters want to know why you are running for office. They want to hear your motivation, so they can see if they trust you or not. Voters know what the problems in their communities are, so instead of repeating them back, tell them how they’ve affected you and your community. 

For example, if education is your core issues, don’t start by throwing out all the stats and facts about struggling, underfunded schools. Start by showing voters how this is affecting actual people, specifically children, talk about a student who was not able to reach their full potential because of the lack of funding or current policies in place. That way, you’re painting a picture and humanizing the issue for voters, so they see it more personally. 


People are not rational beings and we often make decisions based on our emotions rather than the facts. If you look at the sweeping victories for Biden, Obama or Trump the one thing that connects them is that they both got voters to feel something. Biden campaign was based on empathy, Obama’s entire campaign was based on hope and aspiration, while Trump’s was based in fear and division. Two very different strategies but both based in telling emotionally captivating narratives. 


We’ve all been there. Waiting to hear from a candidate and all we get is a rundown of their resume of accomplishment.  Spoiler alert: your degrees and awards won’t buy you love from voters. Yes, having them is important but defining yourself by them is not going to create an emotional connection with your audience. Your stump speech should show not tell your story. It should weave in your accomplishments as supporting evidence but not the main plot line. 

Remember that every  campaign speech will be different, but if you can speak from the heart and tell people your story, they are much more likely to remember you when it comes to casting their vote. So practice, practice, practice and if you need help please feel free to reach out to our team. 

Have questions about writing a stump speech? Drop us a note. 

Questions? Email Us

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Trump was the subject of an apparent assassination attempt at his Florida golf club, the FBI says

Palm Beach County Sheriff Ric Bradshaw says U.S. Secret Service agents fired at a man pointing an AK-style rifle with a scope into the club as Trump was on the course.

The FBI says it’s investigating “what appears to be an attempted assassination” of Donald Trump at his golf club in West Palm Beach, Florida. Associated Press reporter Bill Barrow says that Trump and the Secret Service are saying the former president is safe.

Sheriff vehicles are pictured near Trump International Golf Club, Sunday. Sept. 15, 2024, in West Palm Beach, Fla., after gunshots were reported in the vicinity of Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump. (AP Photo/Stephany Matat)

Ryan Wesley Routh takes part in a rally in central Kyiv, Ukraine, Saturday, April 30, 2022. (AP Photo/Efrem Lukatsky)

Police crime scene vehicles are seen at Trump International Golf Club after police closed off the area following the apparent assassination attempt of Republican presidential nominee former President Donald Trump in West Palm Beach, Fla., Sunday, Sept. 15, 2024. (AP Photo/Terry Renna)

Republican presidential nominee former President Donald Trump waves as he boards a plane at Harry Reid International Airport after a campaign trip, Saturday, Sept.14, 2024, in Las Vegas. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)

FILE - The motorcade for President Donald Trump arrives at Trump International Golf Club, Feb. 15, 2020, in West Palm Beach, Fla. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon, File)

Photos that show an AK-47 rifle, a backpack and a Go-Pro camera on a fence outside Trump International Golf Club taken after an apparent assassination attempt of Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump, are displayed during a news conference at the Palm Beach County Main Library, Sunday. Sept. 15, 2024, in West Palm Beach, Fla. (AP Photo/Stephany Matat)

This photo provided by the Martin County Sheriff’s Office shows Sheriff’s vehicles surrounding an SUV on the northbound I-95 in Martin County on Sunday, Sept. 15, 2024. (Martin County Sheriff’s Office via AP)

The house of Ryan Routh is seen in Kaaawa, Hawaii, Sunday, Sept. 15, 2024. Routh is in police custody in connection with the apparent assassination attempt of Republican presidential nominee former President Donald Trump on Sunday in West Palm Beach, Fla. (AP Photo/Audrey McAvoy)

Republican presidential nominee former President Donald Trump arrives at Harry Reid International Airport to board a plane after a campaign trip, Saturday, Sept.14, 2024, in Las Vegas. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)

Police officers direct traffic near Trump International Golf Club after the apparent assassination attempt of Republican presidential nominee former President Donald Trump in West Palm Beach, Fla., Sunday, Sept. 15, 2024. (AP Photo/Terry Renna)

A police officer directs traffic near Trump International Golf Club after the apparent assassination attempt of Republican presidential nominee former President Donald Trump in West Palm Beach, Fla., Sunday, Sept. 15, 2024. (AP Photo/Terry Renna)

FILE - Security agents talk at the entrance to former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate, March 31, 2023, in Palm Beach, Fla. (AP Photo/Rebecca Blackwell, File)

The main entrance of Trump International Golf Club is seen after police closed off the area following the apparent assassination attempt of Republican presidential nominee former President Donald Trump in West Palm Beach, Fla., Sunday, Sept. 15, 2024. (AP Photo/Terry Renna)

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Donald Trump is safe after an apparent attempt to assassinate him as he played golf in Florida. Follow AP’s live coverage.

WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. (AP) — Donald Trump was the target of what the FBI said “appears to be an attempted assassination” at his golf club in West Palm Beach, Florida, on Sunday, just nine weeks after the Republican presidential nominee survived another attempt on his life. The former president said he was safe and well, and authorities held a man in custody.

U.S. Secret Service agents stationed a few holes up from where Trump was playing noticed the muzzle of an AK-style rifle sticking through the shrubbery that lines the course, roughly 400 yards away.

An agent fired and the gunman dropped the rifle and fled in an SUV, leaving the firearm behind along with two backpacks, a scope used for aiming and a GoPro camera, Palm Beach County Sheriff Ric Bradshaw said. The man was later stopped by law enforcement in a neighboring county.

AP AUDIO: AP Correspondent Julie Walker reports Trump was the subject of an apparent assassination attempt at his Florida golf club, the FBI says.

It was the latest jarring moment in a campaign year marked by unprecedented upheaval. On July 13, Trump was shot during a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, and a bullet grazed his ear . Eight days later, Democratic President Joe Biden withdrew from the race, giving way for Vice President Kamala Harris to become the party’s nominee.

And it spawned new questions about Secret Service protective operations after the agency’s admitted failures in preventing the assassination attempt this summer.


The man who was detained had a calm, flat demeanor and showed little emotion when he was stopped, according Martin County Sheriff William Snyder.

“He never asked, ‘What is this about?’ Obviously, law enforcement with long rifles, blue lights, a lot going on. He never questioned it,” Snyder said.


In an email to supporters, Trump said: “There were gunshots in my vicinity, but before rumors start spiraling out of control, I wanted you to hear this first: I AM SAFE AND WELL!” He wrote: “Nothing will slow me down. I will NEVER SURRENDER!”

He returned to Mar-a-Lago, his private club in Palm Beach where he lives, according to a person familiar with Trump’s movements who was not authorized to discuss them publicly and spoke on condition of anonymity.

It was not immediately clear how the development would affect his schedule or campaign dynamics. Trump was set to speak from Florida about cryptocurrency live on Monday night on the social media site X and had stops planned Tuesday and Wednesday in Michigan and on New York’s Long Island.

An email to Trump campaign staffers obtained by AP said, “We ask that you remain vigilant in your daily comings and goings.”

“As we enter the last 50 days of President Trump’s campaign, we must remember that we will only be able save America from those who seek to destroy it by working together as one team.”

Biden and Harris were briefed on the matter and each issued a statement condemning political violence. Harris’ added that she was “deeply disturbed” by the day’s events and that “we all must do our part to ensure that this incident does not lead to more violence.”


Security agents talk at the entrance to former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate, March 31, 2023, in Palm Beach, Fla. (AP Photo/Rebecca Blackwell, File)

Biden said he had directed his team to ensure the Secret Service “has every resource, capability and protective measure necessary to ensure the former President’s continued safety.”

In the aftermath, Trump checked in with allies, including running mate Ohio Sen. JD Vance, South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham and several Fox News hosts. House Speaker Mike Johnson said he spent several hours with Trump and called him “unstoppable.”

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Fox News host Sean Hannity recounted on air his conversation with the former president’s golf partner, Steve Witkoff.

They had been on the fifth hole and about to go up to putt when they heard a “pop pop, pop pop.” Within seconds, he said Witkoff recounted, Secret Service agents “pounced” on Trump and “covered him” to protect him.

Trump had returned to Florida this weekend from a West Coast swing that included a Friday night rally in Las Vegas and a Utah fundraiser. His campaign had not announced any public plans for Trump on Sunday. He often spends the morning playing golf.

Trump has had a stepped-up security footprint since the assassination attempt in July. When he is at Trump Tower in New York, parked dump trucks have formed a wall outside the building. At outdoor rallies, he now speaks from behind bulletproof glass.

The Florida golf course was partially shut down for Trump as he played, but there are several areas around the perimeter of the property where golfers are visible from the fence line. Secret Service agents and officers in golf carts and on ATVs generally secure the area several holes ahead and behind Trump. Agents also usually bring an armored vehicle onto the course to shelter Trump quickly should a threat arise.

The Palm Beach County sheriff said the entire golf course would have been lined with law enforcement if Trump were the president, but because he is not, “security is limited to the areas that the Secret Service deems possible.”

“I would imagine that the next time he comes to the golf course, there will probably be a little more people around the perimeter,” Bradshaw said. “But the Secret Service did exactly what they should have done.”

Late Sunday, Trump posted a message on social media thanking the Secret Service and law enforcement for keeping him safe, calling them “brave and dedicated Patriots,” adding that it was “certainly an interesting day!”

He was to be briefed in person Monday by acting Secret Service director Ronald Rowe about the investigation into the assassination attempt, according to a person familiar with the plan for the briefing who was not authorized to speak publicly.

Former presidents and their spouses have Secret Service protection for life, but the security around former presidents varies according to threat levels and exposure, with the toughest measures typically being taken in the immediate aftermath of their leaving office.

Trump’s protective detail has been higher than some other former presidents because of his high visibility and his campaign to seek the White House again.


The man in custody was Ryan Routh, three law enforcement officials told the AP. The officials who identified the suspect spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the ongoing investigation.

Records show Routh, 58, lived in North Carolina for most of his life before moving to Hawaii in 2018. In 2020, he made a social media post backing Trump’s reelection, but in more recent years his posts have expressed support for Biden and Harris.

Routh tried to recruit Afghan soldiers fleeing the Taliban to fight in Ukraine, and spent several months in the country, according to an interview with The New York Times last year.

The FBI was leading the investigation and working to determine any motive. Attorney General Merrick Garland was receiving regular updates. Agents with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives were helping investigate.

“The FBI has responded to West Palm Beach Florida and is investigating what appears to be an attempted assassination of former President Trump,” the bureau said.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, a Republican, said the state would do its own investigation, posting on X that, “The people deserve the truth about the would be assassin and how he was able to get within 500 yards of the former president and current GOP nominee.”

News reporters were not with Trump on Sunday. Bucking tradition, Trump’s campaign has not arranged to have a protective pool of reporters travel with him, as is standard for major party nominees and for the president. Harris does not have a protective pool at all times, but does allow reporters to travel with her for public events.

Snyder, the Martin County sheriff, said the suspect was apprehended within minutes of the FBI, Secret Service and Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office putting out a “very urgent BOLO” — or “be on the lookout” alert.

Snyder said his deputies “immediately flooded” northbound I-95 and “we pinched in on the car, got it safely stopped and got the driver in custody.”

Richer, Long, Tucker and Miller reported from Washington. Associated Press writers Lindsay Whitehurst and Michael Biesecker in Washington, Michael Balsamo, Jill Colvin, Michelle L. Price and Michael R. Sisak in New York, and Meg Kinnard in Houston contributed to this report.


How to Write an Effective Speech

How to Write an Effective Speech

In the Order of the Arrow, Arrowmen must write speeches for various occasions, such as elections, banquets, and other formal events. Speech writing, however, can seem challenging at first, especially for those who might be new to the program. Fortunately, there are ways to prepare, write, and deliver such an address. It is important to have these skills in order to be a successful speaker throughout life.

When writing an election speech, it is essential to think about what you want to speak about. For example, writing an outline can help transform thoughts into words. To illustrate, Alex Pillis, the 2022 Eastern Region chief, said, “I would often start by looking at what kind of things I would like to change in the area I’m running for. Pick topics that you are passionate about. If you find things you care about, both writing and delivering the speech will appear more genuine to your audience.” Essentially, organizing points will help the speech run smoothly for the audience and for the speaker. This is key for leaders when they deliver a speech about change or passionate ideas.

Another helpful strategy is incorporating a small personal story to appear more genuine to your audience. This is especially helpful when writing speeches for a banquet when you can look back on the memories and successes of the year before. Sophie S., the lodge chief of Amangamek Wipit Lodge, stated, “I like to incorporate personal stories or little anecdotes to make my speeches a bit more compelling for the listeners. Having one central theme and those personal anecdotes helps me tie things together in my speeches.”

After you find your speech is written how you like it, send it to a friend for their feedback. Having someone else read your speech can improve grammar, word choice, and overall formatting. “I’ve always sent my speeches to my friends who are good at speech writing and grammar to get their input on where things need to be improved before giving the speech,” Alex stated. It is important to have different perspectives on your speech because your peers may think about something to change or add that you didn't. Additionally, you must conduct your own edits to achieve a speech ready for delivery. Make sure your speech transitions easily from topic to topic as you revise. As you make edits, note where you want certain inflections to happen and put them into words you would use daily so the speech flows naturally.

According to Sophie, however, some of the best speeches are not even written down word for word. “Being able to ad-lib off of a few key points of your speech is a great skill and makes for some of the best speeches. When preparing, write down some key bullet points, and use them to guide you when delivering your speech.”

These skills, along with confidence in yourself and your writing, can help make any speech captivating and intriguing. Writing out all your ideas, receiving feedback from others, and including personal stories are all great techniques to improve an election speech. Just be sure to stay true to yourself and the overall message you wish to convey in your address.

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How to Write Election Campaign Speech in Nigeria

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How to Write Election Campaign Speech in 10 Steps

This guide provides essential tips on how to write election campaign speech that will resonate with your audience. Writing an election campaign speech is a critical and complex process that requires careful planning, research, and effective communication skills. A campaign speech can make or break a candidate’s chances of success in an election, and thus it must be crafted with the utmost attention to detail and relevance.

A well-crafted speech can help a candidate to connect with voters, build trust, and win support for their candidacy. However, writing a compelling speech that resonates with the audience can be a daunting task. To write an effective election campaign speech, one needs to understand their audience, have a clear campaign message, and convey that message with passion and conviction.

In this process, it is important to keep in mind the tone and style of the speech, the audience’s values and beliefs, and the specific goals of the campaign. Here are useful tips and strategies to help candidates write a successful election campaign speech. Contact us now to help you conduct a thorough research and create an effective political campaign speech that will convey your values and policies of the political party or candidate and resonate with the audience and stakeholders.

Step 1: Define your audience

Before you start writing your campaign speech, you must first define your audience. Who are you speaking to? What are their concerns, hopes, and aspirations? What are the issues that matter to them? By understanding your audience, you can tailor your speech to their needs and concerns and connect with them on a more personal level.

Step 2: Craft a powerful opening

The opening of your speech is crucial, as it sets the tone and captures the attention of your audience. Start with a strong and compelling statement that immediately grabs their attention. You could use a statistic, a quote, or a personal story to draw them in and make them want to listen to what you have to say.

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Step 3: focus on your message.

Your campaign speech must have a clear and concise message that reflects your values, beliefs, and vision for the future. Focus on the issues that matter to your audience and demonstrate how your policies and plan of actions will address their concerns. Be specific and provide examples of how you will make a difference if elected as a president, house of representative, senator, governor or even state assembly member.

Step 4: Use persuasive language

The language you use in your speech is essential in persuading your audience to vote for you. Use persuasive language that appeals to their emotions, values, and aspirations. Use simple and easy-to-understand language that everyone can relate to. Avoid using jargon, technical terms, or complex sentences that may confuse or alienate your audience.

Step 5: Be authentic and genuine

Authenticity and genuineness are crucial when delivering a campaign speech. You must be honest and sincere in your message and connect with your audience on a personal level. Share your personal experiences, past records, values, and beliefs that demonstrate your authenticity and inspire trust and confidence in your leadership.

Step 6: Use humor and storytelling

Humor and storytelling are excellent tools for engaging your audience and keeping their attention. Use anecdotes, personal stories, or jokes to add some lightness and humor to your speech. However, be careful not to offend or belittle anyone, as this could harm your credibility and reputation.

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Step 7: use rhetorical devices.

Rhetorical devices, such as repetition, alliteration, and metaphors, can make your speech more memorable and impactful. Use these devices strategically to emphasize your message and create a lasting impression on your audience.

Step 8: Address your opponent’s weaknesses

When writing a campaign speech, it’s essential to address your opponent’s weaknesses without attacking or insulting them. Highlight your opponent’s weaknesses, and demonstrate how your policies and plans are superior to theirs. However, be respectful and avoid personal attacks or mudslinging, as this could harm your reputation and credibility.

Step 9: End with a call to action

The conclusion of your campaign speech should inspire your audience to take action and vote for you. End your political campaign speech with a powerful call to action that encourages people to support your campaign, volunteer, or donate to your cause. Provide specific instructions on how they can get involved in your movement and make a difference.

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Step 10: practice and rehearse.

Finally, practice your speech as much as possible before delivering it to your audience. Rehearse in front of a mirror, record yourself, or practice in front of a friend or family member. This will help you identify areas that need improvement, work on your delivery skills, and build your confidence.

Wrapping up: How to Write Election Campaign Speech

In conclusion, writing an election campaign speech can be a challenging task, but with the right approach and preparation, anyone can deliver a compelling and impactful speech. The first step is to understand the audience and their needs and concerns. This helps to craft a message that resonates with them and addresses their issues.

It is also important to have a clear and concise structure for the speech, with a powerful opening that captures the audience’s attention, a strong middle that reinforces the main points, and a memorable closing that leaves a lasting impression.

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To make the speech more persuasive, using rhetorical devices such as repetition, analogy, and emotional appeal can be effective. However, it is important to ensure that the speech is based on accurate and verifiable facts and not just rhetoric. Rehearsing the speech several times before the actual delivery can help to boost confidence and ensure a smooth delivery.

It is also important to get feedback from others and make necessary adjustments to the speech based on their feedback. By following these tips and putting in the necessary effort and practice, you can write and deliver a winning campaign speech.

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Campaign Speech

Campaign speech generator.

how to write club election speech

A campaign speech is a formal address or presentation delivered by a candidate running for public office, or by someone advocating on behalf of a candidate, during an election campaign. The primary purpose of a campaign speech is to persuade voters to support the candidate by outlining their platform, vision, policies, and qualifications.

What is Campaign Speech?

A campaign speech is a formal address delivered by a candidate running for public office or by someone advocating on behalf of a candidate. The primary purpose of a campaign speech is to persuade voters to support the candidate in an upcoming election. This type of speech is used to communicate the candidate’s platform, vision, policies, qualifications, and values. It serves to connect the candidate with the electorate, address key issues, and mobilize support.

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Campaign Speech Format


Greeting: Start with a warm greeting to the audience. Self-Introduction: Introduce yourself and your candidacy. Purpose: State the purpose of your speech. Example: “Good evening, everyone. My name is [Your Name], and I am running for [Position]. I am here to share my vision for our community and ask for your support.”

Personal Background

Qualifications: Highlight your relevant experience and background. Personal Story: Share a brief personal story that connects with the audience. Example: “I have lived in [Community] for [number] years and have dedicated my career to [mention relevant experience].”

Platform and Policies

Key Issues: Identify key issues or problems you aim to address. Policy Proposals: Present your proposed solutions and policies. Benefits: Explain how these policies will benefit the community. Example: “One key issue we need to address is [issue]. I propose [solution] because it will [benefits].”

Vision and Goals

Vision: Articulate your vision for the future. Goals: Outline specific goals and how you plan to achieve them. Example: “My vision for [Community] is [describe vision]. My goals include [list goals] and I plan to achieve them by [how].”

Connection with the Audience

Shared Values: Emphasize shared values and common goals. Engagement: Engage with the audience, addressing their concerns. Example: “I know many of you share my concerns about [issue]. Together, we can make a difference.”

Call to Action

Vote: Urge the audience to vote for you. Involvement: Encourage them to get involved in your campaign. Example: “I ask for your vote on [Election Day]. Join me in this journey by volunteering and spreading the word.”
Summary: Summarize the main points of your speech. Closing Statement: End with a strong, memorable closing statement. Example: “Thank you for your support. Let’s build a brighter future for [Community] together. Remember to vote on [Election Day]. Thank you.”

Campaign Speech Example

Introduction: “Good evening, everyone. My name is [Your Name], and I am running for [Position]. I am here today to share my vision for our community and to ask for your support in this upcoming election.” Personal Background: “I have lived in [Community] for [number] years and have seen firsthand the challenges and opportunities we face. As a [mention your profession or background], I have dedicated my career to [mention relevant experience], and I am passionate about making a difference in our community.” Platform and Policies: “One of the key issues we need to address is [issue]. I propose [policy/solution] because it will [explain benefits]. For instance, implementing [specific policy] will lead to [positive outcomes, such as improved public safety, better schools, more job opportunities]. Additionally, I am committed to [another issue] and plan to [propose solution]. These changes will lead to [positive outcomes].” Vision and Goals: “My vision for [Community/Position] is one where [describe vision, e.g., ‘every child has access to quality education, every family feels safe, and every individual has the opportunity to succeed’]. My goals include [list specific goals, e.g., ‘improving our schools, increasing job opportunities, and enhancing public safety’], and I have a clear plan to achieve them through [explain how, e.g., ‘collaborative efforts with local businesses, securing funding for community programs, and implementing new safety measures’]. I believe that together, we can make our community a better place for everyone.” Connection with the Audience: “I know that many of you share my concerns about [issue]. Together, we can work towards a better future. Your voices matter, and I am here to listen and act on your behalf. I want to create a community where we all feel valued and heard.” Call to Action: “I am asking for your vote on [Election Day] because I believe in [Community/Position]’s potential. Join me in this journey by volunteering for my campaign and spreading the word about our vision for change. Together, we can achieve great things.” Conclusion: “Thank you for your time and support. Let’s work together to build a brighter future for [Community/Position]. Remember to vote on [Election Day], and let’s make a difference together. Thank you.”

Campaign Speech Short Example

Introduction: “Good evening, everyone. My name is Alex Johnson, and I am running for City Council Member for District 5. I’m here to share my vision for our community and to ask for your support.” Personal Background: “I have lived in District 5 for 20 years and have seen both its challenges and its potential. As a small business owner and community volunteer, I am passionate about making a meaningful difference in our community.” Platform and Policies: “One key issue is public safety. I propose increasing funding for our police and fire departments and implementing community policing to build stronger relationships between law enforcement and residents. Another priority is improving our local schools. By securing more funding for educational programs, we can provide our children with the quality education they deserve. I also aim to support local businesses by providing tax incentives and creating job training programs to strengthen our economy and create more job opportunities.” Vision and Goals: “My vision for District 5 is one where every child has access to quality education, every family feels safe, and every individual has the opportunity to succeed. Together, we can make District 5 a better place for everyone.” Call to Action: “I ask for your vote on November 6th. Join me in this journey by volunteering for my campaign and spreading the word about our vision for change. Together, we can achieve great things.” Conclusion: “Thank you for your time and support. Let’s work together to build a brighter future for District 5. Remember to vote on November 6th. Thank you.”

Campaign Speech for Student Council

Campaign Speech for Student Council

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Political Campaign Speech

Political Campaign Speech

Winning Campaign Speech

Winning Campaign Speech

How to Write Campaign Speech

1. start with a strong opening.

  • Greeting: Begin with a warm greeting to the audience.
  • Self-Introduction: Introduce yourself and your candidacy.
  • Purpose: Clearly state the purpose of your speech.

2. Provide Personal Background

  • Qualifications: Highlight your relevant experience and background.
  • Personal Story: Share a brief personal story that connects with the audience.

3. Present Your Platform and Policies

  • Key Issues: Identify the key issues or problems you aim to address.
  • Policy Proposals: Present your proposed solutions and policies.
  • Benefits: Explain how these policies will benefit the community.

4. Articulate Your Vision and Goals

  • Vision: Articulate your vision for the future.
  • Goals: Outline specific goals and how you plan to achieve them.

5. Connect with the Audience

  • Shared Values: Emphasize shared values and common goals.
  • Engagement: Engage with the audience, addressing their concerns.

6. Call to Action

  • Vote: Urge the audience to vote for you.
  • Involvement: Encourage them to get involved in your campaign.

7. End with a Strong Conclusion

  • Summary: Summarize the main points of your speech.
  • Closing Statement: End with a strong, memorable closing statement.

Tips for Campaign Speech

  • Understand the concerns and interests of your audience.
  • Tailor your message to resonate with them.
  • Open with a compelling greeting or a memorable quote.
  • Introduce yourself clearly and state your purpose.
  • Keep your message focused and to the point.
  • Avoid jargon and complicated language.
  • Identify the main issues you want to address.
  • Explain why these issues are important to you and the community.
  • Offer clear and practical solutions to the issues.
  • Explain how your policies will benefit the community.
  • Include anecdotes that illustrate your commitment and values.
  • Make a personal connection with the audience.
  • Speak from the heart and show your enthusiasm.
  • Be genuine and sincere in your delivery.
  • Ask rhetorical questions or involve the audience in your speech.
  • Show that you are listening and care about their concerns.
  • Clearly ask for the audience’s support and their vote.
  • Encourage them to get involved in your campaign.
  • Rehearse your speech multiple times.
  • Time yourself to ensure it fits within the allotted time.
  • Summarize your main points.
  • End with a powerful and memorable closing statement.

Uses of Campaign Speech

  • Political Campaigns : In political campaigns, a speech helps candidates connect with voters, outline their platforms, and distinguish themselves from opponents. It’s an opportunity to address key issues, propose solutions, and build trust with the electorate.
  • Student Elections : During student council or class president elections, campaign speeches allow candidates to present their ideas and plans to their peers. This helps students make informed decisions based on the candidate’s vision and commitment.
  • Community Advocacy : Activists and community leaders use campaign speeches to rally support for causes like social justice, environmental protection, or public health initiatives. These speeches aim to mobilize community members, raise awareness, and encourage collective action.
  • Nonprofit Fundraising : In nonprofit organizations, campaign speeches are used during fundraising events to inspire donations and support. By highlighting the organization’s mission, achievements, and future goals, speakers can connect emotionally with potential donors and secure financial backing.
  • Corporate Leadership Elections : In corporate settings, candidates for leadership positions use campaign speeches to outline their vision for the company’s future, address challenges, and propose strategies for growth and improvement. This helps stakeholders assess the candidate’s suitability for the role.
  • Product Launches : Companies use campaign-style speeches during product launches to generate excitement and interest. By presenting the product’s features, benefits, and market potential, speakers can persuade potential customers and investors of its value.
  • Policy Advocacy : Advocates use campaign speeches to promote specific policies or legislative changes. By presenting evidence, personal stories, and compelling arguments, they aim to influence public opinion and policymakers.
  • Social Media Campaigns : In the digital age, campaign speeches are also delivered via social media platforms. These speeches can reach a broader audience, engage with diverse communities, and encourage online activism and support.

Why are campaign speeches important?

A campaign speech is a public address given by a candidate to communicate their policies, values, and goals to voters.

How should you start a campaign speech?

Start with a compelling hook or story to grab attention and connect emotionally with the audience.

What are key elements of a campaign speech?

Key elements include a clear message, strong opening, persuasive arguments, personal stories, and a call to action.

How long should a campaign speech be?

A campaign speech should be concise, ideally between 10 to 20 minutes, to maintain audience engagement.

How do you write a campaign speech?

Write a campaign speech by outlining main points, incorporating personal stories, and practicing clear, confident delivery.

What makes a campaign speech effective?

An effective campaign speech is clear, persuasive, relatable, and delivered with confidence and passion.

How can you connect with the audience in a campaign speech?

Connect by addressing audience concerns, using relatable language, and sharing personal experiences.

How do you end a campaign speech?

End with a powerful summary, a clear call to action, and a memorable closing statement.

What role does body language play in a campaign speech?

Body language enhances communication by reinforcing messages, showing confidence, and engaging the audience.

How can you handle nervousness during a campaign speech?

Handle nervousness by practicing thoroughly, focusing on the message, and engaging with the audience.


Text prompt

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Write a Campaign Speech announcing your candidacy.

Create a Campaign Speech focusing on key policy proposals.

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How to Write a Student Council Speech

Last Updated: September 6, 2024 Approved

This article was co-authored by Patrick Muñoz . Patrick is an internationally recognized Voice & Speech Coach, focusing on public speaking, vocal power, accent and dialects, accent reduction, voiceover, acting and speech therapy. He has worked with clients such as Penelope Cruz, Eva Longoria, and Roselyn Sanchez. He was voted LA's Favorite Voice and Dialect Coach by BACKSTAGE, is the voice and speech coach for Disney and Turner Classic Movies, and is a member of Voice and Speech Trainers Association. wikiHow marks an article as reader-approved once it receives enough positive feedback. This article has 127 testimonials from our readers, earning it our reader-approved status. This article has been viewed 2,099,480 times.

Being a member of the student council can help you help your school. However, it takes hard work to get into the student council . You need to craft a good speech that gives your classmates incentives to vote for you.

Your Student Council Speech

Use a strong, attention-grabbing opening. Discuss your qualifications briefly, then move on. Focus your speech on your passion and present a blueprint to achieve your goals. Close with a strong summary and call to vote for you.

Sample Speeches

how to write club election speech

Writing the Introduction

Step 1 Find an attention-grabbing opening statement.

  • Do not merely start by saying, "My name is ___ and I'm running for student council." Your classmates will already know as much and this is not really a unique statement. There will be time to state the basic information after you've got the class's attention. [1] X Research source
  • You can open with a question. Something like, "If there was one thing you could change about this school, what would it be?" Or a question that adds some humor , like, "I know what you're thinking. Why should I listen to this person?" and then proceed to lay out your credentials. Quotes on leadership, power, and guidance would also make good openings. However, make sure to double-check your sources and especially if you're finding quotes online. Many online quote databases, like Quote Garden or Brainy Quote, sometimes attribute quotes to the wrong sources. [2] X Research source
  • If you're stuck, look up and read famous speeches. You can find many speeches from presidents, world leaders, civil rights activists, and others online. Pay attention to how they opened their speeches and ask yourself, "Was this interesting? Do I want to keep reading/listening? Why?" [3] X Research source

Step 2 State the basics.

  • State your name and grade in school. This may feel somewhat unnecessary if you go to a small school, but it's considered a formality. If you're missing this part of the speech, you may end up looking sloppy in comparison to other students. [5] X Research source
  • State what you want. That is, what you're running for. Do you want to be the president , vice president , treasurer, secretary? Even if you think most students are aware of what position you're running for, make sure you state it here to remind them. [6] X Research source
  • Try to keep this section brief as it's not as important as your qualifications and plans to improve the school . Even one sentence would suffice. For example, "My name is Ramona Hart, I'm in the 11th grade, and I'm running for treasurer of the student council."

Step 3 List your qualifications.

  • Any accomplishments relevant to the position warrant mentioning here. If you're running for secretary, for example, talk about your summer job filing papers in your uncle's law firm. If you're running for student council president, talk about your leadership experience being captain of the swim team. [7] X Research source
  • While this section is important, try to keep it minimal. A couple of sentences laying out your qualifications is enough as the body of your speech is where you should spend the most time. For example, let's go back to the above example. From there, we could say, "I am currently enrolled in advanced placement algebra and I have been an honor roll student for three years. This knowledge of numbers and diligence qualifies me to have responsibility for finances for our student council." [8] X Research source

Writing the Body of the Speech

Step 1 State your main ideas on how to improve the school.

  • You should list your ideas and then expand on them later in the body. It might take a bit of research to figure out what you want to change. Ask around the school, talking to students and teachers, and see where there's room for improvement. What are the concerns of the students? What are people happy with regarding the school? What would they like to see change? Asking these questions can help you get a sense of your audience and community.
  • Remember, you should not make promises you cannot keep. Do not say anything just to get elected. While many students might want gum-chewing policies eliminated or for the lunch period to run twice as long, this is probably not necessary or possible. Try to focus on areas that seem important to keep your school running safely and efficiently. Concerns about things like bullying , academic standards, and extracurricular activities should be your concern over fun and games. [10] X Research source
  • A good opening statement for your body would state the causes important to you and what you plan to do about them. For example, if you were running for president, you could say something like, "I understand we need to improve how we handle bullying, increase interest in extracurricular activities, and expand access to AP courses throughout the school. As your president, I would work to bring in speakers to talk about sensitivity in the classroom, increase advertising for basketball games and quiz bowl tournaments, and start a tutoring program to help students struggling with certain subjects." [11] X Research source

Step 2 Find support for those ideas.

  • Using the school library or computers, figure out the best means to tackle certain problems many schools face. How have other schools dealt with bullying? Poor test scores? Low interest in extracurricular activities? What can you reasonably do as a student council member to address these problems? [12] X Research source
  • You do not have to have a point-by-point plan laid out, but a few sentences on some preliminary ideas can help you stand out from your peers. People are more inclined to vote for someone who's thought about how to solve problems in addition to identifying problems. [13] X Research source

Step 3 Keep your ideas short but very strongly worded.

Ending with a Strong Conclusion

Step 1 Reiterate your main points briefly.

  • Do summarize, briefly, your qualifications but do not put the main focus on them. This is where you should sincerely state your passion. Students should not just vote for you because you'd do a good job but because you genuinely care about the school. State your passion for your community and how much you want to see other students succeed. Lots of students have high qualifications. You can set yourself apart by being a candidate who really cares. [16] X Research source

Step 3 Ask the audience for their vote.

  • Research what other student council speeches are like on video websites. This could help give you ideas.

Expert Q&A

Patrick Muñoz

  • Only promise to do things that you really can do. Thanks Helpful 3 Not Helpful 0
  • Practice reading your speech a few times, as you'll likely be nervous before giving it. Thanks Helpful 3 Not Helpful 0

how to write club election speech

  • Even if you write a great speech, understand you may lose. Be prepared to lose graciously and sincerely congratulate the winning candidate. Thanks Helpful 117 Not Helpful 19
  • Unlike in a governmental election, student council candidates should not attack each other, previous leaders, or other students. Otherwise, you could get into trouble and leave a bad impression on voters. Thanks Helpful 90 Not Helpful 16

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  • ↑ Patrick Muñoz. Voice & Speech Coach. Expert Interview. 12 November 2019.

About This Article

Patrick Muñoz

To write a student council speech, start with an attention-grabbing statement such as a question or a powerful quote about leadership. Next, briefly explain who you are, what position you are running for, and why you are running. Then list any relevant qualifications, such as a summer job. In the body of the speech, discuss at least 3 ways to improve the school. For this section, make sure not to make any promises you can’t keep. Finally, end by briefly reiterating your main points and asking for the students’ vote. To learn more about how to support your ideas and research for your speech, keep reading! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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how to write club election speech

J. V. Stalin

Speech at Celebration Meeting of the Moscow Soviet of Working People's Deputies and Moscow Party and Public Organizations

November 6, 1941.

COMRADES, twenty-four years have elapsed since the victory of the October Socialist Revolution and the establishment of the Soviet system in our country. We stand now on the threshold of the next, the twenty-fifth, year of existence of the Soviet system.

Usually at meetings in celebration of the anniversaries of the October Revolution the results of our successes in the realm of peaceful construction for the past year are summed up. We have really the possibility to sum up such results as our successes in the realm of peaceful construction are growing not only from year to year, but from month to month. What these successes are and how great they are is known to all, both friends and foes.

But this past year is not only a year of peaceful construction. It is also a year of war with the German invaders who perfidiously attacked our peace-loving country. Only during the first six months of the past year were we able to continue our peaceful, constructive work. In the second half of the year more than four months were spent under conditions of a fierce war with the German imperialists. The war has thus become a turning-point in the development of our country for the last year. The war has considerably curtailed and, in some branches, altogether stopped, our peaceful constructive work. It has forced us to reorganize all our work on a war footing. It has converted our country into a united and all-embracing rear serving the front, our Red Army and our Navy.

The period of peaceful construction has ended. The period of the war of liberation from the German invaders has begun.

It is therefore quite appropriate to sum up the results of the war for the second half of the past year, or rather for the period of somewhat over four months of the second half of the year, as well as the tasks confronting us in this war of liberation.

The Course of the War for Four Months

I have already said in my speech at the beginning of the war that the war had created a dangerous threat to our country, that a serious danger was looming over our country, that we must understand and realize this danger and remodel our work on a war-time basis. Now, after four months of war, I must emphasize that this danger has not only not grown less, but, on the contrary, has even increased. The enemy has seized a large part of the Ukraine, Byelorussia, Moldavia Lithuania, Latvia, Esthonia and a number of other regions, has forced his way into the Donetz Basin, hangs like a black cloud over Leningrad and is threatening our glorious capital, Moscow. The German-fascist invaders are plundering our country, destroying the towns and villages created by the labours of the workers, peasants and intellectuals. The Hitlerite hordes are murdering and outraging the peaceful inhabitants of our country, having no mercy on women, children or old people. Our brothers in the regions of our country seized by the Germans are groaning under the yoke of the German oppressors.

Streams of enemy blood have been spilt by the men of our Army and Navy, who are defending the honour and freedom of our Motherland, courageously beating off the attacks of the bestial enemy and displaying examples of valour and heroism. But the enemy stops at no sacrifice, he does not care one iota for the blood of his soldiers, he throws into action more and more detachments to replace those which have been shattered, and is straining all his efforts to capture Leningrad and Moscow before the advent of winter, for he knows that winter bodes him no good.

In four months of war we have lost 350,000 in killed, and 378,000 missing, and our wounded number 1,020,000. In the same period the enemy has in killed, wounded and prisoners lost more than four and a half million men.

There can be no doubt that as a result of four months of war Germany, whose reserves of man-power are already being exhausted, has been considerably more weakened than the Soviet Union, whose reserves are only now being mobilized to the full.

Failure of the “Blitzkrieg”

In launching their attack on our country the German-fascist invaders thought that they would certainly be able to “finish off” the Soviet Union in one and a half or two months, and in this short period would succeed in reaching the Urals. It must be said that the Germans did not conceal this plan of a “lightning” victory. On the contrary, they advertised it in every possible way. The facts, however, have demonstrated the utter irresponsibility and groundlessness of this “lightning” plan. Now this mad plan must be regarded as having finally failed. ( Applause .)

How is it to be explained that the “blitzkrieg” which succeeded in Western Europe has failed and collapsed in the East?

What did the German-fascist strategists count on when they asserted that they would finish off the Soviet Union in two months and reach the Urals in this short period?

They seriously calculated in the first place on creating a general coalition against the U.S.S.R., on enlisting Great Britain and the U.S.A. in this coalition, first having frightened the ruling circles of these countries with the spectre of revolution, and thus completely isolating our country from the other Powers. The Germans knew that their policy of playing on the contradictions between the classes of individual states, and between these states and the Soviet country, had already produced results in France, the rulers of which, having let themselves be frightened by the spectre of revolution, in their fright laid their country at the feet of Hitter and renounced all resistance. The German-fascist strategists thought that the same would occur in Great Britain and the United States. The notorious Hess was in fact sent to England by the German-fascists precisely in order to persuade the English politicians to join in the general crusade against the U.S.S.R. But the Germans gravely miscalculated. ( Applause .) Great Britain and the United States, despite the efforts of Hess, not only did not join in the campaign of the German-fascist invaders against the U.S.S.R., but, on the contrary, proved to be in one camp with the U.S.S.R. against Hitlerite Germany. The U.S.S.R. not only was not isolated, but, on the contrary, it acquired new allies in the shape of Great Britain, the United States and other countries occupied by the Germans. It turned out that the German policy of playing on contradictions and of intimidation by means of the spectre of revolution has been exhausted and is no longer suitable in the new situation. And not only is it unsuitable, but it is even fraught with grave danger for the German invaders, because in the new conditions of the war it leads to diametrically opposite results.

The Germans counted, secondly, on the instability of the Soviet system, and the unreliability of the Soviet rear, reckoning that after the first serious blow and the first setbacks of the Red Army, conflicts would break out between the workers and peasants, dissension would begin between the peoples of the U.S.S.R., uprisings would occur, and the country would disintegrate into its component parts—which would facilitate the advance of the German invaders right up to the Urals. But here, also, the Germans gravely miscalculated. The setbacks of the Red Army not only did not weaken but, on the contrary, strengthened even further the alliance of the workers and peasants, as well as the friendship of the peoples of the U.S.S.R. ( Applause .) Moreover, they converted the family of peoples of the U.S.S.R. into a single and unshakable camp, selflessly supporting its Red Army and its Red Navy. Never before has the Soviet rear been so firm as it is to-day. ( Loud applause .) It is quite probable that any other State, having suffered such territorial losses as we have now, would not have withstood the test and would have fallen into decline. If the Soviet system has so successfully passed through this trial and even strengthened its rear, then this means that the Soviet system is now the most stable one. ( Loud applause .)

Finally, the German invaders counted on the weakness of the Red Army and Red Navy, believing that the German army and German navy would succeed at the very first blow in overwhelming and dispersing our army and navy and opening the way for an unopposed advance into the depths of our country. But here, too, the Germans gravely miscalculated, overrating their own strength and underrating our army and navy. Of course, our army and navy are still young, they have been fighting for four months in all, they have not yet succeeded in becoming thoroughly seasoned, whereas they are confronted by the seasoned army and navy of the Germans, who have already been waging war for two years. But, in the first place, the morale of our army is higher than that of the Germans, because it is defending its native land from alien invaders and believes in the justice of its cause, whereas the German army is waging an aggressive war and is plundering a foreign country, having no possibility of believing even for a moment in the justice of its vile cause. There can be no doubt that the idea of defending one’s own native land—and it is in the name of this that our people are fighting—is bound to create, and actually is creating in our army, heroes who are cementing the Red Army; whereas the idea of seizing and plundering a foreign country—and it is in the name of this that the Germans are in fact waging war—is bound to breed, and actually is breeding in the German army, professional plunderers, devoid of all moral principles and corrupting the German army. Secondly, advancing into the depths of our country, the German army is moving farther and farther away from its own German rear, is forced to operate in hostile surroundings, is forced to create a new rear in an alien country, a rear which is at the same time being disrupted by our guerillas—all of which is radically disorganizing the supply of the German army, forcing it to fear its own rear, and destroying its faith in the stability of its own position; whereas our army is operating on its own native surroundings, enjoys the constant support of its own rear, has assured supplies of men, munitions and food, and has a profound faith in its rear. That is why our army has proved to be stronger than the Germans anticipated and the German army weaker than might have been expected judging by the boastful self-advertisement of the German invaders. The defence of Leningrad and Moscow, where our divisions lately wiped out about a score and a half of seasoned German divisions, shows that in the fire of our patriotic war there are being forged, and have already been forged, new Soviet fighters and commanders, airmen, artillerymen, mortar crews, tankmen, infantrymen and sailors, who to-morrow will become a deadly menace to the German army. ( Loud applause .)

There is no doubt that all these circumstances taken together predetermined the inevitable failure of the “blitzkrieg” in the East.

Reasons for the Temporary Reverses of our Army

All that, of course, is true. But it is likewise true that alongside these favourable factors there are a number of factors unfavourable to the Red Army, as a result of which our army is suffering temporary reverses, is obliged to retreat and to surrender a number of regions of our country to the enemy.

What are these unfavourable factors? What are the reasons for the temporary military reverses of the Red Army?

One of the reasons for the reverses of the Red Army is the absence of a second front in Europe against the German-fascist troops. The fact of the matter is that at the present time there are still no armies of Great Britain or the United States of America on the European continent to wage war against the German-fascist troops, with the result that the Germans are not compelled to dissipate their forces and to wage war on two fronts, in the West and in the East. Well, the effect of this is that the Germans, considering their rear in the West secure, are able to move all their troops and the troops of their allies in Europe against our country. The situation at present is such that our country is carrying on the war of liberation single-handed, without any military assistance, against the combined forces of Germans, Finns, Rumanians, Italians and Hungarians. The Germans preen themselves on their temporary successes and are lavish in the praises of their army, claiming that it can always defeat the Red Army in single combat. But the Germans’ claims are empty boasting, for it is incomprehensible why in that case the Germans have resorted to the aid of the Finns, Rumanians, Italians and Hungarians against the Red Army, which is fighting absolutely single-handed without any military help from outside. There is no doubt that the absence of a second front in Europe against the Germans considerably eases the position of the German army. But neither can there be any doubt that the appearance of a second front on the European continent—and it must unquestionably appear in the near future ( loud applause )—will essentially ease the situation of our army to the detriment of the German army.

The other reason for the temporary reverses of our army is our lack of an adequate number of tanks and, partly, of aircraft. In modern warfare it is very difficult for infantry to fight without tanks and without adequate aircraft protection. Our aviation is superior in quality to that of the Germans, and our valiant airmen have covered themselves with glory as fearless fighters. ( Applause .) But we still have fewer aircraft than the Germans. Our tanks are superior in quality to the German tanks, and our glorious tankmen and artillerymen have more than once put the vaunted troops of the Germans, with their numerous tanks, to flight. ( Applause .) But we still have several times fewer tanks than the Germans. Therein lies the secret of the temporary successes of the German army. It cannot be said that our tank-building industry is working badly and supplying our front with few tanks. No, it is working very well and is producing quite a number of excellent tanks. But the Germans are producing considerably more tanks, for they now have at their disposal not only their own tank-building industry, but also the industry of Czechoslovakia, Belgium, Holland and France. Had it not been for this circumstance, the Red Army would long ago have smashed the German army, which does not go into battle without tanks and cannot stand up to the blows of our troops if it has not a superiority in tanks. ( Applause .)

There is only one way of nullifying the Germans’ superiority in tanks and thus radically improving the position of our army. This way is, not only to increase the output of tanks in our country several times over, but also sharply to increase the production of anti-tank aircraft, anti-tank riffles and guns, and anti-tank grenades and mortars, and to construct more anti-tank trenches and every other kind of anti-tank obstacle.

Herein lies our present task.

We can accomplish this task, and we must accomplish it at all costs!

Who are the “National Socialists”?

In our country the German invaders, i.e., the Hitlerites, are usually called fascists. The Hitlerites, it appears, consider this wrong and obstinately continue to call themselves “National Socialists.” Hence the Germans want to assure us that the Hitlerite party, the party of the German invaders, which is plundering Europe and has organized the villainous attack on our socialist State, is a socialist party. Is this possible? What can there be in common between socialism and the bestial Hitlerite invaders who are plundering and oppressing the nations of Europe?

Can the Hitlerites be regarded as nationalists ? No, they cannot. Actually, the Hitlerites are now not nationalists but imperialists . As long as the Hitlerites were engaged in assembling the German lands and reuniting the Rhine district, Austria, etc., it was possible with a certain amount of foundation to call them nationalists. But after they seized foreign territories and enslaved European nations-the Czechs, Slovaks, Poles, Norwegians, Danes, Dutch, Belgians, French, Serbs, Greeks, Ukrainians, Byelorussians, the inhabitants of the Baltic countries, etc.—and began to reach out for world domination, the Hitlerite party ceased to be a nationalist party, because from that moment it became an imperialist party, a party of annexation and oppression.

The Hitlerite party is a party of imperialists, and the most rapacious and predatory imperialists among all the imperialists of the world .

Can the Hitlerites be regarded as socialists ? No, they cannot. Actually, the Hitlerites are the sworn enemies of socialism, arrant reactionaries and Black-Hundreds who have robbed the working class and the peoples of Europe of the most elementary democratic liberties. In order to cover up their reactionary, Black-Hundred essence, the Hitlerites denounce the internal regimes of Britain and America as plutocratic regimes. But in Britain and the United States there are elementary democratic liberties, there exist trade unions of workers and employees, there exist workers’ parties, there exist parliaments; whereas in Germany, under the Hitler regime, all these institutions have been destroyed. One only needs to compare these two sets of facts to perceive the reactionary nature of the Hitler regime and the utter hypocrisy of the German-fascist pratings about a plutocratic regime in Britain and in America. In point of fact the Hitler regime is a copy of that reactionary regime which existed in Russia under tsardom. It is well known that the Hitlerites suppress the rights of the workers, the rights of the intellectuals and the rights of nations as readily as the tsarist regime suppressed them, and that they organize mediæval Jewish pogroms as readily as the tsarist regime organized them.

The Hitlerite party is a party of enemies of democratic liberties, a party of mediæval reaction and Black-Hundred pogroms.

And if these brazen imperialists and arrant reactionaries still continue to masquerade in the togas of “nationalists” and “socialists,” they do this in order to deceive the people, to fool the simpletons and to hide under the flag of “nationalism” and “socialism” their piratical and imperialist nature.

Crows decked in peacocks’ feathers. . . . But no matter how much crows may deck themselves in peacocks’ feathers they will not cease to be crows.

“We must at all costs,” says Hitler, “strive to achieve the German conquest of the world. If we want to create our great German empire we must first of all oust and exterminate the Slav peoples—the Russians, Poles, Czechs, Slovaks, Bulgarians, Ukrainians, Byelorussians. There are no reasons why this should not be done.”

“Man,” says Hitler, “is sinful from birth and can be ruled only with the help of force. In dealing with him all methods are permissible. When policy demands it one must lie, betray and even kill.”

“Kill everyone who is against us,” says Göring. “Kill, kill!—It is not you who will be held responsible, but I. Therefore, kill!”

“I emancipate man,” says Hitler, “from the humiliating chimera which is called conscience. Conscience, like education, mutilates man. I have the advantage of not being restrained by any considerations of a theoretical or moral nature.”

In one of the orders of the German command, dated September 25, to the 489th infantry regiment, and found on a killed German noncommissioned officer, it is stated:

“I order you to open fire on every Russian as soon as he appears at a distance of 600 metres. The Russian must learn that he is faced by a resolute foe from whom he cannot expect any mercy.”

In one of the declarations of the German command to the soldiers, found on the dead body of Lieutenant Gustav Ziegel, a native of Frankfort-on-Main, it is stated:

“You have no heart or nerves; they are not needed in war. Eradicate every trace of pity and sympathy from your heart-kill every Russian, every Soviet person. Do not stop even if before you stands an old man or a woman, girl or boy, kill! By this you will save yourselves from destruction, ensure the future of your family and win eternal glory.”

There you have the programme and instructions of the leaders of the Hitlerite party and of the Hitlerite command, the programme and instructions of men who have lost all semblance of human beings and have sunk to the level of wild beasts.

And these men, bereft of conscience and honour, these men with the morals of beasts, have the insolence to call for the extermination of the great Russian nation, the nation of Plekhanov and Lenin, Belinsky and Chernyshevsky, Pushkin and Tolstoy, Glinka and Chaikovsky, Gorky and Chekhov, Sechenov and Pavlov, Repin and Surikov, Suvorov and Kutuzov!

The German invaders want a war of extermination with the peoples of the U.S.S.R. Well, if the Germans want to have a war of extermination, they will get it. ( Loud and prolonged applause .)

From now on our task, the task of the peoples of the U.S.S.R., the task of the fighters, commanders and the political workers of our Army and our Navy will be to exterminate every single German who has set his invading foot on the territory of our Fatherland. ( Loud applause. “Hear, hear!” Cheers .)

No mercy for the German invaders!

Death to the German invaders! ( Loud applause .)

The Defeat of the German Imperialists and their Armies is Inevitable

Already the very moral degradation of the German invaders, who have lost all human semblance, and long ago sunk to the level of wild beasts, this one circumstance is already evidence of the fact that they have doomed themselves to inevitable destruction.

But the inevitable destruction of the Hitlerite invaders and their armies is not determined by moral factors alone.

There exist three other basic factors, which are operating more powerfully with each day that passes, and which are bound to lead in the near future to the inevitable defeat of Hitler’s bandit imperialism. ( Applause .)

First, there is the instability of the European rear of imperialist Germany, the instability of the “New Order” in Europe. The German invaders have enslaved the peoples of the European continent—from France to the Soviet Baltic, from Norway, Denmark, Belgium, Holland and Soviet Byelorussia to the Balkans and the Soviet Ukraine; they have robbed them of their elementary democratic liberties; they have deprived them of the right to dispose of their own destinies; have taken away their bread, meat and raw materials; they have turned them into their slaves; they have crucified the Poles, Czechs, Serbs, and decided that, having achieved domination in Europe, they can now use it as a basis for building up Germany’s world domination. That is what they call the “New Order in Europe.” But what is this “basis,” what is this “New Order”? Only the conceited Hitlerite fools fail to see that the “New Order” in Europe and the infamous “basis” of this order represent a volcano which is ready to erupt at any moment and overwhelm the German imperialist house of cards. They refer to Napoleon, assuring us that Hitler is acting like Napoleon, and that he resembles Napoleon in everything. In the first place, however, one should not forget Napoleon’s fate. And, secondly, Hitler resembles Napoleon no more titian a kitten resembles a lion. ( Laughter, loud applause .) For Napoleon fought against the forces of reaction and relied on progressive forces, whereas Hitler, on the contrary, relies on the forces of reaction and is fighting the progressive forces. Only the Hitlerite fools in Berlin fail to realize that the enslaved peoples of Europe will fight and revolt against Hitler’s tyranny. Who can doubt that the U.S.S.R., Great Britain and the U.S.A. will afford full support to the peoples of Europe in their struggle for liberation against Hitler’s tyranny? ( Applause .)

Secondly, there is the instability of the German rear of the Hitlerite invaders. So long as the Hitlerites were engaged in the assembling of Germany, which had been split up by the Versailles Treaty, they could enjoy the support of the German people, who were inspired by the ideal of the restoration of Germany. But after this aim had been achieved and the Hitlerites entered the road of imperialism, of the seizure of foreign lands and the subjugation of foreign nations, converting the peoples of Europe and the peoples of the U.S.S.R. into sworn enemies of present-day Germany, a profound change of feeling took place in the German people—against the continuation of the war, in favour of the termination of the war. Over two years of sanguinary war, the end of which is not yet in sight; the millions of human lives sacrificed; starvation; impoverishment; epidemics; an atmosphere of hostility to the Germans all around them; Hitler’s stupid policy, which has turned the peoples of the U.S.S.R. into the sworn enemies of present-day Germany—all this could not but set the German people against the unnecessary and ruinous war. Only the Hitlerite fools fail to understand that not only the European rear but also the German rear of the German troops represents a volcano which is ready to erupt and overwhelm the Hitlerite adventurers.

There is, finally, the coalition of the U.S.S.R., Great Britain and the United States of America against the German-fascist imperialists. It is a fact that Great Britain, the United States of America and the Soviet Union have united into a single camp, which has set itself the aim of smashing the Hitlerite imperialists and their predatory armies. The present war is a war of engines. The war will be won by the side that has an overwhelming preponderance in engine production. If we aggregate the production of engines in the U.S.A., Great Britain and the U.S.S.R., then we get a superiority of at least three times in comparison with Germany. That is one of the grounds for the inevitable doom of Hitler’s robber imperialism.

The recent three-power conference in Moscow, attended by Lord Beaverbrook as representative of Great Britain and by Mr. Harriman as representative of the United States, decided systematically to help our country with tanks and aircraft. As is well known, we have already begun to receive tanks and planes on the basis of that decision. Even prior to that, England arranged for supplies to our country of such materials in short supply as aluminium, lead, tin, nickel and rubber. If to this we add the fact that a few days ago the United States of America decided to grant the Soviet Union a loan of 1,000,000,000 dollars we can say with certainty that the coalition of the United States of America, Great Britain and the U.S.S.R. is a reality ( loud applause ), which is growing and will continue to grow to the benefit of our common cause of liberation.

Such are the factors which determine the inevitable doom of German-fascist imperialism.

Lenin distinguished between two kinds of wars—predatory, and therefore, unjust wars, and wars of liberation—just wars.

The Germans are now waging a predatory war, an unjust war, for the purpose of seizing foreign territory and subjugating foreign peoples. That is why all honest people must rise against the German invaders as their enemies.

In contradistinction to Hitlerite Germany, the Soviet Union and its allies are waging a war of liberation, a just war, for the purpose of liberating the enslaved peoples of Europe and the U.S.S.R. from Hitler’s tyranny. That is why all honest people must support the armies of the U.S.S.R., Great Britain and the other allies, as armies of liberation.

We have not, and cannot have, such war aims as the seizure of foreign territories and the subjugation of foreign peoples—whether it be the peoples and territories of Europe or the peoples and territories of Asia, including Iran. Our first aim is to liberate our territories and our peoples from the German-fascist yoke.

We have not, and cannot have, any such war aims as that of imposing our will and our regime upon the Slavonic or other enslaved nations of Europe, who are expecting our help. Our aim is to help these nations in their struggle for liberation against Hitler’s tyranny and then to leave it to them quite freely to organize their life on their lands as they think fit. No interference in the internal affairs of other nations!

But if these aims are to be achieved, we must crush the military might of the German invaders, we must destroy, to the last man, the German forces of occupation who have intruded into our country for the purpose of enslaving it. ( Loud and prolonged applause .)

But for this it is necessary that our Army and Navy receive active and effective support from our whole country, that all our workers and office employees, men and women, work untiringly in the factories and supply the front with ever-increasing quantities of tanks, antitank rifles and guns, aircraft, artillery, trench mortars, machine-guns, rifles and ammunition; that our collective farmers, men and women, work untiringly in their fields and supply the front and the country with ever-greater quantities of bread, meat, raw materials for industry; that our whole country and all the peoples of the U.S.S.R. organize into a single fighting camp, waging, together with our Army and Navy, the great war of liberation for the honour and freedom of our Motherland, for the rout of the German armies. ( Loud applause .)

This is now our task.

We can and we must accomplish this task.

Only when we have accomplished this task and routed the German invaders can we achieve a lasting and just peace.

For the complete rout of the German invaders! ( Loud applause .) For the liberation of all the oppressed peoples groaning under the yoke of Hitler’s tyranny! ( Loud applause .)

Long live the unshakable friendship of the peoples of the Soviet Union! (Loud applause.)

Long live our Red Army and our Red Navy! ( Loud applause .)

Long live our glorious Motherland! ( Loud applause .)

Our cause is just—victory will be ours! ( Loud applause. All rise. Shouts: “Cheers for the great Stalin!” “Long live Comrade Stalin!” Prolonged applause. The Internationale is sung. )

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  1. How to Write the BEST Club Election Speech

    In this video, we break down how to write the best club election speech ever. Step by step, we will guide you through the must have content and provide a tem...

  2. How to Write a Speech for School Elections: Expert Advice

    1. Begin your speech by introducing yourself and your message. Within the first handful of seconds, you want everyone listening to know who you are, what you're running for, and why. Give 1-2 details about why you're the right person for the position, and find a way to organically plant your slogan early on.

  3. 3 Ways to Write a Speech to Get You Elected

    3. Create a paragraph for each point you want to make. Start the paragraph by stating the issue and end the paragraph with the solution. Each point in the speech should be set up as an issue or problem facing the voters and how you'll provide the solution. Make a separate paragraph for each issue that you want to talk about in your speech.

  4. Student Council Speech Ideas & Tips to Help You Win

    Make Your Election Speech Memorable. Whether you use one of the samples listed here or write an entirely new speech, be sure to put a personal touch on the speech. By focusing on what makes you unique, your passions, and your skills, you will show confidence in front of your classmates and let them see a side of you they may not have seen before.

  5. PDF Writing a Campaign Speech

    Writing the Introduction. Find an attention-grabbing opening statement. To begin your speech for student council president, you need to begin with a strong, attention grabbing opening. You'll likely be giving this speech during school hours, so your classmates' attention spans might be a bit strained. Do not merely start by saying, "My name is ...

  6. Student Council Speeches: How to Write a Winning Speech

    For more see: How to write a speech introduction: 12 of the best ways to start. Who you are - your name, your place or grade in the school, and maybe, your hobbies or interests, and the clubs or teams you're a member of. For example, Amnesty International, the speech and debate club, cross-country and basketball.

  7. How to Win a Student Council Election

    4. Use transitions and repeat yourself. Depending on how long you have, it's easy for people to drift in and out of a conversation, so make sure to emphasize your core points by repeating them throughout your speech. More importantly, make sure your message is coherent by using transitions between topics.

  8. How to Write a Winning Speech for an Election

    A powerful speech can sway voters to your side, while a poorly written one can cost you the election. In this article, we provide you with a comprehensive guide to writing a winning election speech. Understanding the Purpose of Your Election Speech. The first step in creating a great election speech is understanding the purpose it will serve.

  9. How to Write a Manifesto

    Some Top Tips for Writing your Manifesto: Be concise and use clear language. Avoid long, complicated words - you won't win awards for being clever and you might just alienate important voters. Set out your previous experience and how this will help you if you got elected. Set out your goals for your time in office and ensure they are realistic ...

  10. Trump Safe as F.B.I. Investigates Apparent 'Attempted Assassination

    The F.B.I. said it was investigating "what appears to be an attempted assassination" of former President Donald J. Trump after the Secret Service fired on an armed man at his golf club in West ...

  11. Writing a School Election Speech

    If you are writing a school election speech, chances are that you are running for a student government position. You want to build a great speech with strong, persuasive arguments that influence others - and influence their vote, too. ... I'm a 4.0 student, captain of the soccer team and president of the Latin Club. I want to put my ...

  12. How To Get Elected to an Officer Position and Demonstrate ...

    Campaign Correctly. Assuming that your club does elect officers by a vote, you will likely need to campaign. The size of your campaign should be based on what you've seen from people running for club officer in the past. ... If possible, run the speech by a few members of the club that you're close with and ask for feedback ahead of time ...

  13. Writing a Campaign Speech

    When writing a campaign speech, it's important to address three pieces: the introduction, or beginning; the pillars of the speech, or foundational ideas; and delivery. This will steer your speech ...

  14. Stump Speech: The Campaign Speech Writing Guide

    Stump Speech: Connect With Voters by Creating a Campaign Speech. Here is our ultimate guide to writing a great stump speech. We all know that the candidate is the campaign's best asset, and the stump speech is the best campaign tool for delivering a 7C's (clear, concise, contrastive, connective, creative, compelling, consistent) message and personal story about the candidate and campaign.

  15. FBI: Trump target of apparent assassination attempt in Florida

    WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. (AP) — Donald Trump was the target of what the FBI said "appears to be an attempted assassination" at his golf club in West Palm Beach, Florida, on Sunday, just nine weeks after the Republican presidential nominee survived another attempt on his life. The former president said he was safe and well, and authorities held a man in custody.

  16. Live updates: Trump golf club shooting; FBI investigating apparent

    Two days before the ABC presidential debate, Loomer said if Harris, whose mother was from India, wins the 2024 election, "the White House will smell like curry & White House speeches will be ...

  17. How to Write an Effective Speech

    Writing out all your ideas, receiving feedback from others, and including personal stories are all great techniques to improve an election speech. Just be sure to stay true to yourself and the overall message you wish to convey in your address. Leaders of the Order of the Arrow must write speeches for many occasions, such as banquets and ...

  18. Trump safe after potential assassination attempt at golf course

    The scene outside the Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach, Fla., after police said a man with a gun pointed it toward the course while former president Donald Trump was golfing on Sunday.

  19. 4 Ways to Write a Campaign Speech

    Your speech needs a clear beginning, middle, and end. The beginning needs to hook the audience, you need to keep them interested through the middle, and the end should leave them nodding their heads in agreement, applauding and on their feet. 2. Stay on message. Don't let your speech wander and meander.

  20. How to Write Election Campaign Speech in 10 Steps

    Step 2: Craft a powerful opening. The opening of your speech is crucial, as it sets the tone and captures the attention of your audience. Start with a strong and compelling statement that immediately grabs their attention. You could use a statistic, a quote, or a personal story to draw them in and make them want to listen to what you have to say.

  21. Campaign Speech

    Greeting: Start with a warm greeting to the audience. Self-Introduction: Introduce yourself and your candidacy. Purpose: State the purpose of your speech. Example: "Good evening, everyone. My name is [Your Name], and I am running for [Position]. I am here to share my vision for our community and ask for your support.".

  22. Speech at a Meeting of Voters

    First of all, I would like to express my thanks (applause) to the electors for the confidence they have shown in me. (Applause.) I have been nominated as candidate, and the Election Commission of the Stalin Area of the Soviet capital has registered my candidature. This, comrades, is an expression of great confidence.

  23. Stalin's Speeches to Voters -- 1946

    Pp. 19-44. &nbsp &nbsp The present translation of J. V. Stalin's Speeches Delivered at Meetings of Voters of Stalin Electorial District, Moscow on December 11, 1937 and Februrary 9, 1946, has been made from the latest Russian edition of the speeches published by Gospolitizdat, Moscow, 1946. &nbsp &nbsp Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin has the floor.

  24. Stalin's Speeches to Voters -- 1937

    Continuous cries from the hall: "Long live great Stalin, Hurrah!" "Hurrah for Comrade Stalin, the creator of the Soviet Constitution, the most democratic in the world!" "Long live Comrade Stalin, leader of the oppressed throughout the world, Hurrah!" Stalin : Comrades, to tell you the truth, I had no intention of making a speech.

  25. How to Write a Student Council Speech: 10 Steps (with Pictures)

    Ask for honest feedback, even if it's negative. You should write your speech, at least, a couple of weeks before the election so you have time to have a few people look it over and give you advice. You should even give them a number-based answer from 1-5. Research what other student council speeches are like on video websites.

  26. Speech at Celebration Meeting

    Speech at Celebration Meeting of the Moscow Soviet of Working People's Deputies and Moscow Party and Public Organizations (1941) J. V. Stalin ... not only did not join in the campaign of the German-fascist invaders against the U.S.S.R., but, on the contrary, proved to be in one camp with the U.S.S.R. against Hitlerite Germany. The U.S.S.R. not ...